12 Mar 1997 - 23 Dec 1999


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  15. rap (1559)
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Messages - rap

rap.1 radev,
Evo prva poruka u temi: Jel ima neko txt od "Hit 'em high"? Dalje, jel ide neko na koncert veceras(Gru 21.00).Karata jos ima pa ko hoce moze i pred sam koncert da kupi. greetz, Rade
rap.2 richie,
Dobro je da jos neko postoji na ovoj mrezi ko slusa rep... richie
rap.3 ranx,
> Dobro je da jos neko postoji na ovoj mrezi ko slusa rep... A sreća je što oni što ga imaju još uvek ne umeju da se priključe na istu...
rap.4 jastog,
Definisi sta si mislio time!!!
rap.5 ranx,
> Definisi sta si mislio time!!! Pa reeeep.
rap.6 richie,
Kakav sad reeeeeeep :)
rap.7 brka,
BUDWEISER - Da li cujes buku? Prva rap grupa u nas:) buka.bud
rap.8 brka,
DJ SONJA & MAD MIKE - Ups! ups.djs
rap.9 brka,
spiSak EmIsija (CrnA muzika naravNo) shows.rap
rap.10 brka,
Film: Bullet {Metak} Uloge: Mickey Rourke, Tupac Shakur Distributer: Vidkom Film 'Metak' uzeo sam iz video kluba {Zika - na Senjaku} kao sto i pretpostavljate zbog pojave jednog od najkontroverznijih crnih muzicara Tupac Shakur-a. Medjutim duboko sam se razocarao. Jedina stvar zbog koje bi mogao da se pogleda ovaj film je odlicno odigrana uloga vec pomalo zaboravljenog Mickey Rourke-a. No, da kazemo o cemu se radi. Posle 8 godina provedenih u zatvoru, Bullet [Rourke] se nalazi na slobodi. Vraca se svom starom 'poslu' sto se mnogo ne svidja Tank-u [Shakur] koji upravlja tim krajem. Tupac ovde glumi, sto bi se reklo, big boss-a, koji svojim gorilama upravlja iz limuzine (na cijim tablicama pise TANK), ne bije se sam vec salje nekog svog coveka... Po mom misljenju takva uloga mu nije odgovarala. Navikli smo da ga gledamo kao obicnog crnca sa ulice koji pokusava da sacuva svoj deo geta u filmovima Above The Rime, Deuce, Poetic Justice, tako da verujem da biste i vi imali slicno misljenje posle gledanja ovog veoma, veoma dosadnog filma koji traje manje od 1,5h. Sa druge strane, Rourke je odlicno odradio svoj deo, i to je razlog zbog koga ovaj film ne svrstavam u 'Sh' produkciju. Sto se tice soundtracka za ovaj film, nije posebno zanimljiv. Vecinu stvari (6) uradili u Showbiz & A.G., a ostale stvari su soul od (barem kod nas) nepoznatih izvodjaca. Tu se nalazi i pesma grupe Right Said Fred - Too Sexy koje se verovatno secate. Za tu pesmu je vezan i jedan zanimljiv momenat u filmu: Dok ceka Bullet-a u pink kadilaku, njegov ortak slusa pomenutu pesmu. Bullet dolazi i ulazi u kola. - What's this shit!? How can you listen to this? Vadi kasetu i pusta jednu pesmu sa soundtracka od Showbiz & A.G. Ocena: *
rap.11 brka,
Ukoliko niste culi: NOTORIOUS B.I.G (Biggy Small) izresetan je prosle nedelje ispred jednog nocnog kluba u New York-u. Video sam sta je ostalo od njegovih kola, tako da nije ni imao sanse da prezivi. Inace, on je bio osumnjicen da je organizovao prvi atentat na Tupac-a. Skoro je potpisao i za Bad Boy Entertainment. Producirao je prvi album Junior M.A.F.I.A.-e (na kome i peva), koji je stvarno odlicno ispao. Uskoro treba da se pojavi i njegov drugi album koji se zove 'Ready To Die' (kontroverzno zar ne). Prvi album mu je prodat u preko milion primeraka. Najveci hit mu je bio 'One More Chance'. Ako se pitate zasto je izdao samo dva albuma, evo odgovor. Sa 10 godina poceo je da diluje krek u kraju, i aktivno se bavio kriminalom sve do pre 3 godine (bavio se i posle, ali ne toliko). Sve u svemu - ONE MORE LEGEND GOES DOWN:( R.I.P.
rap.12 brka,
Nove knjige koje treba da izadju o (R.I.P.) Tupac Shakuru (barem u Americi): - Tough Love a Familial Observation on the Life and Death of Tupac Shakur Trade Paperback $12.95 Michael Datcher & Kwame Alexander epilogue by Mutulu Shakur - Rebel for the Hell of It: The Life of Tupac Shakur Armond White paperback $12.95 available April 1, 1997
rap.13 brka,
Dve nove kompilacije posvecene Shakuru upravo su izasle u Americi: - 'Tribute 9.13.96: An Unauthorized Tribute tp Tupac Amaru Shacur' Na njoj se nalaze nekoliko repera iz Bay Area i nekoliko starih neobjavljenih Tupac-ovih stvari. - 'West Coast Bad Boyz Compilation II' O njemu ne znam nista:(
rap.14 brka,
Tupac-ov izvikani bioloski otac, Billy Garland, nalazi se na sudu, i trazi deo Tupac-ovog imanja. Niko jos uvek sa sigurnoscu ne zna da li je on stvarno njegov otac, tako da ne znam da li i ima nekih sansi na sudu. Ukoliko je stvarno osoba za koju se zalaze da jeste, mislim da nema prava ni nasta uzimajuci u obzir da je u Tupac-ovom zivotu igrao tako malu ulogu.
rap.15 brka,
Ukoliko ne znate Tupac Amaru Shakur je dobio nagradu za najboljeg rap izvodjaca (Best Rap Artist) na ovogodisnjoj dodeli Americkih muzickih nagrada (American Music Awards).
rap.16 brka,
Neobjavljeni materijal grupe Thug Life ciji je najpoznatiji clan bio (ukoliko niste znali) Tupac Shakur trebao bi uskoro da se pojavi u Americi.
rap.17 brka,
Neko je skoro pustio buvu da Makaveli (Tupac) u svom spotu 'To Live And Die In L.A.' nosi novi model Air Jordan koji se na trzistu pojavio 4 meseca po njegovoj smrti. Medjutim ta tvrdnja je opovrgnuta, jer je potvrdjeno da te patike nosi neki debeli i da uopste nisu Jordan. Inace Nike svojim promoterima nove modele daje i godinu dana unapred da bi ih bolje izreklamirali.
rap.19 brka,
U januaru je u Bay Area na radiju Wild 107 (KYLD 107.7) u San Francisku neki parapsiholog prizvao dusu Tupaca kroz jednog DJ-a. Verujte mi, ne znam kako je bilo, ali kazu da je mesec dana pre toga isto uradila sa caletom Michael Jordana.
rap.20 brka,
Na Njujorskom radiju Hot 97 (WQHT 97.1 FM) Wendy Williams je iznela jednu zanimljivu vest. U Decembru kada je FBI istrazivao Tupac-ovu smrt i zamolio njegovu majku za izvestaj o smrti (umrlicu) ona je rekla da je nema i da je nikad nije ni dobila. FBI je pitao u bolnici, medjutim ni oni je nisu imali. U bolnici su im rekli da je Tupac napustio bolnicu dan pre nego sto su mediji saopstili da je umro. PS. Ovo je jos jedan primer radio stanica koje potpaljuju vatru o pricama kako je Tupac ziv.
rap.21 brka,
Evo liste pesama sa soundtracka novog Tupac-ovog filma Gridlock'd: 1. Wanted Dead Or Alive -- 2Pac, Snoop Doggy Dogg 2. Sho Shot -- The Lady Of Rage 3. It's Over Now -- Danny Boy 4. Don't Try To Play -- Dat Nigga Daz 5. A Friend Like Me -- 2Pac 6. Why -- Nate Dogg 7. Out The Moon -- Snoop Doggy Dog w/ 2Pac 8. I can't Get Enough -- Danny Boy 9. Tonight It's On -- B.G.O.T.I 10. Off The Hook -- Snoop Doggy Dogg & Others 11. Lady Heroine -- J. Flex 12. Will I Rize -- Storm 13. Body & Soul -- O.F.T.B. 14. Life Is A Traffic Jam -- Eight Mile Road 15. Deliberation -- Anonymous (2Pac)
rap.22 brka,
Na NBC-ju pocetkom februara u Late Show-u gostovao je Coolio. On je izjavio da ce Tupac biti na dodeli Grammy nagrada. Voditelj se samo nasmejao, a Coolio dodao da je to trac koji je cuo (medjutim uopste se nije smejao kada je to govorio, naprotiv - bio je veoma ozbiljan).
rap.23 brka,
U spotu MC Lyte - Cold Rock A Party jedan covek hoda prema liftu sa ledjima okrenutim kameri, onda se okrece i rukama pokriva glavu, ali na sekundu mozete da ga vidite - neverovatno lici na Tupac-a.
rap.24 brka,
Tupac ce izdati jos dva albuma. To su 'One Nation' i 'Outlaw Immortalz'. Takodje treba da izadju jos dva spota (ne zna se tacno koja).
rap.25 brka,
Tupac-ov sledeci album ce biti 'Outlaw Immortalz' uskoro bi trebao da se pojavi, ali pod nazivom 'Tha Outlawz'. Medjutim pitanje je kako ce se to izvesti posto je Suge Knight vlasnik Death Row-a u zatvoru i zabranjeno mu je da iz zatvora upravlja bilo kakvim poslovima.
rap.26 brka,
Izasao je i prvi spot sa soundtracka za film 'Gridlock'd'. To je spot za pesmu Snoop Doggy Dogg and Tupac Shakur - Wanted Dead Or Alive. U spotu se pojavljuje uzivo samo Snoop, a Tupac se pojavljuje samo kroz delove iz filma 'Gridlock'd', ali se njegov glas jasno cuje. Spot je odlican (pustili su ga jednom i na Studiju B).
rap.27 brka,
Skoro je na MTV-ju bila neka diskusija sa temom 'Tupac Shakur - Dead Or Alive'. Jedan od gostiju bio je i Busta Rhymes. On je rekao da su, kada je Tupac umro, on i NAS imali koncert i da su to saopstili publici. NAS je zatrazio minut tisine. Veoma lepo od njih, s obzirom da je Makaveli NAS-a ispljuvao na Don Killuminatiju.
rap.28 brka,
The Source je imenovao Tupac-a za repera godine. Mnogi casopisi su napravili brojeve posvecene ovom kontroverznom reperu. Casopis People je imao jedan manji clanak o Tupac-u. Tu se nalazila i Snoop-ova izjava: "....People don't know how deep, loving and caring Pac was. He was more than a rapper or an actor. He was a real friend."
rap.29 brka,
Pre mesec dana Death Row-u je naredjeno da ne sme da prodaje robu koja ima bilo kakve veze sa Tupac Shakur-om pre nego sto se konsultuje sa njegovim naslednicima, kao i da im uplate $500,000. Sudeci po izvestajima, tu odluku je doneo federalni sudija William Matthew Byrne, tako da Death Row, proizvodjac Cronies i distributor Globex bez odobrenja suda ne mogu nista da urade. Takodje je na sudu odluceno da Afeni Shakur dobije 18% od sve prodate robe koja ima veze sa njenim sinom. To je negde otprilike pola miliona dolara.
rap.30 brka,
Na kraju Tupac-ovog (Makaveli) spota za pesmu 'Hit 'Em Up' pise sledeca poruka: 'Look up for the Outlaw Immortalz cooming soon',tako da sa sigurnoscu znamo da ce to biti njegov sledeci album, samo ce mozda biti sa drugim nazivom.
rap.31 jjerry,
E videh i ja da se nesto pominje twopac pa i ja da se javim. Ja iskreno mislim da je bio najbolji (pa dobro,ako ne najbolji ,onda tu negde) crni reper na svetu (a i sire).Nego,jel' videste sta onaj ljakse B3 radi sa pesmom... Znate ono : Ja sad idem, daleko odavde,moje Ooci se sada sklapaju... (Jebiga,glupost, al' udje u glavu :)) Pozdrav !!!! :)
rap.32 richie,
Tema je malo zivnula, znaci nisam jedini! Kad smo kod tog b3 razmislite od koga je uzeo i preradio ime :(( sve je to j***** komercijala :((( Treba sve njih unistiti
rap.33 tntota,
Sto se tice B.I.G.-a njegova sahrana je bila u N.Y. Obukli ga u belo odelo i provozali kroz celi Brooklyn .Bilo je mnogo ljudi i doslo je do niza incidenata. Kako god da bilo na kraju su svi plakali (ko zbog biggy-a a vecina zbog bacenog suzavca :) ). A bio je cool tip :))))))))))))))) Videcete vi svi kada 2pac dodje na dodelu GRAMMY-a i svima se nasmeje u lice :),jer je nemoguce da je toliko marljiv da u steku ima 2 albuma i pokoji film ! Zivi bili pa videli...
rap.34 richie,
P.S. Slusa li neko jos nesto osim 2pac-a?
rap.35 tntota,
Cija je grupa MARIHUANA na Sezamu ?
rap.36 buva,
(;)Cija je grupa MARIHUANA na Sezamu ? kolko znam , Snoop -ova ... samo shto on vec neko vreme nezove Sezam...
rap.37 ica.z,
Ako ima neko rechi pesme Wonda why they call you bitch, od ovde mnogo puta pomenutog, nek poshalje... Bio bih mu zahvalan ICA
rap.38 ica.z,
A mogo bi neko da poshalje i rechi pesme So Many Tears... (necu da napominjem chija je ovo pesma jer onaj ko chita ovo verovatno je dovoljno upucen da zna da je ovo od 2pac-a) ICA
rap.39 richie,
Ovo je vec previse... 2PAC pa 2PAC; zna li jos neko nesto drugo osim dvopeka? (kada ne mozes da ih pobedis pridruzi im se) Ne znam da li slusate GETO na radio politici, ali bilo je govora o 2PAC-ovom povratku... Postoji 10-ak stvari koje dokazuju da nije odapeo. Ne znam tacno koji su, ali najjaci dokaz da je ziv jeste to sto je svoju smrt do detalja opisao u pesmi...
rap.40 ica.z,
Dobro onda ako nemate nishta od Dvopeka shaljite neshto od House of pain, a ako ni to nemate onda mogu neke rechi od NAS-a a ako ni to nemate pa onda MISLIM STVARNO ;) ICA
rap.41 geronimo,
×× Dobro onda ako nemate nishta od Dvopeka ×× shaljite neshto od House of pain, a ako ×× ni to nemate onda mogu neke rechi od ×× NAS-a a ako ni to nemate pa onda MISLIM STVARNO ;) ×× ×× ICA House of Pain-po meni zeznuli su sve crnce sa svojim fenomenalnim stvarima
rap.42 n.ceh,
Jj> E videh i ja da se nesto pominje twopac pa i ja da se javim. *** Cccc. Sramota. Čeh
rap.43 ica.z,
>> House of Pain-po meni zeznuli su sve crnce sa svojim fenomenalnim >> stvarima Ma dobri su oni, imaju neke potpaljivachke hitice... ali ipak nisu zeznuli sve crnce (niti ce ih zeznuti sve ikad) - npr. 2pac-a ;) opet on... shta cete kad je chovek stvarno najbolji...
rap.44 ica.z,
Koliko ima ljudi na Sezamu koji slushaju rep? 6? ne, ne, sigurno ne 6... ima ih 7 ;)
rap.45 ica.z,
>> Kad smo kod tog b3 razmislite od koga je uzeo i preradio ime :(( >> sve je to j***** komercijala :((( Treba sve njih unistiti On je tipichan cigan... Ukro pesmu (ukro bukvalno celu pesmu - samo shto nije i rechi... ali suvishe je on glup da bi znao da odrepuje na engleskom :)))) i josh reko da je posvecena bash tom choveku od koga je ukro ;((( SRAMOTA!!! (za cigana nije) ICA
rap.46 ica.z,
>> Jj> E videh i ja da se nesto pominje twopac pa i ja da se javim. >> *** >> >> Cccc. Sramota. :))))))))
rap.47 ica.z,
>> odlican (pustili su ga jednom i na Studiju B). Odgledo sam spot i nije losh Pesma malo vuche na 2 Of Amerikaz Most Wanted al' nema veze...
rap.48 chill,
>> - npr. 2pac-a ;) opet on... shta cete kad je chovek stvarno najbolji... :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) No Comment... Pitanje je da li je tom Kicošu uopšte mesto u ovoj temi? :))))
rap.49 n.ceh,
Jebo te, kako je smešan nemački rap! Sedim, čitam QWK paketić, i na vivi ide neki lud, pravi se kreten. Bzvz. Čeh
rap.50 ica.z,
> Pitanje je da li je tom Kicosu uopste mesto u ovoj temi? :)))) Pa za koju je temu onda? za hard.heavy? ICA
rap.51 geronimo,
×× - npr. 2pac-a ;) opet on... shta cete kad je chovek stvarno ×× najbolji... Meni se on ne svidja uopshte i neznam zashto ga svi tolko hvale ali.. nema veze.
rap.52 richie,
Video sam na satelitu, na kanalu VIVA neki nemacki rep. Neka trojca se obukli kao zecevi i tu mi nesto repuju ... Pa da li su oni normalni Jezik kao jezik za RAP im je sranje
rap.53 richie,
Zao mi je ali moram (bar ja) da te razocaram, ali ako je neko prikljucen na INTERNET mogao bi da se malo potrudi i skine neki txt za ovu temu...
rap.54 richie,
Nazalost... Hajde ljudi bar da se skupimo u ovoj temi i vidimo koliko nas je tacno i malo ozivimo ovu temu
rap.55 richie,
Kao sto rekoh seljaci. Ime B-3 (ili kako bi se procitalo bi fri- neko mi je rekao da se on sam tako naziva) uzeo je od B-REAL-a iz CYPRESS HILL-a. Kako samo ima muda da uradi tako nesto? Mene bi stvarno bila sramota...
rap.56 richie,
Konacno da jos neko podeli moje misljenje po pitanju Dvopeka. Licno ni ja nemam nista protiv njega, ali mu zameram opasno kad neki put zaboravi i oda se komercijali.
rap.57 richie,
Ipak sam nesto nasao...
rap.58 richie,
Malo NAS-a , ali koliko ce da ti koristi? nas.txt
rap.59 chill,
>> > Pitanje je da li je tom Kicosu uopste mesto u ovoj temi? :)))) >> >> Pa za koju je temu onda? >> za hard.heavy? Pa, ja bih ga najradije stavio u "yu.folk", tamo bi se on najbolje osećao (medju svojima). :)) :)
rap.60 richie,
Nasao sam i neke txtove od Dvopeka, evo ti ih samo nemojte vise o njemu :)
rap.61 richie,
Dvopekalipsa 2pacaly.arj
rap.62 richie,
MRZIM 2PAC-a Al evo jos pesmica
rap.63 richie,
Konacno poslednji put... 2pac.arj
rap.64 richie,
Inace, sve txtove sam uzeo iz teme "rap" iz konferencije MUZIKA.2! Pozdrav G's.
rap.65 ica.z,
>> neki put zaboravi i oda se komercijali. Pa komercijala donosi najveci profit. A ni komercijalu nije lako napraviti...
rap.66 ica.z,
>> Nasao sam i neke txtove od Dvopeka, evo ti ih samo nemojte vise o >> njemu :) ma necemo vishe o njemu (bar ja), ali ako neko ponovo zapochne moracu da mu se pridruzim... Usput hvala ti za tekstove...
rap.67 ica.z,
>> Malo NAS-a , ali koliko ce da ti koristi? Uopshte... Al nema veze, hvala ti u svakom sluchaju...
rap.69 geronimo,
×× Ime B-3 (ili kako bi se procitalo bi fri- neko mi je rekao da se ×× on sam tako naziva) uzeo je od B-REAL-a iz CYPRESS HILL-a. ×× Kako samo ima muda da uradi tako nesto? ×× Mene bi stvarno bila sramota... Ja pre mislim da je zbog toga shto je 3. burazer dinastije Djogani
rap.70 chill,
House of Pain... desetak tekstova, plus par sličica. MS Word 7.0 document... pain.arj
rap.71 juice,
Evo malo Bona(za one koji nisu u grupi) bone
rap.72 juice,
I opet :) bone1
rap.73 juice,
I jos jednom(ako su ovi textovi bili,&^%&^%#@!!) bone2
rap.74 juice,
To:All Subject:Onaj cigan iz B3 Re:Svima koji su pisali nesto o tome Prvo odma da kazem da se u potpunosti slazem sa konstatacijom da je on jedan najobicniji ciganin i to glup da gluplji ne moze biti(ko ga je bar jednom slusao kada je negde gostovao,zna o cemu pricam).S druge strane,samo zelim da uporedim ovu pesmu sa svim ostalim "ukradenim" pesmama u domacoj rap produkciji(narocito demo).Demo grupe su obradjivale pesme od Ice Cuba,Bone Thugs N' Harmony itd(da sada ne bih nabrajao sve).Po meni najvece sranje od pesme koje je ikada neko uradio je Plan B-"Menace II Sociaty".Ako je neko cuo tu pesmu(cak postoji i spot za nju),ja mislim da mora da se slozi sa mojom konstatacijom.Pesma od B3 "Nema pravde" je za ovu Ilinu pesmu ne umetnicko delo vec i vise od toga.Samo da podsetim:po glasanju u emisiji "Geto" od pre jedno 1,5 godine,Plan B je najbolja domaca rap grupa(Plan B deset bodova,.....,Robin Hood 2 boda(tj. glasa).187 ima pesmu koja je samo prevedene reci jedne jako,jako poznate pesme.Takodje,nagradno pitanje: Kakve veze ima Sunshine sa grupom Young Soldiers?Pa onda oni momci sto imitiraju stil Bonea.Zato kada objektivno sagledamo sve,ja mislim da je,iako je cigan,dancer ili kako ga ko vec zove,B3 uradio pesmu(iako ju je ukrao,a to danas svi rade,zar ne?) veoma dobro(cak je i jedan deo dobro odrepovao :)). Inace,ime je dobio zato sto se zove Buljazment ili Bljazment*(pa ga zovu Baki), a za trojku nemam pojam(mozda zato sto se lepo slaze sa ovim B). Toliko od mene. POZDRAV!JUICE! :))))) xz
rap.75 lija,
za sve koji se interesuju baki iz B3 se zove Bajrosh :)))) ste ce mora nekako to da sakrije.
rap.76 richie,
Mnogo se vi meni nesto razumete u tu klosarijadu... :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
rap.77 apostol,
Šta kažete na ovakav potencijalan naziv rap pesme: "Motherfuckin' Edip is in the house..." ;) JoTzoqA
rap.78 ica.z,
>> Prvo odma da kazem da se u potpunosti slazem sa konstatacijom da je on >> jedan najobicniji ciganin i to glup da gluplji ne moze biti(ko ga je bar >> jednom slusao kada je negde gostovao,zna o cemu pricam).S druge :))) Glupi su svi oni (sva trojica)... Djole ;) ili bolje Dzole ;)(Djogani) je jednom prilikom, kada je gostovao u Budvi proshlog leta, posle jedne pesme rekao kelneru (btw. mikrofon je bio blizu njega) "Meni i Sladzi pivo a devojkama soci" :)))))))) soci - mislio je na sokove (ako neko nije odma provalio o chemu se radi nije ni chudo MNOGO JE GLUPO :)))))) To su naravno svi prisutni chuli... Shta cesh...
rap.79 ica.z,
>> za sve koji se interesuju baki iz B3 se zove Bajrosh :)))) >> ste ce mora nekako to da sakrije. ^^^^^^^ Pa morao je chovek nekako to da sakrije - nije on birao ime (takva imena su popularna medju ciganima :)
rap.80 dejank,
> Pa morao je chovek nekako to da sakrije - nije on birao ime (takva > imena su popularna medju ciganima :) Otkud vam ideja da je covek ciganin? U pitanju je Albanac (Siptar)!
rap.81 schef,
][> Pa morao je chovek nekako to da sakrije - nije on birao ime ][> (takva imena su popularna medju ciganima :) ][ Otkud vam ideja da je covek ciganin? U pitanju je Albanac ][ (Siptar)! Čovek je i Šiptar i musliman i ciganin. ;) Šta ćeš više? ;)))))
rap.82 necahc,
Ako neko ima teksove sa soundtrack-a Judgment Night, i bilo koji text Onyx-a, Cypers Hill-a neka ih baci u conf.!
rap.83 richie,
Idi u konferenciju MUZIKA.2 i u temi RAP mozes da nadjes ONYX-e i jos masu drugih stvari.
rap.84 richie,
Ajte momci, smanjite malo o tim kalasturama! :)))) Ili mozda da temu nazovemo "dance" (ako iste nema). :) Nagradno pitanje bez nagrade: Koji reper najvise proziva sve ostale repere?
rap.85 richie,
A ko je Edip? :))))) Suni pesmu u temu pa cemo ti reci sta mislimo...
rap.86 geronimo,
×× Otkud vam ideja da je covek ciganin? U pitanju je Albanac (Siptar)! Muslim covce,muslim :))))
rap.88 chill,
>> Ako neko ima teksove sa soundtrack-a Judgment Night, i >> bilo koji text Onyx-a, Cypress Hill-a neka ih baci u conf.! Sve što je do sada poslato na Sezam o Cypress Hill-u. MS Word 7.0 document... p.s. Po ko zna koji put... c_h.arj
rap.89 chill,
Svaki dan po pet poruka o Šupak Takuru ili B-3-u?! :( Šta je ovo?! Invazija dizelaša? Ajde! Fajront... Imate yu.folk i dance pa se tamo džiberišite! Mrš!!! :)))
rap.90 richie,
Evo jos jedno pitanije: Koji je reper patuljastog rasta?
rap.91 river,
=> Inace,ime je dobio zato sto se zove Buljazment ili Bljazment*(pa ga zovu => Baki), a za trojku nemam pojam(mozda zato sto se lepo slaze sa ovim B). => Toliko od mene. => POZDRAV!JUICE! :))))) Ma kad je gostovao kod Minimaxa rekao je da se to B 3 (B! TRI) čita kao Bi-fri. ;))))) Ne samo da je cigan, nego je i MNOGO glup cigan. Ha bi-fri! :)))))) Pozdrav, Ivan
rap.92 chadra,
>Evo jos jedno pitanije: >Koji je reper patuljastog rasta? Bushwick Bill?
rap.93 richie,
Cestitam, nema sta! Odgovor je tacan! (Nagrade nazalost ne postoje, ali pohvala je dovoljna):))
rap.94 ranx,
> Koji reper najvise proziva sve ostale repere? Terazijski greben.* * urbanistički odgovor;)
rap.95 richie,
Odgovor nije tacan. Zalim, vise srece drugi put. Pitanje se ponavlja ponovo: Koji reper najvise proziva ostale repere? (proverite svoja znanja iz oblasti RAP muzike):)
rap.96 dr.iivan,
> Bljazment*(pa ga zovu => Baki), a za trojku nemam pojam(mozda > zato sto se lepo slaze sa ovim B). => Toliko od mene. > => POZDRAV!JUICE! :))))) > > Ma kad je gostovao kod Minimaxa rekao je da se to B 3 (B! TRI) > cita kao Bi-fri. ;))))) A jesi mu video privezak ? Au, bre.. Sta je ono, uzi ? ;))
rap.97 ica.z,
>> Covek je i Siptar i musliman i ciganin. ;) >> >> Sta ces vise? ;))))) I glup je...
rap.98 ica.z,
> Koji reper najvise proziva sve ostale repere? Ne znam koji najvishe proziva ali znam da Tupac j**e kevu svima...
rap.99 ica.z,
> Koji je reper patuljastog rasta? Onaj dripac SKEE-LO - svi ga mrze u Americi (bash se pitam zashto? ;)
rap.100 richie,
Nista vi ne znate...:)) Najnizi je B.Bill kao sto je vec odgovoreno, a reper koji najvise proziva je TIM DOG. Taj nema koga nije pljuvao... RICHIE
rap.101 miloscar,
Evo jedne slike Cypress hill black sunday .jpg formata . BIlo bi dojaja kad bi poceli da saljemo .wav ili .mid fajlove sA ssnimnjenim pesmama naravno zapakovane .Za pocetak ja cu ga poslti sledeci put kad budem pisao. p.s. jel ima neko da mi posalje reci za pesmu i wanna get high ili hit'em high cyp.jpg
rap.102 miloscar,
Jel postoji RAP privatna grupa ili hip-hop ako ne postoji bilo bi dobro da je napravimo a ne da piemo u conf ! |] --we goin' straght to tha hole--
rap.103 chadra,
Zna li se datum kada dolazi Ice T u Beograd?
rap.104 chill,
>> Zna li se datum kada dolazi Ice T u Beograd? Zasada postoje tri verzije: - 18. april (neki kažu u Novom Sadu) - 13. maj (Beograd) - 14. maj (Beograd, Hala Pionir) Za sva tri datuma važi da se ne zna da li će biti samo Bodycount ili će biti pola svirke Ice-T, pola BC...
rap.105 lexus,
=> ako ne postoji bilo bi dobro da je napravimo => a ne da piemo u conf ! |] A zašto?
rap.106 buva,
Oy! Chuh da je izashao treci Body Countov album! Nabavili ga ko ?
rap.107 richie,
Grupa postoji,a da bi ste se uclanili morate da odgovorite na neka pitanja da bi ste dokazali da ste PRAVI reperi. :))
rap.108 brka,
13. maja u Beograd dolazi BODYCOUNT, i svirace u hali Pionir. Za one koji mozda ne znaju najpoznatiji clan ove HC grupe je ICE T. Pretpostavlja se da ce on odsvirati neku svoju pesmu (verovatno samo ako mi to budemo trazili), ali nemojte se zaludjivati time da ce ovo biti njegov koncert. Bez obzira na to, 100% ce biti zanimljivo jer ce pored ostalog svirati i nesto sa novog albuma 'Violent Demise: The Last Days'. Na albumu se nalazi i pesma koja nastavlja njihovu tradiciju kontroverznosti 'I Used To Love Her', u kojoj se govori o slucaju OJ Simpsona: "Not guilty?/What the fuckin' you talkin' about/You got a bloody glove, bloody car, bloody knife, bloody bitch, bloody carpet, bloody sock, bloody hand!" Ice T je za The LA Times izjavio: "When we were making the record, OJ was on every fucking channel," "I said, 'Doesn't everybody know he killed her?' Goddam! What the fuck? White people are saying,'The black people are gonna get mad.' Black people don't give a fuck about OJ. They don't give a fuck about OJ or Rodney King because their brother or father is in jail. No trial, no DNA test, nothing." PS. Nadam se da znate ko je OJ Simpson ;)
rap.109 miloscar,
"but i'm down with dre like ice-t is down with oj " Jel ima neko reci ove pesme posto na internetu ne moze da se skine i ako stoji u dre "kolazu" pessaama ... A sa druge strane ima dosta o filmu ? p.s. za one koji ne znaju " NATURAL BORN KILLAZ " |]
rap.110 chadra,
CH>Jel ima neko reci ove pesme posto na CH>p.s. za one koji ne znaju " NATURAL BORN KILLAZ " Artist: Dr. Dre feat. Ice Cube Album: The Show soundtrack Song: Natural Born Killaz Journey with me into the mind of a maniac doomed to be a killer since i came out the nutsac im in a murderous mindsate with a heart full of terror i see the devil in the mirror BUCK BUCK, Lights out cause when i get my sawed off niggaz get hauled off *Barrel one touches your motherfuckin flesh *Barrel two shoots your fuckin heart out your chest you see Im quick to let the hammer go click on my Tec-9 so if you try to reck mine fool its your bad time feel the blast of the chocolate bomber Infra red aimed at your head like your name was Sarah Conner decapitatin I aint hesitatin to put you in the funderal home with a bullet in your dome Im hot like lava you got a problem? I got a problem solver and his name is revolver its like a deadly game of freeze tag I touch you with a 44 mag and your frozen inside a boddy bag nobody iller than this grave yard filler cap peeler cause im a natural born killa (Ice Cube) Terror illistrates my era now i cant hang around my momma cause i scare her Im quick to blast motherfucker (yeah whats up) it feels like im bustin a nut when i open you up cause your body is exposed to the midnight mist all you weak motherfuckers give my ring a kiss cause im givin dirt naps comin with them bomb ass raps to make your lungs collapse perhaps, you never sleep cause evertime you doze you catch blows to the motherfuckin nose aint seen the sun, in 66 days let me count the ways ^in a fucked up maze^ I never ever ever made a ho stay but Im down with Dre like AC is down with OJ so fuck how your livin Im the unforgivin psycho drivin murdera its authentic dont panic i cant stand it God Damn it Scizophrenic so FUCK CHARLIE MANSON Ill snatch him out of his truck hit em with a brick and im dancin (Mass Murderer, Natural Born Killla, And I dont wanna die I DONT WANNA DIE I DONT WANNA I DONT WANNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!) (Ice Cube) I dont understand the logic in my dreams but i understand i like the sound of Sireens terrified screams from the streams of Stricnine(sp?) dumpin on any motherfucker tryin to trick mine cause motherfuckers wanna violate now they stiff and cold and they pupils wont dialate ITS SO MUCH PAIN MIGRAINE headache I can hear his bones break he steps in the single door gets his ass whipped with 20 lashes like that dude up in Singapore so Im a pull a fuckin Jeffrey Dahmer now Im suicidal, just like Nirvana (Dre) Tic Toc Toc Tic Toc Tic Dr Dre and Ice Cube on some murderous shit keepin niggaz in order makin there live shorter ready to slaughter cause to me a life aint worth a quarter or a dime mushroom's got my mind hallicinatin aint no debatin im creatin an escape route to be out without a doubt Scot Free, so dont even think about tryin to stop me cause i cant wait im out the gate on the for realla a thrilla or a natural born killa (CUBE) GI-GI GI-GI GAGA THEY CALL ME DADA 6 million ways to murder choose 1 lose one soul bodies turn cold natural fright from Niggaz goin bump in the night... p.s. Da si skinuo onaj fajl iz grupe, video bi da je unutra ;)
rap.111 chill,
Sledi 40 slika. Nekoliko slika je verovatno već bilo ovde u conf-u, sorry...
rap.112 chill,
The 2 Live Crew 2_live.jpg
rap.113 chill,
Boogie Down Productions "By All Means Necessary" bdp_1.jpg
rap.114 chill,
L.L. Cool J. "14 Shots to the Dome" cool_j.jpg
rap.115 chill,
Ice Cube cube_1.jpg
rap.116 chill,
Ice Cube "Death Certificate" cube_2.jpg
rap.117 chill,
Ice Cube "The Predator" cube_3.jpg
rap.118 chill,
Ice Cube "Lethal Injection" cube_4.jpg
rap.119 chill,
Cypress Hill cypress1.jpg
rap.120 chill,
Cypress Hill (u starom sastavu) cypress2.jpg
rap.121 chill,
Cypress Hill "Cypress Hill" cypress4.jpg
rap.122 chill,
Cypress Hill "Black Sunday" cypress5.jpg
rap.123 chill,
Public Enemy enemy_1.jpg
rap.124 chill,
Public Enemy (Chuck D i Flavor Flav) enemy_2.jpg
rap.125 chill,
Public Enemy "Yo! Bum Rush the Show" enemy_3.jpg
rap.126 chill,
Public Enemy "It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back" enemy_4.jpg
rap.127 chill,
Public Enemy "Fear of a Black Planet" enemy_5.jpg
rap.128 chill,
Public Enemy "Apocalypse 91... The Enemy Strikes Black" enemy_6.jpg
rap.129 chill,
Public Enemy "Muse Sick-N-Hour Mess Age" (Alternativne korice) enemy_7.jpg
rap.130 chill,
Gang Starr gang_1.jpg
rap.131 chill,
Gang Starr "Step in the Arena" gang_2.jpg
rap.132 chill,
Ice-T ice-t_1.jpg
rap.133 chill,
Ice-T ice-t_2.jpg
rap.134 chill,
Ice-T ice-t_3.jpg
rap.135 chill,
Ice-T ice-t_4.jpg
rap.136 chill,
Ice-T "O.G. - Original Gangster" ice-t_5.jpg
rap.137 chill,
Ice-T "Home Invasion" ice-t_6.jpg
rap.138 chill,
Big Daddy Kane kane_1.jpg
rap.139 chill,
Big Daddy Kane "It's a Big Daddy Thing" kane_2.jpg
rap.140 chill,
Big Daddy Kane "Long Live the Kane" kane_3.jpg
rap.141 chill,
KRS-One "Return of the Boom Bap" krs_one.jpg
rap.142 chill,
N.W.A. (Iz "post Ice Cube-ovog" perioda) nwa.jpg
rap.143 chill,
Onyx "Bacdafucup" onyx.jpg
rap.144 chill,
House of Pain pain_1.jpg
rap.145 chill,
House of Pain "Fine Malt Lyrics" pain_2.jpg
rap.146 chill,
A Tribe Called Quest quest.jpg
rap.147 chill,
Eric B. & Rakim "Let the Rhythm Hit 'em" rakim_1.jpg
rap.148 chill,
Eric B. & Rakim "Don't Sweat the Technique" rakim_2.jpg
rap.149 chill,
Run D.M.C. run_dmc1.jpg
rap.150 chill,
Run D.M.C. "Back From Hell" run_dmc2.jpg
rap.151 chill,
Run D.M.C. "Down With the King" run_dmc3.jpg
rap.152 vitez.koja,
#=> 13. maja u Beograd dolazi BODYCOUNT, i svirace u hali Pionir. #=> Za one koji mozda ne znaju najpoznatiji clan ove HC grupe je Body Count *nije* Hard Core, ne znam odakle ljudima uopšte ta smešna ideja. Valjda zato što se sva muzika koja a) ima distorzirane gitare i b) ima tekstove koji se bave socijalnom problematikom u neznanju trpa u HC.
rap.153 chill,
Petnaest wav-ova. Ice-T: 1. - Atention! 2. - Dirty Bitch! 3. - Ain't a Damn Thing Changed, Motherfucka! 4. - We Can Do This 5. - Fuck the C.I.A.! 6. - Fuck the F.B.I.! 7. - Fuck the Police! 8. - I Fucked Her. 9. - Told Ya, You Shoulda Killed Me Last Year 10. - Low Motherfucka! 11. - ...Right Now My Job Is Eating This Dunats. 12. - Nigga! 13. - Question and Answer 14. - Suck My Motherfucking Dick! 15. - This Is Ice-T. I'm Outta Here. (WAV, 16 bit, mono, 22.050 kHz, PCM) ice-t_!.arj
rap.154 chill,
Hitno mi treba tekst jedne stare pesme: - N.W.A. "A Bitch is a Bitch" sa albuma "Straight Outta Compton"
rap.155 richie,
Jedino sto mogu da ti pomognem (ja) : pretrazi malo conferenciju MUZIKA.2 tema rap mozda ces da nadjes, nisam siguran, ali probaj...
rap.156 strider,
E ovako trebaju mi za ortaka !! :) textovi pesama Crazy i Toss it up od 2 pac-a HITNO! STRiDeR!
rap.157 brka,
>Artist: Dr. Dre feat. Ice Cube >Album: The Show soundtrack >Song: Natural Born Killaz Album: Natural Born Killaz O.S.T. Na The Show O.S.T.-u nalaze se: + Onyx - Live!!! + 2Pac - My Block + Redman/Method Man - How High + Bone Thugs-N-Harmony - Everyday Thang + Mary J. Blige - Everyday It Rains + South Central Cartel Productions - Sowhatusayin + Warren G Productions - Still Can't Fade It + L.L. Cool J - Papa Luv It + A Tribe Called Quest - Glamour And Glitz + The Notorious B.I.G. - Me And My Bitch i jos neki nama ne bas poznati crni izvodjaci. Sve u svemu prilicno dobar soundtrack.
rap.158 brka,
>Body Count *nije* Hard Core, ne znam odakle ljudima uopste ta >smesna ideja. Valjda zato sto se sva muzika koja a) ima distorzirane >gitare i b) ima tekstove koji se bave socijalnom problematikom >u neznanju trpa u HC. Reci mi onda, molim te gde ih ti svrstavas. Mozda ti nisu dovoljno jaki da bi ih ti svrstao u HC, ali oni *jesu* HC grupa (doduse sa primesama rap-a, sto ne moze da se izbegne s obzirom da je Ice T tu prisutan).
rap.159 miloscar,
Evo da ne ispadnem cava saljem vam pesmu "the have nots" sa najnovijeg albuma HOUSE OF PAIN iz tri dela je koja se otpakuju ( eureka ) ako nesto ne bude htelo da se otpakuje onda promenite imena .arj fajlova house.arj => hoseof.arj itd. pesma je u .wav formatu *:() house.arj
rap.160 miloscar,
Evo i drugog dela pesme ! house.a01
rap.161 miloscar,
Evo i treceg malog dela HOUSE OF PAIN ! house.a02
rap.162 inferno,
Ů│ ˙ Body Count *nije* Hard Core, ne znam odakle ljudima uopšte ta Ů│ ˙ smešna ideja. Valjda zato što se sva muzika koja a) ima distorzirane Ů│ ˙ gitare i b) ima tekstove koji se bave socijalnom problematikom Ů│ ˙ u neznanju trpa u HC. Ozbiljno, šta je Badikaunt? Rep-metal? ;)
rap.163 zkis,
Da li ima neko text od Geto boys-a Straight gangstaism? ako ima nek posalje. thanx
rap.164 vitez.koja,
#=>> Body Count *nije* Hard Core, ne znam odakle ljudima #=> Reci mi onda, molim te gde ih ti svrstavas. Mozda ti #=> nisu dovoljno jaki da bi ih ti svrstao u HC, ali oni #=> *jesu* HC grupa (doduse sa primesama rap-a, sto ne moze #=> da se izbegne s obzirom da je Ice T tu prisutan). Svrstavam ih uz Rage Against The Machine, na primer. Ne znam da li za taj "pravac" ima neko ime. "Jačina", koju spominješ, nije nužna odlika kora. NoFX, na primer, ima mnogo mekši zvuk od BCa, a 100% je kor. Body Count, posebno prvi album, nema dodirnih tačaka sa pankom, a ponegde čak liči na metal. Mislim da svrstavanje BCa u kor potiče od toga što ljudi ne znaju gde da ih opredele; teške gitare, nije metal - mora da je kor.
rap.165 jvujnic,
Ortaku su potrebni tektovi sledećih pesama: Jump Around - Hause of Pain Hip Hop Hooray - Noughty by nature So Strange out - C-BLOCK Keep Their Hands Ringing - Dr. Dre Insane in the brane - Cypress Hill Da Bomp - Inner Circle California Love - 2PAC feautoring Dr. Dre How Do You Want It - 2PAC If I Ruled the World - NAS I got 5 on it - Luniz Get Ready - R2Swing I Shoot the Sheriff - Warren G Don't Let Go - En Vogue Don't Speak - No Doubt Hit 'em low (valjda se tako zove :) - Coolio, LLCool J,... (SPACE JAM soundtrack) E, pa to bi bilo sve, za sada. :)
rap.166 richie,
C C C C C komercijala :) Koliko puta mora da se ponovi... U CONFERENCIJI MUZIKA.2 U TEMI RAP IMATE MASU TEKSTOVA, SLIKA, ITD. POGLEDAJTE TAMO ....
rap.167 n.ceh,
Izvinjavam se na prepotentnosti, ali ne mogu da se uzdržim. Jv> Jump Around - Hause of Pain House Jv> Hip Hop Hooray - Noughty by nature Naughty Jv> So Strange out - C-BLOCK Strung Jv> Keep Their Hands Ringing - Dr. Dre Heads (Friday) Jv> Insane in the brane - Cypress Hill Samo "Insane", a piše se "brain". Jv> Da Bomp - Inner Circle Bomb Jv> California Love - 2PAC feautoring Dr. Dre featuring Jv> I Shoot the Sheriff - Warren G shot Jv> E, pa to bi bilo sve, za sada. :) Axa. Čeh
rap.168 jjerry,
Hi,moze li neko da mi posalje (CEO) tekst od GRU-ovog SRCE ? 'Ajde pleease ! Pozdrav ! JJ
rap.169 chill,
█▀█ █ █ █ █ █ ▀ █ █ ▀ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▀█ █▀█ █▀█ █▀▀ █▀▀ █▀█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▀▀ ▀▀█ ▀▀█ █ █ █ █ █ ▀▀▀ ▀▀█ █▀▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ Woodstock 1994: Cypress Hill LIVE! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Početak njihovog nastupa. Čista poezija... WAV, 8 bits, Mono, 11.025 kHz, 100 Seconds... cypress!.arj
rap.170 ica.z,
> Hi,moze li neko da mi posalje (CEO) tekst od GRU-ovog SRCE ? Snimi spot na kasetu pa zapisuj rechi, jednu po jednu ako treba.
rap.171 tntota,
Nisam vas dugo smarao, ali ako neka dobra dusa ima textove Makavelia (2pac) sa albuma "the don killuminati" neka slobodno posalje.... I nemojte potezati one tripove: "Dosta vise o 2pac-u, svaka druga poruka 2pac...." i sl. c-ya :)
rap.172 richie,
rap.173 markok,
===> Koliko ima ljudi na Sezamu koji slushaju rep? ===> 6? ne, ne, sigurno ne 6... ===> ima ih 7 ;) Sa mnom ih ima egzaktno 954 :)) Sa mnom i sa mojim ortacima
rap.174 richie,
>egzaktno 954 PA STO SE NE JAVLJATE ?! :))))))
rap.175 richie,
E sad i ja nesto da trazim: Treba mi bilo sta od sledece navedenog: METHOD MAN, OLD DIRTY BASTARD, GHOSTFACE KILLA, RAEQUON. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Treba mi za "drugaricu" :))
rap.176 richie,
Ako neko zna gde se jos, osim Trga Republike, skupljaju reperi neka ostavi u temu.
rap.177 bokia,
Je li ima neko reci pesme 'J got 5 on it' by Luniz?
rap.178 markok,
Ajde bre RAP-chine :)) daj neka neko pise malo vise o WU-TANG CLAN-u. Po meni oni su jedni od jacih na EAST-u ako ne i najjaca grupa a i ima ih najvise :)) Za sad sam video samo neke tekstove sa albuma WU TANG:ENTER THE 36 CHAMBERS. CU.
rap.179 mango,
> Svrstavam ih uz Rage Against The Machine, na primer. Ne znam da > li za taj "pravac" ima neko ime. Imam ja: Rage. Rage je Rage, ali ipak HC;) Mada mozda i rap;)) A mozda...
rap.180 jjerry,
Sto sramota ??? Cova se valjda zove (zvao) 2pac al' ja sam ovde vid'o neke koji ga zovu i Dvopek :))))) pa ostaju zivi.Dakle,sala... JJ
rap.181 ica.z,
> Sa mnom ih ima egzaktno 954 :)) Sa mnom i sa mojim ortacima axa, a bez tebe ih ima 953? ;) Pa dosta bi vas bilo da vas stvarno toliko ima... :)
rap.182 markok,
==> PA STO SE NE JAVLJATE ?! :)))))) Zato sto jedino ja imam modem i ja se logicno jedini javljam ali evo obecavam pred svima da cu se malo angazovati dovescu ortake malo na SEZ da se raspisu :))
rap.183 markok,
===> METHOD MAN, OLD DIRTY BASTARD, GHOSTFACE KILLA, RAEQUON. ===> '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ===> Treba mi za "drugaricu" :)) Opa upoznaj nas sa drgaricom. Sto se tice gore pomenutih imam samo njihove kasete (ODB, GHOSTFACE, RAEKWON&CHEF) a Method Man-a trenutno imam na disku :)
rap.184 markok,
===> Ako neko zna gde se jos, osim Trga Republike, skupljaju ===> reperi neka ostavi u temu. E pa ovako reperi se skupljaju na platou i sl. nego uvek su bili u Oxygenu bar dok se nisu svi primili na RAP pa dosli tamo posto kako cujem u proslu subotu je bilo outside-era koliko hoces. Inace u Oxygenu je u Subotu RAP vece nastupaju i neke DEMO grupe :)
rap.185 markok,
===> Je li ima neko reci pesme 'J got 5 on it' by Luniz? Imas u konf MUZIKA.2 rap :)
rap.187 richie,
Za drugaricu cemo da vidimo kad ona nabavi modem... :)))))
rap.188 ica.z,
> E pa ovako reperi se skupljaju na platou i sl. nego uvek > su bili u Oxygenu bar dok se nisu svi primili na RAP pa dosli tamo > posto kako cujem u proslu subotu je bilo outside-era koliko hoces. > Inace u Oxygenu je u Subotu RAP vece nastupaju i neke DEMO grupe :) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Axa, bio sam...
rap.189 tntota,
> Inace u Oxygenu je u Subotu RAP vece nastupaju i neke DEMO grupe :) Nazalost, bilo je RAP vece koje je bilo veoma neoubicajeno smaranje do sada. Ne kazem da je svirka bila sra!!e ali je stvarno bilo katastrofa, ljudi se blamiraju bez veze... Sledeci put ima dobro da razmislim ocu li doci jer bolje sedim kuci i sam sam svoj DJ i lepo se pirne i svet je odmah lepsi. Zar ne >? P.S. Jos uvek mi trebaju textovi Makavelia sa don killuminati-a c-ya :)
rap.190 richie,
Ako si bio u subotu 12.04.97 onda smo se mimoisli. :)
rap.191 markok,
===> Za drugaricu cemo da vidimo kad ona nabavi modem... :))))) Ok nego sta je zanima u vezi ranije pomenutog ?
rap.192 markok,
===> Axa, bio sam... Jel bilo sponzorki majke ti ??? :)))))
rap.193 chill,
Boducount, Beograd, Hala Pionir, 13. Maj, 20:00... Prodaja karata počinje u utorak, cena 60 dinara.
rap.195 richie,
Method, Raequon, Ghostface, ODB Ako imas baci 'vamo fala unapred
rap.196 zkis,
Vidim da se trazi makaveli pa evo ga... makavali.arj
rap.197 zkis,
Neko je trazio methoda pa evo nesto pesmica... meth.arj
rap.198 markok,
===> Method, Raequon, Ghostface, ODB ===> Ako imas baci 'vamo Videcu sta mogu da ucinim za tvoju ortakinju nego jer izlazi ona na RAP veceri itd ???
rap.199 ica.z,
> Jel bilo sponzorki majke ti ??? :))))) Nisam primetio...
rap.200 tntota,
Ako neko ima: Bone Thugs N Harmony "Thuggish Ruggish Bone" Bio bih mu (joj) zahvalan na slanju istog gore navedenog... c-ya , Markoni :)
rap.201 markok,
Prebili su MC Juice u subotu ispred Oxygen-a :)))))
rap.202 markok,
Jer ima neko reci od pesme Deep Cover - Dr. Dre introducing Snoop Doggy Dogg, ako ima please ostavite mi :)))
rap.203 miloscar,
MI> Prebili su MC Juice u subotu ispred Oxygen-a :))))) Ko ga prebio ,zasto !
rap.205 miloscar,
MI> Jer ima neko reci od pesme Deep Cover - Dr. Dre introducing MI> Snoop Doggy Dogg, ako ima please ostavite mi :))) Evo su reci za jedanu od najboljih pesama ! |] deep.txt
rap.206 markok,
===> Ko ga prebio ,zasto ! Pa verovatno neki moji istomisljenici :) Nemam pojma zasto ali raspitacu se jos pa cu reci, posto sam ovu subotu propustio jer sam bio kod shvece na 18. rodjendanu :)
rap.207 ica.z,
-> Nazalost, bilo je RAP vece koje je bilo veoma neoubicajeno -> smaranje do sada. Ja se nisam smarao ;))) Ozvuchenje je low budget, instrumentali tihi a deru se ko kreteni...
rap.208 tntota,
> Ja se nisam smarao ;))) > Ozvuchenje je low budget, instrumentali tihi a deru se ko kreteni... Ma neeeeeeeeeeeeeee..... c-ya :)
rap.209 richie,
Izlazi, izlazi...a, i ja sam sa njom kao i ostatak Trga. :)
rap.210 m.lover,
Ej ko hoce da ide u Subotu u Oxygen na RAP ?? :)
rap.211 m.lover,
===> Izlazi, izlazi...a, i ja sam sa njom kao i ostatak Trga. :) Ne seri da ste to vi ??? :) Ok nemoj odmah da me bijes necu ja da ti je uzmem ni tebi ni trgu :)) Idete sad u subotu ?
rap.212 richie,
Djusa su pretukli zato sto je ukrao ime grupe (FULL MOON) nekim tipovima pa su odlucili da ga malo prevaspitaju.
rap.213 richie,
Pravo da ti kazem nemam pojma. Za sebe ne znam ali mislim da ce ostatak drustva ici, posto nema gde drugde da se izlazi.
rap.214 tntota,
Ja bih posao, a sta me ceka tamo? I ja isto idem subotom samo zato jer nema drugog mesta gde mogu da slusam muziku po mom ukusu (dobro, tu nekad us?ru...:) ) i da na miru cirkam pivo. Jednom se neko pozalio da se reperi uopste ne javljaju na Sez-u. Mislim da bi bilo O.K. da se ljudi pocnu javljati i cisto da se komunicira, a ne ono kad se neko javi pa ga neko isproziva pa mu ovaj vrati i na kraju se cela grupa medjusobno isproziva... Za sada je cool. P.S.: E, sta je sa Industrijom, ima li tamo zivih ? c-ya, Markoni :)
rap.215 ica.z,
-> MI> Prebili su MC Juice u subotu ispred Oxygen-a :))))) -> -> Ko ga prebio ,zasto ! Ja sam bio te (proshle) subote u Oxygen-u i bila je nake tucha... Al' ne secam se tachno ko se tuko... Bilo je neshto i na trgu, al' za to tek ne znam...
rap.216 ica.z,
-> Pa verovatno neki moji istomisljenici :) Nemam pojma zasto ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ma lud si... ;) Jedan od ludjih ;))))))
rap.218 markok,
===> Izlazi, izlazi...a, i ja sam sa njom kao i ostatak Trga. :) Ne seri da ste to vi ??? :) Ok nemoj odmah da me bijes necu ja da ti je uzmem ni tebi ni trgu :)) Idete sad u subotu ?
rap.219 markok,
===> Za sebe ne znam ali mislim da ce ostatak drustva ici, ===> posto nema gde drugde da se izlazi. Sto ti neces ne slusaju ti se domace RAP grupe :))
rap.221 m.lover,
===> Za sebe ne znam ali mislim da ce ostatak drustva ici, ===> posto nema gde drugde da se izlazi. Sto ti neces ne slusaju ti se domace RAP grupe :))
rap.222 m.lover,
===> P.S.: E, sta je sa Industrijom, ima li tamo zivih ? Ja sam bio jednom u Industriji nedeljom na nekoj Black Soul ili sl. zurci ali nije bilo ni 20 ljudi. Valjda zato sto je u ponedeljak skola :(((
rap.223 richie,
:)))) Ma jok, nesto sam bolestan (insejn in da brejn)
rap.224 brka,
>Bodycount, Beograd, Hala Pionir, 13. Maj, 20:00... >Prodaja karata pocinje u utorak, cena 60 dinara. Ok. Za to sam cuo, ali gde ce se prodavati karte. Ja pretpostavljam u SKC-u, kao za Biohazard.
rap.225 chill,
>> >Bodycount, Beograd, Hala Pionir, 13. Maj, 20:00... >> >Prodaja karata pocinje u utorak, cena 60 dinara. >> >> Ok. Za to sam cuo, ali gde ce se prodavati karte. >> Ja pretpostavljam u SKC-u, kao za Biohazard. Jok. Karte se već prodaju u Bilet Servisu i na blagajni Sava Centra...
rap.227 chadra,
>Ja bih posao, a sta me ceka tamo? >I ja isto idem subotom samo zato jer nema drugog mesta gde mogu >da slusam muziku po mom ukusu (dobro, tu nekad us?ru...:) ) i >da na miru cirkam pivo. Poslednji put kada sam ja bio subotom u Oxygene-u, bila je totalna katastrofa. Basovi prejaki, vokali se uopste nisu culi, tako da je bilo vrlo tesko i prepoznati pesmu. Na ulazu se ispred svakih mogucih vrata se cekalo po desetak minuta bez veze... A i pocele su svakakve face da se pojavljuju tamo i cini mi se, svaki put sve mladji... Najgore je to sto je uvek poluprazno, pa je atmosfera uglavnom jednaka nuli. DJ fura neki svoj fazon i konstanto smara... Sve u svemu, kad bih davao ocenu (1-10), jedva da bih dao 2. >P.S.: E, sta je sa Industrijom, ima li tamo zivih ? Imas nedeljom, DJ je Gunjandrej iz 'Who Is The Best', ali nije samo hip-hop, vec ima R'n'B-ja itd... Ranije je bilo i utorkom, DJ Sonja, ali ne znam da li ima jos uvek...
rap.228 ica.z,
-> da slusam muziku po mom ukusu (dobro, tu nekad us?ru...:) ) i da ^^^^ -> na miru cirkam pivo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Pivo vlada... Zbog piva se i ide tamo (barem ja) ;)))
rap.229 ica.z,
-> Mislim da bi bilo O.K. da se ljudi pocnu javljati i cisto da se -> komunicira, a ne ono kad se neko javi pa ga neko isproziva pa mu ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -> ovaj vrati i na kraju se cela grupa medjusobno isproziva... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Pa necemo valjda na Sezamu da se prozivamo??? ;) (neshto na foru kao kad su pitali bivsheg snajperistu koliko je ljudi ubio, a on reko: "Pa necu valjda na ljude da pucam." :)))))))))))
rap.230 brka,
>>Koliko ima ljudi na Sezamu koji slushaju rep? >PA STO SE NE JAVLJATE ?! Javljam se samo kada imam nesto da kazem, a ne kao NEKI;( No Hard Feelings:{)
rap.231 brka,
>Rage. Rage je Rage, ali ipak HC;) Mada mozda i rap;)) A mozda... Rage podseca na Beasty Boyse, tako da se ovde opet javlja konflikt kao sto je bilo za Bodycount. Moje skromno misljenje - mesavina HCa i RAPa.
rap.232 zkis,
Neko je trazio t.r.b. od Bone thugsa pa evo ga... thuggish.bon
rap.233 tntota,
> Neko je trazio t.r.b. od Bone thugsa pa evo ga... Hvala, hvala, hvalaaaaaaaaaaa c-ya :))))))))))))))
rap.234 dr.iivan,
Molim za broj poruke gde se nalazi Sunshine - Misli mene gone..
rap.235 drejk,
jel moze mi neko baci rechi pesme od SKEE-LOO-a (Valjda se tako pishe il chita ) , pesma I WISH
rap.236 alec,
> jel moze mi neko baci rechi pesme od SKEE-LOO-a (Valjda se tako > pishe il chita ) , pesma I WISH Vidi, vidi i drejk poceo da slusa rap ;>
rap.237 tntota,
Neko je trazio Skee-Lo "I wish"..... c-ya skee-lo.txt
rap.238 superhik,
=:> Molim za broj poruke gde se nalazi Sunshine - Misli mene =:> gone.. A da isprobaš komandu FIND ?
rap.240 gligo,
Ajde neka neko posalje cika gligi sledece txt-ove...Please: I shot the sheriff------ MR. Warren G Give it up -------------GNT. Public Enemy unapred hvala GLigo
rap.241 markok,
Ej jer ide neko u nedelju na Jumpin' Black zurku u Industriji ?? :)
rap.242 chadra,
R A P L Y R I C S D I C T O N A R Y ------------------------------------------- Ako je vec bilo kaceno, izvinjavam se ;) rld.txt
rap.243 drejk,
bilo al ne skodi
rap.244 chill,
Na prodaju sledeći diskovi: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - CHUCK D. "The Autobiography of Mistachuck" <--- !!! - CYPRESS HILL "Cypress Hill" (Prvi album) <--- !!! - A TRIBE CALLED QUEST "???" (Poslednji album) - BIG DADDY KANE "It's a Big Daddy Thing" - GURU (Gang Starr) "JazzMatazz" - L.L. COOL J. "Bad" - L.L. COOL J. "14 Shots to the Dome" Svi diskovi su štampani u Nemačkoj. Cena: 45 DM. Javite mi na MAIL.
rap.245 gligo,
Da nije malo mnogo?!!?
rap.246 ivan,
>> Da nije malo mnogo?!!? Ne prodajem ja, ja sam samo zamoljen da ponudim diskove...
rap.247 gligo,
ajde ljudi,nije valjda da niko nema txt.WARREN G-I shot... P.Enemy-Give it up
rap.248 zkis,
Ortak prodaje originalne diskove iz USA-a: InI kamoze - lyrical gangsta Big Daddy Kane - it's a Big Daddy thing Cena 25 DM komad. Ako ima zainteresovanih strictly mail zkis ili 199-018 PETAR.
rap.249 dr.iivan,
> =:> Molim za broj poruke gde se nalazi Sunshine - Misli mene > =:> gone.. > > A da isprobas komandu FIND ? Nisam vest sa istom, a dok naucim ovako mogu 5x da nadjem text. A neko ko je poslao text moze za najvise 5 sekundi da nadje u svom olr-u broj poruke i skrati mi posao, a ucini dobro delo. Hvala na pomoci :)
rap.250 markok,
===>> =:> Molim za broj poruke gde se nalazi Sunshine - Misli ===>> mene =:> gone.. I ja bih mu bio zahvalan za to :)))
rap.251 apostol,
>===>> =:> Molim za broj poruke gde se nalazi Sunshine - Misli >===>> mene =:> gone.. > > I ja bih mu bio zahvalan za to :))) Ja sam bio okačio taj tekst, ali samo prvu strofu (ne znam, možda je još neko okačio celu). Al evo: Misli mene gone sve do vasione i na tome putu mraka zvezde me se klone zato nebeski sjaj kao energije prah posipa mi telo i oduzima dah i koga ja to sledim, s kime istinu da delim to samo gore zna ona i ja koji spreman je poći na tvoj mali mig i mah da blizinom odagnaš meni strah. Samo reci "a" i dolazim ti ja, ti pozovi me. Srce kuca jako dok savest mene vodi koja popušta polako jer srcu to ne godi, i lagano ludi, i hoće da izludi, kao nečiji ljubimac ja ostao sam klinac i ma koliko blizu, na dohvatu mu ruke ta sjajna tačka beži i stavlja ga na muke koja dala mu je sve, moj krvi davaoče, beži (......?.......) dragi mama i oče... Samo reci "a" i dolazim ti ja, ti pozovi me. Onda sve to ponavlja Bane. JoTzoqA
rap.252 markok,
Ako neko zna neka pomogne gde je pesma Kokain od Sunshine-a ??? :)
rap.253 chill,
>> Ako neko zna neka pomogne gde je pesma Kokain od Sunshine-a ??? :) Playboy & Sunshine "Kokain"... RealAudio 3.0 kokain.ra
rap.254 ancha,
> i koga ja to sledim, s kime istinu da delim KOME JA TO STREMIM S' KIME INTIMU DA DELIM > i lagano ludi, i hoće da izludi, I LAGANO VEĆ LUDI, MA HOĆE VAN IZ GRUDI > beži (......?.......) dragi mama i oče... I VEČITO VAM HVALA MOJI DRAGI MAMA I OČE e da ramirez prvo kaže: "to samo gore zna ONAJ i ja" a Bane u svojoj strofi: "to samo gore zna SVETLA TAČKA i ja" > JoTzoqA inače skoro sve osim nekih malih greškica je OK.
rap.255 superhik,
=:> Nisam vest sa istom, a dok naucim ovako mogu 5x da nadjem =:> text. find /a /g Traži: šta_god_te_zanima I prelistaće ti sve poruke u svim temama...
rap.256 m.lover,
===> Playboy & Sunshine "Kokain"... Zahvaljujem, mada moram da konstatujem da je snimak ocajan ali ipak nije lose:)) Samo ne shvatam kakve veze ta pesma ima sa RAP-om ono je pre hardcore ako ne i metal :)
rap.257 nenad,
> Traži: šta_god_te_zanima > > I prelistaće ti sve poruke u svim temama... Ne treba /g, to će da ga "odvede" i u naredne konferencije.
rap.259 zemljak,
Slushajte radio Vozd. Ponedeljak od 21h-* Grupa BESIDE!!! Ovo je grupa mog drugara Vlade... Pa komentare poshaljite na moj mail. Zemljak :))))
rap.260 superhik,
=:> Ne treba /g, to će da ga "odvede" i u naredne konferencije. A koji je svič za sve teme u jednoj conf ? co jo muz co fi /a /?
rap.261 bokia,
Jel' moze neko da mi nabavi reci pesme J GOT 5 ON IT by Luniz
rap.262 chill,
Neko je tražio ovo?! Public Enemy "Give it Up" giveitup.txt
rap.263 ivan,
Flavor Flav: "Hit me!" Iz pesme "911 is a joke" Public Enemy-a WAV, 16 bit, Mono, 22.050 kHz... flavor.arj
rap.264 gligo,
>>neko je trazio ovo.. vecito zahvalan, gligo
rap.265 markok,
Sto ovde nema skoro nijedna poruka ?? Ajde na primer da izglasamo najbolju RAP pesmu :) Neka svako da jedan predlog pa cemo sastaviti listu i onda odluciti koja je najbolja po broju glasova :) P.S. Verovatno je ovo strasno glup predlog, ali to je tek da bi se nesto radilo, ako neko ima neki bolji (verovatno da ima) neka kaze :) C-Ya Muthaphuckas :)
rap.266 miloscar,
rap.267 chill,
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The Ultimate P U B L I C E N E M Y Lyrics Collection =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Svi tekstovi PUBLIC ENEMY-a (čitajte mi sa usana: SVI tekstovi) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Plus: - Slike svih članova, - Osnovni podaci o svakom članu ponaosob, - Opširna istorija grupe, - Slike korica svih albuma. Sve to u jednom jedinom Word 7.0 documentu, od 130 strana (1.2Mb) Žalim svakoga ko ne skine ovo! :) pe_all!.arj
rap.268 markok,
Mozda je ovo malo neobicna poruka, ali bih zamolio sve ljude koji slusaju RAP da me page-uju dok sam na vezi, ili da mi se jave na mail :) Hvala ! C-Ya
rap.269 brka,
Ukoliko ste zaboravili: 13. maja (utorak) u 20:00h u hali Pionir ---------------------------------------- BODY COUNT featuring ICE T ---------------------------------------- karta: 60 dinara PS. Ukoliko mislite da sam neobrazovan zato sto sam napisao 'featuring ICE T' varate se. Gledao sam na satelitu jedan koncert sa proslogodisnje turneje BODY COUNT-a: T je pevao i svoje pesme. Nadam se da ce tako biti i ovog puta.
rap.270 ivan,
House of Pain, tekstovi: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Salutations - Life Goes On - Jump Around - One for the Road - Put Your Head Out - Feel It - Top O' the Morning to Ya - All My Love - House and the Rising Sun - Back From the Dead - Shanrocks and Shenanigans - On Point - House of Pain Anthem - It Ain't a Crime - Danny Boy, Danny Boy - Just Another Victim - Guess Who's Back? - No Doubt - Put on Your Shit Kickers - Heart Full of Sorrow - Come and Get Some of This - Fed Up h_o_p_!.arj
rap.271 ivan,
>> Artist: House of Pain >> Album: Fine Malt Lyrics >> Song: All My Love >> >> Verse 2: >> Yea, you know my mother, she gets all my love >> My sister Casandra, my neice Jessica Rose, they get all my love >> Danny Boy gets all my love >> My DJ Lethal, he gets all my love >> Cypress Hill, they get all my love... Drugi red, treća reč... Kasandra?!?! :))))))
rap.272 markok,
Da li mozda neko ima semplove .SAM sa basovima i ostalim bubnjevima treba mi za ritam :) Ako neko ima neka bude dobar pa neka mi baci na mail :) C-Ya
rap.273 chill,
VIBE Magazine, September 1994 issue: PUBLIC ENEMY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ogroman članak o PUBLIC ENEMY-u, iz VIBE-a... Plus slike koje su pratile tekst i sl. Obavezno pročitati, dosta toga pametnog je rečeno... pe-vibe.arj
rap.274 chill,
Funkdoobiest funkdob.jpg
rap.275 chill,
rap.277 chill,
Prava imena svih repera, i ljudi koji imaju bilo kakve veze sa rapom... names.arj
rap.278 jjerry,
Nisam siguran da bi ovo trebalo ovde da zavrsi ali 'ajde... Dakle,trebaju mi reci od pesme C-Blocka,ono I'm so strung out... Ako neko ima,dobacite... P.S Moderatoru,samo ovo ponisti !:)) JJErry
rap.279 ivan,
Poslušajte PRAVI rap: Boogie Down Productions "Duck Down" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Format: RealAudio Player: windows\net\plugin\ bdp.ra
rap.280 chill,
L.L. COOL J. ll.txt
rap.281 chill,
ONYX onyx.txt
rap.282 chill,
Rap Klasik: Public Enemy "Can't Truss It" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Format: RealAudio 2.0 Vreme: 5 minuta... Player: windows\net\plugin\ _p_e_.ra
rap.283 chill,
B O D Y C O U N T Uživo u Beogradu! Format: RealAudio 3.0 Time: 4.5 min Player: windows\net\plugin\ bc_live!.ra
rap.284 chill,
WAV-ovi sa koncerta Bodycount-a u Beogradu... 1. ICE-T: Is Serbia hardcore!!! 2. ICE-T: Yugoslavia, move your fuckin' ass!!! WAV, 16 bit, Mono, 22.050 kHz, PCM... ice-t___.arj
rap.285 chill,
Ice-T-jevi tekstovi. Oko 35 komada... icet_txt.arj
rap.286 chill,
Korice prvog Everlast-ovog (House of Pain) solo albuma. everlast.jpg
rap.287 chill,
Vudu Popaj "Otmičar" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gledam kroz prozor, dan je kul Yo, I don't wanna go to school Bežim sa časa matematike Pa, kom opanci, kom ribok patike Za izostanak ću lako, ja sam varalica Profane farbam kao farbalica (?!) Dole na ćošku, društvo se zeza Uz zvuke džeza, pije se pivo i kabeza Taj dosadni ćošak život mi uzeo K'o zamrzivač ja sam ga zamrzeo Kao Mister No i njegov Pajper Tako i ja vozim bajs, a-ha U mojim rukama, poster i snajper Moja je meta, Mišel Fajfer Ako je Leonard Kračo, Leni Krevitz Leonard Koen je Leon Onda sam ja Kazanova Lukav i kul kao kameleon Novi ???, i nova bluza Loša kopija Tomislava Kruza Djani Versaći, DeMikelis Ej, Djani rampa na grani Prilazi tip, kakav je to car On hoće na bajsu da mi pregleda far "Ej, care koliko košta drumarina?" Kakav car, pa to je carina. Ajde?! Zabranjuje mi ulaz zbog neuredne plakete Počinje da preti instaliranjem rakete Aj, raketa-rake-take-take, bum I'm getting petting, kad se setim Kakvi su Srbi kad im neko preti Ba-ba-bam-bam-bam neću ništa da znam Nisi dovoljno brz... bam! Dao sam gas do daske, pedale škripe, metci prašte Znam da je moje mesto preko, ali ja sam već daleko I čujem njihove čuvene reči: FBI, ne mrdaj, stani Imaš pravo na advokata, ako si advokat možeš sam da se braniš Čikago je grad veoma gadan, A ja sam žedan, pomalo gladan Da mi je jedna praška šunka Malo praška i šunke trunka Pred njenom kućom su gadne zveri Šverceri i ratni profiteri Jedan od njih, k'o Džeki Čen Reče mi da je čuvar njen "Nećeš videti Mišel Fajfer, ja održavam ovde red Vaša je ljubav santa leda" Ona je santa, ti si led, a-ha Neka hvala nije Mirko budala Točkom od bajsa ga gazim po nozi, Gde je Mišel, nećete me prevariti Sad će te videti kako se vozi Ja ću te spasti Mišel... Čuvari padaju krv šiklja, ne bi to opisao ni Igor Miklja I kao princ na belom konju, ja na biciklu otimam Nju Zaboravi Holivud draga Mišel, idemo kod mene ja te volim Samo ga... Samo se čvrsto drži, pokazaću ti kako se pravi film Moje biciklo seče ulice, vodi me osmeh poznate glumice Svaki džukac vidi guzu moje curice Vožnja bicikle se brzo uči, ko je blesav da negde trči Nema goriva ni do Češke, ko je blesav da ide peške Ja sam probio svu blokadu Već je nastao haos u gradu Ta-ra-ri-ra-ra-ra-ra-ri-ra-raaa Predsednik Klinton uvodi racije Nato pakt i Ujedinjene nacije Ceo Čikago hvata požar Hiljadu policajaca jure Džordža Searching the plane to Vrčin Odmah, kod pilota utrčim Sva su sedišta dupke puna Dupe je napeto kao struna Ali možda zna, možda zna Evropa ko sam ja Možda čak i Lejdi Di isto za mene zna, nego šta Poštovani putnici bez panike sad Ovaj avion ide za Beograd grad Andjeli govore sleti dole, lepe stjuardese me mole, pliz A ja odgovaram kratko na poziv, avion ima eksploziv Mi stižemo u Beograd, ruka mi žili, avion pleše kao Mili Vanili Cela nacija navija za mene, ja sam otmičar Američke žene Cela nacija seče vene, ja sam otmičar Američke žene Cela nacija navija za mene, ja sam otmičar Američke žene O, kako ti se sada svidja Beograd, madmuazel? Mišel, Mišel, Fajfer, prateći vokal, prateći vokal O, kako ti se sada svidja Beograd, madmuazel? Mišel, Mišel, Fajfer, prateći vokal, prateći vokal
rap.288 fantom,
rap.289 chill,
>> I JA SLUSAM RAP NAJACI JE :)))))))))) %(
rap.290 brka,
> House of Pain, tekstovi: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Molio bih te da ih snimis u *.txt formatu, jer nemam Word 6.0/7.0. I molio bih i sve ostale ljude koji salju neke tekstove da salju u *.txt formatu.
rap.291 ivan,
>> House of Pain, tekstovi: >> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >> - Salutations - Life Goes On >> - Jump Around - One for the Road >> - Put Your Head Out - Feel It >> - Top O' the Morning to Ya - All My Love >> - House and the Rising Sun - Back From the Dead >> - Shanrocks and Shenanigans - On Point >> - House of Pain Anthem - It Ain't a Crime >> - Danny Boy, Danny Boy - Just Another Victim >> - Guess Who's Back? - No Doubt >> - Put on Your Shit Kickers - Heart Full of Sorrow >> - Come and Get Some of This - Fed Up >> Molio bih te da ih snimis u *.txt formatu, jer nemam Word 6.0/7.0. >> I molio bih i sve ostale ljude koji salju neke tekstove da salju >> u *.txt formatu. TXT hop_txt.arj
rap.292 ivan,
>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >> The Ultimate P U B L I C E N E M Y Lyrics Collection >> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >> >> >> Svi tekstovi PUBLIC ENEMY-a (čitajte mi sa usana: SVI tekstovi) >> ~~~~~~~~~~~~ >> Plus: - Slike svih članova, >> - Osnovni podaci o svakom članu ponaosob, >> - Opširna istorija grupe, >> - Slike korica svih albuma. >> Molio bih te da ih snimis u *.txt formatu, jer nemam Word 6.0/7.0. >> I molio bih i sve ostale ljude koji salju neke tekstove da salju >> u *.txt formatu. TXT pe_txt.arj
rap.293 payce,
Da li je bio neko na Straight Jackin' u petak? Utiskovi? :)
rap.294 markok,
===> Da li je bio neko na Straight Jackin' u petak? ===> ===> Utiskovi? :) Nisam bio ali osecam da je bio tezak HC :))
rap.295 geronimo,
-^- I JA SLUSAM RAP NAJACI JE Koji si ti fantom :)))))))f
rap.296 richie,
A... sta slusas od RAP-a iskreno me interesuje ;)
rap.297 richie,
Zeleo bih da pozovem sve ljude dobre volje sa 10 din ( !? :) ) da dodju u Dom omladine u subotu 24.05.1997 god. jer ce nastupati neki moji sa Trga pa da ih zajedno izvizdimo na pocetku njihove demo karijere. Ako nekog zanima ko sam ja i na sta licim (a zasto bi ?) samo neka pogleda tipa koji se najvise dere i najvise zvizdi i to cu biti ja :) POZDRAV SVIMA Richie Rich
rap.298 ivan,
>> Zeleo bih da pozovem sve ljude dobre volje sa 10 din ( !? :) ) da >> dodju u Dom omladine u subotu 24.05.1997 god. jer ce nastupati neki >> moji sa Trga Ako su sa Trga onda SIGURNO neću doći... :)) Opšte je poznato da se samo kvazi-reperi i smrdljivi pozeri skupljaju na Trgu...
rap.299 markok,
===> dodju u Dom omladine u subotu 24.05.1997 god. jer ce nastupati neki ===> moji sa Trga pa da ih zajedno izvizdimo na pocetku njihove demo Ja cu mozda doci ali nisam jos siguran, videcu jos :) C-Ya
rap.300 gligo,
>> Opste je poznato da se samo kvazi-reperi i smrdljivi pozeri skupljaju na Trgu.... Nisko,brate, nisko...! poz,yo gligo
rap.301 markok,
===> Nisko,brate, nisko...! Ma nisu skoro svi pozeri ali ima ih dosta, na primer sad je pun grad pa i moja skola nekih repera sa dresovima itd. koje nose od juce i misle da su nesto, beda i jad eto sta su :)) To su mentoli koji menjaju svoj stil u muzici i u oblacenju samo zbog necega sto je da tako kazem "in" :))))) Ali sto se tice Trga i platoa, do bre 5 meseci mozda malo vise nije bilo ni 20 ljudi ukupno, sad ih ima koliko god hoces :))
rap.302 chill,
Film WHO'S THE MAN? snimljen je 1993, režirao ga je Ted Demme (inače tadašnji producent YO! MTV RAPS-a), glavne uloge su voditelji gore pomenute emisije Ed Lover i Dr. Dre, u ostalim ulogama se pojavljuju isključivo raperi i voditelji sa MTV-a, pravih glumaca nema. Film je komedija, i nije loš... Who's the Man? (1993) Directed by Ted Demme ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cast (in credits order): Ed Lover ............ Ed Lover Dr. Dre ............. Doctor Dre Badja Djola ......... Lionel Douglas Cheryl 'Salt' James . Teesha Braxton Jim Moody ........... Nick Crawford Ice-T ............... Nighttrain / Chauncey Andre B. Blake ...... Lamar Rozwill Young ....... Sgt. Bo Griles Colin Quinn ......... Frankie Flynn Todd-I .............. Shorty Bowlegged Lou ....... Farly Bernie Mac .......... G-George Bill Bellamy ........ K.K T-Money ............. Bubba Denis Leary ......... Sgt. Cooper Kim Chan ............ Fuji Vinny Pastore ....... Tony "Clams" Como Kurt Loder .......... Hitman Joe Lisi ............ Captain Reilly Fab Five Freddy ..... Himself Tony Lip ............ Vito Pasquale Apache .............. Bubba Worker No. 1 Smooth B ............ Bubba Worker No. 2 George T. Odom ...... Albert Hugh Hurd ........... Mushmouth Roger Robinson ...... Charlie Maggie Rush ......... Brenda Richard Bright ...... Demetrius Dennis Vestunis ..... Gustave KRS-One ............. Rashid Stretch ............. Benny James Cavanagh Burke Officer Barnes Karen Duffy ......... Officer Day Phife Dawg .......... Gerald Big Bub ............. Roscoe Curtis Carrott ...... Bongle Garfield ............ Customer in Chair Little Daddy Shane .. Homeboy Caron K. Berstein ... Kelly Randy Frazier ....... Reverend Green Guru ................ Lorenzo Lorena Mann ......... Receptionist Ken Ober ............ Bernstein Leslie Segar ........ Sheneequa Jenay Kurse ......... Double Dutch Girl Kid Capri ........... Himself Kris Kross .......... Karim Pete Rock ........... Robber No. 1 C.L. Smooth ......... Robber No. 2 Katherine Dukes ..... Robber No. 3 Beast ............... Robber No. 4 Eric B. ............. Robber No. 5 Flavor Flav ......... Himself B-Real .............. Jose Gomez John Martin Scurti .. Boothby Glenn Kubota ........ Korean Grocer Grand Master Melle M Delroy John MacKay ......... Captain Paggio Ralph McDaniels ..... T.V. Reporter D-Nice .............. Male Nurse Lin Que Ayoung ...... Female Nurse Busta Rhymes ........ Jaween Gavin J. O'Conner ... Drill Man Del ................. Kid No. 1 Taji Goodman ........ Kid No. 2 Qu'ran Goodman ...... Kid No. 3 Erik Schrody ........ Billy Danny Boy O'Connor .. Steve Leor Dimant ......... Mike Bushwick Bill ....... Bar Vagrant Monie Love .......... Vanessa Freddie Foxxx ....... Bartender Yolanda Whittaker ... Woman Kristen Wilson ...... Maria Sandra 'Pepa' Denton Sherise Humpty Hump ......... Club Doorman Terrence D Howard ... Customer Heavy D ............. Himself Queen Latifah ....... Herself B-Fine .............. Club Guy No. 1 Paul A. George ...... Club Guy No. 2 D.J. Wiz ............ Test Taker No. 1 A.G. ................ Test Taker No. 3 King Sun ............ Haircut Guy Nikki D ............. Protestor No Face ............. Guy at Bar P.S. Film sam gledao samo jednom, zna li neko gde mogu da nadjem bilo kakvu kopiju?
rap.304 richie,
->do pre 5 meseci...nije nilo ni 20 ljudi, a sad ih ima kolko hoces Stvar je u tome sto ide leto i svi izlaze iz skrovista. Takodje, pre 5 meseci je bilo hladno pa smo bili u trznom centru na Trgu U SEGA VIDEO SHOW-u na grejanju :)
rap.305 richie,
EXTRA, EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT: Nesto sam nacuo da Dom omladine ne radi vise do jeseni, nego da ce sad biti zurke na Kalemegdanu u staroj barutani (vreme nepoznato), pa ko nesto zna nek javi 'vamo. c y mf-s
rap.307 miloscar,
Oce da kupi neko original CD ONYX -- BACDAFUCUP NAUGHTY BY NATURE -- NAUGHTY BY NATURE ako neko hoce neka mi napise na mail A ono sto je rekao markok je istina Stomak mi se prevrne kad u autobusima vidim : wu-tang i onaj znak koji niko ne zna da nacrta pravilno nego crtaju neke jebene ptice. Pa onda pisu YO!RAP sve prave face pogledas ga kako je obucen a on tipican dizelas ili raver sve najgora beda place mi se Svi pocinju da "kao" slusaju rap svi su face deca bre od 10 god pisu po torbama 2PAC RAP uskoro ce poceti da se pise po celu ja slusam rap Cim neko stavi kacket i spusti farmerko "2 cm :) " odma misli da je najludji rap-er u gradu kako nije sramota te ljude pa to je skandal.Pisu wtc a i ne zna ju sta je to garantujem pola njih ne znaju st aje to znaju da je u vezi sa rap.I oni prokleti Mad dogzi pa njih treba sutirati u glavu javio se neka face na proslom ghettu i pitao ih sto imitiraju wtc oni jos poceli da se bune idioti nesto " ko to kopira sve su nasi textovi " a refren glavne pesme im kradja samo tako ono "AAAA HERE COMES MY SHAOLIN STYLE"ej smradovi i to gadni a to sto se sve slusa vise rap to ej zato sto svi hoce da bude glavni gangsteri ono svi klinci su sada u fazonu " Lud sam ali nema veze " stvarno ovo vodi u propast svi slusaju rap a pola zna samo 2 grupe FUGEES su im glavni rap-eri njih treb aneko da prebije pa neka su onda rap-eri.a to za trg ne vidim da ih ima nesto puno svako vece tuda prolazim jer zivim u blizini netso se nevide !!!
rap.308 thug,
Check thiis: GRAFIT u bas-u (37,23 i 53): Y O , R A P ! MONTENIGGERS GONNA MAKE YOU DANCE !!! Gde da nadjem to dete, pa ruke da mu ischupam i iste strpam u "zna-se-gde" To vam je akcija: majica, kacket, spustene farmerke i setas namrsten po gradu u fazonu "ja sam lud". Serem im se u lice ! Al' sam se iznervirao...... c-ya :)
rap.309 gligo,
>> ..Mad dogzi ,pa njih treba sutirati u glavu javila se neka faca u proslom ghettu i pitao ih sto imitiraju wt..... Ja sam ih i sluso i vido...Bili su na prvom programu u emisiji..valjda se zove Garaza... To je trebalo videti..! Neki celavci ,prebi se reklo skinsi kao vilene ....mi smo ovo,mi smo ono... Al'opet nekom se to svidja... poz,yo gligo
rap.310 miloscar,
MI> GRAFIT u bas-u (37,23 i 53): MI> MI> MI> Y O , R A P ! MI> MONTENIGGERS GONNA MAKE YOU DANCE !!! Video sam i ja to .Gde ti zivis na Ceraku ? ispod potpis nekih klosarki i napisali XL to ona disqoteque kad su valjda monnteniggersi omali promociju. A ispod neki padavicar napisao " METALICA GONNA MAKE U DIE " E iako mrzim padavicare ovoga bi ljubio u celo pa stvarno skandal to je ono o cemu sam pricao ! -- " sta slusas ? " -- " RAP (samo tako) " -- " KOJE GRUPE " -- " PA MONTENIGERSE , GRUA .. " -- " A OD STRANIH " -- " PA NEZNAM 2PAC I NEMOGU DA SE SETIM SADA ..E DA FUGEES " --------SKANDAL NAD SKANDALIMA----------- I da pitao me neka faca u skoli sto se vodi kao zesci rap-er kad je video kad je video "shaolin sword i wtc " zajedno napisane pitao !! " koji klosar ovo napisao kakve to ima veze " :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
rap.311 markok,
===> nije sramota te ljude pa to je skandal.Pisu wtc ===> a i ne zna ju sta je to garantujem pola njih ne znaju Normalno da ne znaju :)))) Evo nekih primera: "Da li ti slusash ???" -Notija baj nejchura -Pablika enemija -Vu tenga -Tonija Brekstona I sve tako dalje na istu foru :))))))))))
rap.312 markok,
===> Y O , R A P ! ===> MONTENIGGERS GONNA MAKE YOU DANCE !!! To mora da je Neba pisao :))))))))
rap.313 markok,
===> ispod potpis nekih klosarki i napisali XL to ona disqoteque Ma sada se javlja nova vrsta devojki, repsponzorke :)
rap.314 mango,
> Y O , R A P ! > MONTENIGGERS GONNA MAKE YOU DANCE !!! Onaj pevac iz ove "grupe" je bio na Body Countu (tako su mi rekli ortaci koji su bili sa mnom, ja ne znam kako izgleda), al' je bio na tribinama. Mi smo se ostrili i nadali se da ce sici dole, ali on nije sisao kao da je znao sta ga ceka ako sidje. BTW, kad vec pricam o koncertu, najvise su me nervirali neki klinci "reperi" koji su zvizdali drugoj predgrupi (Channel Zero).
rap.315 thug,
> Video sam i ja to .Gde ti zivis na Ceraku ? kod VMC-a, ti? gde ima da se nabavi film WHO'S THE MAN? btw, onu slinu iz Monten...(sramota me, necu celu rec da pisem :) ) sam i ja video ali sam nekako iskulirao :))))))))))))))))(zna se...) c-ya :)
rap.318 chill,
█▀█ █ █ █ █ █ ▀ █ █ ▀ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▀█ █▀█ █▀█ █▀▀ █▀▀ █▀█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▀▀ ▀▀█ ▀▀█ █ █ █ █ █ ▀▀▀ ▀▀█ █▀▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ Insane in the Brain (LIVE at Woodstock 1994) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ insane.ra
rap.319 chill,
█▀█ █ █ █ █ █ ▀ █ █ ▀ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▀█ █▀█ █▀█ █▀▀ █▀▀ █▀█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▀▀ ▀▀█ ▀▀█ █ █ █ █ █ ▀▀▀ ▀▀█ █▀▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ How I Could Just Kill a Man (LIVE at Woodstock 1994) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ kill_man.ra
rap.320 chill,
█▀█ █ █ █ █ █ ▀ █ █ ▀ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▀█ █▀█ █▀█ █▀▀ █▀▀ █▀█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▀▀ ▀▀█ ▀▀█ █ █ █ █ █ ▀▀▀ ▀▀█ █▀▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ Lick a Shot (LIVE at Woodstock 1994) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lickshot.ra
rap.321 richie,
:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) E nisam se lepse smejao u skorije vreme.(citao sam poruke od 24.05.97) Neko me je pitao odakle sam al ne znam ko pa koga zanima ja sam sa Labudovog Brda (pre Petlovog B. a posle Vidikovca). ------>stomak mi se prevrne...i onaj znak koji niko ne zna da nacrta Sto se tice WTC-ovog "zastitnog znaka" trebalo bi da dodjete kod mene u skolu pa da vidite tugu.Ono nije cak ni ptica.Strasno... ------->tuzan primer Zimus smo na Trgu naleteli na jednog "repera" koji je izveo devojku na pice u SEGA VIDEO SHOW gde smo mi dosli.Decko je imao dres od par stotina DM, neke polu-siroke pantalone, nove patike i devojku koja je najteza sponzorusa ikad vidjena ispod 18 godina.Glavu su mu krasili marama i pogled tipa "ja sam najludji, bezite od mene".Malo smo ga zajebavali (malo vise :)), pa je on ustao i krenuo sa ribom da ode.Ja ne mogu da vam opisem kako je on isao.Prvo sto se sirio a la "baki, sine",pa je mlatarao rukama dok ide, poskakivao, itd... Sta da kazem ... bilo nam ga je zao.Toliko neznanje i foliranje, to da je hteo ne verujem da bi mogao. ------>a to za trg ne vidim da ih ima nesto puno Na Trgu nisam bio mesec dana, ali verujem da ih ima malo jer ipak je kraj skole i mora da se uci :) Najveci problem u svemu je sto RAP polako (najvise mislim na domaci) izlazi underground-a i pocinje da se komercijalizuje, sto ne valja.Jer, nekoliko stranih repera (da ih ne imenujem) cim naprave dobru pesmu odmah se trude da je iskomercijalizuju i pokupe pare. Sve to cuju nasi debili i repsponzorke ( :) ) i odmah hoce da budu isti kao i oni.Sta se dobija ======> mnogobrojni primeri iz autobusa, itd. Jer vecina od njih se oblaci tako jer se tako oblace i montenigersi i gru i ila i da ih ne nabrajam dalje.
rap.322 markok,
Da li je neko zainteresovan za grupu WU, koja se bavi RAP i HIP HOP muzikom :) Razmenjuju se pesme, slike, tekstovi itd :) C-Ya
rap.323 miloscar,
MI> par stotina DM, neke polu-siroke pantalone, nove patike i devojku Znas ti bre kolko je takvih klosara u gradu to je stvarno pravi skandal.Gde to vodi sacuvaj boze!!! Jel zna neko gde ima da se kupe majice (rap) osim kod kozare i skc !! Jel oce neko da kupi od vas dux ONYX ( united state getto ) ja sam je izgustirao a i kupio bi neku novu cena 50 dm a moze i da se razgovara !!! velicina XL sa kapuljacom ima znakove na rukavu i na kapuljaci a na ledjima veliki crveni !! Jel zna neko gde ima da se kupi i dal ima kod nas da se kupi nekka duxerica SHAOLIN STYLE video sam je na nekom sk8eru ??
rap.324 chill,
>> Na Trgu nisam bio mesec dana, ali verujem da ih ima malo jer ipak >> je kraj skole i mora da se uci :) No comment. :)))))))))))
rap.325 chill,
PUBLIC ENEMY "Shut 'em Down" U Ž I V O pe_live!.ra
rap.326 chill,
Beavis i Butt-Head pevaju 'Insane in the brain' :)))) beavis.wav
rap.327 richie,
POTRAZNJA TEKSTOVA: ---EAZY-E ---GETTO BOYS ---DA LENCH MOB ---ONYX sve dobre duse spremne da pomognu neka kace PRVENSTVENO tekstove, a posle moze i po koja slika i koji WAV HVALA :))))))))))
rap.328 mango,
> Znas ti bre kolko je takvih klosara u gradu > to je stvarno pravi skandal.Gde to vodi > sacuvaj boze!!! Rekao bih se da 99,99% repera u gradu (da ne kazem u svetu) ne razlikuje od opisa (bar figurativno). Rep muzika se kao pokret skroz "izvrnula" i postala nesto strasno ogavno (na zalost).
rap.329 mango,
>>> Na Trgu nisam bio mesec dana, ali verujem da ih ima malo jer ipak >>> je kraj skole i mora da se uci :) > > No comment. :))))))))))) Gadna ova osnovna;>>>>
rap.330 richie,
Tu se mislilo na srednju skolu prvenstveno ali u obzir dolazi i osnovna. :)
rap.332 chill,
Učite se dečice: Run DMC "Walk This Way" (Extended verzija, 5:07 min) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okruglo 10 godina od kako je ova pesma objavljena. Prvi pravi RAP hit. P.S. Snimak je nešto slabiji, sorry... run_dmc.ra
rap.333 chill,
Cypress Hill III: Temples of Boom cypress.jpg
rap.334 zkis,
Textovi Geto Boysa gb.arj
rap.335 zkis,
TExtovi Lench moba lench.arj
rap.336 zkis,
Textovi Onyx-a onyx.arj
rap.337 zkis,
Textovi od aggin laer eazy.arj
rap.338 markok,
===> Textovi Geto Boysa A nista ne radis u grupi :((((( Steta :((
rap.339 chill,
P U B L I C E N E M Y featuring ICE CUBE & BIG DADDY KANE Burn Hollywood Burn holywood.ra
rap.340 chill,
Chill Autor: N.W.A. Pesma: A BITCH IS A BITCH Album: Straight Outta Compton Datum: 1989. Pravi autor ove pesme je Ice Cube, ovo se odnosi na praktično SVE pesme koje je uradio dok je bio u N.W.A. Ostali članovi su se samo ograbali o njegov talenat na ovom albumu. Jedna od najboljih rap pesama o ženama. bitch.ra
rap.341 chill,
Chill Autor: Eric B. & Rakim Pesma: KNOW THE LEDGE Album: Don't Sweat the Technique Datum: 1991. Ova pesma je korišćena u filmu 'Juice'. Inače, Rakim-ov vokal je, zajedno sa Chuck D-jevim (Public Enemy) i KRS-ONE-ovim (Boogie Down Productions), ubedljivo najprodorniji i najupečatljiviji. Pesma je zakon... ledge.ra
rap.342 chill,
Chill Autor: Cypress Hill Pesma: PIGS Album: Cypress Hill Datum: 1991. Prva pesma sa prvog (i najboljeg) albuma Cypress Hill-a, moja omiljena. Jedna od najboljih pesama o policiji (zajedno sa 'Fuck tha Police' od N.W.A.). Tekst sledi... pigs.ra
rap.343 chill,
Cypress Hill "PIGS" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This pig harassed the whole neighborhood, Well this pig worked at the station. This pig he killed my Homeboy, So the fuckin' pig went on a vacation. This pig he is the chief, Got a brother pig, Captain O'Malley. He's got a son that'a a pig too, He's collectin' pay-offs from a dark alley. This pig is known as a Narco, If he's a pig or not, we know that he could be. This pig he's a fuckin' fag, So all his homepigs they call him a pussy. Well this pig he's really cool, So in this class we know he rides all alone. Well this pig's standin' eatin' donuts, While some motherfuckers out robbin' your home. This pig he's a big punk, And I know that he can't stand the sight of me. 'Cos pigs don't like it when ya act smart, And when ya tell 'em that you're gangsta mentality. This pig works for the mafia, Makin' some money off crack. But this little pig got caught, So when he gets to the Pen it's all about the pay-back. 'Cos once he gets to the Pen, They won't provide the little pig with a bullet-proof vest. To protect him from some mad nigga, Who he shot in the chest and placed under arrest. An' it's all about breakin' off sausage, Do ya feel sorry for the poor little swine? Niggas wanna do him in the ass, Just ta pay his ass back, so they're standin' in line. That fuckin' pig! Look what he got himself into! Now they're gonna make some pigs feet outta the little punk! Anybody like pork-chops? How 'bout a ham sandwich? How 'bout a ham sandwich?
rap.344 thug,
> Chill > Autor: N.W.A. > Pesma: A BITCH IS A BITCH > Album: Straight Outta Compton > Datum: 1989. > > Jedna od najboljih rap pesama o zenama. > Da li mozda imas text od te pesme? Dopada mi se. :)
rap.345 chill,
>> > Autor: N.W.A. >> > Pesma: A BITCH IS A BITCH >> > Album: Straight Outta Compton >> > Datum: 1989. >> > >> > Jedna od najboljih rap pesama o zenama. >> > >> >> Da li mozda imas text od te pesme? Dopada mi se. >> Nemam, i ja sam tražio pre par meseci i nema nigde...
rap.346 miloscar,
rap.347 thug,
Sta ste svi pomrli, odsekli vam prste ili ? :)))
rap.348 slick,
Ey, mnogo dobra stvar ovaj .RA format. Nego... Kako li se snima/konvertuje iz WAV? (majku mu...) Aj' pretty please saljite josh Public Enemya, Cypress Hill 'n' such... 10x poz. P.S. 2PAC sux...
rap.349 chill,
>> Ey, mnogo dobra stvar ovaj .RA format. Nego... >> >> Kako li se snima/konvertuje iz WAV? (majku mu...) Evo ti instalacija za Real Audio Encoder; radi pod Win95... >> P.S. 2PAC sux... Ne da 'sux' nego je ljak-se da nema većeg, on i svi njemu slični, puu! wav_2_ra.exe
rap.350 slick,
10x, ali ;) Win95 sux bigtime...;) Da nema mozda neka za Win3.x? Greota da instaliram Win95 samo zbog ovoga ;) I jos nesto...nigde ne pise kol'ki je sampling rate u pesmama, samo 14.4 local il' 28.8...sta mu to dodje? poz.
rap.351 chill,
>> Da nema mozda neka za Win3.x? Greota da instaliram Win95 samo zbog >> ovoga ;) Ne, koliko ja znam... :( >> I jos nesto...nigde ne pise kol'ki je sampling rate u pesmama, samo >> 14.4 local il' 28.8...sta mu to dodje? Kad ga budeš instalirao sve će ti se samo kasti... :)
rap.352 thug,
E, nemojte samo po 2pac-u... Ima mnogo rapera koje mrzim ali postujem tudji ukus pa necu da prozivam.... Ostajte u zdravlju...:)
rap.353 juice,
Potpuno se slazem sa tobom.Jer covek vise ne moze ni da popamti sve ove nove grupe koje se samo serviraju iz Amerike ovim nasim "novim" reperima.Bre,pa to je skoro sve fuseraj da ne moze biti veci.A deca ko deca,uzimaju sve sto im se daje,samo da slucajno ne bi znali manje od svojih drugova ili da bi mogli da se hvale da su culi nesto sto niko drugi nije i uvek uz to ide konstatacija "sto je dobro!!!!!!!".E to vidite nije dobro,uopste nije dobro.Kao primer cu vam navesti samo dva bisera iz velikog opusa onoga sto sam cuo na raznim rep vecerima unazad godinu-dve pa do sada. --Bus 23,vracamo se iz Pionirskog grada sa koncerta: I:E jesi cuo onu pesmu "Jump" , kako je dobra(Jump Around prim.aut.) Jel znas ko to peva? II:Ma da to ti je novi album 2Paca,mnogo je dobar I:A jel ima negde da se kupi....? II:Ne znam,ali cu ti reci sutra....... Pa vi zakljucite sami.......(ode time.....)
rap.354 mango,
> E, nemojte samo po 2pac-u... > Ima mnogo rapera koje mrzim ali postujem tudji ukus pa necu da > prozivam.... Treba razlikovati ukus od neukusa;)) 2pac spada u ovo drugo.
rap.355 n.ceh,
> Ima mnogo rapera koje mrzim ali postujem tudji ukus pa necu da > prozivam.... Ma> Treba razlikovati ukus od neukusa;)) 2pac spada u ovo drugo. Upravo o tome čovek priča. Ko si ti (ili bilo ko) da odlučuješ o tome šta je dobro, a šta ne? Ako ti se ne sviđa Tupac, nemoj da ga slušaš, ali nemoj ni da ga pljuješ. Čeh
rap.356 thug,
Ako neko zna za neki DOBAR cd klub neka javi (i br. telefona) Posto sam na Ceraku bilo bi dobro da javite za one na potezu Cerak-Centar. mrzi me da lutam naokolo... c-ya :)
rap.357 thug,
> > E, nemojte samo po 2pac-u... > > Ima mnogo rapera koje mrzim ali postujem tudji ukus pa necu da > > prozivam.... > > Treba razlikovati ukus od neukusa;)) 2pac spada u ovo drugo. E nemoj da smaras.. Kakav si ti bre covek??? Sta te boli kakav je ko. Ako ti se ne svidja drzi usta zatvorena kao sav "kulturan" svet. Kao sto rekoh mnogo rapera i grupa nije po mom ukusu, ali ja ipak necu da pljujem po njima, svako je u nekom svom fazonu... Moderatoru 1 molba: da ne brise poruku, ovo nije poruka uvredljivog karaktera vec samo hocu da prestane to prozivanje bez kojeg se ja mislim moze, a ako je nesto trebalo da se brise to je poruka na koju kucam reply, jer ako vredja nekog koga volim da slusam i ja se nadjem "uvredjen". stay cool...;]
rap.358 hercog,
-*- Ako neko zna za neki DOBAR cd klub neka javi (i br. telefona) -*- Posto sam na Ceraku bilo bi dobro da javite za one na potezu CD klub BAN, Banovo brdo, Nikolaja Gogolja XXX (ne znam tačno broj) Sale
rap.359 chill,
Dva kratka wav-a iz pesama 'Latin Lingo' i 'Psychobetabuckdown' od Cypress Hill-a 2 x WAV, 16 bit, Mono, 22.050 kHz, PCM... ch.arj
rap.360 mango,
> > Ima mnogo rapera koje mrzim ali postujem tudji ukus pa necu da > > prozivam.... > Ma> Treba razlikovati ukus od neukusa;)) 2pac spada u ovo drugo. > > Upravo o tome covek prica. Ko si ti (ili bilo ko) da odlucujes o tome > sta je dobro, a sta ne? Ako ti se ne svida Tupac, nemoj da ga slusas, > ali nemoj ni da ga pljujes. U pravu si. Ne treba kritikovati narodnjake. Kao ni 2paca. Neka svako slusa sta mu se svidja (ili bar sta misli da mu se svidja), ali bar neka se pise (ako se pise) u odgovarajucim temama. 2pacu nije ovde mesto (opet je to moje misljenje, kome se ne svidja neka ne cita;)
rap.361 mango,
> Kakav si ti bre covek??? Sta te boli kakav je ko. Ako ti se ne svidja > drzi usta zatvorena kao sav "kulturan" svet. Kao sto rekoh mnogo rapera Zasto? Zar ne smem da imam svoj misljenje o odredjenoj pojavi? Ili treba da cutim i da trpim sve nametnute stvari kao svaki dobar cika Slobin pionir iz drugog Dnevnika? Jednostavno je to moje misljenje, ako se ne slazes tvoj komentar itd. > Moderatoru 1 molba: da ne brise poruku, ovo nije poruka uvredljivog > karaktera vec samo hocu da prestane to prozivanje bez kojeg se ja mislim Nije bila ni moja (uostalom kao ni ova).
rap.362 thug,
Onda da otvorimo grupe: 1. 2pac 2. Semsa & JV 3. Biggy 4. Ice Cube 5. Dr. Dre 6. ... ... Sto je po meni malo besmisleno!? Ali, dobro, nije bitno, nevermind, just forget it, let's not bring up the old shit... stay CooL :) ? thug
rap.363 chill,
>> Onda da otvorimo grupe: >> 1. 2pac >> 2. Semsa & JV >> 3. Biggy >> 4. Ice Cube >> 5. Dr. Dre >> 6. ... Brojevi 1 i 2 već imaju svoju temu, zove se yu.folk... :)
rap.364 mango,
> Onda da otvorimo grupe: > Sto je po meni malo besmisleno!? > > Ali, dobro, nije bitno, nevermind, just forget it, let's not bring > up the old shit... Ma ne, nisi me razumeo:(( Zasto bi ova tema sluzila samo za slanje slika, textova isl. Zar u ovoj temi nema mesta za rasprave o rapu kao pojavi i znacaju tog pravca, idejama, a i o samim izvodjacima? Ili mozda ovdasnji raperi o tome malo znaju? BTW sinoc sam video na jednoj zurKi onog ortaka iz Who is the best. Covece, koja je to mrcina!
rap.365 sofke,
Th> Ako neko zna za neki DOBAR cd klub neka javi (i br. telefona) Th> Posto sam na Ceraku bilo bi dobro da javite za one na potezu Th> Cerak-Centar. mrzi me da lutam naokolo... CD Klub "Ban" na Banovom Brdu, tel.551-223.
rap.366 thug,
> > Brojevi 1 i 2 vec imaju svoju temu, zove se yu.folk... :) > ....ccccc.... Imao sam neko misljenje o tebi, sad ni to... thug
rap.367 thug,
> Ma ne, nisi me razumeo:(( Zasto bi ova tema sluzila samo za slanje > slika, textova isl. Zar u ovoj temi nema mesta za rasprave o rapu > kao pojavi i znacaju tog pravca, idejama, a i o samim izvodjacima? > Ili mozda ovdasnji raperi o tome malo znaju? BTW sinoc sam video na > jednoj zurKi onog ortaka iz Who is the best. Covece, koja je to mrcina! Pa i to sto kazes... Problem je u tome sto ima dosta ljudi (i toliko cudi :)) ), ja sam za to, samo sto sam osetljiv po pitanju toga sta slusam, ali nije frka, nadam se da se niko nije nasao uvredjen, moze biti da ja gledam jednostrano...:) Ali eto npr. sto neki ljudi ne vole 2pac-a; -ne svidja im se njegov stil... -"prodao se" (???) - ... Gledaj na to s ove strane: on je od pocetka bio iskren - ako moze da od svojih pesama uzme pare, rekao je; onda OK - uzecu pare A, sad budite posteni - vi ne biste uzeli pare (milione $) da mozete... Ali uvek je ostao dosledan, i svom nacinu zivota, one ljude koje ne voli (s razlogom -> kradu mu pesme) javno isproziva (setite se "Hit 'em Up") pa makar ga to kostalo..., svoje ortake nikad nije zaboravio. A, iznad svega ja kad ga slusam, ja njegove pesme prvo osetim pa onda cujem. Nije to onaj klinacki fazon 2pac je moj idol i sl. sranja... Isto tako volim i Cypress Hill zato sto rade tako uduvane pesme, pa ih tako i slusam (u tom stanju), sto se toga tice najjaci su....:))) Bone Thugs-n-Harmony -> mocno,mocno,mocno (Creepin On Ah Come Up - da se zna) I eto, neko ce na ovo reci cool, covek slusa fine stvari... Neko ce pak reci sranje, to nije rap, a da ih pitam sta je onda to, ali u biti me boli uvo, svako ima pravo na svoje... c-ya :) thug
rap.370 panco,
> CD klub BAN, Banovo brdo, Nikolaja Gogolja XXX (ne znam tacno tel 551223
rap.371 chill,
>> Ali eto npr. sto neki ljudi ne vole 2pac-a; >> -ne svidja im se njegov stil... Stil?! Zar ga (je) on ima(o)? >> -"prodao se" (???) >> - ... Nije. Problem je što je on uvek bio 'prodat'... Da bi se neko 'prodao' (tj. da bi prešao u komercijalu) on mora prvo da bude van komercijale (da bude hardcore, underground...) on to naravno nikada nije bio... >> Gledaj na to s ove strane: on je od pocetka bio iskren - ako moze da od >> svojih pesama uzme pare, rekao je; onda OK - uzecu pare Da su svi tako gledali na to, rap bi propao još 1984... :) Hmmm, bilo je još mnogo 'rapera' koji su sledili tu logiku, zvali su se: MC Hammer, Vanila Ice, Snow, C&C Music Factory... :))) >> A, iznad svega ja kad ga slusam, ja njegove pesme prvo osetim pa onda >> cujem. Da ti pravo kažem i ja njegove pesme 'prvo osetim pa onda čujem'... Naime, posle prvih deset sekundi odmah povratim... gadan osećaj... :)) >> Bone Thugs-n-Harmony -> mocno,mocno,mocno (Creepin On Ah Come Up - da >> se zna) :)))) E, ovo će se rapom nazivati kad ja budem oslobodjen vojske zbog neuhranjenosti... :)) >> I eto, neko ce na ovo reci cool, covek slusa fine stvari... Teeeeško...
rap.372 chill,
Ice-T "Power" power.jpg
rap.373 chill,
Ice Cube "AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted" wanted.jpg
rap.374 chill,
Cypress Hill cypress.jpg
rap.375 chill,
>> Ice-T "Power" Levo na slici je Ice-T-jeva žena (nisu u braku, ali žive zajedno već desetak godina i imaju ćerku). Desno je njegov DJ, Evil-E.
rap.379 chill,
Autor: Public Enemy Naslov: Lost at Birth Album: Apocalypse 91... The Enemy Strikes Black Godina: 1991. pe__lost.ra
rap.380 miloscar,
Evo posto vidim da se ovde zahuktala rasprava moram i ja da se ukljucim :)) Prvo zasto mesate CYPRESS HILL sa ostalim grupama kada to ne moze da se strpa u vrecu sa ostalima Oni su tolko dobri da njihova najgora pesma ne postoji jer su skoro sve podjednako ravne ALi zato postoje i najbolje u rap-u a to su njihove ! Jedino sto im zamera je tsto su onu pesmu sa TEMPLES OF BOOM BOOM BIDDY BYE BYE uradili sa onom "soul" grupom FUGEES Ali sta ces !!! I znate po cemu je njihova originalnost po tome sto oni ne rade na foru east west nego su ne zavisni i zato ne mogu da se stave nigde ajde kolko ljudi koji ih "kao" slusaju znaju odakle su p averovatno malo Zato sto ej to i njihov cilj tj. bio cilj Da nisi postali ljubomorni mamu im narkomansku !!! I samo da kazem da nema grupe koja moze da im se poredi a ja pored njih slusam i bone ali samo 1 album i HoP koji nisu ni preterano dobri ni losi i da WU-TANG koji na albumu ENTER THE WU-TANG 36 CHAMBER nemaju po meni ni jednu sranje pesmu Ali jebiga znao sam da ce da se sranje dogodi sa 2 albumom zato ga necu ni slusati da ne pokvarim misljenje Mada postoji strava pesma REUNITED ali nema veze 1 je zakon !! ajde naka kaze neko 1 pesmu ko je slusao celu kasetu da je sranje i zasto !!!!
rap.381 miloscar,
I samo da dodam nesto u raspravi oko bone Onaj ko ih ne slusa misli da su sranje zato sto na mnogo rap kompilacija ima pesma sa njihovog drugog albuma 1 ST OF DA MONTH sto je ne vidjeno sranje kao i ceo drugi album ali nisu oni prvi takav slucaj posto im je prvi album bio najprodavanji album u SAD ne neznam tacno dali 93 ili 94 a to je zato sto im je sve uradio ERICK WRITGH I sto je strava ispalo 6 pesama svaka je strava mislim bas dobra pogotovu 1 strana !! Ali opet nemogu ni da se priblize Momcima iz cypress hill-a Ali opet nije puno takvih a i ne treba da ih bude !!! P.S. Jel znate kolko ima ljudi u gradu kkoji se "kao" primaju na C.H. a ne znaju ni ko su clanovi ni cak kolko ih ima skandal mislim e od toga mi se povraca !!!
rap.382 slick,
>> Autor: Public Enemy >> Naslov: Lost at Birth >> Album: Apocalypse 91... The Enemy Strikes Black >> Godina: 1991. To carrrrre! Keep 'em coming! (Jel moze nesto sa ovog zadnjeg Muse Sick N Hour Mess Age?) Sto se tice on-going rasprave oko 2PACA, s'obzirom da sam ja to na neki nacin zapoceo, red je i da doprinesem diskusiji... Errrm... Drustvo moje, konferencije i sluze izmedjuostalogizato da se u njima iznose misljenja, vode konstruktivne diskusije etc,etc. Mozda takva mala uskocica kao sto je "2PAC SUX" i sluzi za animiranje ove teme. Ako neko misli da nisam u pravu sto se tice dwopeka, i ima potrebu da me ubedi da njegova muzika ima nekakve veze sa rap-om, samo napred. Meni licno on i vecina "repera" sa MTV-a idu na zivce, i njihova muzika mi vise lici na nekakav niggerski pop nego na rep. A cini mi se da je i on sam, kao osoba overhypovan, verovatno zbog toga sto su ga oladili. (Roknuli su ga! Wow, koji car!) poz. mk82
rap.383 mango,
> Ali eto npr. sto neki ljudi ne vole 2pac-a; > -ne svidja im se njegov stil... Sto ga ja ne volim: muzika mu je preslaba za moj ukus (ili premeka), sem toga mislim da to nije rap, bar ne po mojim pojmovima, i to pre svega tematski. Zato mene i nervira veliki deo danasnje rap scene: izgubili su ideju. Svi pricaju o pljackama i pickama:) > A, sad budite posteni - vi ne biste uzeli pare (milione $) da mozete... Naravno da bih uzeo- pitanje je samo kako bih ih upotrebio. > Neko ce pak reci sranje, to nije rap, a da ih pitam sta je onda to, ali u > biti me boli uvo, svako ima pravo na svoje... To se zove kradja, iliti iskoriscavanje glupe mase (NHF).
rap.384 mango,
> Da bi se neko 'prodao' (tj. da bi presao u komercijalu) on mora prvo > da bude van komercijale (da bude hardcore, underground...) on to naravno Komercijala je vestacki pojam. Ko kaze da komercijalna stvar ne moze da bude dobra? Sem toga veliko je pitanje sta spada u komercijalu, a sta ne.
rap.385 miloscar,
MI> Sto ga ja ne volim: MI> muzika mu je preslaba za moj ukus (ili premeka), sem toga mislim MI> da to nije rap, bar ne po mojim pojmovima, i to pre svega MI> tematski. EJ dosta sa tim sta sada je svako glavni rap-er ko sto vise ispljuje 2-pac-a i sto vise ga ocrni osto neko ne pocne da crni nekog debelog sa istoka ko duplo veci komercijalista ali pola vas nije ni culo za njega nego svi znaju da je 2-pac sranje sranje i nije rap ej kakva je to glupost sta je to aa funky ej znate kolko grupa ima sto se vode kao rap a nisu ni blizu rap on je bio potpuno u tom fazonu To sta ce da peva bilo mu je nametnuto ceo talas naseg rap krenuo je pod njim kako moze neko da kaze da nije rap !! Jel slusao neko HIT 'em UP to je pesma zakon i ja zato necu da kazem da je on sranje iako ga ne slusam samo kazem da nije bio za to gangstersko sranje nije imao talenat za rap !! Ali se trudio A svi vi koji ono niej 2-pac rap to je neko sranje nikad ga nisam slusao jet istina da je imao 2 solidne pesme po albumu ali i tako je bolji od nekih !! Ja ga ne volim iz cistog razloga sto mrzim svako gangstersko sranje i to kao face u odelima znate ko je govnar onaj nas i ostali mafijasi a da slusam gangsta rap sigurno bi 2-pac bio u mom repertoaru i zato ostavite 2-pac-a svako ima svoj ukus muzike !!! Ta rasprava se odvija izmedju chill-a i thug-a i necete sad da is[adnete glavni ako pljuinet 2pac-a
rap.386 chill,
>> Prvo zasto mesate CYPRESS HILL sa ostalim grupama >> kada to ne moze da se strpa u vrecu sa ostalima >> Oni su tolko dobri da njihova najgora pesma >> ne postoji jer su skoro sve podjednako ravne >> ALi zato postoje i najbolje u rap-u a to su njihove ! Cypress jeste zakon! Ali samo prva dva albuma, treći je OK, ali nije to to. Prvi album je haos, možda jedan od najboljih rap albuma ikada... >> Jedino sto im zamera je tsto su onu pesmu sa TEMPLES OF BOOM >> BOOM BIDDY BYE BYE uradili sa onom "soul" grupom FUGEES Slažem se. BTW: Fugees su gola govna, užas. >> P.S. Jel znate kolko ima ljudi u gradu kkoji se >> "kao" primaju na C.H. a ne znaju ni ko su clanovi >> ni cak kolko ih ima skandal mislim e od toga mi se >> povraca !!! Ista priča sa rapom u celini! :(( Znaš li koliko kicoša ima koji 'kao' slušaju rap, a ceo rap im se svodi na Šupac-a, Snoop-a, Nas-a, Fugees, Gru-a i sl. To su sve teški slepci!
rap.387 chill,
>> Komercijala je vestacki pojam. Ko kaze da komercijalna stvar ne >> moze da bude dobra? Može, tu i tamo (Insane in the Brain, New Jack Hustler, Walk this Way...) >> Sem toga veliko je pitanje sta spada u komercijalu, a sta ne. Nije to toliko komlikovano. Vrlo jednostavno. Ako neko pravi muziku onako iz zajebancije (da ne kažem iz ljubavi), pa sad ta pesma postane hitić (tj. mediji je isforsiraju, tako da se svidi prosečnim, površnim slušaocima muzike) to je OK. Ali kada neko počne pesme da pravi SAMO da bi zaradio pare (vidi pod 2pac, Snoop, Fugees i sl.) to je komercijala. Pojam komercijala se odnosi na proces stvaranja, na način razmišljanja prilikom pravljenja pesama. Zato veliki raperi (Public Enemy, Ice-T, Ice Cube, BDP i sl.) izdaju najviše po jedan album za 18 meseci... Kažu da je posle (navodne) smrti Šupac-a ostalo oko 200 njegovih pesama!!! Čoveče... pa koja je to mašinerija, niko ne može da me ubedi da to nije komercijala, pa ko normalan može da ima 200 pesama u šteku, užas...
rap.388 chill,
>> jel znate kolko grupa ima sto se vode >> kao rap a nisu ni blizu rap on je bio potpuno u tom fazonu Ko ih vodi? Kritičari?! Pa od kad se njihovo mišljenje važi... :)
rap.389 dr.iivan,
> >> Sem toga veliko je pitanje sta spada u komercijalu, a sta ne. > > Nije to toliko komlikovano. Vrlo jednostavno. Ako neko pravi muziku > onako iz zajebancije (da ne kazem iz ljubavi), pa sad ta pesma postane > hitic (tj. mediji je isforsiraju, tako da se svidi prosecnim, povrsnim > slusaocima muzike) to je OK. Ali kada neko pocne pesme da pravi SAMO > da bi zaradio pare (vidi pod 2pac, Snoop, Fugees i sl.) to je > komercijala. Stop! Evo ga. Prosecan ljubitelj koji muziku deli na komercijalnu i ona koja to nije. Molim te da me ispravis ako nisam u pravu: Znaci, ja bih morao da znam zasto neko zeli da pravi i pravi muziku. Kada to saznam, onda, ukoliko je pravi da bi zaradio pare - to je komercijala i to ne slusam, a ako je pravi radi svog zadovoljstva, onda to nije komercijala i to slusam. Cudno, a ja sam mislio da se muzika slusa zato sto mi se svida.
rap.390 miloscar,
Evo uploadovo sam novu pesmu od CYPRESS HILL-a Ali desilo se nesto do sada meni ne vidjeno napisao mi je mesceni limit za upload prekoracen steta zato pozurite !!!! Pesma je HAND ON THE PUMP jos jedna strava pesma !!! 1.Sa kog je albuma 2.Nadimci clanova grupe 3.Sa kim je Cypress Hill u svadji i ako znate zasto a i ne morate 4.Koja je pesma posvececna tom drkadziji :))) ( abrem jednu ) 5.I sta je sada sa grupom Cypress hill jebiga znam da ima puno pitanja ali sva su neverovatno laka jednio je ovo za svadju izdvojeno od drugih ali to nemorate da izdvijite vazno je da odgovorite na ovo i pesma je vasa !!!! P.S. Jel slusao neko od vas GENIUS-ov album LIQUID SWORD valjda se tako zove i novi je valjda video sam ga danas kod skc !!! Kakav je !!!!!
rap.391 chill,
>> Molim te da me ispravis ako nisam u pravu: Znaci, ja bih morao da znam >> zasto neko zeli da pravi i pravi muziku. Kada to saznam, onda, ukoliko >> je pravi da bi zaradio pare - to je komercijala i to ne slusam, a ako je >> pravi radi svog zadovoljstva, onda to nije komercijala i to slusam. Naravno da nisi u pravu. To se sve vidi kroz samu muziku. Najčešće su prvi albumi najiskreniji i najoriginalniji. Posle, ako dopustiš da te producenti uzmu pod svoje, gotov si. Ako neko počne da prati trendove, ako počne da se šlihta publici, i da ne pravi ono za šta on misli da je zaista OK, već pravi ono za šta zna da će se svideti publici... Eee tu već nisu čista posla. Naravno, promene su neminovne, ali jedno je slediti neke uticaje samo zato jer se oni dobro prodaju, a drugo je polako se vremenom menjati... Najkonkretniji primer 'prodavanja' je N.W.A. Oni su bili mnogo dobra grupa. Članovi su bili: Ice Cube, Dr. Dre, Easy-E, MC Ren i Yella... U početku su se pojavljivali po kompilacijama, da bi 1988. izdali genijalan debi album Straight Outta Compton. Taj album je za to vreme bio nešto neverovatno, zajedno sa Ice-T-jem (Rhyme Pays) i BDP-om (Criminal Minded), predstavljao je početak gangsta rapa. Što se zvuka tiče, taj album se uzima za prvi album tzv. New Jack Switch-a na koji su se kasnije svi (više-manje) primili. Šta se onda desilo? Videvši koliko para mogu da namlate, odmah su se oko njih nakupili raznorazni japiji i krvopije. Da tragedija bude veća svi članovi (osim Ice Cuba) nisu imali ništa protiv. Tako da su već sledeće godine dobili novog menadžera (belca, jevreja). Tu su počele svadje i preseravanja. Svi osim Ice Cube-a su se odselili iz Comptona (na koji su tako mnogo bili ponosni na prvom albumu). Ice Cube, koji je uporno insistirao da ostanu hardcore, da se ne prodaju, napustio je grupu i otišao u New York. Ovi picopevci su ostali u radili su SVE što su produ- centi zahtevali od njih. Tako da su postali upravo ono protiv čega su najviše i bili dok je Ice Cube bio sa njima, napravili su od sebe ono što je svaki belac u Americi želeo da vidi, umesto grupe drskih i pametnih crnaca, koji imaju nešto pametno da kažu, postali su gomila tupana koja po ceo dan psuje, puškara, pije, i ne radi ništa... Žalosno. Njihov drugi album (Niggaz4life, 1991.) je živa sramota za rap. Ceo album je snimljen za 4 meseca, što samo po sebi već dovoljno govori... Niggaz4life je totalno blaćenje svega onoga što je do tada bilo uradjeno u rap muzici. Kao da su se utrkivali medju sobom ko će više puta da kaže 'fuck' ili ko će sebe da predstavi kao veću stereotipnu crnčugu. Na tom albumu su se mogle i čuti izjave tipa "I call myself a nigga 'cose I gotta gun..." ili "I call myself a nigga 'cose I talk all that shit...". Posle ovoga albuma su se raspali... >> Cudno, a ja sam mislio da se muzika slusa zato sto mi se svida. Izmedju ostalog i zbog toga...
rap.392 thug,
> > Drustvo moje, konferencije i sluze izmedjuostalogizato da se u > njima iznose misljenja, vode konstruktivne diskusije etc,etc. > Pogledaj jednu od chill-ovih poruka (reply) od pre neki dan (mislim juce) i reci mi da je to rasprava tj. diskusija. U toj poruci nema nista imalo konstruktivno ni za decju svadju, a kamoli raspravu, posebno zbog toga sto je veoma grubo izvukao moje reci iz kontexta.... Ali necu da se smaram time, niti da ulazim u diskusije koje nisu to, ja shvatam da ima dosta rapere (izvodjaca), a to je dobro jer svako moze naci nesto za sebe, za svoju dusu. Chill, ti verovatno najvise slusas Ol' School, mani se to bas ne dopada, ali ako je to tvoj fazon, mene nije briga, ja licno vise volim rap od '93 pa nadalje, ali ne zelim da pomislis (posto imam takav osecaj) da sam ja jedan od onih napaljenih klinaca koji gutaju sve i svasta (muzika mislim...) Kao klinac sam slusao sve i svasta (nemojte da tripujete, nisam nisko padao...) sve dok se nisam pronasao u rap-u.Slusao sam tada sve, jos imam kuci Public Enemy, Ice-T, NbN,a sada sam malo odredjeniji, ali kao sto vidis ja NIKADA ne bih pljuvao po nekome i pisao "P.E. SUX" jer svoje misljenje drzim za sebe, a mislim Mango bese rekao da nece da cuti ko pionir ili sl., ali to nije cutanje, jer takva izjava nije baza za diskusiju vec klasicna prozivka... Ubedjenja je najteze menjati... Ostajte u zdravlju... c-ya :) thug
rap.393 thug,
> > > Neko ce pak reci sranje, to nije rap, a da ih pitam sta je onda to, ali u > > biti me boli uvo, svako ima pravo na svoje... > > To se zove kradja, iliti iskoriscavanje glupe mase (NHF). kakva kradja ???????????????????? Necemo valjda ko od koga krade. Od 2pac-a su se dosta nakrali... thug
rap.394 thug,
> albumu ali i tako je bolji od nekih !! Ja ga ne volim iz cistog > razloga sto mrzim svako gangstersko sranje i to kao > face u odelima znate ko je govnar onaj nas i ostali > mafijasi a da slusam gangsta rap sigurno bi 2-pac bio u > mom repertoaru i zato ostavite 2-pac-a svako ima svoj ukus Bas zbog foliranja u odelima i sl. nesto manje volim Snoop-a... Ali da budem jasan, 1. album mu je stvarno dobar, a i imam osecaj da rade dobre pesme dok ne stisnu jace pare, onda pocinje foliraza... Ali 2pac je do kraja ostao "true to the game" nije nikoga zaboravio, svi ce reci da je bio dobar drug, i nije krenuo sa foliranjem kao Snoop. Sad cete reci, dobro, a sta je onda Rolex, 1-2 kg nakita.... To je tamo u fazonu, steta je sto su to ovde dizeli i cigani istrosili pa je blam..., jer nakit (takve vrste) je tamo u rap fazonu. Osimm toga, sta ocekujete, da covek hoda po ulici u gacama pa da onda mozete reci da se nije prodao!? thug
rap.395 thug,
> > Slazem se. BTW: Fugees su gola govna, uzas. > Ovde se slazemo...:)) > Znas li koliko kicosa ima koji 'kao' slusaju rap, a ceo rap im se svodi > na Tupac-a, Snoop-a, Nas-a, Fugees, Gru-a i sl. To su sve teski slepci! > Slusam: 2pac, Cypress Hill, Snoop, Wu-tang, Ice Cube, Dre, Thug Life, The 2 Live Crew, House of Pain, Bone Thugs-n-Harmony... Nesto vise, nesto manje. A, ti? Fugees, Gru, Monte...,bla bla... znas i sam ko, prezirem, sramota, ti rece uzas, katastrofa, smece...etc. poz, thug
rap.396 thug,
> > Pojam komercijala se odnosi na proces stvaranja, na nacin razmisljanja > prilikom pravljenja pesama. Zato veliki raperi (Public Enemy, Ice-T, > Ice Cube, BDP i sl.) izdaju najvise po jedan album za 18 meseci... Ha Ha Ha Ha, znaci Snoop Doggy Dogg ipak nije komercijala... Posle koliko je izasao Tha Doggfather? (nakon Doggy Style-a) > > Kazu da je posle (navodne) smrti Supac-a ostalo oko 200 njegovih pesama!!! > Covece... pa koja je to masinerija, niko ne moze da me ubedi da to nije > komercijala, pa ko normalan moze da ima 200 pesama u steku, uzas... > Moze, ali samo 2pac... To samo moze da znaci da nije lezilebovic, u fazonu puca mu k**ac, on je ipak ulozio dosta truda u to. Ajde ti smisli 200 pesama, a da nisu bez veze... Sad ces reci; pesme su mu bez veze. Znaci ako se neciji album prodaje onda je to zato sto su mu pesme bez veze!? Zaboravih da spomenem i to zasto neki ljudi smatraju 2pac-a komercijalom. Kao zato sto se poceo intenzivnije prodavati (albumi) i slusati posle "smrti". A ja sam slusao 2pac-a i davno pre toga, tako da nisam jedan od "onih" nalozenih ! A, i ono za 200 pesama to je navodno, a svi mi vrlo dobro znamo koliko je to precizno..... thug
rap.397 thug,
E, ljudi ajmo na spavanje... :)))))
rap.398 mango,
> P.S. Jel znate kolko ima ljudi u gradu kkoji se > "kao" primaju na C.H. a ne znaju ni ko su clanovi > ni cak kolko ih ima skandal mislim e od toga mi se > povraca !!! Sto je sramota ne znati ko su clanovi omiljene grupe i koliko ima clanova?? Mene npr. nikad nije interesovalo da saznam ko su ti ljudi koji rade ono sto mi se svidja i sto je dobro jer je to prakticno nemoguce. A imena k'o imena, ne znace mi nista, kao uostalom ni razni tracevi.
rap.403 chill,
>> Ali necu da se smaram time, niti da ulazim u diskusije koje nisu to, ja >> shvatam da ima dosta rapera (izvodjaca), a to je dobro jer svako moze >> naci nesto za sebe, za svoju dusu. Problem je što većina tih 'rapera' i nemaju neke veze sa pravim rapom. :) Oni sami sebe prozivaju raperima, a sirotinja raja se odma' primi. Tako da kad neko 'izabere nešto za svoju dušu' on misli da sluša rap, ne shvatajući da je to daleeeeko od toga... Meni ne smeta što vi slušate Šupac-a, Snoop-a, Bone Thug i sl. Ali čemu insistiranje da je to hardcore rap? OK, istina je da oni (koliko-toliko) rapuju, ali prošla su vremena kada je rap bilo sve ono što nije pevanje! Rapovanje kao način interpretiranja tekstova pesama je davno prešlo okvire rap muzike. Sad svi rapuju, iako su muzičke podloge soft-funk, soul i sl. Sami ste se prozvali G-Funkom (Warren G.), eto, budite G-Funkeri, ne laskajte sebi da ste raperi! >> ja licno vise volim rap od '93 >> pa nadalje, ali ne zelim da pomislis (posto imam takav osecaj) da sam >> ja jedan od onih napaljenih klinaca koji gutaju sve i svasta (muzika >> mislim...) Pa sad, nije da ne ostavljaš takav utisak. Ali, ako ti kažeš... :)
rap.404 chill,
>> Ali 2pac je do kraja ostao "true to the game" nije nikoga >> zaboravio, svi ce reci da je bio dobar drug, i nije krenuo sa >> foliranjem kao Snoop. Nije se folirao?! Pa, jel si ti, bre, njega video dok je bio u Digital Underground-u? Kakav je to paćenik bio! Bio je manji od makovog zrna, pravi kicoš. Meni se nikada D.U. nisu previše svidjali, ali i u tako osrednjoj grupi on se isticao po džiberizmu. Posle, kada sam ga video u filmu Juice, jedva sam ga prepoznao. Mnogo se prokurčio... >> Sad cete reci, dobro, a sta je onda Rolex, 1-2 kg nakita.... >> To je tamo u fazonu, steta je sto su to ovde dizeli i cigani istrosili >> pa je blam..., jer nakit (takve vrste) je tamo u rap fazonu. Pa i nije baš... Konkretno, ogromne kajle su ostale u osamdesetim, a ove fore sa skupim odelima i satovima, hmmmm kako kod koga, uglavnom oni koji drže do sebe ne ističu to u prvi plan. >> Osim toga, sta ocekujete, da covek hoda po ulici u gacama pa >> da onda mozete reci da se nije prodao!? Pa kada bi čuo da će to da mu proda album, ISTOG TRENA bi se svukao! :)
rap.405 chill,
>> Slusam: >> 2pac, Cypress Hill, Snoop, Wu-tang, Ice Cube, Dre, Thug Life, The 2 >> Live Crew, House of Pain, Bone Thugs-n-Harmony... >> >> Nesto vise, nesto manje. A, ti? Public Enemy, Boogie Down Productions, Ice-T, Cypress Hill, E.P.M.D, House of Pain, Ice Cube, Funkdoobiest, Run D.M.C., Onyx, Big Daddy Kane, Sir Mix-a-Lot, Eric B. & Rakim, Naughty by Nature, A Tribe Called Quest, Lord Finesse, Tim Dog, Stetsasonic i sl...
rap.406 chill,
>> > Pojam komercijala se odnosi na proces stvaranja, na nacin razmisljanja >> > prilikom pravljenja pesama. Zato veliki raperi (Public Enemy, Ice-T, >> > Ice Cube, BDP i sl.) izdaju najvise po jedan album za 18 meseci... >> >> Ha Ha Ha Ha, znaci Snoop Doggy Dogg ipak nije komercijala... >> Posle koliko je izasao Tha Doggfather? (nakon Doggy Style-a) Tačno sam znao da ćeš da se uhvatiš za ovo. To što je radio album dugo kao normalni autori, ne čini ga normalnim. Uostalom, čujem da se drugi album ne svidja ni najvećim SDD frikovima. Pa šta je onda radio toliko dugo? Bar je ono mumlanje i zavijanje koje on naziva rapom lako napraviti... :) >> Moze, ali samo 2pac... >> To samo moze da znaci da nije lezilebovic, u fazonu puca mu k**ac, on >> je ipak ulozio dosta truda u to. Ajde ti smisli 200 pesama, a da nisu >> bez veze... Sad ces reci; pesme su mu bez veze. Pa problem je što on i nije autor tolikih pesama, o tome ti pričam! Napravili su od njega teen-idola, važno je samo da se on pojavi na spotu, a šta će da izgovara i kako će to da zvuči, prepustite 'stručnom timu' koji je posle detaljne analize ciljne grupe potrošača odlučio da album i imidž treba da izgleda tako-i-tako... Žalosno, stalno se pojavljuju takvi seljaci i zaradjuju pare na budalama! >> A, i ono za 200 pesama to je navodno, a svi mi vrlo dobro znamo koliko >> je to precizno..... Pa tako se priča, a i pre mesec dana je to isto rečeno na STB-u.
rap.407 thug,
> > Meni ne smeta sto vi slusate Tupac-a, Snoop-a, Bone Thug i sl. Ali cemu > insistiranje da je to hardcore rap? OK, istina je da oni (koliko-toliko) > Cekaj, ko je uopste rekao da je to hardcore rap ? Kad svi znaju za Gangsta rap... Nekome se gangsta rap dopada :) nekome ne.... Covek je dovoljno samostalan da bira sta ce slusati. thug
rap.408 thug,
> Uostalom, cujem da se drugi album ne > svidja ni najvecim SDD frikovima. Pa sta je onda radio toliko dugo? Bar je > ono mumlanje i zavijanje koje on naziva rapom lako napraviti... :) > Tacno, ni meni se njegov drugi album ne svidja, ostaje da cekamo pa da vidimo na sta ce liciti 3. Ako bude sranje, onda slobodno pisite Snoop govno itd..., ali ja cu reci da mi se dopada njegov 1. album koji je odlican. > > Pa problem je sto on i nije autor tolikih pesama, o tome ti pricam! > Kako ti znas ko radi cije pesme. Ti samo pricas, a bez imalo cvrste podloge, pa ce oni malo slabije informisani reci, pa da, u pravu je ovaj chill, sve zna... > > >> A, i ono za 200 pesama to je navodno, a svi mi vrlo dobro znamo koliko > >> je to precizno..... > > Pa tako se prica, a i pre mesec dana je to isto receno na STB-u. > Gde!? Da te pitam, sta ti podrazumevas kad se kaze da rade (neki izvodjac, grupa...) radi(e) na albumu: kao da oni taj trenutak sednu i smisle (stvore) 15-ak pesama? Oni imaju vec uradjene textove, mozda cak i instrumentale, a kad treba uraditi album onda se te stvari doteravaju, modifikuju... thug
rap.409 miloscar,
MI> Sto je sramota ne znati ko su clanovi omiljene grupe i MI> koliko ima clanova?? Mene npr. nikad nije interesovalo MI> da saznam ko su ti ljudi koji rade ono sto mi se svidja MI> i sto je dobro jer je to prakticno nemoguce. A imena k'o MI> imena, ne znace mi nista, kao uostalom ni razni tracevi. Ej slusaj ti izgleda nisi nasao smisao text-a ja sam i govorio o ljudima kao sto si ti navodni RAP-er ako slusas nekog i taj ti je najbolji i ako ti je stvarno u srcu uradices sve da saznas sto vise o njima sta se desava kakvi su sto vise slika u tome je char a to sto ti "kao" slusas CYPRESS HILL a ne znas ko su ckanovi samo trebas da se ubijes i sigurno si cuo samo 3 pesme i ono oni su zakon najbolja grupa za tebe cuo si samo ono sto se pusta na tv i na radiu e pa o takvim sam ja i pricao samo sto ti to nisi shvatio!!!!! Jeli sto ne uzemes i pisi kako slusas WU_TANG valjda njima znas clanove i koji im je cilj pesama i sa cim se zabavljaju i zasto su uopste zajedno !! Ali en sigurno si video na zidu izpred kuc njihov znak cuo da su rap svideo ti se znak i naziv CLAN i odm asi ti cvrsti pristalica !!!!!
rap.410 miloscar,
MI> 2pac, Cypress Hill, Snoop, Wu-tang, Ice Cube, Dre, Thug Life, MI> The 2 Live Crew, House of Pain, Bone Thugs-n-Harmony... UUUU kakav sareni repertoar nisam mogao da izdrzim a da ne iskomentarisem e pa ovako to se vazi i na chill-ov izbor :: prvo i najvaznije ( za mene ) CYPRESS HILL <==> ICE ( govno ) CUBE sramota spojiti ih cak na istoj strani a ne u istoj grupi !!!! WU-TANG <==> 2PAC ,SNOOP , DRE ,THUG LIFE Postoji podela na east i west ali to nekome ne znaci mnogo !! The live crew --> E to je sramota za rap a ne 2pac Reci mi samo ali iskreno jel imas ti sve kasete svih ovih grupa !! i reci jel ih sve slusas ono po ceo dan si sa kasetama i samo njih slusas ili si to nekad slusao ali sto veca lista to bolje !! P.S. Dabog da film ANAKONDA ne dobio ni 1 milon dollara Da propadne i to maximalno I sad vi dvidite ko je komercijala ! SUX ::: ICE-T , P.E. ,ICE-CUBE ,DRE ,2PAC ,SNOOP ,BIGGIE ,SCARFACE !
rap.411 miloscar,
Ne znam ko je rekao da snoop je dugo radio na 2 albumu E pa nije dugo radio stvar je bila u tome sto je bio osumnicen za ubistvo Plicajca Sto se delimicno moze saznati sa intro-a doggfather I tako je veliki deo vremena proveo u zatvoru ili na sudjenju i sada je pusten i uradio je drugi labum za jako kratko vreme !!! A 1 album je jako dobar zato sto je dre bio producent a svi znamo st to znaci a on mu je pomogao oko albuma] zato sto su njegov mladji brat W-G ,NATE DOG ,SNOOP DOGGY D. Imali grupu zaboarvio sam kako su se zvali !!! I tako je pocelco prijateljstvi izmedju snoop-a i dre-a i svi znamo da je to bilo strava DEEP COVER !! Ali nije dugo trajalo !!!
rap.412 mango,
>>> Komercijala je vestacki pojam. Ko kaze da komercijalna stvar ne >>> moze da bude dobra? > > Moze, tu i tamo (Insane in the Brain, New Jack Hustler, Walk this Way...) Evo, da dam najdrasticniji primer za koji mnogi kazu da je komercijala. REM. Da li ti mislis da su komercijala i da li ti se svidjaju? > Nije to toliko komlikovano. Vrlo jednostavno. Ako neko pravi muziku > onako iz zajebancije (da ne kazem iz ljubavi), pa sad ta pesma postane > hitic (tj. mediji je isforsiraju, tako da se svidi prosecnim, povrsnim > slusaocima muzike) to je OK. Ali kada neko pocne pesme da pravi SAMO > da bi zaradio pare (vidi pod 2pac, Snoop, Fugees i sl.) to je komercijala. Kako znas zasto rade? Znam da se to oseti u muzici (a pre svega u nastupu), ali cesto se moze i pogresiti?
rap.413 mango,
Za pocetak, red bi bio da naucis da kucas i da se malo opismenis. > sta je to aa funky ej znate kolko grupa ima sto se vode > kao rap a nisu ni blizu rap on je bio potpuno u tom fazonu Muzicki pravci se medjusobno preplicu tako da je u mnogim slucajevima nemoguce precizno odrediti zanrovsku pripadnost. > nikad ga nisam slusao jet istina da je imao 2 solidne pesme po > albumu ali i tako je bolji od nekih !! Ja ga ne volim iz cistog I Sloba je bolji od Mire pa ga nesto ne volim... > muzike !!! Ta rasprava se odvija izmedju chill-a i thug-a > i necete sad da is[adnete glavni ako pljuinet 2pac-a U ovoj diskusiji ucestvujem od samog pocetka, pa ne vidim razloga da prestanem sa njom:)
rap.414 mango,
> Sad cete reci, dobro, a sta je onda Rolex, 1-2 kg nakita.... > To je tamo u fazonu, steta je sto su to ovde dizeli i cigani istrosili pa > je blam..., jer nakit (takve vrste) je tamo u rap fazonu. > Osimm toga, sta ocekujete, da covek hoda po ulici u gacama pa > da onda mozete reci da se nije prodao!? :)) Te lancuge su vrhunski primer neukusa. Ne interesuje me ko ih nosi, kic je kic. Ja licno nemam nista protiv odela.
rap.415 mango,
> za sebe, a mislim Mango bese rekao da nece da cuti ko pionir ili sl., ali > to nije cutanje, jer takva izjava nije baza za diskusiju vec klasicna Nikakva to nije prozivka, narocito ne tebi upucena. Ako imas potrebu da se poistovecujes sa 2pac, to je tvoj problem (stvarno je problem).
rap.416 chill,
>> Kako ti znas ko radi cije pesme. Ti samo pricas, a bez imalo cvrste >> podloge, pa ce oni malo slabije informisani reci, pa da, u pravu je >> ovaj chill, sve zna... E, mani me ovakvih izjava! To isto mogu i ja da kažem za tebe, al' neću jer zvuči previše patetično... ~~~~~~~~~ >> > Pa tako se prica, a i pre mesec dana je to isto receno na STB-u. >> > >> Gde!? U onoj (tupavoj) emisiji koja se prikazuje četvrtkom pre podne od 10-12...
rap.417 chill,
>> UUUU kakav sareni repertoar nisam mogao da izdrzim a da ne >> iskomentarisem e pa ovako to se vazi i na chill-ov izbor :: Jebiga, ja sam i Ice Cube-a, House of Pain i Cypress Hill slušao mnogo pre nego što su se oni isposvadjali medju sobom... To što se oni džapaju, to je njihova stvar... Zabole me... >> P.S. Dabog da film ANAKONDA ne dobio ni 1 milon dollara >> Da propadne i to maximalno I sad vi dvidite ko je komercijala ! Vala, film jeste vrljav. Ice Cube definitivno nema ukusa kada je biranje uloga u pitanju... (Ovo ne važi za Trespass i Boyz n the Hood) >> SUX ::: ICE-T , P.E. ,ICE-CUBE ,DRE ,2PAC ,SNOOP ,BIGGIE ,SCARFACE ! Prva tri stoj, ostali napred... :))
rap.418 chill,
>> Evo, da dam najdrasticniji primer za koji mnogi kazu da je komercijala. >> REM. Da li ti mislis da su komercijala i da li ti se svidjaju? Ne svidjaju mi se previše... Isto pitanje može da se postavi i za U2, Sting-a, Bjork i sl. ali to je već za neke druge teme. Nisam dovoljno slušao njihove stvari tako da ne mogu da polemišem... >> Kako znas zasto rade? Znam da se to oseti u muzici (a pre svega u >> nastupu), ali cesto se moze i pogresiti? Može, al' potrudi se da ne pogrešiš... :)
rap.419 miloscar,
MI> Za pocetak, red bi bio da naucis da kucas i da se malo opismenis. To je zato sto pisem sve on-line zato da mogu da kazem ono sto mislim odma po procitanoj poruci prvi utisak A moj utisak o ovoj tvojoj je da mi ti izgledas ko neki pravi THRUE rap-er .Ajde molim te HIPHOPERU Sto tako pljujes 2PAC-a napisi koje ti grupe slusas i naucime nesto o njima posto ne slusam rap nego disco ili funk pa mi ti objasni sta je rap i koje su to grupe najbolje i jel znas bar po 10 pesama od svake grupe mora da ih ima barem 5 sigurno je tako !!!! Ajde molime te nabroj ako ti nije tesko ali ako ne znas smisli molim te nesto originalno a ne nesto u stilu "BAS CU SAD TEBI DA BRAJAM" ili "KO SI TI DA SE JA TEBI PRAVDAM" Bas me zanima zivo koje su te grupe i dal je to sve strava rap i nije ni trunku komercijala nego Straight in da game I napisi mi molim te onu foru "HARD CORE IS NOT JUST A BOYS FUN" To bi onako pokazalo da si ti pravi u srcu !!!!
rap.420 thug,
> > UUUU kakav sareni repertoar nisam mogao da izdrzim a da ne > iskomentarisem e pa ovako to se vazi i na chill-ov izbor :: > Sta mogu kad si ogranicen na Wu-tang i Cypress Hill... > > WU-TANG <==> 2PAC ,SNOOP , DRE ,THUG LIFE > Postoji podela na east i west ali to nekome ne znaci mnogo !! > Kao sto rekoh, ograniceni su opredeljeni samo na east ili west. Ja slusam NAJVISE west coast, ali ako nadjem nesto dobro sa east coast-a onda su mi OK, necu da nekoga mrzim samo zato sto je East, mada tamo ima najvise grupa koje ne volim... > > Reci mi samo ali iskreno jel imas ti sve kasete svih ovih grupa !! > i reci jel ih sve slusas ono po ceo dan si sa kasetama i samo > njih slusas ili si to nekad slusao ali sto veca lista to bolje !! > Kasete ili diskovi.... Nemoj krivo da me shvatis. Kakvu cu muziku tj. grupu slusati ovisi o mom raspolozenju, a sem toga vec sam rekao neke vise, neke manje. Npr. kad mi dodje devojcica necu da pustam nesto jace (Wu i sl.) vec nesto neutralno, 2 Live Crew, nesto tako, opet ovisno sta radimo :) A, sem toga mene nije sramota reci isto kao ni chill-a, sta sve (ali SVE) slusam. Fala bogu da mi svi nemamo iste ukuse, kad bi ti rekao sta SVE slusas, naravno da bih nasao nesto sto se meni ne dopada... > > SUX ::: ICE-T , P.E. ,ICE-CUBE ,DRE ,2PAC ,SNOOP ,BIGGIE ,SCARFACE ! Mislio sam da smo rascistili sa tim klinackim fazonima, ali kao sto vidim neko uvek kasni... thug
rap.421 thug,
> > U ovoj diskusiji ucestvujem od samog pocetka, pa ne vidim razloga > da prestanem sa njom:) Tacno tako. Kao da se smo se ja i Chill sada zakacili pa vi ostali treba da cutite... Smisao confe je da se ljudi ukljuce i da svako ima pravo reci svoje misljenje. Ovde jednostavno pokusavamo da na lep nacin izlozimo argumente, i bas zato me vredjaju prozivke (xxx SUX, xxx SUX), jer bar ne treba da se oko toga svadjamo. Pa cak se ni dizeli medjusobno ne kace oko toga! c-ya :) thug
rap.422 thug,
> > Nikakva to nije prozivka, narocito ne tebi upucena. Ako imas potrebu > da se poistovecujes sa 2pac, to je tvoj problem (stvarno je problem). Ko se poistovecuje!?!? Sta ti mislis da ja kad cujem njegovu pesmu reagujem kao: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, secem vene.... Volim da ga slusam, ali sve u umerenosti, umerenost u svemu. you're WrOnG :))))) thug
rap.423 thug,
> > >> Kako ti znas ko radi cije pesme. Ti samo pricas, a bez imalo cvrste > >> podloge, pa ce oni malo slabije informisani reci, pa da, u pravu je > >> ovaj chill, sve zna... > > E, mani me ovakvih izjava! To isto mogu i ja da kazem za tebe, al' necu > jer zvuci previse pateticno... > ~~~~~~~~~ Ja bar nisam tako nesto sa tom sigurnoscu tvrdio... thug
rap.424 thug,
> >> SUX ::: ICE-T , P.E. ,ICE-CUBE ,DRE ,2PAC ,SNOOP ,BIGGIE ,SCARFACE ! > > Prva tri stoj, ostali napred... :)) > E bas me vuces... Nisam hteo to da kazem, ali... Oces malo realnosti u lice? Volis bas Ice Cuba? Ko se najvise ispljuvao po belcima? Ti si pripadnik crne rase? Ice Cube nije rasista!? Sta bi ti rekao kad bi se upoznao s njm!? Koliko god da ga volis, njemu puca k***c za tebe i tvoje bi se misljenje o njemu draaaaasticno promenilo kad bi popricao sa njim (sto je naravno tesko ostvarljivo, ali pretpostavimo...) thug
rap.425 thug,
E bas sam sinoc pricao o ovome sa ortakom (mc.kuzma), kome je sve ovo smesno. Samo sam hteo da kazem da kad se upoznam sa nekim ko slusa npr. P.E., ili sl. meni je to OK, necu mu reci, jebote sta ti slusas, kakvo sranje, jer me bole za to, necu biti toliko sebican da celom svetu tupim sta je pravi rap, ili slicne zvake, (da namecem svoje misljenje).... Jer vecina ljudi je u fazonu da slusa najbolje, fala bogu, ja isto tako razmisljam, ali ne trudim se da to urlajuci saopstim ostatku mase oko mene... I jos da kazem, sve ostalo su gola govna :( thug
rap.426 slick,
Mimo tekuce diskusije... Jel' zna neko gde ima da se kupe CDovi Public Enemy il' Cypress Hill. Imao sam malu "nezgodu" sa opremom, pa mi osta samo CD-Player. Ako znate i cene (okvirno) ne ustrucavajte se...;) 10x
rap.428 gligo,
> o ljudima kao sto si ti navodni RAP-er ako slusas nekog i taj > ti je najbolji i ako ti je stvarno u srcu uradices sve > da saznas sto vise o njima sta se desava kakvi su sto vise > slika u tome je char a to sto ti "kao" slusas CYPRESS HILL a ne > znas ko su ckanovi samo trebas da se ubijes i sigurno si cuo > samo 3 pesme i ono oni su zakon najbolja grupa za tebe cuo si > samo ono sto se pusta na tv i na radiu e pa o takvim sam ja i > pricao samo sto ti to nisi shvatio!!!!! Meni npr. muzika nije sve u zivotu i trudim se da se uz nju maksimalno opustim i nemam nameru da sebi punim glavu novim imenima,brojevima etc. Nemam opsesiju da jurim imena clanova one ili ove grupe vec jednostavno uzmes kas i ....... Tebi je RAP verovatno bitna stvar u zivotu i zato svaka cast al'ne mozes sve ljude da trpas u isti kos. Naravno ni onaj koji nezna neke elementarne stvari o Rap-u ne treba glumiti nekog rap-era,oblaciti se kao rap-er i crtati po zgradama (ko sto ti kazes) 'betmenove' znakove Naravno ja sebe ne smatram rap-erom vec 'samo' slusam RAP Vec 2,3 godine,sto smatram da je veoma malo,al'ajde... A mislim da je velika razlika izmedju onoga 'biti rap-er' i slusati rap muziku. Mozda gresim, daj mi dokaze.......
rap.429 miloscar,
> Meni npr. muzika nije sve u zivotu i trudim se da se uz nju > maksimalno opustim i nemam nameru da sebi punim glavu novim > imenima,brojevima etc. Nemam opsesiju da jurim imena clanova > one ili ove grupe vec jednostavno uzmes kas i ....... > Tebi je RAP verovatno bitna stvar u zivotu i zato svaka > cast al'ne mozes sve ljude da trpas u isti kos. > Naravno ni onaj koji nezna neke elementarne stvari o Rap-u > ne treba glumiti nekog rap-era,oblaciti se kao rap-er i > crtati po zgradama (ko sto ti kazes) 'betmenove' znakove > Naravno ja sebe ne smatram rap-erom vec 'samo' slusam RAP > Vec 2,3 godine,sto smatram da je veoma malo,al'ajde... > A mislim da je velika razlika izmedju onoga 'biti rap-er' > i slusati rap muziku. > Mozda gresim, daj mi dokaze....... E tu si upravu jel ti mozes da slusas muziku iz zajebavanja ali nisi onda rap-er i nemozes da se primas na to to je uredu tebi muzika nije tolko bitna u zivotu a meni je jako bitna jako jako!!
rap.430 miloscar,
> Sta mogu kad si ogranicen na Wu-tang i Cypress Hill... Jesam samo na njih i pomalo na house i bone i onyx ali samo to ja necu da napisem da slusam neku grupu ciji mi se pesme ne svidjaju ili koji imaju 2 dobre pesme i onda da ja njih slusam zato sto imam njihovu kasetu U tome nije fora zato mrzim kasete a obozavam diskove zato sto mogu da namestim odredjene pesme a ne da slusam sva govna sto je razlika sa wu i cypress koji mogu da slusam i nikad da mi ne dosade mogo bi naizmenicno da ih slusam ceo dan i nebi mi odsadilo !!! Skoro svaku pesmu znam napamet !! Imam ja 2 ice-cube ali necu da pisem sta terba da se hvalim kako to slusam u tome nije fora.Ako se meni ne svidja a svidja mi se neko ne znam ko ja cu da napisem za tog da mu hvalim album maxci8malno jer u tome je car nije stvar napraviti jedan hit vec napraviti dobar album !!! Imam ja gomilu kaseta ali slusam ih jako retko ali necu da ih poklonim neka stoje ali znam sta slusam !@@@ Onyx mi se ne svidja sto pola albuma im i nije nesto house nije los ali nemaju strava pesme nemaju ni tolka sranja npr. ovaj zadnji disc je strava dok melt nije nesto posebno ( strava :put ya head. ,jump around ) ni EVERLAST nije nesto posebno !!! Bone nisu nista ali im je eazy-e uradio strasno 1 album tako da mi se jako svidja !!!!! a sve ostalo nije nista !!!!! P.S. Dabog da tajson izgubio i ICE-CUBE slomio nogu :))) !!!
rap.433 chill,
>> Ti si pripadnik crne rase? Nisam. >> Ice Cube nije rasista!? Nije. O:) >> Sta bi ti rekao kad bi se upoznao s njim!? "Zdravo, ja sam Ivan..." :)) >> Koliko god da ga volis, njemu puca k***c za tebe i tvoje bi se >> misljenje o njemu draaaaasticno promenilo kad bi popricao sa njim (sto >> je naravno tesko ostvarljivo, ali pretpostavimo...) Ajde?! :) A kad sam ja rekao da bi se on oduševio kad bi me upoznao?! Kad sam ja veličao Ice Cube-a?! Ne brinem o takvim hipotetičkim glupostima! Komentar ti je skroz suvišan, i van teme o kojoj pričamo... BTW, jebe se crnčugama (a i svima ostalima) za celu našu nazadnu državicu, sa sve svima nama u njoj. :)
rap.434 chill,
>> Jel' zna neko gde ima da se kupe CDovi Public Enemy il' Cypress Hill. >> Imao sam malu "nezgodu" sa opremom, pa mi osta samo CD-Player. >> Ako znate i cene (okvirno) ne ustrucavajte se...;) U Knez Mihajlovoj, na drugom spratu Elektrotehnine prodavnice imaš CD Shop u kome se, izmedju ostalog, prodaju SVI albumi PUBLIC ENEMY-a po ceni od 110 dinara po disku. Prvi Cypress imaš u Music Hole-u, u prizemlju City Passage-a, za 40 dem...
rap.435 chill,
Autor: Public Enemy Naslov: By the Time I Get to Arizona Album: Apocalypse 91... The Enemy Strikes Black Godina: 1991. arizona.ra
rap.436 chill,
Autor: Public Enemy Naslov: By the Time I Get to Arizona Album: Apocalypse 91... The Enemy Strikes Black Godina: 1991. I'm countin' down to the day deservin' Fittin' for a king I'm waitin' for the time when I can Get to Arizona 'Cause my money's spent on The goddamn rent Neither party is mine not the Jackass or the elephant 20,000 nig niggy nigas in the corner Of the cell block but they come From California Population none in the desert and sun Wit' a gun cracker Runnin' things under his thumb Starin' hard at the postcards Isn't it odd and unique? Seein' people smile wild in the heat 120 degree 'Cause I wanna be free What's a smilin' fact When the whole state's racist Why want a holiday Fuck it 'cause I wanna So what if I celebrate it standin' on a corner I ain't drinkin' no 40 I B thinkin' time wit' a nine Until we get some land Call me the trigger man Looki lookin' for the governor Huh he ain't lovin' ya But here to trouble ya He's rubbin' ya wrong Get the point come along An he can get to the joint I urinated on the state While I was kickin' this song Yeah, he appear to be fair The cracker over there He try to keep it yesteryear The good ol' days The same ol' ways That kept us dyin' Yes, you me myself and I'ndeed What he need is a nosebleed Read between the lines Then you see the lie Politically planned But understand that's all she wrote When we see the real side That hide behind the vote They can't understand why he the man I'm singin' 'bout a king They don't like it When I decide to mike it Wait I'm waitin' for the date For the man who demands respect 'Cause he was great c'mon I'm on the one mission To get a politician To honor or he's a gonner By the time I get to Arizona I got 25 days to do it If a wall in the sky Just watch me go thru it 'Cause I gotta do what I gotta do PE number one Gets the job done When it's done and over Was because I drove'er Thru all the static Not stick but automatic That's the way it is He gotta get his Talin' M.L.K. Gonna find a way Make the state pay Lookin' for the day Hard as it seems This ain't no damn dream Gotta know what I mean It's team against team Catch the light beam So I pray I pray everyday I do and praise jah the maker Lookin' for culture I got but not here From jah maker Pushin' and shakin' the structure Bringin' down the babylon Hearin' the sucker That make it hard for the brown The hard Boulova I need now More than ever now Who's sittin' on my freedah' Opressor people beater Piece of the pick We picked a piece Of land that we deservin' now Reparation a piece of the nation And damn he got the nerve Another niga they say and classify We want too much My peep plus the whole nine is mine Don't think I even double dutch Here's a brother my attitude hit 'em Hang 'em high Blowin' up the 90s started tickin' 86 When the blind get a mind Better start and earn while we sing it Now There will be the day we know those down and who will go
rap.437 thug,
> >> Ice Cube nije rasista!? > > Nije. O:) > Ha ha haha.....:) > > Ajde?! :) > A kad sam ja rekao da bi se on odusevio kad bi me upoznao?! > Kad sam ja velicao Ice Cube-a?! > Spomenuo sam to cisto zato sto izgleda mrzis ostalo (sto ja slusam), pa rekoh da vidimo realno... > Komentar ti je skroz suvisan, i van teme o kojoj pricamo... Sta, ne svidja ti se moj komentar? Ako ti mislis da je Ice Cube van teme RAP, onda OK, anyway, ja mislim da se ovde moze pricati i o nekom drugom sem Tupaca >BTW, jebe se crncugama (a i svima ostalima) za celu nasu > nazadnu drzavicu, sa sve svima nama u njoj. :) > Pa, naravno, zato i tupim da ne treba medjusobno da se svadjamo oko njih, kad ih zabole... thug
rap.438 thug,
Show little respect.... It ain't nothin like the Ol' School...:) olschool.ra
rap.439 zkis,
Dosadni ste vise sa prozivanjem svega zivoga.Ko voli 2pac-a nek ga slusa ko ne jer je komercijalan neka poslusa 2pacalypse now i strictly 4 my n.i.g.g.a.z. a ko ga uopste nevoli nek ga neslusa.Oko bone thugsa jeste istina da je 2 album najvise prodat zbog ERIC "EAZY-E" WRIGHT-a a ne zbog erick.... ali treba poslusati i prvi(creep....).Sto se tice the 2 live crew da nije rap poslusajte as nasty as we want to be itd nemojte suditi ljudima zbog jedne greske...
rap.440 miloscar,
Evo zasto mu ja jebem mater nije zato sto ga svi prozivaju da je komercijala nego zato sto misli da je bogom dan da je on glavni i najpametniji !!! Evo izvadio sam deo pesme koju je poslao thug u kojoj je to pokazao zastoej klosar nemoze on protiv boljih !! Svi znate kome je taj deo pesme upucen kom RAPeru !!!!!!!!!! 2pac@old.ra
rap.441 miloscar,
Nema Sale Sa O N Y X -om :))) Ako ih nekada videite na ulice bezite ili ce vam doci STICKY i reci sledece :))))))))))))) !!!!!! balheads.ra
rap.442 chill,
>> Spomenuo sam to cisto zato sto izgleda mrzis ostalo (sto ja slusam), pa >> rekoh da vidimo realno... To isto ja mogu da kažem za tebe i Šupac-a, ali ne vidim poentu... :) >> Sta, ne svidja ti se moj komentar? >> Ako ti mislis da je Ice Cube van teme RAP, onda OK, anyway, ja mislim >> da se ovde moze pricati i o nekom drugom sem Tupaca Mislio sam na deo koji je bio u fazonu "jebe se njemu za tebe...". I nisam rekao da je van teme RAP, već da nema veze sa onim o čemu raspravljamo...
rap.443 chill,
>> Sto se tice the 2 live crew da nije rap poslusajte as >> nasty as we want to be itd nemojte suditi ljudima zbog jedne greske... Slažem se. Nisu oni toliko loši, iako na prvi pogled ostavljaju takav utisak.
rap.444 dzim,
Yo, watz up? Ja pito vec jednom, da nema neko mozda rechi sa albuma PREDATOR od Ice-Cubeta. Slao je neko neshto al nema pesma Wicked a ona mi samo ni treba. Mozda ja i greshim pa ta pesma nije uopshte sa tog albuma, al nema veze...:) Uglavnom, treba text od pesme Wicked, tako da ako neko ima, slobodno nek poshalje... Stay chill.
rap.445 mango,
E, ja necu biti u Beogradu izvesno vreme, ali nemojte misliti da se povlacim iz diskusije (bezim), u avgustu eto mene opet:)
rap.446 chill,
>> Ja pito vec jednom, da nema neko mozda rechi sa albuma >> PREDATOR od Ice-Cubeta. Slao je neko neshto al nema pesma >> Wicked a ona mi samo ni treba. Mozda ja i greshim pa ta pesma >> nije uopshte sa tog albuma, al nema veze...:) Toga nema nigde. Dok mi je trajala pretplata za Internet ubio sam se tražeći, i nema je baš NIGDE! :(((
rap.447 dzim,
Toga nema nigde. Dok mi je trajala pretplata za Internet ubio sam se trazeci, i nema je bas NIGDE! :((( OK, al ima je na tom albumu? Meni to ustvari treba zato shto su tu pesmu obradili KORN i tamo pishe Ice-Cube, album Predator. Pa ono, mozda kupim ceo album il uzmem od nekog da pochujem shta baja kaze, poshto ovog iz Korna ne mozesh razumeti...
rap.448 thug,
> > Mislio sam na deo koji je bio u fazonu "jebe se njemu za tebe...". I nisam > rekao da je van teme RAP, vec da nema veze sa onim o cemu raspravljamo... > Kako bre nema veze!!! Zar ne trazimo mane ??? Znaci ovde se moze pricati samo o Tupacu, ja ne smem reci zasto se meni neki raper ne svidja!? Onda se bunite da se non-stop prica samo o Tupacu.... Ali, nema potrebe za reply, posto je izgleda diskusija polako privedena kraju...:) thug
rap.449 miloscar,
Imam sjajnu ideju ajde svako da pocne da pljuje onoga koga ne voli :))))))))))))))) Ajde to bi bilo najbolje 8)))))) Ili da bude neko takmicenje ko vise zna ????? :)))
rap.450 l.tanja,
.> Imam sjajnu ideju ajde svako da pocne .> da pljuje onoga koga ne voli :))))))))))))))) .> .> Ajde to bi bilo najbolje 8)))))) ajde ne :)
rap.452 chill,
>> OK, al ima je na tom albumu? >> Meni to ustvari treba zato shto su tu pesmu >> obradili KORN i tamo pishe Ice-Cube, album Predator. Eeee, aj tu pesmu uradi u RealAudio formatu pa je okači, baš me zanima na šta liči! Ja ću da ovih dana, da okačim Ice Cube-ovu verziju...
rap.453 chill,
>> Imam sjajnu ideju ajde svako da pocne >> da pljuje onoga koga ne voli :))))))))))))))) Nemam toliko pljuvačke. :)))))
rap.454 chill,
>> ajde ne :) Podržavam predlog. :))
rap.455 miloscar,
MI> >> ajde ne :) MI> MI> Podrzavam predlog. :)) Ajde da :)))))) Imam jos bolju ideju za temu posto je ovde tema otisla predaleko od rap-a i sada svako pise u nju videvsi da je ovde pravi sou program imam ideju ajde svako da napise sta bi uradio da od nekoga dobije 5 miliona dolara :)))))))))))))
rap.456 juice,
Ja bas pokusah da pljujem po Wu Tangu da su nevidjeno,vanzemaljsko, budalasto i vise ti ni ja ne znam kakvo **** , kad mi moderator obrisa moju poruku.Takav je zivot,sta mogu.Nema ovde slobode govora niti slobode nicega zivog.Ali necu mnogo da pljujem po moderatoru jer moze da se desi da mi zabrani pristup ili smanji nivo pristupa,pa zato bas ne bih (a u stvari bih). Inace,kao sto sam vec rekao,ali vi sigurno niste uspeli da procitate,nemojte mnogo da pljujete po 2pacu,jer da njega nije bilo 90% devojcica ne bi slusalo rap.Setite se onih "peder-balova" od pre 3-4 godine.A on im je bio sladak i.... tako je sve pocelo. Zato,bar imajte malo postovanja prema coveku. Pozdrav!Juice! P.s.Ocel i ovo da se obrise,tj ponisti?
rap.457 miloscar,
MI> Ja bas pokusah da pljujem po Wu Tangu da su MI> nevidjeno,vanzemaljsko, budalasto i vise ti ni ja ne znam kakvo MI> **** , kad mi moderator Ja sam procictao i proslu poruku a ti sto kazes da je WTC sranje nemas pojma kolko si ih puta cuo jednom ili samo neke pesme ili si cuo ovaj novi sranje album pa onda tako pricas !!! A i kad kazes da je WTC sranje znaci mislis i na sve clanove !!!!!!!!!! A pravo sranje je ICE-T glavni gagnsterski peder ciganin ,glupa faca strasan je :))))))))))))))))))) pa o kome jos da pisem da :))) gru je strava sto njega neko dira a neko bolji je napolju Ma ustvari nemate vi pojma gru je najaci raper na svetu dok je CYPRESS HILL tako nevidjeno sranje da mu nije ni prineti pa da naravno i wtc je sranje !!!!!! E pa sve gang j esranjjjjjjjejejejejejejejejejejejejejjejee cela straight west cost :)))))))))))))))))))))))) Pa da se i meni jedna poruka izbrise :)))))
rap.458 chill,
>> Meni to ustvari treba zato shto su tu pesmu >> obradili KORN i tamo pishe Ice-Cube, album Predator. Kad smo već kod obrada, pade mi na pamet... Jel čuo neko kako su Kanda, Kodža i Nebojša obradili "I don't wanna be called yo niga" od Public Enemy-a? Kakva je ono smejurija... :)))))) Simpatično. :))
rap.459 chill,
>> imam ideju ajde svako da napise sta bi uradio >> da od nekoga dobije 5 miliona dolara :))))))))))))) Kupio bih ceo tiraž svih Šupac-ovih albuma i spalio bi ih na Trgu Slobode! :)))
rap.460 chill,
Autor: Ice-T Naziv: THE GIRL TRIED TO KILL ME Album: The Iceberg / Freedom of Speech... Just Watch What You Say! Prosečna pesma. Nezvanično PRVA Bodycount-ova numera... the_girl.ra
rap.461 chill,
Autor: Ice Cube Naziv: WICKED Album: The Predator Možda najbolja rap pesma. Nastala (kao i ceo album) posle ogromnih rasnih nemira u Los Andjelesu (i ostalim velikim gradovima SAD-a), krajem aprila 1992. Uticaj je očigledan! Ako ne slušate rap, ipak skinite ovu pesmu... Sidu leči! :) U spotu za ovu pesmu 'glavne uloge' tumače Anthony i Flea iz grupe Red Hot Chili Peppers, a Ice Cube šeta bradu na kojoj bi mu pozavideo i sam Vuk Drašković. :)) wicked_.ra
rap.462 miloscar,
MI> Kupio bih ceo tiraz svih Supac-ovih albuma MI> i spalio bi ih na Trgu Slobode! :))) :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Ti si stvarno zaludjen :))))) Ovako ja bi prvo kupio jednu veliku kucu u Amsterdamu i tamo bi odveo celo drustvo a onda bi kupio i neki veliki stan u menhetnu !!! I jedan deo para bi stavio u stek a ostatak jedno 2 miliona bi dao da sakupim ove magarce iz Cypress hill-a i dovedem ih u new-york da snime opet novi album :)))) i da ga ja produciram naravno finansiski :))))))))))))))))))))))))) I onda bi se vratio u Amsterdam :)))))
rap.463 miloscar,
MI> Kanda, Kodza i Nebojsa video sam ja njih koji su to pacenici 2 ribe i on neki kosijaneer :))))))
rap.464 chill,
>> video sam ja njih koji su to pacenici >> 2 ribe i on neki kosijaneer :)))))) Članova ima komada: 5, a od riba nema ni 'R' :)
rap.465 miloscar,
MI> Clanova ima komada: 5, a od riba nema ni 'R' :) E pa ne moguce posto sam ih video pre jedno pola godine hteli da se slikaju ispred moje zgrade na ceraku i mi ih zajebavali i oni otisli ali tada su bili to 2 ribe i jedan klosar sa ogromnom kosom i kad su se slikali drzali tablu KANDA,KODZA I NEBOJSA na kartonu napisano markerom bilo mi je poznato ime ali nisam mogao da se setim tacnog faktora tih klosara sta oni pevaju ????????
rap.466 miloscar,
Evo nesto cisto zato sto sam se primio na ONYX da se zna ko su face ipak oni su najaci i najludji i to su dokazali da nisu samo napaljene crnje nego da su stvarno ludi !!!1 I da se zna da ne vole nikoga ko nije iz BROOKLYN-a i ko je picka !!! STICKY FINGAZ BIG DS FREDRO SUAVE The real kings of BROOKLYN :))))) onyxcar.ra
rap.467 miloscar,
Ej jel ima od vas neko kasetu tj. soundtrack filma FRIDAY -- (kolko mi je tesko da ovo izgovorim) Da neko skine pesmu LET NIGGAZ KNOW od grupe THREAT Pesma je nevidjeno dobra ali bas ne vidjeno ide nesto u fazonu ODB ali nema veze strav su je uradili ajde da te je i naravno ROLL IT UP,LIGHT IT UP,SMOKE IT UP Jao Jao Jao kaku su mu strava pesmu ostavili ali bas strava Ali nema veze film je bas strava jedan od najboljih rap-erskih Ali najaci je onaj SMOUKIE !!! :))))) Kalva faca !!!!!! P.S. Jel ima neko da mi da na jedan dan Disc ENTER THE WTC 36.. dacu mu neki svoj da ne misli da cu da mu dignem treba mi da narezem sebi jedan takav a da dam 150 din za original nije uredu !!!!!
rap.468 slick,
Public Enemy She Watch Channel Zero?! .RA format zero.ra
rap.469 miloscar,
Samo da znate posto mi se za 7 dana gasi ovaj user a pocinje sa radom novi CYPRESS@SEZAM.CO.YU Da vise nece biti Miloscar-a ali zato je tu neko jos bolji :))))))))) !!!!!
rap.470 thug,
> > procitate,nemojte mnogo da pljujete po 2pacu,jer da njega nije bilo > 90% devojcica ne bi slusalo rap.Setite se onih "peder-balova" od > pre 3-4 godine.A on im je bio sladak i.... tako je sve pocelo. Bravo, carrrrre!!!!!!!! Ti si u jednoj recenici objasnio ono o cemu raspravljamo danima...:)))))) Ne znam za vas, ali ribe u mom zivotu igraju veeeeeoma veliku ulogu.... Moja devojcica ne slusa rap (u fazonu slusa sta joj se svidi....), ali kad je u mom drustvo (alone or NoT!?) ja pustim 2pac-a i ..... Know what I'm sayin....;))) Inace, nisam se javljao iz razloga sto sam vreme proveo sa gore navedenom boginjom, ali sad u'vatih vremena.... Juica za predsednika (ili bar Moderatora) :)))))) thug
rap.471 thug,
> > >> imam ideju ajde svako da napise sta bi uradio > >> da od nekoga dobije 5 miliona dolara :))))))))))))) > > Kupio bih ceo tiraz svih Tupac-ovih albuma > i spalio bi ih na Trgu Slobode! :))) > Kupio bi nevidjenu zwwwwer, perverziju od ozvucenja, kupio dozvolu i odvaljivao Tupaca do dasssske, da ljudi vide, neko ce uzivati :>>>> I to sve u centru na Trgu "Slobode" (iza konja) i uzeo bi par crncuga (debelih) kao obezbedjenje.... :))))))))))))))))))) Smile, it could be Worse.... thug ;)
rap.472 thug,
> Ej jel ima od vas neko kasetu tj. soundtrack filma > FRIDAY -- (kolko mi je tesko da ovo izgovorim) Imam ja. thug
rap.473 chill,
>> Public Enemy >> She Watch Channel Zero?! >> >> .RA format Tooo! Svaka čas'... Daj "Rebel Without a Pause", ako nije problem...
rap.475 slick,
>> Aaaaa, pa to je vec bilo?!... Ti nisi bio!?... Eeee, steta... >> To je bilo ubedljivo najvece okupljanje 2pac-ovih fanova u gradu! >> Bilo je to 24. decembra prosle godine, i zvalo se "ZA SRBIJU"! Uh, oh, kakve su ovo prozivke ?! Mislim da si odgovorio na pogresnu poruku... ;) Nema veze...zuti karton. Anywayz, nemam "Rebel Without A Pause". Na CD-u imam samo neku shugi-shugi kompilaciju koju sam oteo nekom klincu (Public Enemy The Best Of), na kojoj, izmedju ostalog ima i 911 IS A JOKE Public Enemy (Flavor Flav) .RA format 911.ra
rap.476 miloscar,
MJ> Imam ja. To majstore ajde budi dobra Crncuga ili ti camuga :)))))) Pa snimi preko Mic ROLL IT UP,LIGHT IT UP,SMOKE IT UP A mozes ako te ne mrzi onu stvar LET NIGGAZ KNOW ako ti se svidja a pretpostavljam da je tako !!!! Samo nemoj kao 1 stvar da das Friday :((((((
rap.477 chill,
>> Mislim da si odgovorio na pogresnu poruku... ;) >> Nema veze...zuti karton. U pravu si... greška ispravljena...
rap.478 chill,
Hir vi go agen... %( :(( --------------------------------------------------------- >> Ti si u jednoj recenici objasnio ono o cemu raspravljamo danima...:))) Rečito, nema šta... još kad bi imalo veze sa muzikom... :)))) >> Kupio bi nevidjenu zwwwwer, perverziju od ozvucenja, kupio dozvolu i >> odvaljivao Tupaca do dasssske, da ljudi vide, neko ce uzivati :>>>> >> I to sve u centru na Trgu "Slobode" (iza konja) i uzeo bi par crncuga >> (debelih) kao obezbedjenje.... Aaaaa, pa to je već bilo?!... Ti nisi bio!?... Eeee, šteta... :(( To je bilo ubedljivo najveće okupljanje 2pac-ovih fanova u gradu! Bilo je to 24. decembra prošle godine, i zvalo se "ZA SRBIJU"! :))))))))
rap.479 thug,
> > To majstore ajde budi dobra Crncuga ili ti camuga :)))))) > Pa snimi preko Mic ROLL IT UP,LIGHT IT UP,SMOKE IT UP OK, ali za sada ce biti dosta Eazy-E: "Creep & Crawl" sa albuma ->Str8 off tha Streetz of Muthaphukkin Compton----> c-ya :) thug creep.ra
rap.480 inferno,
Ů│ ˙ Sad cete reci, dobro, a sta je onda Rolex, 1-2 kg nakita.... Ů│ ˙ To je tamo u fazonu, steta je sto su to ovde dizeli i cigani istrosili Ů│ ˙ pa je blam..., jer nakit (takve vrste) je tamo u rap fazonu. Cigani su svuda cigani.
rap.481 zkis,
Veceras je u bus-u rap-party ulaz 10 din muziku pusta illke pa ko hoce nek dodje...
rap.482 chadra,
Artist: Busta Rhymes feat. Zhane Album: The Coming Song: It's A Party br.txt
rap.483 chadra,
Uz poruku je tekst remix-a pesme Fed Up od House Of Pain hop.txt
rap.484 chadra,
trenutno vrlo aktuelni singl za pokojnika ;) Artist: Notorious B.I.G. Album: Life After Death Song: Hypnotize Verse 1: Ha. Sicker than your average. Poppa twist cabbage off instinct niggas don't think Shit stink. Pink gators. My Detroit playas. Tims for my hooligans in brooklyn. Dead right if the head right Biggie there e'ry night. Poppa been smooth since days of under rules Never loose. Never choose to bruise crews who do somethin' to us. Talk goes through us. Girls walk to us, wanna do us, screw us. Who us? Yeah Poppa and Puff. Close like Starsky and Hutch. Stick the clutch. Can I squeeze three at your cherry M3? Bang every MC easily, easily Recently niggas frontin ain't sayin' nutten. So I just speak my peace, keep my piece. CUBANS with the jesus piece. With my peeps. Packin', askin who want it. Ya got it nigga flaunt it. That Brooklyn bullshit, we on it. ~~chorus~~ Biggie, Biggie, Biggie can't you see? Sometimes your words just hypnotize me. And I just love your flashy ways, Guess thats why they're broke and your so paid. (repeate 2x) verse 2: I put hoes in N.Y. onto DKNY. Miami, D.C., prefered Versache. All Philly hoes dont want more Skee Lo. Every cutie with a booty bought a Gucci. Now whos the real dooky? Meaning whos really the shit? The niggas ride dicks. Frank white push the 6 or the Lexus LX 4 and a half. Bullet proof glass tints if I want some ass. Gonna blast research, ask questions like That's how most of these so called gangstas pass. At last a nigga rappin bout blunts and broads, tits and bras, Mana je tout. Sex in expensive cars. And still leave you on the pavement. Condo payed for, no car payments. At my araignment note for the plaintiff. "Your daughters tied up in a Brooklyn basement" Face it not guilty thats how I stay filthy. Richer than Richie till you niggas come and get me. ~~chorus~~ Verse 3: I can fill you with real millionaire shit. Escargo, my car go 160 swiftly. Reck it buy a new one. Your crew run run run. Your crew run run. I know you sick of this name brand nigga with flows, Girls say he's sweet like licorish, So get with this nigga it's easy. Girlfriend heres a pen call me round ten. Come through have sex on rugs that's Persian. Come up to your job hit you while your workin. For certain, Poppa freakin not speakin. Leave that ass leakin' like rapper dumb on. Tell 'em move, take your clothes off slowly. Hit 'em with the force like hobbie. Dick back like toby. Watch me roam like roam-ay. Lucky they don't owe me. Where the safe show me, Home-ay. ~~chorus~~
rap.485 chadra,
Puff Daddy-jeva obrada Grandmaster flash-a (The Message); Can't No Body Hold Me Down (featuring Mace) puff.txt
rap.486 chadra,
MC Lyte: Everyday Cold Rock A Party Keep On Keepin' On mcl.txt
rap.487 chadra,
Da Brat: Sittin' On Top Of the World Ghetto Love (feat. T-Boz) Let's All Get High (feat. Krayzie Bone) Just A Little Bit More db.txt
rap.488 chadra,
Foxy Brown: Get Me Home (feat. Blackstreet) Ill Nana (feat. Method Man) If I... I'll Be (feat. Jay-Z) fb.txt
rap.490 chadra,
Artist: Puff Daddy f/ 112, Faith Evans Album: Hell Up in Harlem LP/Tribute to the Notorious B.I.G. EP Song: I'll Be Missing You puff.txt
rap.491 chadra,
Pocev od pre dva dana, tj. od 08.07, svakog utorka ponovo hip-hop u BUS-u. Vise informacija za par dana...
rap.493 zkis,
Za BUS... Bice svakog utorka muziku pusta dj illke i zare ulaz 10 din prosli put je bilo mnoooogo dosadno jer nisu imali diskove(svega 30 komada) i to jedino 10-tak dobrih...Ovaj put bi trebalo da bude bolje mada neznam ko ce doci posto ljudi iz geto-a prave isto sad u utorak(15.7.) na slepu a znamo ipak sta su ljudi iz getoa. Ako neko nezna gde je slep to je ispod tramvajskog mosta na savi..
rap.494 chill,
Vratio sam se... Evo stiže malo fankdubijesta, ipiemdija i ajskjuba... :)
rap.495 chill,
Autor: Funkdoobiest Pesma: WHERE'S IT AT Album: Which Doobie U B? (1993) Vreme: 3:31 Dok su ostali članovi njihovih grupa džabalebarili, DJ MUGGS (Cypress Hill) i DJ LETHAL (House of Pain) nisu sedeli skrštenih ruku. Okupili su 3 rapera (jedan indijanac, jedan portorikanac, i jedan klempavi crnac) i nazvali ih FUNKDOOBIEST, uradili su im CEO album, i... tako je nastalo novo čudo iz produkcije Soul Assassins-a. Do sada su izdali 2 albuma ('Which Doobie U B?' i 'Brothas Doobie'). Odlični su. Mešavina Cypress Hill-a i House of Pain-a (što je i očekivano) :) where's.ra
rap.496 chill,
Autor: Funkdoobiest (featuring B-Real of Cypress Hill) Pesma: WOPBABALUBOP Album: Which Doobie U B? (1993) Vreme: 3:32 Eeee, za ovu pesmu su u goste pozvali B-Real-a iz Cypress Hill-a, pesma je zakon. Referen je sempl Little Richard-a 'Wopbabalubop-balem-bembum'... BTW, snimanje trećeg albuma ove grupe odloženo je za neko vreme jer je jedan od članova trenutno zauzet snimanjem porno filmova, pa ne bi želeo da dovede u pitanje svoju karijeru porno glumca... :)) wopbabal.ra
rap.497 chill,
Autor: E.P.M.D. Pesma: HEAD BANGER Album: Business Never Personal (1991) Vreme: 4:45 Jedna od boljih pesama sa poslednjeg zajedničkog albuma E.P.M.D-a (ime grupe je skraćenica za Eric and Parish Makin' Dollars), posle ovog albuma Eric je otišao solo, a ostatak grupe je nastavio da radi kao P.M.D... headbang.ra
rap.498 chill,
Autor: E.P.M.D. Pesma: KNICK KNACK PATTY WACK Album: Unfinished Business (1988) Vreme: 4:50 Zvuči poznato?! Pa naravno... S obzirom da su totalno nesposobni za bilo šta drugo Šupac i Dr. Dre su pokupili celu muzičku podlogu ove pesme i napravili jednu 'svoju' pesmu (koja se po ceo božji dan vrtela na MTV-u)... Toliko o iskorišćavanju i skrnavljenju svetinje. :)) knick.ra
rap.499 chill,
Autor: Ice Cube (featuring Flavor Flav of Public Enemy) Pesma: I'M ONLY OUT FOR ONE THANG Album: AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted (1990) Vreme: 2:09 Totalni free-style, nema refrena, nema strofa. Prvo Flavor, pa Cube pričaju priče o 'onim stvarima'... 1_thang.ra
rap.500 chill,
Autor: Ice Cube Pesma: NO VASELINE Album: Death Certificate (1991) Vreme: 5:05 Pesma je odgovor na sve prozivke koje su članovi njegove bivše grupe N.W.A. slali na njegov račun. Ako vam se sluša pet minuta pljuvanja po Dr. Dre-u, Easy-E-u, MC Ren-u, Yella-i i njihovom tadašnjem menadžeru-jevreju, skinite pesmu! BTW, Zvuči poznato?! Pa naravno... Rip-of ove pesme odradili su niko drugi do grupe SUNSHINE u pesmi 'MISS J'... Ccccc... :) vaseline.ra
rap.501 chill,
Autor: Beastie Boys Pesma: RHYMIN' & STEALIN' Album: Licensed to Ill (1986) Vreme: 3:48 Hmmm, ne volim ja previše Beastie Boys-e, ali imaju par zanimljivih pesama. Ova, i još nekoliko pesama, su uradjene uz 'malu' pomoć legendarnog Jam Master Jay-a (Run DMC)... rhymin'.ra
rap.502 chill,
Autor: Beastie Boys Pesma: FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT Album: Licensed to Ill (1986) Vreme: 3:10 Gitar-Hit za široke narodne mase! :) Ako se budem potrudio (u šta ne sumnjam), možda do kraja nedelje da nabavim ŽIVI snimak: BEASTIE BOYS featuring CYPRESS HILL "Watcha Ya Want"... fight.ra
rap.503 chill,
Zna li neko gde mogu da nabavim disk Chuck D. "Autobiography of Mistachuck"
rap.504 chadra,
Uz ovu i sledecu poruku ide nekoliko pesama sa najnovijeg albuma Wu-Tang Clan-a, "Wu Tang Forever"... As High As Wu-Tang Get Bells of War The Closing Second Coming Cash Still Rules/Scary Hours (still don't nothing move but the money) Deadly Melody Dog Shit Little Ghetto Boys Heaterz For Heavens Sake Impossible wu.txt
rap.505 chadra,
Intro A Better Tomorrow Triumph Visionz Wu-Revolution wu2.txt
rap.506 chadra,
Uz poruku idu tekstovi svih pesama sa Notorious B.I.G.-jevog poslednjeg albuma, "Life After death"
rap.507 dzim,
E, evo konachno shaljem pesmu WICKED u obradi KORNeta (original je Ice Cubetov). Svadjo sam se sa protokolom i te fore... Ajd poslushajte ovo, kao i original koji je Chill bachio, pa da bjesedimo... stay chill. wicked.ra
rap.508 chill,
>> E, evo konachno shaljem pesmu WICKED u obradi KORNeta (original je Ice >> Cubetov). Svadjo sam se sa protokolom i te fore... Bogami nije loše, čak šta više mnogo je dobro... P.S. Reci mi ime albuma i sl.
rap.509 nemanjas,
ako nekog interesuju nove rap ploche ima ih u City Pass, u nekoj prodavnici diskova dole,na poslednjem nivou, ima i novih orig. cd-a, rap ,soul, ... odlična je
rap.510 dzim,
Album se zove Life is peachy. ili po nekima Life is peechee, drugi po redu... Jeste, dobri su oni :))
rap.511 chill,
Autor: Ice-T Pesma: GIRLS LETS GET BUT-NAKED AND FUCK Album: Power Vreme: 3:23 UŽIVO u Vankuveru... girls.ra
rap.512 thug,
Da li ima neko textove Dogg Pound-a (Dogg Food)... Bio bih zahvalan na istim... c-ya :)
rap.513 chadra,
U grupi 'rap' ponovo ima mesta...zainteresovani neka mi ostave mail.
rap.514 lazai,
ja bih pristupio grupi
rap.515 chill,
Mogu ultra-povoljno da nabavim disk Westside Connection. Problem je što pojma nemam našta to liči, pa ako je neko preslušao neka mi ostavi utiske, i neka ih obavezno uporedi sa nekom drugom grupom... thanx... P.S. Znam sve priče o članovima i sl, interesuje me isključivo kakav je zvuk.
rap.516 lazai,
Ako neko ima neka mi posalje textove od Naughty by nature.
rap.517 legolas,
Može neko da mi objasni šta Sunshine kažu u 91 Prewiev? Možda sam ovo pitanje morao da postavim u forumu? Legolas
rap.518 chadra,
Notorious B.I.G.- Biography "I was a full time 100 percent hustler. Sellin' drugs, waking up early in the morning, hitting the set selling my shit 'til the crack of dawn. My mother goin' to work would see me out there in the morning. Thats' how I was on it." Twenty-year-old, Brooklyn born and bred, B.I.G., also known as Biggie Smalls, also known as Chris Wallace, used to be a hustler, but now he has other things occupying his time. Over the last two years, he has rapped on Mary J. Blige's remixes of "Real Love" and "What's The 411," appeared in Supercat's "Dolly My Baby" video, had his own single, "Party and Bullshit," from the Who's The Man? soundtrack, and performed at shows all over the country. With '94 comes B.I.G.'s debut album, Ready To Die. B.I.G.'s minimal exposure to the public has been more than enough to have the underground hip-hop heads finding for more of his crystal-clear, captivating rhymes. His lyrical style could also be described as listener-friendly, because every single word is decipherable and the details that he weaves together will paint the entire picture for you. At the end of a B.I.G. rhyme, you can visualize what happened just as clearly as if you were watching a movie. B.I.G. is considered the mayor of his Bed-Stuy neighborhood. Everyone knows his big, black, towering presence as barks out like an army general. Everybody speaks to him, from old ladies to little kids, and he has something to say right back to all of them. "Hey, Ms. Price! How's your on doing?...Damn, boy. When are you gonna cut that box off your head?" Back in the day (not really the day, more like '90-'91) when his "business" was in full swing, he rapped a little bit too. He had a rep in the neighborhood, "cause everyone knew I had skills or whatever." But he was just having fun, the rap stuff was secondary. "I used to hang out with the OGB Crew, the Old Gold Brothers, over on Bedford Ave," B.I.G. explains. That's where he got his start. They weren't a rap crew, but one of them had turntables in his basement, so they would go over and make tapes. Tapes started to circulate around their Bed-Stuy neighborhood, but for B.I.G., "It was fun just hearin' myself on tape over the beats." Still with no real intentions of making a record or getting a deal, his tape was passed on to Big Daddy Kane's DJ, Mister Cee, who lived in the neighborhood and made tapes. Cee thought it was o dope that he took it to Matty C up at The Source to get in their "Unsigned Hype" column. The Source liked it so much that they asked him to appear on a compilation album of their best "Unsigned Hype" winners. The album never came out but Common Sense, Back II Back, Mobb Deep and B.I.G., all scheduled to be on the album, ended up with record deals. Everything sort of took B.I.G. by surprise. He had never thought of getting a record deal, yet within a couple of weeks he was in The Source on the compilation album and penning a deal with Uptown Records. Sean "Puffy" Combs, Uptown's National Director of A&R at the time, saw something in B.I.G. and took him in as family. Riding on his success with Mary J. Blige and Jodeci, it was not a matter of "will this album be dope," but "how dope is it going to be?" "Puffy helped a lot with the A&R," says B.I.G. "It was a lot of stuff he made me do over. He wasn't trying to rush nothing. He treated my album like an R&B album. As far as pitch, breath control all that shit, he was making sure my shit was right." They finished the album, but then Puffy left Uptown and started his own label, Bad Boy Records. without Puffy, Uptown decided they didn't want to handle B.I.G., so they dropped him. But Bad Boy was right there to pick up where Uptown left off. "This is what we always wanted," insists B.I.G. "I wanted to go to Puff's shit because I knew if I went to that nigga's shit it'd be 100 percent correct." Ready To Die, produced mostly by Easy Mo Bee, with additional cuts by The Bluez Bruthas, Trak Masters and Lord Finesse, is a heavily R&B-flavored, cut and dry mixture of "gangsta" subject matter and East Coast rhyme skills. Example? On "Everyday Struggle" Big sets up a scenario where he and his man are driving down South to take over a drug spot. "I had the master plan/I'm in the Caravan/On my way to Maryland/With my man Two Techs to take over these projects/ They call his 'Two Techs' he totes two techs/ And when he starts to bust he likes to ask, 'Who's next?" Now, be careful and don't let the titles fool you. "Friend of Mine" is a cut with B.I.G. talking about pimping: "When I'm fuckin' off gin, I'm invincible/Don't love those ho's that's my principle." And "Me and My Bitch" is actually a love story where his girlfriend ends up dying in the end. He mentions his mother several times throughout the album, clearly because she was a big part of his life even through his eyes, it wasn't always the best. "When I was little, my mom used to shit on me," he says. During the trip across Ready To Die, you'll see his relationship with his mother comes full circle. First, he's little and his mom ain't giving him shit, then he's making money as a rapper and she's sporting minks on her back, and finally, she develops breast cancer and B.I.G. shows his first signs of emotion. On "Gimme The Loot," Biggie, along with his alter-ego, plan a no-shorts-taken robbery spree. Wu Tang Clan's Method Man contributes to "The What," and reggae diva Diana King shows up on "Respect," a song about Biggie coming up. The Notorious B.I.G. has come up. And after riding along with Mary J. Blige for a minute, it's time for him to come out. Nevermind the title, he's not "ready to die." This is only the beginning. poppa.gif
rap.519 chadra,
KRS-One Album: Return of the Boom Bap Sound of Da Police I Can't Wake Up Slap Them Up Outta Here Mortal Thought (I Must Roc the Mic) Mad Crew Higher Level Boom Bap krs.txt
rap.520 chadra,
LL Cool J - Holis To Hollywood (Mr.Smith) ll.txt
rap.521 chadra,
Bone Thugz-n-Harmony Album: The Art of War Look Into My Eyez Thug Luv bone.txt
rap.522 chadra,
Delinquent Habits - Tres Delinquentes dh.txt
rap.523 chadra,
Puff Daddy Album: No Way Out Victory (feat. Busta Rhymes, B.I.G) Don't Stop What You're Doing (feat. Lil Kim) Friends (feat. Foxy Brown) Is This the End? (feat. Ginuwine, Twista) puff.txt
rap.524 chill,
Na prodaju (original) diskovi: Public Enemy "Fear of a Black Planet" i Public Enemy "Apocalypse 91... The Enemy Strikes Black" Oba diska za 45 dm...
rap.525 dzim,
<M> Yo, watz up? <M> Ja pito vec jednom, da nema neko mozda rechi sa albuma <M> PREDATOR od Ice-Cubeta. Slao je neko neshto al nema pesma <M> Wicked a ona mi samo ni treba. Mozda ja i greshim pa ta pesma <M> nije uopshte sa tog albuma, al nema veze...:) <M> Uglavnom, treba text od pesme Wicked, tako da ako neko ima, <M> slobodno nek poshalje... <M> Stay chill. E, dzime, delujesh mi kao ok momak, pa sam se bacio u potragu za tom tvojom voljenom pesmom...mogu ti reci da sam je jedva nashao i to neochekivano, na sajtu benda Deftones....enivej, hir it kamz... Dzim. wicked.bre
rap.526 chadra,
DJ Muggs Present The Soul Assassin's, Chapter One The production history of DJ Muggs over the past few years has been uneven. The sound of 1995's "Cypress Hill III: Temples of Boom" showed little of the energy or inventiveness which Muggs injected into his earlier works with House of Pain, Funkdoobiest, and Cypress. The rugged loops and unique sampling which characterized these earlier offerings were replaced with muddy-sounding beats which all seemed to run together. With Cypress Hill's 1996 offering, "Unreleased and Revamped", Muggs seemed to be getting back on track with beats that recalled his glory days as well as new loops which signaled much-needed growth for the producer. For 1997, Muggs is back with his own album to showcase his talent and the talent of the numerous guest MC's. The results are worth your cash, but that's not to say it's a flawless effort. Production-wise, the album is solid. Muggs did a damn good job, but in many cases he's merely imitating the established sound of the artist he's producing. For example, the Dr. Dre track "Puppet Master" sounds alot like a Dre beat (albeit without the terrible sounding synthesizer Dre is so fond of). The Wu Tang track "Third World" sounds almost exactly like a RZA beat, and the same can be said of the Mobb Deep track. However, Muggs offers up a hefty dose of his own sound on Goodie Mob's "Decisions, Decisions", and the Cypress song "Battle of 2001" sounds like something from the Muggs glory days of "Black Sunday". "Move Ahead", the KRS track, is full of KRS's righteous anger and is one of the album's finest moments. And Wyclef's "John 3:16" finishes the album on a strong note. --------------------------------------------------------------------- MUGGS In the realm of hip-hop, there are two rules. The first says that there are no second chances for those who come to the battle with wack beats. The second is that you're only as good as your next record. Back in 1993 -- while his group Cypress Hill was enjoying universal respect from the leading lights of the hip-hop community and enormous worldwide prosperity from the Hill's triple platinum-selling second album, Black Sunday -- the creative wheels inside of producer DJ Muggs' mind began to turn. With a discography including producer credits for Ice Cube, as well as remixes for the likes of U2, Me'Shell Ndegeocello and Janet Jackson, Muggs became enticed with the idea of putting together MUGGS PRESENTS... THE SOUL ASSASSINS, a solo album full of his own joints and some fresh faces. But there was a problem: Muggs could easily craft the beats, but rhyming wasn't really his forte. "I'm not a rapper and I never aspired to be one," Muggs admits. "So I thought long and hard how I could go about doing this." The concept was hot, but Muggs' Soul Assassins project was destined to percolate for awhile. Muggs spent two years touring the world with Cypress Hill in support of the groundbreaking Black Sunday before heading back into the lab to write and produce the group's third platinum album, III (Temples of Boom). Once that record was in the can and on the charts, Muggs began seriously woodshedding and mulling over various approaches to the making of his solo album. After watching the methods of the legendary producer Quincy Jones, Muggs realized how he could make his dream into a sonic reality. "The way that Quincy Jones does his thing is that he does all of the music and then invites guest artists and friends to come into the studio," Muggs says. "Right then and there I knew that was the way to go. Then I talked to a bunch of friends of mine who I had met in the rap game throughout the years, as well as other people who I knew I wanted to work with. I started getting in touch with people. Everyone was down and I started knocking out tracks." While MUGGS PRESENTS...THE SOUL ASSASSINS manages to gather together some of the best names in hip-hop under one umbrella, Muggs also wanted to showcase the skills of Atlanta's underrated Goodie Mobb in addition to some younger talent he'd come across. So Muggs recorded cuts with Wu-Tang Clan protÚgÚ LA The Darkman; Mobb Deep's homies Infamous Mobb; and Call O' Da Wild, a New York outfit who've toured extensively with Cypress Hill and will release its own Muggs-produced debut later this year. Production of the star-studded MUGGS PRESENTS...THE SOUL ASSASSINS began in July 1996. The top notch array of talent on the album reads like a Who's Who of Hip-Hop: Dr. Dre, Cypress Hill's B-Real, RZA and GZA/Genius from the Wu-Tang Clan, the Fugees' Wyclef (a good friend of Mugg's who'd done a remix of Cypress' "Boom Biddy Bye Bye"), Goodie Mobb, KRS-One, Mobb Deep, Infamous Mobb, MC Eiht, and LA The Darkman. Understandably, the artists' conflicting schedules made creating the album an often tricky proposition while the diversity of their styles added to the spontaneity and musical magic of the project. One big creative departure on MUGGS PRESENTS...THE SOUL ASSASSINS is the back-to-back conceptual juxtaposition of "Third World" and "Battle Of 2001" -- a pair of apocalyptic futuristic tales of hip-hop crews (played by Wu-Tang Clan and Cypress Hill, respectively) residing on an island trying to fend off government oppressors while maintaining a mountain range stronghold. "With the RZA/GZA track 'Third World,' my man who works with me ran into them and he calls me up and goes, 'Yo, Muggs, I got GZA here. Book studio time in an hour!' Then the next day he calls me up again and says he's got RZA: 'Yo, Muggs, I got RZA -- let's do it!'" The same scenario happened with Havoc and Prodigy of Queensbridge's street-savvy clique, Mobb Deep. "I played them six tracks and we just did it," says Muggs. "The same with MC Eiht; I flew in from L.A. to New York and we met at D&D Studios. He was incredible. He sat, heard three beats, picked out the one he liked, wrote his lyrics and we were done in two and a half hours. Boom!" "Puppet Master," the tense, stark opus which teams Cypress Hill's B. Real and the venerable West Coast funkologist Dr. Dre proved to not only be a meeting of the minds, but a testament of mutual professionalism. "I've worked with young artists in the studio who've given me mad problems," Muggs winces, "but Dre -- who's had all of this success already -- was really cool and totally on point. We talked about the track for a while before he laid his vocals and he was so flexible. He wanted it to work as much as I did and he really came through with something special." One of the biggest treats for Muggs working with the legendary mic blaster, Boogie Down Bronx's KRS-One. "It was a dream come true for me to work with him," beams Muggs. In fact, they hit it off so well that KRS-One asked Muggs to produce "Can't Stop Won't Stop" for his forthcoming album. "I idolized him when I was coming up and it was people like KRS-One, Chuck D. and EPMD who inspired me even before I started to make my own beats. He was dope!" Working with talented young guns as well as some of the most established MCs in the biz not only allowed Muggs to conjure some bona fide hip-hop magic on tape, the experience personally provided him with a fresh perspective, one which he says will no doubt pay off in dividends on the next Cypress Hill extravaganza. "While working on this album I realized that rappers are all going to the same point, but everybody's heading there through a different set of directions," he summarizes. "They're all geniuses and I learned a lot from working with these artists. I have my way of working, but watching others opened my mind up to some new ideas. The whole vibe was great and nothing was thought out too much." By maintaining a varied musical diet -- which includes everything from brooding British trip-hop to seething alternative music -- Muggs is continually absorbing new sounds and ideas, blending them together, and taking them to the next level of expression. With plenty more dope beats stashed away in the vault until they propel Cypress Hill and the Soul Assassins to even higher plateaus for the next millennium, DJ Muggs is a hip-hop icon who won't stop rocking until long after he retires.
rap.527 chadra,
U fajlu se nalaze sledeci textovi: Missy (Album: Supa Dupa Fly) --------------------------------- Song: Hit Em With the Heee Sock It To Me Intro Izzy Izzy Ahh The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly) Blackstreet f. Ol' Dirty Bastard: --------------------------------- Fix (remix) Too $hort: --------------------------------- Coming Up $hort BTW, jel' ima kod SKC-a da se kupi Supa Dupa Fly (Missy)? txtz.txt
rap.528 chadra,
DJ MUGGS Presents SOUL ASSASSINS Chapter 1 "Third World" (RZA & GZA\Genius) 30sec. rzagza.wav
rap.529 chadra,
MC Lyte ------- Have U Ever (Album: Bad As I Wanna B) The Rap Game (Album: Bad As I Wanna B) Cha Cha Cha (Album: Eyes on This) I Am Woman (Album: Lyte as a Rock) mcl.txt
rap.530 chadra,
DJ MUGGS Presents SOUL ASSASSINS Chapter 1 ------------------------------------------ Third World (f/ Genius and RZA) Devil In A Blue Dress (f/ La The Darkman) Puppet Master (f/ Dr. Dre, B-Real) sa.txt
rap.531 chadra,
July 29- Ice Cube's New Krib Ripped-Off Two robbers broke into the Encino, California home of Ice Cube and got away with cash, electronic equipment and a 1995 Dodge van that belonged to the man supervising some construction at the home. During the Thursday robbery, the culprits burst in on construction supervisor Delbert Clement and terrorized the man for an hour with loaded weapons. Ice Cube and his family had not yet moved into the $2.36 million mansion that was purchased in June of last year. So far there are no suspects. This is the latest in a series of home invasion robberies in Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley. The home of Dr. Dre's girlfriend was robbed, as well as that of a rock musician and three other Valley residents. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bone Thug Arrested For Strip Club Conduct Rapper Charles "Wishbone" Scruggs, of Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, was arrested at a strip club in the group's home town of Cleveland last week, after a scuffle that arose after Scruggs allegedly slapped a stripper on her buttocks. According to Scruggs' attorney, the rapper was simply taking in the show when someone in his party slapped the stripper's bottom, and she in turn slapped Scruggs. The rapper then asked management for an apology. When management allegedly refused this request, Scruggs asked them to call police to sort out the situation, which they did by promptly arresting him and the rest of his party. Scruggs was released on bail after being charged with aggravated disorderly conduct, which carries a maximum penalty of six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. Scruggs' attorney says he's pondering a suit against the club for assault. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Coolio Finds Inspiration In The Strangest Places In case you didn't think Coolio reached far enough back into music history with his 70s era Stevie Wonder sample on "Gangsta's Paradise," you should be thrilled with his new single. On "C U When U Get There" from the "Nothing ToLose" soundtrack, the rapper turned to the 17th Century for inspiration, sampling a recording of Pachelbel's "Canon." While Coolio found his musical vision in Pachelbel's work, the rapper looked elsewhere for lyrical inspiration."What it means to me is, you're thinking," Coolio told MTV News of the song's message. "What I mean by 'when you get there' is if you're thinking in terms of uplifting yourself and uplifting those around you, then you're there." "C U When U Get There" rises to number 16 on this week's "Billboard" pop singles chart. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal Battle Over Eazy-E's Estate Another salvo was reportedly launched on Friday in the legal battle over the estate of late rapper Eazy-E. The Associated Press reports that Ruthless Records, Tomica Woods (Eazy-E's widow), and Ronald Sweeney are charging the rapper's former manager, George Heller, with draining excess profits from the rapper in a suit filed Friday in Los Angeles Superior Court. The AP reports that the estate claims Heller created a hidden expense account for himself with Ruthless Records funds. The estate also reportedly accuses Heller of taking more than his share of profits from Ruthless, and of failing to share in the company's losses. Heller himself had reportedly already filed a suit of his own against Ruthless on June 6 claiming that he helped the rapper build Ruthless into a successful label, and consequently was due 20 percent of the company's profits. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- July 24- What Happened To Tupac's Millions? According to an article called "Tupac's Missing Millions" in the current issue of "Entertainment Weekly," it is alleged in Afeni Shakur's lawsuit against Death Row Records that her son was billed $23,857 for Porsche repairs. However Tupac didn't own a Porsche, but Death Row head Suge Knight did. Tupac was also billed $120,000 for rent on a Malibu home. Tupac didn't live there, however Death Row attorney David Kenner did. Other funny charges billed to Tupac were $2,700 in child support for another Death Row act's child, and a $115,507 charge for jewelry bought from the business of a friend of Suge Knight. Knight says the jewelry was a gift to Tupac, but Knight never paid the bill. And (as if all that wasn't enough), Tupac's real father is still alive. (The story was Tupac's father, a Black Panther, died before he was born. And that he was raised partially by his stepfather.) Apparently his biological dad is a man named Bill Garland, a former Black Panther and truck driver. He's suing, saying he's entitled to half of Tupac's estate. DNA test prove that Garland is in fact Tupac's father. Afeni has admitted that Garland is the father, but says he is not entitled to any of Tupac's estate because he did not provide support or care for Tupac as a child. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Young MC Has New Album Young MC is back with a new album, "Return of the 1 Hit Wonder." His single "On & Poppin'" has made it onto Billboard's rap chart. Young MC, who hasn't had a significant hit since "Bust A Move" in 1989, also wrote the Tone Loc hits "Wild Thing" and "Funky Cold Medina." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- July 22- Bone Thugs-N-Coins Bone Thugs-N-Harmony fans who weren't already planning to buy the group's forthcoming CD, "The Art of War," due July 29th, might be enticed by a unique marketing vehicle from the Camelot Music record chain. Camelot, which has 315 stores in 35 states, is offering Bone Thugs fans an opportunity to win a sterling silver coin inscribed with the band's logo on one side and the album's title on the other. The first 100 fans who pre-order the new CD through Camelot's website ( will receive the silver coins. There are also 15,000 identical bronze coins, available while supplies last, for retail customers at the chain's stores. The members of the group were also given 100 of the silver coins for their own use, according to a Camelot representative. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- July 18- Suge Knight's Home, Girlfriend Robbed By Gunman An armed burglar reportedly broke in to the home of jailed Death Row Records CEO Marion "Suge" Knight on Tuesday, locked Knight's girlfriend in a bathroom, and stole $50,000 worth of cash and jewelry. According to the Associated Press, the woman returned to the Los Angeles home that Knight was renting, and discovered a man ransacking the house.The woman, whose name is being withheld by Los Angeles Police out of concern for her safety, was locked in the bathroom with a friend while the robber escaped with the loot. Police told the AP that the robber is still at large. Knight has been serving a nine-year prison sentence for probation violation since November. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- July 14- LL Cool J Releases Autobiography Rapper/actor LL Cool J will publish two separate editions of his autobiography, "I Make My Own Rules," this September. St. Martin's Press editor Greg Cohn says the reason for the dual editions is because LL wanted to "come clean about his past," but "he realized that some material might be considered objectionable or too explicit." While Cohn declined to comment on the "objectional" matter, the uncensored version will carry a parental advisory sticker.
rap.532 juice,
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans(feat. 112) - I`ll be missing you Goes out for evetyone that has lost someone That they truly loved! illbemis.ra
rap.533 chill,
Naslov: TRESPASS Autori: Ice Cube & Ice-T Album: Trespass Soundtrack Vreme: 2:50 trespass.ra
rap.534 juice,
Legenda: Naughty by Nature - O.P.P. Uzivajte!! opp.ra
rap.535 chill,
Naziv: HITLER DAY Autor: Public Enemy Album: Muse Sick-N-Hour Mess Age Vreme: 4:18 Naslov pesme se odnosi na onaj tupavi američki praznik 'tenksgiving dej'... Pesma je čudo! :) hitler.ra
rap.536 thug,
E, da li valja sta novi Scarface "The Untouchable" ? c-ya.
rap.537 b.boskovic,
Moze li neko da mi posalje svoj materjal koji ima veze sa Rap muzikom ako moze u *.WAV ili *.MOD zvucnom formatu.Video sam da dosta salju svoje zvucne zapise u *.RA fajlu,ali ja neznam gde da ga preslusam. *** Pozdrav Bosko ***
rap.538 goxi,
>> svoje zvucne zapise u *.RA fajlu,ali ja neznam gde da ga preslusam. Real Audio player. Cini mi se da je u Windows\Sound\ .
rap.540 chill,
Autori: Run DMC Naslov: OOOH, WHATCHA GONNA DO? Album: Down With the King Godina: 1992. Vreme: 3:02 Nije ono što mislite... :) gonna_do.ra
rap.541 chill,
Pesme što ih poslah u ovaj konf (u RealAudio formatu): 1. Poruka 15.253: Playboy & Sunshine "KOKAIN" 2. Poruka 15.279: Boogie Down Productions "DUCK DOWN" 3. Poruka 15.282: Public Enemy "CAN'T TRUSS IT" 4. Poruka 15.283: Bodycount "BODYCOUNT" (Uživo u Beogradu) 5. Poruka 15.318: Cypress Hill "INSANE IN THE BRAIN" (Uživo na Woodstock-u) 6. Poruka 15.319: Cypress Hill "HOW I COULD JUST KILL A MAN" (Uživo) 7. Poruka 15.320: Cypress Hill "LICK A SHOT" (Uživo na Woodstock-u) 8. Poruka 15.325: Public Enemy "SHUT 'EM DOWN" (Uživo u Londonu) 9. Poruka 15.332: Run DMC "WALK THIS WAY" 10. Poruka 15.339: Public Enemy (Ice Cube & B.D. Kane) "BURN HOLLYWOOD BURN" 11. Poruka 15.340: N.W.A. "A BITCH IS A BITCH" 12. Poruka 15.341: Eric B. & Rakim "KNOW THE LEDGE" 13. Poruka 15.342: Cypress Hill "PIGS" 14. Poruka 15.379: Public Enemy "LOST AT BIRTH" 15. Poruka 15.435: Public Enemy "BY THE TIME I GET TO ARIZONA" 16. Poruka 15.460: Ice-T "THE GIRL TRIED TO KILL ME" 17. Poruka 15.461: Ice Cube "WICKED" 18. Poruka 15.495: Funkdoobiest "WHERE'S IT AT" 19. Poruka 15.496: Funkdoobiest (feat. B-Real) "WOPBABALUBOP" 20. Poruka 15.497: E.P.M.D. "HEAD BANGER" 21. Poruka 15.498: E.P.M.D. "KNICK KNACK PATTY WACK" 22. Poruka 15.499: Ice Cube (feat. Flavor Flav) "I'M ONLY OUT FOR ONE THANG" 23. Poruka 15.500: Ice Cube "NO VASELINE" 24. Poruka 15.501: Beastie Boys "RHYMIN' & STEALIN'" 25. Poruka 15.502: Beastie Boys "FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT" 26. Poruka 15.511: Ice-T "GIRLS LETS GET BUT-NAKED & FUCK" (Uživo u Vankuveru) 27. Poruka 15.533: Ice Cube & Ice-T "TRESPASS" 28. Poruka 15.535: Public Enemy "HITLER DAY" 29. Poruka 15.540: Run DMC "OOOH, WHATCHA GONNA DO?" chill.!!!
rap.542 chill,
Autor: Ice-T Naziv: RICOCHET Album: Ricochet Soundtrack (1992) Vreme: 2:49 Zašto se ova pesma nije našla na Ice-T-jevom petom albumu "Home Invasion"? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "When I finished my next album, "Home Invasion", for a November 15, 1992, release, Warner Brothers was biting its nails. WB had album reviewed by a "chrisis attorney", an attorney who assesses potential problems... (...) This was the first work I'd put out since the "Cop Killer" incident. So he listens to the record and finds a new places, where the album, he decides, will couse problems. Refrences to the cops here and there, which I didn't give a fuck about... (...) Now, the release date's here and everything is cool. They haven't decided to change any of my words. We got beyond that. But they did come at me with one song that worried them: "Ricochet". The song starts out: "You go on and on, and you don't stop, You got sticky sneakers from the blood of a shot cop..." I explained to them that the record was already out on Ricochet Soundtrack. And that they have nothing to worry about cause the song already had reached the public: "The FBI wouldn't fuck us with that", I told them. "They might... The risk is to high!", they said... (...) I decided that "Ricochet" was already out as a soundtrack single, since it was already an old song: Fine, I'll drop it, and I'll create new songs rather than fight over an old record that's already been out..." "THE ICE OPINION", written by ICE-T Published by St. Matrin's Press, New York, February 1994. ricochet.ra
rap.543 chill,
Autori: Boogie Down Productions Naslov: BLACKMAN IN EFFECT Album: Edutainment Vreme: 4:30 Krs-ONE i ekipa objašnjavaju kako su Adam i Eva ustvari bili crnci, čiji su filozofi prvi počeli da filozofiraju; Grčki ili Egipatski, koja je rasa najstarija, i sl... Eto, ko je rekao da su crnci glupi?! :)) effect.ra
rap.544 chill,
Početak pesme "Straight Outta Compton" od N.W.A. WAV, 16 bit, Mono, 22.050 kHz... knowldge.arj
rap.545 lazai,
Ako neko ima neke textove od Naughty by nature neka mi posalje. Hitno je.
rap.546 chill,
>> Ako neko ima neke textove od Naughty by nature neka mi posalje. >> Hitno je. Ako je hitno, ondaaaa... naughty.txt
rap.547 b.boskovic,
Evo jednog zvucnog zapisa Rap demo grupe iz Krusevca koja se zove (za sad) PSYCHO KILLAZ. Zapis je u WAV formatu (8-bit,8.000 khz,mono) Ovo je premijera !!! psy-rap.arj
rap.548 lazai,
Da li neko zna gde mogu da kupim soundtrack iz filma "Juice". I gde mogu da nabavim taj film.
rap.549 b.boskovic,
Grupa (moduli.trackeri) za MOD,S33M,XM,DIG,STM,NS i ostale fajlove je otvorena.
rap.550 duka.,
DU> Na prodaju (original) diskovi: DU> DU> Public Enemy "Fear of a Black Planet" DU> i DU> Public Enemy "Apocalypse 91... The Enemy Strikes Black" DU> DU> DU> DU> Oba diska za 45 dm... Miloscar on line :)) Oni tvoji PE discovi bre pa ti si rekao da bi ubio za njih :)))) menjaju se vremena :)))) !!!!! p.s. Stvarno je usran ovi novi nacin pisanja bolji je stari !!!!
rap.551 chill,
>> Oni tvoji PE discovi bre pa ti si rekao da bi ubio za njih >> :)))) menjaju se vremena :)))) "Bojim se da te ništa nisam pitao!" :)
rap.552 gligo,
> Da li neko zna gde mogu da kupim soundtrack iz filma "Juice". > I gde mogu da nabavim taj film. Film mozes da nabavis u video klubu ;) Sad ozbiljno, film je bezveze, ne zna se sta je gore, dal' radnja filma il' gluma 2Pac-a, al' ako si bas zagrizo imas ga u video klubu "Bela" Borivoja Stevanovica 51. Tu mozes naci i " Friday" sa Ice Cube-om, " South Central LA" itd. BTW, kakav film, takva mu i muzika ;(
rap.553 rados,
da li je neko gledao film "Opasna Zemlja" Ice Cube=glavna uloga i muzika je dobra!! on ide i ubija sve picke koje mu se nadju na putu!!! nisam odavno bio na sezamu!! pa imam jednu molbu !! khm... Da li bi neko mogao da posalje tekstove od Cypress Hill-a!! Bicu mu mnogo zahvalan!! cu
rap.554 thug,
Evo, nesto stize... Thug cypress.txt
rap.555 rados,
Yo,e,opet ja sad je u pitanju moj drug njemu treba nesto od Wu-Tang-a!! ne znam sta ce mu,ali ako neko nesto imam nek posalje!! ajde cu ps:To i nije tako obavezno!! ;) cu
rap.556 chill,
>> Da li bi neko mogao da posalje tekstove od Cypress Hill-a!! >> =============================== >> 15.88 MUZIKA.3:rap >> chill, 03.04.97. 06:17, 244 chr >> Odgovor na 15.82, necahc, 02.04.97. 16:15 >> --------------------------------------------------------- >> >> >> Ako neko ima teksove sa soundtrack-a Judgment Night, i >> >> bilo koji text Onyx-a, Cypress Hill-a neka ih baci u conf.! >> >> Sve što je do sada poslato na Sezam o Cypress Hill-u. >> >> MS Word 7.0 document... >> >> >> p.s. >> Po ko zna koji put... >> >> -----------------------------------------------15.88 --- >> ** Uz poruku 'C_H.ARJ' (138317 bytes) c_h.arj
rap.557 miloscar,
> Yo,e,opet ja sad je u pitanju moj drug njemu treba nesto od > Wu-Tang-a!! ne znam sta ce mu,ali ako neko nesto imam nek posalje!! I pazi da se ne poseces fajl je ostar :)) > ps:To i nije tako obavezno!! ;) WU je obavezan u bilo kojem smislu !!!!!!!!!
rap.558 miloscar,
Evo cisto da se zna ko je trenutno najludji u Brooklyn-u :)))) Btw : Beware Judgment Night's coming :) onyx.txt
rap.559 rados,
Yo,ma obavezno je!! ali ne znam sta ce njemu!! ;) e,ajde posaljite jos nesto ako imate jos neku sliku Cypress Hill-a ili Wu-Tang-a !! ajde cu ps:nemojte one stare!!! to sam skinuo!!! ;) a ja cu se potruditi da nesto nadjem i posaljem!! e,sad sam se setio da li je neko isao skoro kod SKC-a da li su dobili neke nove kasete!!!? ajde neka posalje mail ili nek se ovde javi!! cu !
rap.560 miloscar,
Evo da dodam jos textova sa Lethal ja mislim da sad imas sve !!! ic2.txt
rap.561 duka.,
Jel ima neko textove od B.C. od prvog albuma a mogu i ostali !!!!! Ako ima !!!1 Jel ima neko od vas "Internetovaca" :) neke slike Gravediggaz-a ako ih ima uopste na inter-u Ili neku sliku onyx-a osim one Bacdafucup i jel ima neko slike Wu gde su svi na gomili ?????? Ajde posaljite malo slike dosta je pesama :))))
rap.563 miloscar,
MI> > Ej ajde mi ucini uslugu pa reci ljudima za moju stranu na: MI> > http://SOLAIR.EUnet.yu/~markok Rec je o Wu-Tang Strani :)))
rap.564 juice,
Ako postoji neko ko se bavi pravljenjem rap muzike u obliku modula, nek me mailuje. Inace, potrebni su mi raznorazni ritmovi (samo dobri) za free-styling, pa ako ih neko vec ima nek ih salje (znaci samo ritam bez ikakvih drugih upadica). Pozdrav!
rap.565 miloscar,
Prodajem CD-e Public Enemy -- ..'91 enemy strikes black -- 55 din ako neko oce odma posle ce mozda biti i skuplje Naughty by nature -- Naughty By Nature -- 80 din ili 20 dm i 10 din ali isto to je hitno !!!!
rap.567 juice,
A sad malo textovi: LL Cool J f Le Shaun - Doin` It Again (remix)
rap.568 juice,
Foxy Brown f Dru Hill - Big Bad Mamma
rap.569 juice,
Coolio - Can U Dig It canyou.coo
rap.570 juice,
Killarmy - Dress To Kill dressto.kil
rap.571 juice,
Warren G - Friends fiends.wrg
rap.572 juice,
Carey,Mariah f Puff Daddy - Horny honey.puf
rap.573 juice,
Coolio f 40 Theuz - One Mo one_mo.coo
rap.574 juice,
Busta Rhymes - Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Can See put_your.bus
rap.575 juice,
Puff Daddy f India - Senorita senorita.puf
rap.576 juice,
2pac - Static static.2pa
rap.577 juice,
Warren G - We Want Yo Hands Up we_want.war
rap.578 juice,
Wyclef Jean f Lauryn Hill - Guantanamera guantana.wyc
rap.579 juice,
Scareface f Ice Cube - Hand Of The Dead Body
rap.581 chill,
Jel preslušao neko Everlast-ov solo album? Utisci?!...
rap.582 zkis,
Nabavio sam neke pesme sa 1 albuma grupe Bone thugs n harmony. Odmah da kazem da je odlican i da ga treba obavezno nabaviti(sto je tezi slucaj jer nisam upoznao nikoga da je i cuo za taj album) na scali od 1-5 5. Inace izasao je i novi album (btnh) sto verovatno svi vec znate dupli je i mnogo se ocekuje od njega.Vec su neke pesme postigle veliki uspeh(thug luv f/2pac,look into my eyez...)
rap.583 miloscar,
MI> Nabavio sam neke pesme sa 1 albuma grupe Bone thugs n harmony. MI> tezi slucaj jer nisam upoznao nikoga da je i cuo za taj album) MI> na scali od 1-5 5. Tj. svi misle da su ga culi tj. culi su 2 :)) album Creepen on ah ... :)) Ako je ko prvi onda je cooool !! P.S. Spremam atentat na onog okorelog dencera Puff-ija i da mu otmem onu nagradu sto je dobio od mtv-ija Za obradjenu pesmu !!! Zainteresovani da se jave !!! :)))
rap.584 brka,
> Nabavio sam neke pesme sa 1 albuma grupe Bone thugs n harmony. Bone Thugs-N-Harmony izdali su 3 albuma: + Creepin On A... koji je ustvari EP, tj. ima cini mi se 6-7 pesama (mrzi me sada da trazim kasetu). Na njemu se nalazi njihova mozda najbolja pesma - Tuggish Ruggish Bone. Inace album je producirao Eric Wright a.k.a. Easy E {R.I.P.}. + Eternal E - E.1999 koji, po mom misljenju i nije nesto posebno. Jedino znacajno pomena na njemu su da je imao dva hita - Crossroads (Remix) i 1st Of Tha Month. + Art Of War, dupli album, izasao je sredinom avgusta. Jos nisam imao prilike da ga preslusam, ali prva dva singla obecavaju (Look Into My Eyes i Thug Luv). Cya
rap.585 thug,
Evo konacno prave ideje... To govno od coveka je namlatilo toliko paaaara da ga treba ubiti... On je pokazatelj novog trenda: okusajte srecu u "rap"-u, tj. kako ukrasti, iskopirati, obraditi i sl. tudju stvar i sto bolje je prodati...:((( Ja licno bih smrdljivome gadu iscupao obe ruke... ne mogu da vam opisem koliko mi se zgadio, nisam znao da mogu toliko mrzeti... A ona akcija sa B.I.G.-om je isto pateticna, jedino mi je drago sto debela svinja nije mogla preuzeti "nagradu" jer gde je!?!? Zna se - 6 feet deep... Pozdrav svima :) Thug.
rap.586 zkis,
Za bone thugse. Kao 1 nije prvi album creepin on ah vec Faces of death. drugi je creep treci e.1999(eternal e) cetvrti st.Clair killaz i peti Art of war. Podrzavam akciju uklanjanja puffa.
rap.587 miloscar,
Pa nemojte da se cudite zasto je Puff uzeo tolko para on je to i planirao .Nista nije slucajno stvara mi se u glavi slika Kako puff Ubija Big-a :)))) Ma kolko se pricvalo da su dobri prijatelji :)))) Novac je uvek ispred svega :)))) P.S. Hvala na podrzanoj akciji pocnite da stekujete pare za avionsku kartu do NY :))))))
rap.588 juice,
> Nabavio sam neke pesme sa 1 albuma grupe Bone thugs n harmony. > Odmah da kazem da je odlican i da ga treba obavezno nabaviti(sto je > tezi slucaj jer nisam upoznao nikoga da je i cuo za taj album) > na scali od 1-5 5. Nemoj Tako ;))))))) Inace njihov prvi album je super, odlican, itd. Obozavam ih! Drugi takodje nije za bacanje, cak sta vise..! E sada, ovaj treci nisam cuo skroz, ali , bre skoro sve ih razumem iz cuga, nema onog napregnutog slusanja i razaznavanja reci, a i malo su ispali iz stila, barem sam stekao takav utisak. Komercijalizacija!! Sto se tice nabavljanja, uvek se moze kaseta odneti momcima iz Ghetto teama koji ce vam za neke "sitne" pare snimiti sta god pozelite, posto imaju skoro sve. Pozdrav!
rap.589 juice,
> P.S. Spremam atentat na onog okorelog dencera Puff-ija > i da mu otmem onu nagradu sto je dobio od mtv-ija > Za obradjenu pesmu !!! Zainteresovani da se jave !!! Pa zar nije pametan??????? Inace, mrzim citavu tu produkciju, pocev od puffa, one mrtve svinje, craiga itd. Uvek su mi bili antisimpaticni. A tek posle 2pacove smrti!!!!!! "Tata, jel to cika Puffy? A sta mu je?" "Sad mu nije nista. Ubio si ga ko B.I.G.ija" "Jao tata, jednim udarcem dve muve" "Tako treba!" Pozdrav!
rap.590 juice,
> + Creepin On A... koji je ustvari EP, tj. ima cini mi se 6-7 > pesama (mrzi me sada da trazim kasetu). Na njemu se nalazi > njihova mozda najbolja pesma - Tuggish Ruggish Bone. Inace > album je producirao Eric Wright a.k.a. Easy E {R.I.P.}. Dal` zbog Easya ili necega drugog, prvi album je fantastican. A produkcija drugog i trceg? Pozdrav!
rap.591 juice,
> Kao 1 nije prvi album creepin on ah vec Faces of death. A gde to ima? P.S. E ovo stvarno nisam znao da postoji. Ubite me, ali zar nisu prvo izdali EP? Pozdrav!
rap.592 juice,
> P.S. Hvala na podrzanoj akciji pocnite da stekujete pare > za avionsku kartu do NY :)))))) Ajmo plan da smislimo. Ili cemo po principu "Otmicar"? Pozdrav!
rap.593 juice,
U ovoj arhivi dole okacenoj nalaze se sledeci fajlovi: Puff Daddy - I`ll be missing you Luniz - I got 5 on it TLC - Waterfalls 2pac - California love Svi fajlovi su MIDI to jest u .MID formatu. Pozdrav midiji.rar
rap.594 brka,
Posto sam stvarno pogresio povodom nabrajanja albuma Bone-Thugsa, pokusacu sada da je ispravim: + Prvi album Bone-Thugsa je 'Faces Of Death' koji su oni izdali o svom trosku, i prakticno je bio underground. Izdat je '91. godine. + Drugi album - 'St. Claire Streets'. + Treci album - 'Creepin' On Ah Come Up'. To je, kao sto sam i rekao EP, i prva saradja Easy-E-ja sa Thugsima. Dostigao je cetvoro- struko platinasti tiraz. + Cetvrti album - 'E. 1999 Eternal'. Takodje produkcija Easy-E. Izasao je 1995. godine. + Sledi kompilacijski album 'Mo' Thugs Family Scriptures' na kome se nalaze i Band Aid Boys. + I na kraju novi album 'Art Of War'. Recenzija za njega - kada dodje... Cya PS. Sada sam dobro razmislio o onome sto pisem, tako da mislim da nisam pogresio.
rap.595 miloscar,
Evo ovde slichica iz domace proizodnje kad nema nista novo jeste da izgleda trulo ali ajde da vidim kolko ce ljudi da pogodi ko je ovo evo i da vam pomognem zove se : ***KWON pa vi vidite kako ce te se izletati bilo bi lepo da ako neko jos prati ovu Conf da posalje odgovor na mail A ja cu reci ko je stvarno True Let da Wu Be With U ! hi-man.gif
rap.596 brka,
> ***KWON Da to je Chef Snoop Doggy Dogg:)
rap.597 duka.,
cDU> Da to je Chef Snoop Doggy Dogg:) Jao kako sam se ispalio nisam ni sliku pogledao ja bio u tripu da sa Shakwon-a poslao A poslacu i njega Jel znate novu vest smuvao se sa Ksenijom :)))
rap.598 duka.,
I zaboravi da napisem MILOSCAR on line :(
rap.599 dzim,
<M> E, dzime, delujesh mi kao ok momak, pa sam se bacio u potragu za <M> tom tvojom voljenom pesmom...mogu ti reci da sam je jedva nashao i <M> to neochekivano, na sajtu benda Deftones....enivej, hir it kamz... E, fala ti puno. Ono, cenim ja shto si se ti muchio i trazio po Shinternetu samo da bi meni nasho tu pesmu. Ono, duznik sam ti. 10x.
rap.601 ana.a,
E chill odlepio si.
rap.602 dzim,
<M> SLAM! duuh duuh duuh, duuh duuh duuh, Let the boys be boys! <M> SLAM! duuh duuh duuh, duuh duuh duuh, Let the boys be boys! Jieee, dec vat ajm tokin abaut. Dis shit kik es. "Ic triki tu rok a rajm..."
rap.603 miloscar,
MI> Jieee, dec vat ajm tokin abaut. Dis shit kik es. MI> MI> "Ic triki tu rok MI> a rajm..." Otkad ti tako gotivis Real Hip Hop ???? Al bi bilo bolje da je takv izliv ONYX ludosti na pesmu Throw Ya Gunz ali svako ima svoj ukus N.Y.C. ­ast Coast Forever
rap.604 zkis,
Bone thugse "faces of death" mozete snimiti od mene a st clair streetz? neznam ako ima neko nek kaze... Nabavio sam neke pesme od novih gravediggaza ako treba nekom neka trazi da okacim ja mislim da su do j.
rap.605 slick,
Errrrm... ;) Jel moze neko da posalje pesmu Give It Up od Public Enemy-ja (Muse Sick N Hour Mess Age), zajedno sa recima tj. textom gorepomenute. Do groba (cijeg?) zahvalan... Ako neko hoce, imam skoro vse pesme od Beastie Boyzova pa mogu da ih bachim ovdje. poz.
rap.606 gligo,
Eve ga, ako uspe upload... P.Enemy - Give it up Inace moja omiljena :) giveitup.txt
rap.607 chill,
Autor: Public Enemy Pesma: PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER 1 / MIUZI WEIGHS A TON Album: Yo! Bum Rush the Show (1987) Vreme: 4:26 Uživo u New York-u... Stara ekipa, zajedno sa Professor Griff-om... number_1.ra
rap.608 slick,
>> Inace moja omiljena :) 10x, sad jos samo da dobijem i .RA ;) Nevezano sa tim, evo ide Fight the Power...valjda. poz. power.ra
rap.609 thug,
Posle nedavne havarije diska nedostaju mi textovi Makavelija sa "The Don Killuminati" pa ako neka dobra dusa hoce ponovo da okaci, a jednako dobro bi posluzio i pointer. 10x :)
rap.610 miloscar,
AG> "The Don Killuminati" pa ako neka dobra dusa hoce ponovo da AG> okaci, Pa zar se album ne zove "7 th Day Theory" ?????? U.S.G.
rap.611 brka,
> Pa zar se album ne zove 7 day theory Album se zove 'Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory' Cya
rap.612 thug,
Tacno tako, samo me mrzi sve da kucam... Ako neko zna pointer ili ima textove neka lupi.... c-ya :)
rap.613 thug,
Jeli neko slusao Geto? Posvecen je Tupac-u i cula se konacno ona famozna kaseta tj. intervju, i dosta toga je razjasnjeno sa njom (bar sto se tice sranja sa P.I.G.-ijem) P.S.: Ima li neko text pesme: "Never Had a Friend Like Me" -2pac I iz kog je to filma (ako je iz filma)...? c-ya :)
rap.614 apostol,
Evo jednog hita... Peva: van.gogh Svira: apostol MEDŽIK DŽONSON RAP Idem tako ulicom i vidim Medžik ide a prekjuče sam saznao da boluje od SIDE pa mu onda rekoh: "Ej, ti glupi some, ZAR TI NIKAD NISI ČUO ZA ONE KURTONE?!!" A je! JoTzoqA medzik.mp3
rap.615 slick,
Evo ide nesto od Beastie Boyzova... (Ma jeLTako?) jjames.ra
rap.616 slick,
Errrm... ;) S chime ja da slusam te .MP3 i kude to da nabavim? poz.
rap.617 rados,
e,da stvarno kako da slusam te MP3???????ajde recite cu
rap.618 miloscar,
MI> e,da stvarno MI> kako da slusam te MP3???????ajde recite MPEG Player ver. 3 imate citac tih fajlova u dir. win/sound ili tako nesto .
rap.619 miloscar,
rap.620 zkis,
2Pac-ova pesma never have a friend like me se nalazi na soundtracku Gridlock. Inace obavezno preslusajte muziku iz filmova Hoodys i nothin 2 lose. Do j su.
rap.621 chill,
Autor: Big Daddy Kane Pesma: RAW '91 Album: Prince of Darkness Vreme: 4:18 Remix njegove starije pesme... raw_91.ra
rap.622 chill,
Autor: Sir Mix-A-Lot Pesma: ONE TIME'S GOT NO CASE Album: Mack Daddy Vreme: 4:09 Mix-A-Lot objašnjava da je pametnije tužiti sudu kera koji te je startovao, nego ubiti pseto na licu mesta... Eto, i posle se usudjuju da kažu da rap glorifikuje nasilje i mržnju?! :)) no_case.ra
rap.623 miloscar,
MI> Mix-A-Lot objasnjava da je pametnije tuziti sudu kera koji te je MI> startovao, nego ubiti pseto na licu mesta... Zaista u blagom smislu rechi ,slobodno prevedeno :))) Ubiti peseto :))))
rap.624 thug,
E ljudi, zaboravih da pitam.... jel' bio neko u KST-u na rap veceri posvecenoj onoj debeloj svinji...mR. P.I.G. (and a big&fat one I guess..), zanima me samo kako je bilo sto se tice atmosfere, slobode ponasanja i tome sl. Trebalo bi sad to da krene redovno u KST-u !? Odoh ja,
rap.625 mica.l,
Makaveli "the don killuminati: the 7 day theory" lazai 7thday.arj
rap.626 thug,
Thanx A Lot...:) Stay cool ;) Thug
rap.627 chill,
Autor: Public Enemy Pesma: FIGHT THE POWER Album: Fear of a Black Planet Vreme: 4:40 thepower.ra
rap.628 chill,
F I G H T T H E P O W E R (Shocklee - Sadler - Ridenhour) 1989 the number, another summer (get down) Sound of the funky drummer Music hittin' your heart cause I know you got sould (Brothers and sisters, hey) Listen if you're missin' y'all Swingin' while I'm singin' Givin' whatcha gettin' Knowin' what I know While the Black bands sweatin' And the rhythm rhymes rollin' Got to give us what we want Gotta give us what we need Our freedom of speech is freedom or death We got to fight the powers that be Lemme hear you say Fight the power Chorus As the rhythm designed to bounce What counts is that the rhymes Designed to fill your mind Now that you've realized the prides arrived We got to pump the stuff to make us tough from the heart It's a start, a work of art To revolutionize make a change nothin's strange People, people we are the same No we're not the same Cause we don't know the game What we need is awareness, we can't get careless You say what is this? My beloved lets get down to business Mental self defensive fitness (Yo) bum rush the show You gotta go for what you know Make everybody see, in order to fight the powers that be Lemme hear you say... Fight the Power Chorus Elvis was a hero to most But he never meant shit to me you see Straight up racist that sucker was Simple and plain Mother fuck him and John Wayne Cause I'm Black and I'm proud I'm ready and hyped plus I'm amped Most of my heroes don't appear on no stamps Sample a look back you look and find Nothing but rednecks for 400 years if you check Don't worry be happy Was a number one jam Damn if I say it you can slap me right here (Get it) lets get this party started right Right on, c'mon What we got to say Power to the people no delay To make everybody see In order to fight the powers that be Fight the Power
rap.629 chill,
Autor: Ice-T Pesma: NEW JACK HUSTLER Album: Original Gangster Vreme: 4:39 new_jack.ra
rap.630 chill,
Autor: N.W.A. Pesma: STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON Album: Straight Outta Compton Vreme: 4:16 compton.ra
rap.631 ana.a,
E Chill ajde kad pises pesmu pisi je tako da mogu svi da je skinu a ne da ovde prepisujem.
rap.632 slick,
Errm...;) Ja valjda poslah tu pesmu nedavno...daj kOOrdiniraj malo ;) poz.
rap.633 vogue,
> E Chill ajde kad pises pesmu pisi je tako da mogu svi da je skinu > a ne da ovde prepisujem. Nema potrebe da prepisuješ pesmu, treba samo da kucaš npr. re 15.631> To ti prebaci poruku pod tim brojem u pad, a onda iz pada je dl-uješ kao textpad. Sale
rap.634 ana.a,
rap.635 gligo,
> > Autor: Ice-T > Pesma: NEW JACK HUSTLER > Album: Original Gangster > Vreme: 4:39 Eeee, konacno se neko setio... KAd bi uz ovo mog'o i txt, mislim zahvalan bi bio do.......
rap.636 chill,
>> Eeee, konacno se neko setio... >> KAd bi uz ovo mog'o i txt, mislim zahvalan bi bio do....... Vidi dal ima ovde... __ice-t_.arj
rap.637 chill,
LL Cool J; (L-adies L-ove Cool J-ames); u narodu poznatiji kao UNCLE L. cool_j_1.jpg
rap.638 chill,
A Tribe Called Quest "People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm" quest_2.jpg
rap.639 chill,
A Tribe Called Quest "The Low End Theory" quest_3.jpg
rap.640 chill,
A Tribe Called Quest "Midnight Marauders" quest_4.jpg
rap.641 chill,
Da Lench Mob "Guerillas in tha Mist" da_lench.jpg
rap.643 gligo,
>>> Eeee, konacno se neko setio... >>> KAd bi uz ovo mog'o i txt, mislim zahvalan bi bio do....... > > Vidi dal ima ovde... Bese ovaj fajl i ranije, uzoh ga ja, al'ne mogoh naci hustler-a, tek me sad opet nesto natera te potrazih, te nadjoh.... Ipak fala...
rap.644 gligo,
> Da Lench Mob "Guerillas in tha Mist" Gde si nasao slike ? ---------- Uuuu, ako je to sto ja mislim da jeste... Jel' to ona stvar sa refrenom : " Walkin', walkin' in my new black boots" ?
rap.646 chill,
>> Jel' to ona stvar sa refrenom : >> >> " Walkin', walkin' in my new black boots" ? Nije. To je refren Ice Cube-ove "When will they shoot?" Sa albuma "The Predator"...
rap.647 chill,
Autor: House of Pain Pesma: JUMP AROUND Album: Fine Malt Lyrics Vreme: 3:35 jump.ra
rap.648 chill,
Autor: House of Pain Pesma: JUMP AROUND Album: Fine Malt Lyrics Pack it up, pack it in Let me begin I came to win Battle me that's a sin I won't tear the sack up Punk you'd better back up Try and play the role and the whole crew will act up Get up, stand up, come on! Come on, throw your hands up If you've got the feeling jump across the ceiling Muggs is a funk fest, someone's talking junk Yo, I'll bust em in the eye And then I'll take the punks home Feel it, funk it Amps it are junking And I got more rhymes than there's cops that are dunking Donuts shop Sure 'nuff I got props from the kids on the Hill Plus my mom and my pops Chorus: I came to get down (2x) So get out your seats and jump around Jump around (3x) Jump up Jump up and get down. Jump (18x) I'll serve your ass like John MacEnroe If your steps up, I'm smacking the ho Word to your moms I came to drop bombs I got more rhymes than the bible's got psalms And just like the Prodigal Son I've returned Anyone stepping to me you'll get burned Cause I got lyrics and you ain't got none So if you come to battle bring a shotgun But if you do you're a fool, cause I duel to the death Try and step to me you'll take your last breath I gots the skill, come get your fill Cause when I shoot ta give, I shoot to kill Chorus I'm the cream of the crop, I rise to the top I never eat a pig cause a pig is a cop Or better yet a terminator Like Arnold Schwarzenegger Try'n to play me out like as if my name was Sega But I ain't going out like no punk bitch Get used to one style and you know I might switch It up up and around, then buck buck you down Put out your head then you wake up in the Dawn of the Dead I'm coming to get ya, coming to get ya Spitting out lyrics homie I'll wet ya Chorus Jump (32x) Yo, this is dedicated To Joe, da flava, Dakota Grag yo bozac, punk...
rap.649 gligo,
>> Jel' to ona stvar sa refrenom : >> >> " Walkin', walkin' in my new black boots" ? > Nije. To je refren Ice Cube-ove "When will they shoot?" > Sa albuma "The Predator"... Znao sam....:) Cujem ja, vice bata ice-cube ovo, ice-cube ono, al'mislim mozda im se nesto gadno zamerio cim ga tol'ko pominju... ;) Sad ozbiljno, ucinilo mi se da se u jednom trenutku cuje ono 'Guerillas in tha Mist' pa reko ajd' da pitam ljude....
rap.650 chill,
>> Cujem ja, vice bata ice-cube ovo, ice-cube ono, al'mislim >> mozda im se nesto gadno zamerio cim ga tol'ko pominju... ;) >> >> Sad ozbiljno, ucinilo mi se da se u jednom trenutku cuje ono >> 'Guerillas in tha Mist' pa reko ajd' da pitam ljude.... Da Lench Mob se pominju u mnogim Ice Cube-ovim pesmama, iz prostog razloga jer ih je on i stvorio! Ono što je Ice-T za Everlast-a (House of Pain), ono što je Jam Master Jay (Run DMC) za Onyx, ono što je DJ Muggs (Cypress Hill) za Funkdoobiest, to je Ice Cube za Da Lench Mob... :) Kada se Cube iz LA preselio u New York okupio je oko sebe gomilu crnaca da mu glume 'ekipu' (drugim rečima: da mu se uvlače u dupe)... E, ta 'ekipa' su Da Lench Mob. Kasnije su i oni objavili dva albuma...
rap.651 chill,
BEAVIS and BUTT-HEAD rapuju: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. ONYX "SLAM" - Beavis: Slam! Slam!!! Ta-ta-ra! Ta-ta-ra! 2. HOUSE OF PAIN "JUMP AROUND" - Butt-Head: Get out your seats and jump around! Jump around! 3. CYPRESS HILL "INSANE IN THE BRAIN" - Beavis: Insane in the membrane! 4. RUN DMC "CHRISTMAS IN HOLLIS" - Beavis: It's Christmas time in Hollis, Queens. 5. RUN DMC "TOUGHER THAN LEATHER" - Beavis: My name is DMC, the all-time great, I parked the most rhymes in New York State! 6. Butt-Head: Yo! Beavis! WAV, 16 bit, Mono, 22.050 kHz, PCM... bb_rap.arj
rap.652 b.boskovic,
Izasla je jedna dosta dobra domaca rap kompilacija sa nazivom: ,, WHO IS IN '' Na njoj se nalazi 10 demo grupa sa po jednom pesmom a to izgleda ovako: A strana 1. JEDVA SMO SE SKUPILI - Rodjen mrtav 2. D-END - Intervju 3. HARD TO EXPLAIN - Stil harder 4. B-A-P - Kill the security 5. RTACI I KICBLO/OUT LOW - Bljak eno ih tamo B strana 1. D-COY - Polje mraka 2. SILVESTERI - Zapitaj se 3. VERSUS - Versus 4. FBI SHADOW - Montenegro cosa nostra 5. SERPENTERA - Samoubistvo ****************************************************************** Inace zanimljivo je: - da izdavac ove kompilacije je ,,VECTOR'', - pojavljuju se dve zenske rap grupe D-END i SILVESTERI - i da u pesmi ,, Bljak eno ih tamo '' pljuju (muka mi od njih) MONTENIGERS-e.
rap.653 chill,
WAV iz pesme "SMOKIN', DOPIN'" L.L. Cool J.-a (Ovaj deo je Rambo Amadeus koristio u svojoj pesmi "A,B,V,G,D...") UU-AA-JE-U-A-UU-AA-JEEE! 16 bit, Mono, 22.050 kHz, PCM... uu-aa-je.wav
rap.654 chill,
Autor: Tim Dog Pesma: STEP TO ME Album: Penicillin On Wax (1991) Vreme: 4:25 Uživo u emisiji Yo! MTV Raps... step2me.ra
rap.656 chill,
Oće neko da kupi glac novi disk: L.L. COOL J. "WALKING WITH A PANTHER"? ~~~~~~~~~ Mail me...
rap.657 chill,
Autor: Onyx Pesma: SLAM Album: Bacdafucup (1993) Vreme: 3:38 s_l_a_m_.ra
rap.658 chill,
Snima se spot za pesmu KOKAIN Sunshine-a i Playboy-a...
rap.659 chill,
Boooogami, 'bugari' se pomamili... :) Posle prvog Body Count-a, preko soundtracka filmova "Trespass" i "Friday", kao i prvog i trećeg albuma Beastie Boys-a, braća bugari na svojim ultra kvalitetnim diskovima izdadoše i "Unreleased & Revamped" od Cypress Hill-a... Cijena, sitnica... :)
rap.660 slick,
>> Posle prvog Body Count-a, preko soundtracka filmova "Trespass" i >> "Friday", kao i prvog i treceg albuma Beastie Boys-a, braca bugari >> na svojim ultra kvalitetnim diskovima izdadose i >> "Unreleased & Revamped" od Cypress Hill-a... Hummm? A sha ima na tom "Unreleased & Revamped"? Nemoj da je nesho k'o "Greatest Misses" i sl. BTW Ja sam video 4 diska od Beastie Boyzova, Licensed to Ill, Check Your Head, Ill Communications i neshto sto se ne secam kako se zove. (ima rec Bullshit u naslovu;) >> na svojim ultra kvalitetnim diskovima Jel' se meni samo cini, il' ti imadesh neshto protiv kvaliteta bugarskih CD-ova? ;) poz
rap.661 dbambi,
Molba.... Treba mi tekst za Sophisticated Bitch i She Watch Channel Zero od Public Enemy.... Bambi
rap.662 chill,
>> Hummm? A sha ima na tom "Unreleased & Revamped"? Nemoj da je nesho k'o To je E.P. koji su izdali posle trećeg albuma, ima devet stvari, od toga je sedam remixa ('revamped') i dve neobjavljene ('unreleased') pesme... Ne valja ništa, ni prići ČUDU zvanom prva dva albuma Cypress Hill-a. >> BTW Ja sam video 4 diska od Beastie Boyzova, Licensed to Ill, Check >> Your Head, Ill Communications i neshto sto se ne secam kako se zove. >> (ima rec Bullshit u naslovu;) :))) TO je naziv njihovog drugog albuma, i nije u pitanju reč BULLSHIT nego BOUTIQUE. Album se zove "Paul's Boutique", izašao je leta 1989...
rap.663 chill,
>> Treba mi tekst za Sophisticated Bitch i She Watch Channel Zero >> od Public Enemy.... Kucaj samo: READ 15.267 i sve će ti se samo kasti... :) >> =============================== >> 15.267 MUZIKA.3:rap >> chill, 11.05.97. 02:24, 571 chr >> --------------------------------------------------------- >> >> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >> The Ultimate P U B L I C E N E M Y Lyrics Collection >> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >> >> >> Svi tekstovi PUBLIC ENEMY-a (čitajte mi sa usana: SVI tekstovi) >> ~~~~~~~~~~~~ >> Plus: - Slike svih članova, >> - Osnovni podaci o svakom članu ponaosob, >> - Opširna istorija grupe, >> - Slike korica svih albuma. >> >> >> Sve to u jednom jedinom Word 7.0 documentu, od 130 strana (1.2Mb) >> >> >> >> >> Žalim svakoga ko ne skine ovo! :) >> -----------------------------------------------15.267 --- >> ** Uz poruku 'PE_ALL!.ARJ' (616009 bytes)
rap.664 slick,
>> :))) TO je naziv njihovog drugog albuma, i nije u pitanju rec BULLSHIT >> nego BOUTIQUE. Album se zove "Paul's Boutique", izasao je leta 1989... Hmmm...;) Ja sam ipak 99.75% siguran da ima nekakve veze sa bullshitom. ;) Ime tog diska se pominje u nekoj pesmi, tj. to je neki njihov stih. I naravno da nije Paul's Boutique, pre mi lici na neku kompilaciju. poz.
rap.665 chill,
>> I naravno da nije Paul's Boutique, pre mi lici na neku kompilaciju. Da nije "Root Down"?
rap.666 chill,
Autor: L.L. Cool J. Pesma: MAMA SAID KNOCK YOU OUT Album: Mama Said Knock You Out (1990) Vreme: 4:51 Zbog ovakvih pesama sam u stanju da mu progledam kroz prste za svinjarije koje je uradio na svom poslednjem albumu "Mr. Smith". :) knock.ra
rap.667 samhain,
Rec je o albumu SOME OLD BULLSHIT, gde su njihove najstarije stvari iz hard core perioda + neki singl na kome se cuje kojim ce pravcem kasnije krenuti.
rap.668 chill,
>> Rec je o albumu SOME OLD BULLSHIT, gde su njihove najstarije stvari iz hard >> core perioda + neki singl na kome se cuje kojim ce pravcem kasnije krenuti. Jaoooo, jel su to one stvari iz '82 kad su njih trojica imali po 12-13 godina? Tu beše ima i onaj snimak kad oni preko telefona zezaju narod (cccc, deca) :)) E, to bi valjalo preslušati ponovo...
rap.669 superhik,
:> BTW Ja sam video 4 diska od Beastie Boyzova, Licensed to Ill, Check :> Your Head, Ill Communications i neshto sto se ne secam kako se zove. Moguće da si video Paul's boutique, pošto je to jedini preostali album
rap.670 chill,
Terminator X & The Valley Of The Jeep Beets t-x.jpg
rap.671 chill,
The 2 Live Crew "Sports Weekend (As Nasty As They Wanna Be, Part II)" 2live.jpg
rap.672 samhain,
Skoro svi textovi HOUSE OF PAIN...
rap.673 chill,
Početak numere "Fight For Your Right" Vokalno-Instrumentalnog-Sastava Beastie Boys... WAV, 16 bit, Mono, 22.050 kHz, PCM...
rap.674 gligo,
> Pa nemojte da se cudite zasto je Puff uzeo tolko para on > P.S. Hvala na podrzanoj akciji pocnite da stekujete pare > za avionsku kartu do NY :)))))) Izgleda da nece morati... Trac ili istina, u toku su 'pregovori ' da mozda coolio i puffy posete Bgd, tj. Pionir, sve pod pokroviteljstvom grada Beograda.
rap.675 chill,
>> Trac ili istina, u toku su 'pregovori ' da mozda coolio i puffy >> posete Bgd, tj. Pionir, sve pod pokroviteljstvom grada Beograda. oooh neeeee... %( :(( Ljudi daj da skupimo pare da im platimo da ipak NE dodju! :))
rap.676 ruby.rod,
=> Ljudi daj da skupimo pare da im platimo da ipak NE dodju! :)) Slažem se. Onog puffyja ne mogu da smislim...
rap.677 slick,
>> oooh neeeee... %( :(( >> Ljudi daj da skupimo pare da im platimo da ipak NE dodju! :)) Ja te patzere ne bih pustio ni kod di-dzej Dekija da gostuju... On the other hand, ima na pijaci da se kupi paradajz, pa kad malo odstoji i onako...omeksha...eto mene na koncertu! ;> poz. MK82
rap.678 slick,
>> On the other hand, ima na pijaci da se kupi paradajz, pa kad Ispravka. ;) Na pijaci, naime, nema da se kupi paradajz (reche mi mama). Al' zato jaja mogu a se nadju skoro Izvin'te shto smaram. poz. MK82
rap.679 chadra,
Uz poruku ide LL Cool J (album: Phenomenon) ----------------------------- -Phenomenon -4,3,2,1 (feat. Method Man, Redman, DMX, Canibus) -Candy (feat. Ricky Bell, Ralph Tresvant) -Another Dollar -Father -Hot Hot Hot -Starsky & Hutch (feat. Busta Rhymes) -Don't Be Too Late, Don't Come Too Soon (feat. Tamia) llclj.txt
rap.680 jevdjovic,
Prvi put mi je da pisam inecu mnogo da vas smaram.Ja sam Nele.Pozdravljam sve one koji slusaju ovu vrsru muzike.Imam jednu molbu za sve u conferenciji.AKo imaju reci pesama koje cu napomenuti posle, neka posalju u TXT-formatu.U zamenu ide naslovna strana albume METHOD MAN-a.Na zalost ne znam ime albuma.Reci pesama koje mi trebaju su : 1)CHANGING FACES-Get Out, 2)RZA FEAT.METHOD MAN AND CAPPADONNA-Wu wear:The garment renassaince(soundtrack HIGH SSCHOOL HIGH, 3)PUBLIC ENEMY-Rebel without a pause, 4)KRIS KROS-Jump. P.S. Imam jos slicica naslovnih strana METHOD MAN-ovih albumova. rz
rap.681 brka,
> Na zalost ne znam ime albuma. > P.S. Imam jos slicica naslovnih strana METHOD MAN-ovih albumova. Ime jedinog do sada solo albuma Method Man-a aka Johny Blaze je TICAL. 16. decembra treba da izadje i novi - T2: JUDGEMENT DAY. Mislim da si se malo prevario - mozda imas naslovne strane solo albumova:)) ostalih clanova Wu-Tanga. Sto se tice pesama: Za Wu Wear i Rebel Without A Pause procesljaj malo temu rap u ovom i proslom izdanju konferencije muzika. Changing Faces neces naci, jer ovde skoro niko ne slusa R&B (to skoro je zbog mene - ja slusam po malo). Za Kris Kross nisam siguran ali mislim da ga nema, a ne znam ni sta ce ti, jer mozes da je naucis napamet posle 2 slusanja. Pozrav Aleksanda
rap.682 chill,
PUBLIC ENEMY "Rebel Without a Pause" (Ridenhour - Shocklee - Sadler - Rogers) YES! - the rhythm, the rebel Without a pause - I'm lowering my level The hard rhymer - where you never been I'm in You want stylin' - you know it's time again D the enemy - tellin you to hear it They praised the music - this time they play the lyrics Some say no to the album, the show Bum rush the sound I made a year ago I guess you know - you guess I'm just a radical Not a sabbatical - yes to make it critical The only part your body should be parting to Panther power on the hour from the rebel to you Radio - suckers never play me On the mix - just O.K. me Now known and grown when they're clocking my zone it's known Snakin' and takin' everything that a brother owns Hard - my calling card Recorded and orderd - supporter of Chesimard Loud and proud kickin' live next poet supreme Loop a troop, bazooka, the scheme Flavor - a rebel in his own mind Supporter of my rhyme Designed to scatter a line of suckers who claim I do crime Terminator X From a rebel it's final on black vinyl Soul, rock and roll comin' like a rhino Tables turn - suckers burn to learn They can't dis-able the power of my label Def Jam - tells you who I am The enemy's public - they really give a damn Strong Island - where I got 'em wild and That's the reason they're claimin' that I'm violent Never silent - no dope gettin' dumb nope Claimin' where we get our rhythm from Number one - we hit ya and we give ya some No gun - and still never on the run You wanna be an S.1 - Griff will tell you when And then you'll come - you'll know what time it is Impeach the president - pullin' out the ray-gun Zap the next one - I could be you're Sho-gun Suckers - don't last a minute Soft and smooth - I ain't with it Hardcore - rawbone like a razor I'm like a lazer - I just won't graze ya Old enough to raise ya - so this will faze ya Get it right boy and maybe I will praise ya Playin' the role I got soul too Voice my opinion with volume Smooth - no what I am Rough - cause I'm the man No matter what the name - we're all the same Pieces in one big chess game Yeah - the voice of power Is in the house - go take a shower boy P.E. a group, a crew - not singular We were black Wranglers We're rap stranglers You can't angle us - I know you're listenin' I caught you pissin' in you're pants You're scared of us dissin' us The crowd is missin' us We're on a mission boy Terminator X Attitude - when I'm on fire Juice on the loose - electric wire Simple and plain - give me the lane I'll throw it down your throat like Barkley See the car keys - you'll never get these They belong to the 98 posse You want some more son - you wanna get some Rush the door on a store - pick up the album You know the rhythm, the rhyme plus the beat is designed So I can enter your mind - Boys Bring the noise - my time Step aside for the flex - Terminator X
rap.683 chill,
Crvenkapa, Snežana, Pepeljuga... i tako to... :)) Artist: Ice Cube Album: AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted Song: A Gangsta's Fairytale (Intro: Little Russ, Ice Cube) [story-teller] Once upon a time, in the black part of the city... [young kid] Yo G, yo G you better get out of here man, 5-0 (door swings shut, car peels out)... [Russ] Yo Ice Cube, man [Cube] Whassup man? [Russ] Why you... [Cube] Whassup? [Russ] Yo Ice Cube man, why you always kickin the shit about the bitches and the niggaz?... Why don't you kick some shit about the kids, man? The fuckin kids?! [Cube] Word... (Verse One: Ice Cube) Little boys and girls, they all love me Come sit on the lap of I-C-E And let me tell ya a story or two About a punk-ass nigga I knew Named Jack, he wasn't that nimble, wasn't that quick Jumped over the candlestick and burnt his dick Ran up the street cause he was piping hot Met a bitch named Jill on the bus stop Dropped a line or two, and he had the hoe At that type of shit he's a pro So Jack and Jill ran up the hill to catch a lil nap Dumb bitch, gave him the claps Then he had to go see Dr. Bombay Got a shot in the ass, and he was on his way To make some money, why not? Down on Sesame Street, the dope spot There he saw the lady who lived in a shoe Sold dope out the front, but in back, marijuana grew For the man that was really important Who lived down the street in a Air Jordan Ride to the fellow Mister Rogers and hoes Drove a 500 sittin on Lorenzoes He broke out, Little Bo Peep, smoked out Saw, her and her friends sellin sheepskins [Little Bo Peep] Yo yo I got them sheepskins Yo, my empty sheepskins Yo baby, what's up with that? Hickory dickory dock, it was twelve o'clock Cinderella ain't home must be givin up the cock I don't doubt it, she is kind of freaky of course Had a fight with Snow White, she was fuckin her dwarfs Saw a fight over colors, too Red Riding Hood, and Little Boy Blue A bad influence? Yo I don't know But Ice Cube'll tell the kids how the story should go (Interlude: Little Russ) Yeah money, that's it, yeah money, that's it This is Little Russ in the house Rock that shit homey, rock that shit! [Well, you know the rest] (Verse Two: Ice Cube) Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall With a joint, drinkin some 8-ball Three little pigs in a Coup de Ville Lookin for, the wolf to kill They're fucked up and they want revenge Them and Humpty used to be friends Now they're enemies cause he's a traitor Pulled out the Uzi cruised by and sprayed him Cinderella hoeing for the fellas And Mister Rogers is gettin mighty jealous Of the cash that the pigs were makin Time for the pigs to get turned to bacon Cause Mister Rogers found out quick That Humpty Dumpty was blown to bits They said that the motherfuckin wolf was next So Mister Rogers better watch his step So he let the wolf know We're gonna fuck up the pigs, and take their ho Cause Cinderella is much too fast Before twelve, givin up ass Double barrels all loaded and cocked As soon as they show, they gonna get popped They bailed down Sesame Street and caught em Little Boy Blue is up front givin orders Little did they know Cinderella was a fink She called the cops and got thrown in the clink A bad influence? Yo, I don't know But Ice Cube'll tell the kids how the stories should go (Outro: Little Russ, Ice Cube) [Cube] Aiyyo man was that dope enough for you? [Russ] Yeah you aight, you in the house We outta here, seeeee-yaaaaa [Cube] Yeah you better go home before I whoop your little bad ass [Barney Rubble] Some bedtime story huh? [Bugs Bunny] It's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't wanna live here... [Andrew Dice Clay] Ay, good ol' Mother Goose, remember her? I fucked her... -------------------------------------------- Artist: Ice Cube Album: The Predator Song: Gangsta Fairytale 2 (Intro: Little Russ) Hey motherfuckin Cube, what the fuck wrong with you? You didn't kick the rest of that Gangsta Fairytale shit Why don't you kick it one good time Niggaz on the playground wanna know what's happenin You left em hangin man, what the fuck? (Verse One: Ice Cube) Little Boy Blue is outta Folsome Now them three little pigs gotta roast him Drivin down Sesame Street and I bet That little motherfucker's out fuckin Smurfette Ain't saw the wolf yet, but it's no doubt They'll catch his ass slippin at his grandma house They got the Mac-10 pointed out the coop Cause they gotta follow they nose like Fruit Loops Peeped out Little Miss Muffet on her tuffet eatin grits She saw the Mac-10 and the bitch had the shits Ran into her house, called up her crew Cause Red Riding Hood wants to kill Little Boy Blue And the wolf too, what is Mister Rogers doing? Moved out his Jordan, bought him a Ewing Him, Little Boy Blue and the wolf in the cellar Planning on gettin Cinderella Cause Cinderella still works for the pigs Through with the dwarfs, fuckin Bebe's kids Now Snow White got the horny ass fever Fuckin the Beauty's Beast like Jungle Fever Now the word's on the street When the crews meet You better make some fuckin room Cause it's on with the pigs and them other nigs When the cow jump over the moon, everybody jump (Verse Two: Ice Cube) Now Little Boy Blue is up front WIth the nine millimeter, ready for the hunt Little Red Riding Hood caught his ass slippin Drew down on the boy cause the bitch is steady trippin About to get loose with the deuce deuce That's when the boy said, "What about the gang truce?" The little hoe had no words The wolf came around and the bitch got served Three little pigs bought wigs Dressed like sheep, Cinderella is Little Bo Peep Tryin to creep, on the crew The wolf, the Rogers, the Blue, they through Cause the pigs did the buck buck bang, ping Now you hear the fat lady sing Cinderella, ran like a bitch To the pay phone cause the bitch is still a snitch Now the pigs are caught by the pigs and taken In the pen to get fried like bacon You still can't trust no hoe And Ice Cube'll tell the kids how the stories, should go (Outro: Little Russ) Yeah Cube, man that shit was dope nigga You all that and a bowl of grits Nigga that shit was on props, nigga! Yeah that's how you kick that shit for the ninety-deuce, nigga What's happenin nigga?! Yeah nigga that's Gangsta Fairytale part 2 nigga All you trick-ass niggaz can't fuck with it!
rap.684 chadra,
i nije bash rap, al' Artist: Refugee All Stars Album: ? Song: Avenues oh no oh no say, we gonna rock down through electric avenue and then we'll take it higher (higher) say, we gonna rock down through the brooklyn avenues and then we'll take it higher (higher) oh no oh no yo yo slick like rick james when i hit super freak chicks, i don't miss mix wit yo nose, my flows make you sick two chicks for me, none for you like twix play with niggas head like clef's guitar picks went from bottom pits to makin hits and hollow tips and shootin lips (right) handle my business, make sure it sits ride throught the tunnels, fuck the guest lists light up the block with roman candlesticks known to blow shows with pyrotechnics rappin bout yo wips while yo cat demands hits buyin shorty gifts with checks from ??? your record sound like a demo that was yet not mixed your whole styles broke and it should be fixed times runnin out as my rolex ticks don't get caught on the av, it's too electric say, we gonna rock down through electric avenue and then we'll take it higher (higher) say, we gonna rock down through the brooklyn avenues and then we'll take it higher (higher) oh no oh no i dedicate this to my peeps who roam the streets god bless they souls, may they rest in peace they'res those who finance and those who choose to lease whatever suits you better on the terms of your lease different strokes for different folks, god, i refuse to going back and being broke, lord he got struck wit lightnin, he got hit hard faces 20 to life maximum his whole life is scarred the preacher's son and i came off the santa maria ten cases of malt i caught the diarrhea load the refugees on the aircraft carrier some say dirty cash we never heard of ya (you don't know me?, you don't know me?) say, we gonna rock down through electric avenue and then we'll take it higher (higher) say, we gonna rock down through the brooklyn avenues and then we'll take it higher (higher) oh no oh no (alright, alright) watch yo back, watch yo side, swimmin wit sharks string you like a harp while they playin mozart no credentials, get nowhere like ozlo sent back to frisco, like the regal begal suave like rico, on fire like pyro frantic like scytso, rougher than brillo he caught the wrap like donnie brosko out in the streets there is violence down in brooklyn there is violence down there in queens there is violence and there's a lot of work to be done (lord) down in the ghetto there's violence out in la there is violence in miami there is violence and there's a lot of work to be done (lord) say, we gonna rock down through refugee avenue and then we'll take it higher (higher) say, we gonna rock down through haiti avenue and then we'll take it higher (higher) (refugee all stars, yeah, yeah)
rap.685 brka,
> Artist: Refugee All Stars > Album: ? > Song: Avenues Album: Money Talks Soundtrack U filmu glume Chalie Sheen i Cris Tucker (glumio u Petom Elementu onog ludog voditelja Rudi Rob-a. Cya
rap.686 ruby.rod,
=> U filmu glume Chalie Sheen i Cris Tucker (glumio u Petom Elementu => onog ludog voditelja Rudi Rob-a. ^ ^ Tz tz tz... Bogohuljenje. ;) Znaš li nešto više o dotičnom glumcu?
rap.687 dzim,
<M> U filmu glume Chalie Sheen i Cris Tucker (glumio u Petom Elementu <M> onog ludog voditelja Rudi Rob-a. ono, znash, kad vec pishesh u temi rep bolje da si napomenuo da Kris Taker igra Smoukija u filmu Frajdej...po tome je daleko poznatiji...
rap.688 chill,
Ima li neko tekst ultra-jake anti-japijevske pesme "MISTADOBALINA", koju peva Ice Cube-ov brat po ocu zvani Del Tha Funkee Homosapien...
rap.689 brka,
> ono, znash, kad vec pishesh u temi rep bolje da si napomenuo > da Kris Taker igra Smoukija u filmu Frajdej...po tome > je daleko poznatiji... Napisao sam da je glumio u Petom elementu zato sto se film skoro davao kod nas, pa rekoh - lakse ce se ljudi setiti. Cya
rap.690 dzim,
<M> Napisao sam da je glumio u Petom elementu zato sto se film <M> skoro davao kod nas, pa rekoh - lakse ce se ljudi setiti. pa ok je ako reperi shto prate ovo, vishe znaju njega po Petom Elementu nego po Frajdeju, onda mislim stvaaarno...:)
rap.691 brka,
Tekst o Chris Tuckeru - VIBE, September 1997 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" MOVIN' ON UP ------------ CHRIS TUCKER, THE FUNNYMAN STAR OF Money Talks, WANTS MORE THAN A FEW LAUGHS. BY CRAIGH BARBOZA There's just no arguing with success. The first director of Chris Tucker's new comedy, Money Talks, learned that the hard way, getting the boot only two weeks before filming began. "This motherfucka didn't want to improv," explains Tucker over a mound of pasta at Numero Uno, blocks from his L.A. apartment. "I was telling him that's just the way it is: Comedians work that way, or I work that way. I was, like, Fuck it, and cussed him out one day." It's hard to picture the bug-eyed, rain-thin Tucker barking up in somebody's grill, but this was serious bidness. Improvisation, after all, dominated Tucker's film debut, Friday, a 'hood comedy that grossed nearly $30 milion in 1995 (10 times its cost, making it the ninth most profitable film of that year). Some would say the comic was almost too funny in inventing stuff for Smokey, the hyperkinetic bud smoker he played opposite Ice Cube's Craig. "We had a hard time shooting because the crew would ruin the takes from laughing," says the movie's director, F. Gary Gray. "It got to the point where people had to walk away from the camera or just couldn't watch." After Friday and more low-key part in the Hughes Brothers' Deas Presidents, Tucker was inundated with offers to fill the black comedian role in movies like Booty Call, How to Be a Player, and B.A.P.S, but he held out for something more challenging. "Everybody wanted me to do another Friday, but I wanted to do something different, to keep growing," says Tucker,24, who earned joust $10,000 for his career-making role. His patience paid off when Luc Besson called with a part in this summer's sci-fi adventure The Fifth Element. Starring opposite Bruce Willis, Tucker turned in a wild performance as Ruby Rhod {da, izvinjavam se sto sam u prosloj poruci permutovao njegovo ime}, a flamboyant, futuristic megastar with so much hair, flair, and attitute, he'd make Dennis Rodman jealous. With Money Talks, a $25 million action comedy, Tucker tackles his first leading role as Franklin, a car-wash con who teams up with a headline-grabbing reporter (Charlie Sheen) to thwart the plans of international diamond smugglers. Daring the audience not to laugh, Tucker goes from belting a Michael Jackson song to masquerading as Tony Montana in a single scene ("You wanna play rough?! I slap people for fun, mane"). Written by Alec Sokolow and Joel Cohen (Toy Story), the movie had been collecting dust for years when Tucker snatched it up and brought it to New Line. The studio then bought the rights for Tucker, who went home and began a massive rewrite, seasoning the dialogue and adding a street sensibillity. "My character was, like, selling tickets at the stadium and shit." says Tucker. "I was, like, Hell nah. I took it to the car wash because that's where mothafuckas come in and out and handle business." As important as the $2 million Chris says he earned for Money Talks was the shot to serve as executive producer - a position he exercised to get the film reshoots, flashy cars, a hot soundtrack featuring Barry White and Faith Evans, a more collaborative director (music-video auteur Brett Ratner), and one big, fiery explosion at the Coliseum for the climax. Like Jim Carrey or Robin Williams, Tucker is an extremely physical, high-energy comic - a virtual walking cartoon. Onscreen, he's volatile and full of surprises yet also strangely lovable. But what's made him Him is his trademark voice - a high-pitched, rapid-fire instrument honed first at home, where, growing up the youngest of six, he often "ran his mouth for attention." That mouth served him well at Columbia High School, in Atlanta, where he got his start hosting talent shows. After graduation, the underage comic snuck into a local comedy club, bluffed his way onstage, and walked off with a standing ovation. The impressed club menager signed him up to do eight shows a week for a meager 50 beans. Soon after, he moved to L.A., where he worked the comedy circuit before graduating to his first high-profile gig on HBO's Def Comedy Jam, in 1992. Money may be talking these days, but it doesn't appear to have spoiled Chris - at least, not too much. First thing he did when he got paid was move his parents into a new home and set them up with a pair of hot wheels. He then purchased a newly built French-style house for himself. A half hour from Hollywood, it's a spacious six-bedroom with a high-tech recording studio, where he's currently producing a new comedy album to be released this year in conjuction with a stand-up toue. In the meantime, he's taking meetings with Hollywood hotshots like Quentin Tarantino and plotting his rise to the top. "I'ma do something really different than what other comedians have," says Tucker. "I'ma always be with an all-star cast, and sometimes I'll take the seat down and let somebody else shine. But I'll always have a good-ass role. I ain't gonna let other mothafuckas get all the light." Let's just hope that if he hooks up with Quentin, he lets the director keep his job. Cya
rap.692 brka,
> Tekst o Chris Tuckeru - VIBE, September 1997 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Evo, mislim da sada "reperi shto prate ovo", znaju ko je on, jer u tekstu pise i da je glumio u Friday-u. PS. Malcice, samo malcice se potrudi oko pravopisa i urednosti:) Cya
rap.693 dzim,
<M> Evo, mislim da sada "reperi shto prate ovo", znaju ko je on, <M> jer u tekstu pise i da je glumio u Friday-u. kul, kul... <M> PS. Malcice, samo malcice se potrudi oko pravopisa i <M> urednosti:) al ono...zashto?
rap.694 brka,
> Ima li neko tekst ultra-jake anti-japijevske pesme > "MISTADOBALINA", koju peva Ice Cube-ov brat po ocu zvani > Del Tha Funkee Homosapien... Stara je to pesma, imam snimljen spot, ali tekst - jok. Jedino da neko [chadra are you there:)] skine sa Mreze. Cya
rap.695 chadra,
LUNITIK MUZIK by THE LUNIZ With LUNITICK MUZIK, the LUNIZ' much anticipated follow-up to their ground breaking 1995 gold debut, Operation Stackola, that featured their internationally acclaimed platinum hit "I Got Five On It," the Oakland duo displays a growth and maturity plus a musical diverty that's destined to win them even more fans. As with their debut, LUNITICK MUZIK continues to blur the oundaries between East and West coast or "rap" and "hip hop". THis time, the supertalented duo, YUKMOUTH and NUMSKULL, not only cleverly trade their innovative free flowing sing-song creative rhymes off each other, but they also prove to be masters at whatever type of rap or hip hop that they choose to flip the script on--a diverse array that ranges from the straight up head bobbing "town" shit (that's Oakland rap) "Funkin Over Nuthin'" with TOO SHORT, to Mianmi-bass charged "20 Blunts A Day," to the the boogie down BDP inspired "Phillies." From start to finish, LUNITICK MUZIK boasts radio and club hit material. Part of the inevitaable success of LUNITICK MUZIK can be attributed to the star-heavy list of collaborators that compliment YUK and NUM'S sound. These include E40, REDMAN, B-LIGIT, 2 LIVE CREW, DJ QUIK, BROWNSTONE, MOKENSTEF, 3X CRAZY, CYDAL, POPPA L.Q., SWOOP G, HARM, CHRISTION, 8 BALL & MJG, THE SYSTEM and RAFAEL SAADIQ. "This is some shit that ain't gonna wear out in a couple of months," promises NUM of the this second album, which was carefully recorded over many studio months. "We couln't just make no rush ass album. We spent time making it cos we wanted it to be just right, " adds YUK. LUNITICK MUZIK was recorded shortly after the LUNIZ returned from their 95-96 European tour with JODECI and the NOTORIOUS B.I.G. "Biggie's and Pac's deaths are referred to in the gripping "Killaz On The Payroll." Meanwhile, the touching "Why Do Thugz Die" is the ultimate eulogy to TUPAC, BIGGIE, Nd every other slain soldier past adn future. The secret to the LUNIZ' appeal is that however seemingly serious or trivial a topic the two choose to tackle, they always make it instantly engaging when they flex their insightful lyrics and refreshingly unique flows. For example on the bouncy hip hop pro sex, money, drugs, and music track "Hypnotized," produced by and featuring the infamous emcee REDMAN, the listener immediately gets draqn into the head-bobbing cut that's geared for bumping in the trunk. "REMAN's hella cool, " laughed YUKMOUTH of their New Jersey collaborator adding, "That nigga is just like us," making reference to both parties' fondness for getting lit on blunts or dank. In fact, this recreational indulgence is a recurring theme throughout LUNITICK MUZIK. It's humourously dealt with on tracks such as the Miami bass meets PRINCE flavored "20 Blunts A Day," featuring 2 LIVE CREW and Oakland R&B act CHRISTION, a hilarious skit with a BILL CLINTON sound-alike endorsing getting high; "Phillies" (a reworking of the BDP hit "Jimmy") featuring POPPA L.Q. plus a cleverly incorporated sample from GANG STARR'S "Dwyck"; and also on 'Highest Niggaz In the Industry: where they compare dank with drank (that's booze and weed," explained YUK (AKA Smoke ALot) adding that, "It's kinda like 'Freaks,' but we re-freaked it, " in refernce to the DIGITAL UNDERGROIND classic "Freaks Of The Industry," which acts as the perfect hook to the chorus of this song. On the "real town shit" (pure Oakland style) TONE CAPONE & MIKE D procuced bass'n' funk cut "Funkin Over Nuthin'," the LUNIZ make a point of publicly squashing their well publicized beef with TOO SHORT, where Bay Area vocalist HARM supplies the infectious chorus:"You've got me funkin over nuthin'." Other sure crowd and radio pleasers on LUNITICK MUZIK include the smoothed out"Jus Mee & U," which features and is produced by the multi-talented RAPHAEL SAADQ; the Smoke One produced 8 BALL & MJG collaboration"Hustlin"; and "Bobb shit (Niggaz Ain't Ready Yet), with the rap all-star guest list of SWOOP G, 3X KRAZY and CYDAL.. Throughout LUNITICK MUZIK, the LUNIZ continually advance the lyrical art form of hip hop as they effortlessly trade inspired rhymes in their casual conversating way. "We just rap together like we talk together," modestlly explained NUM of the two 's natural sounding, free flowing delivry that has become the LUNIZ trademark sound and hs the distinction of simutaneouly packing both style and flavor. luniz1.jpg
rap.696 brka,
> PS. Malcice, samo malcice se potrudi oko pravopisa i > urednosti:) >> al ono...zashto? Pa da bi bilo lakse nama koji citamo. Cya
rap.699 rades,
Ima li neko tekst pesme " C U When U Get There" Coolio feat 40 Thevz MiloS.
rap.700 sani.,
Ajde da mi neko baci txt "CU when U get there" i "hit'em high". Ako moze :) A ako ne moze onda nek mi opet baci :)
rap.701 chill,
Oooh, shit... Motherfuckin' Sunshine and the Playboy, in da house... Crazy shit rockin', ya know what I'm sayin'... So check it out motherfuckaz... Do watcha ya gotta do... Watcha ya gotta do? Watcha ya gotta do? Watcha ya gotta do? (get higher) Watcha ya gotta do? (get higher) Watcha ya gotta do? (get higher, oou-aaa-aaah) Imam mnogo para, imam mnogo kola. Mnogi mene smatraju za rodjenog idola. Brojni katalozi stalno mi se nude, k'o poznate lepotice što guraju mi dude. Račun telefona prilično je dug, i moja limuzina ima jako dobar cug. Za mene karta sveta suviše je mala. Bogat sam, Bogu hvala... Bogu hvala... Imam dvorce, širom sveta. Mnogim mafijašima ja sam prava meta. Hotela, zvezdica ne zna im se broj, udjem u apartman, oni kažu da je moj. Pitaju se drugi: kako sve to ima?! Svako kao ne zna: uz pomoć kokaina. Daaa, to je droga fina, dobijaš il' gubiš sve zbog kokaina. Kokain, kokaina, kokain. Kokain, kokaina, kokain, aaa... Dok me majka još držala u krilu, prvo sam iskustvo već imao u dilu. A kada mi je zakon uz'o gram na silu, ja sam otiš'o u Brazil, toga dobio na kilu. Tražio sam samo što nije u redu. Staj'o sam uvek na ispucanom ledu. Ne juri me odavno savezni MUP, jer, e-he-he, nisam tol'ko glup. Oooh, shit man... (cocaine bitch, bitch) Nigga, shotguns... (stop it bitch) Hell no... (cocaine bitch, bitch) Motherfuckin' differences... (stop it bitch) Nosim utoku, uprtu u djoku, kak'o repetiranje u minimalnom roku. ...[pucnjevi]... pretvara u fleku, njega uzimaju ljudi moji, bacaju u reku. Vlade sveta ucenjuju mi glavu. Žele da mi smaknu i dostignu mi slavu. Popisati ne mogu moju imovinu, zato što ne mogu, da prismrde kokainu. Kokain, kokaina, kokain. Kokain, kokaina, kokain, aaa... Kokain, kokaina, kokain. Kokain, kokaina, kokain, aaa... Ja sam izazov, kome ne mogu odoleti. Na vrhu sam lanca koga deo si ti... Koga deo si ti... Motherfuckin' cocaine... A-aah... Oooh, shit man... Odavno sam prestao da brojim milione, a kada ih poželim pevam: čike-none, Čike-none-none, čike-none-none, pusti kao brod, meri se na tone. Čike-none-none, čike-none-none, pusti kao brod, pusti kao brod. Čike-none-none, čike-none-none... meri se na tone... meri se na tone. Kokain, kokaina, kokain. (čike-none-none, čike-none-none, čike-none-none, čike-none-none) Kokain, kokaina, kokain, aaa... (čike-none-none, čike-none-none, čike-none-none, čike-none-none) Kokain, kokain, aaa... (čike-none-none, čike-none-none) Kokain, kokain, aaa... (čike-none-none, čike-none-none)
rap.702 corgan,
Ako je Sunshine rap, onda stvarno...
rap.703 miloscar,
Evo posle 3 meseca se vracam sa STYLE :)))) i ovde svev propade poruke se pisu u proseku 3 / mesec i to su 2 od chill-a :)) MI> 2)RZA FEAT.METHOD MAN AND CAPPADONNA-Wu wear:The garment MI> renassaince(soundtrack HIGH SSCHOOL HIGH, AAAAAAA Evo nesto jos bolje i kvalitetnije ------- Rebel INS -- Full Rap Metal Jacket rebelins
rap.704 miloscar,
MI> Trac ili istina, u toku su 'pregovori ' da mozda coolio i puffy MI> posete Bgd, tj. Pionir, sve pod pokroviteljstvom grada Beograda. Pa bas se radujem susretu / a + imam i plan da svako da neku crkavicu pa da odemo mi do IMR-a i tamo jedno 20 radnika potkupimo da izvrse atentat ali onako seljachki da ispuste neki metalni blok na Puffy-a ne da ga ubiju pa da posle neko opet pochne da gradi vilu na njegovoj smrti :)))))
rap.705 miloscar,
Evo samo za prave ljude jedna slichica NANA pa svi vi laznjaci je ignorisite a svi pravi je skinite !!!!!!! L I V E E V I L --under tha flatline-- nana
rap.706 miloscar,
I ako nekome treba neki textic da se bolje upozna sa ovom grupom neka napise !!! Posto imam dosta o njima ja sam im Glavni VI-VI-VI zaludjenik :)
rap.707 brka,
> Evo samo za prave ljude jedna slichica > NANA pa svi vi laznjaci je ignorisite a > svi pravi je skinite !!!!!!! Bez komentara...
rap.708 miloscar,
A jesi je skinuo kad nemas komentar-a ?????? Ili se od imena najezis. Najbolje bi bilo da sam poslao Foxy Brown,Da Brat, Supa dupa sranje i ostalu komerc. kompaniju Tad bi svi skidali ko ludi . Under Da FLatline....
rap.709 miloscar,
Evo sad jednog dela pesme Summer Time - C-BLock Pesma je nevidjeno dobra samo sto ej snimak malo ruzan pa je vi slusnite pa ce te da vidite sta je prava grupa !!!!!! summer.ra
rap.710 brka,
> A jesi je skinuo kad nemas komentar-a ?????? > Ili se od imena najezis. > Najbolje bi bilo da sam poslao Foxy Brown,Da Brat, > Supa dupa sranje i ostalu komerc. kompaniju > Tad bi svi skidali ko ludi . Auu, sada sam stvarno bez komentara...
rap.711 kiki,
> Summer Time - C-BLock E, kazi samo koji program cita ovaj fajl.. Inace je pesma zakon.
rap.712 chill,
>> > Summer Time - C-BLock >> Inace je pesma zakon. ccccc... daleko ti lepa kuća...
rap.713 joke,
E Ana.A ovde.Citam vase poruke u zadnje vreme i stvarno ste ludi.Koliko bre ima njih na sezamu koje ne znam.Nista samo sam htela da kazem da je moj opsti utisak da je Brka ziva enciklopedija rap-a zajedno sa Miloscarem,Chadrom i Chillom.Ajde da ne serem mnogo...Cya
rap.714 antisepsa,
jeli a kako to mislis enciklopedije? jel zato sto .. nema veze al zasto ZIVE i to jos ENCIKLOPEDIJE malo je smesno jel samo pricaju o nekim staaarim pesmama ne krivim ih jer su one pesme o kojima pisu zakoni za ostale vrste muzike ali bi oni mogli da pocnu da slusaju nesto novije :))))))
rap.715 brka,
> E Ana.A ovde. Cetiri puta sam morao ovo da procitam da bih shvatio sta si htela da kazes (citao sam kao dve recenice - E Ana. A ovde.) :). Sve u svemu, drago mi je da ima jos neko zensko koje prati ovo nase pisanije (iako ja vise pisem u grupi 'rap' nego ovde)... > Nista samo sam htela da kazem da je moj opsti utisak da je Brka ziva enciklopedija rap-a zajedno sa Miloscarem, Chadrom i Chillom. E sad, ne znam da li smo enciklopedije... Delim tvoje misljenje sto se tice chadre i chilla, ali miloscar me je razocarao sa nekoliko poslednjih poruka. Ne zelim da pokrecem nikakvu raspravu - svako ima svoj ukus, pa tako i on ima pravo da slusa Nanu, i njima slicne grupe, ali mislim da tim grupama nije mesto ovde vec u grupi 'dance' ili ne znam - da se otvori tema 'popularna muzika tinejdzera u Nemackoj'. Moje misljenje dele i ljudi iz Amerike, pa u svom 100. broju Source u hip-hop zemlje ne ubraja Nemacku (znam da Nana nije iz Nemacke). Takodje i u clanku koji se bavi crnom muzikom u Velikoj Britaniji ne pominju ni jednu grupu slicnu Nani... Zato bih zeleo da se u ovoj temi vise ne pise o takvim grupama - mogu da se kladim da se o njima pise u temi 'dance', pa ko voli nek'... Pozdrav Aleksandar
rap.716 miloscar,
MI> miloscar me je razocarao sa nekoliko poslednjih poruka. MI> Ne zelim da pokrecem nikakvu raspravu - svako ima svoj MI> ukus, pa tako i on ima pravo da slusa Nanu, i njima MI> slicne grupe, ali mislim da tim grupama nije mesto MI> ovde vec u grupi 'dance' ili ne znam - da se otvori Ti si.... Jesi ti glavni Ganster sto po ceo dan visis na inetrnetu i prikupljas podatke i ovde pises i onda nisi pun sebe ! Sto ne kazes Ja znam vise od tebe i ja sam veci raper Sta tebi puca kurac sta ja slusam znas da ima Ignore za one koje ne podnose druge kao sto ja ne podnosim tebe ! Stavi i ti na moje porukice jedan ignore pa da moji fajlovi mogu da budu za ono zasta su namenjeni ... Ko ji si ti Komercijalista sa onim Komentarima... I onda neces da pokreces raspravu i onoj grupi bolje promenite naziv u R&B i soul jel ugavnom samo ti pises tamo !
rap.717 joke,
Pa koliko je meni Miloscar rekao ono pod datotekom Nana uopste nije Nana ali ajde...nisam skinula tako da necu da pricam posto ne znam o cemu se radi.Samo imam utisak da Milos stvarno slusa rap za razliku od onih drugih.U pravu si da se devojke ne oglasavaju ali ni ne znam ko jos na sezamu slusa rap.Ja jesam u grupi rap ali posto nisam uplatila svoj user nemam pojma sta se desava tamo u zadnje vreme.
rap.718 joke,
Prvo,pola ne razumem sta si hteo da kazes jer nema tacki zareza...Rekla sam ZIVE ENCIKLOPEDIJE zato sto su zivi u svakom slucaju a imam utisak da vec dugo slusaju rap i da znaju dosta o toj temi.Tacno je da slusaju dosta starih stvari ali mislim da dosta znaju i o onome sto se tek skoro pojavilo.Mislim,cinjenica je da znaju vise od svih koji pisu conferenciji
rap.719 antisepsa,
A odakle tebi cinjenica da oni znaju vise od SVIH koji pisu u konferenciji?
rap.720 miloscar,
MI> A odakle tebi cinjenica da oni znaju vise od SVIH koji pisu u MI> konferenciji? MI> antisepsa, Stefan Ranitovic, Beograd MI> Clan od 26.12.1997, poslednji poziv Sub 10.01.98 14:08 MI> ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙ MI> ne zanima me shta drugi kazu jer sam TURBO-ULTRA-HIPER-SVETLOSNI MI> 0000000 0 0000000 MI> 0 0 0 0 0 MI> 0 0 0 0 0 MI> 0 0000000 0000000 MI> 0 0 0 0000 MI> 0 0 0 0 000 MI> 0000000 0 0 0 000 MI> MI> MI> YEAH BAYBE!!!! Pa ti ako te zanima ova Conf-a trebalo bi prvo da napises koju muziku slusas da se zna s kim se pricha !!! I ako znas pokazi nam to malo
rap.721 brka,
> Ti si... Jesam... > Jesi ti glavni Ganster sto po ceo dan visis na inetrnetu > i prikupljas podatke i ovde pises i onda nisi pun sebe ! Verovao ti ili ne ja nemam, i nikad nisam imao uplacen Internet (kompjuter mi je mnogo slab, a tek odskora sam dobio i 14,4 modem). Na Internetu sam bio 4-5 puta u zivotu, i to uglavnom kada sam bio na Sajmu Tehnike. Sve sto sam slao (a i nisam slao mnogo ako cemo bas tako) dobio sam od jednog ortaka. > Sto ne kazes Ja znam vise od tebe i ja sam veci raper Zasto bih to rekao. Zbog cega tako gledas na stvari, i zbog cega se takmicis u tako banalnim stvarima. Zar neko uopste moze biti 'veci raper' od nekoga?! Covece, pa to je muzika... > Sta tebi puca kurac sta ja slusam Citat iz moje poruke: "... svako ima svoj ukus, pa tako i on ima pravo da slusa Nanu, i njima slicne grupe, ali mislim da tim grupama nije mesto ovde..." """"""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""" > Stavi i ti na moje porukice jedan ignore pa da moji fajlovi > mogu da budu za ono zasta su namenjeni ... Nikada nikome nisam stavio ignore, pa neces ni ti biti izuzetak. To nije, nikada nije bio i nikada nece biti nacin da resis neki problem. > I onda neces da pokreces raspravu i onoj grupi bolje > promenite naziv u R&B i soul jel ugavnom samo ti pises tamo ! Prvo, i ti si clan te grupe - ako ti se ne svidja sto samo manja grupa ljudi pise, sedi pa i ti napisi nesto. Ispade da ti ne mozes da pises od mene. R&B i Soul sam pomenuo u grupi samo jedanput, i to kada smo pravili top listu. Chadra nije imao nista protiv, a kao sto znas to je njegova grupa. U Conferenciji nikada nisam ni pomenuo R&B i Soul. Pozdrav Aleksandar
rap.722 miloscar,
E neepada mi napamet da ovde pisem sastav o tebi vise i sve sto si rekao svaka tebi cast i tebi i svima koji te podrzavaju a za grupu necu ni da pisem tamo pa me slobodno izbacite kao ni ovde !!! Zato sto nemam sa kim da pricham ( cast izuzecima ako treba neko nesto .ra neka pise na mail Strictly HH EC ) -- Under Da FLatline --
rap.723 brka,
> A odakle tebi cinjenica da oni znaju vise od SVIH koji pisu u > konferenciji? Zato sto samo mi i pisemo u konferenciji :)
rap.724 brka,
> malo je smesno jel samo pricaju o nekim staaarim > pesmama ne krivim ih jer su one pesme o kojima > pisu zakoni za ostale vrste muzike ali bi oni > mogli da pocnu da slusaju nesto novije Veruj mi, slusamo i novije stvari, ali ne verujem da ce u skorije vreme hip-hop biti ono sto je bio od '85 do pocetka '90-tih. Cya
rap.725 miloscar,
Pardon Evo ovo je Last mesage... Samo da stavim ovo da bi neki mogli da vide i svate Koja je razlika izmedju Hip Hop i Rap-a ( *** : Zar je ima ? ) Poslusajte pesmu zajedno sa text-om i mozda se nesto promeni.... Nije vazno ko peva pesmu nego o cemu govori pesma sto je suva istina ( ko svati )... Artist: **** *** ***** Album: ***** ** *** **** Song: One Day One day about 6:00 O'clock I woke up by the sound of my buzza, And a car or a truck squeezing off, So i jump up scratched my nuts, But when I was like who's that nobody speaks up So I go to the door, there's a note, It says we have Hip-Hop hostage with guns to his troat, Do the right thing, and we might let him go, But if you call the police, that's all she wrote, You know what the motive is it's all about doe, And in case you think we bullshitin' here's the photo, I couldn't reconize the clowns because they were all hooded down, But I peeped Foxxy Brown sippin' crystal in the background, With fake alligator boots on, And smack dab in the middle was Hip-Hop with the vasace suit on, I immediately called Primo, I said Hip-Hop is in trouble Meet me at my rest on the double, Don't even jump in the shower, Matter of fact scratch my rest Meet me at D&D in a half -n- hour, And bring all your shit wit you, Cause you know what we got to do, Yo Afu, [what's up?] Let's jet son like elroy, If I recall correctly I last saw Hip-Hop down in Bad Boy. Will see if Puff knows what's up. Cuz, he's the one getting him drunk, and fuckin' his mind up, We go to the office, he's nowhere to be found, So we snatch up Jack Black and beat his bitch ass down, Now were's Hip-Hop, AIIIGHT, AIIIGHT, He confessed Suge came and took him from Puff last night, He said he would give him up if a real nigga came to retrieve him, So we went to L.A. later that evening, When we got there everything was Aiight, And we brought Hip-Hop back home that night. One Day M.C. -- Keep Tha UnderGround Down !!!! one_day.ra
rap.726 trooper,
An> A odakle tebi cinjenica da oni znaju vise od SVIH koji pisu u An> konferenciji? Samo je njih cula :)
rap.727 antisepsa,
Ako hoces da ti pokazem samo reci kako sve za tebe decki!!
rap.728 joke,
To da oni znaju vise nego svi drugi sam pokupila odatle sto ovde oni najvise pisu dok se skoro niko drugi ne oglasava.Sa Chillom i MIloscarom sam i ovako pricala par puta tako da se bas vidi da nisu pozeri.Chadra ocigledno zna dosta o rapu cim je osnovao grupu a i on ovde najvise salje textova i ostalih stvari...Brka ocigledno stvarno slusa rap posto stvarno ostavlja takav utisak na sve a ne samo na mene hteo ti to da priznas ili ne.Mislim ja skoro nikad ne pisem u conf nego vise citam i skidam sta mi treba kao ni ti sto ne pises cesto a oni non stop pisu i vidi se da nisu pozeri za razliku od nekih...Ajde sad pisite reply.
rap.729 trooper,
Jo> To da oni znaju vise nego svi drugi sam pokupila odatle sto ovde Jo> oni najvise pisu dok se skoro niko drugi ne oglasava.Sa Chillom i Jo> MIloscarom sam i ovako pricala par puta tako da se bas vidi da nisu Jo> pozeri.Chadra ocigledno zna dosta o rapu cim je osnovao grupu a i Jo> on ovde najvise salje textova i ostalih stvari...Brka ocigledno Jo> stvarno slusa rap posto stvarno ostavlja takav utisak na sve a ne Jo> samo na mene hteo ti to da priznas ili ne.Mislim ja skoro nikad ne Jo> pisem u conf nego vise citam i skidam sta mi treba kao ni ti sto ne Jo> pises cesto a oni non stop pisu i vidi se da nisu pozeri za razliku Jo> od nekih...Ajde sad pisite reply. Ja sam pozer i ponosim se time :)
rap.730 chill,
>> ne verujem >> da ce u skorije vreme hip-hop biti ono sto je bio >> od '85 do pocetka '90-tih. Jašta brate!... al ne vredi bagri govoriti... :))
rap.731 tokyo,
Ajd kad svi pisu pocecu i ja.Za pocetak pitanje za jednu "osobu" ,ajd da ne kazem koje ali:"Jel bre sestro znaci po tebi su svi rapperi oni koji pisu u conferencijama,a?"
rap.732 brka,
> Samo da stavim ovo da bi neki mogli da vide i > svate Koja je razlika izmedju Hip Hop i Rap-a > ( *** : Zar je ima ? ) Stvarno ne zelim vise da se raspravljamo, ali ovo je jace od mene... Milose, ova vrsta muzike koju mi slusamo se do '90-tih zvala Rap, medjutim, posto je sve to izaslo iz domena muzike, i prosirilo se na kulturu i politiku crnaca u Americi, uveden je pojam Hip-Hop, kao novi (siri) naziv za Rap muziku. Sto znaci da u Hip-Hop ulaze recimo i EPMD, Public Enemy, Eric B. and Rakim, ali i Wu-Tang Clan i Tupac (svidjali se oni nekom ili ne). Zakljucak: Rap = Hip-Hop > Artist: **** *** ***** > Album: ***** ** *** **** > Song: One Day Pazi, sve je to OK. I slazem se da je previse komercijalnih pevaca i obrada u hip-hop-u danas (u Americi se oni zovu Shark Niggaz ill Biters), ali ne znam sta si time hteo da dokazes? Ti si sada odjednom 'Underground', a mi 'Komercijala'... Sto je najgore, dosta njih koji su pljuvali po ljudima slicnim Puffiju, sada su u njegovom rangu (primer Nas-a i njegovog prvog albuma 'Illmatic'). Pozdrav Aleksandar
rap.733 tokyo,
E mislim da je Brka najbolje objasnio u vezi HiPHoP-a Tako je Brko reci im ti!!! :)
rap.734 brka,
> Tako je Brko reci im ti!!! :) Samo ti prozivaj... :)
rap.735 tokyo,
ko bre proziva?
rap.736 tokyo,
E evo jedna dobra stvar.....mnogo dobra!! ON THE WALL "Black Sheep"
rap.737 tokyo,
a jebiga los je snimak ...... neXt time....
rap.738 brka,
> ko bre proziva? Sala covece, sala - vide li ti :)
rap.739 tokyo,
Znam da je sala :) -----IcEnIgUh TokYO!!!------
rap.740 gligo,
Ko nije cuo, tek... Snoop Doggy Dog napusta Death Row Records... Sad je pitanje, kol'ko je sveza ova vest, al' ja je ovde nisam video.... Snoop napusta Death Row, po njegovim recima, zbog sve vece opasnosti po njegov zivot. Ako ostanem u Death Row-u, zavrsicu ili u zatvoru ili u kovcegu- kaze on. Imam zenu i decu i moram da se staram o njima. Nekad smo svi bili porodica, a sada se sve svelo na ubijanje konkurenata- zavrsava Snoop.
rap.742 lazai,
omot tupac-ovog albuma stricly 4 my n.i.g.g.a.z s4n.jpg
rap.743 sani.,
Aj dosta sad sa dokazivanjima ko je veci reper i tako to i nek mi neko vec posalje CU WHEN U GET THERE rechi ako ima ! A ako neme nek se raspita de ima pa tamo da trazim :) Ajde pliz :)
rap.744 chill,
Novi EPMD je čudo!!! FENOMENALAN comeback album! Imaju ga u CD klubu BAN (tel: 551-223)... Zove se BACK IN BUSINESS, i zvuči abnormalno dobro! Najbolji rap album izdat u prošloj godini. Svih četrnaest pesama zvuče kao da su snimljene 1990. godine (kada je rap bio underground i ultra-gotivan!)... :) EPMD je duo koga čine Parrish Smith i Erick Sermon. Naziv grupe je skraćenica od Erick and Parrish Making Dollars. ~ ~ ~ ~ Do sada su izdali: EPMD - Strictly Business 1988. EPMD - Unfinished Business 1989. EPMD - Business As Usual 1991. EPMD - Business Never Personal 1992. 1992. godine duo se raspao... Erick je počeo da radi solo, a Parrish je nastavio da radi kao PMD... ERICK SERMON - No Pressure 1993. PMD - Shade Business 1994. ERICK SERMON - Double Or Nothing 1995. 1997. devet godina posle debi albuma, legendarni duo je ponovo zajedno! EPMD - Back In Business 1997.
rap.745 chill,
EPMD "Back In Business" 1. Intro 2. Richter Scale 3. Da Joint 4. Never Seen Before 5. Skit 6. Intrigued 7. Last Man Standing 8. Get Wit This 9. Do It Again 10. Apollo Interlude 11. You Gots 2 Chill '97 12. Put On Master 13. K.I.M. 14. Dungeon Master
rap.746 chill,
ju gats tu čil koz ajm strikli biznis! :)
rap.747 chill,
Jebač i SunčevZrak "KOKAIN" Playboy & Sunshine "KOKAIN" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oooh, shit... Motherfuckin' Sunshine and the Playboy, in da house... Crazy shit rockin', ya know what I'm sayin'... So check it out motherfuckaz... Do watcha ya gotta do... Watcha ya gotta do? Watcha ya gotta do? Watcha ya gotta do? (get higher) Watcha ya gotta do? (get higher) Watcha ya gotta do? (get higher, oou-aaa-aaah) Imam jednu kravu, imam jednog vola. Mnogi mene smatraju za totalnog mentola. Brojne zadruge stalno mi se nude, k'o poznate pevaljke što guraju mi dude. Hodnik moje štale prilično je dug, i moja traktorica ima jako dobar cug. Za mene tudja njiva suviše ja mala. Seljak sam, Bogu hvala... Bogu hvala... Kopam brazde, širom sveta. Mnogim zadrugarima ja sam prava meta. Pašnjak, kravica ne zna im se broj, koljem svaku svinju, i jedem samo loj. Pitaju se drugi: otkud tebi svinja?! Svako kao ne zna: uz pomoć kokaina. Daaa, to je droga fina, kupuješ i kolješ je zbog kokaina. Kokain, kokaina, kokain. Kokain, kokaina, kokain, aaa... Dok sam svinju uzgajao na miru, prvo sam ja klanje već imao u dilu. A kada mi je deda dao nož na silu, ja tad sam zakl'o svinju, eto čvaraka na kilu. Bac'o sam meso, što nije u redu. Ostalo pečenje jeo sam sa dedu. Ja pojeo sam prvi, masni but, jer, e-he-he, nisam tol'ko glup. Oooh, shit man... (cocaine bitch, bitch) Nigga, shotguns... (stop it bitch) Hell no... (cocaine bitch, bitch) Motherfuckin' differences... (stop it bitch) Nosim kuburu, uprtu u komšu, ubijam mu kravu u minimalnom roku. ...[pucnjevi]... pretvara u fleku, neće meni više taj uživati u mleku. Vlasti sela ucenjuju mi glavu. Žele da mi smaknu i otruju mi kravu. Popisati ne mogu moju imovinu, zato što ne mogu, da prismrde kokainu. Kokain, kokaina, kokain. Kokain, kokaina, kokain, aaa... Kokain, kokaina, kokain. Kokain, kokaina, kokain, aaa... Na retrovizoru, je kompaktan disk, kada vozim kola, lepo mi svetli... lepo mi svetli... Motherfuckin' cocaine... A-aah... Oooh, shit man... Prvi sam kupio mobil' telefone, kada mi zazvone pevam: čike-none, Čike-none-none, čike-none-none, mobilni je 'fon sad u džepu mome Čike-none-none, čike-none-none, mobilni je 'fon, mobilni je 'fon. Čike-none-none, čike-none-none... sad u džepu mome... sad u džepu mome. Kokain, kokaina, kokain. (čike-none-none, čike-none-none, čike-none-none, čike-none-none) Kokain, kokaina, kokain, aaa... (čike-none-none, čike-none-none, čike-none-none, čike-none-none) Kokain, kokain, aaa... (čike-none-none, čike-none-none) Kokain, kokain, aaa... (čike-none-none, čike-none-none) U fajlu su paralelno postavljeni originalni i prepravljeni tekst... kokain!.txt
rap.748 ljubisha,
Pretpostavljam da je pitanje za starije slušaoce (ima li ih? :)) ali važi za sve dobronamerne. Interesuje me (već duugo vremena a nikako da se setim da pitam) ime grupe (ili čega već) koja izvodi obradu Madoninog hita "Hollyday".
rap.749 sane,
Introdjusing... Misli mene gone sve do vasione (Thoughts me chase all the way to space) u izvo|enju grupe SAPOSTOLDRICK sane - basssss apostol - roland baldrick - bubnjevy JoTzoqA misli.mp3
rap.750 chill,
SUNSHINE koncert, 14 februar, Hala Sportova, 35 din...
rap.751 legolas,
Jel moze neko da mi kaze nsto o Trip at Sedam (357). Video sam onaj spot (valjda Ne daj me, Cigane?) i svideo mi se (jadan ja). Da li uopste ovo spada u Rap? Kakve su im ostale stvari? Salut Legolas PS: ja od rap- a slusam samo MC Solaara ;) (ne zamerite)
rap.752 gytar,
to je pesma A2, i delim tvoje misljenje u vezi nje... iako ne slusam rap puno, mislim da su 357 dosta ok, i ostale stvari im nisu loshe (beograd....). nedavno im je izaso album, kolko ja znam....
rap.753 corgan,
Sve sto u sebi ima bas,gitaru i bubnjeve sigurno nije Rap!
rap.754 chill,
>> Sve sto u sebi ima bas, gitaru i bubnjeve sigurno nije Rap! Jedeš govno...
rap.755 gytar,
ne mora da znaci, u danasnje vreme.....
rap.756 corgan,
Necu da jedem govno! Ako si to rekao zbog Sunshine onda O.K.Ali 357 sigurno nisu Rap. Pre bih rekao da su neki Core.
rap.757 antisepsa,
e chilli a sta je za tebe rap ako nema bubnjeve? stvarno me zanima bas me interesuje
rap.758 legolas,
Ok, skonto sam shta hoces da kazes. Core bash nisu, ali me potsetishe na Dog eat Dog...
rap.759 chill,
rap.760 sani.,
E super ajd se malo svadjamo sta je rep a sta core. Ajd se manite corava posla i da mi neko posalje rechi BRE "CU WHEN U GET THERE" 3x pitam!
rap.762 drejk,
da, nije to chisti rep... ima primesa... ali ima primesa i roka.. nije losha kombinacija sve u svemu...
rap.763 malix,
E ako neko od vas juri po Net-u nek vidi da skine textove Epmd novog albuma BB A ako neko vec ima nek posalje Rihter Scale !!!!
rap.764 sani.,
AAaaaama bre. Ne moze Prvo meni qulijo , pa onda ti trazi sta oces :)
rap.765 malix,
Ma koji coolio to ovde niko ne salje idi pod razno mozda tamo neko ima...
rap.766 chill,
P U B L I C E N E M Y NOVI ALBUM IZLAZI 26-TOG APRILA!!! U pitanju je nešto kao one-band-soundtrack za novi film SPIKE LEE-ja...
rap.767 legolas,
Videste li najavu? Dakle C - BLOCK 26.02. u Beogradu. Predgrupe su Voodoo, 187... Ako ovaj koncert organizuje Koshava, mozete ochekivati shta ce da bude: dva Nigerijca koji studiraju ovde i dve ribe koje pevaju na matricu i eto C - Blocka made in JUL. Jedva chekam da dodju Beatlesi. Chuo sam da ce pokojnog Lennona da zameni sam Ljusha Ristic. Salut Legolas
rap.768 ica.z,
>> Ako ovaj koncert organizuje Koshava, mozete ochekivati shta ce da >> bude: dva Nigerijca koji studiraju ovde i dve ribe koje pevaju na >> matricu i eto C - Blocka made in JUL. Najludji je onaj 'zlatozubi' shto skida Tupac-a... Jednom prilikom je isti izjavio da mu je omiljena grupa 2Pac ;))
rap.769 chill,
WAV iz Body Count-ove pesme "Strippers" ICE-T na sav glas viče: "BITCH!!! I WANT MY DICK SUCKED!!!" WAV, 16 bit, 22.050 kHz, PCM... my_dick!.arj
rap.770 chill,
Kako se tačno zove novi album Delinquent Habits-a? neke četiri španske reči...!?...
rap.771 slick,
>> neke cetri spanske reci...!?... E, neznam. Al' nisam to 'teo, nego: Gde uopshte ima da se kupi neki CD od spomenutih? I da koshta manje od 200 dinzhi... poz.
rap.772 brka,
> Jel moze neko da mi kaze nsto o Trip at Sedam (357). > Video sam onaj spot (valjda Ne daj me, Cigane?) i svideo > mi se (jadan ja). Trip at 7 izdali su prvi album 'Pianissimo' prosle godine kao nezavisno izdanje (AgroTeka / DJ P produkcija). A 1. Beograd (4'48") 2. Cigane (5'20") 3. Hajde brate (4'51") 4. Nebeski covek (4'33") B 1. Mama (4'04") 2. Pravoslavan (3'23") 3. Trip at 7 (3'40") 4. Ljubav nema vremena (3'13") 5. Nebo je crveno (4'38") Po mom misljenju, album je odlican. Jedina pesma koja mi se ne svidja je 'Ljubav nema vremena'. U pesmama ima dosta gitara, a posebno me je odusevila truba. 357 su: Nikola Hadzi-Nikolic Ivan Starcevic Dragan Telalovic Vladan Stanojevic Radovan Rosic Nebojsa Potkonjak Djordje Petrovic Posebno me je odusevio odlicno ubacen scratch u nekoliko pesama. Bio sam na njihovom koncertu u Domu Omladine pre otprilike mesec i po dana, i njihov nastup uzivo (nista nije islo na matricu) mozda i bolje zvuci nego na kaseti. Iznenadio sam se kada sam cuo da je reizdanje njihovog albuma izaslo za 'City records'. Medjutim, album mi se svidja, a sad sto su oni presli u najdzivdzanskiju kucu kod nas... Izasla su tri spota - Beograd, A2 {Cigane} i Trip at 7. Posebno obratite paznju na spot za Trip at 7... Pozdrav Aleksandar
rap.773 sani.,
Hteo sam da vas pitam za misljenje , koja je po vama najbolja rep grupa. Trenutno. Mada ne mora ni trenutno , i uopste ima li neko da slusa rep a da vise voli domaci nego strani? Nemojte samo da pochnete da raspredate bajke i eseje o Sunshine-u
rap.774 apostol,
> Hteo sam da vas pitam za misljenje Pa znas kako, meni Sunshine i Straight Jacking trenutno imaju najbolji "stav", mada stalno sviraju uživo kao HC (što meni apsolutno odgovara) ;) Vudu Popaj ima odlične texteve, al' mi se ne sviđa što peva na matricu i na plejbek... 357 su samo delimično rep, al' su odlični. Gru je nekad bio najbliži "pravom" repu mada su mu textovi puni veštačkih rima, sad je komercijala... Who's the Best nisu ni po čemu negativni, ali mi nisu ni ništa posebno. Robin Hood imaju finu muziku, popunjavano gitarom, ali su reči isto daleko od Sunshinea. 187 nisu vredni pomena... JoTzoqA P.S. Ovo je moje lično mišljenje...
rap.775 legolas,
Chisto da ti se zahvalim, iako sam album kupio dva tri- dana posle mog pitanja ;) Slazem se, album nije losh, mada je kvalitet osrednji (ja imam kasetu). City recordsu slaba iz kvaliteta snimka!
rap.777 ristaa,
Po meni najbolji su OUTKAST!!! p.c.Ovo zvrljao TOKYO!!! ja sam na ovom budjavom useru
rap.778 juice,
:> Gru je nekad bio najblizi "pravom" repu mada su mu textovi puni :> vestackih rima, sad je komercijala... Da li bi moga malcice jasnije definisati pojam "vestacka rima" da bih mogao da shvatim sta je to u stvari. Svaki raper grada "Cikaga" bi morao Gruu da skine kapu jer je ipak od svih imao najveca m*da. :> Who's the Best nisu ni po cemu negativni, ali mi nisu ni nista :> posebno. Ako su Gruovi tekstovi vestacki, onda su njihovi valjda dobri? Inace, oni su imali sve, i vise od Grua, ali nisu imali balls da izdaju prvi album, iako su po meni to trebali da urade. Zato, -no respect to WITB crew-. :> 187 nisu vredni pomena... Mozda, mozda.... Setite se samo da je pre 3-4 godine Plan B (ilivam Ila) bio proglasen za naj-demo grupu sa 9 od 10 glasova (jedan glas je pripao Robinu Hoodu, inace rec je o emisiji Geto). Mozda sa ovim stvar bude obrnuta pa pocnu da prave dobre stvari. Inace, Cya se definitivno vratila i nadam se da ce zauzeti ono mesto na domacoj rap sceni koje joj i pripada. Pozdrav!
rap.779 juice,
:> Hteo sam da vas pitam za misljenje , koja je po vama najbolja rep :> grupa. Trenutno. Mada ne mora ni trenutno , i uopste ima li neko da :> slusa rep a da vise voli domaci nego strani? Mislim da ces tesko da nadjes nekoga ko vise slusa domaci nego strani rap. To sve iz prostog razloga sto je ipak "ono odande mnogo bolje i lepse nego ovo kod nas". Ruku na srce, to je i istina, ali ova gornja konstatacija nije proizvod logicnog razmisljanja vec ustaljeno razmisljanje obicnog gradjanina. Najbolji za mene ce uvek ostati 2pac iz prostog razloga zato sto ga volim. Dal su mi drazi njegova muzika ili textovi ne znam ni sam ali su ipak jedinstveni. To je jednostavno tako. Najbolja domaca rap grupa po meni je Robin Hood, a njihov album "Da li osecas bes?" super. Oni su govorili da su taj album mnogo brzo izdali i da bas nije ispao onakav kakvog su ga oni ocekivali. Tada sam bas mislio koliko bi album bio jak da su ga jos malo doterali. Inace, CD sa tim albumom, koliko znam, nikada nije izasao, a govorilo se da bi kao jedna od bonus pesama trebalo da bude i pesma "Otpisani". Ovim putem bi apelovao na sve dobre duse na sistemu koje poseduju doticnu pesmu ( Robin Hood "Otpisani" ) da prebace pesmu u npr. MP3 i okace je ovde. Bio bih im veoma zahvalan. Pozdrav!
rap.780 chill,
Public Enemy... 8 WAV-ova... 16 bit, Mono, 22.050 kHz, PCM... ___pe___.arj
rap.781 krsta,
------------------------------------------------------------------- Je li ima neko reci pesme "It' like that" od RUN - DMCa? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ako ima, neka posalje u konferenciju Muzika.3, tema RAP! Ako nema, neka nabavi pa nam posalje. Ako je tekst te pesme vec UPload-odovan, onda sam ga prevideo. ------------------------------------------------------------------- SRDJAN -------------------------------------------------------------------
rap.782 krsta,
Da li neko ima MP3 ili reci pesme "It's like that" od RUN-DMCa. Ako ima neka bude ljubazan i posalje da ih DOWNLOADujemo!
rap.783 miloscar,
Aj necu da vas gnjavim ne znam kako se i dal se promenilo stanje sa user-ima ZA wu-tang-ovce ako sluchajno naidjete na neke od sledecih albuma : Killa Priest : Ne kupuj ima samo dve dobre pesme i to jednu sa ODB i jednu sa INS i Genius-om Killarmy : Ista situacija kao i KP samo sto oni nemaju featur. sa drugim chlanovima dok killasin se pojavljuje sada u skoro svakom wu-tang albumu GP-WU : Album je boli glava nikad jachi producenti : Rza i 4th Disciple Ako nekog interesuje snimam sa stereo kvalitetom za 10 dm Shyeim : ( The Lost Generation ) Album je isto jako jak malo je blazi u odnosu na prvi album ( A.K.A. the rugged child ) Ove albume sito snimam . Ali ima isto do jaja pesama sa dosta featur. od strane Gp-Wu ( G.ladiator P.osse : Pop da brown Hornet,Rubberdanz,june lover & K.D. da low down recka ) E sad glavna stvar snimam 2 singla koja ja mislim a verovatno je tako nema niko u gradu Onyx Feat. Wu Tang Clan ---> The Worst 7'' ( pesma je napravila show & Brooklyn ZU & Buddah Monk(sada clan ove grupe tada jos ne) --> Gots Like Come On Trough 7'' jedan i jedini singl ove grupe ( ODB ekipa ) oba ova singla za 5 dm. Naravno moze i menjaza isto tako za nesto totalno undergorund !!! Za one koji ne znaju izlaze : T2 - judgment day -- u maju ( trebalo bi ) INS 4 President na leto ( ako bog da ) Warriors ( u-god ) isto na leto ili krajem godine !! A novi WU-TANG album pochetkom sledece godine tako se najavljuje Ako niste znali Gravedigger-si su se raspali sad grupu chine samo Grimreaper i Gatekeeper ......
rap.784 miloscar,
E da jel ima neko nekakvo misljenje o novom ONYX-ovom albumu 'SHOT'EM DOWN' Tako su se isfusherisali klosari jedino je nekakva ona pesma sto je pustaju na Ghettu 'Ghetto way of thinking' dok je prvi singl 'Shot'em down' Koji su uradili sa DMX-om nekakav truli remix istoimene pesme od P.E. Kao i pesma Raze it up nemoze uopste da se slusa Kako zelja za parama unisti nekoga :)))
rap.785 banos,
veceras u lagumu HC zurka ulaz slobodan
rap.786 chill,
Ice Cube "The Predator"... disk, kupujem...
rap.787 chill,
..conf open muzika.3 ..conf read 15.766
rap.788 shegoterach,
Kupih pre neki dan kod SKCa neki CD, kazhe House of Pain: Truth Crushed to Earth Shall Rise Again... Neznam sha je ovo, al' mnogo sisa, sho bi rekli neki ovdashnji. Zashto svi dobri bendovi pochinju sve vishe da zvuche kao WTC i Will Smith? ;)
rap.789 zbajco,
Detetu potrebni tekstovi sledećih pesama: Wu-tang clan - Sev. punishment - It's yourz - Reunited Puff daddy - Senorita - Been around the world House of pain - Jump around Tupac - Me and my girlfriend Snoop doggy dogg - Doggfather Fugees - If I ruled the world Pretražio sam MUZIKE, al' ih ne nađoh. Zahvaljujem za tekstove ili za putokaz do njih unapred.
rap.790 chill,
>> Detetu potrebni tekstovi sledećih pesama: >> >> House of pain - Jump around >> =============================== >> 15.70 MUZIKA.3:rap >> chill, 29.03.97. 00:36, 85 chr >> --------------------------------------------------------- >> >> House of Pain... desetak tekstova, plus par sličica. >> >> MS Word 7.0 document... >> >> -----------------------------------------------15.70 --- >> ** Uz poruku 'PAIN.ARJ' (99544 bytes)
rap.791 gligo,
> Tupac - Me and my girlfriend meandmy.2pc
rap.792 emajsijuen,
>> Puff daddy - Senorita ide uz poruku... senorita.txt
rap.793 krsta,
Ajd' koje vredan zamolio bih ga da posalje reci od onih popularnih pesama od RUN-DMCa vs. Jason Nevinsa: "It's like that" !!!!!!!!!! & "TRICKY" !!!!!!!!!!
rap.794 chill,
Aj nek neko ne bude lenj, pa nek sa Interneta dovuče tekst pesme "A BITCH IS A BITCH" od NWA-a...
rap.795 medymed,
Ima li neko GGL ( Gal guitar library ) i od koje godine? Vrlo bi mi trebao. Thanks
rap.798 juice,
Black za 21 vek! Kompilacije je super ;) Za one koji slusaju rap od skora, kupite i slusajte kako se to nekada radilo ;) (naravno, ima i novih stvari) Full Moon sve bolji i bolji. Uskoro ce klinci postati jedan od najboljih rap grupa kod nas. Ako ne po popularnosti, onda sigurno po kvalitetu. Mad Dogz standardno losi. Tako losi textovi nikako ne idu na muziku koju prezentuju. Samo, drago mi je da vise nisu u fazonu kese na glavu, srebro od cokolade u usta i vikanje na sav glas "WU TANG" ;)))). Cenim njihovu istrajnost (za razliku od nas, koji smo davno prestali ;((( ) Inace, sta kazete na to da ce uskoro izaci novi album Robin Hooda? Da li cemo najzad dobiti najbolji rap album ikada izdat (ako ne racunamo prvi)? Pozdrav!
rap.799 chill,
Na bugarinu je izašao PUBLIC ENEMY-jev soundtrack za Spike Lee-jev novi film "He Got A Game"... 50 din kod SKC-a...
rap.800 chill,
e da... videh i JUDGMENT NIGHT OST na bugarinu... al to je već bajata vest...
rap.801 chill,
e zajebo sam se.. nije bugarin... nego CD-ROM... i ne košta 50 din, nego 65... :(
rap.802 chill,
Napokon nadjoh drugi album RUN DMC-a na disku. "King Of Rock" iz 1985. godine... Naslovna pesma ide uz poruku... Format: RealAudio... Trajanje: 5:12... rock.ra
rap.803 buva,
Treba mi txt pesme 'spark another owl' od Cypress Hill-a.. 10x
rap.804 juice,
Za sve vas koji ne znate: Nasi su poceli da rezu diskove. Oma dosta Wu Thanga, Cypressa i takvih stvari kod SKC. Takodje je izasao novi Public Enemy. Uskoro se ocekuju neki malo stariji albumi. Covek na tezgi mi je rekao da ce izaci skoro svi albumi koje su clanovi grupe Wu Thang izdali solo. Takodje je receno da ce dosta biti zastupljen stariji West Coast (pa znaju ljudi sta valja ;)) ). Cena svih diskova je 65 dindzi. Pa ko voli nek izvoli ;)) Pozdrav!
rap.805 junior,
> Nasi su poceli da rezu diskove. Cena svih diskova je 65 dindzi. Znači stigli srbi na štandove...
rap.806 brka,
Izvinjavam se sto tek sada odgovaram na ovu poruku, ali nije me bilo dva meseca na Sezamu... > Killa Priest : Ne kupuj ima samo dve dobre pesme i to jednu > sa ODB i jednu sa INS i Genius-om Ne slazem se sa ovim misljenjem... Po mom misljenju jedan od najboljih Wu solo izdanja do sada... Produkciju su radili uglavnom 4th Disciple i Tru Master, (moze se reci da je 'Heavy Mental' do sada njihov najbolje uradjen posao), dok je RZA producirao samo nekoliko pesama. 'Heavy Mental' je u Source-u dobio samo tri mikrofona, medjutim, sigurno zasluzuje mnogo vise, pogotovu ako se pogleda Cappadonin promasaj 'The Pillage' koji je dobio tri i po... Killah Priest se prvi put pojavio kao gost u pesmi B.I.B.L.E. (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) na Gzinom albumu 'Liuid Swords', koju mozete cuti i na njegovom albumu (cudno, ali u pesmi nije nista izmenjeno). Pored nje tu je i prvi singl sa albuma, One Step, onda Blessed Are Those, Cross My Heart, pa It's Over iznenadjujuce jakog ritma... mogu ovako da nabrojim svih 20 pesama... Evo dela iz pesme 'Blessed Are Those': " Once shoved in ships Now we Bloods and Crips Thugs with clips Niggas who love their clics Hit the clubs and shit So they can rub their hips Hugs and flicks Niggas with drugs and whips Cash rules this rotten apple It got a worm in it Corrupt Senate In my man's jeep with the windows tinted Sipping Guinness Observing all the clinics And liquor spots It make me lick a shot Through the rooftop, I never seen the glory In the ghetto, it's the same story Cigarette butts and cold coffee Black faces and white mouse They cry out for the White House Ain't no wealth shared, it's welfare And poor health care, self-scared It's senseless, the way they got our Black princess On public assistance to end our existence" Znaci - Obavezno kupiti. KILLAH PRIEST - Heavy Mental '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1. Intro 2. One Step * 3. Blessed Are Those * 4. From Then Till Now * 5. Cross My Heart * 6. Fake MC's * 7. It's Over * 8. Crusaids 9. Tai Chi 10. Heavy Mental 11. If You Don't Know 12. Atoms to Adam 13. High Explosive 14. Wisdom 15. B.I.B.L.E. * 16. Mystic City * 17. Information * 18. Science Project 19. Almost There 20. The Professional * - pesme na koje treba posebno obratiti paznju ...nastavak sledi
rap.807 brka,
> GP-WU : Album je boli glava nikad jachi producenti: > Rza i 4th Disciple Nisam preslusao ceo album ('Don't Go Against The Grain'), ali imam jedan njihov maxi singl: 1. Party People 2. Hit Me Wid That Shit 3. Chamber Danger 4. Party People (instrumental) 5. Chamber Danger (instrumental) 6. Hit Me Wid That Shit (instrumental) Meni se ne svidjaju...nema Wu zvuka kod njih (oni i sami to kazu)... Pesma 'Party People' je s**** kakvo nisam davno cuo. Sve u svemu - ne preporucujem. > Shyeim : ( The Lost Generation ) Album je isto jako jak malo je > blazi u odnosu na prvi album ( A.K.A. the rugged child ) Ovde su pomesane babe i zabe :)... SHYHEIM kome je drugo ime Rugged Child, ima (za sada) samo jedan album, a to je 'The Lost Generation' koji je za svaku pohvalu. Inace, on je davno izasao (otprilike, pre neke 2 godine)... > Za one koji ne znaju izlaze : > T2 - judgment day -- u maju ( trebalo bi ) > A novi WU-TANG album pochetkom sledece godine tako se najavljuje Izlazak 'T2' je odlozen zbog Methodovog neplaniranog odlaska u zatvor, i jos se ne zna kada ce album izaci. Novi Wu-Tang album _sigurno_ ne izlazi do 2000-te... bez obzira na sve traceve po Internetu (barem je tako rekao chicha Rza...). Pozdrav Aleksandar
rap.808 juice,
)))))))))))))) J E D I N S T V E N O (((((((((((((( Sutra uvece, ili vam u utorak 23.06.1998. godine odrzace se koncert DEMO Rap Bandova grada Beograda a i sire. Naravno, na koncertu ce i ucestvovati neke grupe za koje ne moze da se kazu da su demo jel su izdali albume, ali nema veze. Medju grupama koje ucestvuju su i: FOOL MOON - koji ce izvestvi remix pesme "Ja se vracam u svoj hram" obogacen novim zenskim vokalom na domacoj rap sceni, koji zvuci fanasticno GUERILLA - momci koji imaju odlicnu produkciju, dobre textove a i nove pesme Sigurno ste videli plakate po gradu, najvise po centru, culi dzinglove na radiju i jos samo treba da se pojavite u KSTu u utorak uvece, koncert je u letnjoj basti KSTa. U planu je i specijalan nastup jednog vec afirmosanog i poznatog rap banda kod nas. Inace, koncert je u organizaciji Omaldine YAZASa ili vam Jugoslovenske asocijacije za borbu protiv side. U osnovi, koncert je posvecen velikom Easy-E-u koji je, kao sto svi znamo umro kao zrtva ove opake i smrtonosne bolesti. Na koncertu ce se deliti propagandni materijal i kondomi. Dodjite da zajedno iskuliramo!!!!!!! Yo!
rap.809 brka,
Zvanicna najava novih izdanja Loud recordsa...pre mesec dana sam dobio mail, ali dugo nisam bio na Sezamu, pa je prenosim tek sad... ----- BIG PUNISHER'S CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IS IN STORES NOW! Peep the website at for News, Concert information, Music and more! Coming soon Enhaned Cds from Delinquent Habits, Xzibit, Pete Rock, Funkmaster Flex, deadprez, Mobb Deep, Prodigy, Raekwon, and Adriana Evans. BIG PUNISHER'S CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IS IN STORES NOW! -----
rap.810 juice,
Otisao ja do SKCa i imam sta da vidim, toliko su izbacili starih i novih naslova da je to neverovatno. Kao stvorena stvar za nas koji nemamo love za originale. Inace, najbolje idu ona Wu-shit shits a posle toga sve ostalo. Uskoro se ocekuje pojavljivanje nekih bas friskih stvari, dok su to za sada uglavnom stari dobri naslovi. Inace za one koji ne znaju, najveci izbor je na onoj tezgi sa leve strane gde je uvek i bilo navise rapa, tj. durga odozdo sa leve strane. Cena je 65 kinti, pa ko voli nek izvoli. Inace, kvalitet je super. Pozdrav!
rap.811 chill,
Šta u slengu znači izraz "to take no shorts"? Ono-kao, kad crnje kažu npr. "My crew ain't takin' no shorts..."
rap.812 chill,
Ne, ne... Taj izraz nije naveden u onom rap-rečniku što je ovde okačen. :)
rap.813 chill,
Ima li neko tesktove sa novog Public Enemy-a "He Got Game"?
rap.814 karlos,
da li je,i ako nije kada treba da izadje samostalni album DJ MAGS-a cuo sam da je do jaja...gostuje mu cak i REAKVON iz W.T.C-A kao i METHOD MAN naravno....
rap.815 chill,
>> da li je,i ako nije kada treba da izadje >> samostalni album DJ MAGS-a E svaka ti čas... pa taj album je izašao pre jedno dve godine... Zove se "DJ Muggs Presents The Soul Assassins, Chapter 1"
rap.816 kec.,
K> Dodjite da zajedno iskuliramo!!!!!!! :(((
rap.817 chill,
Delinquent Habits habits.jpg
rap.818 chill,
Autor: CYPRESS HILL Pesma: Shoot Em Up Album: Juice Soundtrack Prva objavljena Cypress-ova pesma... Izdata par meseci pre njihovog debi albuma... shoot.ra
rap.819 chill,
Autor: ICE CUBE feat. CHUCK D of Public Enemy Pesma: Endangered Species (Remix) Album: Kill At Will (EP) Ako bi da skinete samo jednu od ovih pet pesama neka to bude ova... endanger.ra
rap.820 chill,
Autor: GANG STARR Pesma: The Planet Album: Hard To Earn planet.ra
rap.821 chill,
Autor: A TRIBE CALLED QUEST Pesma: Oh My God! Album: Midnight Marauders o_my_god.ra
rap.822 chill,
Autor: E.P.M.D. Pesma: Chill Album: Business Never Personal chill.ra
rap.823 chill,
Aj proverite po tom Internetu kako se tačno zovu novi albumi KRS-ONE-a i DELINQUENT HABITS-a...
rap.824 chill,
Novi PUBLIC ENEMY, navodno do kraja godine... Naslov bi trebalo da bude BRING THE NOISE 2000...
rap.825 chill,
PUBLIC ENEMY... Iz perioda kad je Profesor Grif bio sa njima... enemy_2.jpg
rap.826 chill,
RUN-DMC... 1985-86 godina... run-dmc1.jpg
rap.827 thug,
Da li ima neko tekstove: Ice Cube: We Be Clubbin' 2Pac (All Eyez On Me) -> Picture Me Rollin' When We Ride Life Goes On Unapred zahvalan Poz, thug. P.S.: Sta se bese pricalo jedno vreme da Ice Cube i Mack 10 rade obradu Clasha : Should I stay....? Da li se to pojavilo negde?
rap.829 mica.l,
life goes on life.txt
rap.830 junior,
Ima li neko mp3 Tres Deliquentes - Deliquent Habits?
rap.832 the.edge,
Izabrao sam ovu temu iako nije adekvatna, ali nisam znao gde bih drugde... Dakle, Beastie Boys - Hello Nasty lyrics. AcCeSS DeNiED hello.txt
rap.833 gdown,
rap.835 junior,
> IMAM JA AKO TI TREBA TI SAM Pa, bilo bi lepo da ga podeliš i sa mnom, i sa ostalima :)
rap.836 gdown,
Pa javi se da ti ostavim telefon pa da se dogovorimo.
rap.837 chadra,
Lauryn Hill - Can't Take My Eyes Off You hill.txt
rap.838 chadra,
Nema baš mnogo veze sa rap-om, al' ipak bolje u ovu nego bilo koju drugu temu :) Erykah Badu ----------- Tyrone Appletree Sometimes Next Lifetime Certainly No Love Drama badu.txt
rap.839 chadra,
Artist: Brandy f/ Mase Album: Never Say Never Song: Top of the World Artist: Wu-Tang presents Ruthless Bastards Album: Wu-Tang Clan's The Swarm Volume 1 Song: Bastards Artist: Xzibit, Ras Kass, Saafir (Golden State Warriors) Album: 40 Days and 40 Nightz Song: 3 Card Molly Artist: Ice Cube f/ Mr. Short Khop Album: The Player's Club Sdtk Song: My Loved One lyrics.txt
rap.840 gdown,
rap.841 chadra,
Artist: GangStarr Album: No More Mr. Nice Guy Song: Premier & The Guru Artist: LL Cool J Album: Phenomenon Song: Another Dollar Artist: Mase f/ Puff Daddy Album: Harlem World Song: Lookin' At Me Artist: Mase f/ Busta Rhymes Album: Harlem World Song: Niggaz Wanna Act Artist: Mase f/ Total Album: Harlem World Song: What You Want Artist: Busta Rhymes Album: When Disaster Stikes Song: Turn It Up Artist: J.D. (Jermaine Dupri) f/Jay-Z Album: Life in 1472 Song: Money Ain't A Thang Artist: Pras Michel (Prazwell) f/ Ol' Dirty Bastard, Mya Album: Bulworth soundtrack Song: Ghetto Superstar stuff.txt
rap.842 chadra,
Artist: GangStarr f/ Rakim, W.C. Album: The Militia Remix 12" Song: The Militia Remix militia.txt
rap.843 chadra,
intervju sa grupom Organised Konfusion ok.txt
rap.844 chadra,
Artist: Public Enemy f/ Stephen Stills Album: He Got Game Song: He Got Game Artist: Public Enemy Album: He Got Game Song: House of the Rising Son Artist: Public Enemy f/ Masta Killa Album: He Got Game Song: Resurrection Artist: Public Enemy Album: He Got Game Song: Shake Yo Booty Artist: Public Enemy f/ KRS-One Album: He Got Game Song: Unstoppable Artist: Xzibit f/ Method Man & Jayo Felony Album: 40 Dayz and 40 Nightz Song: Pussy Pop Artist: MC Lyte Album: Seven & Seven Song: I Can't Make A Mistake Artist: Ras Kass f/ Dr. Dre, Ice-T, Mack 10 Album: The End/Rassassination Song: Ghetto Fabulous Artist: E-40 f/ B-Legit Album: The Element of Surprise Song: All Tha Time Artist: Prodigy, KRS-One, Method Man, KAM (in order of appearance) Album: Bulworth soundtrack Song: Bulworth (They Talk About It While We Live It) razno.txt
rap.845 gligo,
Neko je trazio... Picture Me Rollin' sa prvog duplog albuma u istoriji rap-a, ako ne racunamo onog dripca Fresh Prinsa tj. Willa Smitha, ovo je ipak prvi dupli na CD-u. 2Pac All eyez on me -Picture me rollin' rollin.2pc
rap.846 gligo,
Potrebni tekstovi Puffy-ja sa albuma 'No way out'... Ajde ovima s'Internetom da ne bude tesko... Fala unapred..
rap.847 chadra,
Artist: K-Ci & JoJo Song: All My Life Artist: Cypress Hill f/ Fat Joe Album: Tequila Sunrise 12" Song: Tequila Sunrise (Remix Radio Edit) Artist: Missy Elliott and Busta Rhymes f/ Timbaland Album: Why Do Fools Fall In Love Soundtrack Song: Get Contact Artist: Snoop Dogg f/ C-Murder, Mystikal Album: Da Game Is To Be Sold, Not To Be Told Song: See Ya When I Get There Artist: Xzibit f/ Montageone Album: 40 Dayz & 40 Nightz Song: Nobody Sound Like Me lyr.txt
rap.848 thug,
> > Neko je trazio... > > Picture Me Rollin' sa prvog duplog albuma u istoriji Svaka cast, dugo me niko nije prijatnije obradovao...:) Ako imas jos sta slobodno baci... c-ya, thug :)
rap.849 gligo,
> Svaka cast, dugo me niko nije prijatnije obradovao...:) > Ako imas jos sta slobodno baci... Ovo nisam planirao ali... Tupac Ovih dana je proslo dve godine od kada je ubijen najkontroverzniji pripadnik hip-hop sveta, Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996). Optuzivan da propagira nasilje, da stvara tenzije izmedju hip-hop scene Istoka i Zapada, bio je simbol hip hop-a sa rastucom popularnoscu, i iza sebe je ostavio neizbrisiv trag, iako je imao samo 25 godina. Ubistvo jos nije razjasnjeno, mada je u julu ove godine, njegov 'nezvanicni' ubica, Orlando Anderson, pripadnik konkurentskih Bloods-a, takodje nadjen mrtav, u kolima ispred svoje kuce. U cilju edukacije omladine :), ide serija tekstova pesama i 2 intervjua, gde legenda govori o (ne)rivalstvu izmedju East-a i West-a, sukobu sa 'Bad Boy' organizacijom, svom odnosu sa Suge Knight-om, svojim Outlawz-ima, Snoop (prodanim -prim.aut) Doggom, politickom liderstvu, svom ocu, o svojim pesmama itd. Vredi skinuti, i procitati. Da se vidi, ko je bio, i sta je bio. Sledi: Svi tekstovi sa duplog albuma 'All Eyez on Me'. (sem "When we ride" :)
rap.850 gligo,
Svi tekstovi sa albuma 2Pacalypse Now...
rap.851 gligo,
Svi tekstovi sa albuma Makaveli - The Don Killuminati - The 7 Day Theory...
rap.852 gligo,
Mix tekstova... -Me against the world Me Against The World -Dear mama Me Against The World -I get around Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z -Keep your head up Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z -Hit 'em up -Outlaw
rap.853 gligo,
1. Ekskluzivni on-line intervju dat Vibe-u... tupacint.htm
rap.854 gligo,
2. Intervju... Format html... Uzivajte... 2pacint.htm
rap.855 chill,
>> Ovih dana je proslo dve godine od kada je ubijen najkontroverzniji >> pripadnik hip-hop sveta, Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996). mmmmmm... pssst?... ček, ček... nešto ovde puca?... grmi?... šta bre to odzvanja?! aaaaaaa, pa to normalnom svetu puuuuuuuucaaaaaaaa kurčina za Šupac-a i dvogodišnjicu njegove pogibije... >> iza sebe je ostavio neizbrisiv trag, vala baš "neizbrisiv"... ono-kao... taj smrad i prljavštinu ne mož' da opere 16.000 baba-sera... >> 'nezvanicni' ubica, Orlando Anderson, pripadnik konkurentskih Bloods-a, Bladsi i Kribsi nemaju veze sa njegovim "ubistvom"... Priča o ratu bandi je u to vreme već davno bila bajata... >> U cilju edukacije omladine :), ide serija tekstova pesama i 2 intervjua, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ispravka: zatupljivanja omladine... >> Da se vidi, ko je bio, i sta je bio. Golo govno...
rap.856 emajsijuen,
│ Potrebni tekstovi Puffy-ja sa albuma 'No way out'... └───────────────────────────────────── Evo ti neki textovi koje imam... Pozdrav, Vlada... noway.txt
rap.857 chadra,
Artist: Mary J Blige Song: Everything Artist: Mary J Blige Song: Love Is All We Need Artist: Mary J Blige Song: I Can Love You blige.txt
rap.858 chadra,
>>> Da se vidi, ko je bio, i sta je bio. >Golo govno... De gustibus... U svakom slučaju, bio je autentičan lik. Sa zadovoljstvom ću uvek slušati stvari sa albuma "All Eyez On Me", što nebih mogao reći za otužne pesmice tipa "Gettin' Jiggy With It", "Men In Black" Fresh Prince-a, a.k.a Will slušaju-me-po-obdaništima Smith-a (dotični je bio najbolji dok je bio niko i ništa ("Summertime")). Ili još gore "Come With Me", "Been Around The World" Puff Daddy-ja koji je vredeo dok nije otpevao prvi stih, tj. samo dok je producirao tuđe albume. Bez obzira koliko sada pljuvali Tupac-a, njegov "All Eyez On Me", Snoop-ov debi album, "Mr. Smith" LL Cool J-a i Wu-Tang su obeležili period od nekoliko godina u kojima je hip-hop bio dosta kvalitetniji nego danas.
rap.859 sani.,
}} Golo govno... Naravno da svako ima pravo na svoje misljenje , pa i chill na svoje neumesno proseravanje ;)
rap.860 chill,
>> Bez obzira koliko sada pljuvali Tupac-a, njegov "All Eyez On Me", >> Snoop-ov debi album, "Mr. Smith" LL Cool J-a i Wu-Tang su >> obeležili period od nekoliko godina u kojima je hip-hop bio >> dosta kvalitetniji nego danas. U vreme kad se sve ovo gore navedeno masovno slušalo, za rap si već UVELIKO mogao da kažeš da je nekada bio dosta kvalitetniji i gotivniji nego tada... A iz današnje perspektive... ma, ne vredi ni trošiti reči... beda...
rap.861 chill,
Nisam mog'o da odolim... :))
rap.862 thug,
> > >> Ovih dana je proslo dve godine od kada je ubijen najkontroverzniji > >> pripadnik hip-hop sveta, Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996). > > mmmmmm... pssst?... cek, cek... > nesto ovde puca?... grmi?... sta bre to odzvanja?! > Da li se sa tobom poigrala Majka Priroda? Ocemo sad drugi put da se raspravljamo oko toga... tebi puca ono sta nemas za 2pac-a, a meni puca k**ac za tebe, saberi se bre covece, mislis li da je ljudima zanimljivo citati tvoje nadasve idiotske od majke rodjene poruke. Budalo. Ne volis 2PAC-a... pa sta? Zar zato moras da vredjas, da psujes, ne umes da cutis malo, i zar svaka jebena poruka o 2pac-u ne moze da prodje bez tvojih sranja!? Moderatora molim da ne brise ovu poruku, ako bas hoce da radi svoj posao trebao je da to uradi na poruku od onog malog crva chilla. Ovo nije prozivka, vec mi se smucilo ovakvo ponasanje....
rap.863 thug,
rap.864 juice,
JU> > >> Ovih dana je proslo dve godine od kada je ubijen najkontrover JU> > >> pripadnik hip-hop sveta, Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996). JU> > JU> > mmmmmm... pssst?... cek, cek... JU> > nesto ovde puca?... grmi?... sta bre to odzvanja?! JU> > JU> Da li se sa tobom poigrala Majka Priroda? JU> JU> Ocemo sad drugi put da se raspravljamo oko toga... JU> tebi puca ono sta nemas za 2pac-a, a meni puca k**ac za tebe, JU> saberi se bre covece, mislis li da je ljudima zanimljivo citati JU> tvoje nadasve idiotske od majke rodjene poruke. Budalo. JU> JU> Ne volis 2PAC-a... pa sta? JU> Zar zato moras da vredjas, da psujes, ne umes da cutis malo, i JU> zar svaka jebena poruka o 2pac-u ne moze da prodje bez tvojih JU> sranja!? JU> JU> Moderatora molim da ne brise ovu poruku, ako bas hoce da radi JU> svoj posao trebao je da to uradi na poruku od onog malog crva JU> chilla. Ovo nije prozivka, vec mi se smucilo ovakvo ponasanje.... Zasto da nije prozivka? Kad bih ja rekao da su Wu Tang najvece svetsko, inergalakticko ili kako god ocete govno i da su to najgore fanfulje na kuglji zemaljskoj i da su uzasni i odvratni i ogavni i seljacine svi odreda i ljigavci najgore vrste i najkomercijalniji voleo bih da to shvatite kao prozivku ;)) 2pac je jedan, jedinstven i neponovljiv. Kad to ostali budu shvatili onda ce tek da progledaju na jedno oko, a kad budu shvatili da je Wu jedan najgori moguci uzas onda ce i na drugo. Pozdrav!
rap.865 gligo,
> mmmmmm... pssst?... cek, cek... > nesto ovde puca?... grmi?... sta bre to odzvanja?! > aaaaaaa, pa to normalnom svetu puuuuuuuucaaaaaaaa > kurcina za Supac-a i dvogodisnjicu njegove pogibije... Normalni svet? Tvoja prethodna reakcija te definitivno ne stavlja u gore spomenute... > vala bas "neizbrisiv"... > ono-kao... taj smrad i prljavstinu ne moz' da opere 16.000 > baba-sera... Kad budes imao nesto da kazes, a pogotovo svoje tvrdnje i da dokazes, onda, tek onda se javi za rec. U suprotnom, dalja diskusija sa tobom je sasvim bez cilja. > Bladsi i Kribsi nemaju veze sa njegovim "ubistvom"... > Prica o ratu bandi je u to vreme vec davno bila bajata... Valjda znas da su on i Snoop bili pripadnici Kripsa, a da su skoro svi clanovi obe bande prakticno istrebljeni, tako da ova teorija koja kruzi medju svima u Americi ima najrealniju podlogu. Ne mislis valjda stvarno da ga je upucao momak s'kojim se potukao u holu MGM-a, ili B.I.G. sto mu je Tupac *ebao zenu, ili mozda verujes u ono, 'Puffy je ubio Tupac-a, zatim je rokn'o i svog najboljeg ortaka, da bi na kraju napravio pare pesmom "I'll be missing you" ;) Ne smej se :), ta prica je i ovde kruzila...:) Svi koji su ga postovali, tj. postovali njegovu muziku, trazice razloge pogibije u necemu mnogo ozbiljnijem od sukoba sa Puffijem ili sa deckom iz MGM-a. Mada, mozda ti imas neku teoriju koja nije bajata i s' kojom bi mogao da prosvetlis nas neuke. > Golo govno... Nije mi samo jasno, ko ti je napunio glavu tolikom mrznjom prema njemu?
rap.866 sergio.,
}} Prica o ratu bandi je u to vreme vec davno bila bajata... Verovatno je Orlando Anderson umro od srchanog udara u svojim kolima.
rap.867 chill,
>> Da li se sa tobom poigrala Majka Priroda? Eh, sad... Ne bih da ti nabijam komplekse... :)) >> Ocemo sad drugi put da se raspravljamo oko toga... Iskreno se nadam dâ ne... >> mislis li da je ljudima zanimljivo citati tvoje nadasve idiotske od >> majke rodjene poruke. Jeee... %) ... Provali: "nadasve idiotske od majke rodjene poruke"... Ono... Svaka čas'... Pesnički, nema šta... Izgleda da je userka Smilja dobila konkurenciju... >> Ne volis 2PAC-a... malo je reći "ne volim"... :)) >> trebao je da to uradi na poruku od onog malog crva "mali crv" ti u gaćama...
rap.868 chill,
>> Kad budes imao nesto da kazes, a pogotovo svoje tvrdnje i da >> dokazes, onda, tek onda se javi za rec. Kome bre "da se javljam za reč"?!... Tebi?! :))))) Pa, ono... Ona moja poruka za Šupaca jeste bila zajebancija, al ako bi ti da ozbiljno diskutuješ, izvoli... Slušam... >> Valjda znas da su on i Snoop bili pripadnici Kripsa, a da su skoro svi >> clanovi obe bande prakticno istrebljeni, "Svi članovi praktično istrebljeni"?!... Daj, bre... šta LUPAŠ?! :)))) Jel ti to nama govoriš da je 90% siromašnih crnaca iz L.A. istrebljeno?! :) Ono... Podela na Bloods-e (Brims-e) i Crips-e je generalna!... Prve crnačke bande u SAD-u su nastale krajem 1965. godine, posle ogromnih nereda u Watts-u. OSNOVNA PODELA JE NA BLOODS-e I CRIPS-e... Te dve osnovne bande se dalje dele na manje ogranke (u žargonu se ti ogranci nazivaju "sets")... Najeksponiraniji Bloods setovi su "Pirus", "Villains", "Denver Lanes", "Swans" itd... Od Crips-a tu su "Rollin 60", "Avalon Garden", "Eight-Tray" itd... Bloods-i imaju trip da se oblače u crveno, da buše desno uvo, da jedni druge oslovljavaju sa "blood"... Sa druge strane Crips-i se oblače u plavo, buše levo uvo, i oslovljavaju se sa "cuz"... Crips setovi su DALEKO organizovaniji i bolje povezani medju sobom, što ih je uvek i činilo nadmoćnijim nad neorganizovanim i razjedinjenim Bloods setovima... >> Ne mislis >> valjda stvarno da ga je upucao momak s'kojim se potukao u holu MGM-a, >> ili B.I.G. sto mu je Tupac *ebao zenu, ili mozda verujes u ono, >> 'Puffy je ubio Tupac-a, zatim je rokn'o i svog najboljeg ortaka, da bi na >> kraju napravio pare pesmom "I'll be missing you" ;) Trudim se da se ne bakćem tračevima o tim budalama...
rap.869 gligo,
> Evo ti neki textovi koje imam... Hvala majstore...
rap.870 gligo,
> Ili jos gore "Come With Me", "Been Around The World" Puff > Daddy-ja koji je vredeo dok nije otpevao prvi stih, tj. samo > dok je producirao tude albume. Po meni, jedini Puffy-jev problem je sto covek misli da je reper, pogotovo sto u poslednje vreme glumi neponovljivog B.I.G.-a, a kada bi samo rekao, 'Da, muzika koju pravim je pop muzika', sve bi mu oprostio. A neko bi ga mozda i cenio.
rap.871 gligo,
> 2pac je jedan, jedinstven i neponovljiv. Kad to ostali budu > shvatili onda ce tek da progledaju na jedno oko, a kad budu > shvatili da je Wu jedan najgori moguci uzas onda ce i na drugo. Necu da ulazim u raspravu oko Wu Tanga, jer zaista, niti ih slusam, niti me interesuju, ali uzimam za pravo da kazem anegdotu koja je donela respekt dripcu(ima) iz Wu Tang-a, a koja se nedavno dogodila. Naime, na nekoj 'promociji', koncertu, nazovi vec kako hoces, napaljeni Canibus, pulen WyClif Jina, momak poznat po opstem prozivanju, a najvise prepucavanju sa LL Cool J-om, izazivao je sve prisutne na tzv. 'freestyle' rap duel. Naravno, onako napaljen, sa svojim ortakom razbio je 2,3, para sve dok za ovo nije cuo neko iz Wu Tang-a, dal' Mastha Killer, dal' neko drugi, upustio se u u duel, 'mali' Canibus se odlicno drzao 3 kruga, dok se dripac iz Wu Tang-a nije 'uozbiljio' i odradio 'freestyle' u trajanju od 10 minuta..! Sta vise da ti pricam, to sumnjam da je i Tupac mogao...:)
rap.872 juice,
:> U vreme kad se sve ovo gore navedeno masovno slusalo, za rap si :> vec UVELIKO mogao da kazes da je nekada bio dosta kvalitetniji i :> gotivniji nego tada... A iz danasnje perspektive... ma, ne vredi :> ni trositi reci... beda... Ovo sada i jesye ogromnaja beda, ali 2pac ostaje lik i najjaci covek zauvek. Nisam mogao da citiram sve sto si napisao o njemu do sada ali odgovor vazi sa sve. Inace, ja sam nekada mislio o njemu sve najgore tipa "Vidi picka otisla kao fol u zatvor i sad misli da je gangsta a u stvari je golo govno". Medjutim, kasnije kad sam malo dobio na godinama ;) poceo je neverivatno da mi se svidja, ali bas. Naime, ja sam inace veliki fun west coast produkcije i nekih easterna ali 2pac je definitivno naj. O ovom ne vredi da se raspravljamo a i to ne zelim posto ocigledno nikada nikog ko mrzi 2paca nisam uspeo da ubedim u suprotno ne zbog nedostataka argumenata, koji su opet subjektivni za svakog, vec zbog ocigledno neke doze netrpeljivosti koju su svi doticni imali prema njemu. A nikada, ali nikada nemojte zaboraviti da su prve mlade devojcice koje su slusale rap kod nas pocele da ga slusaju bas zbog 2paca a i takodje nemojte zaboraviti emisije koje su bile kod nas posle njegove pogibije i ljude koji su se javljali. Ali zato uvek cu govoriti i uvek ostajem pri tome da su Wu Tang Clan najgore, najodvratnije, najuzasnije, najbudjavije, najljigavije sranje koje je ikada postojalo na kugli zemaljskoj (izuzev naravno ma man Method Mana ciji Tical je za mene i dalje jedna od zakletvi, naravno posle MC Eihta). Ti nije muzika, to nije nista, to je jedno golo govno ma ne golo vec uzasno golo govno. Pozdrav!
rap.873 juice,
:> Po meni, jedini Puffy-jev problem je sto covek misli da je reper, :> pogotovo sto u poslednje vreme glumi neponovljivog B.I.G.-a, :> a kada bi samo rekao, 'Da, muzika koju pravim je pop muzika', :> sve bi mu oprostio. A neko bi ga mozda i cenio. Uvek se moze diskutovati o tome sta se u svetu ubraja pod rap a sta mi mislimo kad kazemo rap. Dovoljno je cuti neke novije produkcije renomiranih rap bendova kod nas i shvatiti da je sve to uzelo maha i da jedino mlade demo snage ostaju da izvade stvar. Fora je u tome sto svi, ali bas svi dok ne pocnu da prave muziku pricaju "ma mi smo underground i takvi ostajemo" a onda dolaze snimanja, ugovori sa producentskom kucom i naravno komercijala, u svakom njenom obliku. Tada se sve menja i mi dobijamo konacne rezultate. Naravno da je ovo malo drasticnije kod nas jel mi ipak imamo samo 10mil stanovnika a npr. Amere slusa citav svet ali je formula u sustini ista. Pozdrav!
rap.874 thug,
Ovde se najvise pise kad padaju prozivke...:))) Ali nema veze... I dalje ostajem pri svom stavu da iako ti se neki raper/grupa ne svidja ne treba po nemu/njoj pljuvati sa toliko mrznje. Naravno da i ja ne volim izvesne nazovi "rapere", ali mi je malo glupo obavestavati i non-stop podsecati ljude na to, a pogotovo na chill-ov nacin... Mozda mu je to fazon, ne znam, ali znam za sebe. Videh poruku od pre neki dan, neko trazi Puffy-eve textove, i sad bi ja posto ga nevidjeno mrzim (verovatno isto koliko chill mrzi 2pac-a) trebao sto zesce, sa sto vise atributa opisati coveka, i reci normalni svet ga mrzi i sl. Ako me neko-ko-me-ne-zna pita sta slusam, i ako pomene Puffy-a stomak mi se prevrne.... Sto se tice 2pac-a, covek ne laze. Radio je poprilicno, nije se zajebavao, muziku je koristio kao nacin izrazavanja osecanja, razmisljanja, svog pogleda na svet... Nije folirant, sta god peva, to je i radio, delomicno je opisivao svoj zivot. Moze se reci bio je gangster i neces slagati... Isto kao i Juice, slusam najvise West Coast (2pac, u biti Death Row), gangsta rap, ali nisam u fazonu mrzim East Coast i sl. slusam ono sta mi prija... poz, thug :)
rap.875 gligo,
> Pa, ono... Ona moja poruka za Supaca jeste bila zajebancija, > al ako bi ti da ozbiljno diskutujes, izvoli... Slusam... :))) Pa, ti si covece na moj tekst odgovorio prozivkom, psovkama i pljuvanjem bez ijednog ozbiljnog argumenta, a sad izvaljujes reci tipa " Izvoli...slusam i sl..." :)) Na tvoju radost, zavrsio sam... > "Svi clanovi prakticno istrebljeni"?!... Daj, bre... sta > LUPAS?! :)))) Jel ti to nama govoris da je 90% siromasnih > crnaca iz L.A. istrebljeno?! :) Bravo...:) Kad cujes da su navijaci Zvezde dobili batine pre tekme sa Rad-om, jel' ti je prva asocijacija na prebijene, hiljade ljudi koji u zivotu nisu videli Zvezdin stadion a kazu da navijaju za istu ili onih stotinjak mentola sto je svuda prate? :))) Moze i klinac od 5 godina da kaze da navija za Zvezdu, al' on ni u kom slucaju ne zadovoljava kriterijume 'pravog navijaca' :) Sad ukoliko mozes, iz ovog izvuci paralelu i za bande...:) A i ne znam kada si ti poslednji put obnovio znanje o ovim bandama, ali cisto informacije radi, medju ljudima koji su upoznati sa tim stvarima, kruzi prica da je od poznatijih likova obe bande, ziv jedino vodja Pirs-a. Zato sam i spomenuo ono o 'istrebljenju'. > Bloods-i imaju trip da se oblace u crveno, da buse desno uvo, > da jedni druge oslovljavaju sa "blood"... Sa druge strane > Crips-i se oblace u plavo, buse levo uvo, i oslovljavaju se sa > "cuz"... ....i nose marame preko usta nalik negativcima iz vesterna :)
rap.876 gligo,
> kod nas pocele da ga slusaju bas zbog 2paca a i takodje nemojte > zaboraviti emisije koje su bile kod nas posle njegove pogibije > i ljude koji su se javljali. Za razliku od *ebenog MTV-a, koji je njegovu smrt propratio kao vremensku prognozu, a o godisnjicama da i ne pricam.
rap.877 chadra,
Lista albuma koji su izašli u proteklih dva meseca, ili treba da izađu do kraja septembra: Noreaga : N.O.R.E Jermaine Dupri : Life In 1472 Cam'Ron : Confessions Of Fire Wu-Tang Killa Bees : Swarm Compilation Snoop Doggy Dogg : Da Game Is To Be Sold Charli Baltimore : Ice Lauryn Hill : The Miseducation Canibus : Can I Bus? Nas - There Can Be Only One Def Squad - El Nino : The Album Black Eyed Peas - Behind The Front Queen Latifah - Order In The Court Lord Tariq & Peter Gunz - The Reign Master P - The Last Don DMX - It's Dark And Hell Is Hot Big Punisher - Capitol Punishment Public Enemy - He Got Game Soundtrack Goodie Mob - Still Standing Daz Dillinger - Retaliation, Revenge, and Get Back
rap.878 chill,
>> Isto kao i Juice, slusam najvise West Coast (2pac, u biti Death Row), >> gangsta rap, ali nisam u fazonu mrzim East Coast i sl. slusam ono sta mi >> prija... super.wav
rap.879 chill,
>> Pa, ti si covece na moj tekst odgovorio prozivkom, psovkama i >> pljuvanjem bez ijednog ozbiljnog argumenta, a?! :) >> Kad cujes da su navijaci Zvezde dobili batine pre tekme sa Rad-om, >> jel' ti je prva asocijacija na prebijene, hiljade ljudi koji u zivotu nisu >> videli Zvezdin stadion a kazu da navijaju za istu ili onih stotinjak >> mentola sto je svuda prate? pa, ono... ti si taj koji je rek'o da su praktično SVI istrebljeni... >> A i ne znam kada si ti poslednji put obnovio znanje o ovim bandama, oh, iznenadio bi se... :)) >> > Bloods-i imaju trip da se oblace u crveno, da buse desno uvo, >> > da jedni druge oslovljavaju sa "blood"... Sa druge strane >> > Crips-i se oblace u plavo, buse levo uvo, i oslovljavaju se sa >> > "cuz"... >> >> ....i nose marame preko usta nalik negativcima iz vesterna :) eto... mislim ono... zvuče klinački te fore plavo-crveno, levo-desno, al pazi kad je BAŠ tako... :)) i meni su smešni, jebiga... :)) ~~~
rap.880 gligo,
> pa, ono... ti si taj koji je rek'o da su prakticno SVI > istrebljeni... ...skoro svi PRIPADNICI BANDI, ne i '90% siromasnih crnaca LA-a'...:) > al pazi kad je BAS tako... :)) i meni su smesni, > jebiga... :)) Al' su smrtno ozbiljni...:)
rap.881 sani.,
Ajde vi malo manje serite , malo vise slusajte muziku i tako to... Ja bi zamolio za textove ako neko ima od Voren dzi-a :) Prvenstveno mi treba Prince Igor i What's love got to do with.
rap.882 juice,
@> Ajde vi malo manje serite , malo vise slusajte muziku i tako to... @> @> Ja bi zamolio za textove ako neko ima od Voren dzi-a :) @> @> Prvenstveno mi treba Prince Igor i What's love got to do with. Nema svadje, nema textova ;)))) P ti vidi sad ;)))) Pozdrav!
rap.883 gligo,
U sredu uvece bese strasna rap emisija na ART-u, negde oko ponoci, i sto je najvaznije, bese posvecena Tupac-u... Ono, njegova biografija, snimci njegovih razgovora sa MTV-a, njegove najjace stvari, bili su cak i njegovi stari spotovi itd... Repriza, ne znam kad' je, al' je definitivno za gledati i snimati...
rap.884 thug,
> > U sredu uvece bese strasna rap emisija na ART-u, negde oko > ponoci, i sto je najvaznije, bese posvecena Tupac-u... > > Ono, njegova biografija, snimci njegovih razgovora sa MTV-a, > njegove najjace stvari, bili su cak i njegovi stari spotovi itd... > > Repriza, ne znam kad' je, al' je definitivno za gledati i snimati... > > E, pa to ti je "TALAS", radi ga ista Sonja sa istoimene emisije na YU radiu... Ide emisija vec neko vreme... poz, thug :)
rap.886 sani.,
Sta niko nema warren G?
rap.887 juice,
@> Sta niko nema warren G? Posto vidim da ti treba jako puno rap textova, baci mi na mail sta ti sve treba (ali bas sve) pa cu ja lepo sve to da ti posaljem da se ne bi bez veze mucio. Pozdrav! P.S. Ovo ti je da ne tugujes zbog suba ;)))))))))
rap.888 krsta,
Evo jednog MP3 fajla. U pitanju je prerada pesme "Diesel Power" od The Prodigya. Stil je Gangsta Rap. Trajanje nekih 2:30 min. KRLE fighter.rar
rap.889 corgan,
Blago tebi... Tebi izgleda ni psihijatar ne pomazhe... B.
rap.890 smrda,
Nemogu da verujem svojim ocima kad sam video da josh ima pacenika koji slushaju dvopeka,ali nema veze.Zapravo pishem i ujedno pitam ima li neko pesmu od beastie boysa introgalactics(u bilo kom formatu)moze i remix98. Skoro je izashao i novi album od funk maser flex-a inace drugi po redu. toliko od mene. cya
rap.891 sani.,
}} ima li neko pesmu od beastie boysa Kolika kolichina jadosti je potrebna da bi neko sto slusao..
rap.892 brka,
> Skoro je izashao i novi album od funk maser flex-a inace > drugi po redu. U pitanju je _treci_ MIXTAPE Funkmaster Flex-a, 'Funkmaster Flex - 60 minutes of funk : Volume 3' (prva dva su Volume 1 & Volume 2)... Aleksandar
rap.893 smrda,
>Kolika kolichina jadnosti je potrebna da bi neko sto slusao.. Znash sta,ako se tebi nesvidja pesma ili grupa ja ti tu ne mogu pomoci. Ustvari uz tu pesmu MNOGO JE DOBAR P3.
rap.894 smrda,
Da to je tacno,ja sam pogreshio.Posto za koji dan treba da mi stigne album iz kanade okacicu koju pesmu ovde.
rap.895 sani.,
}} Znash sta,ako se tebi nesvidja pesma ili grupa ja ti tu ne mogu }} pomoci. Zezam se bre smrdo , ja to malo aluditam na tvoju mrznju prema tupacu :)
rap.896 chill,
>> Kolika kolichina jadosti je potrebna da bi neko to slusao... MRŠ bre tamo! :)
rap.898 sani.,
}} MRS bre tamo! :) Evo marshiram :)
rap.899 smrda,
Ja idiot shvatio ozbiljno. :)
rap.900 dea.,
Evo marshiram ---------------------------- Marshirash,a?! I treba..i treba...;)
rap.901 gligo,
> Nemogu da verujem svojim ocima kad sam video da josh ima > pacenika koji slushaju dvopeka,ali nema veze. A ono, jel' su tebe zlostavljali kad' si bio mali? Cuj, pacenici...
rap.902 smrda,
> Cuj, pacenici... Znash sta?MRZIM DVOPEKA IZ DUBINE DUSHE,ali ipak imam njegov cd makaveli.:)
rap.903 juice,
@> Nemogu da verujem svojim ocima kad sam video da josh ima pacenika @> koji slushaju dvopeka,ali nema veze.Zapravo pishem i ujedno pitam Ja ne mogu da verujem da ima jos pacenika koji pisu nesto ovako??!! Jebote, ako ti se nesto ne svidja, ne znam zasto one kojima se to svidja zoves pacenici? Ja cu biti citavog zivot pacenik ali nikada necu slusati Wu i slicna sranja, a sto se tice dvopeka, on je jedan i neponovljiv ali posto si ti ocigledno malcice mentalno zaostao onda to ne mozes da shvatis. Slusaj malo sine, slusaj pa ces mozda i shvatiti. Pozdrav!
rap.904 smrda,
Razliciti su ukusi,a i ima nas raznih.
rap.905 sani.,
Ajde , da ne pocinjemo ponovo ok? :)
rap.906 sani.,
}} Marshirash,a?! }} I treba..i treba...;) Sta se bre ti javljas :)
rap.907 sani.,
E izgleda da se obde raspravlja samo o onda kada nekome treba neki file ili kad neko uvredi tupaca. I cim bude neko zatisije od par dana , odma se neko uvati za vredjanje gore pomenutog. Ccc , greota , mrtav co'ek..
rap.908 smrda,
Ja nikog nisam vredjao nego samo kazem da ne volim mnogo dvopeka.
rap.909 juice,
@> E izgleda da se obde raspravlja samo o onda kada nekome treba neki @> file ili kad neko uvredi tupaca. I cim bude neko zatisije od par @> dana , odma se neko uvati za vredjanje gore pomenutog. @> Ccc , greota , mrtav co'ek.. Pa mora, da ne ugase temu ;) Pozdrav!
rap.911 chill,
>> Oće neko da kupi glac novi disk: L.L. COOL J. "WALKING WITH A PANTHER"? I dalje je na prodaju... 20 DM... Že-mo i neko menjanje...
rap.912 chill,
'ladno prošlo godinu dana i jedan dan... užas... :))
rap.913 namcor,
Jel ima neko pesmu DANGLA DANGLA (ja mislim) od SUNSHINE... Fala
rap.914 fredi,
EEE rap-eri moze`l neko da mi baci neki zeshci uderground u ra ili mp3 formatu.Neka to bude neshto u fazonu boogie down productions i pesme duck down. Pleaaaaase???
rap.915 fredi,
EEE ljudi poshaljite mi neshto od boogie down productions-a zavistan sam od njih.Imam za sada duck down i blackman in effect, a vi shaljite neshto u tom stilu i tako zestoke underground-cine. Pleeeeeeaseeeeeeeee
rap.916 chill,
Novi CYPRESS jeeeeeeeeeeeebe keve... pesme 17, 8, 9, 5, 18 i 2 pogotovo...
rap.917 wlaad,
eeee oklen to? jel ima kod skca?
rap.918 chill,
>> oklen to? jel ima kod skca? Pa, izašao je ima već 20-tak dana... Ima kod SKC-a, i ROM-ovi i originali...
rap.919 chill,
>> Pack it up, pack it in, let me begin >> I came to win, battle me that's a sin! >> I won't tear the sack up, punk you'd better back up >> Try and play the role and the whole crew will act up >> Get up, stand up, come on, throw your hands up >> If you've got the feeling jump across the ceiling >> Muggs is a funk fest, someone's talking junk >> Yo, I'll bust em in the eye and then I'll take the punks home >> Feel it, funk it, amps it are junking >> And I got more rhymes than there's cops that are dunking, donuts shop >> Sure 'nuff, I got props from the kids on the Hill >> Plus my mom and my pops >> >> I came to get down, I came to get down >> So get out your seats and jump around! >> JUMP AROUND!!! JUMP AROUND!!! JUMP AROUND!!! >> Jump up, jump up and get down... >> JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! >> JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! >> JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! >> >> I'll serve your ass like John MacEnroe >> If your girl steps up, I'm smacking the ho >> Word to your moms I came to drop bombs >> I got more rhymes than the bible's got psalms >> And just like the Prodigal Son I've returned >> Anyone stepping to me you'll get burned >> Cause I got lyrics and you ain't got none >> If you come to battle bring a shotgun >> But if you do you're a fool, cause I duel to the death >> Try and step to me you'll take your last breath >> I gots the skill, come get your fill >> Cause when I shoot to give, I shoot to kill >> >> I came to get down, I came to get down >> So get out your seats and jump around! >> JUMP AROUND!!! JUMP AROUND!!! JUMP AROUND!!! >> Jump up, jump up and get down... >> JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! >> JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! >> JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! >> >> I'm the cream of the crop, I rise to the top >> I never eat a pig cause a pig is a cop >> Or better yet a terminator like Arnold Schwarzenegger >> Try'n to play me out like as if my name was Sega >> But I ain't going out like no punk bitch >> Get used to one style and you know I might switch >> It up up and around, then buck buck you down >> Put out your head then you wake up in the "Dawn of the Dead" >> I'm coming to get ya, coming to get ya >> Spitting out lyrics homie I'll wet ya >> >> I came to get down, I came to get down >> So get out your seats and jump around! >> JUMP AROUND!!! JUMP AROUND!!! JUMP AROUND!!! >> Jump up, jump up and get down... >> JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! >> JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! >> JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! >> JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! >> JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! >> JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!! JUMP!!!
rap.920 gligo,
Nesto o kosarkaskom umecu Master P-a, mada je izgleda bolje da se drzi produciranja, ubijanja i reketiranja... > Van Gundy had heard, however, about the exploits of rap > impresario Master P, who after earning more than $50 million > last year has been playing point guard this season for the Fort > Wayne Fury of the CBA, totaling three points, no assists, four > turnovers and seven fouls in 20 minutes in two games. Bez obzira na njegovo kosarkasko (ne)umece, covek polako zauzima visoko mesto u crnackom drustvu u SAD. U septembru je predvodio mars miliona u Harlemu, vec polako bije po usima Puffyja i njegov Bad Boy Records, kruze price da je ulozio 5 mil.dolara na podizanje poslovnog kompleksa u blizini New York-a u kome ce se naci jedan od najboljih studija u SAD, hoteli, teniski tereni itd... Sve u svemu, novi Farakan, samo u mnogo crnjem obliku.
rap.921 chill,
Novi SUNSHINE izlazi ovih dana, album se zove NEĆU DA SE PREDAM...
rap.922 thug,
Ima li neko tekstove sa novog Snoopa "Da game is....", i sa Cypress Hill IV ? Unapred zahvalan :) poz, thug :) p.s.: ne pitam da li neko voli ovo ili ono, uzdrzite se nepotrebnih komentara...
rap.923 zla.,
rap.924 ognjenc,
> KO NIJE VIDEO I CUO NOVI SPOT SANSHAJNA "IZA HORIZONTA" > NE ZNA STA JE PROPUSTIO! a da znas kakve su tek ostale pesme !! "Necu da se predam" 1. Um 2. Zig Zigi 3. Stranac 4. Pusi ga siso 5. Iza horizonta 6. Stanar 7. Kurva IV (radio edit) 8. Bongo Buda 9. Mamino zlato 10.? 11.Rizla IV 12.Slika i prilika 13.Krug 14.New era 15.Brain damage
rap.925 zla.,
ako su sve stvari u fazonu pesme "iza horizonta" jaja ako ne onda sranje...jer ova pesma uopste vise i nije RAP nego HC i to je gotiva.... jer kod nas teshko da i ima dobrih rap bendova kao i dobrih hc bendova pa kad losh rap bend postane dobar hc bend to je kul! salim se naravno.....:)) al ipak je ovaj fazon mnogo bolji!:) al ipak mi po naslovu mnogo pesme IPAK zvuce da ce biti stari fazon konkretno: ZL> 4. Pusi ga siso ZL> 7. Kurva IV (radio edit) ZL> 9. Mamino zlato ono...puno psivki i napusavanja zenskog roda! nadam se da greshim.
rap.926 dzim,
> ono...puno psivki i napusavanja zenskog roda! > nadam se da greshim. Greshish. Kaze se "psovki" a ne "psivki"... ...a o "napushavanju" necemo...
rap.927 apostol,
> ono.. puno psivki i napusavanja zenskog roda Ne propustiti stvar "Bongo Buda"... nikako... JoTzoqA
rap.928 zla.,
lapsus,dejane...lapsus... ono,ako nista vishe bar sam pismena!
rap.929 brka,
> ako su sve stvari u fazonu pesme "iza horizonta" > jaja ako ne onda sranje...jer ova pesma uopste vise i > nije RAP nego HC i to je gotiva.... Pesma mi se i nije nesto posebno svidela... Pesma nije HC, samo je malo tvrdja, ali ne moze se odmah ubaciti u HC samo zato sto su jos vise pojacali gitare. Ne zelim da sudim o celom albumu na osnovu dve pesme (ni 'Maminim zlatom' nisam bas odusevljen)... Sacekacu da ga preslusam celog. > jer kod nas teshko da i ima dobrih rap bendova kao i > dobrih hc bendova Sa prvom konstatacijom se uglavnom slazem, ali dobrih HC bendova ima... Hitman, Skymaster 4, All Of Us, To Live For... (Eyesburn su jedni od losijih - uspeli su da izbace album samo zahvaljujuci uspeloj obradi Marleyeve pesme Exidus). Stvar je u tome sto je HC scena malo poznata sirem krugu ljudi (da ne kazem da je underground, jer mi se ogadila ta rec...), i uglavnom su to mladji ljudi ('81 - '74 godiste), koji i imaju najvise energije za ovu vrstu muzike. Aleksandar
rap.930 zla.,
ZL> Stvar je u tome sto je HC scena ZL> malo poznata sirem krugu ljudi (da ne kazem da je ZL> underground, jer mi se ogadila ta rec `````````````````````````````````````` u pravu si!:))
rap.931 dzim,
> lapsus,dejane...lapsus... ~~~~~~ necemo se vredjamo...
rap.932 corgan,
Iskreno, po meni, Sunshine sucks! Pesma Iza Horizonta je takvo govno, i maogu slobodno da kazem da je svako mogo da je napravi. Malo psovki,malo polustepen na tonici, malo pistolja, malo kombinacija 6-0 prag i gotova pesma! B.M.
rap.933 dzim,
> Malo psovki,malo polustepen na tonici, malo pistolja, malo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E, za ovo bi ti se kleli u majku da nisu koristili... ...jer i ne znaju chemu sluzi.
rap.934 gligo,
Sunshine... Zig Zigi -Necu da se predam- ( ...Hello'...i'm, doctor Frojd....) (aaaaaa....) Mrtvog u zivotu, u snu ja ozivim, i nekoga shto mrzim, u snu mu se divim, ono shto pozelim, retko da i sanjam, sanjam sebe kako se, sa veshticama ganjam, san, moze biti ruzan, kraj u snu, moze biti tuzan, kada pomislim da znam, a meni nije znan, kada kengura zajebem u skoku, to je san... Necu da se predam, ne, necu da se predam, necu da se predam, ne, necu da se predam... Nesto mi je daleko, u trenu mi je blize, zato volim sanjati jer sve se u snu stize, mozak mi se odmara, usporeno radi, nahranio ga vecerom, on mi snove gadi, merim, cenim, grcim se, bezim, i odvija se to, dok sanjam, dok lezim, tada je nemocna i, agencija Lojd, tada samo pomaze, Zigmund Frojd... Necu da se predam, ne, necu da se predam, necu da se predam, ne, necu da se predam... Zig, zigi, zigi, zigi, zigiiii.... Zigi, zigi, zigiiii..... (Fuck' em...) Napolju je divan dan, a ja sanjam san, kakav san, ispod brade zaklan, krevet sam oznojio jer sanjam mnogo krvi, uvek sam u snu, i ja bio prvi, sanjam test, da moram biti vredan, necu da se predam, ne necu da se predam, dok ne gledam a bezim, jedina mi briga, kako se probuditi i pozvati mi Ziga... Necu da se predam, ne, necu da se predam, necu da se predam, ne, necu da se predam... Zig, zigi, zigiii... Zig, zigi, zigiii... Pticice na mome prozoru pevushe, i pesmom ruzne, moje snove rushe, cvrkutom miluju i donose novine, u snove moje, unose obline, kao lopta na poljani, sto ide prema meni, trgnem se da sutnem, prema Maradoni, telo mi se budi, unosi zrak, i duboko u sebe i nestaje mrak... Necu da se predam, ne, necu da se predam, necu da se predam, ne, necu da se predam... Zigi, zigi, zigiii... Zigi, zigi, zigiii... Zigi, zigi, zigiii... Svuda sam bio, od Pakla do Raja, i od svega, toga, mi se zateze kobaja, dok lagano zevam i teglim ekstreme, cika Frojde zashto mi je, u gacama seme... Necu da se predam, ne, necu da se predam, necu da se predam, ne, necu da se predam.... Necu da se predam, ne, necu da se predam....
rap.935 gligo,
Ono, Gru izbacio nov album... Po prvoj stvari, Ljuba nudi ljubav, se vidi, a i cuje, da je Daca definitivno zastranio... Ciljna grupa od 5-14 godina...
rap.936 wlaad,
>> Po prvoj stvari, Ljuba nudi ljubav, se vidi, a i cuje, >> da je Daca definitivno zastranio... zastranio odakle? ;)
rap.937 kiki,
> Ciljna grupa od 5-14 godina... Money talks
rap.938 thug,
Veliki pozdrav svima in the house i srecna vam Nova 11111001111. godina !!! peace, thug :)
rap.940 chill,
ICE CUBE izdao novi album... dupli... Zove se WAR AND PEACE... Vol.1 je THE WAR DISC, vol.2 je THE PEACE DISC...
rap.941 gligo,
> Zove se WAR AND PEACE... Vol.1 je THE WAR DISC, vol.2 je THE > PEACE DISC... Uradjen je i spot za prvu stvar sa War disc-a, cini mi se "pushin' w..." I ono, sranje je...
rap.942 smrda,
rap.943 gligo,
> AU BRE KOJI STE PACENICI.SVAKA VAM CHAST. To je kompliment, kad dolazi od tebe... Sine, idi ti u Chat, pa tamo smrdi...
rap.944 gligo,
Hmm, valja... Godzilla - The Album Puff Daddy feat. Jimmy Page Come With Me Uh-huh yeah, (2x) Uh uh-huh yeah, (4x) Yeah. Hear my cries, Hear my call, Lend me your ears, See my fall, See my errors, Know my faults, Time halts, See my loss, Know I'm lacking, Backtracking, Where I met you, Pistol packing, Itchy finger, Trigger happy, Try to trap me, Bad rap, Wiretap me, Backstab me, Break the faith, Fall from grace, Tell me lies, Time flies, Close your eyes, Come with me. Come with me, Yeah, Come with me, Uh-huh yeah, Yeah. You said to trust you, You'd never hurt me, Now I'm disgusted, Since then adjusted, Certainly you fooled me, Ridiculed me, Left me hangin', Now sh*t's boomerangin', Right back at ya, Think long-ranged, Narrow minded, Left me blinded, I co-signed it, Sh*t backfired, Now I'm bouncin' back, I grinded, Not many would bear the pressure, You comprehend me, You musn't end me, You offend me, It's trauma, Feel the drama, Come with me. Yeah, Uh-huh, Heh-heh Come with me, Don't be afraid, Yeah, Come with me. I close my eyes, And I see, You--standing there, I cry, Tears--of sorrow, I die. Uh-huh, Yeah. Front my enemies, Front my foes, Damn these hoes, Is steppin' on my toes, Back up off me, Take your hands off me, Give me room to breathe, I'm not hearin' it, I'm not fearin' it, I'm up to my ears in it, Bullsh*t, I'm destructive, Some women find that seductive, Some say it's lunacy, Word diddly, I've been movin' on, I ignore you, Sorry if I bore you, I neglect you, Don't mean to disrespect you, Can't you see-- I love you dearly, And that's sincerely, But you annoy me, You can't avoid me, I'm here to stay, Forever, And ever and a day, That's never, I can't let you go, I can't forget it, Why you did it, I won't permit it, I won't acquit it, I'm gonna to fight you, I'll f*ckin' bite you, Can't stand nobody like you, You can't run, You can't hide, No surprise, Close your eyes, Come with me. Yeah, Come with me. (2x) Owwwww..... Yeah I like this, Come on, (2x) Turn me up, B*tches turn me up, Yeah, (3x) Come on now, Yeah. Hear my cries, Hear my call, Lend me your ears, Uh-huh, You ready now, Come on check this out, Hear my cries, Hear my call, Lend me your ears, Uh, Oh yeah that's right. (2x) Hear my cries, Hear my call, Lend me your ears, See my fall, See my errors, Know my faults, Time halts, See my loss, Know I'm lacking, Backtracking, Where I met you, Pistol packing, Itchy finger, Trigger happy, Try to trap me, Bad rap, Wiretap me, Backstab me, Break the faith, Fall from grace, Tell me lies, Time flies, Close your eyes, Come with me. Come with me, (8x) I'ma take you with me! I'm gonna to fight you, I'll f*ckin' bite you, Can't stand nobody like you, You can't run, You can't hide, No surprise, Close your eyes, Come with me!!! I'ma take you with me! I'm here to stay, Forever, And ever and a day, That's never, Come with me. Uh-huh, yeah, (6x) Come with me.
rap.945 chill,
PUBLIC ENEMY su nedavno na svoj sajt stavili nekoliko pesama u MP3 formatu sa svog još neizdatog albuma BRING THE NOISE 2000. Izdavači su odmah digli frku oko toga, te su fajlovi povučeni a izdavanje albuma odloženo... Ako je neko na vreme skinuo neku numeru neka ne bude lenj da je ovde okači...
rap.946 chill,
Narezivani diskovi: - PUBLIC ENEMY "HE GOT GAME" 1998. - ONYX "SHUT 'EM DOWN" 1998. - CYPRESS HILL "IV" 1998. Ortak ih menja za neki od diskova sa spiska... Ili za CD-ROM Music Central 99, ili Cinemania 99... _spisak_.txt
rap.947 dzim,
> Ili za CD-ROM Music Central 99 A, daklem izashao isti? Gorivno... Jel ima i 98?
rap.948 snupy,
-Imali neko neku pesmu od grupe SYPRESS HILL,ili od DR.DRE-a {barem pesmu KEEP THEIR HEADS RINGIN'?}
rap.950 gligo,
Ova biografija ce mnoge ovde iznenaditi, mozda ce nesto odavde i nauciti, i umesto da donose predrasude sledeci put ce se zaustaviti pre nego sto kazu nesto o cemu stvarno malo znaju. Biografija Puff Daddy-ja, malo je veceg obima ali sa malo vise detalja od onog sto ste mogli da procitate u nekim novinama ili da pogledate na TV-u.. One koje i malo interesuje hip/hop scena, definitivno moraju procitati... Puff Daddy U samo nekoliko godina Sean 'Puffy' Combs se od obicnog ulicnog promotera albuma i staziste muzicke izdavacke kuce pretvorio u jednog od najuspesnijih muzickih producenata svih vremena. "Puffy" ili "Puff Daddy" kako je poznat u muzickim krugovima, jedva da je imao 20 godina, a vec je vezbao svoj producentski osecaj, producirajuci multi-platiniumske albume Mary J. Blige i Jodeci. Za veoma kratko vreme, postao je potpredsednik izdavacke kuce "Uptown Records" a ne mnogo kasnije je osnovao i svoju izdavacku kucu pod imenom "Bad Boy Entertaiment". Dok je jos bio u "Uptown Records-u", Puffy je iza sebe ostavio producentske poduhvate tada nepoznatih Craig-a Mack-a i Chris-a Wallace-a - poznatijeg pod nadimkom "Notorious B.I.G." .Ali s' vremenom, njegova uspesnost i uticajnost bivali su prozeti kontroverzama; Pocev od njegovog sukoba sa West Coast konkurentom "Death Row Records-om" i njegovim vlasnikom Suge Knight-om, preko ubistva Puffy-evog prijatelja "Notorious B.I.G-a", uz price koje su kruzile hip/hop svetom, Puffy je uvek bio u sredistu istih. Sve ovo potvrdjuje da je Sean 'Puffy' Combs" bio i ostao, covek trenutka. Sean Combs je rodjen 1970.god. u Harlemu kao prvo, od dvoje dece, Melvin-a i Jenice Combs. Jenice je bila model ?!, a Melvin poznati ulicni kriminalac ubijen u Cental Park-u. Sean je tada imao samo 3 godine. Sledecih 10 godina, porodica je nastavila da zivi u Harlemu, gde je Sean bio svedok pocetka hip/hop revolucije. Kada je Sean napunio 12 godina, majka preseljava porodicu u mirnije naselje Mount Vernon, New York, gde se Sean upisuje u "Mount St. Michael's Academy". Tamo je, prica se, zaradio i svoj nadimak Puffy, gde je kao clan fudbalskog tima, voleo sebe da udara u grudi (puffed), radi sticanja samopouzdanja, a i da bi delovao jace nego sto izgleda. Otud i nadimak Puffy. Godine 1988, Puffy se upisuje na "Howard University" odakle je njegov put ka vrhu isao vecom brzinom. Poceo je kao promoter univerzitetskih koncerata i kucnih zabava; Takodje je poceo sa unosnim biznisom prodajuci potvrde ?! i stare ispitne radove. Dve godine studiranja na Howard Univerzitetu doprinela su da Sean shvati da je vreme da predje na nesto vece , bolje i obecavajuce. Napustio je univerzitet, i ubrzo je ubedio Andre Harell-a, sefa Uptown Records-a, u New York-u, da mu da posao staziste u ovoj muzickoj kuci. Harell je inace i sam bio obecavajuci reper, cinio je prvu polovinu dueta iz kasnih osamdesetih - Dr.Jeckyll i Mr.Hyde -i u Puffy-u je video istu zelju za napredovanjem i dokazivanjem, koju je i on imao u mladosti. Jezgro Uptown Records-a, cinili su uglavnom, mladi i neafirmisani R&B pevaci uz dodatak repera kao sto je Heavy D. Takodje, nedokazani Puffy-ev entuzijazam cinio se odlicnim za Uptown, tako da nije proslo mnogo vremena, a Harell se prema Sean-u ponasao kao pravi otac. Toliko ga je zavoleo da mu je cak dao hranu i smestaj uz skromnu platu staziste. Vremenom, zahvaljujuci Puffy-evim promocionalnim sposobnostima, Uptown je poceo da se siri, a njegov doprinos hit singlovima grupa, kao npr. Jodeci, postao je jos korisniji za kompaniju. Uskoro ga je Harell postavio i na mesto potpredsednika promotivnog odeljenja. 28. decembar iste godine je bio datum kada je Puffy prvi put osetio gorak ukus tragedije. Humanitarna kosarkaska utakmica u New York-u pretvorila se u nasilje sa neizvesnim krajem, kada je u prenatrpanoj i nestrpljivoj publici doslo do tuce i pravog stampeda pri cemu je zivot izgubilo cak 9 ljudi, a Puffy-eva losa organizacija i neuspesan pokusaj unajmljivanja obezbedjenja direktni su krivci za ovaj nemili incident. Izvori bliski Puffy-u, rekli su da ga je ovaj dogadjaj naucio emotivnoj elasticnosti kada god bi se nalazio u oci sa pretnjom, sto ce sve doci do izrazaja u buducnosti. Neuspeh ovog humanitarnog okupljanja nije preterano uticao na Puffy-a. On je ubrzo producirao multiplatiniumski album za Jodeci, kao i za soul-senzaciju Mary J. Blige ciji debi album "What's the 411?" predstavlja prvi primer fuzije hip/hopa i R&B muzike. Uspesi ova dva albuma, bili su dovoljan razlog da Puffy osnuje svoju muzicko - izdavacku kucu, "Bad Boy Entertaiment". Prvi reper kojeg je Puffy zeleo da potpise, bio je bruklinski reper poznat pod nadimkom Biggie Smalls, a ciji pravo ime je bilo Christopher Wallace, mada je on svoje pesme uvek izvodio pod imenom "Notorious B.I.G". :) Puffy je B.I.G-ovu kasetu dobio od muzickog urednika casopisa "The Source", koji je mislio da ce Puffy uspeti da sjedini ocigledan Biggie-ev talenat i pravilno ga usmeri. Stavise, Puffy je bio odusevljen B.I.G-evim tekstovima i zvucima ulica New York-a. Notorious B.I.G. je bio jedini sin samohrane majke i bio je poznati diler droge na ulicama New York-a. Da bi ubedio B.I.G-a da se odrekne unosnog posla sa drogom i posveti rap-u, Puffy je znao da ce morati da B.I.G.-u ponudi veliki novac. Kao sto je i B.I.G kasnije priznao u intervjuima, tesko je bilo odreci se velikog novca koji je stizao kao rezultat dilovanja na ulicama Bruklina. Pored toga sto ga je uvrstio u svoju ekipu "Bad Boy Entertaiment-a" i velike svote novca koju mu je dao kao predujam, Puffy mu je dao sansu za popularnost preko noci. Sredio mu je, da 'odradi' duet pesmu sa Mary J. Blige za soundtrack "Who's the man". Puffy je bio siguran u sebe i svoj produkcijski i biznis talenat. Tolika sigurnost prerastala je na momente u aroganciju prema dosta ljudi, tu ukljucujuci i njegovog mentora Harell-a, koji je osetio da jedan dvorac za dva kralja, nikako nije dovoljan. U 1993-oj godini, godini koja se pokazala kao godina promena za Puffy-a, Harell je otpustio svog pulena. Puffy je u kasnijim intervjuima, govorio kako je ova Harell-ova odluka bila odluka koja mu je dobro dosla kao odluka_budilica iz sna kojeg je do tad nesmetano sanjao. Rodjenje sina Justine-a, uticala je da jos vise sazri. Njegov sledeci potez pokazao se najvecim do sada. Uspeo je da izdejstvuje pripajanje "Bad Boy Entertaimenta", "Arista Records-u" za 15 miliona dolara. Data mu je potpuna kontrola u novoj kuci i puna podrska, ali ni on nije ostao duzan producirajuci nekoliko No.1 hitova, Notorious B.I.G-a i Craig-a Mack-a. Uz pojavljivanje u svakoj pesmi i svakom spotu svojih pulena, Puffy-eva popularnost je rasla iz dana u dan. Dok su Puffy i B.I.G repovali i uzivali u svom uspehu, nista manji profit nije imao ni Suge Knight sa svojom muz.-izd. kucom "Death Row Records" i ekipom koja ju je sacinjavala poceci od Tupac-a, Dr.Dre-a, Snoop doggy Dogg-a. Danas neverovatno, ali ipak istinito, je da su Puffy i Suge Knight u pocetku bili prijatelji. U principu, imali su mnogo toga zajednickog: obojica su bili, mladi i uspesni crnci sa tek otvorenim muz.-izd. kucama. Ali, tenzije izmedju West Coast i East Coast izvodjaca su rasle svakim danom, narocito posle Tupac Shakur-ovog ranjavanja u hodniku muzickog studija na Times Squar-u, za koje je Tupac optuzio Puffy-a i B.I.G-a, koji su se, slucajnoscu ili ne, bas tog dana nasli u istom studiju. To je bio Novembar 1994. godine, a vec u Avgustu 1995. godine, Suge Knight je na dodeli "Source Awards-a" zadao nizak udarac Puffy-u, izjavom: " Ukoliko zelite da vlasnik vase izdavacke kuce, ne bude na vasem albumu, spotu ili turneji, potpisite za "Death Row Records". Sledeceg meseca, na rodjendanskoj proslavi uprilicenoj producentu Jermaine Dupri u Atlanti, blizak prijatelj Suge Knight-a je upucan, a Suge je za taj zlocin optuzio Puffy-eve placenike. Paralelno sa ovim, kruzlie su glasine da Tupac spava sa B.I.G-ovom zenom, pevacicom Faith Evans, a da je Suge Knght 'presao' na Puff-evu (sada vec bivsu) zenu, Misa-u Hylton. Ove glasine dobile su i zvanicnu potvrdu u Tupac-ovoj pesmi "Hit 'Em Up", u kojoj on u lice B.I.G-u kaze: "You claim to be a player, but I fucked your wife". U matru 1996. godine, prvi sukob licem u lice izmedju B.I.G-a i Tupac-a, posle desavanja na Times Square-u pre dve godine, desio se na dodeli "Soul Train Awards-a", u Los Angeles-u, i bilo je jos gore. Sukob izmedju Tupac-ove i ekipe Bad Boy-a zavrsio se na gledanju oci u oci, sa izvucenim pistoljima na obe strane. Tada, nije doslo do onog najgoreg, ali se videlo da su razlike sve vece, da sukob postaje suvise lican, i da ce iz toga uslediti zastrasujuce posledice. Nazalost, ono najgore izgleda da nije bilo moguce izbeci. Tupac je usmrcen 7.Septembra 1996. godine u Las Vegasu. Govorkalo se da Puffy i B.I.G. imaju nesto sa ovim ubistvom, ali oni koji se u ove prilike bolje razumeju, ovo svakako odbacuju. Puffy nikad nije bio siledzija, kriminalac, niti je ikad zeleo to da bude, za razliku od nekih drugih. Paralelno uz zalosnu Tupac-ovu smrt, B.I.G. je zavrsio poslednje pripreme, svog poslednjeg, duplog, LP-a, " Life After Death", na kojoj se Puffy pojavljuje kao glavni vokal za pesmu " Can't Nobody Hold Me Down" koja je u stvari uradjena u duetu sa njegovim novim pulenom Mase-om. Prvi singl "Hypnotize" sa novog LP-a, zarazio je New York svojim dobrim tekstom i izuzetnim ritmom, a cim je pusten odmah je i zauzeo broj 1 svih muzickih lista. Izgledalo je da ih ne ceka nista osim uspeha. Ali, u martu 1997. godine, Notorious B.I.G. je ubijen, kakve li ironije, bas posle dodele "Soul Train Awards-a". Njegov najbolji prijatelj, Sean 'Puffy' Combs, nije mogao nista, sem da gleda svog prijatelja kako umire. Sto je najzanimljivije, Puffy-eva popularnost posle B.I.G.-eve smrti, bila je veca nego ikad. Tek nesto posle B.I.G.-eve smrti, Puffy je pustio singl posvecen svom ubijenom prijatelju, "I'll Be Missing You", uz vokalnu pomoc grupe "112" i B.I.G.-ove zene Faith Evans. Ovaj singl je preuzeo melodiju, i predstavlja obradu hita Police-a iz 1983. godine, a "I'll Be Missing You" je bas kao i svoj originalni prethodnik zauzeo, u velikom stilu, prvu poziciju svih muzickih lista. Odmah iza ovog singla, sledio je hit " Mo' Money, Mo' Problems", koji je takodje zauzeo mesto broj 1 na svim listama. Uskoro, Puffy je svoj produkcijski talenat poceo da ustupa i velikom broju izvodjaca van svoje izdavacke kuce, medju kojima su i LL Cool J, Mariah Carey, KRS-One, Busta Rhymes, Brian McKnight, SWV, Boyz 2 Men i mnogi drugi.... Puffy-ev uspeh i dalje prate mnoge glasine. Mnogi dovode u pitanje povezanost Puffy-a sa ubistvom Notorious B.I.G-a, s 'obzirom na njegovu neverovatnu rastucu popularnost nakon smrti B.I.G.-a. Ni hip/hop 'podzemlje' nije prihvatilo Puffy-a otvorenih ruku. Njegovu ne(zavisnost) mnogi dovode u pitanje, jer svoje pesme bazira iskljucivo na obradama, za svoj hit " Can't Nobody Hold Me Down", koristio je semplove pesme Grandmaster Flash-a, " The Message", njegov hit "I'll Be Missing You" cista je obrada hita Police-a, a semplovi David Bowie-eve pesme "Let's Dance" iskorisceni su za hit "Been Around The World", a to automatski baca sumnju na kreativnost na koju su hip/hop producenti i DJ-evi narocito ponosni. Ali Puffy ovo objasnjava cinjenicom, da onog koje na vrhu, svi mrze. Uz to, on odbija da sebe nazove reperom odnosno MC-em: " Uvek cu pokazivati postovanje prema repu kao kulturi i umetnosti. Ja sam zabavljac. Ja ne pisem svoje tekstvove sasvim sam. Pisem ih u saradnji sa Jay Z-em, Sauce Money-em, Mase-om, Lil' Kim-om,. Ja nisam MC. Ja ljudima dajem ritam koje zele, koji vole..." Takodje, pored svega izrecenog, jedno definitivno stoji, a to je da Puff Daddy, u liniji sa Michael Jordan-om i Spike Lee-om, ima najvise uticaja kako se danasnja generacija, oblaci, igra, prica, peva i hoda.... To ga i cini, dakle najuspesnijim...
rap.951 chadra,
Artist:Method Man Song: Big Dogs Album:Tical 2000: Judgment Day [Redman] Def Squad, Wu Tang *laugh* (check it, check it out) Verse 1: Method Man, [Redman in brackets] [Yo yo Method Man, yo yo Iron Lungs] [Call us gorillas in the myst] [Raunchy vocalist] Your code name [Doc] [Whats yo' name] Hot Nix Who them slick kids puffin that shit holdin they dicks [Yo them same two drivin yo whip fuckin yo bitch] Hold me down son [Yo, I hold you down with the pound] You got a lot of buiscits [Ayo but where they at now?] Diggy down yo we resevior dogs, you puppy chow-chow Got my mittens on the kitten, lickin it now-now [Yo we bring the beef to you, infest it with the mad cow] Disease [We set to load] Cock and squeeze [Booya!] We too hard to hold off [One arm slam ya like Nicoli Volkov] When i dip dip dappa [dappa] The anti-socializa [liza] Everything be ice cream from _?_ [We rock ya, knock ya fuckin whole team off the roster] [Starting lineup, Iron Lung] The funk docta Verse 2: Method Man Johnny blaze the ghost rider [uh] Ghost stories by the campfire [uh] The night breed [vampire!] Duckin from the head rushin [uh] Wu Tang production Precussions bringin reprecussions I hold my mike sideways bustin [bustin] Another one bites the dust and Cardiac arrest Clutchin your chest suckin your last breath In awe, period meth Nigga, dyin from papercuts, Bleedin to death Down these mean streets johnny quest [uh] >From ASCAP to NASDAQ Get that money sack [uh] These habitats aint no place to raise family at [family at] These alley cats be at war with these dirty rats So watch you back when you come to the slum There aint nowhere to run from the iron lizard lung Blazes on stunts I be dippin in the sun My plates bear no one My uzi weighs a ton [Word up] Verse 3: Redman Pon Cocked The don juan doc Send crews back to the shoe shine box Connect the dots My description Black mel Yellow da mellow I make it hard for mc's to run neck and elbow With d-o Penal code We both to duck when he hear the bike Wit the squeaky clutch Swallow this hard act to follow You could parachute off my slang and use my rhymes to toggle I'm tense, so smooth i cant be fingerprinted I stomp harder in slow motion Yo fuck your appluad Bitches still rush me like they rushed the store Before the soul train award Incorporate a law Whoever aint raw get they hand chopped By jamal with the wu sword [whoo-ee!] My crew specializin Snakin yo bitch Robbin you while you on the floor Shakin your shit I'm doin me now i'll do you [Yo who you?] Doc I bomb shit through the conflicts crucial I be da black el nino I mean yo I'm supreme like the team show With the pay to cream fo [To see you sit down?] Yo, na we get the fuck up [And leave the one you wit] Then take off of usher Thats right, six double oh with chrome pipes U.S. marshals out to pen us up like Snipes [Throw it in drive] Fuck takin me and meth alive! [Yo, you look that-a-way] You look out the other side!
rap.952 chadra,
Artist:The Fugees Song: Fu-Gee-La Album:The Score We used to be number 10 Now we're permanent one, In the battle lost my finger, Mic became my arm Pistol nozzle hits your nasal, blood becomes lukewarm Tell the woman be easy Naah squeeze the Charmin Test Wyclef, see death flesh get scorned. Beat you so bad make you feel like you ain't wanna be born And tell your friends stay the hell out of my lawn. Chicken George became Dead George stealin' chickens from my farm. Damn, Another dead pigeon If your mafiosos then I'm bringin' on Haitian Sicilians Nobody's shootin', my body's made of hand grenade Girl bled to death while she was tongue-kissing a razor blade. That sounds sick maybe one day I'll write a horror Blackula comes to the ghetto, jacks an ACURA Stevie Wonder sees Crack Babies Be-Coming Enemies of their own families. What's going on? Armageddon come you know we soon done Gun by my side just in case I gotta rump A boy on the side of Babylon, trying to front like he's down with Mount Zion. [LAURYN]:CHORUS Oooh La La La, It's the way that we rock when we're doing our thang Oooh La La La, It's the natural LA that the Refugees Bring Oooh La La La La La La Lalala La Laaah, Sweeeeet Thing [LAURYN] Yeah in saloons we drink Boone's and battle goons till high noon, Bust rap toons on flat spoons, take no shorts like poon poon's. See hoochies pop coochies, for Gucci's and Lucci Find me in my Mitsubishi, eatin' sushi, bumpin' Fugees. Hey Hey Hey Try to take the crew and we don't play play Say say say Like Paul McCartney, not hardly, ODD-ly enough I can see right through your bluff Niggas huff and they puff but they can't handle us, WE BUST Cause we fortified, I could never hide, seen "Cooley High", Cried when Cochise died. I'm twisted, black-listed by some other negroes, Don't remove my Polos on the first episode. Ha Ha Ha Ha, You shouldn't diss refugees, and Ha Ha Ha Ha, You whole sound set's bootie , and Ha Ha Ha Ha, You have to respect JERSEY, cause I'm superfly when I'm super-high on the Fu-Gee-La. [LAURYN]:CHORUS Oooh La La La, It's the way that we rock when we're doing our thang Oooh La La La, It's the natural LA that the Refugees Bring Oooh La La La La La La Lalala La Laaah, Sweeeeet Thing [PRAZ] I sit 90 degrees underneath palm trees, Smokin' beadies as I burn my calories, Brooklyn roof tops become Brooklyn tee-pees, Who that be, enemies, wanna see the death of me. From Hawaii to Hawthorne, I run marathons, like Buju Banton, I'm a true champion, like, Farakkhan reads his Daily Qu'ran it's a phenomenon, lyrics fast like Ramadan. [CLEF] (2X) What's goin' on Armageddon come you know we soon done Gun by my side just in case I gotta rump A boy on the side of Babylon, trying to front like he's down with Mount Zion. [LAURYN]:CHORUS 2X Oooh La La La, It's the way that we rock when we're doing our thang Oooh La La La, It's the natural LA that the Refugees Bring Oooh La La La La La La Lalala La Laaah, Sweeeeet Thing
rap.953 chadra,
Gang Starr - You Know My Steez "The real... hip-hop" "MCing, and DJing.. from your own mind, ya know?" "I, I guess right now we should start the show" [Guru] Who's the suspicious character strapped with the sounds profound Similar to rounds spit by Derringers You're in the Terrordome like my man Chuck D said It's time to dethrone you clones, and all you knuckleheads Cause MC's have used up extended warranties While real MC's and DJ's are a minority But right about now, I use my authority Cause I'm like the Wizard and you look lost like Dorothy The horror be when I return for my real people Word to split wigs hittin like some double Desert Eagles Sportin caps pulled low, and baggy slacks Subtractin all the rappers who lack, over Premier's tracks Severe facts have brought this rap game to near collapse So as I have in the past, I will bust Droppin lyrics that be hotter than sex and candlewax And one-dimensional MC's can't handle that While the world's revolvin, on it's axis I come with mad love and plus the illest warlike tactics The wilderness is filled with this; so many people searching for false lip, I'm here with the skills you missed The rejected stone is now the cornerstone Sort of like the master builder when I make my way home You know my steez... "You know my steez" --> Method Man "Let em know, do your thing God" "Keep it live" "To the beat y'all" --> Flavor Flav The beat is sinister, Primo makes you relax I'm like the minister, when I be lacin the wax I be bringin salvation through the way that I rap And you know, and I know, I'm nice like that Work through worldly problems, I got the healing power When the mic's within my reach, I'm feelin more power Stealing at least three minutes of every rap radio hour It's often easier for one, to give advice Than it is for a person to run one's own life That's why I can't be caught up in all the hype I keep my soul tight and let these lines takes flight The apparatus gets blessed, and suckers get put to rest No more of the unpure I got the cure for this mess The wackness is spreading like the plague MC's lucked up and got paid but still can't make the fuckin grade How many times are wannabe's gonna lie? Yo they must wanna fry, they can't touch the knowledge I personify, I travel through the darkness carrying my torch The illest soldier, when I'm holding down the fort ("You know my steez" --> Method Man) You know my steez... "Let em know, do your thing God" "Keep it live" "You know my steez" --> Method Man *repeat 4X with very last line modified as follows* "The mic..." On the microphone you know that I'm one of the best yet Some punks, ain't paid all of their debts yet Tryin to be fly, ridin high on the jet-set With juvenile rhymes makin fake-ass death threats Big deal, like En Vogue, here's something you can feel Styles more tangible, and image more real For some time now, I've held the scrolls and manuscripts When it's time to go all out you be like, "Damn he flipped" Now I'm sick, fed up with the bullshit Got the lyrical full clip, giving you a verbal asswhip Don't trip it's the gifted prolific one Known as Bald Head Slick -- why is the press all on my dick? My style be wilder than a kamikaze pilot Don't try it, I'm about to start more than a friggin riot Styles unsurpassable, and nuccas that's suckas, yo The motherfuckers are harrassable For I be speaking from my parables and carry you beyond The mic's either a magic wand Or it gets tragic like the havoc of a nuclear bomb Then I grab your palm, no pulse you're gone And if you thought we'd lose our niche in this rap shit you way wrong I stay up, I stay on, shine bright, like neon Your song's, pathetic, synthetic, like ray-on Fat beats, they play on, want dope rhymes, put me on Word is bond... you know my steez
rap.954 chadra,
Artist:GangStarr Song: You Know My Steez (Remix) Album:You Know My Steez (Remix) 12" "The real. *chattering and clapping in background* Remix" *echoes* "More MCing and DJing... from your own mind, ya know?" "I - I guess right now we should start the show..." Verse one: Guru Please baby, we gettin G's you know the steez, baby Ain't no if's, no and's, no but's, or no maybe's The Bible drive you crazy, almost break your neck A game will take respect, remember Just To Get a Rep? Sportin baggy pants macking, backing finance Bold figure, older nigger, yo, watch me advance Used to be a small cat, now I'm all that and more Putting pressure on, catching rep from the dog, your insecure Inject like them fucking doctors Moving in silk, more milk than Louis Pasteur Ask yourself, do you wanna mess with this? The specialist, turn the page, I bring the rage when I spits Then this neck gets what, I bring the crowd into a frenzy I leave you sleeping with the fishes, see how these niggaz envy? Authentic vocal tone transmitting like a Mobile phone Welcome to my ghetto, my man, hope you can hold your own I take your first name to the, last name curve Against grimy, stimy, who you?, preventing the herd I ain't seen you out here, and you ain't got no clout here Your style don't come across, your lost about here At 5' 8 and 3/4", I be the warrior, sargeant, Gang Starr Rippin clubs and bars Super star-studded, fine rings and flooded On the low, counting dough in this rap life, I love it You know my steez... "You know my steez" *echoes* --> Method Man "Let em know, do your thing, dog." "Keep it live." *scratching* (Lady of Rage: check, check, check it out y'all) "Killer Bees, y'all" --> Method Man Verse two: Lady of Rage You best to back off, we back off ways since the baddest dog Your the wack dog cause of your half-assed songs I bring it you, keep it rough and rugged, Seven Lucky Motherfuckers act like they hate it, but motherfucking love it I'm the raw dame, in this war game, don't get your jaw chained ?, I ain't no joke and I ain't joking You know my steez When I stand and deliv-de-liv-deliver-er-ies And tag MC's like "freeze" And burn them like the 3rd-degrees And wouldn't you agree, that the three of us put together Make it more better to make more cheddar Puffing high in ?Four Centers? And ask Beretta, who got cheese? On the spot, who's the doc, like that man, ugh, ?Martin Keys? More keys, cause when it comes to me and The Guru Like my man Charlie Brown said, the rest of y'all is doo-doo The butcher, the baker, time to meet your Maker Send you to your place, you ain't nothing but a faker Your cheasy, but ?treesy?, next to me your measly Believe me, I'll beat that ass so sick, I'll make ya queasy Now easy, Premier scratch that shit like three Three men and a lady, and, ugh, you know my steez... "You know my steez" --> Method Man "Let em know, do your thing, dog." "Keep it live." *repeat 3X* (Kurupt: Yo, yo, yo...) "The mic..." Verse three: Kurupt The monotone, nigga melodic, microphone Poetical Mag-milly from Philly, ill-ly syndrome Clouds will form, whip thoughts to windstorm And the young Gang Starr posse formin in full Kick off, like a guage (guage) ?, stage In a seek-and-destroy mission to burn and blaze Vanish a few K-U-R-U-P-T, R-A-G-E, and Guru Lets simplify it, just don't try it When I recite, ignite mics, my voice 'ill cause a riot I talk it, I live it I don't give up, I give it I bring it, bust it, don't sing it Get in your vein melt mics and spit flames Get in your brain and blow like propane Yo Premier (What?) Tell these niggaz this our year Broke through like a breeze Murder MC's with ease You know my steez *echoes*
rap.955 chadra,
Artist:Jay-Z Song:The City is Mine Album:In My Lifetime, Vol. 1 [Jay-Z] Uh-uhh-uh, ge-ge-geyeah Chorus: Blackstreet You belong to the city (Uh-uhh-uh, what what) You belong to the night (Uh-uhh-uh, ge-ge-geyeah) In the river of darkness He's a man of the night Verse One: Jay-Z Uhh, yeah What the deal playboy, just rest your soul I be holding it down yo still love the dough Got these ladies on the cock now you know how we go Got the whole world on lock down you know how we flow Don't worry about Brooklyn I continue to flame Therefore a world with amnesia won't forget your name You held it down long enough, let me take those reigns And just like your spirit the commision remains Niggaz can cross the T's and, dots the I's Now that I got too popular to cop them pies I'm takin this rap shit serious, to my demise Jay shit's like cake mix, watch me rise Basics in the basement, waste it Asking my dog for advice so when he can't say shit my hatred is, fueled just give me a sign And I let the world know that the city is mine, what? Chorus: Blackstreet You belong to the city (The city is mine, what-what-what) You belong to the night (Ge-ge-geyeah, uh-uhh-uh, pa-pau) In the river of darkness He's a man of the night (The city is mine, that's right...) Verse Two: Jay-Z Y'all want to know how I flow just seek and you find I'm like a brain in the voicebox, I speak my mind About to redefine rap mami, either I'm the illest nigga doing it or these niggaz is losin it I read a article that said I was ruinin shit But every time I look, I'm movin units in quick So I'ma hit y'all, with these last two and split and leave niggaz with nothing but my influences-es Soon it's the Jigga, I ain't mad yeah, bite my shit Sell half of what I sell because it's not quite my shit I'm the type to buy a Roley and just ice my shit on the spot, fuck comin back twice to shit How real is that? My floss game, still intact Boss game, you lame dudes can't feel that Like the first dude to cop the 850 and 89 and drove it up to 55th, the city is mine, what? Chorus: Blackstreet You belong to the city (The city is mine) You belong to the night (Yeah, uhh, the city is mine) In the river of darkness (Pa-pa, feel me) He's a man of the night (Yeah, yeah, bounce, bounce) Verse Three: Jay-Z I snatch your girl cause your arm ain't strong enough Plus ya don't stay in the studio long enough I make hits while y'all stay hatin and take bricks Had it locked til I came in the club, Take 6 Got your chick cause you swore she was innocent Got her a Chinese manicure hair done by Dominicans, all for what So I could be in a dark corner, all in the butt at the bar alchoholing her up I represent the lifestyle of those who thirst cream A buck fifty a shot, Louis the Thirteenth Jay-Z, Roc-A-Fella yo, know the name I ain't a player get it right, I'm controllin the game From now until they blow holes in my frame I'ma stand firm, holdin my aim, feel me? I'm the focal, point like Biggie in his prime on the low though - shhhhh, the city is mine! Chorus w/ variations to end
rap.956 brka,
> Ova biografija ce mnoge ovde iznenaditi, mozda ce > nesto odavde i nauciti, i umesto da donose predrasude > sledeci put ce se zaustaviti pre nego sto kazu nesto > o cemu stvarno malo znaju. Njegova biografija mi je odavno poznata (procitao sam je u nekom od brojeva 'The Source'-a... i mislim da nema preterano zanimljivih stvari. Postoji dosta znacajnih ljudi u hip-hop muzici sa zanimljivijim biografijama (npr. KRS-One, Guru, Rakim, pa onda ol' school ekipa - Grandmaster Caz, Crush Crew...). > Ja ne pisem svoje tekstvove sasvim sam. Pisem ih u > saradnji sa Jay Z-em, Sauce Money-em, Mase-om, > Lil' Kim-om,. """"""""""" Lil' Kim je zhensko... Iako jednom mom prijatelju stvarno lici na musko (nisam ga pitao zasto)... :) > On je ubrzo producirao multiplatiniumski album za Jodeci, > kao i za soul-senzaciju Mary J. Blige ciji debi album > "What's the 411?" predstavlja prvi primer fuzije hip/hopa > i R&B muzike. Moze se dvojako gledati na ovo... Da nije bilo ovog poteza ne bi mozda nikada slusali (opet kazem po mom misljenju) odlicnu Mary J, ne bi mozda bilo ni boginje u liku Erykah Badu... A opet, da nije bilo tog (i slicnih) poteza, hip-hop bi bio postedjen preteranih zenkih vokala u pesmama, tj. velikim uticajem R&B-ja na njega... - Ukoliko na Combsa gledamo kao na poslovnog coveka, onda mu sigurno moramo skinuti kapu... Sa druge strane, moje je misljenje da je, uz pomoc jos nekoliko ljudi (npr. J. Dupri - vlasnik So So Def recordsa) uspeo da uputi hip-hop kulturu u pogresnom pravcu. Od kada je on krenuo sa svojim obradama, dosta grupa i pevaca je krenulo njegovim putem, jer im je sigurno lakse da uzmu neku poznatu melodiju, nabace svoj tekst - i eto ti hita! Medjutim, time se izgubilo na kreativnosti i originalnosti koja je krasila ovu vrstu muzike. Da se razumemo, hip-hop muzika se uvek i pravila od semplova, ali semplova stare soul, funk i r&b muzike (ne misli se na ovaj danasnji r&b, koji je u stvari new_jack_swing), i uglavnom manje poznatih izvodjaca. > Takodje, pored svega izrecenog, jedno definitivno stoji, > a to je da Puff Daddy, u liniji sa Michael Jordan-om i > Spike Lee-om, ima najvise uticaja kako se danasnja > generacija, oblaci, igra, prica, peva i hoda.... > To ga i cini, dakle najuspesnijim... Kakva patetika... Mislim da je smesno stavljati ga pored Michael-a i Spike-a... On je veci od svih njih zajedno :)))) Aleksandar
rap.958 sani.,
Ma Brko , znamo mi da si ti ql tip. Obrijaj se samo. E gligo ti valjda imas , a ako nemas nek baci neko drugi rechi pesama sa albuma "No way out". Moze i pojedinachno samo da ne bude "signorita" i "I'll be missing you". :)
rap.959 emajsijuen,
>> E gligo ti valjda imas , a ako nemas nek baci neko drugi >> rechi pesama sa albuma "No way out". Moze i pojedinachno samo da ne >> bude "signorita" i "I'll be missing you". :) Za svaki slucaj...Evo ti neke stvari koje ja imam... puffy.arj
rap.960 gligo,
Preuzeto iz > Rapper makes Hornets roster > > > CHARLOTTE (Jan 21, 1999 - 13:53 EST) - Vlade Divac may be gone > and Glen Rice may be injured, but the beat goes on for the > Charlotte Hornets. > Percy Miller, better known as rap star Master P, has been added > to the Hornets' training camp roster. > He has been much more of a hit in music. He started his own > record company, No Limit, and has turned it into a > multi-faceted, music-production sports agency business, > grossing $56 million last year.
rap.961 chill,
SONG: 99 Problems Artist: ICE-T Album: Home Invasion Yeah last year a lot of motherfuckers asked me why didn't do no sex dances shit but this year I went to maimi and got my nigger from two lives brother martins in the house... yea I am the motherfuckin nigger yeah, we are goin to answer the questions about girl problems every nigger has his girl problem mart, ah, tell'em man, tell'em lemme tell you what time is it.. I got a whore from the east got a whore from the west got a whore that likes to jack it off and rubb it in her chest I got a whore from the north a whore from the south a whore that likes to suck at long and hold it in her mouth I got a bitch with hair a bitch with none a bitch with a knife a bitch with a gun a bitch with an ass bigger than the T.V. set and there is a bitch over there hey the one I am gonna get but yo, maybe not, she might not like me though no sweat to event I sell my sister though, word. I sell the whole damn herd I fuck em all and leave em on the culrve I got a bitch with a mic who like perfector link who likes to fuck me with her ass up on the kitchen sink got a bitch with tits a bitch with ass a bitch with none but hey I give her the best but I love em all I love em crazily and they love me back thats why they stay with me so if you have a girl problem I'll be there for you son got 99 problems and a bitch ain't one hit it no a bitch ain't one I got a bitch thats old a bitch who is new a bitch who likes velvet in the colors blue I got a bitch who is fat a bitch who is built a bitch that all her titties give up her milk I got a bitch who is funny a bitch who ain't a bitch who can sing a bitch who can't a bitch who love fuckin on the airplane I even got a bitch off soul train I got a bitch who is over ragged up pins long ends I got a bitch who is broke as a bomb but she is the most fun I got a bitch who play piano a bitch who don't a bitch who dances naked a bitch who won't a bitch who's short a bitch who's tall a bitch who burns my pager with priority calls and I love em all I love em crazily and they love me back thats why they stay with me so if you have a girl problem I'll be there for you son got 99 problems and a bitch ain't one hit me yo martins you from miami man, why won't you show those motherfuckers all the over the world that two lives style of how a bitch is threated motherfucker a nigger like you I got 99 problems a bitch ain't one I am going not to threat any whores cause I don't need none of em push them to temptation ditch to persuasion all the whores suck cock nigger how you play em thats why I don't sleep with em I just phreak on em dig the dick in their mouth take it out and I sky on them that nigger that white nighter the bitch exciter I only love my whores when I go up inside em problem number one is gettin money I rather take the green than sit the honey so don't excpect none cause I ain't offering and I go hunting my bitch cause I ain't softening cause I never never softening pulling demands on em fuckin em and scream on them the wham bamb thank you mam the game is ran on em so fuck how you feel you are fuckin cheap thrill I hope you took the pill I won't pay the bill getting pussy is just another expence your pussy pays the bills the dick pays the rent I only need a hope from one thing and thats to come I've got 99 problems and a bitch ain't one ha! you martins my motherfuckin you got problems man ? a bitch ain't one ah shit lemme tell you how to do that shit I got a bitch that loves to gink she'll fuck you after she fucks me I got a bitch who loves both I got a bitch who loves handcuffs and ropes I got a bitch that's fast a bitch that's slow a bitch that is a virgin and a bitch that is a hoe a bitch that lies a bitch that trues a bitch who is a man because they are bitches too I got a bitch that is cool a bitch that is hut a bitch who loves rap a bitch who loves rock a bitch who is lost and one who know what is that she gets right in front of me and posses like a cat I got a bitch that runs I got a bitch that walks I got a bitch that yells I got a bitch who talk I got a bitch that is dirty a bitch that is neat I got a super farm bitch that I am not gonna swap me but I love em all I love em crazily and they love me back thats why they stay with me so if you have a girl problem I'll be there for you son got 99 problems and a bitch ain't one hit me no a bitch ain't one ah, you know a bitch ain't one you know what I am saying I got problems my motherfuckin rent martins but a bitch ain't one maybe got yourself nothing man fucking ragging spanking assholes nigger a bitch ain't one I got a problems stay out here on the streets with the police tryin to take them out you know but a bitch ain't one got problems motherfuckers buying my records but a bitch ain't one fuck em all (fuck em motherfucker) you know what I am saying a bitch ain't one got problems man (all of motherfuckers kiss my motherfuckin ass) [feeds out with unknown fuckin rap words]
rap.962 chill,
ICE CUBE "WAR & PEACE: Vol. 1 (The War Disc)" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Inače, u originalu korice ovog albuma su uradjene u Multi-Image 3D tehnici (nešto kao hologram)... war_disc.jpg
rap.963 gdown,
Aj baci i Vol.2 10x
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ICE CUBE wallpaper, odlično izgleda na 800x600... wall_ice.jpg
rap.965 chill,
PUBLIC ENEMY wallpaper, takodje za 800x600... wall_pe.jpg
rap.966 rados,
KO voli CYPRESS HILL ko ja ovo ce mu se svideti teqcover.jpg
rap.967 chill,
PUBLIC ENEMY "Hazy Shade Of Criminal", maxi single... p_enemy.jpg
rap.969 chill,
>> ========================= >> 53761 Za chill 25.01.99. 15:07 >> Od donmega@icecube 25.01.99. 09:54 539 chr >> --------------------------------------------------- >> Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 15:29:38 -0800 (PST) >> Subject: Welcome to Cube's List >> From: Ice Cube <> >> To: >> >> >> Welcome to the Club... >> >> You are now connected to the latest and best Ice Cube information on the >> web. As soon as the drama drops we send it to our list members >> worldwide. >> >> Check your mail box for personal messages from Cube, updates on his >> albums and movies and other inside information. Drop a line to your >> friends and make sure they get connected as well. >> >> Stay up, >> >> Cube's List >> -------------------------------------------53761--- Ajde... Prijavljujte se na mail-listu ( :)
rap.970 chill,
THE N.Y. TIMES ON THE WEB December 4, 1998 PUBLIC ENEMY Fights the Music Industry With Online Releases By MATT RICHTEL The rap group PUBLIC ENEMY may not have made any money by offering free downloads of unreleased songs, but its members insist they have made a point: the Internet will soon allow artists to see more profit from their work by eliminating the need for middlemen. The group recently became the first major recording artists to use the Internet to fight their own record company. "Technology is leveling the playing field," said Chuck D, the group's leader, in a phone interview Thursday from his home in Long Island. "No longer can executives, accountants and lawyers dictate the flow."... ...Two weeks ago, PUBLIC ENEMY began offering free downloads of several songs from an unreleased album of remixed hits, "Bring the Noise 2000," in the MP3 file format, which allows high-quality sound to be squeezed into a small file. The group said it planned to release all of the album's tracks on the site over time. Chuck D said the release of the songs was meant to protest the "bureaucracy" in the record industry that eats into artist profits. He said it was not specifically a response to disagreements with Def Jam, which owns the rights to the songs. But in a strongly worded statement on the Web site, he lashed out at the company and the industry. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ THE NET January 15, 1999 By Jim Hu Staff Writer, CNET Web technology firm Global Music Outlet has launched its own music download format, and has signed on rapper Chuck D as the first to promote it... ...Alongside the unveiling of MP4, rap group PUBLIC ENEMY has released its latest single, "Swindler's Lust," using the MP4 format. PUBLIC ENEMY frontman Chuck D has been outspoken about the benefits of using the Web--instead of record stores--to distribute popular music. Last month, PUBLIC ENEMY's record label, Polygram, threatened to sue Chuck D after he posted MP3 audio files of his group's unreleased album. The song is available on PUBLIC ENEMY's Web site... ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ BILLBOARD DAILY MUSIC UPDATE January 11, 1999P.E.'s Back With Scathing MP4 Track Edited by Julie Taraska PUBLIC ENEMY has unleashed a vitriolic attack on the music industry in the form of "Swindler's Lust," a new song available for free download on the hip-hop group's Web site... ...On the track, Chuck D likens artists' plights to that of slavery, tracing a path of the industry's financial exploitation of black musicians. Citing the blues players in the Delta, Little Richard, soul singers, session players, and rappers in the '80s an '90s "who are still trying to get paid," he sings in the chorus: "If you don't own the master The master owns you Who you trust From Swindler's Lust From the back of the bus Neither one of us Control the fate of our soul It's Swindler's Lust." ...Undoubtedly, another impetus for "Swindler's Lust" was the decision of PUBLIC ENEMY's label, Def Jam, and parent company, PolyGram (now Universal), to remove the band's unreleased remix album, "Bring The Noise 2000," from the group's site in early December... ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ WIRED NEWS January 13, 1999 P.E. Puts MP4 in the House by Christopher Jones In a tale of mistaken identities and strange bedfellows, legendary hip-hop group PUBLIC ENEMY has teamed up with a small technology company to rewrite the rules for promoting, distributing, and pricing music over the Internet. When Global Music Outlet, or GMO, announces its next-generation music distribution format this week, it will give artists a way to embed copyright information in CD-quality files for easy distribution over the Net. Like MP3, the technology allows users to download small, executable files that contain music. In addition, players that reveal text, graphics, copyright information, and hyperlinks to the artist's site are included in the file. But, in a controversial move, GMO has trademarked the technology as "MP4," a name that has been used informally to describe MPEG-4, a separate, open-standard technology that is to be released for general licensing later this year by the International Standards Organization... ...The MP4 format hit the Internet last week when PUBLIC ENEMY posted a new song, "Swindlers Lust", to its Web site for free download. The song takes a stab at the music industry's exploitation of artists over the years. It starts with Chuck D rapping: "Vultures of culture, dollar a rhyme, but we barely get a dime," and goes on to say: "Rap and R&B paving the streets of Bel Air from the sales of singers no longer here, the bigger killer gets the bigger share." ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ SILICON ALLEY DAILY December 18, 1998 PUBLIC ENEMY's Chuck D Tells SAR About His MP3 Visions SAR Editor and Publisher Jason McCabe Calacanis spoke candidly with Chuck D, the leader of the rap group PUBLIC ENEMY, earlier this week about the group's efforts to release its latest album on the Net. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ UNDERCOVER MUSIC NEWS January 11, 1999 PUBLIC ENEMY Quit Def Jam After a very vocal public display of aggresion against their record company of the last few months, PUBLIC ENEMY have confirmed they have quit Def Jam. The band will now release it's next album over the internet. PUBLIC ENEMY have been in dispute with Def Jam ever since they posted CD audio quality MP3 files from their upcoming remix album at their web site. After a legal discussion, the band took down the songs but last week posted up a new song for fans. That song Swindlers Lust told of how recording for a major label was the equivilant of slavery. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ROLLING STONE NETWORK January 1999, Ticking Bomb Digital crusader Chuck D still aims to be the music industry's public enemy No. 1 As the music industry trembles at the gathering storm clouds of MPEG technology, PUBLIC ENEMY mastermind Chuck D is dancing in the rain and shouting out to heaven for more. Bring it on, he says, licking his chops at the havoc to come when the proverbial s--- hits the fan. When PUBLIC ENEMY's former label Def Jam ("Def Scam" he now calls them) cried foul at his posting of tracks from the group's unreleased remix album, Bring the Noise 2000, on WWW.PUBLIC-ENEMY.COM, D removed them and posted a venemous note in reply. "It seems like the weasels have stepped into the fire," he wrote. "The execs, lawyers and accountants who lately have made most of the money in the music biz, are now running scared from the technology that evens out the creative field and makes artists harder to pimp ... I'm glad to be a contributor to the bomb." In other words, he may have lost the battle, but the war . . . that's just heating up. To wit, the PUBLIC ENEMY site now features a brand new song, Swindler's Lust, from the group's forthcoming album, There's a Poison Goin' On. The track is available for free download in its entirety in the just-unveiled MP4 format, which features near CD-quality sound in a stand-alone form (no special player required) that can be attached to e-mail. Fans will have to wait until spring for PUBLIC ENEMY to drop the rest of the album, but D promises that the whole shebang will be available on the Web, in addition to traditional disc form. (He's currently reviewing his options for the hard format distribution). We caught up with Mistachuck to find out more about the album and the revolution to come. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ DAVEY D'S HIP HOP CORNER December 7, 1998 PUBLIC ENEMY FORCED TO REMOVE ALBUM OFF THEIR WEBSITE ! by Davey D The other day PUBLIC ENEMY got threatened with a lawsuit from their label Def Jam/Polygram for releasing songs on their website WWW.PUBLIC-ENEMY.COM from their yet to be released album 'Bring The Noise 2000'. Apparently the album was supposed to be released several months back. If you recall earlier this year we had reported how PE was returning to the scene with two lps. The first was in actuality a soundtrack for Spike Lee's movie 'He's Got Game'. The second lp which was to immediately follow was the 'Bring The Noise 2000'. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ BILLBOARD DAILY MUSIC UPDATE December 7, 1998 Chuck D Blasts Biz Over MP3 Opposition Edited by Julie Taraska PUBLIC ENEMY leader Chuck D is speaking out about the record industry's stance against the MP3 file format. He tells Billboard Bulletin that the Def Jam act's attempt to post "Bring The Noise 2000" -- an unreleased collection of songs and remixes -- for free digital download at WWW.PUBLIC-ENEMY.COM was an act of defiance against the music industry. Four of the set's 27 songs were posted in MP3; the tracks were removed from the site shortly after news broke of their availability. Noted hip-hop producer Gary G-Wiz, who worked with Chuck D on the MP3 postings, claims that the project is a promotional effort and will not hurt retail sales. Chuck D says he will use MP3 again in the future. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ WIRED NEWS December 5, 1998 PUBLIC ENEMY's Chuck D on MP3 by Jennifer Sullivan Rap group PUBLIC ENEMY is known for speaking out -- especially band member Chuck D. The group is famous for radical lyrics in songs like "Fight the Power" and "911 Is a Joke." When it comes to the controversy surrounding the distribution of audio on the Internet, Chuck D is true to form. "As far as the industry [goes], fuck 'em all," he said. "Now they're all fucking scared. The means of distributing the fucking product [is] in anyone's hands." PUBLIC ENEMY runs an extensive Web site, with audio files of their music, video clips, message boards, photos, and song lyrics. In the past three weeks the band posted portions of a longer remix for free download in the MP3 format, according to Chuck D. They planned to release one sample a week from an unreleased 27-minute remix of old PUBLIC ENEMY songs called Bring the Noise 2000. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
rap.971 chill,
Cypress Hill NEWS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "DJ Muggs Presents the Soul Assassins: Chapter 2," This spring. Muggs and Tricky in the studio together. The next single will be Dr. Greenthumb, the CD Maxi and 12" will be in-store January 18, 1999. A remix of Dr. Greenthumb by the Fun Lovin' Criminals to be included on this commercial single release. Cypress Hill HISTORY: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1988: Havana-born Sennen Reyes (Sen Dog) and younger brother Ulpiano Sergio (Mellow Man Ace), who moved from Cuba to the L. A. suburb of Southgate with their family in 1971, form the rap quartet DVX with an Italian-American transplant from Queens, N.Y. named Lawrence Muggerud (DJ Muggs)ˇwho had previously been with the hip-hop outfit 7A3ˇand L.A native Louis Freese (B-Real). After Mellow Man Ace splits to launch a solo career, remaining three members form the group Cypress Hill, named after Cypress Avenue, a street that runs through the South Central L.A. turf where they live. 1990: With a hard-core rapping style laced with a pro-hemp message, the trio perform to mostly Latin audiences in and around Los Angeles, recording early demo versions of "Real Estate," "Light Another," "The Phuncky Feel One," "Psychobetabuckdown" and a song called "Trigga Happy Nigga," which later became their first hit, "How I Could Just Kill A Man." Trio signs with Philadelphia's RuffHouse label, which has a distribution deal with Columbia Records. 1991: Debut album, Cypress Hill, comes out in November, with re-recorded versions of "Real Estate," "Light Another" and "Psychobetabuckdown" as well as brand-new classics like "Stoned Is The Way of the Walk," "Something For The Blunted," "Latin Lingo" and "Hand On The Pump." 1992: The band release the single, "The Phuncky Feel One," but it is the b-side, the controversial gangsta rap classic "How I Could Just Kill A Man," which starts to get college radio airplay, leading to N.Y.'s influential WBLS adding the song, where it became the station's most requested track. The resulting video spurs the band's album to sell almost two million copies in the U.S., breaking into the Top 40 and earning the group the "Hot Rap Singles" nod at the Billboard Music Awards that December. Meanwhile, Muggs begins his own producing career by helming House of Pain's eponymous debut, which cracks the Top 20 of the album charts. He would go on to produce such acts as Funkdoobiest and the Beastie Boys with his cutting-edge hip-hop pastiches. The band appears on the side-stage at Lollapalooza '92, anticipating their headlining stint in '95. 1993: Cypress Hill releases its second album, Black Sunday, which was heralded by the hit single, "Insane In The Brain," launching the band's influential horror-core hip-hop imagery. The disc shattered records by debuting at #1, registering the highest first-week SoundScan sales for any rap album in history up to that point. Thanks to subsequent singles like "I Ain't Goin' Out Like That," which sampled fellow horror fans Black Sabbath's "The Wizard," Black Sunday went on to sell more than two million albums in the U.S. and over three and a quarter million around the world. The group appears on "Saturday Night Live" for the first and last time; they're banned after Muggs lights up a blunt on-air while the group trashes their equipment during the aptly titled second number, "Ain't Goin' Out." They also headline the SRO "Soul Assassins" club tour with House of Pain and Funkdoobiest followed by a stint of college dates with 7 Year Bitch and Rage Against the Machine, showing their versatility and ability to play for different audiences and with a variety of groups. Further proof of their desire to push the envelope is borne out by the trio's two collaborations on the hit "Judgment Night" soundtrack, recording songs with alternarock gods Sonic Youth ("I Love You Mary Jane") and Pearl Jam ("Real Thing"). 1994: After a U.K. tour that winter, Cypress Hill once again appear on the side stage at the '94 Lollapalooza festival and perform at that summer's Woodstock concert with newest member, one-time Beastie Boys percussionist Eric Bobo, son of salsa legend Willie Bobo. The group was named the Best Rap Group in the annual Rolling Stone Music Awards poll by both critics and readers. 1995: Cypress Hill headlines Lollapalooza '95 with Hole, Sonic Youth, Pavement, Sin╚ad O' Connor, Beck, Jesus Lizard, Mighty Mighty Bosstones and others. The band contribute a track, "I Wanna Get High," to the Capricorn release of the High Times magazine-sponsored "Hempilation" compilation to benefit the group's pet charity, NORML (National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws). The trio release their third album, III (Temples of Boom), which debuts on the U.S. charts at #3, on its way to platinum-plus sales of more than 1.5 million despite limited radio and video airplay. The record featured the hit single, "Throw Your Set In The Air," and such special guests as Wu-Tang's U-God and the RZA, who produced the track, "Killa Hill." Shortly after finishing the record, Sen stopped touring with the band to pursue other musical interests, including his band SX-10. 1996: Cypress Hill spend much of the year on the road, headlining shows with 311 and The Pharcyde before going out as one of the featured acts on the inaugural "Smokin' Grooves" tour that summer with Ziggy Marley, the Fugees, Busta Rhymes and A Tribe Called Quest. Later that year, they release a nine-song EP, Unreleased and Revamped, which brought together rare remixes never before available commercially. 1997: Group members take time to get involved in individual projects. Muggs cuts a solo album, Muggs Presents... The Soul Assassins, with members of Wu Tang Clan, Dr. Dre, KRS-One, Wyclef Jean, Mobb Deep and the rest of Cypress Hill. B-Real collaborated with Busta Rhymes, Coolio, LL Cool J and Method Man on the cut, "Hit 'Em High," from the multi-platinum "Space Jam" original soundtrack. He also hooked up with Dr. Dre, Nas and KRS-One on the track, "East Coast Killer, West Coast Killer," on Dre's hit Aftermath album, and recorded his solo debut, The Psycho Realm, with L.A.-based Latino rappers Duke and Jacken. During the summer, Cypress Hill once again set out on the "Smokin' Grooves" tour with George Clinton and the P-Funk All Stars and Eryka Badu, among others. 1998: After releasing the record Get Wood Sampler with his punk-metal hybrid SX-10 on Jordan Schur's Flip label, Sen Dog returns to the Cypress Hill fold just in time to record the band's fourth album and join them for their third consecutive appearance on last summer's "Smokin' Grooves" tour with labelmates Wyclef Jean &the Refugee Allstars, Busta Rhymes, Gang Starr and Canibus. Cypress Hill THE PRESENT: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This fall's release of IV, produced by DJ Muggs for the Soul Assassins, marks a welcome return to the groundbreaking hip-hop group's roots in atmospheric, cutting-edge rap in all its wide-screen, larger-than-life glory. Cypress Hill revisits some of its most chilling street scenarios in "Looking Through The Eye of A Pig," the rumbling "Prelude To A Come Up" (with a guest rap by MC Eiht and samples from Mobb Deep and Amon DŞŞl [!]) and the eerie funhouse-mirror carnival send-up, "16 Men Till There's No Men Left." The quartet's audio-visual flair comes through in such cinematic set-pieces as the gangsta homage, "Steel Magnolia" (featuring newcomer Barron Ricks), the disaster epic blueprint "Feature Presentation" (featuring Ricks and Chace Infinite) and the Latin-flavored "Tequila Sunrise" (also with Ricks and slated as the radio impact single), while the mythic "Clash of the Titans" and the closing "Lightning Strikes" provide a suitably apocalyptic one-two punch finale. And of course, there's a coupla odes to the chronic in the light-hearted "Dr. Greenthumb" (the b-side to the single) and the anthemic "High Times." The first single, "Tequila Sunrise" b/w "Dr. Greenthumb," will include a remix featuring Latin hip-hop icon Fat Joe and a Spanish language version. The video for "Tequila Sunrise" is being directed by Kevin Kerslake, known for his work with Smashing Pumpkins, the Offspring and Nirvana, among others. As always, Cypress Hill defy categorization and accusations of sell-out by doing things their way and not following the commercial trends of the moment. They're not just alternative, hip-hop, rock, jazz, punk, thrash, skate-core or metal, but a melting pot of cross-cultural references that go together like prime buddage and a bong. Answering critics who say the band has strayed from its hip-hop heritage, B-Real says: "What people don't understand is, if we take the music as high as we can, we're not leaving it behind to do another kind of music. We're taking it with us.... taking advantage of the doors that were kicked the fuck open!" With IV, these smokin' legends prove the sky's the limit for how high their potpourri of modern hip-hop and rock can fly. iv_album.jpg
rap.972 chill,
CYPRESS HILL wallpaper... (800x600, black, centered) Jebeno najbolji wallpaper ikad vidjen na ovim prostorima... :)) wall_ch.jpg
rap.973 stukelj,
dr greenthumb... ima li ko txt?
rap.974 chill,
Artist: Funkdoobiest Album: Brothas Doobie Song: Pussy Ain't Shit Pussy aint shit but lips and clit! Pussy aint shit but lips and clit! Pussy aint shit but lips and clit! Pussy aint shit but lips and clit! Verse 1: One vagina, two vagina just like a minor I'm gonna go deep paid fuck for reminder doobie can't spark itch my dick with the clitoris isn't this cause all the pussy can't get with this shaving the anus, smelly who sprayed it she grabbed my dick with the pussy lips sagging I just fuck the pussy, then I just throw it out it aint shit the bitches be acting like its gold sucking, fat lips swelled with the ovaries the space in between was her urinary opening vagina walls pollute my dick with the uteris Funkdoobiest, yo girls aint used to this fallopean tubes, the pussy's pulsating and clitoris is hot my way I'm masterbating waiting for the skin, but isn't all for me though the pussy aint shit fuck a bitch and her ego Pussy aint shit but lips and clit x 4 Verse 2: What was that, the pussy just farted I lubricate the lips vagina walls had parted the cervix of her uteris, I saw Mrs. Diaphram pussy aint shit give it to me in a frying pan who's catching coodies pussy gotta doodie brush with the remedy we'll give it up the booty a turn on, the passage to the female genitals i won't play myself and giving em my principal physical, female, anatomy sad to see a pressed pussy lip drip so don't be mad at me brothas in prison doing time for the coochie the tuna, the shrimp, the snatch, and the sushi vaginas discharged, spots on the panties unsanitary cause the pussy's too hairy Pussy aint shit but lips and clit x 4 Verse 3: Nigga wanna die for the pussy and fight for the pussy kill for the clit yo I aint going out it's just me on the marrow, a muscle for the friction cold sex for no sex thats my prediction diction, speak the x-rated lingo waiting on my dick I hit the g-spot bingo pussy lips wrinkled, the wet soft and nappy a menstrating cycle thats never acting happy hormones, metapause, cramps yo I wonder pussy can't bury niggas six feet under others won't listen, vaginas all busted Son's so disgusted, can't be trusted infested, dirty with the monostat 7 rotten was the clitoris and pussy lips infected remember I said the first time it came to me now I look back and shit it's all the same to me Pussy aint shit but lips and clit x 4
rap.975 chill,
Artist: N.W.A. (Ice Cube) Album: Straight Outta Compton Song: I Ain't tha One Intro: girl, Ice Cube [Ice Cube, do you think you could give me some money to get my hair done?] How short's your hair right now? [Well you know I get it done every week, and I need my nails done too] Look, I'ma tell you like this Verse One: I ain't the one, the one to get played like a pooh butt See I'm from the street, so I know what's up On these silly games that's played by the women I'm only happy when I'm goin up in them But you know, I'm a menace to society But girls in biker shorts are so fly to me So I step to em, with aggression Listen to the kid, and learn a lesson today See they think we narrow minded Cause they got a cute face, and big-behinded So I walk over and say "How ya doin?" See I'm only down for screwin, but you know ya gotta play it off cool Cause if they catch you slippin, you'll get schooled And they'll get you for your money, son Next thing you know you're gettin their hair and they nails done Fool, and they'll let you show em off But when it comes to sex, they got a bad cough Or a headache, it's all give and no take Run out of money, and watch your heart break They'll drop you like a bad habit cause a brother with money yo, they gotta have it Messin with me though, they gets none You can't juice Ice Cube girl, cause I ain't the one Interlude One: [Girrrrrl, you got to get these brothers for all the money you can honey. Cause if they ain't got no money, they can't do nothin for me but get out of my face.] [I know what you mean girl, it ain't nothin right jumpin off unless he got dollars] Verse Two: Sometimes I used to wonder How the hell an ugly dude get a fine girl's number He's gettin juiced for his ducats I tell a girl in a minute yo, I drive a bucket And won't think nuttin of it She can ride or walk, either leave it or love it I show her that I'm not the O, the N-E, say I'm a ruthless N-I double-G A Cause I'm gamin on a female that's gamin on me You know I spell girl with a B A brother like me is only out for one thing I think with my ding-a-ling, but I won't bring no flowers to your doorstep, when we goin out Cause you'll take it for granted, no doubt And after the date, I'ma want to do the wild thing You want lobster huh? I'm thinking Burger King And when I take you, you get frustrated You can't juice Ice Cube and you hate it But you see, I don't go nuts Over girls like you with the BIG ol butts It start comin out the pocket, to knock it But when the damage is done... You can only lay me girl, you can't play me girl For the simple fact that, I ain't the one Interlude Two: [I don't care how they look if they got money, we can hook up but they ain't gettin none.] [Yeah I just make em think they gonna get some, play up they mind a lil bit, and get that money.] [Oh Ice Cube, can I have some money pleeeease?] Verse Three: Give you money why bother Cause you know I'm lookin nothin like your father Girl, I can't be played or ganked Ganked means getting took for your bank Or your gold or your money or something Nine times outta ten, she's giving up nothing They get mad when I put it in perspective But let's see if my knowledge is effective To the brothas man they robbing you blind Cause they fine with a big behind, but pay it no mind Keep your money to yourself homie and if you got enough game You'll get her name and her number Without going under You can't leave em and love and stay above em I used to get no play now she stay behind me Cause I said I had a Benz 190 But I lied and played the one Just to get some now she feels dumb To my homies it's funny But that's what you get trying to play me for my money Now don't you feel used But I don't give hoot, huh, because I knock boots You shouldn't be, so damn material And try to milk Ice Cube like cereal Now how many times do I have to say it Cause if I have to go get a gun You girls will learn I don't burn You think I'm a sucka, but I ain't the one Outro: [But you said you love me!] I don't see no rings on this finger [Why you doin me like this? I love you!] Yeah you love my money, I got what I wanted -- beat it
rap.976 chill,
Artist: N.W.A Album: Straight Outta Compton Song: Fuck Tha Police Right about now, NWA court is in full effect. Judge Dre presiding in the case of NWA versus the police department. Prosecuting attourneys are MC Ren, Ice Cube, and Eazy muthafuckin E. Order, order, order. Ice Cube, take the muthafuckin stand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothin but the truth so help your black ass? <You're goddamn right!> Why don't you tell everybody what the fuck you gotta say? Fuck tha police Comin straight from the underground Young nigga got it bad cuz I'm brown And not the other color so police think They have the authority to kill a minority Fuck that shit, cuz I ain't tha one For a punk muthafucka with a badge and a gun To be beatin on, and throwin in jail We could go toe to toe in the middle of a cell Fuckin with me cuz I'm a teenager With a little bit of gold and a pager Searchin my car, lookin for the product Thinkin every nigga is sellin narcotics You'd rather see me in the pen Then me and Lorenzo rollin in the Benzo Beat tha police outta shape And when I'm finished, bring the yellow tape To tape off the scene of the slaughter Still can't swallow bread and water I don't know if they fags or what Search a nigga down and grabbin his nuts And on the other hand, without a gun they can't get none But don't let it be a black and a white one Cuz they slam ya down to the street top Black police showin out for the white cop Ice Cube will swarm On any muthafucka in a blue uniform Just cuz I'm from the CPT, punk police are afraid of me A young nigga on a warpath And when I'm finished, it's gonna be a bloodbath Of cops, dyin in LA Yo Dre, I got somethin to say Fuck the police (4X) <Example of scene one: <Pull your goddamn ass over right now.> <Ah shit, what the fuck you pullin me over for?> <Cuz I feel like it. Just sit your ass on the curb and shut the fuck up.> <Man, fuck this shit.> <Alright smartass, I'm takin' your black ass to jail.> MC Ren, will you please give your testimony to the jury about this fucked up incident.> Fuck tha police and Ren said it with authority because the niggaz on the street is a majority. A gang, is with whoever I'm stepping and the motherfuckin' weapon is kept in a stash box, for the so-called law wishin' Ren was a nigga that they never saw Lights start flashin behind me But they're scared of a nigga so they mace me to blind me But that shit don't work, I just laugh Because it gives em a hint not to step in my path To the police I'm sayin fuck you punk Readin my rights and shit, it's all junk Pullin out a silly club, so you stand With a fake assed badge and a gun in your hand But take off the gun so you can see what's up And we'll go at it punk, I'ma fuck you up Make ya think I'm a kick your ass But drop your gat, and Ren's gonna blast I'm sneaky as fuck when it comes to crime But I'm a smoke em now, and not next time Smoke any muthafucka that sweats me Or any assho that threatens me I'm a sniper with a hell of a scope Takin out a cop or two, they can't cope with me The muthafuckin villian that's mad With potential to get bad as fuck So I'm a turn it around Put in my clip, yo, and this is the sound Ya, somethin like that, but it all depends on the size of the gat Takin out a police would make my day But a nigga like Ren don't give a fuck to say Fuck the police (4X) <Yo, man, what you need? Police, open now. We have a warrant for Eazy-E's arrest. Get down and put your hands up where I can see em. Just shut the fuck up and get your muthafuckin ass on the floor. [huh?]> <Yo Eazy-E, why don't you step up to the stand and tell the jury how you feel abou this bullshit.> I'm tired of the muthafuckin jackin Sweatin my gang while I'm chillin in the shackin Shining tha light in my face, and for what Maybe it's because I kick so much butt I kick ass, or maybe cuz I blast On a stupid assed nigga when I'm playin with the trigga Of any Uzi or an AK Cuz the police always got somethin stupid to say They put up my picture with silence Cuz my identity by itself causes violence The E with the criminal behavior Yeah, I'm a gansta, but still I got flavor Without a gun and a badge, what do ya got? A sucka in a uniform waitin to get shot, By me, or another nigga. and with a gat it don't matter if he's smarter or bigger [MC Ren: Sidle him, kid, he's from the old school, fool] And as you all know, E's here to rule Whenever I'm rollin, keep lookin in the mirror And there's no cue, yo, so I can hear a Dumb muthafucka with a gun And if I'm rollin off the 8, he'll be tha one That I take out, and then get away And while I'm drivin off laughin This is what I'll say Fuck the police (4X) <The verdict. The jury has found you guilty of bein a redneck, whitebread, chickenshit muthafucka. Wait, that's a lie. That's a goddamn lie. I want justice! I want justice! Fuck you, you black muthafucka!> Fuck the police (3X)
rap.977 chill,
Artist: N.W.A. Album: 100 Miles and Running (EP) Song: Sa Prize (part 2) -- [Fuck tha Police, part 2] Chorus: Fuck the police! Fuck, fuck, fuck the police! [Fuck them motherfuckers!] Fuck, fuck, fuck the police! [Get paid back] You're motherfucking right, yo Verse One: Dr. Dre Fuck the motherfucking police! They don't want peace, they want a nigga deceased So he'll cease to be a problem, and by the way the perform It seems the Klan gave the white police another uniform And yo the black police, the house niggaz They gave you a motherfucking gun, so I guess you figure you made out, good to go, but you didn't know They would stick your black ass back in the ghetto, yo To kill another nigga, catch him with crack, in fact Freebase - they put in the neighborhood in the first place But the brothers ain't stupid, remember that You got a gat, I got a gat, so whassup with that A to the motherfuckin K The last words you hear, then the smoke appears Tears, from your motherfuckin family They're starin at me, but I'm goin gun happy, fuck em! Shootin everything in sight tonight's the night to get hyped and fight for what's wrong, fuck what's right! And by the way, my name is Dre So listen up motherfucker to what I gotta say, yo Chorus: Fuck the police! Fuck, fuck, fuck the police Fuck Fuck, fuck, fuck the police [Now for the first episode] Episode One: Yeah that shit's hittin man, where the volume at? Hold-up, hold-up, hold-up, one-time, one-time, one-time Put the joint out! Put the joint out! Hey you motherfuckers want to step out of the car? Don't you know it's against the law to play music so god damn loud? Shut the fuck up! Go to jail? Gimme that shit you was just smoking Motherfuckers from high crime areas view the police as a threat And that's some shit you betta not forget Verse Two: Eazy-E Eazy E's the name feared by most When, a lil nigga is thrown in the pen But on the streets there's two kinds of people White rich fucks and the ones who get harassed like me Pull over to the side, routine for me Tearin up my shit, like they lookin for a key of cocaine But they never find the shit Ain't got nuttin better to do and nobody else to fuck wit Thinkin everything is stolen But can't face facts that a young black nigga's just rollin Making more money than they ever make Taking more shit than they ever take Yo pigs are made to kill, and no regret and keep your hand on your weapon shoot his ass and start steppin Cause I'm a nigga that don't give a fuck about nothin So let me explain a lil somethin, yo See, I got this problem, a big problem... Cops don't like me, so I don't like motherfucking cops Chorus: Fuck the police! Fuck, fuck, fuck the police Fuck Fuck, fuck, fuck the police [Fuck the police!] Episode Two: Get out of the fuckin car! Wait a god damn minute what the hell did I do? Hey just shut the fuck up black bitch Wait a minute, you ain't gotta be pullin me by my motherfuckin hair! Let go of my motherfuckin hair! Hey just step the fuck back and shut up! Get your motherfuckin hands off of me! Calm down, calm down now... listen, we're gonna go around this corner, and you're gonna suck me and my partner's dicks, or you're gonna be one black dead nigger bitch Police brutality is common in my neighborhood That's why I hate them motherfuckers Verse Three: MC Ren I said fuck the police but with a little more force And maybe now I get my point across It's a lot here that's goin on, just open your eyes and look Everyday a young nigga is took Off the face of the street by a police It's like they gotta a nigga chained on a short leash You can't leave out the city that they shacked up Cause if you do that's the right they got you jacked up It's embarassin because you know they justice, but all you can do is say fuck this, because if you move, that's all she wrote So what? The excuse to shoot, or they rather stomp your head til you're dead with the steel toe boot Harassin me with some kind of mind game Actin like a nigga just was born with a gang-name You call that right but when you're black there's no right Some recreational shit was only a gang fight So shootin at the cops was a street thing To waste time have to explain don't do cocaine But everything was done just for peace To retaliate, on the fuckin police, so I'm sayin Chorus: Fuck the police! Fuck, fuck, fuck the police! Fuck Fuck the police! Fuck, fuck the police! [The final episode] Episode Three: Hey Juan, look at the piece of ass man Watch out watch out watch out homes! Oh shit man you fucked up, you hit a police car I didn't see that piece of caca! Better act like you don't speak ingles homes ... What the fuck? Get your ass out of there, I've had enough of your raggedy ass motherfuking shit! No! No me pagan, por que me pagan, no! Por favor, no, no! Por que? Chorus 2X
rap.978 chill,
Artist: Cypress Hill f/ Barron Ricks Album: IV Song: I Remember That Freak Bitch Aiy-yo! [B-Real] I remember that freak bitch, up in the clubs The Victoria's Secret, she give love No matter which way you keep it You'll get shoved out the picture, now peep it (You get the gloves bitch!) I used to know this girl that slanged the green shit Had it all goin on, but it didn't mean shit She wanted to be a star, with big cars and all the fame that came my way I gotta say that she was all that, and a bag of indo with no seed, such a delightful weed I wish she was still around but, no she's gone I guess she got blessed and she got put on Aiyyo I miss that girl, she had the bomb, was the bomb-diggy bomb bomb, and nope, I'm not Qu'ran Had all the holy books, and notes to get still I never met another dealer with that appeal With those electric eyes, hypnotized any wise man surprised, the queen of the lye [Barron Ricks] Bee eyes, bouncin five deep, clicked of innocence Hangin with friends, all under surveillance from the government While Don want tights they floss rights, just chewin on ice Meditatin with her camp, gettin damp She's a pimp or tile freak bitch, high maintenance She got her fuckin clit pierced, chained to her anus Professional for wettin niggaz up, suck em first til they bust, swallow nut, then she's quick to strut right out the projects, been a whore since ninety-one Suck a niggaz dick for fun, holdin guns in her buns Type of chick tell you 'fuck me in the ass' talkin shit While she goin WALLA-WALLA-WALLA-WALLA-WALLA on your dick [B-Real] I remember that freak bitch, up in the clubs The Victoria's Secret, she give love No matter which way you keep it You'll get shoved out the picture, now peep it (You get the gloves bitch!) Yeah since I seen the queen of green on the screen So I stepped up, to her screen door, like a dream or better yet like a fiend, who need a fix She wasn't like other chicks, pullin tricks on the scheme for chips She was like, Run-D.M.C., _Tougher Than Leather_ Raw bitch, but then she was soft like a feather Never again will I meet a woman of her nature SkyPager turned off, datin one of the Lakers Lucky-ass nigga with the jump shot He got that hot shit, all in his pocket on lock Damn I guess I'm jealous that another fella's got with her but her sister's, bangin too, what should I do? Fuck it I'll do like my nigga Smooth with the Princess Plantin my seed in the next Queen of Buddha Bless Fuck playin the second string, on the squad I'm blowin up, all in your face, word to God [Barron Ricks] Yeah I fucked her in the Hershey Tunnel, deep inside it made her pussy bubble, aiyyo she told me that it loves you I told her 'arch that back, let me see that ass' And then I kissed it, licked it, stuck my nose all in position ? baby listen, can't you see my fuckin dick is throbbin She started slobbin and gogglin, spittin burblin burpin it I told her 'just don't matter baby, just don't bite it' No hold barred, my dick was hard enough to dent a car, I stuck it in between to spread the Red Sea apart, the pussy fart was a motherfuckin work of art, she rode my dick just like a Kawasaki til the pussy started soundin sloppy like an old jalopy, time to nut Took off the condom slapped her on the but, then I bust on her face in between her lips Then she started lickin it, cause it was good shit, protein! High and rich.. damn I got my shit freaky, Mr. Ricks [B-Real] I remember that freak bitch, up in the clubs The Victoria's Secret, she give love No matter which way you keep it You'll get shoved out the picture, now peep it (You get the glove bitch!)
rap.979 chill,
Artist: Cypress Hill f/ B Smooth Album: IV Song: Tequila Sunrise Intro: B-Real and Sen Dog B-R: Pa' la salud! (to your health!) SD: Pa' la salud! (to your health!) B-R: Primero yo... (me first...) (gulp) B-R: *grrrrrah!* B-R and SD: *mexican yells* SD: Cometelo! (eat it!) Verse One: B Smooth Word up, Tequila style... eat the worm (overlapping intro's end) Tequila spice, hot nice Milling rice, sipping on Jose Cuervo Down in Tiajuana, Mexico Thinking of the big score the night before Met the connect, who was impressively dressed In high fabrics With troops like Babe Ruth, up on the mezzanine Brandishing sub-machine guns, aye-yo It's all about the money, son Now that's the only reason We came south of the border, to complete this work order We gotta get it, no looking back, going all out for it Ready to attack, die in a minute flat for it As God is my witness, we got ditches for all you motherfuckin fake bitches It all boils down to the business Nothing personal, when niggaz acting like they helping you I fuckin blast you like Frank Castle, motherfucker! Chorus Tequila Sunrise, bloodshot eyes Realize we're all born to die So get the money nigga! (repeat 2x) Verse Two: B-Real I never knew money like this, in the palm of my hand 'Til I met the man with mad hook-up, and big plan Every where you look'a, he got everybody shook up Running for cover, the big bad WOOF, motherfucker He was like a father figure, show me the bigger picture Fuck slangin' on the corner, don't let the pigs get you Not like these fools who don't comprehend You end up doing a twenty-five bid in the pen You got that? Getting your cup, I took a swig The bitter taste of the 'mezcal', free worm shit Droppin' a lesson, he slapped my face, he said listen Pay attention brotha, you're my ace, but don't ever question Just do what I say, and you'll be rich And keep this in your mind: rats lay in a ditch with no spine Don't ever forget that golden rule in the game Cheers, they all know your name, it's like fame Why, women and money don't mix, like drinking an' driving Watch those conniving women and keep your eye out Always be aware of what's around you They wanna down you, and fuckin clown you Keep your shit in order the money won't stop Pretty soon you'll be on top Chorus Verse Three: B-Real Tequila Sunrise, with the bloodshot eyes My, my, my, how time flies and goes by surprise My mentor passed on and passed a warn to me, emergency For my enemies who wanna murder me Eat the worm, motherfucker, while you burn, motherfucker Better kill me, don't let me return, motherfucker Trust no man, cause I'll be back, you understand? With a plan, and my ace in hand, I want it all I recall the words from Jesus, you are the Juice Better go get it, don't let it get to your head, embed it Let these words stick, you better be ready to die Now take a fucking sip, caution it, but I never lie Chorus (music outro)
rap.980 chill,
Artist: Cypress Hill Album: IV Song: Dr. Greenthumb [a short skit opens the beginning of the song] Hello, I'm Dr. Greenthumb Have you ever had the problem of running out of weed and just can't find some anywhere? Well try my Dr. Greenthumb grow tips I'll show you how to grow inside and out From seed to clone, and the best homegrown And if you're afraid of those pesky pork choppers in the sky No worries, we'll fix them too with one of our Dr. Greenthumb 'Sizzlean' screens to block the nosy pig's vision Don't believe me? Just ask one of my many satisfied clients here Jed Sanders how well it works Hyuh, hyuh, hello mah name is Jaid And ahm a farmer and I've been growin mary-jah-wana fer about twenty years and uhh uhh, with Dr. Greenthumb's 'Sizzlean' screen I don't hafta point my shotgun at them pesky porkers no more Thanks Dr. Green, you're tha shit Yes, Dr. Greenthumb's got it all, I guarantee it Try my book and you'll have the chronic in no time *lighter flicks* Dial 1-800-713-GROW *inhaling noise* That's 1-800 *cough cough* *inhale* *lighter flicks* 713 *cough cough* G *inhale* R *inhale* O-W "Hello Dr. Greenthumb, paging Dr. Greenthumb!" [B-Real] Hello my name is Dr. Greenthumb I'd like to tell you just where I'm from In the hills where the trees grow wild with weed fields The fucking pigs with shields holding the blue steels Greenhouse effect with the weed connect (Doctor) DEA can't keep Greenthumb in check (Doctor!) HPS, God Bless the whole crop Please God, don't let me see no cops Trunkload, ready to hit the highway Don't let the eye in the sky fly my way or we gonna have big trouble, that's no shit Can't be growin without no permit but fuck that, I study the 215 trip That way when they come they can suck my dick Weed can't grow without attention Hello my name is Dr. Greenthumb Chorus: [B-Real] Hello my name is Dr. Greenthumb [SenDog] Hello my name is Dr. Greenthumb! [B-Real] I'd like to tell you just where I'm from [SenDog] Hello my name is Dr. Greenthumb [B-Real] Hello my name is Dr. Greenthumb [SenDog] Hello my name is Dr. Greenthumb! [B-Real] I'd like to tell you just where I'm from [SenDog] Aiyyo Dr. Greenthumb, come on back one time! [B-Real] People can't live without the herb man If not they'd be drinkin and drivin and swervin but thanks to Dr. Greenthumb weed grow in the backyard or inside with hydro To the cush plant brushin a tangerine dream Tasty, blowin a fuckin smokescreen Cycles of weed are constantly grown Somebody give me the razor to cut groves I'd like to stop, but it feels so good Horny plants stinkin up my whole neighborhood Sticky angel, I wanna leave it alone but never ever ever gotta worry from my home What that funny sound knockin at the door (Open up it's the DEA!) Sorry Greenthumb can't talk no more Please don't follow me into the sun Hello my name is Dr. Greenthumb Chorus 1/2 [B-Real] Out from the lab, no need for rehab If I can't drive then call me a cab (ese!) In my closet the weed is dried out Like Eiht said, ain't no place to hide out I don't wanna buy no weed from no cop Get knocked up and they close up my shop That's why I buy no weed from no one That's why they call me Dr. Greenthumb The scientifical, mystical one Growin my crops with the rays of the sun Come one come all and see how it's done If you see the pigs there's no need to run Cause some of these pigs are down with Greenthumb But you never know what be the outcome You see the photo in the album The weed is growin like my erection Look I never told you where I was from Some call me Real, but I'm Dr. Greenthumb Chorus Dr. Greenthumb Doctor, your Bulova plant needs special tending to Doctor, we need more oxygen we need more CO2 Doctor, Dr. Greenthumb you're needed Doctor, dahyahahahhh... Doctor
rap.981 chill,
Artist: Ice Cube Album: The Predator Song: Wicked Verse 1: One, two, three and I come with the wicked style and you know that I'm from the wicked crew, act like you knew cos I got everybody jumpin to the voodoo Pick it, wicked rhymes, picket signs While me and the mob gotta truck full of 9's] Play ya and I'll slay ya I got thug-made dough by the hey-a Ready to BUCK BUCK BUCK and it's a must to DUCK DUCK DUCK before I bust Lookin for the one that did it but like En Vogue, no you're never gonna get it Cos I'm the one with the fat mad skills and I won't choke like the Buffalo Bills Sittin at the pad just chillin cos Larry Parker just got two million, oh what a feelin So shake that nigga and pass me the pill and I'll slam dunk ya like Shaquille O'Neal Like it, dig it, maybe and watch that ??? ??? Kick it cos I get wicked Chorus: (some toaster, once again won't translate to avoid offending) Verse 2: Won't say nuttin, just listen Got me a plan to break Tyson outta prison Come my way and get served Still got a duece that'll bunny hop the curb Nappy head, nappy chest, nappy chin Never seen with a happy grin Show the fat foul cos I'm down Take a look around and all you see is big black boots steppin Use my steel toe as a weapon Kick ya and flip ya, now they want to label this nigga, tape with the sticker Kickin out girls that's nicety Yo, I gotta body count like Ice-T From here to New York I get skins and ain't talkin bout pork Swine, pig, dick Listen to the flow of a so-called negro who didn't know I was funky as Wilson Pickett Dig it cos I get wicked Chorus Verse 3: People wanna know how come I gotta gat and I'm lookin out the window like Malcolm Ready to bring that noise Kinda trigger happy like the *?guitar boys?* April 29th was power to the people and we might just see a sequel cos police got equal pay A horse is a pig that don't fly straight Doin Darryl Gates but is Willie Williams down with the pilgrims Just a super slave We'll have to break his ass up like Super Dave I'm wicked enough to board this Cos now it's on to the fullest Gorilla straight from the mist But I don't miss when it comes to this Bring the yellow tape The white cape, cos I'm so straight Thru with the picket signs, take his job and stick it Bigot, cos I get wicked
rap.982 chill,
Artist: Del the Funky Homosapien Album: I Wish My Brother George Was Here Song: Mistadobalina [Chorus: "Mistadobalina, Mr. Bob Dobalina. . .] Mistadobalina, Mista Bob Dobalina, Mista Bob Dobalina won't you quit? you really make me sick with ya fraudulent behavior you're gonna make me flip and then an army couldn't save ya why don't you behave ya little rugrat take a little tip from the tabloid because I know I'm not paranoid when I say I saw ya tryin' to mock me now you and your crew are on a mission tryin' to hawk me but it isn't happenin' ya fraudulent foes you used to front big time now I suppose that everything's cool since the style of apparel you adopted you used to make fun of but now you wanna rock it so you gotta kick it with the homies but D-E-L is already hip to your cronies me and CM-PX thought about this and never have we seen a brother who could look like Mista, Mista, Mistadobalina... [Chorus] Ooooo, ooooo, mistadobalina you thought ya could manipulate you thought you could fool me Ooooo, ooooo, mistadobalina ?_____? put me on a stump and then he schooled me friends can be fraudulent just you wait and see first he was my moneygrip then he stole my honeydip mistadobalina is a serpent don't you agree the little two-tima resembles Aunt Jemima with jeans and a dirty white hoodie seems like he wouldn't be a snake or would he disguises come in all sizes and shapes notice the facade of the snakes they all catch the vapes even though last year they was GQ took a little time before the D-E-L could see through the mask all I had to do was ask ?_____? and Kwame and my man responded they would bomb a fraudulent foe with the strength of Hercules the way ya on my dick must really hurt ya knees you need to take heed and quit being such a groupie ever since I did a little show in Guadeloupee I neva saw a groupie like you but what is funny is ya wanted to be down with my crew but D-E-L is not down with any clowns or jesters so I would suggest that ya try to impress Uncle Fester dobolina because ya don't impress me dobolina the style of dress is not the key dobolina it's all in the mind and the heart so you should start by remembering ya gotta pay a fee dobolina [Chorus]
rap.992 chill,
Artist: EPMD Album: Business Never Personal Song: Chill Chill... Yeaaaa, hahahaha... Equip wit the rap microchip Program, aptitude, one mo return, oh ---- My face in the magazines, showing my eyes green (Chill...) Chill, fresh new dip when I'm seen Yo, dig, it's the new fig for the E-Double I pack a Mac 10 just in case of trouble Hot like the handle on a pot, I'm steaming Fame and more glory than Morgan Freeman I'm the original, my style's deformed So it can sound crazy ill when I perform Yea, check 1, 2, mic supreme EPMD, the rap American Dream Team The E-Double's definitely no joke You can't see me, even wit the microphone I'm massive dope, funky, who's deffer Yo, when I express myself like Salt 'N Pepa Erick Sermon and Parrish Smith The sickest, the wickest, crazy mad psycho, the slickest Hardcore rhymin, yea, that's the ticket Buckwhylin, ruff enuff for Long Island Chill.... Yeaaaaaa, Hahahaha.... Ruff enuff to rock New York to Long Island Back up, boy, move easy wit the hand motion Don't even blink, kid, or I'ma start smoking The glock hammer's cocked wit the speed jock 12 shots, the bust target is the brown fox So call me smooth talk rhyme, jaywalk wit the slang talk B-boy fanatic, straight from New York The foundation, landmark of the rap scene EPMD in effect, I'm clocking mad green Like Kermit the Frog, sloppy like Boss Hog Girls runnin wild, paid tho' like a klondar For mics are ready to flow in slow mo' Know the rap game just like Bo knows hoes (Yeaaaa, hahahaha) Hard, you get scarred, messing wit the Hit Squad Slide easy or catch a bullshucks charge No time to ill, stay mental or puff a pill Get the macadamians, and, oh, yea, kid, chill Chill.... Yeaaaa, hahahaha.... Ruff enuff to rock New York to Long Island....
rap.993 chill,
Artist: EPMD Album: Strictly Business Song: You Gots to Chill Intro [Pee MD] You Gots to Chill... Verse 1 [E Double E] Relax your mind, let your conscience be free And get down to the sounds of EPMD Oh, you should keep quiet while the MC rap But if you're tired, then go take a nap Or stay awake and watch the show I take Because right now I'm 'bout to shake'n'bake The E-R-I-C-K is my name, I spell Things to the clientele, yo I rock well I'm not an MC who' talkin' all that junk About who can beat who, soundin' like a punk I just get down and I go for mine Say "Check 1-2" and run down a line [Pee MD] To the average MC I'm known as The Terminator Funky beat maker, new jack exterminator Destroyin' a ploy when your rhymes are not void Never sweatin' your girl (Why P?) Cos she's a skeezoid When I'm on the scene I always rock the spot I grab the steel with the crown on the top In the beginnin' I like to let my rhymes flow And at twelve I press cruise control Sit back and relax, let my rhymes tax Maintain MC's while the Double E macks Always calm under pressure, no need to act ill Listen when I tell you boy, you gots to chill... Verse 2 [E Double E] I be the personal computer, information on rap Like the B-I-Z Markie says, I'll make your toes tap I format the rhymes step by step Make 'em sound def to maintain my rep Prepared to come off in case of a diss Not worried about a thing, cos we can do this I can turn the party out just by standin' still Make the ladies scream and shout while the brothers act ill Take total control of your body and soul Pack a nine in my pants for when it's time to roll [Pee MD] I'm the P-double-E M-D-E-E And one thing I hate is a bitin' MC When I enter the party suckers always form a line Then they ease their way up and try to bite my lines I did thousands of shows, dissed many faces And deal with new jacks on a one-to-one basis But every now and then a sucker MC gets courageous And like an epidemic it becomes contagious But never the least they all R.I.P For all those unaware it means Rest In Peace Cos M.D stands for Microphone Doctor And the capital P, capital M, capital D-E-E's no doubt the chief rocker Don't like to get ill, but if I have to I kill So believe me boy, you gots to chill... Verse 3 [E Double E] Catch every word I'm sayin', no there's no delayin' Don't hestitate to motivate the crowd, I'm not playin' Seeing is believing, you catch my drift? Don't try to adapt because I'm just too swift (How swift?) I'm so swift and that's an actual fact I'm like Zorro, I mark a E on your back I don't swing on no ropes or no iron cords The only weapon is my rappin' sword [Pee MD] Intimidate MC's with the tone of my vocal drone When I'm pushin' on the microphone Cos I'm the funky rhyme maker, MC undertaker The one who likes to max and relax And, when it's time, issue diggum-smacks I keep their hands clappin', fingers snappin', feet tappin' When it's time to roll Uzi patrol's packin' The Pee MD, the mic's my only friend And through the course of the party I kill again and again So if you're thinkin' 'bout battlin' you better come prepared Come wit' your shield and your armoured gear You gots to chill... Outro [E Double E] DJ La Boss... [Pee MD] ...takes no shorts.
rap.994 chill,
Artist: Onyx f/ Biohazard Album: Judgment Night soundtrack Song: Judgment Night *chorus* Judgment Night, got gun got badge Judgment Night, HUH! Judgment Night, in the echo of a gunblast Judgment Night!!! Over here, and bust the way, crush a sucka gutter Sun don't cease at a hundred degrees I'm coolin in your freezer (He's a breezer) I hits it up with that bald faced rap I sinks to the crack, and I make shit get wild Run it by, bust to start, to punch, others front Top drop Ceasar, it's more than a leisure Bitch every fuckin grain in your brain, like a tweezer The sinister thief, shaded to six feet deep for the misdemeanor, offender, the backbender (UH) Corny nigga, the bullshit trip ender (YEAH) Never perpetratin, so ain't no lurkin in the dark I'm lurkin near the workin niggaz heart Used to be a gambler, when I was a scrambler Now I'm grand to her, shorty back might damage her Who's this here, state my facts, and react and saturate brains with a plate of hot wax Intertwining, combining and aligning, shining, studies in the light right now while we wreak fuckin havoc! *chorus* Come inside with his highness, the illinest Killin em with adrenalin, blast past the minimum Look to the winter's ugliness, ruggedness Under the rug, front to this, money strikes confidence Chopped in the days and the blazin smell then the realm of a seance, I blackloose, guns! Comin to the project, walls with AKs We're talkin days, word, that you sun You really want some next shit, some blood on the exit? ONYX!!! Watch me wreck shit as they exit But yo I keep em hollerin, screamin out for mercy minds of a lowest of enemies, ghetto mentality So blast it as I hit your head you're dead not disbelievin Got the toxic rock, to bring a nigga Biohazard! *chorus* Yo!!! Gimme that shit, you fuckin baldheaded bastard! (What the Evil Nastee Access?) Mad shit to burn the acids! (So ashes to ashes) raps with the ghetto gats! (And I'm, doin niggaz ruin em showin em my razzamatazz Mainly a Devil rebel, foul) Niggaz know we fuckin wild! (I'm wild!) I'm wild (He's wild) So we's wild! (Capture the rapture!) Come blackness after! [Sticky Fingaz] I swear to fuckin God I raise Hell and make the white man call me MASTER I'm six-six-six, and need to repent to the pastor SO FUCK THE RADIO and close your ears but read my lips I rips and if you eat my words I'll leave your strung like umm (UMM, UMMMHH!!) It was on the tip of my tongue! But now it's stuck in between my throat I can't breath so I lick it Onyx ain't the top pick, you must be suckin a black dick And if it takes the death of me, to make history The whole world will remember my misery I know what I'm tryin to say my words get in the way they render me speechless, ohh Black Jesus I'm cryin inside Couldn't give a FUCK if I live or die cause I'm just a slave who's brave (uh-huh) But fuck pickin cotton, I'd rather see my grave, so I meditated, before I was created And if you prefer sorrow, made me reincarnated Now I'm back rulin MC's but pussy niggaz increase Well then it's just another nigga that, gotta get greased So if you wanna talk shit, in order to avoid a fight Say what the fuck you wanna say, just spell my name right YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH..... mother-FUCKER! *chorus to fade*
rap.995 chill,
Artist: Public Enemy Album: It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back Song: Don't Believe The Hype Back!!! Caught you lookin' for the same thing It's a new thing - check out this I bring Uh Oh the roll below the level 'Cause I'm livin' low next to the bass, C'mon Turn up the radio They claim that I'm a criminal By now I wonder how Some people never know The enemy could be their friend, guardian I'm not a hooligan I rock the party and Clear all the madness, I'm not a racist Preach to teach to all 'Cause some they never had this Number one, not born to run About the gun... I wasn't licensed to have one The minute they see me, fear me I'm the epitome - a public enemy Used, abused without clues I refused to blow a fuse They even had it on the news Don't believe the hype... Yes Was the start of my last jam So here it is again, another def jam But since I gave you all a little something That we knew you lacked They still consider me a new jack All the critics you can hang'em I'll hold the rope But they hope to the pope And pray it ain't dope The follower of Farrakhan Don't tell me that you understand Until you hear the man The book of the new school rap game Writers treat me like Coltrane, insane Yes to them, but to me I'm a different kind We're brothers of the same mind, unblind Caught in the middle and Not surrenderin' I don't rhyme for the sake of of riddlin' Some claim that I'm a smuggler Some say I never heard of 'ya A rap burgler, false media We don't need it do we? It's fake that's what it be to 'ya, dig me? Don't believe the hype... Don't believe the hype - its a sequel As an equal, can I get this through to you My 98's boomin' with a trunk of funk All the jealous punks can't stop the dunk Comin' from the school of hard knocks Some perpetrate, they drink Clorox Attack the black, cause I know they lack exact The cold facts, and still they try to Xerox Leader of the new school, uncool Never played the fool, just made the rules Remember there's a need to get alarmed Again I said I was a timebomb In the daytime the radio's scared of me 'Cause I'm mad, plus I'm the enemy They can't c'mon and play with me in primetime 'Cause I know the time, plus I'm gettin' mine I get on the mix late in the night They know I'm livin' right, so here go the mike, sike Before I let it go, don't rush my show You try to reach and grab and get elbowed Word to herb, yo if you can't swing this Just a little bit of the taste of the bass for you As you get up and dance at the LQ When some deny it, defy if I swing bolos Then they clear the lane I go solo The meaning of all of that Some media is the whack You believe it's true, it blows me through the roof Suckers, liars get me a shovel Some writers I know are damn devils For them I say don't believe the hype Yo Chuck, they must be on a pipe, right? Their pens and pads I'll snatch 'Cause I've had it I'm not an addict fiendin' for static I'll see their tape recoreder and grab it No, you can't have it back silly rabbit I'm going' to my media assassin Harry Allen, I gotta ask him Yo Harry, you're a writer, are we that type? Don't believe the hype I got flavor and all those things you know Yeah boy, part two bum rush and show Yo Griff, get the green black red and Gold down countdown to Armageddon -88 you wait the S1Ws will Rock the hard jams - treat it like a seminar Teach the bourgeoise, and rock the boulevard Some sau I'm negative But they're not positive But what I got to give... The media says this
rap.996 chill,
Artist: Public Enemy Album: It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back Song: Rebel Without a Pause Yes - the rhythm, the rebel Without a pause - I'm lowering my level The hard rhymer - where you never been I'm in You want stylin' - you know it's time again D the enemy - tellin you to hear it They praised the music - this time they play the lyrics Some say no to the album, the show Bum rush the sound I made a year ago I guess you know - you guess I'm just a radical Not a sabbatical - yes to make it critical The only part your body should be parting to Panther power on the hour from the rebel to you Radio - suckers never play me On the mix - just O.K. me Now known and grown when they're clocking my zone it's known Snakin' and takin' everything that a brother owns Hard - my calling card Recorded and orderd - supporter of Chesimard Loud and proud kickin' live next poet supreme Loop a troop, bazooka, the scheme Flavor - a rebel in his own mind Supporter of my rhyme Designed to scatter a line of suckers who claim I do crime Terminator X From a rebel it's final on black vinyl Soul, rock and roll comin' like a rhino Tables turn - suckers burn to learn They can't dis-able the power of my label Def Jam - tells you who I am The enemy's public - they really give a damn Strong Island - where I got 'em wild and That's the reason they're claimin' that I'm violent Never silent - no dope gettin' dumb nope Claimin' where we get our rhythm from Number one - we hit ya and we give ya some No gun - and still never on the run You wanna be an S.1 - Griff will tell you when And then you'll come - you'll know what time it is Impeach the president - pullin' out the ray-gun Zap the next one - I could be you're Sho-gun Suckers - don't last a minute Soft and smooth - I ain't with it Hardcore - rawbone like a razor I'm like a lazer - I just won't graze ya Old enough to raise ya - so this will faze ya Get it right boy and maybe I will praise ya Playin' the role I got soul too Voice my opinion with volume Smooth - no what I am Rough - cause I'm the man No matter what the name - we're all the same Pieces in one big chess game Yeah - the voice of power Is in the house - go take a shower boy P.E. a group, a crew - not singular We were black Wranglers We're rap stranglers You can't angle us - I know you're listenin' I caught you pissin' in you're pants You're scared of us dissin' us The crowd is missin' us We're on a mission boy Terminator X Attitude - when I'm on fire Juice on the loose - electric wire Simple and plain - give me the lane I'll throw it down your throat like Barkley See the car keys - you'll never get these They belong to the 98 posse You want some more son - you wanna get some Rush the door on a store - pick up the album You know the rhythm, the rhyme plus the beat is designed So I can enter your mind - Boys Bring the noise - my time Step aside for the flex - Terminator X
rap.997 chill,
Artist: Ice Cube and Ice-T Album: Trespass soundtrack Song: Trespass [Ice-T] How many bullets can your back hold, suckin from the HK The red dot's on your dome, from the light ray Boom bam bust oh shit kid, your head is a pile of puss I'm kickin up much dust, the nigga ya can't trust This is my shit, my hood, my turf My gold, my grip, whatever the fuck it's worth I don't need nobody comin in my territory tryin to rip a nigga off and fuck your fuckin sob stories [Ice Cube] Take a good look at my motherfuckin jacker About to feel the wrath, of a greedy ass cracker Pale as snow, so you know the hoe stand out Comin in my hood with his hand out Tryin to get over on the black, but the motherfuckin mack will put a fuckin slug in his back And with the boom ping ping, it ain't no thing to blast on greedy motherfuckers that trespass Chorus [Ice Cube] Olly olly outcome free, here come the G I'm saggin, and Enter the Dragon like Bruce Lee I gots to get mo' money mo' money Can't get pussy with no money See I'm kind of greedy, cause all my heroes got zeroes in back of a one Here's my gun, about to get paid at last But now I'm gettin covered, in dirt and grass, kick it [Ice-T] The madder I get, the higher the debt, the deeper you get The thicker the sweat Cause I'm a nigga with fat clout But ya in, but ya gotta get back out No easy job, for some suckers is out to rob Crosshair on your dome and your mind's blown You wanna go home... ain't that a bitch? Cube, dig the ditch (yep) Chorus [Ice-T] I got a full time job of takin suckers out Breakin em off, yea word, I love revokin clout Test me, stress me, who could the best be? The teflon nine go through vests G But when you're greedy you don't care about life itself You're chasin extreme wealth You can't be trusted cause trust ain't in the fuckin game Scandalous is your fuckin name [Ice Cube] I'm the motherfucker you're stuck wit Ice Cube -- "Wronnnnnnng nigga to FUCK WIT!" I'm rich, pitchin a bitch about gettin mo' The big fish, swimmin in big dough The G backstabber, I got ta have a Lexus Coupe, when I troop with the ski mask, gotta get the cash My homeboy ain't home, so fuck it I'll trespass
rap.998 chill,
Artist: Ice Cube f/ Mr. Short KHOP Album: War & Peace: Vol. 1 (The War Disc) Song: Pushin' Weight [Ice Cube] Yeah, yeah Blaze one for the nation Brrrrr Brrrrr Brrrrr Verse 1: Ice Cube I got lyrics that wake up spirits They told me how to make big hits and spend digits Can you dig it? You fed, you dead, see red My lead, yo head, I fed Like you shit I got rhymes push that shit like weight My nigga Lincoln help me navigate Thru this hate retaliate, it's official I got that bomb, bomb, diddy, diddy, diddy, bomb, bomb When I hit you Push the issue My ghetto dope is amazin The bitch that's with you already know that I'm blazin That's by the number, we can slumber, on the under Girl no wonder, you got a ass full of thunder The frozen Tundra ain't cold enough And baby ain't old enough For this game I'm rollin up De-zamn it feels good to be the don Straight legit, while niggas like Gotti just sit Chorus: Ice Cube A yeah yeah I push rhymes like weight I push rhymes like weight (4X) Verse 2: Ice Cube I hold zone like a Corleone No more fuckin with that homegrown Hit the shit we on The rolleo's and the baggetts You still fuckin with them faggets We turn haters into maggets Oak on the dash, but no coke on the hash You broke ass niggas learn to mash, like me Constantly, put the hustle down With four or five niggas that's musclebound Send your head to the taxidermist Won't be satisfied, till I get my face on a thermos You got to earn this, you can't take it Can't fake it, got to live it, or we gots to visit Who is it, the exquisite, Don Mega Walkin with my entourage, I think I'm betta, makin chedda You see me sag in my Jag, with the rag recognize the flag You betta get back, everybody wanna do it like me I got it made, been makin rap money since the tenth grade (Ch-ching) (since the tenth grade) (Ch-ching) (What you need) Chorus Verse 3: Mr. Short Khop I keeps a firm grip on my shit when in transit Uncandid, it's the young bandit Fresh out the trenches, the wood works City of the ?Tempeon?, where the hoods lurk In search of the rich blocks, to lick spots, and kick rocks >From shattered glass, down the pig locks Want tips by the clock You niggas scramblin for fouyan And settle for crumbs and croutans I'm out for armored bucks and armored trucks, with armed killas Bitch niggas get swallowed by the armadillos Ain't no harmin me, the army full honary niggas you can't see So while you pace bitches and saturns livin jenky I hangs with niggas who got patterns on they hankey After Ben Frankeys, with the big skullen eyes You niggas bound and nullified Sit back and mine stack it multiply Chorus: Ice Cube and Mr. Short Khop [IC]A yeah yeah [MSK]I push rhymes like weight [MSK]I push rhymes like weight (2X) [IC]A yeah yeah [IC]I push rhymes like weight [IC]I push rhymes like weight (2X) [Ice Cube] (starts during chorus) Ask about me Worldwide baby Worldwide baby (A yeah yeah) Ice Cube makin more money in the rap game Than some of you can (A yeah yeah) with a bird in your hand Puttin it down We wanted in fifty states for this weight (A yeah yeah) Pushin rhymes like weight Pushin rhymes like weight (A yeah yeah) Yeah, blaze one for the nation (A yeah yeah) You know my name You know my name (A yeah yeah) You know my name [Mr. Short Khop] Yeah, some of you fools just got in it and think you gonna change the game You ain't changin nothin [Ice Cube] I been doin this, I been doin this Ask about me Ask about me
rap.999 chill,
Artist: Ice Cube Album: War & Peace: Vol. 1 (The War Disc) Song: Ask About Me [hook] [Mr. Short Khop, (Ice Cube)] I check it in on the West Coast (Ask about me) I check it in in the Dirty South (a-yeay) I check it in in the Mid-West (hustle, man) I check it in on the East Coast (The Hustle Gang) (Look at me) (Don Matta') (Poppa Don) [Ice Cube] Check my blood pressure, they think they fresher than the Don Prescription pills to keep me calm, Nigga, I'm da bomb! In the black Testerosa, Sippin' on Mimosa, A bleedin' ?nosa? I'm in the West, we ain't got the ?nego? Give me Sicko kilos from Puerto Rico When I okay it, So much cheese, you got to weigh it Never thought these niggaz was the feds "Freeze" was the sound I started lettin' off rounds, lay the whole fuckin' room down I don't wanna see Your Honor, Ratha eat pirhana from Benny Hana, Smokin' marijuana in my sauna, I done hade it with these attics and faggots, They them rattic causin' static, bring me my A-U-T-O-matic, oh niggaz wanna se how we ride Bitch, you know the muthafuckin' side, world muthafuckin' wide. [Chorus] Make yo' hustle official, And them niggaz that's wit' you, gotta push tha issue, on the fools that dis you, whether pump or pistol, when it's up in yo' gristle, hand yo' mama a tissue, If I decide to kiss you. *hook* (replace "a-yeay" with "Ask about me") Can you dig her? It's the bigger, seven-figure, super nigga Wit' the triggas at yo' dome, we like to roam, Through yo' muthafuckin' home like a comb and find the money that's gone And we'll take you, shake you, break you, take two, play you on wit' the chrome, nigga shoot! Execute, they try to electrocute I got too much loot Ya say I'm on yo' hit list, You niggaz miss, tryin' to turn my muthafuckin' cheese into Swiss Rappers make bucks and I can hear it, hard to fear it, 'Cuz I know you grew up on my lyrics It's the boss player, never lost hair over assholes, blast holes in you muthafuckin' tadpoles Like a bullfrog, nigga I'm a bullhog, guppies get worked like puppies by the bulldog Where millions never gave a fuck about Sicilians, or killas on T.V. can see, we got the real ones So check yo' muthafuckin CD-Rom and your World Wide Web, dot com, It's the Don Mega! *chorus* *hook* [Mr. Short Khop, (Ice Cube)] What cha call it? (The Hustle Gang) x3 What cha call it? (Hustle, man) [Ice Cube] Ask About me x2
rap.1000 chill,
Artist: Ice Cube f/ Das EFX Album: The Predator Song: Check Yo Self Intro: Das EFX Yeah! Word is bond! Das EFX in this yaknowhatI'msayin Straight from the sewer, word is bond! Yeah! Yah! Ah-yeah! We doin this with my nigga Where my nigga? Ice Cube in the motherfucker Word is bond! (Yeah!) Verse One: Ice Cube You better check yo self before you wreck yo self Cos I'm bad for your health, I come real stealth Droppin bombs on ya moms, fuck car alarms Doin foul crime, I'm that nigga wit'cha Alpine Sold it for a six-o, always let tricks know And friends know, we got the indo No I'm not a sucker, sittin in a House of Pain And no I'm not the butler, I'll cut ya (Uh!) Headbutt ya, you say you can't touch this And I wouldn't touch ya, in fact motherfuck ya Here to let you know boy, oh boy I make dough but don't call me DoughBoy This ain't no fuckin motion picture A guy or bitch-a, I'll get wit'cha And hit ya, takin that yack to the neck So you better run a check Chorus One: Das EFX and Ice Cube [Das] So come on and chickity-check yo self before you wreck yo self Chickity-check yo self before you wreck yo self Yeah, come on and check yo self before you wreck yo self [Ice] Cause shotgun bullets are bad for your health Hook: Das EFX Mic-mic-microphone check (One, two! Check it!) *repeat 2X* Verse Two: Ice Cube Tricks wanna step to Cube and then they get played Cause they bitch may pullin out a switchblade That's kinda trifle, caise that's a knife-o AK-47, assault rifle Hold the fifty, I'm nifty, pow I gotta new style, "WATCH OUT NOW!" I hate motherfuckers claimin that they foldin bank But steady talkin shit in the holding tank First you wanna step to me Now your ass screamin for the deputy They send you to Charlie-Baker-Denver row Now they runnin up in ya slow You're gone, used to be the Don Juan (Check that shit out!) Now your name is just Twan Switch it, snap it, rollin your eyes and neck You better run a check Chorus Two: Das EFX and Ice Cube [Das] So chickity-check yo self before you wreck yo self Come on and check yo self before you wrickity-wreck yo self So chickity-check yo self before you wreck yo self [Ice] Cause big dicks up yo ass is bad for yo health Hook Verse Three: Ice Cube If you're foul, you better run a make on that license plate You coulda had a V8 Instead of a tre-eight slug to the cranium (POOOOOW!) I got six and I'm aimin em Will I shoot or keep you guessin Cause fuck you and that shit ya stressin Bitch, get off the wood, you're no good There goes the neighbourhood hooker (Slut!) Go ahead and keep your drawers Givin up the claps and who needs applause At a time like this, pop the coochie and ya dead The bitch is a Miami Hurricane hit Sprung, niggaz call her 'Lips and Lungs' Nappy dugout, get the fuck out Cause women like you gets no respect Bitch, you better run a check Chorus Three: Das EFX and Ice Cube [Das] So chickity-check yo self before you wreck yo self So chickity-check yo self before you wreck yo self Come on and check yo self before you wrickity-wreck yo self [Ice] Cause bitches like you is bad for my health Hook Chorus Three Hook 3X
rap.1001 chill,
Artist: Ice Cube Album: War & Peace: Vol. 1 (The War Disc) Song: Once Upon a Time in the Projects 2 Once upon a time in the projects, yo! I damn near had to wreck a hoe Yellin through the screen do' (HEY, let me in!) (Big Daddy got a fifth of gin, and down to sin) Baby up in two-ten, is on a nigga Bendin over pickin up her mail, she can tell I'm dyin to get her I'm sittin in yo' livin room, slash kitchen A nigga ain't tryin to be the fuckin groom so stop bitchin *knock knock knock* I like the way that ass is switchin, answer the do' Some nigga in a eighty-kay, yo' baby daddy lookin like he mad at me (what) wit'cho name on his neck Here we go with mo' drama in the projects Wait a minute, who is this motherfucker? You better take his ass in the back, and start talkin Nick that bud 'fore it bloom, and start stalkin I can hear you guys yellin *glass breaks* a little strugglin Youse a FOOL if you think that I'm jumpin in That nigga jet, smokin on a ciggarette You say domestic shit, get you soakin wet? Well come widdit and get it, blow my socks while I'm drinkin all the Kool-Aid, watchin Jamie Foxx I'm hearin mo' knocks *knock knock knock* (Oh, that's just my people They came all the way to the projects to meet you) Who? This fool wearin black, his girl, in the see through Distraction, a little action, *fight ensues* I woke up Tied up like (What happened? Punk you shoulda stuck to rappin Niggaz tell me you got a house full of platinum.. Where the platinum at motherfucker? I hear that shit worth more than gold!) Wait a minute motherfucker, this my house! Once upon a time in the projects (3X) Once upon a time, once upon a time I'm like baffled, they got me gaffled, with the duct tape So I remain raw, in come this chainsaw *knock knock knock* Another knock, it's the girl from two-ten here to drop salt, that's when them bitches fought I thought, "I bet-ta plan my escape" In the midst of this commotion, Ice Cube is breakin tape I'm free, bombin on the first thing I see And guess who walk in, with a nine, and a grin It's the baby daddy he ain't playin, *gunshots* He started layin everybody down, about face with a frown I'm runnin to the bedroom, I lock the do' and grab the phone, the bitch phone ain't turned on I think I'm gone, that's when I hear a soft knock It's the girl from two-ten, with her number, and a glock Said, "Call me up, if it's for sex, or chin check Nigga get you a real ass bitch from the projects!" And I just might do that Once upon a time in the projects (3X) Once upon a time, once upon a time
rap.1002 chill,
Artist: Run-D.M.C. and Aerosmith Album: Raising Hell Song: Walk This Way [Run-D.M.C.] Now there's a backseat/lover That's always under/cover And I talk til my daddy say Said you ain't seen/nuthin Til you're down on her/muffin And there's sure to be a change in ways Now there's a cheer/leader That's a real big/pleaser As far as I can remi/nisce But the best thing/love it Was her sister and her/cousin And it started with a little kiss, like this She starts/swingin With the boys in/tune And her feet just fly up in the air Singin hey diddle diddle with a kitty in the middle And they swingin like it just don't care So I took a big/chance At the high school/dance With a lady who was ready to play It wasn't me she was/foolin Cause she knew what was she was/doin when she told me how to walk this way Chorus: Run-D.M.C. and Aerosmith She told me to Walk this way! Talk this way! (repeat 2X) (repeat all 2X) Well just gimme a kiss/some head! Oooh, a-like this! [Run-D.M.C.] School girl/sleazy With a/classy kind of sassy Little skirt hangin way up her knee It was three young ladies In the school gym/locker And they find they were lookin D I was high school/loser Never made it with a/lady Til a boy told me somethin I missed That my next door/neighbor had a daughter/had a favor And I gave the girl just a little kiss, like this [Aerosmith] She starts swingin with the boys in the school with her feet flyin up in the air Singing hey diddle diddle with a kitty in the middle I was swingin like I didn't care So I took a big chance at the high school dance With a miss who was ready to play Wasn't me she was foolin cause she knew what she was doin when she told me how to walk this way Chorus
rap.1003 sani.,
A el moze da se desi da neko posalje HE GOT THE GAME mp3. Chill , tebe gledam.
rap.1004 chill,
>> Chill , tebe gledam. Ma pali... Nesposoban je moj komp za MP3 kompresiju...
rap.1005 sani.,
}} Ma pali... Nesposoban je moj komp za MP3 kompresiju... Aj bre neko drugi onda?
rap.1006 gligo,
Song: Old School Artist: Tupac Album: Me Against The World Here we go we gonna send this one out to da ol' school All these motherfukas in the Bronx and Brooklyn, Staten Island, Queens and all the motherfukas that laid it down the foundation. Ya know what I'm sayin, Nothin' but love for da old school. Dats who we gonna do this one for ya feel me. chorus: what mo' can I say, I wouldn't be here today If da old school didn't pave the way... I remember Mr. Magic Flash, Grand Master Cash, L.L raisin' hell but it didn't last Eric B. and Rakim was da shit ta me I'd flip to see a Dougie Fresh Show with Rickie G and Red Alert was puttin' in work, and Chuck Chill had my homies on the hill gettin' ill, when shit was real. Well I can still remember Raw with Daddy Cain, when De La Soul was puttin' potholes in the game. I can't explain how it was, Whodini had me puffin' on dat buddha gettin' buzzed, cuz there I was Them block parties in da projects and on my block and tic ya don't stop ya sippin' on dat private stock. And through my speakers Queen Latifah and MC Lyte Listen to treach and KRS ta get me through the night. With Te La Rock and Madtronics with Stetsasonic, remember when Push it was da bomb shit, Ain't nothin' like da old school... chorus: What more can I say I wouldn't be here today if da old school didn't pave the way... I had Shell toes and BVD's, a killa preaca shot my lees when I hit da streetz. I'm playin' Skelly, Ring-a-levio when and catch a kiss, before my homies in my hood learned ta smack a bitch. I remember, way back da weak weed they had, too many seeds in da trade bag. Im on a train headin' uptown freestylin' with some wild kids from Bucktown, Profilin' cuz da hoochies were starin', checkin' what a niggaz wearin' I'm wonderin' if dats her hair, I remember stick ball, humpin' hoochies on da wall, takin' leaks up on da steps stinkin' up da hall. Through my childhood wild as a juvenile a young nigga tryin' ta stay away from Riker's Isle, Me and my homies breakin' ice tryin' ta keep it true out on da roof sippin' 90 proof, Ain't nothin' like da old school... chorus: What more can I say... Remember Poppin and Lockin with Curtis Blow, the Daybelts, and Skat la, Rock da super hole back in latin corners. When Slick Rick was spittin' Lodi Dodi, gaming no hoochies at da neighborhood block parties, I remember breakdancin' to Mel E Mel, Jeckyl and Hyde, L.L. when he rocked da bells forget da T.V I'd rather hit da streets and do grafitti be careful don't let the transit cops see me, It ain't nothin' like da old school... It ain't nothin' like da old school... chorus: What more can I say...... 2PAC: Remember seein' Brooklyn go crazy up in the motherfuckin party? Remember MothaFukas used ta go"Is Brooklyn in da House" and Motherfukas would lose they god damn minds. That's da old school to me (SUPER ROB)Thats what I'm sayin' I remember goin' places and mothafukas was scared to say they was from anywhere but brooklyn. That shit was da bomb back in da motherfukin' old school nigga, Remember Skelly niggas knockin niggaz out the box, popin' boxes, (MY ADIDAS) Remember stick ball, remember niggaz used ta run dat shit like that? Remember(L.L. COOL J IS HARD AS HELL) screamin' up at ya momz from da window? The Icecreamtrucks Remember all the..Remember the Italian Icees yo remember the Italian Icees the spanish niggas comin' down with the coconut icees and shit? (I CAME THROUGH DA DOOR SAID IT BEFORE.. DAT WAS DA SHIT!)
rap.1007 gligo, Jedan od najboljih site-ova posvecenih Tupac Shakur-u...
rap.1008 gligo,
Artist: 2Pac Album: All Eyez On Me Song: All Eyez On Me (Tupac Talking) Big Syke, Noop, Payne, Bogard, Big Serv Y'all know how this shit go (you know) All Eyez On Me Muthafucka, Legit Roll up in the club and shit All Eyez On Me All Eyez On Me But you know what (Tupac) I bet you got it twisted you don't know who to trust So many playa hating niggas trying to sound like us Say they ready for the funk, but I don't think they know it Straight to the depths of hell is were those cowards goin' Well are you still down nigga, Holla when you see me And let these devils be sorry, but they finally freed me I got a cariban of niggas, every time we ride (every time we ride) Hitting mutha-fuckas up when we pass by (when we pass by) Until I die Live the life of a Boss playa, cuz even when I'm high Fuck with me and get crossed later, the futures in my eyez Cuz all I want is cash and thangs, a five double 0 Benz and flaunting flashy rings Uhh Bitches pursue me like a dream, been know to disappear before your eyez, just like a dope fiend, it seems My main thang was to be major paid The game sharper than a mutha-fuckin razor blade Say money bring bitches, bitches bring lies One niggas getting jealous, and muthafuckas died Depend on me like the first and fifteenth They my homies for a second, but these punks won't get me We got four niggas, and low riders, and ski masks screaming Thug Life every time they pass All Eyez on Me (Chorus -- Tupac) Live my life as a Thug nigga Until the day I die Live my life as a Boss playa (All eyez on me) cuz we be getting high All Eyez on me Live my life as a Thug nigga Until the day I die Live my life as a Boss playa (All eyez on me) cuz we be getting high (Syke talking) Heeyyy, to my nigga Pac (Syke) So much trouble in the world, nigga can't nobody feel your pain The world changing everyday times moving faaast My girl said I need to raise up, how long will she last? I'm caught between my women, and my pistol, and my chips Triple beam, got some smokers on, whistle as we dip I'm lost in the land, with no plan, living life flawless Crime Boss, contraband, let me toss this Needy hookers got a lot of nerve, let my bucket swerve I'm taking off on the curb The nervousness neglect make me pack a tek Devoted to serving this, Moet and paaayyy checks Like a kite sailin' nigga I'm forever Ballin' It ain't right, pair this ice triggas and fleas crawlin' Sucka duck and get busted, no emotion nine and four shit is handling my business nigga keep on coastin', where yah goin' I been there came back as lonely homie steady flaunting against the grain nigga still don't know me It's about the money, and the rap shit, this crap shit It ain't funny niggas don't even know how to act shit what can I do, what can I say, is there another way ? Blunts and Gin twenty-four parlay My little homie G, can't you see, I'm busta free niggas can't stand me All Eyez on Me (Chorus -- Tupac) Live my life as a Thug nigga Until the day I die Live my life as a Boss playa (All eyez on me) cuz we be getting high All Eyez on me Live my life as a Thug nigga Until the day I die Live my life as a Boss playa (All eyez on me) cuz we be getting high (Tupac) The feds is watchin', niggas plottin' to get me will I survive, will I die, come on lets picture the possibilities Giving me charges, lawyers making a grip I told the judge I was raised wrong and thats why I blaze shit Was hyper as a kid, alone, as a teenager, on the mobile calling big shots on the scene major Packing hundreds in my drawers, Fuck the law Bitches I fuck with a passion, livin' rough and raw Catchin' cases at a fast rate, balllin' in the fast lane Hustle 'til the morning, never stopped until the cash came I live my life as a Thug nigga untill the day I die Live my life as a Boss playa cuz we be getting high These niggas got me tossin' shit I put the top down now its time to floss my shit Keep your head up nigga, make these muthafuckas suffer Up in the Benz burning rubber The money is mandatory, the hoes is fully strapped Cuz the criminal lifestyle equipped with the bulletproof vest Make sure your eyes is on the Meal ticket Get your money muthafucka Lets get rich and we'll kick it All eyez on Me (Chorus -- Tupac) Live my life as a Thug nigga Until the day I die Live my life as a Boss playa (All eyez on me) cuz we be getting high All Eyez on me Live my life as a Thug nigga Until the day I die Live my life as a Boss playa (All eyez on me) cuz we be getting high All eyez on me (Tupac talking) Pay attention my niggas see how that shit go gonna walk up in this muthafucka and its gonna be like "bing" Cowards Live my life as a Thug nigga Until the day I die Live my life as a Boss playa (Bitches) cuz we be getting high Every mutha fuckin' way I got a bustas, hoes, and police watching a nigga You know Live my life as a Thug nigga Until the day I die Live my life as a Boss playa (All eyez on me) All Eyez on me Its like, what they think I'm walking around with some keys in my pocket or something All Eyez on me They think I'm going back to jail they really on that dope Live my life as a Thug nigga Until the day I die Live my life as a Boss playa (I know y'all watching) (I know y'all got me in the scopes) Live my life as a Thug nigga Until the day I die Live my life as a Boss playa (I know y'all know this is Thug Life Baabbby) We be getting high (Y'all got me under surveillance) All eyez on Me But I'm known...
rap.1009 zla.,
rap.1010 violent,
Slazem se sa zlom SUNSHINE su cool. Momci bas umeju da naprave atmosferu. Pozdrav ByE
rap.1011 smrda,
>SUNSHINE su cool. Totalno su propali.Pocheli su da sviraju neki propali hip-hop,inache ih vrlo rado slusham. Pozdrav, Nemanja
rap.1012 darklord,
e ja iako sam ljubitelj sunsine-a mislim da je prose god. bilo bolje!! ne znam za vas????? jos kad je c-ya pocela da smara!!! ajao majko mojo osim toga svirali su manje pesama nego prosli put eto toliko od mene bye
rap.1013 zla.,
i ti si bio na koncertu... :) pozdrav, T.
rap.1014 mindcrime,
> BILO JE STRRRRRAVA NA KONCERTU SUNSHINE-a!:) > > pozdrav, > T. Pa dobro, i nije bilo lose, ali mene evo vec dva dana boli vrat. Okrecem se k'o Robocop. :)
rap.1015 vantic,
Nije bas definisano da li je za ovu temu , ali ajde: Trebaju mi textovi grupe Straight Jacking , ili neki URL gde mogu da ih nadjem!
rap.1016 ivkeb,
Neshto videh na Tv-u 'Vudu Popaja' kako se tipichno krevelji u spotu,samo shto mu glas nije vishe 'onako'(cypress)...nego normalan :( Zna li neko o cemu se radi,koji je album i to? Ja neshto nisam u toku pozdrav
rap.1017 chill,
>> Zna li neko o cemu se radi, koji je album i to? Ma, to je već super bajato... To su Voodoo Popeye i onaj baja iz Love Huntersa napravili pesmu za Šovinističku Farsu... Ne valja ništa... >> samo shto mu glas nije vishe 'onako'(cypress)...nego normalan Popeye-ev glas je srpska verzija San Doobie-a (Funkdoobiest), nema blage veze se B-Real-om (Cypress Hill)... Nego narod ne zna... :) Skini fajlove sa poruka 15.495 i 15.496 pa uporedi...
rap.1019 kec.,
k# Ma, to je vec super bajato... k# To su Voodoo Popeye i onaj baja iz Love Huntersa k# napravili pesmu za Sovinisticku Farsu... Ne valja nista... Mislim da im repuje i Blazha iz MAD DOGZ-a (ako ste chuli)
rap.1021 snoop,
Omot sa albuma Snoop-a Danko snoop@net.yu snoopdd.jpg
rap.1022 snoop,
Jos jedan omot sa albuma istog autora Danko snoop@net.yu snoopdd1.jpg
rap.1023 snoop,
I jos jedan.. Danko snoop@net.yu snoopdd2.jpg
rap.1024 chill,
Tvorci tzv. političkog rapa... CHUCK D i KRS-ONE zajedno u studiju... chuckkrs.jpg
rap.1025 chill,
"I took rap from the streets and put it on TV..." Daryll McDaniels (aka DMC) Run-DMC... prvi album... 1984... album_1.jpg
rap.1026 chill,
PUBLIC ENEMY "Give It Up", maxi single... s_pe.jpg
rap.1027 chill,
ICE CUBE "Wicked", maxi single... s_cube.jpg
rap.1028 chill,
BOOGIE DOWN PRODUCTIONS "Duck Down", maxi single... s_bdp.jpg
rap.1029 chill,
ICE-T "Original Gangster", maxi single... s_ice-t.jpg
rap.1030 chill,
HOUSE OF PAIN "Who's The Man?", maxi single... s_pain.jpg
rap.1031 chill,
CYPRESS HILL "Latin Lingo", maxi single... s_hill.jpg
rap.1032 chill,
FUNKDOOBIEST "Bow Wow Wow", maxi single... s_funk.jpg
rap.1033 chill,
EPMD "Crossover", maxi single... s_epmd.jpg
rap.1034 chill,
ONYX "Last Dayz", maxi single... s_onyx.jpg
rap.1035 chill,
GANG STARR "Mass Appeal", maxi single... s_gang.jpg
rap.1036 chill,
A TRIBE CALLED QUEST "1nce Again", maxi single... s_tribe.jpg
rap.1037 chill,
RUN-DMC "Ooh, Whatcha Gonna Do", maxi single... s_dmc.jpg
rap.1038 brka,
Izvinjavam se sto tek sad odgovaram na ovu poruku, ali nisam dugo bio na sila. Gliga > Ova biografija ce mnoge ovde iznenaditi, mozda ce > nesto odavde i nauciti, i umesto da donose predrasude > sledeci put ce se zaustaviti pre nego sto kazu nesto > o cemu stvarno malo znaju. Brka > Ukoliko na Combsa gledamo kao na poslovnog coveka, > onda mu sigurno moramo skinuti kapu... > Sa druge strane, moje je misljenje da je, uz pomoc > jos nekoliko ljudi (npr. J. Dupri - vlasnik So So > Def recordsa) uspeo da uputi hip-hop kulturu u > pogresnom pravcu. Sani. > Ma Brko , znamo mi da si ti ql tip. Obrijaj se samo. -- Izvini Sani, ali nisam razumeo sta znaci ovo poslednje sto si napisao... Ja nisam prozivao Gligu zato sto slusa Puffyja, vec sam samo izneo svoje misljenje o doticnom "umetniku"... Zato te molim da mi pojasnis ovo "Obrijaj se samo." - i u rasprave ulazi samo sa argumentima, nemoj da blefiras kao sad...udaris i pobegnes. To je najlakse. Tvoj 'ql tip' Aleksandar
rap.1039 sani.,
}} Izvini Sani, ali nisam razumeo sta znaci ovo poslednje Ako ne znas sta znachi 'obrijaj se samo' onda nije ni chudo sto te zovu brka :) }} Ja nisam prozivao Gligu zato sto slusa Puffyja Pa nisam , momak , ni ja tebe prozivao sto furash brkchitje :) to je bash fino , a i devojkama se svidja. Moj stric ima brkove i meni to uopste ne smeta :) Chak i moja najbolja ortakinja ide sa tipom koji ima bradicu :) Sve je ok , nisam ja nista lose mislio O:) }} i u raspravu ulazi samo sa argumantima Evo dovestju ortakinju da posvedochi , ako sumnjate u moj iskaz. }} Tvoj 'ql tip' }} Aleksandar Eh , eh nemoj sad da preterujes ;) Nismo se mozda najbolje razumeli O:)
rap.1040 gligo,
Evo konacno kompletiranih SVIH tekstova sa Tupac-ovog treceg albuma, "Me Against The World"... Za kompletiranje kolekcije...
rap.1041 wlaad,
e hvala, bhatee svud sam to trazhio 10x !!!!!! ;)
rap.1042 chadra,
Artist:Artifacts Song: The Ultimate Album:That's Them (uh, yeah... who we be) hah The one's two's (we be the next man, to get wreck and) to the three's, to the four's, to the five's, uhh Intro/Chorus: You know the time when we rock the spot Artifacts, New Jeruz, catch wreck and get the props You know the time when we rock the shit Tame One and MC El we be the ultimate Verse One: El Da Sensai, Tame One We bring forth the swords in rap sports Niggaz play the bench for us, overtime if niggaz wanna shine Divine with the intricate shit, who wanna bring it to the table able now it's stable on the disc The Heineken bottle catcher, drops ya, slasher Dat's the the bastard with the fastest ass capture No moonwalk, my tune's talk all by they fuckin lonely Phone me home I'm in the middle like I'm Monie (E.T.) Love to do dubs on deck without a mic check Collect no checks (huh) but catch wreck on sets (Deuce deuce nigga! What? L.O.D. too) Deuce deuce is loose PPP represent see Def Squad, Boom Skwad, and Artifacts make three like Dennis Scott droppin one for the wisdom Cause when I gets em, I'll be fuckin up they system or temperature cheer when I appear from the mist priceless, ice-diss and never see another Christmas You play Risk when you dealin with the New Jeruz two blitz Without the use of two clips, niggaz styles still be fluid (still) The cat, darer with the terror off hands (hah!) Without bands we rock spots in all lands (all lands) Nigs be playin and we stand for the susbtance subject's the basement, MC's be patient Cause all that Russian/rushin save that shit for the dressing (Word up) BS we stand strong wack niggaz we addressin Chorus: repeat 2X Verse Two: Tame One Test me, the best be, checkin for my recipes (mmm) Mess with me and I'll be drainin all your fuckin energy (boo-yaa!) Galactic tactics match wits I'm from the Bricks (yeah nigga) I used to catch a switch from any walk-by bitch (bitch!) But now I'm to the break like disc jocks, dis rock is hot got props and plus bust shots for what I got (booyaka booyaka) Don't sniff shit but snot hops, you better watch your snotbox I'll diss you, then I'll clear the air like Scott tissue The issue got a barcode on funkmode So now I pack a trunkload of skunk, for the underground chumps (Hoo-wee!) Cause I bumps in any system, who dissed em? Watch me back them up from all the way from New Jeru to Manhattan (Manhattan) satin and silk, kill the best built I guess the milk was no good, so now I'm classified a true hood Check this nigga, live on Kodak tits or bust a pimp, cause I'm not a boogaloo shrimp Tame One the Jesus and the Judas Cause when I hit the buddhas, my problem's manifest is deep-rooted (yeah, that's it, wordup) Chorus: repeat 2X Verse Three: El Da Sensai MC, universal no rehearsal on tap with rap so magnificent sufficient all that tall facts from the six footer, in slang I be the gooder, goodest Best put to rest acts that's less Sub-regular wreckster, prefer tracks to measure Size up, MC's that need to wise up, fuckin they lives up Urban survivalist, live with this, closed style (whassup) tribalist, that gets, all up in your shit (That's Them, huh) (Yeah, all up in your shit) For all reasons, number one you're sleepin Speakin like a deacon catch the drops my props leakin (Praise the Lord) Seekin on the deep end, sinkin while I'm thinkin of ways, to slay my competition without blinkin (hah!) The ink's on the sheet with rhymes that are unique complete batter, astoundin feats yo it don't matter (Don't matter) Capi-talize, while I'm, categorized The G-L to the Tame to the O-N-E Chorus: repeat 4X
rap.1043 violent,
treba mi: 1.Gangstarr - znak grupe 2.EPMD - znak 3.Peet Rock - bilo sta 4.Tha Dogg Pound - bilo sta 5.Eric B & Rakim - bilo sta 6.Thug Life - bilo sta 7.Guru - Royality;You know my steez 8.Big Syke 9.Naughty By Nature 10.House of Pain 11.Public Enemy Hvala puno !! Bas sam zahtevan :)) ali nema veze!! ByE
rap.1044 wlaad,
imash vetj gomilu stvari u konferenciji.
rap.1045 brka,
Evo nekih zvukova ko hoce :) Evo teksta R.E.M.-a pesme-Losing my religion :-) Ako neko ima Akorde i-ili note nekih poznatijih Rok-Pop-alternativa grupa nek mi posanje. Fala unaaaprred :) Kris Kornelov (Sound Garden) SoundTrack MIX Jel neko cuo za grupu hocu?-necu! ? cuo sam za njih da su anarhisti iz kraljeva ilikrusevca i da nikda nece doci u Beograd jel su rekli da je izetiketiran grad ali ja sam negde video plakat pa aka je neko video isto znaci da se jos jedan bend zbog komercijalnog uspeha prodao :( aj p ame obavestite usput pokusacu da posaljem one grupe sto sam obecao konacno sam useo.Posto ste letos vodili raspravu ko je agresivni punkeri ili skinsi evo jedne slike koja sve govori a posle ce jos jedna :) evo i druge evo specijalno za rottena posto je odavno trazio sliku sa albuma punk's not dead evo saljem je evo sada nekoliko slika od 2 najjaca lika u istori punka evo druge evo i trece Evo jedne pesmice koju pevaju Novi Fosili. Guxy Evo jedne pesmice koju pevaju Novi Fosili :) Za poruku 1.743 Evo saljem ti tekst Lenny Kravitz-a ***Fly Away*** :) Evo nekih Cool Wav fajlova koji mogu posluziti i za control panel-sound zvucne poruke. > Evo teksta R.E.M.-a pesme-Losing my religion :-) Da nisi malo pogre
rap.1046 joke,
Evo nekih zvukova ko hoce :) Evo teksta R.E.M.-a pesme-Losing my religion :-) Ako neko ima Akorde i-ili note nekih poznatijih Rok-Pop-alternativa grupa nek mi posanje. Fala unaaaprred :) Kris Kornelov (Sound Garden) SoundTrack MIX Jel neko cuo za grupu hocu?-necu! ? cuo sam za njih da su anarhisti iz kraljeva ilikrusevca i da nikda nece doci u Beograd jel su rekli da je izetiketiran grad ali ja sam negde video plakat pa aka je neko video isto znaci da se jos jedan bend zbog komercijalnog uspeha prodao :( aj p ame obavestite usput pokusacu da posaljem one grupe sto sam obecao konacno sam useo.Posto ste letos vodili raspravu ko je agresivni punkeri ili skinsi evo jedne slike koja sve govori a po
rap.1047 indi,
-> Zato te molim da mi pojasnis ovo "Obrijaj se samo." - i u pa obrij brkove covece :)
rap.1048 indi,
rap.1049 chill,
Videste li šta Everlast (House Of Pain) uradi od sebe? :)))
rap.1050 wlaad,
>> Videste li sta Everlast (House Of Pain) uradi od sebe? :))) propizdeo je on odavno..
rap.1051 ice.shat,
E "RAP" je najjachi trip na svetu. HIP-HOP, Trip-hop, Hard-CORE e help ovo je strashno Pozdrav, Black Hole "ANGEL"
rap.1052 gligo,
> E "RAP" je najjachi trip na svetu. > HIP-HOP, Trip-hop, Hard-CORE 'Kick in the door, wavin the four - four, All you heard was Poppa don't hit me no more...' 'Kick in the door, wavin the four - four, All you heard was Poppa don't hit me no more...' Notorious B.I.G
rap.1053 giuliano,
Prodajem sledece CD-ove: 1.PARIS - GUERRILLA FUNK 2.GENIUS/GZA - LIQUID SWORDS 3.GRAVEDIGGAZ - NIGGAMORTIS Napomena:Svi CD-ovi su originali i novi, znaci nikakvi Bugari i narezani. Ko je zainteresovan,neka se javi na mail. POzdrav.
rap.1054 giuliano,
Prodajem 3 cd-a: 1.Gravediggaz - Niggamortis 2.Genius/GZA - Liquid Swords 3.Paris - Guerrila Funk Svi su originali... KO hoce nek javi na mail.
rap.1055 krsta,
Moja Rap kreacija, slichna pesmi Zivot Dancera. Naravno u Zipu su MP3 i TXT fajl, za one koji ne razumeju rechi. 32 khz mono KRLE
rap.1056 saint,
=> Moja Rap kreacija, slichna pesmi Zivot Dancera. => Naravno u Zipu su MP3 i TXT fajl, za one koji ne razumeju rechi. Ti si covece bolestan!
rap.1057 corgan,
=> Moja Rap kreacija, slichna pesmi Zivot Dancera. => Naravno u Zipu su MP3 i TXT fajl, za one koji ne razumeju rechi. Ti si covece bolestan! ____________________________________________________________ Nemoj da prichash.... Pozdrav Corgan A.M.
rap.1058 saint,
=> Nemoj da prichash.... Mislis da je potrebno Konsultovanje sa psihologom?
rap.1059 spawn,
Artist: Public Enemy Album: There's A Poison Going On! Song: Do You Wanna Go Our Way??? Niste ranije čuli za ovaj album i ovu pesmu? Nije ni čudo, u pitanju je prvi singl sa najnovijeg albuma najbolje Rap (a i šire ;) grupe svih vremena. Album se pojavljuje u prodaji, u Americi, 21. juna, a moguće ga je naručiti i preko interneta. Inače, ova pesma me prilično podseća na What You Need Is Jesus sa He Got Game soundtracka, ali joj to ne smeta da bude prilično dobra. Valjda će album biti još bolji. :)
rap.1060 spawn,
mh... nešto mi ne ide upload ;) probaću sutra rano ujutru :)
rap.1061 karlos,
ako neko hoce da kupi albume : Wu Tang Clan - Wu Tang Forever Fugees - prvi album Coolio - My Soul
rap.1062 gligo,
> Artist: Public Enemy > Niste ranije culi za ovaj album i ovu pesmu? Nije ni cudo, > u pitanju je prvi singl sa najnovijeg albuma najbolje Rap > (a i sire ;) grupe svih vremena. Dobro, postujem tvoje misljenje ali mi se cini da je to 'najbolje' presirok pojam za PE. Ono, morao bi prvo to da definises, dal' je to grupa koju najvise volis, ili je to mozda najslusanija, ili najkomercijalnija ili surprotno, najneprodanija grupa, itd... Ono, imas pravo da kazes to, k'o ja sto imam pravu da kazem da su najbolji BBoys, Cypress Hill ili Run-DMC...
rap.1063 karlos,
ako neko hoce da se menja , ja nudim novi Sunshine CD ali narezan....
rap.1064 noay,
El moze neko da posalje text pesme "Changes" od 2 Pac-a?
rap.1065 ice.shat,
Momci propali ste slusha li neko od vas EAST COAST?. Usput ima li neko dobar free-stylin` ili dobar trip-hop. Unapred hvala!!! Pozdrav, Black hole "ANGEL"
rap.1066 wlaad,
shatjamadafaka. eto ti ist koust..
rap.1067 gligo,
> shatjamadafaka. > eto ti ist koust.. Cek, cek, bato, a koji je to ist koust? Ono, Marinkova bara ili madafakin' Karton City? ;)
rap.1068 ice.shat,
Ne "EAST COAST" je ono gde je nastao pravi rap a vash "WEST COAST" je prodao sve moguce vrste rap muzike, a zbog njihje sada svaka mogucapodvrsta rap-a komercijala tj. i hip-hop i gangsta-rap i sve ostalo. Pozdrav, Black hole "ANGEL"
rap.1069 chadra,
>Ne "EAST COAST" je ono gde je nastao pravi rap a vash "WEST COAST" je prodao >sve moguce vrste rap muzike, a zbog njihje sada svaka mogucapodvrsta rap-a >komercijala tj. i hip-hop i gangsta-rap i sve ostalo. Jeste, a na istoku sve never-gonna-go-commercial likovi, pardon - frikovi: Puff, Mase, Jay-Z, Lil' Kim... Obe obale imaju svoje ne-kvalitete, podjednako. p.s. C.R.E.A.M. (!)
rap.1070 ice.shat,
Brate ti si izgleda jedini koji zna shta u stvari slusha ali priznaj da je west upropastio 2pac zbog koga je nastala komercijala u stvari nije on napravio komercijalni rap on ga je strashno podigao ali to ne znachi da na west-u nema dobrih pesama i kval;itetnih grupa i pevacha. Chadra svaka ti chast ti znash shta slushash, samo predji na east -> shala, slushaj sha ocesh. Pozdrav, Black hole "ANGEL"
rap.1072 ica.z,
Redman je najjachi ali chisto sumnjam da je neko od vas chuo vishe od dve njegove pesme tako da... nema veze... a tupaca mozete da poljubite u dupe jer se chovek obogatio i radio to iskljuchivo zbog para (shto nije krio)... obogatio se i povukao... a to shto ga izvesni ljudi mrze... ne znam... tako deluje... privlachi simpatije u velikom broju ali i one druge...
rap.1073 ica.z,
jebeno najjachi album... * gangstarr * daily operation
rap.1074 ica.z,
dobar skener a? ;) samo shto mu je trebalo 2min da ovo iskenira... *Big Daddy Kane* Daddy's Home
rap.1075 gligo,
> a tupaca mozete da poljubite u dupe jer se chovek obogatio > i radio to iskljuchivo zbog para (shto nije krio)... obogatio se > i povukao... Povukao? ;) Slazem se, u pravom smislu te reci... >a to shto ga izvesni ljudi mrze... ne znam... tako > deluje... privlachi simpatije u velikom broju ali i one > druge... Ne znam zasto neki ljudi mrze 2paca, ali sve vise slusajuci B.I.G.-a, sve vise shvatam zasto je 2pac mrzeo biggia... Ono, tata Harlema i Istoka, mnogo jace reci, rek'o bih gotovo identicna 2pacova la-la-la produkcija i tu nije bilo mesta za obojicu... Btw, ima finih diskusija na 'Source'-ovom sajtu, pa cak i tema all eyez on me VS life after death, vredi checkirati...
rap.1076 ica.z,
> Ono, tata Harlema i Istoka, mnogo jace reci, rek'o bih gotovo > identicna 2pacova la-la-la produkcija i tu nije bilo mesta za ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > obojicu... glavni razlog zbog chega je tupac pljuvao po biggy-ju... i jedan od razloga zbog chega totalno ne gotivim biggy-jevu ekipu (Junior M.A.F.I.A.)... a ako je neko imao prilike da odslusha 2pac-ov poslednji disk (nije album vec snimak posle- dnjeg 2pac-ovog nastupa u radio emisiji) znace tachno o chemu se zapravo radi... 2pac je dao gomilu dokaza i primera gde su biggy, puffy i kompanija ispali pichke i jajare...
rap.1077 ica.z,
Tupac - Changes malo je komercijala i rechi su vec korishcene u nekim pesmama iskljuchivo sa albuma 'R U Still Down?' to me malo nervira...
rap.1078 ica.z,
zaboravio sam da napishem da je pesma na 32kbps 44khz mono... nije bash neka kombinacija ali jebi ga...
rap.1079 ica.z,
WMA je neverovatan... za tako mali fajl kvalitet je odlichan! artist: Redman song: Jersey Yo! album: Doc's Da Name 48kbps 44khz mono
rap.1081 gligo,
> glavni razlog zbog chega je tupac pljuvao po biggy-ju... > i jedan od razloga zbog chega totalno ne gotivim biggy-jevu > ekipu (Junior M.A.F.I.A.)... Ne treba da ih gotivis, al' recimo poslusaj malo i drugu stranu price, ono, poslusaj recimo biggiev odgovor 'life after death', na 2pacov all eyez on me.... Ono, mozda malo subjektivno, ali domaci koji je 2pac postavio sa duplim 'all eyez on me' albumom, biggie je sa svojim 'life after death' definitivno odgovorio, mozda ga cak i prevazisao... Pogotovo, volume 1, malo neiskren, ono, biggie ipak nije bio krimi lik kakav je bio 2pac, al' vrlo dobro uradjen... > se zapravo radi... 2pac je dao gomilu dokaza i primera gde su > biggy, puffy i kompanija ispali pichke i jajare... Pa navedi nesto, za nas sa jeftinijim ulaznicama...
rap.1082 gligo,
> WMA je neverovatan... > za tako mali fajl kvalitet je odlichan! Koji program cita ovo?
rap.1083 hooligan,
zaboravio sam da napishem ekstenziju... ekstenzija je WMA kao i nekoliko proshlih... 48kbps 44khz mono
rap.1084 hooligan,
> Koji program cita ovo? najnoviji winamp chita WMA mozete ga skinuti iz confe pcutil/zvuk inache verzija je 2.21
rap.1085 ica.z,
Bone Thugs -n- Harmony feat. 2pac * Thug Luv * 48kbps 44khz mono
rap.1086 ica.z,
jel skida neko uopshte neshto od ovoga shto shaljem??? ;) artist: O.D.B. song: Shimmy Shimmy Ya 48kbps 44khz mono
rap.1087 kvlada,
Da li na Sezamu igde postoji WinAmp 2.2 (ili veci)? ili bar neki konventor iz wma u mp3 format?
rap.1088 gligo,
> jel skida neko uopshte neshto od ovoga shto shaljem??? ;) Hmm, onog baju Redmena WinAmp odbija da pusti, dal' je to do toga sto je bilo prekida u transferu ili neceg drugog, tek 'Jerseyyo' kod mene ne sljaka... 'Changes' radi fino, al' sam njega skinuo odjednom, dakle... A za info dal' neko skida fajlove koje uploadujes, komandi za upload dodaj jedno /r i dobices onoliko sysmsgova koliko je puta taj fajl preuzet.
rap.1090 ica.z,
nemam pojma shto neradi redman... kod mene je sve bilo ok... verovatno se neshto sjebalo pri upload/download-u ne znam... artist: ice cube song: tresspass 48kbps 44khz mono btw. ne postoji nikav fajl tipa decript.ion ili file_id jer me mrzi to da radim... inache ja sam grebovao svu muziku...
rap.1091 ica.z,
> Da li na Sezamu igde postoji WinAmp 2.2 (ili veci)? ili bar neki konventor > iz wma u mp3 format? pronadji u conf>pcutil\zvuk... pregledaj poruke u ovoj temi od pre dve-tri nedelje i naci cesh wmaudior.exe... to lepo instalirash i uz pomoc winamp-a (2.21) mozesh da kompresujesh bilo koji format u 'wma'...
rap.1092 robin.hood,
Ajde ako neko ima Hit 'em up od 2PAC-a neka poshalje !! Hvala ! P.S. neka bude u nekom noramlonom formatu !! ByE
rap.1093 ica.z,
> Ajde ako neko ima Hit 'em up od 2PAC-a neka poshalje !! Hvala ! > P.S. neka > bude u nekom noramlonom formatu !! pa brate shta ocesh? WMA nije normalan? ;))) ja sam vec pisao o tome da je potreban winamp 2.1 inache ne vidim drugi razlog zbog chega bi bio uskracen za to... ili je previshe komplikovano pa ne mozesh da shvatish? ;))) ne znam neshto jeste...
rap.1094 ica.z,
Ice Cube-ov najnoviji album 'War & Peace' mnogo je jak, poslacu neshto od toga...
rap.1096 robin.hood,
->pa brate shta ocesh? WMA nije normalan? ;))) ->ja sam vec pisao o tome da je potreban winamp 2.1 inache ne vidim ->drugi razlog zbog chega bi bio uskracen za to... ili je previshe ->komplikovano pa ne mozesh da shvatish? ;))) ne znam neshto jeste... Ma pusti sad ti winamp nego poshalji ovo ako imash ! ako nemash , jebiga !! Ali hvala u svakom sluchaju !! :) ByE
rap.1097 ica.z,
Upload bash propisno zajebava... pokushavam po drugi put... artist: ice cube song: fuck dying album: war & peace
rap.1100 ica.z,
Ice Cube - War & Peace 94kbps 44khz mono (spakovan mp3)
rap.1101 ica.z,
artist: MC Ren song: You Wanna Fuck Her? album: Shock of The Hour 64kbps 44khz mono (mp3) ------------------------ najbolja njegova pesma ne samo po meni...
rap.1102 jexy,
Ako neko ima Sunshine, pesmu "Kokain" (valjda se tako zove) u mp3 neka salje.. ali stvarno samo saljite MP3 a ne VQF ili nesto drugo pa makar i sa smanjenim kvalitetom..
rap.1103 dzim,
> Ako neko ima Sunshine, pesmu "Kokain" (valjda se tako zove) > u mp3 neka salje.. 4431 kb zive vage je teshka a ja sam na 4800...
rap.1109 ica.z,
ovo se slusha kod nas... ;) JP or Straight Jackin - Digni ga ko ne skine nece znati shta je propustio...
rap.1110 darklord,
Evo par slika od Cypress Hill-a !! BYe cypress.gif
rap.1112 darklord,
evo josh green7.jpg
rap.1113 darklord,
I poslednja za sad ! BYe greenc~1.jpg
rap.1114 imangovski,
Ima li neko textove Rootsa?
rap.1115 ica.z,
neko trazio josh neshto od JP-a? Straight Jackin - Marijaana '98
rap.1116 ica.z,
i opet... Straight Jackin - Jahrastaffaraj '98 naslovna pesma albuma... 32kbps mono 44khz (ranije nisam pisao ove podatke al' ajd')
rap.1117 ica.z,
Cypress Hill - I Wanna Get High 44kbps 44khz mono (u winamp-u prijavljuje stereo!?!?) track length: 2:53 inache u WMA formatu je shto se moze videti iz prilozenog...
rap.1118 indi,
salji bre u wma formatu, da se ne zezam toliko sa DLom i uvek pisi info o pesmi :)
rap.1119 jexy,
> Ima li neko textove Rootsa? Da stvarno.. mogao bi to neko da prekuca..
rap.1120 dzim,
> > Ima li neko textove Rootsa? > > Da stvarno.. mogao bi to neko da prekuca.. Da prekuca? Don't be silly. rootz.rar
rap.1121 dzim,
> Ima li neko textove Rootsa? Od Sepulture? Ako da, bash si temu potrefio...
rap.1122 senna,
Znash kako.. Repuje Max u slobodno vreme..
rap.1124 brka,
21ST ROCKSTEADY CREW ANNIVERSARY Folks are gearing up for the 21st Rocksteady Crew Anniversary which is set to kick off this Thursday July 23rd in New York City and last through Sunday July 25th. For those who don't know RSC is one of hip hop's most enduring pioneering B-Boy Crews. They first garnered national attention when they were featured in the movies Wild Style and Flashdance. They took things over the top after they were showcased in the movie Beat Street. Over the years, RSC have made their mark by consistently doing things help preserve Hip Hop culture.Their annual celebration is always off the hook and this year should be no different. Scheduled to appear is a whos who in Hip Hop including: Grand Wizard Theodore, Kool Herc, Evil Dee, Tony Touch, Grand Master Caz, Cash Money, Tragedy, Dead Prez, Common, Beatnuts, Coco Brovas, Helter Skelter, Black Moon, T-La Rock, Fearless Four, Non-Phixion,The Arsonists, Mos Def, A.L., Jurassic 5, Funkdoobiest, Click the Supah Latin and Rahzel to name a select few. Hosting the event will be Bobbito The Barber, Chief Rocker Busy Bee and Sway & King Tech. The celebration will feature a B-Boy Battle, a panel discussion on the Art Of Battling, and a free outdoor concert at Gaelic Park in The Bronx. There will also be an International Turntable Federation Battle. For more info hit up their website at
rap.1125 brka,
GANG STARR "FULL CLIP: A DECADE OF GANG STARR" "One year after the release of their landmark album 'Moment of Truth,' Gang Starr has dropped a two CD retrospective appropriately titled 'Full Clip: A Decade of Gang Starr.' "Chock full of the visionary soundscapes that have made the duo legends in the business of rap, 'Full Clip' is guaranteed to bust holes in your speakers. "It's been ten years since DJ Premier joined Gang Starr founder Gifted Unlimited Rhymes Universal (a.k.a. Guru), to record the classic single 'Manifest,' a meshing of cuts and samples from Charlie Parker, James Brown and Big Daddy Kane that almost single-handedly ushered in jazz-rap and its cousin, acid jazz..." á--Mosi Reeves ----- For the full review check
rap.1126 brka,
LIL KIM ZAVRSAVA NOVI ALBUM Lil Kim fans watch out because the Queen B is finishing up her new album. There is no title to it, but it will feature folks like Puff Daddy [of course] and singer Grace Jones. It should drop in October. Also in the works is The Notorious BIG tribute album 'Born Again' which will feature unreleased tracks and remakes of some of his songs. Featured artist include Mary J Blige, Jay-Z, Busta Rhymes and Will Smith. Viola Wallace, BIG's mom will offer narration. I'm surprised that Shyne won't be featured.
rap.1127 brka,
WILL SMITH RADI NA NOVOM ALBUMU The Fresh Prince Will Smith is working on a new lp with the help of the Trackmasters. This time around Will is gonna step it up a notch and drop some tracks with Slick Rick, Biz Markie, Sauce and old partner Jazzy Jeff. Personally I would like to see Mr Smith hook up with Young MC* and have those two do a song together. On a side note Will will be clocking 20 million dollars for his role as Muhammed Ali in an upcoming movie based on the boxing champ. * Samo da vas podsetim ko je Young MC - U Sourceovom 100. broju, u kategoriji 'Najgora hip-hop pesma svih vremena' na 5. mestu je satajalo 'bilo koja pesma Young MC-ja'...
rap.1128 brka,
DR DRE TUZI 'DEATH ROW RECORDS' Dr. Dre is back in the news-this time for filing a lawsuit against Priority Records and Death Row Records. Dre alleges that the recent Priority-distributed Death Row album "The Chronic 2000" infringes on a trademark held by Dre. As we all know Dre really made his mark in hip hop when he dropped the classic '92 lp "The Chronic". He also announced earlier this year that he was going to be releasing 'The Chronic 2000' on his own Aftermath Record label. Shortly afterwards Death Row announced that they would do the same. Dre is now seeking a court injunction against the use of the 'Chronic' trademark. He also wants profits from any products that utilizing the trademark. [mmm I wonder if he's gonna come after Cypress Hill]. There has been no comment from Priority or Death Row Records.
rap.1129 brka,
DMC NAPISAO KNJIGU... Darryl McDaniels aka DMC of Run DMC is getting set to drop a book on all of us. The book which is untitled will deal with the "role" of the role model and the truth about image. DMC says he wants to provide some sort of alternative means of instruction to help counter all the high tech drugs, sex and rock-n-roll that is being thrust in front of the face of our youth. He also noted that he wanted to do some thing that didn't come across as too preachy. For the past couple of years DMC has been touring the college lecture circuit where he drops bombs about respect, responsibility and role models in today's society. The book is planned for release in mid-2000, while Run-DMC's new album, "Crown Royal," is now due on September 28.
rap.1130 brka,
NEKO ZARADJUJE NA NASOV RACUN... Bad news for Nas Escobar as he has been the victim of a couple of recent scams. In Gainsville, Florida a concert purported to be featuring Nas was advertised on a local radio station. More then 200 tickets were purchased before it was brought to light that the whole thing was a scam. The faulty promoters bear the name Duck Down Entertainment which made things believable for a couple reasons. The primary one being that Duck Down is also a the name of a record label that is home to popular underground groups like Heltah Skeltha and that entire Boot Camp Clic. Gainsville police are looking into the business practices of Duck Down Entertainment. Lets hope that the real Duck Down doesn't catch any heat because of this scam. The other thing affecting Nas is the fact that his yet to be released album Nastradamus is being bootlegged. I got a copy a couple of weeks ago. Nastardamus can be found on the internet and in certain record stores where folks have gone so far as to press up vinyl copies.
rap.1131 brka,
VREDI KUPITI NOVI ALBUM GRUPE PUBLIC ENEMY PE definitely deserves their props for embracing the Internet. Their new album 'There's Poison Going On In Here' is by far one of the best PE albums I've heard in a long time. It reminds me of the PE from the 'Fight The Power Days'. We're talking funky head boppin' beats and scorching lyrics. Chuck D has without a doubt stepped up his rhyme skills in a major way. Last night when I played this before my show, heads who are deep into lyrics were really digging Chuck's rhyme styles and more importantly his lyrics. This is no hype, the lp is well worth the purchase. Since dropping their lp on the net at, they've gotten more then 200 thousand orders. You can't tell me the internet is not the way to go.
rap.1132 brka,
RAPPING 4TAY SNIMA NOVI ALBUM... Rapping 4Tay is back in the studio recording a new lp entitled 'An Introduction To Mackin'. He will be hooking up with Kurupt of Tha Dogg Pound to help take this lp over the top. Thus far they've recorded a song called 'Sweet Love'. Daz Dillinger will produce several tracks for the lp. Right now 4Tay is enjoying the props he's been getting for his affiliation with the TWDY Project. Folks may be familiar with the popular song 'Players Holiday' which features a stellar line up of Bay Area artists including, Too Short, Mac Mall, Captain Save 'Em, Otis And Shug and of course 4Tay. 4Tay promises the album to be the ultimate Bay To LA collaboration.
rap.1133 brka,
IZAZIVA LI HIP-HOP MUZIKA NASILJE...? Stop Blaming Hip Hop By Davey D As we get ready to head on into the 21st century, it's important that we clarify any misconceptions one may have of the great American art form we affectionately call Hip Hop. First things first-Hip Hop does not cause violence. Let me do my George Bush imitation. Read my lips and repeat after me- 'Hip Hop does not cause violence! One more time folks-say it loud like you mean it- Hip Hop does not cause violence. There's some of you out there reading this who will have a hard time doing this after all for a long time we've had the misinformed and malcontent running around stating the exact opposite. 'Hip Hop causes violence'. That was rapidly becoming the American mantra. Hip Hop has been everyone's convenient scapegoat. Everyone from former Senator and Presidential candidate Bob Dole to former Education Secretary William Bennett has blamed Hip Hop for staining the moral fabric of our society and corrupting our youth. ... nasilje.txt
rap.1134 gligo,
> As we get ready to head on into the 21st century, it's > important that we clarify any misconceptions one may have of > the great American art form we affectionately call Hip Hop. > First things first-Hip Hop does not cause violence. Let me do > my George Bush imitation. Read my lips and repeat after me- > 'Hip Hop does not cause violence! One more time Brko, koja je sansa da ove vesti saljes malo cesce?
rap.1135 brka,
> Brko, koja je sansa da ove vesti saljes malo cesce? Ukoliko postoji interesovanje... sanse su velike. :) Salim se - slacu od sada redovnije... Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1136 brka,
PREDSTAVLJAM VAM... DJ QBERTA Reckin' the Turntablism Scene, DJ Qbert from Invisbl Skratch Piklz drops some knowledge about ISP, Wave Twisters and more ... Here's what he had to say : TheScenes: Bless us with some history about yourself, when did you become a turntablist? Qbert: like in 1985 TS: Who or what inspired you? Q: The sound inspired me to do it and mix master mike taught me my basics since he started a month before i did. TS: Tell us about "Wave Twisters", the ideals and inspiration behind it... Q: The album i made is a soundtrack to the animated movie we are making. You can see a chapter of the movie on the videotape, "turntabe t.v. annual #2". there's a breakdown in our faq section of our site where you can really see what i'm doing. TS: What's the deal with ISP, the history and present? Q: There's 5 of us in the crew (mix master mike, d-styles, shortkut, yogafrog, and myself) who do things as a skratch band, solo, and do all kinds or turntablist functions from mixing to performing to giving seminars on skratch art. we also make instructional videos, remixes with skratching and tons of other skratch related products in order to progresss the art for everyone to enjoy. TS: What does ISP have in store for the future? Q: Upcoming ISP News and Projects to talk about! D-Styles will be releasing his album from the great skratch asylum. When? SKRATCHCON2000 - the first and only lecture, seminar, and convention on the music, lifestyle, techniques, technology, and future of the skratch dj arts. When? Where? Turntable T.V. 7.0 (2 hrs) - featuring the X-Ecutioners and many more w / Dirtsyle Challenge added as bonus. When? Wave Twisters The Movie - DJ QBert's album come to life! The first concept album in Hip-Hop. Did you know if you play the album from beginning to end, it's a story? If you didn't know, where have you been? (Watch Turntable T.V. Annual #2 for a clip). Release....When? Razorblade Alchohol Slide & Innerspace Dental Commander w/instrumentals, remixes, new skratching and bonus tracks Vinyl-Single/Skratch Record. When? DJ Flare Skratch Practice (with special guests) CD . When? DJ Shortkut 3-cd release of his latest mixworks. When? Dirtstyle Skratch Practice featuring the world's greatest skratch djs all in one cd! When? "How To Skratch 2" - The second installment to the most popular instructional Turntable Mechanic Workshop! When? What new skratches will you learn? The Vestax 07PRO ISP LTD Edition Mixer! Wait till you get a load of this mixer! When? How much? ISP Slipmats. When? New ISP, Dirtstyle, TTTV clothing designs. When? There's us....there's a lot more. TS: What are your personal plans for the future, any new solo projects in the works? Q: Of course TS: As for battles, break it down for the heads, your first battle, your favorite battle, worst battle, toughest competitor, etc... Q: In a battle, i always tried to stick all the tricks i knew in the sets i did. every battle was my favorite because we learned something from each one. if i had to pick one, it would be isp vs x-men. the worst one i had would probably be the world dmc 1991. it was my first time going out of the country to perform and i was jettlagged and had no practice for 2 days. so when i went up to do my thing it was real rusty and it was like i was just warming up. TS: Any closing comments for the people - enthusiasts and DJ's? Q: Go take a look at our website there's so much info to help you out in there that i couldn't fit here. peace and blessings. qbert.arj
rap.1137 brka,
CHARLI BALTIMORE - Cold As Ice -- Untertainment/Epic Records Ocena: 7.2 Production: Terrance "TL" Lovelace, RZA, Chad Elliot, DJ Premier, Quran Goodman, T-Mix, Teddy Riley, Fabian Hamilton, Havoc, Darrell "Digga" Branch, John Forte Guests Featured: Cam'ron, Tony Dutch & Ace Spade, Ghostface Killah, Eightball, Rage, Gangsta Boo, Queen Pen, Da Brat, Scarlet, Mobb Deep, Noreaga, Brotha, Billy Lawrence, Rodney Ellis, Jeni Fujita, Miss Jones The whole time she's been in the game Charli Baltimore has had to prove that she had skills. First getting into the game through Biggie being his lady, she hooked up with Lance "Un" Rivera and got on his Untertainment label after Big passed away. After debuting on the "Woo" soundtracks' "Money," the song had a sampled beat, ultra-commercial vibe, and ghostwritten lyrics. Through that Charli hasn't fared too well with the rap critics, myself included. Trying to make her way out of the frame of "just another female rapper" sounding like Foxy Brown or Lil' Kim, Charli Baltimore impresses with Cold As Ice. She proves to heads who doubted her skills that she can come on point. While the album had it's faults, Charli B-more showed and proved with her debut. Charli Baltimore came better than expected on many of Cold As Ice's tracks. Instead of making radio commercial records that many expected, the album featured lots of songs with harder beats. Charli keeps up with Ghostface Killah's fast-paced banter over ill RZA production on "Stand Up." DJ Premier provides the music for "Everybody Wanna Know" which came out alright and Charli spits ferocious rhymes on the impressive "Angel's Dust." Cold As Ice has mad guest appearances from other artists but she manages to control most tracks. Charli stands beside Prodigy and Havoc and their dark sounds of Mobb Deep on "Infamous." "Keep It Real" with Cam'ron is only alright, while the pimptastic sounds of Mo Suave-A beats on "Pimp Da One U Love" with Eightball and "Motherfuckas Don't Want It" with new Untertainment talent Dutch and Spade do not really impress. She makes up for it with a big rough all-female posse cut, "Thorough Sisters," featuring fully loaded verses from Charli, Lady of Rage, Gangsta Boo, Queen Pen, Scarlet and Da Brat over a beat led by a BIG vocal sample. Aside from the hard tracks, Charli shows a more emotional side on "Have It All," where she tells the losses of her father, Biggie, and her baby's father. While the John Forte-produced beat needed work, Charli sounded sincere. She tells off non-believers and player haters on "They," one of the albums better cuts. While the album surprised me with unexpected praise, that's not to say Charli Baltimore's debut comes without complaints. The Teddy Riley- produced first single, "Feel It," is a Jackson 5 inspired attempt at radio play, but falls straight to the floor. Also one of the worst posse cuts, "NBC," previously availible on last years "Rush Hour" soundtrack, somehow ended up on the final version of the album as well. "30 Miles From Baltimore" and "Making Love," a wild sex/love song, can be passed up as well. Another complaint is the albums inconsistentsy with the beats, since Digga seems to be the only producer to return for many songs. While Charli Baltimore isn't the greatest talent, she has more skills than she is credited for and is a better lyricist than Foxy Brown and other females that are large right now. She proves to the world she can get down on Cold As Ice and showed me that there was more to meets the eye to Charli Baltimore. Review by David Ellis, August 2, 1999 charli_b.jpg
rap.1138 brka,
THE ROOTS - The Legendary (EP) -- MCA Records Ocena: 7.0 Production: The Grand Wizards (The Roots) Guests Featured: none Release Date: July 20, 1999 It was about five months ago when The Roots hit us off with their blazing hot fourth full-length album, Things Fall Apart. That very hot album was The Roots biggest commercial success as well as one of the best albums to hit thus far in the 9-9. While Roots fans are still happy about that album and pumping it in stereos, with little hesitation the Philly crew laces the world with a new 5-song EP. While this should barely feed a Roots fans appetite, The Legendary should hold a fans attention until late fall of this year when their live album, Things Come Alive, is released. This EP sounds like a compilation of Things Fall Apart throw-aways and live songs from a show (one in Switzerland I believe, but I could be wrong). The intro is just a mix of Do You Want More tracks, which is good since it's gets you in The Roots mood. From then on it continues with various songs thrown here in there. The best song on here is "The Ultimate." This jazzy little joint is taped live from a show and features an energetic Black Thought catching wreck with along with rowdy crowd participation. You can really feel the energy from The Roots which has gotten them claims as one of the best live shows around. While that is the hottest cut around, "Table Of Contents Part 3," the third installment of the introduction cuts to Things Fall Apart is okay, but not great. Basic Roots, and proves that part 1 is the best of the series. What has became a Roots project tradition is the "beatboxing over ?uest's drums" tracks. "The Battle ?uestacula" has Scratch freaking some ill beatboxing. The album ends with a live version of "The Next Movement." While an ill joint indeed, and it sounds even better live, we have already heard it before. While The Legendary does come out nice, it really lacks not enough new material to become a must-have. While the live songs will give you a taste of what to expect on the live album (and made me really want to check out Roots show), we've already heard sounds like a lot of this music. This is only an EP however, so we cannot expect too much. As a bonus, it also features video enhancements for the computer, which are the music videos for "You Got Me," "The Next Movement" and "What They Do" (one of my favorite videos). That and the fact that this only cost about $7 make The Legendary something that you Roots fans should pick up if you got some extra cash. People just getting into The Roots however can pass on this and pick up any of their four other full-lengths. Review by David Ellis, July 24, 1999 roots.jpg
rap.1139 brka,
EPMD - Out Of Business -- Def Jam Records Ocena: 7.6 Production: Erick Sermon, Parrish Smith, DJ Scratch Guests Featured: MOP, Busta Rhymes, Redman, Method Man, 8 Off Agallah, 215 Release Date: July 20, 1999 It's been over a decade since EPMD first hit the rap world off with Strictly Business. Since then they've gave the world four other albums and even broke up, but last year officially reunited with 1998's Back In Business. Now it's '99 and EPMD are releasing what sounds like their last album as a group (that's only rumors, as it's titled Out Of Business because it's the final album of the millenium). Instead of changing up their style, EPMD have followed the same basic formula for years. It's always worked and has changed slightly with the times but Erick and Parrish still kick tag team raps over funky-ass beats. Why ditch the formula that's made them one of the best, most consistent and most successful rap duos of all time? The album starts up with a DJ Scratch produced intro, the only song on the album not produced by either Erick or Parrish. The intro gets you hyped for the album with it's live beat sampling the Rocky theme (ala "Victory" by Big and Puff) and features some good verses. From then on the album is full of funky jams. The E-Dub production on tracks like "Hold Me Down" remind you of production he's done for Def Squad. Funky cuts like "Right Now" and "Pioneers" are easy to bump but are kind of light on lyrical content. Still, EPMD as a group have good lyrical skill and their flows mesh together nicely so they can flip the mic back and forth. The PMD beats don't seem to fare as well as E-Dubble's as "Check 1,2" is kind of generic, "House Party" really doesn't excite, and "Jane 6" is kinda weak and it seems they only keep the series around because it's the classic EPMD way. Parrish scores a hit with "Rap Is Still Outta Control" laying down decent production on one of the few tracks that has a theme on the album. Collaborations are also on point on Out Of Business. Instead of letting everyone and their mother on songs, they limit the cameos and when they do they come out well. "U Got Shot" features Hit Squad cats 8 Off Agallah and 215 and has a quick mic toss session sound led by an Ol' Dirty Bastard vocal sample from "Brooklyn Zoo." And both versions of "The Symphony" are nice. "Symphony" will satisfy fans of the rowdy-ass MOP (my personal favorite) while "Symphony 2000" features Redman, Method Man and newcomer Lady Luck. While both versions are tight, Erick and Parrish use the same beat and the same lyrics for both versions. Despite a couple complaints, this album is what you'd expect from the two that have been putting it down for years. Nothing revolutionary but they don't really have anything to prove, and the album is consistent. This should whet the appetite of any EPMD fan. Pick it up early and get the bonus greatest hits disc, which is better than the new album with all their older joints. Expect Erick and Parrish to be making more dollars in the new millenium as well. Review by David Ellis, July 23, 1999 epmd_out.jpg
rap.1140 brka,
PUBLIC ENEMY - There's A Poison Goin' On -- Atomic Pop Ocena: 7.5 Production: DTom E. Hawk, Flava Flav Guests Featured: none Release Date: May 19 on MP3 Most of you probably already know the story behind this album but I am going to tell it anyway. A few months ago, Public Enemy posted some MP3s on their site. When their label (Def Jam) asked the to remove them, they refused. Not that long ago they announced that there next album would be distributed exclusively by, where you can download it on MP3s for $8 or get an actual CD for $10. It will hit stores next month. The highlight of the album, like any Public Enemy album, is the lyrics. They talk about a world where we are controlled like robots by corporations who own our souls. Chuck D ties it into hip-hop by saying that most artists are completely controlled by their labels (that's why they make so much whack shit) and the people who buy albums are robots too (that's why they buy so much whack shit). He criticizes these artists by saying things like "What's rap got to do with what you got?" and "I'm the opposite of Jiggy." As always Chuck's lyrics are on point. The beats are another story. They are crazy and all over the place, which fits with the apocalyptic theme at first but after a while starts to dig into your ear. The production finally slows down, and gets where it should be, around track seven. The other problem is that this album lacks diversity. All the tracks are Chuck D spitting angry ass lyrics about the same theme. Two tracks that stand out are "Crayola" and "I." In "Crayola" he explains that radio stations play such whack music because they are paid by labels. The chorus goes "Crayola, with that same, same old shit/Crayola with that played playa shit." In "I" he tells the disturbing story of a black homeless man. Flava Flav also produces his solo cut "What What" which is exactly what one would expect from Flava, a crazy ass song that is not half as creative as he thinks it is. Review by RFanselow, May 22, 1999 pe.gif
rap.1141 brka,
RAWKUS PRESENTS SOUNDBOMBING II - compilation -- Rawkus Records Ocena:8.0 Artists Featured: Eminem, Pharoahe Monch, Shabaam Sahdeeq, R.A the Rugged Man, The High & Mighty, Mos Def, Mad Skillz, Company Flow, Diamond, Thirstin Howl III, Reflection Eternal, Sir Menelik, Grand Puba, Sadat X, Common, Medina Green, Dilated Peoples, Tash, Cocoa Brovaz, Bahamadia, J-Live, Prince Paul Mixed by: J-Rocc and Babu Release Date: May 18 Rawkus Records promoted the hell out of their new compilation and had us eagerly anticipating the discs release for months. With all the promotion heads were expecting a lot from Soundbombing II, the second Rawkus mix album featuring many new songs by top lyrical talent. With musical contributions mainly be indepedent artists, this compilation features all emcees with skills and manages to be impressive and for the most parts people who buy this will be impressed and have something that is enjoyable end to end. Filled with jams from Rawkus artists Mos Def, Talib Kweli, Sir Menelik, Company Flow, and High & Mighty, this compilation also features efforts from Common, Diamond D, Eminem and others all wrapped together in a tasty Beat Junkies mixed package. Fans of the underground scene of New York will no doubt dig a lot of this but this features such a wide mix of different shit it can also turn on new heads looking for something different to a lot of these artists. Highlights of Soundbombing II's tracks include the Native Tongue-esque feel of "7XL," a Sir Menelik cut featuring Brand Nubian reps Sadat X and Grand Puba, who drops a very tight verse. "WWIII" is a collab between Organized Konfusion's (and Rawkus Records solo artist) Pharoahe Monch and Shabaam Sahdeeq. The results are a wild jam that is pretty hot. Other stuff I was feeling was the hype Mos Def "Next Universe" and the calm Reflection Eternal cut, where a cool Hi-Tek beat has Talib Kweli and Bahamadia ride it. Not very hype but still nice. Also the choppy, robotic sounding "Patriotism," based on the US of A, by Company Flow is cool, though some might find the odd beat kinda wack. While the good stuff does come a lot, the album does come with flaws. The inclusion of "Crosstown Beef" from Medina Green was nice but the song came out last year and I'd rather hear a new Medina Green song. And what's with the badly sung hook which ruins the feel of Pharoah's "Mayor" and why stop Thirstin Howl's "Brooklyn Hard Rock" just as it was heating up. Overall this is a nice mix of music and not as ill as it could have been but I'm still checkin' for it hard. While Eminem surprisingly only came average on the Beatminerz-laced "Any Man", and other good but not great songs are on the album, there are really no wack cuts on the album and chose a good way to represent "Soundbombing," as Dilated Peoples and Tash of the Liks prove on their cut of the same name. One complaint is the lack of J-Rocc and Babu getting real busy on the scratching. They scratch at times but why get the illest DJ's if they aren't gonna go nuts on the 1 and 2's? Fans of these artists featured on here can't pass this up, people who aren't really into them but want something dope should still listen to this. Soundbombing II is hot shit. Review by David Ellis, May 24, 1999 soundb.gif
rap.1142 brka,
SWAY AND KING TECH - This or That -- Interscope Records Ocena: 7.0 Artists Featured: RZA, Tech N9NE, Eminem, Xzibit, Pharoahe Monch, Kool G Rap, Jayo Felony, Chino XL, KRS-One, Dilated People, Canibus, Gang Starr, Inspectah Deck, Heltah Skeltah, Crooked Eye, Planet Asia, Jurrasic 5, Eric B, Rakim, Main Source, Pete Rock, CL Smooth, Chill Rob G, EPMD, Cash Money, Marvelous, Kool Keith, Motion, Big Daddy Kane, Ill Advised, Rasheed, Malik B, Black Thought, Dirty Unit, Chali 2NA, Redman, Sonja Blade Mixed by: DJ Revolution Release Date: June 15 Sway and King Tech from The Wake Up Show have formed to combine some of rap's hardest hitting and phatest artists to appear on their mixtape This Or That. They have gathered so many well known artists and also some underground shit so it reaches all sorts of fans but still remains dope. This compliation also features exclusives and freestyles, along with songs that have already been released but are either shortened or remixed. It starts off with 4 skits that just say how bullshit hip hop and shiny suits controll the industry and the hardworking dope cats aren't where they are suppose to be. Then it leads into it's first song, "The Anthem", also it's first single, featuring RZA, Tech N9NE, Eminem, Xzibit, Pharoahe Monch, Kool G Rap, Jayo Felony, Chino Xl and KRS-One. Although this song is packed with MAD amounts of people, their verses aren't their dopest and are pretty short, plus I would have liked to see a new RZA verse instead of his verse from Bobby Digital's "Airwaves". Either way, it's still dope. Other highlights off This or That are "Underground Tatics", a nice cuts with Heltah Skeltah droppin some nice rhymes, the remix of "They Reminisce Over You", the new Rakim cut "I Know You Got Soul", "3 To The Dome" an excellent cut featuring Big Daddy Kane, Chino XL and Kool G Rap, who steals the show with lyrics like "The Godfather saga/hit you dead in the chest like shots of Vodka/Funer-als crowded! like soccer while I'm watchin opera/Last like Sinatra, blast like Binaca/Binoculars is how I'm watchin droppin from the chopper". Some other joints I was feelin was The Canibus freestyle and remix, both great lyrically, "NY NIGGAZ" where Guru spits about life in the streets and what a sturggle it is to survive and it actually makes you feel like your there when you hear it, and " REMIX" featuring Advised & Rasheed along with Malik B and Black Thought, who both come nice. Although this mixtape is dope, it is not perfect and does have some flaws. There are no bad cuts on this album but the production from King Tech can range from dope to alright to not that good. On cuts like "Get You Mad" by Slim Shady himself Eminem, the beat is kinda all over and it kinda ruined the feel of the song but still came out ok. Plus, the freestyle with Redman was just previously spit lyrics and I would have rather seen him rhyme some new lyrics with Def Squad. The flaws though are small and make this album worth buying. Compare this album to "Soundbombing II" and it is as good lyrically but the production sets that up as the better one. Plus, the songs on there are full length and Sway and Tech only have a few cuts that are longer then 3 minutes. Still, this album is worth getting. Pick it up if you want some REAL hip hop and dope shit to listen to. This Or That lived up to my expectations and even more. So check it out. You won't be dissapointed. Reviewed by Kyle Hutchinson, June 17, 1999
rap.1143 brka,
SPAJANJE LOUDA I RELATIVITY RECORDSA Loud Records and Relativity Records have officially merged together. The two big labels have come together as a result of Loud leaving it's distribution from BMG and now being with Sony. The new Loud with the addition of Relativity will be distributed in the US by RED and internationally by Sony Music. Since the merger, the next albums to watch out for are Mobb Deep's Murda Muzik slated for August 17, the Beatnuts' Musical Massacre which has an August 31 date and Inspectah Deck's long-awaited solo album, Uncontrolled Substance, on September 14. The new roster between Relativity and Loud should have a good amount of talent and could give Loud more credibility in the south. Relativity brings the Beatnuts, all Bone Thugs-n-Harmony solo albums, Three 6 Mafia and its solos, Tear Da Club Up Thugs, and MOP among others. Loud's already very talented roster includes Tha Alkaholiks, Raekwon, Big Punisher, Xzibit, Dwellas, all who have albums scheduled to drop between now and throughout 2000.
rap.1144 brka,
EMINEM ISCASIO REBRA NA KONCERTU... Eminem will miss some dates for the Vans Warped Tour after bruising a couple ribs at a recent show. He said the corner of the stage was wet and he slipped. After the show ended Em was taken to a hospital. Eminem slipped in fell bruising his ribs at a recent show with Nas and Redman. The injury is hardly anything to get worried about and he's just fine but will miss the Pittsburgh and Philly dates of the Vans Warped Tour.
rap.1145 brka,
NOMINACIJE ZA SOURCE MUSIC AWARDS Well we've all been waiting the second official Source Awards for a while. The Source magazine, the biggest hip hop publication, is doing its award show thing again, and this time it won't air in the middle of the night. The show, which takes place at the Pantages Theater in Los Angeles on Wednesday, August 18th, will air August 20 at 8:00 PM on UPN. The show has 12 catagories and is encouraging fans to vote and you will be able to soon at The Source's website, Here are the nominees for the award shows. Artist of the Year, Solo """""""""""""""""""""""" Jay-Z (Roc-A-Fella/Def Jam) DMX (Def Jam) Master P (No Limit/Priority) Busta Rhymes (Elektra) Snoop Dogg (No Limit/Priority) Artist of the Year, Group """"""""""""""""""""""""" Outkast (LaFace/Arista) The Roots (MCA/Universal) A Tribe Called Quest (Jive) Gang Starr (Noo Trybe/Virgin) Goodie M.O.B. (LaFace/Arista) New Artist of the Year, Solo """""""""""""""""""""""""""" Big Pun (Loud/RCA) Lauryn Hill (Ruffhouse/Columbia) Juvenile (Cash Money/Universal) Noreaga (Penalty/Tommy Boy) Eminem (Aftermath/Interscope) New Artist of the Year, Group """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" Lord Tariq & Peter Gunz (Codeine/Columbia) Black Star (Rawkus) Flipmode Squad (Elektra) Harlem World (So So Def/Columbia) Black Eyed Peas (Interscope) Single of the Year """""""""""""""""" "Can I Get A... " - Jay-Z w/Ja Rule & Amil (Roc-A-Fella/Def Jam) "Ha" - Juvenile (Cash Money/Universal) "Still Not A Player" - Big Pun w/Joe (Loud/RCA) "Whatcha Gonna Do" - Jayo Felony w/DMX & Method Man (Def Jam) "It Ain't My Fault" - Silkk The Shocker (No Limit/Priority) "Money Ain't A Thing" - Jermaine Dupri w/Jay-Z (So So Def/ Columbia) Album of the Year """"""""""""""""" Jay-Z, "Vol. 2... Hard Knock Life" (Roc-A-Fella/Def Jam) DMX, "It's Dark and Hell is Hot" (Def Jam) Outkast, "Aquemini" (LaFace/Arista) 8Ball, "Lost" (Suave House/Universal) Lauryn Hill, "The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill" (Ruffhouse/ Columbia) Master P, "MP Da Last Don" (No Limit/Priority) Lyricist of the Year """""""""""""""""""" Big Pun (Loud/RCA) DMX (Def Jam) Jay-Z (Roc-A-Fella/Def Jam) Redman (Def Jam) Dre of Outkast (LaFace/Arista) Producer of the Year """""""""""""""""""" Swizz Beats Beats By The Pound Track Masters/L.E.S. DJ Premier DJ Scratch R&B Artist of the Year """""""""""""""""""""" TLC (LaFace/Arista) R. Kelly (Jive) Mya (University/Interscope) Brandy (Atlantic) Dru Hill (Island) Video of the Year """"""""""""""""" "I'll Bee Dat" - Redman, directed by Little X (Def Jam) "What U See" - Xzibit, directed by Gregory Dark (Loud/RCA) "Turn It Up" - Busta Rhymes, directed by Paul Hunter (Elektra) "Is It You? (Deja vu)" - Made Men w/ Master P, directed by Dave Meyers (Restless) "What's It Gonna Be" - Busta Rhymes w/Janet Jackson, directed by Hype Williams (Elektra) Live Performer of the Year """""""""""""""""""""""""" Outkast (LaFace/Arista) Busta Rhymes (Elektra) DMX (Def Jam) Method Man/Redman (Def Jam) The Roots (MCA/Universal) Movie of the Year """"""""""""""""" "The Player's Club" (New Line) "I Got The Hook-Up" (No Limit) "Belly" (Artisan) "He Got Game" (Touchstone) The show should also include Russell Simmons recieving the Lifetime Achievement Award, Kool DJ Herc, Afrika Bambaataa, and Grandmaster Flash getting the Pioneer Award and Shaq as The Source Sports Athlete of the Year Award. source.gif
rap.1146 brka,
OBJAVLJEN PROGRAM NASTUPA NA DODELI SOURCE AWARDS While most people reading this probably aren't too excited at all over The Source's upcoming award show, the list of performers has been announced for The Source Hip-Hop Music Awards. Unfortunatly the performers list features the biggest names according to MTV at least, with Puffy, Master P, DMX with the Ruff Ryders, Juvenile and Nas scheduled to perform. Not exactly the list I myself would like to see but the big name acts may bring in better ratings for the show. The award show airs August 20 from 8-10 p.m. ET/PT on UPN. Too bad we couldn't see Outkast and The Roots play at the show.
rap.1147 brka,
VARIOUS ARTISTS LYRICIST LOUNGE, VOLUME 1 -- Rawkus records Reviewed by Platform Partner ONE LOVE MAGAZINE What do you get when you cross some of Hip Hop's greatest undergroung MC's with the raw talent of up and coming mic wreckas and fiery tongues of the spoken word magician? No, not the U.S. Government, but one of the best Hip Hop compilations to evr hit this side of the border. This is true Hip Hop in every sense of the word. Praise due to the producers of this joint (who are unfortunately not named) for lacing these tracks with some truly hypnotic next shit. Some of the standouts on disc one are 'Bring Hip Hop Back' by Cipher Complete, the acid tongue, spoken word groove of 'Blood' by Sarah Jones, the commercially released first single, 'Body Rock,' with Mos Def featuring Q-Tip and Tash, 'Da Cipher' by Punch & Words, and 'Action Guaranteed' with O. C. and Ras Kass. The production on this particular track reminds me of when Dionne Warwick was trying to find her way to San Jose. On disc two, these joints just had me all over the place on an emotional level. I didn't know if I should pull out the church fan, shed a tear or nod my head like the rest of the cats for fear of eternal damnation. You can't help but nod your head to the spoken word cut 'Ohm' by Saul (Soul) Williams (the humming intro alone had me purring like a kitten), or 'Mayday' by Natural Elements and 'Holy Water' by D. V. alias Krist (this is Hip Hop's negro spiritual). Again, Lyricist Lounge is tight on production and on the lyrical tip. Let's make this one go platinum. Brian Dargon
rap.1148 brka,
BLACK STAR - Mos Def and Talib Kweli are Black Star -- Rawkus Records The years since the turn of the decade have seen rap morph from the Afrocentric positivity of the Native Tongues to the blatant nihilism of the gangster era, culminating in the murders of Tupac Shakur and Christopher "Notorious BIG" Wallace-- events that have inadvertently given rise to the well-masked self-loathing of the Jiggy Age and its thug revisionist ambassadors. Mos Def and Talib Kweli are not these men. Mos Def and Talib Kweli are Black Star, named with a nod to Marcus Garvey and the idea of salvation. Their target, though, is a rap music that seems to cannibalize itself and its future. The chorus to "Definition," the duo's first single, proclaims with disappointment, "It's kinda dangerous to be an MC/They shot Tupac and Biggie-- too much violence in hip-hop," over a revised BDP hook. In a time that's more concerned with iced-down medallions than beaded ones, Black Star-- self-dubbed "real-life documentarians"-- are pushing back, effecting a return to the consciousness of the early '90s through a renewed commitment to introspective and creative lyricism. Unlike much of contemporary hip-hop, Mos Def and Talib Kweli are Black Star requires a contemplative listen, away from the dancefloor. Mixing the tools of jazz and spoken-word into their formula, they up the ante for the wannabe rap philosophers whose fraud is exposed in the face of true prophecy. Occasionally, the power of Black Star's prose is undermined by the erratic perambulations of their production-- jazz asceticism devolves into hollow, unmoving beats. On the whole, though, the words of Black Star shine through, whether its on the jacking-for-beats reworking of "Children's Story," the trash-talking "Hater Players," or the boisterous posse cut "Twice Inna Lifetime." Like Rawkus counterparts Company Flow did last year, Black Star come to the battlefield armed with a manifesto of skills, not one hastily scribbled in the corners of $100 bills. On "Respiration," Kweli challenges those who floss, "saying you got pull when the only pull you got is the wool over your eyes." More than a challenge to phony rappers, it's a wake-up call to the public: it may be dangerous to be an MC, but it's even more so to be blind to hip-hop's psychic violence. Jon Caramanica
rap.1149 brka,
DIGITAL UNDERGROUND - Who Got The Gravy? Shock G, Humpty Hump, Money B, and the stew of Digital Underground funkateers have recaptured their shockadelic, left-coast-inflected hip-hop gumbo that, for a decade, was both misunderstood and influential. While their debut album, Sex Packets, is a classic, they are still remembered solely for the comedic Top 40 booty sound of the Humpty Dance. After a couple of misdirected releases, Who Got The Gravy? finds the crew returning to their ironic sex comedy, double entendres, and creative liquid fat tracks. And the album is seasoned with outstanding cameos from a diverse guest list including legends like Big Pun, KRS, and Biz Markie-- the latter two dropping their most inspired verses in years. With this unpredictable and bouncing offering, the Underground slinking out of a middle-age hip-hop career haze and into the realm of elder statesmen, along side De La and others. Like Humpty says, "Never trust a big butt and a smile." Tom Constabile
rap.1150 brka,
OUTKAST - Aquemini (BMG/Arista/La Face) Probably the most creatively risky hip-hop album of 1998, Outkast's third release, Aquemini, is also the year's best. Combining gospel ("Rosa Parks" and "Liberation"), electro ("Synthesizer," with George Clinton), and psychedelic variations of funk, dub, and jazz, Aquemini is a snapshot of the Dirty South's musical universe. It's not without its missteps; "West Savannah", "Mamacita," and the spoken word fantasy "Spottiottiedopaliscious" are disappointingly uninspired efforts, and the decision to collaborate with Raekwon failed to produce the anticipated sparks. Ultimately, though, Aquemini succeeds in building a vision of a heterogenous "'nother Black experience". In a sense, Outkast's survival as a unit depends on proving that the player and poet can coexist in harmony. Speculations about the group's future in the face of Dre's recent excursions into Blaxentricity ("Is he in a cult/Is he on drugs/Is he gay?-- Nigga I'm feeling better than ever, what's wrong wit you?) fuel the album's state of the union (confederacy?) addresses, " Return of the G" and "Aquemini." Look past his fondness for sporting fur vests and bumblebee- striped knee socks, and you'll see that Dre is trying to tell us that he's elevated his game beyond the physical sphere. While a million MCs kick the blunts/cash/hoes game, Dre "would rather be a comet" talking about "time traveling, rhyme javelins, somethin' mind unravelin'." Big Boi's no Pras, but like with Lauryn, Dre's talent is so manifestly out-of-this-world, it's absurd. For the time being, Outkast has managed to avoid Fugee-itis, breaking us off a chunk of that Southern good shit. Kem Poston
rap.1151 brka,
HELTAH SKELTAH - Magnum Force (Priority) Lacking the endearing ruffneck Brooklyn boyishness of their first release, Magnum Force (Priority Records) finds Heltah Skelta in a sophomore slump. Pervaded by mediocre definitions of thugness and seasoned with a bit of bucktown stylistics for listenability, the album sounds at first like it could be hot-- but it turns out to be repetitive and, in the end, mediocre. Like the Cocoa Brovaz own sophomore tragedy, Magnum Force points up the ill-effects of the Duck Down posse's insistance on moving away from the Evil Dee/Beatminerz militant music fusion of dark beats and bass with dancehall and roots reggae's militancy, which once inspired the crew's trademark sound-boy-burial phrasings. Instead, the music is mostly uninteresting-- the tracks are fairly similar to each other-- while the rhymes lack the brashness and originality of the duo's earlier work. Sadly, the highlight of the album is an unusually ill guest appearance by Method Man-- which made the absence of appearances by familiar Duck Down brethen Buckshot and Cocoa Brovaz all the more apparent. Magnum Force will disappoint all the disciples of that early Blackmoon reggae-inspired lyricism and riddims. They'll be praying that the imminent reunion album of Buckshot, Evil D and 5 Foot Shorty will return, for a new generation, to the innovative sound that's defined Brooklyn's hip-hop for the past five years-- a sound that is perhaps being best represented right now by the mighty Mos Def, and not the crew that first created it. On a last note: the gun-toting art work is neither fresh nor refreshing. Tom Constabile
rap.1152 brka,
RZA AS BOBBY DIGITAL AND METHOD MAN'S TICAL 2000 First, a little background. The music industry struggles to redefine itself in the wake of alternative rock's creative and commercial softness. Both "urban" and electronic music have been hailed as "the next big thing." After a year of mediocre hip-hop albums that nonetheless went or approached platinum, many original disciples were hoping for a commercial release that could reflect hip-hop's creative potential while still reaching the masses. Tribe Called Quest fell short artistically and made many sales on nostalgia. Outkast pooled a respectable national audience with their fusion of southern fried linguistics with raw hip-hop future-funk. But one crew was strangely absent from the mix, apparently left behind after hinting, years before, at the current upheaval in popular music: the Wu-Tang Clan. After a few disappointing releases from younger members of the crew, Cappadonna and Killah Priest, the first RZA solo project arrived around the same time as Method Man's second album-- both striving to return not only Wu-Tang but hip-hop itself to the standard of its roots. Now for the review. Filter out the hype-- the music press eating up RZA's Bobby Digital fictions; adoring women of all ages showing up for Method Man's sex-symbol-layered horror show-- and you can get a true view of both these artists' new albums. While crisply produced and at times extremely inventive, RZA As Bobby Digital In Stereo misses the mark it appears to be aiming for: "defining moment in the history of modern music" and "guiding light of urban music in the new millenium." On the other hand, the surpisingly raw Tical 2000 Judgement Day comes out of nowhere to deliver a satisfying dose of elemental yin-and-yang a la Wu-Tang/kung fu-inspired metaphysics. Incorporating the sonic destruction and groove deconstruction of RZA under-producers 4th Disciple and Tru Master (and less groomy cuts by Erik Sermon and the Trackmaster's Poke), Tical 2000 is what Method Man's first album could have been: gripping, psychotic, at times sexy, diverse-- a true Wu-Tang record. Highlights include the infectiously militant minimalism of "Dangerous Grounds"; the blues-inflected pain and dusted-thug vulnerability of "Break Ups 2 Make Ups" (featuring D'Angelo in a sequel to the world-smash duet with Mary J. Blige, "You're All I Need To Get By"); and the pounding, apocalyptic conclusion of "Judgment Day," which subtly integrates the dark influence of drum-and-bass on American hip-hop. Though disappointing, RZA As Bobby Digital In Stereo is certainly worth owning and meditating on. The record has a few intriguing moments-- like the international love poems in French, Italian, Spanish, and an African dialect; and the orchestrated symphonics of RZA's new, non-sample based groove machine. Overall, though, the album falls short of the high-concept film soundtrack it sells itself as, and seems somewhat incomplete. The listener is left to wonder whether, in the end, the non-sample esthetic really can produce more invigorating sounds than the sample esthetic does. Tom Constabile
rap.1153 brka,
PRINCE PAUL - A Prince Among Thieves (Tommy Boy) Sure, it's cliche to declare an album a classic even before its release-- not too mention wishfully grandiloquent. But such praise has always been applicable to Prince Paul's music, and A Prince Among Thieves deserves it as much as the previous work. Returning from the edge of hip-hop obscurity, which he explored with his previous solo album, Psychoanalysis, What Is It?, Prince Paul now rises truly reborn from the ashes of a mid-career crisis. Placing his commitment to innovation, ironic dark humor, and experimentation above his own financial health, Paul holds nothing back. This is hip-(h)opera incorporating cameos by some of the great faded (Kane, Chubb Rock, Biz, Special Ed, Everlast), the great new ights (Xzibit, Breez from the Jugganotz as the lead character Tariq), and the most innovative (Kool Keith, De La, Sadat). All play a thematic purpose in what becomes this generation's 3 Feet High And Rising-- an album that draws you in seductively to its own cinematic claims and narrative. From the epic tension of a Western soundtrack to hip-hop's greatest cocktail number, from a funky sermon to a heavy metal hard rock rant by one of NYPD's finest, this masterpiece is the strongest concept album in years. It will probably be above many a head's head, but bolstered by the expertise of Tommy Boy Records and a long form film, Thieves should undoubtedly be embraced by many seeking something more from hip-hop then a collection of unrelated, one-dimensional singles that artists call albums, in the current corporate mainstreaming of the hip-hop buzz. Prince Paul's us why albums we once called LP's-- because each was something you put on and listened to through to the end. A one-man Pink Floyd of inner city drama, Paul reunites with his greatest sonic children, De La Soul, on the album's first single "More Than U Know"-- and continues to make us wonder why brilliance can't always be this simple. Unforgettable, indelible, and essential. As far as the status of the Prince Among Thieves film: amidst a slew of rumored hip-hop feature film projects (90% of which sound deeply trifling), the thought of A Prince Among Thieves making it that far becomes truly inspiring. Close friend and collaborator Chris Rock recently acquired the rights to Paul's feature-length screenplay for the project and he hopes to have funding established before the end of the year. So pray to the media gods. Tom Constabile
rap.1154 brka,
THE ROOTS - Things Fall Apart (MCA) A new musical reality is becoming evident to most hip-hop listeners: the artform that we used to call hip-hop is evolving, and sadly, it's not for the better. For most true fans, the term "rap" seems to describe most of the fodder that presently inundates the radio airwaves and video shows. Even in his liner notes, ?uestlove from the Roots describes a "dangerous pattern" that permeates "Black" music: he notes that artists "create it, nurture it, elevate it, then abandon it." Unlike most hip-hop crews, the Roots transcend this pattern, and even elevate the artform to a new level. Things Fall Apart is an extraordinary sound voyage that celebrates the love and history of hip-hop music. Inspired by the Chinua Achebe novel of the same name, The Roots aim their on-point instrumentation and dope illadelph grooves at hip-hop heads, while delivering a lyrical challenge to the rap industry. The album acts as a musical allegory for the hip-hop nation; like Achebe's novel, which illustrated the demise of African tribal tradition at the hands of colonialism, Things Fall Apart acknowledges rap's modern evolution away from the heritage and history established by historically Black music forms. But with this new release, the Roots have given a head bobbin', beat knockin' tribute that puts the joy back in the game. From the go, the Roots establish the tight, funky vibes representative of their past albums and legendary live shows. Let me tell you, this album has "classic" written all over it. "The Next Movement," featuring DJ's Cash Money and Jazzy Jeff, has the body movin', ass shakin' rhythm expected from any Roots jam session. "Double Trouble" has guest Mos Def trading his on-point, loopy style with the fierce rhymes of Black Thought, whose growth into a top-rate MC is evident throughout the entire album. Some standout tracks include "Dynamite!", "Act Too (Love of My Life)", and "Adrenaline!" "Dynamite," produced by Jay Dee from the Detroit-based Slum Village crew, has the sharp feel that could easily translate from the dance floor to chillin' at the crib. ?uestlove's drum beats (which, for the record, are masterful throughout the album) blend perfectly with a hot jazzy vibe reminiscent of a sweaty Harlem speakeasy. "Act Too (Love of My Life)" features Common droppin' verses on his straight-up deep love for hip-hop (and don't sleep on his pointed criticisms on players in the rap and media industriesÍ) "Adrenaline!" in my opinion, is easily the dopest track of the CD. The song captures the true essence of The Roots past, present, and future. Listening to the hot beats, funky tempo, and unbelievable flow from newcomer Bennie Siegal (who, with one freestyle, was signed on the spot by Jay-Z for Roc-A-Fella), you can imagine yourself crammed a-hundred-deep in a small-ass nightclub, funky as all hell but happy to be getting your groove on. The group keeps with tradition and ends with a piece from Ursula Rucker, the Philly-based poetess who drops "The Return to Innocence Lost," an extremely personal account of family loss, abuse, and spiritual survival. Look out for any future releases from this woman, she is an extraordinary talent. Overall, this new release from The Roots is amazing. Giving a nod to past influences while keeping an eye on the future of hip-hop, the Roots asked us a while back if we wanted more, and with Things Fall Apart, they fully delivered. Saidah Blount
rap.1155 brka,
ROB SWIFT - The Ablist Turntablism as a source of full-length, home-listening material is still relatively young. Often, those mind-blowing DJ vinyl maneuvers-- performed by live, in battles, or on any number of tablist videos-- don't translate well into an album. In fact, without the visual stimulation of turntablist antics-- chopping up beats, rhyming, forging musical hooks hibachi-style, using one part attitude and two partss showmanship-- turntablist albums can seem abrasive and chaotic, abstract and one-dimensional. While 1998 was a year that did see a great deal of progress in the turntablist album, with innovative releases from Q-bert, Mix Master Mike, Future Primitive, and the new Om Records compilation Deeper Concentration, few releases have truly reflected the progress of the dirty, urban, street-soul sound. But check out The Ablist, the new, second album from soul-child Rob Swift, of the east coast's finest turntable consortium, the X-ecutioners. Swift takes turntablism into new realms of musicality and orchestration, by balancing his incredible beat-juggling acumen with four enticing elements: live intstrumentation, some excellent guest MC collaborations, ironic and humorous soundbites, and a keen sense for sample production based heavily on nuggets of jazz-funk, classical and soul. The result is perhaps the most accommodating and diverse turntable album to date. With performances by NY hip-hop band Dujeous?, the ever-seducing lyrical metaphysic Pharoah Monch, and Dan The Automator (of Dr. Octagon fame), The Ablist goes down thick like a double-bass and warm like summer barbeque. Flute loops, some George Benson guitar breezes, and a cocktail of memorable verses fuse smoothly with Swift's manual rhythmic tactics, orchestration, and sophisticated sense of sound and humor. The highlight is the new single, "All That Skratching Is Making Me Rich," in which Rob squares off in a funk freestyle with the free instrumental groove of NYC's own, Dujeous?. Except for the unnecessary second acapella prison freestyle, The Ablist is a stunningly complete and moving album, at once recalling the wholesome fun and funk of hip-hop in early '90s New York summer jams and looking forward to yet undiscovered sonic realms. Tom Constabile
rap.1156 brka,
POOH MAN UHAPSEN ZBOG PLJACKE BANKE A few years ago MC Pooh Man embarked on what appeared to be a promising career within Hip Hop. His 3 albums including the cult classic 'Life Of A Criminal' contained a number of underground street hits as Pooh Man garnered a substantial following. His big break for national stardom came when he was featured on the sound track to the movie 'Juice'. He quickly followed that accomplishment by appearing in the movie 'Menace II Society'. Then suddenly Pooh Man who's real name is Lawrence Lee Tate began to run into big problems. The first involved a libel lawsuit due to a song he released entitled 'Racia' which detailed the sexual exploits of an Oakland woman of the same name. Apparently Pooh-Man along with fellow rappers Too Short and Ant Banks kept it real by telling real life sex tales in this song. After this got resolved, Pooh-Man had a big falling out with Too Short and Ant Banks over money. Things continued to spiral when Pooh got hooked on heroin. The result of that addiction made local headlines when he was caught robbing a Walgreen's store here in Oakland. He was sent away to San Quentin prison for a few years. He got out and relocated to Modesto which is located in Central California. Recently the Oakland Tribune ran a story about a Modesto crime spree in which a half a dozen banks and several jewelry stores were robbed. The robbers using a stolen Cherokee would roll through and make store owners and customers lie down on the floor during these strong arm robberies. Modesto Police formed a task force to combat the robberies. A stake out was held and Pooh-Man was captured along with 4 other suspects. He had been on parole for the 1994 Walgreen's robbery. He is now inside a Modesto jail with a $ 1 million dollar bail after leading police on a wild chase and manhunt in which he knocked on the door of a resident and literally stole the shirt off the man's back in an attempt to allude police. Pooh-Man was fleeing the scene of a bank robbery. Police and FBI are still gathering evidence and clues to connect Pooh to the other robberies during recent crime spree.
rap.1157 brka,
OPET ODB... Speaking of rappers in trouble. Everyone's favorite Hip Hop troublemaker found himself behind bars after showing up to court in Santa Monica, California. Old Dirty Bastard who has secured the aid of OJ Simpson's former lawyer Robert Shapiro was in town to face charges of illegally wearing a bulletproof vest. He was supposed to make payments on the 150 thousand dollars that was posted up for his bail. Apparently he had not done so, so he was arrested on the spot and jailed. ODB managed to get released and he headed back to New York. Just when you think home boy would lay low he winds up getting arrested and jailed again over the weekend. This time it was the result of him running a red light in Queens NY. When police pulled him over they discovered he was driving on a suspended license. A quick search of ODB's red Mercedes Benz convertible discovered marijuana and a substance that the police believe is crack. Again ODB has been released on bail. Someone please help this man.
rap.1158 brka,
I BUSSA BUS U SUDNICI... Finally while Pooh-Man and ODB are dealing with their legal woes, they find themselves in good company with one of Hip Hop's premier rap stars-Busta Rhymes. According to Lee Bailey's EUR Report, a woman named Jill Miskelly is suing Bussa Bus claiming that he's the father to her child. According to her, the child is the result of a one night stand that took place in January 1998. After paternity tests proved that Busta was the daddy, he began making child support payments of $1,250 a month. However, home girl wants more - much more from the platinum selling artist who hangs out and does videos with superstars like Janet Jackson.
rap.1159 brka,
PREKINUT KONCERT FOXY BROWN Fox Boogie aka Foxy brown has been attempting to live down her tumultuous reputation. Her recent cover story in Essence Magazine revealed that young Inga Marchand has been maturing both as an artist as well as in real life. Her recent tour in which she actually showed up were steps in that direction. Here in the Bay Area, fans had seen one too many flyers and heard one too many announcements about Foxy Brown coming to perform only to shell out money and find her not there. A couple of years ago she was prominently advertised as one of the main performers for KMEL Summer Jam. Hundreds of fans were left angered and disappointed when it was announced that 'she missed her plane'. Rival station KYLD got burned by Fox Boogie when it was heavily promoted that she would be appearing at their Bomb Concert. In between those two shows there had been all sorts of promoters and venues promising to have her appear only to have her be a no show. It was no wonder less then two hundred headz showed up to Maritime Hall the other week to see her wreck shop. This was in spite of ticket giveaways and Foxy calling into the radio station promising to get busy. However, this time around Foxy did show up at SF's Maritime Hall and put on a show that got mixed reviews. Some folks thought she had a lot of charisma and held her own. Others were disappointed in the fact that she would do short snippets her hit songs before launching into freestyles that was done acapella. As Foxy rocked the stage some one in the crowd decided to slap his girl. Foxy caught wind of this and promptly stopped the music and began to speak on how foul that was.. She attempted to continue on when some one threw a water bottle on stage. That was all it took-Foxy bounced and that was it for the evening. Props to her for not letting such foul behavior slide. Too bad the fans couldn't see her entire show, but that's what happens when folks act up.
rap.1160 brka,
POSLE OSLOBADJANJA VOJNIKA... Reverend Jesse Jackson will holding his annual Rainbow PUSH Coalition Conference this week. This year's theme is building bridges and one of the highlights will be a gathering of Hip Hop and rap artists, Black leaders, youth activist and cultural critics. There will be an in depth discussion of Hip Hop and it's influence on American culture. The scheduled topics of discussion will be Hip Hop music and its influence in social and political movements, artist responsibility in the community, media portrayal and its responsibility and artist participation in the business side of the industry. Scheduled panelist include Fab 5 Freddy who will moderate, Rev Jesse Jackson, Dr C Delores Tucker, BETs Joe Clair, Daddy O from Stetsasonic and yours truly Davey D. Artist like Jay Z, Chuck D, Missy Elliott, Foxy Brown, Mack 10, Queen Latifah, Sean Puffy Combs and C-Lo of The Goodie Mob have been invited. For more information hit their website at
rap.1161 brka,
LUTHER CAMPBELL UHAPSEN This has been a bad week for Hip Hop as a number of prominent artist have had some major run ins with the law. The most recent involves Luther Campbell from the 2 Live Crew who was charged with felony aggravated assault and misdemeanor battery after he cracked a Jack Daniels bottle over the head of a patron blocking his view of club patrons dancing.
rap.1162 brka,
INTERVJU - GHOSTFACE KILLAH Of all the alter-egos that make up the Wu-Tang Clan, Ghostface Killah's always seemed the darkest. The RZA plays/lives the role of the shape- shifting guru, Meth does charismatic man-child, Rae street-savvy hustler, ODB twisted loose cannon - but on Ironman Ghost came across a more tormented soul, an anguished poet wrestling with his inner demons on an album that often sounded more like an open wound. He was frank about his pain, wore his heart very much on his sleeve, and everybody fell a little bit in love with the big guy who had the emotional intensity of a lonely child. ... ghost.arj
rap.1173 brka,
Grafit na vozu u New Yorku. Autor - 2MANY. 2many.gif
rap.1174 brka,
KRATKA BIOGRAFIJA KRS-ONE-a """"""""""""""""""""""""""" One of the most-influential lyricists of all time, KRS-One began his career in the '80s as the voice of hardcore hip-hop outfit Boogie Down Productions. Throughout his decade-plus career, KRS (b. L. Kris Parker) has managed to tread the line between intellectual foil and street flamethrower even going so far as to call himself, simply, 'hip-hop.' After linking up with DJ/Producer Scott LaRock, the once-homeless KRS-One pioneered an early flavor of 'gangsta rap,' creating the classic Criminal Minded. The album featured the forever classics "South Bronx," "The Bridge Is Over" and "The P is Free." By 1987, KRS had adapted the nickname "The Teacher" due to his political, some say preachy, consciousness-raising approach. By 1990's Edutainment, however, sales began to slip as listeners complained that KRS-One was teaching less and preaching more. In 1992, Boogie Down released Sex and Violence, a rap album that aimed to raise spirits rather than awareness. In 1993, KRS-One released Return of the Boom Bap under a first-ever solo tag. The album featured KRS in collaboration with DJ Premier, producing KRS' most inspired work since the late '80s. He continued with 1995's self-titled effort and 1997's I Got Next, all released on Jive Records. Krs-One has also put together a number of positive hip-hop benefit projects, including the Stop the Violence Movement, HEAL (Human Education Against Lies), and his latest effort, the Temple of Hip-Hop. krsone.gif
rap.1175 brka,
BEASTIE'S SA (STARIM) NOVIM SINGLOVIMA... The Beastie Boys' Grand Royal label has furthered their whole hip-hop meets punk aesthetic nicely, and now the label has decided to venture into the vinyl revolution with their latest project. The Blow Up Factor is a series of hip-hop EPs and Maxi-singles. For their first Capitol-distributed release, Grand Royal will release remixes of three songs featured on Hello Nasty, including: an Adam Horowitz and Handsome Boy Modeling School version of "Negotiation Limerick File," a Kutmasta Kurt re-work of "Body Movin'," and a Prunes remix of "Putting Shame In Your Game." There is also a live, video version of "3 MCs and 1 DJ" on the eight-track EP. The street date for the project is August 24. The second release, which drops on September 21, is a maxi-single from South Bend, Ind. duo, DJ Strictnine and Paranorm. "Mic Reaction" will include a vocal and instrumental of the title cut as well as "Human Ebola," "Planet Wicked," and "Psychological Profiles." According to the group's website,, the group plans to release an EP on their own label, Fistfulayen, in the near future. The series is ongoing, with more groups and projects to be announced in the near future. Since the series is vinyl only, distribution will be handled ADA not Capitol. Stay tuned for more details. Adam Matthews beasties.jpg
rap.1177 darklord,
E,Brko ! :) Ajde poshalji josh nesto u vezi Beastie Boys'a ! I ako znash mozda sta je sa 5-tim albumom Cypress Hill-a ??? BYe
rap.1178 brka,
IMPERIJA UZVRACA UDARAC By KET, Photos by Richard Lohr My earliest memory of Def Jam was LL Cool J. It was a magical time for me, a shorty from Brooklyn. I was discovering girls, playing baseball, and really getting into Hip Hop. I was the kid on my block that always had my box (radio, for you youngsters) attached to my shoulder or next to me on the benches. In those days I was listening to Mr. Magic and Chuck Chillout like everyone else; taping every show. Joe's on Broadway was where I picked up the record, "I Need a Beat" by LL. It was 1984 and Hip Hop wasn't Hip Hop it was just rap music. Some kids from my block were getting me into graffiti. At least appreciating it. I was on cloud nine blasting LL while my stepmom screamed on me to turn 'that Black music off.' Man, those were the days. That was my pre-high school summer. ... defjam.arj
rap.1180 brka,
Chuck D... chuck.jpg
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Ja Rule... jarule.jpg
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DJ Red Alert... redalert.jpg
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DJ Spina... spina.jpg
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Xzibit... xz.jpg
rap.1186 brka,
JUVENILE: SRCE I DUSA VOJNIKA When I first saw the video for the smash single "HA", I raised one eyebrow- curious about this spit-fire brothah from way down dirty-deep in the South, Louisiana. The presence on that screen that he manifested had a story to tell and a life's destiny to fulfill, "makin' somethin' outta nothin'/[he's] a paper-chaser with [his] block on fire " The video provided insight into the life and times of this soulja, who amidst the chaos of the trenches in Magnolia (the crime capital of Louisiana) has been comin' up through he ranks, talkin' his own language, representin' his world, with a crazy sound all his own. Now shit is on lock, and New York has been feelin' it. New Orleans been knew, and its not only because of the triz-irty million Universal Records deal, but because of the music that displays the heart and cahones that is truly Juvenile. ... juvenile.arj
rap.1189 brka,
NOTORIOUS B.I.G. - Born Again Bad Boy, July 27 Will include narration from his mother, Voletta. Tracks: - Dreams - Tha Points (f/ Coolio, Redman, Busta Rhymes, Buckshot & Bone Thugs-N-Harmony) - Real N****z Do Real Things - Stay That B*tch (f/ Lil Kim) - Cars and XXX (f/ Daddy U & Grand Puba) - Dead Wrong - Bustin Nuts (f/ Luke)
rap.1190 brka,
LIL KIM - Notorious K.I.M. Queen Bee/Atlantic, August 3 Tracks: 1. Intro - Definition Of A B*tch 2. Legitmate B*tch (f/ Mia X & Ghetto Twinz) 3. The Corrupt One 4. Do it Right 5. Make Em Extinct (f/ DMX) 6. Jerry Springer 7. Infidelity (f/ Jay-Z & Lil Cease) 8. Manifest My Skillz 9. Something To Bounce To (f/ E-40 and Suga T) 10. Nobody Else (f/ Brandy) 11. Jailbird 12. Cleopatra Jones 13. The Best Little Crack House 14. Crackdown (f/ Big Pun) 15. I Dismiss You 16. Take Caution (f/ Black Rob) 17. Get Crazy (f/ Busta Rhymes, Rah Digga & Rampage) 18. Revolution (f/ Grace Jones & Vanesa Del Rio) 19. Un's thugs (f/ Cam'ron & Charli Baltimore) 20. A Star Is Born (f/ Kelly Price) 21. Something To Go Out To (Outro)
rap.1191 brka,
RAEKWON - Immobilarity State Of Grace Vol.1 Loud, June 29 Tracks: - Five Borough N***as (f/ American Cream Team) - Candyman - Trading Places - What Part of the Game - Giant Size (f/ American Cream Team) - Flawless Mic Mechanics
rap.1192 brka,
LOUD BBS RHYME OF THE WEEK Online Battles: Now You're Being Judged For Real Here at we've been paying close attention to all you aspiring MC's who visit, and try to tear up, our battle board. Some of ya'll seem to think you're nice with yours so we've decided to make things official. As of today, a select team of LOUD representatives will be picking a "rhyme of the week" off the BBS. That's right, the cat with the illest rhyme each week will be announced to the world, along with his/her rhyme, on the site. Don't get gassed and think we're gonna give you any prize other than this public attestment to your skills, but don't sleep on what it could get you. Not only will you have proof of your lyricism to show any and all haters around your way, but you may also have the chance to get put on. Loud A&R's and other influential heads will be peeping the weeks' winners (in fact they will be helping choose them) and if somebody catches their attention he/she could get signed. So keep on posting your rhymes and sharpen your darts, 'cause now it's official. This Week's Winner: ConVerse """""""" Whoever knows or sees King Magnetic, tell him i came callin!!!!!! We can battle from Brooklyn, Baghdad, to Beirut/ or Bengladesh but you'd still need "" rhyme recruits/with cyberoptically fatigue camoflauge suits/ Timberland Kevlar strapped with Intel Pentium III laced boots/and equipped with the highest technological or genetically spawned weaponry/spittin rounds of razor sharp lyrics which i dodge with quick proficiency/ any cipha can step to me/ and become M.I.A.s due to my metaphorical telepathy/ Desert Storm-type warfare utilizin lyrical hardware telecasted on CNN/ to record Magnetics delivery, faker than the hair on that old white lady on TBN/ naturally on a higher plateau so he can revel/ a lyrical rebel/ to even meddle/ his lyrics would have to be on a telekinetic level/ might as well bang your head against your monitor as if my ryhmes were heavy metal/ but fuck an Aerosmith, this rap rhymesmith/ be spittin legendary shit, Herculean like Greek myths/ In this rigorous round my style deliver repeated hits/ and your demise is prophetic/take your repentence to the pullpit/ and change your name to King Pathetic/ the same name on your throne I buried in deserted quagmired quicksands on Pakistan/ then laugh at the feeble search attempts of .1 percent of your worried fans/ who summon search parties consisting of hip-hop archeologists/ I'll tell you once Magnetic/ if your styles pussy/ I guarantee you I'm its gynocologist...
rap.1193 brka,
XZIBIT - 40 Dayz & 40 Nightz by Evil E The dysfunctional member of the Likwit Crew, X to the Z has dropped album numero 2. What does this kid have in store? One of the dopest albums of the year. The album opens with the Sir Jinx produced cut "Chamber Music", a cut that will knock you on your ass. The samples of stomping (also heard on an older school Ice Cube track) brings up a combination of cell block stomping or an amped up bball arena, and the sparse orchestra samples are dope as hell too. X gets on the mic and rips it saying "like a nigga without legs, I ain't tryin' to kick it". Next up is the buttery Bud'da produced "3 Card Molly". If you haven't heard this song already, you are in for a real treat. It's the first installment of the Golden State Warriors, which is X, Ras Kass and Saafir. The next jam "What You See Is What You Get" is the first single from the album, and one of the best videos I've ever seen, basically X calls out the fools and let's you know that what you see is really what you get. He even picks up co-production credits on the track. Track Five "Handle Your Business" has a slower beat, very similar to "At The Speed Of Life", where he advises you to "Handle your business, before it handles you". Oh yeah, did I mention that dope ass hell Defari jums in on the song as well. The message is definately heard on the bangin' "Nobody Sound Like Me", nobody on the west can really flow like X. Meth and Jayo Felony lend an assist on "Pussy Pop". This song has dance club single written all over it. It's nice to see a talented commercial song, not the usual wack, recycled bullshit. "Chronic Keeping 101" teaches ya the basics to keepin' ya chron. The old school sounding "Shrooms" with a nice Funky Worm sample is so tight. You just gotta hear it. "Focus" features a track with another Aftermath in house producer DJ Glove. Another cut that keeps the album moving. X decides to put all of his work into the album and not fall into the filler routine, I give him props for this. Bud'da drops another GEM on the JAM "Deeper". It's ultra butter. With a smooth yet bangin' drumb beat and a violin sample, claiming "Not radio, but still going platinum". Right here I feel the message of the album, this underground cat is here to take over doing it his talented way. He's gonna blow it up with this album. Explaining that the game is much deeper than we realize, I believe him. Next up, welcome to LA..."Los Angeles Times" from the Soul In The Hole soundtrack, an older song, but it still hits. "Inside Job" has all the dramatics of an old school Ice Cube or Public Enemy track. "Let It Rain" marks the only track that the Liks get on, so does King T and E Swift produces...yeah, I dig. A Likwit Allstars album would be dope. Montageone drops the beat and lyrics on the final joint "Recycled Assasins". All I can advise ya'll is pick this album up. It's unbelievably dope. For a while I've seen Xzibit as developing into the Common of the westcoast, and he confirms this on the "Outro" having his pops jump on the track. This album ranks up as the years best albums with GangStarr, Goodie Mob, Big Pun, Black Eyed Peas and the return of Public Enemy.
rap.1197 brka,
LAURYN HILL - The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill by Evil E Damn, it's been a little while since this album first hit my ears, about a week before it's street date, and I've had a mixed bag of emotions for this album. At first I was thinking what would have gotten me hurt up a few years ago, that Lauryn Hill needs Wyclef. A few years ago, everybody was saying that Lauryn should ditch the Fugees for a solo act, but Wyclef dropped the incredible "The Carnival" which is what finally deaded that talk. But Lauryn is a very complex artist, that's why I waited a while before I was going to bash the album. But I'm not going to at all, in fact, this album reaches very brilliant levels...BRILLIANT! Lauryn has developed like no other artist has. She has gone from everybodys favorite female MC, to a big bad ass beautiful, soulful queen. Right now I will say two things about the album, the production is bomb. This is one of those rare hiphop albums that has melody and harmony. One of the best songs I've ever heard doesn't have her ripping the Mic, but beautifully singing "Ex Factor". Damn, if I could ever fall in love with somebody just on how their voice sounds it would be her. When Ms. Hill sings to her son on "To Zion" I am just sitting in awe. The beat is dope, with strings actually playing a key part of the beat, not just as a background in most hiphop joints. The lyrics of this song are as deep I've ever heard recorded, especially the first verse. Then Lauryn shows she's still got the hiphop we all love on "Superstar" calling out the tired ass hiphoppers, while singing. She sings to have all musicians world wide to "Come on baby, light my fire"... damn, I wish she was singing that to me. Even when she sings the lyrics, she's dropping knowledge saying "I know you think you got it all, by making other people feel small". On Point! "When it Hurts So Bad" is another one of the soulful offerings made by the Lady. One of the best songs of the year "Everything is Everything" helps to close out the album very nicely. Then there's a couple of bonus cuts, and even a few I didn't mention to fill out the album. I don't think many people will get this album. It's way over the head of those looking for a little gunz and glory, or maybe something about sex or smoking blunts. It's about life and maturation. This is one of those bomb ass albums that people will listen to 40 years from now to get pumped up to go see Lauryn on tour. This is a very good album.
rap.1198 brka,
EMINEM - The Slim Shady LP by Gonzolez Shapiro Everlast, Serch, Pete Nice, Miilkbone, and the Beasties; a brief list of the white cats who proved more or less that they can hold their own on the mic. Judging from Slim Shady, the new addition should make more noise than any of the others to date, for a number of reasons. First, and maybe foremost, the drug/alcohol/sex/violence ratio throughout the whole disc is sky high. In fact, this is the kind of CD that scores of little snot nosed crumbsnatchers will be listening to for the profanity alone. Frankly I am amazed that no religious groups or the like have attacked Eminem and his label for the wickedness therein. But, itĺs all too easy to dismiss Slim Shady as complete shock-value. The fact is, Eminem isnĺt just some fluke who is clever with the foul words. His flow is tight, and everything he says reeks with cynicism, sarcasm, and an ultimately darker than dark sense of humor. Not everyone can sit back and laugh about some of the shit he jokes about, but for those who can, itĺs most definitely worth the ride. I find that when I listen to Slim Shady, Iĺm indifferent about the music for the most part. Not that itĺs bad, by any stretch. My favorite track (which was originally on the EP) "Just Donĺt Give A Fuck," has a minimalist creepy kind of thing going on, and could just as easily be called the Slim Shady Anthem. "My name is Marhsal Mathers, Iĺm an alcoholic (hi Marshal)/I have a disease and they donĺt know what to call it/better hide your wallet, Iĺm coming up quick to strip your cash/bought a ticket to your concert, to come and whip your ass." The sound is alright, but itĺs the lyrics that make the album. Hip hop hasnĺt had any memorable storytellers since Slick Rick, Biz Markie, and as far as Iĺm concerned, Kwest Tha Madd Lad. Eminem switches up voices when necessary and tends to keep one wondering what in gods name could come next. "Guilty Conscience" tells of three guys in shady situations, one who is considering robbing a liquor store, one who meets a young girl at a rave and considers dropping drugs in her drink, and one who returns home to find his wife in bed with another man. Dr. Dre and Eminem play the good and bad parts of their consciences, respectively. "97ĺ Bonnie & Clyde" (Just The Two Of Us on the EP) is a rather chilling conversation between Eminem and his daughter Hailey in the car on the way to the docks. Eminem explains to his daughter why her mother is taking a "little nap in the trunk." "No more fightinĺ with dad, no more restraining order/ no more step-dada, no more new bruva," ill shit, truly. "My Fault" tells of how he ends up at a party hanging with Susan, a chick who just recently kicked heroin. She brings up that sheĺs considering using again, when Eminem suggests she try Mushrooms instead. However, she ends eating a tad too many, and serious drama ensues. On "If I Had," which incidentally sounds similar to "Suicidal Thoughts" by Biggie at certain points, Eminem gets a little too melodramatic. As does "Still Donĺt Give A Fuck," but this one is more of a follow up, and reinforces that Eminem isnĺt apologizing for anything. But they donĺt detract from the tracks that really shine.
rap.1199 brka,
NEWS FROM DEF JAM... Ľ Watch for the movie Deep Blue Sea, coming out this summer, starring LL Cool J along with Samuel L. Jackson and Michael Rapaport. LL will also have a new track out based on the movie, and a new album dropping sometime in November. Ľ Be sure to check out the Violator Compilation coming out on August 10th! It features new singles from Busta Rhymes, LL Cool J, Mobb Deep, Q-Tip, Noreaga, Flipmode Squad, Big Pun, Fat Joe, Cam'ron, Mysonne, Cormega and Beatnuts! This ain't no background music -- turn the knob all the way up! Ľ EPMD was featured in the Hip Hop Report of the July 25th edition of The Los Angeles Times Calendar and in the July 24th edition of Billboard Magazine! Look for other features in Blaze and Vibe! Ľ Memphis Bleek will appear on 88 Hip-Hop's live show starting Wednesday, August 18th at 10pm. Be sure to catch it! Ľ Def Jam, Vibe, Spin and Blaze will proudly present Method Man's and Redman's new album "Black Out!" at 9pm on September 21st. There will be an online CD listening party and chat with two of hip-hop's greatest characters! Ľ As you probably already know, Method Man and Redman will be collaborating to make "Black Out!", set to be released September 28th. The first single "Tear It Off" will be off of the movie soundtrack from In Too Deep starring Omar Epps and LL Cool J. Ľ Start thinking about what to ask Santa Claus for this Christmas! Both Jay-Z and DMX are scheduled to have new albums drop in late December!
rap.1200 brka,
GENIUS/GZA - PRVA DVA SINGLA SA NOVOG ALBUMA 'BENEATH THE SURFACE' MCA, 1999 Breaker, Breaker """""""""""""""" The return of the Genius is soon to come. MCA is dropping his new album "Beneath The Surface" with the 12-inch "Breaker, Breaker" as the first release. Judging from the sound of this brand new material from the Genius, I'd say that there has been some definate changes. The whole beat is laced by organ chords, taking us through and it all sounds more brighter and clearer than what I'd expected. But it works allright though. As the indesputable MC that Genius is, we know that he'd never let us down. "Breaker, Breaker" is here, working fine but I hope that the entire "Beneath The Surface" album will take us to some new level within the Wu-Tang. I expect nothing less from this Genius. Score: 2/5 Publicity """"""""" Mathematics is handling the production of "Publicity", the B-side of the "Breaker, Breaker" single. Quite reminding of the sound from "Wu-Tang Forever", Math builds the entire track on the well known violin strings. And I can say I like it, even though it might not be something brand new and creative. Vocally, I think Genius is takin' it all though. For those who ever doubted, he does a definate come back and with his sharp lyrics he's this time giving us his critic thoughts on Hiphop magazines. The Genius is still in good shape, let's just hope he's giving us the same mental depth on the new album as he did on his last one. Score: 3/5
rap.1203 brka,
EPMD "Out of Business " (DefJam) Mike Foam & guest reviewer PoppaWu break it down Mike: I felt like it might be hard to write a non-biased view of the EPMD album being that I grew up near them and that they've been such a staple in hiphop. However, the brothers from Brentwood Long Island make it easy. This album should be called "Gimmick Business." Come with the last album stupid hype already. Just make music or don't. The beats on the new album sound like some left over funk loops while the rhymes are tired. Why did PMD abandon his once flavorful style for this new thug "I love Mobb Deep" lifestyle. That's even more tired than being able to guess the exact rhyme that Erick Sermon is going to say next. "The Symphony" has a slammin'beat and the rhymes are okay but here's what pissed me off, "The Symphony 2000," is the same exact beat and EPMD kick the same rhymes. The only difference are the guest rappers. Some marketing executive stepped in and said "M.O.P. aren't popular, lets do the same exact track but put Redman, Method Man (an amazing performance), and (who the 'f' is) Lady Luck. Like it would have taken so long for Erick & Parrish to write one more tired verse. Another sleepy remix is flipped off their 1993 classic "Rap is Outta Control." On "Rap is still outta control," Busta Rhymes adds some seriously needed flavor. Yet the beat on the new song isn't better than the old song. Why mess with a classic if you can't make it better? "House Party" is the type ridiculous attempt at making a studio track sound like a party - thumbs down. The album wouldn't be complete without "Jane 6" which samples the Rick James classic "Mary Jane." It's alright. How do we save this review? By listening to disc #2, EPMD's greatest hits. Besides the jokes, all of your favorites are here: "You Gots 2 Chill," "So Whatcha Sayin," "Big Payback," "Gold Digger," "Rampage," "Headbanger," and more. The jokes are that they've included "Never Seen Before," and "Da Joint," from their last album Back in Business. Hardly classics but it will be nice for the new hiphoppers to hear the older jams that we were vibin' to. PoppaWu: The new EPMD is most definitely "The Joint" and should be called Business Forever. The rap game is filled with non-lyrical mc's (mostly outside the East coast) but these lyrical legends are back and sounding like they took a walk through a tunnel of originality rhyming like Rakim when he returned. Parrish keeps his deep rugged flow especially on the jams "Check 1,2, and "Hold Me Down." The intro has a tight beat and the two flow over it like the fountain of youth the mic doctors must have spending a lot of time in. Draw is a phat joint where Parrish raps like he is in a modern day western and Erick literally rips up the track like a train wreck. House Party is a Def Jam which sounds like an old K Solo song but much rougher. In Symphony 2000 Meth and Red spit memorable verses but the original is also ill featuring Brooklyn's finest M. O. P. In that version Erick kinda disses Silk the Shocker by saying "it ain't my fault im sick enough to shock you" but its not certain that it's a diss. Hopefully it is! The tape ends rightfully with Jane 6 and it is also a classic. The only disappointment is that Busta Rhymes only does a hook but its cool because the jam is still bangin like the beats on the whole tape (let's hope they didn't have to pay Busta for it). Erick still freaks the funk to the fullest which is dope just to hear a great veteran rhyme with the best. For example, listen to his verse in "U Got Shot," and "The Funk." Overall the two hold each other down even better than ever without selling out or telling some weak gory story about a bitch or some shit doesn't have any meaning. Long live the real east coast rap and end the crap.
rap.1207 brka,
PETE ROCK "Soul Surivor" (Loud) Another P.R. and C.L. Smooth album minus the C.L. for the most part except for one song. Instead of just producing for other artists on their albums, Pete Rock came out with his own anything but "solo" joint featuring everybody. I like Pete Rock. I think he's one of the best producers out there next to Phonjuan and Sty of course. "Soul Survivor" has its beat interludes as well as cameo interludes. My favorite interlude is Fat Man Scoob comparing Pete Rock to Salaam. The production is tight throughout. I think (insert the wackest emcee you know) could sound dope over a P.R. track. The songs which stand out feature Method Man, Large Professor and Kool G. Rap, and Big Pun, Common, and Nore. I like P.R.'s style. He has good lyrics. He's better than most of the rappers on the album. I could have lived without Lord Tariq and Peter Gunz and MC Eight and the reggae track. Also, I like the woman on the cover of the album. Overall, the album is good. In the future, Pete Rock, do not invite any more Wutang members on songs because after Meth, Raekwon, Inspector Deck, & GZA, the rest suck. Peace, Balls across the nose. Jawn Outlandish
rap.1208 brka,
SLICK RICK "The Art of Storytelling" (Def Jam) Does it seem like the Ruler has released four full albums? Not really. On his latest, the flow is still there. Both "The Ruler's Back" and follow up "Behind Bars" were written with a two week time. This latest release has the Def Jam 2000 marketing behind Rick, which is what he needs if young people are going to purchase this middle-aged man's hiphop. It's nice to see older artists still rocking it, because this will lead us to believe that people (besides KRS-1) may have the option of having a long career in hiphop. However, it always seems almost border-line gimmick with all of the comeback albums as of late. The first track "Kill Niggaz" has a smooth beat and is a nice way to start the album. The first single "Street Talkin'" featuring OutKast is off the hinges as well. Then the album goes through a mediocre spell for a few songs until the Raymond Deal produced "I Run This." It's hyped as hell and it doesn't quit when "Frozen" featuring the wordsmith Raekwon bangs your box. After subjecting yourself to a few more average cuts, "We Turn It On" featuring Doug E. Fresh will having you breaking out the card board to flex your head spin. Slammin' execution - this beat is what we need more of. The one thing that bugs me about this album is that there are two live tracks at the end, and the bad thing is that "The Show" featuring Doug E. Fresh is one of them. The first line of the song is messed up by Rick. I mean live is cool, but to fuck up the first line? Considering all the people on this album, RevRun, Redman, Nas, Outkast, Canibus, Raekwon, Q-Tip, Peter Gunz, Snoop Dog, and Kid Capri, the album isn't what it should be. I guess I'm just still waiting for The Greatest Adventures of Pt. II. But trying to find a sound that works these days while keeping your original sound intact is hard work. Still, I would rather listen to Slick anyday than half of these so-called MC's that record companies serve to us gold before we even hear the album. Knock 'em out the box, Rick. Mike Foam
rap.1210 mango,
Gde se u Beogradu mogu kupiti rap diskovi? Pre je bio solidan izbor u Music Hole-u, ali je ta prodavnica (koliko ja znam) zatvorena?
rap.1213 brka,
CYPRESS HILL, "Cypress Hill IV" (Ruffhouse) For those of you that don't know, Sen Dog was absent from Cypress Hill "III-The Temples of Boom." For those you that care, he is back. After all, reunions in hiphop are inevitable. After hearing the first track "Looking Through the Eye of a Pig," one may think that Cypress are trying to emulate their first album. Sen Dog's here and B-Real is rhyming on the first track cops again. This time B-Real twists it by rhyming from the perspective of a cop. The difference from this album and the debut is in the beats. Like the last Cypress album, D.J. Muggs has sampled his own original music to create loops. Some of the drum patterns aren't anything special but most of the loops are very original and harness that Cypress energy. "Prelude to a Come Up" has an ill infectious piano loop that can't be missed. I think all of the tracks are pretty nice. Muggs has always been a top notch producer and nothing has changed in that department. He mixes all the tracks as well so each element has it's own logical place. So was it all good having Sen Dog return? I guess. I mean it's nice to hear his patented gruff back-ups. However, his rhymes are straight up wack! I know he's never been a lyrical genius but he's hurting worse than ever. Even B-Real's rhymes aren't that good. Only on "Audio X" does he rip it with a kind of double time flow. Otherwise it's a lot of cursing a tired topics. Hardcore hustling and weed. B-Real should use his voice to talk about some new issues. Cypress has had a successful tour for years. Headlining the Smoking Grooves Tour has helped them to acclaim a sort of 'Grateful Dead for Hiphop Heads' status. They could really use this ground to voice some new opinions to the youth. The weed anthem on this joint is "Dr. Green Thumb." An overall good addition to their weed repetoire but the album is nothing special. Mike Foam
rap.1214 brka,
"Rawkus Presents Heavy Beats Volume 1 'DJ SPINNA'" I might have dissed DJ Spinna in the last review because I felt that it would have been cooler for Sir Menelik and Grand Puba to get more of a hyped beat. I guess he was saving his gems for this project. A very jazzy, sometimes instrumental sometimes lyrical hiphop mini-album. Once the third track plays, things start moving. "Grooveamungus" is a slammin' up tempo instrumental to get the mind flowin'. Then Apani' B Fly Emcee blesses verbal airspace along side fellow prodigy Talib Kweli on "Time Zone" . Next comes another party anthem instrumental that uses the word "rock" from different samples. Not too exciting until "Watch Dees" with Eminem & Thirstin Howl III. I know I kind of dissed Thirstin Howl before because I knew he was capable of more. He's better on this track but Thirstin needs to be heard in concert to be fully understood. I haven't seen Eminem live but he always seems to rip it on record and this track is no different. The tape is cool cuz Spinna has his own style of beats. "The Haunted Space Freak" may be up for beat of the year. I admire Spinna for producing with all types of heads both in the states and over seas. Him and Hi-Tek look like the next generation Pete Rock & Premier respectively. Mike Foam
rap.1215 brka,
"COMPANY FLOW Presents Little Johnny From The Hospital" (Rawkus) I respect Company Flow for doing their own thing. They don't try to follow trends, they create them. Their latest release is entirely instrumental. One might ask, are these throw away beats that didn't make the next upcoming CoFlo release? Perhaps. We presented these beats in a laboratory safe setting for fellow globalhiphop memebers PhonX & Spark Mindcrime to cypher over. They were talkin' about stuff and I got spit on repeatedly! Everything went well until Spark's chemical composition became warped beyond recognition. This was due to the present environment of Kremlyovskaya Vodka w/ Strawberry Orange Banana juice, PhonX talkin' out his ass, and the new Co-Flow dark gritty beat release. Some of the beats seemed hard to flow over but you have to think of El-P & the Juggaknots lacing this beat LP. You know they did. Could you compete with them? If you could flow over these beats as well or better than those who made them, then you are ready to commit to the opinion of disliking them. Until then, emcees need to experiment over this beatscape. Non-emcees may not understand. If I get it requested, I will put some audio from that cypher here. Mike Foam
rap.1217 brka,
> Ajde poshalji josh nesto u vezi Beastie Boys'a ! > I ako znash mozda sta je sa 5-tim albumom Cypress Hill-a ??? Potrudicu se da nadjem nesto... A sto se tice novog albuma za Cypress Hill... o tome se jos nista ne prica. Cim cujem nesto - dojavicu. Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1220 stukelj,
e, pipl, ortak mi nesto sere za paf dedi i ajs kjub txtove, pa, aj nek neko sruci ovde sta ima od doticnih...
rap.1221 gdown,
rap.1222 gdown,
Da probam ovako :( Artist: Ice Cube Album: Lethal Injection Song: Make it Ruff, Make it Smooth Intro: K-Dee, Ice Cube [hey yo cube] MAKE IT RUFF [cube check it out] whassup? [yo this bitch was suckin my dick, you know what i told her?] what? [make the music with ya mouth biiiyaaatch!] hahahaha, baby baby! [hahah ya like that] MAKE IT RUFF [naw, make it smooth] Verse One: Ice Cube, K-Dee i make niggas say 'woof' cos i'm in the coupe with no roof [ya smell like somethin 90-proof] cos i'm ruff, and nigga you can buck these nuts if you comin with that smooth shit, hard core rules shit [i make the hoes say 'hay' each and every day bitch cos i'm the k-dee, no i'm not a g] mothafuckin wannabe mack [but i'm smooth like that] i gots ta on up, punk you lucky that cha livin cos i'm the unforgiven; i like power, ain't a damn thing funny [i like pussy and money and i won't slam like onyx or never ever stutter but i'm b-b-butter; leader of the new school, you hard core fool!] nigga make it ruff! [make it smooth!] <and i'm here> MAKE IT RUFF [naw, make it smooth.] Verse Two: K-Dee, Ice Cube [K-Dee] you can lick me up and down till i yell stop! damn bitch ya missed a drop...cos i don't play when i sway it's the quicker picker upper; a pro that moves slow before this hoe i'm quick to dump her; so eeny-meeny-miney-mo, where's my dough? i gots ta make a livin, i out ta get mo; money, and got more nuts for ya honey; so come and break me off, this nigga's walkin soft; it's the smoothness that make niggas move to this; for you ruffnecks, i'll check you with my tool and shit; don't sweat 'em, just let 'em play that hardcore role; we still cool, but just make it smooth... [Ice Cube] you know what, it's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how i keep from goin under, i'm chocolate thunder; ruff as sin, cuts on ya skin and i blend with the tracks, see i'm black k-dee is the mack; matter fact niggas hit me up with the c's and b's but you don't wanna fuck wit these cos i'll put 'em on ya and we'll have to wake ya mothafuckin ass up with ammonia cos hardcore rap is always on the map and it don't stop devoid of pop; and if i drop another smooth hit it'll still be hard, cos i helped start this shit; so make it ruff [naw make it smooth!] make it ruff! [make it smooth!!] make it ruff! [make it smooth!!] MAKE IT RUFF [..naw...make it smooth.] MAKE IT- MAKE IT RUFF [naw, make it smooth.] Verse Three: Ice Cube, K-Dee i hate when niggas get too fuckin sexy on the track, i'm pro black. [well i'm a pro-mack.] i like hittin switches. [i love hittin bitches, cos i'm a player.] hard rhyme sayer! [i thought you knew, but ain't no thang, you knew the way i swang; creepin, ain't no sleepin, ain't a damn thing changed; i hit hoe after hoe with this laid-back shit.] fool, i kill at will and still can fade that shit; cos it's the predator, i edit(?) her, so nigga watch yo step! [you in a gang like starr, tryina get a rep!] it ain't no sweat for me to buck buck nigga don't give a fuck; you better duck duck or get your ass stuck stuck! [don't let the smooth shit fool ya, cos i can get it on; cos i be breakin bones like dragonfly jones; quick to put em on ya.] don't make me act a fool! nigga, make it ruff! [make it smooth!] <and i'm in here...> MAKE IT RUFF make it ruff [make it smooth] MAKE- MAKE IT- MAKE IT RUFF ...make it ruff [make it smooth!] MAKE IT RUFF ice cube's up in this motherfucker [k-dee's up in this motherfucker] MAKE IT RUFF [naw make it smooth.] MAKE IT RUFF [naw, make it smooth!] MAKE- MAKE IT RUFF- RUFF MAKE- MAKE IT RUFF [naw make it smooth.] MAKE IT RUFF- RUFF [naw, make it smooth.] [naw, naw, make it smooth] [naw, make it smooth] -------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Artist: Ice Cube Album: Lethal Injection Song: Really Doe Verse One: To G or not to G is the question And like Smith told Wesson I'm shady with the .380 old school diploma I'll leave that ass in a coma So-if you got a herring bone Welcome to the Terrordome Two-eleven, sorry Reverend Oh my god, gettin' robbed Reach for the small, Atomic Dog Hard to swallow, shaky hands wallow Count to ten, and don't try to follow Cause just like Waco, I can take four, ATF, to they death Bust a left on Weston, go and get a room Don't want to be a felon like Stacey Koon Get the white bitch, hit the light switch Here we go Tap that ass like this - Really doe Verse Two: Throw me in a holding tank, catch the vapors Make me a pillow out of toilet paper Concrete bench kickin' off the hemorrhoids Ese's deep, don't fuck with them boys Phone check, co-llect call from the baller Her mama said please don't call her Do-Wah-Diddy, far from New Jack City, Seen one of my peers What the fuck you doin' in here? He said, "187 on the enemy" And they treat me like I just shot a Kennedy! Deputy bitch thinks she's the queen bee Ink on my thumb, index, and pinky "Sir, what set you from?" Play dumb - "General population" Mama put your house up And I can bounce up Out this motherfucker That's why I love ya' Out like a boss, with a half-pint of sauce Got the shit sewed up like Betsy Ross With a friend no, want some Endo Never fuck with a silly ho Really Doe! Verse Three: Knock you out like NyQuil, I'll kill you quick Sucker for love ass-trick So don't run up, wit ya gun up Cause I got the back breaker Double-pump rump shaker Cause you can play hooky In the Aqua Boogie With concrete nikes Ya get no stripes Livin' unforgivin' with the mic on, And punks runnin' like roaches with the light on And that's for the shit I'm startin' Bust a cap - like Jerome on Martin You lookin' for a punk with benefits Cause you got a baby, that takes many shits And you know I got a grip Like a baby on a tit Scopin' hopin', thighs open But I kick back, sit back And hit the Philly slow, hooker ho Really doe -------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Artist: Ice Cube Album: Lethal Injection Song: The Shot [phones ringing, babies crying] white guy: Hi how ya doin' ? nurse: Doctor's office, could you hold please? Yes sir can I help you? white guy: Yes I have a four o'clock appointment, I'm here to get my shot. nurse: Okay, come right with me. white guy: This isn't gonna take too long is it? nurse: Here we are, here s,thanks. nurse: The doctor wt.dotswhy: w tso orsfusihe backround] doctor Ice Cube: Yo wussup? white guy: Hi how ya doin' ? doctor Ice Cube: A he, i teYethe.oce heea t. doctor Ice Cube: Aww you're a big boy uhh this won't hurt a bit, hhd.uys isw Ie:uh ae l ret y uceel[ !] -------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Artist: Ice Cube Album: Lethal Injection Song: U Know How We Do It I ... kw it Son but the bomb-ass rap song Hitting all night long Just like me on the black and white ivory esin L uenice They wanna hand me a stripes like Dennis the Menace But that ain't popping, ain't no stoppi' groCeI check that chin Down as fuck and I'm full off Hen You gets no love and I thought you knew it Fool, you know how we do it dein t T ngthesinbuuble parked and I'm talking to Dove About who got a plan, who got a ath I'm down with Eiht and, what's up Kam is sel utrt go love and I thought you knew it Fool, you know how we do it Chorus hokehot lead in your ass With more bounce to the ounce in a dash MaVes--------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Artist: Ice Cube Alb: l iogt DoToday, how you like me now, I'm in the mix? It'Now I slang keys Infest my hood with crack, cuz I'm the mack Take a natittinianicsetenwae, a key is 13-5 '89s the number, another summer Police ain't get no dumber Streets dried up, usediisnge Tedasorngldw myn Minnesota Got my own crew, it's on bs,'oin' to see the Twins, play at the dome Police are tappin' mytowrsed Now take a look at the dust And I'm happy cuz I only got 36 months Never picked up a book But in the pen, now it's ninety-fo Back in LA, and I'm bailin'he od I srotcwh , ggrkjackin' for a coupe Cuz, they sent in the troops Even tho I got musclsn' eonttlaegee aas (Yeah you Nigga, who me?) I got a baby on the way, damn it'sa Ha eencta ? Thelp you? sh*t, what can I do? Today... Outro: The white man has broke every law known to mantaAa.het tteehet ters. Now we gonna look and see if this muthapkeuir tortion, aggravatinirca aleonki egpratd-d . ievar Je*iga sjebalo se na kraju ali poslacu ti drugi put
rap.1223 gligo,
Re: Ice Cube-ovi txtovi Ima svega, soundtrack Friday, Predator, Lethal Injection... Uzivaj... ic.txt
rap.1224 nenad,
It's all about the Pentiums (by Weird Al Jankovic) It's all about the Pentiums, baby Uhh, uh-huh, yeah Uhh, uh-huh, yeah It's all about the Pentiums, baby It's all about the Pentiums, baby It's all about the Pentiums! It's all about the Pentiums! (Yeah!!) What y'all wanna do? Wanna be hackers? Code crackers? Slackers Wastin' time with all the chatroom yakkers? 9 to 5, chillin' at Hewlett Packard? Workin' at a desk with a dumb little placard? Yeah, payin' the bills with my mad programming skills Defraggin' my hard drive for thrills I got me a hundred gigabytes of RAM I never feed trolls and I don't read spam Installed a T1 line in my house Always at my PC, double-clickin' on my mizouse Upgrade my system at least twice a day I'm strictly plug-and-play, I ain't afraid of Y2K I'm down with Bill Gates, I call him Money for short I phone him up at home and I make him do my tech support It's all about the Pentiums, what? You gotta be the dumbest newbie I've ever seen You've got white-out all over your screen You think your Commodore 64 is really neato What kinda chip you got in there, a Dorito? You're using a 286? Don't make me laugh Your Windows boots up in what, a day and a half? You could back up your whole hard drive on a floppy diskette You're the biggest joke on the internet Your database is a disaster You're waxin' your modem tryin' to make it go faster Hey fella, I bet you're still livin' in your parents' cellar Downloadin' pictures of Sarah Michelle Gellar And postin "Me too!" like some brain-dead AOL-er I should do the world a favor and cap you like Old Yeller You're just about as useless as jpegs to Helen Keller It's all about the Pentiums! It's all about the Pentiums! It's all about the Pentiums! It's all about the Pentiums! Now, what y'all wanna do? Wanna be hackers? Code crackers? Slackers Wastin' time with all the chatroom yakkers? 9 to 5, chillin at Hewlett Packard? Uh, uh, loggin' in now Wanna run wit my crew, hah? Rule cyberspace and crunch numbers like I do? They call me the king of the spreadsheets Got em all printed out on my bedsheets My new computer's got the clocks, it rocks But it was obsolete before I opened the box You say you've had your desktop for over a week? Throw that junk away, man, it's an antique! Your laptop is a month old? Well, that's great If you could use a nice, heavy paperweight My digital media is write-protected Every file inspected, no viruses detected I beta tested every operating system Gave props to some, and others? I dissed 'em While your computer's crashin', mine's multitaskin' It does all my work without me even askin' Got a flat-screen monitor, 40" wide I believe that yours says "Etch-A-Sketch" on the side In a 32-bit world, you're a 2-bit user You've got your own newsgroup, Your mother board melts when you try to send a fax Where'd you get your CPU, in a box of Cracker Jacks? Play me online? Well, you know that I'll beat you If I ever meet you I'll control-alt-delete you What? It's all about the Pentiums! It's all about the Pentiums! It's all about the Pentiums! It's all about the Pentiums! What y'all wanna do? Wanna be hackers? Code crackers? Slackers Wastin' time with all the chatroom yakkers? 9 to 5, chillin' at Hewlett Packard? What??
rap.1225 brka,
> Gde se u Beogradu mogu kupiti rap diskovi? Pre je > bio solidan izbor u Music Hole-u, ali je ta > prodavnica (koliko ja znam) zatvorena? Prakticno - Nigde... Teorijski - Neke komercijalnije diskove mozes naci na vecini standova kod SKC-a, dok kod Bakica na standu povremeno, tj. otprilike na svakih 6 meseci ;(, dodje nesto... Proveravaj redovno i raspituj se u Hi-Fi shopu - ulaz kod SKC-a... dobiju i oni ponekad nesto. Trenutno se renoviraju, pa ces morati da pricekas... Vredi svratiti i na berzu nedeljom u maloj sali SKC-a... iznesu ljudi ponekad i OK stvari... Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1226 brka,
(MALO STARIJE) VESTI... . The dope Wu-Tang dedicated website, 1 Million Strong will be shutting down on Sunday. . After issuing a warrant for his arrest, Denver police have decided that they do not have enough evidence to charge DMX for allegedly stabbing 24 year old Nicholas James. . DMX has been arrested under charges that he assulted a man in Yonkers this week. After the arrest, it turns out he was wanted in Denver for a stabbing. D claims he didn't even know about being wanted in Denver. . Ruffhouse Records will be shutting down after 13 years. The CEO Chris Swartz and Pres. Joe Nicolo have split to persue their own personal goals. Acts signed to Ruffhouse such as The Fugees, Cypress Hill, and Lauryn Hill will be absorbed by the Sony/Columbia label. . Ja Rule has apparantly landed a movie role on Pras' new movie Ghetto Supastar which is based on his book. If Ja acts as good as he raps, I'll definately stay away from that. . Rapper/Skitzophrenic Kool Keith will be releasing an album called Robbie Analog, an apparant parody of RZA's Bobby Digital album. . Jay-Z says he will be releasing a new album before the end of the year. As of now, it is untitled. This will be his 4th album in 3 years (5, if you count 'Streets is Watching'). . The Roots will release an EP this summer featuring songs that didn't make the album. It will also feature a remix of "You Got Me". . Slick Rick and Doug E. Fresh are collaborating on a track for Ricks upcoming release "Da Art Of Storytellin'". The song will be titled "The Show Pt. II" . On Monday, Ol' Dirty Bastard was dismissed of the charges of terroristic threats. The charges were dropped after his ex-girlfriend's testimony was differed from her initial statement. . Ma$e has released a statement that after his album "Double Up" is released on June 15, he will leave the music buisness. The reason for this is he has found God. I don't know if this is a publicity stunt or what, but if he does leave, it won't bother me any. . The unsolved case of the murder of The Notorious B.I.G. might be close to being solved. Guess who it involves.... Yep Suge Knight. Police carried out search warrants on 4 locations owned by Knight. The seized a Chevrolet Impala, which is the same car that witnesses reported the shots coming from. Hopefully they find the truth.
rap.1227 brka,
JOS JEDNA BIOGRAFIJA KRS_ONE-A (I B.D.P.-JA) Born Lawrence Parker in Park Slope, Brooklyn in the summer of 1965, the rapper left home at 14 to play basketball and read books free of the gaze of the authorities (his mother and the New York City public school system). He landed in a homeless shelter in the South Bronx, where he was dubbed Krishna by residents because of his interest in the Hare Krishna spirituality of some of the antipoverty workers. By the time Krishna met youth counselor Scott Sterling, he was also writing graffiti as KRS-One (Knowledge Reigns Supreme Over Nearly Everyone). Together he and Sterling, a.k.a. DJ Scott La Rock, created Boogie Down Productions, releasing their landmark debut album, Criminal Minded, in 1987. In the summer of 1984, KRS-One hit the music scene with a rap group called "Scott La rock and the Celebrity Three" with a record called "Advance". And that was, in a time when most rappers rhymed about cars, jewelry, alcohol, and the latest dance, KRS-One was rhyming about nuclear war prevention. Scott La Rock and the Celebrity Three was comprised of Scott La Rock, Levi167, MC Quality, and KRS-One. After legal problems with the head of the label, Scott La Rock and the Celebrity Three were released from their contract. In the winter of 1984, KRS-One wrote a song called "Stop The Violence" although by this time The Celebrity Three had broken up and only KRS-One and Scott La Rock remained. Both realized they had to change the name of the group and they did: the new group was called The Boogie Down Crew. In 1985, Scott La Rock was asked to do an already written and produced record for Sleeping Bag Records. Of course Kris and Scott wanted to concentrate on their own Boogie Down Crew but first they had to go through this. For this project they were paid nothing and had no rights or claims to anything. It was this project that educated Kris and Scott as to the importance of being producers of their music, as well as the artists, so at this point they decided to change the name of their own Boogie Down Crew to Boogie Down Productions. At the close of 1987, the B.D.P lifestyle got real and Scott La Rock was killed trying to break up a dispute in the Bronx. This shocked the hip hop communitity and as a result rap and violence became a topic in the mainstream press. The rap community thought Boogie Down Productions was over but this only led to new plans for KRS-One. In 1988, KRS-One left B. Boy Records to sign with Jive Records and "By All Means Necessary" was released. Rap music was under a mainstream microscope and KRS-One now was able to release what he and Scott always dreamed about, an album that gave rap a different image. His first video on Jive Records was for "My Philosophy", a song that re-established his presence in the rap world. In order to understand KRS-One, it is imperative that you either understand hip hop as opposed to rap or open your mind to the reality of what is going on around you. KRS-One is not a bullshit artist. His career began in 1986 and since then no other rap or hip hop artist has come close to his consistency with hit albums. 1987, Criminal Minded, 1988, By All Means Necessary, 1989, Ghetto Music, 1990, Edutainment, 1991, BDP Live Hardcore, 1992, Sex And Violence, 1993, Return of the Boom Bap, 1995, KRS ONE. Having lectured at Harvard, Yale, Vassar, Columbia, N.Y.U. and Stanford, KRS-One is nicknamed "THE TEACHER." There is only one KRS-One. That's it, that's all, solo, single, no more, no less. KRS-One has been quoted as saying "This is rebellious music, not gangster music." KRS-One is beyond rap, he is a manifestation of hip hop culture. KRS-One is a force in rap so powerful that his songs are sampled by many artists, giving rise to other hit records for these artists. KRS-One, through Boogie Down Productions hasn't been an artist that jumps on any passing bandwagon. KRS-One stands as a trendsetter in the hip hop world. He is a producer that specialized in breaking new ground and new artists. For example, KRS-One in 1986 introduced the hip hop reggae style to rap music and things have not been the same since. KRS-One is the first artist to rap in an "off beat" style, influencing hundreds of rappers to do the same. KRS-One is responsible for pushing hip hop culture and rap music to some of its most advanced levels. He has influenced the reggae market with his work on the first Shabba Ranks album. He also has done ground breaking work with R.E.M. With this, as with many other things today like Ol' Dirty with Mariah Carey and Fugees with Simply Red, comes criticism from fans of "not keeping it real" but these fans in the eyes of many "real fans" are just contradicting those words in that they should like the music for what it is and should not ctiticise the artists for their work out of the hip hop industry. KRS-One also has the best live hip hop show in the world. You can ask the critics of Japan, England, Denmark, Holland, France, Germany and Italy. Everywhere KRS-One goes, he packs them in for an hour long classical hip hop performance. Ask the critics in America, KRS-One has performed for some of the hardest audiences to please and left them gasping for air and drenched with sweat. After all these projects, KRS ONE is still going strong in 1997. He can still please the hardcore hip hop fans with tracks like "The MC", "Can't Stop, Won't Stop and "Step Into A World". Who knows how long he'll keep going on, one thing we do know is that KRS ONE is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, names of all time in hip hop. In his own words in "If you don't know me by now, I doubt you'll ever know me".
rap.1228 brka,
RECENZIJE - > SINGLOVI """"""""" THE HIGH & THE MIGHTY FEAT. PHAROAHE MONCH 'Dirty Decibels' (Rawkus) Mr Eon has few critics, if any. His rough, gravelly voice would make The Undertaker quiver in his big black boots. So, an equally beastly guitar loop is the perfect backdrop for him to scorch the mic. Pharaohe Monch pops up as well on the chorus, not quite as menacing but still enough to make you want the record. NOREAGA 'Oh No' (Penalty) Sorry Nore, but this is your worst track to date. I really enjoyed 'The War Report', was satisfied with 'NORE', but I'm finding this 'Oh No' junk very unconvincing. Each verse is uninteresting, and the chorus is made up of some people shouting 'oh no'. All I have left to say is oh no. ARSONISTS 'Pyromaniax' (Matador) There's no doubting that the Arsonists are a bit good. In fact, better than just good. So far everything releases by Q-Unique and co has been of very high quality, and 'Pyromaniax' is wicked once again. For these few minutes of glory, the rugged style is dropped and bounciness takes over. The rhymes are hip-hop's freshwater stream. If you can't make sense of that, make sense of this - it's one for your collection. BIG L 'The Heist' (Fat Beats) What better way to be cheered up after Big L's tragic murder in February than to a release a good single by the DITC man himself? This isn't quite as good as 'Ebonics', but it's still lively, with L performing a phone conversation similar to something from The Firm (but without the mafia stuff). You also got a live freestyle, which is just what was expected of L - energetic, offensive and RAW! In short, cop it. NAS FEAT. PUFF DADDY 'Hate Me Now' (Colombia) Nasir Jones is an exceptional emcee when he wants to be, but when you team up with the ever-falling Puff Daddy and use part of Carmina Burana, you're just asking for trouble. The title suggests that lyrically it's all about people who 'playa hate'. It's getting a bit overdone now, though. The chorus is terrible, with Puffy repeating the words 'hate me now'. Some people are treating this record as an anthem for 99, I'd be more likely to use it as slightly uncomfortable toilet tissue. 'Nas Is Like' on the other side is much better. LOOTPACK 'Whenimondamic' (Stones Throw) If you haven't heard the Lootpack yet, let me just get you salivating - they enjoy working with hardcore bods Tha Alkaholiks and Peanut Butter Wolf. OK, prop up your lower lip and ease the dribble, it's time to read this review! Madlib's beat is something you can dance to, but without the hyper-jigginess of Will Smith and Puff Daddy. The warbling sample perks proceedings up every few seconds, and Wildchild's lyrics are first rate, cussing wack emcees and explaining emcee life as a whole. Oh, and I can't leave out DJ Romes with the tidy background scratching. So, is 'Whenimondamic' any good? Oh my goodness, yes. CONSEQUENCE FEAT. SHABAAM SAHDEEQ, MIKE ZOOT & FT 'Nobody' (Grooveattack) I'm not going to beat around the bush - this latest track from the long-time Tribe affiliate is superb. Some artists try to be 'overinventive', and the end track can be weak, but 'Nobody' is mighty in its own simple way. Nick Wiz's beat is good and solid, and the three guests lay down incredible raps just as expected. One of the best singles out at the moment. DJ SPINNA 'Rock' (Rawkus) Who can knock the man DJ Spinna? As well as being a member of the hugely talented Polyrhythm Addicts, he can also hold it down for himself rather well. This latest track 'Rock' sees Spinna upping the bpm to a speedy rate, while digging out samples from Ralph McDonald and Kool & The Gang. Each little sound and beat works well. At first I wasn't quite sure what to make of this single, but I'm now a convert. UGLY DUCKLING 'Now Who's Laughin' (Bad Magic) There's nothing ugly here, that's for sure. If you haven't heard Ugly Duckling yet, pick up this follow up to last year's 'Fresh Mode' and recognise that the trio have skills by the bucketload. Young Einstein's production on 'Now Who's Laughin' is not too complex - just a few piano loops and whatever. But the piano sounds good, and works well when placed alongside effortless rhyming. Sooner or later you'll be singing along to the catchy chorus. COMMON 'One-Nine-Nine-Nine' (Rawkus) 'Soundbombing II' should be out in the shops soon, and this is a cut from the compilation. Produced by Hi-Tek, 'One-Nine-Nine-Nine' drifts along nicely with Common and Sadat X putting down their rhymes. The flipside 'Like They Used To Say' is better. Here, it's Dug Infinite laying down a bouncy tune for the sensible spitting, and then every so often Mase (De La Soul) scratches about samples from old tracks such as Audio Two's 'Top Billin' and Big Daddy Kane's 'No Half Steppin'. 2PAC 'Changes' Where on earth did they get this one from? It wouldn't sound out of place on an effing boring bank advert or something. I am definitely not a fan of this. Why are these labels releasing 2Pac material which is, quite frankly, a load of rubbish. Let him rest, instead of constantly tarnishing his name and rep. J-LIVE 'School's In' (Payday) Just as we'd hoped, 'School's In' is more goodness from the ex-Raw Shack emcee. In fact, we've heard this was recorded months ago so maybe you're already up on it. The chorus has tasteful samples scratched all over, and then it's back to the Live one to rhyme over production which is very Gang Starr-esque.. Hopefully J-Live's upcoming album will follow the same level as this. NAS 'Nas Is Like' (Columbia) To be frank, it looks like Nas will never record an album quite as breathtaking as 'Illmatic' ever again. But that does not mean he is poor or anything like that. His lyrics may have been watered-down ever since that album, but his flow still outshines a lot of pretenders out there. This new track from the forthcoming third album is quite good really. Mr Jones delivers the goods over steady production. DEFARI 'Likwit Connection' (Tommy Boy) So, Defari has upped sticks from the independent ABB label and moved to Tommy Boy, along with several other underground artists. 'Likwit Connection' is produced by E-Swift, with Tha Alkaholiks and Phil Da Agony's rhymes slotting in well with the beat. The flip 'Keep It On The Rise' is a more moody piece of hip-hop and produced by Evidence. Both tracks are good, so this is worth purchasing on your next vinyl venture.
rap.1229 brka,
RECENZIJE - > ALBUMI """"""""" ROB SWIFT 'The Ablist' (Asphodel) 'X-Pressions' by the X-Ecutioners was one of 1998's best albums, so getting our hands on this debut album from group member Rob Swift was a job we were prepared to do. After listening to it, we can say that it is quite different to last time round. For example, Rob hooks up with live band Dujeous on 'Modern Day Music' for a horn-filled composition, and 'Fusion Beats' is a mellow melody livened up with Rob's 'turntablised' beat-making. Mr Swift even raps a bit himself on 'I'm Leaving'. It seems as though the DJ is attempting something different. This assumption makes rehashs of 'Turntablist Anthem' (albeit with new Pharaohe Monch lyrics) and 'Musica Negra' quite ironic. There is still room for great new tracks, including the rock hard 'What Would You Do' and 'All That Scratching Is Making Me Rich', laced with guitars and brass. Overall, 'The Ablist' does not try to better the previous LP as such, it is just like one of its track titles - 'Something Different'. You can read another review of 'The Ablist' written by Hip-Hop Domain at DEFARI 'Focused Daily' (Tommy Boy) The amount of quality LPs coming from the west coast is staggering. It seems that every month you hear accomplished rap from that area, or maybe hear about a new mouth-watering project set to storm the hip-hop world. Up step Defari Herut, another westside warrior (?!?) with a bulging bag of skills. 'Focused Daily' is not quite as amazing as we'd hoped, but by the same token it is not a slump of epic proportions. One thing Defari has got right is the choice of producers - E-Swift, Evidence and The Alchemist are all first-rate hip-hoppers. It just seems a pity that it is the singles which seem to be the best bits of this album - 'Bionic', 'People's Choice', 'Likwit Connection' and 'Never Lose Touch' all sticking in the mind. 'Lowlands Anthem' offers nothing original and 'No Clue' is just not very good. Overall, it's hard to make a decision about this album. It's more something you would record off your mate then go and spend your money on. MOUNTAIN BROTHERS 'Self: Volume 1' (MB) Think The Roots, Tribe and maybe a dash of Common and you've got the Mountain Brothers. Self: Volume 1', the debut LP from Peril L, Styles and Chops, oozes quality. It's innocent simplicity is just so likeable. They do not need any guests emcees or producers on here, they can do it all themselves... and they can do it well. The lyrics cover amusing topics, such as getting up late, being constipated and even Weight Watchers. Another thing to say is that there are no loops or things like that, Chops plays all the instruments with consistent quality. It's sample free hip-hop, and it's very good listening. 'Fluids' discusses our need to drink and 'Turntable Mathematics' is vibey with the electric organs, while 'Love Poetry' hilariously flatters a girl by stating 'if you were a do-do, I would be your stink'. And there's also the magnum opus 'Paperchase', which is just too darn good to explain through writing. So go on, treat yourself, buy a copy of 'Self'. STYLES OF BEYOND '2000 Fold' (Bilawn) If you don't know of Styles Of Beyond, it's hardly surprising. They haven't created explosions in the hip-hop industry, they've just seemingly crept up and dropped this LP '2000 Fold'. Consisting of Takbir and Ryu, SOB overcome a tricky obstacle by making original music. DJ Rhettmatic of the Beat Junkies lends a hand on 'Style Warz', and the piano-driven 'Hollograms' swiftly follows, featuring a nice verse from Space Boy Boogie X. The two stand out cuts from '2000 Fold' are the single 'Killer Instinct' with Divine Styler and the brilliant 'Spies Like Us'. The title of the latter gives an idea of what it's like - a story told over atmospheric production. 'Winnekta Exit' is delightfully groovy too. The dexterity of DJ Revolution is found on 'Many Styles', which seems like an ode to the guy. Styles have also found space to have an outstanding 'Exile' intro and a quick beatbox interlude from Click Tha Supah Latin. But, despite all these positive aspects, '2000 Fold' is likely to be overlooked by so many people. Be in touch and support the crew, cause they are worthy. PEANUT BUTTER WOLF 'My Vinyl Weighs A Ton' (Stones Throw) Lengthy albums can sometimes be below par. 'Wu-Tang Forever' was a bit patchy, and Biggie's 'Life After Death' contained too many filler cuts. But now, here is a 24-track masterpiece from Bay Area producer/DJ wonder Peanut Butter Wolf. We had high hopes for this album, and it does not disappoint one bit. The Wolf just provides all the beats, and invites a top-notch set of guests to contribute their things. The opener 'In Your Area' features the lyrical tightness of Planet Asia, as does the solid 'Definition Of Ill'. Dave Dub does well on 'Necromancin', suiting the casual backing. DJ Babu of the Beat Junkies gives us an entertaining scratch track with 'Casio', and DJ fanatics should also check out the eight minute masterpiece that is 'Tale Of Five Cities'. There's eleven turntablists all on that track and it's fabulous. The skits are also well done, especially 'Top Illin', a copy of Audio Two's 'Top Billin'. That's just some of the reasons why 'My Vinyl Weighs A Ton' stands as the first essential purchase of 1999. You have to get it.
rap.1233 gligo,
> NAS FEAT. PUFF DADDY 'Hate Me Now' (Colombia) > repeating the words 'hate me now'. Some people are treating > this record as an anthem for 99, I'd be more likely to use it > as slightly uncomfortable toilet tissue. 'Nas Is Like' on the > other side is much > 2PAC 'Changes' > Where on earth did they get this one from? It wouldn't sound > out of place on an effing boring bank advert or something. I am > definitely not a fan of this. Why are these labels releasing > 2Pac material which is, quite frankly, a load of rubbish. Let > him rest, instead of constantly tarnishing his name and rep. ;( Da se ovakvi kriticari i komentatori pitaju za nesto, rap muzika a samim tim i crnacka kultura bi nam bila jos vrlo, vrlo daleko, i duboko u undergroundu. Cemu ovakvo gnusanje i ako su ove dve stvari malo komercijalnije? Zar jos neko poput ovakvih kriticara deli i shvata muziku tako?
rap.1234 fraudator,
e brko, oladi malo opet tjesh silovati konfu pa tje da rikne misim, de si se zapenijo sa ULom?? pusti diskove da dishu
rap.1235 brka,
ED LOVER NAPUSTA NY's HOT 97 DA BI SE PONOVO UJEDINIO SA DOCTOR DREOM I BAKA BOYSIMA U LA-JU Next time you're in Los Angeles be sure to check out KKBT 92.3 The Beat' because they're about to be off the hook. It looks like they have now rounded up Hip Hop's premier radio duos and added them to their roster. Veteran morning show host Ed Lover has quit Hot 97 in NY and will be reunited with partner Doctor Dre to do mornings for KKBT. They will be replacing the popular House Party which is being shuffled over it's sister station Mega 100. The Baka Boyz who were rumored to do mornings may now be headed to do afternoons to replace the popular Theo. Apparently his ratings have been dropping to the Baka Boyz when they were going against him while at Power 106. If all this falls into place KKBT will have an awesome line up of Hip Hop's premier radio personalities. The Baka Boyz, Ed Lover & Doctor Dre and Sway & King Tech in addition to being mainstays within Hip Hop, were also among the first Hip Hoppers to do morning drive radio shows. In addition KKBT has BET's Big Lez, rap star, The Poetess, former Hip Hop TV host Dominique Diprima and former KDAY personality Julio G. If that's not enough former rap star Dorsey Fuller of the now defunct group O6 Style is The Beat's music director. All these folks are now all under one roof. Hopefully they will have free reign to put forth the music that helped put them all on the map.
rap.1236 brka,
AVGUSTOVSKI HUMANITARNI KONCERT CRNIH IZVODJACA USPEO This past weekend artist like Common, Black Star's Mos Def and Talib Kweli, Black Thought of the Roots, Fat Joe and the Terror Squad, DJ Tony Touch, Les Nubians, and even legendary proto-rap vocalist-poet Gil Scott-Heron descended upon Bowery Ballroom in New York City for the second annual Black August benefit concert. This benefit was set to help the legal and educational campaigns of political prisoners. It was also designed to to help set the stage for the upcoming Cuban Rap Festival which is set later on this month in Havana. Many of the artist on this bill will appear in Cuba later this month for the 5th Annual Cuban Rap Festival where they will be joined by other artists and a cadre of Cuban rappers. The money raised will go toward building a studio and a public Hip Hop library in Cuba. The Black August Benefit Concert will also raise money for the legal and educational campaigns underway on behalf of the estimated 100 men and women currently incarcerated within the United States or living in exile because of their political beliefs. Black August puts forth the idea that it is not only important for the hip hop community to be aware of these men and women, but that we all recognize the link between the rights of political dissidents - whether living in the United States or in Cuba - to express their political beliefs and our own rights to be free from censorship, police harassment, and governmental control. This year's concert seeks to firmly connect the Hip Hop generations of Cuba and The US. There is talk that Sway & Tech may broadcast the August 27th concert from Havana. I personally haven't gotten any confirmation on that as of yet.
rap.1237 brka,
FAT JOE I DJ PREMIER & KOOL G RAP... Fat Joe is definitely the man of the hour. Above and beyond his successful rapping career, the unofficial King Of New York has been making some major business moves within the rap game. As he gets set to release the Terror Squad album within the next few weeks on his own Terror Squad records, he has been gobbling up other Hip Hop talent. By now everyone knows he manages Big Pun, but now he just inked a deal with DJ Premier of Gang Starr to do a mixtape compilation lp. It will probably be something alone the lines of what Sway & King Tech just did when they dropped their lp 'This Or That'. For those who don't know, Fat Joe and Premier go way back when Premier worked on Fat Joe's 1993 debut lp 'Represent'. If that wasn't enough, Fat Joe picked up one of Hip Hop's most talented emcees Kool G Rap. Hopefully under Fat Joe's direction the ultimate Hip Hop story teller can return to his old prime time form.
rap.1238 brka,
VESTI O MISSY ELLIOTT I got a note from Missy Elliott's folks about her upcoming activities... First she'll be performing on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno this Friday 8/13. Apparently her new joint 'All N My Grill is blowing up. She'll also be a presenter during next week's Source Awards in Los Angeles where she will also do a special performance with Busta Rhymes. For folks here on the west coast, Missy Elliott will be dropping bombs this weekend at KMEL's Allstar Summer Jam on Saturday at the Shoreline in Mountainview and also at KKBT's 92.3 The Beat's Summer Jam in LA on Sunday. Speaking of KMEL Allstar Summer Jam, this 12th annual concert will feature Puff Daddy, Nas, Outkast, Naughty By Nature, Q-Tip, The Whoridas, TWDY and Mac Mall. The show should be off the hook. It'll also be broadcasted live on the internet so be sure to login at
rap.1239 brka,
X-CLAN PONOVO POCINJE SA NASTUPIMA I recently spoke to Paradise of the group X-Clan. He informed me that after a long hiatus the politically based group is now back together and set to wreck shop. As they get set to work on their new lp X-Clan 2000, they are willing and ready to do some shows and interviews. If anyone is down to book them or knock off an interview drop Paradise a line at mailto: Also for those who don't know Paradise is doing some big things over at Y'all may wanna definitely hook up with him on that tip.
rap.1240 brka,
HIP HOP WAS ILLEGAL by KRS-One Why is it important to know Hip Hop? Most people look at Hip Hop as music where you have some guy rhyming on a stage or something. But why is it important to know Hip Hop or to even be associated with Hip Hop? You will notice that most knowledge in the world tries to either relieve human suffering in a philosophical sense, or it predicts what's going on. Hip Hop is at the heights of that. Not only does knowing Hip Hop relieve human suffering, but knowing it or having the sight and awareness that Hip Hop has, gives you the ability to predict what's going to happen in the inner cities before it happens. For many years various magazine publications have attempted to document and interpret the forward movement of Hip Hop from a traditionally objective perspective. This objectivity although useful in the field of journalism proves poor as a general method in interpreting the consciousness of Hip Hop for Hip Hoppers. Between the years of 1988 to 1998, rap publications of all styles relied on journalist to be objective when documenting Hip Hop as opposed to being Hip Hop. Such was their academic training. However, Hip Hop as with many popular cultures is unique in the sense that accurately documenting it's culture requires its interpreters to participate in its expression. This is very important. If you can't do it, you can't interpret it. What Hip Hop is going through is that people who have no idea what it is or how to do it are interpreting for the rest of the world. Hip Hop has yet to speak for itself. The journalistic senses toward Hip Hop mirrored the mainstream senses of Black and Latino youth which are; we are violent criminals, helpless, hopeless, untrustworthy, dangerous to be around but nonetheless great entertainment. What they interpreted as Hip Hop was really emceeing which they later labeled 'rap'. Breaking' was labeled 'break dancing'. Pieces, burning, bombing and tagging' were all lumped together as graffiti art. Early Hip Hop owned no monthly publication, video countdown or Saturday night master mix. In it's early days it could not interpret itself for itself and those with the resources to interpret it did so with no interest in Hip Hop's creative intelligence. In other words, no one asked 'How do you develop the language you're speaking?' All most journalist wanted to know was 'Yo man, how are you getting so much money doing that?' Keep in mind, in the early days, Hip Hop was illegal. When I started, I started as a graffiti artist and it was illegal. Rap music was illegal. It started off at block parties and became more sophisticated as the years went on, mainly because of the aggression Hip Hop was facing early on. These early parties were done out in places in the Bronx like 123 Park or Cedar Park. These were the early areas where an emcee and deejay dual would come out and plug into the street light. That instantly made it illegal. But more so then that, when we started rhyming and a deejay started 'cutting' (records), this weird and unusual noise out in the parks began to aggravate people. Shockingly enough it didn't aggravate the police, it aggravated our parents. THE FIRST OPPRESSORS OF HIP HOP WERE OUR PARENTS! Early Hip Hop starts in a small Black and Latino community where the older Black and Latino generations says 'No. That's not the representation of Black people or of Latino people. This is something you kids ain't supposed to be doing and on top of that you can't make a living with that'. They would insist that we go to school, go to army or go to college. But a few Hip Hoppers said 'No we believe in this'. This is why we pay respect to the past. Kool Herc, Afrika Bambaataa, Grandmaster Flash... These are the seminal figures in Hip Hop culture. Not just rap music but in the whole culture of Hip Hop which includes the thinking, the dress, the language-the whole thing. This is why we pay them respect because when they were doing it, it was illegal. They could've said 'Yo man I'm not going to jail for this'. Instead they said 'I believe in this'. Or they said 'We believe in ourselves so much that we're gonna keep doing this'. These people in this society, doing their own things, feeling this vibe started to make the society act a certain way around them. From 1970 to 1978 Hip Hop was just up in the Bronx. It was only practiced in the Bronx and the only way you could get to hear it was if you got a tape from one of those parties in the Bronx. Somewhere around '78 or '79, Hip Hop left the Bronx and exploded all over New York. And from there you get a guy named Grandmaster Caz who's from the Bronx who wrote a song which turned out to be 'Rapper's Delight' When Sugar Hill Records put out 'Rapper's Delight', Hip Hop wasn't illegal anymore. That's the significance of Rapper's Delight. In 1979 when Rapper's Delight sold 2 million records, all of a sudden Hip Hop wasn't illegal anymore. As a matter of fact us graffiti artist started getting paid to do graffiti. All of a sudden the bodegas (corner grocery stores) would come to us and say 'Do a mural on the side of our store to advertise our stuff'. We said 'Cool, we love doing this stuff anyway. Plus you're gonna give us two hundred dollars for this? Come on let's make this happen.' So we get out there and start doing our thing. This was in 1979. Ten years later in 1989 there are graffiti art galleries. I already explained emceeing. But still even though white America was saying 'Yo what's that? ' Or 'Wow did you see that?' Black America was going 'Don't do that!' 'Don't say that'. Don't dress like that' and Don't talk like that'. So we Hip Hoppers were faced with a whole new dilemma. The white man was no longer the enemy. Why?..... Excerpt from KRS-One's Putting The Coat On For Hip Hop.. reprinted with permission from KRS-One...
rap.1241 brka,
RAKIM SE VRACA SA NOVIM ALBUMOM... Looks like the 'R' [Rakim] is about to make a come back. As we speak he's hard at work putting the finishing touches to his new album which is thus far untitled. His first single is a track done with Lauryn Hill and produced by DJ Premier. Rakim has also employed the production services of Clark Kent, Ron Lawrence and T-Love of the Ultramagnetic MCs. Look for the album to drop sometime in November.
rap.1246 brka,
JESSE JACKSON'S HIP HOP SUMMIT: HOCEMO LI IKADA BITI ZAJEDNO? I just got back from a well attended Rainbow Push Conference which was held in Chicago this past week. The theme was 'Building Bridges' which is an important concept to embrace as we head into the New Millennium. I applaud Reverend Jackson for getting everyone under the sun, from Vice President Al Gore to Secretary of Labor Alexis Herman to Kwanza founder Dr Maulana Karenga to discuss a variety of pertinent issues like School Violence, Gun Policy, Police Brutality and our connection to Africa to name a few. This year there were a number of CEOs and business types on hand including the founders of the FUBU clothing line who were presented with the 'Entrepreneurs Of The Year Award'. I also applaud Rainbow/Push Staff member Simon Green who organized the Hip Hop panel, for realizing the important role and impact Hip Hop has within our community and for trying to bridge a glaring generation gap. It was indeed quite impressive. However, where the convention may have built bridges in numerous arenas, it failed miserably in the world of Hip Hop. summit.txt
rap.1247 brka,
>> NAS FEAT. PUFF DADDY 'Hate Me Now' (Colombia) >> repeating the words 'hate me now'. Some people are treating >> this record as an anthem for 99, I'd be more likely to use it >> as slightly uncomfortable toilet tissue. 'Nas Is Like' on the >> other side is much >> 2PAC 'Changes' >> Where on earth did they get this one from? It wouldn't sound >> out of place on an effing boring bank advert or something. I am >> definitely not a fan of this. Why are these labels releasing >> 2Pac material which is, quite frankly, a load of rubbish. Let >> him rest, instead of constantly tarnishing his name and rep. > ;( > Da se ovakvi kriticari i komentatori pitaju za nesto, rap > muzika a samim tim i crnacka kultura bi nam bila jos vrlo, > vrlo daleko, i duboko u undergroundu. > Cemu ovakvo gnusanje i ako su ove dve stvari malo > komercijalnije? Zar jos neko poput ovakvih kriticara deli > i shvata muziku tako? Nije stvar u tome sto su ove dve pesme "malo komercijalnije". Npr. KRS je poslednji svoj album 'I Got Next' prodao u platinastom tirazu, ali nema nikakve veze sa tipom komercijalnosti koji ima Puffy... Da, ja bih voleo da je hip hop muzika ostala u undergroundu, ali prvenstveno mislim na tematski underground... znaci, socijalni, angazovani tekstovi, etc. Znaci, da ljudi rade ono sto su radili i pre prvog platinastog tiraza... Npr. Puffy u svom singlu 'PE 2000' na prozivke kako samo radi obrade, kako je previse komercijalan, etc. - odgovara pesmom koja je i sama obrada (Public Enemy - PE No.1)! Ista je stvar i sa pesmom 'Hate Me Now' - za instrumental je uzeta vec izvakana 'Carmina Burana'... Znaci, pitanje je da li zelis od hip hop-a da te pokrene da igras ('Puff Daddy's gonna make you dance'), ili zelis da nesto prvenstveno cujes ('One Day It'll All Make Sense' (c) Common), sto i jeste odlika koja je u ovoj crnoj muzici uvek bila na prvom mestu... druga je stvar sto u poslednje vreme sve vise pocinje da zaostaje (iako neki mladi ljudi koji dolaze, npr. Canibus, Eminem... stavljaju akcenat upravo na recima). Ne znam da li si slusao prethodni album Rootsa 'Illadelph...', ali tu ima jedna fantasticna pesma 'What They Do', za koju je uradjen i odlican spot - parodija na novije hip-hop spotove u kojima se pojavljuju besna kola, gole devojke, case sa sampanjcem... ako je nisi cuo obavezno je poslusaj. A kada je njegov komentar na Pacov singl u pitanju, uglavnom se sa njim slazem... Ako jos jednom pazljivo procitas ono sto je covek napisao, videces da on ne pljuje Shakura... Jednostavno, glupo je objavljivati stvari koje je on za zivota odbacio kao nedovoljno dobre, i koje su uglavnom lose ili osrednje... Te stvari objavljuju ljudi koji su videli da mogu i od mrtvog pevaca da zarade grne pare. Reci cu ti podatak da je za sada, posle njegove smrti objavljeno vise njegovih pesama nego sto ih je on izbacio za zivota... a sprema se jos mnogo njih. Npr. U poslednje vreme u USA izlazi mnogo kompilacija sa razlicitim hip hop izvodjacima na njima - najvecim slovima stavljaju na reklami 'FEATURING 2(3,4,5...) UNRELEASED SONGS FROM LEGENDARY TUPAC SHAKUR'... Po mom misljenju - glupost. Procitaj KRS-ov tekst koji sam skoro zakacio u Konferenciji, i procitaces ono sto bih ti i ja rekao. Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1248 brka,
> e brko, oladi malo > opet tjesh silovati konfu > pa tje da rikne > misim, de si se zapenijo sa ULom?? > pusti diskove da dishu Kako to da se uvek neko buni kada se poveca upload u nekoj konferenciji, a svi cute kada krene stampedo u temi Devojke konferencije Forum? ;) Mislim da ne bi bilo problema ako bi Uprava fajlove iz poruka brisala svakih mesec dana... Ali OK... ako vecina ljudi iz konferencije, radi 'dobrobiti SezamNeta' zeli da prestanem sa slanjem Hip Hop vesti, slika i Real Audio fajlova - prestacu. Ionako nemam nikakve koristi od slanja svega toga u Conf... ;( Jedini cilj mi je bio da sto vise ljudi bude upuceno u aktuelno stanje u kom se nalazi hip hop danas. Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1249 ruby.rod,
=> angazovani tekstovi, etc. Znaci, da ljudi rade ono => sto su radili i pre prvog platinastog tiraza... Koji je prvi rap album koji je prodat u platinastom tiražu? Koliko ja znam prvi zlatni tiraž je postigao Kurtis Blow, i to još 1981. godine sa albumom These Are The Breaks.
rap.1250 gligo,
> e brko, oladi malo > opet tjesh silovati konfu > pa tje da rikne > misim, de si se zapenijo sa ULom?? > pusti diskove da dishu Jedini koji ovde siluje, peni i gusi, si ti. Zato, sevaj. ;)
rap.1251 fraudator,
e, nemo da je*esh govna puno ovo mi je bio prvi put da se javim u ovu konfu seljaq
rap.1252 brka,
DANYEL SMITH NAPUSTA CASOPIS VIBE... Bad News and Good News for Danyel Smith who is now the 'former' editor at Vibe Magazine. Unlike some of her fellow Hip Hop editors i.e Jesse Washington [Blaze] , Sheena Lester [XXL], Keith Clinkscale [Vibe], she won't be leaving in a storm of controversy. In fact Ms Smith has landed a new gig with Time Magazine. Does this mean we'll see more Hip Hop within the pages of the nation's most respected news magazine? In any case props to Danyel. Now let's see what happenes with Vibe.
rap.1253 brka,
JERMAINE DUPRI OTVARA SPORTSKU MENADZMENTSKU KOMPANIJU Congratulations are in order for Jermaine Dupris. He's borrowing a page from Master P by opening up his own sports management company. Damn! JD has come a long ways. I remember when he used to dance for Whodini, now look at the young brotha! In any case, his new agency is called 'Def Sports Management Company'. JD has joined forces with Premier Sports Management and thus far he has a roster of 15 athletes including Green Bay Packer running back Dorsey Levens, Indianapolis Colts cornerback Tyrone Poole and Pittsburg Steelers saftey Lethon Flowers to name a few. Jermaine Dupris joins an increasing growing list of rap stars who have made it a point to open up other businesses aside from rapping. It appears that many artists are coming to understand the importance of having something to fall back on. Hopefully JD's management skills which have netted him so much success with his record company, will translate over onto the sports arena.
rap.1254 brka,
POVRATAK MC HAMMER-A This past weekend marked the 12th annual KMEL Allstar Summer Jam. Hip Hoppers like Nas, Missy Elliott, Q-Tip, Busta Rhymes, Outkast, Mac Mall, TWDY, The Whoridas, Naughty By Nature, Puff Daddy and MC Hammer. Almost all the acts dropped bombs. Nas had the capacity crowd of 22 thousand on their fight during his entire set. Folks just lost it when he brought Puffy on stage to perform 'Hate Me Now'. Outkast did an excellent job headlining. During their after show interview, they made it clear that they were the originators of the phrase 'Hootie Hoo'. I like Master P but some of his biting can be a bit blatant.. Who do you think he'll bite from next? While everyone did their best to throw down, the man of the hour was MC Hammer. Lately the man has been making major moves. He has a new album ready to drop. We've been playing a couple of tracks off it already. He just landed a job as a sports commentator for local talk station KGO. He does the pre-game announcements for the SF 49ers. His first bit was this past Thursday and I will have to be honest, Hammer sounded really good and refreshing. On a side note, I'm a bit puzzl htomach doing 49er commentaries when he's die hard Oakland Raider fan. Everyone here in the Bay knows you can't hang with both teams. It's either one or the other. But that's another story. Anyway, during his set at Allstar Summer Jam, Hammer absolutely turned the place upside down. From the moment he hit the stage he had the place rocking. He started off with a couple of his new songs to warm up the crowd and then he launched into his classic jams like ' Let's Get It Started', 'Its All Good', '2 Legit To Quit', and Can't Touch This'. The crowd went bananas. So hyped was Hammer's show, that Mr Sean Puffy Combs emerged from his dressing room and stood on the side lines to 'peep game'. I don't care what anyone says.. Puffy is the Hammer of the late 90s. It was a remarkable comeback for MC Hammer.
rap.1255 brka,
SWAY I KING TECH SLAVE DEVETOGODISNJICU SVOJE EMISIJE September 2 is the day all headz wanna mark down on their calenders. The world famous Sway & King Tech Wake Up Show will be celebrating their 9th anniversary. A star studded concert for all ages will take place at Valley Racido Country Club in LA. Some of the confirmed performers include Rahzel and Inspector Deck. No doubt many others will be added to the bill when you consider the type of pull Sway & Tech have in this industry. There will be a 5 thousand dollar emcee battle between Super Natural and Juice. That should be off the hook.
rap.1256 brka,
HAWAII DOBILI HIP HOP RADIO EMISIJU Congratulations to 'East-808' out of Hawaii. Him and his partner have just launched a new Hip Hop show on commercial radio giant I-94 [KIKI 93.9 FM]. Entitled Mind Tactics, this Hawaiian Hip Hop crew did their first show this weekend where they blessed the island paradise with simmering joints from Memphis Bleek, Common, High & Mighty, Dilated Peoples and KRS to name a few. They want all respective record labels and artists to know that they're about to set things off in the Aloha State and thus if you have some records that need to be played they want you to reach out. Hit them up at .
rap.1257 brka,
CHUCK D ZELI VASU MUZIKU Another person making some big news is Public Enemy's Chuck D. He dropped me an email the other day requesting music for a new project he's getting set to launch.. Here's the notice he asked me to pass around.. [Chuck D writes..] "Come one, come all to the digital download ball. At Rapstation, our goal is to empower artist, so they can break free from the Matrix. The internet will change the record industry as we know it today. The average contract a record company offers an artist is anywhere between 8% to 13%. Internet deals will change the dynamics by offering true partnerships. Artist will truly be able to get 30%, 40% or even 50 % deals, with the artist sharing in the ownership of the masters or even owning their masters. The internet will force the industry to make monumental changes. We want to provide artists with valuable information about the record industry and how this new technology can enable you to connect with a Rap and Hip Hop audience that is under served. We will break down the wall of silence and provide a forum through our message boards where artist can share and speak about their concerns. Rapstation is opening new levels of access and communication. The revolution has started, if you want to be down, join us. is coming soon with a Rap and Hip Hop MP3 area for independent and unsigned artist. Send your CD or DAT to Artist RS MP3 @ 16 W. 19th Street, New York, New York 10011. Remember don't send your only copy because Rapstation cannot send them back. Remember only send music that you want to get out on the world wide web." CHUCK D
rap.1258 brka,
PUFFY NAPUSTIO RADIO STANICU U TOKU INTERVJUA... Sean Puffy Combs aka Puff Daddy aka P-Diddy ran into some slight problems this weekend when he visited the Bay Area to promote his new lp 'Forever' Here's a letter from a regular reader breaking down what happened... {MsShonda...writes} "Just when the PhD holders had ceased fire on Puffy, the unexpected occurred here in the Bay Area. This morning on local station Wild 94.9, dj JV asked Puffy about his thoughts on how you don't see west coast rappers on the nationwide circuit like MTV or Hot97 (in NY). Well, that question just set it off. Puffy initially (although obviously annoyed) tried to brush it off with the fact that he doesn't run MTV or Hot97 and has no control over their play list. Apparently the more he thought about it the more it angered him. Over and over JV (the dj) tried to explain that he realized that Puffy wasn't responsible, but he wanted his opinion on the subject. During the break (they replayed later), Puff began insulting the dj by calling him a "clown". That was the end of the interview and JV (along with other radio personalities) said Puff Daddy got up and left after cursing the dj out and according to the staff threatening him. Maybe anger management classes are needed??? MsShonda... Now most of this true but here's the other side of the story. I spoke with Puff and his people and he maintains that there were no threats ever made. He was indeed annoyed with the radio jocks who he felt were attempting get a cheap rise out of him by some how implying that he was the reason more Bay Area artist weren't getting nationwide love. The attacks on him were totally unfair and off color. What really set things off was the fact that Puffy had visited our radio station prior to coming to KYLD which is the number #1 station in the market. Their morning show decided to take some live callers on air and one of their listeners gave Puffy a lot of love and told him that she would be attending KMEL Allstar Jam concert to see him perform. This got the KYLD deejays pissed who then turned around and started badgering Puff about the East/West coast conflict. The conversation as I heard it tried to paint a picture as if Puffy was the reason West Coast artist weren't getting played on MTV and Hot 97 in NY. It wasn't until Puff got annoyed that the KYLD jocks began to 'cleanup' and re-clarify their statements. The conversation was totally ridiculous and in many ways irresponsible when you consider all the drama that has taken place over the past couple of years. There are still a lot of people who see Bad Boy as somehow responsible for 2Pac's death and hence Bad Boy artist have to always take special precautions when comeing to The West Coast especially Cali. Rather then engage in anymore downhill conversation, Puff got up and left the studio. The KYLD deejays then came back and maintained that they were trying to represent West Coast artists and that Puffy had threatened to 'kick their asses'. The whole scenario seemed like a publicity stunt which would be in line with the type of things KYLD is known for doing. Puff gets props for rolling through the Bay Area and attempting to promote his new lp 'Forever'. He been attempting to to 'keep it real' by making himself accessible. He's been making public appearances and unannounced calls to local mix show djs to both thank them and talk to them about music. He also got busy on stage with Nas during this weekend's Allstar Summer Jam and ripped the song 'Hate Me Now'. His new lp is pretty cool as he has tracks with Jay-Z, Lil Kim & Biggie, Redman,Cee-Lo of the Goodie Mob, Sauce Money, Busta Rhymes and R.Kelly. The R.Kelly song was interesting and will raise quite a few eyebrows due to the fact that it samples from the popular song 'I Got Five On It' by the Luniz. I will admit I was a little taken back when I heard the song due to the blatant 'bite', however, Puff noted privately that he was trying to get a hold of the Luniz for something special. No doubt it has something to do with this new song. Perhaps the Luniz will be in the video or added to on a remix... We'll have to wait and see. Lastly Puff mentioned that he just launched his new website . He noted that he ran into problems obtaining his name due to the fact that some unscrupulous person brought his domain name and later wanted to sell it back. That seems to be the new hustle these days.. find a superstar or celebrity and buy up their website name and make them buy it back.. This recently happened to SF Mayor Willie Brown. One of his political opponents brought up the domain name ' and '' name.. This also happened to Sway & King Tech for the Wake Up Show. Folks beware-protect your domain names.
rap.1259 brka,
ISTINA BOLI There's a lot of noise and controversy brewing over a record that has just come out by New Jersey based rapper LP. It's called 'The Truth', and here LP rips into just about every major rap star that's on the map. He starts out by rapping about Ice Cube and his Westside Connection. He notes that they should be on the WB. He comes back and rips into E-40 by saying his style is so annoying he needs to be smacked. He calls DMX 'big headed' and Foxy Brown a man. He talks about Snoop and how skinny he is... He tells Noreaga that he sounds much better without Capone. The lyrical assault continues with LP screaming on Cam'ron and how wack he's become. He talks about how Charli Baltimore 'sucks... No really you suck!'. The chorus chirps 'If Your Wack Your Wack-If You Suck You Suck-The Truth Hurts'. Now there's no doubt this is a gimmick type song that's in line with the blazing new joint by rap star 50 Cent entitled 'How To Rob An Industry Nigga'. Here 50 Cent does a humorous song in which he fantasizes about running up and bucking down all of today's rap stars.. The LP record has caused a sea of controversy. Here on the West Coast folks don't take to lightly to dis records. While many may see the LP cut as a battle record, others are taking it personal. For example, LP's remarks about E-40 and Snoop prompted folks to call the station and issue threats. What's ironic, is both E-40 and Snoop have been in lyrical battles and have never shied away from such challenges. I personally thought the record was funny.. Peep for it because it will likely show up in your mail box real soon. Just don't expect LP to do any record signings any time soon.
rap.1260 brka,
HIP HOP KUCA SLAVNIH With Hip Hop celebrating it's 20 year anniversary, everyone is scrambling to document and archive things. For example, Cleveland's Rock N Roll Hall of Fame is set to host a conference around Sept 10-12th as they will open up an exhibit and get the ball rolling to acknowledge and eventually admit rappers into the Hall Of Fame. Since you have to wait 25 years from the release of your first album, it may take some time for some artists to get placed. The Cleveland conference will feature Chuck D and KRS-One giving key note speeches. Meanwhile back in Mount Vernon New York which was home to Puff Daddy and Heavy D, Mayor Ernest Davis is set to turn an abandoned firehouse into a Hip Hop Hall Of Fame..The Mayor has already gotten a 50 thousand dollar grant to get the ball rolling. He plans to open the museum in the heart of the city's toughest neighborhood as part of his urban renewal strategy. Historically speaking, others have laid down crucial groundwork for a Hip Hop Hall of Fame. Most notable is Media Assassin Harry Allen who several years ago launched the Rhythm Cultural Institute {RCI}... Harry went so far as to not only research the whole concept and methodology behind properly doing a Hall of Fame.. He even moderated and hosted seminars under the RCI banner. Years before folks were even up on the whole internet thing, Harry had put out a Hip Hop newspaper called Rap Dot Com, led a panel discussion during the New Music Seminar on Music and the Internet. He even recorded a song on Public Enemy's album called Harry Allen's Super Information Highway. He was definitely years ahead of the curve and hopefully anyone planning to do a Hip Hop Hall Of Fame will no doubt contact him for advice and his assistance.. Finally we took an online poll to see who you would like to see in the Hall of Fame for my website The following people were voted in by you the readers.. AFRIKA BAMBAATAA DJ KOOL HERC 2PAC SHAKUR CRAZY LEGS OF ROCKSTEADY CREW NOTORIOUS BIG RUSSELL SIMMONS GRNDMASTER FLASH SUGAR HILL GANG
rap.1261 brka,
BIGGIJEVA MAMA SPONZORISE TURNIR U BASKETU Voletta Wallace, mother of the late Notorious BIG along with Bedstuy's Finest Barbershop is putting together the the 2cd annual 'Think BIG Basketball Tournament' in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn. The event takes place this weekend and will feature performances from acts like Shyheim, Mad rapper and Lil Cease. Basketball stars like Rod Strickland and Charles Oakley will also be on hand. We wish everyone who participates good luck.
rap.1262 brka,
ZAPAD JE MESTO NA KOME TREBA BITI OVE NEDELJE Tonight the entire Hip Hop community will be touching down in LA for The Source Awards. It will take place at the Pantages Theater and everyone from Puff Daddy, Master P, Juvenile and Nas are expected to perform. DMX is looking to take away all the top honors. The taping is tonight and yours truly will definitely be in the house. Everyone else can peep out the event on Friday when it's shown on UPN television. Check your local listings.. The following day every West Coast Hip Hopper will be escorted to a secret location for 'A Day In The West'. This is a photo event that is similar to 'A Great Day In Hip Hop' which was organized by another West Coast native Sheena Lester.There will also be the filming for an upcoming documentary. I will be there as well. Both events along with their respective after parties should be off the hook. Check back next week for the full 4-1-1. After the Source Awards and A Day In The West, everyone will be headed up to Northern Cali and the Bay Area to celebrate KRS-One's birthday. In case you don't know, KRS has made his new home in Cali and has just recently opened up a Temple Of Hip Hop chapter in Oakland. He will be hosting a huge dinner for the Bay Area deejays and headz and then doing a show at San Francisco's Maritime Hall this Saturday. Earlier that day he will be giving a lecture for the Temple at Lowell Middle School in Oakland. The week will end with a huge gathering of Bay Area artists and deejays for the second annual Ill Trendz Promotions and The Bay Area Hip Hop Coalition Barbecue and Picnic in Hayward, California [Hayward is right outside of Oakland]. This year all those Bay Area deejays who have been putting it down on radio for 10 years or more will be honored and receive special awards. That will include Sway & Tech of KMEL, Kevvy Kev of KZSU, Billy Jam, KK Baby, DJ G and Marcus Clemmons of KPOO, Beni B, Tamu & Sadiki of KALX and myself, Davey D of KMEL/ KPFA.. Last year close to 500 people attended the picnic.. This year because of The Source Awards and KRS's birthday bash the numbers are expected to be significantly higher.
rap.1263 brka,
ZATVARAJU SE HIP HOP KLUBOVI noted that Tramps Nite club in New York are set to close their doors on September 24th. There was no reason for the closing but the owner Steve Weitzman says it will be permanent. Tramps in case you don't know has been the place to be for many legendary Hip Hop shows. While New Yorkers are recovering from this loss, Northern Cali has just lost it's premier Black owned club Geoffry's Inner Circle. He closed his doors this weekend and will reopen sometime in 2000 with a whole new look and feel. Gone will be the nightly dancing. It will reopen as a show venue designed to house and attract top notch acts which it already had been doing. So on one hand it will be good to have a nice show venue and an owner who isn't afraid to book acts. On the other hand, the lose of Geoffrey's leaves the Bay Area with only one or two venues that caters to a Black audience. In addition Geoffrey Pete the owner has given a large number of up and coming, artists, promoters and organizations a shot at making some money with his club. He's was one of the few owners who has successfully stood up to outside forces which have been relatively successful in shutting down nite spots that cater to a Black audience. There's the Oaktree Bar & Grill in Oakland and Riffs in Milpitas/San Jose. We wish Geoffrey Pete much success. We hope NY finds another place to take the place of Tramps.
rap.1264 brka,
> Koji je prvi rap album koji je prodat u platinastom tirazu? > Koliko ja znam prvi zlatni tiraz je postigao Kurtis Blow, > i to jos 1981. godine sa albumom These Are The Breaks. Prvi platinasti tiraz u hip hop-u napravila je 1979. godine Sugar Hill Gang sa albumom 'Rapper's Delight' (prodat u 2 miliona primeraka). Inace, ta pesma je u originalu napisana od strane Gandmaster Caz-a, i prvo se prodavala na ulici (na haubama automobila - otprilike nesto slicno kao kod nas na Bulevaru...), a kasnije su je uradili Sugar Hill i napravili revoluciju u hip hop muzici. Time je hip hop izasao iz Bronx-a. Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1265 brka,
SOURCE AWARDS... I've always been a firm believer of giving respect where due.. The Source Awards which many of you will see tonight [Fri Aug 20 1999] on UPN gets major props. Let me quote rap star Busta Rhymes who I ran into today. He spoke passionately about the fact that for the first time in his illustrious music career he was treated with respect and 'catered to'. "It felt good to be treated like a superstar', he said. By that he meant that he was allowed all the tools and trimmings that he needed to perform. Busta put on an excellent show, complete with pyro-technics and all. More importantly, he won an award and found himself going up against people who truly reflected todays current Hip Hop scene. Nothing was diluted. This was a welcome change for a man who has been a part of all sorts of award shows ranging from The Grammys to the MTV Music Awards. Ice T shared similar sentiments when he noted that the only time he got a chance to win some sort of award was when he did a project with Quincy Jones.. source.arj
rap.1266 brka,
KRATKE VESTI... Chuck D of Public Enemy is working on a major project that is sure to literally flip the script.. Stay close for further details.. But the man is about to blow up and have a huge prescence real soon... Trust me.. KRS-One has set up his Temple Of Hip Hop in LA as well as the Bay Area. He has a bunch of folks representing him including the Bay Area's Iesha Bilal. Props to her. For those who don't know, Iesha and her brother Muhammed [MTV's Real World-SF] have been putting in work for years for Hip Hop. With Iesha hooking up with KRS things will be quite lovely.. On a side note.. KRS says he's real happy living in LA.. BET was following him around when I saw him. He did a under promoted show in Reseda California with Big Daddy Kane and Biz Markie. They all got off and show and proved they still have mad skillz.. Shorty of The Lynch Mob has started his own record label called Bow Tie Records. His new lp is entitled 'Short Stories' and is set to drop real soon. He hooked up with a Swedish born producer named Polar Bear who seems to be the talk of the town in LA right now. Shortie did some tracks with Kam, James Debarge and up and coming act Don Silver.. Bad news for Noreaga, Black Rob and Bizzie Bone.. While here in LA.. Nore gor robbed at gun point for all his jewels. He went outside his hotel for a smoke and got jacked. This is an increasing growing trend-to rob rap stars. Wearing jewels is like wearing the old expensive Corte Field Sheepskin coats like we did back in the days..Wearing such flashy items make you an unnecessary target for knucklheads. Bizzie also got robbed at gunpoinmt from some one fitting the same description as Nore's assailants..Black Rob broke out of town when he discovered that his hotel was being surrounded 2Pac's old group The Immortal Outlaws. WC is putting it down for his new label Affilaited Records with CJ Mack. His new lp is called 'Ghetto Hiesman' Here he collaborated with Jermain Dupri, DMX, and Rage Props to The Poetess aka Felicia for helping put together the Day In The West. It was truly history in the makng and very inspiring. Everyone from JJ Fad to YoYo to Rodney O showed up to downtown LA. It was absolutely incredible..and a bit overwhelming..I saw all sorts of heads like Tone Loc and The Boo Yaa Trybe.
rap.1267 ruby.rod,
=> Prvi platinasti tiraz u hip hop-u napravila je 1979. godine => Sugar Hill Gang sa albumom 'Rapper's Delight' (prodat u 2 Te pesme (prve platinaste ;) bi trebalo kačiti ovde... Doduše tek kada se (ako se) sredi mreža, diskovi i to... Sam Rapper's Delight bi u mp3 formatu tražio novi hard, budući da pesma traje 16 minuta. :)
rap.1268 ica.z,
> A kada je njegov komentar na Pacov singl u pitanju, > uglavnom se sa njim slazem... Ako jos jednom pazljivo > procitas ono sto je covek napisao, videces da on ne > pljuje Shakura... Jednostavno, glupo je objavljivati > stvari koje je on za zivota odbacio kao nedovoljno > dobre, i koje su uglavnom lose ili osrednje... Te > stvari objavljuju ljudi koji su videli da mogu i > od mrtvog pevaca da zarade grne pare. Reci cu ti > podatak da je za sada, posle njegove smrti > objavljeno vise njegovih pesama nego sto ih je on > izbacio za zivota... a sprema se jos mnogo njih. poshto sam sigurno jedini ovde koji zna vishe od 50% tupac-ovih tekstova veruj mi na rech da rechi tupac-ovog singla 'changes' nisu nishta novo... tekst za ovaj singl je sastavljan od delova tekstova pesama sa albuma 'R U Still Down? [remeber me]'... najvishe je teksta uzeto iz pesme 'I Wonder If A Heaven Got A Ghetto'... ubedljivo najvishe... tako da mi je bilo malo smeshno kad sam prvi put chuo 'Changes'... nekako mi je sve zvuchalo poznato... ;) a shto se tiche objavljivanja pesama posle njegove 'smrti' to nije nishta chudno... shto ne uzeti josh para ako se moze... e sad shto ne ide tupac-u u prilog to je druga pricha... btw. koristio sam navodnike u poslednjem pasusu jer lichno mislim da je chovek suvishe bio pametan da bi ga tek tako zgovnali i to posle tajsonovog mecha... a dovoljno je bio pametan da iscenira svoju smrt kako bi izashao iz igre... setite se ko je bio Makaveli... sasvim ochigledno... Ica
rap.1269 gligo,
> Znaci, pitanje je da li zelis od hip hop-a da te pokrene > da igras ('Puff Daddy's gonna make you dance'), ili zelis > da nesto prvenstveno cujes ('One Day It'll All Make Sense' > (c) Common), sto i jeste odlika koja je u ovoj crnoj > muzici uvek bila na prvom mestu... Slazem se, ali kolika je pristupacnost tim drugim likovima? Koliko su KRS, EPMD, NWA, Rakim, poznati i pristupacni siroj slusateljskoj publici? Tu je kvaka. Pitaj prosecnog_slusatelja da li je ikada cuo za Eric B-a, i da li je ikada cuo za Puff Daddya? Zamisljas li odgovor? Ono sto hocu da kazem je, da nije bilo likova poput Tupac-a, Warren G-a, Puff Daddya, Dre-a, Snoop-a itd... i da nije bilo njihovog osobenog rap-a prilagodjenog odredjenom odnosno vrlo sirokom spektru slusalaca i publike, veliki deo nas se ne bi ni zainteresovao za rap kulturu, a samim tim i za neke mnogo bitnije cinioce poput vec gore spomenutih KRS-a, EPMD-a i os.. Sto se tice samog Puff Daddya, kapiram da je jedna od bitnih stavki u pravljenju rap stvari originalnost, ali mozda i rimejk filma moze docarati gledaocu ono sto nije uspeo original, i mozda ce se to i svideti gledaocu. U slucaju Puffya, ono _svideti se_, je aksiom. Svaki singl je u vrhu top lista, svaki album ima platinaste tiraze, njegovi puleni odnosno zvezde njegove kuce takodje imaju slicne tiraze i... pronasao je put do svoje publike. I znam, obrada je ipak obrada, ali ako neko odradi stvari na nacin da se te obrade prodaju u 5 miliona primeraka, ja ne znam sta da uradim, osim da coveku skinem kapu. > A kada je njegov komentar na Pacov singl u pitanju, > uglavnom se sa njim slazem... Ako jos jednom pazljivo > procitas ono sto je covek napisao, videces da on ne > pljuje Shakura... Jednostavno, glupo je objavljivati > stvari koje je on za zivota odbacio kao nedovoljno > dobre, i koje su uglavnom lose ili osrednje... Te > stvari objavljuju ljudi koji su videli da mogu i > od mrtvog pevaca da zarade grne pare. Znas kako, nisam ni rekao da pljuje vec ima rezon koji je meni potpuno nerazumljiv i nelogican. To sto je Tupac odbacio neku stvar ne znaci da ta stvar nije zasluzila da se objavi. Pa recimo da je i Ceca Slavkovic odbijala da na svoj album stavi hit "Dlanom o dlan" dok je na to nisu naterali saradnici i menadzer, a...prodala je celu plocu zahvaljujuci upravo toj najjacoj stvari. ;) E, sad, sto se tice Tupac-a i (ne)ovlascenog objavljivanja mnogih pesama, tu sam skeptican. Ono, zar Afeni Shakur nije osnovala izdavacku kucu, zar nije dobila spor protiv Death Row-a i konacno, zar nema mogucnost zabrane objavljivanja pesama pokojnog Tupac-a od raznih plagijatora i lopova? Mislim da bi ona bila poslednja koja bi nesto tako dozvolila, a kompilacije koje se pojavljuju iz dana u dan su verujem, divljacki nasnimavane i ko zna kako radjene, i zato im ni ne bi pridavao toliku paznju.
rap.1270 gligo,
> e, nemo da je*esh govna puno > ovo mi je bio prvi put da se javim u ovu konfu > seljaq Pa posto se prvi put javljas u konfu, mogao si da napises nesto srazmerno svom intelektu, a ne da glumis dusebriznika sistema, dok u konfi Forum: devojke skidas gole ribe i onanises pred istima, a u istom se i ne bunis.
rap.1271 ruby.rod,
=> Ono sto hocu da kazem je, da nije bilo likova poput Tupac-a, => Warren G-a, Puff Daddya, Dre-a, Snoop-a itd... i da nije bilo => njihovog osobenog rap-a prilagodjenog odredjenom odnosno => vrlo sirokom spektru slusalaca i publike, veliki deo nas se ne => bi ni zainteresovao za rap kulturu, a samim tim i za neke mnogo => bitnije cinioce poput vec gore spomenutih KRS-a, EPMD-a i os.. Sa druge strane... Ja znam mnogo ljudi koji su nakon slušanja tih koji su prilagođeni širokom spektru ;) rekli "Ah, kakvo je ovo đubre!" i apsolutno nisu bili zainteresovani za rap kulturu... Uopšte ono što se može videti kod nas i u svetu poslednjih godina je blaćenje ugleda koji je rap polako dizao od 82. do 94. godine... Najobičnija industrija za mlaćenje para koju prate razni "priti flaj for a vajt gaj" tipovi... Popularnost jedne vrste muzike se ne može širiti na duže staze tako što će se hiperprodukcijom đubreta sve ostalo ugušiti...
rap.1272 mango,
Skini onda kapu i Ceci, jer je ona otvorila oci mladoj publici i uputila ih na blagodeti slusanja Merime Njegomir;>> Ono sto se mnogi usudjuju da svrstaju u hip-hop je obicno djubre. Zasto se kupuju albumi 2Pac i slicnih? Iz istih razloga iz kojih se kupuju knjige Roberta Ladlama, gledaju filmovi Pamele (dobro, ne bas istih;>> Zato jer ne zahtevaju da se u njihovo slusanje/gledanje/citanje ulozi trud, eto zato. Pola ovih hip-hop grupa su obicno sranje, treba izvrsiti selekciju u svakom slucaju. Dzabe publicitet hip-hopu kad je negativan. Ne mislim priotm na sliku droge, oruzja i nasilja koja se pojavi pred ocima prosecnog roditelja kad cuje rec rap, vec na sam kvalitet muzike i ono sto ona slusaocu pruza. Hip hop je direktno proistekao iz tradicije dzeza koji krasi mastovitost, inteligencija, sarm i srce autora/ interpretatora. Koja od ovih osobina krasi 2Pac, BIGa i slicne?
rap.1273 gligo,
> btw. koristio sam navodnike u poslednjem pasusu jer > lichno mislim da je chovek suvishe bio pametan da > bi ga tek tako zgovnali i to posle tajsonovog mecha... > a dovoljno je bio pametan da iscenira svoju smrt > kako bi izashao iz igre... > setite se ko je bio Makaveli... sasvim ochigledno... Suvise komplikovano i neozbiljno da bi bilo istinito. Sto se tice toga, Scott Gordon, Ouklendski radio DJ, sto bi se reklo, momak iz stare skole je rekao: " 'Pac made a deal with the Devil. 'Pac had everything. He got shot in New York and lived. He talked shit about some of the biggest motherfuckers in New York and lived. He went to jail, got out on money that Suge Knight gave up. Cars, gold, girls, women, he worked with the biggest artist in the country, movies. He had everything in his hands. And to me, that's something that Devil gives you. God don't give you all that. Especially, if you sit there and worship money. Money is not what God gives you, it's what the Devils gives you." Zamerio se mnogima, da li Andersonu, suprotnim bandama, Puffyu i Biggiu ili nekom drugom vise nije ni bitno. Sto kaze grafit ispod njegovog portreta na jednom od zgrada juznog L.A.-a: " Live by the gun, die by the gun!".
rap.1274 gdown,
GD> Uopste ono sto se moze videti kod nas i u svetu poslednjih godina GD> je blacenje ugleda koji je rap polako dizao od 82. do 94. GD> godine... U prevodu rap je mrtav,sve ostalo su bedni pokushaji ozhivljavanja istog.
rap.1275 jexy,
Aj nek neka dobra dusa okaci tekstove Cypress Hill-a, prvenstveno mislim na "I want to get high" (posto nju trenutno jedino i imam :). Sve preko toga cu docekati za dubokom zahvalnoscu ;)..
rap.1276 brka,
=> Prvi platinasti tiraz u hip hop-u napravila je 1979. godine => Sugar Hill Gang sa albumom 'Rapper's Delight' (prodat u 2 > Te pesme (prve platinaste ;) bi trebalo kaciti ovde... > Doduse tek kada se (ako se) sredi mreza, diskovi i to... > Sam Rapper's Delight bi u mp3 formatu trazio novi hard, > buduci da pesma traje 16 minuta. :) Ne znam, mozda je prva verzija, ili neka druga trajala 16 minuta, ali ova koju ja imam traje "samo" 7... Tacnije, 7:05:55... :) Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1277 brka,
> poshto sam sigurno jedini ovde koji zna vishe od > 50% tupac-ovih tekstova veruj mi na rech da rechi > tupac-ovog singla 'changes' nisu nishta novo... Svaka cast na znanju, ali mislim da bi vise naucio kada bi ucio tekstove KRS-a ili PE-ja ili Commona. No, dobro... your choice. > koristio sam navodnike u poslednjem pasusu jer > lichno mislim da je chovek suvishe bio pametan da > bi ga tek tako zgovnali i to posle tajsonovog mecha... > a dovoljno je bio pametan da iscenira svoju smrt > kako bi izashao iz igre... setite se ko je bio > Makaveli... sasvim ochigledno... Da, sasvim ocigledno... :) Sretao sam i na Mrezi zaludjene Shakurove fanove koji i dalje veruju u ovu teoriju (koju je inace prvi izneo DJ Red Alert u svojoj emisiji nekoliko dana posle Pacove smrti, ali je se i on odrekao nekoliko meseci nakon toga). Slicna situacija kao i posle Elvisove smrti - neki i dalje veruju da je on ziv... A ja, ja bih parafrazirao reci jednog mog cyber_frienda Sly-ja (underground hip hop producent i vlasnik - 'Let the man rest in peace!'. Mogao bih da nadjem i posaljem ovde onu cuvenu sliku sa Shakurove obdukcije, ali opet ce ljudi koji veruju u 'Makavelijevu teoriju zavere' da kazu kako je to montaza, ili nesto slicno... So, svako neka veruje u ono sto hoce... Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1278 brka,
> Slazem se, ali kolika je pristupacnost tim drugim likovima? Relativno OK, cak i ovde kod nas - jedino je pitanje da li imas dobre volje i zelju da cujes nesto dobro... Ja sam prvi put u inostranstvo otisao pre dve godine (ne racunam putovanja u ex_Yu republike i nekoliko putovanja kojih se kroz maglu secam jer sam imao 4-5 godina), sto znaci da sam sa (skoro) svakim hip hop izvodjacem dosao u kontakt ovde... A ako mogu ja zasto ne bi mogao i neko drugi? > Ono sto hocu da kazem je, da nije bilo likova poput Tupac-a, > Warren G-a, Puff Daddya, Dre-a, Snoop-a itd... i da nije > bilo njihovog osobenog rap-a prilagodjenog odredjenom odnosno > vrlo sirokom spektru slusalaca i publike, veliki deo nas se > ne bi ni zainteresovao za rap kulturu, a samim tim i za neke > mnogo bitnije cinioce poput vec gore spomenutih KRS-a, EPMD-a > i os.. Hmm... ja sam imao tu srecu da je prvi hip hop album koji sam kupio bio Public Enemy - 'Apocalipse '91: The Enemy Strikes Black'. Naravno, kasnije sam slusao i Warren G-ja (1st album only), Dre-a (1st album only), Snoop-a (1st album only), dok je moja jedina dodirna tacka sa Puffy-jem njegova produkcija na albumima Mary J. Blige i jos nekim singlovima drugih izvodjaca koji nisu u Bad Boy-u... Verovatno si u pravu... neki su zbog njih poceli da slusaju hip hop, ali mislim da bi bilo bolje da su 'evoluirali' na visi nivo 'Hrama Hip Hop-a' (c) KRS, i da su sa tih kasnije presli na neke druge stvari, po mom misljenju bolje stvari... Verujem da bi im se svidele. > Sto se tice samog Puff Daddya, kapiram da je jedna od > bitnih stavki u pravljenju rap stvari originalnost, ali mozda > i rimejk filma moze docarati gledaocu ono sto nije uspeo > original, i mozda ce se to i svideti gledaocu. Pazi, jedan rimejk je OK... dva mogu da prodju - ali svaka pesma da bude rimejk?! Sta bi npr. rekao za reditelja koji je celoga zivota radio rimejke, i to ne nekih malo poznatih filmova, vec mega hitova? Zamisljas li odgovor? :) > I znam, obrada je ipak obrada, ali ako neko odradi stvari > na nacin da se te obrade prodaju u 5 miliona primeraka, > ja ne znam sta da uradim, osim da coveku skinem kapu. Posto sam ja po odabranoj profesiji producent, sa te tacke gledista mu skidam kapu... to sam govorio i posle Sourceovog izbora za najboljeg producenta svih vremena gde je on pobedio. Ako uzmemo za prvi cilj producentskog posla da se ostvari neki profit, onda je on zaista tu prvi... Ali ako govorim kao obican slusalac - kacket mi ostaje na glavi. > Znas kako, nisam ni rekao da pljuje vec ima rezon koji > je meni potpuno nerazumljiv i nelogican. To sto je Tupac > odbacio neku stvar ne znaci da ta stvar nije zasluzila > da se objavi. Da li bi ti voleo da tvoja deca ne postuju tvoj testament u kome se na primer kaze da se tvoja autobiografija ne objavljuje? (Ako mu se onda te pesme nisu svidele, ne verujem da bi mu se danas svidele). Ja to tako shvatam... > Pa recimo da je i Ceca Slavkovic odbijala da na svoj > album stavi hit "Dlanom o dlan" dok je na to nisu > naterali saradnici i menadzer, a...prodala je celu > plocu zahvaljujuci upravo toj najjacoj stvari. ;) Ceca je, Bogu hvala :), jos uvek ziva... Mozda bi i Shakur, pod pritiskom menadzera, dozvolio da se sve te stvari izbacuju, ali... to nikada necemo znati. > E, sad, sto se tice Tupac-a i (ne)ovlascenog > objavljivanja mnogih pesama, tu sam skeptican. > Ono, zar Afeni Shakur nije osnovala izdavacku kucu, > zar nije dobila spor protiv Death Row-a i konacno, > zar nema mogucnost zabrane objavljivanja pesama > pokojnog Tupac-a od raznih plagijatora i lopova? Ja nigde nisam rekao da se te pesme (ne)ovlasceno objavljuju... Jednostavno, Afeni nije vlasnica svih pesama koje su ostale iza njenog sina. Postoji mali milion pesama u kojima je bio gost drugih izvodjaca, i tu on (tj. Death Row) nije imao nikakvih vlasnickih prava... E, takve se pesme pojavljuju (npr. sa Bizzy-jem, Shyhiem-om, E-40-jem...). Naravno, postoji i dosta nelegalno izdatih underground kompilacija i mixtapeova sa njegovim neobjavljenim pesmama, na Mrezi ima na desetine site-ova sa njegovim pesmama... To bi Afeni, npr. mogla da zabrani, ali je to malo teze jer ide 'pacovskim kanalima'... Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1279 brka,
> Sa druge strane... Ja znam mnogo ljudi koji su nakon slusanja > tih koji su prilagodeni sirokom spektru ;) rekli "Ah, kakvo je > ovo dubre!" i apsolutno nisu bili zainteresovani za rap kulturu... Da, to je nazalost tacno... Medjutim, kada je album PE-ja 'It Takes nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back' (inace, izabran za najbolji album hip hop-a do sada) izasao, ovde kod nas bilo je malo ljudi koji su slusali hip hop (zaista zanemarljiv broj kada se uporedi sa sadasnjim...), ali je ipak taj album i ovde postao kultni... Zbog cega? Zbog toga sto se svideo urbanoj domacoj publici koja je tada slusala rock... Ista je stvar sa Erick B & Rakim-om, i njihovim albumom 'Paid In Full' koji se tada, kada je radio B92 tek pocinjao redovno vrteo u njihovom programu... a ljudi koji su tada radili u devedesetdvojci nisu bas bili neki obozavaoci hip hop-a... Znaci, hip hop mora da dokaze da je i on urbana vrsta muzike, a ne da nas svrstavaju sa tamo nekim nanama i kamilicama, fanki gangsterima i patkama... Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1283 brka,
MISS MARY MACK by: Danyel Smith "A Queen with a crown / Down for whatever..." The almighty matriarch of hip hop soul gets realer than real about fans, fear, and fighting for her life. PHOTOGRAPHED BY MARC BAPTISTE JUNE 10, 1999 AT SUN STUDIO AND HOTEL W, NEW YORK CITY Mary's music-1992's auspicious What's the 411? (Uptown/MCA), 1993's What's the 411? (remix album, Uptown/MCA), 1994's impeccable My Life (Uptown/ MCA), 1997's expansive Share My World (MCA), her surprisingly fluid 1998 live album, The Tour (MCA), and now, Mary (MCA)-is all crammed with hopelessness and fury. And still there's room for expectancy and desire. Hardcore, dewy-eyed Cinderella fantasies. The kind of loneliness that can't be alleviated by anything except the guy in question. And then, when his presence is not even the real prescription, all you've got is what you believe to be the absolute horror of self. Fun, right? Yes, yes, y'all: Real Love. This is Mary J. Blige music. And except for within the confines of the bedroom or the barroom, who thinks romantic antics a worthy subject? What boy reading this isn't already bored? What girl isn't already sucking her teeth, boyfriend in tow, sniffing at what is (for her, this month) unnecessary Mary melodrama? Mary J. Blige has already said it was her life, but really it's mine. And yours. And your baby's mama's. ... mary.txt
rap.1284 brka,
BAD BROAD by: Mark Allwood Eighteen-year old Paris Ly-nell Fluellen, a.k.a. Cha Cha, looks tired. She's been going through the usual ups and downs of touring--misplaced luggage, drama with hotels, the list goes on. The young lyricist is in New York City on this rainy, gloomy day as part of Ginuwine's U.S. tour and is also promoting her debut album, Dear Diary, due out July 27. Contrary to the pictures I've seen, Cha Cha looks very youthful. But after sitting down and talking, the Detroit-raised, Atlanta resident proves she's mature well beyond her years. Although she's only 18-year's-old, Cha Cha has years of rapping experience. "I was 11 [when I first started rhyming]. It was just something that we did for fun, but then I just developed a love for it. It was boosting my confidence." At 13, she realized she had talent and decided to take music seriously, at which point her and a female friend started a group. Her friend deviated from the plan. Cha Cha stayed focused. Her persistence culmimated in a record deal with Noontime/Epic. She assembled some of today's biggest names on her debut album. Nas, Trick Daddy, Juvenile, Kelly Price, Ja Rule and Memphis Bleek make appearances on Dear Diary, and production maven Derick "D-Dot" Angellettie and newcomer Shekspeare (TLC's "No Scrubs") contributed tracks to the project. In a day and age when most collaborations are done by recording a verse and shipping it to the artist, Cha Cha was able to actually vibe with most of the guests on her album in the studio. "It says a lot about me on their behalf. Once I got to know them and work with them, we realized it was more than just a check at the end of the day. It was like a mutual respect." Respect is something Cha Cha has been earning for some time now. She spent her formative years coming up in Detroit's notorious Hip Hop Shop, owned by fashion designer Maurice Malone. The Hip Hop Shop held MC battles every Saturday and allowed people like Eminem and Royce the 5'9 to hone their skills. "I used to be in [the Hip Hop Shop] all the time but the thing was, I used to have this motto, you think big be big. So I never was a big fan of doing a lot of local events. I was saving every penny [for] a trip to New York or wherever." Cha Cha is quick to point out that she, like many other women, use her sexuality as an asset rather than a selling tool. "I'm a feminist, I represent us to the tee. My thing is be a bad broad about everything you do. A lot of my music is directed towards females. I'm bigging us up in a way of self respect, but not too political cause it's a street wise type of thing, so I love that." chacha.gif
rap.1285 gdown,
GD> redovno vrteo u njihovom programu... a ljudi koji su tada GD> radili u devedesetdvojci nisu bas bili neki obozavaoci GD> hip hop-a... A Mjehur ubica ? a Slonche ? Koji su pravili prvu rap top listu u YU Koji su vrteli rap kad god su mogli Koji su premijerno emitovali po cele albume bez ubacivanja reklama Koji su prvi nabavljali nove albume Koji su napunili fonoteku 92 rapom vishe od bilo koje druge stanice Koji su prvi emitovali domace rap bendove u svom programu Nemoj tako.
rap.1286 jexy,
> Skini onda kapu i Ceci, jer je ona otvorila oci mladoj publici i uputila ih > na blagodeti slusanja Merime Njegomir;>> Ono sto se mnogi usudjuju da Mojne bre Cecu da mi diras. Nemas pojma kolko sam tuzan sto ove godine nije izdala novi album.. nemam reci da opisem to osecanje ;( O:)
rap.1287 brka,
> Ono sto se mnogi usudjuju da svrstaju u hip-hop je obicno djubre. > Zasto se kupuju albumi 2Pac i slicnih? Bez obzira sto se to tebi ili meni ne svidja, Pac, Biggie, Puffy, Jermain Dupri... pripadaju hip hop-u. Na to treba da gledas sa druge strane - sa hip hop-om trenutno nesto nije u redu... Ovo sto si ti rekao je isto kao kad Sloba kaze: 'Ovi sto glasaju za opoziciju nisu narod'... Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1288 brka,
> U prevodu rap je mrtav,sve ostalo su bedni pokushaji > ozhivljavanja istog. Ja bih to malo drugacije preveo - hip hop je mrtav, ziveo hip hop! :) Mislim da hip hop definitivno nije mrtav, iako je dosta toga krenula lose u poslednje 3-4 godine... Ali, prosla godina je bila godina povrataka velikih imena u ovoj muzici, ljudi koji su zaista mnogo toga uradili - Rakim (najbolji hip hop MC of all times), Public Enemy, EPMD, Brand Nubian, Gang Starr, Biz Markie... ove godine bio je to X Clan... bice toga jos. Ukoliko slusas samo high rotation na MTV-ju (ili Studiju B) naravno da ces zakljuciti to sto si zakljucio... Ali, meni se cini da 'nije sve tako crno'. Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1289 brka,
> A Mjehur ubica ? a Slonche ? > Koji su pravili prvu rap top listu u YU > Koji su vrteli rap kad god su mogli > Koji su premijerno emitovali po cele albume bez ubacivanja reklama > Koji su prvi nabavljali nove albume > Koji su napunili fonoteku 92 rapom vishe od bilo koje druge stanice > Koji su prvi emitovali domace rap bendove u svom programu > Nemoj tako. Dva coveka ne cine radio... :) Istina je da je bilo hip hop-a na devedesetdvojci (to sam uostalom i napisao), ali i dalje ostajem pri stavu da vecina ljudi u tadasnjem B92 nisu slusali hip hop... Sto bi rekao jedan moj drug - 'Veeeeruj mi!'. :) B92 je, kao prva prava urbana radio stanica kod nas, pustao i hip hop, koji je tada bio daleko od ovoga sto je sada... znaci, deo urbane muzicke scene. Mnogo dalje od mainstreama nego danas... Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1290 mango,
Ma, ne sekiram se ja za tebe dok je tebi Sinana O:))
rap.1291 mango,
Nisam zeleo da kazem da Puffy, 2Pac isl. nsiu deo hip-hopa, ali kvalitet te muzike je mizeran. Pritom, mislim na ono sto slusanje te muzike pruza. Rekao bih da su te pesme antiHipHop (ma koliko se to mnogima nece svideti).
rap.1292 ica.z,
> Zamerio se mnogima, da li Andersonu, suprotnim bandama, Puffyu i > Biggiu ili nekom drugom vise nije ni bitno. > > Sto kaze grafit ispod njegovog portreta na jednom od zgrada > juznog L.A.-a: " Live by the gun, die by the gun!". i pored svega shto je imao ostao je isti... to je vrlina zbog koje ga najvishe poshtujem... a dalje mozemo samo da nagadjamo... ziv ili ne... Ica
rap.1293 ica.z,
> Svaka cast na znanju, ali mislim da bi vise naucio > kada bi ucio tekstove KRS-a ili PE-ja ili Commona. > No, dobro... your choice. slusham i KRS-a i PE... ne bash u poslednje vreme... ali inache veoma chesto... i josh mnogo toga... naravno da ne treba slushati samo jednog lika... to rade samo oni najokoreliji fanovi... nisam fan nikoga... > Mogao bih da nadjem i posaljem ovde onu cuvenu > sliku sa Shakurove obdukcije, ali opet ce ljudi > koji veruju u 'Makavelijevu teoriju zavere' da > kazu kako je to montaza, ili nesto slicno... So, > svako neka veruje u ono sto hoce... e mogao bi poshto ja nisam bash u 'internet gasu'... tachnije nemam vremena... chinjenice su chudo... u tupac-ovom sluchaju one su te koje idu u korist tome da je josh uvek ziv... dalje mozemo samo da nagadjamo... sumnjam da ce ga neko od nas sresti pa ce moci sa stoprocentnom sigurnoshcu da potvrdi to da je ziv... Ica
rap.1294 ruby.rod,
=> Ali, prosla godina je bila godina povrataka velikih => imena u ovoj muzici, ljudi koji su zaista mnogo toga => uradili - Rakim (najbolji hip hop MC of all times), => Public Enemy, EPMD, Brand Nubian, Gang Starr, Biz => Markie... ove godine bio je to X Clan... bice toga => jos. Mda... I za dve nedelje izlazi novi Run DMC... Ostaje samo jedno pitanje: Gde su tu nove snage? ;) U undergroundu? Sigurno... Ali kako mi da dođemo do njih?
rap.1295 ruby.rod,
=> Ne znam, mozda je prva verzija, ili neka druga trajala => 16 minuta, ali ova koju ja imam traje "samo" 7... => Tacnije, 7:05:55... :) Blago tebi... ;) Verzija koju ja imam na nekoj Old School kompilaciji traje 16 minuta...
rap.1296 ruby.rod,
=> 'It Takes nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back' (inace, izabran => za najbolji album hip hop-a do sada) izasao, ovde kod nas Da, a zvanično najbolja grupa su Run DMC. Ja se ne bih složio ni sa jednim izborom. Nation, po meni, jeste najznačajniji album hip hopa, zato što je još '88. godine na sjajan način spojio crnu i belu muziku. Međutim kada bi me pitali da li mi se više dopada Nation, Muse Sick-N-Hour Mess Age ili Apocalypse 91... ne bih znao da odgovorim. :) Kako su PE izdali tri (po mom skromnom mišljenju :) najbolja hip hop albuma svih vremena (a ukupno su ih izdali 6 + he got game + greatest misses + 1 solo Chuck D-a i 2 solo albuma Terminator X-a) logično je da su i najbolja hip hop grupa svih vremena. :) Da ne zaboravim najbolji album ove godine - There's A Poison Goin On... (ako nekoga zanima da kupi neotpakovani original neka mi se javi na mail) Uz izvinjenje na ovoj "sitnoj" digresiji od osnovne niti razgovora ;) da pitam ima li neko ova dva Terminatorova solo albuma? => Znaci, hip hop mora da dokaze da je i on urbana vrsta muzike, => a ne da nas svrstavaju sa tamo nekim nanama i kamilicama, => fanki gangsterima i patkama... Apsolutno. Hip hop kultura ne mora da bude masovno popularna, ono da svi repuju, brejkuju i rade grafite, ali se definitivno mora izbeći da neko ozbiljno shvati kada se razne patke sa ili bez xenie u svojim pesmama deklarišu kao reperi. Korov treba čupati iz korena... Dakle od Bad Boy Entertainmenta i No Limit Recordsa.
rap.1297 gdown,
GD> Dva coveka ne cine radio... :) Istina je da je bilo hip hop-a GD> na devedesetdvojci (to sam uostalom i napisao), ali i dalje GD> ostajem pri stavu da vecina ljudi u tadasnjem B92 nisu GD> slusali hip hop... Sto bi rekao jedan moj drug - 'Veeeeruj GD> mi!'. :) Nije Bitno da li je vecina ljudi na B 92 slushala hip hop ili ne jer se b 92 nikad nije karakterisao kao hip hop stanica :) Bitno je da je zastupljenost hip hopa bila vishe nego dovoljna u ono vreme 1990. kada hip hop nije bio toliko IN kao danas subotom i nedeljom popodne su ishli blokovi od 2-3 sata iskljuchivo rap muzike gde si mogao da chujesh Geto boys, Brand nubian, Yung mc, Run dmc, N.W.A. , B.D.P. , P.E, i josh gomilu bendova. Da ne pominjem rap listu koja je bila vrhunska. Nediraj 92- ku ;)
rap.1298 gdown,
GD> vremena (a ukupno su ih izdali 6 + he got game + greatest misses GD> + 1 solo Chuck D-a i 2 solo albuma Terminator X-a) logicno je GD> da su i najbolja hip hop grupa svih vremena. :) GD> GD> Da ne zaboravim najbolji album ove godine - There's A Poison A Bring the noise 2000 ? A 2 albuma Profesor Grifa ,koji je iz njih ponikao ? :) GD> da pitam ima li neko ova dva Terminatorova solo albuma? Imam ja prvi, ako ti treba mail me.
rap.1299 gligo,
> blagodeti slusanja Merime Njegomir;>> Ono sto se mnogi usudjuju > da svrstaju u hip-hop je obicno djubre. Zasto se kupuju albumi > 2Pac i slicnih? > Zato jer ne zahtevaju da se u njihovo slusanje/gledanje/citanje > ulozi trud, eto zato. Pola ovih hip-hop grupa su obicno sranje, > treba izvrsiti selekciju u svakom slucaju. > Hip hop je direktno proistekao iz tradicije dzeza koji krasi > mastovitost, inteligencija, sarm i srce autora/ interpretatora. > Koja od ovih osobina krasi 2Pac, BIGa i slicne? Dva coveka koja su obelezila rap '90-tih tih nazivas djubretom? :( Tragicno. Biggie je (bio) najbolji hardcore reper sa najubitacnijim recima jos od vremena Slick Ricka. Za Tupaca dovoljno govore i ankete gde je ponosno i ravnopravno pored najjacih imena i pionira hip-hopa. Njih dvojica, njihova muzika, njihovo prijateljstvo i rivalstvo, obelezilo je hip-hop '90-tih, a ako si ti od onih koji cinjenice ne vide od slepe mrznje prema istima, onda je ova rasprava besmislena. Ukoliko imas nesto argumentovano da zameris, izvoli, do tad', oladi sa onakvim komentarima. ;)
rap.1300 gligo,
> Popularnost jedne vrste muzike se ne moze siriti na duze staze > tako sto ce se hiperprodukcijom dubreta sve ostalo ugusiti... Mase je djubre, Lil' Kim je djubre, Will Smith je djubre, Wanilla Ice je djubre. ;) BIG i Tupac su daleko ispred ovog djubreta.
rap.1301 gligo,
> Nisam zeleo da kazem da Puffy, 2Pac isl. nsiu deo hip-hopa, ali > kvalitet te muzike je mizeran. Pritom, mislim na ono sto > slusanje te muzike pruza. Vidis, taj tvoj argument cisto stoji na osloncu subjektivnog dozivljaja. Nisam sam ja jedini koji u onome sto je Tupac ostavio iza sebe, nalazim nesto, cak su i kriticari bili naklonjeni Tupacu izuzimajuci neke ocene da njegove pesme glorifikuju odnosno podsticu nasilje. Da je bio kicos kakav je recimo Mase sada, ne bi se raspredale legende o njemu i ne bi ga svojatao svaki baja koji misli da je nasao mesto na rap sceni.
rap.1302 ventura,
> > Koja od ovih osobina krasi 2Pac, BIGa i slicne? > > Dva coveka koja su obelezila rap '90-tih tih nazivas djubretom? :( > Tragicno. Nego sta nego djubre... Gde je muzika u tim spotovima? Gde je originalnost? Da ti opisem kako izgledaju SVI rap spotovi tamo preko... Crnja vozi neka besna kola, okaci 5 kila zlata oko vrata, skupi 15 mega riba oko sebe, jede govna o njihovim pravima ili vec cemu... Zar je to muzika? Zasto su oni popularni? Zato jer te spotove gledaju camuge po bronksu i drugim crnackim cetvrtima koji nemaju leba da jedu jer su oni prevelike face da idu u skolu (kobajagi rasizam vlada u skolama i tako te gluposti) i onda uz TV gleda tog tipa sa besnim kolima/ribama/zlatom kako se qrci na ekranu misleci da ce mu to sve pasti sa neba... i onda takvim spotovima pare oci, gledaju stvari koje nikad nece moci da imaju i onda se loze da i oni postanu baje sa televizije pa i oni pocu na pisu neka rap sranja... i tako se u krug... Rap je samo zapadna verzija ovog naseg turbo folka... bedni su...
rap.1303 corgan,
Tako je, konacno je neko shvatio... B. PS: Posle se pitamo zashto su ameri tako debilni, a na prvim mestima Britney Spears & Co.
rap.1304 corgan,
Hteo sam u stvari da kazem da je muzika najuticajniji vid zabave. Primer: na ulici vidish nekoga koji na sebi ima neke pantalone, Commando cipele, ili pak martinke, kozhnu jaknu, majcu sex pistols, odmah znash da je panker, znash kako razmushlja, i tako to... Ovo naravno nije u svim slucajevima tacno, al znate shta sam hteo da kazhem. A to je, kakvu muziku slushash onakav si... PS: Znam da na meni nije da odlucujem sta valja a shta ne, i ovo ne bi trebalo bude uvreda ni za koga, ali samo iznosim mishljenje...
rap.1305 ica.z,
> Rap je samo zapadna verzija ovog naseg turbo folka... bedni su... e ajde ne lupetaj gluposti... jel slushash rep??? ne??? pa kako onda mozesh da donosish takve zakljuchke... video si 2 spota od c-block-a i mislish da sve znash o rep kulturi... ajde bezi bre... smeshan si... niti znash istoriju repa, niti znash vishe od dva izvodjacha, niti si slushao ono pravo od repa... i zato ne bulazni dzabe... samo ispadash glup... Ica
rap.1306 ica.z,
> Tako je, konacno je neko shvatio... a ti si do jaja upucen, informisan i naslushan rep muzike pa da mozesh da potvrdjujesh onaj bullshit... ne seri i ti... > PS: Posle se pitamo zashto su ameri tako debilni, a na prvim mestima ameri jesu najveci debili na svetu ali crni ameri su vec druga pricha... sve su samo debili nisu... veruj meni jer sam imao prilike da hengujem s istima u vishe navrata... poznajem veoma dobro njihov mentalitet... Ica
rap.1307 ica.z,
> Primer: na ulici vidish nekoga koji na sebi ima neke pantalone, Commando > cipele, > ili pak martinke, kozhnu jaknu, majcu sex pistols, odmah znash da je > panker, znash kako razmushlja, i tako to... kolko ljudi tolko cudi... sve zavisi kakav je ko lik... shta gotivi a shta ne... gde pronalazi sebe a gde ne... sve se vrti oko toga... Ica
rap.1308 ruby.rod,
=> Da ti opisem kako izgledaju SVI rap spotovi tamo preko... => => Crnja vozi neka besna kola, okaci 5 kila zlata oko vrata, skupi 15 => mega riba oko sebe, jede govna o njihovim pravima ili vec cemu... Dobro je kad ti treba nama koji to slušamo da opisuješ rap spotove... Ono... Jako nemaš pojma, ali nisi ti kriv... Kriv je Paf Dedi za sve... A što se "jedenja govana o njihovim pravima" tiče, zanima me šta ti slušaš i o čemu jedu govna ti koje ti slušaš? Čisto informativno.
rap.1309 ruby.rod,
=> A Bring the noise 2000 ? To je trebalo da bude drugi album tipa Greatest Misses. Dakle, par novih stvari i par remixa starih stvari. Koliko sam ja čuo, to nije izašlo zahvaljujući razdoru između PE (pre svega Chucka) i Def Jama. Zna li neko 100% šta se desilo sa BTN2000? => A 2 albuma Profesor Grifa ,koji je iz njih ponikao ? :) Da... Griff... Izbačen iz grupe zbog antisemitskih izjava. ;)
rap.1310 brka,
Artist: KRS-One f/ Buckshot, Cam'Ron, Keith Murray, Killah Priest, Prodigy of Mobb Deep, Redman, Run of Run-D.M.C. and Vigilante Album: The Corruptor soundtrack/Maximum Strength Song: 5 Boroughs Yo yo brand new KRS y'all, Maximum Strength 5 Boroughs of death we rep to death Yo Kris, set it for The Bronx.. [KRS-One] We hit em and get em, we stick em and jig em we pick em and kick em Flippin them whip and I'm wing-clippin them lip cause I'm cold sick of them Much quicker than them lyrically trickin and my Tribe be on a Quest like Tip and them On every avenue puttin the full clip in em Splittin and strippin em down while spittin a round into them soundclash see winnin them, just begginin them Get rid of ev-ery bit of them with them negative idioms I don't even consider them In the new millenium we killin them Breeze Deep, Kenny and Will and them, KRS-One we thrillin em Many battles we been in them now we rebuildin them We blaze, fulfillin them, Keith ?, Jesse, Jamil and them We originate styles, other be stealin them [Vigilante] You got a good rise in your rolodex, who flow is next? Comin out to {fuck} with the best, put it in your chest Inhale it and hold that, blow it out when I say let go; let's see if you can hold your breath, by the time I flip to the next flow This sho' is real, this is the deal, guns I'm runnin Gotta make it out of town to flip my {shit} and keep it comin Then bring it back, with another stack, of raps to blow your back out How many of y'all wanna go for yours I keep my dogs in the crackhouse [Buckshot] Let's take a walk through Crown Heights Steppin through the city at night, with the ? and two mic Form a little lynch mob, and stomp through the five boroughs Head back to Brooklyn in the Expo Back on the block, I see the cops everybody clockin Buckshot, when you see the rocks, me I got you shocked Why not? You see the recipe Buckshot, I represent Brooklyn and my {nigga} Biggie [Keith Murray] I'm from C-I, L-I, F-L-Y Where the {niggaz} and the {bitches} stay paid fly and high Where a slut'll get mad if you call her a {bitch} And a rat'll get mad if you call her a snitch Where the rich emerge, with the {niggaz} from the ditch And it's a myth, they get {niggaz} from the suburbs, that's herbs Yo this is for my {niggaz} on the block all day Who don't give a {fuck} waitin for crime to pay Put your money on it, yo we never fronted Long Island got some of the best {niggaz} that ever done it From Riverhead to C.I. to Brentwood to Wyndanch {Niggaz} comin through will not stand a chance From Roosevelt to Freeport to Hempstead to Uniondale Comin deep from the depths of hell I'm dead serious, even though you see me smilin Rough enough to break New York from Long Island [Cam'Ron] We destroy {niggaz}, need advice, cause I heard em sayin Jesus Christ You should see the sight, cookin ox-tail, peas and rice Makin about a G a night, they can't read or write But I got every creed and type, you need a dyke, babygirl I see the light But sometime y'all get crimey crimey, grimy grimy But those with a tiny hiney they get whiny whiny So guard your girl, Harlem World, cock the gun, pop it son Fila fam, illa players, Killa Cam is still the man [?] Uptown massive, Uptown the borough Uptown let the ? kali, no sorrow Uptown trestle, Uptown of course I grab you ? they got me turn up to North And if dem turn up North ? hurt no tell de boss And if dem tell me off dey are a bunch of ghosts And if dem gal are up, well den dem know da gal are boss De rap dancehall try on de Mossinos And if dem tie me off, dem can call me Cedro I put a rap to singalong in all de ? crew And if da gal a bitch ? ? the rainbow ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? [Killah Priest] Yo, hit you with the force of an iron horse Tear your face off the planet, leavin one-third damaged Witcha back cracked the earth canvas, leavin mountains slanted Rock the earth of the axle, crabs who Polar bears beneath the sea gravel Thoughts be runnin wild like the Lil' Rascals Puttin dinosaurs inside of figure fours, rip you with nine inch claws Chasin {motherfuckers} through malls, and clash in halls Beatin {motherfuckers} through walls, stompin through floors and jumpin down elevator shafts Searchin for they {ass}, stayin low in the grass Wearin a gas mask, wrappin their hands up in plastic bags On stage like a savage goin mad WHAT? Yeah yeah, sooooooooooooo! [Prodigy] Yeah, by all means you know you gotta put Queens on it Put cream on it, Q.B. we rep often Take over your party, slamdance witcha hood Took your ladies back to the projects with us Then sent her {ass} back on the Q-train home Satisfied, she learned the words to my thug song See we one big borough of Dons with firearms And we never use those, til the man act other than he's 'sposed to, {nigga} what I'm 'sposed to do? Shots whistle, damn near missed dat Shoes get pissed at [Redman] From the, tip of my Timbs, to my eyebrows The hostile, english, Olde E widemouth Get PCP fiends, jumpin off cliffs And if you had the balls, you'd be walkin off stiff My paragraph alone is worth five mics (uh-huh) A twelve song LP, that's thirty-six mics (uh-huh) And while you win Un Hype (uh-huh) I spit on your snipe and tell you {fuck you} and that {bitch} on your bike Brick City!! [Reverand Run] Aiyyo.. now bust it Never try me crimey I'm grimy so don't deny me I be Little like your Rascals and stymie to fly that hiney Buy me keys, to my Benz and my Coupe Like Jay and Run and D.M.C.'s, that's the name of my group (now speed it up) Beat to the rhythm of the rhyme I'm givin up a dime, there go another line you figured Never drivin by nine, never givin up a dime if you was Never been that {nigga} If you really wanna test me, brother don't stress me Or you just be bowlin It's Reverand like a Jesse, brother that's just me and that's just my colon The five boroughs of death, we rep to death Step aside little {niggaz}, show time yep It's goin down the moment we inside the spot Let's rock'n'roll, you know the M.O., it gets real when the five boroughs of death, we rep to death Step aside little {niggaz}, show time yep It's goin down the moment we inside the spot Let's rock'n'roll, you know the M.O., it gets hot
rap.1312 brka,
Molio bih vas da sto pre skinete pesmu 'What They Do', jer cu je u roku od 5 dana obrisati, kako ne bi pravila guzvu na disku... Hvala unapred Aleksandar
rap.1313 corgan,
Ja nikad nisam rekao da je ceo rep bulshit... Na primer cuo sam onu stvar praistorijsku "Rapper's Delight", i mnogo je ql stvar, i nema nikakve veze sa Puff Daddyem. Al' isto tako mi se dopala Hypnotize, od ovog pokojnog, koji je radio sa Puff Daddyem. Hocu da kazhem, da stvarno nisam nikakav poznavalac repa, i nije poenta dal neko poznaje rep vishe od mene, nego shta se kome svidja... B.
rap.1314 ventura,
> A sto se "jedenja govana o njihovim pravima" tice, zanima me sta ti > slusas i o cemu jedu govna ti koje ti slusas? Cisto informativno. Ja slusam svu muziku koja prija usima, najvise instrumentale u kojima nema bas mnogo proseravanja :)
rap.1315 brka,
>> Mogao bih da nadjem i posaljem ovde onu cuvenu >> sliku sa Shakurove obdukcije, ali opet ce ljudi >> koji veruju u 'Makavelijevu teoriju zavere' da >> kazu kako je to montaza, ili nesto slicno... So, >> svako neka veruje u ono sto hoce... > e mogao bi poshto ja nisam bash u 'internet gasu'... > tachnije nemam vremena... Evo, ide slika uz poruku... mrzi me da se cimam i da na Netu trazim neku kvalitetniju (ne mogu da se setim adrese site-a na kojoj sam je video). Inace, ta slika je prvobitno objavljena u jednoj knjizi o doticnom koja je izasla u AmeriKi nekoliko meseci nakon Pacove smrti... Ne zelim da odgovaram opet na one delove tvoje poruke u kojima opet pokreces pitanje toga da li je ziv ili ne. Svoje misljenje o tome sam izneo u prethodnoj poruci. A i nisam njegov fan pa da ucestvujem u carsavskim raspravama o njemu... Pozdrav, Aleksandar atopsy.jpg
rap.1316 brka,
> Mda... I za dve nedelje izlazi novi Run DMC... Ostaje > samo jedno pitanje: Gde su tu nove snage? ;) > U undergroundu? Sigurno... Ali kako mi da dodemo do > njih? The Roots, Canibus, Common (Sense), Killah Priest, Black Star (Mos Def & Talib Kweli), Eminem, Outkast, Ras Kass... mislim da postoji niz grupa i MC-ja, kako middle, tako i new school-a koje uspevaju da odrze hip hop na nogama. Pitanje na mestu... kako mi ovde da dodjemo do njih. Ja licno to radim putem Neta i satelitskog programa (MTV i nekoliko satelitskih radio stanica). Bila je pre nekoliko meseci na jednom hip hop site-u anketa: Da li mislite da li je kvalitetniji under- ground ili commercial hip hop. Underground je dobio anketu sa 62% glasova... a tu su glasali uglavnom Amerikanci kojima nije problem da dodju do njega. Ne znam... da je sa Sezamom sve u redu, mogao bih redovno da saljem underground hip hop muziku u *.ra formatu... (naravno, to nisu imena koja sam nabrojao na pocetku poruke, vec npr. Lootpack, Blackalicious, Elusive, Eligh, Roots Manuva...). Ali, Boze zdravlja, valjda ce se nesto popraviti. Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1317 brka,
=> Ne znam, mozda je prva verzija, ili neka druga trajala => 16 minuta, ali ova koju ja imam traje "samo" 7... => Tacnije, 7:05:55... :) > Blago tebi... ;) Verzija koju ja imam na nekoj Old School > kompilaciji traje 16 minuta... Verovatno je ova verzija koju ja imam skracena zbog prakticnih razloga... ko ce ga znati. Ako se nesto sa Sezamom popravi, prebacicu je u *.ra i zakaciti ovde. Do tada... Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1318 brka,
> Da, a zvanicno najbolja grupa su Run DMC. Ne znam na koji izbor se pozivas... Ja govorim o Source-ovom. Tu je za najbolju grupu izabran Wu. Veoma diskutabilno, ali svaki izbor je subjektivan, koliko god se u njega ukljucivali citaoci (gledaoci, slusaoci...). Inace, slao sam taj izbor ranije u grupu (a valjda sam i u konferenciju)... > Da ne zaboravim najbolji album ove godine - There's A Poison > Goin On... (ako nekoga zanima da kupi neotpakovani original > neka mi se javi na mail) Preslusao sam Poison... (prva dva singla jos kada su izasla na PE site-u), ali je za mene najbolji album ove godine - The Roots 'Things Fall Apart'. Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1319 brka,
> Nije Bitno da li je vecina ljudi na B 92 slushala hip hop > ili ne jer se b 92 nikad nije karakterisao kao hip hop > stanica :) ... Vec urbana stanica. E, tu opet dolazimo do istog zakljucka do kog smo dosli u nekoj od prethodnih poruka - hip hop je tada definitivno bio deo urbane muzike i urbanog pokreta, a danas se od toga polako ali sigurno udaljava. > Nediraj 92- ku ;) B92 hocu da diram! Ali B292 necu... :) Salim se, dirao sam i njega preksinoc na koncertu... Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1320 brka,
> Dva coveka koja su obelezila rap '90-tih tih nazivas > djubretom? :( Tragicno. Ne smatram da su oni, tj. njihovi albumi obelezili '90-te, ali definitivno smatram da su njihova ubistva bili dogadjaji koji su obelezili hip hop ove decenije... > Biggie je (bio) najbolji hardcore reper sa najubitacnijim > recima jos od vremena Slick Ricka. Uh... malo previse komplimenata, rekao bih. Meni je Big Poppa bio OK, ali ne bih bas rekao da je imao najubitacnije tekstove (imao je mnogo gluposti u njima, npr. kada u 'One More Chance' kaze 'black and ugly as ever...'. Taj stih je posle naisao na velika negodovanja). Ali, opet kazem, to je subjektivna stvar... Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1321 brka,
> Mase je djubre, Lil' Kim je djubre, Will Smith je djubre, """""""""""""""""" Znaci, najbolja prijateljica (nekada i devojka) najboljeg rappera '90-tih je djubre... :) Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1322 brka,
PUFF DADDY 'PUFF DADDY FOREVER'-- SAVRSENI PRIMER IZGUBLJENE KULTURE Sometimes, I think that Puff Daddy and others of his ilk-- I won't name any names for fear of getting my ass kicked like Cheo H. Coker, James Bernard and countless others-- exist in an alternate world. Who listens to his shit anyway? Nobody I know. And yet there's the massive display of Puff Daddy Forever CDs in the record store, waiting to be scooped up. Meanwhile, Bahamadia can't even buy a major label record deal. Oh well... So, is Puff Daddy Forever (an obvious play on Wu-Tang Forever) any good? Imagine hearing a soothing piano loop coming into focus, as it metamorphoses into a head-nodding hip-hop beat with the addition of bass and drums. Then imagine the wackest rapper in the world trying to flow over that. There's some incredibly nice music on this album. Puff Daddy and the Hitmen, Top of New York Productions, and others are able to update played-out cuts like Prince's "Get Off" into club anthems-to-be like "I'll Do This for You." It makes me wish that commercial artists would start releasing instrumental versions of their albums for all the DJs who don't mind playing flossy shit. Puff Daddy, to be fair, holds his own on most of the tracks, keeping time on fast-paced cuts like "Is This the End-- Part Two," and slow numbers like "Satisfy You." But at best, he's as charismatic as a bowl of overpriced cereal. It's no surprise Puff Daddy has a guest on every track, from Jay-Z on "Do You Like It...Do You Want It...," to the late Notorious B.I.G. on "Real Niggas." His voice is droll and sullen, far removed from the lithe, energetic dancer that explodes across television screens in videos like "PE 2000." The best moments on Puff Daddy Forever are when Puff Daddy blends into the track, so all you can hear are infectious remakes of pop hits like Christopher Cross' "Sailing." Listen too closely, and you'll find that his lines are trite and occasionally nonsensical ("Sometimes I reminisce and wonder how I made it this far/Because of you, I'm me, so you're the real star," on "Best Friend"). Puff Daddy Forever would be a perfect album for children-- it's cloying, wildly fantastical ear candy that's ultimately dispensable. But Puff Daddy is so obsessed with being hard and mainstream at the same time that there's too many contradictory images to contend with (he praises God on "Best Friend," and then compares his situation to Jesus' on "Is This The End-- Part Two"). Come to think of it, what if hip-hop was-- as ODB so famously put it-- for the children, instead of an opportunity to exploit their enthusiasm for the art form and gouge their wallets for platinum plaques? Puff Daddy Forever may be the perfect example of a lost culture.-- Mosi Reeves Ocena: 2.5 od mogucih 5
rap.1323 brka,
HIP-HOP PRODUCENT SAM 'SNEED' ANDERSON IMA TUMOR NA MOZGU... Hip-hop producer Sam "Sneed" Anderson, mastermind behind hits from the Death Row camp, Capone & Noreaga, Jay-Z, and many others, was diagnosed with brain cancer earlier last week. After experiencing headaches, Anderson checked into the emergency room and was eventually diagnosed with Astrocytoma Grade 3, a type of malignant brain tumor the size of a golf ball. Anderson has no health insurance, and the treatment for the disease is expensive, but after his condition was publicized in the hip-hop community, many rappers have stepped forward to perform in an all-star benefit concert for the producer. Scarface and Eightball have already committed, and others including KRS-One, Busta Rhymes, Sway & Tech, Goodie Mob, The Poetess, and The Young Bloods have called in expressing support. For more information on the fund and the benefit show, contact Thembisa S. Mshaka at (212) 833-7077.
rap.1324 brka,
MOBB DEEP 'MURDA MUSIK'- THE JOY DIVISION HIP HOP-A Mobb Deep weren't the first to claim thug life-- that distinction, of course, goes to the late Tupac Shakur and his 1994 compilation, Thug Life Vol. 1. But the Mobb has arguably perfected it. They are the Joy Division of hip-hop-- the executors of obsessively violent tales that consist of what Daz Dillinger once called (in reference to his own screeds), "retaliation, retribution, and get back." But unlike the Dogg Pound, Noreaga, DMX, and countless others, Mobb Deep are not merely former knuckleheads or soldiers with a story to tell. Like Tupac, Havoc and Prodigy are unafraid to reveal the human face behind the ski mask. But you won't find much sensitivity in titles like "Thug Muzik," "Tha Realest," and "Streets Raised Me," to name three examples from Mobb Deep's excellent new album, Murda Muzik. It's in the details, like when Havoc admits on "Streets Raised Me," that he's "Stuck/Contemplating who I can trust/ But like yeyyo (a.k.a. cocaine) in a bill my feelings just get crushed/That's why I stick with the duns like I stick with the guns." Forget the radio-friendly homilies about dead homies, single mothers and baby mamas-- this is the real, where dun language burns as bright as projectiles. It's advised to spread love, not war. Speak a wrong word, and shots are fired. Mobb Deep's music is harrowing, even frightening at times, because it reflects the combustibility of human relations. "Shook Ones Pt. II," the classic single from their sophomore effort, The Infamous, alerted heads worldwide to Mobb Deep and their bleak palette of "guns, money, pussy, cars, drugs, jewels, clothes, brawls, killings, boroughs, buildings, diseases, stress and deeds, NYC." In stark contrast to those desires is their cold, emotionless sound, a stripped down, synthesized version of the RZA-rector's chamber music. And since that moment in 1994, when Havoc and Prodigy appeared on television screens everywhere waving plastic cups filled with E&J Brandy, they haven't changed, despite thug life's absorption by the mainstream. Though not as brilliant or startling as The Infamous, Murda Muzik compromises nothing. Though commercial as fuck, as the success of its first single, "Quiet Storm" has proved, it is every bit the equal of its predecessors.-- Mosi Reeves
rap.1325 brka,
REDMAN I METH RADE SCENARIO, SUGARHILL GANG REMIXI + FATBOY SE OZENIO! First off in hip-hop news, it looks like Method Man & Redman's tight work (and friendship) collaboration is about to hit the next level. According to The Soul Purpose newsletter, Meth & Redman have sold a script for a film, which is tentatively titled How High, to Universal Pictures/Jersey Shore. The movie apparently is about two kids who smoke the mighty cheeba cheeba to increase their intelligence, and end up attending the hallowed halls of Harvard University. Hmmm... sounds like some kids I went to college with! But you know that How High is gonna be funny as hell-- Redman's "I'll Be Dat" video showed that the brotha had a dope sense of humor, plus that video where they were the urban version of the Blues Brothas was off da hook. No release date yet on the film, but we'll hit you off as soon as we know. Sugarhill Records has announced that they will release a compilation of remixes of the Sugarhill Gang by UK artists. Well, a hip-hop you don't stop! Rap sensation Roots Manuva, Nightmares on Wax, The Wiseguys, Red Snapper, Coldcut, and the Scratch Perverts will be among the artists featured on Still The Joint, which will be released October 4. Two men were arrested earlier this week in connection with the July shooting of UK hip-hop radio personality Tim Westwood and an unidentified passenger in Westwood's Range Rover. The two were injured as a gunman and an accomplice on a motorcycle pulled a drive-by on the vehicle while driving in South London. And finally, UK big beat pusherman Fatboy Slim (a.k.a. Norman Cook) married BBC Radio One personality Zoe Ball this weekend in a "secret" ceremony. Cook and Ball decided to jump the broom by a day in order to avoid the inevitable paparazzi swarm that tends to occur with celebrity weddings. Finally-- stars with a sense of taste and decorum. Or maybe it's because Fatboy's You've Come A Long Way, Baby has sold more copies than "Debbie Does Dallas," and he and his new wife could easily resist all the tabloid's million dollar offers. Oh well...get yours, Funk Soul Brother!
rap.1326 brka,
RAKIM SE UDRUZUJE SA LAURYN HILL I DJ PREMIER-OM ZA SLEDECI SINGL... After hitting his fans off with the aiiight 18th Letter, many of Rakim's fans wondered if he still had it in him to be one of the dopest MC's in the history of hip-hop. It looks like with his next release, Rakim's out to prove all disbelievers wrong! According to, Rakim's looking to share the mic with non other than Ms. Lauryn Hill herself on one track of the unnamed release. Make sure your hat's on tight for the next bit of news: DJ Premier will produce the legend-worthy collaboration! Could this truly be hip-hop perfection? Rakim will also get some assistance from mega-producers Clark Kent, Ron Lawrence, and T-Love of the Ultramagnetic MC's. The joint is looking to hit the shelves sometime in November-- get ready for the second coming, y'all!!
rap.1327 brka,
INTERVJU SA DJ KRUSH-OM by miguel angel hurtado Interview transcribed from the Japanese by Kenshin Ichikawa DJ Krush is one of the most relevant artists in the post hip-hop mess of the last 1990. Actually thinking ahead of traditional hip-hop, back when hip-hop was still surprising us, Krushĺs loops and beats constitute drum-and-bass for the rest of us heads-- future music that keeps our heads bobbing in our time, and at our pace. Krushĺs brand of hip-hop was perhaps too futuristic for some, back when he first made waves with two mostly instrumental Moĺ Wax releases Strictly Turntablized and Meisho. Using the traditional tools of a hiphop DJ/producer, Krush, a Tokyo native, abstracted familiar hip-hop sound into archetypal Bladerunner-style urban anthems. The enormous visual quality of his music made us see the world through tinted windows, provoking both post-contemporary thought or the sparking of large blunts, while his steady, stark undeniably hip-hop drum beats stapled us down to the here-and-now. As we approach the next 1000 years, we realize his music isnĺt futuristic at all; it's just remarkably on point, in all senses of the term. With his latest album Kakusei, Krush has moved on to a higher artistic plane, abstracting two levels further into his art and away from his former instrumental hiphop contemporaries. His music is even more skeletal, focusing more on the structure of the sound, revealing small bits of flesh selectively, almost in jamaican dub engineer fashion. Again, Krush is designing the urban soundtrack for us heads not living life above 90 bpm. P4M: How long ago did you start? DJ KRUSH: Fifteen or sixteen years. P4M: How did you relate with hip-hop back then? DJ KRUSH: Music has had a large presence in my life. As a teenager who loved music and the sound of beats, I played the drums and had a band with some of my friends. And then I saw Wild Style, back in '82. It showed me the energy of the culture, and that video made me want to really get involved with the culture. Wild Style convinced me that I could do what they did with records and turntables. P4M: I know artists don't like to label their art, but what is your music like in your terms? DJ KRUSH: I really don't have a definition for my type of music. After I sat down and listened to my second release on Mowax, I asked myself the same question and could not come up with anything. But I'd like to call my music DJ Krush Music. P4M: How do you relate to hip-hop now? DJ KRUSH: Hip-hop runs deep within me and I express myself in my music. It's as if hip-hop is my canvas and I am the painter. Aside from making my own albums, I am also involved with a three-DJ group called Ryu ["Flowing"] in which we use Japanese rappers. Even these two sides sound very different, I think that it is clear that hip-hop is the common link between them. P4M: Do you like dub and is it an influence in your work? DJ KRUSH: Yes. Yes, in that it has many layers and echoes. In my recent release, because it is purely an instrumental album, I have to express myself with various layers to create something unique. People usually relate strongly to vocals and lyrics, so I had to fill the void with other sounds, sounds that are complex. P4M: Recently, turntablism has become very popular internationally. Do you see yourself as a turntablist? DJ KRUSH: I certainly don't have the same skills as, say, the X-ecutioners or the Piklz, so I feel I am more like a composer or a producer. I am more into music production so that I can paint my own work. P4M: In your show at the Giant Step CMJ opening last year, you used other people's music to create something completely your own. DJ KRUSH: That is exactly what I wanted people to see. P4M: Why don't you publish something like that? DJ KRUSH: I've always thought about it. P4M: To me, that's turntablism just as much as scratching... Why don't you make a mixtape or record of it? DJ KRUSH: Right after that show and I went back to Japan, I started talking to Sony about releasing a mix album. It will be released soon. I'm not about scratching. My music is about putting all elements together, letting it all flow together. In the long run, that is what I want people to get out of what I create. P4M: Do you choose the MCs you want to work with? DJ KRUSH: Yes, I always choose the rappers, but sometimes our schedules don't work out. P4M: Working with people like Black Thought, CL Smooth, Mos Def, do you like their voices or flow as an instrument, or do you understand their english lyrics and respect what they say? Which one do you pay more attention to? DJ KRUSH: First of all, I don't know any English. Flow as an instrument is what always gets me first. I appreciate the rapping as pure sound and then I pay attention to the lyrics. If the lyrics are just as smooth, I can finally say that the MC is good. If the rapping is bullshit, then its all bullshit. There's a lot of times when the production is great, but the rapper is sorry. Everytime I ask them to publish something with me, I make sure that I know what they are saying. I ask them what they think from an American standpoint so that I can put their lyrics in according to my concepts. It's not like I just put some random MC on my work just because he is famous. P4M: Your music is very atmospheric. With your music, are you trying to take people to some other place, or are you changing the place where they are at the time? DJ KRUSH: I like to see my music as a movie, or a painting. I am simply showing my art to the people when I make my music. If there is any place called Krushland, I haven't been there yet. I want to go there and will work until I get there. P4M: How do you feel about having your music in movies? DJ KRUSH: Having my music in movies is incredible. I had one track in Blade; I created sounds and visuals for a Japanese group called Southern Allstars, did other work for other Japanese movies, Levi's, etc. I even had my music in a Hungarian flick. The other day, when I went to a video shoot for Ryu, the director told me that my music is very visually inspirational. P4M: How do you feel about you, as an artist, being an inspiration to others? DJ KRUSH: Overjoyed. I was a bad kid, fucked with alot of people, had mad problems with the police, so my popularity and success is a kind of apology to my mother. In fact, I went to the Olympics one time and a Japanese swimmer approached me and said that he always listened to his music before a competition because it calmed him. I was really flattered. I feel really blessed that I have something to give to the people and that it is my music. P4M: Who are your favorite producers? DJ KRUSH: There are hundreds upon hundreds of great producers in Japan, the US, and Europe that I really respect and I really can't say that I have favorites. But I'll tell you about one, Kemuri Productions in Japan. I feel they are interesting because at the same time that they create hip-hop beats, they produce unique instrumentals without the help of rappers. The hip-hop movement in Japan is inspirational and exciting. P4M: Do you feel that others on Mo'Wax, like DJ Shadow, are they on the same vibe as you? DJ KRUSH: Even though my music is very different from Shadow's, I felt we were on the same vibe when I spoke to him. We have the same type of goals. P4M: On Kakusei, it seems that you are saying less, but expressing more. Do you see it that way too? DJ KRUSH: There are less sounds. The sound production is minimal. I feel I am telling more, but I still am definitely not satisfied yet. I want to reach another level, constantly maturing as an artist along the way. Despite the cap-over-the-eyes attitude Krushĺs music has, Krush seemed to have had a lot more to say. His translator was summarizing a lot as we spoke-- he speaks next to no english-- and knowing some Japanese, I could easily tell that his thoughts are just as visual as his music. Ironically, the most telling information was brought on by a question Krush asked me. On my way out, he stopped me and, in the only English I heard from him that day, he asked, "What do you think of hip-hop today?" After a second, remembering the precious few left in hip-hopĺs resistance to banality, I just started shaking my head. Then he started shaking his head, too.
rap.1328 brka,
NAPRAVITE MESTA ZA BRITANSKI HIP HOP Jan W÷lffel talks to Roots Manuva (a.k.a. Rodney Smith) about his new album for Ninja Tune/Big Dada, Brand New Second Hand. Still thinking that British hip-hop is a U.S carbon copy? That the b-boys from the U.K turned into digital drum-and-bass heads? Well, you`re dead wrong. Check this out. It┤s Rodney Smith, a.k.a. Roots Manuva, another "Gun From Brixton" on his way to blaze down your speakers with furious rhymes and deep dub-tingled hip-hop beats. He┤s been around for a while, and now it`s his time to shine. Recognize that hip-hop is a global thing and that globalization is in full bloom nowadays. Rodney Smith calls it "The Next Type Of Motion"-- which was his first 12-inch as Roots Manuva, on the British independent label, Sound Of Money. That was about 1995. Trip-hop was big in Britain. Drum-and-bass had exploded, and it was unclear whether there was room for British hip-hop. Only a few people recognized that there was something going on in the underground. Journalist Will Ashon was someone who did recognize that fact-- and in 1997 he founded the hip-hop sub-label of Ninja Tune called Big Dada, which turns out to be something like an equivalent of Rawkus. In fact, Ashon signed the poet Saul Williams from New York, El-P from Company Flow who did an remix for Roots Manuva, Abstract Rude from L.A., and of course, Roots Manuva. The first release had been a compilation called Black Whole Styles, which created a big buzz. Few 12-inches followed, and finally it's Roots Manuva's turn with his debut album, Brand New Second Hand. It┤s like a journey from Brixton to Babylon, and directly into the cyberspace of modern hip-hop. Although he's from the school of hard knocks, Roots Manuva has kept his humor and his laid-back attitude. This is what he has to say: ?: Are you from Stockwell or from Brixton? !: My mom's house is actually situated in Central Brixton. As a young man you are getting in a lot of trouble using the Brixton tube station. So I kinda turn my back on Brixton and started using the Stockwell tube station, which was a big karma. It's from then. Back in my school days, I used to say I'm from Stockwell. ?: What's it like there? !: Well, going down the road where I'm from, it's mad multiculture. Just on that road there are about ten different nationalities living next door to each other. We had our flat and our little street community which lasted about two blocks. Hi-Jack and Catch 22 lived there, aro˙nd the corner, as well, but I didn't know them. You know, it was just these two blocks. ?: What impact did Brixton made on your music? !: Certainly, to learn to love differnt types of music. In my house, it was gospel that we used to listen to. My next doors neighbours listened to funk and early rap stuff. Some friends listend to reggae and stuff like that. ?: When did ya finally decide to be an MC and producer as well? !: It was never a decision. I always messed around with keyboards and equipment that was around. When we started, we were actually five people. We did load of things; we had access to a community studio and we were trying to do a compilation album. That was before we were 18. ?: The combination of an MC and producer is rather unusual nowadays, isn't it? !: Well, there are just too much frustrated rappers who wait on producers. I always said that in this country we haven't got much producers. We've got people who make beats, but not enough people who bring out the best in us. I can only do the best for me. ?: And the producers in the U.K are saying that they don't have enough talented Mc's ... !: We've got people that make beats, but not actual producers. People who bring out ideas and people who get the best texts from vocalists. ?: Which was your first step in the music business? !: Walking into the community studios, saying that I┤m the best rapper in the world. After sending demo-tapes around, being refused and having a few bad shows, I was like, Oh shit, man, I┤m a need more practising, more practising. I send demos to Music For Life which was run by Simon Harris, and they refused me, man. I couldn't believe it. I kept sending them some stuff and after a while they stopped replying [laughs]. Throughout that course, from 15 to now, all that-- different record labels, from major to independent-- it┤s been a big massive frustration. ?: I only know about Sound Of Money... !: Yeah, that's the second label that released me. I had another group called IQ Procedure. We had one 12-inch called "Blindly Speak In Violence" that came out on the Suburban Base's hip-hop label. We released one 12-inch and the group split up. And than we sat together on Blak Twang's "Queen Tap," and a month after that, "The Next Type Of Motion" came out. All my time has been soaked up by Roots Manuva since then. We've also done some other stuff, a bit of drum-and-bass, a bit of trip-hop and even a bit of house as well. ?: Really? !: Yup, but I had not much releases, though. ?: Did you ever consider changing your style in order to be more successful and getting more attention? !: I kinda see drum-and-bass and trip-hop as the UK interpretation of hip-hop. Even though it isn┤t centered around the vocalist, it's pulling energy from the same thoughts. For marketing reasons, it's kinda fragemented right now and because there's so much more music coming out, people can play one music all night. ?: Did you release some drum-and-bass, trip-hop, and house as Roots Manuva? !: No, no. Roots Manuva is specific for the vocal end of Rodney Smith. ?: What was the name of the other projects? !: Oh, no projects. That was just some studio-type of music-- you know, studio pipe dreams which were never actually released. I always like to mess around, trying to be creative. I like Basic Channel, Daft Punk, Reprazent and all that, you know. ?: How did ya finally hook up with Ninja Tune? !: Will Ashon who runs Big Dada used to be a journalist. He knew me from releasing singles on Sound Of Money and Ronin Records. He approached me to do a single for Big Dada. But this time I was tired of doing singles; I wanted to do an album. I signed to them around 1997. We did a small tour promoting the Black Whole Styles compilation and it┤s just being massive since them. ?: Did ya put your album together completely on your own? !. No, I did eleven tracks. There were two provided by a guy called Wayne Bennet from a new production company called Lo-Tech Productions. I.G Culture did one ("Dem Phoneys") and Big VRS from Blak Twang did a remake of "Fever." But predominantly it was me and my own little bubble. ?: The "Motion 5000"? !: That's a cover version of "Next Type Of Motion." ?: And a brilliant idea to put it at the end. !. Yeah. ?: Who's the female MC on "Baptism"? !: Wild Flower. She's from northwest London. She's been tearing up freestyle stuff for the last couple of years, and she's been working with Crazy Noddy from The Sindecut. ?: Putting that album together, did ya have an basic concept in mind? !. No, I was trying to make a mix-tape. That's the only thing. I tried to use the same approach as you would do try to make a mix-tape-- having different colors even though you're following a certain pattern of groove. You know, painting loads of different colors and going on a trip, a journey.... ?: That's a concept, isn't it? !: To me, a concept would be to do an album about, um, travel on the seas. Track 1 would be called "The Big Ship"; track 2, "I'm The Captain"... ?: Your concept is representing a bricolage of Roots Manuva. !: Yeah. ?: Would you consider Brand New second Hand an abstract piece of hip-hop? !: I don't know. It took six month to make it-- I┤m listing to it for a while since the, and I still don't know what it is. All I know is, it's pretty odd. ?: You described it as a "roots vibe discotheque." !: The roots vibe discotheque is what you have in your bedroom when you turn out the lights and turn on the tape, having the lights of the system flashing. ?: Why do you use these sci-fi metaphors so often? !: It was part of me growing up. I┤m not a massive fan of sci-fi-- I can't speak Klingon-- but when it's on TV I watch it. ?: These futuristic vibe is characteristic for Big Dada as well... !: Yeah, our mind is on the future, sending signals to the future. ?: What would be your main messages? !: Oh... Do your thing. Hopefully, it will be successful. Do your thing-- I did mine and it came out good for me. Um, don't know. The songs have different meanings and I want people to paint their own things to it. Just like a piece of art in the gallery. Make of it what you will. Don't think about it too hard. Just groove; just get in the groove, man. ?: Who are "The experts with the expertise who got no place over here," who you speak of in a lyric? !: The labels that are trying to tell you what to do. Those labels who try to force you to do their interpretation of hip-hop and tell you to do this style or that style. There's a lot of that in London. Labels trying to confine you to a tiny little space in hip-hop, when hip-hop is originally about doing your own thing. ?: The lyric isn't about journalists? !. No, we need journalists to spread the word. Nine month ago, I was totally anti-journalist, but now I┤ve grown up a little bit. I┤m more open and I'm understanding that we are all part of the same team. So let's start to work together. If I┤ve got a problem with the journalist or any magazine, it┤s time for me to start my own one-- though I ain't got no time doing it right now. So I┤m going to work with everybody. ?: Do you avoid those parental-advisory words intentionally? !: I messed around with the songs quite a lot. It would be too easy to use "fuck" or "cunts." It's easier if I tried to be clever and use a "shhh" or "freak" or a "stupid ones"-- you know, just messing around. You will hear me on everything, talking about some mad crazy things with a shock value in it. ?: How do the Americans dig your stuff so far? !: Oh, quite well. For the first time Ninja has managed to get reviews in the Vibe magazine with my stuff. ?: Big Dada operates on a global level. Do you think that this global exchange will intensify in the future? !: Yeah, I┤m going to the U.S.A., Canda, and all over Europe, promoting this album. ?: Do you think that we are on our way to talking about hip-hop in a different way-- not using those labels "British hip-hop" and "east coast hip-hop," and so on? !: Those labels won't disappear, 'cause that's how things work. People need to put a tag to things so they're more accessable. They need sections in the record store. They need to have rap sections, house sections and avant garde sections-- just to make it easier for the public, 'cause so much music is coming out now. Personally, I hate categorizing, but I understand why it's there. You can check more interviews by Jan W÷lffel (in German) at Intakt magazine online
rap.1329 gligo,
> Zato jer te spotove gledaju camuge po bronksu i drugim crnackim > cetvrtima koji nemaju leba da jedu jer su oni prevelike face da > idu u skolu (kobajagi rasizam vlada u skolama i tako te > gluposti) i onda uz TV gleda tog tipa sa besnim > kolima/ribama/zlatom kako se qrci na ekranu misleci da ce mu to > sve pasti sa neba... i onda takvim spotovima pare oci, gledaju > stvari koje nikad nece moci da imaju i onda se loze da i oni > postanu baje sa televizije pa i oni pocu na pisu neka rap > sranja... i tako se u krug... Kobajagi rasizam? Tvoje nezdravo rasudjivanje i razmisljanje je upravo i posledica svakakvih propagandi koje se emituju "odande", a koje se najlakse sprovode pomocu recimo, holivudske produkcije i filmova tipa "Smrtonosno oruzje", "Dan Nezavisnosti", "Novac govori" i ostalih mongoloidnih filmova gde se pravi vestacka slika o bratskim odnosima crnaca i belaca, koja u istinskom zivotu, prakticno ne postoje. Sto se tice besnih kola, riba i kila zlata, to ne sporim. To je uvek bio njihov deo imidza, pemenimo LL Cool J-a, ali ne samo njihovog, vec svakog pripadnika crne kulture koji je od nicega dosao do necega. To je simbol bunta, to je u stvari i znacenje hip hopa. Bunt. Uostalom, reperi koji o tome pevaju odnosno pricaju pricaju vecinom autobigrafske price i iskazuju prava osecanja, pa i uzajamni rasizam, za razliku od onih koje si ti uzeo za primer, nekih foliranata poput ica.z rece, C Block-a i slicnih pacenika kojima je izmedju zivota i materijalnog, stavljen veliki znak jednakosti. To sto ti od _celokupnog muzickog dozivljaja_ ;) izdvajas samo kile zlata, gole ribe i besna kola, samo govori o tvojoj nemoci zapazanja, uzivanja i opustanja. 'ebiga, neko to ume, a neko ne. ;) Ono sto si ti gore nalupetao, moze samo da kaze nadobudni beli rasista. U stvari, onako ne govore ni rasisti, vec isfrustrirani klinci koji o rap-u znaju koliko i o pletenju carapa. Ma i manje. ;) > Rap je samo zapadna verzija ovog naseg turbo folka... bedni > su... Istinu govoreci, razumes se u rap, k'o Marica u kriv kur**. A, kad' si se vec istrcao, daj nam prosvetljenje o muzici koja tebe ispunjava, a ne govori o "opakim ribama, kilama zlata i besnim kolima?" Ono, o tome se i radi u rap-u i moras da se zamislis, sto rece vec jednom Brka, zelis li da te muzika natera da igras ili da iz nje uz opustanje, vuces i neke poruke odnosno pouke.
rap.1330 gligo,
> Ne smatram da su oni, tj. njihovi albumi obelezili '90-te, > ali definitivno smatram da su njihova ubistva bili > dogadjaji koji su obelezili hip hop ove decenije... Njihova ubistva ne bi bili dogadjaji koji su obelezili hip hop ove decenije da i sami nisu zauzimali isto toliko znacajno mesto na hip hop sceni. Zamisli da je Oprah Winfri svoj zivot skoncala u 24-oj, crna kultura bi izgubila isto onoliko uticaja i snage, koliko je izgubila odlaskom dvojice genijalaca. > Uh... malo previse komplimenata, rekao bih. Meni je > Big Poppa bio OK, ali ne bih bas rekao da je imao > najubitacnije tekstove (imao je mnogo gluposti u > njima, npr. kada u 'One More Chance' kaze 'black > and ugly as ever...'. Taj stih je posle naisao na > velika negodovanja). Ali, opet kazem, to je subjektivna > stvar... Hm, rekao bih da se takve stvari namerno rade u cilju "bolje" reklame albuma, a Puffy je kao izvrsni producent svih BIG-ovih albuma, slozili smo se, radio po'so vrhunski.
rap.1331 gligo,
> Znaci, najbolja prijateljica (nekada i devojka) najboljeg > rappera '90-tih je djubre... :) Brko, Brko, pa i Janet Jackson je bila devojka Tupaca, pa se time znacaj njene muzike uopste ne bolje. :)
rap.1332 gligo,
> PUFF DADDY 'PUFF DADDY FOREVER'-- SAVRSENI PRIMER > IZGUBLJENE KULTURE > Puff Daddy Forever would be a perfect album for children-- it's > cloying, wildly fantastical ear candy that's ultimately dispensable. Hm, nije mi jasno, ima milion slicnih pacenika na rap sceni, zasto se svi kace na Puff Daddya? Ono, znam da je mnogima trn u oku 5 miliona prodatih kopija svakog albuma koji radi, ali gde li je granica ljudske zavisti? "You can hate me now, but I won't stop now"....;)
rap.1333 ventura,
> A, kad' si se vec istrcao, daj nam prosvetljenje o muzici koja tebe > ispunjava, a ne govori o "opakim ribama, kilama zlata i besnim kolima?" Recimo Jamiroquai...
rap.1334 gligo,
Potrebuju se tekstovi Wu Tang-a, sa albuma Wu forever, mada, moze i bilo sta od njih... Brko, gledam u tebe. ;)
rap.1335 ica.z,
> Recimo Jamiroquai... ala si ga ubo svaka ti chast... Jamiroquai je po meni skroz gotivan lik, ali totalno nisi trebao njega da spominjesh... ne ide ti u prilog... :) sumnjam da se ne razumemo... ;)) inache u zivotu je u totalno drugom gasu kakav fura u svojoj muzici... zaboravi na Jamiroquai-a... nadji neki valjan primer... Ica
rap.1336 ventura,
> > Recimo Jamiroquai... > > ala si ga ubo svaka ti chast... > > Jamiroquai je po meni skroz gotivan lik, ali totalno nisi trebao > njega da spominjesh... > ne ide ti u prilog... :) > sumnjam da se ne razumemo... ;)) > inache u zivotu je u totalno drugom gasu kakav fura u svojoj muzici... > zaboravi na Jamiroquai-a... nadji neki valjan primer... Pa pazi mi smo ovde pricali o muzici... on ima skroz gotivnu muziku i sta mene zabole kako se on ponasa u zivotu... a Jamiroquai-a sam pomenuo jer je ipak malo poznatij lik a ima ql muziku... hja uglavnom slusam nesto na tu foru samo od raznih (neafirmisanih) autora...
rap.1337 brka,
> Njihova ubistva ne bi bili dogadjaji koji su obelezili > hip hop ove decenije da i sami nisu zauzimali isto toliko > znacajno mesto na hip hop sceni. Ti, recimo, izvlacis takav zakljucak... Ali smatram da su ta dva ubistva zbog neceg drugog obelezila '90-te. Pokazala su da je hip hop krenuo jednom opasnom stranputicom... i pre toga su postojala "neprijateljstva" medju grupama, mc-jima, ali su se ona resavala pomocu "battle of mc's (ili dj's)". Jednostavno, u jednoj prostoriji su i jedan i drugi, pokazu ono sto najbolje znaju, i onda publika i mediji proglase boljeg. U ovoj deceniji, to se, nazalost, resavalo pistoljima... > Zamisli da je Oprah Winfri svoj zivot skoncala u 24-oj, > crna kultura bi izgubila isto onoliko uticaja i snage, > koliko je izgubila odlaskom dvojice genijalaca. Diskutabilno... pitanje je da li je Oprah pomogla ili odmogla crnoj kulturi. No, dobro - ne zelim sada da se rasplinjavam. >> Uh... malo previse komplimenata, rekao bih. Meni je >> Big Poppa bio OK, ali ne bih bas rekao da je imao >> najubitacnije tekstove (imao je mnogo gluposti u >> njima, npr. kada u 'One More Chance' kaze 'black >> and ugly as ever...'. Taj stih je posle naisao na >> velika negodovanja). Ali, opet kazem, to je subjektivna >> stvar... > Hm, rekao bih da se takve stvari namerno rade u cilju > "bolje" reklame albuma, a Puffy je kao izvrsni producent > svih BIG-ovih albuma, slozili smo se, radio po'so vrhunski. To definitivno nije bila reklama... Pitanje te strofe je bilo pokrenuto tek neka 4 meseca po izlasku albuma (koji je do tada vec dostigao zlatni tiraz). Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1338 brka,
>> Znaci, najbolja prijateljica (nekada i devojka) najboljeg >> rappera '90-tih je djubre... :) > Brko, Brko, pa i Janet Jackson je bila devojka Tupaca, pa > se time znacaj njene muzike uopste ne bolje. :) Ma vidis da sam stavio smajlija... :) Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1339 brka,
>> PUFF DADDY 'PUFF DADDY FOREVER'-- SAVRSENI PRIMER >> IZGUBLJENE KULTURE >> Puff Daddy Forever would be a perfect album for children-- >> it's cloying, wildly fantastical ear candy that's ultimately >> dispensable. > Hm, nije mi jasno, ima milion slicnih pacenika na rap sceni, > zasto se svi kace na Puff Daddya? Zbog toga sto je on jedini "pacenik" kome je _svaka_ pesma obrada nekog velikog hita, i jedini "pacenik" medju producentima koji misli da je dobar MC... (To ti je kao kada neka supermanekenka dostigne vrhunac u svom poslu, i onda istripuje da je dobra glumica). > Ono, znam da je mnogima trn u oku 5 miliona prodatih kopija > svakog albuma koji radi, ali gde li je granica ljudske zavisti? Pa da... i ja ga ne volim zato sto mu ustvari... zavidim. :) Naravno da ima i dosta zavisti... ipak je to show business, ali mislim da vecina ljudi (barem novinara, jer ako bi oni zavideli Puffy-ju, onda bi trebali da zavide i pljuju svakog drugog hip hop pevaca, ili grupu, jer u krajnjem slucaju - svi oni zaradjuju vise od bilo kog novinara) koji ga ne vole, ne vole ga zbog stvari koje sam naveo gore... > "You can hate me now, but I won't stop now"....;) Jao, nemoj mi tu pesmu, molim te... (Ako se pitas zbog cega, pregledaj jos jednom jednu od mojih prethodnih poruka). Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1340 brka,
> Potrebuju se tekstovi Wu Tang-a, sa albuma Wu forever, > mada, moze i bilo sta od njih... > Brko, gledam u tebe. ;) ;) U fajlu se nalaze tekstovi sledecih pesama sa 'Wu-Tang Forever' CD-a: CD I {ECD - Enchanced CD} - Wu-Revolution [feat. Poppa Wu and Uncle Pete] - For Heavens Sake [feat. CappaDonna] - Cash Still Rules/Scary Hours (still don't nothing move but the money) - Visionz - As High As Wu-Tang Get - A Better Tomorrow CD II - Intro - Triumph [feat. CappaDonna] - Impossible [feat. Tekitha] - Little Ghetto Boys [feat. CappaDonna] - Deadly Melody [feat. Street Life] - Bells Of War - Dog Shit - Heaterz [feat. CappaDonna] - Second Coming [feat. Tekitha] - The Closing Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1341 brka,
Upravo sam obrisao sve poruke uz koje sam, u poslednja dva meseca kacio Real Audio fajlove, i tako oslobodio oko 9MB prostora na Sezamovom disku. Nadam se da sam Sistemu produzio zivot barem za nekoliko dana... Pozdrav, Aleksandar PS. Uz poruku je okacen spisak obrisanih fajlova... obrisani.txt
rap.1342 gdown,
Josh koji text Wu-a Artist: Wu-Tang Clan Album: Enter the Wu-Tang - 36 Chambers Song: 7th Chamber Intro: Take that motherfucker GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!! Yeah, good morning to all you motherfuckin notty-headed niggaz Word to the camoflouge large niggaz Bitch niggaz fuckin my body Bring that fuckin meth in here Yo yo yo yo Now we gonna drink some good Nightrain and yo, set it off Verse One: Raekwon the Chef Champion gear that I rock, you get your boots knocked Then attack you like a pit that lock shit DOWN As I come and freaks the sound, hardcore but giving you more and more, like ding! Nah shorty, get you open like six packs Killer Bees attack, flippin what, murder one, phat tracks A'ight? I kick it like a Night Flite! Word life, I get that ass while I'm fulla spite! Check the method from Bedrock, cause I rock ya head to bed Just like rockin what? Twin glocks! Shake the ground while my beats just break you down Raw sound, we going to war right now So, yo, bombin We Usually Take All Niggaz Garments Save ya breath before I bomb it Verse Two: Method Man I be that insane nigga from the psycho ward I'm on the trigger, plus I got the Wu-Tang sword So how you figure that you can even fuck with mine? Hey, yo, RZA! Hit me with that shit one time! And pull a foul, niggaz save the beef on the cow I'm milkin this ho, this is MY show, tical The FUCK you wanna do? More than Spike Lee's Do I'm like a sniper, hyper off the ginseng root PLO style, buddha monks with the owls So who's the fucking man? Meth-Tical On the chessbox Verse Three: Inspector Deck Yo, yeah, yo I leave the mic in body bags, my rap style has The force to leave you lost, like the tribe of Shabazz Murderous material, made by a madman It's the mic wrecker, Inspector, bad man From the bad lands of the killer, rap fanatic Representing with the skill that's iller Dare to compare, get pierced just like an ear The zoo-we-do-wop-bop strictly hardware Armed and geared cause I just broke out the prison Charged by the system - for murdering the rhythm! Now, lo and behold, another deadly episode Bound to catch another fuckin charge when I explode Verse Four: Ghostface Killer Slammin a hype-ass verse til ya head burst I ramshack dead in the track, and that's that Rap assassin, fastin, quick to blast and hardrock I ran up in spots like Fort Knox! I'm hot, top notch, Ghost thinks with logic Flashback's how I attacked your whole project I'm raw, I'm rugged and raw! I repeat, if I die My seed'll be ill like me Approachin me, you out of respect, chops ya neck I get vexed, like crashing up a phat-ass Lex' So clear the way, make way, yo! Open the cage Peace, I'm out, jettin like a runaway slave Verse Five: Prince Rakeem/RZA Yo Ya gettin stripped from ya garments, boy, run ya jewels While the meth got me open like falopian tube I bring death to a snake when he least expect Ain't a damn thing changed, boy, Protect Ya Neck Roll a Zig Zag, Zig-Allah jam is fatal Quick to stick my Wu-Tang sword right through y Clan is thick like plaster Bust ya, slash ya Slit a nigga back like a Dutch Master Killer Style jumped off and Killa, Hill-er I was the thriller in the Ali-Frasier Manilla I came down with phat tracks that combine and interlock Like getting smashedre you, uh, ah, uh Are you a warrior? Killer? Slicin shit like a samurah The Ol' Dirty Bastard VUNDABAH Ol' Dirty clan of terrorists Comin atcha ass like a sorceress, shootin' that PISS! Niggaz be gettin on my fuckin nerves Rhymes they be kickin make me wanna kick they fuckin ass to the curb I got funky fresh, like the old specialist A carrier, messenger, bury ya This experience is for the whole experience Let it be applied, and THEN DROP THAT SCIENCE Verse Seven: Genius/GZA My my my My Clan is thick like plaster Bust ya, slash ya Slit a nigga back like a Dutch Master Killer Style jumped off and Killa, Hill-er I was the thriller in the Ali-Frasier Manilla I came down with phat tracks that combine and interlock Like getting smashed
rap.1343 gdown,
Artist: Wu-Tang Clan Album: Enter The Wu-Tang - 36 Chambers Song: Can It All Be So Simple Intro: Raekwon the Chef [Can it be that it was all so simple then] KnowhatI'msayin, take you on this lyrical high real quick Nineteen ninety three exoticness KnowhatI'msayin, let's get technical Where's your bone at, get up on that shit aight Yo!! Verse One: Started off on the island, AK Shaolin Niggaz whylin, gun shots thrown the phone dialin Back in the days of eight now, makin a tape now Rae gotta get a plate now Ignorant and mad young, wanted to be the one Till I got (BAM! BAM!) thrown one Yeah, my pops was a fiend since sixteen Shootin' that (that's that shit!) in his blood stream That's the life of a crimey, real live crimey If niggas know the half is behind me Day one, yo, growin all up in the ghetto Now I'm a weed fiend, jettin the Palmetto In Medina, yo no doubt the God got crazy clout Pushin the big joint from down South So if you're filthy stacked up Betta watch ya back and duck Cause these fiends they got it cracked up Now my man from up north, now he got the law It's solid as a rock and crazy salt No jokes, I'm not playin, get his folks Desert Eagle his dick and put 'em in a yolk (AAH!) And to know for sure, I got reck and rip shop I pointed a gat at his mother's knot (Yo, Rae, don't do that shit, man! Don't do that shit! <gun shots>) Fuck that <Chorus> <Raekwon> Dedicated to the winners and the losers (Can it be that it was all so simple then?) <Ghost Face Killer> Dedicated to all jeeps and land cruisers (Can it be that it was all so simple then?) <Raekwon> Dedicated to the Y's, 850-I's (Can it be that it was all so simple then?) <Ghost Face Killer> Dedicated to niggas who do drive-bys (Can it be that it was all so simple then?) <Raekwon> Dedicated to the Lexus and the Ax (Can it be that it was all so simple then?) <Ghost Face Killer> Dedicated to MPV's phat! (Can it be that it was all so simple then?) <Raekwon> Nigguh, yeah, yeah! Verse Two: Ghostface Killer Yo! Kickin the fly cliches Doin duets with Rae and A, happens to make my day Though I'm tired of bustin off shots havin to rock knots Runnin up in spots and makin shit hot I'd rather flip shows instead of those Hangin on my living room wall My first joint, and it went gold I want to lamp, I want to be in the shade Plus the spot light Gettin my dick rubbed all night I wanna have me a phat yacht And enough land to go and plant my own sess crops But for now, it just a big dream Cause I find myself in the place where I'm last seen My thoughts must be relaxed Be able to maintain Cause times is changed and life is strange The glorious days is gone, and everybody's doin' bad Yo, mad lives is up for grabs Brothers, passin away, I gotta make wakes Receivin all types of calls from upstate Yo, I can't cope with the pressure Settlin for lesser The god left lessons on my dresser So I can bloom and blossom, find a new way Continue to make hits with Rae and A Sunshine plays a major part in the daytime [Peace to mankind Ghostface carry a black nine, nigga Word up It's on like that] [Can it be that it was all so simple then]
rap.1344 gdown,
Artist: Wu-Tang Clan Album: Enter the 36 Chambers Song: Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuttin Ta F WIt Intro: RZA [Tiger style] [Tiger style] Tiger style Yo, huh, huh Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuttin Ta Fuck Wit Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuttin Ta Fuck Wit Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuttin Ta Fuck Wit There's noplace to hide once I step inside the room Dr. Doom, prepare for the boom BAM! Aw, MAN! I SLAM JAM, that's freedom like Tarzan Verse One: I be tossin, enforcin, my style is awesome I'm causin more Family Feud's than Richard Dawson And the survey said -- ya dead Fatal Flying Guillotine chops off your fuckin head MZA who was that? Aiyyo, the Wu is back Makin niggaz go BO BO!, like on Super Cat Me fear no-one, oh no, here come The Wu-Tang shogun, killer to the eardrum! Verse Two: Inspector Deck I puts the needle to the groove, I gets rude And I'm forced to fuck it up My style carries like a pickup truck Across the clear blue yonder Seek the China Sea, I slam tracks like quarterbacks sacks from L.T. Now why try and test, the Rebel INS? Blessed since the birth, I earth-slam your best Cause I bake the cake, then take the cake And eat it, too, with my crew while we head state to state! Chorus: RZA And if you want beef, then bring the ruckus Wu-Tang Clan ain't nuttin ta fuck with Straight from the motherfucking slums that's busted Wu-Tang Clan ain't nuttin ta fuck with Interlude: RZA Hyah! Step up, boy! Represent! Chop his head off, kid! Verse Three: Method Man The Meth will come out tomorrow, Styles, is wild, berserk, bizarro Flow, with more afro than Rollo Comin to a fork in the road which way to go just follow Method, the Legend, niggaz is Sleepy Hollow In fact I'm a hard act to follow I dealt for dolo Bogart comin on through Niggaz is like "Oh, my God, not you!" Yes, I, Come to get a slice of the punk and the pie Rather do than die, check my Flava, comin from the RZA Which is short for the razor Who make me reminisce true like Deja Vu! I'm rubber, niggaz is like glue Whatever you say rubs off me sticks to you [Chorus & shout outs]
rap.1345 gdown,
Artist: Wu-Tang Clan Album: Enter the Wu-Tang - 36 Chambers Song: C.R.E.A.M. Intro: Raekwon the Chef, Method Man What that nigga want God? Word up, look out for the cops [Wu-Tang five finger shit] (Cash Rules) Word up, two for fives over here baby Word up, two for fives them niggaz got garbage down the way, word up KnowhatI'msayin? (Cash Rules Everything Around Me C.R.E.A.M. get...) Yeah, check this ol fly shit out Word up (Cash Rules Everything Around Me) Take you on a natural joint (C.R.E.A.M. get the money) Here we here we go (dolla dolla bill y'all) Check this shit, yo! Verse One: Raekwon the Chef I grew up on the crime side, the New York Times side Staying alive was no jive At second hands, moms bounced on old men So then we moved to Shaolin land A young youth, yo rockin the gold tooth, 'Lo goose Only way, I begin to gee off was drug loot And let's start it like this son, rollin with this one And that one, pullin out gats for fun But it was just a dream for the teen, who was a fiend Started smokin woolies at sixteen And running up in gates, and doing hits for high stakes Making my way on fire escapes No question I would speed, for cracks and weed The combination made my eyes bleed No question I would flow off, and try to get the dough all Sticking up white boys in ball courts My life got no better, same damn 'Lo sweater Times is ruff and tuff like leather Figured out I went the wrong route So I got with a sick ass click and went all out Catchin keys from across seas Rollin in MPV's, every week we made forty G's Yo nigga respect mine, or anger the tech nine Ch-chick-POW! Move from the gate now Chorus: Method Man Cash, Rules, Everything, Around, Me C.R.E.A.M. Get the money Dollar, dollar bill y'all Verse Two: Inspector Deck It's been twenty-two long hard years of still strugglin Survival got me buggin, but I'm alive on arrival I peep at the shape of the streets And stay awake to the ways of the world cause shit is deep A man with a dream with plans to make C.R.E.A.M. Which failed; I went to jail at the age of 15 A young buck sellin drugs and such who never had much Trying to get a clutch at what I could not... could not... The court played me short, now I face incarceration Pacin -- going up state's my destination Handcuffed in back of a bus, forty of us Life as a shorty shouldn't be so ruff But as the world turns I learned life is hell Living in the world no different from a cell Everyday I escape from Jakes givin chase, sellin base Smokin bones in the staircase Though I don't know why I chose to smoke sess I guess that's the time when I'm not depressed But I'm still depressed, and I ask what's it worth? Ready to give up so I seek the Old Earth Who explained working hard may help you maintain to learn to overcome the heartaches and pain We got stickup kids, corrupt cops, and crack rocks and stray shots, all on the block that stays hot Leave it up to me while I be living proof To kick the truth to the young black youth But shorty's running wild smokin sess drinkin beer And ain't trying to hear what I'm kickin in his ear Neglected, but now, but yo, it gots to be accepted That what? That life is hectic Outro: Chorus -- 4X Niggas gots to do what they gotta do, to get a bill YaknowhatI'msayin? Cuz we can't just get by no more Word up, we gotta get over, straight up and down Chorus -- 3X Cash Rules Everything Around Me C.R.E.A.M. get the money Dolla dolla bill y'aauhhhaaaauhhhhahhhauhhhhll, YEAH
rap.1346 gdown,
Artist: Wu-Tang Clan Album: Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) Song: Bring Da Ruckus Intro: Shaolin shadowboxing, and the Wu-Tang sword style If what you say is true, the Shaolin and the Wu-Tang could be dangerous Do you think your Wu-Tang sword can defeat me? En garde, I'll let you try my Wu-Tang style Chorus: Method Man Bring da motherfuckin' ruckus bring da motherfuckin' ruckus bring da mother, bring da motherfuckin ruckus bring da motherfuckin ruckus Verse One: Ghostface Killer Ghostface, catch the blast of a hype verse My glock bursts, leave in a hearse, I did worse I come rough, tough like an elephant tusk Ya head rush, fly like Egyptian musk Aw shit, Wu-Tang Clan spark the wicks an' However, I master the trick just like Nixon Causin terror, quick damage ya whole era Hardrocks is locked the fuck up, or found shot P.L.O. style, hazardous, cause I wreck this dangerous I blow sparks like Waco, Texas Verse Two: Raekwon the Chef I watch my back like I'm locked down, hardcore Hittin sound, watch me act bugged, and tear it down A literate type asshole, songs goin gold, no doubt and you watch a corny nigga fold Yeah, they fake and all that Carryin gats but yo, my Clan Rollin like forty Macs Now ya act convinced, I guess it makes sense Wu-Tang, yo sewwwwwwwww, represent I wait for one to act up Now I got him backed up Gun to his neck now, react what? And that's one in the chamber Wu-Tang banger, 36 styles of danger Chorus Verse Three: Inspectah Deck I rip it hardcore, like porno-flick bitches I roll with groups of ghetto bastards with biscuits Check it, my method on the microphone's bangin Wu-Tang slang'll leave your headpiece hangin Bust this, I'm kickin like Segall, Out for Justice The roughness, yes, the rudeness, ruckus Redrum, I verbally assault with the tongue Murder one, my style shot ya knot like a stun-gun I'm hectic, I wreck it with the quickness Set it on the microphone, and competition get blown By this nasty ass nigga with my nigga, the RZA Charged like a bull and got pull like a trigga So bad, stabbin up the pad with the vocab, crab I scream on ya ass like your dad, bring it on... Chorus Verse Four: The Genius/GZA Yo, I'm more rugged than slaveman boots New recruits, I'm fuckin' up MC troops I break loops, and trample shit, while I stomp! A mudhole in that ass, cause I'm straight out the swamp Creepin up on site, now it's Fright Night My Wu-Tang slang is mad fuckin' dangerous And more deadly than the stroke of an axe Choppin through ya back *swish* Givin bystanders heart-attacks Niggas try to flip, tell me who is him I blow up his fuckin prism Make it a vicious act of terrorism You wanna bring it, so fuck it Come on and bring the ruckus And I provoke niggaz to kick buckets I'm wettin CREAM, I ain't wettin fame Who sellin gain, I'm givin out a deadly game It's not the Russian it's the Wu-Tang crushin Roulette, slip up and get fucked like Suzette Bring da fuckin ruckus... Chorus So bring it on...(X7) punk nigga!
rap.1347 giuliano,
Prodajem sledece CD-ove : 1.Gravediggaz - Niggamortis 2.Genius\GZA - Liquid Swords 3.Paris - Guerrilla Funk Svi su originali i preslusani po 2-3 puta. Ko oce nek javi na mail.
rap.1348 ica.z,
> Artist: Wu-Tang Clan > Album: Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) imam taj album (original)... ko zna, znace koliko je teshko pronaci original... Wu-Tang ne slusham totalno tako da bi dao taj album za 20-tak maraka... zainteresovani nek se jave... Ica
rap.1349 brka,
INTERVJU DA EAST-OM... GRAFF ARTISTOM TheScenes: When did you start graff? EAST: I started in was a graduation or extension from breakin (b-boying) for me. I always saw pictures of graffiti in the background of all these breakin books and videos that I'd only seemed natural to me. ...
rap.1350 brka,
CHINUA ACHEBE (NAPISAO 'THINGS FALL APART') VRACA SE U NIGERIJU Another prominent author has returned to Nigeria, after years of exile. Chinua Achebe, author of the 1958 novel Things Fall Apart, which the New York Times calls "one of the most popular works of African fiction in the West," returned to Lagos after a nine-year absence. Achebe had come to the U.S. in 1990 for medical reasons, and though his absence was not as pointedly a political exile as that of Nobel Prize winner Wole Soyinka, it nonetheless drew attention to the struggle for creative and other freedoms in Nigeria. Soyinka return to Nigeria last year, when the death of General Sani Abacha signalled to possibility of less repressive civilian rule. (Abacha was the guy who hanged writer and political critic Ken Saro-Wiwa.) According to the Times, it's not clear whether Achebe intends to stay in Nigeria or return to the U.S. Note to anyone who hasn't read Things Fall Apart: Read it. Then check out some other Nigerian authors and marvel at Africa's most persistently fruitful literary scene.
rap.1351 brka,
TUPAC: USPOMENA NA NJEGA JOS ZIVI... NA SUDU Not only has Tupac Shakur released albums since his death, he has also been sued numerous times post-mortem-- or at least his estate has anyway. The latest in a string of lawsuits comes from the estate of Orlando Anderson, who initially was a suspect in the artist's untimely death in 1996, which occured just hours after Anderson was assaulted by Shakur and Death Row Records CEO Suge Knight. In September 1996, one week after Anderson sued Shakur's estate in connection with his assault, Shakur's estate issued a wrongful-death suit against Anderson for his alleged involvement in the artist's death. The Shakur estate's suit was later dismissed, and the two sides (allegedly) eventually reached a settlement May 29, 1998, in which Anderson would receive $78,000. But mere hours after the agreement was reached, Anderson himself was gunned down. Now, Anderson's estate is suing that of Shakur for unspecified damages for subjecting Anderson "to cruel and unjust hardship, and personal endangerment," as well as for allegedly breaching the May 1998 oral contract. Shakur's estate has also been involved in other lawsuits. Most recently, it was named in a $500,000 lawsuit filed August 20 by artist Bad Azz, who claims to be owed royalties from "Krazy", a track from Shakur's 1997 album, The Don Killuminati: The Seven Day Theory. In October 1998, Shakur's biological father, William Garland, dropped his suit for half of the deceased artist's estate, opting instead to agree to a settlement for approximately $890,000. In yet another suit, Shakur's mother, Afeni Shakur, filed a $17 million lawsuit against Death Row Records in April 1997, for royalties that the label allegedly never paid the artist. The suit was filed soon after a $7.1 million Death Row suit against Shakur's estate for money advanced to the artist for various recording and living expenses. -- Eric Stern
rap.1352 brka,
GANG STARR, TRIBE + OSTALI RADE SOUNDTRACK ZA NOVU SK8ERSKU IGRU Tired of listening to those mind-numbingly lame soundtracks that video gaming companies use while you earn those thumb blisters? Well, Rockstar Games, the company behind the eagerly-anticipated Thrasher: Skate and Destroy, has reached in to the hip-hop vaults and pulled out some of the greatest jams ever for the new game. Thrasher: Skate and Destroy will feature eleven of the essential hip-hop classics of the day, including "Rappers' Delight" from the Sugarhill Gang, "Planet Rock" by Afrika Bambaataa & Soul Sonic Force, and Public Ememy's "Rebel Without A Pause." (Full track listing is below.) With this kind of hotness, you might stop playing the game and start poppin' and lockin'! In addition to the slammin' hip-hop joints, there will be some Euro-flavored trackson diferent levels of the game. The Freestylers, Deejay Punk-Roc, Sniper, and Hardnox have all provided the Big Beat madness for the "London" and "German" levels of the skateboarding competition. Thrasher: Skate and Destroy is scheduled to hit the streets for Sony PlayStation November 15, but if the skating jones is hitting you too hard, go check out the steez at the official website, Tracks on Rockstar Games' Thrasher: Skate and Destroy Sugar Hill Gang-- Rappers' Delight Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five-- White Lines (Don't Do It) Afrika Bambaataa & Soul Sonic Force-- Planet Rock Run DMC-- King of Rock Stetsasonic-- Talkin' All That Jazz Ultramagnetic MC's-- Kool Keith Housin' Things Eric B. and Rakim-- I Know You Got Soul EPMD-- I'm Housin' Public Enemy-- Rebel Without A Pause A Tribe Called Quest-- Award Tour Gang Starr-- Just To Get A Rep
rap.1353 brka,
BOB MARLEY & CYPRESS HILL FESTIVALI: POSLE SVIH OVIH GODINA, I DALJE DUVAJU... In yet another seeming ploy to make money off of the name of dead legends, TNT's "Bob Marley All-Star Tribute" will feature big names from a multitude of musical genres. The show will take place in Oracabessa Bay, Jamaica on December 4, and is scheduled to air on TNT December 19 (coinciding with this reporter's birthday). Artists signed up thus far include Lauryn Hill, Erykah Badu, Sheryl Crow, Sarah McLachlin, Queen Latifah, Busta Rhymes, Seal, as well as Rita and Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers. If you wish to attend, the Bob Marley All-Star Tribute package is available through Air Jamaica Vacations (800-LOVEBIRD). Can't go and don't have cable? Don't fret, the concert will be available on both VHS and DVD through Palm Pictures. In other sure-to-be-marijuana-infested festival news, the Second Annual "Cypress Hill Smoke Out" will take place on October 9 at the National Orange Show Events Center in San Bernardino, California. Acts include a cross section of around 40 rap and rock artists including Cypress Hill, De La Soul, KRS-One, the Deftones, Gang Starr, Nice & Smooth, Fishbone, Long Beach Dub All-Stars, Ozomatli, and half a dozen DJs. The ticket sale date is not yet set, but near 20,000 attendees are expected to show up dialated and ready to roll.-- Eric Stern
rap.1354 brka,
RUBBEROOM, MICRANOTS + MORE HEADLINE 'HIP-HOP ESSENTIALS' After last month's amazing Mystik Journeyman show at Manhattan's S.O.B.'s nightclub, Fridge Magazine is preparing to blow us away once again during the 1999 CMJ Music Marathon! On September 18, Fridge will present "Hip-Hop Essentials," featuring amazing lineup of the underground's finest, including Rubberoom, Atmosphere, Black Attack & Micranots (Check out the full lineup below). "The refreshing thing about this event (is that) these artists are from every region of the U.S. It's an ambitious event that's not been dome on this magnitude before," says event organizer Fiona Bloom. Lune TNS will host "Hip-Hop Essentials," and for those not in the New York City area, the event will be broadcast LIVE over the internet-- check back soon for more information! "Hip-Hop Essentials" will be presented at DOWNTIME, located at 151 W. 30th Street in Manhattan. See you there, 'cuz if you miss this show, you're sleepin', son! Lineup for Hip-Hop Essentials: Rubberoom Atmosphere Black Attack Rasheed & Ill Advised Paradime Da Ruckus Micranots Strict Flow Scienz' of Life The Rawcotiks S-ON D. Auguste Manifest Million DJ B-Mello Hosted by: Lune TNS
rap.1355 brka,
SARADNJA - KOOL KEITH/BECK, METH THE THESPIAN... Music's pipin' hot and we're servin' it fresh! It appears as if the estate of Bob Marley has finally resolved its differences with Bunny Wailer and the estate of Peter Tosh. According to Billboard, the two parties filed a suit in 1992 against the Marley family over nonpayment of royalties and the use of the Tuff Gong trademark (the label that Bob Marley & The Wailers called home). In the settlement, which was reached in May but only disclosed to the public September 1, Bunny Wailer and Tosh's estate will receive over $2 million in royalties owed to them by Island Records, and they will also be able to use one of the two Tuff Gong images on products. Stand up for your rights! Kool Keith, man of all things bizarre and quirky, looks as if he's found a soul mate in the form of alterna-rocker Beck. The duo from another planet will collaborate on Beck's upcoming album (no title has been released as yet). In an interview with allstar, Keith enthused about Beck's joie de vivre and his musically open-mindedness: "I liked working with Beck because it wasn't like a conceptual market scam...He has no boundaries [and doesn't] cut any corners. We have no musical limitations." But we wonder-- is Beck a fan of hardcore porn? Hmm... Ol' skool hip-hop acts Run-DMC, Whodini, Sugar Hill Gang, and others have all signed the dotted line to take part in "The Hip-Hop Fresh Fest," a mini-tour to celebrate the old school days of rap. The tour will kick off September 10 in Berkeley, CA, and wrap up October 3 in Cleveland, OH. I'd highly recommend this show-- first of all, it features Whodini, who so aptly called it that "The Freaks Come Out At Night," plus this may be one of the last chances to revel in a time when a rap show meant that you went to get your boogie on, not get into three or four brawls before the opening act even hits the stage! And finally, I'll leave you all with my personal question of the week: aren't those MTV Video Music Award Blair Witch spoof commercials (featuring Chris Rock, Janeane Garafolo, and Method Man) the funniest *^!# you've seen in a long time? And I have to say, I think Method Man steals the show in each one... discuss amongst yourselves!-- Saidah Blount
rap.1356 brka,
DJ Spinna Gives Pete Rock and Primo a Run for Their Money It all started with an MC Eiht remix. And then remixes for Das Efxĺs (Microphone Master) and De Laĺs (Stakes Is High) which got everyone open. Next thing you know, this low-profile Brooklynite becomes one of the most prolific and sought-after producers in the indie hip hop scene. Backpackers worldwide worship him, as music connoisseurs stand amazed by the complexity and intricacy of his soundscapes. Basically, when you hear dirty, bouncy drums, melodic samples, echoed voices and spacey sound effects all over the place, you know itĺs a Spinna sure shot. For the Ĺ99, my man is coming with two plates for fans to feast on. The Polyrhythm-Addictsĺ (the super-group featuring Mr. Complex, Apani B. Fly Emcee and Shabaam Sahdeeq) Rhyme Related LP (on Nervous) marks somewhat of a return to Spinnaĺs earlier stripped-down style. Whereas the Heavy Beats Vol. 1 EP (on Rawkus), with its uptempo instrumental tracks, shows that Mr. Beyond Realĺs cipher expands way beyond hip hop. VICE: Youĺre into a lot of other stuff than rap music, right? Spinna: I listen to everything. Just funky records man, whatever got funk on it. I actually heard that you were from a house background. I am. I just did a house record recently. I grew up with that as well. Like in the mid-Ĺ80s when a lot of clubs banned hip hop because of the violence and shit, they started playing a lot of house and dance records and shit. And a lot of hip hop heads that were going to Union Square and Latin Quarters, they didnĺt have anywhere to go, so they went to a lot of clubs in the city that were playing house music. I was one of those cats, but since Iĺm also a DJ, a lot of the records that I grew up with being from the disco era, it was easy to appreciate that kind of music. A lot of cats will try to front like they canĺt fuck with that kind of music, but people did listen to it when it was hot. Every once in a while me and my girl will go to the club, and house does have the whole homo stigma attached to it, but if youĺre really all about the music, then that shit wouldnĺt matter to you. So were you producing house or hip hop first? Hip hop, always. Hip hop is the foundation. I have memories of people cutting up Big Beat on my block, and Impeach The President, and a lot of those early breakbeat records that cats were rhyming over back in the days. And I started making hip hop beats, believe it or not, in Ĺ85. I had a group since Ĺ85, we called ourselves The Top Choice Three, and then another group after that. Then Jigmastas was formed in Ĺ91. What was your most memorable studio experience? I got to say Puba, Sadat and Sir Menelik for the experience. [Note: 7XL is the joint they did together, and itĺll be out on Rawkus, Soundbombing II.] That was the first time I actually was in the studio and recorded not a remix but a Spinna production, with an artist that was already established. And they were so professional: I didnĺt have to tell them to do it over if they werenĺt happy they just kicked their verse again. And Big L too, definitely. He knocked it out quick. It was like: Yeah, Iĺm out. Peace. I like professionalism man, I hate to be in the studio for hours trying to get vocals done. That shit kills me. Do you still go out digging a lot? I donĺt do it that often anymore because I got bills too. And I have a lot of records anyway. Honestly, right now Iĺm mainly looking for a lot of rare dance classics. When I DJ, the people I play for appreciate that kind of stuff. Especially overseas: they want to get deep, they want to hear other shit. I look for rare soul albums anything rare and hot, even old reggae albums and 12s, early dancehall. What bothers you the most with the state of hip hop right now? The beats. Spinnaĺs Top 5 Spinna joints: 1. Mr. Complex: Visualize 2. De La Soul: Stakes Is High Remix 3. Jigmastas: Beyond Real 4. Shabaam Sahdeeq: 5 Star Generals 5. Das Efx: Microphone Master Remix. Also look out for a Jigmastas LP on Tommy Boy and a Beyond Real compilation, featuring a Jigmastas track with Mr. Complex, Shabaam Sahdeeq, Kweli and Pharoahe Monch.
rap.1357 file,
}} Sto kaze grafit ispod njegovog portreta na jednom od zgrada }} juznog L.A.-a: " Live by the gun, die by the gun!". Jesi li siguran , da je bash tamo? Neko mi reche da je u Dzerziju , a upotpisu stoji Bronx. 2pcgra.jpg
rap.1358 file,
Ima li ko od vas madafakera (ica.z , gligo..) text pesme "Troublesome". 2pac, razume se..
rap.1359 dzim,
> It's all about the Pentiums > (by Weird Al Jankovic) Jel to obrada nechega il je njegovih usta delo?
rap.1360 gligo,
> Ima li ko od vas madafakera (ica.z , gligo..) text pesme > "Troublesome". > 2pac, razume se.. To nemam, a uostalom ne znam ni sa kojeg je albuma stvar. Video sam je samo na "Greatest Hits".
rap.1361 gligo,
>> It's all about the Pentiums >> (by Weird Al Jankovic) > Jel to obrada nechega il je njegovih usta delo? Jasta, bas je njegovih usta delo. ;) Tekst je prepravljen na osnovu Puff Daddy-jevog hita, "It's all about the benjamins baby". Ide uz poruku i Puffy-jev original... benjamin.txt
rap.1362 gligo,
> Jesi li siguran , da je bash tamo? > Neko mi reche da je u Dzerziju , a upotpisu stoji Bronx. Prvo, sumnjam da ce iko da crta Tupac-ov portret i to usred Bronxa, mada ne odbacujem ni tu mogucnost, ali vec sam u nekoj knjizi citao da su mu taj portret posvetili "momci" iz Creepsa u L.A-u. Koliko je verodostojno, ne mogu da garantujem. A ono, Bronx, Le Sex u podnozju slike, moze biti i potpis momka koji je crtao "grafit".
rap.1363 ica.z,
> To nemam, a uostalom ne znam ni sa kojeg je albuma stvar. > Video sam je samo na "Greatest Hits". ne nalazi se ni na jednom albumu... nije ni singl... jebem li ga...
rap.1364 ica.z,
> Prvo, sumnjam da ce iko da crta Tupac-ov portret i to usred Bronxa, mada ne > odbacujem ni tu mogucnost, ali vec sam u nekoj knjizi citao da su mu taj > portret posvetili "momci" iz Creepsa u L.A-u. Koliko je verodostojno, ne > mogu da garantujem. A ono, Bronx, Le Sex u podnozju slike, moze biti i > potpis momka koji je crtao "grafit". u L.A.-u je... 100% sa garancijom... ;)
rap.1365 karlos,
pa 2 Pac je mrtav.....zar ne???!!! al dosta izdaje od kad je ubijen...nema sta....
rap.1366 sani.,
}} pa 2 Pac je mrtav.....zar ne???!!! NAravno da ne.
rap.1367 sani.,
Dobro , nemate troublesome. A "How long will they mourn me"?
rap.1368 gdown,
Ajde ako neko moze da posalje textove sa Public enemy - there's a poison goin on... Ovde ili na mail, svejedno. 10x
rap.1369 gdown,
UNDERGROUND 13.09.1999. u 21h Promocija 2pac-ove knjige, prevedene ma srpski Ulaz besplatan.
rap.1370 brka,
THE ROOTS... According to, Black Thought, MC of the legendary Roots crew, will star in the upcoming movie "Brooklyn Babylon," which will be directed by Slam's Marc Levin. Black Thought (who's real name is Tariq Trotter) will being playing a young Rastafarian who falls in love with a Hasidic woman in the backdrop of a racially tense Crown Heights, Brooklyn neighborhood. According to Offline Films publicist Rachel Goldstein, "Like the Roots are freestylers, Marc (Levin) is a freestyle filmmaker," creating a perfect match. Those of you who have caught Black Thought on stage or even on a Roots album know the brother's got some serious talent behind him, so keep an eye out. There is no date yet on when the movie will start production, but word is that the Roots will appear on the movie's soundtrack.
rap.1371 brka,
BUSTA I PUFFY OPTUZENI! Busta 'Bus' Rhymes was sentenced yesterday in Manhattan Supreme Court to 5 years probation. He was charged with carrying a loaded unregistered automatic weapon. Folks may recall that earlier this year Busta was pulled over for erractic driving. The police used the stop as an excuse to search his car and they discovered the weapon. Busta had noted he began carrying a gun after he was robbed at gun point a few weeks prior to the stop. The 5 year probation sentence is not something to be taken lightly. This means if Busta should have any sort of trouble i.e. smoking weed or being caught with weed, he could go to jail for some time because he will have violated his parole. It is these type of conditions that get a lot of folks caught up in the judicial system. Busta will have to watch himself carefully for the next 5 years. Believe me, the way things are going these days a high profile, outspoken artist like Busta will be a target for police. While Busta was dealing with his charge, fellow rap star Sean Puffy Combs got off easy with his sentencing. As you know Puff was facing charges for an assault against record executive Steve Stoute. He was looking at a possible seven year stint in jail. Instead he was given one day's anger management class. Damn, I got a boy who did two weeks for not paying a ticket. I'm glad Puff got off.. Lets hope he takes upon himself to set a better example for those who may get the wrong message because of his light sentencing.
rap.1372 brka,
STA JE SA SNEED-OM... The other week we reported the grave situation surrounding producer Sam Sneed who was recently diagnosed with brain cancer. A call was put out for people to donate money to a trust fund so Sam could pay his medical bills. An email address was set up so people could drop Sam a get well card mailto: Well the good news is that Busta Rhymes came forth and donated 10 thousand dollars. He normally would've kept the amount secret but he wanted to encourage other rap stars to come forth and follow suit. Over a 100 people took time out to drop Sam a get well email. Plans are still pending for a fundraising concert featuring Scarface, KRS-One, Eight Ball and several others yet to named.
rap.1373 brka,
HIP HOP U NEMILOSTI POLICIJE Bad news for Ja Rule as Hartford Conn Police are pointing fingers at his fans stating that they are way to rowdy. The other night, during his concert more then 400 people stormed the stage when Ja took the stage. In order to 'calm things down', the police felt it was necessary to pepper spray the crowd. It isn't clear as to how many arrest were made, but many are saying the police totally over-reacted. It seems like this is a growing trend.. Since I reported the police brutality incidents after the Source Awards, I've gotten a number of letters from all over the country reporting similar behavior. The Hartford concert is the latest one.. There have been reports coming from New York City, a couple of additional scenarios out in Los Angeles and one in New Orleans. The common thread seems to be the police coming out and running some sort of practice drills during or after Hip Hop concerts. This may have to become a new campaign for the ACLU..
rap.1374 brka,
MASTER "MAKE 'EM SAY UHHH" P Let's give big props to Master P for his business savvy. He was recently noted as one of America's richest people under 40. According to Forbes Magazine, P is worth an estimated $361 million dollars. In fact Master P out earned Michael Jordan who is worth $257 million. Now before people start writing Master P off and lambasting his rap skills or noting that 'money doesn't always make the man', P gets props for embracing a Hip Hop work ethic. By that I mean, from day one he figured out a way to create his own opportunities. People from the Bay Area will recall that not so long ago, Master P was hustling tapes in the streets of Richmond, California and getting dissed left and right. People kept saying they didn't dig his sound nor rap style. I recall him always up to the radio station damn near everyday with a different song trying to get it on the air and getting dissed by deejays who are now all over his nuts. During the time P was coming up, the Bay Area was in it's hey day with folks like Too Short, Digital Underground, E-40, Dru Down, 2Pac, Richie Rich, N2Deep, Souls Of Mischief, Saafir, Spice One and a host of others getting the bulk of the Hip Hop spot light and air play. However, P was operating below the radar. He was consistently charting on Billboard's Top 100 Chart and some how managing to sell records. The only problem was no one in these here parts, could figure out where P was selling his tapes. He was carving out a niche for himself in the South. He was tapping into a market that many people were either down playing or overlooking. The other thing that P was doing was he was being persistent and not letting any one person or radio station stand in his way and define his destiny. He began doing what a lot of rappers today won't do; He went to all those spots that people avoided. He was selling himself at the local barbecue joints, hair salons, liquor stores etc. In other words he was going deep into the hood and making himself known. He paid attention to an audience that many started either taking for granted or ignoring. What P was figuring out was that no matter what an MTV or KMEL was playing and presenting to the masses, the streets in it's rawest sense would eventually dictate the trends. So basically Master P locked up the streets and made the people enthusiastic fans of his music. He eventually developed a street following that forced everyone to take a second look and listen to his music. Kids that initially fronted on songs like 'How Ya Do That There' and 'Make 'Em Say Uuuugh' were forced to play these songs because the public overwhelmingly demanded to hear them. P was proving to folks that you don't after cross over you could make the industry 'tastemakers' and 'power brokers' cross over to you. To a large degree Master P helped bring to the forefront that gritty, grimy, dirty south sound that is so popular right now. Who would've thought 4 year ago that a song like 'Make 'Em Say Uuuugh' or 'It Ain't My Fault' would be Top 40 material selling millions of units? It certainly opened the doors and paved the way for the Cash Money sound that everyone is grooving too.. Master P caught a lot of folks off guard and reinforced Hip Hop rule # 1- No one has a lock on the streets and Hip Hop.. No One! To best illustrate P's influence, I recall deejaying at a popular club one night to a packed house that was damn near screaming with enthusiasm with every song I played. I ran a set that started off with 'Eric B for President' and covered everything from Public Enemy's 'Can't Truss It', Foxy Brown's Bad Mamma Jamma', Eric B & Rakim's 'I Know You Got Soul', Kirk Franklin's 'Stomp', AMG's 'Bitch Betta Have My Money' and Volume 10's 'Pistol Grip Pump'. I had pulled off my shelves a Hip Hop classic and was basically running my set just so I could drop this song and send the crowd into a total frenzy. After watching folks go bananas over 'I Know You Got Soul', I dropped Big Daddy Kane's 'Ain't No Half Stepping'. When this song first came out, it was the bomb and since folks hadn't heard it in a while and I knew it would set things off. To my surprise the perfectly mixed song cleared my dance floor with folks coming up demanding that I play 'something good'. A number of folks started asking for Master P's 'How Ya Do That There' which up to that point wasn't even being played on radio. I cut off Big Daddy Kane and dropped the song and the place completely erupted with folks singing along. To this day I'm not a fan of that song, but there were many a nights I had to play it in order to please my audience. It was one of our radio stations most requested songs and even during my KPFA Hip Hop show, I had kids calling up demanding to hear this track. It wasn't like Master P had people who just enjoyed his songs, he cultivated Master P fans who buy every tape and listen and know every song. A lot of artist don't do the ground work and take steps to develop a following. They let radio, magazines and videos shows do the recruiting. The end result of doing this is that many artist wind up enjoying the attention showered upon them by MTV, KMEL or Source Magazine fans who are following the dictates of these respective mediums. So if a magazine like The Source says Master P is in today and out tomorrow, fans of that magazine are likely to follow suit. This is different than having a huge supportive following that economically demands that a magazine put you on the cover or a radio station plays you. P gets credit for doing that for developing such a fan base. He also gets credit for playing the industry game to the fullest. He seemingly understands the politics of the radio and record industry and he works it with the best of them. He recognizes that this industry is all about business hence Master P has adjusted himself to make wise business moves. The only time things will change is when Master P owns his own radio station and magazine and then he can make his rules from which to play by. Lastly, there are lots of people who will bitterly complain that Master P cheapens Hip Hop.. They'll say his music is inferior and his image is 'too ghetto' or 'too country' for Hip Hop. The question I always raise is this; Is the average Master P fan also some one, who is going out and buying a Beatnuts tape or a Mos Def cd? If so, then I assert that Master P brought new fans to the game which helps out Hip Hop because they may have gotten open to some other material. Now flip the question, Is the average Mos Def, Jurassic 5 or Beatnuts fan going out and purchasing the new Master P or Silk The Shocker tape? In my opinion probably not. The point I'm making is that Master P is not taking away from Hip Hop he's adding. Don't hate on P because he managed to get new people to the table. The so called 'keep it real' type Hip Hop fan is not being influenced or corrupted by Master P and his music. If Master P is somehow able to ruin hip hop, then I say Hip Hop wasn't that strong in the first place. If the Mos Def fan abandons the style and flava that Mos Def brings to the game in favor of Master P, I say that individual was never a Mos Def fan in the first place. It's either that or Master P has a tighter program that appeals to folks. Think about it. How can I get mad if the fan who grew up listening to Rakim turns around and says he's into the Master P sound? What did P do wrong? All he did was play the game and the fans made their respective choices. There is nothing stopping the Mos Def fan or The Beatnuts fan from going out and presenting material to the Master P fan.. The truth of the matter is most won't. Even sadder is that many will not play the game of power politics within the music industry to force power shakers to cross over and respect a 'true Hip Hop sound'.
rap.1375 brka,
JOS JEDNOM ZA MUMIA ABU JAMALA This Saturday September 11th, the Hip Hop community will be stepping forth in an attempt to bring more attention to the plight of Mumia Abu Jamal. Mumia as many should know, is a journalist who was convicted of murdering a Philadelphia police officer named Daniel Faulkner back in 1982. He's been sitting on Pennsylvania's Death Row for almost 19 years. The circumstances surrounding Mumia's trial and conviction has been controversial. Many are proclaiming his innocence and that Mumia is a political prisoner. There are many who feel that there was a lot of crucial evidence that was suppressed at his trial and that he was railroaded through the justice system because of his outspoken views on police brutality, his support of a political nationalist group called MOVE and the fact that he was a former member of the Black Panthers. In recent years support for Mumia has picked up as many have come to see him as a symbol of resistance for the continued building of the Prison Industrial Complex. Mumia's insightful commentaries and writings have helped people focus on the growing trend in America to build more prison and less schools. The concept of rehabilitation has all but been abandoned as a goal for these new human warehouses. Many of these new prisons are being run by private corporations who are now contracting out inmates to work for literally pennies a day for major companies. Recently a list was put out showing companies ranging from Eddie Bauer to Toy R Us as using some form of prison labor. Many are looking at all these new prisons as being the modern day slave camps with a disproportionate number of Black and Brown folks filling the cells. Mumia supporters in addition to demanding a new trial for Mumia, have been trying to prevent a death warrant from being signed and combatting the growing Prison Industrial Complex. This weekend a number of rallies will be held around the country to help bring more attention to his situation. As of now he has just about run out of appeals and there's a strong likelihood a death warrant will soon be signed. Entitled 'The National Day of Art', here in the Bay Area groups like Michael Franti and Spearhead, The Coup, Digital Underground along with Michelle N'Dagacello and activist Angela Davis will come together for a free concert at Delores Park in San Francisco. A few thousand are expected to show up.. The event kicks off this Saturday at 1pm.. While all this is taking place, the Fraternal Order Of Police are busy at work retaliating. They are in earnest belief that Faulkner was murdered in cold blood and have taken a strong dislike to all the artist and celebrities coming out to support Mumia. As a result they have been calling for a boycott. Thus far artist like Chuck D, De La Soul, Everlast and The Roots are the target of a police boycott. There's also a long list of rock singers who are also being targeted. While it may be ok to protest and show objection to one's political and social beliefs, a more serious question gets raised with this so called 'police boycott'. Does this mean that the above named artist will be subject to police harassment? Remember this is what happened to artist like Naughty By Nature when they decided to sue the NY police department. For a full year they were constantly being stopped and bothered by police. It happened so much to the point that group member Vinnie said he would seriously have to think twice about traveling that road again. Does it mean that when these groups come to town that trouble will break out at their concerts? Or will the police use their influence and discourage venues from booking these artists. Here in the Bay Area many rap artists find themselves under the gun of local police departments who have successfully kept them out out of numerous venues. Most notably is The Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountainview, Ca which is home to KMEL's large urban/rap concert called Summer Jam. All in all it looks like the stakes are rising and the FOP may be using the boycotts as a sort of intimidation tactic to slow the momentum and discourage support for Mumia. We'll keep you posted as all this continues.
rap.1376 brka,
PROSLAVA GODISNJICE THE WAKE UP SHOW-A Last Thursday, September 2cd Sway and Tech had their 9th anniversary for the World Famous Wake Up Show, at the Reseda country club near LA. They event included and all-star line up of emcees and b-boys and at he end the hyped "heavyweight freestyle championship of the world" between Supernatural and Juice. Throughout the past few years these two cats have been getting a lot of mention on the Wake Up Show for their freestyling ability. Both have been on the show before in freestyle sessions and have been deemed two of the best from the underground, but it was time to see who was the best of the best. Nine judges decided upon a battle of three one-minute rounds for a grand prize of five thousand dollars. At the end of the battle, the undeniable winner was Supernatural. One of the highlights of the battle was when Supernatural ripped Juices name up in front of his face, and started talking about how Juice couldn't even look into his eyes because Juice knew himself he was wack. Besides the freestyle battle the show preceding it was one of the best I have seen in a long time. Among the all-star roster were performers such as Rhazel (the godfather of noise), Xhibit, Pharoe Monch, Planet Asia and Rasco, Chino XL, and B-boy Ivan and his crew (These are the same cats that were in the Wake Up Show anthem video). Rhazel freaked his set when he proved to all the nonbelievers that he could do the beat of a song and the vocals at the same time- he blew everyone away when he did both the beat and the vocals to the song "If your girl only knew" by Aaliyah. Rasco and Planet Asia made the crowd go bananas with their hit 'Takin It Back Home" and 'Blood Brothaz'. Overall this was one of the best Hip Hop shows put on in a long time. Not a single person that I saw left the show unsatisfied. Big ups to Sway and Tech for representin' all the elements of Hip Hop to the fullest. If you missed the show last Thursday, parts of it will be rebroadcast on KMEL this Friday night from 10-1p.m or at a where ever else the show is syndicated. Don't sleep- listen to the show and support. Also the Wake Up Show video will be coming soon.
rap.1377 gligo,
> Dobro , nemate troublesome. A "How long will they mourn me"? Ista stvar kao i sa "Troublesome", dakle ne.
rap.1378 gligo,
> UNDERGROUND 13.09.1999. u 21h > Promocija 2pac-ove knjige, prevedene na srpski Kada su juce u City-ju doveli onog "majmuna" Milosa da promovise jednu stvarno zanimljivu knjigu, nisam ni slutio da ce covek sa dve recenice da razjari fanove Tupac-a, a i ono ljudi koji prvi put cuju za njega svakako da odvrati od daljeg zblizavanja sa jednim od najuticajnijih repera u SAD. Pacijent je 2paca predstavio kao samo "najprodavaniju medijsku licnost u SAD", da bi nastavio sa pogresnim tumacenjim fotografije na kojoj 2pac izlazi iz bolnice u zavojima samo par sati posle prvog ranjavanja u liftu jedne visespratnice, a sto je glupavi Milos prokomentarisao sa " je on samo par dana pre smrti sa poslednjom recenicom na ustima i uzdignutim srednjim prstom." :(( Vrhunac svega bilo je pitanje voditeljke, kako komentarise "gluposti koje je 2pac pravio posle izlaska prvog albuma?!" na sta je cenjeni ljubitelj crnog zvuka, Milos, odgovorio: " Te gluposti koje je za zivota pravio mogu da povezem samo sa njegovom borbom za ljudska prava i prava crnaca u Americi". Ove gluposti su ono o cemu sam pricao. Nije problem u Puff Daddyu, 2pac-u ili BIG-u, vec u pacijentima tipa Milosa, promotera sinocnjeg dogadjanja i njemu slicnih kojima je jezik brzi od mozga, za koje se ponekad upitam da li ga uopste imaju i zasto ga ne koriste za neke stvari koje su im malko razumljivije, a ne za lose reklamiranje crne muzike i njenih najboljih predstavnika. Hteo sam da idem na promociju, ali drskost i neznanje Milosa i slicnih, samo mi je ukazalo da tamo ne bi bilo nista sto ce crnu muziku promovisati onako kako treba, vec upravo suprotno. Nek' im je na cast.
rap.1379 sani.,
Pa dobro , el bio neko na toj promociji? Gde moze da se nabavi knjiga i kolko kosta?
rap.1380 .lex.,
Eminem Slim Shady LP Kompletni textovi... .to dušebrižnici... 50k ono nije puno... ništa neće biti sezamu od ovoga. ;) sshady.txt
rap.1381 brka,
KURTIS BLOW NAPRAVIO LOS POTEZ, ALI... OL' SCHOOL'S BACK! Kurtis Blow gave no meaning to his name 'Blow' this past Friday night when he had to be restrained by Berkeley police from throwing 'blows' at a concert promoter for not paying him. The way it all went down was like this.. The 20th Anniversary Fresh Fest tour kicked off this past Friday at UC Berkeley's Greek Theater. About 2 thousand people showed up to watch Run DMC, Whodini, Sugar Hill Gang, Mele-Mel and Kurtis Blow put it down like they used 'back in the days'. Whodini opened up and completely shocked the house. They got the crowd so hyped that it was obviously a major oversight on behalf of the promoter to put them first. Whodini let crowd know their sentiments about having to open up. Ecstasy explained back stage that they were gonna leave the crowd exhausted and let down by the next act. BTW Ecstasy explained that Whodini will soon be doing all their business on the internet. They are in the process of launching their new website and will be following the lead set by Chuck D and others.. Ecstasy's words rang true as Sugar Hill Gang followed with a lack luster performances which was sparked up by Mele-Mel who is now an official member of the group. That's right, there ain't gonna be no Grand Master Flash reunion anytime soon Mele told me he's now making albums with Sugar Hill.. Hopefully Mele- can help them tighten up their performance a bit. Mele explained that he now considers himself Mr Multi-Media. He intends to do everything. He has a movie about to drop around the beginning of the year which will chronicle the career of Grand Master Flash and The Furious Five. He also explained that he's been lifting weights and training so he can eventually get into the whole wrestling scene. You have to admit he has a colorful name. Run DMC closed the show with a stellar performance which left the crowd standing.. Make no mistake they are truly the 'Kings Of Rock'. Backstage, Jam Master Jay told me about the groups upcoming new album which he insists will be off the hook. He talked about a hot track he just did with Old Dirty Bastard. One of Jay's partners pointed out that ODB because of all his craziness and controversy is set to sell a million records. Jay noted that ODB doesn't sound like some one who is that crazy with his new song 'Get Your Money'. Maybe there is a method to ODB's madness. Lastly he clarified some of the events that took place during the MTV Music awards. He explained that when Diana Ross removed the statute while Adam from the Beasty Boys was talking, it was only so his face could be seen on the large screen tv inside the venue. As he was speaking on the situation at Woodstock, his award was blocking his face.. Anyway Run DMC showed and prove they are still in the game.. The evening belonged to Kurtis Blow. As the crowd was leaving, many were wondering what happened to Kurtis.. His entourage which included members of New York's famed New York City Breakers were present, but alas no Kurtis. As the stage was being shut down and the houselights turned on.. Kurtis Blow came rushing onto the stage. He grabbed a mic which happened to be on and started shouting to the crowd that he was Kurtis Blow and he was here to perform for them. Everyone stopped in their tracks to listen. Kurtis continued to explain that he was delayed by Southwest Airlines.. Apparently he was in Cleveland for the Rock-N-Roll Hall of Fame conference that afternoon. Kurtis told the crowd that he wanted to do at least one song, but the promoters wouldn't let him. 'Can I at least do one song?' , he asked the crowd. They yelled back with much enthusiasm. "they won't let me perform', Kurtis pleaded . 'I flew all the way out here to perform for you and they won't let me do at least one song'. The security that was headed toward the stage to remove Kurtis had to back off once they saw the crowd was fully behind him. One of his dancer started busting a headspin on the stage and the crowd went nuts. Somebody managed to re-hook up the dat machine and some of the disassembled equipment and Kurtis Blow dropped his signature song 'The Breaks'. Needless to say, everyone loved it..especially when Kurtis began executing break moves with his dancers. It was a great way to end the evening as everyone left completely satisfied. Now this is where the drama begans. Backstage the promoters informed Kurtis that he wasn't gonna get paid because his performance forced the venue to go over time..Kurtis had a strong difference of opinion. His flight had messed up and he did his best to get there and rock the house.. Kurtis was up in the promoter's face demanding his money, and the promoter was saying 'No'. The police and other personnel ushered Kurtis and the promoter to a side room to work things out.. As I was chatting it up with Mele-Mel.. I suddenly saw a swarm of people and an angry Kurtis Blow throwing jabs like Mike Tyson. The flustered promoter was whisked away and police held Kurtis back.. I'm not sure of the final outcome.. but I do recall one of the officers saying out loud how they grew up listening to Kurtis and didn't wanna have to take him to jail. Hopefully the situation gets resolved. If you don't see Kurtis on the subsequent Fresh Fest Tours, then you will know why. Props to Kurtis for a great show even if it was last minute.. Bad move for him to take the street approach toward resolving his dispute. A lawsuit and an assault charge is not the way to go out especially for a Hip Hop pioneer. As I've often pointed out such outcomes set back Hip Hop in a big way. Heck if Kurtis didn't get his loot he could've taken his case to Judge Judy and sold tons records as a result of the publicity and notoriety.
rap.1382 brka,
STA RADI MC LYTE... MC Lyte is making some noise. She recently signed on to be represented by Magic Johnson who I must add is rapidly becoming 'The Man'. She slated to have a role in a sitcom called 'For Your Love' which will feature actress Holly Robinson-Peete. She has also signed a deal with Will Smith's new record label 'Overbrook Entertainment. Her new album should drop sometime in the spring. She is also involved in a big Hip Hop project in France.
rap.1383 brka,
LET THE MUMIA FREE! Props to Digital Underground, The Coup, Michael Franti and Spearhead and the 5 thousand Hip Hop fans who showed up for the Mumia 911 free concert at Delores Park in San Francisco this Saturday. The event which was part of the National Day Of Art was a huge success as the message to Free Mumia and grant him a new trial was surely felt and shared by all who showed up. Rap stars like Saafir, Mystic Journeymen, Funky Man, Local 1200, Naru, Midnight Voices, Radio who rocked an impromptu beatbox performance and numerous others all came out to support the event. Many opted not to come on stage but instead circulated around the crowd and hung with the people. The case around Mumia and all the connecting issues is one that everyone is getting behind. Digital Underground put on a great performance. They put out a new song called 'Pimpin' which had the capacity crowd pumping their fist in unison. Humpty Hump prefaced the song by explaining that only a punk who has no respect for himself goes around pimping women. He explained that in his younger days he acted ill, but that he had matured and now sees things from a different perspective. Humpty also took time to break it down about Mumia and 2Pac. He talked briefly about how if 2Pac was alive he would be on hand to support the efforts to free Mumia. He talked about the steps 2Pac was taking to become more political prior to his death. Humpty explained how America is a prison for a lot of people of color and that everyone has to step forth and try and make a difference.. His remarks were heartfelt and appreciated. The Coup who opened up set the tone for the day.. with their hard hitting politically laced yet funky lyrics..Boots as usual dropped mad science about the building of prisons and how we all need to step up... Due to the hot sun, DJ Pam Tha Funkstress couldn't wreck shop like she normally does on the turntables. Her records kept melting. The day however, belonged to headliner Michael Franti and Spearhead who put an end to anyone who likes to use the term alternative Hip Hop to describe him. Yes, he didn't just rapped, but this brother left everyone knowing that Hip Hop has a certain energy and spirit that moves you.. He succeeded in executing Hip Hop Rule # 6, he moved the crowd into a complete frenzy. It was dope. More importantly the message about Mumia got across. The performances were interspersed with speeches from former Black Panthers and youth activist. The keynote speaker was Angela Davis. The crowd was completely diverse with folks of all ages and races.. Hip Hop ruled the day.. Funny thing is I saw no mention of this off the hook concert on the evening news.. I did however see full coverage of the Opera in the Park concert which drew about 5 thousand people as well.. But what more should you expect in America. I have tons of footage from this concert and will be posting it soon..
rap.1384 brka,
JOS MALO O SHAKURU... Three years ago to this day 2Pac Amaru Shakur passed away in an untimely death. He died as a result of gun shot wounds he received several days prior while enroute to an after party for a Mike Tyson fight. It is no secret that Pac left behind a legion of fans who were touched by his words and music. He also left behind a trunk load of songs, many of which have been released as bootlegs. Three years ago when Pac died, I recall brothers breaking down in tears in the middle of the street. Many felt that Pac represented their struggles, pain, trials and tribulations. He spoke to their mindset and hence with his death they lost much more then just a rap artist. Many felt they lost an important part of themselves. Many people spoke about how 2Pac inspired them and how his music helped them cope with the day to day struggles they faced in their own lives. Last night we paid tribute to 2Pac with a special radio show on 106 KMEL. The question that was asked. 'How have folks taken their heartfelt admiration for 2Pac and incorporated in their lives today'? Was Pac's untimely death something that was in vain? How have people truly honored them. Money B of Digital Underground was one of Pac's closest friends. Last night, he spoke passionately about how Pac was the type of individual who always remained focused. He talked about how Pac pretty much had stepped up and accomplished everything he set out to do including making movies and touching people. Money recalled how Pac came as an uninvited guest to the auditions to the movie 'Juice'. Money was invited to read for a part. Pac tagged along and when he got there Money suggested that Pac read for the part of Bishop. The rest is history. He also spoke about how Pac wanted very much to live on to see his all his dreams fulfilled. Pac often felt that he would not live very long. Money B spoke passionately about how so many people have disrespected 2Pac by tarnishing his memory with insincere tributes, songs and faulty positioning. He talked about how certain rappers within the industry have gone so far as to publicly talk about how 2Pac was 'their homie' when they in fact they had never even knew him. He talked about how others have invoked Pac's name and imagery in songs, videos and interviews after they set off major beefs with him. 'I have to question how sincere people are when they talk about 2Pac in some of these songs', Money said. 'By bringing up Pac's name in songs and interviews are they attempting to mend fences or attempting to capture West Coast record sales'? This was a question Money B raised in a song he put on his new album. Money talked about how one unnamed rapper had build a career around memorializing and emulating 2Pac when he knew for a fact that when Pac was around the two never crossed paths and he totally hated this rapper's music. 'If your really down for Pac and are all about showing respect.. don't keep all the money write his momma a check'. This was another stinging line that Money dropped in his new song. Money also pointed out how numerous individuals who hardly knew Pac were now attempting to cash in by releasing out dated songs writing 'tell all books'. He concluded by noting that many within the Digital Underground camp are working closely with 2Pac's mother Afeni, and grass root organizations including former Black Panthers within the Bay Area to put together a 2Pac Youth Conference. The event is scheduled to take place in December and it will be in step with what Pac wanted. No matter what people thought, or read about the brother, he always wanted to reach back into the hood and help pull others up. In fact when he was alive he help set up an after school program and writers workshop which continues on to this day. It had and continues to have the support of numerous Bay Area rap artist like Mac Mall, Ray Luv, Chaunce, Mr Ill and Khayree to name a few. Now headed by his first manager Leila Steinberg, the program over the past few years had been extended to numerous Bay Area High Schools where artist would put together assemblies in which they spoke to kids about ways to resolve problems. Students are often rewarded with impromptu free performances. Leila Steinberg who was also on the show last night talked about the types of programs and cirriculum that is being developed around 2Pac. She talked about the success of a college course that was taught at UC Berkeley. There students studied 2Pac's writing and the social settings around Pac's music. The course was very intense and founded by a grad student named Arman Elihu. This year the class will be taught at John Hopkins University in Baltimore. Remember Baltimore was home to Pac in his early years. In fact he went to school with actress Jada Pinkett when he lived in Baltimore. There's a strong possibility the 2Pac will class will also be taught at UCLA and USC in southern California. The other thing to look out for will be the release of a book called 'The Rose That Grew From Concrete'. This is not only the title of a poem but also a metaphor that 2Pac often used to describe his life. The book which will drop on November 8th, will contain much of the poetry that 2Pac wrote during the writer's workshops he help start. If you ever read any of Pac's poems, they are absolutely incredible. In fact many of them are deeper then the lyrics to his songs. Early on, I was given permission to put up some of those poems on my website When Leila went to teach the 2Pac workshop in South Africa, she came across kids who were wearing t-shirts with some of the poems written on the back. In addition to the book, an album entitled 'And Still I Rise' will also be coming out under Amuru Records. Bear in mind there are still a number of unreleased 2Pac songs that have not been bootlegged. One song that is off the hook and will really get folks thinking is a track called 'Why The Good Die Young'. The title track which has been bootlegged has been redone and reproduced. That too is off the hook. The album will also drop in November. Lastly, Money B and Leila spoke to the issue of Pac's death and all the theories about him being alive. Both noted that it really is time for folks to let go and move on. 'Everyday people come up to me and tell me to tell Pac's what's up?, Money noted. 'Trust me he's long as we talk about Pac and continue to be inspired, he'll be alive in our hearts, he added. Leila concurred by talking about the pain that 2Pac's mother and family feel over his death. 'His death his not something to play with.. it's still the source of a lot of pain', she noted. The show ended with Money B talking about how he regrets not ever telling Pac how proud he was of him 'making it'.. He noted that no one is promise tomorrow, and therefore people should take time out today to tell the people they love and care about, how much you love them. We'll keep everyone abreast of the upcoming 2Pac events and happenings.
rap.1385 gligo,
> Pa dobro , el bio neko na toj promociji? > Gde moze da se nabavi knjiga i kolko kosta? Zanimljiva je i informacija da knjiga nema izdavaca u Srbiji, odnosno americkog izdavaca koji pozajmljuje svoja prava, i sto je najcudnije, knjiga cak nema ni autora. Ono sto sam video na City-u je ustvari vise neka monografija obogacena mnogobrojnim fotografijama u onom odvratnom, cini mi se, A4 formatu "stripskog" papira. Smejurija koja se narucuje samo preko telefona i to, verovatno, vrlo papreno i kosta. Oni koji zele najkvalitetniju biografiju Tupac-a do sada, sa preko 200 fotografija od toga mnoge do sada neobjavljene, morace izgleda da sacekaju da se nadje izdavac koji ce premostiti sankcije koje su nam trenutno nametnute i koji ce otkupiti prava od "Vibe-a", za tu verovatno, najkompletniju biografiju. A to ce, Boga mi, da kosta, a i ko zna kad' ce da se pojavi u nas. :(
rap.1386 sani.,
Da , video sam one siptarske plakate po gradu. A narudzbine se primaju preko mobilnog.. Seljosi..
rap.1387 .lex.,
Public Enemy There's A Poison Goin On Kompletni Tekstovi :) poison.txt
rap.1388 gligo,
Gru pravi 'soundtrack' za novi film "Dorcol-Menhetn", a pored muzickog dela, glumice i jednu od uloga u ovom filmu ciji se pocetak snimanja ocekuje uskoro.
rap.1389 gligo,
Deloris Tucker, predsednica Nacionalnog politickog kongresa zena, i bivsi guverner Pensilvanije, poznatija kao predmet prozivki Tupac Shakura u pesmama "How do you want it" i "Wonder Why They Call You Bitch", izgubila je parnicu u sporu sa pravnim zastupnicima preostale Tupacove imovine. Naime, doticna Deloris Tucker tuzila je "nasledjivace Tupacove imovine" i trazila odstetu od 10 miliona dolara jer je, navodno, dozivela velike emotivne stresove, bas kao i njen muz, a sve zbog javno izrecenih prozivki Tupaca u gore navedenim pesmama. Deloris je na sudu rekla da su stresovi ostavili toliko velike posledice, da "vise nije u stanju cak ni da spava sa svojim muzem, a o javnom kaljanju njihovog prezimena suvisno je govoriti".
rap.1390 jexy,
> > Gru pravi 'soundtrack' za novi film "Dorcol-Menhetn", a pored > muzickog dela, glumice i jednu od uloga u ovom filmu ciji se > pocetak snimanja ocekuje uskoro. ma taj Gru je klosar nevidjeni.. letos kad sam ga sreo na Adi i malo pikao basket sa njim uverio sam se u to.. covek doso u pocepanim patikama, pustio bradu, onako cupav sav nikakav i uz to je jos bio i najlosiji medju njima a u medijima se nesto hvali kao ja sam do jaja igrac.. kasnije smo mu ortak i ja izvukli prosek kad smo usli namesto dvojice likova koji su morali da pale jer od nas stvarno nije tesko biti bolji.. bila je to dobra partija ali samo jedna O:).. jedno sat vremena posle toga, dok smo optrcavali Adu, konstatovali smo ga kako vozi rolere po stazi iznad nudisticke plaze :>..
rap.1391 brka,
TLC VESTI... According to Billboard, Fanmail is certified 4X platinum!! ************************************** And more accolades for TLC album sales: According to Launch, CrazySexyCool is now the best-selling hip-hop album, of all time!! Over 11 million copies sold and counting.... ************************************** TLC Shines on MTV Video Awards After their fabu performance, TLC couldn't give it up enough to their fans, for whom TLC have been dedicating all of their recent honors. Later on in the show, TLC took the award for Best Group Video for the cyber-suave "No Scrubs," directed by the famed Hype Williams. 1999 is definitely the year for TLC! ************************************** "Unpretty" is #1 on the Billboard Hot 100, again!! As of the Sept. 25th issue of Billboard, TLC is #1 for the second week in a row! In more Billboard news, Fanmail, which has been on the charts for more than 6 months, is still #23 on the Billboard 200.
rap.1392 brka,
PONOVO CHUCK D... Congratulations are in order to Public Enemy's Chuck D as folks are buzzing about the fulfillment of one of his most ambitious goals. As most of us who are online know, Chuck D has been representin' the virtues of the internet in a major way. It seems like every where you went this past year and a half Chuck would be on the front cover of a magazine or newspaper talking about MP3s, new technology and the need for artist to level the playing field against often times oppressive and exploitive the major record companies. The internet, in Chuck's view was and is the great equalizer. His goal was to develop a 'super' Hip Hop website that would Enlighten, Entertain and Empower both the fan and artist alike. He wanted a website that would ideally eliminate the middle man and allow the artist to get his just due. Well folks that site is now here. Rap Station http://www.rapstation.comwill launch on Wednesday September 29th at the House of Blues In Los Angeles. It's expected to be the premier Hip Hop site on the net both in technology and content. More importantly it will be a major hub for artist trying to make their way in this shady music business. Listed below is Chuck's official press release... v F R E E Y O U R M I N D F R O M T H E M A T R I X ! http://www.Rapststion.comis on the air with news, noize, bits and bytes for the intergalactic hip-hop nation. features: >Inside the Rhymeńthe full scoop from hip-hop's movers and shakers >On the Real: Chuck D breaks it down >Rapstation TV exclusive programming and music videos >Rapstation Radio in the house 24/7 >Digital Affairs empowering emerging artists >MP3 and upload, download, trade and discover the latest MP3s The revolution will not be televised it will be digitized. PEACE! Chuck D
rap.1393 brka,
MARIAH CAREY vs LAURYN ? Lately there have been nasty rumors floating around town about singer Mariah Carey having some major beef with 'L-Boogie' aka Ms Lauryn Hill. The popular version of the story asserts that Lauryn and Mariah were scheduled to do a song together and for some unknown reason, Ms Carey decided to jump ship. The beef started because she never informed Lauryn about her change of heart. Ms Hill supposedly took Mariah's lack of communication as a major insult and publicly promised never to do work with her again. Folks all over were licking their chops as they anticipated the drama that would occur between these two superstars. The other day Mariah Carey came on our radio station 106 KMEL and cleared up the misperceptions. She emphatically maintained that whoever reported the story did not have their facts correct and that the entire story was a 'straight up lie'. Mariah broke it down as she informed us that she and Lauryn had never even spoke about doing a song together. She was pleasant on air but obviously annoyed that folks were running rampant with the story. So perhaps there was some static. I can't say for sure. All I know as of a couple of days ago, Mariah said her and Lauryn having beef a total lie...
rap.1394 brka,
I OPET ONI... Seems like 2Pac and Notorious BIG will forever be connected to each other. This month the one time friends turn rivals were featured on the cover of Vibe Magazine which did a retrospective look at their life and times. Earlier this year Nas dropped a heartfelt song entitled 'We Will Survive' that connected the pair. Now folks will have the last month of the century to sit back and reflect on Pac and Biggie. Bad Boy records has just announced that they will be releasing the much anticipated 'Born Again' lp from the late Notorious BIG on December 7th. The lp will feature unreleased tracks from Biggie and will feature production from all sorts of heads ranging from Nas to D-Dot to DJ Primier to Biggie's mom doing a narration. While folks are getting their fill of Biggie, 2Pac's memory will be resurrected with the release of his spoken word book entitled 'A Rose From Concrete. This project will feature many of Pac's earlier writings before he hit the 'big time'. Pac was a part of a writer's group with his old manager Leyla Steinberg. He along with numerous other heads including his original rap partner Ray Luv used to write poetry. Some of these poems are extremely intense and lend much insight into the mind of 2Pac. Following on the heals of this book will be a brand new 2Pac album. Topping the whole 2Pac onslaught will be a conference held in Oakland around the first week in December. The 2Pac conference will be a youth conference targetting young adults and teens by addressing relevant issues effecting them. 2Pac's mom Afeni Shakur along with a committee of Bay Area youth activist are hard at work putting this together. Lastly, Afeni Shakur has somehow managed to get a hold of 40 thousand pieces of bootleg material featuring 2Pac. Those bootlegs are being distributed for free to youth groups and high schhool kids all over the country. It's being done in an attempt to bring awareness to the upcoming conference.
rap.1395 brka,
REAGOVANJA... Writer Adissa Banjoko aka The Bishop has lost all patience with rappers who feel that journalist are easy marks who should bear the brunt of their anger and misgivings. In a written statement that is normally uncharacteristic from the mild mannered Adissa, he took Wu-Tang member U-God to task for his rude and belligerent behavior during a recent interview. Below is the email that Adissa sent out... "I just tried to interview U-God from Wu-Tang for Iron Fist on-line mag, but he acted like a trick!!The mag is dedicated to No Holds Barred fighting (like the Ultimate Fighting Championship)and Hip Hop culture. A lot of Hip Hop cats love martial arts and vice versa. U-God was SUPPOSED to be the big story on the Hip Hop end (with interviews by Charles Gracie and Frank Shamrock on the martial arts side). Anyway, I EXPLAINED to his mark azz that some people from the martial arts side of things may not know who he is so I was going to ask basic questions, then some fight questions. After asking him how he got into the Wu, he said " Basically we all grew up together, for the 15 millionth time, in the same project complex and blah-d-blah". I sensed his attitude and said, that if he did not want to do the interview, he didn't have to. He complained that I was asking him the same questions EVERYBODY asks him. I explained again that he'd be reaching a new audience that may not know who he is and that those people NEEDED this background info. He said "Ask me some interesting questions"! I responded by asking him who his favorite No holds Barred fighter was. He answered "I forgot that niggas name. King Po, some shit. Master Pan, I don't know!! I'm not even into that shit like that man"! At that point I told him the interview was off. And he hung up the phone. As a big fan of Wu-Tang and as a journalist I was disgusted and hurt. Obviously he must be one of the spoiled ass MC's who think that just 'cause they got a record out they can talk hella shit to anybody they want to. Well FUCK U-GOD!! I'm sayin' if we was face to face, I would'a knocked his ass out- straight up. U-GOD, COME TO THE WEST COAST BAY AREA AND GET KNOCKED OUT!!! I'M NOT JESSE WASHINGTON (NO DISRESPECT JESS)!!! I WON'T SUE YOU!!! MAN TO MAN, HAND TO HAND GET AT ME AND LETS KNUCKLE UP. GLOVES, NO GLOVES- WHATEVER. I RESPECT THE REST OF THE WU-TANG, BUT FUCK YOU!!! I WILL TEACH YOU TO RESPECT YOUR FANS AND THE MEDIA!!! CALL ME TOLL FREE AT (877) 247-9809 OR EMAIL mailto: THEIRONFISTMAG@HOTMAIL.COM. THIS IS NOT A JOKE. Adissa explained that he really took U-God's behavior to heart. The incident had occurred several days ago and he was still steamed. He had simply grown tired of artist who have decided to deal with journalist in such a disrespectful manner. When further questioned about his initial remarks, Adissa wrote this follow up letter to fellow journalist Harry Allen.. Yes Harry, I did write all of it. For better or worse, the words are all mine. I HOPE that I did not come off as some lunatic cat or some dude looking to hate on the Wu-Tang. And I surely am not an advocate of physical violence (especially in the black community). I'm a serious fan of the Wu-Tang Clan. And, I consider myself a serious journalist. But make no mistake. This is a very real, very serious scenario on my part. Any light in his home,or car he drives, or food on his plate was placed there directly by myself, the rap media and the other fans of the Wu-Tang. As a fan and a journalist, I was seriously hurt by this event. I feel I was wrongfully disrespected. Keep in mind his publicist was on the phone the whole time and did not understand his point of view in the least bit. I think I deserve an apology from him. Not with me on a "Bow down U God, punk nigga" tip. Just to hear him tell me honestly "Yo man, I was having a bad day and I snapped" kind of apology. But that PROBABLY won't happen. So, I want to lock horns with U God, hand to hand man to man. This is about ONE man (U God), disrespecting another man (me). I don't want this to get blown out of proportion into a east/west thing. I'll fight him for charity. ALL my proceeds will go to CHARITY!! We can just meet in a neutral place. We'll go to a gym and have one ref, and a man with a video camera in the place. We'll fight (bare knuckle would be my choice) with no time limits and no rounds until one of us gives up, or is knocked out. The winner can keep all legal rights to the tape. I'm tired of seeing great journalists and true human beings like Cheo H. Coker, Danyel Smith and Jesse Washington being assaulted and/or threatened by the artists they cover. Few Hip Hop journalists make enough money to live off of. And most of us would do this for free even if we didn't. We do this for the love of the art. And we journalists TRY (at least most of us do) to portray these artists in as good a light as possible. And you know what? 99.9 of them [the artists] , even the gassed one's respect that. They understand that the fans and the friendly media are key to their success and the Hip Hop media especially has their best interest at heart. Hip Hop journalists by and large are NOT enemies of the artists they cover. And I have never interviewed ANY rapper with the intent to defame or malign their name. So, I figured that since he's like one of the last cats to come out from their squad he would appreciate being the top rap feature in the first launch of Iron Fist. Especially since it would put his name and face in the hands of some new people who may have never heard of him. You don't bite the hand that feeds you. So now the bitten hand swings back!! Anyone who knows me knows I have not had a fight since I was 19. I'll be 30 in Feb. so that shows you how genuine my thoughts and emotions are. But he shit on me, as a fan and a journalist. So, I want an apology, or I want to fight. That may seem "illogical", or "crazy". But in a subculture where we strive to be "real", my reaction should be no shock to him or anyone else in the rap world. I sill love the Wu-Tang, Hip Hop culture and all the people who make it dope. But all cultures of the world have basic codes of conduct. Ways we expect to be treated and treat our fellow man/woman in return. If he wasn't U God, but was just some Joe Shmoe on the ave. who talked to me like this, I would still want to fight. And his status in the Hip Hop realm does not affect that. Peace, Adisa Banjoko "The Bishop" Overall, my personal thoughts on Hip Hop beefs are they are foul and should not occur. This is not the Hip Hop way. But to know some one like Adissa and see him come to this point, it is obvious that the mannerism he encountered must've been way across the line. Perhaps the eventual resolution to this disagreement can help close the rift that seemingly exist between artist and the journalist who cover them. The key will be a heartfelt conversation and not a knock out and drag 'em fight..As we head on into the new Millennium both artist and journalist will have to step up their game in a major way..Think about it.
rap.1396 brka,
DJ CRAZE... INTERVJU Hail the new DMC world champion DJ Craze! So confident were we that he'd smash the competition again that we hooked up with him, pre-battle to findout how he was preparing for his next championship bout. The ever intrepid Saidah Blount found herself record shopping with the Craze. Here's what happened next... S: Will you state for the record who you are, your name and age? C: My name is Craze, I'm from Miami, and I'm 21 years old. S: Do you drink? C: Do I drink? I drink a lot, only when I'm in clubs though. S: So we've been record shopping. What do you usually look for when you go to a record store? Do you want to get stuff that people don't have? Do you like to get stuff that you can fuck with on your own? Stuff that people won't recognize? What do you like to get? C: I'm not into collecting records 'cause I started too late to catch up, that's going to be a bitch. I just try to buy shit that I know people will like, and that they'll dance to and shit that I like too, 'cause I don't buy commercial shit. But I'll buy some commercial shit if I like it; I'm not just an independent-head. S: A lot of turntablists don't get people to dance, like a lot of people just stand at the stage and watch, do you think that's from the choice of material? I think you have more of a lyrical and melodic style and you get the essence of the music out of it. What do you think is the part of the music that gets people dancing? Do you think it's the style, the technique, or what? C: You just got to control them. You got to know how to get them started, and where to fuck them up. You got to take them like on a little journey and shit. S: What I also notice is the choice of records too is a good indicator 'cause what you were playing was stuff that people weren't expecting, I was expecting to hear more turntable cut-up shit. I wasn't expecting to hear Mary J. Blige, and I really enjoyed it. You are embracing drum'n'bass a lot more, and also electro-- what is your background? What did you grow up listening to? C: Old Miami bass. S: Nice. Like what types of groups? C: Magic Mike, Jealous J., Jock B., all that crazy Megatron, Dynamex 2 shit. S: Have you found that more people who are spinning are bringing in more of the element of that? 'Cause you're one of the first artists that's gotten exposure for being diverse with the records that you pick. C: Well a lot of kids are trying to do drum'n'bass now 'cause I did it and 'cause other kids are doing it and it's more like of a fad. Like whatever, it's whatever people pick up as a fad for that year. Whatever is like the new thing to do everybody does it at the finals trying to do it their own way. Nobody tries to be different. But now everybody's trying to do everything different, everybody's got all types of skills, everybody's trying to do everything, but shit, now it's harder. S: But that gives you more room to fuck with people's heads though. Can you tell me a little bit about the collaborations you're involved in, like the Ani [Obsessive Compulsive Disorder] project, and anything coming up in the future? C: Well I got that Ani EP coming up with me and Ani. I'm trying to do my own shit, and I want to get a lot of people to guest on my own album. Singing and rapping over my turntable beats, but that's still in the works. For DMC I want to kick that motherfucker's ass. S: Who would you collaborate with? Who would you really want to work with? C: I want to work with Black Thought, that girl from Portishead, Common, Eminem, hell yeah... S: Mase? C: Ha ha ha, no, not Mase. Uh, Mob Deep, maybe Guru? I don't know, a lot of people. S: Do you use any equipment besides a turntable and a mixer? C: I made my whole album on an 8-track, just two turntables and an 8-track. But now I'm buying my MPC and I'm going to get my own studio started in Miami. S: Do you classify yourself as having a certain style, do you think? C: I don't know, it's just my style. I think I'm different from a lot of DJs. I'm in my own little world. That's about it. I don't know what my style is. S: Have you been impressed with the UK? Like how the UK turntablists have been coming out? C: They're actually a part of our crew now, the [Scratch] Perverts. S: Oh really? C: I think me and Tony Vegas are going to go up against each other in the worlds. We all got drunk, it was like, "Yeah, we should get together. Yeahh!!" S: What have you been listening to lately? Is there anything that's caught your ear that you heard on the radio? Or anything that's come down the wire to you. C: Hmm. I dunno. I've just been listening to my own shit because I'm trying to be my own little thing. Like word, how can I be different? I've just been listening to my shit and all the shit that we've been making. S: Dope. Is that how you're mentally preparing? To get geared up to win it again? C: Oh naa, I've just been looking at all the videos, I haven't been listening to shit actually, I've just been in my own little world. S: You also got other stuff on your mind. You're about to become a father--how's that pressure? C: That's nothing. I'm dealing with that OK. They come around the same time so when those two months are over, I'm happy. But I'm pretty stressed out. S: You say you grew up listening to Miami bass, how did you get into it? C: My brother was a DJ before I was a DJ and he used to borrow records to throw parties around the neighborhood, and I used to listen to his records. Then I started buying my records and that's it. S: How much older is he? C: I think he's like five years older than me. S: So you caught right onto the DJ thing? C: I just started out mixing, like freestyling old Miami music, like Miami bass. That was until like '94, then I started listening to the videos, and then I started rapping. S: Do you battle in any of the other elements of hip-hop? You're coming from the Miami bass background, that's not the typical hip-hop background that most successful DJs have come from? C: I mean, I know it came from hip-hop. It started from battling and trying to be better than each other. And that was the whole B-boy aspect of it, so I know it came from hip-hop, but you got a lot of kids from the UK who like drum'n'bass music, then they got into hip-hop. Tony Vegas played guitar or some shit like that. It came from hip-hop, but now it's like in it's own little world. S: That's only going to continue that way, people have turntables like they have guitars. Would you like to see turntablism recognized as a music? C: A lot of kids are in it for the art actually. But I want to take it to the commercial level. Like I know it's bad in some ways to bring it to that commercial level where everybody loves it, and everybody can actually dance to it and be there and understand it instead of being like hmmm. I want to be the Puff Daddy of turntablism. [everyone laughs] S: You can hate me now? C: Yeah, you can hate me now. S: Is that based on your desire to have fame, or is that based on your desire to take the music that you love to a whole different level, like a mainstream level? C: It's the money. Nah, I want everybody to understand it and appreciate it for what it is. It's the only art where you can play any instrument, where you can be anything you want, it's not robotic, it's on the spot, you don't just press the button and let it go. It's an art. S: You say it's not robotic, but when you listen to an album, it comes across as very technical, something that's very hard to listen to. I love it, but there's a transition that's happening to make it from turntablism to turntable music. What's your approach? C: You can do anything with it. I think it has to be very musical in order to blow up. It's still B-boyish. It's still a little B-boy thing. Boom, bat, boom-d-boom-bat. They need to get past that, get real musical with it, so people can appreciate it more. So they can listen to it for more than thirty minutes. S: What do you think of Timbaland? C: Timbaland? I think he's dope as fuck. I think he came out with some different shit, and everyone just bit the shit out of it. Commercialized it. I think he got a lot of his shit from drum'n'bass though, his whole style and shit, it's like dum-d-dum-d-dum. S: He even claimed that bass is involved in that too, or you still think drum'n'bass is? C: It's a combination of hip-hop, bass, and drum'n'bass. It's bass a lot too, but I think he's dope. S: Who are your favorite producers? C: Uh, I like Dilinja for drum'n'bass shit, I like the Roots' production, Portishead production, that's about it. I like Roni Size. Anything Roni does, I like it. S: Would you work with him? C: Hell yeah. Not make a cheesy song like he did for Redman though. Oh woops, sorry Roni. He gotta come with a tighter track. S: What's are your favorite films? C: Favorite films? I like The Shining, The Matrix, uh, what's my funniest movie, hold up...holy shit, I don't know. That's about it. S: Do you enjoy the aspect of being a performer? My experience with battles is limited, but from what I know, there's a lot of personality involved. Do you think of that when you're doing your routine? Also, what are you trying to get across? C: I'm trying to be an ass hole on stage. Like the biggest fucking ass hole, like, "Who the fuck does he think he is?" I try to be as cocky as I can, and try to be like, when people see that confidence it's like, "Oh, he's the shit," even when it's like, "Oh, fuck this nigga, who the fuck does he think he is?" In the back of their minds, they think he's the shit. I try to be cocky, I just try to have fun with it. That's it. DJ Craze's record picks 1. R. Kelly "Did You Ever Think" (rmx) 2. "Guns, Money & Pussy" White Label 3. Mobb Deep "Last Supper" (b/ "Everybody Hates Me") 4. Mary Jane Girls "All Nite Long" 5. Gang Starr Full Clip 6. Dr. Dooom First Come, First Served
rap.1397 brka,
KONCERT HIEROGLYPHICSA! Weside! Ah...the stimulating sight of breasteses. Yo, the shorties were out Monday night as the number of boobs was almost equal to the number of guys in the area when the Hieroglyphics made an uncommon east coast appearance in NYC at the Wetlands Preserve. Actually, contrary to popular belief, Hiero did not perform Monday night-- instead, and to the disappointment of many fans, "representatives" of the crew showed up, most notably Domino, J-Biz, Casual, and Del. Though the whole posse failed to make it out, Casual and Del did rip cuts like sabres in the hands of Darth Vader while New Yorkers caught a sneak peak at the soon-to-be-exploding West Coast hip-hop resurrection. This resurrection is being led by the strong contributions of Californians including the Hieroglyphics, Dilated People, the Living Legends, and Styles of Beyond. Even the crowd at Wetlands felt a little West Coast, where diversity was a refreshing change from the usual 18-24 year-old black male emcee profile that are the usuals of NYC hip-hop functions. Despite all the college kids in attendance, hardness still reigned supreme, as serious head-nodding was as close as the crowd got to getting open. This unfortunately meant less bounce to the ounce regarding the breasteses. Oh well... at least that homeless, bearded, beatbox guy showed up to entertain due to Missin' Linx's extreme tardiness. L.A. old schoolers Ugly Duckling also reared their ugly heads to some people's enjoyment...some people's.-- Tony Le
rap.1398 brka,
THE ROOTS & PHAROAHE MONCH SNIMAJU NA LOKACIJAMA U NEW YORK-U! Platform's got the scoop on the latest with the Roots and up-and-coming hip-hop MC Pharoahe Monch! Following up on two recent news exclusives, the Roots are in the process of filming scenes for the upcoming Marc Levin movie, Brooklyn Babylon. According to the Roots' publicist, Valerie Lewis, the band will be in New York City this week to film scenes for the movie, which stars Roots vocalist Black Thought (real name Tariq Trotter). Trotter stars as a Rastafarian rapper that falls in love with a Jewish woman in the background of their racially strife neighborhood. Earlier this week, the Roots filmed scenes at NYC's Rebar-- the group members will portray Trotter's backup band in the film-- with special guest Bounty Killah. We'll be hitting you off with exclusive news from the set later this week-- so make sure to check back! In more follow-up news, Rawkus Records phenomenon Pharoahe Monch will finally be filming the video for his breakout, hear-it-on-the-radio-to-death single, "Simon Says" early next week. Directed by Busta Rhymes, the video will be shot here in good 'ol NYC. According to, Monch has also completed a remixed version of "Simon Says" featuring Busta, Redman, Method Man, fellow Rawkus artist Shabaam Sahdeeq, and Lady Luck! Big up to Pharoahe, who performed at Platform's recent party at Joe's Pub and was featured in our recent advertising campaign -- continued success!
rap.1399 brka,
REDMAN & METHOD MAN 'BLACKOUT' When rumors first began leaking out that Method Man and Redman would be collaborating on an album, I couldn't help but take a skeptical "believe it when I see it attitude." It wasn't just the unlikeliness of hip-hop's two biggest self-proclaimed potheads motivating to record together-- "How High" proved that they had serious chemistry. It was more the fear of a letdown if it never materialized-- or worse, stunk like vegetarian farts. Never before in hip-hop's history had such successful, distinctly individual solo artists joined forces just because they liked each other. We've moved into an age of strategic alliances governing the industry, but when artists collaborate, it's to consolidate markets (i.e. West Coast gangsta meets Southern bounce, or East Coast jiggy meets Southern bounce, or East Coast hardcore meets Southern bounce-- you get the picture) and it's rarely out of artistic or personal connection. What happened when the wonder twins united? Well, one can either say that Blackout produced the same solid, funky, craftsmanship that has been the hallmark of both Meth and Red's solo careers, or you could say that it resulted in the same underachieving effort that has allowed each artist to go platinum but kept them out of the industry's highest echelon-- a charge Meth plays into by repeatedly referring to himself as a "not ready for prime time player." It's true, there's nothing on here that any Method/Redman fan hasn't really heard before. The real attraction is that it's a full album's worth of raunchy, booming tracks from a couple of the best MC's in the business. Blackout was conceived and largely written on the bus the duo shared during last year's Hard Knock Life Tour, and it reflects the camaraderie that inevitably came from countless hours spent together on stage and on the road. Meth and Red's styles blend seamlessly on tracks like "Blackout" and the already popular "Tear the Roof Off" and one can just see arena crowds around the country being demolished by the wake of the bass-heavy bounce of "1,2,1,2" and "The ?". "Run 4 Cover" is good B-side or mixtape material, thanks to RZA's buzzing production and Ghostface's typically abstract guest verse. "Da Rockwilder" is the track that should catch the most ears-- its sneaky, electro beat is the closest Blackout comes to making a concession to popular produciton trends, and it works. Other than the bonus tracks (all of which could have been left off without being missed), it's hard to even find a wack song. There are a couple of lackluster tracks, like the Das-EFX tribute, "Cheka," that's basically a cover of "Microphone Checka," and "Maaad Crew," which borrows the not-so famous late-era KRS chorus. Both devices are cute-- if anybody can pull those off without offending it'd be Meth and Red-- but they give the impression that they were running out of concepts and reached for references to mask. That doesn't take anything away from the fact that Blackout is one of the most solid albums of the year and a sure-fire treasure for any hip-hop fan. For years, my biggest complaint has been that not enough hip-hop artists were making "complete" albums-- facing impossible expectations, Method Man and Redman did not make a classic but they did drop a bomb.-- Dap Dunlap Ocena: 3.5 od 5
rap.1400 brka,
PETE ROCK ... SOUL CONTROLER #1 Pete Rock is hip-hop in some intangible, "fifth element" form-- love of self, love of community, love of life in the face of hardship, love of survival by any means available. Existing somewhere between the playa-haters and the hater players, he's busts a humility and quiet confidence that many in the rap game cannot match. Beat alchemist, jazz futurist, and a producer who also holds a mic, Rock is more than Soul Brother. He's Soul Controller #1. Rock's blessed with a soulful vision of melodic and rhythmic clarity. As a producer and remixer, he invented the infectuous horn and off-beat chime sounds that producee Premier established as his own trademark. He taught both Puff Daddy and Jermaine Dupri how to croon on their productions. After defining one of the most recognizable sounds in hip-hop, in two historic albums for Elektra with partner C.L. Smooth, he left the label when they pushed him to go more commercial. The ensuing strife soured his relationship with C.L., and brought him to Loud Records. His debut as a solo artist, Soul Survivor, dropped last month from the label. In music, original ideas can get appropriated before they gain prominence; essential visions sometimes get confused in the marketing and re-marketing process; audiences can be deceived by concepts originally meant to enlighten. But that's not the case with Soul Survivor. The album delivers that rare commodity, truth, with sonic directness, through infectuous and daring soul. C.L.Smooth does make an appearance-- they've kept the frienship going-- and so do members of a collective of supreme lyrical operatives: Kool G, Black Thought, Meth, Ghostface, Prodigy, Common, Large P, etc). And Rock comes to the battlefield this time around with the voice God with him, so bear witness. My man can rap, too. He may be the smoothest producer on the mic. Not fronting as the next Rakim, he simply writes to be heard-- an unusually gracious quality in the midts of the vapid, late 90's, thug-o-centric adventurism that's currently pervading the game. Living life for god, his family, his music, and his girl, Pete Rock has returned to straighten it out: "God protected, so I'm selected, to orchestrate the next great, and create, and contemplate the world's fate, PR the heavyweight . . . Niggas talk the gossip but they ain't got shit, I'm still #1!" Believe that and react. -- Tom Constabile
rap.1401 brka,
CHUCK D: DOBRODOSLI... The Sound of Our Young World -- Chuck D Twenty years of recorded rap music - that's right, about 25 years of Hip Hop. There is a difference, and many times folks confuse the two. Hip Hop is the term for urban-based creativity and expression of culture. Rap is the style of rhythm-spoken words across a musical terrain. It's the antithesis of country music, but the two do pretty much the same thing - reflect upon their environments with stories and statements. This message to anyone waiting for rap's death: Get over it, 'cause it ain't goin' nowhere. The downsizing of music classes in the New York City school system led innovators like Kool Herc, Afrika Bambaataa, Grandmaster Flash and others to take two turntables, a mixer and a microphone and improvise an Americanization of the overdubbing style of Jamaican deejays. It was a whole new way of looking at, and thus expanding, music. By 1979, Kurtis Blow, Sugar Hill Gang, and others, were taking two or three hour party events and condensing them to minutes on wax. The irony of what's considered the first rap record, Rappers Delight, was not how long the 15-min. version was but in how short a time the artist got the style down on a record. I remember the early '80s well. The first companies to release the music were black-run independents like Sugar Hill and Enjoy, which treated rap like a fad, preparing to bail out if it flopped, as disco had two or three years earlier. The contracts were dungeons on paper, and trendsetters like the Furious Five, Spoonie Gee, Fearless Four, Treacherous 3, and Cold Crush Brothers took an exploitative hit like a pack of bluesmen in a concrete Delta. I recall when live shows were the main money stream for these lyrical Lewis and Clark cats, who put insecure '80s R-and-B groups in fear that they'd lose their crowd to a bunch of shouters. A few white-run independent record companies like Tommy Boy, Profile and Jive came along, offering still low and exploitative but better-than-before deals that exposed rap to national and international markets. From 1983 to 1986, I, and my soon-to-be Public Enemy partners, Professor Griff, Terminator X and Flavor Flav, promoted many of these sounds on college-radio station WBAU on Long Island. The suburbs were getting their first real taste of Hip Hop at the same time, with Run-D.M.C., Whodini, the Fat Boys, LL Cool J, Doug E Fresh, Slick Rick, and Salt-N-Pepa all selling out arenas across America. Plus the movie screen had hit films like Wildstyle, Beatstreet, and Krush Groove. The disappearance of vinyl started with a third generation of rappers in what is often acknowledged as the classical period of Hip Hop. Artists proved they could sell cassette albums for a full price and eventually tailor-made their music for the major record companies' brand-new profit pet, the CD. Performers like BDP, Eric B. and Rakim, Queen Latifah, Stetsasonic, Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince (Will Smith) and Public Enemy expanded the genre. This spread like fire, and other places in the US started offering their own style of rap. NWA, Ice-T, Too Short, Luke Skyywalker, and 2 Live Crew were not from New York City, but all pushed the artistic envelope, challenging censorship and confronting issues like police brutality. In the '90s, this CNN of black America socially infiltrated the homes and heads of all youth. I've been to 40 countries, and I testify that this grass-roots transformation of culture has spread over the planet like a worldwide religion for those 25 and under. The verbal crusade has young people teaching themselves to speak English quicker than their schools could, albeit a tad different from the King's version. Asia, Australia, South America and Africa are quickly catching up in their appreciation of rap to areas traditionally attached to Hip Hop in Europe, Japan, Canada, and the US. It's something to see videos connect white kids in South Chicago to Croats and Brazilians. This is the sound and style of our young world, the vernacular used in today's speak from scholastics to sports. I've seen the dialogue spur and predict movements - the Los Angeles rebellion of 1992, the Million Man march, Martin Luther King day in Arizona. But I've also seen it blur the line between fantasy and reality, possibly resulting in the unsolved deaths of two of Hip Hop's finest ever - Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. As we head into the 21st century, rap music/Hip Hop is in the earth-wide sound stream, the child of soul, R and B, and rock'n'roll, the by-product of the strategic marketing of Big Business, ready to pulse out to millions on the wild, wild Web. It's difficult to stop a cultural revolution that bridges people together. Discussing differences through artistic communication and sharing interests in a common bond - rap music and Hip Hop have achieved that in 20 years. From Lauryn Hill, Wu Tang, Mack 10 to Everlast, all you have to do is look around, Watch, feel, and listen. It's only just begun. Welcome to
rap.1402 brka,
ROCK STEADY CREW: VLADAVINA RITMA By Ken Swift (Archive Article) Peace to all the brothers and sisters of Hip Hop Culture. For those of you out there who understand and live hip hop culture... much respect. For those of you out there who live by the drum this ones for you. The Rock Steady Crewĺs reign of rhythm spans three decades. Rock Steady Crew represents the true BBoy of Hip Hop culture that Afrika Bambatta spoke of when he named the culture hip hop in 1980. Peace to the universal Zulu Nation and real ups to Kool Herc and the Herculoids. Time to take it from the DNA.
rap.1403 brka,
NA TURNEJI SA ROOTSIMA... (ZAPIS JEDNE DOKUMENTARNE RADIO EMISIJE) Announcer: When Rap Music began, most people saw it as a fad, like hula hoops and pet rocks, and predicted a very short life for the form. Yet, twenty years later, hip hop has become the music of choice for much of young Black America. Stylistically, Hip Hop is driven by music, technology, sequencing, sampling, and working with pre-existing material. Live raps are usually done to tape, and seek to imitate the record. The Roots are different. They are a live band steeped in the tradition of Hip Hop, which they unerringly evoke in live performances. This show chronicles a two week period in January 1995 just after the release of the Roots debut album. You will go behind the scenes, see the hopes and frustrations of a young band trying to make it in the music business. One word of caution, in this program, you shall occasionally hear the use of the word "nigga" slightly different from the word "nigger", a term embraced by the Hip Hop community as a term of endearment or provocation.
rap.1404 brka,
ICE T NA FILMU... Yeah, you know Ice-T the musician, but what about Ice-T the actor? His mean mug has been playing cops, robbers, and rappers on the silver screen to the acclaim of plenty of critics since his career was launched by 1984's "Breakin'". Since then he's been a hunted man (Surviving The Game) a Russian Mob Boss (Crazy Six) and even a Kangaroo Man (Tank Girl). Good guy or bad guy, human or otherwise, one thing's for certain: whatever side he's on, you sure as hell don't want to be on the other! Crazy Six (1998) Set in post-communist Russia, gangster Rob Lowe screws up big time when he tries to wipe out competing mob boss Ice-T. Lowe has to team up with another kingpin, Mario Van Peebles, to fight off his new formidable enemy. Complicating things are his own drug problem and his showgirl girlfriend, played by Ivana Milicevic. And even Burt Reynolds gets in on the act, starring as an American agent who joins in the dogpile to bring down Ice-T. Body Count (aka Below Utopia) (1997) Ice-T stars as a crook who busts into a wealthy family's house and massacres all of its members, or so he thinks. T and his posse hang around and peruse the family's great works of art, bagging themselves the heist of the century. Little do they know that Justin Theroux and Alyssa Milano, visiting the family for Thanksgiving, were making out in the basement during the massacre and have a definite will to survive. Let the Body Count begin! Johnny Mnemonic (1995) Cyberpunk fiction pioneer William Gibson's first screen adaptation stars Keaunu Reeves as 'Johnny Mneomic', a data smuggler who procures a piece of info that everyone wants a piece of. The chip is, of course, loaded into his head, which makes a great target for a whole slew of bad guys. And to top it all off, if he doesn't complete his mission in a specified time, his head will explode. Ice-T plays J-Bone, pirate leader of the underground resistance dedicated to curing a plague that has sickened the masses. Tank Girl (1995) It's the year 2033. Earth has been turned into a polluted wasteland, water is scarce, and an evil utility company runs the show. Enter Tank Girl, the Earth's last hope to defeat the Water & Power Company. To save Terra Firma, Tank Girl needs the help of the Rippers, half kangaroo-half human badasses that live underground. Ice-T does a bang up job as a short tempered Ripper - catch him like you've never seen him before. Surviving the Game (1994) Ice-T is Mason, a homeless man hired to guide a bunch of hunters (led by Blade Runner's Rutger Hauer) into the dense forests of the Pacific Northwest. Little does he know that the hunting party, made up of government agents and wealthy industrialists, aren't there to hunt bears - but humans, and more specifically: him. Killing Ice-T proves easier said than done, and as the line goes 'the hunter becomes the hunted'. Trespass (1992) Two southern firemen (Bill Paxton and William Sadler) trek up to East St. Louis to find a hidden treasure in the roof of a bombed out factory. When they get there, however, they witness a gang execution, and spend the rest of the time trying not to get squashed for seeing too much. Ice-T stars as the gang leader trying to whack the firemen while keeping his posse (featuring Ice Cube!) in line. New Jack City (1991) Wesley Snipes, New York drug syndicate kingpin, has set up the ultimate fortress in Harlem. He has everything a gangster could want: wealth, power, chicks, etc. But when he gets too greedy, it's up to Ice-T and Judd Nelson, two of NYC's finest, to go crack some heads and torch the illicit fortune of the crime family. A new take on the classic gangster genre. Ricochet (1991) After supercop Denzel Washington throws John Lithgow in prison, he becomes a media star, eventually seeking public office. Meanwhile, Mr. Lithgow has been baking in prison, fermenting evil plans for his captor. Lithgow escapes from jail (by drilling a hole in a guy's head!), and sets out to destroy Washington's life. Washington has no choice to call up his old buddy, Ice-T, who's currently an underworld toughie, to help him settle the score.
rap.1405 brka,
Vesti sa izdavacke kuce... ICE T GETS DEADLY! Pimpin' ain't easy, that's why we ask you to mark your calendars for the release of Ice T's first album in almost three years. Hating players is easy, but you'll change your mind after getting an MP3 hit of what Ice has got in store for you at Have you put your pre-order in for 7th deadly SIN yet? Go ahead, do it now--we'll wait for you. PE GOES ON TOUR! It's time to bumrush the show--your favorite rap Revolutionaries are coming to a town near you!!! Come check out the tour dates and cities Chuck D and company are hitting up this month! And keep checking in at the Non- Stop Contest Spot for the hook-up! PE ticket giveaways are on their way!
rap.1406 brka,
PEACE DAY... Props to the Bay Area's Mac Mall for puttin' it down the other day at San Francisco's Increase The Peace Day. More then a 2000 kids showed up for a free after school concert and rally. Everyone from Mayor Willie Brown to the SF school superintendent spoke.. Mac mall set it off and got everyone hyped. He later than spoke to new reporters about the importance of coming out and letting the youth see him in a positive light. He explained that it's ok for kids to see people like him doing good things and also be from the streets. His comments were broadcasted on local news stations. It was good to see young Mall represent the positive side of Hip Hop.
rap.1407 brka,
CHRONIC ISLAND TOUR... A bit of disturbing news coming out of Hawaii during the well publicized Chronic island Tour. There Snoop Dogg, Dr Dre and Eminem were supposed to wreck shop which they did, but unfortunately folks claiming they were down with Death Row attempted to 'Hoo-ride' the event. There were reports that folks were waiting for Snoop at the airport and there were safety concerns resulting in several after parties and pre-parties being cancelled. Dr Dre was spotted walking with a phalanx of police in addition to his own security. Hopefully this whole drama involving all these parties one day comes to a rest.. Time will tell.
rap.1408 brka,
NOVI ALBUM ZA E-40 E-40 has just announced that his new album Charlie Hustle 'The Blue Print Of A Self Made Millionaire' will be dropping around November and not this week as promised. Apparently Mr Hustle aka E-40 wants to add some more 'rumbles' records to the mixture of Hip Hop funk he's about to serve up. The lp is already screaming with tracks featuring everyone from Juvenile on down to Fat Joe. In other E-40 news, he was puttin' it down on LA's KKBT where he along with Mack 10, Snoop Dogg, DJ Quik and Xzibit all did deejay shifts for a new feature they have called Westside Wednesdays. From what I'm hearing it was off the hook.
rap.1409 brka,
GANG STARR NAPRAVILI SPEKTAKL NA LYRICIST LOUNGE TURNEJI... Got a chance to peep out Gang Starr along with Nice N Smooth last night in San Francisco during the Lyrist Lounge Tour. Fresh off a plane and onto the stage, Guru certainly rocked the capacity crowd. Freddy Foxx, Hannibal and Big Shug also came through and wrecked shop. DJ Premier held it down on the one and twos and as a hype man.. Nice N Smooth took the crowd to an all out frenzy especially when Greg Nice started beat boxing. A lot of kids aren't up on the fact that long before Greg started rapping, he was beat boxing. I recall him doing this even before cats like Dougie Fresh. The bottom line is they demonstrated to the crowd what true showmanship is all about. They danced, they sang, they beat boxed, they rapped and they entertained. The show ended with everyone doing an impromptu tribute to fallen rap stars 2Pac, Biggie, Freaky Tah and Big L. I caught up with Greg and Smooth B and they told me they are working on an album that will drop sometime early next year. The title is still under wraps as are the particulars about who and who won't be on lp.. It'll be their first venture in a number of years..What really threw me off guard was my conversation with Smooth B. He told me that he used to sing with Bobby Brown. In fact he even wrote songs for home boy. We got into the conversation because during the group's performance, Smooth B was singing and doing a good job at it.. Folks was feeling him. So backstage while joking around with him about him being a crooner, he told me about his background with Bobby Brown. After all these years I never knew that.. I guess you learn something new everyday. I also caught up with Freddie Foxx. He too is getting set to drop his new album. Folks were definitely feeling the man who now sports the name Bumpy Knuckles. The two songs he performed had people hyped. Backstage I must give Freddie major dap for the type of good judgement he displayed when some off the hook fan crashed the dressing room and started sweatin' him. The man in question told security that he was from Brooklyn and demanded to see Foxx. Upon getting backstage to the dressing room and got all bent out of shape because Foxx didn't recognize who he was. The brother was complaining that he had tried to talk to Freddie when he was on stage and he was hurt that Freddie didn't acknowledge him. Freddie apologized and explained that it's hard for him to chat while performing. Home boy then started droppin' names and street addresses and a perplexed Foxx kept telling the man he had no idea who he was. Finally it got out of hand as the fan kept pressing. An agitated Foxx who had repeatedly apologized and attempted to move away while being pursued by this crazy fan from Brooklyn finally raised his voice and told the man to leave the dressing room and stop sweating him.. Most folks were unaware there was a problem cause Foxx remained so cool about things. In fact he was even friendly with the guy. Security had the man escorted out.. Foxx who is a rather large man and an excellent boxer, explained to everyone that he didn't wanna do anything that would send him to jail or bring negative attention to Gang Starr and Nice N Smooth. He explained that people are just waiting for him to act ill and stomp some one and he was determined not to provide that sort of material. In addition it could've been a set up for a lawsuit had Foxx mopped him up. So again props to Freddie for showing patience, good judgement and remaining level headed in a foul situation. Finally I caught up with Guru who told me he is set to drop a new Jazzmatazz album. It will be Volume 3 and he promises it to be the best one ever... However, my man would not give up the details as to who would be on the album. Me and Guru go way back, but he wouldn't give in.. He says the project is under wraps and he wants folks to be surprised. He also explained that a new Gang Starr album is on the way and is gonna be hittin'..Guru seemed really confident about the new material. I asked Guru when he was gonna be on the Internet. He explained that he has some pending litigation going on because some kid took the domain names to Gang Starr and Jazzmatazz.. How foul is that? That's like the 5th or 6th artist I know who has run into that problem.. From what I understand there is pending legislation in the works that will make it illegal to 'squat' on someone's name..
rap.1410 brka,
HIP HOP NOVINARI KAZU DA NIJE U REDU OBRACUNAVATI SE SA U-GOD-OM Last issue I told you about how Hip Hop journalist Adissa 'The Bishop' Banjoko had a rude encounter with U-God of the Wu-Tang Clan. As most folks know there have been strained relations between Hip Hop journalists and many artists. This past year have seen a number of altercations with artists upset about bad reviews or unflattering articles running up into offices and handing out beat downs. The sad part is this happens with mainly Black writers within Hip Hop camp. Very few artists have run up on a Howard Stern, a New York Times editor or a Newsweek reporter when they've dissed Hip Hop or that artist, but that's a whole other story. Far too often the writers have been on the short end of the stick with some highly publicized assaults. Adissa is one of those brothers who simply ain't having the disrespect and he let his feelings be known in a widely distributed letter challenging U-God to a boxing match-for charity of course if U-God didn't apologize for his off color behavior.. Needless to say this set off a firestorm with literally hundreds of emails coming through. The opinions on this matter have been varied with many claiming Adissa over reacted while the dominant sentiment was 'enough is enough'. People have grown quite weary of the antics pulled off by many artists who are quick to beat down a journalist but not the police officers they are constantly running from in their videos. Far too many artists have been acting 'out of pocket' for too long to the point that the majority of emails I got had people rooting Adissa on. People have come forth to do everything from set up the event to filming it. Charity organizations have step forth asking how they can get proceeds.. Many of us who are active within Hip Hop have also stepped up and suggested that there are more effective ways to handle such beefs. Last night I got the following letter from Adissa. "First of all I want to apologize to U God and anyone else I might have offended by putting out a challenge like that in such a vulgar tone and language. It was not characteristic of my normal demeanor and it should NEVER have happened. I should have reached out to U God personally. But that did not happen and it turned into a gigantic chaotic mess. The other mistake I made was assuming that he thought like me. Thinking that he would honor a one on one man to man fight. But, regardless of what I "heard", I never heard from him. People say that we should still do it for charity. I ain't against that. But, whatever. And you know, a lot of journalists are hitting me up each day sayin' "Yo, Bishop knock his ass out". But only a select few back me publicly. I ain't fixin' to be the journalistic martyr up in here. I hope to see them make their opinions on the rift between journalists and rappers known. I do not advise any journalist to act out as I did. And I certainly don't think any rapper should act out as he did. In an industry where the mainstream media hates us all, we BOTH (rappers and Hip Hop journalists) need to check ourselves when conducting interviews. A lot of people see my position as being a "pussy" or a "coward". But I will never apologize for putting my family before any egotistical beef I have with another man. If putting my family first makes me a "pussy"...I'll be dat. There ain't gonna be no fight. He ain't reached out. And everybody in between is talking crazy. So, it's over." Peace, Adisa Banjoko "The Bishop"
rap.1411 brka,
HIP HOP ACTIVISM Reports About: Words Beats & The Movement, Black Congressional Caucus, The Funky Precedent, The Rockerfeller Foundation Gathering Props are in order to folks like Toni Blackman, The Freestyle Union, The Smithsonian Institute and all the good folks who I did not name at Washington DC's Performing Arts Society for putting on a six week multi-disciplinary festival celebrating Hip Hop Culture. Entitled 'Words Beats and Movement', I along with Nation Magazine writer Angela Ards, former Newark Mayoral candidate/ teacher/ spoken word artist Ras Baraka, and Lawyer/Hip Hop advocate Yvonne Bynoe had the pleasure of speaking on a panel that dealt with Hip Hop and activism. Ards who wrote an incredible article on this topic in Nation Magazine gave an overview of the types of things people throughout the country are doing. Baraka talked about the types of activities he has been involved during his years as a student at Howard University. He also spoke about how he was considered the first Hip Hop politician because of his run for Mayor of Newark several years ago. Yvonne among other things, talked about the types of steps she as a lawyer had taken to inform young artists about the politics involved in the music business. As a lawyer she used to put out a publication that gave the artist crucial business information. My points centered on the the media and the lack of control Hip Hop artists have had in making sure that at the very least, a more balanced perspective is put forth to both encourage and highlight the multitude of activism that exists within Hip Hop. I was most impressed with the activities being undertaken my our forum moderator Toni Blackman who is currently doing an exchange with Hip Hop heads in South Africa. She noted that she had been overseas breaking bread with folks in South Africa and that some sort of collaboration is in the works. I can't wait to hear the outcome. Oh yeah before I forget home girl can rhyme her butt off... She dropped a wicked verse off the dome on my camcorder.. I'll show that real soon. Big props to the people who came out including Hip Hop writer Upski who I believe is working on a book dealing with the prison industrial complex. I believe it will be called No More Prisons. . I think it's suffice to say that Hip Hop has always had activist within the culture. Within this newsletter we always point out many of the folks doing things. The question that folks have to grapple with is the lack of exposure and props given to the positive folks within the mainstream. Too often we look at the flash, glitz and glamor of a Puffy or Jay Z or we will focus on the zany antics of an ODB while completely underplaying the types of things being done by rappers and Hip Hop oriented organizations like Boots of The Coup, Dead Prez, E-40, Ice T, Digital Underground, Chuck D, KRS-One ,STORM, 3rd Eye Movement and numerous others. Too often commercial mediums like to highlight only the sensational side of Hip Hop or they wanna focus on the music and separate the politics. Within our own communities mediums like BET, Ebony or Jet have yet to do articles and stories on the numerous Hip Hop activist within our midst. It's no wonder there's such an unbalanced perception. For example, not many people know that during the recently held Black Congressional Caucus in Washington DC they held 3 different Hip Hop forums.. I along with a number of other insightful individuals including Lee Bailey of The EUR Report sat on a panel that was put together by Congressman Bobby Rush of Chicago. The next day Congresswoman Maxine Waters of Los Angeles chaired a forum on Hip Hop that attracted over 500 people and was broadcasted live on the radio. It featured Houston rap star, Scarface, James 'Lil James' Prince CEO of Rap-A-Lot records and actress Kim Fields. Waters expressed the importance of bridging the generation gap and she let it be known that this is now a Hip Hop world we are living in and folks have got to open up and adjust. She talked about how she took time out to tour the pristine facilities put together by Houston based Lil James. She then broke down all this man's accomplishments including the fact that he established the Bettie 'MoMo' Chatmon scholarship for Houston teens.. He also sponsors the Houston Inner City Basketball League. He has set up a crisis fund bank called The Care-A-Lot Foundation and he is in the process of establishing a halfway house to assist ex-offenders re-intergrates themselves into society. If that's not enough he just opened a one million dollar gym and rec center in the heart of Houston's notorious 5th Ward. He has just purchased land to build affordable housing and he owns a Top 1 cattle ranch..tell me these accomplishments aren't worthy of being talked about and the mark of a true activist? Mr Scarface on the other hand is someone who been through it all. he was once deep in the dope game and managed to pull himself out. I recall a few years ago reading about his body guard being shot in the back by police in Baton Rouge. With all the drama he's been through he's managed to always drop some telling insight on his albums. He now heads Def Jam South.. Props must be given when you see people come back despite all the odds against them. Maxine Water's Hip Hop panel allowed those perspective to flourish. Now let's see if others will follow suit and build upon her example. Since we're talking about activism within Hip Hop, props are in order for West Coast acts like Dilated Peoples, Jurassic 5, Cut Chemist, Styles Of beyond, Aceyalone, Black Eyed Peas, The Beat Junkies and Divine Styler to name a few. They along with other artists and some dedicated individuals like music teachers Art Davis and the good folks over at No Mayo Records came together to put out a slammin' compilation album entitled 'The Funky Precedent'. This album was put together as a way to raise money for the music education programs at Fremont High School and Manchester Elementary School in Los Angeles and Mission High School in San Francisco. In addition to donating their time and talent to putting out a dope Hip Hop album many of the artist have gone out to do shows and grant interviews in an attempt to use their star power as a way to bring attention to their fund raising efforts. In fact Dilated Peoples along with Cut Chemist and DJ Rhettmatic of the Beat Junkies did recently did a show here at SF's Justice League. Aside from KPFA, I did not see a whole lot of mediums both in and out the community talking to there young brothas who were out there trying to make a positive difference both in their community and in the lives of young people. For more info about this excellent project call 1-888-4-NO-MAYO or hit them up at Along those lines, a high powered gathering sponsored by the Rockerfeller Foundation [note this is not Jay-Z's record label.. but instead the big foundation that probably inspired his label name] took place in New York City this past week. The main topic at hand was 'The Future Of Black Youth Political Participation'. It was a closed door meeting involving some heavy hitters including; Chideya Farai of ABC News, Donna Frisbie formerly of Rock The Vote, Minister Conrad Muhammed of Movement For CHHANGE. [He's been trying to get rap artist to run for office in New York City], Angela Ards of nation Magazine, Reverend Jamal Bryant of The NAACP and Charles Ellison of were among the few of the panelist. The topic of the day was Hip Hop and how it can be utilized as a tool of political development and progress. I didn't get a chance to get the entire scoop, but Ellison brought up the fact that while many of the participants are deeply involved in the Hip Hop community the discussion may have been more complete with some Hip Hop artist. Perhaps well grounded seasoned Hip Hop activists like Michael Franti, Dead Prez, Sista Souljah or Goodie Mob could've lend some keen insight. From what I understand, Reverend Jamal Bryant who heads the youth leadership of the NAACP felt that Hip Hop shouldn't be the sole conduit for political development among young folks. However as Hip Hop matures there's a strong likelihood that artist will continue the age old tradition of involving themselves in political movements. In fact Hip Hoppers may actual redefine what politics means as we move forward. For a full breakdown check out as they will soon be posting a transcript of this event. To me the most important thing to note is that Hip Hop was front and center in these discussions. Again lets see what media outlets build upon that gathering. I've mentioned in the past others in Hip Hop who have been active yet their accomplishments have gone unsung. For example, artist like DJ Quik was given a key to the City Of Compton by the Mayor for his accomplishments and for giving back to the community. There was hardly any mention of this. Hardly any mediums focused on KRS opening two chapters to his Temple Of Hip Hop both here in Oakland and in Los Angeles. I hardly saw any one step to my man Rico of the group Prophets of Rage who for the past few years has been lacing folks with critical information surrounding the recently pardoned FALN Puerto Rican prisoners. No one was one hand to give big props to E-40 and his family the Click when they have given three free picnics in the park for neighborhood youth in their native Vallejo and Fairfield areas. We'll see who does and doesn't embrace the political work that Chuck D is putting in with his newly launched Rap Station website I guess my biggest frustration is that there are so many people who are active and trying to do positive things for their community, yet their stories and tales of accomplishments are rarely celebrated within the the mainstream mediums that are prominent within our community. When has Ebony or Jet ever done a cover story or even an article on a KRS-One or Chuck D, much less the other folks I've mentioned who are coming out of the Hip Hop activist movement? Instead we are constantly bombarded with tales of gangsta rap and youthful anti-social behavior which gives the illusion that all is hopeless. It's something to think about...
rap.1412 brka,
DIGITAL MAFIA MAKING MOVES HIP HOP STYLE ON THE NET. This past weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the MOBE Internet conference in Orlando Florida. There a whole lot of movers and shakers with the African American Internet community came together to discuss new ways to market themselves and have better influence. There people like myself, Lee Bailey of EUR [ ]and Chuck D of Rap Station []to name a few the many, received awards for our 'pioneering' contributions to the net. While there were many folks from outlets like , BET, Black Enterprise, Imhotech, The Conduit, Spectralinks, Netnoir and the folks running Black Voices who were there dropping science, the group that really made me sit up was Digital Mafia . Headed by Darien Dash, this Internet company is straight outta of the Hip Hop trenches. Not only was Digital Mafia a main sponsor of the conference, they also hold the distinction of being the first publicly traded African American owned Internet company in history. [NASDAQ-OTC:BBDGMF]. 27 year old Darien is cousin to Damon Dash who is the co-owner of Roc-A-fella records which as you know is home to Jay-Z, Memphis Bleek and others. If that's not enough, Darien himself is a co-principal of the Hip Hop label Roc-A-Blok Records which is home to acts like Sporty Thievz. As for their work on the net these were the brothers behind the websites for Queen Latifah's Flavor Unit, Stress Magazine, and Listen To My Demo If memory serves me correctly they also did an enhanced CD for the NY Knicks and were behind the Internet marketing strategy and launching of Puff Daddy's new website. It was good to see folks from the Hip Hop part of town holding down and doing major work behind the scenes. They represented and have proven that one can be Hip Hop and 'professional' in their business dealings. Big props to Darien and his crew which included David Muhammed and Jared Leake. Them kids got a whole lot of game. Hit these guys up at
rap.1413 gligo,
21. Decembra ocekujte nov, treci po redu album DMX-a, momka koga svi kriticari nazivaju pravim Tupacovim naslednikom. Sjajna istocna produkcija, jaki txt-ovi puni naboja, karakteristicno buntovno ponasanje, ali i jaka harizma. Momak iza sebe ima dva albuma, sjajni debitantski "It's Dark and The Hell is Hot" koji je prodat u 3 miliona primeraka i drugi "Flash of My Flesh, Blood of My Blood" koji je pratio uspeh prvenca. Oba albuma mogu se naci i kod SKC-a, a vredi ih imati... Pored ova dva albuma, DMX iza sebe ima i jos vecu istoriju krivicnih dela, nekoliko prijavljenih silovanja, konstantno nosenje oruzja, ucesce u nekoliko pucnjava, pa i u onoj kada je ranjen njegov ujak i menadzer Ray (?) Couplend, posle cega je u pretresu hotelske sobe DMX-a, nadjena poluautomatska puska, gomila municije, pistolji, droga... Momak izgleda nije dao da ga ista iznenadi. ;) Znaci, 21. decembra, treci album DMX-a pod radnim naslovom: "X, The Man, The Dog, The God".
rap.1414 brka,
DRAMA U TORONTU - MIXTAPES ARE ILLEGAL! Bad news in the City Of Toronto as their premier Hip Hop Show Mastermind Street Jam show was unceremoniously removed from the airwaves about a month ago. It seemed unthinkable that such a thing would happen when one considers the vibrantHip Hop scene in Toronto as well as the fact that Hip Hop is the biggest selling music in the world right now. People were asked to send emails voicing your concerns to the station's boss mailto: or to call the station at 905-681-1079. The station manager's name is Dean St Clair. We'll see how that goes. While folks in T Dot were dealing with that loss, along comes a serious crack down on Mixtapes and CDS. According to the most recent addition Adam's Hip Hop Newsletter out of Canada [] the Canadian Recording Industry Association and Organized crime Intelligence Unit of the Toronto police force raided a couple of record stores and came away with over 6000 unauthorized recordings. According to the report, not only were the store owners charged, but also any deejay who happened to have his phone number on the seized product, were contacted and also charged. Now I'm not one to sit up here and advocate illegal doings, however, when you take away a major Hip Hop outlet like The Mastermind Show and then come down on Mixtape Makers, it seems like there is a strong attempt to severe the Hip Hop lines of communication. The question is why?
rap.1415 brka,
BAY AREA IMA NOVI HIP HOP SHOW... The Bay Area appears to be making strides to blow up it's vibrant Hip Hop scene even more. A couple of months ago there were huge protests to keep community radio station KPFA on the air after there were threats that the 50 thousand watt station was gonna be sold. More then 20 thousand people showed up at rallies and demanded that this flagship station for free speech not be touched. In the aftermath of that uprising has come a number of programming changes. Among them is the creation of a new Hip Hop oriented talk show called Hard Knock Radio. It airs everyday from 4-5pm and it can be picked up live on the Internet at The host include myself, Davey D on Monday and Tuesdays, long time Hip Hoppers Waylon and Sade holding it down Wednesdays and Thursdays. Anita aka as Emcee Rain brings it to ya on Fridays. Basically the shows bring a Hip Hop approach to the days current issues and politics. Thus far the show has been getting great reviews as everyone from Tha Deliquents and Mac Mall to DJ Rhettmatic and Dilated Peoples have swung through the studios to lend insight to everything from the case surrounding Mumia to Gun Control. If there are any label heads and artist who are down to do more then the usual 'Where ya from?' or When's your album coming out'? type interviews, hit us up and get yourself and your material played on the Hard Knock Radio Show. If that's not enough there are two new Hip Hop shows on KMEL folks may wanna peep out.. One is brought to you by the Pirate DJs. It's called Pirate Radio and can be heard on Friday Nights right after The Wake Up Show from 1am-5pam. For folks who don't know, The Pirate DJs which feature Mind Motion, DJ Ivan of the Gavin Report and DJ Rolo are the folks who hold down a lot of the clubs here in the Bay. They've been wrecking shop for years and their after hours Pirate radio show allows them to continue being on the cutting edge. On Sunday Nights yours truly does a show that spotlights only Bay Area music. Currently there are more than 300 recorded Bay Area rap artists who have released close to 600 lps and eps. At least that's what I have logged in my data base. You can peep both shows on the Internet
rap.1416 brka,
KURUPT vs. DMX Kurupt of Tha Dogg Pound is setting to put a foot up the butt of rap star DMX. In his new album Streetz, Kurupt drops a song called 'Calling Out Names' in which he rips into DMX for trying to 'holla' at Kurupt's fiance Foxy Brown. We'll overlook the fact that DMX is married and that Foxy has been linked to all sorts of guys and just focus on Kurupt's main intentions. He says rather then bring the drama to the streets he'll drop it on vinyl. He considers himself a person who specializes in 'battle raps'. We'll see the outcome of this record. DMX is good but he can't out battle Kurupt. It will be interesting to hear his response. I'm surprised Foxy didn't come out and clown DMX with a record of her own, but then again this could all be contrived to cause controversy and sell records.
rap.1417 brka,
REKLAMA ZA NOVI ALBUM PHAROAHE MONCH-A NAPRAVILA POMETNJU... Rawkus Records found themselves under fire last week with a new billboard advertisement for the new Pharoahe Monch album. It appears that people took offense to the inscription 'Rawkus Says Get The Fuck Up' which was clear for all to see. This no doubt was inspired by Pharoahe's hit song 'Simon Says'. The billboard sat over an old Woolworth Store on 125th in Harlem, NY. Rawkus has agreed to replace the profanity with the traditional cartoon-like symbols that are often used when curse words are used. For the most part Rawkus got their point across and they get some good publicity due to the controversy.
rap.1418 brka,
ICE CUBE: MOGUCE PONOVNO UJEDINJENJE NWA... Ice Cube gets major props for his role in the new movie Three Kings. It was good to see the brother actually doing some acting and not walking around wearing Chuck Taylors and sporting blue rags. In any case he did a good job. He's also set to drop his own movie entitled 'Next Friday' which is the sequel to the movie Friday. Ice Cube also noted that there is a strong possibility of an NWA reunion. Last year when the subject was brought up, all the original members which includes MC Ren, DJ Yella and Cube were all set to go. Snoop Dogg was scheduled to take the place of the late Eazy E. The only hold out was the group's producer and co-founder Dr Dre who was on that 'Been There Done That' mind set. He backed out and the project was nixed. Now it appears he may have a change of heart. The group is supposed to sit down and talk about this reunion in the next couple of days.
rap.1419 brka,
CASOPIS 'RAP PAGES' VISE NE POSTOJI... The Hip Hop industry has lost a vital media outlet when Rap Pages Magazine closed it's doors last week. This publication was owned by Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flint who noted that there wasn't enough advertising being generated to continue on. Editor & chief Allen Gordon is set to finish up a documentary on West Coast Hip Hop. It is a straight to video piece that will be distributed by Xenon Entertainment. Gordon will no doubt continue to work on Manifest which is a new magazine focusing on African American men. The premier issue looked sharp.
rap.1420 brka,
SPIKE LEE SERIJU O HIP HOP-U... There are reports circulating that film director Spike Lee is working on a drama series for ABC Television about Hip Hop. The series will focus on life within the industry and is entitled 'Die Nasty'. There's no word as to when this series will start. I called Spike's office to find out the deal and was told I had to fax him my question.. I'll let you know his response. I don't mean to be skeptical, but I'll believe it when I see it.
rap.1421 brka,
VEST SA PE TURNEJE... A bit of sad news surrounding the Public Enemy Tour. The group's opening act Detroit Champton will have to continue the tour without their deejay DJ Addverse. DJ Addverse aka Jaime Wilkins left the tour on Saturday night to go to New York for an event. While enroute she got into an automobile accident and is currently in ICU at Queens Peninsula Hospital. Our prayers along with those from the PE Tour go out to DJ Addverse as we wish her a speedy recovery.
rap.1422 brka,
COOLIO IZBACUJE NOVI SINGL NA NETU... Coolio is making some noise as of late. First, he's landed a nice little gig hosting BET 'Madd Sports'. Next was able to get out of his recording contract with Tommy Boy records. No doubt this man who has sold over 17 million records, making him one of the top Hip Hop sellers of alltime is looking for a nicer deal. Recently he took a musical journey over to the Internet. He hooked up with Chuck D's Rapstation website to drop a brand new Internet only single entitled "Dead Men Walking'. You can download this banging MP3 single at
rap.1423 brka,
ICE T NEWS... Speaking of artist dropping bombs on line, Ice T has emerged himself deep into the Internet game. To start he has just released his new album 'The 7th Deadly Sin' on the Atomic Pop record label. It's a 21 song lp which is available at On the album are artist like Numbskull, Too Short, EPMD, Soondoobie, Frost, Jay-Z , Kam, and Ras Kass to name a few. If that's not enough Ice T has also opened up his own Internet record label called Coroner records. He intends to focus on distributing underground music and videos and will expand his musical horizons well beyond the boundries of Hip Hop.
rap.1424 brka,
** DAVEY D'S Social Question Of The Day ** This week will mark the release of the movie 'Fight Club'. From the previews, I gather it's a movie that will be focusing on some Yuppie types who are out to create some excitement and drama in their lives by partaking in underground fights etc. On the previews I seen there's a scene where they announce that in order to be down with Fight Club one must go out there and pick fights with unsuspecting individuals. Anyway the thing I'm wondering is with a film that is so blatant about it's intent, do you think movie theaters around the country will hire extra security and take other precautions much the same way they've done with the release of 'Hip Hop oriented movies? After all, we all know the power of film and what sort of influence it can have young minds. If I don't see police sitting in front of my local theater for Fight Club the way they were when 'Belly' came out I'm gonna ask some hard questions. At a time when we have the Woodstock riots and rapes and numerous mass hooting sprees to the average of twice a month, should we be concerned about 'Fight Club'. We were concerned with the release of 'Colors',' Menace To Society', 'Fridays' and 'Belly'.. so what about Fight Club?
rap.1425 brka,
HIP HOP AND IT'S CRITICS by Davey D Looks like Hip Hop artists are rearing their heads and speaking out about the type of ratings they have or have not received from various publications. In the latest edition of Lee Bailey's EUR Report [] where he interviews The Lost Boyz, they go off on publications like The Source Magazine. Here's an excerpt from that interview... "All these cats go out here and spend all this money to get all these different people on their album and it still don't sell. They (Made Men - formerly Almighty RSO) got Jay-Z, Jermaine Dupri and all these other crazy (people) on their album, but they don't sell. They sh*t still ain't sh*t. That four or five mics in the Source don't mean nothin'. You gotta go up there with baseball bats to get 5 mics. We're averaging 3 mics in the Source. That's what they gave the first two albums. We was beefin' like 'Yo, how come we didn't get five.' But we don't pay attention to that now. Basically all the n***as that they feel fail after going platinum. Everything else they come out with fails. They go from double platinum to double wood. They (The Source) gave us a nice write up and everything, but f**k the Source. F**k em!" [Taken from Lee Bailey's EUR Report Sept 11th 1999.. ] Here the Lost Boyz are referring to the recent rumblings that have come out of the Source camp where their most recent editor Selwyn Seyfu Hinds vacated his post after publisher/owner Dave Mays went behind the back of his editorial staff and changed the low ratings given to 'his group/friends' Made Men to a higher one. A widely circulated industry letter was released a couple of weeks ago explaining this incident in great detail. Hip Hop deejays were being encouraged to boycott the magazine. For many, the whole incident brought back unpleasant memories of what went down at The Source a few years ago when many from their original staff broke camp after Mays was accused of subverting his editorial staff by slipping in a favorable article about the same group. It's ironic that a similar incident would occur. To date there was another letter that's been circulating explaining that Seyfu Hinds had taken a job with an on line publication being put together by Russell Simmons, however Source publisher Dave Mays asserts that the info is not totally correct and that while it's true Hinds is stepping down as editor and chief he will remain on staff to help put together the December '99 issue. While the Lost Boyz have been lambasting The Source, Bay Area rap star is seriously upset with Blaze Magazine. His discontent was first brought out on his appearance on Tavis Smiley's BET Tonite. E-40 explained that he was upset by the fact his new album was given a miserably low rating of 2.5. In addition he felt that the people reviewing his album were unqualified and not up on the type of music that he puts forth. What initially was thought to be a direct response to the Blaze article, another Bay Area rap group who is down with E-40 named A-1 is set to drop a devastating song called 'Critic Killers'. I caught up with E-40 aka Charlie Hustle this morning to get the whole scoop. 40 broke it down by noting that the song 'Critic Killers' was done long before the Blaze article, but it was connected to his current feelings. He went on to explain that there seems to be an attempt by several writers to do what he described as 'character assassination' when it comes to certain artist. 'It wasn't so much that they gave me a 2.5 rating as much as it was the writer seemed to go out of way to clown me personally', E-40 explained. The writer in question, Dan Frost made disparaging remarks like 'The Blueprint [E-40's album title] needs to be proof read', 'the beats sound like an arcade game', and '40 needs to keep up with the youngsters'. Adding insult to injury E-40 noted that Blaze seemed to go out of their way to depict him in a unfavorable manner by including photos that had nothing to do with the theme and Bay Area lifestyle E-40 attempted to bring out during the photo shoot. 'man , I could've just sent them a photo if I knew they were gonna make me look bad' E-40 stated. E-40 went into detail when he explained how he had spent quite a bit of time during the photo shoot which was requested by Blaze to bring forth the type of imagery that reflected the Bay Area's unique Hip Hop scene and lifestyle. The end result was a photo that essentially downplayed things and had E-40 looking like any other rapper sitting in a car. The Blaze review was unsettling because it runs counter to the type of positive response E-40 has been receiving out here on the West Coast. Although the album hasn't been officially released, advanced copies have been circulating with mad props being directed at 40. Many are saying, this may be 40's strongest album to date. Tracks like 'LIQ' are being played all over in Los Angeles while the Too Short inspired 'Earl Dats Your Life' is the jam that you're likely to hear from everybody's ride here in the 'Yeh [Bay] Area' With his last couple of lps, 'Hall of Game' and 'Elements Of Surprise', E-40 fans bemoaned the fact that he seemed to be moving away from the type of sound and style that first netted his huge popularity. This was in spite of the fact that both lps were commercially successful in terms of sales. This time around E-40 brought it back to basics by revitalizing classic Vallejo 'Mob' sound and as a result folks have been feeling him. With Blaze dropping such a low review the ugly specter of East/West coast bias rears its ugly head among fans. When I see kids on every street corner in Oakland vibing to E-40 or listeners jamming the phone lines to the radio station requesting his music, one has to wonder if a reviewer truly understands the music he is peeping out. Are all these people who happen to be feeling E-40, 2.5 rated fans? Are they in someway Hip Hop deficient and hence need some one from outside their hood to inform them that their Hip Hop hero is wack and needs to go back to the lab? I pointed this out a long time ago, way before there was an East/West coast 'war', that many of our Hip Hop publications played a key role in bring this about by continuously putting out uninformed or obviously bias reviews. The people who were left being most upset would be the fans who would see the publication as an entity that was personally attacking them. Here out West, folks have a deep seeded loyalty to their artists. Any review that goes out to the public ideally should take into account the standards set by the artist's audience. That is after all, who they ideally are speaking to when they drop their new material. Sometimes we have to put our personal bias and standards aside. If Hip Hop is ideally supposed to reflect the lifestyle and culture of a particular individual, can a kid from New York really understand the mind set and musical upbringing of the kid from the hood 3000 miles away? Oftentimes there seems to be an implied assumption by many within the Hip Hop media that everyone is striving for the same Hip Hop standards. It's like folks start thinking that an artist like E-40 or Juvenile should be setting their sights to spit lyrics with the smooth finesse of a Rakim or their beats should be bangin' like those produced by DJ Premier. And while such individuals are clearly at the top of their game, they do not set the standards for everyone who are creating beats and rhymes in this rap game. I've found that folks from all over this country have their own styles and sounds and what may be dope to some is wack to others. For example, here in Oakland, one of the hottest acts out is a guy named Keak Tha Sneak from a group called 3 X Krazy. You can't walk two blocks without hearing that tape bumping from someone's ride. To this day I can't figure out the appeal. But I admit to having a certain musical bias. Some of the slang and Keak's approach to doing his album will initially go over my head while folks from his East Oakland neighborhood will be loving it to death. He is ideally reflecting the things that are important to his audience. It would be foul for me to go out and publicly state the album is wack just because it ain't my cup of tea especially when I see it blowing up the spot without any radio or video play. Keak's popularity should ideally be an indication for me to go out and get to understand this particular artist better. It means I should check to find out why so many people feel him. Is it his lyrics? His beat? His subject matter? It's up to me to find out the deal and then hopefully I can use my media position to inform folks from outside the area exactly why Keak Tha Sneak is the bomb. I would not only be salting Keak Tha Sneak, but also a significant part of Oakland's Hip Hop community if I came out and gave praise only to artists like Casual or Del while dismissing Keak Tha Sneak or The Deliquents which is another hot act blowing up in Oakland. At a time when this industry is so bent on labeling and compartmentalizing acts and music genres for its own convenience, the least I can do in my position is not continue this harsh pattern. It short changes the artist and it short changes Hip Hop. So does E-40 deserve a 2.5 rating? To the kid who grew up listening to East Coast beats only.. I can see him going in that direction. But I doubt if the fan growing up on the left side of country who understands the slang and feels the music would go in that direction. Did the reviewer really understand the significance of a song like 'Earl Dats Your Life'? Did he understand what that song meant to Bay Area folks and what it meant to have Too Short introduce it.. Did he understand why folks in LA are eating up 'LIQ' .. Did he peep the game on a track like Ballaholic? Did the reviewer peep what sound or style that E-40 was bringing back? I'll be the first to admit, as a journalist you can't be all things to all people. We're not gonna be up on every style. We're certainly not gonna like everything that gets put out on the market. There are gonna be some things we become big champions of and its good for us to show our enthusiasm. For example, I loved Rakim's last album and I couldn't quite understand why so many journalist lambasted it. However, when giving a bad review we should use extra precaution by making sure we separate our personal feelings from that of the fans. Why knock some one else's hustle? Does this mean we can't give bad reviews or call an album wack? Of course we can. What I'm suggesting is that we as journalist must look at the larger picture and take into account that we as writers aren't the necessarily the trendsetters in this game. The fans set the trends. We as writers just happen to have the ability to report or not report what's going on in other parts of the world. We also have to remember that while it's good for us to have strong opinions on things, however when it comes to art we should be clear about noting our opinion vs what may be going elsewhere. The kid 2000 miles away from Cali in Tennessee may actually like the new E-40 album. He however may not go pick it up because of a bad review in Blaze. The question that one has to wonder was Blaze really in touch with the kid from Cali and the kid from Tennessee? Hip Hop publications have positioned themselves as the middle men who play the crucial role of connecting communities and people from all over. These magazines have become primary resources for many folks within Hip Hop. We expect Time Magazine or Newsweek to say a Hip Hop album is weak. We all collective assume that a reviewer from those publications aren't up on Hip Hop music and culture. The assumption is that the reviewers from our Hip Hop mediums are up on things.. Or are they? The bottom line is this.. There are no clear cut formulas or ways to write about some one's craft. Rappers take their chances when they submit material to writers for review. I guess the bottom line is that we may want to always keep in mind that this is someone's work.. It's their heart and soul and we should be a bit sensitive to it.. Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say things especially in print.
rap.1426 brka,
HANDSOME BOY MODELING SCHOOL is Nathaniel Merriweather (Dan the Automator) and Chest Rockwell (prince Paul) Like all great ideas, the Handsome Boy Modeling School was borne out of necessity. Most people just don't have the mental wherewithal to identify the need for a great social institution. But not Nathaniel Merriweather and Chest Rockwell. Known in some circles as Dan "The Automator" Nakamura and production great Prince Paul, Merriweather and Rockwell are transforming young, naive and maladjusted males into handsome boys and exemplary members of society. These boys have immaculate manners, dress well, and can make women swoon with a simple pose. In short, the Handsome Boy Modeling School is empowering boys with the confidence to succeed not only in their chosen profession, but in life as well. Some people will tell you that So How's Your Girl, the first Handsome Boy Modeling School audio course Merriweather and Rockwell have created is just a record. That's like saying American Gigolo was just a movie. Not only have the duo comprised a wonderful audio course with testimonials from Handsome Boys like Mike D, DJ Shadow, Money Mark, Sadat X, Grand Puba, Del The Funky Homosapien, Trugoy and El-P but they've also established a very influential video course and a special correspondence course for prison inmates. In essence, Handsome Boy Modeling School is more than just a social institution; it's a way of life. Never one to turn down an opportunity to meet with great minds, correspondent Finnegan Brown met up with Merriweather and Rockwell, er, Automator and Prince Paul to get the skinny on the Handsome Boy Modeling School. Brown: So I was lounging on my sofa at three in the morning and I saw your info-mercial. Tell me about some of the students from your program. Like I noticed Rahzel in the info-mercial. My what a handsome man. Was he the valedictorian? Automator: Rahzel wasn't the valedictorian but when we found him, he needed a lot of work. Now look at him. Prince Paul: We got his teeth capped. It makes his beats come out cleaner. We got 'em capped and they're looking really good. We got him some extra big ones for more bass. It's little things like that that can make you more handsome. Automator: See, handsome-ness is a state of mind. Prince Paul: Exactly. Exactly. And I learned that from Dan. Automator: Basically Paul showed us the attitude. Prince Paul: And Dan shows us the inner spirituality. Automator: One thing we should make clear is that we're not models. We may look like models but we're not models. What we're promoting is a lifestyle. Prince Paul: Most people who think you're models get really uneasy around you, intimidated and shy. We just come off as regular cool. Automator: Also, a lot of our clientele are people who have made their way through life on the verge of being successful but can't breakthrough the corporate glass ceiling. They just don't have the je ne sais quoi. Prince Paul: That's what it takes. Automator: Not everyone knows which fork to use, how to drape their jackets correctly or how high the hem on the pants should be. That's all technical stuff, of course. The real stuff is in the attitude. Prince Paul: That can make and break a career. Brown: [Laughing] It sure can. I'm sorry for laughing. Automator: Don't worry about it. You know, levity, too is a part of being handsome. If you have a good, up-beat state of mind, it radiates positive energy. Radiating positive energy affects other people's orbits around you and things work out better for you typically. I'm not saying you have to be a comedian. You just have to treat life lightly and people will come around. Brown: Ok. [awkward pause]. I'm going to throw out a student's name and you tell me about them. How about Del. Automator: Del was a stand-out student. He has always been cool, people just didn't realize his coolness. Brown: Is that something you brought out of him then? Automator: We don't bring it out of them. They bring it out of themselves. We just give them the ability to bring it out of themselves. Prince Paul: That's good, man. That's good. Automator: Thank you. Prince Paul: You're welcome. Brown: How about El-P? Automator: He's a confident fellow but he wasn't showing his confidence when he was walking the street. Handsome Boy allowed him to cut a more dashing figure. Prince Paul: It's all in the video. You can purchase it. Automator: Merchandising is important in this day and age. Prince Paul: It makes you handsome. Automator: I think you were telling that to Versace before he died. Prince Paul: He didn't listen. Brown: What about Josh Haden and Sean Lennon? Automator: They're two very handsome fellows in their own right. They have a lot of lineage, their families are in music. I believe Josh Haden's dad, Charlie Haden, is a pretty good souzaphonist and wasn't Sean's dad in a barbershop quartet? I think they might have been European. They were living in the shadows so we just told them to be themselves. Prince Paul: Don't be scared to be yourselves. Brown: I heard Kid Koala was a student. Prince Paul: Hmm, that was an interesting case. Automator: People wouldn't respect him because he looks so young. We tried to instill a greater sense of maturity in him, a little more of a rigid attitude so people wouldn't treat him lightly. Prince Paul: We gave him chest hair. Fed him a lot of hot sauce. Automator: A lot of drinking. Prince Paul: We had to make him grow up real quick. Now he looks weathered, but handsome. Automator: We had to break him out of his teen idol status. Prince Paul: He was like a 98 degrees type of kid. Automator: Now he's more like Tom Waits. Brown: And DJ Shadow? He was a student, too. Automator: We had to make him step out of the shadows, so to speak, and into the limelight. Prince Paul: We gave him a lobotomy. That was the only way to make him more in touch with his feelings and less with his 45s. Automator: He's a very handsome fellow in his own right, but you know, you have to get him out into the public a little bit. It's hard to be handsome when you're on your hands and knees digging through crates of 45s. Prince Paul: And being on your hands and knees isn't too handsome anytime. Brown: Finally, you have the ultimate handsome man, Father Guido Sarducci. Automator: It's a very handsome story. He's basically an older version of a handsome gentleman. Handsome men circulate in the same circles and so, through our travels we happened to run into him. Prince Paul: We bumped into him in Rome which is pretty weird. The thing about being handsome is that it radiates. He kind of stood out in a room. We gravitated towards each other. Automator: I believe it was in front of the buffet table, though. I loved the buffet in Rome. It was pretty lavish. Prince Paul: I like them. I especially like the caviar table. Automator: Honestly, I prefer to be seated. It's more proper. But during Fashion Week, it's really busy and sometimes you have to sacrifice a little bit. Prince Paul: Sometimes it's good to serve yourself. It's very hands on. Brown: I read in your Vogue profile, or maybe it was in the Wall Street Journal, that the Handsome Boy Modeling School modeled itself after the television show "Get A Life". How did "Get A Life" spawn the School? Automator: Well, we've actually never seen the show. Brown: But then what about those audio clips on the record? Prince Paul: Is that where that's from? Automator: You know how when you buy used equipment from people and they give you their old discs? We bought these used samplers and we said, "Let's make a new record." So we used whatever was already on there. Brown: So what now? Automator: I think we're going to continue to expand the school. It originally started out as a video correspondence course. Now we have like 25 branches. We realized a lot of people were doing things wrong. We saw terrible mishaps and felt like we needed to provide accurate, hands-on instruction. Brown: OK, any parting words? Automator: Beauty radiates from within. Oh, and if you're a man, the record helps you get women. Prince Paul: And if you're a woman, the record helps you get women. It's all good. It's like the gift that keeps on giving.
rap.1427 sherman,
Brko, ti si stvarno odlepio. Brate, nema niko (skoro) zhivaca da chita tvoje poruke, a ako shaljesh vetj tolko, kompresuj lepo u arhivu i poshalji.
rap.1428 gdown,
GD> members which includes MC Ren, DJ Yella and Cube were all set GD> to go. GD> Snoop Dogg was scheduled to take the place of the late Eazy E. Strasno.Skrnavljenje. :(
rap.1429 ica.z,
> Strasno.Skrnavljenje. :( pa ono, ja mislim da je to totalno ql shto se ponovo okupljaju, samo me mnogo iritira to shto ce u igri biti i Snoop Dogg koga ne podnosim... Ica
rap.1430 ventura,
Izasao je novi spot od GRU-a 'Adrenalin Dzanki' u kome se i ja pojavljujem :) (onaj deo sa bordovima, snimano je od 20-24 marta '99 :> )
rap.1431 gligo,
> pa ono, ja mislim da je to totalno ql shto se ponovo > okupljaju, samo me mnogo iritira to shto ce u igri > biti i Snoop Dogg koga ne podnosim... Podnosio ga ti ili ne, covek je svojevremeno u Death Row-u napravio "Doggystyle" i plasirao ga u klasike repa odnosno klasike Zapadne produkcije. Ovo njegovo preseravanje za No Limit ne zelim da komentarisem.
rap.1432 gligo,
> Izasao je novi spot od GRU-a 'Adrenalin Dzanki' u kome se i ja > pojavljujem :) Vidi ovoga, do juce, pu po repu, pu po crncima, pu po pravima, a sad' se prod'o k'o Puff Daddy. ;) Ua, luzeru, ua. ;)
rap.1433 stukelj,
> biti i Snoop Dogg koga ne podnosim... bre, di-ou-dabldzi je klasika :> Artist: Snoop Doggy Dogg Album: Doggystyle Song: Gin and Juice Intro: Dre *man pissing* Heah hah hah! I'm serious nigga one of y'all niggaz got this ass motherfuckin up Aiy baby, aiy baby... aiy baby get some bubblegum in this motherfucker Steady long, steady long nigga Verse One: Snoop With so much drama in the L-B-C It's kinda hard bein Snoop D-O-double-G But I, somehow, some way Keep comin up with funky ass shit like every single day May I, kick a little something for the G's (yeah) and, make a few ends as (yeah!) I breeze, through Two in the mornin and the party's still jumpin cause my momma ain't home I got bitches in the living room gettin it on and, they ain't leavin til six in the mornin (six in the mornin) So what you wanna do, sheeeit I got a pocket full of rubbers and my homeboys do too So turn off the lights and close the doors But (but what) we don't love them hoes, yeah! So we gonna smoke a ounce to this G's up, hoes down, while you motherfuckers bounce to this Chorus: repeat 2X Rollin down the street, smokin indo, sippin on gin and juice Laid back [with my mind on my money and my money on my mind] Verse Two: Now, that, I got me some Seagram's gin Everybody got they cups, but they ain't chipped in Now this types of shit, happens all the time You got to get yours but fool I gotta get mine Everything is fine when you listenin to the D-O-G I got the cultivating music that be captivating he who listens, to the words that I speak As I take me a drink to the middle of the street and get to mackin to this bitch named Sadie (Sadie?) She used to be the homeboy's lady (Oh, that bitch) Eighty degrees, when I tell that bitch please Raise up off these N-U-T's, cause you gets none of these At ease, as I mob with the Dogg Pound, feel the breeze beeeitch, I'm just Chorus Verse Three: Later on that day My homey Dr. Dre came through with a gang of Tanqueray And a fat ass J, of some bubonic chronic that made me choke Shit, this ain't no joke I had to back up off of it and sit my cup down Tanqueray and chronic, yeah I'm fucked up now But it ain't no stoppin, I'm still poppin Dre got some bitches from the city of Compton To serve me, not with a cherry on top Cause when I bust my nut, I'm raisin up off the cot Don't get upset girl, that's just how it goes I don't love you hoes, I'm out the do' And I'll be Chorus Rollin down the street, smokin indo, sippin on gin and juice (beeotch!!) Laid back [with my mind on my money and my money on my mind] Rollin down the street, smokin indo, sippin on gin and juice (beeotch!!) Laid back [with my mind on my money and my money on my mind]
rap.1434 gdown,
GD> > pa ono, ja mislim da je to totalno ql shto se ponovo GD> > okupljaju, samo me mnogo iritira to shto ce u igri GD> > biti i Snoop Dogg koga ne podnosim... GD> GD> Podnosio ga ti ili ne, covek je svojevremeno u Death Row-u GD> napravio "Doggystyle" i plasirao ga u klasike repa odnosno GD> klasike Zapadne produkcije. Ali zar stvarno misli da moze da bude Eazy umesto Eazy-ja :) Pa taj isti Eazy ga je svojevremeno tolko popljuvao. Osecam da se Eazy prevrce u grobu. Kome su ostala autorska prava za N.W.A ? Nadam se da im nece dozvoliti koriscenje tog imena, jer po mom misljenu ono sto je uradio N.W.A. je otislo u legendu a svako dopunjavanje toga (pogotovu sa Snoop-om u ulozi Eazy-ja ) bilo bi skrnavljenje legende.
rap.1435 ventura,
> > Izasao je novi spot od GRU-a 'Adrenalin Dzanki' u kome se i ja > > pojavljujem :) > > Vidi ovoga, do juce, pu po repu, pu po crncima, pu po pravima, a > sad' se prod'o k'o Puff Daddy. ;) > > Ua, luzeru, ua. ;) Pa brate... oko tebe do jaja ribe, dzabe pice/klopa, zajebavas se na bordu i jos budes na televiziji :))) A i vi rekoste da GRU nije rap-er... komercijala... :)))
rap.1436 brka,
> Brko, ti si stvarno odlepio. Brate, nema niko (skoro) zhivaca > da chita tvoje poruke, a ako shaljesh vetj tolko, kompresuj > lepo u arhivu i poshalji. Da, moram priznati da za citanje (sa razumevanjem) mojih poruka covek mora posedovati dve stvari - odlicno znanje engleskog jezika i veliku zelju da sazna sta se novo desava u svetu hip hop-a... Kada sam prvi put poslao vesti i intervjue nisam imao nameru da to nastavim periodicno da radim. Medjutim, neki ljudi koji prate ovu temu (izvinjavam se, ali stvarno sada ne mogu da se setim ko je sve to bio) trazili su da to ipak uradim... i tako je pocelo. Zeleo bih da mi pojasnis zbog cega nemas zivaca da citas moje poruke. Da li zbog toga sto vecinu od imena koja se tu pominju po prvi put cujes? Da li zbog toga sto imas mali fond reci engleskog jezika, pa ti citanje ide sporo, ili skoro nikako? Moje je misljenje da se iz tih vesti, intervjua, slika, zvucnih fajlova moze mnogo toga nauciti o hip hop muzici (kada to kazem, mislim na real hip hop...). Zelim da pokazem da hip hop nisu samo sampanjac, besna kola, zlato i devojke iz spotova koje izgledaju fantasticno - ima tu i neceg drugacijeg... Uostalom, iscitaj raspravu koju smo skoro vodili u ovoj temi oko toga. BTW, ovo je javna konferencija (igraliste...). Niko te ne tera da citas moje poruke. Jednostavno - mozes da ih preskocis. Pozdrav od Aleksandra
rap.1437 sherman,
>> zbog toga sto imas mali fond reci engleskog jezika Engleski govorim tecno, nema rechi u tvom tekstu koju ne razumem, kratko: dobro znam engleski. >> Niko te ne tera da citas moje poruke. Tachno. Ali razmisli malo, ako to pishesh za odredjenu grupu ljudi, mozesh lepo da sve zapakujesh i da ljudi lepo chitaju offline. Prva prednost toga je shto tjesh troshiti manje prostora na ionako punim sezamovim diskovima, a druga je shto tje ljudi u miru i tishini svog doma motji tachno da nadju u tvojim tekstovima ono shto ih zanima. Nadam se da je ovo malo pojasnilo stvar.
rap.1438 brka,
>> Niko te ne tera da citas moje poruke. > Tachno. Ali razmisli malo, ako to pishesh za odredjenu > grupu ljudi, mozesh lepo da sve zapakujesh i da ljudi lepo > chitaju offline. Prva prednost toga je shto tjesh troshiti > manje prostora na ionako punim sezamovim diskovima, a druga > je shto tje ljudi u miru i tishini svog doma motji tachno > da nadju u tvojim tekstovima ono shto ih zanima. Posto sam pogledao tvoj res, iz njega sam saznao da slusas techno muziku. Takodje sam video da si noviji korisnik Sistema... To me je navelo da postavim hipotezu o tome zbog cega ti smetaju moje poruke. Pa da probam... Dosavsi na SezamNet pozeleo si da pratis i konferenciju Muzika, jer u njoj postoji i tema 'techno'. Naravno, tada nisi znao da se ne moraju pratiti sve teme iz jedne konferencije, pa tako ni tebi ne mora da se prikazuju poruke iz teme 'rap' - jednostavno, udjes u konferenciju Muzika (co jo 91), a potom napises conf resign *.* . Izlistace ti sve teme i za svaku pojedinacno te pitati da li zelis da je pratis (Da/Ne). Inace, 99% ljudi i pregleda poruke offline (ili pomocu Off Line Readera, ili jednostavno skine poruke u Pad, i potom ih cita off line). Sto se tice prostora na disku... nijedan blok mojih poruka ne prelazi 30k, a svaki file koji posaljem nakon nekoliko dana obrisem sa diska (neka mi Moderator bude svedok). Ja se nadam da je ovo pojasnilo stvar... Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1439 ica.z,
> Ali zar stvarno misli da moze da bude Eazy umesto Eazy-ja :) > Pa taj isti Eazy ga je svojevremeno tolko popljuvao. > Osecam da se Eazy prevrce u grobu. ima da se prevrce itekako ako se stvarno to bude dogodilo... Eazy-E je legenda, lik koga najvishe cenim... sumnjam da bi bilo kome poshlo za rukom da ga uspeshno zameni (Snoop nije ni prineti)... sramota! > Kome su ostala autorska prava za N.W.A ? autorska prava za N.W.A. ima najverovatnije Dre... ako on nema, niko ih nema... > Nadam se da im nece dozvoliti koriscenje tog imena, jer po mom > misljenu ono sto je uradio N.W.A. je otislo u legendu a svako > dopunjavanje toga (pogotovu sa Snoop-om u ulozi Eazy-ja ) bilo bi > skrnavljenje legende. ne bi bilo skrnavljanja legende ukoliko ne bi Snoop dolazio na Eazy-jevo mesto... da je bilo ko drugi pa i da shvatim... po meni bi najbolje bilo da se okupi cela stara N.W.A. ekipa, izuzev Eazy-ja naravno... njega niko ne moze da zameni i to treba tako i da ostane... Ica
rap.1440 robin.hood,
E ljudi ! Jel ste chuli za grupu koja se zove ICP(Insane Clown Posse) Ja chuo pre neki dan ! I mogu vam reci da su jedna od najboljih rap grupa na planeti ! Ako neko zna nesto vishe o njima mogao bi da poshalje text pesme "Nothing's left" ! A ko nije chuo predlazem da poseti sajt Evo i jedne slicice sto se tiche njih ! ByE icp.jpg
rap.1441 robin.hood,
I josh jedna slika vezana za njihov zadnji album ! Upoznajte Jack Jackil-a ! jack.jpg
rap.1442 robin.hood,
I josh samo jedna slika ! Naime rech je o bratu blizancu malopre poslatog Jack-a ! Ima mu je Jake Jackil ! ;) Stize ! jake.jpg
rap.1443 gdown,
GD> autorska prava za N.W.A. ima najverovatnije Dre... ako on GD> nema, niko ih nema... Mozda neka od Eazy-jevih zena ? GD> po meni bi najbolje bilo da se okupi cela stara N.W.A. ekipa, GD> izuzev Eazy-ja naravno... njega niko ne moze da zameni i to GD> treba tako i da ostane... Po meni ne bi trebalo da se okupljaju posle toliko godina.Pogledaj samo bendove koji su se ponovo okupili posle XY godina (The Beatles, Sex Pistols..), sve to zvuci mnogo jadnije i gluplje. Zasto se okupljati posle tolko godina ? = zbog para, naravno :) Ne bih voleo da cujem neki bezvezan album N.W.A.-a. Jeste da je to iskusna ekipa, ali rap se mnogo promenio za to vreme. U krajnjem slucaju neka se i okupe da vidimo sta sad mogu zajedno, ali bez Snoop-a ;)
rap.1444 gligo,
> autorska prava za N.W.A. ima najverovatnije Dre... ako on > nema, niko ih nema... Hm, ako on ima prava na N.W.A. sumnjam da im se ne bi pridruzio, cisto kao "nadzornik radova", izdavac ili nesto trece, ili bi im bar zabranio da opet "igraju" pod imenom N.W.A. A posto im se on ne pridruzuje, niti im pravi smetnju, sumnjam da on ima ista sa pravima na N.W.A...
rap.1445 brka,
RUSSEL SIMMONS SARADJUJE SA HILLARY CLINTON Russell Simmons along with his wife Kimora Lee are making some major moves in the political world. They're set to host a $1,000 plate fund raising dinner for First lady Hillary Clinton who is now running for Senate in New York City. Mr Simmons has a huge SoHo [South of Houston] pad which will comfortably accommodate the 100 or so invited guests. There is no doubt this fund raiser will attract some high profile folks from the entertainment industry. The question is who? Will Puffy be there along with his boo Jennifer Lopez? How about Method Man or Redman will they pass a fat spliff to the First Lady and will she inhale? This should be interesting, but on a serious tip it's great move by Russell. If you want to have impact on public policy and also have the ear of powerful politicians these are the things one need to do at times. Who knows Russell may wind up being Hip Hop's first bona fide political lobbyist.
rap.1446 brka,
TASH IZ ALKAHOLIKSA SNIMA FILM Tash of Tha Alkaholiks was in town the other day promoting his new album Rap Life which is scheduled to drop on November 23rd and not November 2nd as it had been widely advertised. He explained that he toned down is legendary freestyle abilities to make a more 'planned' out album. He noted, 'I wanted to separate this solo project from Tha Alkaholiks.. So on this album I concentrated on making good songs where the hook coincides with lyrics and beats. It's not as spontaneous as an Alkaholik album, but its good'. Tash also noted that his album will drop around the same time as a movie he's prominently featured in. It's an adventure story put together by Snoop Dogg. Here Tash plays the role of Co-Cheese who happens to be a cell mate of Snoop. The pair managed to break out of jail and that's when the story kicks in. Tash concluded by noting that Snoop was changing the title of the movie so he couldn't tell us what that would be. He was headed back to LA to finish shooting a couple of more scenes.
rap.1447 brka,
POOR RIGHTEOUS TEACHERS SE VRACAJU... Speaking of new album releases Poor Righteous Teachers are set to return to the scene in the early part of 2000. The new album is called 'Losing My Religion' and it will drop on their own independent label Exit 7A Recordings. If folks wish to peep out any of the advance MP3s head on over to or Chuck D's new site
rap.1448 brka,
CHUCK D & RAPSTATION.COM... Speaking of Chuck D he' set to give a keynote address this weekend at a Internet conference being held here in The Bay Area. Afterwards he heads back out on tour and will be set to do his first Cybercast concert from the House of Blues in Los Angeles. This all goes down on Tuesday October 19th at 7:30 pm Pacific Standard Time. This will be the first of a series of live concerts and broadcast Chuck's will be doing with the House of Blues. The event is free to all those with 28k or 56k modems. Log in to to check out the PE concert this Tuesday night.
rap.1449 brka,
DRE OPET MENJA IME ALBUMA... In other news come November 2 don't go looking for Dr Dre's much anticipated album Chronic 2001. For the second time within a year Dre has had to change the name. The final name change will be 'Dr Dre Chronic 2001' and it will feature everyone from Eminem to Snoop Dogg to Xzibit and Kurupt. Initially the record was supposed to entitled Chronic 2000 but Dre's 'good friends' over at Death Row Records dropped and album with that name first.
rap.1450 brka,
OPET O DEATH ROW-U... Speaking of Death Row, remember that tell all controversial book 'Have Gun Will Travel' by former Source writer, author Ronin Ro. Because he gave up so much game and details about the inner workings of Death Row records there were all sorts of malicious rumors suggesting that Ro had gone into hiding and was attempting to avoid any contact with Death Row CEO Suge Knight and his people. I heard from Ronin the other day and he explained that he certainly hadn't gone into hiding. In fact he's been working on another book which should drop real soon called "Street Sweeper'. Ronin described it as 'a novel, a high charged first-of-its-kind type of book I hope will make younger readers think twice about lifting guns and entering the street game'. We'll keep you posted when the book drops.
rap.1451 brka,
"O" PRAVI MUZIKU ZA IGRICU ELECTRONIC ARTS-A... Finally props are in order for up and coming rapper named O. He has just landed a nice little gig with Electronic Arts which is the world's largest interactive entertainment software company. Electronic Arts along with Hollywood records and O will release the title song for one of the companies most popular games 'Knockout Kings 2000 boxing. The title song In the Game will be the lead single from O's debut album, Full Circle: The Story of O. Electronic Arts also provided several boxing champions that appear with O during the In the Game music video. These champs include Smokin' Joe Frazier, Sugar Shane Mosley and Floyd Mayweather. Although not in the video other boxers included in the game are Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard, Oscar De La Hoya and Evander Holyfield. O is one of the handful of rappers who are turning their talents to non traditional fields like Video Games. If you recall we spoke about how Wu-Tang is set to have a video game dropping in the near future that is based upon them. They like O will release songs via the game. The other Hip Hopper who you may soon see and hear in video games is MC Hammer who happens to be so good at some video games that he's actually asked to come up and test games for a couple of companies.
rap.1452 brka,
POTPISANA SMRTNA PRESUDA ZA MUMIU... As you know Governor Tom Ridge signed a December 2cd death warrant for 'political' prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. For those who aren't familiar he's a former Black Panther and journalist who was convicted of killing a Phildelphia police officer almost 20 years ago, in 1981. He's been on death row ever since. The circumstances surrounding his case and numerous aspects of his trial have led people to believe that he is innocent and should be granted a new trial. Over the years Mumia's plight has garnered considerable community support. He has come to symbolize the nation's rapidly expanding Prison Industrial Complex. Mumia himself has managed to issue a couple of books and countless insightful commentaries on the issues of the day from his prison cell in Pennsylvania. He had continued to live up to his moniker of being the 'Voice of the voiceless'. Over the past couple of years many within the Hip Hop nation have gotten involved and have done things to bring attention to his situation. There's been a compilation album entitled Mumia 911 which featured all sorts of rappers ranging from Channel Live to Poor Righteous Teachers to Chuck D of Public Enemy. There have numerous demonstrations and free concerts including one that was most recently held in Delores Park in San Francisco. Here artists like Michael Franti of Spearhead, Digital Underground and Boots & The Coup donated their time and brought out over 50 thousand people. This September 11th event was a who's who in bay Area Hip Hop as everyone from Saafir to Mystik Journeymen came through to show support for Mumia's cause. Yesterday almost a 1000 people, many of them from the Hip Hop community took to the streets to protest Governor Ridge signing Mumia's death warrant. There will be a huge rally tomorrow on Saturday Sept 16th in San Francisco at the corner of Market and Powell thousands of people are expected to show up. In Philadelphia demonstrations will take place in front of the Pennsylvania State Office Building at the corner of Broad and Spring streets. Both the San Francisco and Pennsylvania events will kick off at 11 am. For more info call 215-476-8812.
rap.1453 brka,
4TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE MILLION MAN MARCH Interestingly enough these Mumia demonstrations will take place on the 4th Anniversary of The Million Man March. I wonder if folks within Hip Hop recall the promise and commitment they made four years ago to improve themselves and show more respect toward women. I know that at numerous turns people within the business have attempted to thwart such efforts. The most glaring occurred last year when Brand Nubian dropped their album. Their first single was supposed to be a heartfelt song called 'Sincerely' that had Brand Nubian apologizing for their mistreatment of women. Grand Puba explained that they wanted to release that song as their first single. It would've dropped in time for the Million Man March anniversary. It would've likely set a new tone for the type of music that was being put out at that time. There is no doubt in mind that people would've taken notice and pondered over the lyrics. The problem was the groups record label Arista didn't wanna go in that direction. Puba said the powers that be did not think it would make money and hence over ruled the group's request. If that wasn't insulting enough numerous commercial radio stations including mine, sat on that song in an attempt to support the first single being released by the label. What a shame. Can you imagine how the video to that song would've looked? Can you imagine the type of impact Sincerely would've had if the music industry movers and shakers would've got behind it. As we come upon the 4th anniversary of the Million Man March, it's interesting to note that there haven't been more songs like the one put out Brand Nubian. Have people forgotten what September 16th day Of Atonement was about?
rap.1454 brka,
PUCNJAVA U STUDIJU DAZ-A I KURUPT-A... The rap world has been shaken up again as for the second time in a month there has been another shooting at a recording studio. A couple of weeks ago Puff Daddy saw his studio in New York get shot up by an unknown gun man. This Sunday night well known artist Daz Dillinger and Kurupt found their Echo Sounds studio get shot up resulting in a death and two injuries. The person killed was Kurupt's body guard, 23 year old Dwayne Dupree. The two injured were Jevon 'Realistic' Jones and Willard 'Act Da Fool' Givers. Thus far the police have been un able to establish the motive behind the shooting. It wasn't clear as to whether or not Daz or Kurupt who were inside working at the time of the shooting knew the reasons behind the drama. Many began to immediately speculate that it may have had something to do with the recent 'beef' Kurupt announced that he had with New York based rap star DMX. Kurupt was upset with DMX because he supposedly made moves on Kurupt's fiancee Foxy Brown. The possibility of DMX being behind this shooting incident seems a bit unlikely. The incident involving Puffy's studio being shot up was attributed to an altercation one of his artists, Shyne had at a night club. Fortunately no one was hurt in that incident. The gun man has yet to be captured. Folks aren't quite sure if the Puffy and Kurupt shootings are some how connected.
rap.1455 brka,
CASH MONEY & NO LIMIT... Lately there's been a rash of rumors stating that members of Cash Money have been shot in a sort of drive by. It is unclear exactly where these rumors started but many are pointing to the altercation that took place between Cash Money and Master P's No Limit camp backstage at a Public Enemy show not to long ago. As everyone now knows the two New Orleans based groups have a long standing rivalry. Much of it has to do with some 'street stuff'. Things got exasperated when Master P began to blow up nationally and was excused of biting many of the concepts Cash Money had popularized in New Orleans. According to industry sources, things hit a more intense level when Universal Records tried to sign Master P. He backed off which left Universal chasing down P's rivals which happen to be Cash Money. As of late there seems to be some sort of smear campaign directed at P while simultaneously Universal has sunk a whole lot of money into Cash Money. That's why you hear them everywhere. Some people are saying it's the classic Music Industry giant trying to hate on the independent. Others claim its just one group rising up while another is playing itself out. Needless to say all this tension reached a boiling point when members from both camps showed up at a PE show in New Orleans. Supposedly C-Murder dropped some blows on a Cash Money member and .. 'it was on'. Not too long afterwards these nasty rumors about Cash Money members being killed began to surface..
rap.1456 brka,
PUFFY'S BUSSINES... Good ole Puff Daddy ya gotta love him for trying. When he dropped his new album 'Forever' he left a lot of folks here in the Bay Area a bit disturbed when he lifted the beat from the Luniz classic jam 'I Got Five On It' and used it in the song 'Satisfy You' which features R Kelly. Of course everyone and their momma knows that to be a Bay Area anthem of sorts. 'I Got Five On It' was borrowed from another Bay Area native, Jay King and his group Club Nouveau's 'Why You Treat Me So bad'. When Puffy came to the Bay Area in August he was asking around on how he could track down Yukmouth and Numbskull of the Luniz. He apparently wanted to make a nice gesture and do some sort of remix. Well he finally hooked things up. Yuk and Num are all over the new version to the point you forget it's a Puffy song. The problem is Puffy's remarks in the beginning of the song. He gives a shout out to the whole Bay Area and names off a couple of cities including 'San Diego'. Local deejays have been having a field day clowning Puffy about this.. because San Diego is more then 500 miles away from the Bay Area in Southern Cali. It would be like somebody giving a shout out to New York City and then naming the Bronx, Manhatten and Buffalo. It would be enough to scratch your head. Puffy's brilliance has certainly left the Bay Area puzzled, but he gets props for trying to reach out.. Next time look at your map Puffy.
rap.1457 brka,
SWISS BEATS NA SUDU... Looks like everyone's favorite producer Swiss Beats may have to do some producing in court. He'll have to produce some valid excuses as to how he managed to produce the hit songs like 'Down Bottom' by The Ruff Ryders and Eve's 'Whatcha Want'. Apparently Mr Swiss lifted the beats and melodies from that came packaged with the keyboard/sampler he used. That of course is a copyright 'no-no'. Thus far there has been no comment from the Ruff Ryder's camp..
rap.1458 brka,
WILL SMITH GRADI HOTEL! The Fresh Prince...oops I mean Will Smith is set to make some major millennium moves. First, he will be the man of the hour as he will be hosting the big Millennium celebration going on in the nation's capitol-Washington DC. After Mr Smith gets done doing that he will no doubt look over the enticing business and tax incentive package Philadelphia's City Council has tossed his way. You see Will Smith has big plans to open up a 185 room hotel complete with condominiums, restaurants and health clubs in downtown Philly. And who said Will Smith doesn't give back to his community? The hotel will be called Hotel 'W' and if all goes well it should be open by the year 2002. Oh yeah one other thing, Will's next album will be called 'The Willennium'. It's due out mid November.
rap.1459 brka,
"ZULU NATION" SLAVI 25 GODINA HIP HOP-A... Congratulations to the Universal Zulu Nation as they get set to celebrate their 25th Anniversary. The fact that Zulu is having a 25th Anniversary means that all the hype around Hip Hop having it's 20th anniversary this year should be looked at a bit more closely. The fact of the matter is that Hip Hop had been around and thriving long before the landmark record 'Rapper's Delight' was released. But as is often the case lots of folks who went out and built businesses around this '20th anniversary never sat down with Hip Hop's pioneers and took what they had to say seriously. This past weekend many of Hip Hop's pioneers held a press conference which included: Afrika Bambaataa, Kool Herc, DJ Jazzy Jay, Grandmaster DST, Tony Tone of Cold Crush Bros., Yoda of Crash Crew, Awesome 2 (Special K & Teddy Ted) and many more Zulu Nation members. Here they announced the upcoming celebration of Hip Hop Culture's official birthday-November 12th 1974. There will be a week long celebration which will include grafitti, break dancing and turntablism. There will also be an awards show. During the press conference, Bambattaa and Kool Herc spoke about the continued exploitation of Hip Hop by the media, press, record labels and radio stations. "We have to take it back!" was primarily the theme of the evening as various Hip Hop pioneers took the podium to express their views on the "sad state of affairs regarding media's constant exploitation of guns, drugs, ice jewels, and hip-hop culture as a target". For those who are familiar with Zulu Nation, they've come a long ways since the early days when they were seen more as a gang to be feared then as an organization that strives to represent Hip Hop culture. Interestingly enough many of Hip Hop's first b-boys including Bam were gang members. Hence Hip Hop was really an expression from the streets. Around '74 the city of New York was pushing to make a serious crack down on the growing gang problem that existed in the Big Apple. The attempts being made were similar to the ones that have been put forth by NY's current mayor. As the traditional gangs like The Black Spades, Savage Skulls, Glory Stompers etc were disbanded, under Hip Hop culture they resurfaced with new names like Casanova Crew, Nine Crew and of course Zulu Nation and Gestapo. Under Bam's leadership, he attempted to move Zulu into a more positive and socially conscious light as he began setting up chapters all over New York City by the early 80s such a change had occurred when Zulu Nation held their first big anniversary celebration in Midtown Manhatten. If memory serves me correctly this may have taken place around '81 or '82. In any case Zulu Nation is a world wide organization with more then 10 thousand members and chapters all over the world. It's members are committed to preserving Hip Hop and in many cases have actually involved themselves in local politics. It's a shame Zulu isn't officially consulted more by all these big entities who wish to be involved in Hip Hop. For more information about the upcoming Zulu Nation Celebration hit up my girl Chase at eridian entertainment .
rap.1460 brka,
INTERVJU: KOOL KEITH """""""""""""""""""" Ultramagnetic Kool Keith plunges full speed ahead in conversation with Platform's Tom Constabile. Polluted skies are purple and orange neon. Dr. Octagon is dead, vanquished amidst Dr. Doom's evil void. Elvis is back and he's black. .....Hip-hop's bizarro world has dawned, and Kool Keith's wavering sanity is all that's holding things together. Baller's and Playa's flossy rental cars and cubic zirconia Rolexes vanish, revealing insecure, media conforming robots to pop's newest thing-- thug life for the whole family. Internet commerce and hip-hop news and rumors fade into Y2K failure-- no match for the immortal technology with which Martians blessed Keith, that next-level, superhuman lyricism of the ultimate playa-hater, cross-over entertainer. .....Enter the playground of hip-hop's original psychedelic, identity-shifting leader of the rebellion versus the "keep-it-realism" federation facade. Dr. Octagon was a decoy anyway, working night shifts undercover both for the FBI and Dr. Doom. Black Elvis is here now to entertain all earth-people into awareness. George Clinton taught him everything he knows. .....Beyond all of the science fiction and psychotic shock value of Kool Keith's mind altering lyrics and multiple personalities does exist the grounded center of a funny guy. While he may have entered his hotel room for our interview wearing a Martian space helmut, designed to inspire adventurous press as we have embarked upon in the opening paragraph, Keith truly just wants everyone to have some fun. (His color coordinated Baltimore Orioles warm-up and old school orange and white Nike air's told us so). .....Saying that he made sense through the whole interview, and that he seemed to be quite sane, would mislead you. What should be stated is that though he believes that Martians have visited the Earth, he also makes a lot of sense when it comes to challenging hip-hop's contradictions and overall current tendency to mimic itself for album sales. .....Analyze him late at night with black light posters all you want. Keith is intentionally abstract. In the end know that what he wants is for people to take the music back to something more risky, something more innovative, something less serious and less violent. He is a child of electric funk-- Funkadelic, Ohio Players, Zapp-- the Bronx's hustling streets, and 42nd Street's infamous freak fest. Colorful, outlandish stuff. But he's a thinker, too. Hip-hop's court jester and poet laureate at once, his two new albums are out to redefine what it means to "represent." .....For Keith, it's more about how you "reinvent." A warrior pushing black music, and hopefully black culture, into the pace of the future, he has just dropped independently, as Dr. Doom, on Funk Ass Records, First Come, First Served. He will follow only a month later with the solid Black Elvis LP on Columbia/Ruffhouse. .....The original independent urban artist, funky and personality-split way before The Artist found his symbol, Keith is serving up rat burgers for phony thugs and lyrical jewels for candied ravers. As punk as he wants to be, this guy might even make you wanna dance this time around. Lock up your platinum records and hide your gold fronts, because Keith is coming original this year! ...
rap.1461 gligo,
> PUCNJAVA U STUDIJU DAZ-A I KURUPT-A... > The rap world has been shaken up again as for the second time > in a month there has been another shooting at a recording > studio. A couple of weeks ago Puff Daddy saw his studio in New > York get shot up by an unknown gun man. This Sunday night well > known artist Daz Dillinger and Kurupt found their Echo Sounds > studio get shot up resulting in a death and two injuries. The > person > knew the reasons behind the drama. Many began to immediately > speculate that it may have had something to do with the recent > 'beef' Kurupt announced that he had with New York based rap > star DMX. Kurupt was upset with DMX because he supposedly made > moves on Kurupt's fiancee Foxy Brown. The possibility of DMX > being behind this shooting incident seems a bit unlikely. Bice da je ovo nastavak filma u kojem su ranije glumili B.I.G i 2Pac, a sada Kurupt i DMX. Samo sto je DMX totalno lud, i izgleda da ne pravi prozivke, vec odmah prelazi na dela. ;(
rap.1463 gligo,
Potrebuju se tekstovi od Gang Starr-a, bilo sta... Hvala unapred...
rap.1464 robin.hood,
Evo josh jedne slicice grupe ICP ! I ovom prilikom josh jednom pitam da neko poshalje neki textitj , ako je moguce text pesme "Nothing's left" !! Hvala unapred ! A sada stize slicica ! hell.jpg
rap.1465 stukelj,
probaj na, verovatno ima... ;)
rap.1466 brka,
'RUKE DALJE OD ASSATE'... Congratulations are in order to artist like Common Sense, Dead Prez, The Roots, Black Star and Q-Tip to name a few. They have all put forth their time and talent for an upcoming political Hip Hop project entitled 'Hands Off Assata'. This album is a benefit designed to bring attention to 2Pac's exiled Aunt Assata Shakur who now lives in Cuba as well as America's numerous 'political prisoners'. For folks who are not familiar with the story surrounding Assata, in 1973 she was known as Joanne Charismard. She was a member of the Black Panther Party who was accused and convicted for shooting to death a New Jersey State Trooper. The situation surrounding her case was marked with controversy as many claimed that she was innocent. Assata managed to escape prison and has since been hiding out in Cuba. For years Assata was all but forgotten by the mainstream public until a couple of years ago when current New Jersey Governor Christie Whitman began to involve herself. She has offered a 50 thousand dollar bounty for her return and has pushed to the US Congress adapt a policy that would make Assata's return to New Jersey as one of the conditions for any meaningful US/Cuban relations to take place. Please see the following articles on my website [] including an open letter from Assata Shakur for more information and Over the years there has been a cultural exchange of sorts with Cuba and many within the Hip Hop community. Chuck D of Public Enemy invoked her name in a couple of songs. Numerous artists ranging from Michael Franti of Spearhead to Common Sense to Paris have traveled to Cuba to perform. Many have actually sat down and 'broke bread' with Shakur. She has also managed to stay very active and up to date with the Hip Hop community. She even offered some heartfelt 'constructive' criticism about the types of activities and artistic approaches taken by her late nephew 2Pac. The upcoming project being put forth by Common and other progressive artist will no doubt keep people up to date about this story and the numerous others surrounding activist from the late 60s and early 70s who are doing time in American prisons behind some very suspect circumstances.
rap.1467 brka,
MC HAMMER PRODAJE SVOJU KOLEKCIJU AUTOMOBILA There will be a quite a number of people who are expected to show up to The Forrest Faulknor & Sons Auction Company this Thursday October 28th in South San Francisco. The reason being is that eight vehicles formerly belonging to MC Hammer will be auctioned off. The vehicles include a 1952 custom Chevrolet Coupe, 1967 Ford Thunderbird, 1964 Lincoln Continental Convertible, 1972 Mercedes Benz 350 SL, 1985 Mercedes Benz 500 SEC custom convertible, 1990 Mercedes 300 SEL sedan, 1991 Lincoln Limousine and a 1990 Ferrari Testa Roosa with 9000 miles. I recall the Ferrari, unfortunately the last time Hammer drove the car he overheated the engine which means it will have to be rebuilt. There have been a number of firm bids for the Testa Rossa. As this auction is set to take place MC Hammer has been doing quite well. He had a successful comeback this summer when he left 22 thousand people standing as he rocked the house during KMEL's Summer Jam concert. He can also be heard doing talk radio on KGO as well as commentating during the SF 49er pre-games. He's had a number of songs that he's dropped off to deejays here and there, but people are awaiting his album. Many of the cuts will be from the unreleased album he completed while he was an artist on Death Row records. There are some slamming songs especially one he did with 2Pac and Big Kaddy Kane. With this auction set to take place the question that everyone always asks.. 'Is Hammer poor broke and destitute?' About as much as Donald Trump was when he filed for bankruptcy a few years back :).
rap.1468 brka,
PE PREVARENI ZA KONCERT... The Bay Area was treated to a number of Hip Hop shows this week including performances from Redman and Method Man, Public Enemy, Pharoah Monch, The Beatnuts and Del Tha Funkee Homosapien and Casual. Meth & Red who's new album 'Blackout' is the bomb did what I consider a so-so show during the Family Values Tour. The sound was jacked which is endemic of most rap shows and the routine was somewhat predictable. 10 minutes into the act they resorted to the over done routine of getting each side of the audience more hyped then the other. They also rushed through a number of songs where they would just do a couple of verses. The most annoying thing was the muffled vocals. When you have two stellar lyricists like Red and Meth you wanna be able to hear them clearly. Their sound should've been like that of the headlining act Limp Bizkit.. Public Enemy got seriously jacked during their performance at Maritime Hall in SF. For those who are unfamiliar with maritime it is the only all ages venue in the city. It is also one of the only places that will consistently bring safe rap shows to the Bay Area. They tend to be quite progressive in their booking as they have had everyone from KRS-One to Tha Alkaholiks to Organized Konfusion. Maritime is also a large venue with several stages that can house several shows at one time. For the most part it is one of the only games in town. The same night that PE was scheduled to perform, reggae artist Linton Kwesi Johnson was also booked. Quite naturally folks thought he would be on one of the other stages which has a separate entrance. Who would've thought Maritime would go and put both acts on the same stage in one night. When PE arrived in town they discovered that they would have to be off the stage and out the venue by 8:30 pm that night. Maritime was intending on clearing the hall after the performance and bringing in a fresh new crowd for Linton Kwesi. Needless to say this did not sit well with anyone. PE maintained their professionalism and wound up taking the stage at 7pm. Their show lasts for about 2 hours, but unfortunately had to cut it short. Maritime threatened to pull the plug if they went over. The place was packed but tons of people began showing up at the venue around 9pm only to find out their favorite group had left the building. Chuck accommodated people by doing interviews well into the night, but Bay Area folks were definitely duped and short changed by a venue that has a somewhat 'shady' rep. As for the show, it went real well. They had a new deejay named Lord Auswaad who was filling in for Terminator X. This kid was off the hinges as he was doing some Invisible Skratch Piklz type of moves. According to Chuck, Terminator was back in his home in North Carolina dealing with the recent rash of floods and Hurricanes that have been bombarding the state.
rap.1469 brka,
ALLEN IVERSON SNIMA ALBUM... Basketball star Allen Iverson is getting to set to make some moves of a different sort as he has just signed a deal with Universal Music. His album will feature folks like Jermaine Dupree and Nas. The two questions everyone has on their mind is whether or not Iverson's raps will be in synch with his infamous bad boy image. The word is his album will not be gangsta or thugged out rap. The second question is whether or not Iverson got skillz that are on par with his on court finesse.. After all, many athlete turned rapper like Dion Sanders and even Shaq left much to be desired in the emcee arena. From what I'm hearing Mr Iverson can flow, but he certainly won't be outshining Nas on his track. We wish him much luck.
rap.1470 brka,
KRS-ONE IMA NOVU RADIO EMISIJU... Congratulations are in order to the Blastmaster KRS-One. As of late he's been making major moves to get his Temple Of Hip Hop organization up and running. Thus far he has established chapters both in The Bay Area and In Los Angeles. At last count which was almost two months ago he had over 120 members in the LA chapter. The Oakland chapter has also been up and running. KRS noted that he has plans to do some speaking engagements which will involve many of Hip Hop's movers and shakers and pioneers. He's also finishing up his book entitled 'Hip Hop'. Now KRS has taken his activism to the airwaves as he is in his third week of hosting a conscious Hip Hop Show on 92.3 The Beat in LA. It's appropriately called 'The Temple Of Hip Hop'. It airs every Sunday night from 9pm-midnight and it features KRS dropping some phat tracks, chatting it up with a variety of guests and of course dropping mad science. I'm waiting to get my taped copy of his show. For more info email him at or peep out his website
rap.1471 brka,
JAY-Z I MAGIC SE NISU DOGOVORILI... Bad news for Jay-Z and company and the fate of his newest film, The Hard Knock Life Documentary. This is a movie that focuses on the behind the scenes activities for the historic Hard Knock Life Tour. It was said to be the highest grossing rap tour ever. The other week it was announced that Jay-Z and former basketball star turned theater owner Magic Johnson were close to striking a deal which would result in Magic distributing Jay-Z's film. However, late last week the deal fell through. Roc-A Fella records co owner Damon dash claimed that Magic Johnson 'flaked' and had gotten in over his head. Johnson noted that he could only commit to showing the film in the three theaters that he personally owns. He could not guarantee distribution in the Lowes Theaters that he is affiliated with. Being the class guy that he is, Magic wished Jay-Z and friends much success. In the meantime Jay-Z will have his film distributed by Miramax films. Look for it to drop sometime early next year as it will coincide with a soundtrack from Jay-Z.
rap.1472 brka,
KPFA 94.1 FM... In the November issue of The Source Magazine, there's an excellent articled penned by writer Eric Arnold that talks about the tumultuous struggle that took place over the summer to save community radio station KPFA 94.1 FM in Berkeley. For those unfamiliar with the station, KPFA is the nations oldest and most powerful community radio station. Earlier this summer the governing board - Pacifica that oversees the station and holds the licence made some foul moves including a proposal to sell the station. When on air deejays attempted to speak out on the airwaves about this, the station was shut down and huge protests were held. At one close to 20 thousand people turned out at a rally. The Bay Area's Hip Hop community played a key role in mobilizing people around this issue of Free Speech and Free Radio. Organizations like Third Eye Movement, STORM and others gotten lots of young folks out into the streets to defend the station. One of the key figures in helping bring the Hip Hop community to the table was a raptivist named Khalil Jacobs-Fantauzzi. Khalil is known around the Bay for his activism especially within the Latino/Puerto Rican community. He also taught a class up on UC Berekely campus that dealt with Hip Hop. On numerous occasions he would bless the mic with wicked freestyles of his own. His love and passion for the music and culture are unparalleled. During the station lock out Khalil would mobilize rappers to rally in front of the station every Friday afternoon. His on going activism resulted him being brutalized and arrested by the police. In fact he was shown on the local news channels being dragged away by police in what many were saying was an unprovoked attack. One of things that got the police upset was the fact that Khalil would consistently take pictures and write down badge numbers of any officer who stepped out of line toward the protesters. This Thursday at 8:30 am Khalil finds himself having to face charges at Berkeley's Municipal Court. From the looks of things it appears that he is personally being singled out due to the fact that there were more then 100 arrests during the KPFA Lockout and all but his charges have been dropped. Bay Area folks are being asked to come out and show support.. The Hip Hop community is being asked to be aware and support one of our own.. For more info peep out the website
rap.1473 brka,
*QUESTION OF THE WEEK* Have you ever paid close attention to Hip Hop lyrics and come away shaking your head because some of the information being spouted was just plain wrong. For example in Biggie's song 'Going Back To Cali' he rattles off a slew of California area codes but then he mistakenly gives one '313' which doesn't exist anywhere in the state. If I'm correct, I believe that's the area code to Michigan. Puffy in his recent remix pays tribute to the Bay Area by naming off some Bay Area cities but then goofs by naming off San Diego which is 500 miles away.. In KRS-One's classic record 'Why Is That' he spouts off some Biblical verses and passages that simply don't coincide with the lyrics to his song.. I've heard other songs where people have spelled names wrong in an attempt to rhyme on time. Others like Foxy Brown in the song 'Affirmative Action' by The Firm drops a verse that just doesn't make sense.. Others have used slang terms the wrong way.. Have you come across any gross misrepresentations in a song.. Drop me a line so I can share this with others. In the immortal words of Guru 'Watch What You Say'.
rap.1474 brka,
DILATED PEOPLES """"""""""""""" Not counting the strictly-Raiders-and-Kings-gear sounds of bangin'-on-wax, there are three distinct camps of hip hop staked out within L.A.'s landscape ş Melrose, Roscoe's and cholos. There's: (1) the smoking section occupied by the funk-freakin' Soul Assassins; (2) those happy-hour-bumrushers known as the Likwit Crew; and (3), just a short bizarre ride away, the envelope pushing-and-shoving underground sounds of the Good Life/ Project Blowed. Somewhere in the middle of those three creative Cali cliques you'll find Dilated Peoples: Evidence, a clever weatherman; Iriscience, a triple optometrist and DJ Babu, the Dilated Junkie who celebrates duck season all year long. Three guys with a trio of acclaimed 12-inches on ABB Records, Dilated Peoples' angle-working strategy is supported by the balance of the group itself. And we're not talking about the corny kind of balance that wack fools talk about in interviews, like,"Yeah, we got somethin' for everybody - a slow song for the girls, hype shit for the fellas, a club joint." Nah, fuck that. Dilated Peoples have two highly skilled MCs (who met through graffiti writing) with completely different lyrical styles, along with a world champ, unfadable 'ablist manning the decks. VICE: What's up with your name? Evidence: To dilate is to grow. We are peoples of expansion. Plus, it's a play on 'dilated pupils,' when your pupils are open. You know, that's some shit the cops ask you or some shit like that. My mom was always asking me that: "Why are your pupils dilated?" Break down your two different rhyme styles. We touch a lot of ground. Iriscience's background is poetry ş Watts Prophets and Gil Scott-Heron. So he manifests a lot of complex and subliminal messages, but delivered through a raw cadence. And I'm influenced by Special Ed, Parrish Smith and Rakim. Iriscience:In the natural flow of things, I'm more concerned with issues of consciousness, and I have a much more broad interest in music, poetry and books, where Evidence is definitely more focused on what the task at hand is. . . The whole point is balance. VICE: [Since you formed back in '92] was Dilated Peoples influenced by the rest of the LA hip hop scene? Evidence: Actually B-Real and Everlast are really big influences on me. During our Immortal (Dilated's former label) recording days, they were around the same area, and they always encouraged me. If I was at the studio and they came by the session, they'd be like "yo, turn off the lights," or "yo, memorize your rhymes first." Givin' me pointers. Everlast told me to pull my dick out. On the real. [laughs] He was like, "man, drop your drawers homie. Hold your dick or somethin'." Iriscience: [And just like Soul Assassins] the Likwit Crew is also our extended family. As far as Good Life and Project Blowed, we have a great deal of respect for them. We've been working with Aceyalone on this project, so while we're not specifically a part of that scene, I still get a chance to express and build with those cats. Evidence: And since I separate myself as a fan and an artist, I would say that people like Freestyle Fellowship, the Good Life movement ş and also Ice Cube, Too Short, King Tee and the Liks ş they're all major influences on my personality, but not on my style. As a writer, I block everything out. Like, I could do any Mikah 9 verse, put me to the test, but I don't need to rhyme like them 'cause I can separate myself from respect and biting. I think that in LA a lot of people got so influenced by these cats that they felt that they had to do their style to be on their team. Iriscience: So while there's elements of all those [LA artists] in what we do 'cause we're in the scene, hopefully and more importantly, we don't fall under the banner of anything else. We're trying to blaze new trails and new paths, and say, "hey, this is another way we can roll." Any words for aspiring young punks out there? Evidence: Really question why you do this. It's like, watch-what-you-ask-for- 'cause- you-just-might-get-it type shit. I know it's come up in my head a few times. Why are you doing this? 'Cause you want some pussy? Or 'cause you want money to buy weed? Or to pay rent? Or because you love it? What's your motive behind it? Make sure you're doing this for the right reasons.
rap.1475 robin.hood,
Nashao sam text od ICP-a , pesma:Nothing's Left ! Evo sad cu da je poshaljem i ovde ! Mnogo je dobra ! nothigs.icp
rap.1476 brka,
> E ljudi ! Jel ste chuli za grupu koja se zove ICP(Insane Clown > Posse) Ja chuo pre neki dan ! I mogu vam reci da su jedna od > najboljih rap grupa na planeti ! Cuo sam mnogo toga o njima, ali malo toga od njih... Poslednja stvar koju sam cuo je 'Slim Anus', u kojoj prozivaju Eminema, tj. Slim Shady-ja... Ukoliko ti se bas toliko svidjaju, imas njihov album na disku (original) kos SKC-a, kod Bakica na standu, za cca 18 DM... Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1477 brka,
> Potrebuju se tekstovi od Gang Starr-a, bilo sta... Evo reci svih pesama Gang Starr-a koje su poslate na Sezam, uglavnom od strane Chadre... Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1478 brka,
INTERVJU: EVE FROM THE RUFF RYDERS By APANI B I've become a perfectionist so much that I'm agonizing over where to start this article. Gotta find the perfect angle, just like in my music. Although a full length Apani project has been years in the making, I couldn't imagine not taking several months to take care that all my doohickeys are completely calibrated, knowhutImsayin? I need time to percolate and marinate over tracks, concepts and lines. Times have changed since I first aspired to go pro with this music thing. New artists are mass-produced and spit out in cycles. Get the hot ones in fast and get 'em out when they ain't so hot any more. Fans don't display the cult-like loyalty they used to in the good old days of Elvis, so cranking out hit after hit nowadays is the standard. The race is on for consumer affections and you must stay fresh in their minds. The downside is that keeping up with the Joneses, eventually will lead to burn out. Artists need to take a break from politics, phony-ness, the break-neck pace or all of the above. In addition, music suffers, creativity diminishes. That being said, one can conclude that with all the cycling in and out of these young artists, it's hard to establish a career in black music. How many times have you seen an aging rock star twenty years past his heyday in leather pants, eyeliner and lipstick, gyrating his tired-ass booty and sticking out his tongue? Yet, I'm practically a dinosaur in the rap game at 25, and I've barely begun. In rock, alternative or pop, you can grow up in the music. I mean there are fewer deteriorated female rock stars, but they have better chances than us emcees. I remember when I'd never wear a skirt if performing. Rugged women like the Boss, or Lyte that were taken seriously as emcees. For example, one of my favorite emcees back in the day was a chic named Shazzy. She had a song called "Jigahoe" and in her video she was slick in a fur coat, dapper-ass suit and upswept hair-do. I thought, damn she's spitting and she's smoother than a motherfucker. She had a major deal on Elektra, who signed Yo-Yo, Lin-Que, Latifah's Flavor Unit, Lyte and now Rah-Digga. Seems Shazzy was way ahead of her time, yet she never dropped an album. Now's the time of the slick out-the-mouth female who's sleek on the screen. You gotta love Lil' Kim, who I crown the official cosmetic queen. She's had breast augmentation, never leaves home without her wig hat, and rocks outrageously loud outfits that look like haute couture r la Ringling Bros., Barnum & Bailey. Foxy, lot's of make-up, lots of T&A hanging out all over the place. Charli Baltimore was launched in a cloud of mystery surrounding what Biggie's 2nd mistress looked like. Her pictures look like fashion layouts; they aren't natural or personal. Finally there's Eve, who seems to have answered the prayers of Interscope's marketing department. A female who can talk some foul-mouthed street shit, men find her sexy, has a professional understanding of make-up artistry and fashion, and will perform as long as you can watch. Still what separates her is credibility. Eve writes her own songs and doesn't need to be lead by the nose. She's capable of thinking for herself. After our conversation, I couldn't help reflecting on something she said, "I remember thinking before I got on, that I couldn't wait to get up in this game so I could show the world what I could do." I think the same thing everyday. That hunger keeps my dinosaur ass in the game. ...
rap.1479 brka,
MASTER P IZBACEN IZ TORONTO RAPTORSA... Bad news for Master P as he was cut from the squad of the Toronto Raptors. As you know this was the second year in a row that Master P aka Percy Miller tried to break into the ranks of the NBA. Last year he made the final cut with the Charlotte Hornets, but wound up being cut on the last day. This year he along with former Duke forward Antonio Lang were waived. The word is that Master P took this defeat especially hard. Over the summer P spent a lot of time trying to improve his game. Unfortunately the coaches thought he was mismatched when inserted into the closing minutes of Raptor exhibition games. Initially Toronto coach Butch Carter was gonna put P on the injured reserve list, but after consulting with the team's general manager they decided it was best to cut him. Knowing Master P and his will to win, I can see it only a matter of time before he breaks the ranks of the NBA and makes some serious noise.
rap.1480 brka,
VESTI... Common is about to drop a new song called 'Doing It'. It will be released on a white label to college and mixshow djs within the next week or so... Mos Def is blowing up the spot for Rawkus Records.. I don't care what anyone says.. the illest verse I've ever heard on a Hip Hop record is his second verse in the song 'Brooklyn'. I hope they make it a single so us deejays can cut it up on the turntables.. That album is a classic.. As for Mos Def's group Black Star, they are in the studio recording an album for MCA records.. not Rawkus. All you Killer Priest fans be on the look out 'cause home boy is about to drop a new single entitled 'View From Masada'. Look for it around December. Jay_Z will soon be dropping his new lp just in time for Christmas. He promises it will be a more socially conscious approach toward Hip Hop... Also is it me or has Rakim's new single 'When I be On The Mic' dropped without much fanfare? The song is pretty cool, but I hardly hear anyone rocking it at least here in the Bay Area.. I had an interesting conversation with DJ Mind Motion of the Pirate DJs.. [They do a lot of the clubs out here in the Bay Area]. He was explaining that nowadays the average 21-22 year old club goer has very little knowledge of Rakim. He complained that it was hard for him to even play 'Eric B For President' which is a Top 10 classic. He noted the new generation loves Nas, Jay-Z, Mobb Deep and everyone else.. but all the classic stuff like Big Daddy Kane, Biz and yes Rakim is greeted with lukewarm response. If I hadn't seen such reactions myself I would've not believed Mind Motion.. But if you think about it, when Rakim first hit the scene in '86 a kid who was 21 was only 8 years old.. What the hell did an 8 year old know about Rakim? The stuff I'm really feeling right now that everyone should be peeping is all the dope music coming outta the Blackberry Music camp. DJ revolution of the Sway & King Tech Wake Up Show has a slamming project called 'R2K version 1.0'. Here he has dope cuts from underground artist like Freddy Fox aka Bumpy Knuckles, Rasco, Planet Asia, the late Big L and Motion Man. Also off that same label are a couple of break beat projects and a smoking single from Mykill Miers called 'The Illest'. Another simmering joint I've been bumpin' is Dr Opp's 'Subterrain' where he talks about the exploitation that goes on in Hip Hop.. It's definitely a phat cut.. Blackberry and Rawkus..when I see these labels I pick up the package knowing I can count on having some dope Hip Hop to get down to... Props to Spice One and his new single 'Can't Fade Me'. This is taken from the Ice Cube classic of the same name that was featured on Amerikkka's Most Wanted'. Spice customized it to fit his own backdrop as well as replaying the beats. It's dope as hell.. His new album isn't bad either... ya may wanna check for it.. Finally a couple of other gems not to sleep on include; The Terror Squad album..All sorts of cuts like 'War', "Pass The Glock' and 'As The World Turns' are not to be slept on.. The new Cypress Hill 'World Wide' is pretty cool.. Lets see if they can drop a good album.. I wish Cypress could do like they did on their first lp when they dropped 'How I Could Just Kill A Man'. Am I off base for liking the Limp Biscuit/ Method Man song 'N2Gether Now'? .. I played it the other night and a few folks including Boots from The Coup called up and started clowning and questioning my tastes in music..My other partners at the station [KPFA 94.1 FM] took a long step back and started handing me other records to play because they weren't feeling the song either. I think Fred Durst comes off pretty cool in that song.. Am I off base? Am I missing something? I did this interview for the Arizona Republic the other day about the 'recent' trend in Hip Hop where Rap and rock are merging. The whole Limp Biscuit, Kid Rock, Rage Against The Machine thing has caught a lot of people's attention. I'll give all these people their props..but lets pay homage to the real forefathers of all this.. I recall groups like Consolidated, Meat Beat Manifesto, Michael Franti's old groups Disposable Heroes and The Beat Nigs as fusing rap with Industrial style rock from way back in the days. Some of those groups like Consolidated and Disposable Heroes were extremely political in their lyrics.. Whatever happened to them? I ran into one of the Meat Beat Manifesto guys at the PE show the other night.... But i didn't really get a chance to break bread.. Since were going back into time a bit.. Whatever happened to the pioneers of LA's Hip Hop scene.. before there was DR Dre and Ice T.. I recall groups like Formula V with songs like Killer Groove, Rich Cason and Captain Rap with songs like 'Bad Times 'I Can't Stand It'.. Remember the Egyptian Lover? Wasn't he like one of the first cats to go out and independently do Hip Hop and get paid? Does anyone recall Ice T being down with a group called the Zulu Kings that featured Mele-mel and Bronx Style Bob?
rap.1481 brka,
Y2K - CUVAJTE SE RASNOG RATA... Hip Hop Media Assassin pulled this item off the news wire.. What are your thoughts on this? Also what sort of things should we be expecting from Hip Hop artists in the year 2 grand? FBI Warns Of Y2K Race Violence WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Federal Bureau of Investigation said Wednesday it was warning local police about the danger of apocalyptic violence by white supremacist groups spurred by the dawn of the year 2000. In a statement, the FBI said it had wrapped up "Project Megiddo,'' a study of potential crimes "by individuals or domestic groups who attach special significance to the year 2000." The study highlights the dangers of fringe white supremacists "who seek to initiate a race war,'' it said. It was being distributed to law enforcement personnel nationwide. The project was named for the ancient battleground in Israel associated with Armageddon, the biblical scene of a final battle between the forces of good and evil, prophesied to occur at the end of world. "The report is intended to...(warn) of the unique challenges that may be presented by extremists motivated by millennial agendas," the FBI said. The report also cited a Year 2000-related threat from those who fear the United Nations "will initiate an armed takeover of the United States" and set up a "One World Government." FBI Director Louis Freeh told Congress earlier this year that the possible targets of such groups included Jews, non-whites and their supposed "establishment allies, i.e. the federal government." In its statement, the FBI said it was aware that some militia groups had moved to purge violent extremists. "These elements are often very small cells or lone actors," it said.
rap.1482 brka,
Feedback HIP HOP MISTAKES AND RAPPERS NOT MAKING SENSE IN SONGS """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Warren G - "What Next" On his verse he says, "What's next, what's next, what's n-X-e-t" Of course the most famous example! Nice & Smooth - Hip Hop Junkies "Dizzy Gillespie plays the sax" Pete Nice and I had dinner over this topic one night, and it was one of the most interesting hip-hop discussions I've ever had. Greg nice had to know that Dizzy Gillespie played the trumpet, but chose to say "sax" anyway. I think it's a stroke of genius if you ask me! Peace, Count Bass-D ------------------------ KRS One in that One Two Pass It joint with the D&D All Stars said "Your lyrics are stiff like David Coppel..." when we all know that the famous news anchor is TED Coppel. Then, on Mad Izm KRS spelled Mad Lion's name "Mad L-O-N" which left me askin' "Where's the I bruh?". Of coursew there are many more... but that's enough from me. Peace K E T E R ------------------------- LiL Kim on "No Time" "Zsa Zsa Gabor, Demi Moore PRINCE Diane and all them rich bitches" I believe the lady was named PRINCESS Diana.... K-Solo on "Knick Knack Patty Wack" "Like A B - R - I - D in the s - k - y" Guess he spelled Bird wrong i know more but have to remember them... I will email you if i can remember them... The Notorious Mr. ILL
rap.1483 brka,
PHARAOHE MONCH... Pharaohe Monche has definitely been blowing up the spot with his new solo lp Internal Affairs. I caught up with him the other day to get the scoop on the man who many are considering one of Hip Hop's most gifted emcees. He explained that his new album focuses on his personal journey's over the past couple of years, hence the name Internal Affairs. He wanted to let off steam and feel himself out as an artist without being confined by people's expectations. Different sides of his personality came through on the 15 tracks including him being very vulgar and very street as well as being a bit spiritual and socially conscious. He noted that he had a song called The Eulogy that paid tribute to an artist named Alli who painted the cover to Busta Rhyme's album Extinction Level Event. The man had recently passed away. He decided to take the song off the album and may eventually release it as a b-side track to a 12". He noted that it maybe some time before another Organized Konfusion lp comes out. 'Organized Konfusion fans are very critical' he explained. 'They will listen to every word and take things apart'. Pharaohe noted that as a result it would be extremely important that everyone involved in an OK project be mentally ready and committed to giving their 100%. Anything less then that would be unfair to the group and the fans.. Basically Pharaohe wanted to explore himself as an artist.. I asked him about his controversial song 'The Mayor' where it starts off with gunshots. 'Was this song directed at Mayor Giuliani?' Pharaohe said it wasn't initially. He had written the song two years ago as the opening to a script he was working on. The story line was about a guy whose father worked for a police force and was responsible for reducing the crime rate. Unfortunately the city's Mayor took all the credit. When the father confronted the Mayor he found himself getting black balled and eventually fired. The father wound up being a stress case. The son entered into the police force with the sole intent of getting a chance to shoot and kill the Mayor. Pharoahe noted that the current climate of New York City with the numerous police shootings that were seemingly endorsed by Giuliani made this song appropriate and in many ways directed at New York's current Mayor. It captured many people's frustrations and anger. Pharaohe also explained that he dropped the script once he released the song. He is currently finishing up another script which he intends to make into an animation. It's basically about Armageddon where all the white people and planet Earth's elite leave the and Black folks are left behind to run the world. The story centers around the type of directions they will take and the types of struggles they go through to get organized. He is working on the script with his partner Extreme and will soon be set to shop it to various animation studios. He seemed pretty confident that the story will be picked up and eventually be put out. Pharaohe concluded by noting that as much as he loves Hip Hop, it's important for him to be involved in other things such as script writing. He has a lot of talent and should definitely be putting it to good use.. I also asked him about battling.. he explained he really had no interest in battling folks. He just wants to enjoy his time being an artist.. He asked folks to allow themselves to be open to all types of Hip Hop and not limit themselves. He asked that fans not allow current trends to dictate their taste in Hip Hop but instead that they decide for themselves what style and type of approach toward Hip Hop they want for themselves.
rap.1484 brka,
SPORTISTI U HIP HOP-u... by Davey D Looks like another athlete is attempting to put his emcee skillz to the test. Bronco's running back Terrell Davis will be celebrating his 27th birthday by giving fans a performance of sorts with Legit. Terrell bust rhymes on a track called 'It's All In The Game'. He also gets down on another cut on Legit's album. Joining Terrell and Legit on stage will be Andrew Wolfolk who was the original saxaphone player for Earth Wind & Fire. Terrell maintains he has always had a passion for music and wanted to get down with Legit after seeing him perform at a local Denver night club. After the season Terrell is expected to be in the studio a lot more. Now I'm not one to hate on anybody or knock somebody's hustle, but with all this cross pollination going on where athletes are turning rapper and rappers are trying to turn athlete-Are we cheapening Hip Hop? From a business stand point it makes sense. If Shaquille O'Neal or even Michael Jordan puts out an album, which one of their legions of fans is gonna turn it down? They are merely capitalizing off their popularity. The rap albums they put out is just another way of them marketing merchandise. We buy the Air Jordan shoes, The Allen Iverson cap so why not buy the Terrell Davis album? My concern is do these athletes have skillz to really pay their bills? Would I be checking for Allen Iverson's upcoming album if he wasn't playing for the Philadelphia 76ers? Would I really be checking for Terrell Davis if he wasn't an MVP Running Back? With all these athletes just jumping into the Hip Hop arena, signing deals and putting out albums it makes it seem like anyone with a little bit of fame and pocket change can come put out an album. To me it cheapens the hard work that groups like Gang Starr, Busta Rhymes? KRS-One and others put into perfecting their craft. It seems like all this is nothing more then an elaborate marketing scheme. The line of thinking goes like this; Hip Hop is hot.. It makes money and has tons of fans so lets put a famous face behind the mic and sell tons of records. We'll get a couple of legitimate rap stars like Nas or Mobb Deep and have them do a couple of songs and boom we have the ultimate marketing merchandise-A bonafide Hip Hop album from the latest sports superstar. After I reported about Allen Iverson story last issue I received this email from one of my co-workers: "Allen Iverson has a record you get why it's so easy for the naysayers to laugh at hiphop as a genre now??? When is Mark McGwire getting his own country album deal??" As much as I hate to agree with him.. I think he summed it best.. This is almost as bad as all the rap artist who suddenly started appearing in movies to the detriment of actors and actresses who studied the craft for years. Directors were all of sudden overlooking trained actors who sacrificed for years to hone their craft only to put some kid with mic skillz in front of the camera. To a degree it works. How many of us went to see Three Kings or Anaconda because of Ice Cube? If Davey D did a flick like 'I Got The Hook Up' would any of you guys reading this newsletter have gone seen it? Like Whodini once said 'It All Comes Down To The Money'. The overall point I'm making is not that people shouldn't try their hands in other fields. I'm definitely all about broadening my horizons. I also like the fact that athletes are investing money into record labels and studios. I just hate to see folks who are new to the game all of a sudden become the spokesperson or poster boy for Hip Hop because of their fame. I wanna know that Allen Iverson or Terrell Davis was out there carrying record crates to shabby night clubs trying to be seen and heard. I wanna know they were trying to get back stage at a concert to get noticed by some folks before they got their record deals. I wanna see their book of emcee rhymes. I wanna see rhymes they wrote in the back of class and accumulated over the years. I don't wanna see some big record deal and instant air play and video play simply because he scored the winning basket or touch down. It cheapens Hip Hop. All these athletes making their way to the mic is no different then the neighborhood dope man deciding to put out his own tape. At least in the latter case the man is usually trying to go legit. Here with all these rich athletes getting record deals is making Hip Hop illegit especially if they don't have skillz.
rap.1485 brka,
A DYING BREED: INTERVJU SA SAAFIR-OM By: Adisa, "The Bishop" In a rap world where looking like your life has been rough, has become more important than actually having lived a rough life, it's kinda hard to appreciate an MC like Saafir Tariq Mahmoud. From dealing with being raised in a broken home, to fighting inmates in juvenile facilities and battling homelessness- Saafir overcome several lifetimes worth of trials and tribulations. He speaks to you through eerily emotionless eyes that hide a little over two decades of pain. As a major factor in the underground rap game, he strikes fear in the hearts of many would be rap kings. Saafir's mere presence in the cipher makes cats rap, walk and talk different. He's been known to pick pocket MC's while they battle him- and lose. His new album "The Hit List (Dirty)" [Qwest Records] is two years old and it's STILL light years ahead of any album out right now. As we sat on his porch to take shelter from a lightning storm, he shared his philosophies on life, artistic liberty and his unhappiness with Hip Hop. AB: Your full name is Saafir Tariq Mahmoud, are you Muslim? S: I was raised Muslim, and I constantly study to build my spiritual self. But my spiritual and religious life like to keep private. AB: Most cats associate the name Saafir with Digital Underground ,or, the carjacking scene in Menace to Society, or, how you battled Hiero on the Wake Up Show a few years back- does that bother you? S: It don't bother me, but now.....It's cool to be recognized for my accopmlishments and what not. But I don't put too much on it. I just do what I do and keep ridin'. I don't want people to be like "Oh, you did this. You did that."- I didn't do nothin'. I'm operating all under the grace of God. If thats waht I gotta do, then I'm gonna be down and do it. AB: Well, since we're talking about it now, how DID you get that part in Menace anyway? S: At the time I was dealing with Digital Underground on an artistic level. I was affiliated with Money B and then I started hanging with Tupac. I moved in with Tupac.. The brotha extened his gratitude to me in like 1990-91. I was homeless and dealing with a lot of drama. But I stayed with him. And this was right around the time he was doing the video for "Brenda's Got A Baby". The Hughes Bros. did the video for that. After the shoot, I guess Pac didn't really wanna kick it with 'em. They was at a hotel in Oakland. I called 'em and broke bread with 'em. They aked me "Whats there to do out here"? I went through there. We did our thug thang. They asked me if I acted. I told them I acted every day with the police. They were like "OK, we gonna shoot you a script, since you was holdin' us down while we were out here". Two weeks late the script came, I read. I called them back, they called me back. They flew me down, and I read for the casting directors. They told me I got the part and it was on. AB: You face has become immortal for that scene. Why didn't we see you in more flicks after that? S: At the time I didn't have representation. You know I was a young rider, stickin' and movin' as it is. And the more brothas and sistas recognized me for Menace, the more I wanted to slip ino the cut. I wasn't used to that level of attention. Dealing with certain aspects of what they call "the reality of life", and the cats thats around it you tend to get paranoid. If you're not paranoid to the point of always being attentive, you're stupid. But I wasn't really used to that, so I slid into the cut. Plus I didn't want to go through all the ails that actors go through trying to get other jobs. I wanted to prove my point in this rap shit and let 'me know that I'm a hitter when ti comes to this rhymin'. Once I got a lil noteriety [as an MC] I could let them know my talents as an actor. My father and my uncle were actors as well as musicians. So it comes natual to me in my blood through my experiences. I'm trying to get a hit, get noticed, bump up into a good movie and let my talent shine. AB: So, do you ever talk to the Hughes Bros. anymore? S: I seen the briefly at a restaurant when I was chopping it it up with this cat about this record you're about to hear. I got they number, called 'em. Got the answering machine. I guess schedules is so hectic once they reached a certain level in Hollywood that it's hard to reach out to certain cats. But I know they doin' they thang and hopefully I can break bread with them in the future, touch one of them flicks and grace the screeen. AB: But you just finished doing an independent flick right? S: Yeah WAS called "Fishes Outta Water", but they changed it. But I have a starring role in it. Shock G is in the movie, Fat Joe- no big names but at lot really good actors. It's really an abstract movie, so it's hard for me to even explain it to you. It'll reach the Sundance Film Festival and the theates soon hopefully. Regardless it was kind of a bootcamp kind of thing. I was in wat that was 32 degrees. I was jumping off of 50 foot cliffs backwards doing cannon balls. I do all my own stunts. So anybody who wants to fuck with me, I'm a stunt man too. AB: So Jackie Chan should be checkin' for you? S: Oh yeah he can check for me. I got bullet wounds and bad knees but we can break bread Jackie, Jackie!! AB: I saw you popped in that Mya video a few months back. How'd you hook up with her? S: I did a fashion spread in Rap Pages by way of Marc Littlejohn [the fashion editor]. He asked me to to a spread with Miss Toy from the Milita and Terry Dexter. So, I did it and some girls that run Star Casting and Entertainment saw it. They showed Mya the spread and she was interested. So they called me through this hustler named Monalisa. Monalisa got at me and told em about it. I called and went down there with my man Troy Shelton, who knoew her manager. They breoke bread, I went down there and politiced with her. She was a real female. It kinda caught me by surprise. Not that I saw her as fakem but you know how fake Hollywood shit is today. It was surprising to find a real one at the status she's at. She was real with hers so it was easy to act with her. AB: Speaking of groups, what happened to the Golden State Warriors? S: Everybody is doing their own solo projects, but we still around. AB: At this point in your career, you got this new album The Hit List [Qwest Records]. It was finished almost a year and a half ago, yet it's still light years ahead of a lot of stuff thats out right now. How did you manage to pull that off? S: Basically, when I wrote the album I tried to keep it conceptual. Having the moniker "The Hit List" basically explains me killin' the rhyme. But what I wrote, I wrote from the soul, I didn't write from the mind. I write from the inside focusing my thoughts to come with a simple strategy. I guess when you focus on the authenticity, mixed with the creativity, you usually get classic material that lasts beyond the time span of the average. AB: So, do you have any other projects you're working on right now? S: A lot of my focus right now is going into a clothing company I'm starting called Poli' Wear. Clothes to politic in- ya know? It's gonna be real hot. Real quality material and fresh designs, be on the lookout for it... AB: It's weird, because on one hand you have put in a lot of work. You battled hella cats and did mad shows. On the other hand, you only released like two albums. At the same time, you make other rappers change their style. Do you feel pressure being as talented as you are? Knowing that "If I do XYZ, THESE cats are gonna change". S: No, I don't feel any pressure. The only pressure I feel is to satisfy my own need to create at a very premium level. But I don't care about other cats changing up they shit and biting. That seems to be the trend in hip hop today. Everybody is brainwashed and everybody bites. I keep to the originality. I don't do what everybody else is doing. You gotta walk that fine line. You gotta get that paper fa 'sho. But you gotta keep your individuality, keep your integrity and keep some sort of fucking pride in your profession. That shit is is like non existent in Hip Hop today. The shit that's coming out is fucking terrible. You got a couple of thug niggas who can really bust. Give them there's. I don't knock nare niggas hustle. But at the same time it's like "God Damn man, if you can't rap nigga get the fuck outta here". But if you can hustle your way throughout he middle of that shit, but, can't bust a lick because of muthafuckas that buying that bullshit... you know circulating in the matrix as brainwashed population then fuck it man get your money. At the same time I'm a nigga of the ART. I respect niggas with skills that really put time in. I mean, what happened to that shit [the true arts of rhyming and battling]? It's like everybody has a Webster's dictionary with the same cover. But if I come like a thesaurus- I'M WACK, I'M WEAK? ......And some niggas out here got other niggas writing for you, and you actin' like YOU doin' it? You a sucka. If you in this game and you can't write, what are you in this game for? To get ya money, right? Well, get you money and get the fuck up outta here!
rap.1486 brka,
BEATS BY THE POUND NAPUSTAJU MASTER P-JA... Caught up with veteran producer DJ Darryl the other day and he told me that he was on his way out of town to do some production work for Kane & Abel. These names should all be familiar to you because they were once part of the No Limit Family.. Kane & Abel who have just dropped a new lp entitled 'Rise To Power', ran into some trouble with the law last year when they were accused of trafficking cocaine. They have vehemently denied the charges and have since left No Limit. DJ Darryl's initial claim to fame was him being down with the Bay Area's legendary rap group 415 which featured Richie Rich. He later hooked up with Master P and became part of his No Limit production team. About a year ago DJ Darryl left explaining that Master P while taking care of some of his artists was not hitting DJ Darryl with proper compensation. Darryl since his departure has dropped a compilation lp on his new label Bomb Shelter Music. In our brief encounter he noted that Master P's production team Beats By The Pound had also broke camp and changed their name to the Medicine Men. In fact under the new name they produced the new Kane & Abel album which ain't bad... It's still unclear as to whether or not their departure from No Limit is permanent. We'll keep you posted.
rap.1487 brka,
SWAY & KING TECH TRAZE BATTLE MC'S... Sway & King Tech of the 'world famous' Wake Up Show are getting ready to set things off-again. They are holding international auditions for freestylers who wish to go through rigorous rounds of emcee battles to see if they qualify to go head to head with Supernatural or Juice. If you recall back in September, Supernatural who hails from the state of Wisconsin went up against the Chicago based Juice. It was supposed to be the epic battle of all time as they two gifted freestylers attempted to win the 5 thousand dollar 'winner take all' prize purse. Supernatural won and the result was a whole lot of disgruntled Juice fans who listened to the battle on the radio complaining that Juice was robbed despite the unanimous nine judge decision. King Tech explained that while the battle may have sounded close on the airwaves it was definitely a different story at the actual event. While Juice was able to drop some nice rhymes.. he simply did not have clear dominant presence compared to Supernatural. He also explained that what folks heard on air was the result of him having to seriously clean up the sound and equalize it for air play. During the event Juice's lyrics were muddled and not very clear to the audience. And that wasn't do to the sound system. It was due to his technique. In any case it's not certain if Juice and Supernatural will return to the emcee arena to battle... With regards to the upcoming tournament, Sway explained that in order for an emcee to have the privilege of battling Juice or Supernatural they will have to earn that right. Hence they will have to endure several rounds of battling in which they will get ranked. There will be several cities in which these battles will take place including LA and The Bay Area.. If anyone wants to get down and see if they qualify they must call this number 1-818-971-6112 and spit some verses. Sway emphasized that they are seeking skilled emcees. They don't want any non skilled crappy sounding wannabe woodchucks trying to get on.. Only true lyricists with battle skillz need to call the number.. Lastly be on the look out for the Wake Up Show's upcoming project 'Freestyles Volume 5' It will feature folks like KRS-One, Kool G Rap, Ahmad and several key surprises.. It will be dropping December 7th.. That's the same day as the upcoming Biggie album.
rap.1488 brka,
2PAC YOUTH CONFERENCE... With less then one month to go people here out west are getting set for the upcoming 2Pac Youth Conference. The event is scheduled to take place on December 4th at McClymonds High School in west Oakland. This event is being put together by a number of grassroots organizations with the purpose of trying to bridge the generation gap between the young Hip Hop generation and adults who have often maligned the culture. There will be a workshop that shows who 2pac was and how and why he was so relatable to many within the community. There will be a number of workshops focusing on youth issues including police brutality and the upcoming controversial juvenile crime bill which force 14 year olds to be tried as adults and make it a felony for 400 dollars worth of graffiti. There will be a workshop on Male Hood led by activist/poet Marvin X. There will another workshop called Predators To nation Builders. 2pac's mom Afeni Shakur as well as former political prisoner and Black Panther Geronimo Pratt will be on hand..Rap stars Digital Underground and Mac mall will also be in the place. For more information regarding the conference call 1-510-879-4519 In other 2Pac news. His new album And Still I Rise is set to drop..and his new book 'The Rose That Grew From Concrete' is already making waves. For those who aren't up on it.. This new book by 2pac is actually a collection of poems that he wrote before he blew up in the rap game. He was part of a writer's circle with his former manger Leila Steinberg and former rapping partner Ray Luv. These poems caught everyone's attention and caused quit a stir when they read on the air the day Pac was killed. Some of the poems were released and folks went out and sold t-shirts, posters and other items with the poems inscriptions. After 3 years of legal hassling and back room drama, the poems were released in what is terrific book. Many of the poems are in 2pac's hand writing and for the most part absolutely incredible... Here's an example of one poem entitled "U R Ripping Us Apart - dedicated 2 Crack" Before u came the triangle never broke we were bonded and melded as one But as the 2 pushed u away The one got weak and embraced u and now u R ripping us apart The worst feeling of helplessness The greatest pain has rested in my heart The vision of heaven fades and the nightmare of loneliness has started My Hero has been defeated by you and now what can I do watch as u destroy us and our love is finally through I know the worst is here I feel it in my Heart u got into the circle now you're tearing us apart!!!!!!
rap.1489 brka,
FREESTYLE UNION... The Sacred Circle Spoken Word Festival that was held in Newark New Jersey this past weekend was pretty cool. Everyone from the Watts Prophets to Sonia Sanchez to the Nuyorican Cafe to Sekou Sundiata was on hand. What was really cool was the international flava. I saw kids from as far away as London to Mozambique to South Africa who came and represented. Most were able to flip engaging poems or kick wicked freestyles.. Trust me folks Hip Hop really is world wide.. There was this one kid named General Dee from Mozambique who was kicked a hard hitting freestyle about the conditions in his native country. He did it in Portuguese and then explained what he meant in English. The crowd gave him mad props. The act that really caught me was the Washington DC based Freestyle Union which is headed by this sista named Toni Blackman. She explained that there are about 10-15 members but when doing performances they usually work in groups of 3-4. She along with a brother named Ghost and this kid from Zaire hit the stage and demonstrated another level in which Hip Hop can be presented. They took a theatrical approach as opposed to the all to commonplace walking back and forth, grabbing crotches and yelling for the sound man to turn the mics up. They would rap around a subject and literally act it out.. It was kind of like watching a Hip Hop musical, but in no way was it corny or contrived. Freestyle Union members have mad skillz and could easily hold their own and then some against anyone. They further demonstrated their lyrical agility when they solicited topics from the audience and then all three would lay down some dope rhymes that spoke to the subject. The first topic tossed out by an audience member was 'rent'. Ghost & Toni flipped verses off the dome about the stresses of having to get their rent in on time. It was humorous and skillfully done.. The emcee from Zaire totally mashed it when he cleverly started freestyling about the Broadway play 'Rent' and how he wanted to get on stage and join the other actors. They had a female deejay who was pretty nice on the wheels.. I apologize for not having everyone's names but I lost my notes.. In any case if you happen to be in the Washington DC area be sure to check for Freestyle Union. If you're looking to book a group capable of doing a good show in addition to taking a creative approach toward doing a Hip Hop show be sure to reach out. Lastly much props are in order for Freestyle Union because they are reaching out and not only staying active within their community but they are doing an exchange program with Hip Hoppers in South Africa. In fact some of the folks from SA were at the Festival..They too have nice skillz.. Hit Freestyle Union up at
rap.1490 brka,
Everlast Interview on Islam """"""""""""""""""""""""""" By: Adisa Banjoko AB: Tell me about the first time you learned about Islam? E: It was probably around the late 80's. I was hangin' out with Divine Styler. He was basically at the end of his 5% period. He was starting to come into Islam. He lived with the Bashir family. Abdullah Bashir was sort of his teacher, and mine it wound up later. As he was making the transition from 5% into Islam I would just be around and hear things. I'm trying to think of the first time I recognized it AS Islam. I think it was when one of Divine's friends took Shahada and I was there. I heard him say "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the servant and messenger". And I remember me being like "What is this? I'm white, can I be here"? It was outta ignorance, you know? 'Cause here in America, Islam is considered a "Black thing". And thats when someone pointed out to me "You have know idea how many white Muslims there are in the world". I was like, "Really", and somebody broke it down. I said "Thats crazy, I had no clue". AB: Do feel any extra pressure being a white Muslim in America? E: I don't think of it on the grand scale. To me, Islam is mine. Allah is the God of all the worlds, and all mankind and all the Al-Amin. Islam is my personal relationship with God. So, nobody can put any more pressure on me than I can put on myself. But as far as the mosque where I pray, I have never felt more at home or more welcome. And it's not just mine. The few mosques that I've gone to around the country, I've never ever been made to feel uncomfortable. Like in New York the mosque is big and there's so many people that nobody is lookin' to notice you. There were Chines, Korean, Spanish- everything. Which was a good thing for me because at my mosque I'm the only white male, there are some white females. I think at first I thought about it more than anybody else, the first couple times I went to Juma (Friday afternoon prayer). The first time I went to Juma I was taken by a friend of mine in NY. It was in Brooklyn in Bed-Stuy. I was nervous about the neighborhood I was in, not the mosque. But I was just so at ease once I was there. I was like "This is great". I didn't feel any different than anybody else in the mosque. AB: How did your family take your turning to Islam? Because you were raised Catholic, right? E: Well, you know my mom is very open minded, very progressive. My mother lives with me. And I've been raised all my life with not a BELIEF in God, but a KNOWLEDGE that he exists. I was taught "If anything in the world, know there's a God". Any my mom, even though she was Catholic she was the first person to point out hypocrisy in the church. My mom really hasn't attended church in a long time. But as far as me, my mom is just happy that I have god in my life. She sees me making prayers. And Divine is one of her favorite people in the world. She knows how much different we are than when she first knew us as kids. When me and divine first hooked up we were wild. We were out partyin', fightin', doin' whatever we had to do. We thought "Yeah, that's what being a man is about. We're gonna go out here and be thuggish". She has seen how much it's changed me and him. And how much peace it's brought me since I've started to really accomplish something with it. I actually had a long talk with my mother the other day and we were on the topic of religion. We were actually talking about life and death and the future and when she might go. That won't be for a long time, inshalla (god willing). But I asked her to do me one favor I said "Mom, if when you die there might be some angels who ask you a question and I want you to answer it. and I'm not ure exactly how it goes, 'cause I ain't died yet. Remember that there's only one God, and he's never been a man". She said "I know what you are trying to tell me. I said "Jesus wasn't God, ma". Some of what I know has definitely shown up in my mother. She's no Muslim, but she knows there's only one God. And that makes me very happy. I know guys that have turned towards Islam and there families have turned them out. AB: My family tried to. I just can't understand that. But you know what? That's a trial. Although I've changed my name for like 8 years now. They still run up calling me by my birth name. then it's "Oh I forgot that you're Muslim". Then it's the pork jokes. It never stops. E: It's one of those things where people laugh at what they don't understand. Or they fear what they can't grasp. The thing is that nobody can pretend that they don't understand it. Because I've never come across anything more simple in my life. Like I remember that when I sat down and asked "So, what does a Muslim believe"? And I got the list run down to me.....I was like "You don't put up the wall between Christianity and Judaism"? They were like "Nah, it's all the same story". If when you finally get down to reading the Qu'ran, the Bible and the Torah, which is pretty much just the Old Testament. You find that the Qu'ran is just an affirmation of what is correct and isn't correct within those books. And then you say to yourself "How did that go down when these cats were all from different parts of the world"? But they are all confirming each others story. I'm reading a book right now called "Muhammad: The Life of the Prophet", by Karen Armstrong. It was written by a non Muslim. So far, I'm only about a quarter of the way through. But it starts out telling you how they originally tried to make Muhammad look like the most evil man on the earth. That he established Islam under the sword. But then you learn that Muhammad only fought when he had to. Muhammad only fought to defend Islam. It's a very good book about the man. It just lets you know that this cat was MAN. We ain't trying to tell you that he was anything else but a man. We're telling you as Muslims that he was the most perfect example of a man to walk the earth so far. And from what I've read he is the last one to come of his kind so far. When you get beyond begin scared of Farrakhan and what he's sayin'...And here as a white person I'm speaking.....when you get beyond the ignorance of believing that Islam has anything to do with just people that are blowing up things- that doesn't have anything to do with Islam. THEY might do it in the name of Islam. But it has nothing to do with Islam You can't argue with it. When I explain Jesus to a Christian, the can't argue with me. And I don't mean argue, saying "Jesus isn't God"!! I mean, how much more sense does it make that He's a man? If I was Christian, which to me means to be Christ-like, and god asks me "Hey how come you weren't more like Jesus". I'll say, I wasn't more like Jesus because you made him half of a God. I'm only a man". That doesn't make any sense. God doesn't want things hard on us. God wants things easy as possible. Allah is going to make it as easy as possible. If you ask and you are sincere, Allah WILL bring it to you. He might throw some rocks on your path, to make you trip and stumble. But it's gonna come to you. AB: Talk to me about the first and second time you took your Shahada. E: Well the first time it was right after I had heard a tape from Warith Deen Muhammad (Elijah Muhammads son who left the N.O.I) That just kinda broke down the whole Jesus thing. He explained that we (Muslims) do Christians a great favor by bringing Jesus down to the level of a man. Why would God create a man who is half a God and compare us to him? And it just sent off a bomb in my head. So I took Shahada. And then the initial high wore off. It was almost like a Christian who says that they accept Jesus. Then they say, "No matter what I do now I'm saved". 'Cause I was raised with that kinda mentality. Like "OK, I accept the truth so let me just go out here and sin my butt off and I'm saved". I didn't really claim to be Muslim though at that time. I picked and chose what I wanted to believe. Allah gave me leeway for a time. But eventually it was time to fish or cut the line. I was coming to a point where I was unsatisfied emotionally, and spiritually. I had money in the bank and $100,000 car, women left and right...Everything that you think you want. And then just sitting there being like "Why am I unhappy". Finally that voice that talks to you- not the whisper.The voice said "Well, basically you're unhappy because your living foul and your not trying to do anything about it". My stubbornness at that time wouldn't allow me to talk about it at that time. You get in that state of mind where you're like "I can figure this out all by myself". I finally got humble enough to talk to Divine and Abdullah about it. They asked me "How do you feel? What do you think it is"? So finally I'm sittin' there taking Shahada again. From that point on I've made a commitment where I'm going to try my best. I'm gonna do my best to make my prayers, let's start there. Let's not beat our selves up because we went out last night and had a drink. Let's make our prayers and pray for the strength to stop doing one thing at a time. That's what I'm still dealing with. You know, one you get over the big things, it becomes very subtle. It can be as subtle as looking a man, and not even speaking bad about him- but back biting him in your mind. The easy ones to beat. Well, I shouldn't say easy, the BIG ones are easy to notice. It's the subtle psychological stuff that helps you get into who really you are. You gotta be able to face the truth of who you are. If you are not able to face that truth of who you are, you're gonna crumble, man. People question me and go "You're Muslim"? And I'm like, "Yeah I'm Muslim, but I'm also a professional sinner. I'm tryin' to get over it, tryin' to retire. I won't front and say I'm better than you. I just believe that I've been shown the truth and hopefully that will save me". By the end of my life I'll hopefully be able to look back and say " Good and bad all in all I did my best to be good and to be kind". One of the things I trip on in the Qu'ran is that Allah tells us basically that the bad deeds you do are only worth the bad deeds you do. But every good deed you do is worth ten good deeds. That's God telling you "I'm gonna make it easier for you. If you did ten bad things don't think ya lost! You can turn it around, you don't have to accept that." And people think that you have to change the world. You don't have to could the world. You could help an old lady across the street. You could say a kind word to somebody. It's that simple. I'm gettin' a lil lost here. AB: Do you think that America will ever have a substantial number of American white Muslims? E: Yeah, I would like to think so.And if Allah wills it, who is gonna stop it? Me Divine and Abdullah were talking the other day. They were saying how there are a lot of Muslim countries in the world. That are in turmoil. And if you put the fundamentals of Islam and put into effect, you would call it a democracy. And a lot of the fundamentals of the Bill of Rights are kind of Qu'ranic values when broken down to their simplest form. But what better place for Allah to prove Islam would work but in America? As far as like being the last bastion of Satan. But Islam is just rising up in this place.Look at me. A tattooed rockin', bold supposedly wild white man. Islam jumped into me. And it's tryin' to make me the best I can be. But I didn't choose it. Do you understand what I'm saying? AB: You don't know if you chose Islam or if Islam chose you. E: Yeah.....
rap.1491 stukelj,
> slept on.. The new Cypress Hill 'World Wide' is pretty > cool.. Lets see if they can drop a good album.. I wish the new cypress hill? sta se tu tacno zbiva?
rap.1492 misery,
Message to brka: E,ono brate,mnogo si bre naporan sa tim porukama, oladi malo...Ne,stvarno... vishe ne pratim temu rap jer je ti zasipash vestima koje ja uzgred recheno i ne chitam tako da kada skinem poruke na hard obavezno ih preskacem...Bolje bi ti bilo kada bi lepo napisao o chemu se radi i zakachish fajl uz tu poruku sa vestima,a ovako je smor...Nemoj da mislish da ja ne volim rep i da ga ne pratim, al zasipash temu vestima... Zakachi fajl,a u poruci napishi o chemu se radi pa koga interesuje nek skine...
rap.1493 ventura,
> FREESTYLE UNION... > > > The Sacred Circle Spoken Word Festival that was held in Zar ne bi bilo lepse i jednostavnije da sve te textove spakujes u txt file i da u poruci napises naslove textova i to sve da okacis ovde?
rap.1494 brka,
> the new cypress hill? sta se tu tacno zbiva? Nisam za sada nasao nista vise... Izbacili su taj singl 'World Wide' koji bi trebao da bude prethodnica novom albumu, za koji jos nemam podatak kada ce izaci. Cim cujem neku vest - zakacicu... Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1495 brka,
> E,ono brate,mnogo si bre naporan sa tim porukama, > oladi malo...Ne,stvarno... vishe ne pratim temu > Zakachi fajl,a u poruci napishi o chemu se radi > pa koga interesuje nek skine... E, ono brate, OK... Mizerija vlada... :) Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1496 brka,
VESTI... """"" - IZVESTAJ SA LYRICIST LOUNGE-A... - ASIAN PACIFIC ISLANDER STUDENT ALLIANCE - HIP HOP HALL OF FAME... - OUTKAST SE SUDE SA ROSOM PARKS... - *Question Of The Week* - Letters & Feedback Pozdrav, Aleksandar hh911.txt
rap.1497 gligo,
> King Tech explained that while the battle may have > sounded close on the airwaves it was definitely a > different story at the actual event. While Juice was > able to drop some nice rhymes.. he simply did not have > clear dominant presence compared to Supernatural. He > also explained that what folks heard on air was the > result of him having to seriously clean up the sound > and equalize it for air play. During the event Juice's > lyrics were muddled and not very clear to the audience. > And that wasn't do to the sound system. It was due to > his technique. In any case it's not certain if Juice > and Supernatural will return to the emcee arena to battle... Znas li nesto vise, uopste, o samim freestyle nadmetanjima, kako izgleda sama "borba", pravila, ko su "sudije" i ko su najvece legende freestyle-a? Poznato mi je da je Canibus opasan sto se tice lyrics freestylea, kao i ekipa iz Wu Tang-a? Istina ili..?
rap.1498 brka,
> Znas li nesto vise, uopste, o samim freestyle nadmetanjima, > kako izgleda sama "borba", pravila, ko su "sudije" i ko su > najvece legende freestyle-a? > Poznato mi je da je Canibus opasan sto se tice lyrics > freestylea, kao i ekipa iz Wu Tang-a? Istina ili..? Freestyle takmicenja su trenutno i u Americi velika retkost, iz jednog prostog razloga - hip hop u ovom trenutku ima jako malo pulena koji imaju talenta za freestyle (za razliku od '70/'80-tih godina kada nisi mogao da se smatras MC-jem ako nisi sposoban da uradis pristojan freestyle...). Danas se odrzavaju uglavnom u manjim klubovima, koji su uglavnom maximalno popunjeni. DJ pusta muziku (instrumentale), nastupaju jedan MC za drugim... u toku samog nastupa DJ im vise puta menja instrumental, pa ko se snadje... (Mislim, takav sistem si mogao da vidis i na nekim nasim hip hop zurkama, ali u mnogo bednijem izdanju, sa prilicno neinventivnim i banalnim rimama, koje su, uz to jos i naucene napamet dva meseca pred nastup... i onda to nazovu freestyle...). Pobednika uglavnom odredjuje atmosfera u publici nakom nastupa svakog od takmicara... Tako je bilo i na takmicenju izmedju Juice-a i Supernaturala. Osim ove dvojice (i jos nekoliko poznatih underground freestylera) poznata imena kojima ovaj stil odlicno ide su Canibus, Eminem, Naughty By Nature, The Roots, KRS-One, dok su freestyle-ovi Wu-Tang-a uglavnom zanimljivi samo njihovim zagrizenim fanovima... Sto se tice samih legendi freestyle-a, to ne bih mogao sada da ti odgovorim... morao bih da konsultujem literaturu :), a trenutno nemam vremena za to. Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1499 gligo,
> instrumental, pa ko se snadje... (Mislim, takav > sistem si mogao da vidis i na nekim nasim > hip hop zurkama, ali u mnogo bednijem izdanju, > sa prilicno neinventivnim i banalnim rimama, > koje su, uz to jos i naucene napamet dva > meseca pred nastup... i onda to nazovu > freestyle...). Da, recimo na ovoj zadnjoj u Domu Omladine, kao opasan freestyle imali su momci iz Full Moon-a, cak ih je i Sonja u Talasu pohvalila ;), a ko je bio tamo mogao je da cuje nesto sto je licilo na sve, samo ne na gore opisani 'ebeni freestyle... I uzgred, ovi iz Full Moona su na ivici raspada, sto inace verovatno tangira sve ljubitelje naseg rap-a. ;)
rap.1500 gligo,
Tekstovi Gang Starra sa njihove najnovije kompilacije Full Clip: A Decade of Gang Starr, tacnije samo nekih osam stvari, a ako neko izrazi zelju skinucu i ostale... Elem, Full Clip... 1. Discipline 2. Ex girl to next girl 3. Full clip 4. 1/2 & 1/2 feat. M.O.P. 5. Jazz thing 6. Mass appeal 7. Militia 8. Work
rap.1501 mango,
To majstore. Ima li neko "Dynamite", od Rootsa? STRASNA stvar, samo ne mogu sam da provalim sve reci, a interesuju me.
rap.1502 brka,
rap.1503 stukelj,
a, kad bese izlazi novi dre? p.s. sad sam skinuo "still dre" mp3, vlada... neko bi reko dominira, ali to je diskutabilno... ;)
rap.1504 brka,
Vesti i ostali hip hop materijal od danas opet saljem u staroj formi... Kome se ne svidja - neka preskoci. Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1505 brka,
16. novembra izasao je novi Dreov album - 'Chronic 2001: No Seeds'. Evo liste pesama... 1) Lolo (Intro) feat. Tray Dee, Xzbit 2) The Watcher 3) Fuck You Devin feat. Snoop Dogg 4) Still D.R.E. feat. Snoop Dogg 5) Big Egos feat. Hittman 6) Xxplosive feat. Hittman, Kurupt, Nate Dogg, 6'2 7) What's The Difference feat. Eminem 8) Bar One feat. Tracy Nelson, Ms.Roq, Eddie Griffith 9) Light Speed feat. Hittman 10) Forgot About Dre feat. Eminem 11) The Next Episode feat. Snoop Dogg 12) Let's Get High feat. Kurupt, Hittman, Ms.Roq 13) Bitch Niggaz feat. Snoop Dogg, Hittman, 6'2 14) The Car Bomb feat. Mel-Man, Shari Henry 15) Murder Ink feat. Hittman, Ms. Roq 16) Education feat. Eddie Griffith 17) Some L.A. Niggaz feat. Defari, Xzibit, Knoc-Turnal, King T, M.C. Ren, Kokane 18) Pause 4 Porno feat. Jake Steed 19) Housewife feat. Kurupt, Hittman 20) Ackrite feat. Hittman 21) Bang-Bang feat. Knoc-Turnal, Hittman 22) The Message feat. Mary J. Blige, Rell
rap.1506 brka,
VESTI... There are a couple of cuts that are hot off the press that everyone should be peeping out.. The first is from one of Oakland's most talented and to a large degree underrated groups Zion I..Group members Amp Live, DJ K-Genius and Zion bring an East Coast/NY style approach to their new song 'Critical' on Ground Control records is to say the least...bangin'. It's one of my top songs that I play during my Sunday Night Local Flava Show on 106 KMEL. The beats are rugged and the lyrics are tight. From a deejay standpoint, its a fun song to mix and cut up. The flip side track 'Venus' is also hittin'. On stage very few groups can match their energetic performance. And they get major props for their continous activism and positive approach toward Hip Hop. Zion I has come a long ways since dropping their first single 'Inner Light' about a year ago. They are soon scheduled to drop an album.. We'll keep you posted.. If you happen to be in the Bay Area you can peep Zion I performing this Friday November 19th at Storyville Niteclub [Fulton st] in San Francisco. Also on the bill will be The grouch who is best known for his work with The Living Legends Crew. The other track I'm really feeling belongs to Toronto's Choclair. Entitled 'Let's Ride', this piano laden head boppin' track is definitely hittin' and no doubt adds proof to the nationwide buzz about Hip Hop's next big hot spot being North of the border in Toronto, Canada. Over the past year or so the 'T-Dot O Dot', has been representin' with a slew of emcees who have been holding their own and making folks sit up and take note. Artist like Saukrates, Kardinal Offishall along with Choclair have been building on the inroads that were initially made in past years by acts like Michee Mee who rolled with MC Lyte, Maestro Fresh Wes and one of my favorites The Dream Warriors [Remember cuts like 'Follow Me Not and Face In My Sink'?]. Although I have never been there, everyone I keep running into have been telling me Toronto has a burgeoning underground scene that will be well worth the trip. So without a doubt during my next vacation expect me in T-Dot. I'm just hoping the food is good and Choclair can introduce me to the women in his video 'Lets Ride':). BTW The b-side to Lets Ride is a slammin' cut called 'Bare Witness' which features Guru of Gang Starr. If you happen to be in Washington DC on Wednesday Nov 17th and in Boston on Thursday Nov 18th or in Pittsburg, PA on Friday Nov 19th, be sure to check for Choclair 'cause he'll be performing on the Lyricist Lounge Tour. For more info drop Choclair a line at Some other underground hits worth peepin' include LA based Mykill Miers who is a frequent guest on the Sway & King Tech Wake Up Show. His new song 'The Illest' will have you feeling good about Hip Hop and fiending for more. Insane Poetry drops three dope songs including 'Let 'Em Know', 'Shroom Vision' and 'Calico Flows' All these hard hittin' songs are featured on the emerging Blackberry music label. Again I'm really feeling this label..They're like a Rawkus of the West in the sense that they appear to be letting their artists do what they do best, put out good music that you won't necessarily hear on radio.. but nevertheless will find itself a home among today's b-boy and b-girl. Speaking of Rawkus, they're on a roll of enormous proportions as they've just released excellent lps by Mos Def and Pharoahe Monche. They also dropped a nice album entitled 'Home Field Advantage' from a group that I feel a lot of headz have been overlooking..High & Mighty. These guys caused quite a stir when they dropped the hit song B-Boy Document. After that died down, you didn't hear too much about them in spite of the fact their album was kinda nice.. Songs like 'Top Prospects', 'The Last Hit' and 'Mighty Mi For Your Stereo' were more then enough to make one take note. So if you haven't peeped them out.. give them a second chance.. Also coming out of the Rawkus/High & Mighty camp are the Smut Peddlers. Their new songs 'First Name Smut' and 'For The Record' are worth checkin' out. Another song that's gonna kick up dust and cause some controversy is the new one from Onyx's Sticky Fingaz entitled 'Jackin' For Beats'. This track is in the same vein as 50 Cent's summer time hit 'How To Rob'. Here Sticky boldly talks about how he's gonna snatch beats and rhyme styles from such notables like Jay-Z, Ja Rule, Nas, Juvenile, Eve and even his own group Onyx. Maybe its me, but the song seems gimmicky..We'll see if it catches on.. The song that has got everyone talking at least in these parts is the brand new joint off the upcoming 'Born Again' lp by The Notorious BIG. Entitled 'Notorious' the song features Mr Puff Daddy and Lil Kim and borrows from the classic 'modern rock' song Notorious by Duran Duran. It was definitely a clever use of the sample.. The song hits.. Straight from the South comes Big Pokey and his new joint 'Ball-N-Parlay'. It features artists like Lil Keke, Mr 3-2 and Big Moe. If you like that song by Lil Troy called 'I Wanna Be A Baller' then you will definitely be feeling this one. Although it features different artist, Big Pokey brings the same feel and energy to this new cut. It has a floor packin beat, nice singing hook and that down south gritty flava. It's one of my favorite cuts at this time. The b side track "Hardest Pit' was a pleasant surprise as it utilizes the same beat from the Notorious BIG track 'Your Nobody Till Somebody Kills You'. On the album tip..I'm loving the new Dr Dre.. After a 4-5 year hiatus. I think he came back..and came back strong. Tracks like 'What's The Difference' w/ Eminem and Xzibit, 'The next Episode' with Dre and Snoop, 'Big Egos' w/ Hittman and ' Some LA Niggas which features King T, Kokane, Defari, Xzibit, Knoc-Turnal and old NWA member MC Ren. From start to finish, the lp hits..It will never be on the classic level as The Chronic.. but this is a nice follow up.. I do have to wonder about Dre's back and forth stance on things.. If you recall, when he first started his Aftermath Label he released as his first single 'Been There Done That', where he basically let it be known all that gangsta stuff for him was finished. After listening to his album, it's obvious that Dre 's not ready to abandon his old ways. In fact he even admits to inventing the phrase 'gangsta rap'. Dre's switch around reminds me of the time he boldly stated on a song 'Express Yourself' about how he would never smoke weed because it causes brain damage. Of course he later went on to drop the song 'The Chronic' and the rest is history. I wonder what made Dre decide he didn't wanna be a space where he 'Had Been There Done That' ? Ultimate Hip Hop Gems of the Week: This has got to be the new Bob Marley album which features everyone from Chuck D to Erykah Badu to MC Lyte to Busta Rhymes. All of these artists have been incorporated into songs originally done by Marley. Through the miracle of modern technology everyone now raps and sings alongside him.. If there was any reason to pick up this album, it's just to hear how Hip Hop legend Rakim skillfully flows on the song 'Concrete Jungle' with Marley. That alone was worth picking up the album.. The other hidden jewel from the underground is the new cut 'Goldmine' from former Pharcyde member Fatlip. If he continues on this pace..expect to hear a killer album when it drops.. I wonder when Pharcyde themselves is gonna drop a new joint. they should've taken advantage of being on 'The Real World' and had some material to promote. Oh well, 'c'est la vie. Disappointments from the underground..has got to be Master P and his new lp 'Only God can Judge me'. I'm a fan of Ps..and while I don't expect him to be a lyrical genius, I did expect to hear a few songs that would go on to be big hits for him.. The only track I could pick out of 20+ tracks was 'Da Ballers featuring Master P and Jermaine Dupris. I'm not sure if this lp was rushed or if P has been able to take time out and really concentrate on his career as an artist. It's also unclear about how the departure of his long time producers 'Beats By The Pound' effected him and musical decision making. Nevertheless its not hitting.
rap.1507 brka,
DRAMA O SHAKURU... For all you 2Pac fans there's a play about his life and death that will be kicking off in February 2000 at Howard University. It's entitled Seventh Son and was written by Kwame Alexander and directed by Kenneth Daugherty. The good folks putting on this play were supposedly holding auditions. I'm not sure if the dates past. But they were seeking brothas between the ages of 18-60, sistas between the ages 18-35, folks with tap dance experience and of course any individuals who have a resemblance to 2Pac. Anyone who is interested may want to reach out and touch the production company BlackWords Inc a call at 703-912-1755..
rap.1508 brka,
HIP HOP DONALD TRUMP...!? With all this talk about the upcoming Presidential elections, I thought I'd share with you a commentary that appeared the other week in Lee Bailey's EUR Report It focuses around the blind support that many of us often give people without really doing the proper research..As you know Donald Trump who hangs out with all sorts of Hip Hoppers like Puff daddy, Jay-Z and others is considering running for the White House office. The Hip Hop's immediate embracing of The Donald has raised some concerns. I was set to do an editorial on this..but then Mark Riley dropped this in EUR.. I couldn't have said it better.. Hit me back and let me know what you think as I would like to post up some of the letters.. GET REAL -- Mark Riley Hip Hop Trump? A couple of weeks ago, a young man called my radio show and offered the notion that young Black and Latino men might well be the swing vote that puts Donald Trump in the White House. I scoffed at the idea at the time. Donald Trump? Why would young people from my community back a developer who has had a problematic relationship with it throughout his public life? Why would young Blacks and Latinos take Trump seriously when everybody knows he could never win...... Suddenly it dawned on me I was looking at Trump the way a middle aged Black political commentator would. The way the rest of the media does. Donald Trump is a flamboyant playboy and not much else, the logic goes. Then (I swear this happened after the call to me), the New Yorker runs an item by Jane Mayer that essentially said the same thing that young man told me over the phone. Trump's own researchers say his strongest supporters are Blacks, Latinos, and whites making less than $25,000 a year. How can this be explained? The most logical reason comes from David Bositis of the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. Donald Trump spends a lot of his time hanging out with rap stars and other Black celebrities. He's tight with people like Muhammad Ali, Sammy Sosa, Puffy Combs and Russell Simmons. These are just the kind of people young Black men (and women) dream about socializing with. Is this a valid reason to vote for a candidate? History teaches us there are no invalid reasons. Way back in 1960, women across America helped elect John F. Kennedy President by a razor thin margin over Richard Nixon. Was it his politics? His position on issues? Maybe, a little. However, pollsters of the day found out to their surprise that many American women voted for JFK because of his good looks and not much else. Russell Simmons told the New Yorker Blacks love Trump because he's embodies the way they'd live their lives if they had money. Some Trump enthusiasts ought to temper their support by remembering Trump supports New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, whose been nothing short of a horror show for Blacks in this city. Supporting a politician because he hangs out with rappers can certainly be done. People should vote for whoever they choose. The problem is simply that it's not smart politics to vote for anyone until you know what they're ready to do for your community. In Donald Trump's case, support should be earned by deed, not photo-op. Readers in the New York Metropolitan Area can tune in to Politics Live with Mark Riley Monday through Friday from 1 to 4PM on WLIB, 1190AM Radio in New York City. Please send comments to: Get Real! With Mark Rileyę1999
rap.1509 brka,
DAVEY D'S ULTIMATE HIP HOP QUIZ #1 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Since Def Jam is giving away one million dollars for your Hip Hop knowledge I thought I'd test you skillz.. Each question is worth 10 points.. Lets see how you do... Only a true Hip Hopper will get these all correct.. Everyone else will have to go back to the lab. === 1-What well known rapper/producer started his career as a dancer for the Hip Hop group Whodini? 2-Name The 3 members of the Original Sugar Hill Gang 3-What well known rap group started out their career doing a song called 'Cookiepuss'? 4-Name 6 of the 9 members of the Wu-Tang Clan? 5-What group did the hit song 'Fly Girl'? 6-What well known rapper used to sing back up for Bobby Brown? 7-What well known rapper went on to be a model for Calvin Klein underwear 8-What well known organization did Hip Hop pioneer Africa Bambaataa start in the mid 70s..? 9-What well known rapper was KRS-One originally married to? 10-What Bay Area rapper had a role in the movie Menace II Society? 11-Money B and DJ Fuze of Digital Underground had their own group ..What was the name of it? 12-What well known rapper was known as The Black Panther Of Hip Hop? 13-What well known rapper introduced the world to the rap group Tha Alkaholiks? 14-What well known rapper put out the songs 'Buttermilk Biscuits' and 'Square Dance Rap'? 15-The Wu-Tang Clan always talk about coming from Shaolin.. What is Shaolin? 16-Queen Latifah did a song called Ladies First.. Who was the other female rapper on that song? 17-What well known rapper wrote the hit songs Wild Thing and Funky Cold Medina ? 18-What well known Hip Hop figure played briefly for the LA Rams football team? 19- What does LLCool J name stand for? 20-What well known Hip Hop group produced the Backstreet Boys?
rap.1510 brka,
CHUCK D'S TOP TEN RHYME JOINTS FOR 1999. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1. Alive - Beastie Boys (Grand Royal) 2. Click Click - Krupt Mob, Bumpy Knuckles (Krupt) 3. Jackin For Beats - Sticky Fingaz (White Label) 4. Dooinit - Common (MCA) 5. F*** the Radio Version - Spontaneous (Good Vibe) 6. Do It Now - Mos Def (Rawkus) 7. F*** It - Ice T (Coroner / Atomic Pop) 8. Some L.A. - Dr. Dre (Interscope) 9. Mingling - Grand Agent A.G., DJ Revolution, Kut Masta Kurt (Land Speed) 10. Power- Raekwon (Loud)
rap.1511 brka,
CHUCK D'S REASON WHY RADIO SUCKS NOW MORE THEN EVER "Radio - suckers never play me" is a line I'm known for from one of my records, "Rebel Without A Pause," from 1987. This lyric depicted Black radio's rap blackout at that time. Actually, I was speaking for the whole genre of hip hop/rap, which was then being stereotyped by many as this "jail music outta New York." Restricted Formats In 1999, rap music has infiltrated the realm of pop radio and this creates a problem for traditional Top 40 situations. The more young white kids are exposed to black culture, the more they'll seek the "more authentic stuff" The downside is that white-owned Black radio has co-opted only those elements of rap music digestible for listeners comfortable with the R & B format, thus closing the door on the diversity of the genre. These radioized versions have created illusionary vault of financial reward that focuses artists' attention on the green brick road of riches. White-owned Black radio has masqueraded these versions as being the rule of the game while other aspects of the artform remain the exception. Wack On-Air Personalities White-owned Black Radio sucks in '99 because the masters that endorse the policy of more music, less talk. This policy further limits the information delivered to the people via the creation of the transparent DJ --- Colorless individuals unable to interpret the sounds they're playing for their audience. Mix and college hip-hop jocks are the closest thing we have today to the Black personality jocks of the 1950s and '60s - DJs who the people relied on for everything in the 'hood from local business support to various community activities. But corporations consider airtime that could be devoted to such services to be sponsor time and not DJ time. That way it doesn't take much talent to be a radio jock these days. (Who wants to hear a damn weather report 30 times a damn day?!) No Sense of History The selection of music is so limited on these stations that instead of supporting the legacy of past Black music and how it sows a path to today's sound, a station would rather play the current, paid-for-music until its support funds run out. White-owned Black radio is the major cause in keeping the Black community behind and dumb. Isn't it strange that while more and more folks are into rap music more than ever, there's just as many people clueless of its origin, legacy, individual contributions, etc.? Why, then, should we wonder when current styles tend to evaporate into the air like steam? Don't get me wrong; today's music is great. It's just that the jocks and the stations are WACK!
rap.1512 brka,
Tekstovi: THE ROOTS """"""""""""""""""" - Act Too.. The Love of My Life f/ Common - Dynamite! f/ Elo - The Next Movement - Return to Innocence Lost f/ Ursula Rucker - You Got Me f/ Erykah Badu, Eve + U.N.I.Verse at War f/ Common Pozdrav, Aleksandar
rap.1513 brka,
Ovo je tekst pesme o kojoj sam pricao u nekoj od ranijih diskusija... Namerno ga kacim ovako, a ne u arhivi. Artist: The Roots f/ Raphael Saadiq Album: Illadelph Halflife Song: What They Do Chorus: (Saadiq) Never do....what they do, what they do, what they do... Never do....what they do, what they do, what they do... Verse One: Yo, lost generation, fast pace nation World population confront their frustration The principles of true hip-hop have been forsaken It's all contractual, and about money making Pretend-to-be cats don't seem to know their limitations Exact replication and false representation You wanna be a man, then stand your own To MC requires skills, I demand some shown I let the frauds keep frontin And roam like a celluar phone far from home Giving crowds what they wanted Offical hip-hop consumption, the 5th dumpin Keepin ya party jumpin wit an original somethin Yo, I dedicate this to the one dimension-al No imagination, excuse for perpetration My man came over and said "Yo we thought we heard you" Joke's for you We heard your bitin ass crew but uh Chorus: Raphael Saadiq Never do, what they do when they do what they do (repeat 2X) Verse Two: Black Thought Thin is the line of between love and hatred The game is ill-natured, it's nothing sacred Hey yo, it's funny when i see some rap niggaz do the making Of you would blow up or go as far as they can take it My nine to five is just to hit ya get the party live I'm Black Thought, used to rap for sport Now the rhymes need life support I take it very seriously within this industry It's various crews that try to touch me But I come wit the beautiful thing And I bless the track plushly Around the world the crowds love me from doing tours Recepient of applause from you and yours Creator of original sounds to send to stores you take home To absorb and sweat it out your pores Now who can stop the music runnin through these veins Infinitely go against the grain That's why my motto's to Chorus Verse Three: Livin the life of limos and lights Airplanes and trains Short days and long nights Keyboards and mics Bass chords and drum kicks And my mental thick to hit my head like brick As I embark on a mission welcoming to the dark When I first spark the arts, when's the listening start Open your head wide and let the thought inside My style fortified by all of philladel-phy I've dealt more stealth than all the wicked weal-thy Mentality undetectable by the naked eye Then I get paid when the record is played To put it short I want it Made like Ed, nuff said Then after that, I'm puttin on the ___ Let the ladies blend with the darkskin devil bred and discover My level is that of no other And Roots crew bring offical and true While I'm continuin to... Chorus: repeat 4X
rap.1514 brka,
ROSA PARKS IZGUBILA PARNICU... Good news for Outkast as a Detroit Federal judge ruled yesterday that Civil Rights pioneer Rosa Parks did not have her rights violated when Outkast used her name as the title of a song. The judge stated that Outkast was protected by the First Amendment and they are not obligated to compensate her. So that about takes care of this little contentious 25 thousand dollar lawsuit that was filed by Ms Parks and her lawyers. The real key to this whole thing was that Outkast did not slander Ms Parks in anyway shape or form. The sad part about this is that for many young people who are only familiar with Parks through history books which are all too often limited, she is not seen in such high regards. For many the lawsuit came across as petty and just further showed how divided the Hip Hop generation is from it's Civil Rights era predecessors. The judges ruling comes at a day after a study from the Burrell Communications group in Chicago was released that showed that Black teens are swayed by Hip Hop celebrities more then any one else. How we in Black America allowed Ice Cube and Snoop Dogg to become bigger heroes then Jessie Jackson and other Civil Right leaders is a discussion on to itself.. The larger question is who is the one controlling the presentation, defining and imaging of these Hip Hop heroes and celebrities? If you are a parent I suggest asking your child who their heroes and sheroes are.. If you ain't in the top 5.. You might want to really find out why...
rap.1515 brka,
DJ PAM THE FUNKSTRESS Last week we told you about how Boots of the Coup has been making major moves by creating workshops and organizing Hip Hop artists and getting them politically active. We'll his partner in crime DJ Pam The Funkstress has been making moves herself. In addition to holding down club gigs and a spot on KPFA's Friday Nite Vibe Hip Hop Show, home girl has been socking away her money and has finally opened up her own business. Pam is now the proud owner of Picadilly Catering which is located in Foster City which is right outside San Francisco. On Sundays she has a slamming all you can eat Cajun Brunch which is off the hook. The person who throwing down on the stoves is Pam herself. Now most of us who know Pam, know her for her superb djaying skillz. She's been on the scene for years and there's been many a 'fool' who've gotten eaten up alive in battles with her. She has all the tricks mastered but her patented maneuver is cutting records with her breasts.. [No folks she doesn't take off her blouse]. People knew that when Pam wasn't on the road with The Coup that she would spend her time working for a catering company. No one had any idea she had intended to buy out the business and it caught all of us by surprise to find out she could throw down on the stove top like she can on the turntables. After all, Pam hardly showcased her cooking skillz on the road. In any case, Pam explained that she spent time working in the catering business so she could learn the ins and outs of the professional. At the same time she was also spending time learning how to run a restaurant and take care of a business. She kept her plans on the 'DL' and when the time was right, she went out and brought the very company she was working for. Pam gets mad props. Its always good to see Hip Hop artist make wise investments like opening businesses as opposed to buying new diamonds or luxury cars. It's also good to see Hip Hop artists take time to really learn about the things they are investing in. So its not like Pam is just throwing money into a business or putting her name on the doorway. She owns, operates and runs the joint. She really understands what's this whole venture is about. .
rap.1516 brka,
NOVA PESMA ZA NWA! A few weeks back we profiled Ice Cube and let you know that he was on a mission to reunite NWA his original group. Such a reunion had not taken place earlier because producer Dr Dre was in a 'Been There Done That' move and hence wasn't trying to get down with the project. Recently Dre changed his mind which is evident by the content in his new album 'Dr Dre 2001'. Now Dre has taken things a step further by publicly announcing that there will be a new NWA track on the upcoming soundtrack to the movie 'Next Friday'. The song is called 'Chin Check'. From what I'm hearing its the absolute bomb. There is still no word as to who will take the place of Eazy E. The popular rumors keep pointing to Snoop Dogg. But now stories are surfacing that it may be Xzibit or a number of rotating guest emcees. Who do you think should be the fifth member of NWA should they reunite?
rap.1517 brka,
EMINEM NEWS... Bad news for rap superstar Slim Shady aka Eminem. He recently caught some major flack from NFL officials who saw fit to pull some popular TV ads which featured his popular song 'My Name Is..'. The NFL used the track in a commercial entitled 'My Name Is Joe' which was intended to highlight the football careers of football greats Joe Montana, Joe Gibbs, Joe Namath and Mean Joe Green. The problem was the NFL found his lyrics to the original song to be lacking wholesome family values so they pulled it. This was done in spite of the fact no one ever complained about the spots and the song was a big hit. The fact that the NFL got 'Holy' on Eminem is puzzling when you consider the nature of the sport and some of troubling antics put forth by both players, coaches and fans. It's like the pot calling the kettle black. Em is currently on tour in Europe. In the meantime his lawyers headed to court the other day to try and quell another problem Em was facing which was a lawsuit from his moms Debbie Mathers-Briggs who felt like he defamed her character in several interviews as well as songs. Do you think Eminem could be the 5th member of NWA? Think about it for a second..Don't you think that could work? Em and Eazy E had similar tones in voice..? Em won't need anyone to write his rhymes like they had to do for Eazy. Em being in the group could set off controversy and bring notoriety to the group. He's a sick writer. Can you imagine Em collaborating with Cube and Ren and helping pen a graphic NWA song? i think it could work.. Snoop, Xzibit or Eminem..who would you pick?
rap.1518 brka,
HEAVY D OTISAO U PENZIJU, ALI... Everyone knows that Heavy D has supposedly hung up his microphone and will be doing other ventures. Among them is acting. He's set to star in a film alongside Ms Erykah Badu and Michael Caine entitled 'The Cider House Rules'. The film is based upon a novel and its about a guy name Homer Wells who raised in an orphanage and all the adventure he encounters once he gets out into the world on his own. The film is set to be opening during Thanksgiving Weekend on November 24th.
rap.1519 brka,
SNOOP'S MOVES Folks are buzzing about Snoop Dogg and him making some new moves in the upcoming year. One such move involves him hooking up with TVT records to distribute his new label Dogghouse records. Snoop has hooked up with his crew Tha Eastsidaz which features is child hood friend Tray D and Goldie Loc. The first single which I got today is called 'G'd Up' and is produced by longtime producer, the legendary Battlecat. The track has a definite West Coast [LA] feel that will definitely get heads boppin'. The album which is called Snoop Dogg Presents Tha Eastsidaz is due to drop in stores on January 18th..It will feature such notables like Daz, Kurupt, Xzibit, Quik, Nate Dogg and Suga Free. Where's Master P? Mystikal and the rest of the No Limit Posse on this album? If the first single is any indication.. Snoop should have a dope album on his hands.. Reach out to my man Ron for more information about the project.. mailto:ron@tvtrecords
rap.1520 brka,
WILLIE D [GETO BOYS] - BOXER... The word around town is that Willie D of the Geto Boys is gearing up to both set the boxing world straight when he climbs into the ring on December 18th and squares off against former Light Heavyweight and Middleweight champ Reggie Johnson. It will be Willie's professional boxing debut and it will take place in Houston. [Boy I tell ya everyone who's a rapper wants to be an athlete and everyone who's an athlete wants to rap.. ] In Willie's case, he's no slouch in the ring. He won a celebrity boxing match among rappers a few years back. He had the dubious distinction of knocking out a very buff Mele-Mel. I'm not sure who he faced in the championship round. It might've been Freddie Fox. In any case.. i tried calling Willie to get the full 4-1-1. I'll let you know his thoughts. Willie for those who don't know is not only gifted in the ring and on the mic, but he's also sharp and politically conscious. He used to do a talk show on one of the stations in Houston. I'm not quite sure what happened to it. Perhaps some one from the Houston area can fill me in. I know he was always sparking off heated debates and dropping science. Since we're on the subject of boxing, folks may want to note that James Prince who is the founder and CEO of Willie D's label Rap-A-Lot Records has just signed Super Featherweight Champ Floyd Mayweather Jr and two time World Champ Michael Nunn to a management contract for Prince's newly formed Prince Promotions. Looks like Willie D will have some sparring partners close to home.
rap.1521 brka,
Odgovori na pitanja iz kviza... """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1-What well known rapper/producer started his career as a dancer for the Hip Hop group Whodini? Ans: Jermaine DuPris 2-Name The 3 members of the Original Sugar Hill Gang Ans: Wonder Mike, Master G, Big Bad Hank 3-What well known rap group started out their career doing a song called 'Cookiepuss'? Ans: the Beastie Boys.It was their first record.. 4-Name 6 of the 9 members of the Wu-Tang Clan? Ans: Method Man, U-God, Raekwon, Rza, Gza, Ol Dirty Bastard, Inspectah Deck, Ghostface Killah, Masta Killa.. sometimes Cappadonna is considered a 10tth member.. but he isn't an official member of Wu-Tang.. 5-What group did the hit song 'Fly Girl'? Ans: The Boogie Boys 6-What well known rapper used to sing back up for Bobby Brown? Ans: Smooth B of the rap group Nice-N Smooth..He even wrote some of Bobby's songs.. 7-What well known rapper went on to be a model for Calvin Klein underwear Ans: Marky Mark 8-What well known organization did Hip Hop pioneer Africa Bambaataa start in the mid 70s..? Ans: The Universal Zulu Nation.. They just celebrated their 25th anniversary in New York City and have over 10 thousand members world wide.. They're an organization that is designed to preserve Hip Hop culture. 9-What well known rapper was KRS-One originally married to? Ans: Ms Melodie.. She was on the song Self Destruction.. 10-What Bay Area rapper had a role in the movie Menace II Society? Ans: Saafir and Pooh Man, Spice One 11-Money B and DJ Fuze of Digital Underground had their own group ..What was the name of it? Ans: Raw Fusion 12-What well known rapper was known as The Black Panther Of Hip Hop? Ans: Paris 13-What well known rapper introduced the world to the rap group Tha Alkaholiks? Ans: King Tee 14-What well known rapper put out the songs 'Buttermilk Biscuits' and 'Square Dance Rap'? Hint: He's known as the JR Ewing Of Seattle? Ans: Sir Mix-A-Lot.. Square Dance Rap was his first song.. 15-The Wu-Tang Clan always talk about coming from Shaolin.. What is Shaolin? Ans: Staten Island..It's one of New York's 5 boroughs 16-Queen Latifah did a song called Ladies First.. Who was the other female rapper on that song? Hint: She comes from London Ans: Monie Love 17:-What well known rapper wrote the hit songs Wild Thing and Funky Cold Medina ? Ans: Young MC who was best known for the song 'Bust A Move' 18-What well known Hip Hop figure played briefly for the LA Rams football team? Ans: Suge Knight.. his real name was Marion Knight 19-What does LLCool J name stand for? Ans: Ladies Love Cool James 20-What well known Hip Hop group produced the Backstreet Boys? Ans: Full Force.. They also produced Lisa Lisa, UTFO and numerous other groups..
rap.1522 gligo,
> a, kad bese izlazi novi dre? > p.s. sad sam skinuo "still dre" mp3, vlada... neko bi reko > dominira, ali to je diskutabilno... ;) Nista tu nije diskutabilno, bar meni, slus'o sam stvar i.... sirova dominacija, 'real west coast'. ;) " Still, not lovin' police, Still got a love for streets, Still..."
rap.1523 stukelj,
> Nista tu nije diskutabilno, bar meni, slus'o sam stvar i.... > sirova dominacija, 'real west coast'. ;) jes, apsolutno... nego, kad smo vec kod dominacije, ide jedan opak txt.. ima neki zli 'beat'... ;) i jos jedna mala stvar, pre nego sto se bacite na studiranje txta, valja li ista onaj snoop - no limit top dogg? ono, bitch please je opak napaljen shit, cist dope (the product must be clean ;), a ostatak cd-a? Artist: Method Man and Redman Album: Blackout Song: Cereal Killer [Method Man] Yeah.. yeah.. huahh.. hahh.. Murda murda murda, kill kill kill That's right.. (killer, killer) Murda murda murda, kill kill kill Flex.. flex.. flex.. flex.. (I'm going to kill you!) Verse One: Method Man Slowly I turn, step by step Through the back window, I crept Silent as a mouse on the set While everybody in the house slept I disconnect the phones and the rest Find a butcher knife, cut the power lines to the lights Now a nigga wild for the night I come like the livin dead, straight from the dirt Back to avenge his own death on this earth Ever hear of Jason? Then you know my work Down to the basement, the dog get it first I can't help myself, my thoughts ain't my own The voices in my head just won't leave me alone Murda murda murda, kill kill kill Pissin on the car seats, flattenin the wheels So there's no escape from the fate that awaits No one to witness the horror takin place Yea! Now I'm on my way up the stairs To the bedroom of my prey unaware Heads will be hung from the chimney with care with hopes that the police soon will be here I'm a KILLER! (Eye Witness News, channel 7 We are at the scene, of a, horrific crime ladies and gentlemen I can't describe it right now..) Verse Two: Redman Yo.. Yo, fuck knockin, kick the door, evict the four Yell out, "It's a stick-up, hit the floor!" You fish cake niggaz, stay lippin off Did your mama name you, or Mrs. Paul's? Battlin session, what's up with it? I talk like I walk with a fucked up pivot Niggaz scream out, "It's just us bitches!" "Don't shoot," out the phone booth I aim at your party, hit the wrong group "Happy birth..." oooh, ooh ooh ooh! Niggaz done snapped, runnin hunchback Duckin, brick walls get thumbtacked So run laps, 'fore I body you Bust out the sides, like karate shoes Doc, turned velcro when night falls Central Park joggers, wear bright clothes Tai-Bo five flows Lizard, Centipede, Snake - I'm a KILLER! [singer] Cereal, cereal killer (This is the sound of a cow) Cereal, cereal killer (Arf arf, aowwwwwwwww!) [Redman] Yo, yo I walk on backs like Mr. Bentley After P-P-P stripped you empty Gather round, for rapid sound Fourth of July was three months ago, should I pat him down? No one, would fold both thumbs and eight fingers, to square with Joe Young Tongue below one, spit dumb, moron for whiteboys to snowboard on "So What 'Cha What 'Cha What 'Cha Want?" Chew Spearmint gum, two double pump Two cannons, piece by piece Your School get Dazed like G Phi G Murda murda murda, kill kill kill Take nuts and screws out ferris wheels If you ain't Missy, payin no bills Body you in supermarket, no frills Murda murda murda, kill kill kill (flex.. flex..) Murda murda murda, kill kill kill (murda murda murda, kill kill kill) Verse Four: Method Man Doc hold my coat, I'm bout to go low Titanic MC rock the boat Meth Tone def rhyme microphone sex line Next time don't forget the TEC-9 step, Bob Digital Context is critical Bomb threat these individiuals that's on deck So you the illest nigga in Nebraska? Hell nah! It's the Master Number sixteen, party crasher, flex I think too much, I drink too much My crew don't really give two fucks, about you ducks We over here Shaolin What?! Spontaneous combust' when I smoke a bag of dust Ahhh what a rush, cigar be the Dutch Method Man and Redman, Starsky and Hutch I crush MC's, can't trust niggaz niggaz can't trust me, I'm a KILLER! [singer] Cereal, cereal killer Cereal, cereal killer Cereal, cereal killer Cereal, cereal killer..
rap.1524 brka,
MALA KONFUZIJA OKO KVIZA... A quick note..I've gotten a ton of letters with people questioning the answers to last week's Hip Hop quiz. The point of contention centers around Young MC and Tone Loc and the hit songs Funky Cold Medina and Wild Thing. Young MC wrote the songs for Tone Loc. Just like Kool G Rap would sometimes pen songs for Roxanne Shante or Big Daddy Kane would write songs for Biz Markie. Also a number of you pointed out that Too Short was in Menace II Society.. I overlooked that..sorry.
rap.1525 brka,
ODB SE NA SUDU OSECA KAO KOD SVOJE KUCE... Wu-Tang's colorful and controversial member Ol Dirty Bastard aka Baby Jesus aka Mr Russell Jones had his day in a Los Angeles court this past Friday. He was convicted and sentenced for threatening a security guard at the House of Blues nightclub and he was convicted and sentenced under a new California law which bars felons from wearing body armor [bullet proof vests]. Judge Marsha Revel sentenced ODB to 3 years probation, fined him 500 dollars, required him to take anger management classes and commit to a year in drug rehab. ODB's body armor conviction is one of the first cases tried under the new California law. Most people who are aware of ODB's zany behavior would not argue against him being in drug rehab. It hopefully could do homeboy some good. However, it was during the sentencing was when some colorful court room drama emerged. ODB explained to the judge that the police in New York City are conspiring to get him. He said because of his reputation, and the fact that he managed to be cleared of charges that accused him of shooting at two NYC police, he feared that the cops would go out of their way to harass him and plant false evidence on him. ODB made the following remarks, "After I finish the [rehab] program, I live in New York...What I'm saying is, I got a suit on the city. All the officers know me there. They're going to be looking to lock me up. I don't want no officers to be just kicking on me...I'm talking about getting picked on." Judge Revel suggested that ODB move to a more conducive environment after he gets released from the drug rehab in California. ODB responded by noting that all his kids live in New York. For those who don't know, the man has 13 kids. ODB then told the judge 'Jesus Loves You'. Revel responded by saying 'Thank you I need all the love I can get'. ODB who has been arrested a total of 12 times over the past year and half was told he can have the felony terrorist threat reduced to a misdemeanor if he behaves himself for the next 18 months.
rap.1526 brka,
WILL SMITH ZA PREDSEDNIKA?! Folks have been buzzing about actor/rapper Will Smith and his recent remarks in which he stated that he wants to run for the presidency within the next ten years. He noted, 'I've always thought I'd like to become America's first Black President. Now I'm not here to knock Will's political ambitions. If he's serious I applaud them wholeheartedly. What will be interesting is how he goes about using his popularity to impact various key elections around the country. In other words who will Will Smith endorse? There's a major senate race going down in New York. Will Mr Smith go out and encourage his legion of fans to support First Lady Hillary Clinton over current New York Mayor Rudoulph Giuliani. Right now the First Lady's campaign is in trouble as she is losing in polls to the popular yet controversial NY Mayor. At the same time Will Smith has been invited to hang out with the Clintons at the White House during the upcoming Millennium celebration. Could Will Smith political recommendation coupled with his star power sway public opinion? Perhaps he could come up with a catchy song? It sure would be nice to see some of our more mega-popular stars come out and take some political stances. Back in the '70s famous icons like boxer Muhammed Ali, Joe Frazier, singer James Brown and actor Harry Belafonte to name a few got their feet wet and shared their political outlooks and endorsements with their fans. As we head on into the year 2000 it's sad to note that some of our brightest stars have been extremely reserved and very quiet about key political issues. I'm definitely happy that more and more underground artists like Boots of the Coup, Common, Mos Def, Dead Prez to name a few are actively involved in politics. Their continued efforts should be encouraged and supported. I'm still waiting and hoping that the Jay-Zs, Puffys, Ice Cubes and Juveniles of the world will start using their star power to bring attention to some critical issues. For example, I hear all sorts of folks in New York complaining about their current Mayor..yet I see very few major stars actively blowing up the spot to sway public opinion about him. Should Will Smith run for President? That really depends upon his qualifications and knowledge of the issues. In the meantime while he gets prepared for his presidential bid in the next ten years, I wish Mr Smith would make headlines by encouraging his fans to at least get out to the polls and vote. He could make headlines by weighing in on some key issues like affirmative action, immigration etc. Since Mr Smith lives in California, I think I'll shoot him a line and try and get him to lend his star power and come out against Prop 21 which is the Juvenile Crime Initiative. I rather see him make national headlines speaking out against that rather then his desire for Presidency. If Will Smith doesn't step up and speak out on some of these pressing issues of the day then I would have to conclude that his remarks about wanting to be President was nothing more then a shrewd marketing ploy and publicity stunt designed to bring attention to his newly release album 'The Willennium'.
rap.1527 brka,
JUVENILE... One of the hottest artists for the year 1999 has been Juvenile. His last album '400 Degreez' went triple platinum and his B side single 'Back That Ass Up' became a summertime anthem. Apparently Juvenile believes in striking while the iron is still hot as he getting set to drop his third album 'Tha G-Code'. It will be released on December 7th.. That's same release date as the highly anticipated Notorious BIG album. I wonder who will sell more? Juvenile's first single 'U Understand' is 'off the hinges' at least here in the Bay Area. Finally be on the look out for Juvenile's upcoming straight to video movie 'Baller Blockin'. That should be dropping around the first part of the new year.
rap.1528 brka,
GANG STARR I RATM... Props to Gang Starr and Dilated Peoples for their recent performance with Rage Against The Machine. Friday night Dilated opened for Rage at a sold out Oakland Coliseum. According to Beni B of the Bay Area Hip Hop Coalition. It took some time for the group to get used to going from small night club with a couple of hundred people to a cavernous venue with 15 thousand people.. However,the Rage crowd showed both groups much love. During Gang Starr's set DJ Premier had to watch flying debris including a shoe that was tossed at his turntables. When I first heard about it I was left with the impression that people didn't like Premier's scratching abilities or music selection. . Quite the contrary, people loved him.. Shoes and other clothing were being tossed after they were taking off of individuals who were being body surfed through the crowd. It was just mere coincident that Premier got shoes tossed at him during both the Oakland and Sacramento shows. Well at least it wasn't a smelly sock.. or a pair of stained drawers. As for Gang Starr, after the Rage Against Machine Tour, they will be heading back into the studio to work on another album which should drop by June of 2000. Premier and Quest Love of the Roots are scheduled to do production. The new 'Jazzmatazz Volume 3' album should be dropping real soon. Herbie Hancock and D'Angelo are among the many guests expected to appear on the album.
rap.1529 brka,
LETTERS AND FEED BACK.... [Willie D of The Geto Boys] Dave in regards to Willie D I worked at KBXX and at numerous times I would be answering the phones for his show, which was titled "Reality Check", the show focused on the people of Houston, stating their feelings on major issues going on in this society. The show did leave the airwaves. I don't know the full reason, but some politic issue was brought up, and later on Willie D did continue his show on another public station. He was supposed to be syndicating his show, nationwide in many areas, to get the feeling for all the people not only in Texas, but other states as well. Willie D, as a person is very talented, gifted, and aware of his surrounding, much respect to him, of what he has done, what he's doing, and what he'll be doing in future. peace out DJ ScOOp ----- [the Roots Show in SF] Davey D First of all let me start by saying I am not big on words. But at last nights show (Friday) the Roots put me back in love with H.E.R. [Hip Hop] I've been following these cats since "Do You Want More" and recently rounded out my collection with the obscure album that started it off "Organix". The truth is with all that is going wrong with hip-hop (lack of creativity and pursuit of almighty $ice$) this soon to be father was thinking it's time to hang it up and grow into a nice comfortable smooth jazz station. These mutha&^* made me feel like a kid again. ?uestLove showed superior skillz on the drum kit and all in all I had a ball. So now I'm thinking that I will definitely get my 'seed' [child] to pickup a musical instrument. It definitely bridged the gap as I read the liner from the album "Things Fall Apart" and found MFSB kicking licks with none other than 'Illadelphia's' finest. Local rap group 75 Degrees was in the house and I think they are on the right track. What impressed me most is that we have brothas who travel the world (and obviously getting paid) not having to come on stage with a fuckin' platinum plaque around their neck. They just put it down and let the music speak for itself (imagine that). Anyhow, just thought I'd say something for those of us that do remember when creativity was all that hip hop had for itself. Now I'm going to find that Limp Bizkit CD before the wife sells all my collection. A. D. Smith Microsoft Certified Professional ----- [Who should be the 5th member of NWA?] Davey D I had always thought DJ Quik would have made a good replacement for Eazy, with the comparable voice range, but with a much better flow, and comin' straight outta Compton. I think Eminem might just be a seriously right move, though - and might give a crazy new spin on the group. Good idea - you should use your position to spread that vibe around in the industry as it's possible that no one has pondered that possibility yet. Snoop - no; Xzibit, possibly, but the group could really use some new blood in there with a unique flow. I don't think that any of the usual suspects" (i.e., Mack 10; Snoop; WC; etc. should even be considered - it needs to be someone who could step-up the anticipation and excitement levels. Rass Kass might just be the shit, or even a hot-ass "no name" kid would be risky, but could just be another good career move if he blew up like Snoop did on Chronic. In any case, I can't wait - I've waited years for this shit to go down, and I hope that it finally comes to fruition. Peace - Todd ----- Dear Davey D, I just heard the new NWA "untitled" reunion track on Power 98 FM (WPEG-Charlotte) and it was mediocre for the most part. The song sounded more of a modern-Ice Cube/Dre sound instead of the classic NWA sound but that's understandable since times and the artists have changed so much. Oh, Snoop Dogg is replacing Eazy-E (at least on this song) and he does his usual antics. Kam Moye ----- Do you think Eminem could be the 5th member of NWA? What comes around goes around I figure / Now we got white kids called Niggers... Anyway if there is a NWA reunion (which IMO is not a good idea : they are legendary and probably can't do better than their past work) they should not replace Easy E. He wasn't the main man in the group (even if he was the executive producer). Half of their songs did not include Easy. With MC Ren's delivery, Ice Cube's lyrics and Dr Dre's voice you already have a strong group (If Dre is on the board of course). I always considered Easy was a joker in NWA, just like Flavor Flav. But I doubt that they can get together again as a real group ten years after they broke up. OK they can make one track under the name NWA but they are not friends anymore, they probably don't want to stay together in a studio for weeks, to go on tour together for months. After all that has been said and done between them !!! Niggers With Attitude are part of our History. Slurg ----- This could never work. While I rate Eminem as a lyricist much more than any of the NWA members, there are a few things which mean this just could never happen.... Eminem is not 'Straight outta compton', or even from LA for that matter. Eminem is white. How could he still get respect calling himself a NIGGA WIT ATTITUDE? Oh yeah, one more thing, its BIG BANK HANK from the Sugerhill isn't it? not BIG BAD HANK. I used to be sure it was Bank, but someone of your stature differing has me reconsidering... take it easy, and keep up the good work with the site, REZ SBC TDA Dublin, Ireland. ----- Dave, I think the perfect replacement for Eazy-E could be Cold187um aka Big Hutch from Above the Law. Cold187um was Eazy's right hand man and took over much production when Dr. Dre left the group. Other possible replacements could be MC Eiht, DJ Quik, or even Mack 10. I don't think Eminem would be a good replacement for Eazy because the name of the group is Niggaz With Attitudes, and Eminem in not a "nigga". Furthermore he is not the gangsta rap type. Castro Davey D Responds: I've gotten quite a few letters with people emphatically pointing out that Eminem could not be in NWA because 'HE IS NOT A NIGGA'?. That's an interesting reaction when one considers all the Non-African Americans who have used this term and defended such usage with a variety of flim flam excuses. I've constantly argued that the word Nigga is offensive especially when used by non-African Americans. Now there are many of you who have maintained that this word has somehow dropped all it's negative associations and has become a 'term of endearment'. Others maintain its a Hip Hop expression that is now 'universal' or multi-ethnic. Many have claimed that it means 'ignorant person' and some have gone so far as to flip the letters and make the word stand for some fancy sounding stuff.. 2Pac did this a long time ago when he claimed Nigga meant 'Never Ignorant...blah blah blah..' Others have pointed out that the spelling of the word N-I-G-G-A-H takes on a different meaning as opposed to when it's spelled -N-I-G-G-E-R.. So over the years I've endured all sorts of white kids greeting each other with the term 'What's Up my Nigga?'. I've seen others get upset when asked not to use it.' I've seen folks from other countries adapt this terminology with no real understanding and appreciation for its historical context. It would be on par to me adapting the swastika and claiming its no longer offensive and that it's symbol is now benign. Folks who dealt with the Nazis would have a fit and never let it go down. The real problem with this word Nigga being used is that the majority of people still see this word as one that describes an individual of African descent. Far too often the negative and stereotypical beliefs associated with Blacks and this word are also conjured up. Bottom line is there ain't too many of y'all saying 'What's up Nigga'? and envisioning in your mind anyone else but a dark skinned brotha.. It doesn't matter if you live 10 thousand miles away in some place where there are no Black people.. or if you live in a place full of brothas like Washington DC. The word still conjures up that image of Black folks. In all seriousness, I tossed out the idea of Em being a member of NWA and all of a sudden I'm getting deluged with letters from Non-African Americans who insist on using this term claiming its Hip Hop terminology, now taking the position that Em can't be a 'Nigga' because he's white. Why not? Isn't this word universal? If white kids call themselves Nigga can't be Em be a full fledged member of a group sporting that name? A whole bunch of Black folks have written and taken offense to Em being called that. Now that's hypocritical. All of a sudden Black folks who have gone out of their way to carelessly use the word in public environments are now stepping up and claiming this word as one that exclusively describes and belongs to them. Is this right after so many Black folks have given license to those outside the community to use the word? NWA claimed that they were 'Niggaz For Life'. That meant they were in it for the long haul. They would endure the good times and bad times. They would take on the good, the bad and the ugly. Far too often people wanna be 'niggas' when its hip and cool and it's the fashion statement of the month. But soon as they leave the confines of the Hip Hop arena.. these same folks aren't down to have that name stick with them forever. They don't want their boss calling them that. They don't want a police officer calling them that. They don't want the societal oppression and disrespect that often comes with that word impacting them.. Oh well I guess I got ahead of myself when I thought that people really believed they were 'niggas' when they kept using that word. I guess they were 'fairweather niggas'. Here today while the going is good.. gone tomorrow when the kitchen gets hot. They were 'niggas of convience'. Brothas and sistas who continuously use this word, you can't conveniently claim this word and take offense if some white or non-Black kid ever decides to form a group where he uses this word in a name. Yes Eminem can be a NIGGA WITH ATTITUDE'.. Why? Cause may of brothas and sistas thought it was ok to stand in silence or even encourage Non-Blacks to use that word. Many of you said being a Nigga ain't a black thang anymore. So don't hate if a white boy with sick rhymes winds up being a Nigga With Attitude. Am I off base to follow the rules that so many have ignorantly insisted on laying out?
rap.1530 mango,
Textovi od Outkast? Ima li neko onaj album sa Erikah-om Badu (poslednji?) Ne mislim samo na textove, rado bih ga presnimio ako neko ima.
rap.1531 brka,
KONFUZIJA OKO KVIZA ONE MORE TIME... Some quick house keeping notes... In the last Hip Hop quiz I accidently referred to Sugar Hill gang member Big bank Hank as Big Bad Hank.. My bad... Also we are conducting a poll on my site to see who should be NWA's 5th member to replace Eazy E.. At the time of this printing, Snoop Dogg was in the lead with 26% No new members is next with 20%, Xzibit and Eminem are tied with 11% and DJ Quik and Ice T have 9% and 6% respectively. I will keep the poll going until Friday..
rap.1532 brka,
KOOL KEITH IS MAD AS HELL AND AIN'T GONNA TAKE IT NO MORE! One of Hip Hop's most colorful characters and gifted emcees Kool Keith formerly of Ultramagnetic MCs has decided to harness the power of the Internet. He recently dropped an album called 'Black Elvis/Lost In Space' and felt that it simply hasn't been getting the proper promotion. This is especially daunting when you consider that Keith is signed to Ruffhouse/Sony one of the most powerful record labels in the world. Hence Keith has taken to emailing fans from all around the world asking that they 'step to' his record label and demand they pick up the pace and make Kool Keith a household name... Here's a copy of the letter I received the other day... Dear Fans, This is Kool Keith. This is my first time writing you all personally, because this is a serious issue. I love all my fans, but I am a little bit angry with my record company. Aren't you mad? I am on a big label, but I am getting no promotion. The label fucked up a lot of stuff that you kids want to have access to. The video should be on TV for you kids to see. The video was done before my tour. You can call and email the following people to ask them what's going on. My project is available, but I know it's hard for you not to get any of the material, and latest updates. You should really e-mail these people constantly, to give you the information that you need about the Black Elvis CD. Visually, radio time, show updates, and next singles and albums. You can email these people 24 hours a day, and you will get a response. Write in your complaints about the album not being seen in your local stores, or wherever you can't find Kool Keith product. Email these people and tell them why you're angry that you haven't seen my new video. Email these people 24 hours a day nonstop, you will get a response. Ask for wigs, product, posters, videos, radio,and etc. And that's it. Here is who you can ask what: Why is Kool Keith getting no Promotion? Why is Columbia Records not supporting Kool Keith? Why is nothing getting done? Why do I never see Kool Keith on TV shows like Letterman or Moesha? Why do you not care about Kool Keith? Have you ever heard of Kool Keith? Why is Kool Keith not getting played on the radio? Why hasn't Kool Keith been on Howard Stern? Why isn't Kool Keith's video getting played on MTV? Why isn't Kool Keith's video getting played on BET? Why isn't Kool Keith's video getting played on THE BOX? Why is owned by Columbia Records? Why haven't you given Kool Keith the digital camera you promised him? Why is never updated? Please be nice and professional to these people. Don't curse them out or harass them. But please, ask them the questions you want answered. Even if you don't see the questions here, feel free to ask them any questions pertaining to Kool Keith and Columbia Records. Fell free to email them often, until you get the response you are looking for. Remember, it is up to you fans to make your voices heard. Tell them what you think they should be doing for Keith. Let us know what you are writing these people. Please forward a copy of all of your letters to mailto: KEITHELVISBOX@AOL.COM Thank you Kool Keith
rap.1533 brka,
DJ QUIK I RATM... Looks like Urban Hip Hop fans will soon have an opportunity to peep out Rage Against The Machine just like they did Limp Bizkit. Apparently DJ Quik has been enlisted to do a remix of one of their songs... 'Guerilla Radio'. I'm not sure if Quik will rap on the song, but we'll have to wait and see how he does on the remix. While this is going on somewhere down in the 'Dirty South', Outkast is set to do a remix for the rock/rap group Korn. With all this cross genre collaborations going on, I have to ask do you think it's balanced? Is it a fair exchange in the sense that both groups are getting equal exposure to the others respective audiences? I recall talking to Boots of The Coup and he pointed out that there are many so called alternative rock stations that to this day will not touch rap unless its The Beastie Boys or Eminem. Some of them hardly played the Limp Bizkit song featuring Method Man while many urban stations did? On the same token I noted that a whole lot of folks fronted on that recent Ice Cube record entitled 'Fuck Dying' featuring Korn. When I touched on this subject a few weeks ago many readers wrote back and pointed out that the cut 'N2gether Now' by Limp Bizkit while ok, was by no stretch of the imagination among their best songs. That sparked the question in my mind as to whether or not such collaborations are diluting the sounds of both artists.? Hit me back on this one. Has radio and video shows been friendly and fair and presenting these rap/rock collaborations? Have the various audiences and fans been receptive? Are their respective sounds being diluted?
rap.1534 brka,
HIP HOP PROMOTER PRELAZI U POLITICARE... Big props are in order to Ms Andretta 'Ann' Lyles. Now many of you outside the Bay Area may not know her, but here around town, many of us deejays know her for her work on the Hip Hop scene as a local record promoter. I recall her putting in work at Sony Music where she not only hooked us up with records but also put together events like listening parties for Lauryn Hill and others. More recently she was the one who laced us with all the new material from the whole Quantumm MCs camp [formerly known as Solesides featuring Blackalicious, Latyrx, DJ Shadow etc]. In any case this recent Stanford Grad is stepping into the political ring and launching her campaign for a seat on Oakland's school board. I know her work and activities at Stanford make her more then qualified and she'll do good if elected. I'm just happy to see one of our own from the Hip Hop arena stepping up and making that move into public office. She'll at least have the sensitivity and understanding of the kids the school board should ideally be trying to reach. At the very least we know she has the marketing and promotion skillz and savvy to get people motivated. I know I always played her records..:) We wish her much luck. It's interesting to note that Tavis Smiley with BET did a show on politics and how to reach The Hip Hop generation..With all the Hip Hop activism going on out here it sure would've been nice to see some representation from this side of the country on the show. Ms Lyles is one of the first, but there are a few more folks within the Hip Hop arena that are preparing and setting their sights on some of these political offices here in the Bay. Keep watching.
rap.1535 brka,
LIL KIM GETS NASTY... Lil Kim is blowing up the spot and she hasn't even dropped a new record yet. Her album 'The Notorious Kim' has been pushed back to March of 2000. In the meantime she has managed to grace the covers of The Source magazine in their special 'Sex and Hip Hop' issue. She is also set to be featured in an upcoming gay magazine called 'Out'. Here Kim will speaking on the topic of Gays in Hip Hop'. Kim was recently featured another magazine [the name escapes me] where she stripped down and tattooed with Louis Vutton logos. All this is coming at the heels of Lil Kim garnering national attention and controversy during the MTV video awards show when Diana Ross took advantage of Lil Kim's provocative see through outfit by fondling her breasts. If that's not enough Lil Kim is also letting her objections be known about the upcoming Notorious BIG album that is slated to drop on December 7th. She feels that Puffy shouldn't have released the project because it doesn't reflect the level that BIG was on before he was killed. In addition she feels that there are way too many guest emcees on the track. We'll have to wait an see when the lp drops. At least Lil Kim sounds good on the new single by BIG entitled 'Notorious'.
rap.1536 brka,
SPICE ONE: Crazy, Deadly, Cool By: Adisa, "The Bishop" Those who cannot go beyond death, can never truly come to life - The Buddha When most people think of mention O.G.'s, and innovators of the West coast rap scene, the name Spice One is not often the first to come to mind. But review the history of the west side and you will find his name over and over again. At the same time, It's kind of easy to forget about Spice One. You don't see him hustling somebody's hats or shoes or soda pop. He does not moonlight as an actor, or a social activist. He's a rapper - straight up. And he's diligent about sticking to his script. This, is precisely why he'll silently go gold and platinum, with little fan fare. Spice has a strange kind of fame. Possessing the record sales and money of a true innovator and O.G., but lacking the immediate notoriety of other rap artists who don't have not sold half as many records. Still he is a true artist, a rare breed in a time of one hitter quitters and synthetic MC's. "I don't even want people to call my music rap and I don't want people to call my music Hip Hop. I want them to call it thug poetry" he tells me."My lyrics are straight poetry". His latest release, "Immortalized", is destined to be a west coast classic. "I called the album 'Immortalized' because I feel like Pac and Biggie and Eazy they are all immortalized. They'll be around forever, you know? And I feel my albums, and what I've done in the past are gonna keep me out there in the streets and in the hood and in the clubs and on the radio. Not sayin' that I'ma die soon or anything, but just talking about the power of music. What does immortal mean? It means forever. Thuggin' is forever." Here we go, that THUG thing again. Everybody has been claimin' to be a thug as of late. But under the marketing ploys, is a true blue ghetto culture dominated by thugs. Eazy was the Hip Hop Thuggster, Pac lived the "Thug Life". Both died young, quick, passionate lives. Why carry the "thug torch" when the end result is so crystal clear? "When you really a thugged out nigga, man, it's hard for you to get away from that lifestyle whether you rappin' or not" he says sharply. "Their lives was gonna be short whether they was rappin' or not. The thing is, if I'm crossed- I WILL ride. That's just a mentality that I grew up with. Some of these niggas out here ain't even knocked a nigga out before. Ain't never shot a gun. Ain't never GOT knocked out. Ain't never did nothin'. And they rappin' all of this hard ass shit. I can ride around block that I started. And I done knocked niggas out cold. I done been jumped before and shot at and all of that. Knock on wood that I'm still around. But when it went down, I wasn't just a talker". You can clearly see that whether it was a personal brush with death, or maturity kicking in - Spice has transcended the mortality. This makes him a more passionate artist within', and thug without. He's seems almost proud of some of his dastardly deeds (as he highlights all of his felonies, misdemeanors etc. in a segway on the album). Most involve firearms violations in various states. He's a platinum MC, period. And while being gold or platinum is not necessarily a proof talent - Spice has it. Immortalized is a true west coast record. A little bit of violence, a little bit of the drug game and some cold hearted violence. All set to music you can smoke to, fight to or dance to. "I don't want every body to think 'Oh this is the same Spice One' blah, blah, blah. It's not the same Spice. It's totally different. " Indeed it is quite different. Production credits range wide from DJ's like KMEL's Dave Meyer to Rick Rock, R&B Producer Kirk Crumpler and also features one of the last recordings of the immortal Roger Troutman. His new album, showcases a maturity and creativity not seen on his previous releases. He ventures into unknown territory on a few songs like the title track by sprinkling western acoustic guitars over the drums. The sonic clarity of "High Powered" makes you forget that he's jacking a beat from Scooby Doo. He even did steamy lil sex song "Can I Hit it Tonight" for the freaks in the industry. But make no mistake. This album was made for the west side enthusiast. So murder, mayhem and fist fights permeate "Immortalized" from the first track to the last. On "Make 'Em Bleed" he promises "You tell 'em Bossalini calls the shots/ I'm still lookin' for the bitch ass niggas who murdered my homie Pac". This album also has unthinkable cameos. The first song on the album, has Spice unloading clips at point blank range teamed up with N.O.R.E on "What the Fuck". Another track "Thug Poetry" is a down tempo track with Saafir. The contrast of their voices as well as their rhyme patterns are a pleasant surprise. And Spice is clear on who he does collaborations with and WHY he does them. "I don't have to have twenty to thirty muthafuckas on my album, that sold a million copies for me to sell a million copies. That's showing weakness to me. I feel that if you claim you a rapper and all of that shit - and you can get them niggas on your album, cool. But if they askin' you for 50, 80 and 90 thousand [dollars]? Potnah, I need you on my shit nigga I'm Spice One. And even if I wasn't Spice One, I would have more confidence in myself as an artist to just bust and be raw. I do songs with my home boys because we cool and we get down like that". Spices mission was to make an album that reflected the true mentality of the west coast. That mission was accomplished on "Immortalized". "I'm not mad at nobody. But ever since Pac and Biggie got killed. It seems like niggas been scared to spit the real. This shit [the rap game] came from the streets. And when it leaves the streets - it's gon' die." Rest assured that as long has his lungs keep breathing, Spice One will never let that happen. by Adisa Banjoko
rap.1537 brka,
Davey D Ultimate Hip Hop Quiz #2 1-What well known rapper started out calling himself the Holy Ghost Boy? 2-Who in Hip Hop started out calling himself the Overweight Lover? 3-Eazy E put out a white female emcee on his record label? What was her name? 4-What well known emcee has two dancers named Scoop and Scrap? 5-What does the letters in KRS-One's name stand for? 6-What well known Hip Hop group put out the album and song 'Paid In Full'? 7-Name all the original members of the group NWA? 8-What Bay Area Rapper has hold the record for putting out the most Hip Hop albums? 9-Name the original members for the group Tribe Called Quest. 10-What well known rap group has a video game coming out that is based upon them? 11-What does GURU of Gang Starr name stand for? 12-What pioneering West Coast artist introduced the world to Rodney O and Joe Cooley? 13-Who was the the MC for legendary DJ Cash Money? 14-What famous rap group used the hook to the old school yard/nursery school rhyme 'Engine Engine Number 9'? 15-What was the original group Everlast was down with... before he did the song 'Jump Around'? 16-What was the original group producer Prince Paul of the Grave Diggaz was down with? 17-What famous record executive was down with the pioneering group DrJeckyl and Mr Hyde? 18-What well known rapper made news by receiving an invitation and attending a fundraiser for the Republican Party? 19-What famous rap star is also a member of a rock group called Body Count? 20-Kurtis Blow did a song that paid tribute to his DJ.. Name his DJ?
rap.1538 brka,
FEED BACK & LETTERS King Dave, As a subscriber to your newsletter and a former active journalist, I never thought I would be compelled to write to you. I am someone who has seen you walking and riding around the Bay for years and someone who has heard you speak at all the media events like the Bay Area Black Journalist townhall meetings and the Bay Area Black Media Coalition conferences. We have even written articles for the same local papers. Anyway, I must weigh-in on the Eminem/NWA/Niggaz thing: I just moved back to the Bay Area after living for two years in my small hometown of Rockford, Illinois and it was quite an experience. I saw white people in my old 'hood, selling and smoking crack, listening to a lot of Hip-Hop and, yes, calling each other "Nigga." At first, I thought this was just to fit in, but then when I looked at the contexts in which the word was used, I saw something deeper. The word was used to express anger that was not necessarily hatred. As in "Niggah, I'll kill you!" The word was used as a term of endearment as in "That's my Niggah, right there." However the word was used, it was used to show a sincere emotion that could hardly be mistaken for a racial slur. My mother would come by my house and hear my white neighbors use the word and she just wrote them off as "white trash." And my girlfriend, who was Native American looked at them with some disdain, also. But I understood. The point is, the term has been so co-opted by so many races as to have become mostly benign. It's just become another noun that could be easily applied to anything and anyone. How the word is received depends largely on the listener and the circumstances and circumstances don't necessarily have a color. As for Eminem, I can't see him with the Straigh Outta Compton clique, but I believe that if I got to know him, I'd be telling people, "That's my Nigga!" Luv the website and the newsletter, Dave. Keep on doin' what you're doing on the air and on the Net. Terry Andre Woodard ----- Dave: In response to your comments on Eminem being a "nigga". I firmly believe that in 1999/2000, the detrimental associations with the word nigger have diminished in certain cultures in our society. As long as I can remember, some 27+ years now, my friends and I have greeted each other with "What up nigga", "Yo nigga" and many other hello's along those lines. It is nothing to hear us saying things like "That's my nigga" or "Nigga you crazy". The fact that I am white has never played a factor in being a "Nigga". In the hip-hop culture, it is equivocal to being "one of the guys". Even the women that we hang around with who are down become "niggas" from time to time. The word has become a badge of honor of sorts that validates and solidifies your acceptance in the hip hop culture. It is our brand of tattoo, letting all who hear know that you are accepted, "down with the movement". It is far past the time when we as citizens in the various neighborhoods and burroughs of the hip-hop community live such contradictory lives. We preach "keep it real" when the reality is that we all have bills to pay and mouths to feed. We adopt and conceive to create our own dialect of the English language and then change the rules of application to suit our own needs in any given situation. Is Em black, no. But is he a nigga? Yes. Didn't he go through his own set of trials and tribulations in the course of life in the hip hop culture to earn that title. His skills alone, which are considerable to date, we'll see if he has lasting value, should grant him access to the hip hop elite and thus wear the title. Color doesn't make you a nigga. If we as a culture have adopted this title as a term of endearment, we cannot be selective about who can be endeared with its use. Todd Dahn Knowledge Giving Birth Enterprises ----- Davey D Basically white rappers calling themselves niggas has already started. Example White Dawg on his album shit poor accuse of an album Thug Ride. I forgot which track, but he says it and pays it no mind. As for Eminem I give him respect for being a good lyricist (not the saviour of Hip-Hop) and for knowing not to go near the word. In terms of white kids and blacks using the word in the public at large, it seems to me that the true impact of the word won't reach them until they encounter the racism attached to it. Recently here in the UK there have been a host of race crimes committed by right-wing racist groups, and the police. Things are so bad that a man who attacked, doused with petrol and set alight in a race attack outside a bar, was deemed by the police to have committed suicide (???). Biggest influence for the use of word outside of the Ku Klux Klan ARE rappers they seem to be ignorant of its impact when nicely edited, packaged and sound engineered. It is no longer something that you say within your crew, but becomes public domain e.g. Quentin Tarantino's frequent use. I do find it weird however that whenever a rapper performs to a crowd which is not predominately black that they don't tend to say nigga (as anyone else notice that?). It is as if they realize they sound stupid calling themselves a nigga in front of whites. Something has to be done in term of when (if at all) it should be used, because I'm sick of having to punch white kids who say as a term of endearment (whatever that means). Aro8 UK
rap.1539 brka,
JAY-Z DRAMA... The drama surrounding Jay-Z and last week's stabbing of record executive Lance 'Un' Rivera continues to unfold. First, we have two counts of first degree assault being charged to Jay-Z. He will have to appear in court on January 31st and if convicted can get up to 25 years. If that's not enough, two other people have popped up to claim they too were assaulted by Jay-Z on separate occasions. Jay-Z's camp not only maintains his innocence but also notes that because of the controversy and Jay-Z's high visibility all sorts of folks are coming out and attacking. Lastly, you have the rampant speculation and rumors that are suggesting this whole drama is one big publicity stunt to help boost album sales of Jay-Z's soon to be released 'The Life And Times Of Shawn Carter'. The supposed fuel that led up to the stabbing and assault on Lance Un Rivera was the belief that Rivera and his crew were bootlegging Jay-Z's album. For all this to occur just as we head on into the new millennium is a major set back for Hip Hop and the positive strides Jay-Z has made this year. Here's a guy who not only won a Grammy, but also put on the most successful tour in Hip Hop history. The Hard Knock Life Tour was free of the violence and mayhem often associated with rap and it set a tone for the type of better things to come. Here's a guy who owns and runs one of Hip Hop's most successful labels Roc-A-Fella Records. He recently profiled on national TV news shows like Fox Files where they focused on the fact that Jay-Z despite his success still goes back to his old neighborhood of Marcy Projects in Bedstuy Brooklyn and tried to reach out and help bring up others. Now we can look and say what we want about Jay-Z. We can take his side and believe he was uninvolved. We can look at this from the other side and say it was a ridiculous thing for him to do when you consider how much he has going for him. Jay-Z as we get ready to head on into the 21st century is clearly at the top of his game. What can not be ignored is this eerie pattern of brothas being on top of their game and suddenly having something negatively dramatic happen in their lives. It's ironic that we get ready to close out '99 with this unfortunate incident because about a year ago I wrote an article entitled 'The Year of The Hip Hop Criminal'\articleN13.asp. In it I noted that 98 saw close to 30 high profile rap stars either get arrested, do some jail time or be involved in some sort of drama. I'm talking about everyone from Bushwick Bill, Mystikal, Mase, Busta Rhymes, Method Man, Noreaga, DMX, Fat Joe, Big Pun, Keith Murray, Foxy Brown, C-BO, Ghostface Killer, ODB, D-Dot The Madd Rapper, Coolio, Wyclef Jean and Guru just to name a few. This year alone had all sorts of drama ranging from crazy incidents involving, Puff Daddy, Luther Campbell, Kane & Abel, Duke of Pyscho Realm, Redman, DMX, Tim Westwood, and Raydogg of Made Men/RSO are just a few. As I looked over incidents that have occurred over the past five years the list becomes even longer with damn near everyone from Queen Latifah to Naughty By Nature having had hand cuff slapped on them. Others ranging from Suge Knight to Rappin' 4Tay found themselves and still find themselves behind bars. Over the past 5 years we've lost more then 10 artists to untimely deaths: 2Pac, Biggie, Seagram, Big L, Freaky Tah, Eazy E, MC Ant, Mr C of RBL Posse, and Rappin' Ron are just a few. The bottom line is I found myself hard pressed to find an high profile artist that has not had some sort of troubling incident attached to their name. And these are the things that have been reported. By citing these names I'm not trying to make the case that none of these individuals are not responsible for any sort of drama they have experienced. I am concerned at the high numbers and I have to ask 'Why?' and 'How?' I have to ask 'Is there a pattern here?' It's easy to look at this list and simply come to the conclusion that all these people mentioned are involved in Hip Hop and their lifestyle is supposedly violent. One easily put two and two together and call it a day, but I think there's more to it then that. All this is not happening in a vacuum. Are we a society of criminals and people who like to act ill? Are there outside forces at work that helping mold and shape this overall picture? If we are all criminal, how come so many are high profile successful artists who we see and hear everyday? Are we a community that likes to give props to the Thugs and Hoodlums in our midst? Are all these arrests a result of us glamorizing the gangsta and thug mentality? Or is it something else? Should we not look at the social, economic and political forces that are at work and impacting us all? For example, last year when I did the story about the 'Year of The Hip Hop Criminal', I found that more then half the artists who got arrested fell into similar scenarios. They were driving expensive cars, got pulled over and found them and their cars being searched. At that point, the police would usually discover something that would lead to an arrest like a joint in the ashtray, a weapon or someone wearing a bullet proof vest which is illegal in many states. Now I'm not a statistician or anything like that, so I can't say for sure whether or not these type of arrests were in synch with what was going on with the everyday population. It just seemed like rap artists were being targeted by police. I wound up exploring this a bit further and eventually with the help of the ALCU and Vinnie from Naughty By Nature came to the conclusion that what I was noticing may have been part of this Driving While Black profiling that the ACLU and the NAACP was combatting. I eventually did a radio show on this topic where Vinnie who was a guest shared with our audience that there were indeed a lot of rappers and Black celebrities in general who were constantly being hassled by New York City. He pointed out that mayor Giuliani was encouraging his police department to crack down and as result a lot of young Black man in a fancy cars were being seen as dope dealers or some other type of criminal. The end result was seemingly everyone in a fancy car who was Black or Puerto Rican would find themselves being pulled over for some petty infraction like 'no lights over the licence plate'. These stops were being used as a pretense to search cars. It was at that point that half smoked joints or weapons would be found. Now should these artists have been more responsible? Yes of course. However, what should not be ignored is the reason for the police stop in the first place. Vinnie eventually went on to do some speaking on behalf of the ACLU in an attempt to give people a heads up about this problem. I will admit what i just described in no way addresses the question of violence or Jay-Z's current situation. I'm not trying to justify anything or make excuses for ill behavior. I am however saying we should definitely be taking a close look at all these numbers and see if there's a pattern. Why is this happening? is it something in the water? is there a bigger social issue at hand? I'll close by noting this..If you look beyond the boundaries of Hip Hop you'll find that damn near every African American celebrities or High profile figure has had some sort of drama come down the pipe. Think about what has happened over the past 10 years.. James Brown went to jail, Michael Jackson was accused of child molestation, Magic Johnson got HIV, Michael Jordan's father was killed and stories surfaced about his gambling habit, Bill Cosby's son was killed and rumors surfaced about it being drug related, not to mention around the same time his wholesome All American father image was soiled by a woman who attempted to extort money by claiming Bill was her dad. Earlier this year basketball great Dr J [Julius Erving] found himself in the limelight and reporters trying to soil his name when they discovered his extramarital indiscretions from years back. From film director Spike lee to actors like Mikal T Williams or Malik Yorba to all these African American Mayors of predominantly Black cities who lost their seats, such high profile individuals have had their characters and reputations tarnished, they've been involved with some major drama, they've been ostracized and marginalized or they've just been plain old drag down from the high status they once had. Think about it. Start naming off names and you'll discover there's an there's an awful lot of people who have been heroes and sheroes within the African American community who have suddenly fallen from grace. Maybe we're asking more questions and digging deep into people's personal lives or maybe there's is something else at hand. I can't say exactly what it is. I can't quite put my finger on it.. But something ain't right in Gotham City. Is this whole incident involving Jay-Z an isolated incident? Is it a case of bad and irresponsible judgement? Or is it part of trend and a pattern that is now starting to unfold? Hit me back at
rap.1540 brka,
Q-TIP'S DEMANTI... Q-Tip's manager Chris Lighty , of Violator Records released a press statement in response to the NY Daily News front page story that blasted the headlines 'Rappers Brawl'. In the story it remarked how Q-Tip got hurt during the melee and was seen sitting on the stage crying. Here's the press statement: This morning, in the cover story entitled "Rapper Brawl," the NY Daily News made a number of erroneous statements regarding Q-Tip at his record release party this week in New York. The fact is Q-Tip was not injured nor assaulted in the on stage melee. At the time the NY Daily News reported that Q-Tip was "crying on stage," he was nowhere in the vicinity of the violence. In actuality, he was upstairs in the mezzanine having his photo taken and doing press interviews, unaware of the activities taking place on the first floor. Q-Tip, a former member of A Tribe Called Quest, does not condone violence and regrets that this unfortunate incident took place at what was supposed to be a great celebration. Q-Tip's solo debut, "Amplified," was released on November 30th on Arista Records.
rap.1541 brka,
2PAC CONFERENCE The 2Pac Amaru Shakur One Nation conference that was held this Saturday Dec 4th at McClymonds High School in West Oakland was a beautiful thing. The community came out in force as there were several workshops presented that made it worth attending. One highlight was an unreleased film project that Pac participated in when he was 17. His manager Leila Steinberg explained that 10 years ago 2Pac partook in a film project where the ideas and perspectives of several young people would be captured on tape and would be revisited 10 years later to see how they had changed. Out of all the participants 2Pac was the only one who never made it to the 10 year anniversary. However, the words he spoke were so moving and in many ways prophetic. He addressed an array of issues ranging from ways to change the educational system, to dealing with homelessness to forming a new Black Panther Party to combat skin heads who lived near his home in Marin City. The film left a lot of people really missing Pac and understanding just how intelligent and forthright he really was. One can only imagine what sort of things he could've accomplished had he still been around. On the topic of education, 2Pac spoke eloquently about the types of things that make it difficult for a lot of inner city youth to learn. He suggested that everyone be required to take classes that cover the basics-reading, writing and arithmetic. he emphasized the fact that he not only enjoyed reading but that it was a practical skill to have mastered. While, he spoke about the practicality of people his age [17 at that time] having the three Rs mastered, he noted that the school curriculum should be designed to address and deal with social issues and concerns that are going on in people's day to day struggles. For example, he felt that in his high school MT Tamalpias, that there should've been classes that offered a realistic approach to money and economics, sex education, drugs, racism and police brutality. He summarized that these are issues people have to deal with everyday yet they are never really discussed in schools in a way that makes sense to youth. He noted that type of clinical approach often imparted by teachers when they did touch upon these topics left people feeling confused and turned off. Instead of being required to take foreign language, 2Pac suggested that youth be giving classes on how to understand political double talk. He questioned the usefulness of someone in the hood having to learn German while these same individuals could not understand the type talk his local politician uses when explaining why he did not keep a promise he made to the community. He wanted classes that would teach youth how to break down and really understand the system. As Pac rattled off his suggestion one could hear many of the youth in the audience clapping and nodding their heads in agreement. 2Pac brought his points home when he talked about how the educational system was out of date. He noted that it seemed like adults were concerned with having him and other students do 'busy work' just for the sake of keeping them occupied. He talked about how many parents saw school as a place to drop their kids off like a day care center and that it was disappointing that they remained uninvolved. Adults he noted, weren't prepared and up to the challenge of making education relevant for the kid about to enter into the 1990s and later 21st century. Pac was also candid when he spoke about his own participation in class. He noted that he found school to be boring and oftentimes he would do things to try and stir things up. He wanted to break the routine he noted. Hearing Pac speak about the role of adults and how they see young people as an after thought by way of their actions really struck cords in the audience. He spoke at length about the relationship he had with his mother and how she always encouraged him to be truthful no matter what the cost. He talked about how he was able to talk to his mom about things like sex and drugs and get honest answers. He talked about how his friends used to come talk to his mom because their own parents would not engage in such discussions. He noted that by not speaking to their kids, the youth are left to find answers in the streets. 2Pac also talked about taking responsibility for the types of choices you make in life and he was critical of some of his mother's choices. For example he questioned the wisdom behind her decision to move their family from New York City to Baltimore where at that time it had the highest rate of teen pregnancy, teen suicide, AIDS cases and teen violence in the entire country. 2Pac said he found himself placed in a sea of ignorance and felt like an outsider while living there. He also felt inspired to try and do some things to change the conditions and hence he made attempts to start campaigns that addressed his concerns. He said he hated feeling helpless and overwhelmed about conditions effecting him. In this film, 2Pac spoke about the legacy of living 8 of his 17 years under President Ronald Reagan. He spoke in depth about the types of miserable conditions his presidency spawned within the inner city. He was hoping that someone like Massachusetts Governor Dukakis or Jesse Jackson would be able to be elected and correct some of the wrongs. Pac noted how under Reagan there was a dramatic increase in homelessness and he suggested that Ronald Reagan could really set the tone to ending it if he opened up the White House and let some of the homeless live in the 1000 plus unoccupied rooms that existed there. 2Pac said he was puzzled as to how there could be homelessness in Washington DC when the president lives in a place with so many rooms. He noted that Reagan would've benefited by having the homeless live under his roof because they might be able to offer him some practical advise for solving some problems. They could give him a street perspective on certain situations. Pac's candidness and suggestions left the interviewers momentarily speechless. There were so many other things 2Pac covered, unfortunately we weren't allowed to tape or get copies of the film. The people who control 2Pac's estate won't allow this film out. An exception was made for the conference. I was surprised to learn that 2Pac's mom Afeni does not have final say so on how 2Pac's estate is administered. As it was explained to me there is still a lot of unfinished business that needs to be tended to before she is finally given full control. I'm not up on all the particulars but apparently when one dies and all their affairs aren't in order, it can be an absolute nightmare for the family members left behind. It was explained that it took two years to of cutting through legal red tape to get 2Pac's recently released book of poetry published. In any case if one gets a chance to ever see this film please do so. No matter what one may think of 2Pac and all the controversy that later befell his life, this film is absolutely incredible and should be required in all schools for both youth and parents to see. If for any reason it bridges the generation gap. Even though 2Pac dropped his words 10 years ago, his remarks were representing the sentiments of many of the youth in attendance on Saturday's conference. The other highlight of the 2Pac Conference that really impacted people was the workshop put together by 2Pac's Godfather Geronimo Jijaga Pratt. He was the former Black Panther who was imprisoned for 27 years for a crime he didn't do. He brought together a panel of former Black Panthers and activists from the 60s. and 70s. Many of these guys had been to prison for long periods of time for their involvement in the Panther Party. They shared with the audience their upbringing and let the youth they were addressing know that too came from the hood. Many were former gang members or wayward youth who tried to get themselves together and change the system to bring about better tomorrows. They talked at length about the reasons why one should not 'set trip'. They talked about how the Panthers attempted to politicize many of the old street gangs and get them to re channel their energies to dealing with a common enemy of oppression. You had brothas from LA who talked about how the old street gangs buried the hatchet and came together after the Watts Riots of 1965 with the intentions of doing good within the community. They spoke about the strong alliances and connections the Black and Latino community had on the west coast. It was really deep. They talked about political prisoners and they talked about the types of attempts that were made by the FBI under director J. Edgar Hoover to undermine and break up that unity. They talked about today's Hip Hop generation and what sort of steps one should consider to leverage power. They encouraged the youth to learn from past mistakes and to not be afraid to become leaders. They made it a point to let the audience know that when they had joined the Black Panther Party, many of them only 18 or 19 years old. All these brothas and sistas who spoke came from the heart to the point of being moved to tears. It was truly one of the most powerful workshops I had ever attended. I think the message from all those in that room was felt and heard loud and clear. If there was any reason to attend the 2Pac Conference it was just to hear the old Panthers speak to the youth. After the workshop everyone gathered around to take pictures.
rap.1542 gligo,
U Los Angeles Times-u se pre neki dan pojavila prica u vezi ponovnog pokretanja istrage oko ubistva jednog od najvecih repera devedesetih, Notorious B.I.G.-a. Naime, kako VIBE prenosi, vodi se dodatna istraga oko bivseg pripadnika policije Los Angelesa, zbog umesanosti u ubistvo B.I.G.-a Policajac je vec u pritvoru zbog drugih stvari, ali kako se saznaje, momak je bio u kontaktu sa Suge Knightom, osnivacem izdavacke kuce Death Row Records (Dre, Tupac, Snoop) koji je navodno, narucio ubistvo B.I.G.-a. Pomenuti policajac je opet, unajmio trece lice za samo izvrsenje atentata. Da bi stvar bila jos komplikovanija, momak iz B.I.G.-ove pratnje, na skorasnjem "suceljavanju" u policijskoj stanici, prepoznao je osumnjicenog policajca kao osobu koja je atentatora odvezla sa lica mesta. Jos nisu podignute optuznice, a obe strane, i zastupnici Knighta i zastupnici pomenutog policajca odbijaju bilo kakvu umesanost u atentat. Inace, Suge Knight je i dalje na robiji gde izdrzava 9-godisnju kaznu zbog krsenja uslovne slobode odnosno tuce u MGM hotelu, koja je prethodila upucavanju Tupac Shakura.
rap.1543 gligo,
VIBE prenosi da je Lil' Kim nedavno imala "zestoke" primedbe na odluku Puff Daddya da objavi album sa davno uradjenim B.I.G.-ovim pesmama jer smatra da album koji treba da izadje ovih dana uopste ne odslikava i ne prati B.I.G.-ove kvalitete sa proslih albuma, kao i da se na albumu nalazi dosta pratecih repera.
rap.1544 gligo,
Novi album Tupac+Outlawz u prodaji od 25. decembra.
rap.1545 gligo,
Izvinjavam se brki zbog nepotrebnog replya i lose odradjenog execa.
rap.1546 brka,
PIONIRI HIP HOP-A """"""""""""""""" In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I think all of us who are involved or down for Hip Hop should take time out and give thanks to all those who gave us the music, the culture and the game. For example we all owe a bit of gratitude to pioneers like Afrika Bambaataa and his Universal Zulu Nation. Here's a guy who came out of New York's ruthless gang culture and succeeded in creating something positive when there was so much negativity around. He took former gang members put them under one umbrella known as Zulu Nation and over the years brought this group not only to their recently celebrated 25th Anniversary but made them a household name in Hip Hop circles all around the world. There are now over 10 thousand Zulu Nation Members world wide and chapters in every major city and countries throughout the Planet. The Zulu's who used to vehemently guard turf now guard Hip Hop Culture and many of its ideals. Bam was known as the Master of Records because of his huge vinyl collection and his willingness to expand Hip Hop's musical boundaries. He was the first deejay I ever heard take a Malcolm X or Martin Luther King Speech and play it over a Hip Hop break beat. He was creative enough to take the 'Theme to the Pink Panther' and rock it over Hip Hop drum beats. Bam was the first to really take Hip Hop beyond the boundaries of The Bronx and Harlem's Black and Puerto Rican communities. Bam was the one who made Hip Hop multi-cultural. He was the first to take Hip Hop downtown to New York's trendy village community. He was the first to provide a safe haven for folks outside the community to come up and see what Hip Hop culture was really all about. He's also the one who gave birth to the Electro-Funk aspect of Hip Hop. He's the one attempted to keep the soul of Black music in particular the funk from being compromised, diluted and watered down during the Age of Disco. Before folks were really up on George Clinton and The P-Funk, Bam was a full fledged Funkateer. Before folks really developed a deep appreciation for James Brown whose music became a major backbone for early Hip Hop, Bam was making records with him. DJ Afrika Bambaataa was the one who spread the word thus making him Hip Hop's first Ambassador. He was the one who attempted to bridge the generation gap between a resistant older Black community and it's innovative young. He was the first who attempted to provide a positive forum of expression for the local neighborhood thugs. This is the same Bambaataa-The Grandfather of Hip Hop who recently came to the Bay Area to perform at a club with less then 100 people and not one major radio or video station that now makes a living peddling Hip Hop culture bothered to grant him an interview. No one bothered to build directly from his experience and wisdom. This is the same Bambaataa who laid down much of the blue print for Hip Hop but now when his name is mentioned to todays Hip Hopper he/she will arrogantly dismiss Bam and accomplishments and say 'He's Old School'. Did you play a Bambaataa record this Thanksgiving? Did you give thanks to one of our founding fathers? We owe thanks to DJ Kool Herc and his Herculoids. For those who don't know the Herculoids was the name given to Herc's monster sound system. It was unrivaled and it was what gave Herc his reputation as a DJ not to be toyed with. He could and would drown you out in any sound battle. It was Herc who was the first to throw huge block parties. These were the parties that people often rhyme about when they talk about going 'back in the days'. Like Bam, Herc was a peace keeper. His legendary block parties brought people from all over. During this time of New York's infamous turf wars, Kool Herc was one of the few that could bring everyone under one roof and make everyone get along. Herc's 25 cent admission price, his Herculoidian sound system and his unique deejaying style was always the feature attraction. Having such a booming system was a hold over from the many deejaying techniques Herc imported from his native Jamaica. In addition, Herc was the first to take two records, find the percussion breakdown [break beats] and extend it indefinitely on two turntables. This technique later became the foundation for Hip Hop's musical expression. Lastly it was Herc who manifested the old African Oral Tradition by getting on the mic and saying a 'little some'em some'em'. Initially he made shout outs and acknowledgements to people attending the party. This helped keep the peace because it was a way of making folks feel important. No!, Herc didn't rhyme like they do today. But he laid down the ground work for what was to come. We owe thanks to Coke La Rock and Clark Kent who used to roll with Herc. These were Hip Hop's first emcees. They were the ones who not only gave shout outs, announced upcoming events and made celebrities out of all the party goers, but they were among the first to start reciting rhymes on a mic over break beats. Ironically the technique of rhyming over music was initially attributed to our Jamaican cousins. It was known as toasting. However, the folks in Jamaica got their game from the early Black radio deejays here in the states who were known for their 'gift of gab' and rhyme skillz. Many used to rhyme while introducing songs. Many Jamaicans had opportunities to hear some of these old radio shows due to the fact that the signals which was carried on the AM dial, would bounce down to the islands. It wasn't long before some of these Black radio deejay techniques began to be mimicked by our Jamaican counterparts. By the time Herc hit the streets of New York that old style of deejaying was all but erased from the Black radio stations that were listened to by New York's young people. Radio back then was then undergoing major changes. The concept of of more music less talk was emerging and disco was being shoved down people's throat. A lot of kids were rejecting this music which left a huge void. Herc's arrival filled a void and in a strange sort of ways linked generations. I recall doing a radio interview with Herc about two years ago and he was remarking how he was having a difficult time obtaining free tickets to Hip Hop concerts. He remarked how he would hear NY radio stations boldly claim in their slogans 'This Is where Hip Hop lives' but when Herc, who is often considered to be The Godfather of Hip Hop would call and ask for a pair of tickets to an upcoming 'Hip Hop' event being sponsored by the station, his request would be denied. With Hip Hop being a multi-billion dollar a year business one has to wonder if Herc has even made his first million? With all the rap stars who have made it a point to do major collaborations, who has bothered to invite Kool Herc to bless one of their songs? Public Enemy's Terminator X was the only one I knew of who did this.. So this Thanksgiving lets give props to Kool Herc the Godfather of Hip Hop. More importantly before your son or daughter pops in a cassette of the latest Juvenile or Cash Money song where they talk about 'Bling Bling', make sure they know about DJ Kool Herc. Lets not overlook Grandmaster Flash. This is the man who perfected the deejaying technique that was started by Herc. This was the man who brought style and showmanship to deejaying. He was the first to really elevate the art by inventing all sorts of turntable tricks. Flash was the first one I ever saw mix records while turning his back to the audience. He was the one who I first saw do what we now call quick mixing and cutting. Flash, who back in the days was a certified electrician, was also the guy who invented the cross fader that all deejays use to cue up records. Flash was also the first to bring out a drum machine and incorporate it into the mix. Back then it was called The Beat Box. Before Flash hit the scene with his legendary group the Furious Five he was part of another pioneering crew called the L Brothers. The L stood for Livingston. Within that clan was a young kid who was mentored and taught by Flash name Theodore. It was Flash who passed down the game and gave birth to one of Hip Hop's most colorful and pioneering deejays Grand Wizard Theodore. For those who don't know Theodore is credited with inventing the scratch. Grandmaster Flash was always an attraction. He set the standard for aspiring deejays. When I think back to all the innovative turntable tricks Flash did back in the days and take into account the type of equipment he used, I can only wonder what heights he could've achieved had he had access to today's standard equipment. Back in the 70s Flash didn't have the luxury of today's strong motored Technique 1200s. He didn't have fancy mixers that are designed specifically for turntable acrobatics. What Flash accomplished can only be marveled. While Flash was a household names, on par with him were his legendary emcees. The Furious Four Emcees and later Five. We're talking about Mr Ness aka Scorpio, Kid Creole, Mele-Mel and Cowboy. Raheem of course came from another Hip Hop pioneering group we owe much gratitude DJ Breakout And The Funky Four Plus One More. That 'One More' was Sha-Rock who was one of Hip Hop's first female emcees. Back in '78 she was the absolute bomb. Also The Funky Four Plus One More perfected the art of rhyming with an echo chamber. Props to the late great Cowboy who was Grandmaster Flash's first emcee. Back then he set the standard for rockin' parties. He was the one who developed all the popular 'call and response' techniques that are still used to this day. His untimely death some years back was sad indeed and in many ways tragic. For one who gave so much he has not been openly appreciated by many who claim they are down for Hip Hop. Hip Hop owes major gratitude to Cowboy. Thanks should be given to Mele-Mel who back in the days was the absolute best emcee. With his baritone voice, Mele was the one who 'had rhymes galore'. He was also among the first to drop relevant social messages in his raps. Who can forget his landmark record 'The Message'? His style and finesse were what many an early emcee strived to achieve. In the spirit of Thanksgiving lets give props to all the Hip Hop pioneers: The late Disco King Mario, Zulu Queen Lisa Lee who was another pioneering female emcee. We owe thanks to the late Masterdon and his crew The Committee which featured among others a dope female rapper named Pebbly Poo. The late Pumpkin who was Hip Hop's first real producer and original 'funky drummer' is owed some props. We also owe a big thanks to The Crash Crew which featured Mike & Dave, Lashube, the late Darryl C, Mike C, G-Man and Barry B-Stro who wound up doing an appearance on Saturday Nite Live back in '81. Grand Wizard Theodore and The Fantastic Romantic 5, The Brother's 3, Pete DJ Jones, the late Grandmaster Flowers, The Force MCs, Infinity Machine, The Disco Twins, Orange Crush Productions which was Russell Simmons' group in his pioneering days, Kurtis Blow who was the first artist signed to a major record label are all owed props. Pioneering djs like Kid Capri, Brucie B and DJ Cordeo should be honored. All you mixtape DJs owe a bit of gratitude to the original Tape Kings who were the first to do mixtapes back the days. Fab 5 Freddy gets props for more then just Yo! MTV raps. He was a key architect in the early Brooklyn Hip Hop scene. Other pioneers we owe thanks to include; Spoonie G and The Treacherous Three which included Kool Moe Dee, Eddie Cheeba and The Cheeba Crew, Chief Rocker Busy Boy Starski, Lovebug Starski, The Mercedes Ladies, DJ Hollywood, Force MCs, Jazzy Jay and Afrika Islam for doing the first Hip Hop radio show called Zulu Beats. DJ Red Alert who just celebrated his birthday is due props as he's been putting Hip Hop down almost since the beginning. We can't forget Mr Magic and of course The Cold Crush Brothers featuring one of Hip Hop's best, the legendary Grandmaster Caz. The Cold Crush epitomize the art of harmonizing and developing routines. Their 'Cats In the Cradle' routine is still a Hip Hop classic. They also sported DJ Charlie Chase one of Hip Hop's more visible Latinos. We would be remiss if we didn't cite Sugar Hill Gang for putting out the genres second rap record. The first was put out by King Tem III OIt was called 'Personality Jock' and was on the flipside of Fatback band record. This record harked back to the old school Black radio deejay days. People's first introduction to Rap music was through Sugar Hill Gang. They also hold the dubious distinction of changing the name from emceeing or rhyming to rap. These are just a few of the many pioneers who put it down for us. I haven't even hit on the whole dancing and graf aspects of Hip Hop culture. Here out west we owe a great deal of gratitude to Egyptian Lover and Uncle Jamms Army. They were among the first to go out and have their own independent artist owned Hip Hop label. They were the west coast equivalent to DJ Kool Herc as they used to throw some legendary 'block' parties at local roller rinks, the LA Coliseum, The Sports Arena and Pasadena Civic Auditorium. In addition to all this they used to host concerts where they created a forum for all the upcoming artist of the day. Their reign went from the late 70s all the way into the mid 80s where they would be broadcasted live on Hip Hop's first commercial radio station KDAY 1580 am. One of the first places folks out west got a chance to see Run DMC was at an Uncle Jamms Party. Ice T was the first to make the bi-coastal connection when he hooked with DJ Afrika Islam of the Zulu Nation. He even formed a bi-coastal group featuring himself, Mele-Mel and Bronx Style Bob called the Zulu Kings. Mixmaster Spade, DJ Unknown and The World Class Wrecking Crew all put it down for early Hip Hop here in the west. We can't forget Chris The Glove who still produces tracks to this day. DJs like Tony G, Julio G, Emcee O, M-Walk, Joe Cooley and the entire KDAY Mixmasters squad deserve our thanks. Remember KDAY 1580 was the nation's first commercial Hip Hop radio station. We owe much thanks to former program director and air personality Greg Mack. Folks like Toddy Tee and Captain Rapp were the first to drop socially conscious messages here on the West. Remember the song 'Batter Ram' where Toddy brought attention to LA's notorious crack scene and the LA police department's' outrageous response which was to bulldoze crack houses with a tank? Captain Rapp had the west coast equivalent to 'The Message' with the classic tune 'I Can't Stand It [Bad Times]'. Of course we all owe thanks to producer Rich Carson and some of the early Electro-funk he laid down with groups like Formula IV and their classic song 'Killer Groove'. Thanks must be given to west coast pioneers The LA Dream Team featuring the late Rudy Pardee. How could we ever forget songs like 'Rockberry'. Thanks go out to The Arabian Prince who was putting it down in the early 80s. A bit of gratitude is owed to that big baller King Tee and others like Rodney O, General Jeff to name a few. Further up North in the Bay Area, pioneers like Too Short and Freddy B are to be given their due. They embraced the pioneering spirit of ownership and entrepreneurialism. They used to go around and sell homemade tapes on the back of buses and out the trunk of cars. And like the Hip Hop pioneers in New York, they too went around and performed at neighborhood block parties and community centers. Short also used to make custom made tapes for all the local shot callers and big ballers. Short with his record setting eleven albums laid down the blue print for other West Coast artist who went on to own labels. Other pioneers like MC Hammer and E-40 with his original group MVP [Most Valuable Players] built upon this model and added some crucial ingredients and ground work to this whole entrepreneurial scene. Other artists who put it down include Timex Social Club, Silky C, and Hollywood, Coughnut of IMP, Hugh E MC, Saleem, Dangerous Dame, MC Ant and Chill EB who went on to do some popular Sega commercials. Guys like One Take Jake and the members the group Basshouse Funk were among the early white kids putting it down for Hip Hop. Again this is going back to to the early 80s. Producers like Khayree, Al Eaton, Ant Banks, Alex Hill and DJ EFX and CJ Flash were among the early Hip Hop producers. Sway & King Tech of the internationally syndicated Wake Up Show were early Bay Area pioneers. A lot of people don't know that Tech was deeply involved in the early west coast break dance scene. In fact he was an original member of the SF Ballet Breakers which formed in '82-'83. On the radio front DJs like Kevvy Kev on Stanford's KZSU, and KK Baby, Marcus Clemmons, La Baron and Rappin' 4Tay's manager Frankie Jay were spinning Hip Hop beats and putting it down for Hip Hop as far back as '79-'80 on 89.5 KPOO. The whole radio aspect evolved and the end result was the formation of the Bay Area Hip Hop Coalition. All in all, we who are down with Hip Hop owe a bit of gratitude to those who came before us. Many us make a comfortable living off the culture laid down by Hip Hop's pioneers-many of whom are still around. Like the creators of blues and Rock-n-Roll from several generations before, many of these pioneers do not share the windfall of profits that Hip Hop has generated. Sure, we have a few success stories we can point to like Russell Simmons or Andre Harrell who with the pioneering group Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hyde. We can point too an Ice T, Too Short or E-40 and see that they're doing ok.. But the overwhelming majority of folks who initially put it down are all but forgotten and in many cases disrespected. Far too many us are arrogant when we state that such individuals 'had their day'. The problem with such sentiments is that we often forget that we have been able to avoid many pitfalls that have hindered our pioneers by learning from their mistakes. Let us not forget or take for granted the trailblazers of Hip Hop culture. Lets give thanks to all who came before us... and put it down. It's only to our advantage to know and appreciate our roots. written by Davey D
rap.1547 brka,
MASTER RAKIM 1CE AGAIN... Today (30.11.1999.) marks the official return of Hip Hop's greatest emcee of alltime-Rakim Allah. His new lp 'The Master' is dope, but I'm unafraid it will be met with little fanfare. This is in spite of it being produced by Hip Hop's dopest producer of alltime - DJ Premier and him keeping his collaborations to a bare minimum. On this new joint only Rahzel, Canibus and Lauryn Hill are allowed mic time. Simply put, a lot of today's Hip Hop record buyers don't really appreciate what 'The R' met to Hip Hop when he first touched down almost 14 years ago back in 1986. His smooth-cold as ice, unhurried rhyme pace revolutionized rap. During that time everyone was shouting and sounding really hyped on the mic. The R came along and changed the tempo. He let you know you could chill and still drop lyrical bombs. Rakim's 'paid in full' lyrics proceeded the 'bling bling', 'I got money, power respect' mentality and lyrics of today. Just look at the back of Rakim's landmark album 'Paid In Full' and tell me how was he and his crew were any different then the Cash Money Click and No Limit Clicks of today? They had as much gold draped around their neck as today's Hip Hoppers have diamonds. The only difference was, Rakim made it sound oh so cool to be materialistic. I'll give Rakim and his than partner Eric B, they were really Hip Hop's first million dollar rappers. When I ran into Eric a while back he broke it down and explained that while other rappers at that time were getting ripped off by ruthless record companies who had no qualms taking advantage of their ignorance, he and R cut a million dollar deal when they left their original label 4th & Broadway and landed on MCA. Eric explained that him and Rakim were straight businessmen and they made it a point to get their piece of the pie. When the R was brought out of retirement and asked to drop 'The 18th Letter' he got a piece of the pie. He was literally 'brought out' of retirement. I listened to Rakim's last album 'The 18th Letter' and I'm still hard pressed trying to figure out why so many people thought it was weak. To this day I still can't figure out who could match the rhyme style and delivery he executed on a song like 'New York'. I'm still puzzled as to what was wrong with his well put together commercial sounding songs like 'Remember That'. I was talking to some pack back wearing, underground, 'keep it real' type brotha who was trying to run it down to me as to how on his last album, Rakim 'sold out' by going commercial. He kept insisting that 'The R' reverted to making songs for the radio. I thought about it and it didn't make sense because as far back as 'Paid In Full', Rakim had always dropped songs that were regularly played on radio. From 'I Know You Got Soul' to 'What's On Your Mind' to 'It's Been A Long Time', the R was one of the few emcees who always managed to be in regular rotation. As quiet as kept, he and Eric B were even one of the first along side Run DMC to fuse Hip Hop with rock. Folks may want to listen back to the fancy rock mix they did of the classic single 'Paid In Full'. The name of the song that was used has momentarily slipped my mind. I recall the name Diana being in the title.. I do recall having to play it three times a night when I used to spin at white fraternity gigs up on the UC Berkeley campus. Back then it was one of the few Hip Hop records I could play. It was 'Paid In Full' and 'Walk This Way' and 'Tricky' by Run DMC that would keep the dance floor packed. Even when Rakim did get commercial exposure, it wasn't like you could front and say he was wack, 'cause everyone knew there was no way he could matched on the mic. I mean we're talking about Hip Hop's greatest emcee. Before folks start going off about how real Hip Hop has never been presented to the masses, bear in mind Rakim was there in front of people's faces from day one. Paid In Full was definitely an album that crossed over. The only other emcee who was like R was Biggie. He was a dope emcee who got regular air play and still managed to keep his street creditability. So today when you're in the record store and you see the new lp 'The Master', understand that he's one of the few who can make such claims and live up to it. The album is pretty damn cool. Rakim hasn't really changed, just the way people appreciate or don't appreciate various styles of Hip Hop. My only complaint with 'The R' is he ain't the greatest on stage performer. But there is no one on planet earth from Mos Def on down to Pharaohe Monch on down to Eminem who can match this kid on the mic. Bottom line - He's the true Master.
rap.1548 brka,
PROBLEMI ZA DIGITAL UNDERGROUND... Bad news for Digital Underground as two people within their entourage were arrested the other night in Little Rock, Arkansas. Kyle James Eastern Jr., 21, and Michael Sheldon Pierson were accused of 'attacking and fondling' a 21 year old woman backstage after the group's concert at the Hall of Industry which is located at the Arkansas State Fairgrounds. The woman told police that she went backstage and was forced into a bathroom by the two band members who kissed and fondled her against her will. She later identified Pierson who is NOT one of the group's rappers or dancers and newcomer Kyle Eastern. Eastern was also found to be possessing a small amount of weed [marijuana]. The Little Rock police department noted that both men after being arrested, gave statements about the encounter and were later released on bail. They have been charged with first degree sexual abuse. So far there has been no official public statements issued by any of the group's more notable members like Shock G, Humpty Hump or Money B. We'll keep you posted as this drama unfolds.
rap.1549 brka,
UHAPSEN BUM BEAZY In another bizarre and unfortunate twist for Hip Hop, a New Orleans based rapper who sports the name Bum Beazy aka James Lane 20, was arrested and charged with a series of robberies. He apparently was out trying to raise money to record his album. Bum Beazy's claim to fame was him wearing a bumble bee suit when performing. Beazy when arrested was caught with a handgun and 600 dollars in Cash.. As I'm writing this, I'm thinking to myself-this fool was wearing a bumble bee outfit. He should've been arrested for that alone. Also with all the Hip Hop money floating around New Orleans, between Cash Money and No Limit, that could've probably hooked a deal with those guys. Damn Bum Beazy you messed up!
rap.1550 brka,
HIP HOP KALUDJERICA... Since we've been talking about the strange and bizarre happenings within Hip Hop, lets talk about some nuns in Italy. Apparently there are a lot of Italians who believe it's bad luck to walk past a nun. When this happens, superstitious Italians will touch iron and say 'your nun' which is the equivalent to knocking on wood here in the US. Well to combat this bad reputation, Sister Alessandra has turned to Hip Hop. She's dropped a protest CD of sorts where she raps about the foolishness of this age old superstition. The song is entitled 'Your Nun Touch Iron'. From what I hear home girl [if you can call a nun home girl] has a nice flow. So folks next time your parents give you a bad time about listening to Hip Hop, you let them no there are some bonafide nuns in Italy using Hip Hop to get their message across. I tell you one thing, with Sister Alessandra dropping her CD, she gives new meaning to the term 'blessing the mic'.
rap.1551 brka,
HIP HOP LADIES At long last Hip Hop celebrates the accomplishments of it's women folk. There is a new documentary that will be premiering this week in Los Angeles entitled 'Nobody Knows My Name'. According to the press release the film is put together by Rachel Raimist of UCLA. The film is "Shot in an intimate, hand-held style the film draws you into the stories of the main characters - Medusa, T-Love, Lisa, Asia One, DJ Symphony, and Leschea. They are women of different ages, races, ethnicities, and economic backgrounds, but they are connected by one thing, their love for hip hop". The featured Hip Hoppers include "Medusa, who is considered the queen of the LA's thriving Hip Hop underground. She's an emcee and poet who performs weekly in Los Angeles. T-Love is an LA native and ex-Cripette [gang member] who decided her lyrical skills would be her road to success. Another character who is highlighted, Lisa married into the Hip Hop life, and is now raising a hip hop family. Leschea is an artist brought into the game by rap star Masta Ace of the INC. Y'all remember Masta Ace? Anyway, Leschea has lived a bumpy road even while signed to major label Warner Bros. Records. Asia One has been organizing the B-Boy Summit for years but is a b-girl who gets tired of "rollin'" with all guys. DJ Symphony is the only female member of The World Famous Beat Junkies dj crew, and is passionate about turntabalism. All of these women share their stories, dispel rumors, and illuminate truths. In short, they offer insight and advice for young women coming up today. The film will be shown Monday December 6th at 8pm on the UCLA Campus at Melniitz Hall inside The Bridges Theater. The event is FREE so there is absolutely no excuse for anyone who lives in LA not to be there. Afterwards there will be a panel discussion that focuses on Hip Hop Feminism. It will feature the filmmaker Rachel Raimist, Medusa, T-Love, Asia One, Nautica de la Cruz of Power 106 and my home girl The Poetess of 92.3 The Beat. This looks to be a promising film and will mark the second documentary coming out of LA this year. Earlier Keith O'Derek and his partner Robert Corsini dropped a great documentary that chronicled the the social, political conditions that gave rise to "gangsta rap'. Entitled 'Straight From the Streets' it features Snoop Dogg, Ice Cube, Cypress Hill, Ice T, Kam, DJ Quik, Rage, Kurupt, Dr. Dre, RBX, DJ Red Alert, Davey D [that's me folks!], Big Boy, KRS One, May May Ali, Daddy O, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Dick Gregory, Min. Louis Farrakhan, Denzel Washington and many others! The film was recently released on DVD. For folks who want more information on 'Nobody Knows My Name' be sure to contact Rachel Raimist at mailto: You can also call 310-588-2263 or 323-851-5735. For folks who wish to get a hold of Keith O'Derek and his 'Straight From The Streets' documentary be sure to hit him up mailto: Hopefully both of these documentaries will be shown at the upcoming Gavin Seminar Convention that is taking place in San Francisco during February 2000.
rap.1552 brka,
NOVA ZRTVA - DJ SWIFT... The Hip Hop world lost one of it's own this past weekend in an unfortunate, tragic accident. Folks in Philadelphia are familiar with Brian Perkins aka DJ Swift. He was well known and well liked. He helped open up a record store three years ago with his partner John Chambers in Willingbro, New Jersey called the Music Factory. Here they sold mixtapes and vinyl for local deejays. According to the local newspapers in the Philly area, Swift and his partner were practicing a drill just in case the store got robbed. It was during this exercise that DJ swift who was role playing an armed robber was accidently shot in the head. I recall meeting this guy earlier this year when he ventured out to the Bay Area with Rahzel who was doing a promo tour. The kid had nice skillz on the turntables. I also recall my man Sway reaching out and giving me his phone number when I was trying to track down Schoolly D. Sway told me Swift and School were supposedly doing some work. I'm not sure if Swift worked on Power 99 or WPHI 103.9.. In the Philadelphia papers they list him as being an employee of WPHI.. But folks who've alerted me to his untimely demise said he spun on Power 99. In any case he will be missed.. Prayers and condolences must go out to his family. DJ swift had just gotten married 2 months ago.
rap.1553 brka,
RUSSELL SIMMONS RADI MINI SERIJU First he throws a lavish dinner party for First Lady Hillary Clinton and now he's set to have special made for tv movie made about him. Russell Simmons will soon be the subject of an upcoming four hour miniseries that chronicles Russell's colorful life and the evolution of Hip Hop's History. There is no set date on the project, but the word is this new project is the result of all the pressure being put on the TV networks by the NAACP to have more minorities included in their shows. I guess when in doubt-turn to Hip Hop. We'll keep you posted as things develop. In the meantime, we're still waiting on the Hip Hop project that Spike is supposed to be doing for ABC. In addition, there is supposed to be some sort of soon to be released Hip Hop soap opera or drama either on MTV or one of the cable channels. Lastly Master P is supposedly doing some work developing TV/movie projects for FOX.
rap.1554 brka,
CHUCK D SADA IMA SVOJU RADIO STANICU 'Radio! Suckers Never Play Me!'. These were the words Chuck D of Public Enemy first uttered over 10 years ago on his landmark record 'Rebel Without A Pause'. Since that time Chuck D has been outspoken about his concerns on who controls the flow of information. He has often pointed out that people and Black folks in particular, tend to be 'religious' to their favorite radio stations. Their undaunted loyalty sets up an interesting scenario in the sense that Black people over time develop a mind set that has them addicted and dependent on a media source that they ultimately don't control. The result is a whole lot of folks walking around thinking 'If it ain't talked about or played on radio then it don't exist'. Many stations, in particular white owned 'Black music stations' that target young people take advantage of this loyalty by keeping an imbalance of pertinent information that can positively impact and uplift the community. In other words, folks are being fed a steady diet of substandard material, and useless information that keeps them wallowing in the pathological conditions that effect them. Black ignorance has become a commodity that is aggressively projected, highlighted and marketed by white corporate radio owners who ultimately reap huge profits. The impact has long lasting behavioral effects that many people are just now starting to realize. How can some one tell Little Johnny from the Hood to do do something good and act intelligent when his primary media source is constantly showing him by what they present, that you can be handsomely rewarded for doing something bad and acting dumb? Many community leaders and activists are starting to raise questions about the type of influence radio stations are having as well as the type of access the community has to insuring that it's needs are being supported. With some of these corporate giants now owning up 8 stations in large metropolitan areas, is there a balance of material and information being fed to the community? In a recent interview Chuck noted that since the month of June he has done more then 500 interviews where he has spoken about the various new technological ground he has been covering and how there are new opportunities on the horizons for young brothas and sistas if they too get involved. While he's been on everything from CNN to C-Net, very few of these interviews have been conducted on these white owned Black radio stations that have effectively used Hip Hop music and culture as a way to attract our inner city youth. He pointed out that this has not been his choice. There oftentimes appears to be a media middle man who is disconnected from the community who decides what should and should not be exposed. In a recent issue of Chuck D's Terrordome Column which appears on his new venture gave one reason radio is poisoning the Black community. "White-owned Black Radio sucks in '99 because the masters endorse the policy of more music, less talk. This policy further limits the information delivered to the people via the creation of the transparent DJ --- Colorless individuals unable to interpret the sounds they're playing for their audience. Mix and college hip-hop jocks are the closest thing we have today to the Black personality jocks of the 1950s and '60s - DJs who the people relied on for everything in the 'hood from local business support to various community activities. But corporations consider air time that could be devoted to such services to be sponsor time and not DJ time. That way it doesn't take much talent to be a radio jock these days. (Who wants to hear a damn weather report 30 times a damn day?!)" When such criticism is launched, there are many who would immediately say, 'Don't complain, go out and get your own'. We'll that's exactly what Chuck D has done. He and his partner Gary G-Wiz along with Chuck's record label Atomic Pop have hooked up and formed a global radio station for underground hip hop. It's called Bring The Noise and it will feature six new daily radio shows. Among them include Chuck D's weekly radio show called 'When The S--t Hits The Fan' which highlights unsigned indie label music from around the world. There's another show of Hip Hop classics which features longtime New York deejay Wildman Steve. There are a couple of mix shows, tons of interviews and lots of information. Bring The Noise is a very sophisticated feature that has been around for about a year and has developed a huge online following. It is now perched to reach new heights and be a big factor in the online communications game.. FNV readers be on the look out for an upcoming newsletter where Chuck D gives you an indepth look and analysis about radio and the undue influence it has on our community. The interview is very timely when you consider the recent reports about the serious drop over the past year of African American owned radio stations and the continued merging of media conglomerates who now have 'lock down' on Black listeners.
rap.1555 brka,
GOODIE MOB ARE READY FOR THE WORLD PARTY Props to Cee-Lo, Big Gipp, T-Mo and Khujo of the Atlanta based Goodie MOB. I got a chance to peep out their new album 'World Party' the other night and I got to be honest when I say it will be one of the best for '99. The lp drops officially on December 21st. and it will make a great Christmas present. One of the refreshing aspects of Goodie Mob is that they are some thinking, insightful, genuine brothas. During our radio interview the other day, Khojo spoke extensively about the importance of everyone having a spiritual grounding. He attributed many of the problems effecting young people is the lack of that spiritual connection. 'It helps keep people grounded', he said. He went even deeper when he talked about how he wish there was constant reminder of God for young people and hence he thought it was a mistake to take away prayers in school. Not one to just talk and not back up their actions, the group had spent much of the day talking with Bay Area high school students. Cee-Lo and Big Gipp talked about upcoming album 'World Party'. they explained that they were inspired by the type of love and impact they seemed to be having with fans all over the world. This album reflects their musical growth and they wanted to bring everyone under one umbrella. I can't say enough about the songs I heard, except that it is really really good. They bucked the trend and refrained from having too many guests emcees and special cameos. I believe I heard a song with TLC and another track with a new artist from their camp named 'Neckbone'. Cee-Lo said that since the group is four deep they wanted the fans to really get a chance to vibe and connect with them. The only unfortunate thing about the Goodie Mob's recent visit was the show they put on at the Justice League. People were complaining that they left the stage way too early. During their brief set the sound kept messing up. They eventually got things somewhat fixed and the crowd was starting to get into them.. It was at that point that The Goodie Mob brought local rap stars E-40, JT The Biggie Figga and a host of others to join them on stage. After doing two more songs they bounced while Neckbone and his partner finished off the set. I think their early departure had to do with the sound not being right..
rap.1556 brka,
SNOOP DOGG PONOVO RADI Snoop Dogg is making all sorts of moves these last few weeks. First he's got his own record label kicking off and he has a new group called The Eastsidaz. Next he just released his autobiography which I'm just starting to read called 'The Doggfather'. So far it's pretty interesting. Snoop is also teaming up with the former members of NWA to record some tracks with them. He's currently featured on their new reunion song called 'Chin Check'. If that's not enough Snoop is going back on the airwaves to do a Saturday afternoon shift for Power 106 in LA. The name of his show is called The Dogghouse. This isn't Snoop's first stint on radio. Several years ago he knocked off a couple of well received air shifts on 106 KMEL here in the Bay Area. We used to do a Friday Night feature called Westside Radio where west coast artist would host the show. Everyone from Snoop To Ice Cube to Sir Mix-A-Lot came through. But it was Snoop's shift that generated the most enthusiastic response from listeners. So now Snoop is doing radio in LA as he joins some other noteworthy artist who are moonlighting as jocks. On rival station, 92.3 The Beat you have Cypress Hill and their Soul Assassins show. You have the Poetess doing a Saturday morning slot and KRS-One dropping bombs on Sunday nights. Dre and Ed Lover are holding down morning drive and of course Sway & Tech are dropping bombs with their internationally syndicated Wake Up Show. A lot of folks don't recall that before Dre and Ed Lover made their mark in radio or even hosted 'Yo! MTV Raps', they were part of a group called 'Original Concept'. Sway & King Tech were recording artists with a group called Flynamic Force. They later dropped the name and just used the name Sway & King Tech. In the early 90s they released a song called 'Follow For Now' which used the beat from Man Parrish's classic cut 'Hip Hop Be Bop'. Follow For Now was a number one record here on the west coast. I'm not sure of the artist holding it down on Power 106 but at one point I know they had everyone from Kurtis Blow to YoYo If anyone is down in LA please let me know what's up.. and also how Snoop is sounding.
rap.1557 brka,
UHAPSEN JAY-Z! The Hip Hop world is reeling from yesterday's arrest of Jay-Z. He turned himself into police after word got out that he was wanted for questioning. The NY Police wanted to explore Jay-Z's involvement in the stabbing of record executive Lance 'Un' Rivera Wednesday night at Q-Tip's album release party. Now Jay-Z's folks have been steadfastly maintaining that Jigga had nothing to do with this incident. And up to this point there have been no formal charges applied. The whole scenario is crazy. This whole scene comes at the heels of Digital Underground having two members arrested earlier this week for sexual assault and the accidental killing of popular Philly Hip Hop DJ Swift. We'll keep you posted as things develop. Below is yesterdays story. Thursday Report: If you happen to run into Shawn Carter aka Jay-Z be sure to let him know that the New York City Police want him for questioning. Last night [Wednesday Dec 1 ] there was an album release party for Q-Tip at the Kit Kit Club. During the event an incident took place which resulted in record executive Lance 'Un' Rivera being stabbed. Police are saying that it stemmed from an argument over Jay-Z's new album The Life And Times Of Shawn Carter being bootlegged. Jay-Z's lawyers have denied that he had anything to do with the stabbing and he thus far co-operating with police. Rivera was taken to a hospital and later released. Let's hope this whole mess gets straightened out and we don't have anymore unfortunate incidents. We'll keep you posted as this story unfolds.
rap.1558 brka,
BIVSI POLICAJAC OSUMNJICENI ZA BIGIJEVU SMRT! It's amazing...two days after Biggie's posthumous 'Born Again' album drops, this story surfaces out of the LA Times. Of course it's way too early to speculate, but] let us hope this we finally get closure on this sad scenario. == Ex-LAPD Officer Is Suspect in Rapper's Slaying, Records Show Probe: Police pursue theory that David Mack, since convicted of bank robbery, helped arrange killing of Notorious B.I.G. By MATT LAIT and SCOTT GLOVER, Times Staff Writers A former Los Angeles police officer already in prison for bank robbery is among the suspects in the 1997 slaying of rap star Notorious B.I.G., according to sources and confidential LAPD documents obtained by The Times. Among the theories investigators are pursuing is that ex-Officer David A. Mack conspired with Death Row Records founder Marion "Suge" Knight to arrange the contract killing of the 24-year-old rap sensation whose real name was Christopher Wallace, according to a former detective on the case. Specifically, detectives are trying to determine whether Mack arranged for a longtime friend to carry out the attack outside the Petersen Automotive Museum on March 9, 1997, according to sources and Los Angeles Police Department documents. Police would not say whether they have been able to locate or question the man they suspect of being the gunman under that theory. He is Amir Muhammad, who was known as Harry Billups when he and Mack were college classmates at the University of Oregon, according to sources and documents. Muhammad apparently dropped from sight after visiting Mack in prison on Dec. 26, 1997. No one has been arrested or charged in the shooting, which some investigators believe was motivated by a bitter bicoastal feud between Death Row and a rival rap record label based in New York City. Eight months ago, LAPD homicide detectives served search warrants on several locations linked to Death Row and the man in charge of its security. Mack, who is serving a 14-year prison sentence for a Nov. 6, 1997, bank holdup, has not been publicly identified as a suspect in Wallace's slaying. But according to sources and LAPD investigative documents, detectives have been trying to build a case against the former police officer for nearly two years. Mack's attorney, Donald M. Re, rejected the notion that Mack was involved in Wallace's slaying. "It sounds absolutely ridiculous to me," Re said. Knight's attorney, Robin J. Yanes, also dismissed the theory. "A year ago it came up and now they're recycling it to cover their butts," Yanes said. "Suge doesn't know" Mack. Mack is a former partner and close friend of Rafael Perez, the disgraced officer at the center of the LAPD's unfolding corruption scandal. The two officers, in fact, partied in Las Vegas two days after the bank robbery, spending thousands of dollars. Investigators on the LAPD corruption task force are continuing to look for a criminal link between the two former partners. Dispute Over Money Probed Wallace, a 360-pound rapper who also was known to fans as Biggie Smalls, was gunned down as his motorcade was leaving a music industry party at the museum at Wilshire Boulevard and Fairfax Avenue. Eyewitnesses described the lone gunman as an African American wearing a suit and bow tie, similar, police say, to the attire favored by Nation of Islam members. The assailant was driving a dark-colored Chevrolet Impala, witnesses said. The precision with which the attack was executed makes investigators suspect that it was a professional assassination. In addition to the rap feud theory, investigators have pursued information that Wallace's death was related to a dispute with Southside Crips gang members in Los Angeles, who claimed that the rapper owed them money for providing him security. Over the past two years, the investigation has been headed by several teams of detectives. Recently, the pair who conducted the searches of Death Row have retired. The two new detectives assigned to the investigation declined comment for this story. But sources close to the case say that neither the rap feud angle nor the gang dispute theory has been ruled out. The sources refused to say which theory, if any, was being given more credence and pursued more vigorously. Over the years, the sources said, different detectives have not always agreed on which investigative path to follow or on which of the open leads might be most productive. One high-ranking police official familiar with the case said crimes committed within the rap music industry often are difficult to solve because witnesses are hostile toward authorities and fear retribution if they do cooperate. Detectives have previously identified Knight as a key suspect, theorizing that he may have ordered Wallace's killing while he was in jail on a parole violation. He currently is serving a nine-year prison sentence in connection with an unrelated 1992 attack on two aspiring rappers in a Hollywood recording studio. In addition to Mack, detectives continue to look at other possible associates of Knight in connection with Wallace's death. As for Mack, investigators are intrigued by several pieces of circumstantial evidence that they believe may tie him to the crime. Mack came under scrutiny after his December 1997 arrest for robbing a bank of $722,000--money that to this day remains unaccounted for. In the wake of his arrest, detectives received tips that Mack drove a black Impala similar to the car seen speeding away after the Wallace slaying. As investigators began to probe Mack's possible involvement in the killing, they found that the officer apparently had ties to Knight and his record label. A friend of Mack told detectives that Mack offered to arrange an off-duty job for him with Death Row Records. "Mack stated the job was providing security for a . . . wife or girlfriend . . . of [a] Death Row executive," according to confidential LAPD investigative notes. A former Compton police officer who worked security for Death Row told investigators that Mack and another LAPD officer, Kevin Gaines, sometimes socialized in Death Row circles. The ex-Compton officer said neither Mack nor Gaines worked for the company's private Wrightway Security, but rather appeared to be associates of Knight. Mack grew up in the same Compton neighborhood as the now-imprisoned rap executive. Since Mack's own incarceration, sources say, he has renounced his law enforcement background and instead claims to belong to the same street gang, the Piru Bloods, as Knight is reputedly associated with. Mack also boasted of shooting people and allegedly tried to arrange a contract killing of his former lover and co-defendant in the bank robbery. "The weak and those who talk too much get eliminated," he was quoted in court documents as saying. When detectives searched Mack's house in connection with the bank robbery, they found what one police source called "a shrine" to rapper Tupac Shakur, who, until his own slaying, was Death Row's leading artist. Although Shakur's murder remains unsolved, police investigators say that Knight blames Wallace and his record label, Bad Boy Entertainment, for the crime. As detectives delved further into Mack's possible involvement, they noticed similarities between his work schedule in the periods surrounding the bank robbery and the Wallace killing. In both instances, the officer took days off before and after the crimes, according to sources and documents. Then, the investigation into Mack dovetailed with an earlier clue in the case. Several months after Wallace was killed, but well before Mack was arrested, a jailhouse informant told detectives that the rapper's killer went by a "Middle East" sounding name, possibly "Amir." The day after Christmas 1997, Mack was visited in jail by his longtime friend Amir Muhammad. Composite Drawing Is Questioned Investigators' suspicion grew when they obtained a driver's license photo of Muhammad and it resembled a composite sketch of Wallace's killer compiled from descriptions given by witnesses to the murder. The composite, drawn a day after the slaying, was withheld from the public and differs from the one that was provided to the media more than two weeks later. One witness criticized the sketch that police ultimately released, saying police added details to the drawing that he and others never suggested. Detectives searched for Muhammad, but many of the addresses that came up in a background check were either false or led to post office boxes, according to LAPD robbery-homicide documents. Police surveillance of some of those locations failed to find him. Numerous attempts by The Times to locate Muhammad through public records and a former friend were unsuccessful. Mack, who has refused to cooperate with authorities since his arrest in the bank robbery, was placed at the scene of Wallace's slaying by a witness who was riding in the rap star's motorcade, LAPD documents show. Damien Butler, who was in the same vehicle as Wallace, picked Mack out of a photo lineup of six men during an April 15, 1998, meeting with LAPD homicide detectives in New York. "I'm sure this guy was standing just outside the door to the museum, as we were entering into the party," Butler said, according to notes of the interview obtained by The Times. Sources associated with Bad Boy Entertainment said that the last time LAPD investigators contacted witnesses linked to the record label was about six months ago. At that time, investigators again showed them a composite sketch of the gunman, but no photographs. Although police officials refuse to comment about the ongoing investigation, the former Compton police officer who worked security for Death Row said in an interview with The Times this month that he was shown pictures of Muhammad earlier this year, shortly after detectives served the search warrants on the locations linked to Death Row. Two other sources, including a former police officer, said they were questioned about Mack's possible role in the rapper's killing. The ex-officer said detectives also queried him about Mack's longtime friend and Mack's vehicle. A family friend of Mack who provided information to authorities about Mack's role in the bank robbery before being sent to prison on unrelated charges said he was also asked about Mack's possible involvement in the Wallace slaying. Speaking on the condition of anonymity in an interview at Corcoran State Prison, the inmate said he began to cooperate with investigators, but stopped when he felt it was no longer in his interest. According to LAPD documents, detectives seized at least one gun belonging to Mack and had it test-fired to determine whether the weapon matched the gun used in Wallace's slaying. It did not, the records show. There also are weaknesses in the circumstantial evidence linking Mack to the rapper's killing. The jailhouse informant who told detectives that the assailant's first name might be Amir said it could also be Ashmir or Abraham, police records show. Moreover, the informant said that the gunman's true name could be Kenny or Keeky and that the killer is a former member of the Southside Crips street gang and at the time of the shooting belonged to a security force connected to the Nation of Islam, a Muslim group. That information does not appear to match Muhammad's background, and could in fact lend support to the theory that the killing was the result of a dispute over money with the Crips. At one point in the investigation, detectives interviewed Dwayne Keith "Keefee D" Davis, a Crips member, who also owned a Chevy Impala. Some detectives, however, say privately that Davis is not considered a suspect. Rumors have swirled for years in law enforcement circles about ties between Mack and other former LAPD officers and Death Row Records.Gaines, the officer who allegedly attended Death Row parties with Mack, was dating Knight's estranged wife Sharitha at the time. Gaines also was under investigation by the LAPD's Internal Affairs division and sported a personalized license plate on his Mercedes-Benz reading, "ITS OK IA"--a taunt aimed at Internal Affairs. Gaines was shot to death March 18, 1997, during an off-duty traffic dispute with a fellow officer who was undercover. An investigation found that Gaines was hostile toward the other officer, threatening to "cap" or shoot the officer and eventually drawing a gun on him. The other officer, Frank Lyga, was cleared in the shooting. Meanwhile, Perez, the ex-officer cooperating with authorities in the ongoing corruption investigation, does not implicate Mack in any crimes--a silence detectives have greeted with skepticism.
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