03 Feb 1995 - 16 Dec 1999


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Messages - virusi

virusi.1 sazalakazu,
Ě . : . - -- --+--- ---- -- ---- ------- --+- - --- : . : : --+--- -- - --+- -- Ě .::::::::::::::: :::::::. : . Tr°pic° HQ : : :::.... ... ::: ... ::: Ě -+- --- - ----+-- - : ž::::::: ::: ::: :::::::. : Ě : : .....::: :::..::: ::: ::: . : . . :::::::' ::::::: ::: ::: : : : : - -- +---- ---- ------- --- -- - -+- --- +-- : Sex, Drugs & Rock and Roll : KiNg : . - -Ě- - - +- - Ě : ThA bEST MutHAFuCKa's Bbs iN tHA WoRLd . : ---+-- --- -- - - ------ - - --+---- : Rulesmakers: KiNg and Ogisha . . Userfuckers: Kangar°° and iNfusioN : ---+--- - ------- ---- ----- - --+---- : : . Ě +381 11 472424 <--------* 22-06 <-----------------* Tek od drugog (2) marta, znaci od sutra! CETVRTAK! Nemoj da me je neko slucajno zvao pre, ima se gadno provede :))))))))) Ex.............................................................. super!
virusi.3 mikis,
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ---------------------------------------- ! WARNING TO ALL AMIGA USERS/TRADERS ! ---------------------------------------- There is a new wave of files that writes over your files in S: and DEVS: and it says: "CIRCLE OF POWER '95" !!! read this text to find out some more!! ---------------------------------------- @END_FILE_ID.DIZ The last days some files has passed the scene and there are for sure some more to come!. The files contains no virus just some naughty code this are offen called trojan hourses. So if you allready has runned one of these files and replaced the files in s: and devs: youv'e nothing to worry about, everything should be as usual. The one that made this fake files are REALLY lame !! hah !! he's probably a bad coder without the knowledge to make some real viruses but he has some knowledge about what programs that are comming to the amiga in a near future so that he can release the 'circe' trojans in archives called the same.. IF YOU (CREATOR OF THIS LAME TROJANS) READ THIS I CAN JUST SAY: your L-A-M-E !!. The trojans circulating the scene (today: 26-03-95) are: NComm v3.2?, DOpus v5, Lha v3.0, CED v??. (That I'm avere of). So make a backup of your S: and DEVS: if your'e about to test a suspected file.. Perhaps he'll change the code and change the files in libs: or bbs: or something like this.. Backup!! btw. This text wore written in a great hurry so ... hum, well you know!!! ;) NOTE: I was told in this last minute that it even formats/changes the files in libs: ... perhaps it's true.. Signed: Neptune / Outlaws
virusi.4 mikis,
virusi.5 mikis,
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ .------------------------------------------. | INFO ABOUT THE "CIRCLE OF POWER"-VIRUS!! | | NCOMM32.LHA CED4.LHA LHA30.LHA OPUS5.LHA | | THESE FILES ARE ALL MADE BY THIS ASSHOLE:| | ** GRYZOR / DUPLO ** | | (ALSO KNOWN AS BORRE/DPL) | | DELETE HIM FROM YOUR BOARDS! | `------------------------------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ The last 2 days, we have seen updates of many major utilities for the Amiga, like CygnudEd 4.0, DirOpus 5.0 and so on. If you have runned any of these files, you are probably not very happy. To you who were smart enough to stay away from these files, I can tell you that they are trojan-viruses, and destroy your S: , DEVS: and LIBS: directories. When i did some researching everything lead to the same guy, GRYZOR / DUPLO, and i'm now 100% sure that he is the guy who made these files. He is also known as BORRE / DUPLO *************************************************************************** HERE IS THE NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONENUMBER TO THE GUY WHO DESTROYED YOUR HD! *************************************************************************** Gryzor/Duplo: Bjorn Rolen Hallstavagen 23 88132 Soleftea Sweden Phone: +46-(0)620-13141 (answering machine) His parents: Stefan & Sonja Rolen Hallstavagen 23 88132 Soleftea Sweden Phone: +46-(0)620-10820 SHOW NO MERCY! TERRORIZE HIM AND HIS FAMILY AS MUCH AS YOU CAN! Signed: Hijacker / Classic
virusi.6 ljubinko,
>Pojavio se DOPUS 5.0! >Sluzi kao kompletna zamena za Workbench (ako imate memorije). Rad je ceo u >prozorima gadgetima i nimalo ne lici na stari DOpus.. Jeste. Trebace dosta vremena da se naviknemo na njega, a mnogi ce i dalje ostati na dobrom 4.12. Da li neko ima neku informaciju o virusu koji je najavljivan uz DOpus 5.0. Da li je to neko proverio? Da li prabbi neke probleme?
virusi.7 mikis,
+>Da li neko ima neku informaciju o virusu koji je najavljivan uz +>DOpus 5.0. Da li je to neko proverio? Da li prabbi neke probleme? Koliko ja znam, ovde nema nikakvog virusa. To što ti pominješ odnosilo se na par lamera koji su pravili trojance i pakovali u arhive tipa dopus5, ced4, i slično.
virusi.8 ljubinko,
Koji program za otkrivanje virusa koristite ? Ja sam danas skinuo Virus Checker 6.55: _________ _ ____/"""./###/____)\_____________ /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP! / / //"""/" / // / //____ \_ \ // / ____/ / //""""/X\@!/ \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/ --><><><><><></____/-><>- Presents-<><-- Virus_Checker v6.55 (11-06-95) >>>----------------------------------<<< U uputstvumu pise da sada proverava i lha arhive na viruse i uz njega ide i najnovija unpack.library koja to omogucava. Sta preporucujete ? Ja za sada nemam problema sa virusima, ali za svaki slucaj.
virusi.9 marshall,
=> Koji program za otkrivanje virusa koristite ? => Ja sam danas skinuo Virus Checker 6.55: => => _________ _ => ____/"""./###/____)\_____________ => /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP! / / //"""/" / // / //____ \_ \ // / ____/ / //""""/X\@!/ => \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/ --><><><><><></____/-><>- Presents-<><-- => Virus_Checker v6.55 (11-06-95) >>>----------------------------------<<< => => U uputstvumu pise da sada proverava i lha arhive na viruse i uz => njega ide i najnovija unpack.library koja to omogucava. => => Sta preporucujete ? => Ja za sada nemam problema sa virusima, ali za svaki slucaj. Ja licno koristim Virus Z i Virus Workshop... Na svake 2-3 nedelje od prilike procesljam disk, cisto reda radi.. Inace, nikako da mi predje u naviku da drzim aktiviran Virus Z kad ubacujem nove (tj. tudje) diskete u drajv - kad utrci jednom virus... Ima da bude svasta..
virusi.10 mikis,
+> Sta preporucujete ? +> Ja za sada nemam problema sa virusima, ali za svaki slucaj. Moj savet: TRSI Virus Workshop i Virus Checker.
virusi.11 ljubinko,
_____ ______ ___ DIRECT UPLOAD FROM __/ ___// / // /\ SAFE HEX \___ // _/ // / / INTERNATIONAL / / // __ // / / ------------- /____//__/__//__/ / AGAIN A NEW TOP-HIT! \____\\__\__\\__\/ ------------- ->> AMIGA HACK REPORT <<- Amiga Hack Report is little list telling you about the lastest hacks and trojans to keep your up-to-date. ĐĐŠŠčč█č芊ĐĐ Update 20-07-95 ĐĐŠŠčč█č芊ĐĐ hack9529.lha
virusi.12 ljubinko,
Citao sam u najnovijem PC-u o virusu koji se na PC-u pojavio i koji je nevidljiv za njihove najbolje virus kilere, a zovu ga Zirinovski. Da li na Amigi postoji neki novi virus, koji moze da napravi grdnu stetu ? Prati li neko ovu oblast ?
virusi.13 marshall,
lj> Citao sam u najnovijem PC-u o virusu koji se na PC-u pojavio lj> i koji je nevidljiv za njihove najbolje virus kilere, a zovu lj> ga Zirinovski. lj> Da li na Amigi postoji neki novi virus, koji moze da napravi lj> grdnu stetu ? lj> Prati li neko ovu oblast ? Ko sto neko rece na SEZAMU PRO (sto te nema tamo ?) virusi se vise ne prave od kada su vece firme digle ruke od zastite svojih programa od pirata.. Tako da se u poslednje vreme ne prave virusi za Amigu.. Mozda tek po koji.. ** Amiga SOR VERSION 1.0 registered to marshall
virusi.14 ljubinko,
>Ko sto neko rece na SEZAMU PRO (sto te nema tamo ?) virusi se vise ne >prave od kada su vece firme digle ruke od zastite svojih programa od >pirata.. Ne bi bilo zgodno da nas iznenadi neki virus. (Inace sam mnogo zauzet drugim stvarima, pa ne stignem da se javljam. Treba da zavrsim jednu knjigu do nove godine (nema veze sa komjuterima, a radim je na Amigi.)
virusi.15 marshall,
>Ko sto neko rece na SEZAMU PRO (sto te nema tamo ?) virusi se vise ne >prave od kada su vece firme digle ruke od zastite svojih programa od >pirata.. lj> Ne bi bilo zgodno da nas iznenadi neki virus. Zaista, ne bi... Buduci da svi programi stizu sa BBS-ova, tamo su vec sigurno provereni ko su i sta su.. Tako da to nije opasnost, sem ako je to neki prikriven virus koji ceka neko vreme pre nego sto se aktivira (recimo mesec dana) ** Amiga SOR VERSION 1.0 registered to marshall
virusi.16 vpejovski,
NEW VIRUS ON AMIGA, CALLED: >>> HAPPY NEW YEAR 1996 <<< hnyvirus.txt
virusi.17 vpejovski,
virusi.18 teorist,
Da li je izašao noviji VirusWorkshop od verzije 5.2 (jun '95) ???
virusi.19 mikis,
+> Da li je izašao noviji VirusWorkshop od verzije 5.2 (jun '95) ??? Da si živ i zdrav, izašao je i 5.8 :) Zamolio bih nekoga ko ima kompletnu arhivu da ga pošalje, pošto nisam siguran da je moja cela :(
virusi.20 teorist,
+> Da li je izašao noviji VirusWorkshop od verzije 5.2 (jun '95) ??? => => Da si živ i zdrav, izašao je i 5.8 :) Zamolio bih nekoga ko ima => kompletnu arhivu da ga pošalje, pošto nisam siguran da je moja cela :( Nažalost, po Boardima je ovo najnovija verzija :((( Zato me je i čudilo, jer sam primetio da se BootX odavno ne pojavljuje, a onaj VT mi je strašno neugodan zbog - jezika :( So, zamolio bih neku dobru dušu da UL sveži VirusWorkshop. (a i malkice da nam živne conf. :) )
virusi.23 mikis,
Okej, evo moje (nadam se kompletne) arhive Virus Workshopa 5.8. Obavezno skinite, prepoznaje (između ostalih) i Ebola i HNY viruse! p.s. I dalje stoji molba, ako neko ima _baš_ kompletnu verziju (nisam siguran da je ova takva), neka je pošalje, da bih je prebacio u dir! Dakle: TRSI Virus Workshop 5.8 Final Release (19.Dec.1995) trsivw58.lha
virusi.24 mikis,
VirusZ II v1.27 (01.01.96) - OK verzija (nadam se ;), bilo je par fake i zaraženih - srećom, ne i kod nas. Prepoznaje (aktuelni) HNY virus. vz_ii127.lha
virusi.25 mikis,
VirusZ II v1.28 (02.02.96) - komentar nepotreban ;) vz_ii128.lha
virusi.26 mikis,
Sorry zbog dužine poruke, ali reko' bolje je ovako: ---- @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ .--------------------------------. | COMPLETE VIRUS WARNING! | | | | ALL WARNINGS IN ONE FILE | | | | BY (.-níNO!)[PgS^lSd] 07/02/96 | `--------------------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TMTC90.LHA -> Contains File Virus in C:CLS (Disaster Master) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- C!S-NS1.DMS -> Contains Ebola Virus ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LW4Y2.LHA -> Contains Ebola Virus It will trash/delete your C:, S:, CED, DOpus and if you have a doors: assign, EBOLA will delete it too! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning ! The file "TP5-TRSI.lha" contains a COP trojan and it is NO TRSI release. In the file_id it`s said that this is a 40K intro from TRSi. It`s the same code as found in the pha-xmas.lha trojan. The File_Id looked like this: .------------------------------------------. | DIRECTLY FROM THE PARTY 5 | `------------------------------------------' .------------------------------------------. | | | TRSI's 40k intro called 'Domination' | | | `------------------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just a quick warning the ___ __.____________. ______ ___._____ / \/ | \ __ / |_/ \ \/\/ / ___/ / \\ | \\/ \/ / \_ \\ //\___ \ conatains the EBOLA \_____/______/____\______/____\_/\_/\______/ .---------------( present: )-----------mk--. VIRUS use VZ : DATABENCH VERSiON 2.4! : : ONE DiSKED + HD iNSTALLER! : : BY TOXiC & DAFFY DUCK/OUTLAWS! : `------------------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The archive 'TP5-SPAC.LHA' with a size about 45000 bytes (ripped from all BBS adds) the mainfile 'TP5_Spaceballs.exe' has a size of 38060 bytes. The program is trying to lock on NComm:, just like tha old COP trojan's. Here is the FILE_ID from the archive: .------------------------------------------. | DIRECTLY FROM THE PARTY 5 | `------------------------------------------' .------------------------------------------. | | | Spaceballs 40k intro called | | 'Ice Frontier' | | | `------------------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The archive 'TP5-ANDR.LHA' with a size about 47000 bytes (ripped from all BBS adds) the mainfile 'TP5_Andromeda.exe has a size of 40216 bytes. The program is trying to lock on NComm:, just like tha old COP trojan's. Here is the FILE_ID from the archive: .------------------------------------------. | DIRECTLY FROM THE PARTY 5 | `------------------------------------------' .------------------------------------------. | | | Andromeda's 40k intro called 'feelings'. | | | `------------------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NHP122.LHA D !VIRUS! 01-19-96 S C O O P E X -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- presents : The latest version of NHP BlueBox 1.22 For this time : - GUARD TONE ( Bi-freq ) during BREAK and DIAL. Useful for RE-BREAK! - MORE TONES have been added ! ( Click on Right Mouse Button to check these NEW OPTIONS ) ^^^^^^ CONTAINS THE EBOLA VIRUS!! BEWARE!!! <BoSS-NuKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- lha20reg.lha 49872 01-25-96 :******************************************** :**** TURBO LHA 2.0 - REGISTERED VERSION **** :******************************************** ^^^^^^ THIS ONE REALLY SMASHES YOUR HD !!!!! ^^^^^^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- nbk-fkt.lha ????? ??-??-?? -------------------------------- - nATURAL bORN kILLERs - .------------------------------. | ________ ________ __. ,_ | | @@[ 'W @@[ 'W @@[,gY~ | | @@[ @ @@P~~~~Vs @@AfVW. | | @@[ @ @@b_____A @@[ 'Ms | `------------------------------' - presents - -------------------------------- FUCKTRO! Has a file inside called `NBK_fU@KTRo.eXE' which is infected with the Happy New Year '96 virus! Use VirusZ II v1.27 to kill it (Or any other good virus checker) BE WARNED! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- sign.lha P 30382 05-02-96 .------------------------------------------. | fíGHt AGAíNSt | | FASCíSM. | | | | fRíENDShíP RUlEZ... | | WORlDWíDE !! | `------------------------------------------' !!sIGn&sPREAd!! the file sign.lha was infected by da happy new year 96 virus! »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» detected by virusworkshop 5.9 at 05-Feb-96 on 03:13:31 Entry...............: H.N.Y.96. I+II Alias(es)...........: Happy_New_Year_96 Virus Strain........: - Virus detected when.: 11/1995 where.: Austria, Germany, Holland, Poland and USA Classification......: Link virus, memory-resident, not reset-resident Length of Virus.....: 1. Length on storage medium: 540 Bytes 2. Length in RAM: 540 Bytes ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dont Run the file ABLANK11.LHA .. it deletes all files in SYS: and renames it to "KUK_CREW".. haha lame trojan but anyway.. My board went down for 5 mins because I had to recover the files with DiskSalv Blah.. Fuck U kuk_crew. :) -- Signed.. Magz / Grt^Int^SHT^mGS! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
virusi.27 mikis,
Sorry, tek sad videh da arhiva nije sasvim kompletna - fale ikona i uputstvo (na nemačkom ;), ali poslužiće dok ne nađemo kompletnu verziju.
virusi.28 mikis,
+> | COMPLETE VIRUS WARNING! | +> | | +> | ALL WARNINGS IN ONE FILE | Još jednom da vas upozorim: obratite pažnju na fajlove navedene u ovom spisku!!! Danas sam se čuo sa sysopom D.O.T. BBS-a, njemu je trojanac iz ovog spiska : +> Dont Run the file ABLANK11.LHA .. it deletes all files in SYS: +> and renames it to "KUK_CREW".. haha lame trojan but anyway.. sj*bao sadržaj cele SYS: particije hard diska!! Što je najgore, ne radi se o virusu nego o trojancu, tako da ga (verovatno) nijedan virus kiler ne prepoznaje... Još nešto - uz poruku 6.25 je ipak prikačen VirusZ II 1.28, iako se arhiva zove vz_ii127.lha :) Izvinjavam se zbog ove omaške, probaću to što pre da sredim.
virusi.29 vpoznanovic,
Virus Checker v8.4 vchck84.lha
virusi.30 mikis,
+> Virus Checker v8.4 Zamolio bih samo, da, ako nije problem, kod slanja ovakvih programa (virus kilera, i sl.) navedete i datum "objavljivanja" programa, jer je to prilično značajan podatak za ove stvari. Konkretno, ovaj Virus Checker je od 10.12.1995, mada u dokumentaciji postoji par "štamparskih" grešaka - piše da se odnosi na V7, i da je ova verzija izašla 6 dana _pre_ prehodne (10.11.95), ali na sreću ni jedno ni drugo nije tačno :)
virusi.31 vpoznanovic,
>> Zamolio bih samo, da, ako nije problem, kod slanja ovakvih programa >> (virus kilera, i sl.) navedete i datum "objavljivanja" programa, jer je >> to prilično značajan podatak za ove stvari. >> Konkretno, ovaj Virus Checker je od 10.12.1995, mada u dokumentaciji >> postoji par "štamparskih" grešaka - piše da se odnosi na V7, i da je ova >> verzija izašla 6 dana _pre_ prehodne (10.11.95), ali na sreću ni jedno >> ni drugo nije tačno :) Nema problema. Znao sam da program nije tako nov, ali sam ga poslao zato što je to posljednja verzija Virus Checkera koja je izašla (novija i od onih koje se mogu naći na našim BBS-ovima), a ipak je u pitanju legendaran program. :)
virusi.32 vpoznanovic,
>>> Virushelp team NL Presents: <<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VirusScanList 1.31 - Rel : 08-Apr-96 A list containing dangerous archives, fake versions of warez and BBS program infiltrators. AMIGAGUIDE Format ! vlist131.lha
virusi.33 vpoznanovic,
VirusZ II 1.30. vzii130.lha
virusi.34 vpoznanovic,
S čim ne bude mogao da izađe na kraj onaj iz prethodne poruke, ovaj će sigurno moći! :) _________________ ____________ \ . ___.___._ž\/ ____/_____) TRiSTAR & \/| .| | ž| _/_____ž\| ž| | || | : ž\ žV \\ || RSi |___| |___|___\______/_____| Ě+*#*+Ě^ĚTRN!Ě|____\Ě+*#*VĚ^Ě+*#*+ĚPRESENT!Ě VirusWorkshop 6.0 by Flake/TRSi trsivw60.lzx
virusi.35 vpoznanovic,
Short: List of dangerous archives, fakes, progs. Author: Uploader: Type: util/virus This is a list containing dangerous archives,fake versions of warez and BBS program infiltrators. Be Aware! VirusScanList 1.32 GUIDE Version --> by Jan Hendrik Lots -------------------------------------------------------- VirusScanList is created for people who download very often and wanting some security about not having the latest viruses into their library. THIS ARCHIVE IS SECURED WITH PGP SIGNATURING! Please use them! Updates from Version 1.31 ------------------------- Please read 'Modifications towards...' in the file for the updates made in this release. Read the Vlist-History.TXT file for all the updates on earlier versions. vlist132.lha
virusi.36 sofke,
Evo novog VirusZ_II 1.31 skinutog sa Amineta! Sofke... vz_ii131.lha
virusi.37 sofke,
Short: VIRUS KILLER with extensive checking capabilities Author: Martin Wulffeld Uploader: Alex Holst ( Requires: Kickstart 2.04+ Version: 2.5 Type: util/virus Among some of the numerous features Xtruder have the most significant are the exceptional configuration interface, LhA/LZX checking using either unpack.library or the internal routines, report generating & checking, very intuitive, font sensitive GUI, recognition for vira is situated in the libraries so you don't have to download the whole Xtruder archive for a new update of e.g. the filevirus.library. Xtruder also has a quite comprehensive ARexx interface. New in version 2.5: Changes - Screenmode, font and palette requesters now get their position and dimensions from the ReqTools preferences instead of having fixed positions and dimensions. - The position of the control window is now saved along with preferences. - New Internal extract routine for LhA and LZX archives. More or less a replacement for the now removed Unpack library extract routine. - Reduced the memory usage when checking files a bit. - When Xtruder is started and the GUI is shown Xtruder shows the size of itself and some other information. If the size is incorrect the line with the size information is shown in white. - When manually unpacking files using the functions in the Files menu Xtruder will now only use the Internal 2 function for LZX/LhA archives. - The main window can now also be resized in the horisontal dimension. - Changed the meaning of Archived and Extracted. - The position and size of the main window when on a public screen is now saved along with preferences. - LZX archive checking now available for unregistered users. However, checking LZX archives is a bit slower for unregistered users. Bug fixes - CHECKFILES ARexx command was broken. - Would sometimes lock itself when checking files with a corrupt hunk structure. - Fixed a bug that caused gazillions of enforcer hits if Xtruder was started hidden. xtrude25.lha
virusi.38 sofke,
Short: VirusZ v1.32 by Georg Hoermann Author: Georg Hörmann Uploader: Bert Jahn ( Type: util/virus Requires: OS V2.05 (V37+) Replaces: util/virus/VirusZ_II131.* This is the latest version of the viruskiller VirusZ by Georg Hörmann. Features: - can be used as background program that checks memory and inserted disks - offers a quite huge amount of user-definable settings to configure it as you like best - possibility to start different check mechanisms for files, sectors, vectors and bootblocks - can be controlled via ARexx and thus enables the user to interact with it from programs like e.g. DirectoryOpus - a 100% clean commodity without any system hacks - follows the Style Guide conventions and provides you with keyboard gadget activation - supports Reqtools vz_ii132.lha
virusi.39 sofke,
Short: V2.86 of the famous Viruskiller by H.Schneegold Author: Heiner Schneegold Uploader: Type: util/virus letzte Aenderung: 15.07.96 Aenderungen seit VT2.85 VT-Laenge: 319208 Bytes WICHTIG !!!!! Um Linkviren SICHER zu finden, die sich HINTER den 1.Hunk linken, MUESSEN Sie FileTest auf- rufen !!! Hinweis: Die Texte mussten mit Powerpacker-Data behandelt werden, da sonst der Platz auf der Disk nicht mehr gereicht haette. Im C-Verzeichnis sollte ein muchmore liegen, das PP-Data lesen kann. Hinweis: muss nach RAM oder Fastfilesystem-880k- Disk entpackt werden, sonst reicht der Platz nicht. - Hitch-Hiker-3 12/13/14.07.96 (Link-Virus) - AmixHack-Trojan (gegen BBS) 29.06.96 - GoTcHa-2-Trojan 28.06.96 ( veraendert Filenamen in c: ) - IconD-ORB95-Trojan 27.06.96 (Zerstoerung) - Hitch-Hiker-2-Inst. 26.06.96 - Problem mit PP-Lib und HNY96 behoben 25.06.96 (hoffe ich Entschuldigung) - xcom-LVirus 17/18.06.96 (Link, LoadSeg) - z.Zyl/ScanRIGID Juni 96 (wg. HNY96 an FFS im Rigid-Bereich) Neu fuer entpacke Archiv: - Nichts Juni 96 vt286.lha
virusi.40 sofke,
Short: VT2.88 Update of the famous viruskiller by H.Schneegold vt288k.lha
virusi.41 sofke,
Short: VirusZ v1.33 by Georg Hoermann Author: Georg Hörmann Uploader: Bert Jahn ( Type: util/virus Requires: OS V2.05 (V37+) Replaces: util/virus/VirusZ_II132.* This is the latest version of the viruskiller VirusZ by Georg Hörmann. Features: - can be used as background program that checks memory and inserted disks - offers a quite huge amount of user-definable settings to configure it as you like best - possibility to start different check mechanisms for files, sectors, vectors and bootblocks - can be controlled via ARexx and thus enables the user to interact with it from programs like e.g. DirectoryOpus - a 100% clean commodity without any system hacks - follows the Style Guide conventions and provides you with keyboard gadget activation - supports Reqtools vz_ii133.lha
virusi.42 sofke,
Stigao je i novi Xtruder 3.0 pa evo saljem. Sofke... xtruder3.lha
virusi.43 sofke,
Evo ga i novi VirusWorkShop 6.3!!! Sofke... member of Team AMIGA !!! trsivw63.lha
virusi.44 sofke,
VirusZ_II 1.35 vz_ii135.lha
virusi.45 sofke,
>>> Virushelp team NL Presents: <<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VirusScanList 1.36 - Rel : 04-Nov-96 A list containing dangerous archives, fake versions of warez and BBS program infiltrators. AMIGAGUIDE Format ! vlist136.lha
virusi.46 sofke,
Short: VirusZ v1.36 by Georg Hoermann Author: Georg H÷rmann Uploader: Bert Jahn ( Type: util/virus Requires: OS V2.05 (V37+) Replaces: util/virus/VirusZ_II135.* This is the latest version of the viruskiller VirusZ by Georg H÷rmann. Features: - can be used as background program that checks memory and inserted disks - offers a quite huge amount of user-definable settings to configure it as you like best - possibility to start different check mechanisms for files, sectors, vectors and bootblocks - can be controlled via ARexx and thus enables the user to interact with it from programs like e.g. DirectoryOpus - a 100% clean commodity without any system hacks - follows the Style Guide conventions and provides you with keyboard gadget activation - supports Reqtools Please read "VirusZ.History" inside the archive for news in this version vz_ii136.lha
virusi.47 sofke,
Short: List of dangerous archives, fakes, progs. Author: Uploader: Type: util/virus This is a list containing dangerous archives,fake versions of warez and BBS program infiltrators. Be Aware! VirusScanList 1.37 GUIDE Version --> by Jan Hendrik Lots -------------------------------------------------------- VirusScanList is created for people who download very often and wanting some security about not having the latest viruses into their library. THIS ARCHIVE IS SECURED WITH PGP SIGNATURING! Please use them! Updates from Version 1.36 ------------------------- Please read 'Modifications towards...' in the file for the updates made in this release. Read the Vlist-History.TXT file for all the updates on earlier versions. ============================= Archive contents ============================= Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- ------------- 228 166 27.1% 05-Jan-97 13:59:52 FILE_ID.DIZ 152 152 0.0% 05-Jan-97 14:11:36 FILE_ID.DIZ.sig 464 190 59.0% 05-Jan-97 13:59:52 VHT-VLIST.diz 152 152 0.0% 05-Jan-97 14:14:42 VHT-VLIST.diz.sig 65406 22888 65.0% 05-Jan-97 13:59:52 VirusScanList.Guide 1737 633 63.5% 05-Jan-97 14:14:44 152 152 0.0% 05-Jan-97 14:01:50 33541 3103 90.7% 05-Jan-97 13:59:52 VList-History.TXT 469 236 49.6% 05-Jan-97 14:14:44 152 152 0.0% 05-Jan-97 14:04:20 VList-History.TXT.sig -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- 102453 27824 72.8% 05-Jan-97 14:17:26 10 files vlist137.lha
virusi.48 ldjordje,
Dajte mi brzo neki novi virus killer nešto mi se čudno dešava sa diskom, poslednji koji imam je VWS 6.7 a to je matoro .... Pleeeaaaseee ...!!!
virusi.49 vpoznanovic,
>> Dajte mi brzo neki novi virus killer nešto mi se >> čudno dešava sa diskom, poslednji koji imam je VWS 6.7 >> a to je matoro .... >> >> Pleeeaaaseee ...!!! Idemo redom... posljednje verzije svih aktuelnih virus killera za Amigu... VT v3.08... vt308k.lha
virusi.50 vpoznanovic,
Virus Checker II v1.5... vht-vc15.lha
virusi.51 vpoznanovic,
Virus Checker II Brain v2.7... (u prethodnoj arhivi se nalazi verzija 2.6)... vht-vb27.lha
virusi.52 vpoznanovic,
VirusWorkshop v6.9... trsivw69.lha
virusi.53 vpoznanovic,
VirusZ II v1.43 + pre-release of the new VirusZ III (v0.90▀)... vz_ii143.lha