Prilog uz tekst Nenada Batoćanina "Veza sa korisnikom" -
profesionalni korisnički interfejs za Clipper programe.,
Prilog uz tekst Zorana čivotića "Tastatura na dlanu" - drajver za
tastaturu nove generacije.,
Prilog uz tekst Nenada Batoćanina "Pomoć" - drugi deo Clipper
biblioteke koja ostvaruje korisnički interfejs, odnosno njegov HELP
Prilog uz tekst Obrada Bjelića "Puna kontrola" - kako se Visual
Basic širi dodavanjem dinamičkih biblioteka pisanih na drugim
Prilog uz tekst Bojana Petrovića "Konačna identifikacija": detaljno
komentarisani moduli za identifikaciju procesora.,
Prilog uz tekst Nenada Batoćanina "Uvod u mrežno programiranje" -
kako da vaši Clipper programi rade pod mrežom?,
Prilog uz tekst Dejana Ristanovića "Poslovni algoritmi" - funkcija
koja određuje kontrolni broj matičnog broja radne organizacije.,
Prilog uz tekst Vladimira Ilića "Sinhronizovani Warp" - OS/2
program koji koristi paralelno izvršavanje više niti.,
Prilog uz tekst Obrada Bjelića "Multi trzavice" - Windows program
koji bezbedno radi u (cooperative) multitaskingu koji Windows
Prilog uz tekst Miljana Jovanovića "Sasvim (ne)običan disk" -
brojne tabele i funkcije potrebne za direktnu komunikaciju sa
CD-ROM drajvom. U prilogu su i neke tabele koje nisu objavljene u
tekstu usled ograničenog prostora.,
Prilog uz tekst Vojislava Stojkovića: "Osnove PC grafike". Osnovne operacije sa
VGA karticom.
Kolega Majkl Mijatović mi se večeras javio iz Microsoftove centrale,
gde je prisustvovao promociji paketa Windows 95. Kaže da je bilo veoma
pompezno, ali da je sama promocija protekla i sa dosta duha i šala.
Predstavu je vodio Jay Leno, najpre kroz dijalog sa Bilom Gejtsom, a
onda je pozvao ljude iz publike: Pete, Julie (plavuša ;)), pojavio se
Microsoftov stručnjak Mike Ahearn, Mike Nady, Sarah Leary koja radi
na razvoju Office-a, Bill Miller, direktor marketinga projekta
MS Network i još par drugih saradnika. Ovde prenosim kako se fešta
završila, a za detaljniji izveštaj... septembarski broj "PC"-ja izlazi
3. septembra :)
JAY LENO: Bill, I can't believe you are playing video games.
BILL GATES: Well, it's skill building here.
JAY LENO: Skill building, that's what it is, skill building is what it
is. I tell you what, when you're through, when all this is done let's
go back stage, we will play 2 out of 3, winner gets NBC, what do you
think? That's pretty good. Come on, not a bad deal.
BILL GATES: All right.
BILL GATES: You're on.
JAY LENO: Come on, that's what you really want. Now, I've got to head
back to the home pavilion, Mike Nady, my close friend, challenged me
to a game of Fury. Ladies and gentlemen, before I run I just want to
say I have had a fantastic time here today. I came here virtually
illiterate, and I am leaving almost mentally incompetent. So I'm
thrilled -- nothinkactually --I'mnot going to pretnd.That's
kind of why they asked me to do this. I really wasn't very literate,
it was about three -- it was about a month ago they came down with the
computers and set them up, and I have been running this Windows
program. And I figure if I can do it just anybody else can do it. Plus
I've got the Altar, thank you very much. Kind of help me get started.
I am very impressed with this Windows 95. In fact, I am telling Bill
to stay in the computer game. I think the kid has got a future here. I
think he can do something with it. I want to thank you for having me
here. I think it's an incredible product and it will revolutionize the
way people work and especially play. I want to express my gratitude to
Bill for delaying the launch of Windows so I could be here. Give him a
little more time to publicize it. It think that's the problem with the
product. They haven't publicized it enought. I haven't seen it
anywhere. I didn't know anything about it. I was having breakfast this
morning, a Microsoft thing was in there. Hey, what is this? The thing
is everywhere. Remember, a good operating system is kind of like a
good date; smart, user friendly and under a hundred dollars. So,
folks, thank you very much. Bill, thank you for making me a part of
BILL GATES: Good job.
JAY LENO: See you later. Thanks you guys.
BILL GATES: Thank you, Jay. Ladies and gentlemen, Jay Leno.
Well, the person who led the creation of Windows 95 and brought it
into reality I'd like to call up here. Let's welcome Microsoft's
senior vice president of the personal systems division, Brad
BRAD SILVERBERG: Thanks, Bill. Nice box, what do you think?
BILL GATES: It's great for those 20-inch floppies.
BRAD SILVERBERG: This is our mainframe version of Windows 95. As I sat
here today watching the show, my mind just kept going back to one
thought. Is this really happening? I went to Egghead last night at
midnight, I mean, who goes to buy software on Wednesday night at
midnight? And the place was packed. And you have to ask yourself, is
this really happening? I turned on the radio this morning and I
scanned the channels, every station something about Windows 95. Is
this really happening? I looked outside in the clouds, the clouds
today looked just like the box. And if you've been around Seattle this
month you will know what a miracle that is.
It's an incredible feeling. Building Windows 95, what an incredible
ride it's been. It's been an amazing experience for all of us here. It
began about a little over three years August when we spec'ed out our
version of the future version of Windows and code named it Chicago. A
lot of people here in the audience, both here in Redmond as well as
people seeing this remotely, came along for that joy ride with us over
the last couple of years, and they played a very key role in helping
us get from Chicago to Redmond. I'd like to take a couple moments to
say some thank yous to many, many people around the world who helped
us get this product out the door.
First of all, I'd like to thank our beta testers. Many of you are here
today. We had over 50,000 beta testers around the world. They traveled
here on their own. We have over 500 of you here today from places a
far away as England and Germany and I think even Cypress. Some of you
I think are experiencing withdrawal symptoms right now, not getting
weekly bills anymore, but I think you will enjoy this product. I want
to thank our preview users, over 1 million of you. I would like to
thank our corporate accounts, a number of whom are here today, for all
your help for making Windows so great in our corporate environment.
Our OEM partners, ISV partners, our hardware partners, even some of
you in the press who helped us test the product, some of you.
I really admire the patience, the commitment, the dedication, the
support and the companionship you gave us as we tried to get this
roduct out the door. I know you held us to very, very high standards,
and I hope we delivered and made this product meet your expectations.
So I'd like to applaud everybody who helped to get this product out
the door. I think a product as special as Windows 95 deserves a
special way of announcing its arrival to the world. So let's start it
If you didn't net enough of that, I think you'll be seeing it, I think
you'll be seeing this ad a number of times over the next few months. I
haven't gotten tired of it yet. I want to thank the Stones for having
the foresight to right such a great song that fits this product, and
let us use it for our TV ads for the next couple months. And finally,
and most importantly, I would like to thank the men and women of the
Windows 95 development team who for the last three years, there is
nothing more to say except to say, ladies and gentlemen, it's my honor
and privilege to introduce to you, the Windows 95 development team.
BILL GATES: Well, thanks, thanks all of you, for an incredible.
And thanks to everybodyfor comingtoday. It's a chance now
for all of us to get some hands-on fun with all the great products
around Windows 95, and come on and let's experience with world of
Windows 95.,
Uz Odabrane bajtove - program kojim proveravate da li vaša Pentium ploča ima
bag u integrisanom disk kontroleru.,
Prilozi uz tekst Obrada Bjelića o kreiranju Windows instalacinih programa.
Nekoliko čitalaca je izrazilo želju da dobiju softver koji ide uz SHERLOCK,
kako bi stekli potpuniji uvid i eventualno se odlučili na gradnju. Softver,
sadržaj diskete koja se daje u kompletu sa komponentama, je uz ovu poruku.
Softver možete slobodno kopirati i prenositi na druge sisteme. Bez uređaja
nije od naročite praktične koristi, ali je svakako zanimljivo pogledati.