03 Feb 1995 - 16 Dec 1999


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Messages - grafika

grafika.1 maxitaxi,
Da li mi neko moze pomoci u vezi algoritma koji crta krivu liniju kroz zadate najmanje tri tacke (poput Dpainta). Ili da me uputi na neki broj RACUNARA gde je ovo opisano. H V A L A !!!
grafika.2 mikis,
+> Ili da me uputi na neki broj RACUNARA gde je ovo opisano. Imaš na Sezamu komandu RIND - indeks svih tema u Računarima, najbolje da tu pogledaš :)
grafika.3 mikis,
[odgovor na AMIGA:grafika, 11.351, ljubinko] +> Nadam se da ce kod mene na 6Mb i sa koprocesorom raditi. Hoće, sigurno. Na 5 MB radi bez problema :)
grafika.5 rcolic,
Ima li neko ImageFX? Molim odgovor na mail da se dogovorimo... I btw. koja je poslednja verzija istog?
grafika.6 ljubinko,
Molim Vas da javite ko vidi ili dobije Image FX 2.0
grafika.7 maxitaxi,
Da li neko moze da okaci neki CLI program za konverziju IFF u GIF npr. Bio bih zahvalan !
grafika.8 ljubinko,
Dobio sam Amiga Magazin za januar 1995. Tamo pise da za LightWave treba: za optimalni rad procesor 68040 i 16 Mb RAM-a, za osnovni rad 68030 i 12 Mb RAM-a, a da ograniceno i bedno moze da radi sa 8 Mb RAM-a i kickstartom 2.+. Ja ovo nisam znao, a mislim ni drugi. Kada budem imao vise vremena napisacu osnovne novosti iz magazina. (O buducnosti Comodore nistakonkretno, ali je to vec stari broj).
grafika.9 mikis,
+> Da li neko moze da okaci neki CLI program za konverziju IFF u GIF npr. Bojim se da nisam video ništa slično...
grafika.10 mikis,
+> Tamo pise da za LightWave treba: za optimalni rad procesor 68040 i +> 16 Mb RAM-a, za osnovni rad 68030 i 12 Mb RAM-a, a da ograniceno +> i bedno moze da radi sa 8 Mb RAM-a i kickstartom 2.+. Ništa čudno :) LightWave je trenutno jedan od najbojih programa za 3D animaciju na bilo kojoj platformi, naravno u određenoj klasi cena (bilo bi previše porediti ga sa paketima firmi kao što su Softimage ili Alias, čija cena počinje od 20000$ pa naviše...) Bilo kakav ozbiljan rad sa bilo kojim programom za rendering ne može se zamisliti bez 16 MB RAM... Uzgred, o kojoj se verziji radi? LW 3.0 može da radi već na 4 MB, ali i to je više nego ograničeno. +> Kada budem imao vise vremena napisacu osnovne novosti iz magazina. +> (O buducnosti Comodore nistakonkretno, ali je to vec stari broj). Ja imam ferbruarski Amiga World i Amiga Format, ni tu nema ništa značajno... p.s. Za Image FX 2.0 preporučuje se 6 MB :))
grafika.11 ljubinko,
> Ja imam ferbruarski Amiga World i Amiga Format Bilo bi dobro, ako imas vremena, da nam preneses ukratko ocemu se pise - o kojim programima itd. U ovo nase vreme vecina nas nije u mogucnosti da lako dodje do stranih casopisa. Uzgred, Ti si slao vecinu Amiga Report do sada. Ima li sta novo (novi broj) ?
grafika.12 marshall,
Hi ! Pade mi saka Maxon Cinema 4D.. 6 instalacionih disketa.. Na zalost, sve je na svapskom... Na srecu, koristi standardan "installer" Na zalost, prijavljuje mi gresku, koju ni u snu ne razumem, pri instalaciji Na srecu, bio sam mazga u proslom, zivotu pa sam ga rucno instalirao. :))) Utisci : Pa, glavni program zauzima oko 900 k, sto znaci da treba minimalno 1.5Mb memorije da bi se ista radilo u njemu. Po startovanju oduzima oko 1.1Mb tako da je na A1200 moguc rad, ako se koristi sort-startup. Postoje 3 verzije programa : - 68000 - 68020 (namenjena za A1200) - 68882 (ili 881 ne secam se, uglavnom zove se 'TURBO') Uz glavni program dolazi jos i 'Castellian', konverter za objekte : podrzava Imagine, Sculpt, Fastray (i tako neke) i XD* (ama, onaj sa PC-a). RAY-TRACER i SCANLINE nisu u sklopu samog programa, vec se naknadno pozivaju (naravno, mogu i iz samog programa), sto znaci da su imali obzira prema korisnicima koji nemaju memorije. Dakle scena se edituje, snimi, sve se iskljuci i startuje se samo SCANLINE ili RAYTRACER.. Nisam puno mogao da uradim zbog svapskog jezika.. No, video sam par zanimljivih opcija : - interni generator 3D pejzaza kao objekta - mogucnost izbora 2 pozadine, tako da se jedna prikazuje preko 0-te boje druge - Koristi kombinovano poligone i 'primitives' : kugla moze da bude kao u REAL-u, od 3 kruzne linije, ali takodje mozete da napravite od toga i gomilu poligona. - ima algoritam za OPTIMIZACIJU OBJEKTA (sklanja nepotrebne povrsine) (mozda ovo postoji u drugim programima, ali nisam video) Objekti jako malo memorije zauzimaju : pokusao sam jednu IFF sliku, koja je bila prilicno isarana (sa 4 boje doduse, ali je bila bas isarana), i od nje napravi objekat koji ne zauzima puno memorije, a relativno ga brzo iscrtava.. Texture.. Pa mislim da je to manje - vise standardno.. Ovog puta mogu slike u 256 boja, a u paketu se dobijaju i neke texture u JPEG formatu, tako da mozda i njih moze da cita, nisam pogledao.. Definisanje materijala lici na REAL-ov, ali (opet) kako je sve na nemackom, nista nisam mogao da isprobam kako treba.. Sve u svemu, evo slike da vidite kako izgleda. Na njoj je uvelican pogled, ali sasvim lepo mogu da budu 4 pogleda : 3 ortogonalne projekcije i pogled iz perspektive (itd).. mc4d.lha
grafika.13 ljubinko,
>Pade mi saka Maxon Cinema 4D.. 6 instalacionih disketa.. Koju verziju imas? Pozdrav!
grafika.14 dex.dexter,
Narode, da li neko zna, jel postoji neko programce koje slike snimljene u odredjenom formatu, kompresuje u ANIM 7 format i od njih pravi animaciju na disku. Ili mozda zna neki nacin kako se to moze izvesti, mozda preko nekog drugog programa, recimo scale, ali se bojim da bi bio problem sa memorijom.. Pustanje tako velike animacije ne bi bio problem, jer postoje plejeri koji pustaju direktno sa diska velike animacije, ali kako da ja napravim tu animaciju to je problem.. I jos nesto, uspeo sam da na obicnoj A1200 izvucem u 320x256 u HAM8, 15 fps, i to je animacija bila preko celog ekrana (neki morf), da li neko zna jel moze da se postigne vise.. i kakav je taj novi SSA format, jel moze da se postigne sa njim nesto.. :)))
grafika.15 marshall,
=> Utisci : Sada su malo losiji nego kada sam pisao ovu poruku :( => zanimljivih opcija : => - interni generator 3D pejzaza kao objekta Cvrc - svaki put trpa isti teren :( Ne mogu da pronadjem kako se lepi odredjen materijal za objekat :( => Texture.. Pa mislim da je to manje - vise standardno.. Ovog puta mogu => slike u 256 boja, a u paketu se dobijaju i neke texture u JPEG formatu, => tako da mozda i njih moze da cita, nisam pogledao.. Scanline je dosta brz, a prikazuje i texture, gotovo kao i sam raytracing.. ALI KAKO SE ODREDJUJE VELICINA SLIKE ??? Dobijem renderovanu sliku formata oko 160 * 100 * 6 (HAM). Ne HAM8 nego HAM. STRAVA :(((( => Definisanje materijala lici na REAL-ov, ali (opet) kako je sve na => nemackom, nista nisam mogao da isprobam kako treba.. Cak izgleda da kad reflektuje/propusta svetlost - moze da reflektuje/propusta samo odredjen deo spektra :))
grafika.16 marshall,
>Pade mi saka Maxon Cinema 4D.. 6 instalacionih disketa.. => Koju verziju imas? Kaze V2.0 Professional. (izem ti professional kad je na svapskom..) Pozdrav !
grafika.17 dex.dexter,
*>> animaciju, ali sto je brze moguce, i to verovatno sa diska :) E sad, malo *>> sam cackao, i biganim moze da posluzi, ali sam nacuo da scala ima jako *>> mocan plejer i da izvlaci bas maksimum.. Jel se neko time bavio, tj. da li *>> zna kako to sa scalom funkcionise, i da li je upotrebljivo.. Inace, stare *>> amigine rezolucije mogu da se izvuku u 20-25 fps, sto je vise nego *>> zadovoljavajuce, a u HAM8 sam postigao u 320x256 i to sa diska, 14-15 fps, *>> sto jako dobro izgleda, ali bi bilo jos bolje ako moze jos brze, ili bar *>> tom brzinom, ali u 320x512, ili u overscan-u.. :)) U stvari ovih 15 fps je *>> bilo preko celog ekrana, a verovatno bi bilo malo brze, za neku prosecnu *>> animaciju, tipa logo se vrti i sl. (inace tako nesto mi treba :)).. *> Probaj View Tek!. Probao sam, i radi dosta dobro, ali me zanima da li moze jos brze :) U medjuvremenu sam uspeo da izvucem 752x600 (overscan) u 16 boja, i to sa diska (ne iz memorije), punih 25 slika u sekundi.. A to je super!!! Jos kad bi to moglo u 32 ili 64 boje, resio sam problem, ali i ovako nije lose :)
grafika.18 mikis,
+> Narode, da li neko zna, jel postoji neko programce koje slike snimljene u +> odredjenom formatu, kompresuje u ANIM 7 format i od njih pravi animaciju na +> disku. Postoji, čini mi se da se zove MakeAnim7. Pisao ga je isti čovek koji je napravio i Viewtek (i Image FX). Imao sam ga, ali mi je stradao na hard disku. Moguće je da se može naći u Viewtek arhivi (onoj od 800 KB :)), moraću da pogledam.
grafika.19 dex.dexter,
+> Narode, da li neko zna, jel postoji neko programce koje slike snimljene u +> odredjenom formatu, kompresuje u ANIM 7 format i od njih pravi animaciju na +> disku. *> Postoji, cini mi se da se zove MakeAnim7. Pisao ga je isti covek *>koji je napravio i Viewtek (i Image FX). Imao sam ga, ali mi je stradao *>na hard disku. Moguce je da se moze naci u Viewtek arhivi (onoj od 800 *>KB :)), moracu da pogledam. Nemoras.. :) imam ga, ali on ne radi to sto sam hteo. On samo konvertuje iz ANIM5, ANIM8, ANIM7S u ANIM7L format, koji je najbrzi i najbolji.. Nego, nasao sam BuildANIM, koji radi bas to.. skuplja slike u animaciju, a moze i da deli animaciju na slike :) snima u ANIM5, ANIM7S i ANIM7L.
grafika.20 mikis,
TAPAVI 1.1 plays AVI files with CRAM video and PCM audio. It requires a 68020 CPU or better, KS2.0, and ReqTools. XAnim is a better general solution for playing AVI files, but TAPAVI can do some specific things better, like audio and startup speed (AVI files are a kind of animation found on PCs). Author: John Bickers
grafika.21 eburanj,
Pozdv amigistima  đĘod  űatar¸C─iste! Da li neko ima opis IFF  űfa  űjla (nekompresovano), ili da li bar neko moze da napisstrukturu nekompresovane slike (bit ravni?) ű´k Molim za pomoc (i to na mail-ne pratim ovukonf.) MK
grafika.22 rcolic,
Da li postoji neka verzija Real 3D-a veca od 1.4 koja ne trazi koprocesor? I da li neko ima istu? drndi.
grafika.23 ljubinko,
Novi program za rad sa slikama (za mene nov, a mozda neko ima neka iskustva) Ja sam tek dobio ovaj program (verziju od 22.5.95), pa jos nemam iskustva sa njim. A vi ? ImageStudio, shareware image processing and conversion package for the Amiga. Copyright (C) 1994,1995 Andy Dean, Graham Dean. Machine requirements ==================== ImageStudio requires the following system to run: * Workbench 2.04 or above. * Around 1 megabyte of free memory. * Several megabytes of free hard disk space. If ImageStudio is run on an AGA machine (A1200 or A4000), it will use the new display modes and palette routines to improve the quality of the internal viewer images. Brief description ================= ImageStudio is written for the casual graphics user who wishes to convert or manipulate various graphics formats on a modest Amiga system. There are several commercial offerings available, however the casual user is paying a lot of money for many facilities and options they would probably never use. Bitmap graphics, by their nature, usually require large amounts of RAM. One of the main objectives of ImageStudio was to reduce this burden by utilising virtual memory - most users have more spare hard disk space than spare RAM. ImageStudio works with several buffers at any one time (dependant on how many levels of undo are specified), each of these buffers can hold either colour-mapped or 24-bit images. For a detailed description of colour-mapped and 24-bit images, See Image types. ImageStudio comes with a fully featured ARexx port, which allows the writing of macro scripts to automate repetative processes and also allows communication with other ARexx aware programs. Again, ARexx has the reputation of being "something pretty difficult", so we've simplified the use of ARexx in ImageStudio by allowing the user to create, edit and run scripts entirely within ImageStudio - ImageStudio even provides a blank template as a starting point for each new script. List of features ================ General: * Full 24-bit image buffers, with optimizations for colour-mapped (palette based) images. * Up to 100 levels of undo / redo. * User configurable virtual memory. * Fully font sensitive, style guide complient, user interface. * Fully featured, easy to use, ARexx interface. * Modular loaders and savers. * User saveable preferences. * Operations applicable to the whole image or a selected region. * Up to 256 greyshade preview window (with optional dither). * Zoom on preview window. * Internal / external viewers (external for third party 24-bit graphics cards). * Loading / saving / manipulating of AGA image formats (e.g. 256 colours, HAM8) on non-AGA machines. * Max image size of 32000 x 32000 (crops images to 250 x 250 in the unregistered version). * Copy / paste to / from the system clipboard. * Runs on all Workbench 2.04+ Amiga's - utilises AGA chipset if available. * Online AmigaGuide help, as well as ASCII, TeX `.dvi' and PostScript documentation. * Multi-level help error requesters. * Public screen. * Requires no third party libraries or utilities. Import: * IFF-ILBM formats (Standard palette based, HAM6, HAM8, extra halfbright, ILBM24) * BMP * GIF (conforming to GIF87a or GIF89a) * JPEG (conforming to JFIF standard) * PCX * Targa Export: * IFF-ILBM formats (Standard palette based, HAM6, HAM8, extra halfbright, ILBM24) * BMP * EPS * GIF (conforming to GIF87a or GIF89a) * JPEG (conforming to JFIF standard) * PCX * Targa Colour Balance: * All operations are available to the R,G,B components separately. * Brightness ( upto Š100%) * Contrast (non to full) * Gamma ( + and - ) Convolution: * Many supplied convolution filters. * User definable convolutions, load and save to disk. Effects: * Built in effects: Dynamic range expansion, FlipX, FlipY, RollX, RollY, Negative, Greyscale, Highlight, Shadow, Random, Pixelize, Remove isolated pixels. Scale: * Crop to selected region. * Increase / decrease scale by percentage or absolute image size. * Simple scale or colour averaged. Colour reduction: * Increase colour mapped images to 24-bit. * Decrease number of colours in 24-bit or colour mapped images via Heckbert median cut algorithm. * Dithers available for colour reduction: None, Floyd-Steinberg, Burkes, Stucki, Sierra, Jarvis, Stevenson-Arce. Palette: * Edit palette colours and ranges. * Save current palette. * Force palette onto current image, dithering if necessary (all dithers available). Shareware version ================= To encourage users to register, the freely distributable version of ImageStudio will crop images to 250x250 pixels. All other operations are available.
grafika.25 ljubinko,
Pojavio se novi konvertor slika: GfxCon V1.6 =========== Image format converter that can load and save most formats: Load: ILBM, LBM, RGB8, RGBN, PCX, IMG, BMP, RLE4, RLE8, GIF, TIFF, JPEG, RGB-Raw, Targa Save: ILBM, PCX, GIF, JPEG, RGB-Raw, Postscript Features: - virtual memory built in (even with a plain 68000) - color-effects and simple transformations are possible - shows most information stored in images - runs from both shell and WB - has a nice GUI - fontsensitiv - 68020-version included - runs on all amiga systems Iako radi sa svim Amigama (kickstart 1.2 i veci) preporucuje se 4 Mb RAMa i procesor 68020 ! Probajte pa se javite !
grafika.26 alazovic,
grafika.27 mikis,
+> KOJI PROGRAM RADI TJ. ISPISUJE SLOVA SA GRADIJENTOM BOJA +> A DA NIJE OPCIJOM "FILL" VEC NESTO POPUT SCALE SAMO UMESTO JEDNOBOJNO +> OSNOVNA BOJA JE RASTER IZMEDJU DVE BOJE Hm, nije mi bas najjasnije pitanje, ali pretpostavljam da ti treba program za titlovanje koji to radi... Ako se ne varam, to je moguce u Montage 24 - iskreno receno, program nemam niti sam ga probao (trazi dosta memorije), ali cini mi se da sam u reklami bas tako nesto video.
grafika.28 alazovic,
Osnovna namena programa bi bila potpisivanje, nesto kao titl ali da nije ogranicen na poslednja dva reda vec kao kod Scale 300 svuda i svim fontovima. Kako se ponasa Scala 400 po ovom pitanju ? Uzgred citajuci AR 3.11,3.12 videh da su dostupne neke slike ili opisi Amige 1400, 5000 - moze li se do toga doci ? p.s. Da li nesto u opste objasnih o pitanju . . . Slova trebaju da su u prelivu od boje do bojje. Kad mi je to potrebno koristim Dpaint, ali zamara kad treba da se napravi nesto brzinski u vise redova. Eureka, setih se jos jednog pitanja. Moze li se napraviti na dobrovoljnoj bazi spisak raspolozivih fontova za amigu ( mislim na Cirilice i Latinice sa YU slovima ). Toliko, nadam se da ne zamaram ovaj letnji odmor pitanjima o Amigi ! Pozdrav A.A.
grafika.29 msavkovic,
Ě ° ă─ĚĚ ĚĎ─ĚÍ─ĚĎ─ĚÍ─ĚĎ─ĚĚ ─Ě ║ ║║ ║║ ║ă─Ż║ ║ ║║ ║║Í─ Trazi graficara đ đË─Âă─ŻË─Żđ Ë─Żă─ŻđË─đ ─ŻŻ Ż Kontaktirajte nas ako mislite da ste dovoljno dobri za Assembly '95 Uz poruku fajl sa informacijama.
grafika.30 marshall,
=> Eureka, setih se jos jednog pitanja. Moze li se napraviti na dobrovoljnoj => bazi spisak raspolozivih fontova za amigu ( mislim na Cirilice i Latinice sa => YU slovima ). A koji tip fontova te interesuje ? BIT-MAP ili vektorski ? (vektorske doduse mozes uglavnom i sa PC-a da uzmes pa da konvertujes posle u format koji ti treba.)
grafika.31 mikis,
+> Osnovna namena programa bi bila potpisivanje, nesto kao titl ali da nije +> ogranicen na poslednja dva reda vec kao kod Scale 300 svuda i svim Mislim da je Montage 24 ono što ti treba. Doduše, nisam imao prilike da ga probam, a i hardverski zahtevi su mu poveliki. +> fontovima. Kako se ponasa Scala 400 po ovom pitanju ? Iskreno rečeno, nemam pojma :( +> Uzgred citajuci AR 3.11,3.12 videh da su dostupne neke slike ili opisi +> Amige 1400, 5000 - moze li se do toga doci ? Nema ništa od toga, to je bila najobičnija patka :( Jedino što ima da se vidi je nova, buduća A4000T, nove firme Amiga Technologies (koja je, jelte, u vlasništvu Escoma :) ). Dizajnirao ju je tip iz Scale, i kažu da prilično fino izgleda. Očekuje se negde na jesen :) +> Eureka, setih se jos jednog pitanja. Moze li se napraviti na dobrovoljnoj +> bazi spisak raspolozivih fontova za amigu ( mislim na Cirilice i Latinice +> sa YU slovima ). Malo teže :) Nakon pojave TypeSmitha 2.5, koji čita/konvertuje i True Type fontove sa PC-ja, bojim se da ih je malo teže prebrojati :) +> Toliko, nadam se da ne zamaram ovaj letnji odmor pitanjima o Amigi ! Nikako, i ovako je u konferenciji malo učmala atmosfera :) Izvinjavam se što ovako kasno odgovaram na tvoju poruku, bio sam bez modema ovih dana O:)
grafika.32 alazovic,
*> Izvinjavam se sto ovako kasno odgovaram na tvoju poruku, bio sam *> bez modema ovih dana O:) Dobro je vec sam poceo da se plasim da ovde nikog nema osim nas pilica . . . 8)) A.A.
grafika.33 vpoznanovic,
Hitno mi je potreban Font Designer v2.28 (ili noviji). Ima li ga neko?
grafika.34 teorist,
>Hitno mi je potreban Font Designer v2.28 (ili noviji). Ima li ga neko? Da li ti može pomoći Type Smith 2.5
grafika.35 vpoznanovic,
>> Da li ti može pomoći Type Smith 2.5 Ako radi pod Kickstartom 1.3 sa 2 Mb memorije i ako konvertuje Adobe Type 1 u CG i DMF, itekako mi može pomoći. :)
grafika.36 sazalakazu,
> Nema nista od toga, to je bila najobicnija patka :( Jedino sto ima ^^^^^ Nije patka nego kita! I posle KiNga, KiNg!
grafika.37 alazovic,
> Hitno mi je potreban Font Designer v2.28 (ili noviji). Ima li ga neko? > Da li ti moze pomoci Type Smith 2.5 Koliko je veliki ovaj poslednji - predpostavljam da ga imas ? Mozda ces mi pomoci ? Pozdrav A.A.
grafika.38 teorist,
> >Koliko je veliki ovaj poslednji - predpostavljam da ga imas ? Na jednoj disketi je. Radi kod mene na A1200 sa 2 MB rama, i ima AREXX port ( a takođe i neke scriptove dobiješ uz njega ) Pozdrav Teo.
grafika.39 teorist,
> Ako radi pod Kickstartom 1.3 sa 2 Mb memorije i ako konvertuje Adobe Type 1 > u CG i DMF, itekako mi može pomoći. :) Konvertuje DMF , Adobe TYPE 1 i TYPE 3, AGFA CG, TTF Sa 2MB radi ali ne znam da li radi pod 1.3 ( na A1200 je proveren ) Prilično je spor kod nekih formata, ali ima AREXX script za konverziju celog DIRa iz formata u format koji ide uz program. Pozdrav Teo.
grafika.40 dex.dexter,
*>Hitno mi je potreban Font Designer v2.28 (ili noviji). Ima li ga neko? Imam ja, a imam i TSmith 2.5 ako ti treba. Ja mislim da on ne radina 1.3, ali nisam siguran.. Ako ti treba Font Designer 2.28, reci gde da saljem (ima oko 200-300 kb spakovano)..
grafika.41 teorist,
>>Hitno mi je potreban Font Designer v2.28 (ili noviji). Ima li ga neko? >> Da li ti moze pomoci Type Smith 2.5 >Koliko je veliki ovaj poslednji - predpostavljam da ga imas ? Poslao sam ga kod KRUGERA, ima oko pola MB kao DMS arhiva
grafika.42 vpoznanovic,
>> Konvertuje DMF , Adobe TYPE 1 i TYPE 3, AGFA CG, TTF >> Sa 2MB radi ali ne znam da li radi pod 1.3 ( na A1200 je proveren ) Sinoć sam ga nabavio i na žalost ustanovio da ne radi na 1.3. Pokušaću sa softverskim Kickstartom, ali sa 1.5 Mb teško da ću nešto napraviti. U svakom slučaju, hvala ti na informaciji, nadam se da će mi Dex riješiti problem slanjem Font Designera.
grafika.43 vpoznanovic,
>> Ako ti treba Font Designer 2.28, reci gde da saljem (ima oko 200-300 kb >> spakovano).. Sjajno! :) Možeš li mi ga poslati na mail na Super-Sezam, ali što hitnije, molim te? :) Ako tamo imaš problema sa vezom, može i ovdje, ali u tom slučaju biće dovoljan samo .exe fajl.
grafika.44 dex.dexter,
*>>> Ako ti treba Font Designer 2.28, reci gde da saljem (ima oko 200-300 kb *>>> spakovano).. *> *>Sjajno! :) Mozes li mi ga poslati na mail na Super-Sezam, ali sto *>hitnije, molim te? :) Ako tamo imas problema sa vezom, moze i ovdje, ali *>u tom slucaju bice dovoljan samo .exe fajl. OK. Stize na brzi sezam u toku dana. (dok ga nadjem :)
grafika.45 ljubinko,
>>Hitno mi je potreban Font Designer v2.28 (ili noviji). Ima li ga neko? >> Da li ti moze pomoci Type Smith 2.5 >Koliko je veliki ovaj poslednji - predpostavljam da ga imas ? >Poslao sam ga kod KRUGERA, ima oko pola MB kao DMS arhiva Postoji jedan kratak program koji konvertuje Adobe type 1 u CG za PPage. Taj se program nalazi u sklopu svega sto ide uz PPage. Verzija uz PPage 3.0radi sigurno na Amigi 1.3, a za onu uz PPage 4.0 neznam. Na Amigi 500 (procesor 68000) radi dosta sporo. Ako ne uradis nista sa ovim Font Des... javi da potrazim ovaj programcic. Pozdrav !
grafika.46 vpoznanovic,
>> OK. Stize na brzi sezam u toku dana. (dok ga nadjem :) P Probao sam program i sve radi savršeno. Hvala još jednom. Da uzgred pitam, zna li neko da li se pojavio TV Text Professional 2, i ako jeste, gdje može da se nabavi?
grafika.47 vpoznanovic,
>> Postoji jedan kratak program koji konvertuje Adobe type 1 u >> CG za PPage. Koliko ja znam, ne radi se o identičnim CG formatima. U prilog toj tvrdnji ide i činjenica da Font Designer pri konverziji u CG nudi opciju 'convert to Professional Page format'. >> Ako ne uradis nista sa ovim Font Des... javi da potrazim ovaj >> programcic. Hvala na ponudi, ali Font Designer odlično radi posao. Uspio sam čak i TypeSmith da pokrenem pod softverskom emulacijom KS2.0. Ostalo mi je oko 450 kb slobodne memorije, sasvim dovoljno za neke konverzije.
grafika.48 ljubinko,
Professional TITLER V1.0 DEMO VERSION by Vipers/S.B.H.S. Very PROFESSIONAL & VERY good looking TITLER !!! Da li je neko ovo probao? Da li neko ima kompletnu verziju (koja nije demo)?
grafika.49 marshall,
=> Professional TITLER V1.0 DEMO VERSION => by Vipers/S.B.H.S. "By" ili "Cracked by" ? ;)) (slucajno znam Vipers-e, a oni se boga mi ne bave pravljenjem softvera)
grafika.50 dkaralic,
Nisam siguran da li se ovo odnosi na ovu konferenciju ili na hardver. Pitanje glasi. Da li je moguće da amiga uzme sliku sa videa, obradi je i vrati ponovo na video. Ovo je namenjeno prijatelju koji ima amigu. žuo sam da 2 i 3 korak nije problem uraditi. Da li za 1. korak (uzeti sliku) postoji rećenje koje ne zahteva hardverski dodatak, ili je potreban neki dodatak na kompjuteru, pored standardnog. Ja koristim PC, tako da molim da i to imate u vidu prilikom odgovora. Pozdrav DraganK.
grafika.51 teorist,
dk> Nisam siguran da li se ovo odnosi na ovu konferenciju ili na hardver. dk> Pitanje glasi. Da li je moguće da amiga uzme sliku sa videa, obradi je dk> i vrati ponovo na video. Ovo je namenjeno prijatelju koji ima amigu. dk> žuo sam da 2 i 3 korak nije problem uraditi. Da li za 1. korak (uzeti dk> sliku) postoji rećenje koje ne zahteva hardverski dodatak, ili je potreban dk> neki dodatak na kompjuteru, pored standardnog. dk> Ja koristim PC, tako da molim da i to imate u vidu prilikom odgovora. Pa, postoji nekoliko kartica za obradu slike u REAL-TIME. Ja znam za par starijih, mada sam pre neki dan čuo da je izašla neka sasvim nova kartica, koja dopušta rad identičan kao na AVID-u Od starijih kartica tu su Video Toaster, Opal Vision, V-LAB Motion.... Sve one omogućavaju on-line efekte, kao i naknadnu obradu slike. (za opal vision trebaju jos neki dodatci, ne samo osnovna kartica, jer je bez dodataka to samo 24bit grafička kartica) Međutim sve te kartice traže A-4000 (ili nabudženu A-3000) oće reći nemere na A1200. Cene su kod nas sasvim preduvane, tako da je bolje da drugar pokuša ** Amiga SOR VERSION 1.0 registred to teorist
grafika.52 dkaralic,
>> postoji nekoliko kartica za obradu slike u REAL-TIME. Znači ne postoji mogućnost rada sa vec postojećim hardverom nego je potrebno da se koristi dodatni hardver (kartice). Ok. >>Cene su kod nas sasvim preduvane, tako da je bolje da drugar pokuša Da li znaš možda barem približne cene tih kartica (ovde, nemačka, itd) Pozdrav Dragan.
grafika.53 teorist,
>> postoji nekoliko kartica za obradu slike u REAL-TIME. => Znači ne postoji mogućnost rada sa vec postojećim hardverom nego je => potrebno da se koristi dodatni hardver (kartice). Ok. Real-Time obrada slike nije izvodljiva bez dodatnog h/w. Generalno, potrebna je A-4000 i neka kartica. Trenutno je isplativije sačekati još mesec-dva, da se pojave nove A-4000 jer je to bazična mašina za sve nove kartice. Možda na zapadu može naći neku polovnu karticu i A-2000/A-3000 koja može da odradi posao za neku manju svotu ??? Drugar za desetak dana ide u Grčku, pa ću kada se vrati znati koje su cene tamo (i on treba da uzme neku konfiguraciju za ozbiljan rad) BTW, Opal Vision kartica (PAL verzija) se u USA može naći za $300 :) (naravno, samo gola 24bit grafička kartica, bez ostalih džidža-midža)
grafika.54 dkaralic,
Ok. Hvala na informacijama. Ako bude novih i njih ću preneti kolegi kome je ovo namenjeno. (I'm PC man) Pozdrav Dragan
grafika.55 teorist,
Pre neki dan sam dobio ovaj sjajan FreeWare GIF viewer (10x to BUCA) Mnogo je brži od PPShow (kojeg sam do sada koristio) !!!!!!!!!! Sa većinom GIF-ova radi OK i brrrrzooooo, jedino kod nekih zna da 'pukne', ali to je veoma mali procenat (još nisam ustanovio koji ga tip tera na Mr.Gurru :(((( ) te je itekako upotrebljiv za BRZ pregled GIF-ova :)) zgif.lha
grafika.56 ljubinko,
Pripremam knjigu (pa me zato ovde manje ima), koju treba da predam u stampariju na pausu, stampano u mirror (okrenuto). To na Amigi radi Page Stream. Da li znate jos neki program (posto je Page Stream malo spor) ? To bi trebalo da bude stampano na laserskom stampacu. Ima li neko ideju gde bih to mogao da uradim, a da se tekst ne prebacuje na IBM PC ?. Hocu da cela priprema knjige bude na Amigi i da u knjizi to pise. Pozdrav svima !
grafika.57 jmodli,
Subject: ProVector leta '94 po amiga casopisima je najavljivan program ProVector v2, koji je trebao da cini cuda u poredjenju sa ostalim vektorskim programima za crtanje na amigi. (u to vreme je po nabrojanom broju opcija parirao corel drawu i adobe ilustratoru.) e sada... da li se to u medjuvremenu pojavilo i, ako jeste, da li je stvarno tako dobar i gde se moze naci? ps: i sta je to Photogenics? . josip
grafika.58 teorist,
=> Pripremam knjigu (pa me zato ovde manje ima), koju treba da => predam u stampariju na pausu, stampano u mirror (okrenuto). => To bi trebalo da bude stampano na laserskom stampacu. => Ima li neko ideju gde bih to mogao da uradim, a da se tekst => ne prebacuje na IBM PC ?. Pa ako već ne možeš da doneseš štampač i priključiš ga na AMIGU, možeš da odštampaš u fajl i posle samo taj fajl pustiš na štampač kod prijatelja koji ga ima. Prvo podesi drajver za štampač koji ćeš koristiti i izaberi opciju da štampa u FAJL (tamo gde se određuje da li je SER/PAR/FILE port, tako je bar u PS v2.2) i normalno odštampaj ceo dokument... => Hocu da cela priprema knjige bude na Amigi i da u knjizi to pise. :))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Pozdrav >>> TeoFiL <<<
grafika.59 ljubinko,
>leta '94 po amiga casopisima je najavljivan program ProVector v2, koji je >trebao da cini cuda u poredjenju sa ostalim vektorskim programima za >crtanje na amigi. (u to vreme je po nabrojanom broju opcija parirao corel >drawu i adobe ilustratoru.) Imao sam ga ali nisam sa njim mnogo radio. Verovatno ga i sada imam, ali bi morao da ga potrazim.
grafika.60 ljubinko,
> Pa ako vec ne mozes da doneses stampac i prikljucis ga na AMIGU, > mozes da odstampas u fajl i posle samo taj fajl pustis na stampac > kod prijatelja koji ga ima. > Prvo podesi drajver za stampac koji ces koristiti i izaberi opciju > da stampa u FAJL (tamo gde se odreduje da li je SER/PAR/FILE port, > tako je bar u PS v2.2) i normalno odstampaj ceo dokument... Teorijski da, ali prakticno nece. Fajl iz Page Streama sam odstampao u fajl, sa podesenim drajverom za Epson koga imam i sa kojim lepo radi. kada sam taj fajl iskorirao na PRT: na mojoj Amigi, sa istim printerom,dobio sam nesto potpuno bez veze. Tu ocigledno postoji jos nesto.
grafika.61 teorist,
> Pa ako vec ne mozes da doneses stampac i prikljucis ga na AMIGU, > mozes da odstampas u fajl i posle samo taj fajl pustis na stampac > kod prijatelja koji ga ima. > Prvo podesi drajver za stampac koji ces koristiti i izaberi opciju > da stampa u FAJL (tamo gde se odreduje da li je SER/PAR/FILE port, > tako je bar u PS v2.2) i normalno odstampaj ceo dokument... => => Teorijski da, ali prakticno nece. => Fajl iz Page Streama sam odstampao u fajl, sa podesenim drajverom => za Epson koga imam i sa kojim lepo radi. kada sam taj fajl iskorirao => na PRT: na mojoj Amigi, sa istim printerom,dobio sam nesto potpuno => bez veze. Tu ocigledno postoji jos nesto. Uff :((( Nije mi jasno, ja sam uspeo bez problema da odštampam na HPLJ 4p (kod drugara na PCu) neke omote za kasete ??? Bilo mi je podešeno da je HP LJ2, štampao u fajl, prebacio na disketu, otišao kod drugara, ubacio disketu, TYPE mojfajl.lj2 (kako li već beše da na PrCu izvršim redirekciju na LPT1) i ... :))))))) Bez greške. Probaj tako, stvarno ne razumem zašto ti nije radilo ? Da li si probao direktno na PAR: umesto na PRT ? Da ga ne zbunjuju neki kontrolni karakteri kada ide preko PRT drajvera ?
grafika.62 teorist,
=> ps: i sta je to Photogenics? => Photogenics je program za crtanje (znači - BITMAP) Ima dosta efekata i prilično brzo radi, samo je rad nemoguć bez barem 6MB RAMa. Podržava razne tipove četkica, rad preko alfa maske.... Sve radi na preview slici, tako da je dosta brzo čak i na 68020/14mhz
grafika.63 ljubinko,
> Uff :((( Nije mi jasno, ja sam uspeo bez problema da odstampam na > HPLJ 4p (kod drugara na PCu) neke omote za kasete ??? > Da li si probao direktno na PAR: umesto na PRT ? Da ga ne zbunjuju neki > kontrolni karakteri kada ide preko PRT drajvera ? Hvala. Stvar funkcionise preko PAR: ali nece preko PRT: Sada mi se javlja drugi problem. jedna strana mi je dugacka oko 500 kb, a imam 150 strana, dakle treba mi stotinak disketa da to prebacim.
grafika.64 ljubinko,
>leta '94 po amiga casopisima je najavljivan program ProVector v2, koji je >trebao da cini cuda u poredjenju sa ostalim vektorskim programima za >crtanje na amigi. (u to vreme je po nabrojanom broju opcija parirao corel >drawu i adobe ilustratoru.) Nasao sam ProVector 2.0. To su dve diskete, tj dva DMS fajla dugacka oko 765 kb. Da li Ti je toliko bitno da saljem na brzi SEZAM (ako si tamo u grupi amiga's).
grafika.65 jmodli,
> Photogenics je program za crtanje (znaci - BITMAP) u medjuvremenu sam ga nabavio, instalirao i probao. ok, moze nesto da uradi i sa 2 mega, ali sa 6 je sada vec bolje. mada mi je vise za obradu slika nego za samo crtanje. 2 mega mu je dovoljno za jednu sliku (ne preveliku). radi brze nego bilo sta slicno na 2 mega (u stvari, jedan je od retkih koji radi na 2 mega). dosta cesto zna da pukne kada mu ponestane memorije zato ga ne treba silovati previse u ovakvoj situaciji. ali, ne znam da li sam vam pomenuo, postadoh ponosni vlasnik blizzard 1220 kartice, pa je sa 6 megabajta sve gorepomenuto mnogo bolje + sada je moguce uraditi i nesto ozbiljnije tj. uporedivije sa onim sto sam do sada radio u photoshop-u. ima mnogo vise efekata nego photoshop, ali su zato mogucnosti varijacija sa efektima manje (npr. emboss ima par standardnih preseta sto nije dovoljno ako hocu drugu dubinu, senku ili slicno). . josip
grafika.66 jmodli,
> Da li Ti je toliko bitno da saljem na brzi SEZAM (ako si tamo u > grupi amiga's). nisam na brzom sezamu, pa nemoj da gubis vreme. interesovalo me je kakav je u stvari taj program (mada sam cuo da je u medjuvremenu izasla i verzija 3.0). . josip
grafika.67 vpoznanovic,
>> Sada mi se javlja drugi problem. jedna strana mi je dugacka >> oko 500 kb, a imam 150 strana, dakle treba mi stotinak disketa >> da to prebacim. Nisu valjda tolike kad se arhiviraju? LZX bi ih "uništio"... samo kad bi mogle da se raspakuju na dotičnom odredištu. ;)
grafika.68 vpoznanovic,
>> Da li Ti je toliko bitno da saljem na brzi SEZAM (ako si tamo u >> grupi amiga's). Nije loša ideja, s obzirom da program i mene zanima. :)
grafika.69 marshall,
> Prvo podesi drajver za stampac koji ces koristiti i izaberi opciju > da stampa u FAJL (tamo gde se odreduje da li je SER/PAR/FILE port, > tako je bar u PS v2.2) i normalno odstampaj ceo dokument... lj> Teorijski da, ali prakticno nece. lj> Fajl iz Page Streama sam odstampao u fajl, sa podesenim drajverom lj> za Epson koga imam i sa kojim lepo radi. kada sam taj fajl iskorirao lj> na PRT: na mojoj Amigi, sa istim printerom,dobio sam nesto potpuno lj> bez veze. Tu ocigledno postoji jos nesto. Ex.. I meni se slicno desilo.. Kada sam to radio sa PC-a, tacnije prenostio takve print_to_file na Amigu, sve je radilo OK.. Ali PS2.2 nesto izgleda ne voli takve ideje.. ** Amiga SOR VERSION 1.0 registered to marshall
grafika.70 marshall,
=> ps: i sta je to Photogenics? => te> Photogenics je program za crtanje (znaci - BITMAP) te> Ima dosta efekata i prilicno brzo radi, samo je rad nemoguc bez barem te> 6MB RAMa. te> Podrzava razne tipove cetkica, rad preko alfa maske.... te> Sve radi na preview slici, tako da je dosta brzo cak i na 68020/14mhz Inace, efekti koje moze da radi su nebulozno dobri.. Al' treba da znas sta radis... ** Amiga SOR VERSION 1.0 registered to marshall
grafika.71 ljubinko,
>Nisu valjda tolike kad se arhiviraju? LZX bi ih "unistio"... samo kad >bi mogle da se raspakuju na doticnom odredistu. ;) Najavljen je bio LZX za IBM PC i trebalo je da se pojavi kada i Windows 95, ali neznam da li se pojavio. S obzirom da su PCijevci navikli na zip, zipovao sam fajl i dobio 89 kb ( od fajla od 500 kb).
grafika.72 ljubinko,
>Nije losa ideja, s obzirom da program i mene zanima. :) Poslacu ga ovih dana u grupu na brzom SEZAMu.
grafika.73 ljubinko,
> Ali PS2.2 nesto izgleda ne voli takve ideje.. Proradilo je i dobro je.
grafika.74 vpoznanovic,
>> Najavljen je bio LZX za IBM PC i trebalo je da se pojavi kada >> i Windows 95, ali neznam da li se pojavio. Nope. ;) Mislim da će se "braća" morati još malo strpiti. Ko im je kriv kad uzimaju mašine sa onako jadnom arhitekturom. ;))
grafika.75 vpoznanovic,
>> Poslacu ga ovih dana u grupu na brzom SEZAMu. Preuzeo sam ga. Hvala.
grafika.76 stevicm,
>>> Najavljen je bio LZX za IBM PC i trebalo je da se pojavi kada >>> i Windows 95, ali neznam da li se pojavio. > > Nope. ;) Mislim da ce se "braca" morati jos malo strpiti. Ko im je kriv > kad uzimaju masine sa onako jadnom arhitekturom. ;)) Samo da te obradujem, imam PC, ranije sam imao Amigu i ladno koristim .lzx arhive!
grafika.77 ljubinko,
>Samo da te obradujem, imam PC, ranije sam imao Amigu i ladno koristim >.lzx arhive! Kako ih raspakujes ? Ja neke strane treba da pripremim na Amigi, pa da stampam na PC-u, zbog laserskog stampaca koga nemam. Jedna strana u PStreamu je oko 500 kb, a takvih strana imam oko 120. kada ih kompresujem zipom znatno su manje, ali je lzx ipak ubedljivo najbolji. Nisam probao komresiju sa lzx jer na PC-u nije moguce dekompresovati te fajlove. Dakle kako uspevas da ih na PC-u dekompresujes ? Ili je zabuna pa si mislio na lzh ?
grafika.78 mihajlo,
> Samo da te obradujem, imam PC, ranije sam imao Amigu i ladno > koristim .lzx arhive! Ajde da i mene obradujes i ja sam ranije "imao" Amigu, ali ne mogu da citam .LZX arhive, pa mi posalji lzx na sezam, na poruku. MIH
grafika.79 stevicm,
> Kako ih raspakujes ? > > Ja neke strane treba da pripremim na Amigi, pa da stampam na PC-u, > zbog laserskog stampaca koga nemam. Jedna strana u PStreamu je oko Nazalost, arhiver sam skinuo sa nekog BBSa u Holandiji, a pre neki dan mi je LINUX s*ebo celu C particiju diska, tako da sam ostao bez mnogih podataka koji su mi bili vazni i bez SVIH arhivera koje sam imao! Zip, arj, lha sam nasao ali lzx nisam :(! Ako ga u medju- vremenu nadjem, okacicu ga ovde!
grafika.80 vpoznanovic,
>> Samo da te obradujem, imam PC, ranije sam imao Amigu i ladno koristim >> .lzx arhive! Koliko dugo, već tri dana? ;) Dobro, dobro, već sam se uplašio da ćete ostati kratkih rukava. ;) 'Ajde ga baci u neku od PC konferencija (ako već nisi), da obradujemo malo i ostale saigrače. :)
grafika.81 marshall,
lj> > Ali PS2.2 nesto izgleda ne voli takve ideje.. lj> lj> Proradilo je i dobro je. Raduje me :) Ja sam doduse samo jedamput pokusao sa tim, ali.. Pozdrav ! ** Amiga SOR VERSION 1.0 registered to marshall
grafika.82 mihajlo,
> Nazalost, arhiver sam skinuo sa nekog BBSa u Holandiji, a pre > neki dan mi je LINUX s*ebo celu C particiju diska, tako da sam > ostao bez mnogih podataka koji su mi bili vazni i bez SVIH > arhivera koje sam imao! Zip, arj, lha sam nasao ali lzx nisam > :(! Ako ga u medju- vremenu nadjem, okacicu ga ovde! Standardna definicija "Izvini, eto bas juce mi keva kuvala corbast pasulj, pa joj se moja disketa na kojoj se, eto igrom slucaja, nalazi bas taj program, ucinila kao shnita fine slaninice i ona je baci u serpu, sada disketa nije ni za na zid, kao sat" ?????? MIH
grafika.83 ljubinko,
Zavrsio sam pisanje knjige. Ima oko 231 000 karaktera, oko 31 200 reci. Nasao sam kolegu koji ima HP 5L sa rezolucijom 600x600. On ima PC, ali to nije problem jer bi fajl spremljen u Page Streamu poslao direktno na printer. Na PStreamu 2.2 imam drajver za HP lasere, koji daje najvise 300x300. Stvar funkcionise, a na PStreamu 3.0 imam sledece drajvere za sve verzije HP 4, nemam drajver za 5L. Zamolio bih vas, ako nema vidi na nekom BBS drajvere za PStream za printer HP 5L da ga skine, jer je na 600x600 mnogo bolje. Ni ProText koga ja imam nema drajver za 5L (ima za 4L, 4P) pa ako neko vidi takav drajver takodje bi bilo dobro da ga skine. Pozdrav svima.
grafika.84 mikis,
+> Zamolio bih vas, ako nema vidi na nekom BBS drajvere za PStream +> za printer HP 5L da ga skine, jer je na 600x600 mnogo bolje. Probaj da nađeš program Studio Professional 2.04, na 3 diskete (ja sam ga skinuo sa TASK-a), u njemu ćeš naći najnovije i najbolje drajvere za sve vrste štampača. Ako slučajno nema drajvera za 5L, probaj sa drajverima za LJ 4, 4P ili 5P - svi ovi štampači bi morali da budu međusobno potpuno kompatibilni.
grafika.85 bmisic,
grafika.86 mikis,
+> IMA LI NEKO OD AMIGISTA LIGHTWAVE?!? +> AKO IMA TAKVIH MOLIO BI DA POSAJU OBJEKAT CUBES.lwo Koju verziju? Imam na poslu kompletnu CD verziju LW-a 4.0 (doduše PC), pa mogu tamo da pogledam...
grafika.87 bmisic,
grafika.88 mihajlo,
> PA JA IMAM PC I NA NJEMU KOMPLETNU VERZIJU LW4.0 PA GA NI TAMO > NEMA. NA AMIGI 1200 KOJU SAM NA ZALOST PRODAO IMAO SAM LW3.5. > UZ TU VERZIJU DOBIJA SE TAJ OBJEKAT (BAR SAM GA JA TAKO DOBIO). Ajde nemoj da si tuzan, kazi ciki kako je taj objekat izgledao, da ti ga cika napravi. Mih.
grafika.89 vpoznanovic,
Visage V39.5 Short: Picture viewer for OS 3.0+. V39.5 Author: (Magnus Holmgren) Uploader: (Magnus Holmgren) Type: gfx/show Version: 39.5 Requires: OS 3.0 Visage is an IFF/GIF/JPeg/Datatypes viewer for the AmigaOS version 3.0 or higher. Main features include: Supports AA (AGA), ECS, RTG, PCHG, SHAM and CLUT. ;) Can display "deep" pictures in all formats on ECS Amigas, rendered in HAM, "normal" color or grayscale (datatypes work differently). Can scale "rendered" pictures to fit the screen. Extensive monitor support. Uses a BestModeID()-like function to find a suitable mode (if needed). Any native Amiga screen mode can be specified with text! No numbers needed. But you can use numbers, if you so wish. Or a requester. Simple promotion of pictures to any installed monitor. No hardcoded command line options for this. There is even a monitor requester. Several slideshow options, including a random mode, making Visage ideal for use with screen blankers as an external module. It's free! News in version 39.4 include: Some minor bugfixes. News in version 39.5 include: Some minor and a few major bugs fixed. visag395.lha
grafika.90 vpoznanovic,
Image Studio PNG IO Module Introduction ------------ Welcome to the ImageStudio PNG IO module. This module is currently the working version of the PNG module and is still not completely finished. It will not be fully complete until the PNG library, on which it is based, reaches v1.0. The current version is v0.6. This module should therefore be considered as "work in progress". is-png.lha
grafika.91 vpoznanovic,
Short: Image format converter (V1.7) for most formats. Uploader: (Dirk Farin) Author: (Dirk Farin) Type: gfx/conv GfxCon V1.7 =========== Image format converter that can load and save most formats: Load: ILBM, LBM, RGB8, RGBN, PCX, IMG, BMP, RLE4, RLE8, GIF, TIFF, JPEG, RGB-Raw, Targa Save: ILBM, PCX, GIF, JPEG, RGB-Raw, Postscript Features: - virtual memory built in (even with a plain 68000) - color-effects and simple transformations are possible - shows most information stored in images - runs from both shell and WB - has a nice GUI - fontsensitiv - 68020-version included - runs on all amiga systems New: V1.7 - RGB-Raw input and output with shell now possible - Changing brightness and contrast with shell possible - GIF89a transparent color should work now - progress infos in Shell may be switched off - small bug fix (bad input files produced guru) V1.6 - Two ways to proportionally scale an image - Show info in shell V1.5 - Now runs with shell-parameters too - Now runs even with Kick 1.2 - image background-color may be copied and changed - bug fix in GIF save-module V1.4 - bug fixes in PCX-load and PCX-save - 68020 doesn't need a 68881 any more V1.3 - HAM6 working again - TIFF-RGB images and bug fixes - improved virtual memory V1.2 - HAM8 - Targa-CLUT-images Requirements: Kickstart 1.2 68020 and Kickstart 2.0 recommended! Have fun! gfxcon17.lha
grafika.92 vpoznanovic,
Posljednja verzija koju sam ja imao je bila 0.3. Pretpostavljam da je i kod vas slična situacija. :) aMiPEG v0.5 Short: MPEG player with support for CyberGraphX Author: Uploader: Type: gfx/board ======================================================================== aMiPEG 0.5 is a player for MPEG video streams for the Commodore Amiga. It is based upon the Berkeley X-Windows player version 2.0, with major changes in speed and size. Main advantages are much faster decoding of the streams compared with other products based on the Berkeley sources, and a real-time scaling to fit on a complete HAM screen (no thumbnail animations anymore!). If you are using CyberGraphX software from Vision Factory Development you can also play MPEG streams in resizeable, true color window on an Intuition screen. ========================================================================= HISTORY V0.1 * First public release * Some cosmetic changes to be done. V0.2 * Oops, wrong ZIP code in the snail-mail address * Bug with scaling of animations >200 pixel vertical is fixed. * Little bit faster & tighter V0.3 * HAM6 rendering * Somehow, the times got mixed up. NOW it renders to HAM8 with 6.5 fps (was 6.3) on the A4000/040 as the code is somewhat streamlined and more parts are moved to assembler. * Uses default public screen's mode ID now instead of default monitor's. V0.4 * Forgot the Multiscan monitor ID (several people mailed me about this; really sorry guys) * Autodetect non-AGA chipset, force HAM6 in this case * Minor speed-up in the iDCT (in fact not worth mentioning) * This is an intermediate release; 0.5 will contain the TODO stuff listed down there. V0.5 by Miloslaw Smyk * CyberGraphX support * TODO stuff is still "to do" amipeg05.lha
grafika.93 vpoznanovic,
TAPAVI v1.5 Short: AVI player for 020+ KS2.0 Picasso-II Author: Uploader: Type: gfx/show TAPAVI 1.1 plays AVI files with CRAM(8) video and PCM(8) audio. It requires a 68020 CPU or better, KS2.0, and ReqTools. XAnim is a better general solution for playing AVI files, but TAPAVI can do some specific things better, like audio and startup speed. Version 1.1 introduces async. file IO, a larger audio buffer, and attention to correct frame timing. Version 1.2 adds idx1 skip, VERBOSE option, RLE(8) video, pausing when not front screen, tooltypes, LOOP option, and CRAM(16) video. Version 1.3 adds GRAY option for non-AGA machines, removes FONT option, uses improved c2p code, only opens a screen when necessary, adds 00pc chunk, loops with no IO on small files, and adds NODB option. Released before I make it Picasso-only. Version 1.4 removes support for ECS and AGA, and adds support for the Picasso II graphics board. Version 1.5 adds CVID(24) video and brief codec output. tapavi15.lha
grafika.94 vpoznanovic,
Ovo je posljednja verzija ZGIF datatype-a, najbržeg GIF datatype-a koji postoji. Idealan je za upotrebu sa AMosaic-om, kao i ostalim WWW browser-ima. Skinuo sam i sve ostale AMosaic-support programe sa njihovog FTP site-a... AmiSOX, EdPlay, Mosaic Shunt... ali o njima možda nekom drugom prilikom. ZGIFDatatype 39.18 March '96 Another FAST Utility Written by Michael Zucchi This is a replacement for any of the other gif datatypes available. What makes it considerably better than any of the others? Speed. On an A1200 it will load GIF's using multiview approximately the same speed as loading IFF ILBM pictures. And a lot faster if loading from floppy disks. In addition, asynchronous file reading routines have been incorporated into the code which allow it to load pictures virtually independent of I/O speed. For example a 680x480x256 gif picture will load off of floppy disk within a few seconds of one loading off of a hard drive. (this is in an Amiga 1200, with no fastmem) It requires Release 3.0 or greater of the system software. Main features: o SPEED. Try it, after using this you wont want to be without it! o Supports most gifs (only some esoteric, and mostly unused features of the GIF8?a standard have been ignored) o Uses async file reading for greater performance - on an A1200 will load a picture the same speed off of floppy as off of hard drive! o 100% Assembly language, very optimised. o Custom chunky to planar conversion, that is reasonably fast (a version using WritePixelLine8() runs about 50% the speed of this version) o Now works with all 68000 series CPU's (i hope) o Now supports transparent gifs ('copy' a transparent gif from multiview and then paste it as a bruch in DPaint - NEAT eh?) o Its FREE! (this is of course the best bit) zgdt3918.lha
grafika.95 zealot,
Evo jedne 3D slike.. Pozdrav by ZeaLoT / CaNCeR 3d
grafika.96 vpoznanovic,
Prava stvar za cyber-kolekcionare slika. :) Vrlo zanimljiva ideja, ali i prilično veliki zahtjevi. Short: PicView 2.01 Picture Cataloger (OS3+ & MUI2.3+) Author: Holger Papajewski Uploader: Type: gfx/misc PicView V2.01 (27.03.1996) ========================== If you have a large collection of pictures and you don't know where a special one is located, you should take a look at PicView. With PicView you can create a catalog of your pictures very easily. PicView will load pictures and render small images (thumbnails) from it. These thumbnails are displayed in a list. From there you can show the pictures or you can ask for some information such as the path, name, resolution and so on. Furthermore you can delete, move or rename pictures with PicView. For easier searching you can classify the pictures into max 255 different groups. Every picture can belong to max 4 groups. new for V2.00: - 256 color mode added - multiselection added - ARexx port added - now 255 groups are available - new internal window viewer - separate viewer for every picture format - XPK support - more data are store into the data base - comment for picture added - sort and selection functions added - log file added - shows picture name below thumbnail - free configuable information line added - size of thumbnails configurable - dithering: Ordered, Floyd-Steinberg added - now every public screen can use to run PicView - button bar can be switched off - remove, rename and comment also on hard disk 2.00 -> 2.01 - error in pen managment removed (after switching the color mode) - speed up the rendering of the picture list on graphics cards - french and norwegian catalog added picvw201.lha
grafika.97 vpoznanovic,
Evo još novije verzije u ovom trenutku možda najkvalitetnijeg picture viewer-a od one koju sam poslao prošli put. Visage V39.6 Short: Picture viewer for OS 3.0+. V39.6 Author: (Magnus Holmgren) Uploader: (Magnus Holmgren) Type: gfx/show Version: 39.6 Requires: OS 3.0 Visage is an IFF ILBM/GIF/JPeg/Datatypes viewer for the AmigaOS version 3.0 or higher. Main features include: Supports AA (AGA), ECS, RTG, PCHG, SHAM and CLUT. ;) Can display "deep" pictures in all formats on ECS Amigas, rendered in HAM, "normal" color or grayscale (datatypes work differently). Can scale "rendered" pictures to fit the screen. Extensive monitor support. Uses a BestModeID()-like function to find a suitable mode (if needed). Any native Amiga screen mode can be specified with text! No numbers needed. But you can use numbers, if you so wish. Or a requester. Simple promotion of pictures to any installed monitor. No hardcoded command line options for this. There is even a monitor requester. Several slideshow options, including a random mode, making Visage ideal for use with screen blankers as an external module. It's free! News in version 39.5 include: Some minor and a few major bugs fixed. News in version 39.6 include: Some minor and a few major bugs fixed. The MONITOR argument now support patterns. Visage will now remap Datatype pictures if needed. Useful if you have an ECS Amiga. Added the NOFOREIGN switch, to imporove compatibility with the PicassoII. Some other minor fixes. Installation notes: It is recommended to use the Installer, since it takes care of some not so obvious details, regarding the JPEG reader (in Visage) and the manual. If you wish to start the installer from the Shell, please use the ShellInstall script included. It sets the parameters correctly. Also, note that the automatic language selection doesn't completely work with all versions of the Installer. visag396.lha
grafika.98 snoop,
Hitno potreban program za konvertovanje IFF -> RAW, ako moze neki kraci, i po mogucstvu da radi na 1.3 SN()()P
grafika.99 snoop,
Zar je moguce da NIKO nema program za konvert IFF --> RAW ?! SN()()P
grafika.100 mmike,
sn> Hitno potreban program za konvertovanje IFF -> RAW, ako moze neki kraci, i sn> po mogucstvu da radi na 1.3 Koliko se sećam, to beše radio metallion... moraću malo da skinem prašinčugu sa matorih disketa, mada trenutno nemam predstavu da lije to još u životu. .MSM/ZlB.
grafika.101 zealot,
HI! Zanima me da li preterano optimisticki zvucim kada pitam da li postoji neki program za obradu slike koji bi radio na `vanila A500', dakle, 1Mb ram, no HDD..itd. Voleo bih kada mi ne biste rekli da moze da posluzi personal paint :) On nije los, ali bih voleo nesto bas za obradu, ne mora da bude nesto kao ImageFX, znaci bilo sta osim PPaint-a.. Pozdrav by ZeaLo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^<------GRKA! O:) Pozdrav by ZeaLoT / CaNCeR :)
grafika.102 zealot,
Jeste li primetili da SNET `guta' slova?? GRKA = GRESKA Pozdrav by ZeaLoT / CaNCeR..
grafika.103 zealot,
HI! Treba mi program koji se zove VideoTracker, sluzi za pravljenje spotova. Naravno, ako neko ima nesto slicno i 14.4 modem, vol'o bih da to dobaci ovde, ako nije problem.. P.S.Nesto slicno ima na Underground BBS-u, zove se znam dalje. O:( Problem je sto je arhiva od 700Kb, a ja imam 2400 modem i svega pola sata..:( Pozdrav by ZeaLoT / CaNCeR O:)
grafika.104 mikis,
+> HI! Treba mi program koji se zove VideoTracker, sluzi za pravljenje spotova. +> Naravno, ako neko ima nesto slicno i 14.4 modem, vol'o bih da to +> dobaci ovde, ako nije problem.. Mislim da ga ja imam, moram da potražim po disketama...
grafika.105 mikis,
Nova Design, Inc. Announces ImageFX 2.6 For Immediate Release Contact: Bob Fisher Nova Design, Inc. 804-282-5868 Richmond, VA - April 15th, 1996. Nova Design, Inc. announced today that ImageFX 2.6, the latest exciting upgrade to its universally acclaimed image processing and special effects package, would begin shipping by May. This new release adds many new astonishing special effects and new high-end features that have been available only to large studios and post-production houses previously. Now these tools are available on the Amiga in ImageFX 2.6! "With this latest release of ImageFX, the techniques that were formerly the exclusive domain of high end/high dollar post production companies are now available for anyone's Amiga," said Kermit Woodall, vice president of Research and Design at Nova Design, Inc. "What other packages have claimed is impossible to do on the Amiga is now possible." Image Processing and Special Effects Made Easy ImageFX 2.6 includes a number of technical breakthroughs and enhancements that allow users to easily create exciting special effects on single images or sequences using either the improved IMP and AutoFX programs included with ImageFX. The new eff ects and functions that have been added allow quick "load it and do it" access to the basic effect, while providing a wealth of controls to allow near-infinite customization for the advanced user. The new features include: Complete Newtek Video Toaster/Flyer 4.1 Support. Now loads and saves Toaster Framestores and Flyer Clips, and has the ability to framegrab, render and interactively preview your work directly on the Toaster's composite output. Updated CyberGraphX Previewing. Users of display cards using CyberGraphX software can now preview in any high color mode with full color realtime brush painting. Additionally, CyberGraphX full color displays have been added to Cinemorph, the Amiga most popular morphing package, and Viewtek, the popular image and animation viewer. New Fargo FotoFun Support. The low-cost Fargo FotoFun printer can now be driven directly from ImageFX to produce 24-bit accurate color photographic- like output. Hewlett-Packard Scanjet IIc/3c/4c Support. Now all the latest Hewlett- Packard scanners can be driven by ImageFX on most Amiga SCSI cards. Newtek Digiview Support. The Amiga's legacy of excellent hardware is not forgotten with the addition of support for Newtek's slowscan video digitizer; Digiview. New Wireless Program. This new program joins the ImageFX suite to provide sophisticated wire removal capabilities. You can now remove wires holding actors or objects suspended in the air so you can make your super heros fly. Updated Effects. ImageFX's ever popular Lightning now has multiple bolts and even more options than ever before. The Shear, Straw and Composite functions have been upgraded along with many other improvements throughout. New Effects. Many new special effects have been added in this release of ImageFX. Animated Bubbles, Fire and Fire Rings, an all new Displace, wild Sparkles, Liquid image warping, Film Grain, Remove Grain and much more! Committed to the Amiga Here at Nova Design we remain excited about the future potential and possibilities of the Amiga market. While some companies have chosen to abandon the Amiga, Nova Design continues to prove that it is committed to the Amiga with its success in provi ding innovative and new software for Amiga users around the world. This latest release of ImageFX is just part of this commitment. Look to Nova Design for more software and unlimited possibilities to come! Upgrade Price The upgrade is priced at only $34.95, plus shipping and handling, to registered owners of ImageFX 2.0 or higher. Contact our order lines at 1-800-IMAGE-69 or (804) 282-1157, orders can also be faxed to (804) 282-3768. Write us at; Nova Design, Inc., 1910 Byrd Ave, Suite 214, Richmond, VA 23230 ImageFX, AutoFX, IMP, Cinemorph and Wireless are all trademarks of Nova Design, Inc. All other trademarks are held by their respective owners. Kermit Woodall Nova Design, Inc. --
grafika.106 teorist,
=> HI! Treba mi program koji se zove VideoTracker, sluzi za pravljenje spotova. => Naravno, ako neko ima nesto slicno i 14.4 modem, vol'o bih da to => dobaci ovde, ako nije problem.. Video Tracker (ako mislimo na isto) služi za spajanje Slike+Modula+nekih dEfekata ;) u neki demo/intro.... Verzije koje ja imam nisam uspeo da nateram da rade na A-1200 kako treba ? :(
grafika.107 zealot,
»»» HI! Zanima me da li preterano optimsticki zvucim kada pitam da li postoji neki program za obradu slike koji bi radio na `vanila A500'... Bice da preterano optimisticki zvucis, momce..``s ti lud???! Pozdrav by ZeaLoT / CaNCeR :|
grafika.108 vpoznanovic,
Dust v2.48 Final Short: Allround 3D-Tool (Imagine, Lightwave, MaxonCinema4D) Author: epgbc@cluster1.urz.Uni-Halle.DE (Andreas Maschke) Uploader: epgbc@cluster1.urz.Uni-Halle.DE (Andreas Maschke) Type: gfx/3d Dust2.48 is an object-sequence-processor creating 3D-F/X. The programms Imagine, Lightwave3D and MaxonCinema4D are supported directly. Features: -local morph-operator producing exciting effects (morphs, animated boolean effects, ...) -object-smoothing using splines ! -twirl-effect -Dust is some kind of a programming language: *creating of faces (programmed creation of objects !) *moving of points (programmed deformation of objects !) *for-loops *if-statement *global variables *string-formatting *numeric arguments *nice calculator-mode -metamorphosis between any two objects: *closed-surface-morph (like liquids) *triangle-morph (like explosions) *build-morph ("beam-me-up"-effect -1D/2D/3D-waves of different types -realistic water-waves -more realistic explosions -displacement-maps -easy-to-use particle-system -unlimited number of objects, preview-windows, ... -FAST Lightwave<->Imagine-converter keeping subgroups -powerfull online help, no command-description without an example -VERY FAST loading/saving/converting objects -UNIX-like feeling: shell, command-completion, external windows, speed, ... There are more than 200 commands you can execute interactively. Dust can process batch-files and has an ARexx-Port, too. (You can treat it as "External ARexx-Port for Imagine/Lightwave") This is the unregistered version which doesn't feature some commands. To get registered send $25+postage to the author: Andreas Maschke Zenkerstra▀e 5 06108 Halle/Saale Germany Phone: ++49 (0)345/5170331 EMail: epgbc@cluster1.urz.Uni-Halle.DE dust248f.lha
grafika.109 vpoznanovic,
Short: Studio Print like Program Author: (Andrea Latina) Uploader: (Andrea Latina) Version: 2.19 Type: gfx/misc Requires: OS 3.x EASY PRINT 2.19 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Easy Print is an utility written to easy the printing of pictures (coloured or black & white) on Amiga with few MB of RAM. For example, on a Amiga 1200 not expanded, it is possible to print coloured pictures (with a 24 bit per pixel precision) on a full A4 page with the maximum density. Main features include: - Loading of IFF files (from 1 to 24 bit per pixel) - Showing of the elaborated image on screen - Possibility to modify the colouring of the picture by operating on 5 different aspects: 1) Balancing (RGBK/CMYK) 2) Gamma (RGBK) 2) Contrast (RGBK) 4) Brightness 5) Saturation - Possibility to select among this dithers: 1) Floyd-Steinberg 2) Burkes 3) Ordered 4) Halftone 5) Romboid - Use System's printer drivers for printing in 24 bit per pixel! IMPORTANT!! EasyPrint is shareware, registering activates some options actually not working (why disabled): - Saving of the elaborated image in the IFF24 format - Loading of images in the JPEG (16 million of colours) format - Loading of images through datatypes (GIF, X-BitMap, TIFF, Targa, QRT, PCX are enclosed in the archive) - Use of Virtual Memory on disk (also on Amiga without MMU, as the Amiga 1200), for loading images of every size without being limited by the amount of RAM - Work screen with 256 colours for better rendering the 24 bit format of the image kept in memory - Possibility of cropping a section of the image, of elaborating and printing it separately from the whole picture (for example useful to eliminate borders, text or to print only a particular of the image) - Possibility of bending of a free number of degrees the dither of printing for each of the fundamental colour (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) for minimizing the tendency of the human eye to remark the horizontal and vertical lines generated by the standard dithers. - Possibility of dephase the dithers of printing for each primary colour to optimize blending of colours. - POSTER option, for printing Poster of every size! - A lot of dithers of printing (actually 11) to be used with EasyPrint. easpr219.lha
grafika.110 vpoznanovic,
PhotoAlbum PreRelease V0.2 (c) by Helmut Hoffmann 1996 Short: Picture management (incl.PCD) for AGA&CyberGfx Author: (Helmut Hoffmann) Uploader: (Helmut Hoffmann) Type: gfx/misc Kurz: Bildverwaltung (inkl.PCD) fuer AGA&CyberGfx +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |The fast and intuitive picture management software for all Amigas with OS3.x:| |* Supports upto 256 colors on AGA Amigas | |* Supports TrueColor/HighColor on graphic boards with CyberGraphX | |* Supports more than 20 picture formats (incl. PhotoCD, IFF, JPeg, TIF, PCX, | | BMP, Targa, PPM, YUV, ... and DataTypes) | |* Open any number of picture windows incl. fast scrolling and zooming | | functions, conversion functions, ... | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ -> This prerelease does not yet contain all of the functions which are planned for the first full version. This will probably not be available before beginning of June 1996. Please note: Special introduction offer price upto 30th June 1996 (date of postage) ... <- Please note: The demo version displays all pictures in greyscale only. To get color output, please order the full version of this Shareware program... Please see documentation in AmigaGuide format for details (available in english and german). PhotoAlbum is the sensational new picture management software for all Amigas and Dracos with at least OS3.0. It features * extremly fast loading functions for more than 20 picture file formats * asynchronous loading (load full pictures while thumbnails are still loaded) * easy and intuitive usage (get a fast overview over a directory or even full CD of pictures by simple selection of the directory...) * combinable picture subtitles (name, comment, size, type, ...) * high functionality (unlimited number of image windows with scrolling and zooming functions can be opened) * Presentation of thumbnails and full pictures in reduced colors on all Amigas and in HighColor/TrueColor with CyberGraphX The demo version displays in greyscale only. The loading functions of the full version are for color loading at least as fast as the loading of the demo version in greyscale. Only displaying on palette oriented screens (upto 256 colors) can be slower for color displaying due to the larger number of colors which have to be requested from the operating system. The following things are planned for the first full version: * Creation of preview files (files containing reduced size images) for faster access to frequently needed picture directories and to allow creation of a picture library with pictures located on different media (disks/CDs etc.) for easy access. * Delete function to sort out unwanted pictures. * Save functions to convert pictures into different 24Bit file formats * Configurability via tooltypes; maybe also with shell parameters or a configuration file * Button interface e.g. for easier page flipping in the "PhotoAlbum" pages (currently all such functions are only available by menu functions) PhotoAlbum can currently read the following formats directly: 1) IFF-ILBM (all standard formats 1 to 8Bit, EHB, HAM6, HAM8, 24Bit) 2) PhotoCD (Base format 768x512 or 512x768 (portrait); linear 24Bit RGB) 3) JPeg (color and greyscale) 4) PPM/PGM/PBM (P1&P4 b&w, P5 grey, P6 color) 5) QRT (also known as dump format by PD raytracers as POV-Ray) 6) Targa (RLE compr.&uncompr. 1/8/15/16/24/32Bit; incl. interleaved) 7) PCX (compr.&uncompr. EGA1-4Bit, VGA 8Bit grey/Colormap and 24Bit) 8) BMP (uncompr. 24Bit RGB,1Bit,4Bit or 8Bit Colormap; RLE compressed 8Bit,1Bit) 9) TIF (packbit-compr.&uncompr. 24Bit,1-8Bit grey/Color Motorola&Intel formats) 10) DEEP (compr.&uncompr. IFF-DEEP 24Bit and 32Bit formats) 11) YUV (color 1:1:1, 2:1:1, 4:1:1 and greyscale) 12) VLAB raw (color 1:1:1, 2:1:1, 4:1:1 and greyscale) 13) RGB (IFF-RGB: RGB8 and RGBN compressed; RGB5 uncompressed) 14) HHsYUVSq sequence format (sequential or random access) 15) IFF-PBM (DPII) format 16) ACBM (IFF-ACBM: 1 to 8Bit, EHB, HAM6, HAM8) 17) FBM (8Bit grey/Colormap and 24Bit) 18) Sun raster (uncompressed formats for 1Bit, 8Bit grey/ColorMap and 24Bit) 19) MacPaint (b&w compressed 1Bit format; datafork only) 20) HHsXRL formats (1-8Bit ColorMap incl. HAM6/8, 8Bit grey, 24Bit RGB compressed) 21) binary-EPS bitmaps (RGB and CMYK; this function is experimental) 22) TBCPlus frames & fields In addition picture and animation DataTypes are supported as well (for animation DataTypes at least OS3.1 is needed). phalb02.lha
grafika.111 vpoznanovic,
Short: Picture.datatype V43.714 for AGA/CGraphX Author: (Ralph Schmidt) Uploader: (Frank Mariak) Type: util/dtype Replaces: PictDT43.lha picture.datatype V43 Copyright 1995-96 Ralph Schmidt Additional libs/changes by Frank Mariak All sub datatypes by Matthias Scheler This version is a freely available picture.datatype that MUST ONLY be used with a licenced CyberGraphX(TM) software package when using non 8 bit screenmodes. You aren't allowed to use this software with any non licenced CyberGraphX(TM) "emulation" in these modes. This means translated: "Merlin users aren't allowed to use this picture.datatype". You are allowed to use it on ECS/AGA only machines with the freely available cyberncg.library included. This is a ####### ####### ######### ######## # # # # # # # # # # # # ####### ##### # ######## # # # # # # # # # # # # ####### ####### # # # Release This means...not fully done, not fully tested, use it on your own responsibility. It may cause problems...perhaps the world will end after you've installed it. It also expires around one month after release. If you are using it on a non CyberGraphX machine, do not forget to install cyberncg.library coming with this archive Release Notes V43.716 o ENV: "cybergraphics/pcdt_dither" 0 == Floyed Dithering(Better,slower) (DEFAULT) 1 == Ordered Dithering(Faster,Not so good gfx quality) V43.713 o new cybergraphics.library prerelease included o the picture.datatype now uses ordered dithering as default. A switch to select between floyd or ordered may follow in the future o included a new cyberncg.library which fixes a problem with transparent images o added V43 compatible PCX sub datatype to archive V43.695 o now supports AGA/ECS machines with cyberncg.library included in this archive. V43.684 o some internal structures have changed. Please use the new cybergraphics.library coming with this archive o the picture.datatype expires after a few weeks now (all pre release versions will do that in the future) o fixed a problem in conjunction with PDTA_DestBitMap and ODF_USEFRIENDBITMAP which caused twice freed BitMaps in the past pictdt43.lha
grafika.112 vpoznanovic,
RayStorm v1.22 by Andreas Heumann and Mike Hesser INTRODUCTION RayStorm is a octree based fast raytracer with many features. This demo version of RayStorm is limited to a resolution of 160x128 pixel. The full version is unlimited (see manual for informations how to register). REQUIREMENTS (1) You will need at least Kickstart 2.0. (2) 881-version: 68020 processor and a mathematical coprocessor (68881/882 or internal 68040/060 version). (2) 020-version: 68020 processor (no math coprocessor needed) (4) 000-version: 68000 processor (should even run on a Amiga 500 (not tested)) (5) 1MB RAM minimum (6) RayStorm was written using MUI. So you need muimaster.library V2.3 or later to run RayStorm. recommended: 68030, 68882, Harddisk, GFX-Board FEATURES - Up to 30% faster than Imagine (in trace mode). - ARexx-port. RayStorm can be used by all programs with ARexx-port. - Imagine compatible. RayStorm is designed to be almost compatible to Imagine. It can load Imagine objects and use Imagine textures. - Octree algorithm used for rendering. - Color, reflectivity, filter, altitude and specular mapping. - Flat, cylinder and sphere mapping. - Soft brush mapping. - Mathematical textures: wood, marble, radial, bumps, checker, linear, stars. - Tranparency and physically correct refractions. - 8 levels of antialiasing (adaptive supersampling). - Rendering box. - Three builtin object types: sphere, plane and triangle. - Three light types: ambient, point and spot. - Depth of field with adjustable focal distance and aperture. - Soft shadows. - Backdrop picture. - Global fog and foggy objects. - Material attributes for realictic objects: ambient color, diffuse color, specular color, specular reflection exponent, diffuse transmission color, specular transmission color, specular transmission exponent, specular transmittance, transparent color, reflective color, index of refraction, foglength. - Bright objects. - Motion blur for realistic animations. - Quick rendering. - Global reflection map. - Image formates: IFF-ILBM, PNG, TGA and Datatypes. - Object format: Imagine-TDDD, 3DS - New image- and object-formats can be easily included because of the modular concept. rayst122.lha
grafika.113 vpoznanovic,
RayStorm v1.2 Examples by Andreas Heumann and Mike Hesser INTRODUCTION This are the examples and demo files for RayStorm. Please use the Installer to install the file. To use RayStorm you have to install the RayStorm binaries. rays12ex.lha
grafika.114 vpoznanovic,
Visage V39.7 Short: Picture viewer for OS 3.0+. V39.7 Author: (Magnus Holmgren) Uploader: (Magnus Holmgren) Type: gfx/show Version: 39.7 Requires: OS 3.0 Visage is an IFF ILBM/GIF/JPeg/Datatypes viewer for the AmigaOS version 3.0 or higher. Main features include: Supports AA (AGA), ECS, RTG, PCHG, SHAM and CLUT. ;) Can display "deep" pictures in all formats on ECS Amigas, rendered in HAM, "normal" color or grayscale. Can scale "rendered" pictures to fit the screen. Extensive monitor support. Uses a BestModeID()-like function to find a suitable mode (if needed). Any native Amiga screen mode can be specified with text! No numbers needed. But you can use numbers, if you so wish. Or a requester. Simple promotion of pictures to any installed monitor. No hardcoded command line options for this. There is even a monitor requester. Several slideshow options, including a random mode, making Visage ideal for use with screen blankers as an external module. It's free! News in version 39.6 include: Some minor and a few major bugs fixed. The MONITOR argument now support patterns. Visage will now remap Datatype pictures if needed. Useful if you have an ECS Amiga. Added the NOFOREIGN switch, to imporove compatibility with the PicassoII. Some other minor fixes. News in version 39.7 include: Some bug fixes. Most notably, the Workbench argument parsing didn't work properly. visag397.lha
grafika.115 senna,
Treba mi nesto za gledanje JFIF JPEG-ova.
grafika.116 zealot,
HI! Treba mi informacija jel postoji neki prg za tehnicko crtanje za amigu, odnosno za Amigu 500..koju ja na zalost imam<bar za sad ;> Pozdrav by ZeaLoT / CaNCeR :)
grafika.117 mikis,
+> HI! Treba mi informacija jel postoji neki prg za tehnicko crtanje za +> amigu, odnosno za Amigu 500..koju ja na zalost imam<bar za sad ;> Naravno da postoji. Najbolji CAD program na Amigi je X-CAD (beše 3000), koji se u nekim stvarima mogao nositi sa najboljim programima na ostalim platformama. Naravno, gola A500 je suviše slaba mašina za njega. Od manjih programa imaš MaxonCAD (mislim da postoji i studentska verzija koja radi na A500/1MB), DynaCad 2, i još neki kojih sad ne mogu da se setim (nikad me nije previše interesovala ta problematika). Najbolje da pozoveš lokalnog "dilera", pa da se raspitaš za neki stariji CAD program, napravljen kada je i 1 MB bilo dovoljno :)
grafika.119 sofke,
Short: Picture viewer for OS 3.0+. V39.9 Author: (Magnus Holmgren) Uploader: (Magnus Holmgren) Version: 39.9 Type: gfx/show Requires: OS 3.0 Visage is an IFF ILBM/GIF/JPeg/Datatypes viewer for the AmigaOS version 3.0 and higher. Main features include: Supports AA (AGA), ECS, RTG, PCHG, SHAM and CLUT. ;) Can display "deep" pictures in all formats on ECS Amigas, rendered in HAM, "normal" color or grayscale. Can scale "rendered" pictures to fit the screen. Extensive monitor support. Uses a BestModeID()-like function to find a suitable mode (if needed). Any native Amiga screen mode can be specified with text! No numbers needed. But you can use numbers, if you so wish. Or a requester. Simple promotion of pictures to any installed monitor. No hardcoded command line options for this. There is even a monitor requester. Several slideshow options, including a random mode, making Visage ideal for use with screen blankers as an external module. It's free! News in version 39.8 include: Fixed the low chip memory crash bug. Made some changes to the installer script as well. News in version 39.9 include: Fixed problems with the V43 picture.datatype. Fixed memory losses when aborting datatype pictures. Some other minor fixes. Installation notes: It is recommended to use the Installer, since it takes care of some not so obvious details, regarding the JPEG reader (in Visage) and the manual. If you wish to start the installer from the Shell, please use the ShellInstall script included. It sets the parameters correctly. Also, note that the automatic language selection doesn't completely work with all versions of the Installer. visage.lha
grafika.120 sofke,
Short: PicView 2.02 Picture Cataloger (OS3+ & MUI3+) Author: Holger Papajewski Uploader: Type: gfx/misc PicView V2.02 (08.07.1996) ========================== If you have a large collection of pictures and you don't know where a special one is located, you should take a look at PicView. With PicView you can create a catalog of your pictures very easily. PicView will load pictures and render small images (thumbnails) from it. These thumbnails are displayed in a list. From there you can show the pictures or you can ask for some information such as the path, name, resolution and so on. Furthermore you can delete, move or rename pictures with PicView. For easier searching you can classify the pictures into max 255 different groups. Every picture can belong to max 4 groups. 2.01 -> 2.02 - Color mode works now also with less than 256 color screens. - All graphics operations rewritten for use with CyberGfx & V43 PictDT. - Internal viewers uses now 16 & 24 bit with CyberGfx. - Crash when loading PicView catalogs without xpkmaster.library fixed. - New FILE option for information line added. - Thumbnail disselection added. - Thumbnail selection/disselection works now exactly as like the Workbench. - Bubble help added. - Some other little bug fixes and improvements. picview2.lha
grafika.121 zealot,
HI! E zanima me dali postoji neki program za ASCIIART? U stvari, to je prg za crtanje u ASCII formatu, na PrC-u bi se takav program zvao TheDraw, ali posto ja nemam PrC... Dakle, zanima me dali postoji kako se zove, radi li na A500, i naravno dali ga neko ima, a da mu nije tesko da ga baci ovde.. O:)))) Pozdrav by ZeaLoT / CaNCeR :)
grafika.122 mikis,
Amiga/Toaster Reference Manual: LightWave FAQ Na žalost, nije naročito korisno za vlasnike ostalih računara (PC-jevce) jer je u nekom blesavom formatu, sa sopstvenim reader-om. lw_faq.lha
grafika.123 zealot,
HI! **HITNO!** mi treba neki program koji bi PC-jev ILBM format konvertovao u amigin, ili bar u GIF, svejedno.. P.S. Treba mi bar informacija kji bi prg to mogao da uradi, ako ga vec nemate.. Pozdrav by ZeaLoT / CaNCeR :)
grafika.124 mr.cikila,
Interesuje me sta je potrebno da bi se radila priprema za stampu na Amigi 500. Pokusao sam kombinaciju PAGE STREAM i kada sam istampao primere koji se dobijaju uz program izlaz na HP5L stampacu je bio ravan izlazu sa nekog 4-iglicnog stampacha. Drajver u programu sam namestio na HPLaser Printers, a isto se javlja i na HP4P. Fontove mi stampa bez problema. Voleo bih da mi neko kaze koji program da koristim za ovu svrhu i koji stampac... Pozdrav!
grafika.125 ljubinko,
>Interesuje me sta je potrebno da bi se radila priprema za stampu na >Amigi 500. Pokusao sam kombinaciju PAGE STREAM i kada sam istampao Page Stream 2.2, sa HP5L daje izvanredne rezultate na mojoj Amigi (1200, 6 Mb RAM, procesori 68030 na 28 MHz, 68882 na 16 MHz). Koliko memorije imas ? Koju verziju P. Streama imas ? Bez obzira na memoriju i verziju rezultat bi trebalo da bude odlican. verovatno nisi dobro podesio rezoluciju kod print opcije. Podesi je na 300*300. Pozdrav!
grafika.126 sofke,
Short: PicView 2.03 Picture Cataloger (OS3+ & MUI3+) Author: Holger Papajewski Uploader: Type: gfx/misc PicView V2.03 (27.08.1996) ========================== If you have a large collection of pictures and you don't know where a special one is located, you should take a look at PicView. With PicView you can create a catalog of your pictures very easily. PicView will load pictures and render small images (thumbnails) from it. These thumbnails are displayed in a list. From there you can show the pictures or you can ask for some information such as the path, name, resolution and so on. Furthermore you can delete, move or rename pictures with PicView. For easier searching you can classify the pictures into max 255 different groups. Every picture can belong to max 4 groups. 2.02 -> 2.03 - bug while writing log file removed - some locale catalogs updated picview2.lha
grafika.127 teorist,
=> Amigi 500. Pokusao sam kombinaciju PAGE STREAM i kada sam istampao => primere koji se dobijaju uz program izlaz na HP5L stampacu je bio => ravan izlazu sa nekog 4-iglicnog stampacha. Drajver u programu sam Negde nisi dobro odabrao (rezolucija štampe ???) Ja sam sa A-500 (sa 1.5MB) uspevao da iz PS2.2 štampam u fajl za HP-4 laser (drajver za štampač je bio HP Laser Jet) i rezultat je bio sasvim pristojan kada sam taj fajl kod drugara izbacio na laser :) E sad, to sve radi, ali će ti trebati minimalno 2MB za PS2.2 ili 6MB za PS3.x ... A i brži CPU od MC68k bi ti trebao...
grafika.128 kmilan,
Koji je najjači DTP program za Amigu?
grafika.129 mikis,
+> Koji je najjači DTP program za Amigu? PageStream 3.1. Toliko je jak da moja mašina (klot A1200) ne može da ga izdrži ;) Šalim se, bar koliko sam ja video iz alpha verzije (koja je jedina radila kod mene), program je jako dobar, podseća malo na QuarxXpress ;), ali traži jaku mašinu - bar 6 MB RAM (pazi, jaku - ja na PC-ju imam 32MB i još mi nije dosta ;))
grafika.130 ljubinko,
> PageStream 3.1. Toliko je jak da moja masina (klot A1200) ne moze da Sigurno je to najbolji DTP za Amigu. Problem je nabaviti ga. Zavisi sta trazis od DTP programa, i koliko mu pruzas, tj kakvu masinu imas. Nekada su najbolji DTP programi bili: 1. Professional Page (stigao do verzije 4.1, ali nema novih verzija vec duze vreme) 2. Page Stream 3. SAXON Publischer (nekada najskuplji DTP program za Amigu, ali nije sire prihvacen), 4. Page Setter 3 (vrlo lep program za malo memorije, tj za 2 Mb). Page Stream je 1991. godine stigao do verzije 2.2, sa kojom mozes mnogo toga da uradis. Posle duge pauze uveden je Page Stream 3.0. Njemu treba 5 Mb memorije ako stampas stranu bez slika. Ako ti je potrebno stampanje kao u ogledalu (na pausu za stampariju) onda ostaje samo Page Stream, jer P. Page to radi samo ako je printer sa Postscript jezikom. Neki tekst procesori se mogu koristiti skoro kao DTP, na primer Final Writer, Wordworth i dr.
grafika.131 mikis,
+> 1. Professional Page (stigao do verzije 4.1, ali nema novih verzija +> vec duze vreme) +> +> 4. Page Setter 3 (vrlo lep program za malo memorije, tj za 2 Mb). I Pro Page i Page Setter pravila je firma Gold Disk, koja je odavno prestala sa proizvodnjom Amiga softvera (sada prave programe za prezentacije za PC-je, i to prilično uspešno). Page Setter je zapravo slabija varijanta ProPage-a, prilagođena pre svega radu na slabijim mašinama. Dok sam imao A500 (sa 1 MB!) moj favorit je bio Page Setter 2. Mogao se spakovati na dve diskete (zajedno sa fontovima), a bilo je dovoljno memorije i za štampanje kompleksnijih stranica. Pro Page je takođe odličan pro gram, radi sasvim lepo na 2 MB, ali najveća mana mu je potpuno zastareo user-interfejs (za današnje pojmove).
grafika.132 mikis,
+> Sledeći put skenirane slike sa PC-a snimite u JPG format kako bi +> uštedeli na prostoru. Nabavi ImageFX koji vrši konverziju Bojim se da to ne bi mnogo pomoglo - naime, JPEG je idealan kada slike treba spakovati da bi se prebacile sa jednog računara na drugi. Međutim, kada slike treba otštampati, one se u memoriji dekompresuju na originalnu veličinu, tako da je sve jedno da li je u pitanju TIFF od 500KB ili JPEG od 100, kada on u memoriji zauzme 1.5 MB :) Znači, jedino što pomaže je više memorije (pa makar i virtuelne), ili smanjivanje kvaliteta (i samim tim veličine) slika. Pri tome ne naravno ne mislim na kvalitet kompresovanih slika (JPEGom ili nečim drugim), već na smanjivanje rezolucije ili veličine slike.
grafika.133 mikis,
- novo - amiga\graph\*.* ------------------ akjfif43.lha 57k ű AkJFIF.datatype V43.10 - novi JPEG datatype akpng43x.lha 47k ű AkPNG.datatype V43.1 - novi PNG datatype Short: AkJFIF.datatype V43.10 (JPEG) Author: Uploader: Type: util/dtype Replaces: util/dtype/akJFIF436.LHA *** NEWS TICKER *** From V43.6 to V43.10 several bugs have been fixed. Please look into the archive, to see which. *** NEWS TICKER *** akJFIF.datatype V43.10 (30.10.96) - licenseable SHAREWARE - ę 1996 by Andreas Ralph Kleinert. All rights reserved. A PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX PRODUCT. Needs Kickstart V3.x Program information ------------------- akJFIF.datatype is a new JPEG datatype, which is based on the latest IJG JFIF sources V6a. So it does support progressive JPEG and all the other things introduced with V6a (note: it reads progressive JPEG, but DataTypes cannot display images progressively - instead only as a single chunk). With V39-V42 picture.datatype it produces 256 color palette-based (with either none, floyd-steinberg or ordered dithering) or HAM6/8 output, with Ralph Schmidt's picture.datatype V43 as well optionally 24 Bit output may be done. You must use the included preferences program for best configuration. See program archive for copyright and distribution information. Short: AkPNG.datatype V43.1 (PNG) Author: Uploader: Type: util/dtype akPNG.datatype V43.1 - licenseable SHAREWARE - ę 1996 by Andreas Ralph Kleinert. All rights reserved. A PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX PRODUCT. Needs Kickstart V3.x Release Date : 01.11.1996 Program information ------------------- akPNG.datatype is a new PNG datatype, which is based on the latest PNG sources (zlib V1.0.2, pnglib V0.88). So it does support 8 Bit color mapped files and True color files (16, 24/32, 48 Bit) while 16 Bit (5:5:5/5:6:5) will be expanded, and 48 Bit (16:16:16) will be cut down to 24 Bit (8:8:8) With V39-V42 picture.datatype it produces 256 color palette-based output (256 colors exported unmodified, 24 Bit data converted to either HAM 6 or HAM 8) with Ralph Schmidt's picture.datatype V43 any 24 Bit output will be done unmodified. You must use the included preferences program for best configuration. See program archive for copyright and distribution information.
grafika.134 mikis,
- novo - amiga\graph\*.* ------------------ mpgvdt12.lha 35k ű MPEG video datatype V1.2 Short: MPEG video datatype V1.2 Author: Reinhold.A.Mainz@KBV.DE (Roland Mainz) Uploader: Reinhold.A.Mainz@KBV.DE (Roland Mainz) Type: util/dtype MPEG video datatype, which is able to play mpeg video streams. animation.datatype subclass. ALPHA release, V1.2 including color output etc.
grafika.135 mikis,
- novo - amiga\graph\*.* ------------------ zxdt392.lha 37k ű ZX Spectrum picture datatype V39.2 Short: ZX Spectrum picture datatype V39.2 Author: (Edmund Vermeulen) Uploader: (Edmund Vermeulen) Type: util/dtype ZX DataType is a picture datatype for displaying Sinclair ZX Spectrum pictures under Amiga OS release 3 or higher. Why would someone need a picture datatype for Spectrum screens? I don't know... I just created it for fun. I liked the idea of being able to view Spectrum pictures with MultiView, or having them inlined in a WWW page. Kinda neat, don't you think? :-) ZX DataType recognises three different file formats. - Raw SCREEN$ image. Length is 6912 bytes. - SCREEN$ file saved with the ZX Interface 1. Length is 6921 bytes. - SCREEN$ file in the ZX82 (Amiga Speculator) format. Both compressed and uncompressed (length is 6924 bytes) are supported.
grafika.136 mikis,
- novo - amiga\graph\*.* ------------------ be_dt43.lha 93k ű BeBox screen dump picture datatype V43.0 Short: BeBox screen dump picture datatype V43.0 Author: (Edmund Vermeulen) Uploader: (Edmund Vermeulen) Type: util/dtype Be DataType is a picture datatype for displaying BeBox screen dumps under Amiga OS release 3 or higher. The BeBox has the ability to save the current visible screen to disk, simply by pressing the 'PrtSc' button on the keyboard. With this datatype you are able to view these images on the Amiga. Image clips created by the ImageViewer application have the same format and can be viewed as well. Both 8 bit and 32 bit images are supported, but you need to have the V43 (24 bit) picture datatype installed to be able to view 32 bit screen dumps. If you don't know what a BeBox is, you should visit Be's web site at ''. In short, it's a dual PowerPC computer with a completely new OS. Some say that it's the spiritual successor to the Amiga.
grafika.137 ljubinko,
> Znaci, jedino sto pomaze je vise memorije (pa makar i virtuelne), ili To je tako i jasno mi je. Nije mi jasno kako ja kada skeniram fotografiju urezoluciji 300x300 dobijem fajl 12 Mb, a ovde cesto vidimo fajlove od pedesetak (i manje) Kb. O kojim se rezolucijama radi, o kom broju boja ili nijansi.
grafika.138 mikis,
+> Nije mi jasno kako ja kada skeniram fotografiju urezoluciji 300x300 +> dobijem fajl 12 Mb, a ovde cesto vidimo fajlove od pedesetak (i +> manje) Kb. O kojim se rezolucijama radi, o kom broju boja ili +> nijansi. Pa, normalno je da tolike slike zauzimaju toliko prostora. Veličina slike (u bajtovima) računa se tako što se pomnože dimenzije slike sa rezolucijom i veličinom "palete". Npr. slika formata 13x18cm skenirana u rezoluciji 300 dpi (oko 120 tačaka po cm) sa 16,7 mil. boja (24bitna paleta - dakle 3 bajta po pikselu) zauzeće oko 13x18x120x120x3 tj. približno 10 MB. Slike koje obično gledamo na našim monitorima su znatno manje rezolucije - recimo 640x480, naspram 1560x2160 za gore pomenutu skeniranu fotografiju. Pored toga, broj boja je često znatno manji - npr. GIF format je ograničen na 256 boja (8 bita) što znači da takva slika zauzima tri puta manje memorije. Osim toga, većina popularnih formata (kao što su IFF, TIFF, GIF, i, pogotovu JPEG) podržava kompresiju slike, tako da npr. JPEG slika veličine 50-ak KB kada se raspakuje može da zauzme i preko 1MB. Kada smo već kod kompresije treba spomenuti da neki formati (npr. JPEG) koriste tzv. "lossy" kompresiju, tj. neke informacije iz slike se svesno zanemaruju da bi se povećao stepen kompresije, čime, jasno, slika gubi na kvalitetu. Zato ne treba preterivati sa kompresovanjem da se ne bi dobile slike kakve viđamo po raznim domaćim BBS-ovima a koje su često vrlo jadnog kvaliteta.
grafika.139 ljubinko,
Radio sam nesto sa slikama. Imam programe Image FX 1.5 i Photogenics 1.1 TM 1.177. Ima li neko novije ? Koristi li neko ove programe ? Pozdrav!
grafika.140 mmisic,
> Imam programe Image FX 1.5 i Photogenics 1.1 TM 1.177. > Koristi li neko ove programe ? Ja sam ih 'koristio' (nažalost više nemam Amigu) :( Svako ko hoće malo ozbiljnije da se bavi grafikom mora da poseduje ImageFX (ili AD) i Photogenics.
grafika.141 mikis,
- novo - amiga\graph\*.* ------------------ qt12.lha 211k ű QuickTime Player za AGA/CyberGFX, V1.2 Short: QuickTime player for AGA/CyberGFX. V1.2 Author: (Marcus Comstedt) Uploader: (Marcus Comstedt) Type: gfx/show Replaces: gfx/show/qt11* qt (pronounced cute) is a QuickTime movie player for the Amiga. I wrote this program because I wanted something CPU-intense to run on my 68060, so it's main purpose is to eat computrons, the fact that it also plays movies rather nicely is just a side effect. :) The requirements for running qt are: Ě 68020 CPU or better Ě AmigaOS 3.0 or better Ě AGA and/or CyberGFX Ě lots of memory Depending on the actual movie, and the replay mode selected, an 020 may very well be a tad under specced... QuickTime animation formats currently supported are: Ě RLE Ě Cinepak Ě Road Pizza Ě JPEG Changes from V1.1: - Fixed some more FPU bugs. - Replay in a window on a public screen is now possible with CyberGraphX. - Replay can be aborted with ESC/Ctrl-C/close gadget in the replay window, and not just from the CLI. - Now manages to recognize most nonstandard file layouts. - Added support for JPEG movies. Fast CPU required... - Fixed a bug that caused 16 bit sound to be replayed incorrectly. - Added some kludges to work around the bug in cybergraphics.library which caused the "no appropriate screenmode" problem.
grafika.142 mikis,
- novo - amiga\graph\*.* ------------------ akgif43x.lha 32k ű AkGIF.datatype V43.3 - novi GIF datatype Short: AkGIF-dt V43.3 (GIF, 000/030-060) Author: Uploader: Type: util/dtype *** NEWS TICKER *** V43.3 (19.11.96) : - improved scheduling - added note about public screens (Usage) - now does recognize GIFs with transparent color and exports the Bitmap Headers with the appropriate flags set - added IPrefs note (Usage) V43.2 (16.11.96) : - hopefully fixed memory trash bug (-> Daniel Schmitt and others) - fixed some possible leaks (SAS/C error #317) *** NEWS TICKER *** akGIF.datatype V43.3 - licenseable GIFTWARE (Freeware) - ę 1996 by Andreas Ralph Kleinert. All rights reserved. A PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX PRODUCT. Needs Kickstart V3.x Release Date : 19.11.1996 Program information ------------------- akGIF.datatype is a new GIF datatype, which is based on a highly optimized LZW decoder. So it does support interlaced GIF and other special features of GIF (note: it reads interlaced GIF, but DataTypes cannot display images progressively - instead only as a single chunk). With V39-V43 picture.datatype it produces 256 color palette-based output, since GIF itself does not allow more. See program archive for copyright and distribution information.
grafika.143 mikis,
- novo - amiga\graph\*.* ------------------ akjfi433.lha 69k ű AkJFIF.datatype V43.3 - novi JPEG datatype Short: AkJFIF.datatype V43.3 (JPEG for V40 and V43) Author: Uploader: Martin Schulze <> Type: util/dtype Replaces: util/dtype/akJFIF432.LHA *** NEWS TICKER *** V43.3 (6.10.96) : - moved Prefs from ENV:akJFIF.cfg to ENV:Datatypes/akJFIF.prefs - respectively ENVARC: (-> Swen K. Stullich) - added optional progress bar percentage display (default is "on") - slightly fixed ModeID generation. Please use SetPatch 43.5 for best results on OS 3.0 systems - changed distribution conditions: when being "licensed" by commercial or Shareware software by sending me a free copy, users of that software need no longer pay the Datatype shareware fee *** NEWS TICKER *** akJFIF.datatype V43.3 (6.10.96) - licenseable SHAREWARE - ę 1996 by Andreas Ralph Kleinert. All rights reserved. A PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX PRODUCT. (persistent - resistant -> persistant) Needs Kickstart V3.x Program information ------------------- akJFIF.datatype is a new JPEG datatype, which is based on the latest IJG JFIF sources V6a. So it does support progressive JPEG and all the other things introduced with V6a (note: it reads progressive JPEG, but DataTypes cannot display images progressively - instead only as a single chunk). With V39-V42 picture.datatype it produces 256 color palette-based output (with either none, floyd-steinberg or ordered dithering), with Ralph Schmidt's picture.datatype V43 24 Bit output will be done. See program archive for copyright and distribution information.
grafika.144 mikis,
Sony Chooses NewTek's LightWave 3D For Development Environment TOKYO, NICOGRAPH 96, Nov. 21 -- NewTek, Inc., manufacturer of LightWave 3D(TM), Video Toaster(TM) and the Video Toaster Flyer(TM), announced today that Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. has selected NewTek's LightWave 3D 4.0 to supply all existing and new members of the Net Yaroze, Sony Computer Entertainment's innovative project targeted at PlayStation hobbyist creators. Introduced by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. in May 1996, Net Yaroze is a complete development environment providing the creative hobbyist member an easy to use yet powerful game development solution called "Starter Kit", as well as providing the Internet servers which support members' mutual communication and contents up-download activities. Net Yaroze was designed to encourage hobbyist creators to aggressively challenge the brand new category of masterpiece by co-development utilizing Net Yaroze servers. Using the members existing PC, the Net Yaroze project provides them with an understanding of 3D graphics oriented content development, from both a programming and graphics viewpoint with Starter Kit software and LightWave 3D 4.0 software. "Sony Computer Entertainment selected LightWave 3D to include with their development system because they are convinced it is the best 3D graphics software program available for video game development," said Keith Goodman, vice president, sales and marketing, NewTek, Inc. "Net Yaroze brings together leaders in game development hardware and software to offer independent game developers a high-level solution normally available only at big name studios." "LightWave 3D is clearly the front-runner in 3D software for the game development industry," said Masa Chatani, director of R&D, Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. "We wanted to provide our members the most powerful, yet easy to use solution, so they could get started right away. We are thankful to D-Storm, NewTek's Japanese distributor, for helping to bring LightWave 3D to our customer base." The Net Yaroze project is available currently only in Japan and is promoted via Sony Computer Entertainment's web site (, public announcements and in top trade publications. The price of the starter kit is 120,000 Yen (JY) including a special black PlayStation, software development tools, and free server access through the end of March 1997. The Net Yaroze Starter Kit is sold directly through Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. LightWave 3D -- Photo-realistic Animation LightWave 3D is the most powerful animation system available in its price range, offering features such as full ray tracing, motion blur, depth of field, variable lens settings, and may other special effects that allow users to create stunning images and animations. Due to its unparalleled rendering quality and easy of use, LightWave 3D is the artist's choice for creating special effects for popular television shows, feature films and commercials, award winning video games and graphics for corporate videos. LightWave 3D is available for Windows 95, Windows NT on Intel, DEC Alpha, and MIPS, Apple PowerMac, as well as Silicon Graphics and Amiga workstations. About NewTek, Incorporated Headquartered in Topeka, Kansas, NewTek Inc. is the leader in providing full featured video editing and special effects tools at a price that allows anyone to produce professional video and graphics. The company's products are used worldwide on projects from home video to feature film and have won awards for television shows such as Babylon 5 and Star Trek. NewTek's sales and marketing office is located in Boulder, Colorado. Contact NewTek at 1200 SW Executive Drive, Topeka, KS, 66615. 913-228-8000. FAX 913-228-8099, NOTE: NewTek is a registered trademark of NewTek, Inc. Video Toaster, Video Toaster Flyer and LightWave 3D are registered trademarks of NewTek, Inc. PlayStation is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. SOURCE NewTek Inc. CONTACT: Steve Herrmann, Director, Marketing Communications, of NewTek Inc., 303-448-9700; or Hollie Wendt, Communications Consultant, 408-688-1193, for NewTek Inc./
grafika.145 ldjordje,
Short: MPEG player with support for CyberGraphX Author:, Uploader: Type: gfx/show Replaces: aMiPEG_0.8.lha ======================================================================== aMiPEG 1.0 is a player for MPEG video streams for the Commodore Amiga. It is based upon the Berkeley X-Windows player version 2.0, with major changes in speed and size. Main advantages are much faster decoding of the streams compared with other products based on the Berkeley sources, and a real-time scaling to fit on a complete HAM screen (no thumbnail animations anymore!). If you are using CyberGraphX software from Vision Factory Development you can also play MPEG streams in resizeable, true color window on an Intuition screen. Version 1.0 adds support for system-streams and video hardware found on some gfx-boards. ========================================================================= HISTORY V0.1 * First public release * Some cosmetic changes to be done. V0.2 * Oops, wrong ZIP code in the snail-mail address * Bug with scaling of animations >200 pixel vertical is fixed. * Little bit faster & tighter V0.3 * HAM6 rendering * Somehow, the times got mixed up. NOW it renders to HAM8 with 6.5 fps (was 6.3) on the A4000/040 as the code is somewhat streamlined and more parts are moved to assembler. * Uses default public screen's mode ID now instead of default monitor's. V0.4 * Forgot the Multiscan monitor ID (several people mailed me about this; really sorry guys) * Autodetect non-AGA chipset, force HAM6 in this case * Minor speed-up in the iDCT (in fact not worth mentioning) * This is an intermediate release; 0.5 will contain the TODO stuff listed down there. V0.5 by Miloslaw Smyk from now on. * CyberGraphX support * TODO stuff is still "to do" V0.6 * command line parsing is now done with ReadArgs() * DITHER GRAY support added * PUBSCREEN keyword lets you easily select "deep" screen to open CyberGraphX window on. * MODEID now works with all dithers. You can play MPEGs in HAM even if your default screen doesn't support it. * fix for streams with width not divisible by 16. * framerate control added (useful on "too fast" Amigas). * I/O buffer size can be changed from command line. * AmigaGuide documentation. V0.7 * asynchronous I/O for faster/smoother playback from HD * now aMiPEG works with OCS/ECS under Kick v40+, too. V0.8 * a long-standing bug in stream parser fixed. Should play more movies now. * uses NewLook under Picasso96, too. * pressing ESCAPE aborts playback. * now uses (and requires) the shared version of asyncio library v39 * file remained locked after unsuccessful playback * recompiled with SAS/C 6.58 V1.0 MAJOR RELEASE (with guest appearance from Jussi T. Lindgren) * system-streams (interleaved video and audio) supported. (JTL) * YCrCb->RGB and scaling hardware of CV64/3D (and upcoming CVPPC/BVPPC) supported. (MS) * pattern matching and ASL file-requester (JTL) * full screen playback (MS) amipeg.lha
grafika.147 ldjordje,
Short: Easy to use gfx-converter, V1.10 Author: Frank Pagels ( Uploader: Frank Pagels ( Version: 1.10 Type: gfx/conv Replaces: gfx/conv/ArtPRO1.03.lha changes to v1.03 V1.10 07.12.1997 - added image preview in the main window - uses guigfx.library for operator screens - Kickstart 2.x no longer supported - better monitor selection for 24bit images, especially for graphics cards - v43 picture datatype import implemented - new screen handling for brush selection and colorbias, now working fine with graphics cards. - IFF24 saver implemented - JPEG loader/saver implemented - new operators: MakeButton, ListRender, Count Colors - fixed rgb chunky12 loader - fixed rgb chunky 24 saver - fixed GIF loader for transparent images and extensions - fixed TIFF loader - fixed GIF saver - datatype loading didn't work after saving GIFs - of course lots of minor changes :-) ArtPRO is a easy to use gfx-converter. Reders images in every color depth in high speed, based on the fantastic render.library by Timm S. MŘller Has special functions for programmer, like raw,sprite and chunky conversions Some awesome features of ArtPRO 1.10: * Font-sentitive GUI * All functions driven by gadgets or keyboard equivalents * No menus on screens with weird resolutions and colors * Lots of options and settings for your individual taste * A new fantastic loader and Saver management with locale prefs * Renders images into every color depth you find on amiga with 3 different dithermodes * Comfortable brush cutting controlled on a seperate screen * loader/saver for IFF,BMP,PCX,TIFF,JPEG,GIF and GIFANIM * 24 bit support * Color-bias lets you control an image's saturation, contrast, brightness, and R/G/B in real-time * Palette editor * Button maker operator fŘr Web Design * Highly flexible source code generation for programmer * Generates Assembler, C, Pascal, E, and Basic source contact author: Frank Pagels Kolumbusring 39 Rostock 18106 E-Mail:
grafika.148 ldjordje,
... Na žalost ni iz 3. pokušaja ne mogu da pošaljem fajl uz poruku ... ;(((((
grafika.149 ldjordje,
... Evo konačno sam uspeo ... artpro.lha
grafika.150 ldjordje,
Short: MPEG player with support for CyberGraphX Author:,, Uploader: Type: gfx/show Replaces: aMiPEG_1.0_*.lha ======================================================================== aMiPEG 1.1 is a player for MPEG video streams for the Commodore Amiga. It is based upon the Berkeley X-Windows player version 2.0, with major changes in speed and size. Main advantages are much faster decoding of the streams compared with other products based on the Berkeley sources, and a real-time scaling to fit on a complete HAM screen (no thumbnail animations anymore!). If you are using CyberGraphX software from Vision Factory Development you can also play MPEG streams in resizeable, true color window on an Intuition screen. Version 1.0 adds support for system-streams and video hardware found on some gfx-boards. ========================================================================= HISTORY V0.1 * First public release * Some cosmetic changes to be done. V0.2 * Oops, wrong ZIP code in the snail-mail address * Bug with scaling of animations >200 pixel vertical is fixed. * Little bit faster & tighter V0.3 * HAM6 rendering * Somehow, the times got mixed up. NOW it renders to HAM8 with 6.5 fps (was 6.3) on the A4000/040 as the code is somewhat streamlined and more parts are moved to assembler. * Uses default public screen's mode ID now instead of default monitor's. V0.4 * Forgot the Multiscan monitor ID (several people mailed me about this; really sorry guys) * Autodetect non-AGA chipset, force HAM6 in this case * Minor speed-up in the iDCT (in fact not worth mentioning) * This is an intermediate release; 0.5 will contain the TODO stuff listed down there. V0.5 by Miloslaw Smyk from now on. * CyberGraphX support * TODO stuff is still "to do" V0.6 * command line parsing is now done with ReadArgs() * DITHER GRAY support added * PUBSCREEN keyword lets you easily select "deep" screen to open CyberGraphX window on. * MODEID now works with all dithers. You can play MPEGs in HAM even if your default screen doesn't support it. * fix for streams with width not divisible by 16. * framerate control added (useful on "too fast" Amigas). * I/O buffer size can be changed from command line. * AmigaGuide documentation. V0.7 * asynchronous I/O for faster/smoother playback from HD * now aMiPEG works with OCS/ECS under Kick v40+, too. V0.8 * a long-standing bug in stream parser fixed. Should play more movies now. * uses NewLook under Picasso96, too. * pressing ESCAPE aborts playback. * now uses (and requires) the shared version of asyncio library v39 * file remained locked after unsuccessful playback * recompiled with SAS/C 6.58 V1.0 MAJOR RELEASE (with guest appearance from Jussi T. Lindgren) * system-streams (interleaved video and audio) supported. (JTL) * YCrCb->RGB and scaling hardware of CV64/3D (and upcoming CVPPC/BVPPC) supported. (MS) * pattern matching and ASL file-requester (JTL) * full screen playback (MS) V1.1 * now also PicassoIV-PIP with YCrCb->RGB and scaling hardware is supported, done by Tobias Seiler * PIPE: works again * LOOP mode with HAM8 display works correctly now * minor modifications in stream parser, by Tobias Seiler * some small fixes regarding scaling * docs updated amipeg11.lha
grafika.151 ldjordje,
Koja je zadnja verzija Cybergraphic.library i sve koje idu uz nju, a da rade sa AGA čipovima?
grafika.152 vpoznanovic,
>> Koja je zadnja verzija Cybergraphic.library i sve koje idu uz nju, >> a da rade sa AGA čipovima? Ne pamtim da je CyberGraphX grafički sistem ikada podržavao AGA arhitekturu (naravno, ako izuzmemo ovaj CGX AGA patch iz posljednje revizije verzije 3 pomoću kojeg se samo na mašinama s PPC procesorom može postići određen nivo CGX kompatibilnosti). To što neki program izričito traži cybergraphics.library ne znači i da sigurno koristi njene funkcije, već samo da je tako napisan da i slučaju kad grafička kartica ne postoji mora da nađe biblioteku i da je otvori. Ako te ipak zanima koje su zadnje verzije biblioteka iz CyberGraphX paketa, evo ih: cybergraphics.library 40.111 (12.03.97) cyberintuition.library 40.34 (09.12.96) cyberlayers.library 40.8 (02.01.96)
grafika.153 ldjordje,
Koji je najbolji viewer za animacije, tj. koji podržava najviše formata? Da li postoji neki viewer koji može da se ubaci u IBrowse kao external viewer a da podržava one tipove animacija koje podržava Windows Media Player na PC-u?
grafika.155 ventura,
zar ima nekog zivog u ovoj konfi :) btw imas amigu?
grafika.156 ldjordje,
Ima nas barem troje! :) Pozdrav moderatoru! :)
grafika.157 ventura,
> Ima nas barem troje! :) Pozdrav moderatoru! :) Puna kapa :)
grafika.158 ljubinko,
>Ima nas barem troje! :) Pozdrav moderatoru! :) Pozdrav i od mene! Uzgred da pitam koje plejere za MP3 format koristite?
grafika.159 ldjordje,
Ja koristim MPega sa diamond GUI-em, verzija 3.5, a nisam skoro proveravao da li je izasla novija verzija :)
grafika.160 ventura,
> > Uzgred da pitam koje plejere za MP3 format koristite? AmiAMP
grafika.161 ljubinko,
Dobio sam neke JPEG slike koje ne mogu da pogledam sa programima koje imam. Da li vi nekim programom mozete da vidite sliku u prilogu i kojim? Pozdrav. primer.jpg
grafika.162 ldjordje,
Ova slika moze da se pogleda sa Visage V39.21 Vidi da li ima u dir-u ili confi, ako ne, vici! :)
grafika.163 ljubinko,
>Ova slika moze da se pogleda sa Visage V39.21 >Vidi da li ima u dir-u ili confi, ako ne, vici! :) Skinuo sam iz direktorijuma Visage V39.9 od 7.2.96. ali on ne moze da pokaze ovaj jpg.
grafika.164 ldjordje,
Ok, evo stize na mail ... :)
grafika.165 ljubinko,
>Ok, evo stize na mail ... :) Hvala. Radi. A sada bi hteo da slike koje sam video i stampam. Dakle postoji li neki program koji bi ovo prebacio u IFF, GIF ili neki drugi format? ili postoji li neki program koji stampa jpg?
grafika.166 ldjordje,
Za konvertovanje nije los ArtPro ali sam ga posle havarije diska izgubio :( Pa ako ti nije frka, potrazicu na Aminet-u pa cu ti poslati ... Za stampanje moze da se koristi Photogenic ili ImageFX koliko se secam, ali za to ces morati da se snadjes :)