22 Nov 1996 - 02 Jul 1997


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Messages - svet

svet.1 pifat,
Britnaski konzervativci od juče, po prvi put od maja 1979. kada ih je Margaret Tačer dovela ponovo na vlast, imaju manjinu u parlamentu. Smrću 56-godišnjeg konzervativnog poslanika Jana Milsa dosadašnja konzervativna većina se konačno istopila, i sve je izvesnije da će se izbori održati i pre maja ove godine, kada ističe mandat sadašnjeg sastava parlamenta.
svet.2 acag,
Evo jedan interesantan citat iz prijateljevog pisma (Toronto): ".... nase potrebe ali ipak dovoljno za americke pojmove. Premda nismo tamo, mi svakodnevno navijamo, a nadam se da cemo osetiti deo tamosnje atmosfere 25-og Januara kada se organizuje protestni miting u Torontu ispred "Gradske Vijecnice" (zasto tamo neznamo, verovatno sto je pogodan prostor za okupljanje), a kada zaustavimo saobracaj i pocnemo setnju usi ce samo da bride od novcanih kazni. Moramo da nabavimo negde pistaljke da pravimo buku. ...." Yesss..!
svet.3 morkin,
> Evo jedan interesantan citat iz prijateljevog pisma (Toronto): I jedan iz USA: Lik koji je sada u San Francisku svaki dan (veče kod nas) lupa u 19:30 po našem vremenu i ometa RTS1...
svet.4 schef,
U Francuskoj, u gradu Vitrolu, na lokalnim izborima pobedio je NFF, ali bivša vlast nije mogla da prihvati poraz, pa je izazvala sukobe između svojih i pristalica Lepenovog NFF. Inače, to je 4. grad na jugu Francuske u kome pobeđuje desnica, t.j. NFF što pokazuje da nacionalizam polako jača i u zemljama koje bi trebalo da budu uzori ;) građanske države. Eh, izgleda da ni Francuzi nisu imuni na (ne)mirnu (ne)predaju vlasti. ;>
svet.5 nenad,
> Inače, to je 4. grad na jugu Francuske > u kome pobeđuje desnica, t.j. NFF što pokazuje da nacionalizam polako > jača i u zemljama koje bi trebalo da budu uzori ;) građanske države. Kako ono beše funkcioniše tvoj logički aparat: činjenica da SPO dobija puno glasova je dokaz koliko je narod naivan, a činjenica da SRS dobija puno glasova je dokaz da se narod otrežnjuje? ;) Mora da si ti čovek koji je uvek srećan, sve je dokaz za nešto što ide tebi u prilog, pa makar se radilo i o potpuno istoj stvari samo sa drugim akterima. ;) Ajde nećemo da pitamo koliko Francuska ima gradova, samo ćemo da se podsetimo da je jug Francuske onaj njen najmanje razvijeni deo, a kako te delove države najjače pogađaju i recesija i svi ekonomski problemi, logično je da ne glasaju za vlast. i da traže krivce u drugima nacijama, a rešenje za svoje probleme traže u alternativnim putevima, pa i u onim ekstremnim koja uključuju izolacionizam, šovinizam i sl. Tako je i Hitler došao na vlast, u ekonomski razorenoj Nemačkoj, okrivljujući Jevreje, Slovene... Ali šta ćeš, ni Hitler nije savršen. ;) Ili je sve to bila propaganda i marketing? ;)
svet.6 nenad,
Čuli ste za ono masovno samoubistvo gde se 39 članova neke sekte ubilo? Ono što možda niste čuli je da su oni bili Web dizajneri i imali firmu koja se zvala ni manje ni više nego - Higher Source. ;) Možete ih naći na, tj. ono što je iza njih ostalo. ;) Group in mass suicide apparently ran Web design firm The 39 men and women found dead after an apparent mass suicide in a mansion outside San Diego yesterday were evidently Web site developers who ran a Denver-based design firm called Higher Source Contract Enterprises, sources said today. The company's own Web site, at, makes no mention of any type of cult or religious affiliation, though it does give an extensive list of services. "We at Higher Source not only cater to customizing Web sites that will enhance your company image, but strive to make your transition into the world of cyberspace a very easy and fascinating experience," the company says in its service pitch. The bodies were found late yesterday afternoon inside a sprawling estate in Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., according to the San Diego County Sheriff's Department. The identically dressed victims bore no signs of violence, and no suicide note was found, police said. The exact cause of their deaths has not been determined. The home was apparently rented to either Higher Source or some of its individual employees, and neighbors reportedly have described its occupants as referring to the mansion as their "temple." A large variety of computer equipment, apparently used for designing Web sites for clients including the San Diego Polo Club and a film production company called Kushner-Locke, was found inside the home, police said. Higher Source also offered Java and VRML programming, systems analysis, and consulting services, according to the company's advertising. The sales pitch also pointed out: "The individuals at the core of our group have worked closely together for over 20 years ... We try to stay positive in every circumstance and put the good of a project above any personal concerns or artistic egos." Officials at Higher Source did not return phone calls seeking comment this morning.
svet.7 djino,
Poruka od suicidne 39-orke.. Par slika uz poruku.. HEAVEN'S GATE From: (Rep) Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy Subject: TIME TO DIE FOR GOD? OR ARMAGEDDON--WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON? Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 03:30:02 GMT Organization: Spacestar Communications, Minneapolis, MN, USA Lines: 172 Message-ID: TIME TO DIE FOR GOD? or ARMAGEDDON--WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON? We are at the end of an Age, or the end of another civilization. As was prophesied, this is the "judgment time" for all living creatures on or related to this planet--in other words, the time when "where we find ourselves," as a result of our accumulated choices during our time here, determines our Judgment. The choices of many will find them in a "mind set" that would see the above statements as "cultish," radical, and doomsdayish, to say the least, while others have chosen to seek mental nourishment that would have them suspect "Truth" in these statements. With little awareness of it, all of us at this time are finding ourselves aligning with others of common mind. This commonness becomes our mental preoccupation. Though subconscious, it takes the form of our determination or judgment of what is RIGHT or GOOD, or who is superior, or has been suppressed or wronged. Some are also preoccupied with racial supremacy, which religious concept is truly God's, and who presently represents the real "Satan." There is a simple evolutionary procedure which applies to those who might leave or graduate from the human kingdom and enter the Evolutionary Kingdom Level Above Human (the Kingdom of Heaven or Kingdom of God). Periodically, the Kingdom Level Above Human sends one of its members "down" into the human kingdom (to incarnate into a human body)--one who has previously been taken through that evolutionary transition--to offer the knowledge to those who have been "picked" as possible recipients of that graduation information. This Representative of that Next Kingdom literally takes those candidates through their weaning from the human world--assisting them in the actual separation or breaking of ties to their humanness, and helping them "graft" to Him as the Representative of that Next Level. Their final separation is the willful separation from their human body, when they have changed enough to identify as the spirit/mind/soul, ready to put on a biological body belonging to the Kingdom of Heaven. (This entering into their "glorified" or heavenly body takes place aboard a Next Level spacecraft, above the Earth's surface.) At the close of an Age there are: 1. Some individuals who have connected with that Representative and separated from humanness enough to move into MEMBERSHIP in that Next Kingdom, and into a physical body belonging to that Kingdom Level Above Human; 2. Those who have not reached that degree of separation, but are aware of and believe the information that the Next Level Representative brought, and are separating to the degree of their capability; 3. Those who are compelled to separate, but who have not seen or consciously known of that Representative--His information or His presence. These two latter groups will be taken into the keeping of the Next Level until they have a later chance at further separation and overcoming, and they are examples of the meaning of--"If you will be saved." This bottom-lines at the point where the only ones who will NOT BE RECYCLED will be THOSE WHO HAVE OVERCOME UNDER THE REPRESENTATIVE'S TUTORSHIP; THOSE WHO HAVE KNOWN HIM AND ARE IN THE PROCESS OF OVERCOMING; and THOSE WHO HAVE HEARD HIS VOICE MENTALLY, BUT HAVE NOT CONNECTED WITH HIM CONSCIOUSLY. These who have CONNECTED MENTALLY are driven, during this period, to go against the world -- the systems, the socially and politically accepted "norms"--and are determined (as if they can't help themselves) to go to "God" or Allah, by any name, and to die in opposition to this world, or to simply leave it, even by their own hand if necessary--to "go to God" or His Son, according to whatever their religious backgrounds may have been. (For this "End of the Age" task, this Representative and His Father have been closely relating to this civilization since the early 1970's -- their thoughts have been in this atmosphere and "tappable" during this time.) Some examples of those whose ideologies suggest that they have CONNECTED MENTALLY, cover a broad spectrum--from the Weavers at Ruby Ridge, the Branch Davidians at Waco, the Unabomber, the Order of the Solar Temple, Aum Shinri Kyo of Japan, the Freemen of Montana, to UFO believers, and others. Many like these are still in hiding, while others take the form of the patriot/militia movements, Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, the many other Islamic movements, and countless groups that are simply rebelling from the system, the "norm," and WANT TO GO TO GOD, OR LEAVE THIS CORRUPT WORLD, at any price. To the groups and individuals mentioned above, and to this Representative who is writing this statement, the representatives of "this world" (the "socially acceptable"--faithful servants of the dominant religions and governments who seek for a future in this world) represent the OPPOSITION, the "Lower Forces," or "Satan." To the mainstream "acceptable" world, it seems that the religious zealots are "self-righteous," imbalanced, and dangerous to society's "norm," when in reality, those of the mainstream or accepted "norm" are the very ones who have no hesitation to judge and condemn those who are not like them--especially those who are preoccupied with God. They also have no hesitation to impose their ungodly ways and laws "of man" upon those of the rest of the world who are not like them--actively engaging in, or attempting to engage in the punishment or containment of those they would consider religious "radicals." Examples of how this misplaced judgment is forced upon religious zealots are seen in how the authorities treated the Weavers at Ruby Ridge, David Koresh and the Branch Davidians at Waco, and the actions presently being taken against Saddam Hussein and Iraq. The leadership of the world, in imposing man's laws, deceives and lies about the reasons for their actions, making it appear that they are humanitarian. They seldom expose their real motivations of greed and covetousness of what others have, that they feel they must have or remain in control of, in order to continue "saving the world" from what they would consider the "barbaric" or "radical" elements of humanity. These dominant forces are motivated by their own COUNTERFEIT "truth" supported by their COUNTERFEIT religions. Some examples are: how the True God of the Jews has been replaced by a COUNTERFEIT "palatable" God who encourages "go and multiply" (family values), "peace on Earth," and seek a global unity toward a Heaven on Earth; and how the True Christ or Jesus has been replaced by a COUNTERFEIT Jesus who lives "within your heart" and preaches the same, i.e., multiply, seek peace on Earth and unity toward the future of mankind. To state it simply, in this "battle," the servants of the ungodly side LIKE THIS WORLD and want to EXTEND THEIR LIFE IN IT at any cost -- while the servants of the Godly side HAVE GROWN TO DESPISE THIS WORLD AND WANT TO LEAVE IT, looking for someone or something to offer them a way out--though some may be fearful of the unknown--still trusting that whatever is BEYOND must be better than what they have found here. What mainstream society doesn't know is that, in fact, THERE IS A REAL PHYSICAL KINGDOM OF GOD from which everything of this world came. THAT KINGDOM STILL HAS COMPLETE POWER OVER THIS WORLD, though It has infrequently exercised it in the latter part of this civilization. However, WE'RE ABOUT TO SEE THAT POWER DRAMATICALLY EXERCISED--PHYSICALLY--NOW, AT THE CLOSE OF THIS AGE. The civilization doesn't seem to learn that man's laws and God's laws do not mix. Man's laws are structured to protect money, property ownership, and national and family interests, and religions have deteriorated to support these concepts/laws. God's laws have been reduced to being adhered to by only a few during the time one of His Representatives is present, though because we're at the End of the Age, the groups and individuals seen as religious radicals are also attempting to move closer to abiding by God's laws, and find themselves in irrevocable conflict with those who simply abide by man's laws. THE ONLY TRUE GOD BY ANY NAME, ON ANY PLANET, IN ANY TIME, IN ANY COUNTRY, IN ANY RELIGION--ONLY WANTS HIS PROSPECTIVE CHILDREN TO DESIRE TO COME TO HIM AND TO HIS KINGDOM BY LEAVING OR GRADUATING FROM THE HUMAN KINGDOM WITH THE HELP OF HIS REPRESENTATIVE. It seems that those of the socially acceptable mainstream unwittingly at times assist those they see as "radicals" in their goal of wanting to leave the human kingdom, by being instruments of their demise. Also, the feuds between today's rival ethnic groups are accelerating the judgment of their desires, and the expediting of their end. When we judge others negatively, we are judged negatively, whether the rules of those we judge agree with ours or not. For a nation to condemn another nation or head of a nation because they believe they have a special connection with God, is out of their realm of judgment and is condemnable by the Next Level. The mainstream condemns as if they were sure that their God is the true God of Heaven, for they openly mandate what is "right," "wrong," or proper concerning the conduct of individuals, groups, other nations, and their leaders. Whether we like it or not, the Armageddon--the Mother of Holy Wars -- has begun, and it will not cease until the plowing under is completed. It may be that the establishment liberates the "radicals" so that they may go "home," and that the Angelic Armies of the Kingdom of Heaven will complete the spading under--the end of the Age. On which side are you? Will you go into the keeping of the Next Level, or to dust return? suicide.rar
svet.8 djino,
Zanimljiv detalj.. ;) CNN - Insurer no longer offers kidnapping-by-aliens coverage - Apr. 2, 1997 Insurer no longer offers kidnapping-by-aliens coverage Change made after cult suicides April 2, 1997 Web posted at: 8:05 p.m. EST (0105 GMT) LONDON (AP)--The company that insured the 39 members of the Heaven's Gate cult against abduction by aliens stopped offering the policy after their mass suicide last week, managing director Simon Burgess said Wednesday. "Because of the manipulation of malevolent third parties, innocent lives were wrecked," he said. "I am deeply shocked and saddened, and that's why we're withdrawing from the market. ... We don't wish to contribute to a repetition of the Heaven's Gate deaths." The cult members bought a policy last October for $1,000, which covered up to 50 members and would pay $1 million per person for abduction, impregnation or death caused by aliens. "They were aware that we provided alien-abduction insurance from the Internet," Burgess said. The 39, including leader Marshall Applewhite, took their own lives last week at a home on the outskirts of San Diego, California, seeking redemption in a spaceship they believed was trailing the Hale-Bopp comet. The beneficiary of the policy was the Society of Heaven's Gate, said Burgess, managing director of the brokerage Goodfellow Rebecca Ingrams Pearson, or GRIP. [I] The brokerage added alien insurance to its list of policies last summer. Heaven's Gate was one of 4,000 policyholders worldwide that bought it, Burgess said. Britain and the United States were the biggest markets. While those policies will not be renewed, the company still offers other unusual policies, which account for about 10 percent of business. "We insure virgins against immaculate conception; prostitutes against loss of earnings from headache and backache; conversion to a werewolf or vampire; death or serious injury through paranormal activity; and unfaithful husbands against Bobbitting," he said. This was a reference to John Bobbitt, whose wife severed his penis in 1993. The cult's policy, meantime, remains in force until October, but collecting on it is another issue entirely. "They would have to prove that they were abducted," Burgess said. Copyright 1997   The [*]Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. [*]Expanded coverage of the Higher Source mass suicide c 1997 Cable News Network, Inc. All Rights Reserved. [*]Terms under which this service is provided to you.
svet.9 dragoljub,
Izgleda da veliki broj stranaka na izborima nije naša izmišljotina. Na poslednjim izborima u V. Britaniji pojavilo se stotinjak partija! Dakle osim konzervativaca, laburista i socijal-demokrata postoje još i partije kao što su: Partija prirodnog zakona (izgleda da je ovo međunarodni pokret :), Partija pravog mesta za piknik, Partija crnokosih prosečno građenih belaca (ili tako nekako) i još nake partije tipa Partija tog-i-tog ...
svet.10 gmatic,
==> socijal-demokrata postoje jos i partije kao sto su: Partija ==> prirodnog zakona (izgleda da je ovo medunarodni pokret :), ==> Partija pravog mesta za piknik, Partija crnokosih prosecno ==> gradenih belaca (ili tako nekako) i jos nake partije tipa ==> Partija tog-i-tog ... A ja mislio da je Secerovski lud? Ma on bi tamo i predsednik bio!!!