13 Nov 1998 - 24 Dec 1999


  1. arkadne (344)
  2. avanture (177)
  3. simulacije (287)
  4. strategije (410)
  5. logicke (113)
  6. modemske (70)
  7. frp (223)
  8. razno (573)
  9. diplomatija (8)
  10. sezam (89)
  11. unknown (2)

Messages - avanture

avanture.1 the.edge,
Ajd' i ja drugi. ;) AcCeSS DeNiED
avanture.2 byello,
Ajd' nek mi neko pomogne.. Kako da napravim mlogo jake likove na početku Might & Magic 6 Byello
avanture.3 gaga,
Ako neko igra igru "EGYPT" neka se javi treba mi pomoć !!!
avanture.4 vesic,
E,znam da je igra stara ali mozda neko ima pa posto sam cuo da je mala ako hoce i ako moze neka okaci: Monkey Island 1. Hvala Unapred
avanture.5 legolas,
>>E,znam da je igra stara ali mozda neko ima pa posto sam cuo da je >>mala ako hoce i ako moze neka okaci: Monkey Island 1. Ja cu ti je okacim (moze i dvojku ;) ako mi Jr dopusti. Dopustas Jr? Glupo mi je da je "dizem" samo da bi je okacio u mail.
avanture.6 junior,
> Ja cu ti je okacim (moze i dvojku ;) ako mi Jr dopusti. > Dopustas Jr? Naravno da ne dopuštam to je piraterija i neće biti tolerisana. Ako je okačiš, ja moram da je obrišem čim je vidim. E sad, kad ću da je vidim, to je već drugi problem. Pa još dok pošaljem exec..;)
avanture.7 vesic,
E, pa neka jr zatvori jedno oko a moze i drugo ( ;) , |) ) Moze i trojka :)))))))))))). Vesa
avanture.8 sani.,
}} Ja cu ti je okacim (moze i dvojku ;) ako mi Jr dopusti. Juni u subotu u vreme odrzavanja turnira nije kuci , tako da tada mozemo da vandalizujemo konferenciju :)
avanture.9 vesic,
Lakse je poslati samo gomilu fajlova sa virusima pa kada Junioru crkne komp da slavimo ;]. Vesa
avanture.10 junior,
> Juni u subotu u vreme odrzavanja turnira nije kuci , tako > da tada mozemo da vandalizujemo konferenciju :) Nema turnira, buahaha ;) Sad će da se vidi kako se vlast obračunava sa mangupima ;) PS. Koliko znam sani. sutra oko 13h ide na fudbal .. ko je za chat? ;))
avanture.11 sfilip,
igra li neko fallout2? ja sam ga patchovao na verziju 1.02, patch skinite sa http://fallout.gamestats.com. Prvi put kad sam igrao nabavio sam kola bez problema: trebalo mi je 2000 love i fuel injection koj NISAM našao. Onda sam igru patchovao i krenuo ispočetka (jer ne rade stare savegame pozicije) i eto bedaka, ne mogu nigde da nađem fuel injection controller. u onom gradiću, klamathu, kad se pobiju svi pacovi i onaj veliki, sa druge strane stoji neki auto. iz njega se izvadi fuel REGULATOR ali fuel injectiona nema nigde... De da nađem f.i.? Zna neko? inache, igra je mrak...
avanture.12 saint,
=> 2000 love i fuel injection koj NISAM nasao. Onda sam igru patchovao i => krenuo ispocetka (jer ne rade stare savegame pozicije) i eto bedaka, ne => mogu nigde da nadem fuel injection controller. Naci ces ga u gradu iznad ZVault Cityja. smo pici desno od Dena. Trebace ti nedjelju dana i super tool kit od onog mehanicara u Denu.
avanture.13 sfilip,
> Naci ces ga u gradu iznad ZVault Cityja. > smo pici desno od Dena. stvarno? ja sam prvi put kad sam igrao, na verziji 1.0, kola dobio samo plativši 2000 mehanicharu pa sam utripocao da je ono što se nađe u klamathu (rat caves) to što treaba. Tada se nisam ni prbližio vault cityju... Sad sam krenuo opet iz početka pa mi nije bilo jasno kako nema toga kad je prvi put išlo bez problema ali sam onda prochtao patchov readme u kome piše da su sredili bag sa kolima... bedak.. Sad sam sasvim dole u novoj kaliforniji al vratiću se po kola, pa mi ti daj detaljnija uputstva za to. Dakle, ako sam dobro shvato odem do Gecka i? gde je controller? :)
avanture.14 sfilip,
subject: fallout2 dakle, josh jednom, treba mi detaljno objašnjenje KAKO da dođem do onog obaveznog dela za kola (fuel injection il tako nekako) prešao sam više od pola igre (ako se tako može reći za jednu relativno nelinearnu igru). Našao sam vault 13 i g.e.c.k., provalio da su u njemu neki inteligentni deathclawsi (?), sredio stvari sa u vault 15, sredio raiderse ispod vault cityja, ovo ono... Samo mi treba je*eni auto a ne znam kako da do dotičnog dođem... HEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!!
avanture.15 saint,
=> Dakle, ako sam dobro shvato odem do Gecka i? gde je controller? :) Pa lepo razgovaraj sa jednim mehanicarom i on ce ti za super repair kit dati taj deo.
avanture.16 wlaad,
hehe, ja zavrshio folaut 2 jes' da nisam prvi, al' ono
avanture.17 sfilip,
> Pa lepo razgovaraj sa jednim mehanicarom i on ce ti za > super repair kit dati taj deo. mislish? u gecko-u? Tu sam nabavio neki deo, neki plasma transformer, od mehaničara. Mazno sam jednom ghoulu, onom koj instalira onaj deo za nuklearku, neki pass i sa njim dobio taj plazma transformer. nadam se da to nije to o čemu pričaš inače ću da umrem vraćajući se opet tamo vamo... :) U nekom uputstvu pishe da se fuel injection nalazi u klamathu, u tapper town-u, u onim kolima. Tamo je međutim neki regulator a ne kontroler. Sad imam regulator, plazma transformer i ponudu od nekog mehančiara iz NCR-a da mi apgrejduje kola ali nemam kola ;) idem da se patim..
avanture.18 sfilip,
subj: fallout2 daklem, treba mi DETALJNO uputstvo, onako idiot frendly, za kako nabaviti fuel cell controller ili fuel injection il kako se već zove jedini deo neophodan za nabavku kola. pliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz.... završiću igru a neću nabaviti kola... :)
avanture.19 sani.,
}} kako nabaviti fuel cell controller ili fuel injection Pa vidi u auto-Neni. Oni sve imaju :)
avanture.20 sfilip,
>}} kako nabaviti fuel cell controller ili fuel injection > > Pa vidi u auto-Neni. Oni sve imaju :) popićeš malo flamethrover goriva ;)
avanture.21 plejboj,
Jel' igra neko Sanatorium , a?
avanture.22 saint,
=> kolima. Tamo je medutim neki regulator a ne kontroler. Sad imam => regulator, plazma transformer i ponudu od nekog mehanciara iz NCR-a da => mi apgrejduje kola Jedno nalazis uklamathu a drugo u geckou kod mehanicara.
avanture.23 sfilip,
snađoh se juče za kola... nego ima li brotherhood neku veliku bazu kao onu iz prvog dela, u blizini?
avanture.24 wlaad,
>> snadoh se juce za kola... nego ima li brotherhood neku veliku >> bazu kao onu iz prvog dela, u blizini? ja nisam nasho nikakvu veliku bazu od brotherhood-a, ali ima jedan mali outpost u san francisku u koji mosh da udjesh i da pokupish neki oklop i neke pulse rifles.
avanture.25 sfilip,
>mali outpost u san francisku u koji mosh da udjesh i da pokupish >neki oklop i neke pulse rifles. dobro, to sam uradio, nego sam se zajebao pa sam se priključio onim Hubologistima a nisam sačuvao igru pa sad moram da se vraćam dosta unazad... Inače, brotherhood ima outposte i u den-u i u NCR-u, nisam ih posetio. U onoj navarro bazi može da se nađe neki charisma chip koj ti, sa kompjuterom iz brotherhood baze u SanFrancisku daje +1 charisma. U nekom vaultu sam našao i neki red strength čip, verovatno može da se iskoristi u nekoj od drugih outpostova... :) idem da se drogiram dalje...
avanture.26 byello,
POMAGAJTE !!!! Taman što sam nabavio Tomb Raider 3, ispao je kuršlus kad oću da ga startujem imam problem govori mi da turim cd, tj kao da ga nema a on je sve vreme u drajvu. Jel zna neko nešto o ovome Byello
avanture.27 ventura,
> Taman sto sam nabavio Tomb Raider 3, ispao je kurslus kad ocu da ga > startujem imam problem govori mi da turim cd, tj kao da ga nema a > on je sve vreme u drajvu. Da ga nisi stavio naopacke? :>>>
avanture.28 legolas,
Mislim da je u pitanju pokvaren CD. Probaj sa nekim drugim.
avanture.29 stefan,
>Mislim da je u pitanju pokvaren CD. >Probaj sa nekim drugim. Nije to u pitanju vec sam Tomb3 tj. ova razbijena verzija koja se pojavila kod nas. Iz neutvrdjenih razloga na nekim masinama nece da radi a simptomi su ovi koji su spominjani ovde.
avanture.30 byello,
Šta mislite jel ima patch za tomb3?? Byello
avanture.33 stefan,
>Nije ni to, nego izvesni diletanti po nekim CD klubovima ne >znaju da iskopiraju disk. Zastita se relativno lako skida. Za one >sa sjebanom kopijom - sledi krek za CD-cek ;) Muka živa pročitati poruku pre pisanja odgovora, a? :) Lepo napisah da postoje problemi sa _razbijenom_ verzijom koja se pojavila kod nas. Kada je verzija razbijena onda se ne skida nikakva zaštita :) Problem se manifestuje tako što jedna _ista_ kopija na jednoj mašini radi bez frke a kad je instaliraš na drugoj pravi već pomenute probleme. Usput, čak je iz ovog readme fajla koji se nalazi u arhivi jasno gde je problem - čovek nije ni probao da nareže razbijenu verziju, na koju ne bi morao da se primenjuje crack već je podrazumevao da se crack naknadno primenjuje. Ova verzija kod nas je očigledno bila nečiji, ne baš do kraja uspešan :), pokušaj da snimi disk koji će raditi bez dodatnih intervencija :)
avanture.34 gogica,
Imam problem sa Larom 3 na drugom nivou, ako je to drugi nivo ili drugi deo prog nivia sa dva kljuca i velikim vratima. Totalno sam se zaglavio i cini mi se da nesto nijem u redu sa igrom. Recimo ne mogu da prodjem kroz vrata iako su ona otvorena. Kad iskljucim i ukljucim poluge onda mogu u stvari nikako ne mogu da nadjem drugi kljuc. Ako je neko prosao drugi nivo molim za pomoc poz.
avanture.35 legolas,
Evo kratak opis Tomb Raider- a III uz kompletno uputstvo. Dakle, igra je vrlo slicna prethodnoj, sa jos nekim opcijama. Sada Lara moze da cuci, da se zaleti, da se ljulja (to sam cuo,nisam probo). Sem standardnog nivoa vazduha u plucima i "kolicine" zivota, postoji i nivo izdrzljivosti (za zaletanje), a postoji mogucnost i da se Lara otruje. Grafika je lepsa, pogotovu svetlosni efekti, efekti u vodi (pogotovu krv) su super, igra je krvavija, AI je poboljsan (neprijatelji se cesce skrivaju nego sto nasrcu)... Atmosfera nije losa, intro je cool, muzika, kao i obichno, savrsena, zvuci nisu losi. Ali sama okolina je chudna. Dzungla je kao prefarbana pecina, lisce je ravan kroz koju se propada... Videcete nivoe koje mozda malo podsecaju na X files (zona 51...). Ne znam kakvi su, ja sam negde na sredini drugog nivoa i nesto se davim, tako da cete morati sami. Za pocetak, evo varanja: Level Skip Code :While in a level do the following with Lara: Draw your weapons. Walk one step forward (using the walk key), duck using the . (period) key, and then turn around 3 full times (doesn't matter which direction and you don't have to hold down the walk key). Now do a Forward jump (alt+up arrow). All Weapons Code : While in a level do the following with Lara: Draw your weapons. Walk one step forward (using the walk key), duck using the . (period) key, and then turn around 3 full times (doesn't matter which direction and you don't have to hold down the walk key). Now do a Backward jump (alt+down arrow). Lara Nude Code : There is no code that will make Lara nude. Anything you may have heard about such a code are lies. The lies were started last April by various game magazines as an April Fool's Day joke. There is a nude patch but it sucks and you don't want it and I don't know where you can get it. All email to me on this topic will be deleted. Za kraj evo kompletnog uputstva: tr3.zip
avanture.37 ranx,
Jel igra neko Sanitaruim? Zapeo sam na drugom nivou.
avanture.38 kiklop,
Evo rešenja za fenomenalnu avanturu GRIM FANDANGO . grim.zip
avanture.39 szarvas,
Da li je neko igrao Egypt 1156 B.C. tomb of the pfaraoh. Interesuje me sa se radi dalje kada se posle sahrane padne u grob pa se izadje.Ono pokupi se noz i bumerang, pa se prica sa onom ruznom babom promeni se kodirana poruka. Sta dalje? Poz.
avanture.40 vesic,
Sta je ovo ??? Niko ne pise nista o Grim Fandangu? Nemoguce da se nekome ne svidja. Ajd pisite... Vesa
avanture.41 stameni,
Potrebna avantura HOBIT.Z80
avanture.42 johnnya,
>> Potrebna avantura HOBIT.Z80 Hobbit :) hobbit.zip
avanture.43 stameni,
>> Hobbit :) Šta da radiš, već sam zaboravio kako se igrica zove :) Hvala na fajli i proveri pravopisa :)
avanture.44 darklord,
E ljudi igram RETURN TO KRONDOR da li to neko igra???????? treba mi pomoc ????????????????????????? kako se sa ribom bacaju magije jel trebaju neki posebni elementi!!!! posto vidim da mi pise spell cast 43!! a ne mogu da bacam "cini" ajde recite!!!
avanture.45 corgan,
Jel igra neko ili je igrao Neverhood. Igra je OK.I treba mi pomoc. Doso sam do onog dela kad treba odredjenim redosledom da poredjam boje nekih kristala pre nego sto ukljucim laser u njih.
avanture.47 rados,
Evo resenje sanitariuma ako nekome treba bye sanita~1.txt
avanture.48 byello,
Mislim da znam de si zapeo, iako sam davno to igrao. Na toj kabini gde su laseri imas neko ime za svako slovo tog imena vazi po jedna boja npr. y-yellow itd. poredjaj kamenje po bojama i pusti laser trebalo bi da se smanjis. Mislim da imam celo objasnjenje igre ali ne znam kako da ga zakacim:)))) Byello
avanture.49 outlaw,
Ovako...zanima me dal neko ima sledece igre (sve su kratke,oko 500 kb) kings quest - prvi delovi..1,2 i 3 ako moze da se prebaci modemom space quest 1,2,3 ako moze modemom black cauldron i jos par tih starih dobrih sierinih avantura gde mora da se kuca text... nadam se da ima nekog nostalgichara ovde na sezamu mozemo i grupu da napravimo,ako ima dovoljno zainteresovanih cu
avanture.50 ventura,
> Ovako...zanima me dal neko ima sledece igre (sve su kratke,oko 500 > kb) > > kings quest - prvi delovi..1,2 i 3 ako moze da se prebaci modemom > space quest 1,2,3 ako moze modemom > black cauldron > i jos par tih starih dobrih sierinih avantura gde mora da se kuca > text... Imam: Police Quest 1,2,3 Space Quest 1,2,3,4 King's Quest 1,2 Police Quest VGA (imam i za amigu) King's Quest (takodje imam i za amigu) Lasuire Suit Larry 1,2,3,4,5 Indiana Jones 1,2,3 Life & Death :) SimAnt SimFarm Eto, pa ko oce da se podseti starih vremena, nek me mailne ;)
avanture.52 aandric,
U vezi onih igara koje su me podsetile na lepa vremena kada nisi morao da imas voodoo i kojekakve druge magije da bi uzivao u dobrim igricama... Reci leba ti, kakav ti je to Leisure Suit Larry 4? Ljudi napravise teorije oko toga zasto sierra nije izdala LSL4 a ti kazes da ga imas.Ajd' ako nije problem baci ga u konfu pa da i mi vidimo to cudo! Uzgred jel' zna neko sta bi sa Lerijem 8? Na kraju sedmice oni kazu da ce osmica da se pojavi tokom 1998. ali...;(
avanture.53 ventura,
> U vezi onih igara koje su me podsetile na lepa vremena kada nisi > morao da imas voodoo i kojekakve druge magije da bi uzivao u dobrim > igricama... > Reci leba ti, kakav ti je to Leisure Suit Larry 4? > Ljudi napravise teorije oko toga zasto sierra nije izdala LSL4 a ti > kazes da ga imas.Ajd' ako nije problem baci ga u konfu pa da i mi > vidimo to cudo! Sad se otvorila grupa, pa cu u njoj da saljem igrice :)
avanture.54 aandric,
Ventura, reko si da imas Life and Death, pa jel to ona veoma bagovita verzija kod koje je nemoguce zavrsiti operaciju slepog creva? Ako je moguce mogo bi i to da okacis...
avanture.55 shegoterach,
>> Reci leba ti, kakav ti je to Leisure Suit Larry 4? >> Ljudi napravise teorije oko toga zasto sierra nije izdala LSL4 a ti originalni manual za lsl5 kazhe da se lsl4 ima u podnaslovu "The Missing Floppy Discs". ;)
avanture.56 aandric,
To nije cetvrti deo Lerija nego su oni hteli da naprave foru kao nestale su im diskete od cetvorke (bljak fora)
avanture.57 ventura,
> reko si da imas Life and Death, pa jel to ona veoma bagovita > verzija kod koje je nemoguce zavrsiti operaciju slepog creva? > Ako je moguce mogo bi i to da okacis... Moze da se zavrsi operacija... pa fora je u tome sto ti samo pripremas 'pacijenta' za glavnog hirurga koji ce da mu odsece slepo crevo... ti ga samo recnes, i sta vec ide uz to....
avanture.58 plejboj,
Subject: Curse of Monkey Island Gde pronaci noz kojim kasnije treba iseci nogu na buretu ruma?
avanture.59 corgan,
Ne secam se, pitaj legolasa... Kad smo vec kod @ islanda jel ima neko prvi i drugi deo?
avanture.60 legolas,
Subject: Curse of Monkey Island Gde pronaci noz kojim kasnije treba iseci nogu na buretu ruma? ________________________ Noz je zaboden u ledja onom piratu-kosturu iz restorana (chiken) onog matorog gusara.
avanture.61 legolas,
>>Kad smo vec kod @ islanda jel ima neko prvi i drugi deo? Ja ih imam, ali za, recimo prvi deo treba 3 Mb koje me mrzi da saljem. Ako smislis brzu konekciju (56600 ;) mozda i posaljem ;)
avanture.62 hanis,
Gde se u Course of monky island nalazi biber koji treba da se da onom pijanom cicici koji stoji za sankom (radi se o drugom delu) ? ANA
avanture.63 legolas,
>>Gde se u Course of monky island nalazi biber koji treba da se da onom >> pijanom cicici koji stoji za sankom (radi se o drugom delu) ? >> ANA Postoji biljka drvo bibera pored vetrenjace. Tamo pokupi i onu slatku vodu (na vrhu).
avanture.64 stex,
>Ja ih imam, ali za, recimo prvi deo treba 3 Mb koje me mrzi da saljem. >Ako smislis brzu konekciju (56600 ;) mozda i posaljem ;) Ajd onda posalji u delovima. Stex
avanture.65 plejboj,
Hvala. Nego nece da me pusti u restoran bez rezervacije?
avanture.66 legolas,
>>Ajd onda posalji u delovima. >>Stex I sta onda? Da junior obrise posle dva minuta, a ja se mucio 3 sata?
avanture.67 legolas,
>>Nego nece da me pusti u restoran bez rezervacije? Treba rezervaciju da dobijes kad te pojede zmija. Da li te je vec pojela? Ako nije, uzmi makaze iz berbernice i iseci ono rastinje (iza restorana, ne zaboravi cvet da pokupis) i pojesce te zmija, pokupi sve iz nje. Kako da se oslobodis, otkri sam...
avanture.68 gogica,
Kako doci do bonus nivio u Tomb III? Da li postoji neki cheat?
avanture.69 plejboj,
Subject: Curse of Monkey Island Treci pirat u berbernici mi trazi da mu pokazem neko blago koje imam. Na sta misli?
avanture.70 jesic,
Ako je u pitanju III deo , onda trazi krcmarev zlatni zub. Ponudi ga zvakom koju si ranije uzeo u mocvari kod one vudu vracare, pocece da pravi balone,probusi balon iglom ,uzmi zub i stavi ga u svoju izvakanu zvaku. Stavi je u usta i uzmi malo helijuma iz balona . I to ti je to , srecno :)
avanture.72 jesic,
p.s. Posle toga zub ces naci ispred krcme u bari ...
avanture.73 legolas,
>> Kako doci do bonus nivio u Tomb III? >> Da li postoji neki cheat? Moras da otkrijes sve secrets. Varanje ne postoji. A kako se tacno dolazi do tog nivoa pogledaj u starijim porukama koje sam ja kacio.
avanture.74 hanis,
Prvo krcmaru daj onu plavu lopticu koju si pokupio kod frizera (neki kao gel sa malo kose),kad to pojede daj mu zvaku,pa je probusi i zub ti pada na pod pored vrata koja vode u drugu sobu. p.s. moze i ovako :)))))))
avanture.75 plejboj,
avanture.76 plejboj,
Ponovo ja. opet Curse of Monkey Island. Neko mi je odgovorio na pitanje kako da nadjem zlatan zub? A to je bilo:"daj zvaku piratu iz restorana", ja mu ponudim zvaku, a on trazi nesto "hrskavo" ?????? Sta oce????? Pomagajte stojim vec nedelju dana na istom!!!
avanture.77 jesic,
Davno je to bilo , ali koliko se secam treba da mu das plavu kuglicu ( bombonu ), nju ces naci u berbernici tako sto ces odalamiti gusara kod prozora 2 puta. Daj je krcmaru ( slomice zub ) , a onda nastavi sa zvakom,balonom... Javi sta si uradio,pozdrav :)
avanture.78 corgan,
E opet sam se zaglavio u Neverhoodu... Nasao sam Willija pa je pa sa onim robotom u nistavilo i ne znam dalje ,u stvari ne znam sta da radim sa onim misem i lavirintom (ne mogu da ga dovedem do sira) i ne mogu da nadjem oonu trecustvarcicu koju treba da uguram u one brojeve. B.
avanture.79 stex,
Igram @ I deo. Kako otvoriti sef u prodavnici? Stex
avanture.80 legolas,
>>Igram @ I deo. Kako otvoriti sef u prodavnici? Kolko se secam, treba prodavca da nateras da otvori sef, i da pratis kako otovara on, pa posle, kad ode, tako i ti otovris. Ne secam se sad tacno kako ga naterati da otvori sef. Mislim da treba nesto u vezi sa prijavom za posao...
avanture.81 stex,
Ja sam se malo zajebo. Ne treba jos da otvorim sef. Treba mi file da uzmem idol. Gde se to nalazi? Stex
avanture.82 saint,
=> Ne secam se sad tacno kako ga naterati da otvori sef. Mislim da treba => nesto u vezi sa prijavom za posao... Koja je to avantura?
avanture.83 corgan,
Ma Monkey Island 1 al legolas nece da okaci svima nama smrtnicima. Ajde stex pliz okaci bar u delovima!!! B.
avanture.84 stex,
Hitno mi trebaju sledeci odgovori (igra je @ I deo) Kako da dodjem do idol-a? Znam gde se nalazi ali kako da ga uzmem? Kako osloboditi zatvorenika? Stex
avanture.85 gogica,
Ima li koga da je pronasao svih 6 tajni na prvom nivou u Tomb-u III Ja sam uspeo da pronadjem 5. I to: prvi na padini dok klizas, drugi na kraju padine levo, treci u supljem drvetu, cetvrti kod poluge i kamena koji hoce da ti padne na glavu i peti na mestu gde prolazis kroz zivu ogradu i pronadjes rupu u zemlji. Mislim da sam bio dovoljno jasan. Bio bih Vam mmmmmmmmmnogo zahvalan
avanture.87 mbursac,
Znam da je kaceno resenje ali mi i dalje treba pomoc oko Grim Fandanga. Problem je sam pocetak trece godine: sta treba da se uradi sa sidrom.
avanture.88 aandric,
Jel zna neko nesto u vezi izlaska osmog dela igre Leisure Suit Larry.Na kraju sedmog ga najavise za 1998. ali...
avanture.89 rista.m,
e Kako bese u Lariju 7 mogu da pobedim Dumi Moor u kartama? Kako treba da baratam s kockicama?
avanture.90 fraudator,
e kako da predjem u lure of the temptress onaj deo posle davanja piva kovachu? mislom, shta da radim tu posle? ajd, u zdravlje
avanture.91 aandric,
Ljudi, jel zna neko sta je bilo sa Leisure Suit Larry 8?
avanture.93 mrav,
Igrica FallOut 2 ima BUGG u onoj rupchagi i Toxyc Caves. Jel Ima neko zakrpu pa da ja lepo nastavim da se igram, a...? Hitno!!! PS: Molim da mi file poshalje na maililili. R.I.P
avanture.94 the.edge,
Jel moze neko da mi predlozi neku dobru svemirsku igru tipa The Dig, Star Trek: The Next Generation, ST:Generations i sl.? AcCeSS DeNiED
avanture.95 the.edge,
Dobro, zar niko ne moze da mi preporuci neku dobru svemirsku avanturu, nalik na The Dig i STTNG? AcCeSS DeNiED
avanture.96 mcule,
Da li iko igra Silver? Elem, zaglavio sam se... Imam pet orb-a, i ne znam kud cu sad... Naisao sam na 4-5 zatvorenih vrata gde mi treba po neki kljuc, ali ne pronalazim niti jedan potreban, al' zato imam viska ;). Gde se upotrebljava 'barracks key'?! Da li sam nesto propustio?! Da li sam promasio onog otetog djecaka kome treba da dam mecu?! Trenutno se vrtim u kanalizaciji, pokusavam da oslobodim vojvodu i ostatak zarobljene ekipe, al' kao sto rekoh, ne znam kud' da idem... Pomoc! PS. Ko voli avanture sa po malo akcije, price, posalice, obiljem sjajne grafike i zvukova, toplo preporucujem... mc
avanture.97 bracha,
e ako je neko igro broken sword 2 the smoking mirror da mi pomogne shta treba da se radi kad se ode u marselj i zaglavi se u onoj luci? mislim, ja pokupim onu kuku i flashu od piva koju baci chuvar al ne znam shta dalje da radim. probo sam sve breeeee ajde brzo poprilichno je kitno unapred zafalni Boris i Vladeta
avanture.98 killboy,
Pzi ovako uzmesh flashu i polijesh vodom po dimnjaku da bi se ohladio i onda odvrnesh onaj poklopaci i nabijesh flashu u dimnjak kad chuvar izadje ti korz donja vrata udjesh u kutjicu i uzmesh crackere za kuchitje. Popnesh se gore i vratish se dole. (sad sledi deo koji je malo manje precizan igtu sam igro pre 2 god.) baci crackere na platformu i kad kuche dodje da i pojede ti spusti platformu dole da bi kuche upalo u vadu sad bez problema preskochi ogradu.
avanture.99 bracha,
E, hvala...ali sam to vec preso... ako mi bude trebalo jos pomoci... Pozdrav Vladeta
avanture.100 fraudator,
e ako je neko ovdi igro lure of the tempttress (valjda se tako pishe) da mi kazhe shta treba da se radi kad se udje u charobnjakovu kutju i kad se da pivo onom kovachu? ajte molim vas recite brzo pokushavam da predjem dotichnu ima 6 meseci :((((((
avanture.101 mcule,
Da li je iko presao onog baju Apokalipsu na samom kraju Silver-a?! Ono je zlo... zna li neko sifre... nemam snage vise da se mlatim sa azdajom, a gleda mi se zavrsna animacija... mc
avanture.102 junior,
> Da li je iko presao onog baju Apokalipsu na samom kraju Silver-a?! Ja nisam, al' se potrudih da pomognem ;) Ovde ti je walktrough koji će ti valjda otkloniti dileme, a ako ni to ne pomogne u sledećoj poruci idu 2 trainera za rešavanje muka. slv_walk.zip
avanture.103 junior,
Evo i trainera za Silver, uz posebnu napomenu: Instructions: A "trainer" is a third-party program that is designed to alter memory locations of running programs (games). In order for a trainer to work, it must be running simultaneously with the game it was written for. It is best to first start the game and actually begin playing, then switch back to Windows (using Alt+Tab) and run the trainer. Select the desired options and switch back to the game. Do not CLOSE the trainer until you are finished playing the game. Since trainers are written to alter SPECIFIC memory locations, they usually only work with specific versions of the game. This is the most common problem when trainers seem to be "not working". Notice#1: If you get some strange values, its because you haven't played (just loaded or started a new game). To solve that, click on the Bag icon, then click on the Scroll icon and ALT+TAB to the trainer. It should work perfect then. Notice#2: You can only edit the active character, so remember to click on the player you want to edit before you ALT+TAB, eg. you want to alter Sekunes HP to 50000. Click on her, ALT+TAB, hit Update, and enter 50000 in the HP Current field. silver.zip
avanture.104 mcule,
Za(h)valjujem marljivom toreadoru na pomoci oko Silvera :). Zahvaljujuci njemu, oslobodio sma se 500 mega na hardu ;).
avanture.105 skocko,
Dark Earth: kako ubiti smrada na kraju igre?
avanture.106 balkan.boy,
e ljudi pazite kad mi treba pomotj :) u alone in the dark 1 uvek kad udjem u podrum iz qtje ili kad udjem u onu rupu odakle izlazi crv, meni se zablokira igra ponekad se i resetuje komp ! misim, nije problem do mene, jer se to isto deshava i josh jednoj mojo drugarici za istu igru oono, pa kako to da reshim i shta da radim kada ostavim onaj kamen na oltar??? misim, tad bi trebala igra da se zavrshi
avanture.107 junior,
> Dark Earth: > kako ubiti smrada na kraju igre? To ne mogu da ti odgovorim, ali uz poruku ti je jedan od načina za varanje u igri, dok ovde imaš spisak cheatova u samoj igri, a ako ti to ne uspe, video sam i solution za igru pa ako ustreba, kaži. Dark Earth [Cheats] Press [P] to pause the game, type the code (case-sensitive) and press [Enter]. Easy Mode must be entered first to enable the other codes. fortytwo - Easy Mode (enables other codes and cheat keys) dwarf - Small character baffe - Big hands bigfoot - Big feet bighead - Big head normal - Normal character muchbetter - Arkhan relieves himself Cheat keys: [Ctrl][D] - Refill Arkhan's life gauge [D] - Decrease opponent's life to 1 dearth.zip
avanture.108 whiplash,
Zna li ko kako se prelazi podmornica u Ace Venturi ?
avanture.109 nico,
Pazi...ako mislis na ono kad se muvas tuda i kad si u onoj kao kapetanovoj sobi, e... Treba da (valjda) nekako dokacis periskop....Pazi, ja nisam uspeo, ail je moja sestra to lagano izvela (nisam video).Kaze da samo treba da se klikne na Periscope...????? Probaj pa javi.
avanture.112 scar,
Ako neko ima shifre za King's Quest VI neka ih kazhe!!! Shifre su u vezi sa Zacharanim Planinama. Drugi deo Ono sa znakovima. Rechenica glasi: A Master oof Languages will ____. Hitno!!!
avanture.113 fraudator,
e ljudi, u igri lost in time ovaj, kad poqpim onaj sprej rust remover kako da nateram slavinu da radi?? i kako da udjem u svetijonik ? i ono, kako da pokrenem onaj mekanizam u dimnjaq fala unapred
avanture.114 fraudator,
lost in time treba mi pomotj oko onog imanja ajde ljudi brzo
avanture.115 junior,
:: Lost in time Neko je tražio pomoć za lost in time. Uz poruku ide rešenje igrice u .uhs formatu (viewer okačen u temi razno), a ako ne može da se čeka dl, evo i rešenja ispod ovog pasusa: Lost in Time 1 ... The Briscarde Problem: How do I escape the Hold? Hint: Look behind the barrel. Take the lamp. Using the lamp, look behind the barrels. Take the sponge. Use the lamp on the trapdoor to go down to the bilge. Problem: What should I do in the Bilge? Hint: Look in the cask. Take the palm oil. Use the oil on the pump handle. Pump the handle. Look behind the chain and take the corkscrew. Return to the Hold. Problem: I've returned to the Hold. How do I get out of here? Hint: Put the sponge in the bucket of water. Use the wet sponge to remove the poster. You will see a knothole. Use the corkscrew on the knothole. Talk to Yoruba. Take the knife he offers you. Use the knife to carve a step in the post. You can now climb up to the Mid Deck. Problem: What should I do when I reach the Mid Deck? Hint: You must try to open the stuck door. To open the door, take a towel from one of the three containers along the wall. Use the towel to pull the ring attached to the stone plate. You will find a secret compartment. Take the soap and use it on the rusted cannon to make soap shavings. Use the shavings on the sliding door. Talk to Melkior. 2 ... Flashback to the Manor de la Prunliere Problem: What should I do at the Manor gate? Hint: Examine the tractor carefully. It has the items you need to open the gate. On the top of the cab, you should see a basket. Look in the basket and take the apple. Take the battery. Inspect the toolbox a couple of times. Take the empty cigarette pack and the small pipe. Give the horse the apple to make him move out of the way. Take the dart and the note attached to the gate. Using the small pipe, take some acid from the battery. Use the acid to erode the lock. Go through the gate. Problem: How do I enter the Manor? Hint: Go to the North side of the Lighthouse. Take the bottle in front of the barrel. Go to the Manor door. Take the portrait above the door. Take the wire the portrait hung on. Take the door handle. Fill the battery with vinegar. Coil the wire around the door handle and attach it to the battery to build an electromagnet. Use the dart to push the key out of the keyhole. Use the electromagnet to pull the key through the space under the door. Use the key to unlock the door and enter the Manor. Problem: What should I do inside the Manor? Hint: Find the fuse box just to the left of the fireplace. Remove and take the copper wire to open it. Take the can of resin. Open the cigarette pack and take the foil. Repair the blown fuse with the foil. Take the roasting spit on the andirons in the fireplace. Take the oar from the wall recess. Problem: How do I open the Crypt Vault? Hint: First, repair the fuse in the Manor. Put the portrait from the Manor in the notch in the steps. A code lock will be revealed. You will need to enter the correct number to open the code lock. Subtract the two dates you see on the lock to find Philibert's age when he died. Enter this number in the code lock. Click on the cross and an elevator will appear. Problem: How do I use the Elevator? Where does it lead? Hint: You should have the code from the shipwreck before taking the elevator. The shipwreck is visible from inside the Lighthouse. Once you have, use the elevator to descend into the Crypt. If the elevator doors are closed, open them by pressing on the portrait in the steps. Problem: How do I enter the Lighthouse? Hint: First, open the Crypt Vault. Go to the North side of the Lighthouse. You will find a full barrel. Use the dart you found at the Manor gate to remove the cork and empty the barrel. Move the empty barrel into place so you can reach the basement window. Use the roasting spit from the Manor to break the basement window. Take the hose from the North side of the Lighthouse. Attach one end of the hose to the Lighthouse door. Attach the other end to the Crypt Vault elevator rail. Send the elevator down to open the Lighthouse door. Problem: What do I do inside the Lighthouse? Hint: Take the wooden shoe on the steps. Examine the shoe to find a key. The key opens the basement. Go to the second floor of the Lighthouse. Open the desk drawer. Take the book page and the acid solution. Use the field glasses to scan the ocean. Find the wrecked ship. Click on the ship to get a close-up. Click again to get a close-up view of the bow. Note the order and color of the symbols on the bow. For example, yellow sword, green cannon, and red cannonball. Write this information down. Use the oar from the Manor to open the cupboard. Take the razor. Go the third floor of the Lighthouse. Take the bottle of kerosene from behind the curtains. Use the razor to cut a piece of the curtain. Return to the first floor and unlock the basement. Open the valve on the left-hand side of the screen. Pick up a piece of glass from the broken window. Go to the Crypt Vault and use the elevator. Problem: What do I do in the Crypt? Hint: Use the shipwreck code to open the trunk. Take the ship's log and the fiberglass. Climb on a barrel and take a bottle of cider. You need the solvent that is on top of the center beam. Select the cider bottle cork from your inventory. Point the cork cursor at the top center beam. Move it across the top of the screen until you see the "Use CORK on BOTTLE" message. Click your mouse and the cork will pop out of the bottle, knock the solvent container to the ground, and fly out the window. Take the solvent. You will need the cork again, but you will have to retrieve it from the Garden Well! Problem: How do I get my cork back? Hint: Use the garden hose to fill the Garden Well and float the cork to the surface. You must repair the garden hose to use it. Attach the hose to the faucet. To repair the hose, use the piece of fiberglass that you found in the Crypt and the can of resin from the Manor. Hook the hose up to the faucet. Put the other end of the hose in the well. Turn on the faucet. Click on the Garden Well to get a close-up view. When the well is full, you can take the cork. Problem: How do I open the gate in the Lighthouse basement? Hint: You must have the wooden shoe, the piece of broken glass, and the acid solution from the Lighthouse. You will also need the roasting spit from the Manor, and some rust remover from the Crypt. Pour acid solution on the algae. Scrape the algae off with the broken glass. Use the rust remover on the mechanism. Use the roasting spit to open the gate. Problem: How do I fix the boat? How do I use the boat? Hint: Bail the water out of the boat with the shoe you found on the Lighthouse steps. Place the piece of curtain from the Lighthouse on the hole. Finish plugging the hole with the cork you retrieved from the garden well. Use the oar from the Manor to paddle the boat. 3 ... The Fisherman's Cabin and return to the Manor. Problem: What do I do at the Fisherman's Cabin? Hint: Go inside. Open the dresser and take the ship-in-a-bottle and the bottle of nuoc-mam. Look inside the basket on the table a few times. Take the handkerchief, a nail, and a piece of bread. Take the notebook under the chair leg. Move the chair under the chandelier. Use the chair to reach the chain holding the chandelier. Use the nail on the top of the chain to remove the chandelier. Problem: What do I do on the beach? How do I get back to the Manor? Hint: Use the nuoc-mam from the Cabin on the piece of bread. Throw the piece of bread onto the roof. After the gulls knock the buoy off the roof, use the razor on it to cut the rope. Click on the chandelier in your inventory. It will change to an anchor. Attach the rope to the anchor to make a grapple. Use the grappling hook on the top of the cliff to climb back to the Manor garden. Problem: How do I start a fire in the fireplace? Hint: Take the fire extinguisher. Take the log by the Manor door. Cut a piece of hardened hose with the razor to make a club. Use the club on the ship-in-a-bottle to get the matches. Get the items from the Lighthouse basement you left there. Use the club to open the barrel. Return to the Manor. Enter the Manor and go to the fireplace. Get the iron rod leaning against the wall to the left of the fireplace. Put the rod on the fireplace grate. contacts. Put the log, handkerchief, and kerosene in the fireplace. Strike a match on the empty match box from cigarette pack and light the fire. When you have successfully built the fire, a secret panel will appear. Problem: How do I open the secret panel? Hint: Place the open barrel on the flagstone in front of the Manor fireplace. Seal the hole in the barrel with a candle from the chandelier you took from the Fisherman's Cabin. Fill the barrel with sand from the trunk using the wooden shoe. Problem: I've opened the secret passage. What do I do? Hint: Look at the mast and take the pliers. Put the floats on the floor in front of the wooden box. Use the copper wire on the electric wire to divert the current. Cut the electric wire with the pliers. Use the small pipe on the puddle to fill it with water. Pour the water on the lock. Use the fire extinguisher to freeze the lock. Break the frozen lock with the club. You will find a sarcophagus in the open crate. 4 ... Return to the Briscarde Problem: What is my goal now that I have returned to the Briscarde? Hint: Your objective is to free Melkior. Problem: What do I do on the Mid Deck? Hint: Take the hook from the door. Take the oar located by the cannonballs. Use the pliers to remove a wooden pin from the ship. Problem: What do I do in the Hold? Hint: Use the hook to open the trunk. Take the clothes and the ribbon by opening the trunk twice. The trunk has a false bottom. However, you will need a dagger to open the compartment. When you find the dagger, return and take the beauty powder and the handkerchief by opening the false bottom twice. Take the nail located under the stool by the anchor. Problem: How do I free Melkior? Hint: You need to find Melkior a "saw" so he can be cut free. Connect the oar and the wooden pin with the ribbon. Use the pliers to twist the nail. Attach the twisted nail to the oar/wooden pin to make a boat hook. Use the boat hook to pull the halyard in the closet. Look at the end of the halyard. Stick the corkscrew into the notch in the wall. Attach the halyard to the corkscrew. Look through the porthole to see the rope. Pull the rope to bring up the bucket. Look in the bucket 3 times. You will see a saw. Take it. Retrieve the corkscrew from the notch in the wall. Problem: What do I do in the Captain's Cabin? Hint: Take the flag from the stern balcony. Look at the desk. Take the silver key from under the desk chair. Open both the bedroom dresser doors in the chamber. Take the bottle of smelling salts from the left side and the bowl from the right side. Take the brass key from under the rug in the wash room. Use the brass key to open the desk drawer. Take the blotter from the drawer. Pull the drawer out a second time. Take the dagger from the drawer. Use the dagger to cut the rug over the trapdoor in the chamber. Later, when you have a seal ring, you will be able to open the dresser in the Captain's wash room by using the ring on the notch. This will reveal a secret passage. Problem: What do I do in the Office? Hint: Get the seal ring from the drawer of the secretary. Take the golden cage from behind the red velvet curtains in the corner. Problem: What do I do in the Music Room? Hint: Take the record from the low table. Take the phonograph from behind the counter of the 60's style bar. Problem: How do I open the cupboard in the Captain's Cabin? Hint: To open the cupboard you must capture the parrot and have the silver key. Once you open the cupboard, you will find a jewelry case with an iron key in it. Problem: How do I capture the parrot? Hint: You must have the phonograph and the record from the Music Room. You must also have the cage, the bowl, the acid solution (paint remover), the smelling salts, and the flag. Place the phonograph on the table. Put the record on the phonograph. Turn the handle and push the start button. Place the cage on the piece of furniture. Take the banana slices from the dish in the corner of the chamber. Put the banana slices in the cage. Place the bowl to the right of the cupboard on the bench under the parrot, Galipo. Pour the muriatic acid solution (paint remover) and the ammonia smelling salts in the bowl. When the parrot is in the cage, cover it with the flag. Problem: How do I get the silver key to the cupboard? Hint: You must have the polish, the handkerchief and the blotter. Use the polish on the handkerchief to clean the sink in the wash room. Use the blotter on the sink and write down the combination (3E21). Look at the firing cannons to move the painting and reveal the safe. Use the combination from the washroom sink to open the safe. Take the small box from the safe. To open the box, turn it to the right. While looking at the left side, click on the top of the box. Take the little gold key. Turn the box again. While facing the front, click on the middle section. With the lock exposed, unlock the box using the little gold key. Take the revolver. Problem: How do I open the locked doors in the upper deck hallway? Hint: Go to the cellar. Look at the post. Use the corkscrew on the opening. Take the master key from the opening. The master key fits the locks to both the "very elegant door" and the "mysterious door" in the storage room. Use the beauty powder to climb up the cellar post. Problem: How do I rescue Yoruba? Hint: Use the towel from the mid deck to pull the ring. A wooden panel will open revealing a secret compartment. Place the bird cage on the bottom of the secret compartment. Pick up the cage. A rod over the trapdoor lock will slide to one side. Use the iron key from the dresser in the captain's cabin to open the lock on the trapdoor. You'll find Yoruba. Use the pliers to hold the door in the mast open. Take the cotton bale from behind the locked sarcophagus. Place the cotton bale at the bottom of the mast. Use the boat hook to make a bottle of rum fall from the shelf onto the bale. Find the shiny necklace in the crevice of the floor. Use a metal object in your inventory (revolver, pliers, corkscrew) to get the necklace. Use the magnetic necklace on the revolver. Shoot the shackles off Yoruba. Use the wet sponge on the bottle of rum to remove the label. Use the label on Melkior to show him the coordinates of the Island of St. Cristobald. 5 ... The Island of St. Cristobald Problem: I've arrived on the beach at St. Cristobald. What should I do? Hint: Listen to Yoruba. Head for the waterfall. Problem: What should I do at the waterfall? Hint: Use the corkscrew to make a hole in the coconut located on the ground beside the waterfall. Use the small pipe to get some coconut milk. Give the small pipe of milk to the manicou. Use the flag on the manicou. Use the parrot on the passage. Problem: How do I get inside Makandal's hut? Hint: Use the flat key on the cage. You'll find several gold pieces in the false bottomed cage. Put the gold pieces in the door's slot. Problem: What should I do at Delia's hut? Hint: Timing is tricky here. Just before you enter the hut, save your game. When Delia searches for her glasses, take the recipe book. You only get one chance before she finds her glasses. Wait until Delia leaves the room, then use the mirror on the spider. Take the silk blouse. Problem: What do I do in Makandal's hut? Hint: Place the holocom on the table. Open the window. Start the holocom by clicking on it. When Makandal becomes frightened, pour Delia's potion into Makandal's glass. After Makandal drinks Delia's potion, take the glass. Problem: Where should I go after I've been in Makandal's hut? Hint: Return to Delia's hut and meet with Velvet and Celeucie. Problem: How do I communicate with Serapion? Hint: Go to Delia's hut and she will give you an "inverter." Then go to Makandal's cabin. He'll give you some "bequiet". Use the "inverter" on the "bequiet" to create the "speakable". Use the "speakable" on Serapion and you'll be able to talk to him. Problem: How do I get past the mean dog near Serapion's hut? Hint: Talk to Serapion twice. After you talk to him a second time, he'll give you some coarse salt. Use the "inverter" on the salt to turn it into sugar. Use the sugar on the mean dog. Problem: What should I do in the Kitchen? Hint: Get rid of the snake in the crib. Take the bag from the table. Look in your inventory and click on the bag. Click on the flower to remove it from the bag. Use the bag on the fire to take some embers. Now place the bag on the stool. When the snake crawls into the bag, place the bag on the embers of the fire. Problem: How do I defeat Jarlath? Hint: Use the flower you took from the bag on the table on Jarlath. He will fall to his death in the ravine. Congratulations! You've won Lost in Time. ulit.zip
avanture.116 fraudator,
e fala ti puno al bash onako puno shteta shto sam igru obriso radi ushtede prostora :((( al opet fala ti
avanture.117 mrav,
treba mi pomoc u vezi Goblins3 kako da eliminishem kralja i oslibodim princezu u onom glupom shahu? Strah&Treppett
avanture.118 stex,
Jel ima neko krek za igru Sam & Max? PLS Stex
avanture.119 misery,
Imam ja ali mi kazi kako da ga nakacim i tvoj je :) VUK...
avanture.120 misery,
Da probamo sa krekom sa SIMU i Maxa.BTW,igra je SJAJNA(Preso sam je,al nije da se falim)tako da ako ti treba neka pomotj,vichi... Moj Problem(AKAM se s`njim vec godinu dana): Subject:Day of the Tentacle Da li IKO OVDE zna kako da uzmem shipku(Crowbar)od tipa sa maskom koji pokusava da otvori prtljaznjik od nekih kola(Ruznih,Prljavih,Gadnih-mogo bih da ih priustim)...HELP!!! Krek ide...
avanture.123 fraudator,
ovaj, koliko se setjam, treba da u sobi gde spava ona debela mrcina, zatvorish vrata i poqpish kljucheve onda ih daj onom lopovu i to je to misim nije da se falim, ali presho sam igru ;) ako ti treba josh neka pomotj oko TDOTT, javi
avanture.124 misery,
>Zatvori Vrata... Kakva sam ja budala,ladno se nisam setio da zatvorim vrata u toj sobi gde spava ta debela mrcina... Dalje znam i sam...A za ovo ti fala k`o bratu VUK...
avanture.125 misery,
Ima li neko resenje za Death Gate? VUK...
avanture.126 balkan.boy,
PAŽNJA PAŽNJA! Otvorena grupa avanture! Pozivam ljubitelje avantura da se priključe! Pišite mail na user scar!
avanture.127 boy.,
E ako je neko igrao Lari 7,bio bih mu jako zahvalan da mi kaze kako da otvorim jedra na brodu(ono da bi mi ona riba sasila odelo)
avanture.128 scar,
pa ovako kolko se secjam larija VII trebash da udjesh u sobu za osoblje (to je tamo posle one velike slike one Captain Thygh iz chijih grudi izlaze topovi) e tu na oglasnoj tabli pokupish zhicu, i onda odesh ispod jarbola, otvorish onu kutiju i povezhesh ono shto se nalazi unutra sa tom zhicom. e tad bi trebo da si spustio jedro. Mozhda je malo nejasno, ali davno sam je presho pa se ne secjam bash najbolje :))))))))
avanture.130 junior,
> Ima li neko resenje za Death Gate? Uz poruku ti je obično rešenje, u sledećoj poruci ide .uhs fajl. A evo ispod još jedne verzije rešenja, valjda će jedno od njih upaliti. U svakom slučaju, preporučujem .uhs: Deathgate [Solution] Solution to Death Gate by Legend Entertainment by Andrew David Watts Version 1.0 (11-30-94) The game is not hard except perhaps in a few spots...after that its mostly linear. I will separate the solutions into sections by world, and general information. Misc Notes - Speaking to people is up to YOU. What you say DOES make a small difference and CAN get you killed if you say the wrong thing. I will only tell you when talking to a person will get you something (an item or spell). Other than that, it shouldn't be too hard to use your discretion on this matter. After you complete each world, except Chelestra, give the seal to Xar. Talk to EVERYONE you can. The hints in the book seem unimportant, but KEEP THEM IN MIND if you get stuck. READ EVERY BOOK YOU GET!! WARNING - THE SOLUTION TO EACH OF THE SIX REALMS FOLLOWS! DO NOT READ ON UNLESS YOU ARE STUCK!! Prologue: Listen to Xar, do everything he tells you to do to get to Arianus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arianus: The World of Air. The difficult parts of this world are getting out of Drevlin and out of the Tower of the Brotherhood. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drevlin: Get the shirt, marmalade and bread slice. Overflow the bread with marmalade. Give the bread to Limbeck and snatch the sticky parchment he discards. In the room with the sleeping dwarf, cast a heat spell on the sensor. After that you must act FAST - the alarm will last for a little while only. Elven Ship: In the Wizard's Quarters, grab the wine. In the galley, talk to Andrews, then LEAVE QUICKLY! Go through the dwarven tunnels. Don't worry about the unfinished activities in the caves - they will be resolved in time. Stephen's Castle: Talk to the guards, speak with King Stephen. After you exit the castle, go west and lift the bar on the window with the shear there. Watch and learn the new spell, Create Reality Pocket. Take the Candle Holder for Limbeck, and Create a Reality Pocket on the portrait of the jailed elf. Give him the wine, and talk to him to learn the spells Create Shroud of Darkness and Swap. Return to Drevlin. Drevlin: Give the Candle Holder to Limbeck. Take the cork, and put the white shirt in the ink. Get to the ship. Cast Shroud of Darkness on the Black Shirt and put it on the glowing figures. Get Below and west to the storeroom. Open the box and activate the zinger. From here, you will talk to King Stephen again, and be transported to Skuvash. Skuvash: Get the doll for the street rat, then cast swap on him, when you are trapped in his net. Free him, then go northwest into his hideout. Get the prybar. From there go back to the ship and open the strongbox with the prybar. Get everything in there. Go to the bar and give the jewels to the Bartender. He will give you some money and you will then be asked by Hugh the Hand to do a mission for him - assasinate the Merchant and bring back his pendant. Go back to the street rat and give him the money. He will return in one turn to give you a clue on the Tower's treasure and a lockpick. Look at the doll to get the "Motion" spell. Get to the Merchant's house. Merchant's House: Use the lockpick to enter the house. The sounds in order are 'CLACK', 'TICK', and 'THUNK'. Once inside, get the poetry book. Read it to figure out the clock puzzle. Read the journal in the compartment. Create a Reality Pocket on the Picture - if you're not kicked out, and answer the questions correctly, you will get his amulet. Return it to Hugh, and you will proceed to the Tower of the Brotherhood. Tower of the Brotherhood: Push the table and get on it. Note which continent is in the window. Use the lockpick on the northeastern door. Cast motion on the statue then get the necklace. Read the paper - depending on which continent is in the window, there is a different code - use the top corresponding word as the combination (t = topaz, o = opal, d = diamond, etc). Put the necklace on the pedestal, Get all three items that aren't labeled "Treasure". Take the necklace after Hugh and the guard enter. The Book of Pryan has the naming rune for that realm on it. From there exit - you will be taken to Drevlin. Drevlin: Fix the Kicksey-Winsey with the pipes. Fill the hole with the cork, and turn the master valve. Talk to the dwarf, and show him the map to get the directions to the Seal Piece and a piece of iron ore. Put the iron ore in the compartment of the Kicksey-Winsey. Enter the room of glass coffins and put the crystal ball from the tower in the statue's hands. Take the seal piece. Return the ship and place the naming rune of Pryan on the Steering Stone. Return to the Nexus. While in the Nexus - NOTE THE NAMES OF THE SIX DEVILS and what they are the devil of and keep them handy - this will be EXTREMELY important for the end of the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pryan: The Lush World of Fire. Defeating the spider and getting past the Tytans are the ONLY challenges Pryan has to offer. This is the easiest of the five realms to conquer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Citadel: Get the pink flowers, the nut, and the nut shell from this area. Do NOT try to attack the Tytans - you can't possibly defeat them. Tree City: Take the clothesline as a rope. Work for the elven cook. Give the doll to the elven girl, and follow her to the ledge. Give the rope to the elven prince, then follow everyone to the secret spot. Gather the ember in the shell. Watch the Zifnab show and marvel (or not) - Zifnab IS a Sartan. Follow Zifnab using the Transportation spell on the White Disk. Take the black disk. Tie the rope to the tree and gather the yellow and blue flowers in this area. Crush the yellow flowers. Use the rope to cross the chasm. Go to the edge of The Maw and throw the black disk into it. Transport on the White Disk into the Maw. The Maw: Put the ember on the hive. Throw the marmalade at the spider. Cut the pod with the golden staff in it and take it. Also in the pod is a magic arrow - you don't use it anytime soon. Push the corpse to find toadstools - take one - Transport out of there. Secret Spot: Give the love poetry, blue flowers and staff to the prince. Talk to the human princess, and the elven prince and ask them to join you. Go back to the citadel and forest. Citadel: Go to the forest with the tytan in it. Give the princess the Book of Pryan, and tell her to play the music in it on her flute. Free the dwarf girl quickly, for the princess has a cough and can only keep up the music for one turn. The dwarf girl will give you an herb. Go to the place you received your nut - there will be a Zuzu - a monsterlike squirrel. Put the crushed yellow flower in your nut and give it to the Zuzu. Take the discarded Nut Meat and feed it as well as the toadstool, pink flower, and the herb that you got from the dwarf girl to the human princess - this will cure her cough. Proceed to the Forest of the Tytans. Tytan Forest: Have the princess play the music from the Book of Pryan. When you get to the center of the forest, have the elven prince get the crystal. The crystal is important to you since it bears the naming rune to Aberrach - World of Stone. Once you get to the stump, pull on the branch, and throw the crystal in. From there, enter the citadel, and get the Seal Piece of Pryan from the statue, and a magic stone from Zifnab. Proceed to the Nexus, and then on to Aberrach - the hardest of the elemental worlds to conquer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aberrach - The Dying World of Stone Almost everything in Aberrach is a challenge - be on your guard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dead fields: Talk to Jethro - the undead worker. Get the pail from him and the rocks from the garden. City of Telestia: Take the tea set and ignore the dead nanny, for now. Give it to the dead butler and pay attention to what time he says Balthazar drinks tea. Go to the clock tower, put the pail with rocks on the hook and go up. Turn the dial to just before what time the Butler told you. After that turn the crank and wait one turn. Pull the release lever, and leave the tower. Enter the now open room, and grab the book off of the bookstand. Read it to learn the spells of Ward and Possession. Go from there to King Kleitus's Palace in the Core. The Core: Enter the palace and talk to Kleitus. You will be poisoned, learn a new spell - Hunger - and taken to the Dungeon where you meet a Sartan - Prince Edward. Listen to him about the bottles in the bar. Cast Hunger on the Dog, give him the steak and cast Posession on the dog. Get the key from the wall and give it to your comatose body. From there go upstairs and get the bottle with the antidote (2nd on from the left). Go back and give it to your comatose body - touch yourself (as the dog - don't get any dirty ideas). Take the bottle and drink it, Then give it to Edmund. Take the key and free both yourself and Edmund. Take the vise from the table. Ask Edmund to join you - he will lead you out of the palace and to the secret cave of the Sartan Refugees. Secret Cave: Talk to the gamblers and get rune-bones from them. Talk to Balthazar about EVERYTHING (you get nothing but you need to do this). Possess the dog, release the spell, and talk to Balthazar about the east wall to get the unravel illusion spell, and to enter the hidden cave. Take the book (to learn Resurrection), and the robe (where you see a vision and learn Self-Immolation). Wear the robe, then talk to Balthazar again. Go back to Telestia. Telestia: Go to the clock tower and use the vise on the scepter to get the head piece. Go back to Balthazar's home - in the city. Talk to the nanny and grab her book. Get her to join you. Go to the fields and get Jethro to join you. Flip the rhyme book to "Grab that Snake". Go north, and give the rhyme book back to the nanny. From there go north to the puzzle. The Arrow Puzzle: This is the most EVIL puzzle of the entire game. To go through it easily (and be a wimp), make one move and push the reset button, five times each. Then hit the hint button until it is solved. It is much more gratifying to try to solve the puzzle yourself though (go ahead, I did it, why can't you?) Dwarf Cave: Take the dwarf with you to the palace and enter the catacombs. Grab the rag and go north. Show the rag to the dog and follow his nose. Cast Unravel Illusion on the Rune. Put the headpiece on the hole in the Colossus Rune. Receive the pendant from Edmund and take the seal piece and return to the Nexus. After you report, go to Chelestra - all five naming runes (including the one for the Nexus) is on the pendant. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chelestra: The Realms of the Water World. Two moderately difficult puzzles can stump most players who get here. After this, the game gets fairly easy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chelestra (not much is needed to be done here): Get the water, and go to the city. Cast Rune Transfer on the Rune Bone that will change the Ward Spell on the Gate to a Posession Spell. Your true enemy is revealed here to be the dark dragon, Sang-Drax. Cast Possession on the dog - nothing can be done to save you right now, and retreat to the open city. The Sartan Council: You will be revived and administered null water - you will be invulnerable to spells and unable to cast them for a short time. This also negates the fear Sang-Drax puts upon you. You will learn Null Water, which when cast upon your bottle, will have the effect listed above. Cast Rune Transfer on the Pendant to the Globe. Push the Globe and create a reality pocket on the rug. Take the rug to Samah's ship, where yours used to be. Put the rug on the beam, and create a reality pocket there, push the globe & exit. Go outside of the cave, and drink the null water. Go in the cave, take the scales, and go outside the city. Take Zifnab's rock and forget about the scales. Return to the Nexus. Grab Xar's Book. Proceed inside the labyrinth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Labyrinth and Vortex: The Exodus of the Game ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Labyrinth: When you enter, throw the zinger at the vines. Then cast cold on the vines. When you reach the tiger men - backtrack to the vines until you can see the tiger men clearly. Cast heat on the vines. Cast cold on them again. At the cave, take the skull, go in, take the bone. Put the skull on the zinger and then put that in the robe. At your home village, activate the zinger and take the cord. Heal the tracker and convince him to track Xar and Sang-Drax. Put the cord on the bone, and shoot the giant insect outside the cave. When you meet Sang-Drax, Crush the Stone. Read the story from there. The Vortex: At the first part of the path - cast the mirror image (horizontally) of self-immolation. You will be fine, your double will destroy himself. Take whatever he had. Combine the shears. From there go north and north again into the tentacles. Cut each one with the shears as it approaches you. Go north to the center of the Vortex. The Runed Island - Exodus: Put the water seal piece in the water spire. Cast Resurrection on Xar. Talk to him - he tells you which devil's rune to put the focus over. Put the stone seal in the earth spire. Read the history book for the appropriate devil's rune. Put the focus over that rune. Put the air seal in the air spire. Put the nexus seal in the focus... ...and watch the fireworks. You should be able to receive all 1500 points from this solution. I hope this is useful - the game itself is not all that hard, I beat it in three days - with some help from the net. Thanks to "The Whistler" for helping me out with the puzzle on Chelestra. dgate.zip
avanture.131 junior,
> Ima li neko resenje za Death Gate? Rešenje u .uhs formatu (universal hint sistem). Mnogo zgodnije za "postepeno" rešavanje igre. Inače viewer .uhs fajlova je okačen u ovoj konfi uz poruku 8.448. udgate.zip
avanture.132 misery,
10x 10x 10x 10x(chega) VUK...
avanture.133 misery,
Subject:Secret of the Monkey Island II Q:Sta se radi u biblijoteki na Phatt island-u i kako dotji ponovo do mape? VUK...
avanture.134 sherman,
>> Q:Sta se radi u biblijoteki na Phatt island-u >> i kako dotji ponovo do mape? U kartoteci pretrazhi potrazhi knjige "Disasters" i "The Joy of Hex". Takodje uzmi josh jednu chiji naslov nije bitan. Kada budesh popunjavao chlansku kartu, obavezno napishi da imash 21 godinu. Idi do fenjera pored vrata i otvori ga, pa uzmi sochiva. Nemam sad vremena da ti dalje napishem kako dotji do mape, jer je dosta dugo. Poslatju ti na mail malo kasnije. Sherman.
avanture.135 misery,
Subject:Day of the Tentacle(sha da se radi...) Kada se troje spoje u jedan,a na spratu u hodniku onaj ljubichasti Tentacle te samo smanjuje,sta treba da se radi??? VUK...
avanture.136 misery,
E,a ne bi bilo lose i celo reshenje za monkey2 :) VUK...
avanture.137 christie,
pa ovako kad te smanji ti udji u onu sobu gde je na pochetku igre bio onaj koji je hteo da se ubije.u toj sobi prodji kroz mishju rupu.i reshio si se ljubichastog tentaclea :)))) to je to poz od scara
avanture.138 misery,
Subject:Secret of the monkey island II Kako pobediti u pljuvanju.Stalno osvajam trece,retko drugo mesto??? VUK...
avanture.139 sherman,
>> Kako pobediti u pljuvanju.Stalno osvajam >> trece,retko drugo mesto??? Mislio sam da sam ti to vetj napisao u onom fajlu.... Na ostrvu Scabb idi na brod sa barom i naruchi pitja Blue Whale i Yellowbeard's Baby. Plavo pitje upotrebi na zhutom i dobio si meshavinu koja tje ti pomotji na takmichenju. Kad budesh tamo, meshavinu pij pomotju slamke. Ponavljaj taktiku 'srkanja' i 'pljuckanja' nekoliko puta i pobeditjesh.
avanture.140 sfilip,
> Mislio sam da sam ti to vetj napisao u onom fajlu.... >Na ostrvu Scabb idi na brod sa barom i naruchi pitja Blue Whale i >Yellowbeard's Baby. Plavo pitje upotrebi na zhutom i dobio si >meshavinu koja tje ti pomotji na takmichenju. Kad budesh tamo, >meshavinu pij pomotju slamke. Ponavljaj taktiku 'srkanja' i >'pljuckanja' nekoliko puta i pobeditjesh. to monkey2? zaboravio si da kazhesh da pljuckash kad se jednoj zheni iz publike pomeri suknja, tj kad dune povoljan vetar :)
avanture.141 fraudator,
FR> FR> to monkey2? zaboravio si da kazhesh da pljuckash kad se jednoj FR> zheni iz publike pomeri suknja, tj kad dune povoljan vetar :) i mora da pomeri one zastavice idi do onoga topa, opali iz njega i chicha koji sudi na takmichenju tje da ode ti za to vreme pomeri zastavice i to ti je to
avanture.142 misery,
> Mislio sam da sam ti to vetj napisao u onom fajlu.... > Na ostrvu Scabb idi na brod sa barom i naruchi pitja Blue Whale i > Yellowbeard's Baby. Plavo pitje upotrebi na zhutom i dobio si > meshavinu koja tje ti pomotji na takmichenju. Kad budesh tamo, > meshavinu pij pomotju slamke. Ponavljaj taktiku 'srkanja' i > 'pljuckanja' nekoliko puta i pobeditjesh. >> to monkey2? zaboravio si da kazhesh da pljuckash kad se jednoj zheni iz >> publike pomeri suknja, tj kad dune povoljan vetar :) Uradjeno...Sad stalno osvajam DRUGO mesto.Kako da osvojim PRVO??? VUK...
avanture.143 misery,
> idi do onoga topa, opali iz njega i chicha koji sudi na takmichenju > tje da ode > ti za to vreme pomeri zastavice i to ti je to Ql,ql,aaaaa.....kako da opalim iz topa.Onaj chichica kazhe da opaljuje samo kad dolazi poshta :) VUK...
avanture.144 .lex.,
=> Ql,ql,aaaaa.....kako da opalim iz topa.Onaj chichica kazhe => da opaljuje samo kad dolazi poshta :) To mora da je neki super pametan top. Ono, ti dođeš do njega, povučeš uzicu za pucanje, a on kaže: "Danas ne dolazi pošta! Ja pucam samo kad dolazi pošta! Ja danas ne pucam!". Verovatno moraš nekako da ga prevariš, da pomisli da i danas dolazi pošta... Probaj da nosiš neko pismo sa sobom... Ili da se maskiraš u goluba pismonošu. ;)
avanture.145 noay,
Da li ima neko resenje za igru Rama? .Zaglavljen.
avanture.146 misery,
Monkey Island II Ljudi,opet se zaglavi...`vako pecaljkom sam pokusho sa stene da uzmem deo mape.Neka ptica mi ga maznula i odnela na neko veliko drvo.Tamo mi je puklo veslo.Sta da radim??? A,u cottage-u kako da kada upadnem u rupu kada pomerim da me ne izbaci napolje neka stipaljka (???)...Aj,pa fala :) \ / I I I/ \/ I_I I\ ***
avanture.147 misery,
> A,u cottage-u kako da kada upadnem u rupu kada pomerim da > me ne izbaci napolje neka stipaljka (???)...Aj,pa fala :) Ovaj...mislio sam kada pomerim ciglu pa se ispod mene otvori ona rupa(ili sta je vec(otvor))...Sorry zbog nerazumljivog pitanja :) \ / I I I/ \/ I_I I\ ***
avanture.148 dr.mengele,
Da li je neko probao Soul Reaver? NEVEROVATNA IGRA! Dugo nisam se tako primio na neku igru kao ovu. Naravno, ubrzo sam naleteo na isto tako ogromnu manu: snimanje pozicije. Posto igra nema nivoa (veliki plus: skoro da nema nikakvog ucitavanja tokom igre), nego se na odredjene delove ide teleportom, tako i kda ucitate poziciju, to se svodi na vracanje na pocetak, odakle mozete da se se teleportujete na mesta koja ste bili. Pa onda ponovo pekse do mesta gde je snimljena pozicija (sto je izuzetno tesko), pa opet ubi ista cudovista... Mada, sama igra je fenomenalana.... BTW, moj glas je i dalje za BG!
avanture.149 simce,
> BTW, moj glas je i dalje za BG! Definitivno i moj favorit.. mislim da ce biti napeto.. BG vs JA2 ;)
avanture.150 simce,
Ah.. sad uvideh da se po kategorijama glasa.. Nishta od nadmetanja.. ;)
avanture.151 sfilip,
> Definitivno i moj favorit.. mislim da ce biti napeto.. > > BG vs JA2 ;) > Ah.. sad uvideh da se po kategorijama glasa.. Nishta od > nadmetanja.. ;) da, onaj tvoj baldur_bulja_gejt netje stitji ni do prvog mesta u svojoj kategoriji... blah... kad nisi glaso za JA2 sa tri boda, ko te shisha ;)
avanture.152 simce,
> da, onaj tvoj baldur_bulja_gejt netje stitji ni do prvog mesta u > svojoj kategoriji... blah... kad nisi glaso za JA2 sa tri boda, > ko te shisha ;) Ti necesh da glasash za BG da bi meni napakostio? :) I zashto ja ne bih glasao za Jagged? sh'a si se ti istripovao bre?
avanture.153 misery,
ajde shermane mooolim te,odglevi me iz onog sranja u monkey II PLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZ :)))))))))))
avanture.154 misery,
Ljudi,imajte milosti........Samo jos ovaj put i necu vise nikad :)))) Secret of the @ Island II
avanture.155 sherman,
Pa, ovako: Kad ti ptica odnese mapu na drvo, idi tamo i stani na dasku. Upotrebi veslo u sledetjoj grupi, stani na veslo i uzmi dasku i ponavljaj postupak sve dok se ne popnesh. Idi do najdalje kutje i uzmi teleskop. Udji u najblizhu kolibu. Pogledaj mape i potom upotrebi psa na njima. Tako tjesh dobiti josh jedno parche mape. Idi u antikvarnicu i upotrebi hranu za papagaja na uki gde je zakachen znak. Kupi ogledalo. Idi u kolibu na ostrvu Phatt. Stavi ogledalo u ram. Izadji i teleskop postavi na statuu. Odredi ciglu koju pogadja senka sa ogledala, uzmi ogledalo, pa gurni pomenutu ciglu. Eto, to su odgovori na oba tvoja pitanja.
avanture.156 misery,
Fala na ovome sho si napis`o,al to mi nista ne znachi... Nemoguce je da na rupama koristim veslo jer kada stanem na njega ono pukne i sledi duza animacija...ti ocigledno citas resenje za laksi nivo igranja...teleskop nisam nasho a trazhio sam ga svuda...to je to...
avanture.157 simce,
> Nemoguce je da na rupama koristim veslo jer kada stanem > na njega ono pukne i sledi duza animacija...ti ocigledno Posle odesh na Scabb Island i popravish to veslo kod stolara.. On ce ga ojacha i sledeci put ces uspeti da se popnesh na drvo. > citas resenje za laksi nivo igranja...teleskop nisam nasho > a trazhio sam ga svuda...to je to... Kad se popnesh na drvo nacicesh i teleskop.
avanture.158 dr.mengele,
Evo jos malo o Soul Reaveru: Posle Malkiora treba srediti Kaina. U stvari, to je samo prvi susret. Fora je sto njegovim macem on vas lako prebaci u spektralni deo, pa je fora da pre nego sto puca vi ga udarite. Naravno, posle toga u spektralni deo, punjenje, pa opet nazad. Posle nekoliko udaraca, dobija se mac. Posle njega ide drugi brat, onaj veliki pauk. Pauka udarajte u najveci "pipak". Svaki put kad pukne, on izbaci jaje, koje uzmete i zapalite, pa bacite na pauka. Polse nekoliko iteracija pauk je mrtav, a Raziel ima moc da se penje po nekim zidovima. Ima li neko da je isao malo dalje da znam ako mi nesto zatreba?
avanture.159 dr.mengele,
Presao sam Soul Reavera mnogo brze nego sto sam pretpostavljao. Da li sam u pitanju ja ili je igra previse laka ;) Nema veze, evo saveta kako da sredite ostalu bracu: Posle onog brata-pauka, sledi "vodeni brat". Taj je ubedljivo najlaksi. Kad se popnete u njegovu sobu, ne obracajte paznju na njega, vec samo nisanite okrugle prozore oko vas. Posle toga burazer je mrtav, a Raziel sada moze da pliva :) Onda ide najjaci brat. Njega je malo komplikovano srediti. Nakon sto posle dugo mucenja stignete do njega, nakon sto u u velikoj sobi sa cevima upalite plin i zapalite ga tako da puknu vrata, ponovo upalite samo plin. Nakon sto brat krene da vas napada, bezite, ali neka stalno bude vama za petama. Neka vas prati do sobe sa plinom (u hodniku neka stoji) i tada zapalite vatru. Kao negradu, Raziel ima moc da pomera neke objekte, tacnije da ih okrece dok trci u krug. Sada ide zeznut deo zbog mnogo logickih zagonetki. Posle ide Kain. Kain se nalazi u okrugloj sobi u 4 nivoa. Raziel je na najdonjem nivou pored izvora gde moze da popuni energiju. Kain se prvo nalazi na prvom nivou. Posto gadja zrakom koji sve probija, morate brzo da ga udarite macem (samo mac radi na njemu). Kad ga udarite, on ide na visi nivo, pa na najvisi. Tu je najbolje da se koncentrisete na jednu platformu i kad se tu pojavi, zveknete ga i tu je kraj. Evo i kraja, koga interesuje. Na kraju pisu tri reci koje iznerviraju svakoga: To be continued... Nadam se da se isplati... Napominejm, za ovu trojicu mi je bilo potrebno oko 2,5 sata da predjem. Zato mislim da je igra laka.
avanture.160 saint,
=> Presao sam Soul Reavera mnogo brze nego sto sam pretpostavljao. Da => li sam u pitanju ja ili je igra previse laka ;) Svaki put si kretao od pocetka? Imaju u glavnoj prostoriji neke tri zelene lopte cemu sluze?
avanture.161 dr.mengele,
>> Svaki put si kretao od pocetka? Nema potrebe. Postoje portali. Malo davi, ali ne uzima puno vremena. >> Imaju u glavnoj prostoriji neke tri zelene lopte cemu sluze? ?? Ne znam za to?
avanture.162 darklord,
Hi, Jel neko igra Drakan:Order of Flame ???? Ako igra jel mi neko moze reci kako da uzmem onaj "Rift" kristal...kad prodjem onaj test. Ima neka kombinacija sa polugama i kristalom ! BYe
avanture.163 darklord,
Tntntnntntnt Ova igra moze da bude i u arkada-ma. Jel neko isprobao : Omikron:The Nomad Soul ?? Muzika :Dejvid Bovi ;) Sama igra:ima elemente...ala tekken takodje ima i pucacki deo(al dotle nisam stigao :) Igra staje na 3 diska. i preporucujem je svima ! Na pocetku zauzimate telo Kayl-a (policeman) itd.... Ako je neko igrao nek se javi na mail ! BYe
avanture.164 misery,
Aj nek neko baci sifre za JA2 PLIIIZ :)
avanture.165 darklord,
Hay, jel neko igrao Revenant !! ??? ako jeste nek mi kaze da li je tu kao u Diablu kad se dobje level up ?? Ono odaberem snagu il tako nesto !?? Ja sam poceo da igram i dobijem level up,poveca mi se armor class ja 1 i napad takodje al ne mogu nikakko da dobijem onu osobinu lockpick ili tako nesto pa ako je neko igrao nek se javi da razmenimo misljenja !! Inace igra je jako dobra preporucujem je svima !! Toliko BYe
avanture.166 sfilip,
>Aj nek neko baci sifre za JA2 PLIIIZ :) Sifre za ja2? :)) pa nije to arkada da ukucas sifre i igras :)) Ne postoje sifre ali postoje razni nacini. Idi na internet i trazi, zaboravio sam potpuno sve...
avanture.167 corgan,
Jel sna neko kako se shaltuju stranice inventaru u Normality? Ono kao malo je glupo pitanje, ali stvarno ne mogu da provalim. B. PS: I da, rip verzija je.
avanture.168 darklord,
Hay, Po drugi put pitam !! Da li je neko igrao Revenant ?? Ajde ljudi javite se... BYe
avanture.169 jonnym,
Ljudi, jadna vam majka, dajte reshenje za SUPIja 2 ajde sigurno je neko igrao..zivota vam moga Dzoni Markoni hvala unapred
avanture.170 corgan,
Jel neko igrao Noramality? Ako jeste kako da kupim shibice, ili uzmem. U inventaru mi je: shrafciger, zemlja, psece govno, strange gismo, pare, zubcanik, kaish, ID kartica, parce scenarija, smrznuta hrana, otvarac, makaze. B.
avanture.172 corgan,
Imam problem.. U sysmsg mi pishe da mi je jones pomogao za normality u poruci 2.171, a sezam je ignorishe, tj nece da je procita, kao da ne postoji, tako bih zamolio jonesa, da mi istu prekopira i poshalje na mail, ako mu nije smaranje.Bicu mu vrlo zahvalan... :) B.
avanture.173 junior,
> Imam problem.. > U sysmsg mi pishe da mi je jones pomogao za normality u poruci > 2.171, a sezam je ignorishe, tj nece da je procita, kao da ne > postoji, tako bih zamolio Poruka je obrisana, a kako to nisam ja učinio, verovatno je to bio sam jones, koji nije okačio dotično rešenje uz poruku. Sačekaj dan-dva verovatno će stići nova poruka i rešenje.
avanture.174 dr.mengele,
Najzad na starom Sezu :) Za sve one koje nisu citali moj "opis" Tomb Raidera 4, evo sad ide. Dakle - grafika je bolja, lepsa, ali sam izgled se ne razlikuje mnogo od tr3 - zvuk je skoro isti - novi potezi: penjanje uz konopac, sipke, ljuljanje na konopcu (ala Tarzan), vise nema guranja onih velikih blokova, vec samo odredjenih predmeta i jos par nekih dodataka - nivoi su povezani kao u Quake 2, sto znaci da se mozete "lako" vracati na stare ako ste nesto zaboravili - nema vise Laraĺs Home, nego pocinje se obaveznim nivoima u kojim je Lara u Kambodzi negde 1984, sto ce reci, prilicno mlada :) - nova oruzja, ovog puta logicnija, tipa samostrel (mislim, M15 u dzungli???). Postoji i obavezni kompas, dvogled, a moze se naci i snajper. - sve se desava u Egiptu, sa jednom veelikom gluposcu. Otkad je Posejdon egipatski bog mora??? - Nivoi su prilicno laki, ima ih 20tak, i prvih 18 sam bez walktrougha presao za nekih 10tak sati (pravilno rasporedjenih u 7 dana) - Neprijatelji su raznovrsni, a najsimpaticnija je ajkula chekicjara :) Dakle, sledi moj zakljucak: TR4 je po meni manje interesantan od TR3 (meni se TR3 najvise svideo od svih), ali o ukusima ne treba raspravljati o ukusima. Samo izvodjenje skoro da nema nekih novina, tako da cu dooobro razmisliti pre nego sto uzmem TR5.
avanture.175 drejk,
Alone in the dark I Resenje? Bilo vec? Ako ne, par pitanja za pocetak, kad se prodju one dve meduze, dole u lobiju, problemi, gde sta kako zbog chega chime i u shta?!??? Viteza sam provalio kako da zaobidjem, a duha koji sedi? (sa sekirom ;).
avanture.176 dr.mengele,
Opet ja sa TR 4 Dakle(m), zaglavih se ja na jednom nivou, koji mi je izgleda o kao jedan od oslednjih (neki 20 ti) i odlucih da skinem negde walkthrough da vidim sta d radim. Kad sam skinuo walkthrough, umalo se nisam shlogirao: bio sam tek na pola igre! Povlacim sve sto sam rekao o tome da je igra laka :)
avanture.177 drejk,
Sol za alone I...