27 Feb 1996 - 08 Dec 1996


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Messages - auto-moto

auto-moto.1 stefan,
Svi koji prate moto trke ili trke formule 1 i vole Hila mogu da pišu ovde. Dobro ajde, mogu i oni koji vole Šumahera ;)
auto-moto.2 senna,
Zahvaljujem na konacnom razdvajanju od extra:automobili :)
auto-moto.3 junior,
> pišu ovde. Dobro ajde, mogu i oni koji vole Šumahera ;) Eh, hvala ;) Gledao sam pre neki dan predstavljanje novog McLarenovog bolida na televiziji. Ti momci izgledaju opasno ... kao da se ne šale :) Ko je sad drugi vozač Mclarena?
auto-moto.4 lexus,
=> Ko je sad drugi vozač Mclarena? David Coulthar, naravno.
auto-moto.5 obren,
> Gledao sam pre neki dan predstavljanje novog McLarenovog bolida > na televiziji. Ti momci izgledaju opasno ... kao da se ne šale :) Može nešto više o novom izgledu bolida? Kako izgleda "nos"?
auto-moto.6 lexus,
=> David Coulthar, naravno. Čini mi se da sam zaboravio jedno "d" na kraju O:) Dakle, vozač je David Coulthard. Sorry!
auto-moto.8 crncic,
Videli ste FerariJev bolid 310, 10 cilindara 3 litre ? Slabo se razumem u F1, kako to ide, neka firma napravi svoj model i odmah ga pusti u opticaj bez obzira što je 'jači' od konkurencije, odma' ide u trku ?
auto-moto.9 stefan,
> Videli ste FerariJev bolid 310, 10 cilindara 3 litre ? Po pisanju Žurnala Ferari je imao poprilično problema sa svojom aždahom (crkavao menjač, eksplodirao motor...). Inače, prva trka - GP Australije se održava 10. marta.
auto-moto.10 junior,
> Može nešto više o novom izgledu bolida? Kako izgleda "nos"? Ne znam, sorry ;( Ide u Žurnalu svakog dana opis novih motora, novih izgleda bolida, i karijere svakog vozača, pa ako vidim opis, preneću ga ...
auto-moto.11 miko,
WW>> Moze nesto vise o novom izgledu bolida? Kako izgleda WW>> "nos"? Izgleda kao i Benetton-ov prosle,a bogami i ove godine.Pored njih,takav nos su konstruisali jos Tyrell i Ligier,a mislim i Jordan.Mislim da je cak i FISA naredila ovakve promene zbog valjda vece bezbednosti,mada nisam siguran.
auto-moto.12 miko,
WW>> Videli ste FerariJev bolid 310, 10 cilindara 3 litre ? Glavni problem Ferarri-ja bio je,a i ostace motor...Naime,po tradiciji oni su konstruisali samo V12 motore koji su bili strasno teski i koji su trosili mnogo goriva.Sada su odlucili da okrenu novi list i oprobaju se sa V10 motorima sa cijom konstrukcijom oni nemaju mnogo iskustva.Odatle i brojni kvarovi,eksplozije motora i ostali problemi doticnog bolida. Jedina dobra stvar kod tog bolida,trenutno,je sto Schumacheru zadaje velike muke ;)) Cak se pre nekoliko dana i zapalio u njemu. WW>> Slabo se razumem u F1, kako to ide, neka firma napravi WW>> svoj model i odmah ga pusti u opticaj bez obzira sto je WW>> 'jaci' od konkurencije, odma' ide u trku ? Da,pod uslovom da spada pod odredjene (propisane pre sezone) granice regularnosti.
auto-moto.13 miko,
Posto neko vreme nisam bio u toku sa dogadjanjima u svetu F1,molio bih da neko obavesten dopuni (ili ispravi) sledecu listu vozaca u sezoni 1996. Hill,Vilneuve (Williams) Schumacher,Irvine (Ferrari) Alesi,Berger (Benetton) Hakkinen,Coulthard (McLaren) Frentzen,Herbert (Sauber) Barrichello,Brundle (Jordan) Katayama,Salo (Tyrell) Panis, ? (Ligier) Martini(?),Lamy (Minardi) . . . Arrows ? Simtec ? FortiCorse ?
auto-moto.16 vesboj,
Jel zna neko kada pocinje domaci sampionat na kruznim stazama i ko ce da bude sampion u klasi VI
auto-moto.17 obren,
> Panis, ? (Ligier) Drugi je, nažalost, Pedro Diniz :( Momak ima jake sponzore, ali što se tiče vožnje - baš su se usrećili... Mada, može da se desi da ode u drugu ekipu :) Navijač Ligier Mugena
auto-moto.18 obren,
> Sada su odlucili da okrenu novi list i oprobaju se sa V10 > motorima sa cijom konstrukcijom oni nemaju mnogo iskustva. Motor je projektovao Osamu Goto, nekada glavni inženjer Honde. Njegove kreacije su oni Monstrumi od 1000+ konja (6 titula u kategoriji konstruktora) kojima je Ayrton Senna pisao istoriju. Uhodaće oni novi motor, mada bih voleo da imaju što više problema sa dotičnim zbog onog Bananamena ;> (Mihailo Obućar)
auto-moto.19 senna,
Poruke o automobilima u extra:automobili
auto-moto.20 stefan,
> Poruke o automobilima u extra:automobili Da, za rezervne delove i slično koristite dotičnu temu. Ova tema je samo za sportske aspekte automobilizma :)
auto-moto.21 space.ace,
--> Gledao sam pre neki dan predstavljanje novog McLarenovog bolida --> na televiziji. Ti momci izgledaju opasno ... kao da se ne šale :) MA to je samo šarena laža. Biće isto tako loši ko i prošle sezone. Btw, Jordan i njihov bolid mi izgledaju cool. Jel' se neko divio njihovom bolidu, ili sam ga ja jedini video? HILL IS THE BEST!!!
auto-moto.22 space.ace,
--> Svi koji prate moto trke ili trke formule 1 i vole Hila mogu da --> pišu Volimo HILL-a, mrzimo Švabu... Pisaćemo i ovde...
auto-moto.23 stefan,
> Volimo HILL-a, mrzimo Švabu... > Pisaćemo i ovde... Slobodno pišite, samo eventualno nemojte ovu temu da pretvarate u kopiju foruma :)
auto-moto.24 senna,
re: Hill vs Schumacher Schumachera zaista ne podnosim,ali je cinjenica da je definitivno bolji vozac od Hilla.
auto-moto.25 wiper,
Hillov veliki problem je sto mnogo misli dok vozi On jednostavno nesme da nagazi do poda dok vozi . A svaba izvlaci maxsimum i uvek je brzi Ne pamtim kad je Hill kasno kocio ili nekoga iseko A bez toga se nemoze biti sampion
auto-moto.26 wiper,
> Btw, Jordan i njihov bolid mi izgledaju cool. Jel' se neko divio > njihovom bolidu, ili sam ga ja jedini video? > > HILL IS THE BEST!!! Ma Hil nema pojma - Kulhard je za njega izmislio voznju Baricelo je dobar Sto se Dzordana tice tipujem na Baricela da uzme neku pobedu ove sezone Barem jedno dve pobede. O njemu ce se tek pricati..
auto-moto.27 wiper,
> Posto neko vreme nisam bio u toku sa dogadjanjima u svetu > F1,molio bih da neko obavesten dopuni (ili ispravi) sledecu listu > vozaca u sezoni 1996. > > Hill,Vilneuve (Williams) > Schumacher,Irvine (Ferrari) > Alesi,Berger (Benetton) > Hakkinen,Coulthard (McLaren) > Frentzen,Herbert (Sauber) > Barrichello,Brundle (Jordan) > Katayama,Salo (Tyrell) > Panis, ? (Ligier) > Martini(?),Lamy (Minardi) > . . . > Arrows ? > Simtec ? > FortiCorse ? Pa ovi sto imaju EuroSport mogli bi da daju CEO SPISAK TIMOVA I VOZACA
auto-moto.28 stevicm,
> MA to je samo sarena laza. Bice isto tako losi ko i prosle sezone. > Btw, Jordan i njihov bolid mi izgledaju cool. Jel' se neko divio > njihovom bolidu, ili sam ga ja jedini video? Jordan ima dobar auto i jos jaceg kompanjona koji im pravi motor, pa moze svasta da bude! Sto se tice Mclarena iza nji je MECA pa mogu veoma da iznenade. Mika i David su odlicni vozaci i borci, pa ce sa ovim novim bolidom uciniti trke mnogo zanimljivijim. Moje je misljenje da od Ferarija nece biti nista ove sezone, a da ce sledece da budu najbolji. Hil je dobar vozac, ali nekako neodlucan i pomalo plasljiv, pa ce za ovogodisnju titulu da ga vadi samo auto. Vilnev je odlican vozac, gle- dao sam vecinu trka INDY C., pa moze cudo da napravi. Naravno ja i dalje navijam za Hila!!
auto-moto.29 senna,
Timovi i vozaci F1 za sezonu 1996. Ferrari 1. Michael Schumacher 2. Eddie Irvine Benetton Renault 3. Jean Alesi 4. Gerhard Berger Williams Renault 5. Damon Hill 6. Jacques Villeneuve McLaren Mercedes 7. Mika Hakkinen 8. David Coulthard Ligier Mugen-Honda 9. Olivier Panis 10. Pedro Diniz Jordan Peugeot 11. Rubens Barichello 12. Martin Brundle Sauber Ford 14. Johnny Herbert 15. Heinz-Harald Frentzen Footwork Hart 16. Jos Verstappen 17. Riccardo Rosset Tyrell Yamaha 18. Ukyo Katayama 19. Mika Salo Minardi Ford 20. Pedro Lamy 21. Takachiho Inoue Forti Ford 22. Andrea Montermini 23. Luca Badoer Raspored trka za novu sezonu: 10.03. Australia/Melbourne 31.03. Brasil/Sao Paulo 07.04. Argentina/Buenos Aires 28.04. Europe/Nurnburgring 05.05. San Marino/Imola 19.05. Monaco/Monte Carlo 02.06. Spain/Barcelona 16.06. Canada/Montreal 30.06. France/Magny Cours 14.07. Great Britain/Silverstone 28.07. Germany/Hockenheim 11.08. Hungary/Budapest 25.08. Belgium/Spa Francorchamps 08.09. Italy/Monza 22.09. Portugal/Estoril 13.10. Japan/Suzuka
auto-moto.31 senna,
Evo i obecanog teksta o novoj sezoni... Pocetak ove sezone bice vrlo zanimljiv,timovi na vrhu su poprilicno izjednaceni, a nova pravila za 1996. su izgleda bila jedan od znacajnijih faktora u smanjenju razlika izmedju timova. Veliko razocarenje su slabiji timovi, kojima budzet ili nije bio dovoljan ni za golo ucestvovanje (Simtek) ili je- dva omogucava egzistenciju (Forti,Minardi). Ostali se kako ta- ko snalaze,a treba dosta ocekivati od tzv druge lige (Tyrell, Jordan,Ligier,Sauber). Nova staza u Melburnu je na prvi pogled odlicna, ni malo ne lici na nove stereotipne staze koje se samo stancuju. Krivine su uglavnom duge i ne preterano ostre, otvaraju se prema izlazu sto omogucava lagano i ravnomerno ubrzavanje kroz celu krivinu, posle pocetnog kocenja (nesto kao Ascari i Parabollica u Monci). Povrsina staze je izuzetno ravna i to bi trebalo da pomogne ti- movima koji kubure sa ogibljenjem (npr. Dzordan prosle godine). Australijanci planiraju da dovedu oko 250 000 ljudi na trku, i svi ocekuju veliki spektakl na pocetku sezone. Najvece sanse za pobedu svakako ima Williams koji vec vise godina odrzava kontinuitet sa Hillom kao vozacem i odlicnim Re- naultovim motorom.Villeneuva svakako ne treba zanemariti,ali na samom pocetku sezone ne ocekujem da ce biti bolji od Hilla. Benetton ima problema oko novog bolida,posebno sa novim me- njacem,ali sam siguran da Flavio zna sta radi i da ce uciniti sve da i ove sezone uzme titulu. Alesi ce konacno dobiti sansu da se takmici za pobede makar na priblizno ravnopravnom nivou i siguran sam da ce uciniti sve da ove godine postane sampion. Berger ce takodje odraditi svoj posao do maksimuma i njegovo veliko iskustvo sigurno puno znaci za Benetton. Ferrari i dalje ima mnogo problema oko novog bolida i samo ce ih cudo dovesti do ravnopravne borbe sa Williamsom i Bene- ttonom u prvih nekoliko trka ove sezone. Ako nesto i urade bice to zbog Schumacherove voznje ili ispadanja ostalih konkurenata. Irvine je pokopao svoje sanse potpisivanjem ugovora u kome je jasno definisano da on mora da propusti Schumachera,makar ovaj bio i sporiji od njega. McLaren je ove godine brzi nego prethodne,a Hakkinen i Cou- lthard nisu uopste losa vozacka postava. Najveci problem im je Mercedesov motor koji je mozda jak,ali je svakako nepouzdan.Na testovima u Estorilu eksplodiralo im je ukupno 5 motora sto svakako nije mala cifra. Iako je Hakkinen imao najbrze vreme na tim testovima ne verujem da ce biti u prednosti u odnosu na bolide sa Renaultovim motorima. Jordan nastavlja svoj konstantni uspon i mislim da ce ove godine mnogo cesce biti u borbi za visoke pozicije. Barichello je u timu vec nekoliko godina i konacno je blizu borbe za prvu poziciju,a Brundle je izuzetno iskusan i brz vozac,jedini koji je ravnopravno vozio sa Schumacherom u Benettonu. Peugeotov motor konacno je prebrodio probleme sa pouzdanoscu i sigurno ne zaostaje puno za Renaultom. Tyrell je bacio svoj proslogodisnji bolid na otpad i napra- vio novi,po vrlo striktnim paramterima. Ljudi iz Tyrella su racunali da je klasicna krivina u f1 110-140 km/h u drugom stepenu prenosa i usredsredili su se da ostvare optimalne pe- rformanse bolida bas u takvim uslovima. Mika Salo je bio dosta brz na testovima,a Katayama ima problema sa svojom pozicijom u bolidu zbog vrlo niskog rasta. Ligier ovo godine ulazi u fazu konsolidacije i sami su rekli da ne ocekuju puno ove sezone. Panis je ponovo prvi vozac,a Di- niz je doveden samo zbog para koje vuce sa sobom (sponzor Parma- lat). Sauber ce ove godine imati novi Fordov V10 motor za koga ce ipak trebati jos mnogo razvoja da bi dostigao konkurenciju. Herbert ce ovaj put (za razliku od prosle sezone) imati jednak bolid sa timskom kolegom,pa me bas zanima sta ce uraditi pored Frentzena.U svakom slucaju ne verujem da ce biti ni gori ni puno bolji od prosle sezone. Od ostala tri tima (Footwork,Minardi i Forti) ne treba puno ocekivati zbog vec pomenutih problema sa finansijama. U tom po- gledu u najboljoj situaciji je definitivno Footwork a Forti je na samoj ivici propasti. Ove godine treba ocekivati i jednu novost: uvodi se mogucnost timovima da imaju i po tri vozaca na pojedinim trkama. Da li ce neki tim to iskoristiti ostaje da se vidi. Sto se samog izgleda bolida tice najprimetniji novi detalj su izdignute ivice kokpita sa leve i desne strane zbog vece sigurnosti vozaca, a mozda se do kraja sezone uvede i crna kutija koja bi sluzila iskljucivo za analiziranje udesa. Toliko od mene o pocetku nove sezone, ocekujem da ce biti za- ista zanimljiva i da Schumacher nece opet biti sampion ;).
auto-moto.32 obren,
> Ma Hil nema pojma - Kulhard je za njega izmislio voznju Pa ne bih se složio da baš nema pojma :) Možda nije genije, ali je dobar vozač. Kultard se ispalio na kraju sezone, ali meni je to ličilo na pokušaj da se što bolje proda. Imao je nekoliko pol pozicija, vozio neobuzdano tokom trka i zbog toga često ispadao. Sada je u McLarenu prvi vozač, pa će imati prilike da se iskaže.
auto-moto.33 obren,
> Peugeotov motor konacno je prebrodio probleme sa pouzdanoscu i > sigurno ne zaostaje puno za Renaultom. Pročitah u žurnalu podatak da je Džordan prešao 900 krugova bez ijednog kvara motora! Ne znam kakve su mu performanse, ali mnogo im znači kada mogu da se oslone na motor. Baričelo je nekoliko puta ispadao sa odličnih pozicija ne svojom krivicom.
auto-moto.34 koky,
Sta je sa rednim brojem 13? Vidim da ni na eurosportu nisu nikog stavili pod tim brojem. Dejan
auto-moto.35 vpoznanovic,
Hajde da riješimo sve dileme oko dešavanja u pripremnom periodu za novu sezonu Formule 1. Slijedi integralna verzija vijesti za januar, a odmah zatim i za februar. Na kraju idu vremena sa testiranja u Barceloni, Le Castelletu, Estorilu, Jerezu i Maranellu. STEWART GRAND PRIX JOINS FORMULA ONE -Coulthard will stay with McLaren- _________________________________________________________________ January 5, 1996 Jackie Stewart will be returning to Formula One in 1997 as head of STEWART GRAND PRIX, a team backed by Ford Motor Company. The three-time world champion will be chairman while his son Paul (PAUL STEWART RACING: Formula Vauxhall, Formula Three and Formula 3000) will be on as managing director. The team (with a rumored budget of $45,000,000 US for the first year) will be using Ford's new Zetek-R V10 which has kept SAUBER interested in Ford as it's supplier of engines. Ford will also be involved in electronics, aerodynamics, and chassis development as it raises its involvement in Formula One. A spokesman for Ford stated that the new agreement with STEWART will not affect their commitment with SAUBER. The team will start looking for drivers this July. Speculation brought names like Damon Hill, Heinz-Harald Frentzen, and especially fellow Scot David Coulthard. However, on Friday Coulthard ruled out all rumors that he would join STEWART GRAND PRIX stating that his contract with McLaren will run through 1997. He did add that the new team plus Ford's greater commitment to Formula One will make things even more exciting for the fans. Ferrari moves tests; Tyrrell to test soon _________________________________________________________________ January 5, 1996 Ferrari moves tests The Ferrari team has announced that the test session planned at the end of January will be moved up one week. The reason for this, they say, is that the car isn't ready yet. Schumacher will be testing the new V-10 engine, which held up and came through the last session without braking down, at Fiorona (Italy), the home-track of Ferrari near Imola, from the 5th until the 10th of February. _________________________________________________________________ Tyrrell to test soon The Tyrrell Yamaha team will start testing at Silverstone at the 17th of January. After this test session they will go to Barcelona for another test period. They will be testing with the old car but with the new Yamaha engine, the OX11A, and with the new gearbox the Tyrrell team has developed. Schumacher to McLaren? _________________________________________________________________ January 8, 1996 Mercedes-Benz and McLaren want to win races in the 1996-season. After the ongoing stream of disappointing results the McLaren team want to improve. They also want to compete in the race for the world championship tittle, this goal is set for a long time period. For the championship tittle they want to hire current world champion Michael Schumacher as soon as his contract with Ferrari expires, in two years time. It seems 'Schumi' is becoming a sort of 'wonder doctor' for curing failing Formula One teams in the eyes of the big bosses. Well we must fist see how the 'doctor' does with Ferrari, maybe he doesn't even pass his 'medical exams'. Schumacher pre-tests V-10 Ferrari _________________________________________________________________ January 9, 1996 Michael Schumacher is testing the new V-10 Ferrari at Le Castellet (France). The high speed circuit Paul Riccard is extremely suitable for testing the durability of the new Ferrari engine, because the engine has to work at his top level for a long time. Several different computer programs for the electronic control of the engine will be installed on the Ferrari at this pre-test period before the planned test program kicks off, in a few weeks time. Schumacher will drive a complete Grand Prix distance on Wednesday. Bernie Ecclestone a fortune-teller? Verstappen-Arrows deal still unsure _________________________________________________________________ January 10, 1996 Bernie Ecclestone a fortune-teller? Bernie Ecclestone has said Michael Schumacher can defend his world champion tittle in the Ferrari in the 1996 season. But the 65 year old Briton tipped Jacques Villeneuve as a potential candidate for the tittle. To explain his statement Ecclestone said: "He does exactly what is necessary, not too much and not too little." He also said it was better Gerhard Berger retired from Formula One. Has dear old Bernie become a fortune-teller? Or is it just he needs to retire instead of Berger? _________________________________________________________________ Verstappen-Arrows deal still unsure The Arrows Team is looking for money, not because they are having real financial problems but because they don't want Taki Inoue as one of their drivers. Inoue is willing to pay 5 million dollars for a contract. Arrows would like to see Verstappen and Morbidelli as their drivers in 1996 so a quest for cash is needed. A contract for Dutch driver Jos Verstappen is still unsure. The Arrows team want to release the news concerning the oncoming season all at once, this also includes which type of engine they are going to use. Tyrrell signes Katayama; Schumi denies tax-dodging; Premature end tests Ferrari _________________________________________________________________ January 11, 1996 Tyrrell signes Katayama The Tyrrell Yamaha team has signed Ukyo Katayama for next season. The Team will start testing soon now both drivers are known. Katayama also drove for the team of Ken Tyrrell in 1995 but he didn't score any points. His best place was 7th at the Grand Prix of Germany. He started a total of 15 Grand Prix in 1995 and finished four. Ukyo had a huge crash at the Grand Prix of Hungary but didn't suffer major injuries. The best result of his career was a fifth place. His debut was the Grand Prix of South-Africa in 1992. Katayama said about his oncoming fourth season in a row with Tyrrell: "It's a great honour to drive for Ken Tyrrell again. I'm looking forward at testing the 024 and the new Yamaha-engine." Ken Tyrrell said about the deal: "We are delighted to continue working with Ukyo. He was a revelation in 1994 and put in some great performances." With this seat gone Mark Blundell is almost certain of the end of his Formula One career for now. _________________________________________________________________ Schumi denies tax-dodging Michael Schumacher turns away the latest accusations made of him dodging taxes. Schumacher had to say about the accusations: "It's an old case. The villa in the South of France concerned belongs to my manager Willi Weber." Hopefully he doesn't have anything to do with it, like he says. We don't like to see another manhunt like German tennis-star Steffi Graff had to suffer a while ago. _________________________________________________________________ Premature end tests Ferrari It was raining cats and dogs at the circuit of Le Castellet (France). This was the reason why Michael Schumacher had to end the tests prematurely on Wednesday. The German tried to start the session four times but with just nine laps driven he was forced to park his Ferrari in the pits. This was also the case on Thursday. He could now only drive 44 laps, but the engine worked fine. Because this session was ended so soon the Ferrari car can't get enough test-miles to start the new season in Melbourne with a good developed car and engine: "It is sure we will not end all the races." Schumacher will try to complete the total Grand Prix distance on Friday. Maybe he has better luck with the wether then. Coulthard happy with McLaren; Schumacher thinks Ferrari is OK _________________________________________________________________ January 12, 1996 Coulthard happy with McLaren Today, Friday, was the first day David Coulthard could drive his McLaren-Mercedes after heavy rain all week at the Estoril circuit (Portugal). He tried out new components on the old chassis together with Alain Prost. The Scotsman was very happy with the McLaren, he said: "I'm quite surprised and pleased by the balance of the car." McLaren are extending testing over the weekend. _________________________________________________________________ Schumacher thinks Ferrari is OK Michael Schumacher is satisfied with the V-10 Ferrari after the tests at Le Castellet (France). He would drive a complete Grand Prix Distance in the morning but due to have rain this session could not take place. In the afternoon he could drive 38 laps without having any problems with the new engine: "Today was not about speed but about durability. We still have enough time and work before the season start." He seems to repeat himself again and again. He needs to realise teams like Williams and Benetton are all about speed and durability. If Ferrari keeps on going for only the durability they may miss out on the front rows in the new season. Schumacher wants more tests _________________________________________________________________ January 13, 1996 Ferrari-star Michael Schumacher wants to continue testing at Le Castellet (France) as soon as possible. He believes they need to improve the V-10 engine further. Most likely is that the tests will continue on the 22nd of January. Schumacher's words were: "The 420 kilometres has shown that we still lack some power compared to the Renault." If the weather would have been better Ferrari could have made more test kilometres. Now the Ferrari team is hoping for better luck next time. The more tests they can make the greater the chances are at winning some Grand Prix in 1996. Blundell moves to Indycar; Villeneuve fastest in tests; ex-F1 pilot convicted _________________________________________________________________ January 15, 1996 Blundell moves to Indycar Mark Blundell is going to drive Indycars next year. He has signed up with PacWest Racing Group alongside ex-Formula One driver Mauricio Gugelmin. Blundell was not offered a seat in Formula One so leaving Indy Cars as the logical option. Blundell impressed the team in a test just before Christmas. Blundell commented on his decision: "I'm looking forward to a new challenge and it's the start of a great future in Indycar racing. Mark replaced ex-Indycar driver Nigel Mansell at McLaren in 1995. _________________________________________________________________ Villeneuve fastest in tests Jacques Villeneuve leads the tests at Estoril (Portugal) team-mate Damon Hill. Overnight storms soaked the circuit but Villeneuve could drive 52 laps in the afternoon. He clocked a best time of 1:21.7. Hill came to a best time of 1:22.1. Hill drove 8 laps in the morning and just 27 laps in the afternoon. This is the beginning of serious testing with the new car for 1996. The McLaren team will start testing on Tuesday. _________________________________________________________________ ex-F1 pilot convicted Ex-Formula One driver Hans Joachim Stuck has been convicted of tax-dodging between the years '84 and '89 with a fake US company. He was given a money fine of 350.000 German Marks and a two year jail sentence. He paid 600.000 Marks to stay out of jail. He also paid the tax money he owed: a total of 2 million + 1 million Marks fine. Schumacher and Hill crash; Boullion stays with Williams _________________________________________________________________ January 16, 1996 Schumacher and Hill crash Michael Schumacher has wrecked his V-10 Ferrari at a test at the Ferrari home-track at Fiorano (Italy). He slammed his car into a guard-rail on his second lap of the day. He damaged the front and suspension of the Ferrari. The German later blamed himself for driving too hard on cold tyres on a section of the track still covered in frost. Schumacher escaped from the crash without injuries. Hill also crashed his car in the tests at Estoril (Portugal). He lost control over his Williams in the long fast and notorious second turn. His right-hand rear wheel took the punch when the car slammed into the barriers. Hill completed just 7 laps and was again outpaced by team-mate Villeneuve. Hill could walk away unhurt. _________________________________________________________________ Boullion stays on with Williams Frenchman Jean-Christophe Boullion will continue to be the test driver for the Williams team. Williams have confirmed this. Boullion lost his place with Sauber to Johnny Herbert. Jean-Christophe will start testing later this week with the team at Estoril (Portugal). "It's important to have continuity at all levels," said team-boss Frank Williams. But why didn't he want to keep Coulthard? Hill spins-off again; New sponsor Schumacher _________________________________________________________________ January 17, 1996 Hill spins-off again Hill crashed his Williams on the second day running. He went off at the S-bend of the Estoril circuit during the dry morning session of the test program Williams is doing there. Hill's Williams was towed back to the pits with scuffed front tires. Damon was again unhurt. Jaqcues Villeneuve was again fastest. He clocked a best time of 1:21.14. Hill drove a best time of 1:21.17. _________________________________________________________________ New sponsor Schumacher Schumacher has signed a contract with Nike as his personal sponsor. This was announced by his manager Willie Weber. The contract is for four years with the possibility of a renewal. Schumacher will receive 10 to 15 million dollars and he will wear a special Nike shoe during the new season. Hill fastest in testing; Hill favourite WC tittle 1996 according to Eddie Jordan; Frentzen in new Sauber _________________________________________________________________ Thursday January 18, 1996 Hill fastest in testing After spinning of twice in the previous days Hill was now fastest in the tests at Estoril (Portugal). He clocked a best time of 1:20.77, his team-mate, Villeneuve, was 0.21 seconds slower than Hill and test-driver for Williams, Jean Christophe Boullion was 0.01 faster than Villeneuve. Boullion drove a total 34 laps. Martin Brundle didn't came that far. The engine of his Jordan stopped after just six laps. Martin drove a best time of 1:26.24. Ex-team-mate of Hill, David Coulthard, clocked a fastest time of 1:23.33 (22 laps). The new Jordan V-10 Peugeot has a raised nose like the one on the Benetton. _________________________________________________________________ Hill favourite WC tittle 1996 according to Eddie Jordan Michael Schumacher will not be world champion in 1996 again according to Eddie Jordan. He said: "The most important factor this season is reliability. That's why Schumacher will not be able to defend his tittle." Hill is the favourite for Eddie. And he predicted that Brundle will be 'the surprise'. _________________________________________________________________ Frentzen in new Sauber H.H. Frentzen has tested the new Sauber-Ford V10, the C15, today at Le Castellet (France). He drove a total of 40 laps during the morning session in the for the time being totally black car. The new V10 engine from Ford kept up. This was the first real 'drive' for the new V10. The new technology on the car also came through the test without problems. Frentzen tests new Sauber again; Schumacher wants to move to Switzerland _________________________________________________________________ Friday January 19, 1996 Frentzen tests new Sauber again It is going OK for Frentzen in the new Sauber-Ford. He tested the new car again on the circuit of Le Castellet (France) today. Even though the C15 was totally taken apart last night the car clocked the same lap times of yesterday. Frentzen drove a total of 60 laps without problems. _________________________________________________________________ Schumacher wants to move to Switzerland Michael Schumacher wants a bigger house and more quiet surroundings. This is the reason why he wants to move to Switzerland. This is also the reason why he has spend so much time in the villa of his manager Willie Weber, in the south of France. His spokesman, Heiner Buchinger, said: "He is being harassed by tourists in Monte Carlo." The most likely location is near the Genter Lake. Well he has got the money. Minardi sign Lamy; Lauda stays with Ferrari _________________________________________________________________ Sunday January 21, 1996 Minardi sign Lamy The Minardi team have signed Pedro Lamy as their first driver. The contract is for one year, according to Lamy's manager Domingos Piedade. Lamy was the first Portuguese driver ever to get a world championship point in Formula One. This was during the last Grand Prix of 1995, the GP of Australia, also with the Minardi team. _________________________________________________________________ Lauda stays with Ferrari Niki Lauda will stay with Ferrari in 1996. He has made a deal for one year with the chef of Ferrari, Luca di Montezemolo. After a year of speculations whether Lauda would stay with Ferrari it is finally clear. Laude said for the Austrian television on Saturday: " I will not visit many Grand Prix but overall it will stay the same." Introduction of the 'idiot test' and metal brakes? _________________________________________________________________ Tuesday January 23, 1996 The FIA wants the drivers to take a driving exam next year. The exam will test a drivers knowledge of rules and emergency procedures in order to decrease the number of possible accidents. The test will contain multiple-choice questions on: flags, safety cars, prematurely ended races and what to do in the event of a spin causing the car to be pointed in the wrong direction. Martin Brundle called it an 'idiot test'. The FIA is looking to reintroduce metal brakes to replace the currently used carbon fibre, which in the opinion of the FIA are just too good. The old steel discs had associated wear problems, often running out before the end of the race. The carbon fibre brakes have be accused in the past of spoiling the possibility of drivers out-braking each other, by reducing the braking distances to a minium. The cars in the IndyCar series run steel brakes on road courses only. The steel brakes may be re-introduced with the aim of increasing the brake distances, therefore increasing the opportunity to pass. The steel brake option had been submited to the Technical Working group last year. However trials with Damon Hill in 1995 in a steel-clad FW17 yielded the quickest time of the day in testing. Patrick Head said there was no noticeable difference in the braking distances, and Damon Hill said he liked the feel of the steel brakes. Williams may be charged with death Senna; Stewart goes Asia; Ferrari not happy with weather at tests; Head thinks Hill has the best changes for WC in 1996; Roundup _________________________________________________________________ Tuesday January 25, 1996 Williams may be charged with death Senna The public prosecution office in Italy wants to charge Frank Williams for the death of Ayrton Senna, who got killed at Imola on May 1 1994 possible due to a badly welded steering rod. The Italian judicature holds Williams responsible. Williams could stand trail for manslaughter. _________________________________________________________________ Stewart goes Asia Ex-Formula One world champion Jackie Stewart is seeking sponsorship for his Formula One team, which will start competing in 1997, in Asia. He already had talks with a Malaysian consortium. The Singapore property and hotel group were 'very interested' he said. Stewart also wants to go to Thailand, the Philippines, Japan and Taiwan to seek finance for his team. Stewart added: "I would like to have at least one British company, one North American company and two from the Asian basin." _________________________________________________________________ Ferrari not happy with weather at tests The Ferrari tests at Le Castellet were prematurely cancelled today due to bad weather conditions. Michael Schumacher could drive the planned laps in the beginning of the afternoon in the new V-10, but he couldn't test the new engine to the full. Despite the rain he was satisfied with the tests which will now be prolonged by his team-mate Eddie Irvine. _________________________________________________________________ Head thinks Hill has the best changes for WC in 1996 Patrick Head believes Hill has the best chances of winning the world championship tittle in 1996. Head said: "It's probably his best chance, I would say." He also added: "I feel Damon can do it even if Williams new signing Jacques Villeneuve is taking points off him. But that is a problem within the team that we will address later. At Williams, we always allow the drivers to race against one another at the start of the season before assessing the situation." But Frank Williams was not so sure: "It's too early to say but we are very satisfied that we have the strongest driving line-up and if there are no serious problems we will be satisfied that we can be fully competitive." Head also added they would need to work on the pitstops. _________________________________________________________________ Roundup According to this weeks Autosport Keith Wiggins, boss of Pacific Grand Prix, is heading chassis maker LOLA's F1 project with a view to enter in 1997. Wiggins will be running in this years International F3000 Championship. Forti will use the FG01 (the 1995 season chassis) for the first 3 Grands Prix of the season. The old chassis will be upgraded to meet the new safety and technical regulations and will be replaced when the new chassis is ready. Andrea Montermini is said to be having problems raising the funding for a Forti drive in 1996. The team is still talking to Hideki Noda about 1996. Ricardo Rosset is expected to sign for Arrows alongside Jos Verstappen for the 1996 season. Although Taki Inoue was presumed to have the seat it seems that the new qualifying rule may have tipped the balance. Ferrari will launch the new Formula 1 car for the 1996 World Championship on February 10th at Maranello, the home-circuit of Ferrari at Fiorano (Italy). Schumacher unsure about Ferrari Release Date; Ferrari ends tests at Le Castellet _________________________________________________________________ Saturday January 27, 1996 Schumacher unsure about Ferrari Release Date Ferrari said the new car will be presented on February 10th but Michael Schumacher is not so sure. He said at a press conference at the Indykart-Cup in the Schleyer Halle in Stuttgart (Germany): "I hope the new car will be ready mid February." Schumacher is present at this event just 'for fun'. He will be competing against drivers like: Karl Wendlinger, Christian Danner and Ellen L÷hr. Schumacher had to park his kart beside the track due to a technical fault only twelve laps before the end of the race. Schumacher was leading. Formula Three driver Wolf Henzer won the race. _________________________________________________________________ Ferrari ends tests at Le Castellet Ferrari has concluded their test program at Le Castellet (France) today. Ferrari had suffered bad weather conditions all week. Eddie Irvine drove with the same evolution V-10 engine, the most recent, as Schumacher had done earlier this week, on Friday and Saturday. This was again on a wet track without having any real problems. Irvine drove a total of 360 km. After the tests Irvine had to say: "I am very happy with these two days at Le Castellet. There was a huge improvement in the engine: it is more and more driveable and powerful." Arrows confirms Verstappen; New Ligier Presented _________________________________________________________________ Monday January 29, 1996 Arrows confirms Verstappen The Arrows team has confirmed that Dutch driver Jos Verstappen will drive their first car at least in 1996. The team will present the whole team on February 13 at Silverstone (England). Verstappen has said that Ricardo Rosset would have the 5 million dollars needed for the second seat. Money was the biggest problem for Verstappen, he didn't have enough to buy himself into a team, even with sponsors like Philips Car Systems and Marlboro, but because he did an outstanding job at the Arrows test session at Estoril (Portugal), he was about 3 seconds faster than the fastest driver at Arrows did last year, he got himself a seat. _________________________________________________________________ New Ligier Presented The new Ligier JS 43 and the drivers: Panis and Diniz were presented today to the press in Monaco. Panis prolongs his contract with the team while Diniz drove with the Forti team last year. The team director, Walkinshaw, stated: "We want to get into the top three of the best Constructor in the next three years." The Ligier will be powered by Mugen-Honda V-10, just like last year. _________________________________________________________________ Schumacher has won the Indykart-Cup in the Schleyer Halle in Stuttgart (Germany). After having technical problems on Saturday he was able to put everything right in the final on Sunday. Safety in F1; Jordan _________________________________________________________________ Tuesday January 30, 1996 Safety in F1 Black boxes, like the ones used on aeroplanes, will be installed on Formula One cars in 1997, but Max Mosley added they could be used on experimental bases this year. The FIA have agreed with the teams that the information will only be used in case of accident. Accidents, like the one Ayrton Senna had, can be resolved sooner and measures can be taken to prevent other crashes. The FIA also wants a code by the European Commission saying all accidents should be investigated. There will be no airbags in Formula One cars because the cockpit is simply too small. But the research is continuing, also some alternatives, like collapsible steering columns, are looked at. _________________________________________________________________ Jordan Jordan are putting a brave face on prospects even when the tests didn't go as well as they wanted. Barrichello and Brundle complained of basic handling problems of the new Jordan during the tests last week at Estoril (Portugal). High hopes for new Tyrrell _________________________________________________________________ Wednesday January 31, 1996 Tyrrell have launched their new car with which they are confident of winning GPs this season with their drivers Salo and Katayama. Tyrell's engineering boss, Dr. Harvey Postlethwaite, said they are certain the all-new Tyrrell Yamaha 024 will be a big improvement on last year's car. "We set ourselves a lot of tough technical targets and we have carried out intensive tests to ensure we achieve them." The new car is especially designed for the circuits on this year's Grand Prix calendar. The car, powered by an ultra-compact 3 litre V-10650 bhp OX11A engine made by Yamaha, will have a new chassis, six speed gearbox and suspension. Almost the entire car has been designed at the Surrey headquarters. "We analysed the characteristics of all the circuits hosting a Grand Prix and it was very enlightening," Postlethwaite added. "The most common motor racing corner is a second gear 75 mph corner and we have to design a car which loves that bend." Tyrrell will start testing the all new car at Estoril (Portugal) next week.
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Tyrrell tests new car _________________________________________________________________ Thursday February 1, 1996 Tyrrell have tested their new 1996 car, the 024, at Brands Hatch Indy circuit today. The 024 covered 47 laps in this test day prior to the intensive three day session planned at Estoril (Portugal) next week. The car came through the test faultless. Mika Salo was the first to test the new car, he said: "The engine felt super-good. That's all I can say for now - first impressions." _________________________________________________________________ An Italian news paper reported that Montermini will drive for Forti this season. Hakkinen update; Ferrari at Le Castellet _________________________________________________________________ Saturday February 3, 1996 Hakkinen update It still remains to be seen if Hakkinen can drive for McLaren this season. He still hasn't fully recovered from his crash at the Adelaide Grand Prix last year. His eye-sight is still not optimal according to ex-Formula One driver Michele Alborato. He said: "I don't think he is able to drive." McLaren didn't want to make any comments. _________________________________________________________________ Ferrari at Le Castellet The weather was again bad at Le Castellet but Irvine could drive 43 laps on Friday. He worked on the setup and electronics of his new Ferrari and drove a best time of 1:20.84. Schumacher started a complete race distance on Saturday when the track had dried up. But he spun off after 59 laps because of an electrical problem. When the problem was fixed it was too late to continue the session. He will try again on Sunday. _________________________________________________________________ The French have decided that the French Grand Prix will be held at Le Castellet, Paul Ricard, starting in 1997. 1996 will be the last year at Magny Cours. The FIA only needs to approve this decision. Ferrari last day at Le Castellet _________________________________________________________________ Sunday February 4, 1996 Michael Schumacher covered 80 of the planned 81 laps, a Grand Prix distance, on a dry track with sunny weather, when the telemetry warned the engine was loosing power. The Ferrari team decided to bring the car into the pits to check what was wrong. Schumacher tested the electronics of a new V-10 engine in the afternoon. Schumacher covered a total of 307 km with a best time of 1:07.60. Barrichello came to a 1:08.80. Panis drove 100 laps and clocked a best time of 1:08.94. Hakkinen's first drive; Briatore _________________________________________________________________ Monday February 5, 1996 Hakkinen's first drive Hakkinen drove his McLaren-Mercedes today -- Michele Alborato was wrong for saying Mika was not able to drive (Feb. 2). Mika stepped into his McLaren at Le Castellet and clocked a best time of 1:07.09. This was the first time, after 87 days since his coma, could Hakkinen drive again. A McLaren official said: "Mika has made a remarkable recovery and this is a test just to see how he feels about driving," If all goes well he will test the new McLaren at Estoril (Portugal) next week. Villeneuve and Frentzen were testing at Estoril. Villeneuve drove a best lap of 1:38.68 with 39 laps and Frentzen came to a best of 1:41.54 with 22 laps. _________________________________________________________________ Briatore Benetton team-boss Flavio Briatore is quoted as saying that Ferrari should be the favourite for the World Championship title this year. Flavio's reasoning came from his experience and faith in Michael Schumacher's ability. Inoue signs for Minardi; Williams at Estoril _________________________________________________________________ Tuesday February 6, 1996 Inoue signs for Minardi The Italian Formula One team Minardi announced today that Taki Inoue has signed for the 1996 season. Inoue, who drove for the Arrows team last year, will make his debut with the team on February 14 at Estoril (Portugal) when the new car will be presented. The Japanese driver will team-up with Pedro Lamy who is Minardi's leading pilot. _________________________________________________________________ Williams at Estoril Williams-Renault ended their four day test session at Estoril (Portugal) today with Jacques Villeneuve. They used the 1995 car (FW 017) and the new Renault-Engine. Villeneuve clocked a best time of 1:21.50. Williams will be returning at Estoril next week with the new 1996 car. New Sauber Presented; Ferrari _________________________________________________________________ Thursday February 8, 1996 New Sauber Presented The new Sauber-Ford C15 was presented in Switzerland with the drivers: Heinz-Harald Frentzen and Johnny Herbert. Frentzen is looking toward the future with high hopes, he said at the presentation: "I want to win my first Grand Prix this year." The goal of the team is to reach the number five spot of the constructor championship this season. Johhny Herbert wants to beat Michael Schumacher in 1996. Johnny said: "It would be an extra special kick if I could beat Michael. Michael is not unbeatable. And it would hopefully make people think that I am as good as they thought I was before I went to Benetton." Herbert wasn't very happy about last year, eventhough he won two Grands Prix: "It was a very frustrating season last year and I can't say I enjoyed it. But I am looking forward to this one." _________________________________________________________________ Ferrari Eddie Irvine and Nicola Larini tested the electronics of the Ferrari, with the V-12 engine, at Ferrari's home-track at Fiorano (Italy) yesterday. Irvine clocked a best time of 1:02.071 and Larini came to a best of 1:02.081. A new date has been set for the presentation of the new 1996 Ferrari, it will be February 15 at Maranello. Arrows _________________________________________________________________ Friday February 9, 1996 The same news agency which stated Jos Verstappen was sure of a seat with the Arrows-team now stated that the main sponsor of Verstappen still can't reach an agreement with the team of how much money will be paid. The presentation date of the team, next Tuesday, is postponed. Verstappen is still the most likely candidate for a seat in an Arrows car. The Arrows team is not easily getting the budget together for this season, they are suffering financial difficulties. Arrows is not the only team with a not so gloom financial state, Ligier too has to complete this year with only half the budget they had last season. Ferrari at Fiorano _________________________________________________________________ Saturday February 10, 1996 Ferrari ended their testsession at Ferrari's hometrack at Maranello today. Eddie Irvine tested new electronic components which will be placed on the new car. A new V10 tuned-up engine was used. Irvine drove a total of 400 km with a best time of 1:02.41. New McLaren _________________________________________________________________ Sunday February 11, 1996 Mika Hakkinen said at the presentation of the new McLaren-Mercedes, at Estoril (Portugal), he has a goal for this season: winning races. Alain Prost tested the new McLaren with the Mercedes V10 engine at Estoril yesterday. He drove 35 laps without having technical difficulties and came to a best of 1:23.5. Gerhard Berger was just slightly slower with a fastest time of 1:23.9 in the new Benetton-Renault. But fastest of the day was Katayama in the all new Tyrrell-Yamaha with 1:22.31. New Williams Presented _________________________________________________________________ Monday February 12, 1996 Villeneuve said, at the presentation of the new Williams-Renault, the FW 018, that Hill should not expect any favours this year. He also said Hill could be the most important scalp in his first Grand prix season. "We 're not out there to help each other and there's no reason to." "In anyone's career it is important to win and beat everyone else." Hill only said it is probably going to be an exciting year. The aerodynamics of the new Williams have been improved over last year. Hill ends in gravel _________________________________________________________________ Tuesday February 13, 1996 Damon Hill went off the soaking-wet Estoril (Portugal) track with his new Williams, one day after its presentation, during today's test session. The brakes on the FW 18 failed in a curve resulting in Hill ending up in the gravel. Hill walked away unhurt. This accident ended his test session after completing 30 laps with a fastest time of 1:36.53. The test-sessions of all the teams at Estoril were cut short due to rain showers. Alain Prost could only drive four laps in the new MP 4/11 and came to a best of: 1:42.18. Alesi and Berger didn't set any times. New Minardi; No tests for Frentzen _________________________________________________________________ Wednesday February 14, 1996 New Minardi Again not so bright weather conditions at Estoril (Portugal) where Minardi presented their 1996 car and the drivers Pedro Lamy and Taki Inoue. Lamy did 39 laps in the new car and came to a best of 1:24.64, this was with the 1995 Ford engine in the back. Alain Prost posted a 1:23.21 in the McLaren-Mercedes. But fastest today was Damon Hill with 1:22.33 in his new Williams-Renault. _________________________________________________________________ No tests for Frentzen Frentzen could not continue testing the new Sauber C15 at the Barcelona (Spain) track. Frentzen did try to complete the tests but his neck was just too sore. He had made an unfortunate move with his neck and sprained a muscle. It is expected that Frentzen can't drive his car until Friday. New Ferrari Presented; Hill fastest at Estoril; New Arrows _________________________________________________________________ Thursday February 15, 1996 New Ferrari Presented The new 1996 Ferrari was presented today at Ferrari's home-track at Maranello (Italy). The new car is called the F 310. The presentation of the new car was delayed because of problems with the required crash tests and aerodynamics. Michael Schumacher, team-mate of Eddie Irvine, said: "It would be great to win some races this season." He again ruled out any chances for him to compete in the race for the 1996 championship: "I'm not playing down my chances, but I have to be realistic, we are starting something new here." Schumacher also added: "I felt quite empty after spending four and a half years at Benetton - We'd achieved everything together. But I have plenty of motivation now. I needed a new challenge and I've got that here." _________________________________________________________________ Hill fastest at Estoril Damon Hill took advantage of the brighter weather at Estoril (Portugal) and clocked the fastest time of the day: 1:21.62 in his new Williams-Renault. Alesi and Berger followed in their new Benetton-Renaults with 1:22.40 and 1:22.24. Fifth fastest was Rubens Barrichello, who is getting his pace again in the new Jordan-Peugeot, with 1:22.59, but it took him 67 laps to Hill's 27. Hakkinen come in with a nice fourth place with 1:22.55. _________________________________________________________________ New Arrows Dutch driver Jos Verstappen was very happy with the new Arrows. The car held up well in bad weather conditions at the test at Silverstone (England). Ricardo Rosset was also very pleased. Verstappen said in an interview he will be at the start of the Australian Grand Prix, next month, in an Arrows. Verstappen and Rosset will test the new Arrows at Estoril next week. Verstappen said the official presentation of the team is most likely to be held at the end of next week's test-session in London (England). The new car didn't bare many sponsors, Verstappen stated there were still some sponsor contracts to be signed, he himself was now sponsored by Exact Software and not (yet) by Philips Car Systems, but he wouldn't give any clarity about this. Jos Verstappen knows Ricardo Rosset from his days in the Opel Lotus series, Verstappen said Rosset was behind hind as well as in front of him, this is very nice according to Verstappen: "Competition within a team is very good, it keeps you awake." Hill for World Champion; Roundup _________________________________________________________________ Friday February 16, 1996 Hill for World Champion Damon Hill thinks he can be the next World Champion after Schumacher. Being frustrated by Michael all this time he now thinks he can do it: "Every season you think you have the best chance of winning the championship. But, after four years, I now have a lot of experience and I firmly believe I can win it this season." Hill also said: "All I am worried about is my own performance. I am not really looking at the competition and what they are up to. I do not fear Schumacher and I will be fighting for the championship the same as everyone else." Even though Villeneuve said he is not going to help Hill in any way this year Hill said: "We all start with zero points and as long as we both score within the team, it will rob other drivers of the chance to win the championship. It's good to have Villeneuve here." _________________________________________________________________ Roundup Eddie Irvine thinks Michael Schumacher can become the Formula One World Champion for the third time: "Schumacher can become World Champion if the new Ferrari is good. He can expect total support from me." He also repeated a team order by stating if Schumacher is behind me and closing in I will let go by. The 17 races of the 1995 Formula One season have been watched by a total of people, this was announced by the FIA today. For comparison: the World Championship soccer last year for viewed by 32 billion people. The Grands Prix were broadcasted in a total of 201 counties. Schumacher tests F 310 _________________________________________________________________ Sunday February 18, 1996 Michael Schumacher was not able to test the new F 310 Ferrari until the afternoon, the new car had an oil leak in the gearbox in the test -session after its presentation. The repairs were scheduled for one day, so postponing the planned tests. In this session Schumacher completed 33 laps with an almost full load of fuel, he set a best time of 1:04.44. Schumacher will continue testing the new V10 in the old chassis, the 412 T2, at Estoril (Portugal) starting next Wednesday. Michael Schumacher and team-mate Eddie Irvine have got two F 310 each at their disposal. Testing _________________________________________________________________ Monday February 19, 1996 Frentzen is becoming more and more relaxed in the new Sauber-Ford. He was over a second faster than his new team-mate, ex-Benetton driver Johnny Herbert, who is not getting his pace in the new car, at the tests at the Barcelona (Spain) circuit. Frentzen said after the test: "The new car with the V10 engine from Ford has got a lot of potential." _________________________________________________________________ Verstappen's sponsorship problems are almost solved, he will bring five sponsors into the Arrows-Hart team. He will start testing the new car together with team-mate Ricardo Rosset at Estoril (Portugal) this week. Martin Brundle was fastest today at Estoril, Hill was second after being number one for days. Ferrari tests _________________________________________________________________ Tuesday February 20, 1996 The Ferrari tests at Fiorano (Italy), planned yesterday, were cancelled because the oil-leak in the gearbox was still not solved completely. This causes the schedule of the forthcoming tests to change. Schumacher will test the new V10 engine in the 412 T2 car at Estoril (Portugal) today and tomorrow. He will check out the F 310 on Thursday at Fiorano. If all is well then Schumacher and Irvine will start testing the new car at Estoril starting next Friday. Martin Brundle was, just like yesterday, fastest at the testing at Estoril with a best time of 1:21.17. He was followed by his team-mate Barrichello with 1:21.19. This was during the morning session. The problems with the new Jordan are solved. Hill, who came in third during the moring, took the fastest time from Brundle with a best of 1:21.10. Michael Schumacher came to a best of 1:22.55 when the new V10 engine in the 412 T2 failed. Schumacher said that if all goes well from now on they have just three days of testing left. _________________________________________________________________ It has been announced that Dutchman Jos Verstappen and Brazilian Ricardo Rosset, ex Formula 3000 driver, will sign with Arrows tomorrow, when the tests of the new car start at Estoril. The team have confirmed the two drivers today making tomorrow's signing just a formality. Barrichello sets new test record _________________________________________________________________ Wednesday February 21, 1996 Mika Hakkinen posted the fastest time of 1996 on the day Verstappen made his comeback into Formula One with the Arrows-Hart team in the morning session. Hakkinen broke Damon Hill's testing record, set yesterday (1:21.10), with a 1:20.87. Hill came in close behind the Fin with 1:20.95. But Rubens Barrichello did an astonishing 1:19.93, leaving the Benneton of Berger behind him with 1:20.50 and all the rest. Dutch driver Verstappen came in behind Katayama in the Tyrrell (1:23.06) with 1:23.53. Salo, in the other Tyrrell, posted a best time of 1:21.91. The Arrows team has now Philips as their new sponsor. Michael Schumacher could not drive the 412 T2 Ferrari in the morning session because of problems with the V10 engine and the gearbox. A new V10 was flown in from Fiorano in the afternoon. Schumacher did 22 laps under race conditions to set up his car for the long run planned tomorrow. Eddie Irvine will test the new F 310 Ferrari at Fiorano (Italy) on Thursday. Tests at Estoril _________________________________________________________________ Thursday February 22, 1996 The problems the Benetton team had seem to be over. Berger was second yesterday and Alesi was second today with a 1:20.26. But at the top was Mika Hakkinen in the McLaren he posted a best time of 1:19.65, a new testing record. Verstappen did very well, he improved almost two seconds over yesterday's time (1:21.92). It also went very well with Michael Schumacher today, he drove the planned Grand Prix distance. The new V10, in the 412 T2 chassis, did a total of 453 km with a best of 1:21.08. It only had a bad ending: when he drove into his pitbox the car caught fire but major damage could be prevented because the firemen were very close. Irvine tested the F 310 at Fiorano (Italy) and did 51 laps with a best of 1:03.28. The new car will be flown to Estoril tonight. Magny-Cours in 1997; Estoril; Roundup _________________________________________________________________ Friday February 23, 1996 Magny-Cours in 1997 The Grand Prix of France will be held at Magny-Cours in 1997. It was decided by the French, some weeks ago, that the Grand Prix would return to Le Castellet (Paul Ricard) for five years from next year, but there was already an agreement between the FOCA and Magny-Cours for 1997. The officials at Paul Ricard said: "Bernie Ecclestone informed us that an agreement has already been made with Magny-Cours." _________________________________________________________________ Estoril Schumacher tested the new F 310, flown over from Italy last night, at Estoril (Portugal) but could only drive a total of five laps because the fuel pump broke down, he drove a best time of 1:23.23. Schumacher's time is running out before the start of the new season. Verstappen could only drive 8 laps because the support of the rear wing broke. _________________________________________________________________ Roundup Schumacher is most likely going to make an appearance in this year's ITC (touringcar) championship in an Alfa. He will start at NŘrnburgring or at Hockenheim. Names like: Alain Prost and Nigel Mansell are also mentioned. The Italian Luca Badoer has signed with the Forti-Ford team, filling the last seat for the 1996 season. Schumacher will continue testing new car at Fiorano _________________________________________________________________ Sunday February 25, 1996 Schumacher had no troubles with the new F 310 Ferrari at Estoril (Portugal) yesterday. He completed the planned 71 laps. A second F 310 was made in the factory at Maranello (Italy) for Eddie Irvine on Saturday, he has tested it at Fiorano today. Schumacher was not so fortunate in today's session: the tests were stopped due to heavy rain. Schumacher drove 14 laps on a dry track with a best of 1:23.83 and 20 on a wet circuit of the planned Grand Prix distance. The tests will continue at Maranello because of bad weather forecasts at Estoril. Schumacher said after the today's tests: "The new Ferrari felt more gentle than the Benetton did last year." Elf presents teams in Paris; Estoril times _________________________________________________________________ Monday February 26, 1996 Elf presents teams in Paris Elf have presented their teams in Paris (France) today (e.g. Benetton, Ligier, Williams). Alesi was happy with the way the tests went at Estoril (Portugal) with the all new Benetton-Renault. He said there were some minor problems but everything is now under control and that they are ready for the first Grand Prix. Hill also showed his optimism about the tests: " I had a good time, the car went well and the engine was great." The new Williams has improved aerodynamics, resulting in more down-force thus a better grip, over last year's car. Damon Hill's team-mate Jacques was not so very optimistic he said that the competition with their all new cars have closed the gap the Williams car had last year. _________________________________________________________________ Estoril times The tests are over at Estoril so now a list of the fastest test-times of 1996 can be made up: 1. 02-22 Hakkinen McLaren MP4/11 1:19.65 2. 02-23 Villeneuve Williams FW 18 1:19.85 3. 02-13 Berger Benetton B196 1:19.90 4. 02-12 Barrichello Jordan 196P 1:19.93 5. 02-22 Alesi Benetton B196 1:20.26 6. 02-21 Salo Tyrrell 024 1:20.45 7. 02-21 Hill Williams FW 18 1:20.95 8. 02-22 Schumacher Ferrari 412 T2 V10 1:21.08 9. 02-21 Brundle Jordan 196P 1:21.17 10. 02-24 Schumacher Ferrari F 310 1:21.61 11. 02-22 Panis Ligier JS43 1:21.78 12. 02-23 Coulthard McLaren MP4/11 1:21.86 13. 02-22 Verstappen Footwork FA17 1:21.93 14. 02-10 Katayama Tyrrell 024 1:22.30 15. 02-02 Frentzen Sauber C15 1:22.68 16. 02-11 Prost McLaren MP4/11 1:22.91 17. 02-14 Lamy Minardi M15B 1:23.09 18. 02-21 Diniz Ligier JS43 1:23.53 19. 02-21 Rosset Footwork FA17 1:24.49 20. 02-04 Herbert Sauber C15 1:25.48 Schumacher bets on Hill; Irvine tests second F 310 _________________________________________________________________ Tuesday February 27, 1996 Schumacher bets on Hill Michael Schumacher has again named Damon Hill the favourite for this year's World Championship tittle today: "Williams have, just like in 1995, the best car. Even if everything goes well at Ferrari we still miss half a second to the top." He also stated that his fellow German Heinz-Harald Frentzen will have his first victory this year. _________________________________________________________________ Irvine tests second F 310 Time is running out for Ferrari before the new Season starts. Eddie Irvine has tested the second F 310, manufactured just last week, at Fiorano (Italy). He clocked a fastest time of 1:03.22, an improvement of 0.06 over the fastest time set in the F 310 at Maranello. Irvine will continue testing this car tomorrow. Schumacher and Irvine will test the cars for the Australian Grand Prix next Thursday and Friday before the cars are flown to Melbourne. Bridgestone; Irvine tests third F 310 _________________________________________________________________ Wednesday February 28, 1996 Bridgestone Bridgestone wants to supply up to four teams from 1998 with their Formula One tires. They have been developing them since 1989. Now only Goodyear supply the Formula One tires. _________________________________________________________________ Irvine tests third F 310 Irvine has tested the third F 310 today, the one he will drive in Melbourne (Australia), He did 14 laps and clocked a best time of 1:03.24. Schumacher will test his F 310 and the T-car tomorrow. All three cars will be flown to Australia on Saturday. New sponsor Jordan; Schumacher in F 310; Super licence _________________________________________________________________ Thursday February 29, 1996 The cigarette company Benson and Hedges are going to sponsor the Jordan-Peugeot team this season. Eddie Jordan said about the new sponsorship: "It is a major breakthrough for us to secure a new title sponsor." The distinctively all gold Jordan car will carry the Benson and Hedges livery. Eddie Jordan also said that the Jordan team now have as much finance as the top teams. The Jordan drivers, Brundle and Barrichello, will test the new Jordan at Silverstone before the cars are flown to Australia on Friday. _________________________________________________________________ Schumacher in F 310 Schumacher has tested his race car for the Australian Grand Prix today at Maranello (Italy), he came to a best of 1:03.38 (28 laps). He also did two laps in his T car and three pit-stop simulations. Irvine will test his race car tomorrow. _________________________________________________________________ Super licence The disagreement about the Super licence between Max Mosley and the Formula One drivers has been settled. The dispute was about a passage saying the driver was charged with the damage done in case of an accident. It was resolved in a telephone meeting between Mosley and the Formula One drivers: Berger, Schumacher and Brundle.
auto-moto.37 vpoznanovic,
Formula One Test-Times Barcelona, Spain (1995 Pole: Michael Schumacher 1:21.452) 4,727 Km (fastest test-time: Damon Hill 1:21.03 (FW 17)) Saturday, February 17 1996 Frentzen 1:23.32 Wednesday, December 20 1995 Hill 1:21.14 Tuesday, December 19 1995 Hill 1:21.03 Alesi 1:22.55 Panis 1:23.05 Diniz 1:24.13 Montermini 1:29.09 Monday, December 18 1995 Villeneuve 1:21.69 Le Castellet, France (fastest test-time: Mika Hakkinen 1:07.09 (MP 4/10)) Monday, February 5 1996 Hakkinen 1:07.09 Sunday, February 4 1996 Schumacher 1:07.60 Barrichello 1:08.80 Panis 1:08.94 Diniz 1:09.80 Saturday, February 3 1996 Barrichello 1:07.95 Schumacher 1:09.29 Panis 1:09.29 Diniz 1:11.60 Friday, February 2 1996 (wet) Barrichello 1:20.50 Irvine 1:20.84 Panis 1:21.50 Diniz 1:27.90 Tuesday, January 9 1996 Schumacher 1:10.31 Estoril, Portugal (1995 Pole: David Coulthard 1:20.537) 2.709 Miles (fastest test-time in 1996 car: Mika Hakkinen 1:19.65) Sunday, February 25 1996 Schumacher 1:23.83 (34) Saturday, February 24 1996 Schumacher 1:21.61 (71) Coulthard 1:22.20 (60) Friday, February 23 1996 Villeneuve 1:19.85 (60) Berger 1:19.90 (58) Alesi 1:20.56 (9) Coulthard 1:21.86 (49) Schumacher 1:23.23 (5) Verstappen 1:23.27 (8) Rosset 1:24.49 (21) Thursday, February 22 1996 Hakkinen 1:19.65 (44) Alesi 1:20.26 (31) Salo 1:20.45 (16) Villeneuve 1:20.54 (58) Berger 1:20.76 (26) Schumacher 1:21.08 (79) Panis 1:21.78 (12) Brundle 1:21.72 (21) Barrichello 1:21.91 (57) Verstappen 1:21.93 (18) Katayama 1:23.99 (51) Wednesday, February 21 1996 Barrichello 1:19.93 (34) Berger 1:20.50 (31) Hakkinen 1:20.87 (34) Hill 1:20.95 (40) Villeneuve 1:21.10 (80) Salo 1:21.33 (55) Brundle 1:21.64 (85) Schumacher 1:21.66 (22) Alesi 1:21.86 (12) Katayama 1:23.06 (34) Diniz 1:23.43 (43) Verstappen 1:23.53 (18) Rosset 1:25.90 (18) Tuesday, February 20 1996 Hill 1:21.10 (41) Brundle 1:21.17 (44) Barrichello 1:21.19 (42) Villeneuve 1:21.44 (58) Panis 1:22.48 (83) Schumacher 1:22.55 (7) (412 T2) Alesi 1:22.61 (28) Salo 1:22.81 (22) Katayama 1:23.89 (22) Berger 1:26.85 (5) Hakkinen 1:26.85 (1) Monday, February 19 1996 Brundle 1:21.51 (18) Hill 1:21.76 (26) Hakkinen 1:22.27 (34) Alesi 1:22.35 (34) Barrichello 1:22.69 (16) Villeneuve 1:22.83 (16) Panis 1:22.99 (17) Berger 1:23.55 (42) Sunday, February 18 1996 Hill 1:22.24 (41) Lamy 1:23.09 (21) Villeneuve 1:23.12 (32) Coulthard 1:23.54 (45) Barrichello 1:25.25 (17) Brundle 1:25.49 (2) Saturday, February 17 1996 Hill 1:21.67 (90) Alesi 1:21.98 (35) Lamy 1:23.24 (28) Berger 1:23.44 (17) Brundle 1:23.73 Barrichello 1:24.13 (56) Friday, February 16 1996 Hakkinen 1:21.50 (30) Barrichello 1:21.51 (45) Alesi 1:21.75 (26) Coulthard 1:22.82 (27) Brundle 1:23.12 (38) Lamy 1:23.44 (58) Berger 1:23.71 (32) Thursday, February 15 1996 Hill 1:21.62 (81) Berger 1:22.24 (32) Alesi 1:22.40 (18) Hakkinen 1:22.50 (21) Barrichello 1:22.78 (73) Brundle 1:22.99 (52) Lamy 1:24.58 (38) Wednesday, February 14 1996(damp) Hill 1:22.33 (49) Alesi 1:22.73 (49) Prost 1:23.21 ? Barrichello 1:23.40 (10) Lamy 1:24.64 (39) Brundle 1:24.66 ? Berger 1:36.93 (3) Tuesday, February 13 1996 (wet) Hill 1:36.53 (30) Prost 1:42.18 (4) Saturday, February 10 1996 Katayama 1:22.31 Prost 1:23.50 Berger 1:23.90 Friday, February 9 1996 Alesi 1:22.37 Katayama 1:22.56 Thursday, February 8 1996 Salo 1:21.66 Katayama 1:22.19 Alesi 1:23.38 Wednesday, February 7 1996 Katayama 1:23.53 Alesi 1:25.15 Salo 1:25.20 Tuesday, February 6 1996 Villeneuve 1:21.50 Monday, February 5 1996 (wet) Villeneuve 1:38.68 Frentzen 1:41.54 Saturday, February 3 1996 Villeneuve 1:21.82 Frentzen 1:22.68 Herbert 1:25.48 Thursday, January 18 1996 Boullion 1:20.97 Coulthard 1:23.33 Magnussen 1:24.41 Brundle 1:26.24 Wednesday, January 17 1996 Hill 1:20.77 Villeneuve 1:20.98 Coulthard 1:23.28 Prost 1:23.34 Tuesday, January 16 1996 Villeneuve 1:22.10 Hill 1:23.34 Prost 1:24.24 Monday, January 15 1996 Villeneuve 1:21.7 Hill 1:22.1 Friday, December 15 1995 Verstappen 1:21.90 Thursday, December 14 1995 Hill 1:19.45 Villeneuve 1:20.75 Schumacher 1:21.33 Berger 1:23.08 Verstappen 1:23.50 Wednesday, December 13 1995 Villeneuve 1:21.01 Hill 1:21.57 Schumacher 1:21.96 Alesi 1:22.37 Irvine 1:22.8 Barrichello 1:23.05 Verstappen 1:23.28 Tuesday, December 12 1995 (wet) Schumacher 1:37.60 Hill 1:37.63 Villeneuve 1:38.70 Irvine 1:38.73 Monday, December 11 1995 Schumacher 1:22.14 Irvine 1:23.00 Berger 1:23.89 Saturday, November 25 1995 (wet) Villeneuve Williams FW17B-Renault 1:38.02 (62 laps) Friday, November 24 1995 (dry) Schumacher Ferrari 412 T2 V-12 1:21.30 (54 laps) Villeneuve Williams FW17B-Renault 1.21.49 ? Schumacher Ferrari 412 T2 V-10 1:22.83 (37 laps) Thursday, November 23 1995 (dry) Villeneuve Williams FW17B-Renault 1:20.94 (75 laps) Schumacher Ferrari 412 T2 V-12 1:21.20 (37 laps) Berger Benetton B195-Renault 1:22.25 (38 laps) Schumacher Ferrari 412 T2 V-10 1:22.72 (32 laps) Wednesday, November 22 1995 (wet/dry) Alesi Benetton B195-Renault 1:21.44 (43 laps) Schumacher Ferrari 412 T2 V-10 1:23.25 (24 laps) Schumacher Ferrari 412 T2 V-12 1:23.35 (10 laps) Villeneuve Williams FW17B-Renault 1:22.57 (61 laps) Tuesday, November 21 1995 (dry) Alesi Benetton B195-Renault 1:23.08 (14 laps) Schumacher Ferrari 412 T2 V-12 1:24.47 (10 laps) Schumacher Ferrari 412 T2 V-10 1:22.43 (28 laps) Jerez, Spain (1994 Pole GP of Europe: Michael Schumacher 1:22.762) 2.751 Miles (fastest test-time: David Coulthard 1:25.839 (MP 4/10)) Thursday, December 21 1995 Brundle 1:27.50 Collard 1:27.90 Tuesday, December 5 1995 Coulthard 1:25.839 Maranello, Italy (fastest test-time in F 310: Eddie Irvine 1:03.22) Thursday, February 29 1996 Schumacher 1:03.38 (28 + 2) Wednesday, February 28 1996 Irvine 1:03.24 (14) Tuesday, February 27 1996 Irvine 1:03.22 (44) Sunday, February 25 1996 Irvine 1:03.34 (F 310) Thursday, February 22 1996 Irvine 1:03.28 (F 310) Sunday, February 18 1996 Schumacher 1:04.44 (F 310) Thursday, February 15 1996 Schumacher 1:04.94 (F 310) Saturday, February 10 1996 Irvine 1:02.41 Friday, February 9 1996 Irvine 1:03.28 Wednesday, February 7 1996 Irvine 1:02.071 Larini 1:02.081
auto-moto.38 vstan,
> Sta je sa rednim brojem 13? Sujevera, to je.
auto-moto.41 senna,
re: Coulthard prvi vozac u McLarenu Cisto da se razumemo,Coulthard jeste dobar ali da je bolji od Hakkinena nema sanse.
auto-moto.42 junior,
> je dobar vozač. Kultard se ispalio na kraju sezone, ali meni je > to ličilo na pokušaj da se što bolje proda. Na kraju sezone, kad je i najzagriženijim Damonovcima ;) postalo jasno da će Šumaher da bude šampion, Kultard je izbio iz senke svog poznatijeg partnera, i preuzeo stvar u svoje ruke. Pokazalo se da može mnogo toga ... U suštini, lično mislim da je on bio forsiran cele sezone, postigao bi minimum isti uspeh koji i Hill, ako ne i veći.
auto-moto.43 vpoznanovic,
Evo sada i sličica nekih bolida za narednu sezonu. U arhivi se nalaze: Arrows FA17 Benetton B196 Ferrari F 310 Forti FG01-96 Ligier JS43 McLaren MP4/11 Sauber C15 Tyrrell 024
auto-moto.44 vpoznanovic,
>> Evo sada i sličica nekih bolida za narednu sezonu. U arhivi se nalaze: Već četvrti put šaljem i brišem ovu poruku pokušavajući da uz nju okačim fajl, ali bez uspjeha. :( Stvar definitivno ne radi, ni iz PAD-a, ni direktno. Ima li neko neki savjet?
auto-moto.45 senna,
re: problemi sa ul-om Ni ja nisam mogao da okacim onaj moj tekst,vec sam morao da ga ascii ul-ujem :(. Ne znam u cemu je problem.
auto-moto.46 kcurcic,
>U suštini, lično mislim da je on bio forsiran cele sezone,postigao bi >minimum isti uspeh koji i Hill, ako ne i veći. Gledano sa ove strane televizora, nešto nisam primetio da je ijedan od njih dvojice forsiran. Vilijems nije takva ekipa. A da je Kultard dobar vozač, tu nema sumnje. Za razliku od Hila, ima mentalitet pobednika. (ili bar meni tako deluje - izgleda kao da može da pobedi). Jedino što mu još nedostaje je iskustvo, ali ima vremena.
auto-moto.47 wiper,
Meni nije bitno ko ce pobediti. Samo je bitno da to nebude SVABA. Ali defitivnoto Hil ne moze .U jednakim uslovima Svaba ce uvek biti brzi. Sto se tice Kulharda pokazace dali se samo prodao ili decko stvarno ima petlju da stisne gas. Sta mislite sta ce se desiti kad Meklaren dodje do motora na nivo Honde iz '90. Jedino sto nece moci da imaju je prvi vozaca. To sto su pre dve godine izgubili to nikada nece moci da nadju Jer onaj je bio najbolji .
auto-moto.48 miko,
WW>> Sta je sa rednim brojem 13? WW>> Vidim da ni na eurosportu nisu nikog stavili pod tim WW>> brojem. Koliko se ja secam,bar u nazad jedno deset godina,niko nije vozao bolid sa tim brojem.Kazu da donosi nesrecu...
auto-moto.49 senna,
Rezultati prvog nezvanicnog treninga na stazi u Melburnu: 1. Villenneuve 1:33.401 (!) 2. Hill 1:34.404 3. Alesi 1:34.664 4. Schumacher 1:35.018 5. Verstappen 1:35.057 (!) 6. Barichello 1:35.115 7. Irvine 1:35.349 8. Berger 1:35.362 9. Panis 1:35.780 10.Frentzen 1:36.135 11.Hakkinen 1:36.253 12.Coulthard 1:36.330 Rezultate ne treba smatrati previse merodavnim, za par sati se vozi jos jedan trening na kome bi sve trebalo poprilicno realnije da izgleda :).
auto-moto.50 vpoznanovic,
Hill favourite?; Blundell _________________________________________________________________ Friday March 1, 1996 It seems Hill will be starting this Formula One season at Albert Park in Melbourne as the favourite of the favourites. Three-times World Champion Niki Lauda, now consultant for Ferrari, says Hill has the best chance for the 1996 World Championship title: "Damon Hill has the best cards to win the 1996 World Championship. He hasn't switched teams like the other top drivers have, he knows his car and his engine." _________________________________________________________________ Blundell Mark Blundell is one of the two ex-Formula One drivers to make their debut into Indy Car racing at the Grand Prix of Miami next Sunday. Blundell, who wasn't offered a seat in a good Formula One team for 1996, will start his Indy Car carrier with the Pac West team, the other ex-Formula One driver is Alessandro Zanardi, he will start with the Ganassi team. _________________________________________________________________ The book of Formula One doctor Sid Watkins on Senna's accident and other items will be in store this month.
auto-moto.51 vpoznanovic,
Inoue not at first Grand Prix; Schumi positive; Bludell's debut _________________________________________________________________ Monday March 4, 1996 Taki Inoue will not start at the first Grand Prix of the season in Melbourne (Australia). The Japanese driver has sponsorship problems. He will be replaced by Italian Giancarlo Fisichella, who won the Formula Three Championship Title in 1994, drove touring cars for Alfa Romeo and tested for Minardi and Ferrari this year. He also was the candidate for the second seat at Ferrari for this season before Eddie Irvine got the job. _________________________________________________________________ Schumi positive Michael Schumacher is still optimistic about this year. The 1994 and 1995 World Champion said this weekend: " I think we are better prepared, what the motor is concerned, than last year at Ferrari." He also added: "I don't want to have 13 retirements, but there will be some." _________________________________________________________________ Bludell's debut Blundell's debut in the Indy Car series was a disappointing 17th finish at the Grand prix of Miami yesterday. The other ex-Formula One driver to make his debut, Alessandro Zanardi, crashed into the concrete wall after a rear wheel came off when he left the pits.
auto-moto.52 vpoznanovic,
Albert Park; Hill and Villeneuve _________________________________________________________________ Tuesday March 5, 1996 Almost all the drivers are very enthusiastic about the circuit at Albert Park in Melbourne (Australia) one week before the start of the new season there. Some even said it is one of the most beautiful tracks in the world. Current World Champion, Michael Schumacher, said it is very fast and exciting. Indy Car newcomer, Jacques Villeneuve, said: "It looks great!". He also added that there are six potential overtaking places. The 5.269 km long circuit is expected to have a top speed of 285 km/h and a lap time of more than one and a half minute, that is an average of over 200 km/h. This was simulated by the Tyrrell-Yamaha team. Albert Park has not been used by Formula One cars for 40 years. The cars now drive in the opposite direction. There will also be some other changes: The grid positions will be set only on Saturday, on Friday there will be two one hour free sessions with a maximum of 30 laps per driver, on Saturday morning there will be two 45 minute sessions. The 1956 Olympic Grand Prix at Albert Park winner Stirling Moss called it a fantastic track: "It is the finest conventional road circuit I've seen, by miles. There is nothing to compare with it." He also added: "It is going to be a exciting race weekend. Spa was the favourite until now but I think Albert Park is certainly going to be." Jordan driver Rubens Barrichello agreed on this: "I think it is a great track." The favourite to win this year's driver Championship title, Damon Hill, is aiming to win the first Grand Prix of 1996: " I always enjoy racing in Australia and although we are going to Melbourne for the first time, I'm sure I will enjoy it." "I've had a really good winter and I can't wait for the new season to start." Hill also added: "I've learned a great deal during my three seasons of Formula One racing." Schumacher stated: " The favourites for the World Championship title 1996 are Williams and Benetton," and not his own team Ferrari. _________________________________________________________________ Hill and Villeneuve Damon Hill has been backed by Martin Brundle, in 1996 with Jordan-Peugeot, and former team-mate David Coulthard for the 1996 World Championship. Brundle said about Hill's chances: "He can only really lose the title this season. Williams are again looking the stronger both in terms of speed and reliability." Coulthard, now with the McLaren-Mercedes team, says Hill must be the favourite, but he added: "We won't know what the season holds until the first race." Jacques Villeneuve, team-mate of Briton Damon Hill, is determined to avoid suffering the same fate as predecessors who came from Indy Car racing. Michael Andretti came from Indy Car as reigning World Champion, just like Villeneuve, and left six months later with just one podium finish. Villeneuve responded to this by saying: "Michael just did not have the time to get ready. I have done several thousand miles of testing and have lived in Monaco for a while." He also stated again he will not be second to Hill: "When I race, I race to win."
auto-moto.53 vpoznanovic,
Protesters at Albert Park; Schumacher; Paul Ricard _________________________________________________________________ Wednesday March 6, 1996 Not all were so very enthusiastic about the race track in Albert Park like the drivers were, protesters demonstrated at the circuit today to voice their anger over it. The police said 13 people broke through the fences and staged a brief protest against the racing circuit. A spokesman of the demonstrators said the group wanted to tell the drivers and the teams they were not welcome. The "Save Albert Park" group has also threatened to stage "a major international incident" on Sunday when the Australian Grand Prix is held. There were protest against the Grand Prix ever since it was decided that the race would be held at Albert Park. _________________________________________________________________ Schumacher Michael Schumacher has driven around the circuit of Melbourne on a moped in order to inspect it just 24 hours before the first extra free training session. He showed himself to be a little concerned about the dirty track. He said that it could be very slippery. Michael Schumacher can resign at Ferrari when the results are not what they are suppose to be. The clause was put into the contract for his security. It also stated that Schumacher has to become third in the final standing of the World Championship title. _________________________________________________________________ Paul Ricard The French Grand Prix will stay at Magny-Cours until 1999. There was speculation that the Grand Prix could be held Le Castellet from 1998. The French Motorsports Federation said Le Castellet had failed to reach an agreement with the FOCA: "The choice of Le Castellet circuit was a sentimental one. But we had to give it up because of FOCA's financial requirements." But they hope to bring the European Grand Prix to France in 1997 and 1998, possibly at Paul Ricard. _________________________________________________________________ Damon Hill has stated he wants to enter the next Grand Prix after Australia in the lead for the World Championship. He said again: "I want to win."
auto-moto.54 vpoznanovic,
Familiarization Session Times at Albert Park _________________________________________________________________ Thursday March 7, 1996 If the familiarization session (held only at new Grands Prix) at Albert Park is an indication of things to come, Jacques Villeneuve will be the one to watch during Saturday's Australian Grand Prix Qualifying. Villeneuve's time of 1:33.401 (126.985mph/204.357kmh) was nearly a second faster than teammate Damon Hill who placed the second quickest with a time of 1:34.392. Jean Alesi recorded the third best result of the day. Michael Schumacher, Jos Verstappen and Rubens Barrichello rounded out the top six times. During the session, rookie Giancarlo Fisichella (who replaces Taki Inoue at Minardi) crashed but escaped unhurt. Damon Hill, Pedro Lamy, Ricardo Rosset, Pedro Diniz, Mika Hakkinen, Rubens Barrichello, Jean Alesi and Ukyo Katayama all had spins. Thursday March 7, 1996 Familiarization Session Times Albert Park 3.274 miles - 5.238 kilometers 1. Jacques Villeneuve Canada Williams-Renault 1:33.401 2. Damon Hill GB Williams-Renault 1:34.392 3. Jean Alesi France Benetton-Renault 1:34.664 4. Michael Schumacher Germany Ferrari 1:35.018 5. Jos Verstappen Netherlands Footwork-Hart 1:35.057 6. Rubens Barrichello Brazil Jordan-Peugeot 1:35.115 7. Eddie Irvine GB Ferrari 1:35.349 8. Gerhard Berger Austria Benetton-Renault 1:35.362 9. Olivier Panis France Ligier-Mugen-Honda 1:35.780 10. Heinz-Harald Frentzen Germany Sauber-Ford 1:36.135 11. Mika Hakkinen Finland McLaren-Mercedes 1:36.253 12. David Coulthard GB McLaren-Mercedes 1:36.330 13. Johnny Herbert GB Sauber-Ford 1:36.253 14. Martin Brundle GB Jordan-Puegeot 1:37.051 14. Mika Salo Finland Tyrrell-Yamaha 1:37.051 16. Ukyo Katayama Japan Tyrrell-Yamaha 1:37.903 17. Pedro Lamy Portugal Minardi-Ford 1:38.072 18. Ricardo Rosset Brazil Footwork-Hart 1:38.367 19. Pedro Dinis Brazil Ligier-Mugen-Honda 1:38.447 20. Giancarlo Fisichella Italy Minardi-Ford 1:39.142 21. Luca Badoer Italy Forti-Ford 1:51.007 22. Andrea Montermini Italy Forti-Ford 2:05.379
auto-moto.55 vpoznanovic,
Melbourne Practice (Friday); Berger concered with Track's safety _________________________________________________________________ Friday March 8, 1996 Melbourne Practice (Friday) Damon Hill clocked fastest time today with a late surge in the final five minutes of practice, edging out his team mate Jacques Villeneuve. Hill's time was 1:32.159, some 0.237 seconds faster than Villeneuve. Hill commented afterwards: "The pace is definitely heating up now and everyone is getting to explore the circuit a bit more in depth, so it is getting quite exciting." Top Six: 1. Hill, Williams Renault 2. Villeneuve, Williams Renault 3. Alesi, Benetton Renault 4. Schumacher, Ferrari 5. Barrichello, Jordan Peugoet 6. Berger, Benetton Renault _________________________________________________________________ Berger Concered with Track's Safety Gerhard Berger, a lead driver involved with The Grand Prix Drivers Association (GPDA), has voiced concerns about the safety of the new Albert Park track. "There are two or three places where the runoff areas should be moved," Berger said. Max Mosley, President of the FIA, has dismissed claims about the tracks safety and said today that the track is safe.
auto-moto.56 vpoznanovic,
>> Sta mislite sta ce se desiti kad Meklaren dodje do motora na >> nivo Honde iz '90. Ništa, sadašnji Renaultov desetocilindrični motor je bolji od Hondinog iz 1990-te. O Williamsovoj i Bennetonovoj šasiji u odnosu na McLarenovu da i ne govorim.
auto-moto.57 vpoznanovic,
'Ajde onda da probamo ponovo... Sličice nekih bolida za narednu sezonu. U arhivi se nalaze: Arrows FA17 Benetton B196 Ferrari F 310 Forti FG01-96 Ligier JS43 McLaren MP4/11 Sauber C15 Tyrrell 024
auto-moto.58 bosko,
Na slici su staze koje ćemo gledati od nedelje, pa nadalje :)
auto-moto.59 senna,
Cisto da upotpunim rezultate sa jutrosnjeg treninga: 1. Hill 1:32.159 2. Villeneuve 1:32.396 3. Alesi 1:32.475 4. Schumacher 1:33.007 5. Barichello 1:33.480 6. Berger 1:33.528 7. Irvine 1:33.592 8. Verstappen 1:33.640 9. Coulthard 1:33.846 10.Hakkinen 1:33.935 11.Salo 1:33.992 12.Frentzen 1:34.068 Vilnev je poprilicno brz i samopouzdan, jedva cekam trku da vidim sta ce ispasti od svega. Ferariji imaju problema sa oversteering-om u sporim krivinama,bas se primecuje da nesto nije u redu,a Verstapenu svaka cast,8. pozicija je za Futvork Hart vise nego dobra.
auto-moto.60 kaiser,
==>> 1. Villenneuve 1:33.401 (!) jel bre koi je ovaj.
auto-moto.61 obren,
Poredak posle kvalifikacija: 1. Vilnev 2. Hil 3. Irvajn 4. Šumaher 5. Hakinen 6. Alezi 7. Berger 8. Baričelo 9. Frencen 10. Salo 11. Panis 12. Ferštapen 13. Kultard 14. Herbert 15. Katajama
auto-moto.62 kum.djole,
>> 1. Vilnev >> 2. Hil >> 3. Irvajn >> 4. Šumaher A zamislite, recimo prognoziranje prve trojice, u temi 'prognoza'.. ;) I tako do kraja sezone.. ;)
auto-moto.63 lexus,
=>==>> 1. Villenneuve 1:33.401 (!) => => jel bre koi je ovaj. Jacques Villenneuve(Žak Vilnev), sin Gillesa Villenneuve(Žil Vilnev) poznatog vozača F1. Gilles je poginuo u Ferariju, čini mi se, 1982. Jacques je krenuo očevim stopama i u svojoj debitantskoj sezoni osvojio prvenstvo IndyCar-a... Prešao u F1 i voziće sa Hillom u Villiamsu. Mnogi misle da Villenneuve nema velike šanse pošto ne poznaje staze, ali greše, Jacques je često vozio evropske staze, a i izuzetno je talentovan. Ove sezone navijam za njega, Schumachera, Alesia i Coultharda, Hilla ne podnosim, a prema ostalim vozačima sam potpuno ravnodušan.
auto-moto.64 lexus,
=> A zamislite, recimo prognoziranje prve trojice, u temi 'prognoza'.. => ;) I tako do kraja sezone.. ;) Ili da prognoziramo osvajače bodova tj. prvu šestoricu, pa da dobijamo bodove u skladu sa njima + bod za skočka na pogrešnom mestu ;))) Dakle, 1 mesto 10 bodova, 2-6, 3-4, 4-3, 5-2 i 6-1.
auto-moto.65 wiper,
Ovo za prognozu nije lose. Mislim da ce malo vise biti bodova max=160 da nije mnogo . Bolje da idemo 6,5,4,3,2,1 ili svako pogodjeno mesto isti broj bodova. Ali prognozu bi bilo dobro da drzi neko ko ima setl. da moze da daje dovoljno inf. i to na vreme.
auto-moto.66 kum.djole,
Zar niko da okači detaljnu tabelu današnje vožnje u Melburnu ?
auto-moto.67 lexus,
=> Ovo za prognozu nije lose. Mislim da ce malo vise biti bodova => max=160 da nije mnogo . Bolje da idemo 6,5,4,3,2,1 ili svako => pogodjeno mesto isti broj bodova. Ali prognozu bi bilo dobro da => drzi neko ko ima setl. da moze da daje dovoljno inf. i to na => vreme. Ja bih rado, ali nemam satelitsku :( BTW: Zašto ovde niko nije napisao ko je pobedio nego samo u grupi??? Verovatno me je neko preduhitrio, ali nema veze: 1. Hill 2. Villeneuve 3. Irvine Schumacher i Alesi odustali! Moj favorit za ovu sezonu definitivno Jacques Villeneuve!!!
auto-moto.68 wiper,
Williamsova šasija je dobra. A što se tiče Benettonove ona je iz 91 sa malom šminkom. Gde je bio Reno 90 i Ford 90 iza Honde. Nemoj sadašnjeg Reno da porediš sa Hondom iz 90. Nego sačekajmo još malo da se Mc'Laren vrati na nivo koji mu i priliči. A što se šasija tiče u sezoni 93/94. Mc'laren je imao bolje rezultate od Benettona koji je imao Forda poslednje gen. a Mc'Laren jednu gen. starijeg. Budi siguran kada dobuju odgovarajući motor bonovo će biti ispred Benettona. Jer oni su ipak tim sa najviše pobeda u istoriji formule 1.
auto-moto.69 wiper,
da dopunimo 4.Berger 5.Hakkinen 6.Salo 1.Williams Renault - 16 2.Ferrari Ferrari - 4 3.Benetton Renault - 3 4.Mc'Laren Merced. - 2 5.Tyrell Yamaha - 1
auto-moto.70 vesboj,
Sta misle domaci strucnjaci za F1 kakve su sanse Davidu Coulthardu ove sezone i HIlu ili Sumaheru
auto-moto.71 vesboj,
HI jel ima neko GIF ili neki drugi format sa slicicama oblika svih staza za ovu sezonu F1
auto-moto.72 space.ace,
--> Budi siguran kada dobuju odgovarajući motor bonovo će biti ispred Oće, đavola. Hakinen jest odličan vozač, ali ne može da se meri sa Alesijem i Bergerom. Od onog tupavka Coultharda ne treba očekivati niš' značajno. Još upoređuješ McLaren '90 sa Bennetonom '90, koji je tek počeo da se razvija kao tim. --> Benettona. Jer oni su ipak tim sa najviše pobeda u istoriji --> formule 1. Pa naravno, dok su Prost i Senna (bog da mu dušu prosti) vozili za njih, i dok su imali Hondine motore. Mnogo sanjariš, od McLaren-a neće biti ništa, pazi šta sam rekao :)
auto-moto.73 space.ace,
--> Sta misle domaci strucnjaci za F1 Evo šta misle: --> kakve su sanse Davidu Coulthardu ove sezone Nikakve. Čovek je jednom seo u bolid pre sezone, i nije se baš proslavio. To dokazuje da on baš i nije toliko dobar vozač, za kakvog se smatrao :) --> i HIlu ili Sumaheru Hill ima velike šanse, naravno ako Villeneuve slomi nogu :), jer mališa se odlično pokazao. Vozi odlično, talentovan. Hill bi morao dobro da se potrudi ako hoće titulu (mada verujem u njega ;). Onu vucibatinu SCHU-a nemoj ni da pominješ, jer od onoga neće biti ništa, jer i IRVINE (!!) vozi bolje od njega. Setite se samo kvalifikacija :) Samim tim što je treći, Irvine dokazuje da nije u timu samo da bi SCHU imao drugog vozača, već mu je namera i da pobeđuje (uprkos onoj kobnoj klauzuli). Toliko od mene.
auto-moto.74 space.ace,
--> jel ima neko GIF ili neki drugi format --> sa slicicama oblika svih staza za ovu sezonu F1 Uzmi igru MicroProse Formula 1 Grand Prix, i to verziju 2, tamo imaš (skoro) sve staze (nema Melburn, Buenos Aires, možda i Nirburgring). Ako nemaš, mogao bih ja da pošaljem koju, čisto da začinim situacijo :) spaceman
auto-moto.75 obren,
Dečko obećava! :)
auto-moto.76 obren,
> Gde je bio Reno 90 i Ford 90 iza Honde. Nemoj sadašnjeg Reno da > porediš sa Hondom iz 90. Nego sačekajmo još malo da se Mc'Laren vrati > na nivo koji mu i priliči. Pa da, raspravljati o snazi motora je vrlo nezahvalno, jer se nikad zvanično ne objavljuju podaci o njihovj snazi. Međutim uvek se otprilike zna gde je kome mesto, a i učinak na stazama je valjda neki pokazatelj :) Procenjena snaga Hondinog ˙TURBO˙ (ovo je bitno naglasiti) motora je bila preko 1200 KS i to je bio najjači motor u to vreme (neki kažu i u celoj istoriji F1) Onda je bila stvar izbora konkstruktora da li će da se opredeli za turbo ili atmosferski motor, pa kom opanci kom obojci. Međutim, FIA je videla da trke postaju nezanimljive ;) pa su TURBO motori zabranjeni. U Hondi su onda na brzinu morali da se preorijentišu, pa je izašla atmosferska verzija motora koja je bila slabija, ali i dalje u vrhu. McLaren je kasnije počeo da posustaje ne zbog motora, već što nije pratio novi trend elektronski kontrolisanog ogibljenja. Pred raskid (na Hondin zahtev) partnersta sa McLarenom, Hondini motori jesu bili slabiji od Renoovih, i to dobrih 100 KS (jer je FIA zabranila sve one tehničke detalje koji su ih činili boljim od konkurencije) ali je Sena i pored toga uspeo da osvoji Šampionsku titulu. Inače, kruže priče da se Honda vraća dogodine u F1, ali ne znam u koji tim. U svakom slučaju moraće dobro da se pomuče, jer je Reno daleko odmakao, naročito u pogledu pouzdanosti. Ako je još neko fan Honde kao ja, a uz to ima pristup na Internet, može da pogleda (ima par detalja iz istorije firme i nešto malo o Indy Car šampionatu) Takođe, čuo sam da Ferrari ima fantastičnu WEB stranicu, sa slikama svih automobila i bolida koje su ˙ikada˙ napravili. Međutim nisam je lično video, ali moraću prvom prilikom da pogledam :) U vezi tandema McLaren-Mercedes: mislim da je Mercedes umislio da je njegovo ime dovoljno da se svi useru u gaće ;) kada ih vide na pistama formule jedan. Ne sumnjam da će švabe uspeti da naprave dobar motor, obzirom da im ne ide loše u formuli Indy, ali za titulu im fali i vozač. Otprilike da će oni ipak da pričekaju da Bananamenu istekne ugovor sa Ferarijem, mada nije isključeno da i ove godine uzmu neki GP. Kad smo već kod McLarena, zanimljivo je da su se na konkurs za motor superauta F1, prijavili Mercedes, Honda i BMW. Motor je, kao što znate dobio na pravljenje BMW i napravio ga, bogami, ljudski :) Međutim ono što je čudno je da to, da je nakon ove izuzetno uspešne saradnje (F1 nema pravu konkurenciju gde god da se pojavi) McLaren uzeo Mercedesa da im pravi motore za šampionat F1.
auto-moto.77 vpoznanovic,
Australian GP Sunday warmup Formula One World Championship Australian Grand Prix - Melbourne Results of Sunday warm up Pos Driver Nat Constructor Time Gap To 1st ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Damon Hill GB Williams-Renault 1:33.363 2. Jean Alesi F Benetton-Renault 1:33.410 0.047 0.047 3. Gerhard Berger A Benetton-Renault 1:34.167 0.757 0.804 4. Michael Schumacher D Ferrari 1:34.176 0.009 0.813 5. Heinz-Harald Frentzen D Sauber-Ford 1:34.177 0.001 0.814 6. Eddie Irvine GB Ferrari 1:34.251 0.074 0.888 7. Mika Salo FIN Tyrrell-Yamaha 1:34.338 0.087 0.975 8. Jos Verstappen NL Arrows-Hart 1:34.381 0.043 1.018 9. Jacques Villeneuve CDN Williams-Renault 1:34.431 0.050 1.068 10. Johnny Herbert GB Sauber-Ford 1:34.653 0.222 1.290 11. Rubens Barrichello BR Jordan-Peugeot 1:34.664 0.011 1.301 12. Martin Brundle GB Jordan-Peugeot 1:35.116 0.452 1.753 13. Olivier Panis F Ligier-Mugen 1:35.322 0.206 1.959 14. David Coulthard GB McLaren-Mercedes 1:35.774 0.452 2.411 15. Mika Hakkinen FIN McLaren-Mercedes 1:35.853 0.079 2.490 16. Ukyo Katayama J Tyrrell-Yamaha 1:35.914 0.061 2.551 17. Giancarlo Fisichella I Minardi-Ford ED 1:36.487 0.573 3.124 18. Pedro Diniz BR Ligier-Mugen 1:36.966 0.479 3.603 19. Ricardo Rosset BR Arrows-Hart 1:37.001 0.035 3.638 20. Pedro Lamy P Minardi-Ford ED 1:37.783 0.782 4.420 107% of fastest time: 1:39.898
auto-moto.78 vpoznanovic,
Australian GP Race Resume: Weather: Bright, sunny Warm-Up lap: -Lamy starts from pits -Hill lays rubber at the start, Villeneuve does not - for a moment Hill leads Villeneuve -Frentzen retires with mechanical failure Start: -Villeneuve makes perfect start -Hill slides on 2nd corner and both Ferraries get past -Half way round circuit zig-zagging in the pack casues Brundle to hit Herberts car. Brundle cartwheels, breaks in half and lands heavily in sand -Brundle out OK RACE STOPPED -Doctor gives OK for Brundle to restart 2nd Warm-Up lap: -All round OK, including Frentzen -Brundle, Coultard start from pits Re-Start: -Good start by everyone L1: -Pos: Villeneuve,Hill,Irvine,Schumacher,Alesi -Brundle spins and is out -Schumacher gets past Irvine L2: -Pos: Villeneuve,Hill,Schumacher,Irvine,Ales,Hakkinen -Fastest lap - Villeneuve - 1m 37.036s L3: -Fastest lap - Schumacher - 1m 35.759s L4: -Fastest lap - Schumacher - 1m 35.467s L5: -Fastest lap - Villeneuve - 1m 35.223s L6: -Fastest lap - Hill - 1m 34.893s L7: L8: L9: -Fastest lap - Villeneuve - 1m 34.781s -Alesi tries to get past Irvine - makes contact and destroys his side pods on Irvines rear wheel. -Alesi into pits and retires L10: L11: -Fastest lap - Villeneuve - 1m 34.290s -Pos: Villeneuve -> 1.020s -> Hill -> 1.309s -> Schumacher -> 8.364s -> Irvine -> 13.117s -> Hakkinenk L12: L13: L14: -Fastest lap - Villeneuve - 1m 34.166s L15: -Vestappen spins off and retires L16: -Fastest lap - Villeneuve - 1m 34.157s -Pits - Salo - 14.7s L17: -Fastest lap - Villeneuve - 1m 34.069s L18: -Fastest lap - Schumacher - 1m 33.651s L19: -Pits - Schumacher - 12.9s L20: -Villeneuve catches the back markers -Pos: Villeneuve -> 0.696s -> Hill -> 18.090s -> Irvine -> 12.732s -> Schumacher -> 10.778s -> Hakkinenk L21: -Pits - Irvine - 11.7s L22: L23: L24: -Pits - Berger - 9.1s -Coulthard into pits and retires L25: -Pos: Villeneuve, Hill, Schumacher, Hakkinen, Barrichello L26: -Pits - Barrichello - 11.3s -Fastest lap - Villeneuve - 1m 33.633s -Pos: Villeneuve -> 1.099s -> Hill -> 30.791s -> Schumacher -> 18.119s -> Hakkinen -> 4.220s -> Irvine L27: -Fastest lap - Villeneuve - 1m 33.421s L28: L29: -Pits - Villeneuve - 17.6s (problems with rear) - back into 2nd -Barrichello retires L30: -Pits - Hakkinen - 14.2s -Pos: Hill -> 38.349s -> Villeneuve -> 13.015s -> Schumacher L31: -Pits: Hill - 18.5s - back into 1st -Villeneuve gets past Hill -Schumacher off through sand after a front locklup -Pits: Schumacher - 1m 03.2s (problems inside nose) - back into 9th L32: -Schumacher into pits and retires L33: L34: -Villeneuve slides off accross grass but keeps in lead (wow!) -Pos: Villeneuve,Hill,Irvine,Berger,Hakkinen L35: L36: L37: L38: -Pos: Villeneuve -> 0.602s -> Hill -> 18.992s -> Irvine L39: L40: -Pits: Frentzen - 11.8s - back into 8th L41: -Pits: Berger - 9.6s - back into 4th L42: -Pits: Irvine - 10.8s - back into 3rd -Pos: Villeneuve,Hill,Irvine,Berger,Hakkinen L43: L44: -Pos: Villeneuve -> 1.022s -> Hill -> 49.350s -> Irvine -> 21.746s -> Berger -> 7.675s -> Hakkinen L45: L46: -Starting to see vapour from the back of Villeneuve L47: L48: -Pos: Villeneuve -> 1.211s -> Hill L49: L51: -Pos: Villeneuve,Hill,Irvine,Berger,Hakkinen L52: L53: -Villeneuve pit board shows SLOW DOWN -Hill gets past Villeneuve L54: -Pos: Hill -> 6.013s -> Villeneuve -> 43.071s -> Irvine L55: L56: L57: L58: -Hill wins Australian GP results Pos Driver Nat Constructor Time ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Damon Hill GB Williams-Renault 1:32:50.491 2. Jacques Villeneuve CDN Williams-Renault +38.020 3. Eddie Irvine GB Ferrari +1:02.571 4. Gerhard Berger A Benetton-Renault +1:17.037 5. Mika Hakkinen FIN McLaren-Mercedes +1:35.071 6. Mika Salo FIN Tyrrell-Yamaha -1 lap 7. Olivier Panis F Ligier-Mugen -1 lap 8. Heinz-Harald Frentzen D Sauber-Ford -1 lap 9. Ricardo Rosset BR Arrows-Hart -2 laps 10. Pedro Diniz BR Ligier-Mugen -2 laps 11. Ukyo Katayama J Tyrrell-Yamaha -3 laps DNF Pedro Lamy P Minardi-Ford ED on lap 43 DNF Michael Schumacher D Ferrari on lap 33 DNF Giancarlo Fisichella I Minardi-Ford ED on lap 33 DNF Rubens Barrichello BR Jordan-Peugeot on lap 30 DNF David Coulthard GB McLaren-Mercedes on lap 25 DNF Jos Verstappen NL Arrows-Hart on lap 16 DNF Jean Alesi F Benetton-Renault on lap 10 DNF Martin Brundle GB Jordan-Peugeot on lap 2 DNS Johnny Herbert GB Sauber-Ford
auto-moto.79 vpoznanovic,
Australian GP fastest laps Pos Driver Nat Constructor Time Gap To 1st ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Jacques Villeneuve CDN Williams-Renault 1:33.421 2. Damon Hill GB Williams-Renault 1:33.621 0.200 0.200 3. Michael Schumacher D Ferrari 1:33.651 0.030 0.230 4. Eddie Irvine GB Ferrari 1:34.533 0.882 1.112 5. Gerhard Berger A Benetton-Renault 1:34.757 0.224 1.336 6. Olivier Panis F Ligier-Mugen 1:34.767 0.010 1.346 7. Rubens Barrichello BR Jordan-Peugeot 1:35.064 0.297 1.643 8. Mika Salo FIN Tyrrell-Yamaha 1:35.280 0.216 1.859 9. Jean Alesi F Benetton-Renault 1:35.519 0.239 2.098 10. Heinz-Harald Frentzen D Sauber-Ford 1:35.596 0.077 2.175 11. Mika Hakkinen FIN McLaren-Mercedes 1:35.843 0.247 2.422 12. Ukyo Katayama J Tyrrell-Yamaha 1:36.377 0.534 2.956 13. Ricardo Rosset BR Arrows-Hart 1:36.557 0.180 3.136 14. Jos Verstappen NL Arrows-Hart 1:36.649 0.092 3.228 15. Pedro Diniz BR Ligier-Mugen 1:37.024 0.375 3.603 16. David Coulthard GB McLaren-Mercedes 1:37.746 0.722 4.325 17. Giancarlo Fisichella I Minardi-Ford ED 1:38.077 0.331 4.656 18. Pedro Lamy P Minardi-Ford ED 1:38.784 0.707 5.363 19. Martin Brundle GB Jordan-Peugeot 1:56.481 17.697 23.060 107% of fastest time: 1:39.960
auto-moto.80 vpoznanovic,
Standings after Australian GP Drivers' Championship: Pos Driver Nat Constructor Points ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Damon Hill GB Williams-Renault 10 2. Jacques Villeneuve CDN Williams-Renault 6 3. Eddie Irvine GB Ferrari 4 4. Gerhard Berger A Benetton-Renault 3 5. Mika Hakkinen FIN McLaren-Mercedes 2 6. Mika Salo FIN Tyrrell-Yamaha 1 Constructors' Championship: Pos Constructor Nat Points ---------------------------------------------- 1. Williams-Renault GB 16 2. Ferrari I 4 3. Benetton-Renault I 3 4. McLaren-Mercedes GB 2 5. Tyrrell-Yamaha GB 1
auto-moto.81 vpoznanovic,
Australian GP winners' press conference Q Damon, you've won twice in Australia in the last 4 months you must be delighted to get the 10 point lead? DH Absolutely, I feel fantastic and I've got to say that everyone in the team deserves this. It's a terrific result. I had a great race with Jacques and I'm delighted obviously, to have come back to Australia, won and started the season the way I finished the last one. Q It looks like it's going to be a pretty tough fight between you and Jacques this season. DH Yeah, I don't think there's going to be anything given away and Jacques showed today that he's a racer. We had a good race and I think the crowds have got something from that and I'm sure they thought it was a good race too. Q You had a few tricky moments about half way through the race? DH Yeah, I had a few tricky moments 3 or 4 times in the race but everything went to plan and we stuck close together. It was a thriller I think. Q Jacques, you must be a bit disappointed, having lead for most of the race, not to end up winning it? JV Well, for sure it's disappointing to lead most of the race and then having to slow down but the whole race itself was fun. It was a great battle with Damon and, for sure, today was a good demonstration of the Williams Rothmans Renault. It's a very strong package. Q Eddie, the last time we saw you was in Montreal. Did you expect to have such a successful start with Ferrari? EI Not really. We have had so many problems with reliability and I have done very little running in the car and to come here and be on the 2nd row really surprised us. For us to finish the race, especially in the 1st race for Ferrari, it's a bit special. So I'm really pleased to be on the podium. Q Damon, a look forward to Brazil? DH Yeah, but for the moment I'm leading the World Championship and I've 3 weeks till the next race, so I'm going to savour every day of that. I'd just like to say thanks to Melbourne as well, for putting on such a great grand prix. It's a great weekend and Australia have done it again. I think it's a good kick-off to the season.
auto-moto.82 lexus,
=> Dečko obećava! :) Misli li se na malog Žaka? ;) Mali je budući kralj!!!
auto-moto.83 lexus,
=> Onu vucibatinu SCHU-a nemoj ni da pominješ, jer od onoga neće biti => ništa, jer i IRVINE (!!) vozi bolje od njega. Setite se samo => kvalifikacija :) To što toliko mrziš Šumahera je tvoj problem, ali nemoj da ga klevetaš! Čovek je odustao zato što mu nešto sa kočnicama nije radilo kako treba! Da nije odustao i da Jacquesu nije pustilo ulje tvoj Hill ne bi video ni drugu poziciju, a kamoli pobedu. Ovog puta je imao sreće, ali prvenstvo sigurno neće osvojiti! Za kraj sezone prognoziram sledeće: 1. Villeneuve 2. Schumacher 3. Alesi 4. Hill 5. Irvine 6. Barichello Pozdrav -Lex->
auto-moto.84 wiper,
> Pa naravno, dok su Prost i Senna (bog da mu dusu prosti) vozili za njih, i > dok su imali Hondine motore. Mnogo sanjaris, od McLaren-a nece biti nista, > pazi sta sam rekao :) Mozda ja sanjam ali vreme ce pokazati svoje Moja prognoza da ce cuvenu Mc'Larenovu 8-cu naslediti Brzilac Baricelo sto se drugog tice moze da bude ko hoce . Meni se licno svidja Dejvid K. decko ima muda da stisne gas a to sto se zajebe neki put pa i VELIKI SENA nije odmah pokazivao rezultate mora covek da se uhoda. A za koju god. ce mo se videti Sto se tice nekih u grupi koji izgleda simpatisu svabu. To je najpokvareniji smrdljivko u F1 taj bez mucki ne moze. Zasto je Beneton sad naglo oslabi nije valjda on super vozac kvaliteta jednog Sene da izvlaci ne moguce. Naravno da nije nego prevarom do pobede. Kad je tako dobar sto 92 nije bio brzi od Sene a imao je novijeg forda od Sene. Nego seljak ostaje seljak. Setite se samo Imole i njegove izjave " SENA JE NERVOZNO VOZIO STALNO MU JE BEZAO BOLID" pazi majkumu nevozno vozio - to sto se njemu desilo je bio trenutak i splet losih okolnosti. Po njemu on je vozio sve vreme sa polomljenom up.letvom pitao bi ga ja da nije bilo one trave i da je zid malo dalji dali bi imao dve titule. Imao bi samo kolekciju prolazaka Sene pored njega. Gde ste videli Svabu da ne podvaljuje Da mogu samo nekoliko kruga da vozim imao bi samo jedan cilja a to je UDARI SVABU I NABIGA NA ZID.
auto-moto.85 kcurcic,
> To što toliko mrziš Šumahera je tvoj problem, ali nemoj da ga klevetaš! > Da nije odustao i da Jacquesu nije pustilo ulje tvoj Hill ne bi video > ni drugu poziciju, a kamoli pobedu. Ovog puta je imao sreće, ali To što toliko mrziš Hila je tvoj problem, ali nemoj da ga klevetaš!
auto-moto.86 kcurcic,
> Nikakve. Čovek je jednom seo u bolid pre sezone, i nije se baš proslavio. > To dokazuje da on baš i nije toliko dobar vozač, za kakvog se smatrao :) Nemoj zaboraviti da je prošle sezone vozio Vilijems a sad je u pitanju Meklaren. Razlike su drastične. > Hill ima velike šanse, naravno ako Villeneuve slomi nogu :), jer mališa se > odlično pokazao. Vozi odlično, talentovan. Hill bi morao dobro da se > potrudi ako hoće titulu (mada verujem u njega ;). Moram da priznam da sam u početku sumnjao u ekipu iz Vilijemsa ali se ipak pokazalo da su bili u pravu. Vilnev je definitivno iznenađenje za mene. Sjajan je. Međutim, ovo je tek prva trka, a prvi se mačići u vodu bacaju. > Onu vucibatinu SCHU-a nemoj ni da pominješ, jer od onoga neće biti ništa, > jer i IRVINE (!!) vozi bolje od njega. Setite se samo kvalifikacija :) > Samim tim što je treći, Irvine dokazuje da nije u timu samo da bi SCHU imao > drugog vozača, već mu je namera i da pobeđuje (uprkos onoj kobnoj U ovo baš nisam uveren. Sezona je duga, a Šumaher, i pored izvesne ( štaviše, izražene ) netrpeljivosti koju gajim prema njemu ipak jeste dobar vozač.
auto-moto.87 senna,
Pred raskid (na Hondin zahtev) partnersta sa McLarenom, Hondini motori jesu bili slabiji od Renoovih, i to dobrih 100 KS (jer je FIA zabranila sve one tehnicke detalje koji su ih cinili boljim od konkurencije) ali je Sena i pored toga uspeo da osvoji Sampionsku titulu. ------- Ovo je u najmanju ruku smesno. Honda je bila jaca od Renoa,to je 100% sigurno. Druga stvar je sto je sam motor bio ogroman,sto je trosio puno goriva i sto je bio vrlo gabaritan,pa je bolid sa njim lezao ko trotinet. Seti se Monaka '92. i one fantasticne zavrsnice trke kada su se Mensel i Sena borili za pobedu. Da je Mensel imao 100ks vise + nove gume + bolji bolid Sena ne bi imao nikakve sanse. Inace, kruze price da se Honda vraca dogodine u F1, ali ne znam u koji tim. U svakom slucaju morace dobro da se pomuce, jer je Reno daleko odmakao, narocito u pogledu pouzdanosti. ------- Prica se,al verovatno nista od toga. Inace su trebali da imaju kompletan bolid.
auto-moto.88 senna,
> Nikakve. Covek je jednom seo u bolid pre sezone, i nije se bas proslavio. > To dokazuje da on bas i nije toliko dobar vozac, za kakvog se smatrao :) Nemoj zaboraviti da je prosle sezone vozio Vilijems a sad je u pitanju Meklaren. Razlike su drasticne. ----- Jedna stvar je sigurna: kvalitet vozaca se pokazuje kod losih bolida, a ne na Vilijamsu. Hila i Kultarda je na testovima drao Buljon,a Frencen je od ovoga bio konstantno brzi u Sauberu. Moram da priznam da sam u pocetku sumnjao u ekipu iz Vilijemsa ali se ipak pokazalo da su bili u pravu. Vilnev je definitivno iznenadenje za mene. Sjajan je. Medutim, ovo je tek prva trka, a prvi se macici u vodu bacaju. ------ To sa macicima je vrlo lepo dok se ne setis da Hil vozi taj bolid x godina,a da je Zak tek krenuo da uci. > Onu vucibatinu SCHU-a nemoj ni da pominjes, jer od onoga nece biti nista, > jer i IRVINE (!!) vozi bolje od njega. Setite se samo kvalifikacija :) > Samim tim sto je treci, Irvine dokazuje da nije u timu samo da bi SCHU imao > drugog vozaca, vec mu je namera i da pobeduje (uprkos onoj kobnoj U ovo bas nisam uveren. Sezona je duga, a Sumaher, i pored izvesne ( stavise, izrazene ) netrpeljivosti koju gajim prema njemu ipak jeste dobar vozac. ------ Od Irvine-a je sigurno bolji.
auto-moto.89 lexus,
=> To što toliko mrziš Hila je tvoj problem, ali nemoj da ga => klevetaš! Ne mrzim ga, samo mislim da nema muda i da ne može da pobedi Villeneuvea :) A Schumachera ne volim previše, ali mislim da je odličan vozač. Uostalom, sve će se videti :)
auto-moto.90 schef,
­=-> Hill ima velike šanse, naravno ako Villeneuve slomi nogu :), ­=-> jer mališa se odlično pokazao. Vozi odlično, talentovan. ­=-> Hill bi morao dobro da se potrudi A kao fora maredili Villeneuvu da propusti Hill-a zato što mu 'popustio pritisak ulja' pa da ne bi rizikovali da ispuste prvo mesto. Pričice za malu decu. Kao i u svim ekipama, i ovde favorizuju starijeg ali po svemu sudeći lošijeg vozača. Srleř
auto-moto.91 obren,
> A kao fora maredili Villeneuvu da propusti Hill-a zato što mu > 'popustio pritisak ulja' pa da ne bi rizikovali da ispuste prvo > mesto. Što je tačno - pogledaj razliku između njih dvojice na kraju trke, definitivno je imao problema sa bolidom. Jednostavno, imao je peh, i Hil bi ga prestigao kad-tad, ali priznajem da ovaj postupak liči na Williams ;)
auto-moto.93 stefan,
> Da mogu samo nekoliko kruga da vozim imao bi samo jedan cilja > a to je UDARI SVABU I NABIGA NA ZID. Ajde da se uzdržimo od ovakvih "izliva ljubavi" da ne bi padalo zvezdičenje poruka 0:)
auto-moto.94 junior,
> Za kraj sezone prognoziram sledeće: > 1. Villeneuve > 2. Schumacher > 3. Alesi > 4. Hill Vilnev jeste talentovan. Ali mlad je on još za pobede u F1. A pogotovo za titulu svetskog šampiona. Poredak (moj) je ovakav: 1. Hill 2. Šumi 3. Alesi 4. Vilnev jr.
auto-moto.95 lexus,
=> Moram da priznam da sam u početku sumnjao u ekipu iz Vilijemsa => ali se ipak pokazalo da su bili u pravu. Vilnev je definitivno => iznenađenje za mene. Sjajan je. Međutim, ovo je tek prva trka, a => prvi se mačići u vodu bacaju. Dečko je fantastičan vozač i ja verujem da može da postane šampion već ove sezone, ali pitanje je kako će se pokazati na stazama koje drugi vozači poznaju, a on ne! Melburn je nova staza, tako da su svi vozači imali jednako poznavanje staze, ali postoji par staza koje Villeneuve nikad nije vozio i pitanje je kako će proći na njima!
auto-moto.96 space.ace,
--> Čovek je odustao zato što mu nešto sa kočnicama nije radilo kako --> treba! Da nije odustao i da Jacquesu nije pustilo ulje tvoj Hill --> ne bi video Pa ti misliš da bi Schu bio drugi da nije odustao? Čoveče, on se do koske zezno sa gorivom. Ušao u boks prvi put i sipali su mu toliko da je mogao trku da završi (posle je imao po 2 sekunde slabija vremena od Hill-a i Villeneuve-a). Što znači da nije imao šanse da stigne ovu dvojicu, a kamoli da bude drugi. Jer, iako je mogao da vozi s onim gorivom, morao bi da ulazi u boks po gume, jer je isuviše rano zamenio stare. To što su mu otkazale kočnice ne vadi ga mnogo, jer nije imao šanse da ih stigne. Irvine je mogao da stigne Villeneuve-a da je non stop gazip po gasu, ali su mu iz boksa, kad je odustao Schu, rekli da malo oladi i da ne gazi toliko, jer je mogao da otkaže motor. Da je gazio, sigurno bi ga stigao :) --> 4. Hill Da ovo nije malo preterano? Lično mislim da bi trebalo da Schu i Hill zamene mesta...
auto-moto.97 space.ace,
--> 1. Hill --> 2. Šumi --> 3. Alesi --> 4. Vilnev Apsolutno podržavam :))
auto-moto.98 bosko,
> jel ima neko GIF ili neki drugi format > sa slicicama oblika svih staza za ovu sezonu F1 Poruka 11.58
auto-moto.99 vpoznanovic,
>> Williamsova šasija je dobra. A što se tiče Benettonove ona je iz 91 >> sa malom šminkom. Upravo ta "mala šminka", kako je ti nazivaš (što je potpuno apsurdan naziv za promjene koju su urađene na bolidu Benetton u periodu 1991-1994) je bila jedna od najvažnijih karika u procesu pretvaranja jednog krajnje prosječnog bolida u šampionski. >> Nemoj sadašnjeg Reno da porediš sa Hondom iz 90. Nego sačekajmo još malo >> da se Mc'Laren vrati na nivo koji mu i priliči. Moja poredba je isključivo rezultat odgovora na ono što si ti izjavio. Pogledaj malo bolje šta si napisao i sve će ti biti jasno. A što se konkurentnosti sadašnjeg McLarena tiče, bojim se da ćeš morati malo duže sačekati na to. Ni mnogo snažniji motor od Mercedesovog (koji uzgred budi rečeno u tom smislu uopšte nije loš) ne bi ih izvukao iz stanja u kojem se nalaze (koliko je Ferrari sa nesumnjivo najjačim motorom u proteklih nekoliko godina bio konkurentan?). Eksperimenti sa postavljanjem, pa skidanjem, pa ponovnim postavljanjem i na kraju opet skidanjem onog dodatnog krila u toku prošle sezone dovoljno govore o nemogućnosti pronalaženja univerzalnog aerodinamičkog rješenja. >> A što se šasija tiče u sezoni 93/94. Mc'laren je imao bolje rezultate >> od Benettona koji je imao Forda poslednje gen. a Mc'Laren jednu gen. >> starijeg. U sezoni 1994. McLaren nije imao bolje rezultate od Benettona. >> Jer oni su ipak tim sa najviše pobeda u istoriji formule 1. Netačno. Ferrari ima najviše pobjeda u istoriji - 105. McLaren je drugi sa 104.
auto-moto.100 vpoznanovic,
>> Pa da, raspravljati o snazi motora je vrlo nezahvalno, jer se >> nikad zvanično ne objavljuju podaci o njihovj snazi. To važi za uslove u kojima mi pratimo šampionat bolida Formule 1, ali svakako ne i za uslove u kojima ga prate ljubitelji tog sporta u nekim drugim zemljama. U specijalizovanim stranim magazinima redovno se u analizama pred novu sezonu prave komparacije performansi bolida, a jedno od najznačajnijih mjesta tu naravno zauzima i snaga motora. Često se mogu naći vrlo relevantni i precizni podaci.
auto-moto.101 giovanni,
Ę? Onu vucibatinu SCHU-a nemoj ni da pominješ, jer od onoga neće biti ništa, Ę? jer i IRVINE (!!) vozi bolje od njega. Setite se samo kvalifikacija :) Dobro, bre, ljudi, što vi toliko mrzite tog Šumahera? Nije on kriv što je Senna poginuo. Zna se ko je kriv za njegovu smrt. Da budem iskren, Ayrtona nisam voleo ali sam ga izuzetno poštovao kao jednog od dva najbolja vozača svih vremena. Ipak, kad je poginuo, bilo mi zaista teško i u toj sezoni sam navijao protiv Šumahera baš zbog toga što on nebi imao nikakve šanse da osvoji titulu da je Senna ostao živ. Ali nisam ga mrzeo a sledeće sezone sam navijao za njega. Treba da napomenem da prevashodno navijam za Ferrari, ma ko u njemu da vozi, tako da ove sezone navijam za Šumahera i Irvajna. To što navijam za Ferrari i njegove vozače ne znači da mrzim ostale i da ih omalovažavam iako bih mogao to da radim. Recimo, Hil je obična pi*ka i sl. ali to ne vodi nikuda. Pokojni Fangio je rekao ono o procentima: 20% je umešnost vozača a 80% kvalitet bolida F1 i bio je u pravu.
auto-moto.102 miobrado,
Konačno je završena prva trka F1, koju sam s nestrpljenjem očekivao. Bogami opet me je Hill po ko zna koji put razočarao, bez obzira što je trku završ- io na prvom mestu. Ali sviđa mi se što je Vilnev razbio monotoniju koja koja je polako počela vlada u F1, bar će naredne trke biti zanimljive. Po mojoj proceni opet će se voditi borba između Šumahera i Hilla. Mada je Hill u prednosti jer ipak ima najbolji bolid, a prvi je vozač williamsa. Tako da će Vilnev u nardenim trkama ako bude bio ispred Hilla morati da ga pušta jer mora se znati ko je gazda. Evo moje prognoze: 1.Hill 2.Šumaher 3.Vilnev 4.Alesi M
auto-moto.103 kum.djole,
>> je Senna poginuo. Zna se ko je kriv za njegovu smrt. Da obnovimo - po mojim informacijama, kriv je sam. Valjda je lično urgirao da se polomljeni stub volana (je l' se to tako zove?) zavari, umesto da se promeni.. i na tom mestu var je pukao u toku vožnje, izgubio je kontrolu, epilog znamo.. Grešim li ?
auto-moto.104 wiper,
>>> je Senna poginuo. Zna se ko je kriv za njegovu smrt. > > Da obnovimo - po mojim informacijama, kriv je sam. > Valjda je licno urgirao da se polomljeni stub volana (je l' se > to tako zove?) zavari, umesto da se promeni.. i na tom mestu > var je pukao u toku voznje, izgubio je kontrolu, epilog znamo.. > Gresim li ? Koliko mi se cini po pravilima je da taj sub volana ispunjen a ne supalj kao sto je njgov bio. I malo veceg precnika nego sto je taj bio.
auto-moto.105 giovanni,
Ę? Valjda je lično urgirao da se polomljeni stub volana (je l' se Ę? to tako zove?) zavari, umesto da se promeni.. i na tom mestu Nisam čuo da je on lično urgirao da se letva zavari na postojeće parče. I da je to tačno, opet krivicu snose inženjeri koji bi trebalo da znaju kakve posledice to može imati (i na žalost je imalo) po upravljivost bolida i bezbednost vozača. Mogao je Senna da kaže da ugrade joystick umesto volana pa ne bi valjda oni tada to stvarno i uradili?
auto-moto.106 wiper,
Jos jedan dodatak tada je Frank Williams imao polisu osiguranja koja je bila naj veca koju je ű jedan sportista imao - tj. tim koji je osigurao svog sportistu cisto da ne promakne i taj podatak kojiku je Senna imao zelju da pogine ?????
auto-moto.107 senna,
Da obnovimo - po mojim informacijama, kriv je sam. Valjda je licno urgirao da se polomljeni stub volana (je l' se to tako zove?) zavari, umesto da se promeni.. i na tom mestu var je pukao u toku voznje, izgubio je kontrolu, epilog znamo.. Gresim li ? -------- Gresis. Senna je,zbog svog specificnog stila voznje,zahtevao volan veceg precnika,kako bi ga lakse okretao. Ljudi u Williamsu su stavili novi volan tako sto su skinuli stari i navarili novi. Po nezvanicnim izvestajima,sipka je pukla bas na mestu vara,sto samo potvrdjuje sumnje o traljavo obavljenom poslu. Pa nije niko budala pa da trazi da vozi bolid sa necim sto moze da pukne svakog trenutka...
auto-moto.108 djcorto,
Ima li stogodj sutra ? ;)
auto-moto.109 giovanni,
Ę? Ima li stogodj sutra ? ;) Ne. Sledeća trka F1 je narednog vikenda (Nedelja 31.03.) u Brazilu.
auto-moto.110 cdragan,
Sa malim zakašnjenjem ... upravo traje trka ;) Formula 1: Brazilian Grand Prix Qualifying ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Session Resume: Weather: Cloudy, Overcast Time Event 0:03:47 Pole - Panis 1m 20.426s 0:04:17 Pole - Barrichello 1m 19.186s Pos: Barrichello, Salo, Herbert, Coulthard 0:09:14 2nd - Alesi 1m 19.484s 0:11:11 Diniz stalls on track, sessions stopped after Alesi takes to the sand to avoid him 0:17:44 Restart 0:20:28 Pole - Hill 1m 18.983s Pos: Hill, Barrichello, Alesi 0:34:10 2nd - Villeneuve 1m 19.254s 0:36:25 2nd - Barrichello 1m 19.092s 0:39:57 Pole - Hill 1m 18.111s Pos: Hill, Barrichello, Villeneuve, Alesi, Schumacher, Hakkinen 0:48:38 Panis into sand 0:54:40 4th - Brundle 1m 19.519s 0:56:37 Villeneuve drifts into sand and out again at VERY high speed. Front wing falls off and he's back into pits - for good Pos: Hill, Barrichello, Villeneuve, Alesi, Brundle, Schumacher 1:06:13 4th - Schumacher 1m 19.474s ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Track Times: 3rd Free 2nd Free 1st Free Pos Driver Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 D.Hill 1m 18.111s 1 1m 17.959s 5 1m 20.938s 3 1m 21.366s 2 R.Barrichello 1m 19.092s 3 1m 18.480s 10 1m 21.625s 7 1m 22.364s 3 J.Villeneuve 1m 19.254s 2 1m 18.221s 15 1m 22.040s 13 1m 23.189s 4 M.Schumacher 1m 19.474s 4 1m 18.764s 7 1m 21.165s 6 1m 22.279s 5 J.Alesi 1m 19.484s 12 1m 19.943s 1 1m 19.240s 1 1m 20.836s 6 M.Brundle 1m 19.519s 6 1m 19.085s 9 1m 21.311s 9 1m 22.630s 7 E.Irvine 1m 19.591s 7 1m 19.366s 0 0m 0.000s 0 0m 0.000s 8 M.Hakkinen 1m 19.607s 5 1m 18.908s 3 1m 20.696s 4 1m 21.555s 9 G.Berger 1m 19.762s 17 1m 20.949s 2 1m 19.879s 2 1m 21.174s 10 H.Frentzen 1m 19.799s 8 1m 19.551s 13 1m 21.932s 14 1m 23.320s 11 M.Salo 1m 20.000s 11 1m 19.752s 16 1m 22.144s 11 1m 22.919s 12 J.Herbert 1m 20.144s 15 1m 20.395s 11 1m 21.701s 8 1m 22.412s 13 J.Verstappen 1m 20.157s 14 1m 20.073s 8 1m 21.199s 15 1m 23.445s 14 D.Coulthard 1m 20.167s 10 1m 19.618s 4 1m 20.852s 5 1m 22.120s 15 O.Panis 1m 20.426s 13 1m 19.970s 6 1m 21.006s 10 1m 22.637s 16 U.Katayma 1m 20.427s 9 1m 19.577s 17 1m 22.162s 12 1m 23.180s 17 R.Rosset 1m 20.440s 18 1m 21.018s 12 1m 21.706s 20 1m 27.566s 18 P.Diniz 1m 20.873s 16 1m 20.846s 14 1m 22.005s 16 1m 23.847s 19 T.Marques 1m 21.421s 19 1m 21.644s 18 1m 22.447s 17 1m 24.424s 20 P.Lamy 1m 21.491s 20 1m 21.853s 19 1m 22.964s 18 1m 24.588s 21 L.Badoer 1m 23.174s 21 1m 22.872s 21 1m 26.331s 21 2m 9.332s 22 A.Montermini 1m 23.454s 22 1m 23.872s 20 1m 25.601s 19 1m 26.605s ---- 107% ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Grid Qualify Pos Driver Pos Lap Time 1st row 1 D.Hill 1 1m 18.111s 2 R.Barrichello 2 1m 19.092s 2nd row 3 J.Villeneuve 3 1m 19.254s 4 M.Schumacher 4 1m 19.474s 3th row 5 J.Alesi 5 1m 19.484s 6 M.Brundle 6 1m 19.519s 4th row 7 E.Irvine 7 1m 19.591s 8 M.Hakkinen 8 1m 19.607s 5th row 9 G.Berger 9 1m 19.762s 10 H.Frentzen 10 1m 19.799s 6th row 11 M.Salo 11 1m 20.000s 12 J.Herbert 12 1m 20.144s 7th row 13 J.Verstappen 13 1m 20.157s 14 D.Coulthard 14 1m 20.167s 8th row 15 O.Panis 15 1m 20.426s 16 U.Katayma 16 1m 20.427s 9th row 17 R.Rosset 17 1m 20.440s 18 P.Diniz 18 1m 20.873s 10th row 19 T.Marques 19 1m 21.421s 20 P.Lamy 20 1m 21.491s 11th row 21 L.Badoer 21 1m 23.174s 22 A.Montermini 22 1m 23.454s ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet.
auto-moto.111 cdragan,
Elem ... Grand Prix of Brazil ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Weather: Raining, Sunny later Lap Event 0 Start in very Heavy rain 1 All round safely 1 - Hill, Villeneuve Alesi, Barrichello, Schumacher 11 Barr battles Alesi 15 Hill starts to lap back cars 19 Vestappen into pits and retires 22 Coulthard into pits - out on slicks 24 Schumacher into pits 11.5s - out on wets 25 Coulthard fastest lap 26 Big shunt by Rosset into start line wall 27 Villeneuve slides into sand after he touches Alesi 28 Berg in pits and retires 28 - Hill, Alesi, Barrichello, Frentzen, Hakkinen, Schumacher, Brundle 30 Coulthard off into grass and retires 30 Hakkinen into pits 10.8s out on wets 30 Brundle into pits 12.8s out on wets 31 Alesi catching Hill 33 Barrichello into pits 10.0s out on wets 34 - Hill, Alesi, Salo, Irvine, Frentzen 35 Irvine into pits 10.2s out on wets 38 Alesi fastest lap 1m 35.148s 39 Alesi fastest lap 1m 35.132s 39 Hill into pits 11.2s out on slicks 40 Schumacher into pits 8.4s out on slicks 41 Alesi into pits 11.1s out on slicks 42 Barrichello into pits 7.6s out on slicks 43 Irvine into pits 5.8s out on slicks 45 Alesi fastest lap 1m 25.697s 46 - Hill, Alesi, Schumacher, Barrichello, Hakkinen, Salo, Panis 46 Hill fastest lap 1m 24.731s 48 Alesi fastest lap 1m 23.701s 49 Hill fastest lap 1m 23.170s 51 Hill fastest lap 1m 22.864s 51 Barrichello fastest lap 1m 22.493s 52 Alesi fastest lap 1m 22.306s 54 Hill fastest lap 1m 22.060s 54 - Hill, Alesi, Schumacher, Barrichello, Hakkinen, Salo, Panis 54 Sun is out and track is dry 56 Hill fastest lap 1m 21.932 56 Alesi fastest lap 1m 21.884s 57 Schumacher (2), Barrichello (3), Hill (1) in a tight group 60 Barrichello takes Schumacher but Schumacher gets back 60 Barrichello off into sand - retires 62 Hill laps Schumacher 64 Hill fastest lap 1m 21.623s 65 Hill fastest lap 1m 21.547s 65 Brundle (7) spins and retires 67 12 cars left 71 Hill wins Pos Driver Team Race Time 1 D.Hill Williams 1hr 49m 52.976s (Pole Position)(Fastest Race Lap: 1m 21.547s) 2 J.Alesi Benetton Gap 0m 17.982s 3 M.Schumacher Ferrari Laps behind: 1 4 M.Hakkinen McLaren Laps behind: 1 5 M.Salo Tyrrell Laps behind: 1 6 O.Panis Ligier Laps behind: 1 7 E.Irvine Ferrari Laps behind: 1 8 P.Diniz Ligier Laps behind: 2 9 U.Katayma Tyrrell Laps behind: 2 10 P.Lamy Minardi Laps behind: 3 11 L.Badoer Forti Laps behind: 4 12 M.Brundle Jordan Laps behind: 7 Retirements: R.Barrichello Jordan Lap: 59 Reason: H.Frentzen Sauber Lap: 36 Reason: D.Coulthard McLaren Lap: 29 Reason: J.Herbert Sauber Lap: 28 Reason: A.Montermini Forti Lap: 26 Reason: G.Berger Benetton Lap: 26 Reason: J.Villeneuve Williams Lap: 26 Reason: R.Rosset Footwork Lap: 24 Reason: J.Verstappen Footwork Lap: 19 Reason: T.Marques Minardi Lap: 0 Reason: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet. Sledeća je velika nagrada Argentine nedelju dana ...
auto-moto.112 obren,
Svetski prvaci u konkurenciji vozača 1950. Giuseppe Farina (I) Alfa Romeo 159/59 1951. Juan Manuel Fangio (ARG) Alfa Romeo 159 1952. Alberto Ascari (I) Ferrari 500 1953. Alberto Ascari (I) Ferrari 500 1954. Juan Manuel Fangio (ARG) Mercedes W196/Maserati 250F 1955. Juan Manuel Fangio (ARG) Mercedes W196 1956. Juan Manuel Fangio (ARG) Lancia-Ferrari D50 1957. Juan Manuel Fangio (ARG) Maserati 250F 1958. Mike Hawthorn (GB) Ferrari Dino 246 1959. Jack Brabham (AUS) Cooper-Climax T51 1960. Jack Brabham (AUS) Cooper-Climax T53 1961. Phil Hill (USA) Ferrari Dino 156 1962. Graham Hill (GB) BRM P57 1963. Jim Clark (GB) Lotus-Climax P25 1964. Johan Surtees (GB) Ferrari 158 1965. Jim Clark (GB) Lotus-Climax 33 1966. Jack Brabham (AUS) Brabham-Repco BT19/BT20 1967. Denny Hulme (NZ) Brabham-Repco BT20/BT24 1968. Graham Hill (GB) Lotus-Ford 49/49B 1969. Jackie Stewart (GB) Matra-Ford MS10/MS80 1970. Jochen Rindt (AUT) Lotus-Ford 49C/72 1971. Jackie Stewart (GB) Tyrell-Ford 001/003 1972. Emerson Fittipaldi (BRA) Lotus-Ford 72 1973. Jackie Stewart (GB) Tyrell-Ford 005/006 1974. Emerson Fittipaldi (BRA) McLaren-Ford M23 1975. Niki Lauda (AUT) Ferrari 312T 1976. James Hunt (GB) McLaren-Ford M23 1977. Niki LAuda (AUT) Ferrari 312T2 1978. Mario Andretti (USA) Lotus-Ford 78/79 1979. Jody Scheckter (SA) Ferrari 312T3/12T4 1980. Alan Jones (AUS) Williams-Ford FW07B 1981. Nelson Piquet (BRA) Brabham-Ford BT49C 1982. Keke Rosberg (*) (SWE) Williams-Ford FW07C/FW08 1983. Nelson Piquet (BRA) Brabham-BMW BT52/BT52B 1984. Niki Lauda (AUT) McLaren-TAG Porsche MP4/2 1985. Alain Prost (FRA) McLaren-TAG Porsche MP4/2B 1986. Alain Prost (FRA) McLaren-TAG Porsche MP4/2C 1987. Nelson Piquet (BRA) Williams-Honda FW11B 1988. Ayrton Senna (BRA) McLaren-Honda MP4/4 1989. Alain Prost (FRA) McLaren-Honda MP4/5 1990. Ayrton Senna (BRA) McLaren-Honda MP4/5B 1991. Ayrton Senna (BRA) McLaren-Honda MP4/6 1992. Nigel Mansell (GB) Williams-Renault FW14B 1993. Alain PRost (FRA) Williams-Renault FW15C 1994. Michael Schumacher (D) Benetton-Renault B194 1995. Michael Schumacher (D) Benetton-Renault B195
auto-moto.113 obren,
Svetski prvaci u konkurenciji konstruktora 1958. Vanwall 1959. Cooper-Climax 1960. Cooper-Climax 1961. Ferrari 1962. BRM 1963. Lotus-Climax 1964. Ferrari 1965. Lotus-Climax 1966. Brabham-Repco 1967. Brabham-Repco 1968. Lotus-Ford 1969. Matra-Ford 1970. Lotus-Ford 1971. Tyrell-Ford 1972. Lotus-Ford 1973. Lotus-Ford 1974. McLaren-Ford 1975. Ferrari 1976. Ferrari 1977. Ferrari 1978. Lotus-Ford 1979. Ferrari 1980. Williams-Ford 1981. Williams-Ford 1982. Ferrari 1983. Ferrari 1984. McLaren-TAG Porsche 1985. McLaren-TAG Porsche 1986. Williams-Honda 1987. Williams-Honda 1988. McLaren-Honda 1989. McLaren-Honda 1990. McLaren-Honda 1991. McLaren-Honda 1992. Williams-Renault 1993. Williams-Renault 1994. Williams-Renault 1995. Benetton-Renault . co wri auto Vozači sa najviše GP pobeda Alain Prost (FRA) 51 Ayrton Senna (BRA) 41 Nigel Mansell (GB) 31 Jackie Stewart (GB) 27 Jim Clark (GB) 25 Niki Lauda (AUT) 25 Juan Manuel Fangio (ARG) 24 Nelson Piquet (BRA) 23 Michael Schumacher (D) 19 Stirling Moss (GB) 16 Jack Brabham (AUS) 14 Emerson Fittipaldi (BRA) 14 Graham Hill (GB) 14 Alberto Ascari (ITA) 13 Damon Hill (GB) 13 Mario Andretti (USA) 12 Alan Jones (AUS) 12 Carlos Reutemann (ARG) 12 Gerhard Berger (AUT) 10 James Hunt (GB) 10 Ronnie Peterson (SWE) 10 Jody Scheckter (SA) 10 Vozači sa najviše pol pozicija Ayrton Senna (BRA) 65 Jim Clark (GB) 33 Alain Prost (FRA) 33 Nigel Mansell (GB) 32 Juan Manuel Fangio (ARG) 28 Niki Lauda (AUT) 24 Nelson Piquet (BRA) 24 Mario Andretti (USA) 18 Rene Arnoux (FRA) 18 Jackie Stewart (GB) 17 Stirling Moss (GB) 16 Alberto Ascari (ITA) 14 James Hunt (GB) 14 Ronnie Peterson (SWE) 14 Jack Brabham (AUS) 13 Graham Hill (GB) 13 Jacky Ickx (B) 13 Damon Hill (GB) 11 Gerhard Berger (AUT) 11 Jochen Rindt (AUT) 10 Michael Schumacher (D) 10
auto-moto.114 obren,
Zanimljivosti iz F1: Najviše pobeda u jednoj GP sezoni: Po devet, Schumacher (1995) i Mansell (1992) Najviše uzastopnih trijumfa na jednoj stazi: Ayrton Senna, pet puta za redom (1989-93) u Monacu Najmlađi pobednik jedne trke: Bruce McLaren (22 godina i 104 dana) Najastariji pobednik: Luigi Fagoli (53 godine) Vozači sa najviše GP poena: 1. Alain Prost 798.5 2. Ayrton Senna 610 3. Nelson Piquet 485.5 4. Nigel Mansell 480 5. Niki Lauda 420 Najviše pobeda u jednoj sezoni: Ukupno 15, McLaren-Honda (Senna/Prost) Najviše uzastopnih pobeda u jednoj sezoni: Uzastopno 11 puta, McLaren-Honda (Senna/Prost) Najviše poena ikada osvojenih u jednoj sezoni: Ukupno 199, McLaren-Honda (Senna/Prost) Ekipa sa najviše polpozicija: Ferrari, ukupno 114 Ekipa sa najviše uzastopnih polpozicija: Williams-Renault, uzastopno 24 polpozicije Najviše polpozicija u jednoj sezoni: Nigel Mansell, ukupno 14 Najviše uzastopnih polpozicija u jednoj sezoni: Alain Prost, uzastopno 7 puta Najmlađi učesnik jedne trke: Mike Thrackwell (19 godina i 182 dana) Najstariji učesnik jedne trke: Louis Chiron (55 godina i 292 dana) Najveća prosečna brzina ostvarena na nekoj trci: 258.984 km/h na trci u Silverstonu 1985, Keke Rosberg (Williams-Honda) Najmanja vremenska razlika između pobednika i drugoplasiranog: GP trka u Italiji 1971, Gethin nadmašio Petersona za 0.01 sec. Trka sa najmanje bolida koji su završili cilj: Monako 1966, samo 4 bolida Najkraća GP trka: Australija 1991. samo 24 min 34 sec ili 14 krugova
auto-moto.115 wiper,
Ljudima koji imaju EuroSport Cekamo prve rezultate sa treninga u Argentini ---------------------------------------------
auto-moto.116 wiper,
Sta kazete na voznju Baricela u Brazilu. Nema sta Jordan sa Pezom je iz svake trke sve bolji i bolji. Decko mnogo obecava. Ipak Brazil ne moze a da nema jednog dobrog pilota u velikom cirkusu.
auto-moto.117 space.ace,
--> Damon Hill (GB) 13 !! Da nije možda 14!!!
auto-moto.118 obren,
> --> Damon Hill (GB) 13 > Da nije možda 14!!! Da nije možda 15? ;) Podaci su DO početka ove sezone...
auto-moto.119 cdragan,
Formula 1: Argentinian Grand Prix 2nd Free Practice ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Track Times: 1st Free Pos Driver Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 D.Hill 1m 29.694s 3 1m 31.909s 2 M.Schumacher 1m 29.799s 1 1m 30.893s 3 J.Alesi 1m 30.019s 8 1m 32.814s 4 M.Hakkinen 1m 30.033s 0 0m 0.000s 5 M.Salo 1m 30.140s 6 1m 32.198s 6 H.Frentzen 1m 30.497s 9 1m 32.817s 7 R.Barrichello 1m 30.766s 5 1m 32.197s 8 D.Coulthard 1m 30.770s 2 1m 31.598s 9 G.Berger 1m 30.890s 10 1m 32.963s 10 O.Panis 1m 31.013s 11 1m 33.153s 11 J.Villeneuve 1m 31.082s 7 1m 32.461s 12 E.Irvine 1m 31.368s 12 1m 33.218s 13 U.Katayma 1m 31.408s 13 1m 33.272s 14 P.Lamy 1m 31.811s 15 1m 34.842s 15 J.Herbert 1m 32.038s 16 1m 35.721s 16 J.Verstappen 1m 32.084s 4 1m 32.084s 17 M.Brundle 1m 32.176s 14 1m 34.592s 18 T.Marques 1m 32.359s 18 1m 35.730s 19 P.Diniz 1m 32.819s 17 1m 35.724s 20 R.Rosset 1m 32.833s 19 1m 36.002s 21 A.Montermini 1m 34.103s 21 1m 36.911s 22 L.Badoer 1m 35.044s 20 1m 36.282s ---- 107% ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet.
auto-moto.120 cdragan,
Formula 1: Argentinian Grand Prix Qualifying ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Session Resume: Weather: Sunny, windy Time Event 0:00 Session Open 0:07 Pole - Marques 1m 35.258s 0:08 Pole - Marques 1m 33.973s 0:10 Pole - Marques 1m 33.912s 0:18 Pole - Barrichello 1m 32.457s 0:20 Brundle in and out of sand on first lap 0:30 Pole - Schumacher 1m 30.812s 0:30 Grid: Schumacher, Barrichello, Brundle, Diniz, Lamy, Marques 0:32 3rd - Frentzen 1m 32.130s 0:32 4th - Coulthard 1m 32.742s 0:37 2nd - Alesi 1m 31.434s 0:37 3rd - Hill 1m 31.527s 0:37 Grid: Schumacher, Alesi, Hill, Barrichello, Frentzen, Coulthard 0:38 Alesi runs back to pits after he spins and stalls 0:38 2nd - Hill 1m 31.373s 0:39 4th - Berger 1m 31.479s 0:40 2nd - Villeneuve 1m 30.907s 0:40 Grid: Schumacher, Villeneuve, Hill, Alesi, Berger, Verstappen 0:53 3rd - Alesi 1m 31.038s 0:56 Pole - Hill 1m 30.346s 1:02 The End ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Track Times: 3rd Free 2nd Free 1st Free Pos Driver Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 D.Hill 1m 30.346s 0 0m 0.000s 1 1m 29.694s 3 1m 31.909s 2 M.Schumacher 1m 30.598s 0 0m 0.000s 2 1m 29.799s 1 1m 30.893s 3 J.Villeneuve 1m 30.907s 0 0m 0.000s 11 1m 31.082s 7 1m 32.461s 4 J.Alesi 1m 31.038s 0 0m 0.000s 3 1m 30.019s 8 1m 32.814s 5 G.Berger 1m 31.262s 0 0m 0.000s 9 1m 30.890s 10 1m 32.963s 6 R.Barrichello 1m 31.404s 0 0m 0.000s 7 1m 30.766s 5 1m 32.197s 7 J.Verstappen 1m 31.615s 0 0m 0.000s 16 1m 32.084s 4 1m 32.084s 8 M.Hakkinen 1m 31.801s 0 0m 0.000s 4 1m 30.033s 0 0m 0.000s 9 D.Coulthard 1m 32.001s 0 0m 0.000s 8 1m 30.770s 2 1m 31.598s 10 E.Irvine 1m 32.058s 0 0m 0.000s 12 1m 31.368s 12 1m 33.218s 11 H.Frentzen 1m 32.130s 0 0m 0.000s 6 1m 30.497s 9 1m 32.817s 12 O.Panis 1m 32.177s 0 0m 0.000s 10 1m 31.013s 11 1m 33.153s 13 U.Katayma 1m 32.407s 0 0m 0.000s 13 1m 31.408s 13 1m 33.272s 14 T.Marques 1m 32.502s 0 0m 0.000s 18 1m 32.359s 18 1m 35.730s 15 M.Brundle 1m 32.696s 0 0m 0.000s 17 1m 32.176s 14 1m 34.592s 16 M.Salo 1m 32.903s 0 0m 0.000s 5 1m 30.140s 6 1m 32.198s 17 J.Herbert 1m 33.256s 0 0m 0.000s 15 1m 32.038s 16 1m 35.721s 18 P.Diniz 1m 33.424s 0 0m 0.000s 19 1m 32.819s 17 1m 35.724s 19 P.Lamy 1m 33.727s 0 0m 0.000s 14 1m 31.811s 15 1m 34.842s 20 R.Rosset 1m 33.752s 0 0m 0.000s 20 1m 32.833s 19 1m 36.002s 21 L.Badoer 1m 34.830s 0 0m 0.000s 22 1m 35.044s 20 1m 36.282s 22 A.Montermini 1m 35.651s 0 0m 0.000s 21 1m 34.103s 21 1m 36.911s ---- 107% ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Grid Qualify Pos Driver Pos Lap Time 1st row 1 D.Hill 1 1m 30.346s 2 M.Schumacher 2 1m 30.598s 2nd row 3 J.Villeneuve 3 1m 30.907s 4 J.Alesi 4 1m 31.038s 3th row 5 G.Berger 5 1m 31.262s 6 R.Barrichello 6 1m 31.404s 4th row 7 J.Verstappen 7 1m 31.615s 8 M.Hakkinen 8 1m 31.801s 5th row 9 D.Coulthard 9 1m 32.001s 10 E.Irvine 10 1m 32.058s 6th row 11 H.Frentzen 11 1m 32.130s 12 O.Panis 12 1m 32.177s 7th row 13 U.Katayma 13 1m 32.407s 14 T.Marques 14 1m 32.502s 8th row 15 M.Brundle 15 1m 32.696s 16 M.Salo 16 1m 32.903s 9th row 17 J.Herbert 17 1m 33.256s 18 P.Diniz 18 1m 33.424s 10th row 19 P.Lamy 19 1m 33.727s 20 R.Rosset 20 1m 33.752s 11th row 21 L.Badoer 21 1m 34.830s 22 A.Montermini 22 1m 35.651s ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet.
auto-moto.121 wiper,
Evo taze rezultata sa Velike nagrade Argentine 1. D.Hill 2. J.Villeneuve 3. J.Alesi 4. R.Barrichello 5. E.Irvine 6. J.Verstappen 7. D.Coulhard 1. Williams 16p 2. Benetton 4p 3. Jordan 3p 4. Ferrari 2p Izvinjavam se sto inf. nisu potpune jer sam ih pisao po secanju pa ne znam za mesta od 7 - 10. A i nisam siguran dali Verstappen vozi za Footwork
auto-moto.122 cdragan,
Argentina 96: The Result Weather: Sunny Lap Event 0 Bad start by Villeneuve - drops back to 10th 0 All round first lap OK 1 Pos: Hill,Schumacher,Alesi,Berger,Coulthard,Barrichello 3 Schumacher fastest lap 5 Villeneuve up to 6th 6 Berger fastest lap 1m 31.570s 6 Hill fastest lap 1m 31.407s 10 Hill fastest lap 1m 31.158s 10 Villeneuve up to 5th 11 Villeneuve fastest lap 1m 31.093s 12 Alesi fastest lap 1m 30.796s 19 Hakkinen into pits and retires 21 Schumacher into pits (7.1s) out in 4th 22 Alesi into pits (5.0s) out in 4th 24 Hill into pits (9.6s) out in 1st 24 Berger into pits (7.9s) 25 Villeneuve into pits (11.8s) 25 Pos: Hill, Schumacher, Alesi, Villeneuve, Berger 26 Bado spins off and rolls upside down 26 Safety car on track - call cars bunch up behind it 26 Bado out of car OK 30 Fuel leak causes Diniz to explodes in flames on braking 30 Diniz out OK - 32 Safety car into pits 32 Frentzen off into sand and retires 37 Hill fastest lap 1m 30.116s 38 Hill fastest lap 1m 29.847s 39 Schumacher into pits (12.6s) 41 Alesi fastest lap 1m 29.711s 42 Alesi fastest lap 1m 29.537s 44 Alesi (2nd) into pits - stalls out in 9th 45 Alesi (9) gets past Schumacher (8) 46 Schumacher into pits and retires 47 Berger into pits (8.6s) 47 Irvine into pits (10.3s) 49 Villeneuve into pits (7.8s) out in 3rd 49 Pos: Hill, Berger, Villeneuve, Coulthard, Alesi, Barrichello 50 Coulthard into pits (7.2s) out in 6th 51 Hill (1) into pits (7.7s) out in 1st 56 Berger into pits (6.2s) out in 4th 57 Berger drives off track and retires 66 Alesi (2) fastest lap 1m 29.413s 72 Hill wins Track Times: Pos Driver Team Race Time 1 D.Hill Williams 1hr 54m 55.322s (Pole Position) 2 J.Villeneuve Williams Gap 0m 12.167s 3 J.Alesi Benetton Gap 0m 14.754s (Fastest Race Lap: 1m 2 9.413s) 4 R.Barrichello Jordan Gap 0m 55.131s 5 E.Irvine Ferrari Gap 1m 4.991s 6 J.Verstappen Footwork Gap 1m 8.913s 7 D.Coulthard McLaren Gap 1m 13.400s 8 O.Panis Ligier Gap 1m 14.295s 9 J.Herbert Sauber Laps behind: 1 10 A.Montermini Forti Laps behind: 3 Retirements: G.Berger Benetton Lap: 56 M.Schumacher Ferrari Lap: 46 P.Lamy Minardi Lap: 39 M.Salo Tyrrell Lap: 36 M.Brundle Jordan Lap: 34 T.Marques Minardi Lap: 33 H.Frentzen Sauber Lap: 32 P.Diniz Ligier Lap: 29 U.Katayma Tyrrell Lap: 28 L.Badoer Forti Lap: 24 R.Rosset Footwork Lap: 24 M.Hakkinen McLaren Lap: 19 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Formula 1 Tables: Drivers Championship (unofficial) 1 D.Hill 30 2 J.Villeneuve 12 3 J.Alesi 10 4 E.Irvine 6 5 M.Hakkinen 5 6 M.Schumacher 4 7 R.Barrichello 3 M.Salo 3 G.Berger 3 10 J.Verstappen 1 O.Panis 1 Constructors Championship (unofficial) 1 Williams 42 2 Benetton 13 3 Ferrari 10 4 McLaren 5 5 Jordan 3 Tyrrell 3 7 Footwork 1 Ligier 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet.
auto-moto.123 space.ace,
--> Sta kazete na voznju Baricela u Brazilu. Sinak stvarno dobro ganja Pežoa. Odličan je!!!
auto-moto.124 space.ace,
--> Da nije možda 15? ;) E, pa nije. Tj. sad jeste, posle pobede u Argentini. Da si malo obratio pažnju na spisak, video bi i da je Graham Hill imao 13 pobeda, a Damon je to izjednačio pobedom u Australiji. Što znači da sam ja ipak bio u pravu ;)) Sad ima 15 pobeda, i rešen je da osvoji šampionat. Vala i red je! Šta reći o trci? Početak uzbudjliv, prvi deo nezanimljiv, izletanja cool, drugi deo intere- santan, treći zanimljiv, završnica poznata. Dupla kruna, to mi se sviđa.
auto-moto.125 lexus,
=> E, pa nije. Tj. sad jeste, posle pobede u Argentini. Da si malo => obratio pažnju na spisak, video bi i da je Graham Hill imao 13 => pobeda, a Damon je to izjednačio pobedom u Australiji. Što znači da => sam ja ipak bio u pravu ;)) Graham Hill je imao 15 pobeda, a Damon ga je jučerašnjom pobedom pretekao, dakle Damon ima 16 pobeda! Schumaher ima 19 i videćemo hoće li Hill uspeti i njega da pređe do kraja sezone! Sudeći po onome što su bolidi do sada pokazali, Hill ima ogromne šanse za to!!! Inače, sada se prelazi u Evropu i verujem da će Villeneuve pokazati više nego na dosadašnje tri trke, tipujem na njega za Moncu, San Marino i Monako!!! Alesi će sigurno osvojiti jednu pobedu, a Šumaher najmanje dve i Hillu, iako imao ovoliku prednost, neće biti lako do kraja sezone... Williams će osvojiti titulu konstruktora, ali to se vidi iz aviona :)
auto-moto.126 obren,
> E, pa nije. Tj. sad jeste, posle pobede u Argentini. Da si malo > obratio pažnju na spisak, video bi i da je Graham Hill imao 13 > pobeda, a Damon je to izjednačio pobedom u Australiji. Što znači da > sam ja ipak bio u pravu ;)) > > Sad ima 15 pobeda, i rešen je da osvoji šampionat. Vala i red je! E baš si tvrdoglav... ;) Otac mu je imao 14 pobeda, što je on dostigao pobedom u Australiji. Već u Brazilu ga je prestigao i sada, posle pobede u Argentini, ima 16 pobeda. Čudi me da nisi čuo kada su glupan & tupan to pomenuli za vreme trke. Ili si čuo ali loše... :) Inače, trka je bila uzbudljiva samo u početku, dok nije bilo jasno da Šumaher vozi sa skoro praznim rezervoarom ne bili se izborio za vodeću poziciju. Posle je postalo (bar meni) totalno nezanimljivo. Alezi je (možda) mogao da bude drugi da nije onoliko neozbiljan da mu se ugasi motor u pit-u. To mu se dešavalo i prošle sezone... Drago mi je da je Baričelo konačno uspeo da završi trku kada je dobro plasiran. Žao mi je što to nije uradio na prošloj, ali šta se može... Kultard izgleda "briljira" u McLarenu, pa me neće čuditi ako ga šutnu iz ekipe uskoro ukoliko se ne popravi. Možda uleti Jan Magnusen... Mislim da će ove godine trke na iole bržim stazama biti uglavnom "smešne" zbog nadmoći bolida Williamsa, ali sigurno će biti i drugih pobednika osim Hill-a. Takođe, slažem se da Žak ima šanse za pobedu na nekim stazama u Evropi koje bolje poznaje...
auto-moto.127 senna,
Ljudima koji F1 gledaju na 3. kanalu mogu samo da izjavim svoje saucesce :(((. Silom prilika gledao sam deo prenosa na 3K, i ono sto sam video bilo je strasno, posebno onaj deo kada su racunali koliko ce koga da kosta pozar.... Svasta,ja sam mislio da prenose trku,a ne da pricaju sta je Sumaherova pudlica jela pre tri nedelje.
auto-moto.128 vimm,
> video bilo je strasno, posebno onaj deo kada su racunali koliko ce koga > da kosta pozar.... Svasta,ja sam mislio da prenose trku,a ne da pricaju Ovo im ne bih zamerio. Nikako. Nešto drugo možda. Ali, pošto si prenos gledao "silom prilika" verovatno nisi primetio da su požar komentarisali za vreme prekida trke dok se na stazi nalazio pace car. Pozdrav Vladimir
auto-moto.129 lexus,
=> Ljudima koji F1 gledaju na 3. kanalu mogu samo da izjavim svoje => saucesce :(((. Silom prilika gledao sam deo prenosa na 3K, i ono Hvala :( => sto sam video bilo je strasno, posebno onaj deo kada su racunali => koliko ce koga da kosta pozar.... Svasta,ja sam mislio da prenose => trku,a ne da pricaju sta je Sumaherova pudlica jela pre tri => nedelje. Najbolje bi bilo isključiti ton, ali se onda ne čuje zvuk motora :( A izjave tipa "Gledamo atraktivne kadrove zapaljenog bolida" i "Damon Hill je pre tri godine tražio pare ispod tepiha" su zaista očaj! Ili kada je Hill prvi put ušao u boks :)))) Hill izlazi iz boksa i vidi se da je i Berger ušao u boks, a biseri kažu:"Videćemo hoće li Deeejmon uspeti da izadje na stazu pre Bergera" :))))
auto-moto.130 madamov,
> 1982. Keke Rosberg (*) (SWE) Williams-Ford FW07C/FW08 Možda grešim, ali zar Rozberg nije Finac? I šta znači zvezdica pored imena? > 1981. Nelson Piquet (BRA) Brabham-Ford BT49C > 1983. Nelson Piquet (BRA) Brabham-BMW BT52/BT52B > 1987. Nelson Piquet (BRA) Williams-Honda FW11B Zna li neko gde je i šta radi ovaj čovek?
auto-moto.131 obren,
> Možda grešim, ali zar Rozberg nije Finac? I šta znači zvezdica > pored imena? Hteo sam da dodam fusnotu da je čovek te godine osvojio šampionat a da nije dobio ni jednu trku, ali sam zaboravio nakon prekucavanja :) Za "podrijetlo" ne znam... Moguće da je greška - preneo sam podatke iz aprilskog broja Vrelih Guma.
auto-moto.132 stevicm,
>> 1987. Nelson Piquet (BRA) Williams-Honda FW11B > > Zna li neko gde je i sta radi ovaj covek? Ako se dobro secam, Pike je imao neku nesrecu i posle toga je na- pustio sve oblike staza i trka :(! Covek je odlican vozac i steta sto je tako zavrsio.
auto-moto.133 obren,
Pravila Formule 1 za sezonu 1996. (Izvor: "Vrele Gume", broj 24, april '96)
auto-moto.134 space.ace,
--> Graham Hill je imao 15 pobeda, a Damon ga je jučerašnjom pobedom --> pretekao, dakle Damon ima 16 pobeda! Ovde niko ne gleda obren-ov spisak. Lepo piše da je Graham imao 14, što znači da ni ja a bogami ni ti nisi u pravu (što se tiče Grejema)
auto-moto.135 space.ace,
--> sada, posle pobede u Argentini, ima 16 pobeda. Čudi me da nisi --> čuo kada su glupan & tupan to pomenuli za vreme trke. Ili si --> čuo ali loše... :) U principu ne gledam glupana & tupana. Gledao sam samo film. Preferiram originalan prevod (sa EUROSPORT-a, by me)...
auto-moto.136 madamov,
> Hteo sam da dodam fusnotu da je čovek te godine osvojio šampionat a da > nije dobio ni jednu trku, ali sam zaboravio nakon prekucavanja :) Nije tačno, osvojio je samo jednu te sezone i tako je ušao u istoriji kao jedini pobednik šampionata sa pobedom u samo jednoj trci. Inače, te sezone niko nije osvojio dve trke, svaku trku je dobi drugi vozač.
auto-moto.138 space.ace,
--> jedini pobednik šampionata sa pobedom u samo jednoj trci. Inače, --> te sezone niko nije osvojio dve trke, svaku trku je dobi drugi --> vozač. To je FORMULA 1 !!!!! To nam dajte...
auto-moto.139 djcorto,
> Mozda gresim, ali zar Rozberg nije Finac? I sta znaci zvezdica > pored imena? Jeste Finac ... Svedjani su bolji reli nego F1 vozaci. Mada, da se ispravim, jedan od meni omiljenih je bio Roni Peterson ... izgore u Monci na pravdi Boga :(
auto-moto.140 space.ace,
Indy Car. Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach. Dominacija Firestona i Hondinih motora, Gil De Ferran vodio celu trku, ali dogodio mu se kvar na motoru, i 4 kruga pre kraja gubi prvu poziciju i pada na peto mesto. Prvo mesto je preuzeo Jimmy Vasser, drugi P. Johnstone, koji je napravi come-back u Indy, treći je Al Unser Jr. a četvrti Paul Tracy. Jimmy Vasser-u je ovo treća pobeda ove sezone, voženo je 4 trke. Sledeća trka je Grand Oval of Nazareth, za dve nedelje. Be there!!!
auto-moto.141 vpoznanovic,
>> Možda grešim, ali zar Rozberg nije Finac? Naravno da je Finac. >>> 1987. Nelson Piquet (BRA) Williams-Honda FW11B >> >> Zna li neko gde je i šta radi ovaj čovek? Prema posljednjim informacijama koje imam, Piquet će zajedno sa Mariom Andrettijem nastupiti na ovogodišnjoj trci "24 sata Le Mana", koja će se održati 15. juna. On će voziti McLaren, a Andretti Courage.
auto-moto.142 vpoznanovic,
>> Inače, te sezone niko nije osvojio dve trke, svaku trku je dobi drugi >> vozač. Odakle ti taj podatak, Milane? U sezoni 1982., kad je Rosberg bio šampion, po dvije pobjede su imali ni manje ni više nego Prost, Lauda, Pironi, Arnoux i Watson.
auto-moto.143 madamov,
> Odakle ti taj podatak, Milane? Ne sećam se, pročitah negde ili čuh od nekog pre par godina, pa sam od tada pogrešno informisan. B) > po dvije pobjede su imali ni manje ni više nego Prost, Lauda, > Pironi, Arnoux i Watson. A Rosberg jednu? Možda otud moja dezinformacija. Izvinjavam se auditorijumu.
auto-moto.144 dusko,
I po mojim izvorima Rozberg je te sezone uzeo titulu bez ijednog 1. mesta. Pozdrav, Dusko
auto-moto.145 djcorto,
Ima li sutra i preksutra sta ? ;)
auto-moto.146 lexus,
=> Ima li sutra i preksutra sta ? ;) Derbi!?! ;>>>
auto-moto.147 cdragan,
> Ima li sutra i preksutra sta ? ;) jao .. ja zamalo da zaboravim ;) Formula 1: European Grand Prix 2nd Free Practice ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Session Resume: Weather: Sunny, warm Best time from the first session was Hill 1m 20.853s, Schumacher 2nd, Verstappen 3rd. Footwork in new colours with a new sponsor - POWER HORSE Brundle running with the central fin Time Event 02 First out Schumacher 04 1m 22.893s Schumacher 06 1m 23.144s Schumacher Top Six: Hill,Schumacher,Verstappen,Hakkinen,Salo,Barrichello 12 1m 25.317s Villeneuve 15 1m 23.588s Hill 16 1m 22.869s Villeneuve - now 11th 17 1m 24.094s Coulthard 20 1m 24.843s Panis 21 1m 24.865s Brundle 24 1m 23.368s Salo 28 1m 23.163s Irvine 29 1m 23.151s Frentzen 31 1m 23.677s Verstappen 32 1m 23.416s Villeneuve No-one is faster than the morning session yet. Suspect this is due to the slightly higher temperature and the change in humidity. So far everyone (except Irvine) have been using this mornings tyres. 34 1m 22.678s Villeneuve - now 10th 38 1m 22.363s Hill 40 1m 21.873s Hill 41 1m 23.205s Panis 44 Villeneuve - now 6th 45 1m 22.571s Brundle - now 6th Top Six: Hill,Schumacher,Verstappen,Hakkinen,Salo,Brundle 47 1m 22.435s Brundle 47 1m 22.605s Herbert - now 7th 48 1m 22.174s Brundle - now 5th Top Six: Hill,Schumacher,Verstappen,Hakkinen,Brundle,Salo At the moment Berger is 10th and Alesi 15th 50 1m 22.700s Alesi - now 13th 51 1m 21.973s Alesi - now 3rd 53 1m 22.935s Schumacher Top Six: Hill,Schumacher,Alesi,Barrichello,Verstappen,Hakkinen 56 1m 22.633s Coulthard 56 1m 21.542s Hakkinen - now 3rd 58 1m 21.478s Hakkinen 58 1m 23.072s Verstappen - unfortunately blocked by Alesi on the last corner 59 1m 22.618s Alesi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Track Times: 1st Free Pos Driver Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 D.Hill 1m 20.853s 1 1m 20.853s 2 M.Schumacher 1m 21.332s 2 1m 21.332s 3 M.Hakkinen 1m 21.478s 4 1m 22.110s 4 O.Panis 1m 21.858s 11 1m 22.955s 5 D.Coulthard 1m 21.962s 8 1m 22.649s 6 J.Alesi 1m 21.973s 13 1m 23.554s 7 R.Barrichello 1m 22.014s 6 1m 22.630s 8 J.Verstappen 1m 22.093s 3 1m 22.093s 9 M.Brundle 1m 22.112s 15 1m 23.654s 10 H.Frentzen 1m 22.152s 10 1m 22.706s 11 M.Salo 1m 22.215s 5 1m 22.215s 12 J.Villeneuve 1m 22.453s 14 1m 23.601s 13 J.Herbert 1m 22.525s 12 1m 23.332s 14 G.Berger 1m 22.631s 7 1m 22.631s 15 E.Irvine 1m 22.668s 9 1m 22.668s 16 R.Rosset 1m 23.745s 16 1m 23.818s 17 P.Lamy 1m 23.904s 17 1m 23.904s 18 U.Katayma 1m 24.014s 19 1m 24.353s 19 G.Fisichella 1m 24.196s 18 1m 24.196s 20 P.Diniz 1m 24.406s 20 1m 24.406s ---- 107% ---- 21 L.Badoer 1m 26.832s 21 1m 26.832s 22 A.Montermini 1m 27.605s 22 1m 27.605s ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet.
auto-moto.148 cdragan,
Formula 1: European Grand Prix ********************************************** * GALE FORCE - Live * * * * Watch F1 live on the Internet * * see * ********************************************** * GALE FORCE - 3D * * * * For the Grid in proportional 3D VRML * * see * ********************************************** Qualifying ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Session Resume: Weather: Cloudy Time Event 0: 1 5 cars on track 0: 2 Hakkinen starts fast lap 0: 3 Hakkinen engine blows after 100m 0: 5 1m 22.970s - M.Salo 0: 5 1m 24.810s - R.Barrichello 0: 5 Current Positions: [1] Salo, [2] Barric 0: 5 1m 21.280s - R.Barrichello 0: 5 Current Positions: [1] Barric, [2] Salo 0: 6 1m 21.150s - R.Barrichello 0:10 Villeneuve on track 0:11 1m 21.780s - D.Coulthard 0:11 1m 21.710s - M.Brundle 0:11 Current Positions: [1] Barric, [2] Brundl, [3] Coulth, [4] Salo 0:12 1m 20.820s - J.Villeneuve 0:12 Current Positions: [1] Villen, [2] Barric, [3] Brundl, [4] Coulth, [5 ] Salo 0:13 1m 20.330s - J.Villeneuve 0:15 1m 21.110s - H.Frentzen 0:15 1m 21.650s - O.Panis 0:15 Current Positions: [1] Villen, [2] Frentz, [3] Barric, [4] Panis, [5] Brundl, [6] Coulth 0:16 1m 21.290s - E.Irvine 0:16 Current Positions: [1] Villen, [2] Frentz, [3] Barric, [4] Irvine, [5 ] Panis, [6] Brundl 0:19 1m 21.100s - J.Alesi 0:19 Current Positions: [1] Villen, [2] Alesi, [3] Frentz, [4] Barric, [5] Irvine, [6] Panis 0:20 1m 21.650s - M.Brundle 0:20 Current Positions: [1] Villen, [2] Alesi, [3] Frentz, [4] Barric, [5] Irvine, [6] Brundl 0:21 1m 21.010s - J.Alesi 0:21 1m 19.930s - D.Hill 0:21 Current Positions: [1] Hill, [2] Villen, [3] Alesi, [4] Frentz, [5] B arric, [6] Irvine 0:23 1m 20.020s - D.Hill 0:26 1m 21.050s - G.Berger 0:26 Current Positions: [1] Hill, [2] Villen, [3] Alesi, [4] Berger, [5] F rentz, [6] Barric 0:27 Schumacher on track 0:29 1m 20.290s - M.Schumacher 0:29 Current Positions: [1] Hill, [2] Schuma, [3] Villen, [4] Alesi, [5] B erger, [6] Frentz 0:32 1m 20.930s - E.Irvine 0:32 Current Positions: [1] Hill, [2] Schuma, [3] Villen, [4] Irvine, [5] Alesi, [6] Berger 0:33 1m 20.960s - J.Alesi 0:35 Hakkinen in spare car 0:38 Hakkinen in 16th 0:40 1m 18.940s - D.Hill 0:42 1m 20.820s - R.Barrichello 0:42 1m 20.890s - D.Coulthard 0:42 Current Positions: [1] Hill, [2] Schuma, [3] Villen, [4] Barric, [5] Coulth, [6] Irvine 0:44 1m 19.740s - J.Villeneuve 0:44 Current Positions: [1] Hill, [2] Villen, [3] Schuma, [4] Barric, [5] Coulth, [6] Irvine 0:45 1m 19.720s - J.Villeneuve 0:48 1m 23.020s - M.Schumacher 0:50 1m 20.150s - M.Schumacher 0:50 1m 20.710s - J.Alesi 0:50 Alesi off into gravel and stalls - retires 0:50 Current Positions: [1] Hill, [2] Villen, [3] Schuma, [4] Alesi, [5] B arric, [6] Coulth 0:56 1m 21.490s - G.Berger 1: 0 Berger in 8th 1: 0 Hakkinen in 9th 1: 1 1m 20.280s - M.Schumacher 1: 1 THE END ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Track Times: 3rd Free 2nd Free 1st Free Pos Driver Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 D.Hill 1m 18.941s 1 1m 19.546s 1 1m 20.853s 1 1m 20.853s 2 J.Villeneuve 1m 19.721s 3 1m 20.169s 12 1m 22.453s 14 1m 23.601s 3 M.Schumacher 1m 20.149s 2 1m 19.946s 2 1m 21.332s 2 1m 21.332s 4 J.Alesi 1m 20.711s 10 1m 21.318s 6 1m 21.973s 13 1m 23.554s 5 R.Barrichello 1m 20.818s 5 1m 20.500s 7 1m 22.014s 6 1m 22.630s 6 D.Coulthard 1m 20.888s 7 1m 20.953s 5 1m 21.962s 8 1m 22.649s 7 E.Irvine 1m 20.931s 11 1m 21.388s 15 1m 22.668s 9 1m 22.668s 8 G.Berger 1m 21.054s 4 1m 20.385s 14 1m 22.631s 7 1m 22.631s 9 M.Hakkinen 1m 21.078s 6 1m 20.732s 3 1m 21.478s 4 1m 22.110s 10 H.Frentzen 1m 21.113s 8 1m 21.234s 10 1m 22.152s 10 1m 22.706s 11 M.Brundle 1m 21.177s 12 1m 21.554s 9 1m 22.112s 15 1m 23.654s 12 J.Herbert 1m 21.210s 16 1m 22.080s 13 1m 22.525s 12 1m 23.332s 13 J.Verstappen 1m 21.367s 14 1m 21.592s 8 1m 22.093s 3 1m 22.093s 14 M.Salo 1m 21.458s 13 1m 21.578s 11 1m 22.215s 5 1m 22.215s 15 O.Panis 1m 21.509s 9 1m 21.251s 4 1m 21.858s 11 1m 22.955s 16 U.Katayma 1m 21.812s 15 1m 21.665s 18 1m 24.014s 19 1m 24.353s 17 P.Diniz 1m 22.733s 17 1m 22.326s 20 1m 24.406s 20 1m 24.406s 18 G.Fisichella 1m 22.921s 20 1m 23.586s 19 1m 24.196s 18 1m 24.196s 19 P.Lamy 1m 23.139s 18 1m 23.214s 17 1m 23.904s 17 1m 23.904s 20 R.Rosset 1m 23.620s 19 1m 23.485s 16 1m 23.745s 16 1m 23.818s ---- 107% ---- 21 A.Montermini 1m 25.053s 22 1m 26.453s 22 1m 27.605s 22 1m 27.605s 22 L.Badoer 1m 25.840s 21 1m 25.572s 21 1m 26.832s 21 1m 26.832s ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Grid: Qualify Pos Driver Pos Lap Time 1st row 1 D.Hill 1 1m 18.941s 2 J.Villeneuve 2 1m 19.721s 2nd row 3 M.Schumacher 3 1m 20.149s 4 J.Alesi 4 1m 20.711s 3th row 5 R.Barrichello 5 1m 20.818s 6 D.Coulthard 6 1m 20.888s 4th row 7 E.Irvine 7 1m 20.931s 8 G.Berger 8 1m 21.054s 5th row 9 M.Hakkinen 9 1m 21.078s 10 H.Frentzen 10 1m 21.113s 6th row 11 M.Brundle 11 1m 21.177s 12 J.Herbert 12 1m 21.210s 7th row 13 J.Verstappen 13 1m 21.367s 14 M.Salo 14 1m 21.458s 8th row 15 O.Panis 15 1m 21.509s 16 U.Katayma 16 1m 21.812s 9th row 17 P.Diniz 17 1m 22.733s 18 G.Fisichella 18 1m 22.921s 10th row 19 P.Lamy 19 1m 23.139s 20 R.Rosset 20 1m 23.620s ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet.
auto-moto.149 dusko,
> * Watch F1 live on the Internet * > * see * Jel', bre, cdr, opet za*ebaš narod? Nemamo mi 70Mbit link. ;) Pozdrav, Duško
auto-moto.150 dusko,
> Ima li sutra i preksutra sta ? ;) Nirburgring, a sledeće nedelje Imola. Pozdrav, Duško P.S.: Al' bi bilo lepo kad bi vozili svake nedelje :)
auto-moto.151 sav.gacic,
>> Mozda gresim, ali zar Rozberg nije Finac? I sta znaci zvezdica >> pored imena? > Jeste Finac ... Svedjani su bolji reli nego F1 vozaci. Početak osamdesetih mi je skroz nepoznat što se F1 tiče. Negde (usput) sam čuo da je Rozberg osvojio titulu svetskog prvaka 81. ili 82. godine bez IJEDNE pobede? Ne mogu u to da poverujem. Seća li se iko?
auto-moto.152 stefan,
> Početak osamdesetih mi je skroz nepoznat što se F1 tiče. Negde (usput) > sam čuo da je Rozberg osvojio titulu svetskog prvaka 81. ili 82. godine > bez IJEDNE pobede? Ne mogu u to da poverujem. Seća li se iko? To "negde" je možda ova tema, pogledaj poslednjih 30-40 poruka :)
auto-moto.154 cdragan,
Grand Prix of European 96: The Result Weather: 15 deg C Race Resume: In a Nutshell: - Hill makes bad start and drops from pole to 5th before first corner - Alesi spins off and Berger makes a bad start - drops to 16th - Hill loses more time with a 20s pit stop - Last third of the race Villeneuve leads with Schumacher on his gearbox - Hill fights from 10th up to 4th but cannot get past Coulthard for the podium - Perfect race from Villeneuve, much pressure from Schmacher but he lead from start to finish The Details: Lap Event 0 Grid Positions: [1] D.Hill [2] J.Villeneuve [3] M.Schumacher [4] J.Alesi [5] R.Barrichello [6] D.Coulthard 1 Very bad start by Berger 1 Bad start by Hill drops to 5th before first corner 1 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve [2] D.Coulthard [3] R.Barrichello [4] M.Schumacher [5] D.Hill [6] M.Hakkinen 1 Alesi off into gravel and retires 3 Berger into pits 3 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->1.590s->[2]D.Coulthard ->0.940s->[3] R.Barrichello->0.730s->[4] M.Schumacher ->0.670s->[5] D.Hill->0.610s->[6] M.Hakkinen 3 Villeneuve fastest lap 1m 22.841s 4 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve [2] D.Coulthard [3] R.Barrichello [4] M.Schumacher [5] D.Hill [6] M.Hakkinen 4 Berger fastest lap 1m 22.496s 4 Hill passes Schumacher 5 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve [2] D.Coulthard [3] R.Barrichello [4] D.Hill [5] M.Schumacher [6] M.Hakkinen 5 Berger fastest lap 1m 22.109s 6 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->3.810s->[2] D.Coulthard ->1.040s->[3] R.Barrichello->0.460s->[4] D.Hill ->0.640s->[5] M.Schumacher->1.870s->[6] M.Hakkinen 6 Panis hits Irvine into chicane - both out of race 7 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->4.170s->[2] D.Coulthard ->0.800s->[3] R.Barrichello->0.540s->[4] D.Hill ->0.700s->[5] M.Schumacher->1.170s->[6] M.Hakkinen 8 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->5.110s->[2] D.Coulthard ->0.740s->[3] R.Barrichello->0.510s->[4] D.Hill ->0.530s->[5] M.Schumacher->1.090s->[6] M.Hakkinen 8 Berger fastest lap 1m 22.004s 10 Berger is in 16th 11 Hill stuck behind Barrichello as Villeneuve pulls away 13 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->7.870s->[2]D.Coulthard ->2.680s->[3] R.Barrichello [4] D.Hill [5] M.Schumacher [6] M.Hakkinen 16 Each time onto the start straight Hill tries to take Barrichello with Schumacher close behind 16 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->11.410s->[2] D.Coulthard [3] R.Barrichello [4] D.Hill [5] M.Schumacher [6] M.Hakkinen 18 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->12.410s->[2] D.Coulthard ->3.670s->[3] R.Barrichello [4] D.Hill [5] M.Schumacher [6] M.Hakkinen 20 Pits: Frentzen - 8.2s 20 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->12.420s->[2] D.Coulthard ->3.670s->[3] R.Barrichello->1.160s->[4] D.Hill ->0.440s->[5] M.Schumacher->0.690s->[6] M.Hakkinen 22 Pits: Hill - 20.9s - (disaster time for Hill) 23 Pits: Berger - 9.4s 23 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve [2] D.Coulthard [3] R.Barrichello [4] M.Schumacher [5] M.Hakkinen 24 Pits: Schumacher - 7.7s 24 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve [2] D.Coulthard [3] R.Barrichello [4] M.Hakkinen 24 Pits: Barrichello - 12.5s 24 Pits: Coulthard - 9.8s 25 Pits: Villeneuve - 8.9s 26 Hill is 10th after the over long pit stop 26 Schumacher fastest lap 1m 21.976s 26 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->8.750s->[2] M.Schumacher [3] M.Hakkinen [4] D.Coulthard [5] R.Barrichello [6] H.Frentzen 28 Hill and Diniz slide onto gravel as Hill tries to pass both cars get back onto the track 28 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->8.750s->[2] M.Schumacher [3] M.Hakkinen [4] D.Coulthard [5] R.Barrichello [6] H.Frentzen 28 Diniz into pits 28 Schumacher on a charge for Villeneuve 29 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->4.170s->[2] M.Schumacher [3] M.Hakkinen [4] D.Coulthard [5] R.Barrichello [6] H.Frentzen 30 Hakkinen 10s penalty - pit speeding 30 Pits: Hakkinen penalty stop - 10.5s 32 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->2.490s->[2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Coulthard [4] R.Barrichello [5] H.Frentzen 35 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->1.400s->[2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Coulthard [4] R.Barrichello [5] H.Frentzen [6] M.Hakkinen 36 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->1.060s->[2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Coulthard [4] R.Barrichello [5] H.Frentzen [6] M.Hakkinen 37 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->0.660s->[2] M.Schumacher ->12.970s->[3] D.Coulthard->3.840s->[4] R.Barrichello ->7.200s->[5] H.Frentzen->2.190s->[6] M.Hakkinen 39 Hill fastest lap 1m 21.695s 39 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve [2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Coulthard [4] R.Barrichello [5] H.Frentzen [6] M.Hakkinen 42 Pits: Frentzen - 7.8s 42 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve [2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Coulthard [4] R.Barrichello [5] M.Hakkinen [6] H.Frentzen 42 Berger in 11th, Hill in 9th 43 Pits: Hill - 8.2s 43 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve [2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Coulthard [4] R.Barrichello [5] M.Hakkinen [6] H.Frentzen 43 Pits: Schumacher - 8.5s out in 3rd 44 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve [2] D.Coulthard [3] M.Schumacher [4] R.Barrichello [5] M.Hakkinen [6] H.Frentzen 45 Pits: Villeneuve - 8.3s out in 1st 45 Schumacher passes Coulthard 46 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve [2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Coulthard [4] M.Brundle [5] R.Barrichello [6] M.Hakkinen 46 Pits: Brundle - 8.6s 48 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->2.680s->[2] M.Schumacher ->23.920s->[3] D.Coulthard->3.230s->[4] R.Barrichello ->6.440s->[5] M.Hakkinen->0.390s->[6] D.Hill 48 Hakkinen another 10s penalty for pit speeding - suspect bad limiter 50 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->1.440s->[2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Coulthard [4] R.Barrichello [5] M.Hakkinen [6] D.Hill 51 Pits: Hakkinen penalty stop - 11.2s 51 Hill fastest lap 1m 21.598s 52 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->0.480s->[2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Coulthard [4] R.Barrichello [5] D.Hill 52 Hill fastest lap 1m 21.463s 55 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->0.680s->[2] M.Schumacher ->27.100s->[3] D.Coulthard->1.520s->[4] R.Barrichello ->2.680s->[5] D.Hill->14.580s->[6] M.Brundle 55 Hill fastest lap 1m 21.363s 58 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve [2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Coulthard [4] R.Barrichello [5] D.Hill [6] M.Brundle 60 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->0.670s->[2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Coulthard->1.180s->[4] D.Hill ->1.710s->[5] R.Barrichello [6] M.Brundle 60 Frentzen out after a trip into the gravel 62 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve [2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Coulthard->0.580s->[4] D.Hill [5] R.Barrichello [6] M.Brundle 64 Schumacher right up the back of Villeneuve 64 Hill right up the back of Coulthard 64 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve [2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Coulthard [4] D.Hill [5] R.Barrichello [6] M.Brundle 65 Villeneuve lapping the slower cars with Schumacher on his gearbox 65 Current Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->0.210s->[2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Coulthard->0.460s->[4] D.Hill [5] R.Barrichello [6] M.Brundle 66 Villeneuve and Coulthard both cross the line with hard chargers on their gearboxes 67 Finishing Positions: [1] J.Villeneuve->0.760s->[2] M.Schumacher ->32.070s->[3] D.Coulthard->0.680s->[4] D.Hill ->0.200s->[5] R.Barrichello->21.850s->[6] M.Brundle Track Times: Pos Driver Team Race Time 1 J.Villeneuve Williams 1hr 33m 26.473s 2 M.Schumacher Ferrari Gap 0m 0.762s 3 D.Coulthard McLaren Gap 0m 32.834s 4 D.Hill Williams Gap 0m 33.511s (Pole Position)(Fastest Race Lap: 1m 21.363s) 5 R.Barrichello Jordan Gap 0m 33.713s 6 M.Brundle Jordan Gap 0m 55.567s 7 J.Herbert Sauber Gap 1m 18.027s 8 M.Hakkinen McLaren Gap 1m 18.438s 9 G.Berger Benetton Gap 1m 21.061s 10 M.Salo Tyrrell Laps behind: 1 11 P.Diniz Ligier Laps behind: 1 12 U.Katayma Tyrrell Laps behind: 2 13 R.Rosset Footwork Laps behind: 2 14 P.Lamy Minardi Laps behind: 2 15 G.Fisichella Minardi Laps behind: 2 Retirements: H.Frentzen Sauber Lap: 59 Reason: J.Verstappen Footwork Lap: 38 Reason: E.Irvine Ferrari Lap: 6 Reason: O.Panis Ligier Lap: 6 Reason: J.Alesi Benetton Lap: 1 Reason: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Formula 1 Tables: Drivers Championship (unofficial) 1 D.Hill 33 2 J.Villeneuve 22 3 J.Alesi 10 M.Schumacher 10 5 E.Irvine 6 6 R.Barrichello 5 M.Hakkinen 5 8 D.Coulthard 4 9 M.Salo 3 G.Berger 3 11 M.Brundle 1 J.Verstappen 1 O.Panis 1 Constructors Championship (unofficial) 1 Williams 55 2 Ferrari 16 3 Benetton 13 4 McLaren 9 5 Jordan 6 6 Tyrrell 3 7 Footwork 1 Ligier 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet. ű
auto-moto.155 wiper,
Sta kazete na voznju Baricela u Nemackoj. Sjajan je - jestevideli kako je samo ometao Hila i Sumahera, u jednoj krivini je malo pogresio a Hil krenuo sa jedne strane u obilazenje a Sumah. sa druge. Medjutim prvo je zatvorio prvog a onda i drugog. U stilu svog velikog zemljaka .
auto-moto.156 tomislavr,
> Sta kazete na voznju Baricela u Nemackoj. Lekciju o voznji u Nirburgringu je ipak odrzao Sumaher. Sa evidentno slabijim bolidom uspeo je da drzi korak za Vilnevom, cak sta vise, Vilnevovu ogromnu razliku sredinom trke je sveo na nekih 0.7 na kraju. Za preticanje je falilo samo "par" ;) konja. Sto se tice Hila, opet je pokazao kakav je "majstor" kad se nadje u guzvi.
auto-moto.157 tomislavr,
Zna li neko sta se desava u DTM i ITC sampionatima.
auto-moto.158 vimm,
> Lekciju o voznji u Nirburgringu je ipak odrzao Sumaher. Sa > evidentno slabijim bolidom uspeo je da drzi korak za Vilnevom, Grešiš sinko, ovaj, silno grešiš sinko. Žak je vozio izuzetno pametno i pritiskao je gas tačno onoliko koliko mu je bilo potrebno da osvoji prvo mesto. > Sto se tice Hila, opet je pokazao kakav je "majstor" kad se > nadje u guzvi. Na ovoj trci zaista je pokazao da je majstor. Posle greške na startu dosta lako je obišao Šumahera i upustio u jurnjavu za Baričelom (ako Brazilac nastavi sa ovakvim prepotentnim ponašanjem mislim da će jako loše proći u budućnosti), pa je onda imao kiks u boksu (na žalost ne- znamo čijom krivicom) i zadržao se oko ili preko 20 sec, da bi na kraju bio 4.-ti, a svi smo mogli da vidimo koliko je malo mesta za obilaženje bilo. Prema tome, sve čestitke Hilu sa moje strane. Pozdrav Vladimir
auto-moto.159 tomislavr,
> Grešiš sinko, ovaj, silno grešiš sinko. Žak je vozio izuzetno > pametno i pritiskao je gas tačno onoliko koliko mu je bilo > potrebno da osvoji prvo mesto. Ne mogu da zamislim Vilneva koji dobija informaciju iz boksa da mu Sumaher prilazi sekund po krugu, kako "pritiska gas tacno onoliko koliko je potrebno za prvo mesto". Sumaher je dosta krugova u MNOGO losijem bolidu bio u repu Zaku, i nesto ne mislim da je isti u tim trenucima vozio pametno i promisljeno, vec najbolje sto moze. Ne zelim da kazem da je Zak lose vozio, ali zna se ko je tata ;). > Brazilac nastavi sa ovakvim prepotentnim ponašanjem mislim da će > jako loše proći u budućnosti), Zasto je prepotentno braniti poziciju od vozaca koji je od vas gori po plasmanu. Baricelo pri tom nije napravio nijedan opasan manevar, tako da je tu rec samo o odbrani pozicije. > Na ovoj trci zaista je pokazao da je majstor. Posle greške na > startu Kakav je Hil majstor videlo se prosle godine dok je Viliams bio bolji ali recimo uporediv sa Benetonom, i kada se Sumaher igrao sa njim po stazi. A onda je Hil preko noci "sazreo kao covek i kao vozac" i ove godine pruza odlicne partije ;). Nije tesko pobediti kada svi na trci voze Juga a vi BMW ;)
auto-moto.160 wiper,
Gresite oboje - Ko je tata kazace vreme ali jedno je sigurno sumaher nije tata. Videcemo kad Baricelo sedne iz Juga u BMW i onda se pojuri sa Hilom i Sum. Sta ce onda biti. A sto se tice ovo dvojce Hila i Sum. Gde su bese bili dok je SENNA vozio . I sa Jugom je bio ispred Svabe koji je da podsetim imao Forda novije generacije ( govorim o poslednjoj sezoni u Mc'larenu). Prema tome Zak ce tek reci svoje . Svaba ima veca mudao od Hila . Ali ocu da skrenem paznju na dvojcu sa starta 2,3 Ako pogledate usporeni start videcete da je naj bolje startovao Kulhard koji se poravnao tocak uz tocak sa Zakom ali zbog desne krivine ostao na drugom mestu. A Brazilac je pokazao svoju krv - pored mene nema prolaza - Setite se koliko je ljudi pokusalo da obicu Sennu i pritom zavrsili pored staze (Mensel u Barseloni , Sumaher vise puta, Prost dva puta ).
auto-moto.161 vimm,
> Ne mogu da zamislim Vilneva koji dobija... Tvoj problem. > u MNOGO losijem bolidu bio u repu Zaku, i nesto ne > mislim da je isti u tim trenucima vozio pametno i promisljeno, Tačno. Vozio je iza njega i kurvinski čekao da Žak pogreši, ali ko čeka ... gubi vreme. Valjda si primetio da NIJEDNOM nije pokušao i da ga pretekne. Dečko je vozio izuzetno pametno, ništa nije riziko- vao i iskoristio šansu koja mu se ukazala. > Ne zelim da kazem da je Zak lose vozio, ali zna se ko je tata ;). Da nije možda Šumaher? > Zasto je prepotentno braniti poziciju od vozaca koji je od vas > gori po plasmanu. Baricelo pri tom nije napravio nijedan opasan > manevar, tako da je tu rec samo o odbrani pozicije. Zar je Hil gori od Baričela? Uostalom, zar nisi primetio koliku je razliku napravio Žak dok je Baričelo zadržavao Hila? Mislim da su- više usko i nezrelo razmišljaš tako da ostali deo poruke neću ni da komentarišem. Pozdrav Vladimir
auto-moto.162 tomislavr,
> sumaher nije tata. Videcemo kad Baricelo sedne iz Juga u BMW i > onda se pojuri sa Hilom i Sum. Sta ce onda biti. Nisam strucnjak, ali prema onome sto sam slusao na Eurosportu za vreme trke, Jordanov bolid na vecini delova staze pokazivao bolje perfomanse od Ferarijevog (traktora). Cak je super sto je Sumi ove godine u Ferariju jer se dobri vozaci poznaju u losim timovima, bas kao Senna '93. > SENNA vozio . I sa Jugom je bio ispred Svabe koji je da podsetim > imao Forda novije generacije ( govorim o poslednjoj sezoni u Pravi odnos kvaltiteta izmedju Sene i Sumija bi se video eventualno tek sezone '95, jer je Sumi tad jos uvek bio klinac. Naravno, ne pada mi na pamet da kazem da je Sumi bolji, ali je sad jedini na stazi koji moze da pruzi doobru voznju (Spa i Nirburgring '95 recimo). Sumi tek ima da kaze svoje... > Ako pogledate usporeni start videcete da je naj bolje startovao > Kulhard koji se poravnao tocak uz tocak sa Zakom ali zbog desne > krivine ostao na drugom mestu. Kao vatreni navijac Mercedesa mogu samo da se slozim sa tobom ;).
auto-moto.163 tomislavr,
Rezultati danasnjeg nezvanicnog treninga: 1. Schumacher (*) 2. Barichello (NT) 3. Villeneuve 4. Hakkinen 5. Panis (NT) 6. Hill (**) NT - sa novim gumama * - oko sekund brzi od drugoplasiranog! ** - bio bi bolji ali je uleteo u guzvu
auto-moto.164 tomislavr,
>> Ne mogu da zamislim Vilneva koji dobija... > > Tvoj problem. Vrlo ruzan primer izvlacenja recenice iz konteksta ;). > Zar je Hil gori od Baričela? Uostalom, zar nisi primetio koliku je > razliku napravio Žak dok je Baričelo zadržavao Hila? Mislim da su- Hil je u tom trenutku bio gori po POZICIJI, a na Baricelu je da svoju brani, sto je on i cinio i sto je normalno. Da nije trebao da ga pusti, jer Hil vodi u sampionatu? ;)
auto-moto.165 cdragan,
> Lekciju o voznji u Nirburgringu je ipak odrzao Sumaher. Sa > evidentno slabijim bolidom uspeo je da drzi korak za Vilnevom, > cak sta vise, Vilnevovu ogromnu razliku sredinom trke je sveo na > nekih 0.7 na kraju. Za preticanje je falilo samo "par" ;) konja. Istine radi treba reći da jepo završetku trke Vilnev izjavio da je imao problem na menjaču sa petom brzinom tokom cele druge polovine trke tako da je to razlog zašto je Šumaher tako brzo smanjivao razliku. Dakle, Šumaheru može samo da bude krivo što to nije bolje iskoristio a Vilnevu sve čestitke na odličnoj vožnji i pokazanoj prisebnosti ;)
auto-moto.166 cdragan,
> loše proći u budućnosti), pa je onda ina žalost > ne- znamo čijom krivicom) i zadržao se oko ili preko 20 sec, da bi Koliko mi se čini, imali su problema sa zavrtnjem na jednom od točkova.
auto-moto.167 wiper,
Ne bih rekao da je tad Sumaher bio mnogo los a danas "toliko superioran". Da te podsetim on je sledece godine uzeo titulu svetskog prvaka prema tome ne vozi nista bolje. E tu sad ti vidi ko je bio tata. A o odnosu Baricelo Sumaher - sve se videlo u Brazilu. Ipak Ferari je Ferari a Jordan je obican Jordan. Ma necu vise da diskutujem o Sumaheru. On je za mene najveci smrad i naj pokvareniji vozac . Truo je na sve strane . O njemu sve NAJ GORE !!!!!
auto-moto.168 vimm,
>>> Ne mogu da zamislim Vilneva koji dobija... >> Tvoj problem. > Vrlo ruzan primer izvlacenja recenice iz konteksta ;). Nisam izvukao rečenicu iz konteksta, samo nisam hteo da citiram ostatak jer sam ovde mislio na tebe, a ne na Žaka. > Hil je u tom trenutku bio gori po POZICIJI, a na Baricelu je da > svoju brani, sto je on i cinio i sto je normalno. Da li to znači da je trebalo da svi vozači kada se Hil posle prvog pitstopa vratio u trku na, čini mi se 14.-to mesto, da ga zadržavaju braneći svoje pozicije? Ne budi smešan, nego razmišljaj! Pozdrav Vladimir P.S. Ovim si samo potvrdio moje mišljenje o tebi.
auto-moto.169 vimm,
> Koliko mi se čini, imali su problema sa zavrtnjem na > jednom od točkova. Pretpostavljao sam da je bila neka glupost. Samo da se ne ponovi slučaj kada je Mensel izgubio titulu, između ostalog i zbog onog spektakularnog otpadanja točka prilikom izlaska iz boksa nagon za- mena guma. Pozdrav Vladimir
auto-moto.170 lexus,
=> Da li to znači da je trebalo da svi vozači kada se Hil posle prvog => pitstopa vratio u trku na, čini mi se 14.-to mesto, da ga => zadržavaju braneći svoje pozicije? Ne budi smešan, nego razmišljaj! Baričelo ja sa 3. mestom osvajao bodove, a to nije isto kao kad vozač na 14. mestu zadržava Hill-a. Uostalom, sudije su mogle da pokažu Baričelu da se skloni i pusti Hilla da prođe, ali nisu, tako da je Hill zasluženo osvojio to što je osvojio...
auto-moto.171 lexus,
=> Ne bih rekao da je tad Sumaher bio mnogo los a danas "toliko => superioran". Da te podsetim on je sledece godine uzeo titulu => svetskog prvaka prema tome ne vozi nista bolje. E tu sad ti => vidi ko je bio tata. Šumaher je tada imao 23 godine! Bio je klinac. Sledeć godine, kada je osvojio prvu titulu, titulu konstruktora osvojio je Williams, a ne Benneton, tako da se ne može reći da je Schumi bio prvi zbog bolida, već zbog napretka koji je pokazao u odnosu na prethodnu sezonu. Prošle godine je pokazao da je najbolji vozač, a Hill ove godine ima ubedljivo najbolji bolid. Uglavnom, Šumaher od ovog i ovakvog Ferrarija izvlači maksimum i verovatno će biti treći na kraju sezone... Ako se Ferrari popravi sledeće sezone i Schumacher će biti bolji! Inače, sledeće sezone očekujem da se bore Villeneuve, Barichelo, Schumacher i Coulthard :)
auto-moto.173 cdragan,
> Rezultati danasnjeg nezvanicnog treninga: Formula 1: Saint Marino Grand Prix--------------------------------------- Session Resume: Weather: Sunny, windy, 16 deg C Time Event 00 First car out - Barrichello 04 1m 37.341s [1] Veststappen 04 1m 38.961s [2] Barrichello 05 1m 35.327s [1] Salo 05 1m 35.173s [1] Barrichello 07 1m 35.915s [2] Frentzen 10 1m 32.747s [1] Frentzen 11 1m 32.280s [1] Schumacher 12 1m 29.692s [1] Schumacher 13 1m 32.130s [2] Hill 14 1m 28.831s [1] Schumacher 16 1m 32.008s [5] Villeneuve 17 1m 31.351s [3] Villeneuve 18 1m 31.634s [4] Alesi 19 1m 32.608s [7] Berger 20 1m 32.730s [8] Coulthard 23 1m 31.839s [6] Berger 25 Current: [1] Schumacher, [2] Hill, [3] Villeneuve, [4] Alesi, [5] Irvine, [6] Berger 29 1m 29.537s Schumacher 30 1m 28.985s Schumacher 31 1m 30.430s [2] Irvine 33 Katayama engine blows - drives on to grass - retires 34 ------ Session Stopped due to Irvine having spun and stalled near a corner 42 ------ Session Restarts 45 1m 31.442s Hill 46 1m 30.420s [2] Coulthard 47 1m 31.158s Hill 50 1m 30.741s [4] Hill 52 1m 31.972s Alesi 57 1m 30.549s [5] Hakkinen 57 Current: [1] Schumacher, [2] Coulthard, [3] Irvine, [4] Barrichello, [5] Hakkinen, [6] Hill 59 1m 30.374s [2] Hakkinen 62 Schumacher off into gravel - retires 66 1m 29.921s [2] Villeneuve 66 1m 29.446s [2] Barrichello 67 1m 30.415s [6] Hill ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Track Times: 1st Free Pos Driver Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 M.Schumacher 1m 28.831s 0 0m 0.000s 2 R.Barrichello 1m 29.446s 0 0m 0.000s 3 J.Villeneuve 1m 29.921s 0 0m 0.000s 4 M.Hakkinen 1m 29.984s 0 0m 0.000s 5 O.Panis 1m 30.150s 0 0m 0.000s 6 D.Hill 1m 30.415s 0 0m 0.000s 7 D.Coulthard 1m 30.420s 0 0m 0.000s 8 E.Irvine 1m 30.430s 0 0m 0.000s 9 H.Frentzen 1m 30.462s 0 0m 0.000s 10 J.Herbert 1m 30.570s 0 0m 0.000s 11 M.Brundle 1m 30.932s 0 0m 0.000s 12 J.Verstappen 1m 31.182s 0 0m 0.000s 13 J.Alesi 1m 31.513s 0 0m 0.000s 14 G.Berger 1m 31.654s 0 0m 0.000s 15 M.Salo 1m 31.970s 0 0m 0.000s 16 R.Rosset 1m 32.563s 0 0m 0.000s 17 G.Fisichella 1m 33.006s 0 0m 0.000s 18 U.Katayma 1m 33.377s 0 0m 0.000s 19 P.Lamy 1m 33.439s 0 0m 0.000s ---- 107% ---- 20 A.Montermini 1m 36.052s 0 0m 0.000s 21 L.Badoer 1m 37.963s 0 0m 0.000s 22 P.Diniz 1m 51.765s 0 0m 0.000s ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet.
auto-moto.174 cdragan,
Vesti o Miki Hakkinenu .... He has now recovered consciousness and is able to move all his limbs. He is expected to stay in hospital in Adelaide for 2 to 3 weeks. It is believed his accident was caused by something on the track, which sliced into one of his tyres causing an immediate deflation. (This occured in the first qualifying session and just before the fast right-hander onto the Brabham Straight. The car spun over the concrete outer corner ridge and flew 20 yards in the air before it hit the concrete wall and tyre barrier at 130mph. The session was stopped and doctors worked on Hakkinen for 15 minutes before he was taken to the hospital.)
auto-moto.175 stevicm,
> Tacno. Vozio je iza njega i kurvinski cekao da Zak pogresi, ali ko > ceka ... gubi vreme. Valjda si primetio da NIJEDNOM nije pokusao i Votson i Edvards na Eurosportu su pricali kako je Svabina taktika da kad naidju na zaostale vozace ceka Vilneva da pogresi, ali da je ovaj ispekao zanat u INDY CAR i da je to za njega poznata situacija. Vilnev je vozio odlicno, Hil nije imao srece, iako je dobro vozio, zanima me sto se onoliko zadrzao u boksu? Na press konferenciji Kulthard je izjavio kako je bilo relativno lako sprecavati Hila da ga pretekne, jer je bio njegov klupski kolega i znao je da nece nista neozbiljno da uradi!
auto-moto.176 giovanni,
Ę? Vesti o Miki Hakkinenu .... Malo si zakasnio. ;) Samo 6 meseci.
auto-moto.177 giovanni,
Danas na kvalifikacijama Šumaher je ostvario prvu ovogodišnju POLE poziciju. Kvalifikacioni trening je, inače, bio veoma zanimljiv. Tokom većeg dela treninga Šumaher je imao najbolje vreme a onda je Hil preuzeo prvo mesto, dok je Vilnev bio treći. Ubrzo je i Žak ostvario bolje vreme od Šumahera pa je poredak bio: 1. Hil 2. Vilnev 3. Šumaher Razlika između Hila i Šumahera je tada bila 0.181s. Tako je bilo sve dok 3.30 min. pre kraja kvalifikacija Šumaher nije izašao ponovo na stazu da u poslednjem pokušaju eventualno izbori bolju stratnu poziciju. Jureći k'o lud, Šumaher je uspeo tridesetak sekundi pre kraja treninga da ostvari najbolje vreme (1.26.890, jedini ispod minut i 27 sek.) i tako potisne Vilijamsove vozače na drugo, odnosno treće mesto. Interesantno je da je kod treće ili četvtre krivine posle cilja (nakon preuzimanja POLE pozicije) na Šumaherovom bolidu otkazalo ogibljenje zadnjeg levog točka i Šumaher je izgubio kontrolu nad bolidom ali se sve dobro završilo jer Ferrari #1 nije išao velikom brzinom u tom trenutku pa je Nemac bio prinuđen da bolid ostavi kraj staze.
auto-moto.178 wiper,
Sta kazete na mog coveka "D.Kulharda" govorio sam vam da je strasan vozac i da ima m.. do zemlje. Danas je ostvario 4 poziciju na startu odmah iza Svabe i dva Williamsa. Mrzi me da vracam izjave onih koji su ga osporavali. Izjave su bile nema pojma samo je hteo da se proda i tako slicno. A inace koliko mi se cini ovo mu je tek treca sezona u F1. Kao sto neko rece " Sumaher je onda bio mlad a sad je stariji i dosta je napredovao". E pa ljubitelji sumahera uzivate dok Dejvid ne ostari i stekne dovoljno iskustva. Inace u buducnosti vidim okrsaje : Sumaher, Vilnev, Baricelo i Kulhard. To je za sad buducnost formule. Od Hila nece biti nista - da se neljute Hilovci on je ipak samo test vozac. I ako sam najveci NE LJUBITELJ SVABE cak sta vise kad vidim da se sjebe ja se radujem, mislim da je izmislio voznju za Hila.
auto-moto.179 dusko,
> pozicije) na Šumaherovom bolidu otkazalo ogibljenje zadnjeg levog > točka > i Šumaher je izgubio kontrolu nad bolidom ali se sve dobro završilo > Ferrari #1 nije išao velikom brzinom u tom trenutku pa je Nemac bio > prinuđen da bolid ostavi kraj staze. Šumaheru zadnje ogibljenje nije otkazalo već je _puklo_. Komentatori na Eurosportu su mislili da je Šumi prebrzo ušao u krivinu, i da je do proklizavanja došlo zbog Ferrarijevog understeer-a, al' kad su pustili kadar iz drugog ugla lepo se vidi slomljeno ogibljenje. Imao je sreće da mu se to desilo na relativno bezbednom delu staze na izlasku iz jedne šikane. Inače, na svim treninzima u Imoli švaba je "plesao" sa Ferrarijem. Na kraju jučerašnje seanse imao je izletanje koje je moglo da bude opasno, al' ga je spaslo 50-tak metara šljunka, koji ga je zaustavio pre sigurnosnog zida. Najinteresantnije je što su Ferrarijevi bolidi na svim treninzima imali motore koje neće imati sutra u trci. Motori su nešto jači i elastičniji od ovog dosadašnjeg, ali su i prilično nepouzdani. Ipak ludim Italijanima može da padne na pamet da na domaćem terenu probaju i sa novom verzijom motora. Pozdrav, Duško
auto-moto.180 cdragan,
> Ę? Vesti o Miki Hakkinenu .... > > Malo si zakasnio. ;) Samo 6 meseci. Omaklo se iz pogrešne baze .. ;) Evo da se izvadim, ako može ... : Formula 1: Saint Marino Grand Prix Qualifying ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Session Resume: Weather: Bright, Sunny Time Event 0: 4 Verstappen first on track 0: 7 1m 30.788s - J.Verstappen 0: 7 Current Positions: [1] Versta, 0: 8 1m 29.477s - D.Coulthard 0: 8 Current Positions: [1] Coulth, [2] Versta, 0: 9 1m 28.717s - D.Coulthard 0:10 Schumacher on track 0:12 1m 27.512s - M.Schumacher 0:12 Current Positions: [1] Schuma, [2] Coulth, [3] Versta, 0:14 1m 29.749s - J.Villeneuve 0:14 1m 27.416s - M.Schumacher 0:15 Current Positions: [1] Schuma, [2] Coulth, [3] Villen, [4] Versta, 0:15 1m 28.037s - J.Villeneuve 0:15 Current Positions: [1] Schuma, [2] Villen, [3] Coulth, [4] Versta, 0:17 1m 27.469s - M.Schumacher 0:18 1m 29.693s - M.Hakkinen 0:18 Current Positions: [1] Schuma, [2] Villen, [3] Coulth, [4] Hakkin, [5] Versta, 0:18 Panis spins over grass and back on 0:19 1m 29.064s - E.Irvine 0:19 Current Positions: [1] Schuma, [2] Villen, [3] Coulth, [4] Irvine, [5] Hakkin, [6] Versta 0:20 1m 28.628s - D.Hill 0:20 Current Positions: [1] Schuma, [2] Villen, [3] Hill, [4] Coulth, [5] Irvine, [6] Hakkin 0:21 1m 27.964s - D.Hill 0:21 Current Positions: [1] Schuma, [2] Hill, [3] Villen, [4] Coulth, [5] Irvine, [6] Hakkin 0:24 1m 27.469s - J.Villeneuve 0:24 Current Positions: [1] Schuma, [2] Villen, [3] Hill, [4] Coulth, [5] Irvine, [6] Hakkin 0:24 1m 28.996s - R.Barrichello 0:24 Current Positions: [1] Schuma, [2] Villen, [3] Hill, [4] Coulth, [5] Barric, [6] Irvine 0:25 1m 28.591s - G.Berger 0:25 Current Positions: [1] Schuma, [2] Villen, [3] Hill, [4] Berger, [5] Coulth, [6] Barric 0:26 1m 29.505s - J.Alesi 0:28 1m 28.247s - D.Coulthard 0:28 Current Positions: [1] Schuma, [2] Villen, [3] Hill, [4] Coulth, [5] Berger, [6] Barric 0:29 1m 28.611s - J.Alesi 0:29 Current Positions: [1] Schuma, [2] Villen, [3] Hill, [4] Coulth, [5] Berger, [6] Alesi 0:33 Schumacher cuts accross grass 0:33 1m 27.105s - D.Hill 0:33 Current Positions: [1] Hill, [2] Schuma, [3] Villen, [4] Coulth, [5] Berger, [6] Alesi 0:34 1m 27.286s - M.Schumacher 0:36 Later Positions: [7] Barr, [8] Fren, [9] Irvi, [10] Salo [11] Hakk, [12] Brun, [13] Kata, [14] Din, [15] Vers [16] Herb, [17] Pani 0:37 1m 28.205s - E.Irvine 0:37 Current Positions: [1] Hill, [2] Schuma, [3] Villen, [4] Irvine, [5] Coulth, [6] Berger 0:44 1m 27.220s - J.Villeneuve 0:44 Current Positions: [1] Hill, [2] Villen, [3] Schuma, [4] Irvine, [5] Coulth, [6] Berger 0:48 1m 28.423s - M.Salo 0:48 Current Positions: [1] Hill, [2] Villen, [3] Schuma, [4] Irvine, [5] Coulth, [6] Salo 0:50 1m 28.158s - J.Alesi 0:50 Current Positions: [1] Hill, [2] Villen, [3] Schuma, [4] Alesi, [5] Irvine, [6] Coulth 0:52 1m 28.009s - J.Alesi 0:53 1m 27.688s - D.Coulthard 0:53 Current Positions: [1] Hill, [2] Villen, [3] Schuma, [4] Coulth, [5] Alesi, [6] Irvine 0:56 Vill,Hill,Schu all on track 0:58 1m 27.641s - D.Hill 0:59 1m 27.375s - J.Villeneuve 0:59 1m 26.890s - M.Schumacher 0:59 Current Positions: [1] Schuma, [2] Hill, [3] Villen, [4] Coulth, [5] Alesi, [6] Irvine 0:59 Schumacher off onto grass when rear suspension breaks - retires 1: 0 1m 27.431s - D.Hill ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Track Times: 3rd Free 2nd Free 1st Free Pos Driver Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 M.Schumacher 1m 26.890s 2 1m 27.095s 1 1m 28.831s 1 1m 44.370s 2 D.Hill 1m 27.105s 1 1m 27.092s 6 1m 30.415s 2 1m 45.591s 3 J.Villeneuve 1m 27.220s 3 1m 27.277s 3 1m 29.921s 5 1m 46.586s 4 D.Coulthard 1m 27.688s 4 1m 27.577s 7 1m 30.420s 10 1m 47.808s 5 J.Alesi 1m 28.009s 9 1m 28.280s 13 1m 31.513s 6 1m 46.984s 6 E.Irvine 1m 28.205s 6 1m 28.060s 8 1m 30.430s 7 1m 47.246s 7 G.Berger 1m 28.336s 7 1m 28.144s 14 1m 31.654s 3 1m 45.662s 8 M.Salo 1m 28.423s 10 1m 28.363s 15 1m 31.970s 11 1m 48.363s 9 R.Barrichello 1m 28.632s 8 1m 28.164s 2 1m 29.446s 9 1m 47.341s 10 H.Frentzen 1m 28.785s 13 1m 28.748s 9 1m 30.462s 15 1m 49.526s 11 M.Hakkinen 1m 29.079s 5 1m 27.814s 4 1m 29.984s 16 1m 50.156s 12 M.Brundle 1m 29.099s 11 1m 28.581s 11 1m 30.932s 0 0m 0.000s 13 O.Panis 1m 29.472s 12 1m 28.693s 5 1m 30.150s 4 1m 45.767s 14 J.Verstappen 1m 29.539s 17 1m 30.657s 12 1m 31.182s 0 0m 0.000s 15 J.Herbert 1m 29.541s 14 1m 28.794s 10 1m 30.570s 8 1m 47.260s 16 U.Katayma 1m 29.892s 15 1m 29.506s 18 1m 33.377s 13 1m 48.880s 17 P.Diniz 1m 29.989s 20 1m 30.969s 22 1m 51.765s 18 1m 51.765s 18 P.Lamy 1m 30.471s 18 1m 30.800s 19 1m 33.439s 12 1m 48.487s 19 G.Fisichella 1m 30.814s 16 1m 30.510s 17 1m 33.006s 14 1m 49.454s 20 R.Rosset 1m 31.316s 19 1m 30.833s 16 1m 32.563s 17 1m 50.829s 21 L.Badoer 1m 32.037s 21 1m 31.208s 21 1m 37.963s 20 2m 13.016s ---- 107% ---- 22 A.Montermini 1m 33.685s 22 1m 34.584s 20 1m 36.052s 19 1m 56.090s ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Grid Qualify Pos Driver Pos Lap Time 1st row 1 M.Schumacher 1 1m 26.890s 2 D.Hill 2 1m 27.105s 2nd row 3 J.Villeneuve 3 1m 27.220s 4 D.Coulthard 4 1m 27.688s 3th row 5 J.Alesi 5 1m 28.009s 6 E.Irvine 6 1m 28.205s 4th row 7 G.Berger 7 1m 28.336s 8 M.Salo 8 1m 28.423s 5th row 9 R.Barrichello 9 1m 28.632s 10 H.Frentzen 10 1m 28.785s 6th row 11 M.Hakkinen 11 1m 29.079s 12 M.Brundle 12 1m 29.099s 7th row 13 O.Panis 13 1m 29.472s 14 J.Verstappen 14 1m 29.539s 8th row 15 J.Herbert 15 1m 29.541s 16 U.Katayma 16 1m 29.892s 9th row 17 P.Diniz 17 1m 29.989s 18 P.Lamy 18 1m 30.471s 10th row 19 G.Fisichella 19 1m 30.814s 20 R.Rosset 20 1m 31.316s 11th row 21 L.Badoer 21 1m 32.037s ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet.
auto-moto.181 lexus,
=> Inace u buducnosti vidim okrsaje : Sumaher, Vilnev, Baricelo i => Kulhard. Konačno da se i nas dvojica složimo u nečemu :) Samo pogledaj poruku 11.171 :) => Od Hila nece biti nista - da se neljute Hilovci on je ipak samo Vidi, vidi, ponovo se slažemo ;)
auto-moto.182 dusko,
1. Hil 2. Šumaher 3. Berger 4. Irvajn 5. Baričelo 6. Alezi Hil je (konačno) odvezao trku, a da nije napravio glupost. Počeo je trku sa dosta goriva u bolidu, sporo startovao, bio treći iza 1. Kultarda i 2. Šumija. Onda su došli pitstopovi. Sve u svemu ništa preterano zanimljivo. Vilnev je na startu imao kontakt sa Alezijem, pa je odmah morao u boks po novo prednje krilo i novu zadnju desnu gumu. Do pred kraj trke je sa zadnjeg stigao na 6. mesto, ali je morao da odustane. I oba McLarena su odustala zbog kvarova. Za dve nedelje u Monte Karlu Ferrari najverovatnije nastupa sa motorom koji je u Imoli korišćen samo za trening. Pozdrav, Duško
auto-moto.183 vimm,
> Hil je (konačno) odvezao trku, a da nije napravio glupost. Molim? Objasni ovo. Vladimir
auto-moto.184 cdragan,
Formula 1: Saint Marino Grand Prix (Warm Up & Race Resume) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Warm Up: Session Resume: Time Event 00 18 cars out for 1 lap and back into pits Schumacher running the Friday spec engine again. (Saturday qualifying was made using their new spec engine which is not for the moment reliable enough for a full race) 05 1m 32.480s - Salo (1) 08 1m 30.999s - Schumacher (1) 12 1m 31.002s - Irvine (2) 13 1m 30.382s - Irvine (1) 13 Pos: Irvine, Herbert, Alesi, Schumacher 14 1m 31.221s - Villeneuve (6) 15 1m 30.335s - Villeneuve (3) 15 1m 29.340s - Schumacher (1) 15 Pos: Schumacher, Alesi, Villeneuve, Irvine, Frentzen, Herbert, Salo, Barrichello, Coulthard 17 1m 28.700s - Villeneuve (1) 17 1m 28.912s - Hill (2) 18 1m 29.364s - Coulthard (4) 19 Pos: Villeneuve, Hill, Schumacher 22 1m 29.021 - Coulthard (3) 25 1m 28.028s - Hill (1) 26 Alesi off into gravel and hits tyre wall - destroys the back of the car - Alesi ok. 27 -- SESSION STOPPED -- 27 Pos: Hill, Villeneuve, Coulthard, Schumacher, Berger, Panis 28 -- SESSION RESTARTS -- 28 Hill, Villeneuve stay in the pits 31 1m 29.040s - Hakkinen (5) Track Times: Qualify 3rd Free 2nd Pos Driver Team Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 D.Hill Williams 1m 28.028s 2 1m 27.105s 1 1m 27.092s 6 2 J.Villeneuve Williams 1m 28.700s 3 1m 27.220s 3 1m 27.277s 3 3 D.Coulthard McLaren 1m 29.021s 4 1m 27.688s 4 1m 27.577s 7 4 M.Schumacher Ferrari 1m 29.033s 1 1m 26.890s 2 1m 27.095s 1 5 M.Hakkinen McLaren 1m 29.040s 11 1m 29.079s 5 1m 27.814s 4 6 G.Berger Benetton 1m 29.199s 7 1m 28.336s 7 1m 28.144s 14 7 O.Panis Ligier 1m 29.349s 13 1m 29.472s 12 1m 28.693s 5 8 J.Herbert Sauber 1m 29.523s 15 1m 29.541s 14 1m 28.794s 10 9 M.Salo Tyrrell 1m 29.698s 8 1m 28.423s 10 1m 28.363s 15 10 J.Alesi Benetton 1m 29.900s 5 1m 28.009s 9 1m 28.280s 13 11 R.Barrichello Jordan 1m 29.936s 9 1m 28.632s 8 1m 28.164s 2 12 J.Verstappen Footwork 1m 29.981s 14 1m 29.539s 17 1m 30.657s 12 13 H.Frentzen Sauber 1m 30.022s 10 1m 28.785s 13 1m 28.748s 9 14 M.Brundle Jordan 1m 30.034s 12 1m 29.099s 11 1m 28.581s 11 15 U.Katayma Tyrrell 1m 30.339s 16 1m 29.892s 15 1m 29.506s 18 16 E.Irvine Ferrari 1m 30.365s 6 1m 28.205s 6 1m 28.060s 8 17 P.Diniz Ligier 1m 30.680s 17 1m 29.989s 20 1m 30.969s 22 18 G.Fisichella Minardi 1m 31.450s 19 1m 30.814s 16 1m 30.510s 17 19 R.Rosset Footwork 1m 31.695s 20 1m 31.316s 19 1m 30.833s 16 20 P.Lamy Minardi 1m 32.269s 18 1m 30.471s 18 1m 30.800s 19 21 L.Badoer Forti 1m 33.423s 21 1m 32.037s 21 1m 31.208s 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- San Marino Grand Prix 96: The Result Race Resume: Weather: Sunny In a Nutshell: - Hill wins by pit strategy and being lucky with traffic - Schumacher get stuck several times in traffic and crosses the line in Second place with a front wheel locked for the last half lap - Steady race into 3rd for Berger - Alesi has many pit visits including penalties but still comes 6th - Villeneuve makes contact during start - into pits after 1 lap - is not really able to catch up - Coulthard makes a great start but does not finish due to engine failure The Details: Lap Event 0 Grid Positions: [1] M.Schumacher [2] D.Hill [3] J.Villeneuve [4] D.Coulthard [5] J.Alesi [6] E.Irvine 1 Villenuve was hit during the start and goes into pits for new tyre 1 Current Positions: [1] D.Coulthard, [2] D.Hill [3] M.Schumacher [4] M.Salo [5] G.Berger [6] R.Barrichello 2 Fastest lap Berger 1m 31.369s 3 Fastest lap - Villeneuve 1m 30.300s 3 Schumacher passes Hill 3 Current Positions: [1] D.Coulthard [2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Hill [4] G.Berger [5] M.Salo [6] R.Barrichello 7 Hill may be trailling due to a heavy fuel load?? 7 Schumacher on the tail of Coulthard 7 Current Positions: [1] D.Coulthard [2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Hill [4] G.Berger [5] M.Salo [6] R.Barrichello 8 Fastest lap - Schumacher 1m 30.110s 9 Fastest lap - Coulthard 1m 30.046s 9 Current Positions: [1] D.Coulthard->0.530s->[2] M.Schumacher ->3.220s->[3] D.Hill->1.430s->[4] G.Berger ->5.000s->[5] M.Salo->1.740s->[6] R.Barrichello 10 Fastest lap - Schumacher 1m 29.897s 10 Current Positions: [1] D.Coulthard->0.560s->[2] M.Schumacher ->3.300s->[3] D.Hill->2.200s->[4] G.Berger [5] M.Salo [6] R.Barrichello 13 Fastest lap - Hill 1m 29.815s 14 Fastest lap - Villeneuve 1m 29.665s 17 Pits: Hakkinen - 8.8s 17 Current Positions: [1] D.Coulthard->0.670s->[2] M.Schumacher ->2.990s->[3] D.Hill->4.060s->[4] G.Berger ->7.910s->[5] M.Salo->1.420s->[6] R.Barrichello 19 Current Positions: [1] D.Coulthard [2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Hill [4] G.Berger [5] M.Salo [6] R.Barrichello 19 Pits: Alesi - 19.5s 20 Pits: Coulthard - 8.2s 20 Fastest lap Schumacher 1m 29.517s 21 Pits: Schumacher - 9.3s 21 Current Positions: [1] D.Hill [2] G.Berger [3] M.Salo [4] R.Barrichello [5] M.Schumacher [6] D.Coulthard 21 10s Penalty: Alesi pit speeding 21 Fastest lap - Villeneuve 1m 29.310s 21 Pits: Barrichello 23 Fastest lap - Villeneuve 1m 29.226s 24 Current Positions: [1] D.Hill [2] G.Berger [3] M.Schumacher [4] D.Coulthard [5] E.Irvine [6] M.Salo 23 Salo - engine blows 25 Pits: Berger - 7.4s 25 Fastest lap - Hill 1m 29.199s 25 Current Positions: [1] D.Hill [2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Coulthard [4] E.Irvine [5] G.Berger 26 Pits: Villeneuve - 8.9s 26 Current Positions: [1] D.Hill [2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Coulthard [4] E.Irvine [5] G.Berger [6] R.Barrichello 26 Pits: Irvine 28 Current Positions: [1] D.Hill->22.000s->[2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Coulthard [4] G.Berger [5] R.Barrichello [6] E.Irvine 29 Hakkinen onto gravel but keeps going 29 Villeneuve in 15th 29 Pits: Hill - 7.5s 31 Current Positions: [1] D.Hill->0.820s->[2] M.Schumacher ->9.180s->[3] D.Coulthard->5.030s->[4] G.Berger ->10.030s->[5] R.Barrichello->5.320s->[6] E.Irvine 32 Frentzen into pits - retires 33 Current Positions: [1] D.Hill->1.400s->[2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Coulthard [4] G.Berger [5] R.Barrichello [6] E.Irvine 34 Current Positions: [1] D.Hill->1.310s->[2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Coulthard [4] G.Berger [5] R.Barrichello [6] E.Irvine 36 Villeneuve in 14th, Alesi in 13th 36 Current Positions: [1] D.Hill [2] M.Schumacher [3] D.Coulthard [4] G.Berger [5] R.Barrichello [6] E.Irvine 36 Fastest lap Schumacher 1m 28.966s 36 Brundle off into gravel and retires 39 Current Positions: [1] D.Hill->1.110s->[2] M.Schumacher ->16.570s->[3] D.Coulthard [4] G.Berger [5] R.Barrichello [6] E.Irvine 40 Pits: Schumacher - 11.7s 40 Current Positions: [1] D.Hill [2] D.Coulthard [3] M.Schumacher [4] G.Berger [5] R.Barrichello [6] E.Irvine 41 Pits: Alesi - 9s 41 Pits: Coulthard 41 Pits: Irvine - 11.7s 41 Current Positions: [1] D.Hill [2] M.Schumacher [3] G.Berger [4] R.Barrichello [5] D.Coulthard [6] E.Irvine 43 Mechanic injured in pits 43 Pits: Hakkinen 43 Current Positions: [1] D.Hill->25.800s->[2] M.Schumacher [3] G.Berger [4] D.Coulthard [5] R.Barrichello [6] E.Irvine 44 Pits: Villeneuve - 8.9s 44 Pits: Berger - 15.3s 44 Current Positions: [1] D.Hill->25.800s->[2] M.Schumacher [3] G.Berger [4] D.Coulthard [5] R.Barrichello [6] E.Irvine 44 Schumacher stuck behind the Hakkinen/Diniz fight 44 Coulthard retires mech problem 46 Current Positions: [1] D.Hill->34.070s->[2] M.Schumacher 48 Current Positions: [1] D.Hill->37.930s->[2] M.Schumacher ->25.000s->[3] G.Berger [4] E.Irvine [5] R.Barrichello [6] J.Villeneuve 49 Fastest lap - Hill 1m 28.931s 48 Current Positions: [1] D.Hill->37.930s->[2] M.Schumacher ->25.000s->[3] G.Berger [4] E.Irvine [5] R.Barrichello [6] J.Villeneuve 50 Pits: Hill - 8.3s 51 10s Penalty - both Hakkinen and Diniz for blocking Schumacher 56 Current Positions: [1] D.Hill->22.800s->[2] M.Schumacher ->25.320s->[3] G.Berger->12.810s->[4] E.Irvine ->6.830s->[5] R.Barrichello [6] J.Villeneuve 57 Villeneuve into pits and retires 59 Current Positions: [1] D.Hill [2] M.Schumacher [3] G.Berger [4] E.Irvine [5] R.Barrichello [6] J.Alesi 61 Hakkinen retires with engine problem 63 Final Positions: [1] D.Hill [2] M.Schumacher [3] G.Berger [4] E.Irvine [5] R.Barrichello [6] J.Alesi P.S. Ovde ne spomenuše da se u zadnjem krugu Šumaheru potpuno zablokirao prednji desni točak, te da je tako škripeći i dimeći prošao kroz cilj ;) Track Times: Pos Driver Team Race Time 1 D.Hill Williams 1hr 35m 26.156s (63 Laps) (Fastest Race Lap: 1m 28.931s) 2 M.Schumacher Ferrari Gap 0m 16.460s (Pole Position) 3 G.Berger Benetton Gap 0m 46.891s 4 E.Irvine Ferrari Gap 1m 1.583s 5 R.Barrichello Jordan Gap 1m 18.490s 6 J.Alesi Benetton Laps behind: 1 7 P.Diniz Ligier Laps behind: 1 8 M.Hakkinen McLaren Laps behind: 2 9 P.Lamy Minardi Laps behind: 2 10 L.Badoer Forti Laps behind: 4 11 J.Villeneuve Williams Laps behind: 6 Retirements: O.Panis Ligier Lap: 54 U.Katayma Tyrrell Lap: 45 D.Coulthard McLaren Lap: 44 R.Rosset Footwork Lap: 40 J.Verstappen Footwork Lap: 38 M.Brundle Jordan Lap: 36 H.Frentzen Sauber Lap: 32 G.Fisichella Minardi Lap: 30 J.Herbert Sauber Lap: 25 M.Salo Tyrrell Lap: 23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Drivers Championship (unofficial) 1 D.Hill 43 2 J.Villeneuve 22 3 M.Schumacher 16 4 J.Alesi 11 5 E.Irvine 9 6 R.Barrichello 7 G.Berger 7 8 M.Hakkinen 5 9 D.Coulthard 4 10 M.Salo 3 11 M.Brundle 1 J.Verstappen 1 O.Panis 1 Constructors Championship (unofficial) 1 Williams 65 2 Ferrari 25 3 Benetton 18 4 McLaren 9 5 Jordan 8 6 Tyrrell 3 7 Footwork 1 Ligier 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet
auto-moto.185 vimm,
> P.S. Ovde ne spomenuše da se u zadnjem krugu Šumaheru potpuno zablokirao > prednji desni točak, te da je tako škripeći i dimeći prošao kroz cilj ;) Pa, napomenuli su malo ispred. Zar nisi pročitao? U "Race Resume" Vladimir
auto-moto.186 tomislavr,
I ja isto ocekujem okrsaje Šumija i Kultarda prvenstveno. Još kad Šumi 1998. predje u Mclaren (a to je vec najavljeno od strane sportskog direktora Mercedesa), i ako Mercedes do tad doradi motore u svom maniru, biće jako zanimljivo... Što se tiče Baričela, a voleo bih da se varam, on niti smrdi nit miriše. Hilu ne vidim mesto u budućnosti F1 ;)
auto-moto.187 wiper,
Nadajmo se da Sumi nikada nece doci u Mc'Laren. Morao bih da promenim ekipu za koju navijam. Sto se Mc' tice kad budu imali sampionsku formulu u nju ce prvi sesti Alen Prost i pokusati da stigne Fandjov rekord od 5 titula. Ne verujem da neko ko je tako blizu moze tek tako da odustane, osim toga to je njihov san stici Fandju.
auto-moto.188 vpoznanovic,
>> Početak osamdesetih mi je skroz nepoznat što se F1 tiče. Negde (usput) sam >> čuo da je Rozberg osvojio titulu svetskog prvaka 81. ili 82. godine bez >> IJEDNE pobede? Ne mogu u to da poverujem. Seća li se iko? Ujedno odgovor i za Duska. Izgleda da ste svi tu informaciju pokupili sa istog mjesta, vjerovatno sa nekog od naših TV prijenosa trka Formule 1. Rosberg je te godine osvojio Veliku nagradu Švajcarske, 14. trku šampionata. Da ne bi sve ostalo na konstataciji, evo malo više podataka o njoj: 1982 FORMULA 1 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Switzerland - 29. August 1982. - 14th championship race Entries: 29 Qualified: 26 Classified: 16 Attendance: 70 000 Circuit: Dijon Perimeter: 3800 m Laps: 80 Km: 304.000 Pole Position: Alain Prost - Renault/Renault - 1:01.380 (222.874 km/h) Classification Pos. No. Driver Car/Engine Laps Time 1. 6 Keke Rosberg Williams/Ford 80 1:32:41.087 2. 15 Alain Prost Renault/Renault 80 1:32:45.529 3. 8 Niki Lauda McLaren/Ford 80 1:33:41.430 4. 1 Nelson Piquet Brabham/BMW 79 4.442 5. 2 Riccardo Patrese Brabham/BMW 79 1:00.343 6. 11 Elio de Angelis Lotus/Ford 79 -1 lap 7. 3 Michele Alboreto Tyrrell/Ford 79 -1 lap 8. 12 Nigel Mansell Lotus/Ford 79 -1 lap 9. 5 Derek Daly Williams/Ford 79 -1 lap 10. 22 Andrea de Cesaris Alfa Romeo/Alfa Romeo 78 -2 laps 11. 4 Brian Henton Tyrrell/Ford 78 -2 laps 12. 23 Bruno Giacomelli Alfa Romeo/Alfa Romeo 78 -2 laps 13. 7 John Watson McLaren/Ford 77 -3 laps 14. 10 Eliseo Salazar ATS/Ford 77 -3 laps 15. 29 Marc Surer Arrows/Ford 76 -4 laps 16. 16 Rene Arnoux Renault/Renault 75 -5 laps Retirements Lap Driver Car/Engine Laps 25 Eddie Cheever Ligier/Matra 70 Handling 9 M. Winkelhock ATS/Ford 56 Chassis 31 J.P. Jarier Osella/Ford 44 Engine 26 Jacques Laffite Ligier/Matra 33 Handling 36 Teo Fabi Toleman/Hart 31 Engine 18 Raul Boesel March/Ford 31 Water leak 17 Rupert Keegan March/Ford 25 Spun off 35 Derek Warwick Toleman/Hart 24 Engine 14 Roberto Guerrero Ensign/Ford 4 Engine 27 Patrick Tambay Ferrari/Ferrari 0 Non-starter Fastest lap: Alain Prost - Renault/Renault - 1:07.477 (202.736 km/h)
auto-moto.189 vpoznanovic,
>> Zna li neko sta se desava u DTM i ITC sampionatima. Hm, zar nisi znao da je to od ove godine jedan šampionat? Evo tog obavještenja, rasporeda takmičenja, spiska vozača i rezultata prvih trka voženih u Hockenheimu. GTCC/ITC: GTCC and ITC to merge in 1996 DTM (Deutche Tourenwagen Meisterschaft, German Touring Car Championship) and ITC (International Touring Car) series driven for season '95 are merged together. Instead of these two series new FIA championship series for Touring Cars class C1 will be announced for season '96. However this series has not World Championship value (only Rally and F1 has that). Schedule for FIA Championship Class C1 (ITCC) approved by FIA. Date Track Country ------------------------------------- Apr 14 Hockenheim Germany May 12 Nurburgring Germany May 26 Estoril Portugal Jun 9 Helsinki Finland Jun 23 Norisring Germany Jul 7 Diepholz Germany Jul 21 Rio de Janeiro Brazil Aug 4 TI Circuit Japan Aug 18 Silverstone Great Britain Sep 1 Nurburgring Germany Sep 15 TBA France Sep 29 Mugello Italy Oct 13 Hockenheim Germany ITC: 1996 entry list No. Driver Team Car -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Bernd Schneider/D AMG-Motorenbau AMG-Mercedes C-Class 2 Dario Franchitti/GB AMG-Motorenbau AMG-Mercedes C-Class 3 Joerg van Ommen/D AMG-Motorenbau AMG-Mercedes C-Class 4 Jan Magnussen/DK AMG-Motorenbau AMG-Mercedes C-Class 5 Nicola Larini/I Alfa Corse Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 6 Alessandro Nannini/I Alfa Corse Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 7 Manuel Reuter/D Opel Team Joest Opel Calibra V6 4x4 8 Yannick Dalmas/F Opel Team Joest Opel Calibra V6 4x4 9 Stefano Modena/I Jas-Alfa Romeo Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 10 Michael Bartels/D Jas-Alfa Romeo Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 11 Kurt Thiim/DK AMG-Motorenbau AMG-Mercedes C-Class 12 Alexander Grau/D AMG-Motorenbau AMG-Mercedes C-Class 14 Giancarlo Fisichella/I Alfa Corse Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 15 Christian Danner/D Alfa Corse Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 16 Uwe Alzen/D Opel Team Zakspeed Opel Calibra V6 4x4 17 Klaus Ludwig/D Opel Team Zakspeed Opel Calibra V6 4x4 18 Gabriele Tarquini/I Jas-Alfa Romeo Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 19 Jason Watt/DK Jas-Alfa Romeo Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 20 J.J. Lehto/FIN Opel Team Rosberg Opel Calibra V6 4x4 21 Ellen Lohr/D Persson Motorsport AMG-Mercedes C-Class 22 Bernd Maylaender/D Persson Motorsport AMG-Mercedes C-Class 24 Oliver Gavin/GB Opel Team Joest Opel Calibra V6 4x4 25 Alexander Wurz/A Opel Team Joest Opel Calibra V6 4x4 28 Gianni Giudici Giudici Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 44 Hans-Joachim Stuck/D Opel Team Rosberg Opel Calibra V6 4x4 ITC: Hockenheim results ---------------Top 10 qualifying / Starting grid------------------------ Pos. Driver Team - Car Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Nicola Larini/I Fiat Auto Corse-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 1:00.133 2 Alessandro Nannini/I Fiat Auto Corse-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 1:00.304 3 Giancarlo Fisichella/I Fiat Auto Corse-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 1:00.725 4 Manuel Reuter/D Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 1:00.755 5 Jan Magnussen/DK AMG-Mercedes C-Class 1:00.775 6 Christian Danner/D Fiat Auto Corse-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 1:00.966 7 Bernd Schneider/D AMG-Mercedes C-Class 1:01.000 8 Hans-Joachim Stuck/D Rosberg-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 1:01.302 9 Klaus Ludwig/D Zakspeed-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 1:01.360 10 Yannick Dalmas/F Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 1:01.492 11 Dario Frachitti/GB AMG-Mercedes C-Class 1:00.889 12 Joerg van Ommen/D AMG-Mercedes C-Class 1:01.052 13 J.J. Lehto/FIN Rosberg-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 1:01.127 14 Michael Bartels/D J.A.S.-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 1:01.189 15 Stefano Modena/I J.A.S.-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 1:01.482 16 Uwe Alzen/D Zakspeed-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 1:01.559 17 Gabriele Tarquini/I J.A.S.-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 1:01.912 18 Alexander Grau/D AMG-Mercedes C-Class 1:02.045 19 Bernd Maylander/D Persson-Mercedes C-Class 1:02.177 20 Oliver Gavin/GB Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 1:02.387 21 Ellen Lohr/D Persson-Mercedes C-Class 1:02.477 22 Alexander Wurz/A Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 1:03.263 23 Gianni Giudici/I Giudici-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 1:04.660 24 Kurt Thiim/DK AMG-Mercedes C-Class accident 25 Jason Watt/DK J.A.S.-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti spin Short track 2 x 38 laps (=100.244km) weather: cloudy Spectators: 85,000 -----------------------------RESULTS RACE 1----------------------------- Pos. Driver Team - Car Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Manuel Reuter/D Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 40:19.433 2 Jan Magnussen/DK AMG-Mercedes C-Class + 0.709 3 Dario Frachitti/GB AMG-Mercedes C-Class 6.579 4 Bernd Schneider/D AMG-Mercedes C-Class 7.707 5 Hans-Joachim Stuck/D Rosberg-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 19.042 6 Alexander Grau/D AMG-Mercedes C-Class 19.458 7 Giancarlo Fisichella/I Fiat Auto Corse-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 36.238 8 Uwe Alzen/D Zakspeed-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 42.486 9 Ellen Lohr/D Persson-Mercedes C-Class 44.401 10 Alessandro Nannini/I Fiat Auto Corse-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 46.309 11 Nicola Larini/I Fiat Auto Corse-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 47.848 12 Kurt Thiim/DK AMG-Mercedes C-Class 1:01.190 13 Christian Danner/D Fiat Auto Corse-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti - 1 lap 14 Michael Bartels/D J.A.S.-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti - 1 15 J.J. Lehto/FIN Rosberg-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 - 1 16 Klaus Ludwig/D Zakspeed-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 - 8 17 Oliver Gavin/GB Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 -17 FL: Alessandro Nannini/I 1:01.780 (153.72kph) Not classified: Stefano Modena - fire in lap 2 Yannick Dalmas - accident in lap 11 Uwe Alzen - accident in lap 14 Joerg van Ommen - accident in lap 14 Jason Watt - engine problems Gabriele Tarquini - accident in lap 20 Klaus Ludwig - broken suspension lap 30 -----------------------------RESULTS RACE 2----------------------------- Pos. Driver Team - Car Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Jan Magnussen/DK AMG-Mercedes C-Class 39:53.165 2 Bernd Schneider/D AMG-Mercedes C-Class 1.588 3 Manuel Reuter/D Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 10.674 4 Dario Frachitti/GB AMG-Mercedes C-Class 11.028 5 Alexander Grau/D AMG-Mercedes C-Class 16.465 6 Uwe Alzen/D Zakspeed-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 16.924 7 Hans-Joachim Stuck/D Rosberg-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 34.193 8 Kurt Thiim/DK AMG-Mercedes C-Class 42.306 9 Joerg van Ommen/D AMG-Mercedes C-Class 44.782 10 Giancarlo Fisichella/I Fiat Auto Corse-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 49.670 11 Yannick Dalmas/F Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 49.877 12 Nicola Larini/I Fiat Auto Corse-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 1:05.023 13 Alessandro Nannini/I Fiat Auto Corse-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti - 1 lap 14 Michael Bartels/D J.A.S.-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti - 1 15 Gianni Giudici/I Giudici-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti - 3 16 Alexander Wurz/A Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 - 7 17 Ellen Lohr/D Persson-Mercedes C-Class -20 18 J.J. Lehto/FIN Rosberg-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 -23 FL: Jan Magnussen/DK 1:01.417 (154.63 kph) DNS: Stefano Modena, Klaus Ludwig, Oliver Gavin Not classified: Christian Danner - gearbox Alexander Wurz - accident Next round: May 12 Nurburgring
auto-moto.190 tomislavr,
> Zar nisi znao da su DTM i ITC .... Ma znao sam, nego nigde nema rezultata trka... Hvala.
auto-moto.191 tomislavr,
San Marino Grand Prix Ferrari Press release of 5th May Imola, 5th May 1996 Second place for Michael Schumacher and fourth for Eddie Irvine in the San Marino Grand Prix: the first time this season that both Ferraris have finished in the points. Because of a clutch problem, both drivers had a difficult start which influenced the rest of their race. Starting from pole, Schumacher was passed by Coulthard and was therefore unable to pull out the lead which had been the race strategy: with a lighter and therefore a quicker car. Irvine lost two places at the start and found himself eighth and found it hard work to get clear. Schumacher managed to pass Coulthard only thanks to the first pit-stop at the end of lap 21 and was unable to build up a big enough lead to prevent Hill from taking the lead at the time of Damon's own refuelling stop. Shortly after this, the World Champion stayed in second place even after he made his second stop at the end of lap 40. He finished the race approximately 16 seconds behind the winner. The distance would probably have been less if he had not lost 9 seconds around lap 45 when he was held up by two slower cars who would not let him pass, for which they were penalised by the stewards. On the last lap his front right wheel locked up because of a brake problem, but it did not prevent him from crossing the finish line. "The wheel locked up at Acque Minerali," said Schumacher. "I was really worried because I did not think the race was over. As to the rest, I did not really have the possibility to win. In practice everything went very well but in the race it was obvious that the Williams, at least Damon's, were quicker than me. The F 310 is much improved but we still have a lot of work to do. If, in the next race at Monaco, we take the decision to use the evolution of the engine that we used here in qualifying, I think we can take another step forward. But I am happy with how things turned out today, above all because the atmosphere here in Imola is really marvelous." Irvine was fourth when he made his first pit-stop at the end of lap 27, and rejoined sixth but he made up one place thanks to his second pit-stop at the end of lap 41 and finished fourth. "My start was atrociuos," said Eddie. "But I am very happy with the final result. Happy for the team, for me and for the fantastic fans. To be honest, at the end of the race I did not think I would make it back to the pits. The crowd on the track were patting me, hugging me and even tried to take off my helmet and gloves. I am also glad we took the decision to change the set-up on the grid which was a big improvement. The car was good and this allowed me, for the first time this season to get into a good rythm and drive well. Now we have more developments on the way and I am feeling confident." "I am happy with the final result which is a positive one," said Sporting Director Jean Todt. "Both Michael and Eddie drove a good race. But we must not hide the fact that we still have problems. We have to improve the clutch to avoid having more difficult starts which cost us precious seconds. We must also improve our pit-stops. It is useless to look for excuses in the way the race turned out: we are not yet at the same level as Williams even if er are making a lot of progress." Ferrari will test at Imola with Irvine on Tuesday and with Schumacher for three days after that.
auto-moto.192 tomislavr,
TAG/McLaren Marketing Services Limited -------------------------------------- San Marino Prix The Marlboro McLaren Mercedes team goes to Italy for the fifth round of the 1996 FIA Formula One World Championship greatly encouraged by David Coulthard's superb drive to third place in a vintage Grand Prix of Europe last weekend. The upbeat atmosphere filling the Marlboro McLaren Mercedes garage on Sunday evening was also strengthened by Mika Hakkinen's strong showing in the early part of the race. "The testing programme we have been carrying out is starting to pay off", commented Ron Dennis, Managing Director of McLaren International. "There was a feeling in Germany that the team had definitely turned a corner, with a significant improvement made in the performance of both MP4/11 chassis and Mercedes FO110 engine. We will continue to work hard to confirm this trend in Italy." Most Marlboro McLaren Mercedes personnel, as well as the cars, travelled directly from the Nurburgring circuit to the Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari in Imola, a typical small Italian town east of the Appenine mountains, near Bologna. The electric atmosphere created by the tifosi, together with the Italian food and wine, makes this venue particularly popular with the Formula One teams, who have been racing there since 1981. Until 1995, the 4.895km-long circuit was a high speed track, but its character was totally transformed by the chicanes which were introduced last year to slow the cars down. The Imola circuit remains nevertheless faster than the Nurburgring and represents an extremely challenging venue for both drivers and cars. Further developments will feature on the Marlboro McLaren Mercedes MP4/11 in Italy and the team expects to take another step forward as a result. Marlboro McLaren Mercedes will stay in Imola after the Grand Prix to resume its test programme, with Mika Hakkinen, David Coulthard and Alain Prost all taking part.
auto-moto.193 obren,
Jacques Villeneuve - Biography Jacques was born on April 9th, 1971 in St-Jean d'Iberville, a medium size town near Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He is the first child of Gilles and Joan Villeneuve. Two years later, the couple had a daughter they named Melanie. Jacques entered this world in the Villeneuve family where car racing is a passion. His father, the late Gilles Villeneuve , was a legendary Formula 1 driver racing for the great Ferrari team. Gilles died in an accident during the qualifications for the 1982 Belgium Grand Prix. Jacques was 11 years old. Gilles' brother Jacques (the uncle of the young Jacques) also had an interesting career as a car driver. In 1985, he won at Elkhart Lake becoming the first Canadian to win an IndyCar race. Knowing this family background, it is no surprise that the young Jacques says he always knew he would become a professional race car driver. In the fall of 1977, the Villeneuves moved to Europe because of Gilles' career in F1 racing. They first lived in Cannes, France for 2 years and then moved to Monaco where Jacques spent his adolescence years. At one point he got quite involved in skiing which he practiced in Switzerland. But car racing is what he really wanted to do. So at 15 years old he attended car racing schools in Canada. However, it is in Italy where he raced 3 years in "Formula 3", that he mastered the basics of his trade. In 1991, Jacques' third year in Italy, he bumped into Craig Pollock at the Monaco Grand Prix. The two had first met nine years earlier when Pollock was his teacher at the College Beausoleil in Switzerland. They had since lost touch and Pollock was now into motorsport promotions. Jacques felt Pollock knew the business and wanted him to become his manager. After a few attempts, Jacques finally convinced him. It was Pollock that sent Jacques off to Japan for the 1992 F3 season. The idea was for him to gain maturity and self confidence. The problem Jacques had in Europe was that people only viewed him as Gilles' son. In Japan, he selected to live alone in a small Tokyo appartement. This allowed him to concentrate on his racing. In a very competitive series, Jacques completed his first great year finishing 2nd for the championship. After an impressive 1993 Formula Atlantic season, Jacques moved on to IndyCar where he had 2 incredible years. Those 3 years of association with team owner Barry Green were instrumental for Jacques' career. In fact, those years allowed him to collect 3 honours in a row: 1993 Formula Atlantic Rookie-of- the-Year, 1994 IndyCar Rookie-of-the-Year and 1995 IndyCar Champion. After winning the 1995 Indianapolis 500 race, a number of Formula 1 team started showing serious interest in Jacques. It soon became evident he had an important decision to make... In October, hence before even winning the IndyCar championship, Jacques announced he would be moving to Formula 1 for the 1996 season. During his IndyCar seasons, Jacques lived in Indianapolis. He also spent a lot of time in Montreal where his girlfriend, Sandrine Gros d'Aillon, was an university student. When Jacques decided to pursue his career in Formula 1, he also established his main residence in Monaco.
auto-moto.194 obren,
Jacques Villeneuve - Career Overview The Early Years 1993 Formula Atlantic Season 1994 IndyCar Season 1995 IndyCar Season 1996 Formula 1 Season The Early Years In 1986, thus at 15 years old, Jacques enroled himself in the Jim Russell Formula Ford school in Mont-Tremblant, a small city a few miles north of Montreal. The following year, Jacques attended the Formula 2000 school in Shannonville, Ontario. In 1988, Jacques got a first taste of competition when he raced in 3 Alfa Italian Touring Car races. He then raced for the next 3 seasons, 1989 to 1991, in the Italian Formula 3 series. It is in 1992 that Jacques' career made an important step forward. That year he raced in the Japanese F3 series for Team Tom's Toyota. He won 3 races and finished 2nd in the championship. That same year, Jacques also finished 3rd at the Macau F3 Grand Prix and made his North American debut at the Trois-Rivieres Formula Atlantic race. 1993 Formula Atlantic Season. Jacques and his teammate Claude Bourbonnais ran for the important Team Forsythe-Green Racing. Jacques' "light blue" and white car wore #10, had a Ralt RT40 chassis and ran on Yokohama tires. Jacques first Atlantic season results are spectacular. With almost zero experience on the circuits, he managed to win 5 of the 15 races. All Jacques' wins came on road circuits. A special moment was his close win in Montreal after a hard fought battle on the circuit named after his father. Jacques also led the series for most pole positions (7) and most fastest laps (6). Jacques was named the 1993 Formula Atlantic Rookie-of-the-Year. He finished 3rd in the championship race with 185 points. 1994 IndyCar Season. Jacques made his debut in IndyCar racing in 1994 with Team Forsythe-Green Racing. The "light blue" and white color of his #12 car is the corporate color of his major sponsor: Player's Ltd (a tobacco company). The car had a Ford Cosworth V8 engine, a Reynard chassis and ran on Goodyear tires. Jacques had a difficult start in IndyCar driving as he failed to earn points in the first 3 races of the 1994 season. Then came the Indianapolis 500 race and the world took notice of the young Villeneuve. Starting from the 4th position, he drove a very smooth race and finished 2nd behind Al Unser Jr. Later, on September 11th, Jacques won his very first IndyCar race at Elkhart Lake. Then in the 16th and last race of the season in Monterey, he crossed the finish line 3rd. Jacques was named the 1994 IndyCar Rookie-of-the-Year. He had 3 podium finishes (one on each step) and finished 6th in the championship race with 94 points. 1995 IndyCar Season. Jacques was the sole driver for Team Green Racing. His car was still "light blue" but now wore #27. The car had a Ford Cosworth V8 engine, a Reynard chassis and ran on Goodyear tires. Jacques started out in force by winning the first race of the year in Miami. His second win will be remembered as one of the most exciting runs in the history of the Indianapolis 500. Jacques overcame the greatest deficit in the race history, coming back from a 2 lap penality to win! A third win came at Elkhart Lake which he won for the second straight year. At the Cleveland race, with less than 2 laps to go, Jacques left his solid 3rd position and made a sensational pass of 2 cars to take the lead and the checkered flag! On August 10, Jacques announced he would be moving to Formula 1 in 1996. Jacques is the 1995 IndyCar Champion! His fantastic year includes 6 poles (earned in the last 9 races) and 7 podium finishes: 4 wins, 1 second and 2 third places. Jacques is the first Canadian and the youngest man (24 years and 5 months) to win the IndyCar championship! 1996 Formula 1 Season. Jacques is the #2 driver of the Williams/Renault F1 team. His teammate Damon Hill drives the #5 car while Jacques has #6. Their cars have a FW18 chassis, a Renault V10 engine and Goodyear tires.
auto-moto.195 obren,
Damon Hill's Personal Biography First drove a car: Aged five years First drove in competition: Motorcycle racing in 1979 First racing machine: Motorcycle - TZ350 Yamaha First racing car: Formula Ford 1600 - Van Diemen RF84 in 1984 First victory: 1984 - Brands Hatch, UK in Formula Ford 1600 First drove Grand Prix car: Early 1988, a Bennetton Ford 188 (turbo) at Paul Ricard in France First Grand Prix: 1992 - Silverstone, UK driving a Brabham-Judd BT60B First Grand Prix victory: 1993 - Hungarian Grand Prix, driving a Williams Renault RW15C Hobbies: Motorcycles, golf, keeping fit and guitars Favourite music: All kinds from Iggy Pop to Mozart Favourite food: Roast chicken, parsnips and carrots Favourite drink: Beer and wine For The Record 1994. BBC Sports Personality of the Year Autosport International Racing Driver of the Year Driver of the Year, Guild of Motoring Writers The Outstanding Young Persons Award, South Midland Region (awarded by the British Junior Chamber and TNT Express) Daily Star Gold Star Award of Courage Newsround's Sportsman of the Year Plus the following British Racing Driversĺ Club Awards The BRDC Gold Star The Graham Hill Trophy (awarded to the British driver for the most meritorious performance in single seater racing, other than FF1600) The Richard Seaman Trophy (awarded to the British driver scoring the highest number of points in International foreign races, on the Gold Star system of marking) The Johnny Wakefield Trophy (awarded to the driver who establishes the fastest lap each season on the Silverstone Grand Prix circuit) The ERA Club Trophy (awarded to the British driver who, driving a British car, established the most meritorious performance of the year outside the United Kingdom) 1993. The Daily Express Sportsman of the Year The BRDC Gold Star The Ferodo Award for the British Competition Driver of the Year Between 1983 and 1985 Damon Hill was a motorcycle despatch rider, using his earnings to fund his racing career.
auto-moto.196 obren,
David Coulthard Nationality: Scottish Date of Birth: 27 March 1971 Place of Birth: Twynholm, Scotland Marital Status: Single, girlfriend Andrea Murray Resident: Monte Carlo, Monaco Competition History 1982-1988 Karting - three times Scottish Champion, twice winner of the Scottish Open Championship and British Super 1 Championship (Junior),winner of the Scottish Open Championship (Senior) 1989 FF 1600 racing, winner of both FF1600 Championships (Junior). 3rd in the Brands Hatch Formula Ford Festival. Competes and impresses in selected senior races 1990 Joins Paul Stewart Racing (PSR) in the GM Lotus team. Competes in British Vauxhall Lotus Challenge and GM Lotus Euroseries. Winner of the McLaren Autosport Young Driver of the Year Award. Tests the McLaren-Honda MP4/5 Formula One car 1991 Runner-up in British F3 Championship,with 5 wins (more than any other driver in the Championship). Winner of the "European Marlboro Masters of F3" and the Macau Grand Prix 1992 F3000 racing with PSR. F1 test with Benetton-Ford 1993 Test driver for Williams-Renault. 3rd in F3000 Championship with PSR. GT Class Winner at the Le Mans 24 Hour Race with Jaguar Formula One 1994 Test driver for Williams-Renault. Promoted to race driver after Ayrton Senna's fatal accident at Imola. 14 pts, 8th in the Drivers' Championship. Voted Scottish Sports Personality of the Year and ITV Young Sports Personality of the Year 1995 Williams-Renault: First Grand Prix win in Portugal. 49 pts, 3rd in the Drivers' Championship. 7 podium finishes, 5 pole positions 1996 Joins Marlboro McLaren Mercedes F1 Statistics (at the end of 1995) Grand Prix Starts: 25 Grand Prix Points: 63 (1 x 1st, 5 x 2nd, 3 x 3rd, 2 x 4th, 2 x 5th, 1 x 6th) Grand Prix Wins: 1 Pole Positions: 5 Copyright 1996 TAG/McLaren Marketing Services Limited
auto-moto.197 tomislavr,
Evo jedne slike sa starta Nirburgringa... Ako vas zanima jos slika, kukajte ;) nirstart.jpg
Kukuuuu... Jooojjj... kukuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu lele... (shmrc-shmrc) Davaj slike ... ;) Cya
auto-moto.199 tomislavr,
Problems for Schumacher at Imola Imola, 9th May. It was a difficult day of testing for Michael Schumacher at Imola. A planned grand prix distance simulation using the new evolution engine was interrupted after 160 kms because of an electrical problem in the gearbox. The test was subsequently interrupted by rain. When the track was dry, Schumacher went out again but spun off the track. The car was repaired but there was insufficient time to complete the test. Schumacher completed a total of 47 laps with a best time of 1m 27.74, a time under that of Damon Hill's best lap in last Sunday's Grand Prix. The German driver was happy with the performance of the new engine. Tomorrow Schumacher will complete his long run, and then, at the request of Goodyear will try out some new tyres.
auto-moto.200 tomislavr,
Imola test comes to an end Imola. 10th May. Ferrari's test session at Imola finished today. Michael Schumacher finished the race distance run that he had been unable to finish the previous day, completing a further 21 laps with a best time of 1m 28.24. In the afternoon it rained and the German driver therefore completed only a few laps in the wet. "I am happy with this test," said Schumacher. "As I had said after the qualifying session for the San Marino Grand Prix, this engine represents a good step forward. If we can use it in the race in Monaco then we will be able to put up a better fight against the Williams."
auto-moto.201 vpoznanovic,
Evo nešto za istoriju... Friday, May 10 Arie Goes 239.260 ARIE BLISTERS SPEED MARK AT IMS Arie Luyendyk turned the fast lap in the history of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway with a remarkable 239.260 mph in the Jonathan Byrd's Cafeteria/bryant Heating and Cooling Reynard-Ford Cosworth. The new surface is giving the drives exceptional grip and that, coupled with the tire technology, or in Luyendyk's case the improved Firestone Firehawk radial, as made the cars just that much quicker. Luyendyk is running a Series 1.5 engine, and he says if he had more power, a 240 laps would be entirely possible. The newest versions of Indy Car engines are being run in the PPG Indy Car World Series, which features the Honda, Ford Cosworth XD, the Mercedes-Benz and the new Toyota. Only Walker Racing has the XD engine from Ford, while Galles Racing has the newest Mercedes. Luyendyk doesn't think the 239 lap is possible in qualifying, as he caught a tow from another car. "I got help," said Luyendyk. "I don't think we can do that on our own and I got a pretty good tow on that lap. I figured it would look good on paper (laughing). It sounds good, anyway. Luyendyk, who won the pole with a track record speed of over 183 mph at Phoenix, originally said he wasn't concentrating on the pole here, knowing that the menard cars would be hard to beat. After all, he was one of John Menard's drivers last year. He knows the program. But all that began to change early in the week, when Luyendyk was running right with the menard drivers Tony Stewart, Scott Brayton, Eddie Cheever and Mark Dismore. He began thinking about the pole. "I think I could have had it last year," said Luyendyk. "I think I had a shot at it. It didn't get it, and I was little bit disappointed. This time around, we have been focusing on going fast and I was little surprised we jumped that much yesterday, but the backup car that I did it with is just a better car. It went through the corners without scrubbing off as much speed as the other car and it just felt real smooth through the turns. As soon as you don't scrub off the speed in the corners, you automatically increase your speed on the straightaway and the momentum takes over. "I think we can put in four laps in the 327 range (if conditions are cool), but the first lap is never going to be as quick as the last one because you burn off some fuel. You could probably start off with a low 37 and wind up with a mid 37." Luyendyk thinks race speeds could be as high as 225, if they qualify at 237, given what race speeds have been in the past in relation to qualifying speeds. However, Luyendyk also said there was no sense in going any faster than it took to win. His principle rivals are, of course, the Menards, but rookie Buzz Calkins, Buddy Lazier, Roberto Guerrero, rookie Richie Hearn and Scott Sharp have all been over 230.
auto-moto.202 vpoznanovic,
A ovo su ostale novosti sa jučerašnjih kvalifikacija za Indianapolis 500... DELLA PENNA WANTS LOTTERY SYSTEM FOR POP-OFF VALVES First year car owner John Della Penna, who fields cars for Richie Hearn, announced that he had sent a letter to Tony George, Jack Long and Cary Agajanian, suggesting a lottery system for pop-off valves. In the letter, Della Penna stated, "To be fair and eliminate the stigma of 'special pop-off valves' I suggest a lottery system be implemented before qualifying and right before the race. All competitors would draw a number and randomly pick a valve out of either the two groups, 45 inch valves or 55 valves depending on powerplant. This is the same system that NASCAR uses for the restrictor plates and is easy to implement." Some believe that is not a good idea, because teams would not have any time to adjust their cars to work with whatever pop-off valve they get, and it's common that one valve could blow off at 44.8 inches, while another would go off at 45.2 inches. However, according to Ford Indy Car Program Manager Don Hayward, Della Penna's idea might work. "There's no reason in my mind, technically, why a pop-off valve lottery couldn't work," Hayward said. "Certainly there are natural differences between valves due to mechanical tolerances. But assuming all of the pop-off valves are set the same, they should react the same way to a given engine make. If that is not the case, then it is up to the teams to work with their boost control systems to optimize the effectiveness of that valve. "A random lottery for pop-off valves would work a lot like NASCAR's distribution of restrictor plates at Daytona and Talladega, which seems to work pretty well for them." The controversy this time around is not so much with the valves being distributed to teams using the Ford Cosworth or in the case of Galles, the Mercedes-Benz, but with the 55-inch vales being distributed to teams using the menard V6, or an old version of the Buick Indy V8. There had been the same controversy in 1996, and according to Arie Luyendyk, who drove for Team menard last year, the problem has been addressed and "Mike Devin (USAC technical director) is on top of it." "USAC is aware, and was aware, of everything that was going on last year," said Luyendyk. "If they want to come out and have us pick valves, that's fine with me, because we have 45 inches right now, so there's no big deal there. It's the other valves. I'm not worried about the 45-inch vales, I'm worried about the 55-inch vales." How important is additional boost, beyond 55-inches, for the menard cars? "I can tell you one thing, if they run 55 inches of boost, the Menards will not get the pole," said Luyendyk. Della Penna pointed the finger at USAC and the IRL, saying, "I feel that nothing has really been done to satisfy the requirements to put everyone at ease and that everyone is being treated in a fair manner...I think it would put everyone's mind at ease that every effort is being made to have a fair and level playing field for everyone." Della Penna doesn't like the system here. "The way it works right now is that every car has an assigned valve," said Della Penna. "I'm proposing that it be changed and instead of having one valve per car, is to just have a pool of vales, 45 inch ones for the Cosworths and 55 inch ones for the Buicks. Right before qualifying randomly select the valve, put it on the car and go run." Della Penna then pointed the finger at Team Menard. "I have heard specifically that last year the Team Menard managed to run more boost during qualifying than the 55 inches they were supposed to," said Della Penna. "It is hear say and I do not have proof." Della Penna also said the speed runs by Menard were not in the best interest of the series. "This whole thing has turned into a big media hype and we've lost track that we are here to race," Della Penna noted. "Just to explain, we are out there for rookie orientation and you have guys that are running around at 185 mph, who are just beginning the orientation and meanwhile you have some guy out there running at 231. Last year that wasn't allowed. That was created for media hype and that has to stop and we have to concentrate on the race and safety. "Ask Arie point blank how many inches they ran last year. I am not making a charge, I am just telling you what I heard. I do not have any hard proof. USAC knows they ran more than 55 inches last year. USAC knows it, menard knows it and the IRL knows it and we know it." John Menard denied having any preferential treatment. In fact, menard has been petitioning USAC and the IRL for additional boost. "Whatever rules they (USAC & IRL) decide to put in place, we'll follow them," said John Menard, whose prize rookie Tony Stewart has topped the 237 mark. "We have followed them and we intend to follow them in the future. John Della's pretty common knowledge this is his last IRL race. He's made it public knowledge that he's going to go to the CART series, but I'm sure he's motivated by making a fine home for himself when he gets up there. I think it's really slanderous and vicious for him and irresponsible for him to do what he's doing. I'm very disappointed in the situation. We just hope we can all go racing and put this one behind us as close as possible."
auto-moto.203 vpoznanovic,
FROM THE DAILY TRACKSIDE REPORT: At 11:05 a.m., Scott Brayton in the #2 Glidden Menards Special turned a lap at 235.270 miles per hour, fastest of the day at that point only five minutes into practice. At 11:19 a.m., #2 Brayton upped it to 235.688. At 11:32 a.m., Tony Stewart in the #20 Menards/Glidden/Quaker State Special reached 236.004, fastest of the day at that point. At 11:50 a.m., Arie Luyendyk in the #35 Treadway Racing entry reached 236.992, fastest of the day at that point. At 12:07 p.m., Scott Sharp in the #11 Conseco AJ Foyt Racing entry, reached 235.300, third fastest of the day, and followed it up with 235.701 at 12:28 p.m., still third fastest. At 12:29 p.m., #35 Luyendyk reached 238.045, fastest practice lap in Speedway history at that point. At 1:04 p.m., #35 Luyendyk reached 239.260, fastest practice lap in Speedway history. The track closed at 3:25 p.m. because of rain. By 1:15 p.m., 13 drivers and 13 cars had exceeded 230 miles per hour in practice today. On "Fast Friday" of 1995 (May 12), 13 drivers and 16 cars exceeded 230 miles per hour in practice, both track records. ABC Sports announced today that the network's long-standing broadcasting relationship with the Indianapolis Motor Speedway would be extended through 1999. The agreement covers broadcasts for the Indianapolis 500, the related Indy Racing League (IRL) events, and the Brickyard 400 NASCAR Winston Cup stock car event at IMS. The announcement was made in the Trackside Conference Room by ABC Sports president Steve Bornstein; David Downs, senior vice president of programming for ABC Sports; Tony George, president of the Speedway and Bill Donaldson, IMS vice president. ABC Sports' existing contracts with the Speedway and IRL were extended through 1999 and ABC will have the first negotiation rights to IRL events during that period. Pole Day Schedule: 7:00 a.m. -- Gates open 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. -- Group 1 practice 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. -- Group 2 practice 9:00 -10:00 a.m. -- Open practice 11:00 - 6:00 p.m. -- Qualifications and/or practice Robbie Buhl completed the final observation phase of his driver's test, becoming the 14th of the month to do so. Veteran observers were Eddie Cheever, Steve Chassey and Tero Palmroth. ARIE LUYENDYK: (about fastest lap today): "I definitely had a pretty good tow on that lap. It was a black car -- I don't know who it was, maybe John Paul Jr. The lap looked good on paper though."(about qualifying): "I'd really like to get the pole. Last year I had a pretty good shot at it but it didn't happen. This year, we have a one-car team and have a really good shot. I think we can put in two laps in the 237 range. Speed fluctuates. The first lap is never as fast but we can probably end up in the 237 range. You only want to run as fast as you have to go in my mind."
auto-moto.204 vpoznanovic,
BRIEF EXPLANATION OF QUALIFYING PROCEDURES: 1. The pole position is decided by the fastest qualifier on the first day, or the fastest qualifier after one trip through the original qualifying line, whichever comes LAST. 2. Each car can make three qualification attempts. When a car completes a four-lap, 10-mile qualification attempt, its speed becomes official. The car may not requalify. The driver, if the car is bumped, may qualify in another car. 3. If a top 25 car in Indy Racing League points meets the minimum average speed requirement of 220.000 miles per hour, it cannot be bumped. 4. Cars must meet the minimum average speed requirement of 220.000 mph to be eligible for the field. 5. Cars eligible under the IRL qualifying provision for spots in the field if they meet the minimum speed: #2 Team Menard, #3 Team Menard, #4 Della Penna Motorsports, #5 Jonathan Byrd/Treadway, #7 Team Scandia, #9 Hemelgarn Racing, #11 AJ Foyt Enterprises, #12 Bradley Motorsports, #14 AJ Foyt Enterprises, #15 Tempero-Giuffre, #16 Team Blueprint Racing, #17 Leigh Miller Racing, #18 PDM Racing, #20 Team Menard, #21 Pagan Racing, #25 Tempero-Giuffre Racing, #27 Team Blueprint Racing, #33 Team Scandia, #41 AJ Foyt Enterprises, #45 Zunne Group Racing, #54 Beck Motorsports, #64 Project Indy, #75 Cunningham Racing, #90 Team Scandia, #91 Hemelgarn Racing.
auto-moto.205 vpoznanovic,
SPONSORSHIP ANNOUNCEMENTS In an announcement this morning, the Hoosier Lottery will sponsor the #12 Bradley Motorsports entry assigned to Buzz Calkins. In addition, May 17 will be Hoosier Lottery Day at the Speedway; the Hoosier Lottery will award 5,000 tickets to the fastest qualifying driver on both May 18 and May 19; and the Hoosier Millionaire game show will be taped at Fan Fest May 24. "The Hoosier Lottery reached an agreement with Bradley to become a primary sponsor for the Indianapolis 500," said John Dillon, Hoosier Lottery Director. "Buzz and the Calkins family are superb and we think they are the best team here." Calkins said, "Thanks to everyone at the Hoosier Lottery. It's nice to have a local community sponsor and we hope the relationship is beneficial to them and us. And the Hoosier Lotto is up to $5 million this week." LANCO International, Inc., and its subsidiary Mi-Jack Products, Inc., has announced a sponsorship of Alessandro Zampedri driving Team Scandia's #8 Mi-Jack/AGIP/Dinema entry. Treadway Racing announced today that the Oldsmobile Aurora V8 engine will power the team's Indy Racing League program in 1997. Treadway becomes the first IRL team to commit to a specific engine program for 1997. "We believe the Oldsmobile engine will be the superior option for the 1997 IRL season," said Fred Treadway. Ed Keating, program manager for the Aurora IRL project, said, "we are honored that they have the confidence in our program to make a commitment at this time. 29 cars were on the track today, running 685 laps. Cars on track today: #2 Brayton; #3 Cheever; #4 Hearn; #7 Salazar; #8 Zampedri; #9 Gregoire, #10 Murphey; #11 Sharp; #12 Calkins; #14 Hamilton; #15 Gosek; #16 Parsons; #18 Paul Jr.; #20 Stewart; #21 Guerrero; #22 Jourdain Jr.; #25 Gosek; #27 Guthrie; #30 Dismore; #33 Alboreto; #35 Luyendyk; #41 Greco; #45 St. James; #54 Buhl; #60 Groff; #64 Unser; #70 Jones; #91 Lazier; #96 Durant. A total of 46 cars are now at the Speedway, 42 have passed technical inspection, 38 have received final inspection stickers and none are in the process. 33 drivers have been on the track to date. There were 11 yellows for 2 hours, 48 minutes. At 11 a.m., the temperature was 73 degrees and winds were SW at 8 miles per hour. At 2:10 p.m., the temperature was 71 degrees with winds NW at 25 mph with gusts kicking at 32 mph. At 3:30 p.m., the temperature was 64 degrees and winds were south at 8 mph.
auto-moto.206 vpoznanovic,
Today's Time and Speed 1996 Indianapolis 500 Practice Session Summary - 5/10/96 Today's Best Speed 1 35 Luyendyk, Arie 95 R/F/F 30 37.616 239.260 2 20 Stewart, Tony 95 L/M/F 10 38.135 236.004 3 11 Sharp, Scott 95 L/F/G 28 38.184 235.701 4 2 Brayton, Scott 95 L/M/F 19 38.186 235.688 5 12 Calkins, Buzz 95 R/F/F 43 38.348 234.693 6 91 Lazier, Buddy 95 R/F/F 19 38.399 234.381 7 30 Dismore, Mark 95 L/M/F 38 38.676 232.702 8 7 Salazar, Eliseo 95 L/F/G 28 38.700 232.558 9 33 Alboreto, Michele 95 R/F/G 37 38.762 232.186 10 4 Hearn, Richie 95 R/F/G 41 38.887 231.440 11 21 Guerrero, Roberto 95 R/F/G 11 38.889 231.428 12 70 Jones, Davy 95 L/MI/G 34 38.944 231.101 13 14 Hamilton, Davey 95 L/F/G 33 38.984 230.864 14 60 Groff, Mike 95 R/F/G 27 39.172 229.756 15 41 Greco, Marco 94 L/F/G 39 39.299 229.013 16 22 Jourdain Jr, Michel 95 L/F/G 12 39.623 227.141 17 64 Unser, Johnny 95 R/F/G 16 39.825 225.989 18 8 Zampedri, Alessandro 95 L/F/G 22 39.880 225.677 19 45 St James, Lyn 94 L/F/F 25 39.913 225.490 20 18 Paul, John 93 L/M/G 10 40.096 224.461 21 16 Parsons, Johnny 93 L/M/F 17 40.345 223.076 22 9 Gregoire, Stephan 95 R/F/F 20 40.415 222.690 23 96 Durant, Paul 92 L/B/G 8 40.483 222.316 24 10 Murphey, Brad 94 R/F/F 18 40.600 221.675 25 3 Cheever, Eddie 95 L/M/F 12 40.827 220.442 26 27 Guthrie, Jim 93 L/M/F 26 41.274 218.055 27 54 Buhl, Robbie 94 L/F/F 29 41.592 216.388 28 15 Gosek, Joe 92 L/B/G 19 45.364 198.395 29 25 Gosek, Joe 92 L/B/G 13 45.713 196.881 30 5 Luyendyk, Arie 95 R/F/F 0 0.000 0.000 31 32 Stewart, Tony 95 L/M/F 0 0.000 0.000 32 44 Hearn, Richie 95 R/F/G 0 0.000 0.000 33 84 Sharp, Scott 94 L/F/G 0 0.000 0.000 34 7 Salazar, Eliseo 95 L/F/G 0 0.000 0.000 35 21 Guerrero, Roberto 95 R/F/G 0 0.000 0.000 36 23 Dismore, Mark 95 L/M/F 0 0.000 0.000 37 72 Jones, Davy 95 L/MI/G 0 0.000 0.000 38 36 Drinan, Dan 91 L/B/G 0 0.000 0.000 39 93 Gardner, Racin 94 L/F/G 0 0.000 0.000 40 45 Tolsma, Randy 94 L/F/F 0 0.000 0.000 41 36 Carlson, Tyce 91 L/B/G 0 0.000 0.000 42 43 Velez, Fermin 94 L/F/G 0 0.000 0.000 43 15 Bell, Justin 92 L/B/G 0 0.000 0.000 Legend - Chassis: L=Lola, R=Reynard Engine: B=Buick, F=Ford Cosworth, M=Menard V6, MI=Mercedes Ilmor Tire: F=Firestone, G=Goodyear
auto-moto.207 tomislavr,
Ajde, ajde evo ti... ;)
!?! Ajde, ajde evo ti... ;) 10x... Btw, drugi put imaj obzira :) ja sam na 2400 :))))) 10x agen ;) Cya
auto-moto.209 vpoznanovic,
Saturday, May 11 Brayton Wins Indy 500 Pole BRAYTON QUICKEST IN DRAMATIC INDY 500 POLE DAY... Scott Brayton established track qualifying record that is likely to stand for a long time, but his record-breaking run for the pole of the 80th running of the Indianapolis 500 was only a part of what turned out to be a dramatic day. Brayton's four lap average of 233.718 mph, was just a touch better than Arie Luyendyk's 233.390, but long after Brayton earned the pole, Luyendyk's day got worse. USAC disallowed the run because they found the car to be seven pounds under weight. Cars must weigh 1550 pounds without fuel and driver and Arie's was found to be 1543. USAC chief steward Keith Ward said that the Treadway Racing team did not intentionally run Luyendyk in a light car, but that his qualification run would be disallowed. The car, however, was not disqualified and Luyendyk will be able to run it again, only with one qualification attempt charged. Arie's 234.742 mph run on the third lap was a track record, but that, too, was disallowed. Luyendyk's other car is actually faster, but it was not used in qualifying because it lost a motor during practice. What is perplexing is that Luyendyk's car was 12 pounds heavy, prior to being presented for tech before the run. It lost 19 pounds. According to team owner Fred Treadway, Luyendyk uttered something in Dutch to wife Mieke when told of the USAC decision, then left the race track. The first to break the mark set by Roberto Guerrero in 1992, was Davy Jones, who turned in a 232.882 mph run in Rick Galles' Lola Mercedes-Benz. "We just worked up to speed in small increments," said Jones, who inherited a front row starting berth because of Luyendyk's DQ. "If we had a little more track time, we could have gone faster." Jones' pole run was short lived as Stewart promptly went out and registered an impressive 233.100 in one of John Menard's V6 rockets. While it wasn't as strong as the 237 he had posted in practice earlier in the week, under the poor weather conditions, which included heavy air and temperatures in the 50's, the run was about as good as possible at the time. "I held the throttle down for four laps," said Stewart. Stewart was naturally disappointed, and knew that he, like Brayton, could have done the same thing.(p) "My backup car was almost as good as my primary car," Stewart explained. "Where we were at that time, it would not have been a logical decision (to bump himself). We were sitting on the pole, so there was no use in worrying about it. We wouldn't have had time to prepare the car. That car will race very well. "I got excited. I was really disappointed when Arie knocked us off the pole, but then when Scotty got back in line and I saw the excitement on his face, I was excited for the team. It was a great morale booster after I got knocked off to get one of our cars back on top." Stewart is pumped up for the race, and perhaps a little too frisky. "They better be on their toes on the start, that's all I've got to say," said Stewart. "I plan on leading it in the first turn." Stewart was paying attention to Luyendyk. "I was over in FanFest when he went out and I probably hit 10 children and four adults on the golf cart on the way over here. I wasn't going to miss it." Brayton's run came minutes after Luyendyk's, about 15 minutes before the 6:00 closing gun. Track conditions had improved significantly since Stewart's run earlier in the day, with the sun peeking out between the clouds and much less humidity in the air. When Luyendyk made his run, Brayton was sixth on the provisional grid. That's when Menard decided to give Brayton another shot. He pulled the other car out and Brayton took five laps. "I told John you have to give me a chance to drive it," said the always enthusiastic Brayton. "The last two laps I was hunting and looking for any speed because I figured I needed a 234. I tried to keep it as free as it could be." Provisional Starting Line-up Row 1 2 Scott Brayton 95 L/M/F 2:34.032 233.718 20 R Tony Stewart 95 L/M/F 2:34.440 233.100 70 Davy Jones 95 L/MI/G 2:34.585 232.882 Row 2 7 Eliseo Salazar 95 L/F/G 2:34.716 232.684 3 Eddie Cheever 95 L/M/F 2:35.319 231.781 91 Buddy Lazier 95 R/F/F 2:35.529 231.468 Row 3 21 Roberto Guerrero 95 R/F/G 2:35.593 231.373 8 Alessandro Zampedri 95 L/F/G 2:36.798 229.595 22 R Michel Jourdain, Jr. 95 L/F/G 2:36.945 229.380 Row 4 12 R Buzz Calkins 95 R/F/F 2:37.196 229.013 14 R Davey Hamilton 95 L/F/G 2:37.283 228.887 60 Mike Groff 95 R/F/G 2:37.409 228.704 Row 5 33 R Michele Alboreto 95 R/F/G 2:37.736 228.229 9 Stephan Gregoire 95 R/F/F 2:38.203 227.556 30 R Mark Dismore 95 L/M/F 2:38.409 227.260 Row 6 4 R Richie Hearn 95 R/F/G 2:38.926 226.521 64 R Johnny Unser 95 R/F/G 2:39.211 226.115 18 John Paul, Jr. 93 L/M/G 2:40.173 224.757 Row 7 45 Lyn St. James 94 L/F/G 2:40.289 224.594 27 R Jim Guthrie 93 L/M/F 2:41.875 222.394 5 Arie Luyendyk 95 R/F/F 2:34.248 233.390 (Disallowed) 1996 20 car field average 228.959
auto-moto.212 vpoznanovic,
Približava se Velika nagrada Monaka... Ako nikada niste bili tamo i ne znate kako izgledaju pripreme u Monte Karlu, evo prilike da makar preko fotografija to doživite... Slike nisu numerisane redoslijedom kojim su navedene u spisku, ali snaći ćete se vi nekako. :) '96 MONACO VIDEO JOURNAL Here at Gale Force and Atlas, we have captured some of the happenings in Monaco before the 54th Grand Prix on Sunday. Walking around with our Sony 8mm camera in hand, we shot pictures for those of you who are avid fans, but were not able to attend this year. The picture quality isn't "super", but you might be able to make out what is going on around the circuit around lunch time each day. Monday * The weather in Monaco around lunch time was cool and cloudy. In this capture, you can see clouds covering the hills above the city. In between the harbor and buildings is pit lane. * Team transports were begining to line up beside the harbor. Here's a capture of a Benetton transport. * You can see the tip of the Ferrari transport with the overcast sky and blurred hills in this capture. * The McLaren vehicles were also lined up. You may notice that the decals on the sides of the vans and trucks were still absent of cigarette sponsorship. Later in the day, teams were refiting the transporters with the "normal" decals, as they would with the F1 cars. * On Monday, pit lane was still devoid of any team presence, but most of the support services were installed. * Lots of public traffic lined the start/finish area. Traffic is heavy around the circuit due to the construction associated with the Grand Prix * The Prince's Box is just above the starting grid. From here the Royal Family will watch the start of the race and later present the prizes. * Here's a capture of one of the Renault support vehicles. * These trailers contain the timing and computing hardware for Formula One. They were located in front of the bay and next to pit lane. * City workers were climbing the trees that line pit lane in order to remove all pine cones that might fall on an unsuspecting F1 driver during a pit stop. * The TWR Arrows transport was also parked along side most of the other teams. You may notice that neither the word "Footwork" nor "Arrows" appears on trailer. * Another shot of the TWR transport.
auto-moto.213 vpoznanovic,
'96 MONACO VIDEO JOURNAL Tuesday * Tuesday was certainly a beautiful day. We took this capture from the same place as Monday. Can you tell the difference? * The Benetton guys were out preparing and doing some odd jobs. The crew were all laughing and seemed to be having fun. * More of Benetton. * Looking left on the K Grandstands in front of the harbor, you can see what a beautiful day it was trackside. * In this capture, we are looking right from the K grandstands. Just beyond the "Marlboro" sign and in front of the pink building is the Paddock. Most of our shots of team transports were taken in the Paddock. * Here's the Rascasse peeking out beyond the Marlboro sign. * Here's a good shot in terms of where the majority of preparation time by teams is spent. * Ferrari were breaking out their tents. Because the pit garages are so small, most the teams keep a main paddock near the Rascasse. * Here's a Ligier transport. * What's this??? Could it be the first car to see the light of day in Monaco? * Yes! The McLaren team were first to expose their cars to the public during this Grand Prix week. * Here's the Jordan transport. Jordan seems to have 2 totaly different schemes: one for their Benson and Hedges crew (not shown), and one for the Peugeot people. * Well, the top team in F1 so far showed itself in full force today. They were the first to occupy their garage space. Here's another shot for the Williams fans.
auto-moto.214 tomislavr,
I VINCITORI A MONTECARLO Edizione Pilota Monoposto 1929 "Williams" Bugatti 1930 Rene` Dreyfus Bugatti 1931 Louis Chiron Bugatti 1932 Tazio Nuvolari Alfa Romeo 1933 Achille Varzi Bugatti 1934 Guy Moll Alfa Romeo 1935 Luigi Fagioli Mercedes 1936 Rudi Caracciola Mercedes 1937 Manfred Von BrauchitscMercedes 1948 Nino Farina Maserati 1950 Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 1952 Vittorio Marzotto Ferrari 1955 Maurice Trintignant Ferrari 1956 Stirling Moss Maserati 1957 Juan Manuel Fangio Maserati 1958 Maurice Trintignant Cooper Climax 1959 Jack Brabham Cooper Climax 1960 Stirling Moss Lotus Climax 1961 Stirling Moss Lotus Climax 1962 Bruce McLaren Cooper Climax 1963 Graham Hill Brm 1964 Graham Hill Brm 1965 Graham Hill Brm 1966 Jackie Stewart Brm 1967 Dennis Hulme Brabham Repco 1968 Graham Hill Lotus Ford Cosworth 1969 Graham Hill Lotus Ford Cosworth 1970 Jochen Rindt Lotus Ford Cosworth 1971 Jackie Stewart Tyrrell Ford Cosworth 1972 Jean-Pierre Beltoise Brm 1973 Jackie Stewart Tyrrell Ford Cosworth 1974 Ronnie Peterson Lotus Ford Cosworth 1975 Niki Lauda Ferrari 1976 Niki Lauda Ferrari 1977 Jody Scheckter Wolf Ford Cosworth 1978 Patrick Depailler Tyrrell Ford Cosworth 1979 Jody Scheckter Ferrari 1980 Carlos Reutemann Williams Ford Cosworth 1981 Gilles Villeneuve Ferrari 1982 Riccardo Patrese Brabham Ford Cosworth 1983 Keke Rosberg Williams Ford Cpsworth 1984 Alain Prost McLaren Porsche 1985 Alain Prost McLaren Porsche 1986 Alain Prost McLaren Porsche 1987 Ayrton Senna Lotus Honda 1988 Alain Prost McLaren Honda 1989 Ayrton Senna McLaren Honda 1990 Ayrton Senna McLaren Honda 1991 Ayrton Senna McLaren Honda 1992 Ayrton Senna McLaren Honda 1993 Ayrton Senna McLaren Ford 1994 Michael Schumacher Benetton Ford 1995 Michael Schumacher Benetton Renault Nadajmo se da će Schumacher zabeležiti pobedu i 1996-te ;)
auto-moto.215 tomislavr,
Evo podataka iz prošle sezone, i podataka iz ove uključujući i trku u San Marinu.
auto-moto.216 obren,
> Nadajmo se da će Schumacher zabeležiti pobedu i 1996-te ;) Nadajte se... ;) P.S. Nego, nisam te baš najbolje razumeo - mislio si na trku u Monaku ili na celu sezonu? ;>
auto-moto.218 cdragan,
Formula 1: Monaco Grand Prix 2nd Free Practice ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Session Resume: Weather: Sunny in parts Time Event Sorry no real report for this session as we all went to a party at the Rascasse :-)))))) Major memories: - Schumacher and Coulthard both spinning next to the restaurant in the first session - Diniz backing into the restaurant 2m from our table - yes we have the video - Both Footwork cars also trying to leap onto our table - Fisichella taking off the front wheel against our barrier Our photo's and video captures will be on the net soon In general Schumacher had a bad second session, Hill was usually fastest but Hakkinen went faster in the last 5 minutes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Track Times: 1st Free Pos Driver Team Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 M.Hakkinen McLaren 1m 23.762s 2 1m 24.604s 2 D.Hill Williams 1m 23.801s 1 1m 24.524s 3 D.Coulthard McLaren 1m 23.850s 10 1m 25.963s 4 R.Barrichello Jordan 1m 23.976s 6 1m 25.455s 5 J.Alesi Benetton 1m 24.160s 5 1m 24.842s 6 O.Panis Ligier 1m 24.167s 20 1m 28.003s 7 J.Villeneuve Williams 1m 24.257s 18 1m 27.235s 8 M.Brundle Jordan 1m 24.270s 12 1m 26.220s 9 G.Berger Benetton 1m 24.285s 9 1m 25.773s 10 H.Frentzen Sauber 1m 24.585s 3 1m 24.767s 11 M.Schumacher Ferrari 1m 24.757s 4 1m 24.792s 12 J.Verstappen Footwork 1m 25.112s 8 1m 25.770s 13 U.Katayma Tyrrell 1m 25.322s 13 1m 26.494s 14 G.Fisichella Minardi 1m 25.326s 16 1m 26.958s 15 P.Lamy Minardi 1m 25.441s 17 1m 26.992s 16 M.Salo Tyrrell 1m 25.615s 11 1m 26.048s 17 E.Irvine Ferrari 1m 25.688s 7 1m 25.753s 18 P.Diniz Ligier 1m 25.936s 14 1m 26.670s 19 J.Herbert Sauber 1m 26.143s 15 1m 26.738s 20 A.Montermini Forti 1m 27.843s 19 1m 27.843s 21 L.Badoer Forti 1m 28.451s 21 1m 28.451s 22 R.Rosset Footwork 1m 28.512s 22 1m 31.050s ---- 107% ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet.
auto-moto.219 tomislavr,
Rezultati prvog nezvaničnog treninga: Pos Driver Team Lap Time 1 D.Hill Williams 1m 24.524s 2 M.Hakkinen McLaren 1m 24.604s 3 H.Frentzen Sauber 1m 24.767s 4 M.Schumacher Ferrari 1m 24.792s 5 J.Alesi Benetton 1m 24.842s 6 R.Barrichello Jordan 1m 25.455s 7 E.Irvine Ferrari 1m 25.753s 8 J.Verstappen Footwork 1m 25.770s 9 G.Berger Benetton 1m 25.773s 10 D.Coulthard McLaren 1m 25.963s 11 M.Salo Tyrrell 1m 26.048s 12 M.Brundle Jordan 1m 26.220s 13 U.Katayma Tyrrell 1m 26.494s 14 P.Diniz Ligier 1m 26.670s 15 J.Herbert Sauber 1m 26.738s 16 G.Fisichella Minardi 1m 26.958s 17 P.Lamy Minardi 1m 26.992s 18 J.Villeneuve Williams 1m 27.235s 19 A.Montermini Forti 1m 27.843s 20 O.Panis Ligier 1m 28.003s 21 L.Badoer Forti 1m 28.451s ---- 107% ---- 1m 30.440s 22 R.Rosset Footwork 1m 31.050s
auto-moto.220 tomislavr,
Rezultati drugog nezvaničnog treninga: Pos Driver Team Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 M.Hakkinen McLaren 1m 23.762s 2 1m 24.604s 2 D.Hill Williams 1m 23.801s 1 1m 24.524s 3 D.Coulthard McLaren 1m 23.850s 10 1m 25.963s 4 R.Barrichello Jordan 1m 23.976s 6 1m 25.455s 5 J.Alesi Benetton 1m 24.160s 5 1m 24.842s 6 O.Panis Ligier 1m 24.167s 20 1m 28.003s 7 J.Villeneuve Williams 1m 24.257s 18 1m 27.235s 8 M.Brundle Jordan 1m 24.270s 12 1m 26.220s 9 G.Berger Benetton 1m 24.285s 9 1m 25.773s 10 H.Frentzen Sauber 1m 24.585s 3 1m 24.767s 11 M.Schumacher Ferrari 1m 24.757s 4 1m 24.792s 12 J.Verstappen Footwork 1m 25.112s 8 1m 25.770s 13 U.Katayma Tyrrell 1m 25.322s 13 1m 26.494s 14 G.Fisichella Minardi 1m 25.326s 16 1m 26.958s 15 P.Lamy Minardi 1m 25.441s 17 1m 26.992s 16 M.Salo Tyrrell 1m 25.615s 11 1m 26.048s 17 E.Irvine Ferrari 1m 25.688s 7 1m 25.753s 18 P.Diniz Ligier 1m 25.936s 14 1m 26.670s 19 J.Herbert Sauber 1m 26.143s 15 1m 26.738s 20 A.Montermini Forti 1m 27.843s 19 1m 27.843s 21 L.Badoer Forti 1m 28.451s 21 1m 28.451s 22 R.Rosset Footwork 1m 28.512s 22 1m 31.050s
auto-moto.224 vpoznanovic,
Auto trke su juče odnijele još jedan ljudski život... :(( INDY 500 POLESITTER BRAYTON DIES AFTER CRASH IN PRACTICE INDIANAPOLIS -- Scott Brayton, scheduled to start the Indianapolis 500 on the pole for the second straight year, died Friday after a tire went flat, causing him to crash into a retaining wall during a practice session. Brayton, 37, the most experienced driver at the track this year, crashed at 12:17 local time and died 37 minutes later at Methodist hospital, said track spokesman Bob Walters. He was unconscious when pulled from the wreck by rescue workers, placed on a stretcher and taken by ambulance to the hospital. "Scotty just loved this place. He loved running fast here, he loved the competition," said John Menard, owner of Brayton's car. "He was so proud he had the pole. He worked for that pole. It reminds you this is a very serious business we're involved in. Scotty had a perfect race car, a perfect day, and a perfect track, and yet it reached out and bit him." Brayton's right rear tire deflated rapidly as his 1995 Lola-Menard headed into turn two, sending his racer into a half-spin before slamming into the outside retaining wall. Brayton's crew indicated he was going 235 mph when he hit the wall. The car continued sliding along the wall for 360 feet with parts flying off. It then did a quarter-spin and traveled another 600 feet before coming to a stop in the back straightaway. "I don't know how to take it," said Brayton's former car owner, Dick Simon. "I believe in God very much. We're dealing in a business where risk takes place, but death's not a part of it. It's just a freak accident." Brayton was the 40th Indy driver to die during practice, qualifying or during the race, and the first since Jovy Marcelo was killed during practice in 1992. In all, 66 people have died at the track. "His death was due to injuries sustained in an accident," Walters said at a news conference. "The speedway delayed the announcement of Scott's death until his family members could be notified." Brayton, from Coldwater, Mich., was driving one of the Team Menard backup cars, not the year-old Lola-Menard in which he won the pole last Saturday with a four-lap average of 233.718 mph. Brayton's fastest lap Friday was 230.126, but that came about an hour before the crash. His last lap before he crashed going into turn two was 228.606. A veteran of 148 Indy car races, Brayton was the most experienced racer at this year's event and had qualified for his 15th Indy 500. His best finish at Indy was sixth in 1989 and 1993. The crash was the third of the month at Indy. Johnny Parsons and rookie Scott Harrington walked away from earlier accidents. The Indy 500 is competing this year with the new U.S. 500, which will also be run on May 26. The U.S. 500 in Brooklyn, Mich., attracted most of the top drivers who would have been at Indianapolis. The split occurred after speedway president Tony George started the Indy Racing League and reserved up to 25 of the 33 starting spots in the Indy 500 for regulars of the new circuit. Most of the top drivers are members of the Championship Auto Racing Team circuit and not George's new organization. Brayton, who hadn't had a full-time ride on the CART circuit since 1992, was one of the beneficiaries of the IRL. He had finished 15th and 18th in the league's first two races. Brayton is survived by wife Becky, 2-year-old daughter Carly, and parents Lee and Jean Brayton. Lee Brayton drove Indy cars but never drove in the Indy 500.
auto-moto.225 vpoznanovic,
Statistical look at Scott Brayton's career Personal Born: Feb. 20, 1959; Coldwater, Mich. (son of Indy racer Lee Brayton) Died: May 17, 1996; Indianapolis Residence: Coldwater, Mich. Wife: Rebecca Child: Carly (2 1/2 years) Year Starts Best Finish Earnings 1981 11 7th in Michigan 500 $ 88,359 1982 5 11th in Michigan 500 $ 28,883 1983 6 9th in Indianapolis 500 $ 89,933 1984 13 6th in Pocono 500 $170,209 1985 10 6th in Portland 200 $228,112 1986 5 13 in Michigan 500 $129,247 1987 5 5th in Portland 200 $194,145 1988 12 9th in Portland 200 $293,125 1989 14 6th in Indianapolis 500 $451,317 1990 16 7th in Indianapolis 500 $592,442 1991 17 three 6th place finishes $722,234 (Australia, Milwaukee, Toronto) 1992 16 3rd in Milwaukee $606,590 1993 16 three 6th place finishes $729,003 (Indianapolis, Milwaukee, New Hampshire) 1994 1 23rd at Indianapolis $177,112 1995 1 17th at Indianapolis $306,503 (Indy 500 pole sitter) 1996 2 15th at Walt Disney World 200 $173,000 (Indy 500 pole sitter) Career 150 3rd at Milwaukee 1992 $4,980,214 Indy pole 1995, 1996 (IndyCar circuit from 1981 through 1995, IRL circuit in 1996)
auto-moto.226 vpoznanovic,
DEATHS AT INDIANAPOLIS MOTOR SPEEDWAY The 66 people, including 40 drivers, 14 mechanics, two track workers and nine spectators and one bystander outside the track, who have been killed or fatally injured at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway (including pre-500 races of 1909-10): Drivers in Race (15) 1909--William Borque, Springfield, Mass. 1919--Louis LeCocq, France, and Arthur Thurman, Washington 1929--Bill Spence, Los Angeles 1933--Mark Billman, Indianapolis, and Lester Spangler, Los Angeles. 1935--Clay Weatherly, Cincinnati 1939--Floyd Roberts, Van Nuys, Calif. 1947--Shorty Cantlon, Detroit 1953--Carl Scarborough, Clarkston, Mich. 1955--Bill Vukovich Sr., Fresno, Calif. 1958--Pat O'Connor, North Vernon, Ind. 1964--Eddie Sachs, Detroit, and Dave MacDonald, El Monte, Calif. 1973--Swede Savage, Santa Ana, Calif. Drivers in Practice or Qualifications (25) 1910--Tommy Kincaid, Indianapolis 1913--Harry Martin, Indianapolis 1926--Herbert Jones, Indianapolis 1931--Joe Caccia, Bryn Mawr, Pa. 1932--Milton Jones, Cleveland 1933--William Denver, Audubon, Pa. 1934--Pete Kreis, Knoxville, Tenn. 1935--Johnny Hannon, Norristown, Pa., and Stubby Stubblefield, Los Angeles 1940--George Bailey, Indianapolis. 1948--Ralph Hepburn, Van Nuys, Calif. 1949--George Metzler, Indianapolis 1953--Chet Miller, Glendale, Calif. 1955--Manuel Ayulo, Burbank, Calif. 1957--Keith Andrews, Colorado Springs 1959--Jerry Unser, Lakewood, Calif., and Bob Cortner, Redlands, Calif. 1961--Tony Bettenhausen Sr., Tinley Park, Ill. 1966--Chuck Rodee, Indianapolis 1968--Mike Spence, Maidenhead, England 1972--Jim Malloy, Denver 1973--Art Pollard, Medford, Ore. 1982--Gordon Smiley, Grapevine, Texas 1992--Jovy Marcelo, Philippines 1996--Scott Brayton, Coldwater, Mich. Riding Mechanics in Race (7) 1909--Harry Holcomb, Springfield, Mass., and Claude Kellum, Indianapolis 1911--Sam Dickson 1919--Robert Bandini, Los Angeles, and Nicholas Mollinard, France 1930--Paul Marshall, Indianapolis 1933--G.L. Gordon, Lafayette, Ind. Mechanics in Practice (7) 1931--Clarence Grover, Haverford, Pa. 1932--Harry Cox, Indianapolis 1933--Bob Hurst, Indianapolis 1934--Robert Hahn, Chino, Calif. 1935--Leo Whitaker, Los Angeles 1937--Albert Opalko, Gary, Ind. 1939--Lawson Harris Track Personnel in Race (2) 1961--John Masariu, Danville, Ind. 1973--Armando Teran, Santa Monica, Calif. Spectators at Race (9) 1909--Homer Joliff, Franklin, Ind., and James West, Indianapolis 1923--Bert Shoup, Lafayette, Ind. 1937--George Warford, Indianapolis, and Otto Rhode, Toledo, Ohio 1938--Everett Spence, Terre Haute, Ind. 1960--Fred Linder, Indianapolis, and William Craig, Zionsville, Ind. 1987--Lyle Kurtenbach, Rothschild, Wis. Bystander Outside Track (1) (Struck by wheel over fence) 1931--Wilbur Brink, Indianapolis
auto-moto.227 tomislavr,
Posle kvalifikacija... 1. Schumacher 2. Hill 3. Alesi 4. Berger 5. Coulthard 6. Barrichello 7. Irvine 8. Hakkinen 9. Frentzen 10. Villeneuve Zna se ko je majstor! ;)
auto-moto.228 cdragan,
Formula 1: Monaco Grand Prix Qualifying ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Session Resume: Weather: Cloudy, 19 deg C Time Event 0:16 Current Positions: (1) Berger, (2) Alesi, (3) Villen, (4) Hill, 0:16 1m 22.150s - D.Coulthard 0:16 Current Positions: (1) Coulth, (2) Berger, (3) Alesi, (4) Villen, (5) Hill, 0:17 1m 21.350s - M.Schumacher 0:17 Current Positions: (1) Schuma, (2) Coulth, (3) Berger, (4) Alesi, (5) Villen, (6) Hill 0:18 1m 20.910s - M.Schumacher 0:19 1m 22.250s - E.Irvine 0:19 Current Positions: (1) Schuma, (2) Coulth, (3) Irvine, (4) Berger, (5) Alesi, (6) Villen 0:19 1m 22.250s - M.Hakkinen 0:19 Current Positions: (1) Schuma, (2) Coulth, (3) Irvine, (4) Hakkin, (5) Berger, (6) Alesi 0:20 1m 22.360s - O.Panis 0:20 Current Positions: (1) Schuma, (2) Coulth, (3) Irvine, (4) Hakkin, (5) Panis, (6) Berger 0:22 Lamy spins and hits wall out of casino 0:22 1m 21.670s - D.Hill 0:22 Current Positions: (1) Schuma, (2) Hill, (3) Coulth, (4) Irvine, (5) Hakkin, (6) Panis 0:23 Bado spins and hits Rascasse 0:25 1m 21.900s - J.Alesi 0:25 Current Positions: (1) Schuma, (2) Hill, (3) Alesi, (4) Coulth, (5) Irvine, (6) Hakkin 0:25 1m 21.930s - H.Frentzen 0:25 Current Positions: (1) Schuma, (2) Hill, (3) Alesi, (4) Frentz, (5) Coulth, (6) Irvine 0:26 1m 22.040s - R.Barrichello 0:26 Current Positions: (1) Schuma, (2) Hill, (3) Alesi, (4) Frentz, (5) Barric, (6) Coulth 0:26 1m 21.350s - J.Alesi 0:26 Current Positions: (1) Schuma, (2) Alesi, (3) Hill, (4) Frentz, (5) Barric, (6) Coulth 0:30 1m 21.850s - G.Berger 0:30 Current Positions: (1) Schuma, (2) Alesi, (3) Hill, (4) Berger, (5) Frentz, (6) Barric 0:32 1m 21.460s - D.Coulthard 0:32 Current Positions: (1) Schuma, (2) Alesi, (3) Coulth, (4) Hill, (5) Berger, (6) Frentz 0:33 Schumacher has only done 4 laps!! 0:37 1m 21.500s - R.Barrichello 0:37 Current Positions: (1) Schuma, (2) Alesi, (3) Coulth, (4) Barric, (5) Hill, (6) Berger 0:41 Most drivers sitting in pits 0:41 Hill on track 0:42 Hakk 9th, Vill 14th 0:44 1m 21.430s - D.Hill 0:44 Current Positions: (1) Schuma, (2) Alesi, (3) Hill, (4) Coulth, (5) Barric, (6) Berger 0:45 1m 22.010s - J.Villeneuve 0:45 Vill 8th 0:46 Williams shoot themselves in the foot - as Hill comes round to complete a fast lap he catches up to Villeneuve just about to start a fast lap. Hill backs off to give himself space and therefore loses the next fast lap. The lap after is his last of the 12 qualifying laps allowed. 0:47 1m 22.490s - J.Villeneuve 0:47 1m 20.870s - D.Hill 0:47 Against all odds Hill gets pole - he was 0.3s down at the last split time. He finishes 0.04s faster than Schumacher - but is now out of laps 0:47 Current Positions: (1) Hill, (2) Schuma, (3) Alesi, (4) Coulth, (5) Barric, (6) Berger 0:48 1m 21.540s - E.Irvine 0:48 Current Positions: (1) Hill, (2) Schuma, (3) Alesi, (4) Coulth, (5) Barric, (6) Irvine 0:48 Schumacher has 5 laps left 0:49 Hakk in 10th 0:51 Vill out of laps in 9th 0:52 Alesi on track 0:55 1m 21.120s - J.Alesi 0:55 Schumacher on track 0:56 1m 20.920s - J.Alesi 0:57 1m 20.360s - M.Schumacher 0:57 Current Positions: (1) Schuma, (2) Hill, (3) Alesi, (4) Coulth, (5) Barric, (6) Irvine 0:58 1m 21.070s - G.Berger 0:58 Current Positions: (1) Schuma, (2) Hill, (3) Alesi, (4) Berger, (5) Coulth, (6) Barric 0:58 1m 20.370s - M.Schumacher 1: 0 Berger catches Schumacher into the chicane - Schmacher pulls over but Berger spins and enters the chicane section going backwards!! Track Times: 3rd Free 2nd Free Pos Driver Team Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 M.Schumacher Ferrari 1m 20.356s 3 1m 22.074s 11 1m 24.757s 2 D.Hill Williams 1m 20.866s 1 1m 21.495s 2 1m 23.801s 3 J.Alesi Benetton 1m 20.918s 6 1m 22.330s 5 1m 24.160s 4 G.Berger Benetton 1m 21.067s 7 1m 22.613s 9 1m 24.285s 5 D.Coulthard McLaren 1m 21.460s 2 1m 22.024s 3 1m 23.850s 6 R.Barrichello Jordan 1m 21.504s 8 1m 22.635s 4 1m 23.976s 7 E.Irvine Ferrari 1m 21.542s 10 1m 22.649s 17 1m 25.688s 8 M.Hakkinen McLaren 1m 21.688s 4 1m 22.080s 1 1m 23.762s 9 H.Frentzen Sauber 1m 21.929s 5 1m 22.327s 10 1m 24.585s 10 J.Villeneuve Williams 1m 21.963s 9 1m 22.643s 7 1m 24.257s 11 M.Salo Tyrrell 1m 22.235s 14 1m 22.818s 16 1m 25.615s 12 J.Verstappen Footwork 1m 22.327s 16 1m 23.050s 12 1m 25.112s 13 J.Herbert Sauber 1m 22.346s 15 1m 22.936s 19 1m 26.143s 14 O.Panis Ligier 1m 22.358s 13 1m 22.810s 6 1m 24.167s 15 U.Katayama Tyrrell 1m 22.460s 12 1m 22.660s 13 1m 25.322s 16 M.Brundle Jordan 1m 22.519s 11 1m 22.657s 8 1m 24.270s 17 P.Diniz Ligier 1m 22.682s 19 1m 24.073s 18 1m 25.936s 18 G.Fisichella Minardi 1m 22.684s 17 1m 23.500s 14 1m 25.326s 19 P.Lamy Minardi 1m 23.350s 18 1m 24.030s 15 1m 25.441s 20 R.Rosset Footwork 1m 24.976s 21 1m 25.595s 22 1m 28.512s 21 L.Badoer Forti 1m 25.059s 22 1m 25.738s 21 1m 28.451s 22 A.Montermini Forti 1m 25.393s 20 1m 25.437s 20 1m 27.843s ---- 107% ---- 1m 25.980s ============================================================================= The Grid Qualify Pos Driver Team Pos Lap Time To 1st Gap % 1st row 1 M.Schumacher Ferrari 1 1m 20.356s 0.000s 100.00% 2 D.Hill Williams 2 1m 20.866s 0.510s 0.510s 100.63% 2nd row 3 J.Alesi Benetton 3 1m 20.918s 0.562s 0.052s 100.69% 4 G.Berger Benetton 4 1m 21.067s 0.711s 0.149s 100.88% 3th row 5 D.Coulthard McLaren 5 1m 21.460s 1.104s 0.393s 101.37% 6 R.Barrichello Jordan 6 1m 21.504s 1.148s 0.044s 101.42% 4th row 7 E.Irvine Ferrari 7 1m 21.542s 1.186s 0.038s 101.47% 8 M.Hakkinen McLaren 8 1m 21.688s 1.332s 0.146s 101.65% 5th row 9 H.Frentzen Sauber 9 1m 21.929s 1.573s 0.241s 101.95% 10 J.Villeneuve Williams 10 1m 21.963s 1.607s 0.034s 101.99% 6th row 11 M.Salo Tyrrell 11 1m 22.235s 1.879s 0.272s 102.33% 12 J.Verstappen Footwork 12 1m 22.327s 1.971s 0.092s 102.45% 7th row 13 J.Herbert Sauber 13 1m 22.346s 1.990s 0.019s 102.47% 14 O.Panis Ligier 14 1m 22.358s 2.002s 0.012s 102.49% 8th row 15 U.Katayama Tyrrell 15 1m 22.460s 2.104s 0.102s 102.61% 16 M.Brundle Jordan 16 1m 22.519s 2.163s 0.059s 102.69% 9th row 17 P.Diniz Ligier 17 1m 22.682s 2.326s 0.163s 102.89% 18 G.Fisichella Minardi 18 1m 22.684s 2.328s 0.002s 102.89% 10th row 19 P.Lamy Minardi 19 1m 23.350s 2.994s 0.666s 103.72% 20 R.Rosset Footwork 20 1m 24.976s 4.620s 1.626s 105.74% 11th row 21 L.Badoer Forti 21 1m 25.059s 4.703s 0.083s 105.85% 22 A.Montermini Forti 22 1m 25.393s 5.037s 0.334s 106.26% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet.
auto-moto.229 wiper,
Trka u Monaku je pokazala zasto formula traje toliko dugo i nikad nije dosadna. 1.Panis Lizije 2.Kulhard Meklaren 3.Herbert Zauber 4.Frencen Zauber Zao mi Alesia dobro je vozio. Jel zna neko sta je bilo na kraju sa Hakinenom i Irvinom jesu pale batine.Prvi je bio nesto mnogo ljut na ovog drugog
auto-moto.230 obren,
Wow! :) Kakva trka... Ja kao navijac Ligier-a nisam mogao da zamislim lepsi ishod, a i bilo je brate zanimljivo... :) Honda LE, Honda Le, Honde leeee! ;)
auto-moto.231 tomislavr,
Neverovatno ko sve pobeđuje ove Grand Prix-ove ;) Monte Karlo jo završilo samo četiri vozača: 1. Panis - Ligier Mugen 2. Coulthard - McLaren Mercedes 3. Herbert - Sauber Ford 4. Frentzen - Sauber Ford a u plasmanu su i: 5. Salo - Tyrell Yamaha 6. Hakkinen - McLaren Mercedes Šumaher pogodio zid u prvom krugu, Hilu "eksplodirao" bolid, Alezi imao kvar, ostali što spin, što pogađanje ograde, i eto šta se dogodi. Nekoliko krugova pred kraj se Irvine okrenuo na stazi i napravio "vozić" (na njega su naleteli Hakkinen i Salo). Posle incidenta Mika je žustro prišao Irvajnu da "popričaju" ali režiser to nije prikazao (šteta ;). Mene lično, kao navijača Mercedesa, je Coulthard razočarao jer nije iskoristio super šansu da pobedi u Monte Karlu :(. Panis sjajno vozio...
auto-moto.232 vpoznanovic,
>> Ma znao sam, nego nigde nema rezultata trka... Evo ti i rezultata iz Nurburgringa, ako ih već nisi nabavio... nikako da se sjetim da ih pošaljem... ITC: Nurburgring results ---------------Top 10 qualifying / Starting grid------------------------ Pos. Driver Team - Car Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Joerg van Ommen/D UPS Team AMG-Mercedes C-Class 1:37.720 2 Alessandro Nannini/I Alfa Corse Martini-Alfa 155 V6 Ti 1:37.817 3 Dario Franchitti/GB D2 Team AMG-Mercedes C-Class 1:37.945 4 J.J. Lehto/FIN Rosberg-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 1:38.221 5 Bernd Schneider/D D2 Team AMG-Mercedes C-Class 1:38.326 6 Giancarlo Fisichella/I Alfa Corse TV Spielf.Alfa 155 V6 Ti1:38.416 7 Christian Danner/D Alfa Corse TV Spielf.Alfa 155 V6 Ti1:38.681 8 Manuel Reuter/D Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 1:38.934 9 Hans-Joachim Stuck/D Rosberg-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 1:39.280 10 Jan Magnussen/DK Warsteiner AMG-Mercedes C-Class 1:39.338 11 Oliver Gavin/GB Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 1:38.474 12 Nicola Larini/I Alfa Corse Martini-Alfa 155 V6 Ti 1:38.660 13 Kurt Thiim/DK UPS Team AMG-Mercedes C-Class 1:38.788 14 Gabriele Tarquini/I Alfa Corse JAS-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti1:39.056 15 Uwe Alzen/D Zakspeed-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 1:39.151 16 Alexander Wurz/A Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 1:39.220 17 Jason Watt/DK Alfa Corse JAS-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti1:39.226 18 Stefano Modena/I Alfa Corse JAS-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti1:39.282 19 Alexander Grau/D Warsteiner AMG-Mercedes C-Class 1:39.431 20 Michael Bartels/D Alfa Corse JAS-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti1:39.465 21 Klaus Ludwig/D Zakspeed-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 1:39.589 22 Yannick Dalmas/F Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 1:39.723 23 Bernd Maylander/D Team Persson AMG-Mercedes C-Class 1:39:756 24 Gianni Giudici/I Giudici Racing-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti1:43.439 25 Ellen Lohr/D Team Persson AMG-Mercedes C-Class 1:44.008 -----------------------------RESULTS RACE 1----------------------------- Pos. Driver Team - Car Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Joerg van Ommen/D UPS Team AMG-Mercedes C-Class 37:12.332 2 Dario Franchitti/GB D2 Team AMG-Mercedes C-Class + 2.317 3 Manuel Reuter/D Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 12.500 4 Bernd Schneider/D D2 Team AMG-Mercedes C-Class 13.580 5 J.J. Lehto/FIN Rosberg-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 15.220 6 Hans-Joachim Stuck/D Rosberg-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 16.335 7 Jan Magnussen/DK Warsteiner AMG-Mercedes C-Class 16.458 8 Kurt Thiim/DK UPS Team AMG-Mercedes C-Class 17.385 9 Christian Danner/D Alfa Corse TV Spielf.Alfa 155 V6 Ti 24.485 10 Gabriele Tarquini/I Alfa Corse JAS-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 30.363 11 Michael Bartels/D Alfa Corse JAS-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 33.980 12 Alexander Wurz/A Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 34.981 13 Jason Watt/DK Alfa Corse JAS-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 T 40.753 14 Oliver Gavin/GB Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 43.757 15 Ellen Lohr/D Team Persson AMG-Mercedes C-Class 46.000 16 Bernd Maylander/D Team Persson AMG-Mercedes C-Class 46.161 17 Stefano Modena/I Alfa Corse JAS-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 59.296 18 Uwe Alzen/D Zakspeed-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 1:34.174 Not classified: Yannick Dalmas/F Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 -12 laps Nicola Larini/I Alfa Corse Martini-Alfa 155 V6 Ti 22 Alexander Grau/D Warsteiner AMG-Mercedes C-Class 22 Klaus Ludwig/D Zakspeed-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 22 Gianni Giudici/I Giudici Racing-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 22 FL: Dario Frachitti 1:39.682 (=164.54 kph) -----------------------------RESULTS RACE 2----------------------------- Pos. Driver Team - Car Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Manuel Reuter/D Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 37:30.118 2 J.J. Lehto/FIN Rosberg-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 + 2.257 3 Jan Magnussen/DK Warsteiner AMG-Mercedes C-Class 7.099 4 Uwe Alzen/D Zakspeed-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 15.023 5 Gabriele Tarquini/I Alfa Corse JAS-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 15.256 6 Bernd Schneider/D D2 Team AMG-Mercedes C-Class 15.823 7 Nicola Larini/I Alfa Corse Martini-Alfa 155 V6 Ti 16.168 8 Dario Franchitti/GB D2 Team AMG-Mercedes C-Class 19.740 9 Jason Watt/DK Alfa Corse JAS-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 27.398 10 Christian Danner/D Alfa Corse TV Spielf.Alfa 155 V6 Ti 32.485 11 Ellen Lohr/D Team Persson AMG-Mercedes C-Class 43.504 12 Kurt Thiim/DK UPS Team AMG-Mercedes C-Class -2 laps 13 Joerg van Ommen/D UPS Team AMG-Mercedes C-Class 5 14 Hans-Joachim Stuck/D Rosberg-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 6 Not classified: Michael Bartels/D Alfa Corse JAS-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 13 Bernd Maylander/D Team Persson AMG-Mercedes C-Class 14 Alexander Wurz/A Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 14 Oliver Gavin/GB Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 19 Klaus Ludwig/D Zakspeed-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 19 Stefano Modena/I Alfa Corse JAS-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 22 Yannick Dalmas/F Joest-Opel Calibra V6 4x4 22 Alexander Grau/D Warsteiner AMG-Mercedes C-Class 22 Gianni Giudici/I Giudici Racing-Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti 22 FL: Nicola Larini 1:40.052 (=163.93 kph)
auto-moto.233 djcorto,
> Zna se ko je majstor! ;) Majstor ne zna da se u krrivini skrece ;) Danas je bila jedna od najludjih trka otkad gledam F1. Ne zna da li se ikada desilo da su trku zavrsila cetiri vozaca ?!?!?
auto-moto.234 chitan,
Ovo ce najverovatnije biti najludja trka ove sezone. Nikad mi na pamet ne bi palo da se trka moze ovako zavrsiti. Moj "miljenik" je Alesi, ali ... Panis me je iznenadio i odusevio. Najbolji trenutak trke - ispadanje Hila. Primetio sam da je Panis posle obilazenja Irvajna, dva kruga vozio sa vremenima ispod 1:27, da bi sledeci vozio 1:37:XX, a vec u sledecem krugu 1:26:XX. Da li sam nesto propustio?
auto-moto.235 giovanni,
Ę? Jel zna neko sta je bilo na kraju sa Hakinenom i Irvinom Ę? jesu pale batine.Prvi je bio nesto mnogo ljut na ovog drugog Znajući Irvajnovu narav svašta je moguće. :) A režiser prenosa je stvarno skot što nije pustio malo duže kadar koji je snimala ona kamera. :(
auto-moto.236 tomislavr,
> > Zna se ko je majstor! ;) > Majstor ne zna da se u krivini skrece ;) Jebiga, i najboljima se to desava... B) Nema veze, vazno je da Hil nije pobedio. Da je on pobedio bio bi to kraj ove sezone posle sest trka :(
auto-moto.237 tomislavr,
> Primetio sam da je Panis posle obilazenja Irvajna, dva kruga > vozio sa vremenima ispod 1:27, da bi sledeci vozio 1:37:XX, a Panis je imao spin, samo sto "glupan" i "tupan" to nisu primetili. Covek pored njih mora da slusa ljude sa Eurosporta "iz pozadine" ako hoce da zna sta se desava. Recimo: pocinju reklame... zavrsavaju se reklame, glupan kaze "nista se nije promenilo", a u pozadini komentator Eurosporta opisuje kako je Hil izleteo... ;)
auto-moto.238 tomislavr,
Da li je neko primetio da je Coulthard imao kacigu identicnu Schumacher-ovoj? Zna li neko zasto?
auto-moto.239 boshko,
to i jeste sumaherova kaciga. navodno je pozajmio od njega jer se njegova maglila a sumaherova ne jer je savrseniji model.
auto-moto.240 crncic,
>> Panis me je iznenadio i odusevio. >> Najbolji trenutak trke - ispadanje Hila. Najbolji trenutak ispadanje čumahera ;) Koliko sam video, on je na onoj krivini prikočio i naravno, na onom mokrom, proklizao do leve ivice koja mu je bila samo na metar...
auto-moto.241 dusko,
>> > Zna se ko je majstor! ;) >> Majstor ne zna da se u krivini skrece ;) > > Jebiga, i najboljima se to desava... B) Nema veze, vazno je da Da, ali u te najbolje sigurno ne spada Šumaher ;> Šalu na stranu, momak jeste talentovan i to cenim, ali ga ne gotivim jer je pi*da. To je (opet) pokazao i sad u Monte Karlu. U toku kvalifikacija za trku, kada je odvezao svoj poslednji (12.) krug, umesto da lepo obiđe krug i vrati se u boks čovek se lepo vozikao po stazi i mahao gledaocima ne obazirući se na retrovirzor. U jednom trenutku Alezi, koji je vozio svoj poslednji krug i na oba prolazna vremena bio brži od Nemca, stigao ga je pred sam ulazak u šikanu kod bazena, i u poslednjem trenutku uspeo da izađe sa staze u tzv. escape route da se ne bi zakucao u Šumahera. Pre početka trke komentatori rekoše da se ovaj posle izvinuo Aleziju, al' da može da se desi da Nemac popije i neku kaznu zbog svesnog ugrožavanja bezbednosti na stazi. Pozdrav, Duško
auto-moto.242 dusko,
> Panis je imao spin, samo sto "glupan" i "tupan" to nisu > primetili. Covek pored njih mora da slusa ljude sa Eurosporta > "iz pozadine" ako hoce da zna sta se desava. Na svu sreću imam Eurosport, al' sam povremeno prebacivao na 3K da čujem "dream team" ;), i ne mogu da se otmem utisku da su (bar ono što sam ja čuo) trku prenosili k'o da im je neko pobio pola familije pre trke, zbog Šumijevog peglanja bankina po Monte Karlu ;)) Pozdrav, Duško
auto-moto.243 dusko,
> Da li je neko primetio da je Coulthard imao kacigu identicnu > Schumacher-ovoj? Zna li neko zasto? U intervju posle trke je rekao da se na probnoj seansi sat vremena pre trke vizir na njegovoj kacigi dva puta zamaglio bez nekog razloga, pa je onda od svog dobrog prijatelja Šumahera pozajmio njegovu rezervnu kacigu. Pre starta dok je sedeo u bolidu mehaničari su preko reklama na kacigi lepili izolir trake. Pozdrav, Duško
!?! Koliko sam video, on je na onoj krivini prikocio i naravno, !?! na onom mokrom, proklizao do leve ivice koja mu je bila samo !?! na metar... Blokirao mu se tocak pre skretanja i onda ga je zaneo i sjebao mu taj isti tocak... Cya
auto-moto.245 giovanni,
Ę? Danas je bila jedna od najludjih trka otkad gledam F1. Ne zna da Ę? li se ikada desilo da su trku zavrsila cetiri vozaca ?!?!? Jeste i to baš u Monaku, pre tridesetak godina. :)
auto-moto.246 chitan,
1. Pravila F1 poznajem minimalno! 2. U trenutku dok je Panis napadao Irvajna u borbi za drugo mesto (cini mi se u 35-om krugu) sa strane je pokazana plava zastava. a) Da li je ona pokazana Irvajnu? b) Ako je pokazana Irvajnu, zasto? ps. Mrzim Hila!
auto-moto.247 ljubisha,
>ne obazirući se na retrovirzor. U jednom trenutku Alezi, koji je vozio >svoj poslednji krug i na oba prolazna vremena bio brži od Nemca, stigao >ga je pred sam ulazak u šikanu kod bazena, i u poslednjem trenutku uspeo >da izađe sa staze u tzv. escape route da se ne bi zakucao u Šumahera. Da to ipak nije bio Berger koji je čak (kažu ovi sa 3K) u tom mo- mentu imao mogućnost da dostigne Šumaherovo vreme?
auto-moto.248 ljubisha,
>primetili. Covek pored njih mora da slusa ljude sa Eurosporta >"iz pozadine" ako hoce da zna sta se desava. Recimo: pocinju Elem, ko nema satelitsku a može da hvata više lokalnih stanica, pre- nose može da gleda i na TV Pančevo (za frekveciju mogu da se raspitam).
auto-moto.249 giovanni,
Ę? ne obazirući se na retrovirzor. U jednom trenutku Alezi, koji je vozio Ę? svoj poslednji krug i na oba prolazna vremena bio brži od Nemca, stigao Ę? ga je pred sam ulazak u šikanu kod bazena, i u poslednjem trenutku uspeo Ę? da izađe sa staze u tzv. escape route da se ne bi zakucao u Šumahera. Nije to bio Alezi već Berger. Ono jeste, čovek se baš zaleteo u tom zadnjem krugu i moguće je da bi izborio neku bolju startnu poziciju možda u prva tri) ali se, izgleda, malo uspaničio. Nije on uspeo da izađe sa staze nego je nekontrolisano izleteo sa staze i to zadnjim krajem bolida. Srećom po njega na tom mestu je šikana znatno proširena posle onoga što se Vendlingeru desilo pre dve godine.
auto-moto.250 kcurcic,
> Blokirao mu se tocak pre skretanja i onda ga je zaneo i sjebao mu taj > isti tocak... Posle trke je izjavio da nije bilo nikakvih mehaničkih problema već da je 'peglanje bankine', kako je to slikovito neko opisao ovde, njegova greška. Pri tom se i izvinio navijačima Ferarija.
auto-moto.251 kcurcic,
> a) Da li je ona pokazana Irvajnu? Koliko ja znam, da. > b) Ako je pokazana Irvajnu, zasto? Opet koliko ja znam, to je signal da se iza njega nalazi brži vozač. Postoji gradacija: ako se maše zastavom, onda je to upozorenje da propusti onog koji je trenutno iza njega. jer je bolje plasiran. Ako je zastava stacionarna :) onda je to upozorenje. Kad smo već tu, bilo bi plemenito da neko ko je siguran u ove signale da njihova značenja. > ps. Mrzim Hila! Sjajno. Bez ove informacije nisam mogao da živim ;>
auto-moto.252 crncic,
>> nose može da gleda i na TV Pančevo (za frekveciju mogu da se raspitam). 37. UHF - nisam znao da baca do Beograda...
auto-moto.253 stevicm,
> Mene licno, kao navijaca Mercedesa, je Coulthard razocarao jer > nije iskoristio super sansu da pobedi u Monte Karlu :(. Panis Kulthard je na konferenciji posle trke rekao da je njegov auto bio podesen za mokri stazu i da se posle susenja doticne lose ponasao tj pati je od preupravljivosti, sto je razlog sto nije mogao da stigne Panisa koji je odlicno vozio. Steta za Hila i Alezija!
auto-moto.254 stevicm,
> Najbolji trenutak trke - ispadanje Hila. > Primetio sam da je Panis posle obilazenja Irvajna, dva kruga vozio sa > vremenima ispod 1:27, da bi sledeci vozio 1:37:XX, a vec u sledecem krugu > 1:26:XX. Da li sam nesto propustio? Hil je vozio odlicno i steta sto mu je motor eksplodirao! Pokazao je onom ljigavom svabi da ume da vozi! Panis se okrenuo, to se nije videlo u prenosu, pa je zato vozio sporije.
auto-moto.255 space.ace,
--> ne obazirući se na retrovirzor. U jednom trenutku Alezi, koji je --> vozio svoj poslednji krug i na oba prolazna vremena bio brži od --> Nemca, stigao ga je pred sam ulazak u šikanu kod bazena, i u Nije bio Alesi nego Berger! I Schu nije baš mahao gledaocima nego je došlo do zabune među njima dvojicom ko će na koju stranu. Berger je krenuo na jednu, a som Schu na istu. Kočenjem je Berger izbegao sudar, ali od pol pozicije nije ostalo ništa. Nije da branim ono ##$%# Schu-a, ali zna se šta je bilo. p.s. Kako se priča po EuroSportu izgleda da će Schu da popije malo veću kaznu zbog toga. Možda mu oduzmu i dozvolu, ko zna ;>>>> ?
auto-moto.256 space.ace,
--> !?! Koliko sam video, on je na onoj krivini prikocio i naravno, --> Blokirao mu se tocak pre skretanja i onda ga je zaneo i sjebao mu --> taj isti tocak... Reklo bi se da mu je proklizao zadnji kraj, i on je pokušao da ga ispravi okrećući prednje točkove na levu stranu. Pošto je prebrzo ušao u krivinu nije stigao da vrati točkove, i WHAM!! pogodio je bankinu! Tako mu i treba, jer ne da leba!
auto-moto.257 dusko,
> možda u prva tri) ali se, izgleda, malo uspaničio. Nije on > uspeo da izađe sa staze nego je nekontrolisano izleteo sa staze > i to zadnjim krajem bolida. Biće da ne govorimo o istom događaju, Benetton koji sam ja video da zbog švabe izlazi sa staze izašao je regularno kljunom napred, a Edwards & Watson lepo rekoše da se izvinuo Aleziju!? Pozdrav, Duško
auto-moto.258 dusko,
> Blokirao mu se tocak pre skretanja i onda ga je zaneo i sjebao > mu taj isti tocak... Fali mu ABS? Pa, sa ABS-om bi svaki vozač GSP-a u kokpitu Ferrarija oduvao Šumaherovu slavu i rejting posle deve trke ;> Pozdrav, Duško
auto-moto.259 obren,
> Kad smo već tu, bilo bi plemenito da neko ko je siguran u > ove signale da njihova značenja. Plava zastava bi trebalo da uvek znači OBAVEZU propuštanja (zato su kažnjeni Hakinen i Diniz jer nisu poštovali plavu zastavu). BTW, uz poruku 11.133 (ova tema) imaš okačenu arhivu sa pravilima F1, između ostalog i značenja zastavica. Tekst je inače prenet iz časopisa "VRELE GUME".
auto-moto.260 giovanni,
Ę? Biće da ne govorimo o istom događaju, Benetton koji sam ja video da zbog Ę? švabe izlazi sa staze izašao je regularno kljunom napred, a Edwards & Ę? Watson lepo rekoše da se izvinuo Aleziju!? Govorimo o istoj stvari ali je Berger izleteo sa staze, 100%. Šumi se možda izvinio Aleziju ali je Gerhard taj koji je naj*bao. ;)
auto-moto.262 tomislavr,
> Da, ali u te najbolje sigurno ne spada Šumaher ;> Da nije moéda Hil? Seti se, on je proäle godine u _Vilijamsu_ imao üetiri pobede (a i te üetiri znamo kakve su bile ;) , tj. bio je deklasiran od strane Äumahera. p.s. Nevolja sa ovim narodom i jeste äto svi imaju "kratkotrajno" pamćenje :( .
auto-moto.263 tomislavr,
> Plava zastava bi trebalo da uvek znači OBAVEZU propuštanja (zato su Koliko se ja razumem statiüna plava zastava je obaveätenje da je iza brée vozilo, a mahajuća plava je obaveza propuätanja.
auto-moto.264 dusko,
> Nije bio Alesi nego Berger! Oko ovoga sam se izgleda za*eb'o, > I Schu nije baš mahao gledaocima nego je došlo do zabune među > njima dvojicom ko će na koju stranu. al' oko ovoga nisam sigurno. Šumi je definitivno vozio paradni krug, a običaj je da ako neko iz bilo kog razloga ne juri vreme, onda ne vozi po idealnoj liniji, bilo što će nekome da sje*e vreme, bilo što neko može da ga pukne otpozadi na izlasku iz krivine. Pozdrav, Duško
auto-moto.265 obren,
> Koliko se ja razumem statična plava zastava je obaveštenje da je > iza brže vozilo, a mahajuća plava je obaveza propuštanja. Koji je smisao obaveštavanja da je iza tebe brži bolid ako nisi dužan da isti propustiš? To ćeš videti i sâm u retrovizoru... ;) Ne mogu da tvrdim, ali bar po onome što sam ja video do sada, mahajuća plava zastava se pokazuje ugavnom: 1) da skrene pažnju onom vozaču nad kim je ˙već započeto˙ preticanje kako ne bi napravio sranje... 2) ako je vozilo izuzetno sporo (Morbideli, Katajama i co) a iza dolaze zahuktali pretendenti na pobedu u centru kadra ;) Sa druge strane, statičnu plavu su uglavnom pokazivali vozačima koji su i sami u iole izglednoj poziciji za bodove ali su zaostali za krug iza nekih vozača pa ih oni pristižu. U ovom slučaju takođe bi trebalo da važi obaveza propuštanja ali se može prolongirati do prve povoljne prilike (malo veći pravac i sl.) Druga je stvar što se neki vozači mrze ili se zanesu borbom za sopstvene pozicije pa ne šišaju favorite...
auto-moto.266 kcurcic,
> Da nije možda Hil? Seti se, on je prošle godine u _Vilijamsu_ > imao četiri pobede (a i te četiri znamo kakve su bile ;) , tj. > bio je deklasiran od strane Šumahera. Za pobedu u trci nije bitan samo kvalitet vozača. Prošle godine smo bili svedoci sjajne taktike i rada u boksu Benetona, što je u velikoj (ponekad čak i odlučujućoj) meri doprinelo dobrim Šumaherovim partijama. Naravno, ne želim da kažem da je on bio samo statista, naprotiv. Koliko god da ga ne volim, onakve vožnje kao na poslednjim kvalifikacijama u Monte Karlu su ono što me i privlači formuli.
auto-moto.268 ljubisha,
>Da nije moéda Hil? Seti se, on je proäle godine u _Vilijamsu_ >imao üetiri pobbio je deklasiran od strane Äumahera. A da postavimo stvar na sledeći način? Šta bi bilo da je Sena imao bolid kao Beneton? I taktiku, moliću lepo, kao njihovu? >p.s. Nevolja sa ovim narodom i jeste äto svi imaju "kratkotrajno" > pamćenje :( . A kako neko može da ima tako "tratkotrajno" pamćenje pa da Nemcu oprosti one namerne prekršaje u direktom duelu sa Hilom prošle (i ma- lo manje) pretrošle sezone? Sena je pravio gluposti kad je bio mlad al ovaj ##$%# šumaher ga je nadmašio (al dobro, i ja bi da mi svi gledaju kroz prste :( ).
auto-moto.269 djcorto,
> a) Da li je ona pokazana Irvajnu? Da. > b) Ako je pokazana Irvajnu, zasto? Zato sto je bio znacajno sporiji. Nije mahano, sto je znacilo da bi trebalo da propusti brzeg, ili ubrza. Da je mahano, MORAO bi da propusti Panisa. Glupan i tupean bar to objasnise ...
auto-moto.270 tomislavr,
> Sena je pravio gluposti kad je bio mlad al ovaj ##$%# šumaher > ga je Šumaher, u vreme kada je uzeo prvu šampionsku titulu, je baš bio mator - nekih 24. godine...
auto-moto.271 tomislavr,
> godine smo bili svedoci sjajne taktike i rada u boksu Benetona, > što je u velikoj (ponekad čak i odlučujućoj) meri doprinelo Na primer: Francuska - Šumaher udje jednom u boks, Hil dva puta. Reakcija navijača Hila: " E, jednom je manje ulazio u boks, opet je Beneton zajebao Vilijams". Nirburgring - Šumaher udje tri puta, Hil dva, Alezi čak samo jednom. "E, sad je bio lakši nego Hil. Šta bi on da nije Benetonove taktike". Ono što hoću da kažem jeste da taktika uglavnom pomaže ako imate dobrog vozača da je "vozi". Gde je sad Beneton bez Šumahera. Najbolji odgovor je dao Flavio na pitanje zašto im ne ide kao prošle godine - "prošle godine smo imali Šumahera" ;)
auto-moto.272 kcurcic,
> Francuska - Šumaher udje jednom u boks, Hil dva puta. Reakcija > Nirburgring - Šumaher udje tri puta, Hil dva, Alezi čak samo Upravo o tome i pričam. Seti se one trke u Belgiji; u jednom trenutku sam pomislio da imaju direktnu telefonsku liniju sa samim gospodom bogom. Svi stavljaju gume za suvo, sem Šumahera koji zadržava rain tyres, zatvara Hila dva kruga a onda ponovo počinje kiša. Čista vozačka sposobnost, nema šta ;> > Najbolji odgovor je dao Flavio na pitanje zašto im ne ide kao > prošle godine - "prošle godine smo imali Šumahera" ;) Da. Ove godine imaju dva vozača, od čega su se davno odvikli. ;>>
auto-moto.273 tomislavr,
> liniju sa samim gospodom bogom. Svi stavljaju gume za suvo, > sem Šumahera koji zadržava rain tyres, zatvara Hila dva kruga a onda Ajde kad moram neupućenima da prepričam ;): Bilo je baš obrnuto. Svi su stavili gume za kišu osim Šumahera koji je ostao na slikovima i koga Hil nije uspeo da prestigne. E onda je staza počela da se suši, pa svi u box po kišne (naravno osim Šumahera), pa je počela kiša :))) pa svi opet u box. Tu je Šumi "zaradio" jedno neulaženje u boks. Tada je Šumi bio ohoho ispred, ali na stazu izlazi pejs-kar - sreće po Hila!! ;). Ali Hil se okreće na stazi i sve propada... ;) Šta misliš kako bi Hil odvezao sa slikovima po kiši, i to u Spa. E, o tome ja pričam kad kažem da taktiku neko treba i da "vozi". > Da. Ove godine imaju dva vozača, od čega su se > davno odvikli. ;>> Da, ovakva dva vozača: #define alesi PALJEVINA #define berger DIREK ;) Zato im i ide ovako: Benetton: 19 pts. - 6. races :)
auto-moto.274 oldtimer,
> Šumaher, u vreme kada je uzeo prvu šampionsku titulu, je baš bio > mator - nekih 24. godine... Da, a o tome kako on uzima titule bolje da ne pričamo ;) NHF, ali malo preteruješ sa svojim svakodnevnim izlivima obožavanja gorepomenutog.
auto-moto.277 space.ace,
--> Da nije moéda Hil? Seti se, on je proäle godine u _Vilijamsu_ --> imao üetiri pobede (a i te üetiri znamo kakve su bile ;) , tj. A da nije slučajno prošle godine Schu imao bolid istih performansi kao i Hill. Schu jeste dobar vozač, to ne negiram, ali nije tačno da je bolji od Hill-a, smeliji jeste, ali imao je bolji tim i bolji box. Uostalom, Hill je izgubio Šampionat u boksu, a ne na stazi.
auto-moto.279 kcurcic,
> Bilo je baš obrnuto. Svi su stavili gume za kišu osim Šumahera > koji je ostao na slikovima i koga Hil nije uspeo da prestigne. E Isključujem se iz ovog flamewar-a pitanjem: zašto li nije uspeo da ga prestigne ? Da rezimiram: ne tvrdim da je Švabura :) loš vozač, naprotiv. Takvo što bi mogao da izjavi samo neko slep. Takođe, niko ne može poreći nekolike skandalčiće oko njega i Benetona. Da li je to istina ili nije, u to ne ulazim jer, naravno, ne znam tačne informacije. Nekoliko nesportskih poteza mu ne idu na čast, kao ni već poznate izjave o Hilovim vozačkim sposobnostima. Sve da vozi i protiv mene, nema razloga za takvo olajavanje. Sa druge strane, činjenica je da su formuli potrebna uzbuđenja i da celoj bratiji koja od tog sporta živi pogoduju ovakva prepucavanja i, makar i veštački, izazvani skandali.
auto-moto.280 dusko,
> Zato im i ide ovako: A, možda i zato što sad, između ostalog, ne koriste kobilice koje su 12.5 mm tanje od propisanih, zato što ipak koriste sigurnosne igle pri točenju goriva, pa čak i po cenu smanjenja protoka za 0.14L? Valjda im je jedno kažnjavanje i jedan vozač koji je goreo dovoljna škola? Pozdrav, Duško
auto-moto.281 tomislavr,
> E onda je staza počela da se suši, pa svi u box po kišne ^^^^^^ Lapsus calami O:). Trebalo je da pise - slikove ...
auto-moto.282 tomislavr,
> NHF, ali malo preteruješ sa svojim svakodnevnim izlivima > obožavanja gorepomenutog. Ne mislim da ga "obozavam", jednostavno navijam za njega i znam da je to ovde retko. Primecujem da kod nas ima mnogo manje onih koji _navijaju_ za Hila, vecina samo _mrzi_ Sumahera (valjda zato sto je nemac). Naravno na kazem da je on zlato, svi timovi tamo varaju, samo on malo vise O:). Takodje, uveren sam da je ove godine u Ferrariju cist kao suza...
auto-moto.283 tomislavr,
> zašto li nije uspeo da ga prestigne ? Zato sto je Sumaher pomalo bezobrazno menjao pravac i nije mu dao da ga obidje nekoliko krugova. Zasto su kad je to radio Sumaher svi bili zgranuti, a kad je to radio Sena sve su pripisivali njegovom temperamentu ? > Sa druge strane, činjenica je da su formuli potrebna uzbuđenja Upravo tako.
auto-moto.284 nenad,
> Zasto su kad je to radio Sumaher > svi bili zgranuti, a kad je to radio Sena sve su pripisivali > njegovom temperamentu ? Ne pratim sada formulu, ali ako se Šumaher ponaša slično kao što se ponašao Sena, onda mu ni nije mesto u Formuli - isto kao što ni Seni nije bilo mesto.
auto-moto.285 dusko,
Ko bude mogao neka obavezno pogleda na nekom od naših TV kanala, večerašnju trku Indy Car-a US500. Ja u principu ne volim ovale, al' su izmenili neka pravila oko ulaska u boks kad je pace car na stazi, i poprilično je zanimljivo. Na startu je došlo do karambola, pa je trka restartovana i još traje. Inače, rekoše na početku da sa Žil de Feranom (Penzoil Honda) pregovaraju vodeći timovi F1, ne bi li ga videli u svojim bolidima sledeće sezone. Ne rekoše o kojim timovima je reč, al' izgleda da Ferrari traži _pravog_ vozača ;) Pozdrav, Duško P.S.: Cdr-e, aj' dovuci ova nova pravila za Indy, a ne bi škodio ni njihov bonusni sistem bodovanja. O:)
auto-moto.286 dusko,
Trka je bila fantastična! 250 krugova * 2 milje, staza u obliku slova D. Pobedio je Vasser ispred Gugelmina. Honda je opet pokazala dominaciju. A Vasser je zaslužio 1,000,000$ za 1. mesto + 100,000$ za pol poziciju + 40,000$ za pobedu sa pol pozicije. U prvom krugu trke ga je dodirnuo Fernandez i skucali su se u zid sva trojica iz prve starte linije, u njih su poopaljivali svi iz 2. i poneko iz ostalih. Sve u svemu 12 totalno demoliranih bolida. Trka je zaustavljena, Vasser se vratio u boks (kao i većina ostalih) po rezervni bolid, ispodešavali su ga za 30 min i u naredna 3-4 pit-stopa. Bilo je ukupno 12 izlazaka pace car-a. Još ću početi da volim ovale ;) Pozdrav, Duško
auto-moto.287 tomislavr,
Monaco Grand Prix Press release of 18th May Monaco, 18th May 1996 The second consecutive pole position for Ferrari and Michael Schumacher, who after having been fastest in qualifying for the San Marino Grand Prix has repeated that performance in the Monaco Grand Prix. Schumacher actually set the two quickest laps of the day, posting a 1m 20.372 after a record lap of 1m 20.356. The pole position record for Ferrari has now moved on to 116, and brings the World Champion's personal tally to 12. This will be Ferrari's first pole position at Monaco since 1979 when Jody Scheckter Dominated qualifying. Eddie Irvine, for his art, is seventh with a time of 1m 21.542. Between this morning's free practice and the afternoon qualifying session, the Honoray Chairman of Fiat, Gianni Agnelli, visited the team spending about half an hour with Jean Todt, the drivers and the engineers and mechanics. Jean Todt "To actually get pole position at Monaco is almost a dream come true. To achieve it two weeks after having done the same thing at Imola is a wonderful present for the whole team and for all our fans who even here are numerous and very supportive. I said on Thursday that I expected we would do well in qualifying. For the sake of a few fractions of a second Eddie would also have started a bit higher up, considering that his time is very close to the two cars in front of him. Michael was fantastic and confirmed that he is the master of this track. But the car allowed him to exploit his great talent to the full. Both F 310s went well and I hope tomorrow's race will confirm the worth of the work we have done so far." Michael Schumacher "I must say I am surprised at today's result. In the morning I was about half a second slower than Damon Hill and I did not really expect to go that much quicker than him. I pushed really hard and I am very happy especially for Ferrari, even though I was unaware that this is the team's first pole here for 17 years. At that time I was only ten years old and I had no interest in Formula 1. I think I can win, because tomorrow we should not have any reliability problems. My accident in the morning was my fault: I arrived too quickly at Ste. Devoete and when I realised I would not get round the corner I tried to take the escape road but could not manage it. I am sorry for having got in Berger's way at the end of qualifying, but I thought the session was over and I was waving to the crowds. By the time I saw him in the mirrors it was too late. I tried to give him room but it was not enough. I will go and apologise to him." Eddie Irvine "This result is not too bad but I am a little bit disappointed as this morning I had found a really good balance on the car. However in the afternoon I found a little bit of understeer had returned. I thought I could have got fifth place, but this is good enough."
auto-moto.288 tomislavr,
Monaco Grand Prix Press release of May 19th Monaco, 19th May 1996 Both Ferraris failed to finish the Monaco Grand Prix. Michael Schumacher went out on the first lap, hitting the barrier on the descent going down to the tunnel, pratically at the same point where, on lap 70, Eddie Irvine lost control of his car and was hit by Salo and Hakkinen after he managed to spin the car to face the right way. Schumacher, starting from pole, was passed by Hill who was on the less slippery part of the track. He was second at the time of the accident. "I made a mistake," said the German driver, "and I am very sorry for the team. I am very angry with myself." Irvine made a very good start which put him in fourth place at the end of the first lap, even though he had been unable to take part in the additional warm-up as his mechanics were forced to change his engine and wiring loom which had suffered a loss of power towards the end of the morning session. With a heavy fuel load and with an intermediate set-up to suit both wet or dry conditions, Eddie was third when he stopped to change from wets to slicks at the end of lap 28. He was still third 8 laps later when Panis ran into him, attempting a passing move at the Loews hairpin. The engine cut out, but the marshals pushed the car which allowed him to keep going. "I had already undone my belts as the rules are clear that I should have been out of the race for receiving outside assistance from the marshals." Eddie came back to the pits, but because of a problem with the radio, the team thought the incident with Panis had damaged his front wing, which was changed unnecessarily. Only after this had been done did the mechanics retighten his belts and refuel the car. In fact the Stewards did not exclude him from the race but by this time Irvine had lost about 80 seconds and was two laps down on the leaders. "At the start the car was difficult to drive. It was hard to control the back end and I had to drive very carefully to keep the others behind me," explained Eddie. "When Frentzen hit me as he tried to pass it did not do any damage. Although the track was drying it was difficult for me to keep on the racing line because of the understeer. I was still third when Panis decided to have a go at me with a do or die move. It was a shame, because as the racing line got wider, I was able to drive better and get into a good rythm. All the same, I think that if I had got to the end somebody might have made a protest and I would have been excluded for having been pushed." "There is both a little and a lot to be said, " commented Jean Todt. "This was truly a cruel day for Ferrari, as we could have gone for a win with both drivers. Michael was really disappointed with himself over the accident, as he accepts errors form others but not from himself. But this is one of the reasons we are lucky to have him with us as he is a great person. Eddie made a fantastic start and did a good job of controlling what was a difficult race for him, having missed the extra warm-up. On the positive side we can look to our reliability and the incredible work done by the team who managed to change the engine and wiring on Eddie's car in record time outside in the pouring rain. Even if today went badly and we missed out on a possible win, I think we will succeed very soon."
auto-moto.289 giovanni,
Ę? ni Seni nije bilo mesto. Ne diraj u legendu.
auto-moto.292 tomislavr,
* May 25th - On Last day of testing at Silverstone, Thuesday Jacques Villeneuve got the best time for this last testing day at Silverstone. He had his fastest lap in 1:27:90, meaning he was half a second faster than Hill (1:28:42) - Hill was testing a new Renault evolution. Next were Alesi (1:28:77), Hakkinen (1:28:95), Barrichellow (1:29:68) and Coultard (1:29:70). A uz poruku ide i odlicna slika Zaka Vilneva... ;) j44.jpg
auto-moto.293 tomislavr,
Biografija Sumahera, a uz poruku i slike udara u Dejmona Hila iz Adelaide '94. Michael Schumacher Date of Birth: 3 January 1969 Place of birth: Hurth-Hermuhlheim, Germany Nationality: German Lives: Monte Carlo Schumacher So Far * In 1984 at the age of 15, he won the German Junior Karting Championship. He defended his title successfully in 1985 and also finished second in the World Junior Championship. * In 1988 he became Formula Konig Champion, winning 10 out of 11 races, and finished fourth in the German Formula Ford 1600 series and second in the European Championship. * In 1989 he moved into Formula Three with the Weber, Trella and Stuttgart (WTS) team, finishing one point behind Karl Wendlinger. * In 1990 he dominated the German F3 championship with WTS, and then joined the Mercedes-Benz junior sportscar team, scoring a victory at Mexico City. * In 1991 he finished second in his F3000 debut at Sugo in Japan, and a month later qualified seventh for the Belgian Formula One Grand Prix at Spa-Francorchamps with the Jordan team. * Later in 1991 Schumacher moved to Benetton making his debut in the Italian Formula One Grand Prix at Monza. He qualified seventh and then finished fifth. * In 1992 he went on to record his first Formula One win at the Belgian Grand Prix with the Benetton team. * In 1992 Schumacher finishes on the podium seven times. * Schumacher's scores his second victory in 1993, in Portugal. * In 1994 he scored eight wins and won the drivers' championship with Benetton. * In 1995 wins his second drivers'championship with Benetton.
auto-moto.294 obren,
Red je da propratimo najveći uspeh u istoriji našeg auto sporta... MILOŠ PAVLOVIĆ OSVOJIO TROFEJ SVOG IDOLA Trijumfom na Svetskom kupu u Japanu, naš as osvojio trofej Airtona Sene i ušao u istoriju jugoslovenskog automobilizma. - Pavlović ide koracima Sene, Šumahera i mnogih poznatih asova koji su osnovu sticali u kartingu. - Najmlađi učesnik u "formuli Renault ELF campus" Miloš Pavlović je još pre dve godine dao povod zaljubljenicima u automobilski i karting sport širom sveta da zapamte njegovo ime. Još kao 14-godišnjak, postao je vicešampion Evrope i osvojio treće mesto na Svetskom prvenstvu u kartingu nagovestivši ogroman potencijal. Koračajući stazom mnogih asova koji su docnije postali veliki, jedan od naših najvećih talenata nedavno je ponovo dosegao do samog vrha. Minulog vikenda, pobedio je na finalnoj trci Svetskog kupa u klasi "Formula A" na čuvenom autodromu Suzuka u Japanu i osvojio trofej Airtona Sene, legendarnog brazilskog asa Formule 1 i svog nekadašnjeg idola. - "Nezaboravni Senin stil vožnje je za mene oduvek bio ideal kojem sam težio i ovaj trofej mi je najdraži i najveći u karijeri. Maštam o tome da jednog dana sednem u pravi bolid i oprobam se u najjačoj svetskoj seniorskoj konkurenciji" - rekao je Pavlović. Šesnaestogodišnji Beograđanin već nekoliko godina živi u italijanskom gradiću po imenu Dezencano Del Garda, stotinak kilometara od Milana na putu ka Veneciji. Od ove sezone prešao je u novi klub i popeo se za stepenik više u rangu takmičenja najkonkurentnijeg svetskog karting šampionata. Prešao je u klasu "Formula A" a vozi za ekipu Birel. Pre nešto više od dva meseca, debitovao je kao nejmlađi učesnik u poznatom međunarodnom takmičenju "Formula Renault ELF Campus" koje se održava na pistama u Italiji i Francuskoj. PRe nego što je seo u pravi bolid morao je da završi odgovarajuću školu vožnje i zasluži licencu za takmičenje u formuli. Ocene njegovih instruktora, pod čijim su nadzorom počeli mnogi kasnije poznati svetski asovi, je da naš Pavlović poseduje vanserijski talenat. Na Svetskom kupu u Japanu učestvovalo je više od 80 vozača iz 36 zemalja sveta. Naš Pavlović je u poslednjem krugu trke obišao trostrukog svetskog prvaka, Italijana Pantana i stigao do blistave pobede. - "Odlično sam startovao i shvatio da mogu da pobedim kada sam stigao do drugog mesta. Bilo je riskantno čekati Pantanovu grešku i odlučio sam da ga napadnem u poslednjem krugu. Plan je uspeo i čestitali su mi svi pa i najveći kokurenti" - rekao je posle trke Pavlović. Više od 30.000 gledalaca na autodromu Suzuka, ovacijama su ispratili kraj trke i pozdravili našeg asa. Pobednički pehar mu je predao predsednik Svetske karting federacije Buzer. (Politika, utorak 28. maj 1996) Imaćemo za koga da navijamo za dve-tri godine! :)
auto-moto.295 senna,
Imacemo za koga da navijamo za dve-tri godine! :) ------ Daj boze :)
auto-moto.296 inferno,
Ů│ ˙ Ne pratim sada formulu, ali ako se Šumaher ponaša slično kao što Ů│ ˙ se ponašao Sena, onda mu ni nije mesto u Formuli - isto kao što Ů│ ˙ ni Seni nije bilo mesto. Pretpostavljam da ćeš nam uskoro napisati kako Agasi ne zna da drži reket? ;>
auto-moto.297 mire,
Nebih se složio sa nenadom da seni nije bilo mesto u formuli jedan, iako je imao ispade kakvi ne dolikuju jednom vrhunskom vozaču, ali se zato po pitanju Šumahera apsolutno slažem...dotičnog ne bih pustio ni trotinet da vozi na javnom mestu, a kamo li formulu 1.
auto-moto.298 tomislavr,
Ajde ljudi nije moguce da niko ne zna rezultate nezvanicnih treinga (F1). Nemoj to sutra da se ponovi... ;)
auto-moto.299 cdragan,
> Ajde ljudi nije moguce da niko ne zna rezultate nezvanicnih > treinga (F1). Nemoj to sutra da se ponovi... ;) Uhhh .. tek sad stigoh kući ;) Formula 1: Spanish Grand Prix 2nd Free Practice ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Session Resume: Weather: Hot and sunny Time Event 00 Hill (1m 24.456s) on pole from the morning session but is only 0.001s in front of Schumacher 02 Schumacher on track 04 6 cars on track 05 Schumachers first lap is a 1m 25.292s, pole +0.836s 06 Schumacher back into the pits 08 Hill loses his first fast lap to traffic 12 Hill runs a lap of 1m 24.533s, pole +0.077s 14 Alesi on track, 13th from this morning 17 Alesi runs a lap of 1m 25.136s, pole +0.680s 17 Top 6 are: Hill, Schumacher, Villeneuve, Irvine, Alesi, Verstappen 22 Fisichella takes a short cut accross the gravel 23 Hill runs a 1m 24.879s, pole +0.423s 25 Hill runs a 1m 24.883s, pole +0.427s 26 Schumacher runs a 1m 24.981s, pole +0.525s 26 Hill back into pits 27 Schumacher back into pits 29 Only one car on track - Frentzen 7th at pole +1.002s 33 Alesi moves up to 3rd with a 1m 24.839s 33 Top 6 are now: Hill, Schumacher, Alesi, Villeneuve, Irvine, Verstappen 36 No more improvement for Alesi who runs a 1m 24.888s 37 Coulthard in 17th at pole +3.066s pulls off onto the grass with terminal problems 39 Diniz spins his way onto the start straight but does not hit anything 39 Hill on track again 41 Hill runs a fast lap but is still 0.865s off his pole time 44 Hill getting faster only 0.150s off this time 45 Schumacher and Hill back into pits 47 Berger moves up to 7th 48 Top 6 are still: Hill, Schumacher, Alesi, Villeneuve, Irvine, Verstappen 51 Diniz moves up to 6th at pole +0.736s 53 Villeneuve improves his 4th time and is now pole +0.422s 55 Villeneuve loses his next lap to traffic 56 Villeneuve beats Alesi into 3rd place with a pole +0.363s 56 Top 6 are now: Hill, Schumacher, Villeneuve, Alesi, Irvine, Diniz 58 Hill completes a late lap but is over 1s off pole 58 Berger now takes 3rd with a pole +0.248s 60 In the last seconds Panis takes pole from Hill with a 1m 24.450s 0.006s faster than Hill 60 And then Barrichallo beats Panis with a 1m 24.367s 61 And then Irvine beats Barrichello with a 1m 24.331s ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Track Times: 1st Free Pos Driver Team Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 E.Irvine Ferrari 1m 24.331s 3 1m 25.081s 2 R.Barrichello Jordan 1m 24.367s 10 1m 26.215s 3 O.Panis Ligier 1m 24.450s 11 1m 26.300s 4 D.Hill Williams 1m 24.456s 1 1m 24.456s 5 M.Schumacher Ferrari 1m 24.457s 2 1m 24.457s 6 J.Villeneuve Williams 1m 24.615s 7 1m 25.858s 7 G.Berger Benetton 1m 24.704s 14 1m 26.690s 8 J.Alesi Benetton 1m 24.839s 13 1m 26.517s 9 P.Diniz Ligier 1m 25.192s 9 1m 25.961s 10 J.Verstappen Footwork 1m 25.225s 4 1m 25.225s 11 H.Frentzen Sauber 1m 25.256s 5 1m 25.715s 12 J.Herbert Sauber 1m 25.774s 6 1m 25.774s 13 M.Hakkinen McLaren 1m 25.919s 15 1m 26.882s 14 M.Salo Tyrrell 1m 25.945s 8 1m 25.945s 15 M.Brundle Jordan 1m 26.343s 12 1m 26.343s 16 U.Katayama Tyrrell 1m 27.183s 22 1m 54.104s 17 G.Fisichella Minardi 1m 27.332s 18 1m 28.109s 18 P.Lamy Minardi 1m 27.374s 19 1m 28.464s 19 D.Coulthard McLaren 1m 27.522s 16 1m 27.522s 20 R.Rosset Footwork 1m 27.623s 17 1m 27.623s 21 L.Badoer Forti 1m 28.868s 20 1m 28.868s 22 A.Montermini Forti 1m 28.952s 21 1m 30.138s ---- 107% ---- 1m 30.234s ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet.
auto-moto.300 obren,
Rezultati današnjih kvalifikacija... 1. Hill 2. Villeneuve 3. Schumacher 4. Alesi 5. Berger 6. Irvine 7. Barrichello 8. Panis . . .
auto-moto.301 kcurcic,
Rezime kvalifikacija u Španiji: Session Resume: Weather: Cloudy Time Event 0: 0 Villenuve fastest from the morning session 1m 21.041s 0: 0 Session Starts 0: 3 Both Mclarens on track 0: 4 1m 24.280s - M.Hakkinen 0: 4 Current Positions: (1) Hakkin, 0: 5 1m 23.740s - J.Herbert 0: 5 Current Positions: (1) Herber, (2) Hakkin, 0: 6 1m 24.100s - J.Verstappen 0: 6 Current Positions: (1) Herber, (2) Versta, (3) Hakkin, 0: 8 Diniz spins but does not touch 0:10 1m 23.510s - M.Salo 0:10 Current Positions: (1) Salo, (2) Herber, (3) Versta, (4) Hakkin, 0:10 1m 25.100s - D.Coulthard 0:10 Current Positions: (1) Salo, (2) Herber, (3) Versta, (4) Hakkin, (5) Coulth, 0:11 Villenuve on track 0:12 1m 23.310s - H.Frentzen 0:12 Current Positions: (1) Frentz, (2) Salo, (3) Herber, (4) Versta, (5) Hakkin, (6) Coulth 0:13 1m 22.320s - J.Villeneuve 0:13 Current Positions: (1) Villen, (2) Frentz, (3) Salo, (4) Herber, (5) Versta, (6) Hakkin 0:14 1m 21.710s - J.Villeneuve 0:15 1m 23.650s - O.Panis 0:15 Current Positions: (1) Villen, (2) Frentz, (3) Salo, (4) Panis, (5) Herber, (6) Versta 0:17 1m 22.360s - M.Schumacher 0:17 Current Positions: (1) Villen, (2) Schuma, (3) Frentz, (4) Salo, (5) Panis, (6) Herber 0:18 1m 22.370s - J.Alesi 0:18 Current Positions: (1) Villen, (2) Schuma, (3) Alesi, (4) Frentz, (5) Salo, (6) Panis 0:20 1m 23.090s - G.Berger 0:20 Current Positions: (1) Villen, (2) Schuma, (3) Alesi, (4) Berger, (5) Frentz, (6) Salo 0:22 1m 21.700s - D.Hill 0:22 Current Positions: (1) Hill, (2) Villen, (3) Schuma, (4) Alesi, (5) Berger, (6) Frentz 0:23 1m 21.640s - D.Hill 0:23 1m 23.030s - J.Herbert 0:23 Current Positions: (1) Hill, (2) Villen, (3) Schuma, (4) Alesi, (5) Herber, (6) Berger 0:28 1m 21.590s - M.Schumacher 0:28 Current Positions: (1) Schuma, (2) Hill, (3) Villen, (4) Alesi, (5) Herber, (6) Berger 0:28 1m 22.860s - E.Irvine 0:28 Current Positions: (1) Schuma, (2) Hill, (3) Villen, (4) Alesi, (5) Irvine, (6) Herber 0:31 Coulthard 11th, Hakkinen 13th 0:33 1m 21.150s - J.Villeneuve 0:33 Current Positions: (1) Villen, (2) Schuma, (3) Hill, (4) Alesi, (5) Irvine, (6) Herber 0:34 1m 21.310s - J.Villeneuve 0:35 1m 22.460s - E.Irvine 0:35 1m 22.900s - R.Barrichello 0:35 Current Positions: (1) Villen, (2) Schuma, (3) Hill, (4) Alesi, (5) Irvine, (6) Barric 0:37 Berger 9th 0:39 Hill, Irvine, Schumacher all on track 0:40 1m 22.160s - J.Alesi 0:42 1m 20.900s - D.Hill 0:42 Current Positions: (1) Hill, (2) Villen, (3) Schuma, (4) Alesi, (5) Irvine, (6) Barric 0:44 1m 22.330s - E.Irvine 0:45 Badoer, Montermini over 107% 0:46 1m 22.330s - G.Berger 0:46 Current Positions: (1) Hill, (2) Villen, (3) Schuma, (4) Alesi, (5) Irvine, (6) Berger 0:53 Panis 9th 0:54 1m 22.690s - O.Panis 0:54 Panis 7th 0:55 1m 22.060s - J.Alesi 0:57 Berger, Hill, Irvine on track 0:57 Villenuve, Schumacher on track 0:58 1m 22.130s - G.Berger 0:58 Current Positions: (1) Hill, (2) Villen, (3) Schuma, (4) Berger, (5) Alesi, (6) Irvine 0:59 1m 20.650s - D.Hill 1: 1 1m 21.170s - D.Hill 1: 1 1m 21.080s - J.Villeneuve 1: 2 Katayama engine blows in front of Schumacher
auto-moto.302 kcurcic,
Rezultati kvakifikacija u Španiji: Track Times: 2nd Free 1st Free Pos Driver Team Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 D.Hill Williams 1m 20.650s 4 1m 24.456s 1 1m 24.456s 2 J.Villeneuve Williams 1m 21.084s 6 1m 24.615s 7 1m 25.858s 3 M.Schumacher Ferrari 1m 21.587s 5 1m 24.457s 2 1m 24.457s 4 J.Alesi Benetton 1m 22.061s 8 1m 24.839s 13 1m 26.517s 5 G.Berger Benetton 1m 22.125s 7 1m 24.704s 14 1m 26.690s 6 E.Irvine Ferrari 1m 22.333s 1 1m 24.331s 3 1m 25.081s 7 R.Barrichello Jordan 1m 22.379s 2 1m 24.367s 10 1m 26.215s 8 O.Panis Ligier 1m 22.685s 3 1m 24.450s 11 1m 26.300s 9 J.Herbert Sauber 1m 23.027s 12 1m 25.774s 6 1m 25.774s 10 M.Hakkinen McLaren 1m 23.070s 13 1m 25.919s 15 1m 26.882s 11 H.Frentzen Sauber 1m 23.195s 11 1m 25.256s 5 1m 25.715s 12 M.Salo Tyrrell 1m 23.224s 14 1m 25.945s 8 1m 25.945s 13 J.Verstappen Footwork 1m 23.371s 10 1m 25.225s 4 1m 25.225s 14 D.Coulthard McLaren 1m 23.416s 19 1m 27.522s 16 1m 27.522s 15 M.Brundle Jordan 1m 23.438s 15 1m 26.343s 12 1m 26.343s 16 U.Katayama Tyrrell 1m 24.401s 16 1m 27.183s 22 1m 54.104s 17 P.Diniz Ligier 1m 24.468s 9 1m 25.192s 9 1m 25.961s 18 P.Lamy Minardi 1m 25.274s 18 1m 27.374s 19 1m 28.464s 19 G.Fisichella Minardi 1m 25.531s 17 1m 27.332s 18 1m 28.109s 20 R.Rosset Footwork 1m 25.621s 20 1m 27.623s 17 1m 27.623s ---- 107% ---- 1m 26.295s 21 L.Badoer Forti 1m 26.615s 21 1m 28.868s 20 1m 28.868s 22 A.Montermini Forti 1m 27.358s 22 1m 28.952s 21 1m 30.138s GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet.
auto-moto.303 kcurcic,
Staza u Španiji. spain.jpg
auto-moto.304 space.ace,
--> GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet. Zaboravih ranije da pitam, gde je ovo? Kako se dolazi do istog. Uputi me!
auto-moto.305 lexus,
Schumacher pobednik u Španiji! Hill se tri puta okretao na stazi, treći put je bio fatalan ;) 2. Alesi 3. Villeneuve
auto-moto.306 tomislavr,
Schumacher brilijantnom voznjom pobedio u Spaniji. Hil, kao i obicno ;), lose vozio - imao _nekoliko_ spinova i na kraju poljubio ogradu. Poredak na kraju: 1. Schumacher 2. Alesi 3. Villeneuve 4. Frentzen 5. Hakkinen 6. Diniz (prvi poeni u karijeri) Inace, sve je bilo reseno vec posle desetak krugova, kada je Sumaher posle loseg starta i pada na 6. mesto, "nanizao" Baricela, Bergera, Alezija i Vilneva (Hil se sam kaznio ;). Jos jedna trka kakvu samo Sumaher moze da priredi... :) Ajd' da kazem i jedan trac: Flavio Briatore, kako se pise po vestima na Internetu, ima nameru da otpusti jednog vozaca jer nije zadovoljan ucinkom...
auto-moto.307 kcurcic,
> Zaboravih ranije da pitam, gde je ovo? Kako se dolazi do istog. > Uputi me!
auto-moto.308 kcurcic,
> Schumacher brilijantnom voznjom pobedio u Spaniji. Što jes' - jes'. Jeste bila fascinantna.
auto-moto.309 cdragan,
Formula 1: Spanish Grand Prix 96 ======================================================================= Warm Up Weather: Raining, raining, raining and the same expected for the race. Temperature is 13 deg C and the track is very very slippery. Time Event 00 Everyone runs a single installation lap to check the car and then back to the pits. 04 First fast! lap is Frentzen 1m 49.9s 08 Few drivers complete a timed lap. Everyone is in/out in/out trying different cars and setups. 09 Hill goes fastest 1m 43.353s 12 Hill spins 360 but stays on track - back into pits 15 Panis spins 360 but stays on track 15 Schumacher gives a fine show of rally driving by 4 wheel sliding on just about every corner 15 Schumacher goes 2nd 1m 44.219s 16 Positions: Hill, Schumacher, Alesi, Coulthard, Barrichello, Brundle 19 Panis goes 3rd 20 Lamy spins off 20 Hill -> 0.8s -> Schumacher -> 1.6s -> Panis 21 Panis off into sand and retires 23 SESSION STOPPED Big crash as Frentzen destroys his car on the start straight. Frentzen out OK. He ran wide coming round the last corner and touched the kerb which sent him spinning straight back across the track into the pit wall. Unfortunately he caught an access gap in the wall which broke the spinning car in half and sent wheels everywhere. 33 SESSION CANCELLED Due to an FIA rule which states there must be a 4 hour gap between the end of the warm-up and the start of the race this session has been cancelled without running the last 7 minutes. As its now 10h03 continuing the session would have meant delaying the 14h00 race start. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Track Times: Qualify 3rd Free 2nd Pos Driver Team Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 D.Hill Williams 1m 43.353s 1 1m 20.650s 2 1m 21.376s 4 2 M.Schumacher Ferrari 1m 44.219s 3 1m 21.587s 3 1m 21.521s 5 3 O.Panis Ligier 1m 45.824s 8 1m 22.685s 6 1m 23.014s 3 4 J.Alesi Benetton 1m 45.934s 4 1m 22.061s 11 1m 23.260s 8 5 E.Irvine Ferrari 1m 45.968s 6 1m 22.333s 4 1m 22.501s 1 6 H.Frentzen Sauber 1m 46.132s 11 1m 23.195s 5 1m 22.760s 11 7 D.Coulthard McLaren 1m 46.312s 14 1m 23.416s 15 1m 23.682s 19 8 R.Barrichello Jordan 1m 46.682s 7 1m 22.379s 9 1m 23.197s 2 9 J.Herbert Sauber 1m 46.687s 9 1m 23.027s 10 1m 23.215s 12 10 G.Berger Benetton 1m 47.064s 5 1m 22.125s 13 1m 23.558s 7 11 M.Brundle Jordan 1m 47.114s 15 1m 23.438s 7 1m 23.126s 15 12 G.Fisichella Minardi 1m 47.811s 19 1m 25.531s 19 1m 25.245s 17 13 J.Villeneuve Williams 1m 47.910s 2 1m 21.084s 1 1m 21.041s 6 14 J.Verstappen Footwork 1m 48.102s 13 1m 23.371s 14 1m 23.664s 10 15 M.Hakkinen McLaren 1m 48.344s 10 1m 23.070s 8 1m 23.172s 13 16 M.Salo Tyrrell 1m 49.266s 12 1m 23.224s 12 1m 23.534s 14 17 U.Katayama Tyrrell 1m 50.401s 16 1m 24.401s 16 1m 24.078s 16 18 P.Lamy Minardi 1m 50.782s 18 1m 25.274s 20 1m 26.515s 18 19 P.Diniz Ligier 1m 51.580s 17 1m 24.468s 17 1m 24.836s 9 20 R.Rosset Footwork 1m 55.684s 20 1m 25.621s 18 1m 24.983s 20 ===================================================================== Spanish Grand Prix 96: The Result Race Resume: Weather: Heavy rain Lap Event Grid Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) M.Schumacher (4) J.Alesi (5) G.Berger (6) E.Irvine WU On the warm-up lap Salo stalls on the grid and has to start from the pit lane 0 Villenue and Alesi get past Hill into the first corner, both Ferrari's have bad starts. 0 Lamy, Rosset and Coulthard all out on the first lap 1 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->1.732s->(2) J.Alesi ->0.029s->(3) D.Hill->2.464s->(4) G.Berger ->1.127s->(5) E.Irvine->0.899s->(6) M.Schumacher 1 Panis pulls into pits and retires 1 Irvine retires 2 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) J.Alesi (3) D.Hill (4) G.Berger (5) M.Schumacher (6) R.Barrichello 2 Fastest lap: Villenuve - 1m 52.182s 2 Herbert off onto gravel but returns to track 3 Hill off onto gravel but returns to track 4 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->1.361s->(2) J.Alesi ->6.485s->(3) G.Berger->0.630s->(4) M.Schumacher ->3.701s->(5) D.Hill->2.448s->(6) R.Barrichello 4 Fastest lap: Alesi - 1m 51.673s 5 Fastest lap: Schumacher - 1m 50.568s 5 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) J.Alesi (3) M.Schumacher (4) G.Berger (5) D.Hill (6) R.Barrichello 6 Fastest lap: Schumacher - 1m 49.045s 6 Brundle off onto gravel but returns to track 6 Villenuve, Alesi, Schumacher all very close together 7 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->0.771s->(2) J.Alesi ->0.748s->(3) M.Schumacher->7.138s->(4) G.Berger ->3.109s->(5) D.Hill->4.900s->(6) R.Barrichello 7 Schumacher attacking Alesi 7 Hill off onto gravel again but returns to track 8 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) J.Alesi (3) M.Schumacher (4) G.Berger (5) R.Barrichello (6) H.Frentzen 8 Schumacher takes Alesi 9 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->0.458s->(2) M.Schumacher ->1.524s->(3) J.Alesi->6.252s->(4) G.Berger ->7.370s->(5) R.Barrichello->5.906s->(6) H.Frentzen 9 Schumacher attacking Villeneuve 10 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) M.Schumacher (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) R.Barrichello (6) H.Frentzen 10 Hill in 8th 11 Hill spins coming onto the start straight, touches the pit wall and retires. 11 Schumacher passes Villeneuve 11 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) R.Barrichello (6) H.Frentzen 12 Fastest lap: Schumacher - 1m 47.337s 13 Fastest lap: Schumacher - 1m 46.543s 13 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->6.606s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->1.269s->(3) J.Alesi->4.368s->(4) G.Berger ->5.870s->(5) R.Barrichello->6.970s->(6) H.Frentzen 14 Fastest lap: Schumacher - 1m 45.517s 14 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->10.515s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) R.Barrichello (6) H.Frentzen 15 12 cars left on track 15 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->14.924s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->0.778s->(3) J.Alesi->4.479s->(4) G.Berger ->5.745s->(5) R.Barrichello->7.768s->(6) H.Frentzen 15 Verstappen spins 360 but does not touch 16 Rain falling more heavily 16 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) R.Barrichello (6) H.Frentzen 16 Diniz off into gravel but returns to track 16 Salo off into gravel but returns to track 17 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->20.855s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->2.385s->(3) J.Alesi->3.528s->(4) G.Berger ->6.476s->(5) R.Barrichello->7.724s->(6) H.Frentzen 17 Schumacher laps Salo (12th) 18 Brundle out with engine(?) problem 20 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->26.614s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->3.392s->(3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) R.Barrichello (6) H.Frentzen 22 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->31.000s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) R.Barrichello (6) H.Frentzen 22 Verstappen 7th, Hakkinen 8th, Herbert 9th, Diniz 10th (no more cars) 23 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->37.150s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->2.893s->(3) J.Alesi->4.513s->(4) G.Berger ->7.570s->(5) R.Barrichello->10.370s->(6) H.Frentzen 24 Pits: Schumacher - 7.2s 25 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->23.385s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->0.864s->(3) J.Alesi->4.914s->(4) G.Berger ->4.937s->(5) R.Barrichello->10.465s->(6) H.Frentzen 27 Schumacher (1) lapping 3.5s faster than Villeneuve (2) 27 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) R.Barrichello (6) H.Frentzen 27 Schumacher laps Hakkinen (8th) 28 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) R.Barrichello (6) H.Frentzen 29 Frentzen (6) -> 1.6s -> Verstappen (7) -> 57s -> Hakkinen (8) 30 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->41.700s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) R.Barrichello (6) H.Frentzen 32 Pits: Alesi - 11.9s 34 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher (2) J.Villeneuve (3) G.Berger (4) R.Barrichello (5) H.Frentzen (6) J.Verstappen 34 Pits: Berger 34 Pits: Frentzen 34 Pits: Verstappen 36 Pits: Villeneuve - 10.0s 38 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->1m 9.000s->(2) R.Barrichello (3) J.Villeneuve (4) J.Alesi (5) G.Berger (6) H.Frentzen 40 Pits: Diniz 40 Verstappen 7, Hakkinen 8, Diniz 9 43 Pits: Schumacher - 8.7s 43 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher (2) R.Barrichello ->22.000s->(3) J.Alesi (4) J.Villeneuve (5) G.Berger (6) H.Frentzen 43 Pits: Barrichello - 9.3s 44 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher (2) J.Alesi (3) J.Villeneuve (4) R.Barrichello (5) G.Berger (6) H.Frentzen 44 Pits: Hakkinen - 9.0s 45 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher (2) J.Alesi (3) J.Villeneuve (4) R.Barrichello (5) G.Berger (6) H.Frentzen 46 Barrichello into pits with a problem, comes out after a 1 minute stop but pulls onto the grass later and retires. 46 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher (2) J.Alesi (3) J.Villeneuve (4) R.Barrichello (5) G.Berger (6) H.Frentzen 47 Berger retires 47 7 cars left - Diniz 7th 48 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->1m 0.000s->(2) J.Alesi ->10.000s->(3) J.Villeneuve->28.000s->(4) H.Frentzen (5) J.Verstappen (6) M.Hakkinen 48 Verstappen spins off and out of the race 51 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->1m 5.000s->(2) J.Alesi ->7.200s->(3) J.Villeneuve->28.000s->(4) H.Frentzen (5) M.Hakkinen (6) P.Diniz 52 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->1m 5.000s->(2) J.Alesi ->5.996s->(3) J.Villeneuve->28.000s->(4) H.Frentzen (5) M.Hakkinen (6) P.Diniz 53 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->59.000s->(2) J.Alesi ->5.107s->(3) J.Villeneuve->28.000s->(4) H.Frentzen (5) M.Hakkinen (6) P.Diniz 54 6 cars left 55 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->57.000s->(2) J.Alesi ->3.406s->(3) J.Villeneuve->54.929s->(4) H.Frentzen (5) M.Hakkinen (6) P.Diniz 55 Villeneuve (3) catching up to Alesi (2) 56 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->57.000s->(2) J.Alesi ->3.256s->(3) J.Villeneuve->54.000s->(4) H.Frentzen (5) M.Hakkinen (6) P.Diniz 58 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->57.000s->(2) J.Alesi ->2.720s->(3) J.Villeneuve->54.000s->(4) H.Frentzen (5) M.Hakkinen (6) P.Diniz 59 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->57.000s->(2) J.Alesi ->1.600s->(3) J.Villeneuve->54.000s->(4) H.Frentzen (5) M.Hakkinen (6) P.Diniz 59 Villeneuve/Alesi race laps Hakkinen (5) 60 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->57.000s->(2) J.Alesi ->2.000s->(3) J.Villeneuve->54.000s->(4) H.Frentzen (5) M.Hakkinen (6) P.Diniz 61 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->1m 0.000s->(2) J.Alesi ->3.329s->(3) J.Villeneuve->54.000s->(4) H.Frentzen (5) M.Hakkinen (6) P.Diniz 62 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->1m 0.000s->(2) J.Alesi ->4.100s->(3) J.Villeneuve->54.000s->(4) H.Frentzen (5) M.Hakkinen (6) P.Diniz 65 Schumacher Wins In a Nutshell: - Very wet race - Many drivers spun-off crossed the gravel and rejoined the track - Hill spun off 3 times, the third kept him off - Schumacher and Ferrari totally out classed the field in difficult conditions - Villeneuve and Alesi seemed pretty even through out the race - Once again everyone who finished scored points Track Times: Pos Driver Team Race Time 1 M.Schumacher Ferrari 1hr 59m 49.307s (65 Laps) (Fastest Race Lap: 1m 45.517s) 2 J.Alesi Benetton Gap 0m 45.302s 3 J.Villeneuve Williams Gap 0m 48.388s 4 H.Frentzen Sauber Laps behind: 1 5 M.Hakkinen McLaren Laps behind: 1 6 P.Diniz Ligier Laps behind: 2 Retirements: J.Verstappen Footwork On Lap: 48 Reason: R.Barrichello Jordan On Lap: 46 Reason: G.Berger Benetton On Lap: 45 Reason: J.Herbert Sauber On Lap: 21 Reason: M.Brundle Jordan On Lap: 18 Reason: M.Salo Tyrrell On Lap: 17 Reason: D.Hill Williams On Lap: 11 Reason: (Pole Position) U.Katayama Tyrrell On Lap: 9 Reason: G.Fisichella Minardi On Lap: 2 Reason: O.Panis Ligier On Lap: 2 Reason: E.Irvine Ferrari On Lap: 2 Reason: P.Lamy Minardi On Lap: 1 Reason: R.Rosset Footwork On Lap: 1 Reason: D.Coulthard McLaren On Lap: 1 Reason: Not Qualified: A.Montermini Forti L.Badoer Forti ======================================================================== Drivers Championship (unofficial) 1 D.Hill 43 2 J.Villeneuve 26 M.Schumacher 26 4 J.Alesi 17 5 O.Panis 11 6 D.Coulthard 10 7 E.Irvine 9 8 M.Hakkinen 8 9 R.Barrichello 7 G.Berger 7 11 H.Frentzen 6 12 M.Salo 5 13 J.Herbert 4 14 M.Brundle 1 J.Verstappen 1 P.Diniz 1 Constructors Championship (unofficial) 1 Williams 69 2 Ferrari 35 3 Benetton 24 4 McLaren 18 5 Ligier 12 6 Sauber 10 7 Jordan 8 8 Tyrrell 5 9 Footwork 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet
auto-moto.310 budim,
(:) Hill se tri puta okretao na stazi, treći put (:) je bio fatalan ;) Nemoj da mi staješ na muku... :((( poz, budimir
auto-moto.311 stevicm,
> (:) Hill se tri puta okretao na stazi, treci put > (:) je bio fatalan ;) > > Nemoj da mi stajes na muku... :((( Votson i Edvards su se ubili kukajuci na Eurosportu kada se to desilo! Ovaj prvi je izjavio, da mora da je do toga doslo zbog setapa bolida, jer okretanje nije bas svojstveno Hilu, koji je poznat po stalozenoj voznji! E, dal je u pravu nemam pojma, al bi voleo da znam.
auto-moto.312 djcorto,
> jer okretanje nije bas svojstveno Hilu, koji je poznat po > stalozenoj voznji! E, dal je u pravu nemam pojma, al bi voleo > da znam. Da se Hillov auto ponasao kako treba - nije. Da je on bas nesto bio raspolozen za sankanje - nije izgledalo. Sumaher mi nikako nije drag i mio, ali ona voznja po onom kijametu je izgledala kao da se RainMan povampirio. Ostali su vise mislili kako da ostanu u trci, a on je ODVOZAO trku. Mozda ferrari ima 4WD ? :)))) U svakom slucaju, coveku toliko zeljnom i naviklom na pobede dosadasnji "uspesi" mora da su jako tesko pali ... ;) Razlog vise za trud.
auto-moto.313 tomislavr,
Spanish Grand Prix Press release of June 1st Barcelona, 1st June 1996 Michael Schumacher has qualified on the second row of the grid for the Spanish Grand Prix and Eddie Irvine is on row three. The World Champion set the third fastest time of 1m 21.587s and the Irish driver was sixth in 1m 22.333s. Schumacher set his best time with the spare car as he felt its set-up was better suited to the track conditions compared to the settings on his race car, which he used on his first run only. Irvine's engine was changed between the morning and qualifying sessions after it leaked a small amount of oil. Jean Todt "Today's result is a reasonably fair reflection of our potential on this track. I do not think our drivers could have done any better. Tomorrow we will aim to finish with both cars in the points and hopefully a place on the podium." Michael Schumacher "While I might have expected to be a bit closer to the Williams, I feel this result gives a clear picture of the current situation from a technical point of view. Today I got the absolute maximum out of the car. The gap stems mainly from aerodynamic reasons and until we have the new parts we are currently developing it will be difficult to close it. There is nothing wrong with the engine: we are competitive in this area. Next week at Imola we will test a new raised nose, and if the results are positive I would hope to use it in Canada. Realistically, the best I can hope for tomorrow is a podium finish." Eddie Irvine "This position is pretty much what I had expected. I am pleased because I finally managed to find a good balance for the car, even though I am still having a few problems in the S after the pit straight. The car is really good in the fast corners. Considering that my grid position is not bad and that it was a close fought qualifying session between myself and the two cars ahead of me, I think I can have a good race, although the Williams will probably be out there racing on their own."
auto-moto.314 tomislavr,
Spanish Grand Prix Press release of June 2nd Barcelona, 2nd June 1996 Thanks to a triumphant and dominant drive from Michael Schumacher in the Spanish GP, Ferrari has achieved its first victory of the season and increased its total number of wins to 106. This was the World Champion's 20th win of his career. Having dropped three places to sixth on the first lap because of a clutch problem, Schumacher took the lead on lap 12 passing first Alesi and then Villeneuve. Once he had a clear track ahead of him, Michael took off on his own, setting a series of fastest laps. Ferrari's planned two stops strategy proved to be the right one. Having made his first refuelling stop at the end of lap 24 the German driver got back on the track holding onto a 23 seconds advantage over the next car. After his second stop on la p 42 he rejoined for the final stages of the race with a lead of 1m02s. At around the halfway mark his F 310 developed an engine problem. It was probably electrical, but the engineers will have to investigate the problem back in Maranello. However it did not have much of an effect from the performance point of view. "I really did not think I would win today, " said the World Champion "But this is really a great, great day because we deserved it and we merit this triumph because of all the work we have done together. Apart from the problem in the middle of the race when the engine was always cutting out on one or two cylinders, the car was very good in the wet. This confirms that we must work very hard to really understand what are the problems with the car. Here we were uncompetitive in the dry but we we re dominat in the rain while in Monaco the situation was the reverse. There is much to do but for the moment I take great pleasure from this victory which I would like to dedicate to the whole team." Eddie Irvine, who made up one place at the start, retired on lap 2 after spinning off the track. "I was easily keeping pace with Berger who was ahead of me, without having to take any risks," said Eddie. "Then suddenly I lost control and found myself spinning on the grass. I selected reverse and I would have got going again. Unfortunately I got stuck on a bump and the rear wheels could not get any grip. Michael did a great job and he has taken a lot of pressure off the team." "Thanks to Michael's fantastic race and the extraordinary work done by the team we now have this success in our pocket which will motivate us for the rest of the season" said Jean Todt. "But this is not the time to talk of the dawning of a new age: for now we have won one race, just as we did in 1994 and 1995. It is true that the title race is open but our objective is to continue with this positive trend and to continue improving, without setting ourselves any s pecial targets. Schumach er was incredible but I have to say that today the team was worthy of him, both in its preparation of the car and in its planning of the race strategy." As usual, Ferrari President Luca di Montezemolo watched the race alone at home in Bologna. After the race and full of emotion he said" I am very happy with this win and Michael Schumacher's extraordinary race. I want to dedicate this success, above all to this exceptional driver, but also to Jean Todt and all the guys in the team who deserve it because of all their hard work. Finally I want to thank our fans for their passion and patience and their continued support"
auto-moto.315 tomislavr,
Sta rade sampioni ;) kad nista ne rade... Rain at Imola Schumacher meets Tomba Imola, 5th June. Rain interrupted the second day of testing for Ferrari at Imola. Michael Schumacher had to wait until 3 pm before being able to go out on the track. To help pass the time, the World Champion turned to football, helping a team of mechanics to beat the engineer's side by 4 goals to 2. Once the track had dried, the German driver was able to start work on the scheduled development programme of new mechanical parts for the F 310. Schumacher completed a total of 26 laps setting a fastest time of 1m 28.45s. A welcome guest visited the team in the afternoon. Alberto Tomba the Olympic skiing champion and Ferrari owner had previously expressed the desire to meet the F1 World Champion and the Imola test provided a suitable occasion for their meeting. Testing continues tomorrow with the completion of today's interrupted programme, while the first test of the new raised nose will follow on Friday.
auto-moto.316 tomislavr,
Zvanicna pravila FIA-e za formulu 1..
auto-moto.317 tomislavr,
Sadrzaj datoteke koja ide uz poruku.. 1996 FORMULA ONE TECHNICAL REGULATIONS SUMMARY ARTICLE 1 : DEFINITIONS 1.1 Formula One Car 1.2 Automobile 1.3 Land Vehicle 1.4 Bodywork 1.5 Wheel 1.6 Automobile Make 1.7 Event 1.8 Weight 1.9 Racing weight 1.10 Cubic capacity 1.11 Supercharging 1.12 Cockpit 1.13 Sprung suspension 1.14 Survival cell 1.15 On board camera 1.16 Ballast box 1.17 Cockpit padding ARTICLE 2 : REGULATIONS 2.1 Role of the FIA 2.2 Publication date for amendments 2.3 Dangerous construction 2.4 Compliance with the regulations 2.5 Measurements 2.6 Duty of competitor ARTICLE 3 : BODYWORK AND DIMENSIONS 3.1 Wheel centre line 3.2 Height measurements 3.3 Overall width 3.4 Width ahead of the rear wheel centre line 3.5 Width behind the rear wheel centre line 3.6 Overall height 3.7 Front bodywork height 3.8 Height in front of the rear wheels 3.9 Height between the rear wheels 3.10 Height behind the rear wheel centre line 3.11 Bodywork around the front wheels 3.12 Bodywork facing the ground 3.13 Overhangs 3.14 Aerodynamic influence 3.15 Upper bodywork ARTICLE 4 : WEIGHT 4.1 Minimum weight 4.2 Ballast 4.3 Adding during the race ARTICLE 5 : ENGINE 5.1 Types of engine permitted 5.2 Maximum capacity 5.3 Supercharging 5.4 Number and type of cylinders 5.5 Number of valves 5.6 Temperature of the charge 5.7 Exhaust system 5.8 Engine materials ARTICLE 6 : PIPING AND FUEL TANKS 6.1 Fuel tanks 6.2 Fittings and piping 6.3 Crushable structure 6.4 Tank fillers 6.5 Refuelling ARTICLE 7 : OIL SYSTEM 7.1 Location of oil tanks 7.2 Longitudinal location of oil system 7.3 Catch tank 7.4 Transversal location of oil system 7.5 Oil replenishment ARTICLE 8 : STARTING 8.1 Starting the engine ARTICLE 9 : TRANSMISSION TO THE WHEELS 9.1 Four wheel drive 9.2 Gear changing 9.3 Gear ratios 9.4 Reverse gear 9.5 Propulsion 9.6 Clutch disengagement ARTICLE 10 : SUSPENSION 10.1 Sprung suspension 10.2 Chromium plating 10.3 Suspension geometry 10.4 Steering 10.5 Suspension strength ARTICLE 11 : BRAKES 11.1 Separate circuits 11.2 Air ducts 11.3 Brake pressure modulation ARTICLE 12 : WHEELS AND TYRES 12.1 Location 12.2 Dimensions 12.3 Number of wheels 12.4 Wheel material ARTICLE 13 : COCKPIT 13.1 Cockpit opening 13.2 Steering wheel 13.3 Internal cross section ARTICLE 14 : SAFETY EQUIPMENT 14.1 Fire extinguishers 14.2 Master switch 14.3 Rear view mirrors 14.4 Safety belts 14.5 Rear light 14.6 Headrest 14.7 Wheel retention 14.8 Data acquisition systems ARTICLE 15 : SAFETY STRUCTURES 15.1 Magnesium sheet 15.2 Rollover structures 15.3 Structure behind the driver 15.4 Survival cell and frontal protection ARTICLE 16 : FUEL 16.1 Physical properties 16.2 Air 16.3 Safety 16.4 Meaning of petrol 16.5 Purpose of Article 16 16.6 Sampling 16.7 Fuel approval ARTICLE 17 : TELEVISION CAMERAS 17.1 Presence of a camera or ballast 17.2 Location of ballast 17.3 Location of camera and equipment ARTICLE 18 : FINAL TEXT ARTICLE 19 : CHANGES FOR 1997 19.1 Changes to Article 15.4.6 19.2 Addition to Article 15.4 ARTICLE 20 : CHANGES FOR 1998 20.1) Changes to Article 13.1 20.2) Changes to Article 13.3 20.3) Changes to Article 15.4.4
auto-moto.318 tomislavr,
A sta u McLaren-u kazu za Barselonu.. Spanish Grands Prix Monaco and Barcelona are relatively close geographically, but they could not offer a more contrasted atmosphere to a Formula One race. For Round Seven of the FIA Formula One World Championship, the glitz and glamour of Monte-Carlo will be replaced by the intensity of the heat and of the Spaniards' temperament, in a city rejuvenated by the hosting of the 1992 Olympic games. But for Marlboro McLaren Mercedes drivers Mika Hakkinen and David Coulthard, the Marlboro Grand Prix of Barcelona simply represents another opportunity to perform at the highest level of their ability. The 4.727km-long Circuit of Catalunya, situated 30km to the north-east of Barcelona, is where David Coulthard made his Grand Prix debut two years ago. Having qualified ninth, he immediately showed his "getaway" talent by overtaking three cars at the start to reach sixth place. He retired later on in the race, but had already demonstrated the promise and professionalism that Marlboro McLaren Mercedes is now benefiting from. "Obviously, the Barcelona circuit is a special venue for me as this is where I graduated to Formula One", explains David, "but we always try to do our best at every race and on every track. On current form, we'll aim for a podium finish again." Meanwhile, Mika Hakkinen, who likes the mixture of sweeping corners and long straights which characterise this circuit, will be keen to put the last few weeks' misfortunes behind him and emulate his team mate's recent results. Last week's test at Silverstone has enabled the team to determine the car configuration for this race - which will not include the mid-ship wing at this higher speed circuit - and to continue the development of both chassis and engine. For the first time since the Grand Prix has been held in Barcelona, all tickets for the race have been sold - a statistic which stands as testimony to the current popularity of Formula One worldwide.
auto-moto.319 kcurcic,
Tests at Imola, Barcelona and Silverstone Thursday June 6, 1996 Imola (Italy) Michael Schumacher carried out more development work on the F310 under the watchful eye of Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo and Gianni Agnelli. Schumacher tested a new high nose design and came to a best of 1:28.212. Barcelona (Spain) Boullion was the only driver testing for Williams-Renault today and he did a performed well, he topped the times with a 1:23.00. Prost was second in the McLaren-Mercedes with 1:24.47. Herbert, who is getting the tests now he wanted, was third with 1:24.62. Silverstone (England) Brundle was again looking strong in his Jordan-Peugeot with the fastest time of the day two days in a row (1:28.99). Alesi and Berger were second and third in the Benetton-Renault's. New name for Forti Friday June 7, 1996 Forti Corse will bare a new name starting from the Grand Prix of Canada. The team will be called Forti Shannon. The Shannon Racing Team now holds 51% of the Forti stock. Andrea Montermini and Luca Badoer will remain to be the drivers for the new team. Provided by: Carlos Lefebre Franco from the Netherlands
auto-moto.320 tomislavr,
Da li je neko video taj Ferrari 310 sa dignutim nosem? Da li je "nos" slican Benetonovom ili je Barnard probio ideju da "nos" bude na jednom nosacu.
auto-moto.321 supers,
Kako stojimo ove godine sa odlaskom na Hungaroring? Jako bih voleo da izbegnem ove paket-aranžmane koji gule za po par stotina Nemica... Dakle, kako do karata? Kupiti ih neposredno pre trke, ili je takva pomisao suluda (ne znam da li je više karata ili posetilaca)? F1 fanovi, posavetujte.
auto-moto.322 tomislavr,
Testiranje novog Ferarija sa dignutim "nosem": First test for new nose Imola, 7th June - This was Ferrari's last day of testing prior to the Canadian Grand Prix, scheduled for 15th June in Montreal. Today's programme for Michael Schumacher included the first run for the car fitted with a high nose. In the morning the German driver drove with the car in its usual configuration to acquire the necessary data to compare with the new aerodynamic solutions. His best time was 1m 28.66s. In the afternoon with higher ambient and track temperatures, Schumacher drove with the new front wing setting a fractionally slower time of 1m 28.88s. The World Champion completed a total of 46 laps. This was purely an initial test to check the car's handling. It showed up many differences with the standard car. Work was also carried out in order to find the best set-up. Everything needed to fit out one F310 with the new nose will be taken to Montreal, where a decision will be made about using it in practice and the race. At the same time at Fiorano, Eddie Irvine carried out the shakedown test of the three Canadian Grand Prix cars.
auto-moto.323 tomislavr,
Irvine tests new nose at Mugello Mugello, 11th June, - In conditions made difficult because of the intense heat (the track temperature reached as high as 62 degrees) Eddie Irvine carried out the final day of testing at Mugello before the Canadian Grand Prix, to be held this Sunday on the Gilles Villeneuve Circuit in Montreal. Irvine completed a total of 54 laps. The Irishman tried the new front wing and was favourably impressed with it. Running the car with the high nose, Irvine set the best time of the day in 1m 29.58s, approximately three tenths under the time set in the standard specification F310. Additionally, Irvine also worked on the clutch, obtaining positive results from some new solutions, which however, will not be available for the next race.
auto-moto.324 tomislavr,
The FIA also announced the provisional Grand Prix calendar for next year: * March 2: Australia * March 23: Brazil * April 6: Argentina * April 27: San Marino * May 11: Monaco * May 25: Spain * June 15: Canada * June 29: France * July 13: Britain * July 27: Germany * August 24: Belgium * September 7: Italy * October 19: Japan -Some dates have yet to be announced-
auto-moto.325 space.ace,
--> Kako stojimo ove godine sa odlaskom na Hungaroring? Ja planiram da idem na trku sa DAMON navijačima iz Čačka i okoline. --> Jako bih voleo da izbegnem ove paket-aranžmane koji gule Pošto ja organizujem, gledam da mi ne izađe skupo, i zovem dosta ljudi, da bi bio jeftiniji prevoz, jer planiram da idem kombijem, i posle trke na Blatno jezero, čisto da vidimo da li može da se kupa :) Inače karte ne bi trebalo da su skupe, oko 50-75 DM, možda i jeftinije. Ali treba paziti, imaju dileri koji prodaju po 30tak maraka karte, koje vrlo lepo izgledaju, ali ... nisu prave :) E, sad da vas razočaram na kraju ove lepe priče; nema mesta :). Kombi je velik, ali može da stane samo 8 ljudi, koliko nas i ide :) Ali, pošto ste tako dobri, možda ću vam poslati koju fotografijicu sa Damon Hill-om, možda čak i Schumacherovu, za tomislavr-a ;) Pozdrav sPa
auto-moto.326 supers,
>> Inače karte ne bi trebalo da su skupe, oko 50-75 DM, možda i jeftinije. Uuups, pa to i nije za đabe. Bilo bi dobro da neko sazna tačnu cenu, jer na primer 75 DM nije isto što i 50 DM, nego upola više...
auto-moto.327 kcurcic,
Obzirom da je Gale Force servis nešto propao, samo najbitnije sa kvalifikacija: Hill, Villeneuve, Schumacher, i dalje se ne sećam O:) Uz ovo je prikačena i slika staze u Kanadi. montreal.jpg
auto-moto.328 kcurcic,
> Uuups, pa to i nije za đabe. Bilo bi dobro da neko sazna tačnu cenu, > jer na primer 75 DM nije isto što i 50 DM, nego upola više... Podaci od pre dve godine: kartu smo kupili na poslednjoj stanici metroa u Budimpešti (jer se do same staze ide prigradskim vozom) i platili smo je oko 15 dem. To su bile najjeftinije karte (za brdo :)), ali su omogućavale pogled ne mnogo lošiji nego sa bronzanih tribina. Prošle godine jedan moj prijatelj je bio, tako da ću podatke od prošle godine zakačiti kad ga nađem. Inače, mislim da karte nema potrebe kupovati ranije, jer ih je uvek ostajalo oho-ho. Ukoliko nekoga interesuje još nešto, neka pita. Možda i budem znao :)
auto-moto.329 vimm,
A evo i kompletnih rezultata zvaničnog treninga u Montrealu: Canadian Grand Prix: Qualifying ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- [Session Resume] --- [Track Times] --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Session Resume: Weather: 25 deg C air temp, 35 deg C track temp Time Event 3m Fisicella first car on track 7m Pole - Fisichella 1m 24.283s 11m Second car out is Lamy 14m 2nd - Lamy 1m 24.555s 16m Lamy improves his 2nd to 1m 24.512s 17m Montemini completes a fast lap blowing lots of smoke 1m 26.109s 18m No cars on track 19m Salo on track 21m Pole - Salo 1m 23.843s 23m Pole - Salo 1m 23.441s 23m Villeneuve, Schumacher on track 25m Schumcher back into pits after 1 lap, Villeneuve runs a fast lap 26m Pole - Villeneuve 1m 21.735s 27m Pole - Villeneuve 1m 21.196s 27m 3rd - Barrichello 1m 22.911s 27m Pos: Villeneuve, Coulthard, Barrichello 29m 2nd - Barrichello 1m 21.982s 29m Villeneuve back into pits, Schumacher on track 32m 2nd - Alesi 1m 21.966s 32m 2nd - Irvine 1m 21.657s 33m 2nd - Schumacher 1m 21.535s 34m 2nd - Schumacher 1m 21.198s (pole +0.002s) trapped behind Brundle on a fast lap 34m Pos: Villenueve, Schumacher, Alesi, Irvine 36m Hakkinen 7th, Coulthard 8th 36m Hill on track - first lap puts him 6th 38m 5th - Hill 1m 21.729s 39m 4th - Hill 1m 21.546s 40m Hill runs a 6th lap (!) on the same tyres but does not improve 41m Hill back into pits, Alesi goes onto track 41m Berger currently 9th 43m Alesi (3) - heavy sideways crash into tyres on an escape road 43m SESSION STOPPED 52m SESSION STARTS AGAIN 52m Brundle and Hakkinen first out 53m Schumacher on track 56m Schumacher back into pits, misses the weigh bridge and has to be rolled back 56m Villeneuve on track 58m Villeneuve 1m 21.491s 59m Villeneuve at pole +0.004s at the last split time but heads back into pits 59m Schumacher back on track 59m Pos: Villenueve, Schumacher, Alesi, Hill, Irvine, Barrichello 63m Hill on track 64m 13 cars on track 65m 3rd - Hill 1m 21.235s 65m Pole - Villeneuve 1m 21.079s 66m 6th - Hakkinen 66m Pole - Hill 1m 21.059s 67m 7th - Berger 1m 21.926s 68m Berger off into tyre wall near where Alesi went off Badoer drives off onto grass and retires 69m SESSION STOPPED due to Bergers car (out of car ok) with 50s of session left ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Track Times: 3rd Free 2nd Free 1st Free Pos Driver Team Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 D.Hill Williams 1m 21.059s 2 1m 21.150s 4 1m 22.958s 0 0m 0.000s 2 J.Villeneuve Williams 1m 21.079s 1 1m 21.037s 8 1m 23.546s 0 0m 0.000s 3 M.Schumacher Ferrari 1m 21.198s 3 1m 21.465s 3 1m 22.906s 0 0m 0.000s 4 J.Alesi Benetton 1m 21.529s 5 1m 21.585s 1 1m 22.498s 0 0m 0.000s 5 E.Irvine Ferrari 1m 21.657s 6 1m 21.640s 6 1m 23.148s 0 0m 0.000s 6 M.Hakkinen McLaren 1m 21.807s 4 1m 21.519s 11 1m 23.943s 0 0m 0.000s 7 G.Berger Benetton 1m 21.926s 7 1m 21.667s 2 1m 22.570s 0 0m 0.000s 8 R.Barrichello Jordan 1m 21.982s 9 1m 21.830s 5 1m 23.026s 0 0m 0.000s 9 M.Brundle Jordan 1m 22.321s 10 1m 21.960s 7 1m 23.208s 0 0m 0.000s 10 D.Coulthard McLaren 1m 22.332s 8 1m 21.820s 10 1m 23.931s 0 0m 0.000s 11 O.Panis Ligier 1m 22.481s 11 1m 22.238s 9 1m 23.906s 0 0m 0.000s 12 H.Frentzen Sauber 1m 22.875s 12 1m 22.417s 12 1m 24.201s 0 0m 0.000s 13 J.Verstappen Footwork 1m 23.067s 15 1m 23.224s 17 1m 24.799s 0 0m 0.000s 14 M.Salo Tyrrell 1m 23.118s 14 1m 23.193s 21 1m 26.595s 0 0m 0.000s 15 J.Herbert Sauber 1m 23.201s 16 1m 23.351s 14 1m 24.427s 0 0m 0.000s 16 G.Fisichella Minardi 1m 23.519s 17 1m 24.322s 13 1m 24.264s 0 0m 0.000s 17 U.Katayama Tyrrell 1m 23.599s 13 1m 22.985s 18 1m 25.062s 0 0m 0.000s 18 P.Diniz Ligier 1m 23.959s 18 1m 24.469s 16 1m 24.701s 0 0m 0.000s 19 P.Lamy Minardi 1m 24.262s 22 1m 25.469s 15 1m 24.639s 0 0m 0.000s 20 L.Badoer Forti 1m 25.012s 19 1m 25.027s 19 1m 25.668s 0 0m 0.000s 21 R.Rosset Footwork 1m 25.193s 20 1m 25.095s 22 1m 27.301s 0 0m 0.000s 22 A.Montermini Forti 1m 26.109s 21 1m 25.161s 20 1m 25.815s 0 0m 0.000s ---- 107% ---- 1m 26.733s ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet. Pozdrav Vladimir
auto-moto.330 wiper,
e sad ste me svi razocarali. Trka je bila juce a niko jos da ne ostavio par plasmane. Covek ode iz Beograda u unutrasnjost na dan-dva ne odgleda trka nada se da ce procitati sta je bilo a ono samo 3 poruke ovde stvarno nedostaje vpoznanovic
auto-moto.331 cdragan,
> e sad ste me svi razocarali. > Trka je bila juce a niko jos da ne ostavio par plasmane. > > Covek ode iz Beograda u unutrasnjost na dan-dva ne odgleda tr > nada se da ce procitati sta je bilo a ono samo 3 poruke Pa leto je ... malo se ide na Adu a malko se šetka po Internetu i tako to pa se na drugo i zaboravlja ... ;) Canadian Grand Prix 96: The Result --- [Race Resume] --- [Race Times] --- Race Resume: Weather: Bright, sunny Lap Event 0 Grid Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) M.Schumacher (4) J.Alesi (5) E.Irvine (6) M.Hakkinen 0 Disaster - Schumacher stalls at start of warm up 0 Schumacher starts from the back of the grid 1 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) E.Irvine (5) M.Hakkinen (6) G.Berger 1 Schumacher in 17th 2 Irvine has a problem and stops 2 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) M.Hakkinen (5) G.Berger (6) M.Brundle 2 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 24.697s 3 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->3.354s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->0.889s->(3) J.Alesi->2.070s->(4) M.Hakkinen ->0.617s->(5) G.Berger (6) M.Brundle 3 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 24.201s 5 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 23.748s 7 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) M.Brundle (6) M.Hakkinen 7 Big shunt as Katayama hits Rosset just after pit entrance both cars out 8 Schumacher up to 14th 9 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->5.071s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->1.584s->(3) J.Alesi->2.931s->(4) G.Berger ->2.364s->(5) M.Brundle->2.262s->(6) M.Hakkinen 11 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 23.255s 11 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) M.Brundle (6) R.Barrichello 12 Schumacher up to 13th 12 Schumacher (13) is 29s behind Hill (1) 13 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 22.948s 14 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 22.903s 14 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) M.Brundle (6) R.Barrichello 15 Coulthard in 9th 16 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->6.751s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->4.858s->(3) J.Alesi->1.641s->(4) G.Berger ->3.899s->(5) M.Brundle->4.837s->(6) R.Barrichello 16 Fastest lap: Villeneuve 1m 22.857s 18 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 22.775s 19 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 22.676s 19 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->7.022s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->7.656s->(3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) M.Brundle (6) R.Barrichello 20 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 22.412s 21 Pits: Barrichello 11.0s 21 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi->0.618s->(4) G.Berger ->1.265s->(5) M.Brundle 22 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger ->1.039s->(5) M.Brundle 22 Pits: Barrichello back in with a problem 24 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) M.Brundle (6) M.Hakkinen 24 Pits: Panis 10.0s 24 Pits: Barrichello back in and retires 25 Pits: Brundle 9.6s 26 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 22.396s 26 Schumacher up to 9th 28 Pits: Hill 9.4s 28 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->5.047s->(2) D.Hill ->8.301s->(3) J.Alesi->0.902s->(4) G.Berger ->14.804s->(5) M.Hakkinen (6) D.Coulthard 29 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->6.991s->(2) D.Hill ->6.627s->(3) J.Alesi->1.136s->(4) G.Berger ->15.269s->(5) M.Hakkinen->1.249s->(6) D.Coulthard 29 14 cars left on track 31 Fastest lap: Villeneuve 1m 22.353s 31 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 22.266s 31 Schumacher is running 1m 26s laps 32 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 22.224s 32 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->7.016s->(2) D.Hill ->8.984s->(3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) M.Hakkinen (6) D.Coulthard 34 Brundle 7th, Herbert 8th, Schumacher 9th 35 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 22.110s 35 Pits: Berger 11.9s 36 Pits: Villeneuve 11.5s 36 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 21.957s 36 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Alesi (3) J.Villeneuve (4) G.Berger (5) M.Hakkinen (6) D.Coulthard 36 Pits: Herbert 11.2s 36 Pits: Alesi 12.0s 36 Hakkinen spins on track but keeps going 37 Pits: Hakkinen 10.9s 38 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) D.Coulthard (5) G.Berger (6) M.Brundle 38 Schumacher up to 7th 39 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->20.262s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->15.435s->(3) D.Coulthard->3.003s->(4) J.Alesi ->4.384s->(5) G.Berger->1.569s->(6) M.Brundle 39 Panis takes Schumacher (in trouble !) 40 Salo out with a blown engine 40 Hakkinen chasing and catching Schumacher 40 Pits: Coulthard 41 Pits: Schumacher 12.4s 41 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) D.Coulthard (5) G.Berger (6) M.Brundle 41 Bits fall off Schumacher's car as he leaves the pits 42 Schumacher retires 43 Berger spins and retires 44 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) M.Brundle (5) D.Coulthard (6) M.Hakkinen 45 Schumacher drops back to 12th (last) 45 Pits: Brundle 11.3s 45 Lamy slides into Brundle, Lamy retires 46 Pits: Brundle - new nose 21.3s 49 8 cars left 49 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->28.390s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) D.Coulthard (5) M.Hakkinen (6) J.Herbert 49 7th Brundle, 8th Fisichella 50 Pits: Hill 8.6s 50 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->13.661s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->21.886s->(3) J.Alesi->18.580s->(4) D.Coulthard ->24.487s->(5) M.Hakkinen (6) J.Herbert 51 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->11.061s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) D.Coulthard (5) M.Hakkinen (6) J.Herbert 54 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->11.008s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->22.803s->(3) J.Alesi (4) D.Coulthard (5) M.Hakkinen (6) M.Brundle 55 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->9.385s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) D.Coulthard (5) M.Hakkinen (6) M.Brundle 56 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->9.254s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) D.Coulthard (5) M.Hakkinen (6) M.Brundle 57 Hill stuck behind Hakkinen 57 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->9.173s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) D.Coulthard (5) M.Hakkinen (6) M.Brundle 57 Hill laps Hakkinen 58 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->8.815s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) D.Coulthard (5) M.Hakkinen (6) M.Brundle 58 7th Herbert, 8th Fisichella 59 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->8.373s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) D.Coulthard (5) M.Hakkinen (6) M.Brundle 61 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->8.131s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) D.Coulthard (5) M.Hakkinen (6) M.Brundle 62 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->8.148s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) D.Coulthard (5) M.Hakkinen (6) M.Brundle 63 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->8.689s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) D.Coulthard (5) M.Hakkinen (6) M.Brundle 64 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->8.909s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) D.Coulthard (5) M.Hakkinen (6) M.Brundle 65 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->9.134s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) D.Coulthard (5) M.Hakkinen (6) M.Brundle 67 Fastest lap: Villeneuve 1m 21.916s 67 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->8.600s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->44.000s->(3) J.Alesi->11.800s->(4) D.Coulthard (5) M.Hakkinen (6) M.Brundle 68 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->6.855s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) D.Coulthard (5) M.Hakkinen (6) M.Brundle 69 Hill wins, Villeneuve 2nd Track Times: Pos Driver Team Race Time 1 D.Hill Williams 1hr 36m 3.465s (69 Laps) (Pole Position) 2 J.Villeneuve Williams Gap 0m 4.183s (Fastest Race Lap: 1m 21.916s) 3 J.Alesi Benetton Gap 0m 54.656s 4 D.Coulthard McLaren Gap 1m 3.673s 5 M.Hakkinen McLaren Laps behind: 1 6 M.Brundle Jordan Laps behind: 1 7 J.Herbert Sauber Laps behind: 1 8 G.Fisichella Minardi Laps behind: 2 Retirements: L.Badoer Forti On Lap: 45 Reason: P.Lamy Minardi On Lap: 45 Reason: G.Berger Benetton On Lap: 43 Reason: M.Schumacher Ferrari On Lap: 42 Reason: M.Salo Tyrrell On Lap: 40 Reason: O.Panis Ligier On Lap: 40 Reason: P.Diniz Ligier On Lap: 39 Reason: A.Montermini Forti On Lap: 23 Reason: R.Barrichello Jordan On Lap: 23 Reason: H.Frentzen Sauber On Lap: 20 Reason: J.Verstappen Footwork On Lap: 11 Reason: U.Katayama Tyrrell On Lap: 7 Reason: R.Rosset Footwork On Lap: 7 Reason: E.Irvine Ferrari On Lap: 2 Reason:
auto-moto.332 kcurcic,
F1: Canadian GP winners' press conference David Goodwin home, feet up Tue Jun 18 11:09:12 EDT 1996 Q Well, Damon your first win in Canada and after the last two races you must be absolutely delighted to have won here today? DH I am completely delighted. It was a great race. It was very important for me to do well here because I've had two non finishes and Jacques is right behind me in the championship and he was motivated this weekend, he put pressure on me the whole way and of course we have Michael, but he dropped out early, but it was a tough race right from the word go. We had to go flat every lap, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and I'm really, really pleased to have won. Q You stopped twice while Jacques only stopped once. What was the sort of strategy behind that? DH Well we looked at it and it looked quicker, but it was always going to be close because there's never been more than a cigarette paper's width between us all weekend. Q Jacques, you were pushing very hard there at the end and with your home crowd behind you, did you think you could have caught Damon at all? JV Well I knew he was very far ahead but I kept on pushing just in case he had some back markers or made a mistake and I could get very close to him because he wasn't far enough in the front for me to just lift, so I kept pushing and the track was better at the end anyway and the car was handling really well. Q At one point I think we saw you lap Johnny Herbert and then he retake his position. Did you have any sort of problem? JV Yeah, I saw the yellow flags. I wasn't sure, so I just let him take the position back. It was better to do that than to get a 'stop and go' after. Q On reflection would you have preferred maybe to have gone for the two stop strategy? JV No, I think the one stop was pretty good. It was very close at the end. I wasn't quick enough on the opening laps. I was saving the brakes because I thought they were going to go away but actually I could have pushed and they wouldn't have gone away. Q Jean, you were a winner here last year and after a good fight with Gerhard Berger, you must be very happy to be on the podium? JA Yes, of course. Our team make a good effort to give us a better car. On Saturday I had a huge crash because of brake failure. I was a bit worried this morning because I was full of pain but actually the third place is perfect for me, for the moment. Q You've been second twice this season and third position twice this season. Can we expect a victory in the near future? JA Of course I am looking for a win quite quickly, but I have great friends (points to DH and JV), I have to fight a lot and it's like that for the moment. I have a very good team working hard and I believe it can happen. Q Well Damon, we're half way through the season, you're 21 points ahead and you've got five victories out of eight races. What can we expect at Magny Cours and beyond? DH I'm looking forward to the last part of the championship, or the next half. It's going to be very, very tight and I expect a lot of challenges between now and the end of the season but I'm really, really pleased for the moment to have won in Canada and put myself back on target and back on track. -- David Goodwin
auto-moto.333 kcurcic,
F1: Katayama receives suspended ban Canadian GP 16 June, 1996 Stewards' decision number 4 Having received a report from the Race Director that U. Katayama, the driver of Car no. 18, failed to drive with due care and attention; having heard the Race Director; the Clerk of the Course; having heard the explanation of the driver U. Katayama and the team representative S. Neilson; and having reviewed the video evidence, the Stewards of the Meeting find driver U. Katayama guilty of a breach of the FIA Formula One World Championship Sporting Regulations in that he caused an avoidable collision with Car no. 16 (driver R. Rosset) at approximately 13:16. The Stewards of the Meeting therefore impose on driver U. Katayama a one-race ban, suspended for two races, effective immediately. The competitor is reminded of his right of appeal.
auto-moto.334 kcurcic,
F1: Canadian GP McLaren notes Canadian Grand Prix 16th June 1996 Both Marlboro McLaren Mercedes drivers finished the Canadian Grand Prix in the top six, bringing five points to the team's championship tally. David Coulthard drove steadily to fourth place whilst Mika Hakkinen recovered from a mid-race spin to take the chequered flag in fifth place. The team used a one stop strategy which resulted in David and Mika initially losing ground to the cars which had opted for a two stops race and were therefore carrying less fuel. The strategy eventually paid off with David and Mika being able to overtake them during their stops and to produce competitive performances in the latter part of the race, as their own fuel load decreased. Mika Hakkinen: "I had a clean start, ending up in fourth place after a very good and enjoyable battle with Gerhard Berger. Unfortunately my speed in the straight was not high enough for me to maintain that position, and I lost out to both Jordans and one of the Benettons. Then I came up to a back marker at the hairpin, locked the rear tyres and lost the back end of the car. I went in for tyres immediately after that and ran competitively to fifth, scoring two points for the team. David Coulthard: "It was good to get fourth place out of a bad qualifying position. The car ran well, especially as the fuel load came down, which was all credit to the team and in particualr to the mechanics who did a great job changing the engine after the warm-up. We've had a few points finishes now and are showing that the team's reliability is getting better." Norbert Haug: "Getting five points is a good team effort, thanks to both of our drivers. We are increasing our reliability and, more importantly, we are setting better lap times. Mika and David were approximately one second shy of Jacques Villeneuve's fastest lap. We now have to work even harder to close the gap to the dominating Williams." Ron Dennis: "We had a reliable race with both cars. The drivers struggled with the initial high fuel load as a result of our one pitstop strategy, but once the cars had become lighter our performance significantly improved, giving us the ability to lap as fast as everybody except the Williams. All the teams have got a lot of work to do to match their performance, but I hope we can achieve it before the end of the year. David did an excellent job. Mika's performance was also good apart from his indiscretion at the hairpin."
auto-moto.335 tomislavr,
Posle zadnje trke izgleda da je jasno ko ce biti sampion ove sezone. Nazalost, to je test vozac cije ime ne zelim da spominjem ;) Zaista je tuzno sto Sumaher nema ni sansu da se bori za titulu. Ferrari je pokazao da jos uvek moze da iznenadi sa novim bolidom. Ko god je mislio da Ferrari ne moze da napravi vecu gresku od one koju je vec napravio, grdno se prevario - sad im i delovi otpadaju :( No, nada umire zadnja. :) U sledecih nekoliko poruka idu prilozi sa Kanadskog Grand Prix-a od nekoliko timova. Izvinjavam se na duzini poruka...
auto-moto.336 tomislavr,
Benetton Team Release Race / Sunday 16th June 1996 Chassis Numbers: Car No.3 - Jean Alesi - Mild Seven Benetton Renault B196 03 Car No.4 - Gerhard Berger - Mild Seven Benetton Renault B196 04 JEAN ALESI : 3rd "In the beginning I had some trouble with the rear tyres and I slowed a bit, but the second set were a lot better. I was not worried about Gerhard behind me as I was always careful going into the hairpin. After my crash in qualifying I was in pain everywhere, but I didn't feel anything in the race as I was so busy. Today's third place is not too bad." GERHARD BERGER : retired on Lap 27 "Unfortunately it was my mistake. I was trying to catch up with Jean and brake too late, lost the car and spun. It is disappointing because I had a good start and the car was performing very well. I now have to put this out of my mind and think positively for Magny Cours." BERNARD DUDOT (Technical Director of Renault Sport) : "We did not have the slightest problem today. Jean Alesi's third place on the podium has given a Renault hatrick, and demonstrates Renault's superiority on the motor circuit. In today's normal grip conditions, Renault has re-establish its leading position." Tyrrell Team Release Race / Sunday 16th June 1996 Starting from 14th position on the grid, Mika Salo drove a strong first half of the race. He was running 10th on lap 25 before the first of his two planned pit stops. Mika rejoined the race 12th and was back to 10th place on lap 40 when he had an engine problem. Ukyo Katayama suffered an early retirement on lap 6. He overtook Ricardo Rosset at the last chicane but the Brazilian hit the back of the Tyrrell and broke the rear suspension. Mika Salo: "I had to start with the spare car because the race engine had a water leak. I made a good start but I was quickly stuck behind Johnny Herbert. However I had no problem to keep Michael Schumacher at bay until my first pit stop. The boys made an excellent job with a 7.5 seconds stop. Fifteen laps later the engine went. It's a shame because it was a race to score more points." Ukyo Katayama: "I had a problem at the start with the clutch and the engine nearly stalled. I lost some places and was stuck behind Rosset who was slower than me. I overtook him at the last chicane but he closed the door and hit me from behind very hard. I spoke with him after the accident and he said he did not see me." Harvey Postlethwaite, Managing Director - Engineering: "After a difficult start to the weekend, we had hoped for a reliable day. Unfortunately it did not happen. We have to work harder than ever to get back the reliability we had last year and at the beginning of the season." Yoshiaki Takeda, Yamaha F1 Project Manager: "We are obviously frustrated as technical problems dominated our weekend. Mika had to take the spare car because of a suspected water leak in his race car and then had to retire because of an engine failure. We are waiting for the car to come back to find out the problem."
auto-moto.337 tomislavr,
Neko je pitao za stanje na "tabeli": Formula 1 Tables 1996 Most tables calculated up to and including the Canadian Grand Prix. Drivers Championship Constructors Championship Laps in the Lead (By Driver) Laps in the Lead (By Team) Most pole positions (By Driver) Most pole positions (By Team) Race Laps Completed (By Driver) Race Laps Completed (By Team) Number of Fastest Laps (By Driver) Number of Fastest Laps (By Team) Most Retirements (By Driver) Most Retirements (By Team) Most Crashes (By Driver) Most Crashes (By Team) Most Car Failures (By Driver) Most Car Failures (By Team) Most Spin-Offs (By Driver) Most Spin-Offs (By Team) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drivers Championship (unofficial) Calculations include the Canadian Grand Prix. 1 D.Hill 53 2 J.Villeneuve 32 3 M.Schumacher 26 4 J.Alesi 21 5 D.Coulthard 13 6 O.Panis 11 7 M.Hakkinen 10 8 E.Irvine 9 9 R.Barrichello 7 G.Berger 7 11 H.Frentzen 6 12 M.Salo 5 13 J.Herbert 4 14 M.Brundle 2 15 J.Verstappen 1 P.Diniz 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Constructors Championship (unofficial) Calculations include the Canadian Grand Prix. 1 Williams 85 2 Ferrari 35 3 Benetton 28 4 McLaren 23 5 Ligier 12 6 Sauber 10 7 Jordan 9 8 Tyrrell 5 9 Footwork 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most pole positions by Driver Calculations include the Canadian Grand Prix. 1 D.Hill 5 2 M.Schumacher 2 3 J.Villeneuve 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of Fastest Laps by Driver Calculations include the Canadian Grand Prix. 1 D.Hill 3 2 J.Alesi 2 J.Villeneuve 2 4 M.Schumacher 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most Retirements by Team Calculations include the Spanish Grand Prix. 1 Footwork 11 2 Jordan 10 Minardi 10 Tyrrell 10 5 Sauber 8 6 Benetton 7 7 McLaren 6 Ferrari 6 9 Ligier 5 Williams 5 11 Forti 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most Crashes by Driver Calculations include the Spanish Grand Prix. 1 R.Rosset 3 2 L.Badoer 2 J.Alesi 2 O.Panis 2 E.Irvine 2 6 T.Marques 1 J.Herbert 1 M.Brundle 1 D.Coulthard 1 G.Fisichella 1 P.Lamy 1 M.Salo 1 M.Hakkinen 1 J.Villeneuve 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most Crashes by Team Calculations include the Spanish Grand Prix. 1 Minardi 3 Footwork 3 3 Forti 2 Ligier 2 McLaren 2 Benetton 2 Ferrari 2 8 Jordan 1 Sauber 1 Tyrrell 1 Williams 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most Car Failures by Team Calculations include the Spanish Grand Prix. 1 Footwork 5 Sauber 5 Tyrrell 5 4 Minardi 4 Benetton 4 6 Jordan 3 McLaren 3 8 Ligier 2 Ferrari 2 Williams 2
auto-moto.338 tomislavr,
Williams June 16, 1996 Montreal, Canada HILL SECURES FIFTH GRAND PRIX VICTORY OF SEASON After his recent disappointments British Driver Damon Hill bounced back to top form to dominate the 69 lap Canadian Grand Prix in Montreal. Hill, driving the Rothmans Williams Renault, started from pole position for this eighth round of the Formula One World Championship, around the Gilles Villeneuve circuit, and at the finish held a 4.183 second lead over his team-mate and local hero, Jacques Villeneuve. Hill, who made two pit stops and Villeneuve only one, leads his team-mate at the half way stage in the championship by an impressive 21 points. "It was so important to do well here after my two non finishes," said a delighted Hill after his 18th grand prix victory. "Jacques is right behind me in the championship and as you would expect he was motivated all weekend which put the pressure on me the whole way. It was a tough race right from the word go and especially as we had gone for the two stop strategy. It was always going to be close because there has never been more than a cigarette paper's width between us all weekend." There were only eight finishers in the race with Frenchman Jean Alesi in third place driving the Renault powered Benetton, in front of the McLaren Mercedes duo of David Coulthard and Mika Hakkinen. British driver Martin Brundle, making his 150th grand prix appearance, driving the Jordan Peugeot, completed the points scorers in sixth place in the race which proved a disaster for World Champion Michael Schumacher. The German, despite qualifying in third place, was forced to start from the back of the grid after he could not start his Ferrari at the beginning of the formation lap. Despite a collision with Frenchman Olivier Panis he was battling for seventh place when he called in for his first pit stop on lap 40. As he raced back onto the circuit his Ferrari broke a drive shaft. His team-mate Eddie Irvine fared no better and retired on the second lap while lying in fourth place with a suspension problem. Hill led from pole position and the only time he was headed in the race was when he made his first pit stop and Villeneuve took over, albeit temporarily, until he made his one and only stop. Alesi held on to a rather lonely third place but his team-mate Gerhard Berger spun out of fourth spot on lap 43. Brazilian Rubens Barrichello was battling for points when he was forced to retired with a clutch problem with his Jordan Peugeot. His team-mate Brundle did not have a smooth ride into sixth place. He had to fit a new nose cone after a collision with the Minardi of Pedro Lamy, who was forced to retire. Hakkinen also had his problems on route to fifth place which he achieved despite a spin around half distance. At the finish the record 101, 000 Canadian crowd saluted their new super hero Villeneuve who let Hill gain a vital advantage on the very first lap. "I wasn't quick enough on that opening lap because I was trying to save my brakes," explained Villeneuve who is now six points in front of third placed Schumacher in the title chase. "I think the one stop was pretty good and it was close at the end I just kept pushing hard." Jordan Peugeot Martin Brundle celebrated his 150th Grand Prix by scoring a World Championship point for the Benson & Hedges Total Jordan Peugeot team, the British driver achieving the result despite pitting on no fewer than three occasions. Starting from 9th place on the grid, he made a superb start, rising to 6th place by the end of the first lap. He was running to a two-stop strategy, but after the second stop he tangled with Pedro Lamy's Minardi at the first corner and was forced to make a third stop - this time for a new nose section. He was able to over take Johnny Herbert's Sauber on lap 52 and ran unchallenged to finish sixth. "The car was perfect throughout the race. We opted for two pit stops and I stand by that decision, it was the right way to go for our car although one stop suited others. It was a pity about the collision with Lamy. I thought he had given me the corner, but he closed down the gap and we touched. I am glad to have finished in the points, but that accident caused me 5th place at least." Rubens Barrichello had a clutch problem from the start of the race and this eventually caused his retirement on lap 23. The team tried to cure the clutch problem when he made his first pit stop, but the unit was beyond repair. "I had the clutch down hard on the grid but, because it took so long for the lights to change, the car was starting to creep forward because the clutch was slipping. Quite a few guys overtook me, but I still had a good first lap. I had a bit of a moment with Frentzen, but recovered. The clutch was ok for a while, but then it started to slip again. The set-up had been very good and I was able to overtake Hakkinen. Then, at the pit stop, the clutch wa just giving up and we tried one more lap, but it was no good." Eddie Jordan said : "I am pleased for Martin to get this result in his 150th GP, although it could have been more. However, once again it was a disappointing race for Rubens." Pierre-Michel Fauconnier (Peugeot Sport) said : "As with each race this season, when the Jordan-Peugeot has finished, it has finished in the points. Today it was Martin Brundle who brought us a point after putting in a convincing performance throughout. This was a very positive aspect of the weekend." Ferrari
auto-moto.339 tomislavr,
Ferrari Canadian Grand Prix Press release of 16th June Monteral, 16th June 1996 It was a black day for Ferrari at the Canadian Grand Prix as both drivers retired with mechanical failures. Michael Schumacher's race was particularly troubled. The World Champion had to start from the back of the grid as at the moment of setting out on the formation lap it proved very difficult to start the engine on his F 310. Schumacher made up a few places in the early stages of the race, but soon after he was forced to adopt a slower pace preventing him from pushing on, because of a brake problem. However, Michael was up to seventh place at the end of lap 41 when he pitted for the only planned pit-stop. As he went back out onto the track his car suffered a broken drive shaft and all the dirver could do was to slowly bring the car back to the pits and retire. "This really was a bad day, " said the World Champion. "First, the fuel pressure was too low which made it difficult to start the engine. Then the balance of the brakes was inconsistent front to rear which stopped me from pushing hard. Finally the drive shaft: the breakage may have been caused by the fact that, because of a clutch problem, I let the wheels spin too much. I did not expect so many problems all at the same time, but the important thing now is not to be discouraged and to continue working with conviction on the important developments in progress." As for Eddie Irvine, his race lasted barely one and a half laps. Eddie was fourth when the front right pushrod broke on his F 310. "It just went unexpectedly on the straight for no obvious reason," said the driver. "It is a real blow as the car was really good and I could easily match Alesi's pace, even though I had so much fuel on board as I had planned to stop only once." "It could not have gone worse than it did, " said Sporting Director Jean Todt. "Our performance in qualifying led us to expect a good result, however we had an almost unbelievable series of problems, some of which we have already experienced in the past.m but Eddie's pushrod and Michael's dirve shaft are completely new to us. In the heat of the moment it is difficult to explain. We will look for the reasons in Maranello in order to find solutions for the future."
auto-moto.340 tomislavr,
Ferrari Canadian Grand Prix Press release of 15th June Montreal, 15th June 1996 The Ferraris will start the Canadian Grand Prix from the second and third rows of the grid. In today's qualifying session Michael Schumacher set the third fastest time (1m 21.198s) and Eddie Irvine the fifth (1m 21.657s). The World Champion used the spare car for almost all the session. After just one lap in his race car the engine developed an electrical problem. Once he had tried the spare Michael found it much more to his liking. Both F 310 were fitted with the new front wing which will also be used in tomorrow's race. Jean Todt "Michael might have been able to do better, but as a result of the two interruptions to the session, he was not even able to complete all his available laps. He did his time on his first run, and then he was twice defeated by the red flag. I am happy for Eddie, who is gaining confidence in the car and who has been quick and competitive all week-end. I think we have the potential to be contenders in tomorrow's Grand Prix." Michael Schumacher "I am not very satisfied as I feel I could have done a better time. However I barely had a single trouble-free lap. Even on my fastest lap I found myself behind Brundle over a long section of track. Anyway it all looks very close and so I am sure the race will be very hard fought, especially as the track does not show up the differences in driving ability. It is simply deceptive as it is bumpy in the braking areas. The new front wing is a step forward but it should not be considered as being of profound importance. It is worth one to two tenths of a second and makes the car more stable and that is all." Eddie Irvine "I have to say it is not bad, even if I set my time on my first set of tyres. I tried a set-up change before my second run which proved to be the wrong thing to do. For my third run I went back to the original settings but the car was not the same. However I am confident for the race and plan to improve on my grid position."
auto-moto.341 tomislavr,
Ferrari Canadian Grand Prix Press release of 14th June Montreal, 14th June 1996 In today's free practice for the Canadian Grand Prix Michael Schumacher was third quickest (1m 22.906s) and Eddie Irvine was sixth (1m 23.148s). The German driver's F 310 was fitted with the new front wing while the Irishman ran the standard version. Both Ferrari drivers used only one set of tyres each. In the first half of today's session Irvine only managed five laps because of a fuel pump problem. Jean Todt "As usual on Friday, we concentrated on working on our race set-up. For tomorrow's qualifying session Irvine will also have a high nose available to him." Michael Schumacher "With the high nose the car immediately felt better than at Barcelona. I must make it clear that this new solution cannot work miracles. However it definetely has advantages in terms of top speed, aerodynamic downforce and the stability of the car. It is difficult to find a good balance here as this track is very bumpy. I predict a very close fight between ourselves, the Williams and the Benettons in tomorrow's qualifying session. I am optimistic as I know exactly what we did at Ferrari today in terms of tyres and fuel and I am pretty sure that not all our opponents did the same." Eddie Irvine "I lost almost half the day but I am reasonably happy with the work I did with my engineers. Even though my times were consistently quite good I was never really happy with my set-up. However by the end of the session we had solved the problems. The car is well balanced and just needs improvements to the braking. I am sure that we can even improve this situation a little bit tomorrow thanks to the fact that I will have the new front wing." Chassis numbers 170 Race car, Irvine 171 Race car, Schumacher 169 Spare car
auto-moto.342 lexus,
=> bolidom. Ko god je mislio da Ferrari ne moze da napravi vecu => gresku od one koju je vec napravio, grdno se prevario - sad im i => delovi otpadaju :( Biće bolje :) Test vozač će, ionako, pobeći iz F1 na kraju sezone, pošto zna da sledeće sezone neće imati šanse ;)
auto-moto.343 kcurcic,
> sezone. Nazalost, to je test vozac cije ime ne zelim da > spominjem ;) Evo ja ću: Dejmon Hil. ;)
auto-moto.344 cdragan,
> Zaista je tuzno sto Sumaher nema ni sansu da se bori za titulu. Pa kad mu je dupe zinulo za parama koje mu je nudio Ferrari ;) P.S. Da ne bude zabune, da mi ponude da dobijem 20 mil $ i titulu prvaka i 30 mil $ bez titule, izabrao bih ovo drugo ;)
auto-moto.345 schef,
­=- P.S. Da ne bude zabune, da mi ponude da dobijem 20 mil $ i ­=- titulu prvaka i 30 mil $ bez titule, izabrao bih ovo drugo ;) Pa i red bi bio da i Hil osvoji jednu titulu... ;) Srleř
auto-moto.346 kcurcic,
Još malo interesantnih informacija. Izvinite na dužini O:) F1: Silverstone testing 96-06-21 Silverstone Test June 19 to 21 1. J-C Boullion France Willims-Renault 1:26.75 (Wed) 2. Mika Hakkinen Finland McLaren-Mercedes 1:26.76 (Fri) 3. Damon Hill Britain Williams-Renault 1:26.91 (Thu) 4. Jacques Villeneuve Canada Williams-Renault 1:27.33 (Fri) 5. Gerhard Berger Austria Benetton-Renault 1:27.45 (Fri) 6. Martin Brundle Britain Jordan-Peugeot 1:28.58 (Wed) 7. Jean Alesi France Benetton-Renault 1:28.86 (Wed) 8. Mika Salo Finland Tyrrell-Yamaha 1:29.42 (Fri) 9. Ukyo Katayama Japan Tyrrell-Yamaha 1:29.62 (Fri) 10. Jos Verstappen N'lnds Footwork-Hart 1:30.37 (Fri) I još malo interesantnijih informacija - sledi li Vilijamsu i Benetonu isto što i Meklarenu posle Honde ? F1: Renault to pull out after `97 season PARIS, June 20, 1996 - Renault, the French car manufacturer whose engines have powered Williams and Benetton teams to the last four constructors' world championships, announced on Thurs- day they are to withdraw from Formula One at the end of 1997. Renault made their announcement in Paris where Renault sport president Patrick Faure confirmed one of Formula One's hottest rumours of recent weeks. ``The goal the company set itself in 1989 has been largely surpassed thanks to the know-how and commitment of the Renault Sport team," Renault said in a statement. ``Renault Sport will continue to operate after 1997 as an independent unit, run by Christian Contzen and Bernard Dudot." Renault, which ran its own team between 1977-85, has had a great influence on Grand Prix racing.
auto-moto.347 dusko,
> gresku od one koju je vec napravio, grdno se prevario - sad im > i delovi otpadaju :( Koji čobani im voze nije ni čudo :>>> > No, nada umire zadnja. :) "Tko živi u nadi - umire izvždan" (c) AF ;) Pozdrav, Duško
auto-moto.348 kcurcic,
F1: Senna-Imola investigation update ROME, June 26 - An Italian prosecutor has asked for Formula One team owner Frank Williams to be tried for alleged manslaighter over the death of world champion driver Ayrton Senna, a source close to the investigation said today. The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said public prosecutor Maurizio Passarini was also seeking trial on the same charge for technical manager Patrick Head, six other Williams team officials and two senior officials of the Imola race track where Senna was killed during the San Marino Grand Prix in 1994. Passarini, who is based in the central city of Bologna, submitted his conclusions to an examining magistrate who must now decide whether to bring formal charges and order a trial. The request was expected to be considered around July 20. The charge, if allowed to proceed, carries a maximum prison. Five people were investigated in connection with Roland Ratzenberger's death but Italian media said Passarini had recommended that their cases be dropped.
auto-moto.349 kcurcic,
Staza u Magny Cours-u france.jpg
auto-moto.350 mila,
Evo, sveže informacije za one koji ne prate satelitski program: Na današnjim kvalifikacijama, u Francuskoj, na pomenutoj stazi: 1. Hakinen 1.17.673 2. Pani +0.532 3. Berger +0.611 4. Alezi 5. Šumaher 6. Hil +0.949 7. Vilnev 8. Kultard 9. Irvin 10. Diniz 11. Brandl 12. Barićelo 13. Verštapen 14. Rose itd, itd
auto-moto.351 obren,
Formula 1: French Grand Prix ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Free Practice Panis sets the pace on his home track - until the Fin ----------------------------------------------------- On a cloudy overcast day in France Olivier Panis held pole at 1m 18.205s for most of the 2nd free session. The other top teams stayed at least 0.3s away. For the first half of the session the top five followers to Panis were various combinations of Alesi, Schumacher, Berger, Hill and Villeneuve. About half way through Hakkinen moved up to second with a Panis +0.033s. Just after this Barrichello rolled to a stop with car trouble. With 5 minutes left Berger does a Panis +0.079s and moves into 3rd place. After several earlier spins Verstappen finally backs into the gravel with 2 minutes of the session left. In the last minute Hakkinen beats Panis by a stunning 0.532s to finish the session on pole. Picture of the day has to be Irvine carrying a traffic cone on his front suspension for a few meters after taking a short cut. Track Times: 1st Free Pos Driver Team Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 M.Hakkinen McLaren 1m 17.673s 0 0m 0.000s 2 O.Panis Ligier 1m 18.205s 0 0m 0.000s 3 G.Berger Benetton 1m 18.284s 0 0m 0.000s 4 J.Alesi Benetton 1m 18.526s 0 0m 0.000s 5 M.Schumacher Ferrari 1m 18.545s 0 0m 0.000s 6 D.Hill Williams 1m 18.598s 0 0m 0.000s 7 J.Villeneuve Williams 1m 18.992s 0 0m 0.000s 8 D.Coulthard McLaren 1m 18.994s 0 0m 0.000s 9 E.Irvine Ferrari 1m 19.098s 0 0m 0.000s 10 P.Diniz Ligier 1m 19.104s 0 0m 0.000s 11 M.Brundle Jordan 1m 19.479s 0 0m 0.000s 12 R.Barrichello Jordan 1m 19.676s 0 0m 0.000s 13 J.Verstappen Footwork 1m 19.693s 0 0m 0.000s 14 R.Rosset Footwork 1m 20.195s 0 0m 0.000s 15 U.Katayama Tyrrell 1m 20.215s 0 0m 0.000s 16 H.Frentzen Sauber 1m 20.231s 0 0m 0.000s 17 M.Salo Tyrrell 1m 20.455s 0 0m 0.000s 18 P.Lamy Minardi 1m 20.678s 0 0m 0.000s 19 J.Herbert Sauber 1m 21.189s 0 0m 0.000s 20 G.Fisichella Minardi 1m 21.291s 0 0m 0.000s 21 L.Badoer Forti 1m 21.360s 0 0m 0.000s 22 A.Montermini Forti 1m 23.002s 0 0m 0.000s ---- 107% ---- 1m 23.110s
auto-moto.352 kcurcic,
Magny Cours track times: 3rd Free 2nd Free Pos Driver Team Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 M.Schumacher Ferrari 1m 15.989s 5 1m 21.189s 5 1m 18.545s 2 D.Hill Williams 1m 16.058s 14 1m 23.757s 6 1m 18.598s 3 J.Alesi Benetton 1m 16.310s 8 1m 21.341s 4 1m 18.526s 4 G.Berger Benetton 1m 16.592s 6 1m 21.232s 3 1m 18.284s 5 M.Hakkinen McLaren 1m 16.634s 2 1m 19.946s 1 1m 17.673s 6 J.Villeneuve Williams 1m 16.905s 13 1m 23.070s 7 1m 18.992s 7 D.Coulthard McLaren 1m 17.007s 7 1m 21.268s 8 1m 18.994s 8 M.Brundle Jordan 1m 17.187s 3 1m 20.250s 11 1m 19.479s 9 O.Panis Ligier 1m 17.390s 12 1m 22.480s 2 1m 18.205s 10 E.Irvine Ferrari 1m 17.443s 10 1m 21.684s 9 1m 19.098s 11 R.Barrichello Jordan 1m 17.665s 1 1m 19.525s 12 1m 19.676s 12 P.Diniz Ligier 1m 17.676s 17 1m 27.470s 10 1m 19.104s 13 H.Frentzen Sauber 1m 17.739s 20 1m 28.036s 16 1m 20.231s 14 M.Salo Tyrrell 1m 18.021s 22 1m 37.018s 17 1m 20.455s 15 U.Katayama Tyrrell 1m 18.242s 16 1m 26.772s 15 1m 20.215s 16 J.Verstappen Footwork 1m 18.324s 4 1m 20.659s 13 1m 19.693s 17 J.Herbert Sauber 1m 18.556s 11 1m 21.852s 19 1m 21.189s 18 G.Fisichella Minardi 1m 18.604s 9 1m 21.478s 20 1m 21.291s 19 P.Lamy Minardi 1m 19.210s 15 1m 23.961s 18 1m 20.678s 20 R.Rosset Footwork 1m 19.242s 18 1m 27.821s 14 1m 20.195s 21 L.Badoer Forti 1m 20.562s 21 1m 28.816s 21 1m 21.360s 22 A.Montermini Forti 1m 20.647s 19 1m 27.896s 22 1m 23.002s ---- 107% ---- 1m 21.308s All information is unofficial GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet.
auto-moto.353 space.ace,
Onaj "#$"#$ Schu je prvi, drugi Hill, treći Alesi, 4. Berger, 5. Hakkinen i 6. Villeneuve. Vilnev je u 29. minutu kvalifikacija imao spektakularno izletanje i "zabijanje" u tire-barieer :))) Kada se odbio od barijere, sa skroz uništenom levom stranom bolida, umalo da ga zakači Coulthard, ali je sve dobro prošlo. Sve se to dogodilo na izlasku iz krivine Estoril. Hill je na kraju imao šansu da osvoji pole, ali mu se isprečio Herbert, i nije uspeo. Btw, ovde se pričalo, mada ne u ovoj temi, oko nošenja onih "flastera" na nosu. E, pa da vas obavestim da je podosta vozača F1 rešilo da ih isproba. Hill, Panis, itd. Jedan čak ima i malu reklamu na flasteru. Nisam stigao da pročitam koja je tačno reklama bila, ali mora da je dobio dosta para za to :).
auto-moto.354 wiper,
Francuska 1.Hill 2.Villeneuve 3.Alesi 4.Berger 5.Hakkinen 6.Coulthard dalje i nije vazno vazno je da je Ferrari pokazao najvecu pouzdanost uspeo je da krene na krugu za zagrevanje :) ali ko ga vozi pa i nece bolje.
auto-moto.355 tomislavr,
Petak 21. Jun 1996. Dejmon Hil će preispitati svoje buduće učešće u Formuli 1 nakon što je Reno najavio prekjuče da će napustiti Forumulu 1 do kraja 1997. godine. Hill, koji vodi u šampionatu sa 21 poen, rekao je: "Ja sam posle ove sezone slobodan da radim šta hoću. Renoova najava može uticati na moju odluku za budućnost, ali još je rano da se o tome razmišlja."
auto-moto.356 tomislavr,
Petak 21. Jun 1996. Honda se možda vraća u Formulu 1 u sezoni 1998. kada je Reno napusti. Japanski konstruktor motora je već bio u Vilijamsovom timu. Beneton će takođe morati da nađe zamenu za Renoov motor. Honda je dominirala Formulom jedan od 1986. do 1991. kada su se povukli sa vrha trkačke scene zbog toga što su njihova poboljšanja i izumi bila više puta zabranjivana od strane FIA-e. Honda je već prisutna u Formuli 1 preko tima Ližije, ali pod drugim imenom: Mugen Honda. Ovi motori sve su bolji i bolji. U Hondi izjavljuju: "Ne postoji još ništa zvanično, ali 1998. je naša 50. godišnjica postojanja."
auto-moto.357 tomislavr,
Le Mans Grand Prix d'Endurance The first Le Mans was held in 26/27 May 1923 and was won by Andre Lagache and Rene Leonard in their 3 litre Chenard & Walcker. All races since then have been held in June, with the exceptions of 1956 (July) and 1968 (September). Traditionally, the race always starts at 16:00 on the Saturday, although in 1984 the race started at 15:00 due to the conflicting French General Election. The race has been held every year since then with the exceptions of 1936, and between 1940 and 1948, when the Second World War intervened. In the original configuration, the race track used was 10.73 miles (17.26 km) long, and has subsequently been shortened on several occasions. The traditional start, where drivers ran across the track to their race cars, was last used in 1969. The worst ever motorsport accident unfortunately occured during the 1955 Le Mans race. Having voiced his unease at the narrowness of the straight in front of the pits, Pierre Levegh's Mercedes struck the rear of an Austin Healey driven by Lance Macklin on the pit straight. The car rammed the bank, exploded, and its engine flew into the packed grandstand, killing 80. Levegh died instantly, and the entire Mercedes team was withdrawn, including Stirling Moss and Juan-Manuel Fangio. This precipitated the complete withdrawal from motorsport for Mercedes. Le Mans 24 Hrs past winners Year Car Drivers Distance Speed (miles) (mph) Circuit - 10.726 miles 1923 Chenard & Walcker A.Lagache, R.Leonard (F) 1372.9 57.21 1924 Bentley 3 litre J.Duff, F.Clement (GB) 1290.8 53.78 1925 La Lorraine Courcelles, A.Rossignol (F) 1388.1 57.84 1926 La Lorraine R.Bloch, A.Rossignol (F) 1586.0 66.08 1927 Bentley 3 litre D.Benjafield, S.Davis (GB) 1472.5 61.34 1928 Bentley 4.5 W.Barnato, B.Rubin (GB) 1658.6 69.11 Circuit - 10.153 miles 1929 Bentley 6 speed W.Barnato, Sir H.Birkin (GB) 1767.1 73.63 1930 Bentley 6 speed W.Barnato, G.Kidston (GB) 1821.0 75.88 1931 Alfa Romeo 8C2300 E.Howe, Sir H.Birkin (GB) 1875.1 78.13 Circuit - 8.475 miles 1932 Alfa Romeo 8C2300 R.Sommer, L.Chinetti (F,I) 1835.6 76.58 1933 Alfa Romeo 8C2300 R.Sommer, T.Nuvolari (F,I) 1953.6 81.40 1934 Alfa Romeo 8C2300 L.Chinetti, P.Etancelin (I,F) 1793.9 74.74 1935 Lagonda M45R JS Hindmarsh, L.Fontes (GB,RA) 1868.3 77.85 1936 Race cancelled 1937 Bugatti 57G JP Wimille, R.Benoist (F) 2043.0 85.13 1938 Delahaye 135M E.Chaboud, J.Tremoulet (F) 1976.5 82.36 1939 Bugatti 57G JP Wimille, P.Veyron (F) 2084.5 86.69 1940-48 Race cancelled 1949 Ferrari 166MM L.Chinetti, Lord Selsdon (USA,GB) 1974.9 82.28 1950 Talbot-Lago L.Rosier, JL Rosier (F) 2153.1 89.71 1951 Jaguar C-Type P.Walker, P.Whitehead (GB) 2243.9 93.50 1952 Mercedes-B.300SL H.Lang, F.Riess (D) 2320.1 96.67 1953 Jaguar C-Type T.Rolt, D.Hamilton (GB) 2540.2 105.84 1954 Ferrari 375 F.Gonzalez, M.Trintignant (RA,F) 2523.5 105.15 1955 Jaguar D-Type M.Hawthorn, I.Bueb (GB) 2569.6 107.07 Circuit - 8.364 miles 1956 Jaguar D-Type R.Flockhart, N.Sanderson (GB) 2507.2 104.47 1957 Jaguar D-Type R.Flockhart, I.Bueb (GB) 2732.2 113.85 1958 Ferrari 250TR58 O.Gendebien, P.Hill (B,USA) 2548.8 106.20 1959 Aston Martin DBR1 C.Shelby, R.Salvadori (USA,GB) 2701.7 112.57 1960 Ferrari 250TR59/60 O.Gendebien, P.Frere (B) 2620.6 109.19 1961 Ferrari 250TR61 O.Gendebien, P.Hill (B,USA) 2781.6 115.90 1962 Ferrari 250P O.Gendebien, P.Hill (B,USA) 2765.9 115.24 1963 Ferrari 250P L.Scarfiotti, L.Bandini (I) 2834.5 118.10 1964 Ferrari 275P J.Guichet, N.Vaccarella (F,I) 2917.5 121.56 1965 Ferrari 250LM J.Rindt, M.Gregory (A,USA) 2906.2 121.09 1966 Ford GT40 Mk2 C.Amon, B.McLaren (NZ) 3009.4 125.39 1967 Ford GT40 Mk4 D.Gurney, AJ Foyt (USA) 2630.2 135.48 Circuit - 8.369 miles 1968 Ford GT40 P.Rodriguez, L.Bianchi (Mex,B) 2766.9 115.29 1969 Ford GT40 J.Ickx, J.Oliver (B,GB) 3105.6 129.40 1970 Porsche 917 H.Herrmann, R.Attwood (D,GB) 2863.2 119.30 1971 Porsche 917 H.Marko, G.van Lennep (A,NL) 3315.2 138.13 Circuit - 8.475 miles 1972 Matra-Simca MS670 H.Pescarolo, G.Hill (F,GB) 2915.1 121.45 1973 Matra-Simca MS670B H.Pescarolo, G.Larrousse (F) 3016.1 125.67 1974 Matra-Simca MS670B H.Pescarolo, G.Larrousse (F) 2862.4 119.27 1975 Mirage-Ford M8 J.Ickx, D.Bell (B,GB) 2855.6 118.98 1976 Porsche 936 J.Ickx, G.van Lennep (B,NL) 2963.9 123.49 1977 Porsche 936 J.Ickx,J.Barth,H.Haywood(B,D,USA) 2902.8 120.95 1978 Renault Alpine JP Jaussaud, D.Pironi (F) 3134.5 130.60 Circuit - 8.467 miles 1979 Porsche 935 K.Ludwig,B & D.Whittington(D,USA) 2590.9 108.10 1980 Rondeau Ford M379B JP Jaussaud, J.Rondeau (F) 2861.4 119.23 1981 Porsche 936-81 J.Ickx, D.Bell (B,GB) 2998.3 124.93 1982 Porsche 956-82 J.Ickx, D.Bell (B,GB) 3044.2 126.84 1983 Porsche 956-83 V.Schuppan, H.Haywood, A.Holbert (A,USA,USA) 3136.5 130.70 1984 Porsche 956B K.Ludwig, H.Pescarolo (D,F) 3045.0 126.88 1985 Porsche 956B K.Ludwig, P.Barilla, J.Winter (D,I,D) 3157.9 131.76 Circuit - 8.51 miles 1986 Porsche 962C D.Bell, H.Stuck, A.Holbert (GB,D,USA) 3088.1 128.66 Circuit - 8.45 miles 1987 Porsche 962C D.Bell, H.Stuck, A.Holbert (GB,D,USA) 2977.0 124.06 1988 Jaguar XJR-9LM J.Dumfries, J.Lammers, A.Wallace (GB,NL,GB) 3313.2 137.72 1989 Sauber Mercedes C9 J.Mass, S.Dickens, M.Reuter (D,S,D) 3269.6 136.23 Circuit - 8.45 miles (with Mulsanne Chicanes) 1990 Jaguar XJR-12 M.Brundle, J.Nielsen, P.Cobb (GB,DK,USA) 3040.7 126.69 1991 Mazda 787B J.Herbert, B.Gachot, V.Weidler (GB,B,D) 3058.9 127.45 1992 Peugeot 905 D.Warwick, Y.Dalmas, M.Blundell (GB,F,GB) 2992.0 124.66 1993 Peugeot 905B G.Brabham, E.Helary, C.Bouchut (AUS,F,F) 3168.8 133.34 1994 Dauer Porsche962LM Y.Dalmas, H.Haywood, M.Baldi (F,USA,I) 2912.2 121.33 1995 McLaren F1 GTR Y.Dalmas, JJ Lehto, M.Sekiya (F,SF,J) 2518.1 105.01
auto-moto.358 kcurcic,
French Grand Prix results: Track Times: Pos Driver Team Race Time 1 D.Hill Williams 1hr 36m 28.795s (72 Laps) 2 J.Villeneuve Williams Gap 0m 8.127s (Fastest Race Lap: 1m 18.610s) 3 J.Alesi Benetton Gap 0m 46.442s 4 G.Berger Benetton Gap 0m 46.859s 5 M.Hakkinen McLaren Gap 1m 2.774s 6 D.Coulthard McLaren Laps behind: 1 7 O.Panis Ligier Laps behind: 1 8 M.Brundle Jordan Laps behind: 1 9 R.Barrichello Jordan Laps behind: 1 10 M.Salo Tyrrell Laps behind: 2 11 J.Herbert Sauber Laps behind: 2 12 R.Rosset Footwork Laps behind: 3 13 P.Lamy Minardi Laps behind: 3 Retirements: H.Frentzen Sauber On Lap: 57 Reason: U.Katayama Tyrrell On Lap: 34 Reason: L.Badoer Forti On Lap: 30 Reason: P.Diniz Ligier On Lap: 29 Reason: J.Verstappen Footwork On Lap: 11 Reason: E.Irvine Ferrari On Lap: 6 Reason: A.Montermini Forti On Lap: 3 Reason: G.Fisichella Minardi On Lap: 3 Reason: M.Schumacher Ferrari (Pole Position) GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet
auto-moto.359 kcurcic,
French Grand Prix Race Resume: Weather: Sunny Lap Event 0 Schumachers engine blows up on the warm up lap 0 Grid Positions: (1) (2) D.Hill (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) M.Hakkinen (6) J.Villeneuve 1 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Alesi (3) M.Hakkinen (4) J.Villeneuve (5) G.Berger (6) M.Brundle 2 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->1.887s->(2) J.Alesi ->1.952s->(3) M.Hakkinen->0.652s->(4) J.Villeneuve ->1.398s->(5) G.Berger->1.050s->(6) M.Brundle 3 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->2.449s->(2) J.Alesi ->2.610s->(3) M.Hakkinen->0.618s->(4) J.Villeneuve ->1.549s->(5) G.Berger->1.702s->(6) M.Brundle 3 Montermini retires 3 Fisichella retires 5 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->3.089s->(2) J.Alesi ->3.227s->(3) M.Hakkinen->0.868s->(4) J.Villeneuve ->2.099s->(5) G.Berger->2.629s->(6) M.Brundle 6 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->3.228s->(2) J.Alesi ->3.535s->(3) M.Hakkinen->0.952s->(4) J.Villeneuve ->2.422s->(5) G.Berger->3.127s->(6) M.Brundle 6 Irvine retires (gearbox) 7 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->3.715s->(2) J.Alesi (3) M.Hakkinen (4) J.Villeneuve (5) G.Berger (6) M.Brundle 8 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->4.169s->(2) J.Alesi ->4.137s->(3) M.Hakkinen->1.105s->(4) J.Villeneuve ->2.357s->(5) G.Berger->4.479s->(6) M.Brundle 10 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->5.295s->(2) J.Alesi ->3.476s->(3) M.Hakkinen->1.449s->(4) J.Villeneuve (5) G.Berger (6) M.Brundle 11 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 19.059s 11 Vestappen off into gravel 11 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Alesi (3) M.Hakkinen (4) J.Villeneuve (5) G.Berger (6) M.Brundle 11 (7) Coulthard, (8) Diniz, (9) Barrichello 13 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->6.636s->(2) J.Alesi ->3.624s->(3) M.Hakkinen->1.653s->(4) J.Villeneuve ->4.241s->(5) G.Berger->8.407s->(6) M.Brundle 17 (7) Coulthard right up behind (6) Brundle 17 (8)Diniz-(9)Barrichello-(10)Panis all very close 18 Pits: Panis 8.1s 18 Pits: Salo 18 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Alesi (3) M.Hakkinen (4) J.Villeneuve (5) G.Berger (6) M.Brundle 20 Pits: Barrichello - 8.4s 20 Pits: Alesi - 7.3s 21 (7) Alesi 21 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) M.Hakkinen (3) J.Villeneuve (4) G.Berger (5) M.Brundle (6) D.Coulthard 23 Pits: Brundle - 8.5s 23 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) M.Hakkinen (3) J.Villeneuve (4) G.Berger (5) J.Alesi (6) D.Coulthard 24 Pits: Berger - 8.1s 25 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->14.000s->(2) M.Hakkinen (3) J.Villeneuve (4) J.Alesi (5) G.Berger (6) D.Coulthard 27 Pits: Hakkinen - 7.7s 27 Pits: Hill 27 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) D.Hill (3) M.Hakkinen (4) J.Alesi (5) G.Berger (6) P.Diniz 28 Fastest lap: Villeneue 1m 19.044s 28 (7) Coulthard, (8) Brundle, (9) Panis, (10) Barrichello (11) Herbert 29 Pits: Herbert - 7.7s 29 Diniz retires 29 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 19.042s 29 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->10.000s->(2) D.Hill (3) J.Alesi (4) M.Hakkinen (5) G.Berger (6) Coulthard 30 Pits: Villeneuve - 8.9s 30 Badoer retires 31 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->10.734s->(2) J.Alesi ->3.722s->(3) J.Villeneuve->2.164s->(4) M.Hakkinen ->2.981s->(5) G.Berger->23.147s->(6) D.Coulthard 32 (7) Brundle, (8) Panis 34 Katayama retires in pits (engine) 34 14 cars left 34 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Alesi (3) J.Villeneuve (4) M.Hakkinen (5) G.Berger (6) D.Coulthard 35 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Alesi ->0.530s->(3) J.Villeneuve (4) M.Hakkinen (5) G.Berger (6) D.Coulthard 35 (3) Villeneuve right up behind (2) Alesi 36 Panis right up behind Brundle 36 Villeneuve gets past Alesi 36 Pits: Panis - 8.1s 36 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->12.200s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) M.Hakkinen (5) G.Berger (6) D.Coulthard 38 Fastest lap: Villeneuve 1m 18.971s 38 Fastest lap: Panis 1m 18.712s 38 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->11.290s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) M.Hakkinen (5) G.Berger (6) D.Coulthard 39 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) M.Hakkinen (5) G.Berger (6) D.Coulthard 39 (7) Brundle, (8) Barrichello, (9) Panis 41 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->12.500s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) M.Hakkinen ->1.600s->(5) G.Berger (6) D.Coulthard 42 Pits: Alesi - 10.0s 43 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->12.190s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) G.Berger (4) M.Hakkinen (5) J.Alesi (6) D.Coulthard 44 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->10.314s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->17.282s->(3) G.Berger (4) M.Hakkinen (5) J.Alesi (6) D.Coulthard 45 Panis takes Barrichello 45 (8) Panis 47 Fastest lap: Villeneuve 1m 18.629s 48 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) G.Berger (4) M.Hakkinen (5) J.Alesi (6) D.Coulthard 48 Fastest lap: Villeneuve 1m 18.610s 49 Pits: Brundle - 11.4s 49 Pits: Villeneuve - 8.4s 49 Pits: Coulthard - 7.6s 51 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) M.Hakkinen (4) J.Alesi (5) G.Berger (6) D.Coulthard 51 Pits: Hakkinen - 8.4s 52 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->31.000s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) M.Hakkinen (6) O.Panis 53 Pits: Hill - 7.2s 53 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi->0.922s->(4) G.Berger (5) M.Hakkinen (6) O.Panis 54 (7) Coulthard, (8) Brundle, (9) Barrichello 54 Pits: Panis - 7.4s 55 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) M.Hakkinen (6) D.Coulthard 57 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->10.906s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->23.835s->(3) J.Alesi->0.575s->(4) G.Berger ->15.428s->(5) M.Hakkinen->19.552s->(6) D.Coulthard 57 Frentzen off into gravel (throttle stuck) 60 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve ->25.641s->(3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) M.Hakkinen (6) D.Coulthard 61 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->14.491s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) M.Hakkinen (6) D.Coulthard 63 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->13.372s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) M.Hakkinen (6) D.Coulthard 66 (7) Panis, (8) Brundle, (9) Barrichello, (10) Salo, (11) Herbert, (12) Rosset, (13) Lamy 69 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->13.195s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->33.665s->(3) J.Alesi->0.970s->(4) G.Berger ->12.057s->(5) M.Hakkinen (6) D.Coulthard 71 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) M.Hakkinen (6) D.Coulthard 72 Hill wins, 2nd Villeneuve, 3rd Alesi
auto-moto.360 kcurcic,
F1: French GP report Stephen M Baines MNI - Motorsport News International Sun Jun 30 18:38:22 EDT 1996 Race Report After yesterdays changable weather, the race looked set for a dry race. Both Williams and Benetton were to race the new RS8B engine. And the drama at the end of qualifying yesterday in the Ferrari garage? It was Eddie Irvine's car that was deemed illegal. The barge boards were too high (some 15mm apparantly), and so he was to start at the back of the field - behind the two Forti's. The cars set of on the formation lap, and the pole sitter Schumacher, hit a problem. His engine gave in a spectacular manner, and so the German would not start the race. From the off it was Hill who commanded the race, taking the lead at the first corner, and pulling away well from the Benetton of Alesi, followed by Hakkinen, Villeneuve, Berger and Brundle. By the end of the first lap, Irvine had moved up the field from 21st to 16th, and looked set to make good progress up the field. Hill Alesi Hakkinen Villeneuve Berger Brundle 2 laps 1.887 3.839 4.491 5.889 6.939 Montermini was the next person to pull out of the race. At this early stage in the race there was some concern about Hill's car - the Benetton of Alesi following him was being covered in fluid - could Hill be about to go the way of Schumacher? Hill Alesi Hakkinen Villeneuve Berger Brundle 3 laps 2.449 5.059 5.677 7.226 8.928 Hill, unconcerned by this, set a fastest lap of 1m19.241 on lap 3, and continued to pull away from the field. Fisichella joined the list of retirements. A small puff of smoke was then seen from the rear of the Williams of Hill..... Hill Alesi Hakkinen Villeneuve Berger Brundle 5 laps 3.089 6.316 7.184 9.283 11.912 6 laps 3.228 6.763 7.715 10.137 13.264 8 laps 4.169 8.306 9.411 11.768 16.247 On lap 5 the Ferrari of Irvine pulled into the pits and retired, it later was reported that this was probably a transmission problem of some sort. Another torrid race for Maranello. The talk of the race, however, was Pedro Diniz, who was making the most of the race, and was running in a realistic 8th place! On lap 9, Verstappen took a trip across gravel traps on both sides of the circuit before coming to a halt. Hill, meanwhile, was busily building his cussion, and pulling away from the field. Brundle, further back, was fighting off a determined Coulthard. The McLaren has clearly made big steps forward over the last couple of weeks, and looked a real challenger for the Jordan - and a step closer to the Benettons. Hill by lap 13, had stabilised his lead over Alesi to 6 seconds, and keeping it there. Luca Badoer was the first proper stop on lap 14, and looked set for a 3 stop race. Panis, clearly incensed by having Diniz ahead of him, was after Barrichello. Barrichello, in turn, was after Diniz. The three tearing round after each other. Coulthard continued to make a big effort to get past Brundle, who was fairly maintaining his lead. On lap 19, the pits stops started in earnest, with Panis pitting in 8.1s, followed by Salo. Brundle was pushing, pushing, pushing to take a lead over Coulthard. Ulitmately it would be decided on pit stops after Coulthard had a major attack at the Adelaide Hairpin, and failed. Barrichello was the next front runner to pit in 8.4 seconds, followed by Alesi on lap 22, in 7.3 seconds. Hill now had a 17.3 second lead over Hakkinen, whilst Villeneuve was all over the McLaren. The two came upon a Minardi, and were lapping it. Villeneuve sensing a chance, tried to make the most of it, and tried to get by. In the course of the next few laps the front runners made there stops - Lamy, Brundle, Berger, Rosset, Coulthard. The latter rejoining ahead of Brundle, and so taking the place he was desparate for. The top 6 by lap 27 were Hill, Hakkinen, Villeneuve, Alesi, Berger, Diniz.... Hill was next to pit, and Hakkinen followed him - allowing Villeneuve to take the lead until his stop. Villeneuve now sets a string of fast laps, trying to give himself a cussion for his stop. On lap 28, unfortunately, the rejuvenated Diniz retires. Finally on lap 29, as Hill set a fastest lap of 1m19.042, Villeneuve pitted, and rejoined ahead of Hakkinen. Hill Alesi Villeneuve Hakkinen Berger Coulthard 31 laps 10.734 14.456 16.620 19.601 42.748 On lap 32, Badoer retired from the race. Brundle was now under major attack from Panis - clearly out to prove a point after their battles last year. Ukyo Katayama was the next of the runners to retire. Gerhard Berger, meanwhile, made short work of a 3 second gap to Hakkinen and was on the trail of 4th. Villeneuve, meanwhile, was after a Benetton, and eventually took Alesi for 2nd place. Panis now had to pit for the 2nd of his three stops. After this stop Panis set a fastest lap of 1m18.712 on lap 38. Villeneuve was now on for Hill, and after blood. He had to contend with the Minardi of Lamy, and after battling to get by made a hand movement that suggested the Portugese's passtimes. Lap 42: Hill, Villeneuve, Alesi, Hakkinen, Berger, Coulthard, Brundle, Barrichello, Panis, Frentzen, Salo, Herbert, Rosset, Lamy On lap 43, Benetton were ready for another stop. Alesi was the one to take this, in 10 seconds dead. Berger was busy on the race track, chasing after Hakkinen, and finally taking him in a beautiful manoevre. Hill, still leading at the front, was now 12 seconds ahead of his team-mate. Villeneuve was soon to break this down, and Panis again was charging after Barrichello. Eventually the Frenchman got by, and took 8th. This battle held up Hill, and helped his team-mate to close up. On lap 47, Panis was after Brundle, but 8 seconds away. Berger made his stop on this lap, as did Salo. Hill eventually got by an uncooperative Panis in a very lurid move. Villeneuve was now 9.4 seconds behind Hill, as Barrichello pitted from 9th. Villeneuve was now charged up, and setting a string of fastest laps, culminating with a 1m18.610 on lap 48. Williams were now ready for pit stops, and Villeneuve was the first to stop. Brundle followed in to Jordan, as did Coulthard to McLaren. On lap 53, the board was put out to Hill. He came in the next lap, with a very tidy 7.2 second stop. He was back into the lead without Villeneuve being anywhere near. Lap 54: Hill, Villeneuve, Alesi, Berger, Hakkinen, Coulthard, Brundle, Barrichello, Frentzen, Salo, Herbert, Rosset, Lamy Panis was in for his third stop, as Frentzen took a day trip to the beach, and got out to play in it. On a closer examination it looked like the left-rear suspension had gone, raising the right-front wheel, and stopping the car from steering. By lap 61 Hill had took his lead to 13 seconds, and comfortable it looked too, as Villeneuve was trapped behind Panis. Panis did not make it easy for the Canadian to get by, but eventually he did let him by. And so it settled down to the flag, with very little to get het up about, when Hill coasted across the line to victory - his 6th from 9 races. 1. Hill 2. Villeneuve 3. Alesi 4. Berger 5. Hakkinen 6. Coulthard 7. Panis 8. Brundle 9. Barrichello 10. Salo 11. Herbert 12. Rosset 13. Lamy -- Stephen M Baines All information courtesy of MNI - Motorsport News International
auto-moto.361 kcurcic,
INDYCAR: Cleveland results (Tom Haapanen) MNI - Motorsport News International Sun Jun 30 23:26:27 EDT 1996 Pos Driver Nat Chassis-Engine Time ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Gil de Ferran BR Reynard 96-Honda-G 1:35:39.326 2. Alessandro Zanardi I Reynard 96-Honda-F +1.033 3. Greg Moore CDN Reynard 96-Mercedes-F +16.043 4. Al Unser Jr. USA Penske 96-Mercedes-G +28.269 5. Bryan Herta USA Reynard 96-Mercedes-G +35.310 6. Adrian Fernandez MEX Lola 96-Honda-F +45.871 7. Christian Fittipaldi BR Lola 96-Ford-G +62.720 8. Scott Pruett USA Lola 96-Ford-F -1 laps 9. Paul Tracy CDN Penske 96-Mercedes-G -1 laps 10. Jimmy Vasser USA Reynard 96-Honda-F -1 laps 11. Mark Blundell GB Reynard 96-Ford-G -2 laps 12. Stefan Johansson S Reynard 96-Mercedes-G -2 laps 13. Juan Manuel Fangio II ARG Eagle 96-Toyota-G -2 laps 14. Roberto Moreno BR Lola 96-Ford-F -2 laps 15. Bobby Rahal USA Reynard 96-Mercedes-G -3 laps 16. Jeff Krosnoff USA Reynard 96-Toyota-F -5 laps Electrics 17. Hiro Matsushita J Lola 96-Ford-F -5 laps 18. Robby Gordon USA Reynard 96-Ford-G -6 laps 19. Michael Andretti USA Lola 96-Ford-G on lap 82 Driveshaft 20. Andre Ribeiro BR Lola 96-Honda-F on lap 82 Exhaust 21. Mauricio Gugelmin BR Reynard 96-Ford-G on lap 72 Engine 22. Emerson Fittipaldi BR Penske 96-Mercedes-G on lap 28 Engine 23. PJ Jones USA Eagle 96-Toyota-G on lap 25 Gearbox 24. Eddie Lawson USA Lola 96-Mercedes-G on lap 19 Accident 25. Parker Johnstone USA Reynard 96-Honda-F on lap 19 Accident 26. Raul Boesel BR Reynard 96-Ford-G on lap 19 Engine INDYCAR: Standings after Cleveland PPG Cup Points Standings Pos Driver Nat Chassis-Engine Points ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Jimmy Vasser USA Reynard 96-Honda-F 102 2. Al Unser Jr. USA Penske 96-Mercedes-G 99 3. Gil de Ferran BR Reynard 96-Honda-G 92 4. Christian Fittipaldi BR Lola 96-Ford-G 78 5. Michael Andretti USA Lola 96-Ford-G 73 6. Greg Moore CDN Reynard 96-Mercedes-F 60 7. Scott Pruett USA Lola 96-Ford-F 59 8. Alessandro Zanardi I Reynard 96-Honda-F 55 9. Andre Ribeiro BR Lola 96-Honda-F 49 10. Paul Tracy CDN Penske 96-Mercedes-G 49 11. Bobby Rahal USA Reynard 96-Mercedes-G 40 12. Adrian Fernandez MEX Lola 96-Honda-F 36 13. Emerson Fittipaldi BR Penske 96-Mercedes-G 29 14. Mauricio Gugelmin BR Reynard 96-Ford-G 28 15. Parker Johnstone USA Reynard 96-Honda-F 28 16. Mark Blundell GB Reynard 96-Ford-G 27 17. Eddie Lawson USA Lola 96-Mercedes-G 26 18. Roberto Moreno BR Lola 96-Ford-F 24 19. Stefan Johansson S Reynard 96-Mercedes-G 19 20. Robby Gordon USA Reynard 96-Ford-G 17 21. Bryan Herta USA Reynard 96-Mercedes-G 16 22. Raul Boesel BR Reynard 96-Ford-G 11 23. PJ Jones USA Eagle 96-Toyota-G 4 24. Hiro Matsushita J Lola 96-Ford-F 3 25. Richie Hearn USA Reynard 95-Ford-G 3 26. Marco Greco BR Lola 96-Ford-G 1 27. Scott Goodyear CDN Reynard 96-Ford-G 1 Nations' Cup 1. United States 180 2. Brazil 150 3. Canada 82 4. Italy 50 5. Mexico 36 6. England 27 7. Sweden 19 8. Japan 3 Manufacturers' Championship 1. Honda 165 2. Ford 146 3. Mercedes-Benz 128 4. Toyota 4 Constructor's Championship 1. Reynard 172 2. Lola 152 3. Penske 99 4. AAR Eagle 4 Rookie of the Year 1. Greg Moore 60 2. Alesandro Zanardi 55 3. Mark Blundell 27 4. Eddie Lawson 26 5. PJ Jones 4 6. Richie Hearn 3 Pole Positions 1. Jimmy Vasser 3 2. Alessandro Zanardi 2 Paul Tracy 2 4. Gil de Ferran 1 Scott Pruett 1 All information courtesy of MNI - Motorsport News International
auto-moto.362 tomislavr,
Za one koji nisu gledali trku... Nedelja 30. Jun 1996. Dejmon Hil je, opet, povećao prednost u šampionatu pobedivši u Francuskoj. Hil nije imao problema da ostane vodeći jer je nosilac pol-pozicije Mihael Šumaher ispao još u krugu za zagrevanje zbog kvara motora. I sam Hil je izjavio da nije bilo problema da osvoji GP Francuske po prvi put, posle tri druga mesta na ovoj stazi. Žak Vilnev je potvrdio dominaciju Viliams-Renoa osvojivši opet drugo mesto. Dva Benetona, Alezi i Berger, "podarili" su Renou sva prva četiri mesta na domaćem terenu. Alezi je uspeo da sačuva treće mesto od svog klupskog kolege Bergera koji je "napadao" pred kraj trke. Medjutim prva trojica nisu mogla da proslave rezultat jer je šampanjac bio zabranjen. Meklaren-Mercedesi Hakinen i Kultard su završili u prvih šest (5.i 6.) E sad izjave aktera (nisam ih prevodio da ne izgube na draži :) Hill: "There were no problems. I want to dedicate this race to all the friends of ours at Renault-Sport. It is a very good result and I am delighted for the whole team. There is only one thing left for me to do and that is to win the British Grand Prix. Irrespective of the championship, a win at home would be fantastic." Hill on Schumacher blowing his engine: "It was an unexpected sight, but it made the race a lot easier for me." Villeneuve: "It was a good result especially after the big crash yesterday." Alesi: "It was the first time for me on the podium of the French Grand Prix. It was a good result." Schumacher. "Shit! (...) I was very angry at first but then you have to calm to and look at the problem. It's a pity because we had been reliable until Canada but now we are getting problems. But I always knew this would be a learning year with the team." Džoni Herbert je diskvalifikovan iz trke i izgubio je 11. mesto, jer je njegov bolid kršio tehnička pravila.
auto-moto.363 djcorto,
Petak, a ni reci o GP GB ??? Auuuuu ...... ;)
auto-moto.364 obren,
> Petak, a ni reci o GP GB ??? Šta tu ima da se priča, sve se unapred zna... ;)
auto-moto.365 obren,
Rezultati drugog nezvaničnog treninga za GP Britanije, 12. 07. 1996. 1. Villeneuve (Nove gume) 2. Hill 3. Alesi 4. Coulthard 5. Schumacher 6. Hakkinen 7. Berger 8. Barrichello 9. Brundle 10. Panis 11. Frentzen 12. Irvine 13. Verstappen 14. Salo 15. Herbert Hil je vodio do pred kraj treninga kada je Žak stavio nove gume i skinuo ga za 0.7 sekundi! Šumaheru su sve vreme menjali setap bolida a pred kraj je vozio vrlo brzo, ali nedovoljno da nešto više uradi.
auto-moto.366 djcorto,
> Sta tu ima da se prica, sve se unapred zna... ;) Gale Force i tako to .. ;) NEgde cuh ili procitah da ce trci prisustvovvati i Signore Agnelli licno ... Ferrari se stvarno, ali stvarno OBRUKAO. Neverovatno je da tako bogata ekipa ima toliko LOSE automobile. Vozace nisam pominjao ;) Oni su i najmanje krivi za svu sramotu.
auto-moto.367 djcorto,
> Sumaheru su sve vreme menjali setap bolida Ma da, dosao Grunf za sefa mehanicara ;)
auto-moto.368 obren,
> Negde cuh ili procitah da ce trci prisustvovati i Signore > Agnelli licno ... Ferrari se stvarno, ali stvarno OBRUKAO. > Neverovatno je da tako bogata ekipa ima toliko LOSE automobile. Prisustvovao je treningu, pomenu Votson na Eurosportu. Čovek se izgleda dvoumi da li da gasi tim ili ne. A žao mu, velike je pare uložio... ;> Čitao sam negde intervju sa njim, i kaže da mu je životna želja bila da kupi BMW (firmu, naravno) ali, eto, nije mu se ispunila. Doduše dodao je da će, kao utehu, FIAT verovatno kupiti Volvo (?) Kad smo već kod Ferrarija, bili smo tomislavr i ja prošle nedelje u Beranovcu, gledali trke domaćeg prvenstva. E pa safety car je bio jedan žuti Ferrari 355 cabrio. Ljudi, kako ta makina izgleda i zvuči! Moram pod hitno da se obogatim, zbog takvih sitnica... :) P.S. Na treningu je bio i Džeki Stjuart sa nekom simpatičnom kapom, u boxu Vilijamsa i čatao sa Hilom. On će 1997. debitovati sa svojom ekipom Stewart - Ford. Komentar voditelja je bio: "and it will not be just another GP team, it will be a winning team!" Videćemo... :)
auto-moto.369 kcurcic,
Silverstone staza. britain.jpg
auto-moto.370 kcurcic,
British Grand Prix: Qualifying Circuit: Silverstone, England Date: July 12th to 14th 1996 Track Times: 3rd Free 2nd Free Pos Driver Team Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 D.Hill Williams 1m 26.875s 1 1m 26.560s 2 1m 28.241s 2 J.Villeneuve Williams 1m 27.070s 2 1m 27.028s 1 1m 27.541s 3 M.Schumacher Ferrari 1m 27.707s 3 1m 27.624s 5 1m 28.436s 4 M.Hakkinen McLaren 1m 27.856s 6 1m 28.013s 6 1m 28.888s 5 J.Alesi Benetton 1m 28.307s 9 1m 28.552s 3 1m 28.364s 6 R.Barrichello Jordan 1m 28.409s 4 1m 27.705s 8 1m 29.137s 7 G.Berger Benetton 1m 28.653s 5 1m 27.996s 7 1m 29.013s 8 M.Brundle Jordan 1m 28.946s 7 1m 28.384s 9 1m 29.146s 9 D.Coulthard McLaren 1m 28.966s 8 1m 28.534s 4 1m 28.417s 10 E.Irvine Ferrari 1m 29.186s 10 1m 29.182s 12 1m 29.458s 11 H.Frentzen Sauber 1m 29.591s 14 1m 29.773s 11 1m 29.312s 12 U.Katayama Tyrrell 1m 29.913s 15 1m 29.777s 16 1m 30.826s 13 J.Herbert Sauber 1m 29.947s 11 1m 29.549s 15 1m 30.459s 14 M.Salo Tyrrell 1m 29.949s 16 1m 29.810s 14 1m 30.388s 15 J.Verstappen Footwork 1m 30.102s 12 1m 29.684s 13 1m 29.753s 16 O.Panis Ligier 1m 30.167s 13 1m 29.741s 10 1m 29.236s 17 R.Rosset Footwork 1m 30.529s 18 1m 31.083s 18 1m 31.032s 18 P.Diniz Ligier 1m 31.076s 17 1m 30.743s 17 1m 30.829s 19 G.Fisichella Minardi 1m 31.365s 20 1m 31.771s 19 1m 31.450s 20 P.Lamy Minardi 1m 31.454s 19 1m 31.591s 20 1m 31.661s ---- 107% ---- 1m 32.956s 21 A.Montermini Forti 1m 35.206s 0 0m 0.000s 0 0m 0.000s 22 L.Badoer Forti 1m 35.304s 0 0m 0.000s 0 0m 0.000s Session Resume: Weather: Hot Sunny day, Track Temp 35 degrees C Time Event 0: 8 1m 32.550s - G.Fisichella 0:10 1m 31.930s - R.Rosset 0:10 Current Positions: (1) Rosset, (2) Fisichella 0:15 1m 32.630s - U.Katayma 0:15 Current Positions: (1) Rosset, (2) Fisichella, (3) Katayma 0:16 Schumacher on track 0:17 1m 30.420s - J.Verstappen 0:17 Current Positions: (1) Verstappen, (2) Rosset, (3) Fisichella, (4) Katayma 0:17 1m 27.710s - M.Schumacher 0:17 Current Positions: (1) Schumacher, (2) Verstappen, (3) Rosset, (4) Fisichella, (5) Katayma 0:19 Schumacher back into pits after one fast lap 0:23 1m 29.480s - M.Brundle 0:23 Current Positions: (1) Schumacher, (2) Brundle, (3) Verstappen, (4) Rosset, (5) Fisichella, (6) Katayma 0:23 Hill on track 0:25 1m 27.870s - D.Hill 0:25 Current Positions: (1) Schumacher, (2) Hill, (3) Brundle 0:25 1m 27.700s - J.Villeneuve 0:25 Current Positions: (1) Villeneuve, (2) Schumacher, (3) Hill 0:26 1m 27.560s - D.Hill 0:26 Current Positions: (1) Hill, (2) Villeneuve, (3) Schumacher 0:27 1m 27.160s - J.Villeneuve 0:27 Current Positions: (1) Villeneuve, (2) Hill, (3) Schumacher 0:30 Current Positions: (1) Villeneuve, (2) Hill, (3) Schumacher, (4) Alesi, (5) Berger, (6) Coulthard 0:31 1m 28.530s - R.Barrichello 0:31 Current Positions: (1) Villeneuve, (2) Hill, (3) Schumacher, (4) Barrichello, (5) Alesi, (6) Berger 0:33 1m 28.340s - M.Hakkinen 0:33 Current Positions: (1) Villeneuve, (2) Hill, (3) Schumacher, (4) Hakkinen, (5) Barrichello, (6) Alesi 0:38 1m 28.970s - D.Coulthard 0:40 1m 28.030s - M.Hakkinen 0:43 1m 26.880s - D.Hill 0:43 Current Positions: (1) Hill, (2) Villeneuve, (3) Schumacher, (4) Hakkinen, (5) Barrichello, (6) Alesi 0:45 1m 27.280s - J.Villeneuve 0:47 1m 28.410s - R.Barrichello 0:49 1m 27.860s - M.Hakkinen 0:50 Badoer retires onto grass 0:53 1m 28.250s - M.Schumacher 0:55 1m 28.310s - J.Alesi 0:55 Current Positions: (1) Hill, (2) Villeneuve, (3) Schumacher, (4) Hakkinen, (5) Alesi, (6) Barrichello 0:56 Montemini retires onto grass 0:57 Villeneuve on track 0:58 1m 27.070s - J.Villeneuve 0:58 Hill on track in spare car after a clutch problem 0:59 1m 26.930s - D.Hill
auto-moto.371 dusko,
> NEgde cuh ili procitah da ce trci prisustvovvati i Signore > Agnelli licno ... Ferrari se stvarno, ali stvarno OBRUKAO. > Neverovatno je da tako bogata ekipa ima toliko LOSE automobile. Malopre smo cdr i ja gledali kvalifikacije i u toku prenosa je išla reklama za časopis "F1 magazine", kad ono na naslovnoj strani Ferrarijev crni konj na žutoj pozadini, a ispod naslov "Don't shoot the horse, yet" ;))))))))))))))))))))))) Pozdrav, Duško P.S.: 1. Hil 2. Vilnev 3. Šumaher 4. Hakinen 5. ....
auto-moto.372 ljubisha,
Dakle, ode Ferari. :(( Zbog prvog vozača Kretena mi nešto i nije žao ali ako propadne Ferari onda to više nije to. :(
auto-moto.373 wiper,
Velika nagrada Britanije 1. Villeneuve 10 2. Berger 6 3. Hakkinen 4 4. Barrichello 3 5. Coulthard 2 6. Brundle 1 Williams - 10 Benetton - 6 McLaren - 6 Jordan - 5 Oba Ferarija su eksplodirala Alesi je imao problema za zadnjim levim diskom. Hil se nest zajebo na kocenju
auto-moto.374 obren,
Čuo sam priče da je Anjeli dobio infarkt, a da se Tod obesio. Da li je to tačno? ;)
auto-moto.375 kcurcic,
British Grand Prix 96: The Result Track Times: Pos Driver Team Race Time 1 J.Villeneuve Williams 1hr 33m 0.874s (61 Laps) (Fastest Race Lap: 1m 29.288s) 2 G.Berger Benetton Gap 0m 19.026s 3 M.Hakkinen McLaren Gap 0m 50.830s 4 R.Barrichello Jordan Gap 1m 6.716s 5 D.Coulthard McLaren Gap 1m 22.507s 6 M.Brundle Jordan Laps behind: 1 7 M.Salo Tyrrell Laps behind: 1 8 H.Frentzen Sauber Laps behind: 1 9 J.Herbert Sauber Laps behind: 1 10 J.Verstappen Footwork Laps behind: 1 11 G.Fisichella Minardi Laps behind: 2 Retirements: J.Alesi Benetton On Lap: 45 Reason: O.Panis Ligier On Lap: 41 Reason: P.Diniz Ligier On Lap: 39 Reason: D.Hill Williams On Lap: 27 Reason: (Pole Position) P.Lamy Minardi On Lap: 22 Reason: R.Rosset Footwork On Lap: 14 Reason: U.Katayama Tyrrell On Lap: 13 Reason: E.Irvine Ferrari On Lap: 6 Reason: M.Schumacher Ferrari On Lap: 4 Reason: Not Qualified: A.Montermini Forti L.Badoer Forti Race Resume: Weather: Cloudy, dry weather Lap Event 0 Grid Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) M.Schumacher (4) M.Hakkinen (5) J.Alesi (6) R.Barrichello 0 Bad start by Hill 0 Villeneuve leads into first corner followed by Alesi, Hakkinen, Schumacher and Hill 1 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->1.603s->(2) J.Alesi ->1.060s->(3) M.Hakkinen->0.940s->(4) M.Schumacher ->0.659s->(5) D.Hill->0.761s->(6) R.Barrichello 1 Irvine has moved up from 10th to 7th 1 Schumachers engine is smoking 2 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->2.792s->(2) J.Alesi ->1.201s->(3) M.Hakkinen->0.955s->(4) M.Schumacher ->0.701s->(5) D.Hill->1.532s->(6) R.Barrichello 2 Fastest lap: Villeneuve 1m 29.599s 4 Schumacher cruises back to pits and retires his gearbox stuck in 6th 4 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->5.217s->(2) J.Alesi ->1.472s->(3) M.Hakkinen->0.912s->(4) D.Hill ->3.689s->(5) R.Barrichello->1.174s->(6) E.Irvine 6 Irivines engine starts smoking - he retires 6 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->7.443s->(2) J.Alesi (3) M.Hakkinen (4) D.Hill (5) R.Barrichello 8 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->8.347s->(2) J.Alesi (3) M.Hakkinen->1.035s->(4) D.Hill (5) R.Barrichello 9 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->10.253s->(2) J.Alesi (3) M.Hakkinen (4) D.Hill (5) R.Barrichello 10 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->10.773s->(2) J.Alesi ->1.503s->(3) M.Hakkinen->1.310s->(4) D.Hill ->6.257s->(5) R.Barrichello->1.311s->(6) G.Berger 10 Villeneuve pulling away in front 10 Hill stuck behind Hakkinen 12 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) J.Alesi (3) M.Hakkinen (4) D.Hill (5) R.Barrichello (6) G.Berger 13 7-Brundle, 8-Coulthard 13 Katayama retires in pits 14 Rosset retires 15 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->16.710s->(2) J.Alesi ->2.040s->(3) M.Hakkinen->0.684s->(4) D.Hill ->8.623s->(5) R.Barrichello->0.853s->(6) G.Berger 15 Pits: Panis - 13.3s 16 Villeneuve start to lap the back cars 16 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) J.Alesi (3) M.Hakkinen (4) D.Hill (5) R.Barrichello (6) G.Berger 17 Pits: Brundle - 12s 19 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->16.401s->(2) J.Alesi ->2.736s->(3) M.Hakkinen->1.188s->(4) D.Hill ->10.217s->(5) G.Berger (6) R.Barrichello 19 Pits: Barrichello - 8.0s 20 Hill tries to take Hakkinen but fails 21 Fastest lap: Villeneuve 1m 29.288s 21 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->20.456s->(2) J.Alesi ->2.078s->(3) M.Hakkinen->0.698s->(4) D.Hill (5) G.Berger (6) D.Coulthard 22 7-Barrichello, 8-Herbert, 9-Brundle 22 Pits: Villeneuve - 9.5s 24 Current Positions: (1) J.Alesi->1.663s->(2) M.Hakkinen ->0.835s->(3) D.Hill->0.833s->(4) J.Villeneuve ->8.707s->(5) G.Berger (6) D.Coulthard 26 Pits: Hakkinen - 6.9s 27 Hill off into gravel at the end of the start straight, problems with a front wheel bearing caused the off 28 Current Positions: (1) J.Alesi->4.380s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->7.300s->(3) G.Berger->16.338s->(4) M.Hakkinen (5) R.Barrichello (6) D.Coulthard 30 7-Frentzen, 8-Salo, 9-Vestappen, 10-Brundle 30 Current Positions: (1) J.Alesi (2) J.Villeneuve (3) G.Berger (4) M.Hakkinen (5) R.Barrichello (6) D.Coulthard 31 Pits: Alesi - 10.4s 32 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->8.195s->(2) G.Berger ->18.325s->(3) M.Hakkinen->1.993s->(4) J.Alesi ->12.598s->(5) R.Barrichello->6.998s->(6) D.Coulthard 33 Pits: Berger - 10.4s 34 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->29.248s->(2) M.Hakkinen ->3.048s->(3) J.Alesi->7.615s->(4) G.Berger ->4.278s->(5) R.Barrichello->9.031s->(6) D.Coulthard 38 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->32.455s->(2) M.Hakkinen ->4.565s->(3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) R.Barrichello (6) D.Coulthard 39 Pits: Barrichello - 9.7s 39 Diniz pull off with engine failure 40 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) M.Hakkinen (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) D.Coulthard (6) R.Barrichello 40 7-Brundle, 8-Herbert 41 Pits: Brundle - 8.9s 42 Pits: Villeneuve - 7.4s 42 Pits: Coulthard - 9.5s 42 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) M.Hakkinen ->6.646s->(3) J.Alesi->1.124s->(4) G.Berger (5) D.Coulthard (6) R.Barrichello 43 Alesi's engine is smoking 44 Pits: Hakkinen - 7.4s 45 Pits: Alesi - retires 45 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->19.880s->(2) G.Berger ->16.000s->(3) M.Hakkinen (4) D.Coulthard (5) R.Barrichello 48 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) G.Berger (3) M.Hakkinen (4) R.Barrichello (5) D.Coulthard (6) M.Brundle 48 7-Salo, 8-Frentzen, 9-Herbert 50 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->20.602s->(2) G.Berger ->19.499s->(3) M.Hakkinen->17.387s->(4) R.Barrichello ->15.362s->(5) D.Coulthard->30.000s->(6) M.Brundle 52 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) G.Berger (3) M.Hakkinen (4) R.Barrichello (5) D.Coulthard (6) M.Brundle 52 7-Salo, 8-Frentzen, 9-Herbert, 10-Verstappen, 11-Fisichella 53 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) G.Berger (3) M.Hakkinen (4) R.Barrichello (5) D.Coulthard (6) M.Brundle 53 11 cars left 54 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->21.847s->(2) G.Berger (3) M.Hakkinen (4) R.Barrichello (5) D.Coulthard (6) M.Brundle 56 Top 6 all well spread out 57 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->20.000s->(2) G.Berger ->25.000s->(3) M.Hakkinen->15.000s->(4) R.Barrichello (5) D.Coulthard (6) M.Brundle 59 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) G.Berger (3) M.Hakkinen (4) R.Barrichello (5) D.Coulthard (6) M.Brundle 60 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) G.Berger (3) M.Hakkinen (4) R.Barrichello (5) D.Coulthard (6) M.Brundle 61 Villeneuve WINS GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet
auto-moto.376 space.ace,
## Kad smo već kod Ferrarija, bili smo tomislavr i ja prošle nedelje u ## Beranovcu, gledali trke domaćeg prvenstva. E pa safety car je bio ## jedan žuti Ferrari 355 cabrio. Ljudi, kako ta makina izgleda i ## zvuči! Bio sam i ja, i znaš čija je to makina? Mladog sina našeg predsednika :)).
auto-moto.377 djcorto,
> Dakle, ode Ferari. :(( Zbog prvog vozaca Kretena mi nesto i > nije zao ali ako propadne Ferari onda to vise nije to. :( Ja jedva prezalih Lotus .... a sad i braca Italijani ;( Ovo sto se desava je stvarno, ali stvarno SRAMOTA. Nisu tyu bitni vozaci, oni se i trude, ali da u dve trke izdrze ni deset krugova ukupno .... :( Lepo je bilo dok je trajalo :(
auto-moto.378 djcorto,
> Bio sam i ja, i znas cija je to makina? Mladog sina naseg > predsednika :)). Cek, a Jaguar XJS kabrio, sivi metalik, sa italijanskim tablicama ???????
auto-moto.379 giovanni,
Ę? Dakle, ode Ferari. :(( Zbog prvog vozača Kretena mi nešto i nije Ę? žao ali ako propadne Ferari onda to više nije to. :( Ma šta "ode". Ferrari *ne može* da propadne. To je kao kad bi rekao: "Ispade zvezda ili Partizan u drugu ligu". To, naprosto, ne može.
auto-moto.380 giovanni,
Ę? Čuo sam priče da je Anjeli dobio infarkt, a da se Tod obesio. Ę? Da li je to tačno? ;) Da, da. A Frank Williams kupio Ferrari i pola FIAT-a. ;)
auto-moto.381 schef,
Videste li vi što pogibe onaj u Indy Car-u? Jel' ima neko neke bliže podatke? Srleř
auto-moto.382 mila,
> Bio sam i ja, i znaš čija je to makina? Mladog sina našeg predsednika > :)). Greška! Ta makina pripada Vladi Kovačeviću, vlasniku tima"TREF", a kako su on i Marko u jako dobrim odnosima, moguće je da je Marko koji put upravljao pomenutim. btw, Ferrari, žut? BLJAK. :)
auto-moto.383 stevicm,
> Hil se nest zajebo na kocenju Po izjavi Hila 4-5 krugova pre izletanja, je primetio da nesto nije u redu sa sistemom upravljanja, sto su posle i ljudi iz ekipe potvrdili tj rekli da je pukla upravljacka poluga i da je Hil dobro prosao! Inace rezultat trke je jos nezvanican zbog neke zalbe koju je ulozio neko od zvanicnih faca trke protiv Vilneva! Rasplet se ocekuje za vikend. Jel neko gledao posle INDY CAR? Onaj vozac je poginuo, i mogu da vam kazem da sam se sav najezio kad sam video sta se dogodilo!!!! UZAS!
auto-moto.384 djanjusevic,
DJ> Videste li vi sto pogibe onaj u Indy Car-u? Jel' ima neko neke DJ> blize podatke? Poginuo je Jeff Krosnoff vozac Arciero/Wells Racing tima, kao i jedan pomagac pokraj staze. To nisu bile jedine zrtve tog dana :(( .Na Spa su poginuli vozac motorcikla i sportski funkcioner koja je pokupio prethodno spomenuti. Na reli takmicenju u Francuskoj reli vozac je kolima uleteo medju publiku. Bilans: 4 mrtva, 28 povredjenih od toga 9 u kriticnom stanju.
auto-moto.385 space.ace,
## Cek, a Jaguar XJS kabrio, sivi metalik, sa italijanskim ## tablicama ??????? Nemam pojma o tom automobilu. Šta ste očekivali, da čovek ima samo jedan auto? Pa treba mu auto za ponedeljak, utorak, sredu, državne praznike, rođendane,.... :)
auto-moto.386 space.ace,
Ko ima priliku neka obavezno pogleda reprizu Indy Car trke u Torontu, koja je vožena u nedelju. Trku karakteriše spektakularan udes i pogibija jednog vozača (nisam stigao da mu vidim ime :( ), koji je vozio Reinard Toyotu, inače plavi bolid (koliko sam uspeo da vidim). Bolid je pred krivinom prešao preko točka bolida ispred sebe, poleteo u vazduh, udario u žičanu ogradu sa desne strane i raspao se paramparčad. Motor je sa zadnjim točkovima nastavio da klizi po stazi, dok se nije zaustavio na kraju krivine, dok je kokpit, iako ceo, zveknuo u drugi zid. Vozač je ostao na mestu mrtav, i to je već druga pogibija ove sezone u Indy-Car Šampionatu :(. Zaista tragično...
auto-moto.387 obren,
> Ma šta "ode". Ferrari *ne može* da propadne. To je kao kad bi rekao: > "Ispade zvezda ili Partizan u drugu ligu". To, naprosto, ne može. Da, zaista Ferrari ima takvu istoriju i toliko navijača po svetu da bi bilo neverovatno da propadne. Ako ništa drugo, skupljaće fanovi po svetu dobrotvorne priloge ako FIAT ne bude hteo više da ih finansira :) Druga stvar je što nije ni u interesu FIA-e da se ugasi jedan toliko harizmatičan tim (zbog gledanosti F1) pa bi i oni sigurno lobirali ako bude stani-pani...
auto-moto.389 giovanni,
Ę? potvrdili tj rekli da je pukla upravljacka poluga i da je Hil Ę? dobro prosao! Inace rezultat trke je jos nezvanican zbog neke zalbe Nisam ovo čuo ali ako je to istina onda bi Franka Williamsa i njegovu ekipu trebalo doživotno izbaciti iz formule 1. Zbog iste stvari je Ayrton Senna poginuo. Daj Bože da ih osude oni u Italiji. Ę? Jel neko gledao posle INDY CAR? Onaj vozac je poginuo, i mogu da vam Ę? kazem da sam se sav najezio kad sam video sta se dogodilo!!!! UZAS! Ja nisam gledao sve, ali sam video na raznim televizijama snimke te nesreće. Ono je zaista užasno. Čini mi se da je još neko poginuo, da li onaj redar kraj staze? Izgledalo je na snimku kao da je točak bolida zakačio one ljude iza ograde ali nisam baš siguran da li je to stvarno ili mi se priviđalo. Automobil onog nesrećnika se raspao skoro na atome a izgleda da se gorivo prosulo kad je pukao rezervoar po onom drugom bolidu koji je prošao uz levu ogradu. Stvarno strašno. Inače, ovaj vikend je jedan od najgorih u poslednje vreme. I na ne znam kom reliju je vozač sleteo sa staze pravo u publiku. Mislim da rekoše da je 6 osoba poginulo.
auto-moto.390 dusko,
> Jel neko gledao posle INDY CAR? Onaj vozac je poginuo, i mogu > da vam kazem da sam se sav najezio kad sam video sta se > dogodilo!!!! UZAS! Gledao sam jutros snimak. Stvarno pravi užas. Poginuo je vozač i jedan od sudija pored staze koga je bolid u letu udario u glavu. Inače sam trenutak sudara se ne vidi baš najbolje. Vidi se bolid koji na kraju _dugog_ pravca udara između dva bolida ispred koji su već malte ne ušli u krivinu. Zatim je bolid poleteo, u vazduhu se okrenuo, udario sudiju, a onda se raspao. Motor i menjač na jednu stranu, a vozačeva ćelija na drugu. Udes se dogodio 4-5 krugova pre kraja trke. Pobedio je (prvi put) Fernandez, 2. Zanardi, 3. Bobi Rejhal, ... Vaser i dalje vodi u generalnom, Zanardi je sa 6. došao na (valjda) 4., a bodove od favorita nije pokupio Andreti (odustao) i De Feran. Pozdrav, Duško
auto-moto.391 dusko,
> Ferrari, žut? BLJAK. :) Potpisujem. Pozdrav, Duško
auto-moto.392 ljubisha,
>Stvarno pravi užas. Poginuo je vozač i jedan od sudija pored staze koga >je bolid u letu udario u glavu. Inače sam trenutak sudara se ne vidi baš >najbolje. Vidi se bolid koji na kraju _dugog_ pravca udara između dva >bolida ispred koji su već malte ne ušli u krivinu. Zatim je bolid Videlo se odlično (jedino je kamera krenula u shrink pa je slow moution malo slabiji) i mislim da bi Johansenu (16?) trebalo zabraniti da vozi. La- dno je počeo preticanje bez gledanja u retrovizor i ishod je užasan. :( >poleteo, u vazduhu se okrenuo, udario sudiju, a onda se raspao. Motor i Desni prednji točak. Verovatno ga je tako samleo da... njihova sigurno- st na pistama. :(
auto-moto.394 djanjusevic,
DJ> je kokpit, iako ceo, zveknuo u drugi zid. Vozac je ostao na mestu DJ> mrtav, i to je vec druga pogibija ove sezone u Indy-Car DJ> Sampionatu :(. Ne, to je prva u CART sampionatu, dok se ona u maju dogodila u IRL samp.
auto-moto.395 tomislavr,
> Dakle, ode Ferari. :(( Zbog prvog vozača Kretena mi nešto i nije > žao ali ako propadne Ferari onda to više nije to. :( Ko kreten? Da nije tog "kretena" Ferrari nebi video ni jedno mesto medju prvih sest, a kamoli onu pobedu koju je Sumaher odneo kada nije bilo vazno koliko "konja" ti ima masina.. E, stvarno, Sumaher je _daleko_ najbolji vozac u F1. Kako John Watson rece - "Simply, He is the best driver on the track..." O:)
auto-moto.396 mila,
> Ko kreten? Da nije tog "kretena" Ferrari nebi video ni jedno > mesto medju prvih sest, a kamoli onu pobedu koju je Sumaher E, znaš kako: da je moja baba imala onu stvar... Ferrari je tim koji puno vredi, i ne služi se anonimnim pretnjama i pismima u stilu: "Ako danas pobediš, desiće ti se to i to" što je, setićeš se, Hill doživljavao, a sumnja pala na tvog ljubimca i njegove pulene. I, podsećam na pretprošlu sezonu (završnicu): Ako nije u stanju da sportski podnese poraz koji nastaje zbog njegove greške, ne treba ni da se bavi sportom. I, još ovo: za face koje samo majka može da voli, a one izjavljuju kako su najlepše, ja bih, da se nešto ja pitam, uveo obavezan test IQ na verifikaciji pre takmičenja.
auto-moto.397 tomislavr,
Utorak, 16. Jul, 1996 Predsednik Ferarija Luca di Montezemolo je premestio dva radnika kontrole kvaliteta u drugo odeljenje. Smatra se da su njih dvojica direktno odgovorni za tehničke probleme F310. Oba Ferarijeva bolida su zavšila trku pre 10. kruga u Silverstonu.
auto-moto.398 tomislavr,
Nedelja, 14. Jul, 1996 Schumacher: " Something silly happened, an oil-ring came loose and I lost all my hydraulic power. I couldn't use my throttle or change gear so I was forced to come round back to the pits in sixth. (...) It's a very small thing but those can stop you and it's very similar to the incident that ended my race when I was leading in Monte Carlo in 1993." Beneton je uložio žalbu na Vilneovu pobedu u Silverstonu. Beneton je tražio od zvaničnika da ispitaju regulatnost prednjih krilaca jer smatraju da nisu bila simetrična kako bi trebalo da budu. FIA je žalbu odbacila i potvrdila Vilneovu pobedu.
auto-moto.399 tomislavr,
Ponedeljak, 8. Jul, 1996 Frentzen/Williams Ispostavilo se da priče o Frencenovom prelasku u Vilijams sledeće godine nisu samo priče. Izgleda da je nemački vozač već potpisao predugovor, a Frenk Vilijams će o tome odlučiti pre GP-a u Britaniji. Međutim, Reno je jasno istakao da želi da zadrži svetskog šampiona jer žele da na svom bolidu u poslednjoj sezoni imaju broj jedan. Schumacher/Merecedes Michael Schumacher je opovrgao priče da će u bliskoj budućnosti voziti za Mercedes. Schumacher: "Ferrari and I are negotiating a contract for 1998, and Ferrari wants my signature as soon as possible."
auto-moto.400 tomislavr,
FERRARI Press release Silverstone, 14th July 1996 Another double retirement for the Ferrari team. Michael Schumacher retired from the British Grand Prix on the third lap, while lying fourth, with a fault that caused a total loss of pressure in the gearbox hydraulic system, leaving him stuck in sixth gear. Eddie Irvine had to pit three laps later, when lying sixth because of a broken differential bearing. "This is absurd," said the World Champion. "But in racing, things like this can happen, even if it seems very strange. However I do not accept speculations as to what happened. Do not forget that go through similar situations like this for three races in a row is more frustrating for the team than it is for me. After Magny Cours we had tested at Monza and Imola with satisfactory results and covered a high mileage without any failure. Then here, we have run for two days without any problems. It is often the case that little things cause the biggest dramas. But together we must overcome this difficult moment and we will succeed." "I always seem to be cursed with bad luck at Silverstone, " said Irvine. "Both in the lower formulas and in Formula 1, the most incredible things have always happened to me here. Today I made a good start and things were going well and then suddenly... Things like this can happen when you are developing the car in the course of the season. We must not get demoralised. We have so many new things in the pipeline and you will see that this black period will end." Just like the two drivers, Sporting Director Jean Todt, while being very concerned about this series of different failures, believes that Ferrari can emerge from this difficult period only concentrating on the actual problems and working to solve them. "It seems impossible at our races continue to last for such a short time, while in testing, which we do every week, we manage to complete race distances, " said Todt. "I feel very sorry for every member of the team, because they are all good people, and I also feel sorry for our fans. But to draw conclusions after these terrible six weeks does not seem right to me. We were comeptitive in the first few races and I am sure that we will be even more so again, for the rest of the season. Only then, at the end of the year we can assess our performance."
auto-moto.401 tomislavr,
> tim koji puno vredi, i ne služi se anonimnim pretnjama i pismima > u stilu: "Ako danas pobediš, desiće ti se to i to" što je, setićeš > se, Hill doživljavao, a sumnja pala na tvog ljubimca i njegove ^^^^^^ Po ko zna koji put ljudi mešaju ono što se dešava van staze sa onim na stazi. Da li neko šalje Hilu pisamca, a taj neko _sigurno_ nije Šumaher :)), teško da može imati uticaja na vožnju Hila koja je prošle godine bila katastrofalna. Na stazi imamo Hila koji vozi kao baba ;) i Šumahera koji vozi kao car O:). Da li nekom, čak i Hilovim navijačima, mogu biti zanimljive ove trke kada Vilijamsi povedu i "provezu" do kraja? E, pa takve trke će da potraju dok god se Ferrari ne digne na noge i Šumi počne da ih lovi, kao u stara dobra vremena ;) A što se tiče Šumaherovih izjava, čovek kad sluša "glupana i tupana" i druge "nepristrasne novinare" koji izjavljuju da bi "bilo mnogo atraktivnije da se Šumaher zapalio umesto Panisa", taj Šumaher ispadne veliko đubre. Koliko se ja sećam, kad su imali približne bolide (Benetton-Reno i Williams-Reno) Šumaher je Hila obilazio kao direk :)
auto-moto.402 mila,
> Po ko zna koji put ljudi mešaju ono što se dešava van staze sa > onim na stazi. Pazi ovako: Kao čovek koji se usudio da se oproba za volanom takmičarskog vozila na takmičenjima, mogu ti reći da dešavanja van staze itekako utiču na dešavanja na stazi. Tu, budi siguran, ni Fanđo nije bio izuzetak, kao što nisu izuzeci ni Hil ni Šumaher. > _sigurno_ nije Šumaher :)), Sedeo si pored njega u to vreme? > imamo Hila koji vozi kao baba ;) i Šumahera koji vozi kao car Bilo bi mi zanimljivo videti kako izgleda baba na stazi. Još zanimljivije videti tvoju facu posle jednog kruga u autu sa tom "babom". Bez uvrede! BTW, znači, carevima je dopušteno da ne poštuju propise, služe se podvalama, ne gledaju u retrovizor za vreme trke, itd, itd.?!?!?! > O:). Da li nekom, čak i Hilovim navijačima, mogu biti zanimljive > ove trke kada Vilijamsi povedu i "provezu" do kraja? Sigurno da mogu! :)) Šumaher ispadne veliko đubre. Ni kriv, ni dužan?> Koliko se ja sećam, kad su imali približne bolide (Benetton-Reno > i Williams-Reno) Šumaher je Hila obilazio kao direk :) Nećeš mi valjda pričati priču da su Alezi i Berger toliki levaci? Ili je možda Benetton popustio u kvalitetu zato što više Šumaher ne vozi za njih? Uzgred, zanima me tvoje mišljenje o tome ko je bio bolji (kompletniji) vozač u prethodnom duelu, Prost ili Senna?
auto-moto.403 obren,
Monza, 17. Jul - Ferarijevi pripremni testovi za Nemački GP 28. jula, nastavljeni na stazi u Monci. Mihael Šumaher je vozio bolid F310 sa novim zadnjim ogibljenjem i difuzorom. Menjač je bio isti onaj koji je korišćen u dosadašnjem toku šampionata (6 brzina). Šumaher se koncentrisao na testiranje guma i iznalaženje optimalnog setapa za test vožnju kompletne trke koja je predviđena za sutra. On je danas odvezao 35 krugova sa najboljim vremenom od 1m 26.08s. Testiranje je prekinuto ranije nego što je planirano zbog otkazivanja motora (!). Po završetku ovog testa, tim će analizirati dobijene rezultate i odlučiti koje nove komponente će biti korišćene na trci u Hokenhajmu. Edi Irvajn je takođe vozio F310 u skoro identičnoj postavci kao na trci u Silverstonu, osim što je bio opremljen novim sedmostepenim menjačem. Irvajn je provezao 68 krugova i postigao najbolje vreme od 1m 27.788s.
auto-moto.404 obren,
Monza, 18. Jul - Ferari nastavlja testove za GP Nemačke Šumaher je danas uspešno odvezao punu kilometražu na test-trci u Monci. Rezultati su bili veoma ohrabrujući posle serije odustajanja na prethodnim trka. Šumaher je postavio najbolje vreme od 1:25.543 što je skoro sekundu bolje od prošlogodišnjeg najboljeg rezultata u Monzi koji je postavio Gerhard Berger. Tim je odlučio da se na trci u Hokenhajmu koriste svi novotestirani delovi osim sedmostepenog menjača.
auto-moto.405 tomislavr,
>> imamo Hila koji vozi kao baba ;) i Šumahera koji vozi kao car > zanimljivije videti tvoju facu posle jednog kruga u autu sa tom > "babom". Naravno da nisam misliio bukvalno da Hil vozi kao baba. U F1 su dvadesetak najboljih vozača na svetu, ne računajući one koji su tu zbog sponzora, a Hil je sigurno među boljima. A ono - "baba" se odnosilo na način na koji Hil vozi. Stekao sam dojam da Hil čim se nađe u "gužvi" gubi kontrolu, ne zna da obiđe malo brže vozače, ako se nađe "pod pritiskom" greši - a to nisu odlike vrhunskih vozača. Zanima me šta se tebi kao profesionalcu sviđa u vožnji Hila? A, voleo bih da vidim Hilovu facu posle jednog kruga u autu samnom. ;> >> Koliko se ja sećam, kad su imali približne bolide (Benetton-Reno >> i Williams-Reno) Šumaher je Hila obilazio kao direk :) > Nećeš mi valjda pričati priču da su Alezi i Berger toliki levaci? > Ili je možda Benetton popustio u kvalitetu zato što više Šumaher > ne vozi za njih? Sa Benetonima nešto nije u redu, definitivno. Jeste da je šasija pretrpela velike promene ali pad kvaliteta je stvarno veliki. Pored tehničkih problema, Šumahera je zamenio Alezi, i tu treba tražiti razloge. Izvini zbog kašnjenja odgovora, imam tehničkih problema :)
auto-moto.406 mila,
> vrhunskih vozača. Zanima me šta se tebi kao profesionalcu sviđa > u vožnji Hila? Sasvim je moguće da sam malo i pristrasan, ali budi siguran da sin jednog Grahama Hila jednostavno ne može da bude loš vozač. Pošto si mlađi momak, uzmi neku od starijih revija, pa nađi i pročitaj ponešto o pomenutom velikanu.BTW, Hil je ipak jedan od Prostovih đaka i sledbenika, a to odmah garantuje kompletnost vozača. To što tebi izgleda da je Hil nesnalažljiv u gužvi, samo znači da nije spreman da neku nesmotrenost plati glavom. Radije čeka rasplet situacije na trećem mestu, i na kraju pobeđuje(a to treba umeti), nego da uz ogroman rizik vodi celu trku i na kraju odustaje. Ovo ne kao stalni postupak (što se i da primetiti), već kao način razmišljanja za volanom. Bilo bi zanimljivo videti duel Hil-Šumaher na nekom reliju, koji iziskuje baš pomenutu kompletnos vozača kao kategoriju. > A, voleo bih da vidim Hilovu facu posle jednog kruga u autu > samnom. ;> Ovo bi zaista bilo zanimljivo videti ;>. p.s. Kašnjenje mog odgovora je usledilo zbog moje odsutnosti od računara tokom vikenda. Pozdrav, Krole B)
auto-moto.407 space.ace,
## A, voleo bih da vidim Hilovu facu posle jednog kruga u autu ## samnom. ;> Naravno, da bi Hill seo sa tobom u kola, moram prvo ja da proverim da li si dostojan tako nečega! So, moram ja prvo da te istestiram na Beranovcu, pa će se dogovorim sa Damon-om ;))
auto-moto.408 obren,
GP Nemačke, Hokenhajm, prvi trening: Track Times: 1st Free Pos Driver Team Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 G.Berger Benetton 1m 46.145s 2 1m 46.567s 2 D.Coulthard McLaren 1m 46.184s 8 1m 47.495s 3 E.Irvine Ferrari 1m 46.198s 7 1m 47.418s 4 J.Alesi Benetton 1m 46.294s 3 1m 46.779s 5 M.Hakkinen McLaren 1m 46.384s 1 1m 46.384s 6 M.Brundle Jordan 1m 46.487s 10 1m 48.489s 7 M.Schumacher Ferrari 1m 46.959s 6 1m 47.378s 8 D.Hill Williams 1m 46.998s 4 1m 46.998s 9 R.Barrichello Jordan 1m 47.110s 5 1m 47.110s 10 P.Diniz Ligier 1m 47.534s 12 1m 48.854s 11 J.Villeneuve Williams 1m 47.586s 11 1m 48.548s 12 O.Panis Ligier 1m 47.668s 15 1m 49.513s 13 H.Frentzen Sauber 1m 48.157s 9 1m 48.157s 14 J.Herbert Sauber 1m 49.220s 13 1m 49.220s 15 M.Salo Tyrrell 1m 49.243s 14 1m 49.243s 16 J.Verstappen Footwork 1m 49.629s 16 1m 49.629s 17 U.Katayama Tyrrell 1m 49.843s 17 1m 49.843s 18 P.Lamy Minardi 1m 50.815s 19 1m 50.895s 19 R.Rosset Footwork 1m 50.872s 18 1m 50.872s ---- 107% ---- 1m 53.575s 20 G.Lavaggi Minardi 1m 54.685s 20 1m 54.685s
auto-moto.409 obren,
Upravo su završene kvalifikacije, ono se ne može opisati! Ko nije gledao ne zna đta je propustio! Klanje iz kruga u krug, obaranje maksimalne brzine i razlike manje od 1 desetinke sekunde. Bukvalno do zadnjeg minuta Šumaher je imao polpoziciju, ali u zadnjim sekundama Hill ga skida za pola sekunde! :) Ako ovakva bude trka strefiće me srčka ;) 1. Hill 2. Berger 3. Schumacher 4. Hakkinen 5. Alesi 6. Villeneuve 7. Coulthard 8. Irvine ...
auto-moto.410 mila,
> do zadnjeg minuta Šumaher je imao polpoziciju, ali u zadnjim sekundama Mala ispravka; Posle zadnjih sekundi, Hill skida Šumahera za nešto više od pola sekunde, ali se to priznaje, jer je započeo krug za vreme dok još oficijelni sat nije otucao nulu :))))
auto-moto.411 obren,
Evo i vremena sa današnjih kvalifikacija za GP Nemačke (Hokenhajm): Track Times: Pos Driver Team Lap Time 1 D.Hill Williams 1m 43.912s 2 G.Berger Benetton 1m 44.299s 3 M.Schumacher Ferrari 1m 44.477s 4 M.Hakkinen McLaren 1m 44.644s 5 J.Alesi Benetton 1m 44.670s 6 J.Villeneuve Williams 1m 44.842s 7 D.Coulthard McLaren 1m 44.951s 8 E.Irvine Ferrari 1m 45.389s 9 R.Barrichello Jordan 1m 45.452s 10 M.Brundle Jordan 1m 45.876s 11 P.Diniz Ligier 1m 46.575s 12 O.Panis Ligier 1m 46.746s 13 H.Frentzen Sauber 1m 46.899s 14 J.Herbert Sauber 1m 47.711s 15 M.Salo Tyrrell 1m 48.139s 16 U.Katayama Tyrrell 1m 48.381s 17 J.Verstappen Footwork 1m 48.512s 18 P.Lamy Minardi 1m 49.460s 19 R.Rosset Footwork 1m 49.551s 20 G.Lavaggi Minardi 1m 51.357s
auto-moto.413 obren,
GP Nemačke, Hokenhajm Trka je bila izuzetno uzbudljiva, naročito na taktičkom polju. Odlično su startovali Berger, Alesi i Coulthard, dok je Hill koji je imao polpoziciju pao na treće mesto odmah posle starta. Trka je ušla u mirne vode sve do prvih ulazaka u boks, kada se pokazalo da su se Vilijams i Beneton odlučili za različite taktike - Vilijams za dva a Beneton, ponovo, za jedan ulazak u boks. Hil posle pit-stopova izbija na 1. mesto što koristi i ostavlja drugoplasiranog Bergera i do dve sekunde po krugu. Međutim, pred finiš trke Hil mora na još jedno dolivanje goriva sa prednošću od 16-ak sekundi, nakon koga se vraća na drugo mesto, iza Bergera. Nakon toga počinje vrlo uzbudljiva borba za prvu poziciju. Hil relativno lako skida svoj zaostatak od oko 5 sekundi nakon izlaska iz boksa i počinje igru živaca sa Bergerom. Međutim, iskusni Austrijanac vozi perfektno ne dajući Dejmonu ni najmanju priliku da ga obiđe. Na žalost, u poslednjim krugovima Bergerov motor otkazuje uz spektakularnu eksploziju. Naravno, Hil ovo koristi i bez većih problema prvi prolazi kroz cilj. Velika tragedija za Bergera koji je vozio jednu od najboljih trka u ovoj sezoni, briljirajući i na kvalifikacijama. Od zanimljivosti bih izdvojio da je Mika Hakinen vozio nešto modifikovanu verziju motora za kvalifikacije! Na žalost Finac je sredinom trke morao da odustane, najverovatnije zbog kvara menjača. Ferrari pokazuje da ipak nije dorastao snagom za ovako brze staze, jer sve vreme zaostajao za vodećom trojkom Berger, Alezi, Hil. Ipak Šumaher je uspeo da završi trku za razliku od Irvajna kome je, opet, eksplodirao motor... :( Plasman na kraju trke: 1. Hill 2. Alesi 3. Villeneuve 4. Schumacher 5. Coulthard 6. Barrichello 7. Panis 8. Frentzen
auto-moto.414 mila,
auto-moto.415 mila,
Tomislave, komentari? ;)
auto-moto.416 lexus,
=> Tomislave, komentari? ;) Daj Šumaheru isti bolid koji Hill ima, pa ćeš videti komentare ;>
auto-moto.417 obren,
Formula 1: German Grand Prix, Hockenheim Notes from Qualifying: - David Coulthard was fastest through the speed traps at 341.7kph - Minardi put in a protest against Damon Hill breaking a rule in the pits. The judges cleared Hill. If Hill had been found guilty his pole time would be disallowed and Lavaggi (for Minardi) would be within the 107% rule and could race. - For a time Tyrrell ran front tires on the back in an attempt to reduce the aerodynamic drag. Using this configuration Katayama set his fastest lap. Renault blowup gives Hill victory --------------------------------- Damon Hill watched as the car he had been shadowing for the last 8 laps blows its Renault engine and retires on to the grass. Thus ended a great race by Gerhard Berger just 3 laps from the end. Hill continued on to his 20th win with Alesi second and Villeneuve third. At the start Hill lost his pole advantage before the first corner as Berger came past followed quickly by Alesi (from 5th on the grid !!). This trio quickly pulled away from the next group of Schumacher, Coulthard, Villeneuve, Irvine and Hakkinen. Disaster struck for Hakkinen on lap 13 when his gearbox failed after a pit stop. The only Ferrari failure came on lap 34 when a smoking Irvine pulled onto the grass. Schumacher hung on to finish fourth but was never really in the race. After a round of pit stops Hill was in the lead and trying to pull away from Berger, not far enough though as Berger crept back into the lead during Hills final stop. Hill quickly caught Berger but could not find a way past - and then the engine blew and there was no more Berger. Track Times: Pos Driver Team Race Time ──────────────────┬────────────┬─────────────────────────── 1 D.Hill │ Williams │ 1hr 21m 43.417s (45 Laps) 2 J.Alesi │ Benetton │ Gap 0m 11.542s 3 J.Villeneuve │ Williams │ Gap 0m 33.926s 4 M.Schumacher │ Ferrari │ Gap 0m 41.517s 5 D.Coulthard │ McLaren │ Gap 0m 42.196s 6 R.Barrichello │ Jordan │ Gap 1m 42.099s 7 O.Panis │ Ligier │ Gap 1m 43.912s 8 H.Frentzen │ Sauber │ Laps behind: 1 9 M.Salo │ Tyrrell │ Laps behind: 1 10 M.Brundle │ Jordan │ Laps behind: 1 11 R.Rosset │ Footwork │ Laps behind: 1 12 P.Lamy │ Minardi │ Laps behind: 2 13 G.Berger │ Benetton │ Laps behind: 3 Drivers Championship Constructors Championship ────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────── │ 1 D.Hill 73 │ 1 Williams 125 2 J.Villeneuve 52 │ 2 Benetton 47 3 J.Alesi 31 │ 3 Ferrari 38 4 M.Schumacher 29 │ 4 McLaren 34 5 D.Coulthard 18 │ 5 Jordan 14 6 M.Hakkinen 16 │ 6 Ligier 12 G.Berger 16 │ 7 Sauber 10 8 R.Barrichello 11 │ 8 Tyrrell 5 O.Panis 11 │ 9 Footwork 1 10 E.Irvine 9 │ 11 H.Frentzen 6 │ 12 M.Salo 5 │ 13 J.Herbert 4 │ 14 M.Brundle 3 │ 15 J.Verstappen 1 │ P.Diniz 1 │ (Izvor: Gale Force F1)
auto-moto.418 mila,
> Daj Šumaheru isti bolid koji Hill ima, pa ćeš > videti komentare ;> Šalu na stranu, ja lično Šumahera ne volim, i imam za to svoje razloge. Mislim da je veoma kvaran vozač, koji ne može da podnese neuspeh, naduvenko koji misli da je najbolji a to zapravo i nije. Meni je, npr. kao Hilovom obožavaocu, jako žao Bergera danas, i mislim da je on najveći tragičar ove trke. Jeste on zatvarao prolaz Hilu, ali je to radio samo dozvoljenim sredstvima. Ni u jednom momentu nije bilo kritične situacije, iako se vodila veoma oštra borba između njih. Tako to rade pravi asovi, oni koje ja nazivam kompletnim vozačima, ako si čitao prethodnu prepisku Tomislava i mene. Da je Šumaher bio na Bergerovom mestu, zapitaj se i u prethodnim iskustvima potraži odgovor, kako bi postupio? Ja sam mišljenja da bi navukao Hila da krene u preticanje, pa namotao na njega, što bi dovelo do toga da Hill naglo koči, okrene se ili slično, čime bi Šumaher eliminisao opasnost sa svog vrata, a to što time ugrožava nečiji život, uopšte nije važno. Ja takve sportiste, i ljude uopšte, ne volim. Priznaćeš, zaista imam razloga. zar ne? Krole B)
auto-moto.419 tomislavr,
> neuspeh, naduvenko koji misli da je najbolji a to zapravo i nije. Reci mi kad si ti čuo izjavu Šumahera tipa - "Ja sam najbolji". Čuo sam mnogo njegovih izjava, zato što se trudim da ih lično čujem, a ne da mi ih prepričaju "glupan i tupan". Gledati i čitati o F1 u Jugoslaviji je isto kao i slušati o opoziciji na "Dnevniku". Sve sam više uveren da kategorija "navijač Hila" ne postoji, da ste svi vi grupa "mrzim Šumahera". Ja znam da ćete ako Hil ode iz Vilijamsa, što mu izgleda ne gine, svi naprasno postati navijači Vilneva ili Kultarda, tj. bilo koga ko može da skine Šumaheru titulu. > momentu nije bilo kritične situacije, iako se vodila veoma oštra Gde si video "oštru borbu". Hil je pokušavao da obiđe Bergera, od koga je bio _vidno_ brži, a to svi znamo da ne ume ;). Doduše moguće je da je taktizirao dva kruga pred kraj čekajući razvoj situacije. Ono što želim da kažem je da je ovo prvi put u sezoni da je neko "pokazao zube" Hilu, i odmah se povampirio Hil iz '95 - slab, neodlučan, nikakav :) > mene. Da je Šumaher bio na Bergerovom mestu, zapitaj se i u Da je Šumaher bio na Bergerovom mestu, tj. u Benetonu, Hil ga nebi video :) > mišljenja da bi navukao Hila da krene u preticanje, pa namotao na > njega, što bi dovelo do toga da Hill naglo koči, okrene se ili Kao prošle godine u Silverstonu, ili Monci ;). Hil je prošle godine dva puta napravio sra*e, ali ja mu to ne uzimam za zlo, on je ipak test vozač ;> Evo da ne bude da samo tupim malo vesti. Po svemu sudeći, najviše šanse da se uglavi u Vilijams '98 ima BMW (tako bar kažu na Jurosportu). U tom paketu morao bi H.H. Frencen da vozi za Vilijams jer BMW traži Nemačkog vozača, tako da će Hil verovatno morati da traži gazdu, jer je onaj skot u kolicima izjavio da Vilnev sigurno ostaje, a za Hila se ne zna.
auto-moto.420 mila,
> Reci mi kad si ti čuo izjavu Šumahera tipa - "Ja sam najbolji". Čuo sam > mnogo njegovih izjava, zato što se trudim da ih lično čujem, a ne da mi > ih prepričaju "glupan i tupan". Gledati i čitati o F1 u Jugoslaviji je Nije li re dve godine taj glupan i tupan bio slučajno baš Džon Votson na Eurosportu, prenoseći Šumaherovu izjavu, nakon koje je, ako uopšte pratiš te stvari, Berger pobesneo na Šumahera? ;>
auto-moto.421 vstan,
> Plasman na kraju trke: > > 1. Hill > 2. Alesi Kakvo je stanje sa bodovima ?
auto-moto.422 tomislavr,
> je, ako uopšte pratiš te stvari, Berger pobesneo na Šumahera? ;> Cela ta frka oko Bergera i Šumahera je počela u Brazilu '95, posle vraćenja pobede Šumaheru kada se Berger pobunio (on bi bio pobednik da Šumiju nisu vratili pobedu), na šta mu je Šumaher rekao da je talentovan za vožnju koliko i za priču, možda bi koju trku i pobedio, a ne bi zaostao čitav krug... Od tad se oni mrze kao Nemci ;), a da Berger nije cvećka mogao si i skoro da se uveriš jer se skoro nešto "kačio" sa Brandlom. Drago mi je da Šumi i Hil nikada nisu pokazali neku veću netrpeljivost jer Hila smatram OK čovekom ali test vozačem ;) Ovo sad "Hil je bolji - Šumaher je bolji" može da ide u večnost. Ko je bolji pokazaće vreme, a ja mislim da dobar pokazatelj i to ko je koliko plaćen za svoj posao ;) Uaaaa Hil :)
auto-moto.423 obren,
> Kakvo je stanje sa bodovima ? Poruka 11.417 :)
auto-moto.424 obren,
Četvrtak, 29. Jul 1996. Hajnc Herald Frencen je izgleda potpisao ugovor sa Vilijamsom za narednu Sezonu. U zadnjem broju nemačkog "Autosporta" izvori bliski Vilijamsu potvrdili su ovu iznenađujuću vest. Žal Vilnev je učvrstio svoj status u Vilijamsu dvogodišnjim ugovorom i on je jedini siguran vozač za 1997. godinu, tako da je izgleda Dejmon Hill "višak" na čije mesto će uskočiti ovaj nemački vozač. Sam Vilijams je negirao ovu vest, tvrdeći da su ovo špekulacije koje potiču iz Engleske štampe. Hilov menadžer je takođe odbacio ove vesti ističući da Vilijams želi da zadrži Hila i da su glasine o Frencenu neozbiljne. Kako se saznaje, Dejmon Hil zahteva 18.6 miliona dolara da bi sledeće sezone vozio za Vilijams, pa je moguće da je "priča" o Frencenu pokušaj Frenka Vilijamsa da snizi njegovu cenu. Međutim, poznato je da Vilijams već duže vreme pokazuje interesovanje za nemačkog vozača. Frencenu je ponuđeno da se pridruži timu nakon smrti Airtona Sene 1994. godine ali je on odbio i ostao u Zauberu.
auto-moto.425 obren,
Ponedeljak, 29. Jul 1996. Glasine oko napuštanja Vilijamsa od strane Dejmona Hila se nastavljaju. Postoji mogućnost da Hil od sledeće sezone vozi za Rona Denisa, odnosno njegov Meklaren-Mercedes tim. Mercedes, koji lagano napreduje sa performansama svojih motora u F1, zainteresovan je za Hila obzirom da njihov ljuti nemački konkurent, BMW, udružuje snage sa timom Frenka Vilijamsa. Mercedes će sam finansirati dolazak Dejmona Hila kako bi ovaj nosio broj 1 na njihovom bolidu, obezbedio vodeće mesto Mercedesa među nemačkim konstruktorima motora, i uopšte ojačao pozicije Meklaren-Mercedesa u narednoj sezoni.
auto-moto.426 obren,
Utorak, 30. Jul 1996. Dejmon hill je odbacio sugestije da treba da juri rekord Najdžela Mensela i Mihaela Šumahera u broju GP pobeda u jednoj sezoni. Hill je izjavio da je koncentrisan na pobede a ne na obaranje bilo kakvih rekorda. "Trke se nastavljaju, treba da nastavim da pobeđujem i da se na to koncentrišem." Hill nestrpljivo čeka sledeću trku u Mađarskoj i kaže: "Trka u Mađarskoj je uvek teška i veoma zahtevna za vozača, pa ću se propisno odmoriti i dobro pripremiti za nju." Hill sada ima slobodnu sedmicu za odmor, dok će Žak Vilnev početi seriju testova u Nogaru u Francuskoj. Vilijamsu trebaju samo 2 boda u sledećih pet trka da bi osigurao šampionsku titulu u kategoriji konstruktora.
auto-moto.428 mila,
> Utorak, 30. Jul 1996. > Dejmon hill je odbacio sugestije da treba da juri rekord Najdžela Mensela ej, odakle ti ovako sveže informacije? Pohvalno, svakako, samo tako nastavi!
auto-moto.430 djanjusevic,
DJ> > Dejmon hill je odbacio sugestije da treba da juri rekord Najdzel DJ> DJ> ej, odakle ti ovako sveze informacije? Pohvalno, svakako, samo DJ> tako nastavi! Ja samo da napomenem da nikako ne mogu da se izjednace rekordi Mansell-a i Schumachera jer je losiji vozac od ove dvojce :)) postigao devet pobeda iz 17 trka, a ne iz 16.
auto-moto.431 obren,
Sa Interneta, naravno :) (Atlas, Ferreri WEB site, Gele Force...)
auto-moto.432 obren,
Nekoliko interesantnih izjava posle trke u Nemačkoj: Dejmon Hil: "Izgleda da ja donosim lošu sreću na ovu trku - tako sam 1993. vodio sa 30 sekundi prednosti i ostao bez gume u zadnjem krugu. Ovakve stvari se dešavaju, na žalost, u trkama. Bila bi to dva zaista uzbudljiva kruga da je Gerhard nastavio. Velika šteta za njega..." Gerhard Berger: "Nisam imao indikacija da bilo šta nije u redu sve dok najednom motor nije eksplodirao. Veoma sam tužan jer sam mnogo želeo ovu pobedu, za sebe, za tim, za svakoga. Bio sam u dobroj formi i još uvek ne mogu da poverujem da mi se to desilo..." Mihael Šumaher: "Naravno, malo sam razočaran zbog izgubljene polpozicije, ali nisam i iznenađen. Znao sam da moje vreme nije nedostižno i bio sam spreman na nešto ovako ali nisam očekivao da me skinu dva vozača. Ipak, bila je to lepa borba i siguran sam da su svi u publici uživali." (nakon trke) "Razočaran sam što sam završio trku tako daleko iz pobednika, ali u isto vreme jako bitno mi je bilo da ponovo vidim crno-belu zastavu. Iako to možda nije očigledno iz današnjih rezultata, bolid je mnogo bolji nego na prethodnim trkama, izuzevši kočnica koje su mi zadale mnogo glavobolja. Vilnev me je prošao samo zato što je bio u mogućnosti da iskoristi kasno kočenje, za razliku od mene. Zaista nisam bio u mogućnosti da se odbranim od njegovog veoma hrabrog poteza ... Ono u pit stopu nije bilo tako opasno kao što je izgledalo (zajednički odlazak u boks sa Vilnevom i incident na izlasku). Malo sam proklizao i tada mi se on približio, ali nije bilo tako blizu kao što je moždai zgledalo." (Žak Vilnev je obelodanio da Vilijamsovi inženjeri nisu detektovali da njegov bolid ima felerično zadnje ogibljenje sve do samog početka trke) Žak Vilnev: "Bilo bi mnogo drugačije da sam to znao u vreme kvalifikacija!"
auto-moto.433 obren,
Još jedna tragedija u Indikar šampionatu. Nadajmo se da će se stari vuk izvući... Ponedeljak, 29. Jul 1996. Emerson Fitipaldi, šampion 1972. i 1974. povređen je u Nedelju u teškom sudaru na trci Mičigen 500. Kaže se da je Fitipaldi u ozbiljnom stanju sa povredama kao što su fraktura sedmog vratnog pršljena i levo plićno krilo koje je delimično van funkcije. Već na prvom krugu trke Emerson se sudario sa rukijem Greg Murom (Greg Moore). Mur je takođe povrećen u ovom sudaru.
auto-moto.434 kcurcic,
> Gde si video "oštru borbu". Hil je pokušavao da obiđe Bergera, od koga > je bio _vidno_ brži, a to svi znamo da ne ume ;). Doduše moguće je da je Prilično interesantno - najverovatnije će ove sezone prvak biti vozač koji nikoga nije obišao na stazi u istoj toj sezoni.
auto-moto.435 ljubisha,
>Kao prošle godine u Silverstonu, ili Monci ;). Hil je prošle godine dva >puta napravio sra*e, ali ja mu to ne uzimam za zlo, on je ipak test >vozač ;> Super! Hil pravi slučajne greške a Šumaher namerne i samo zbog toga bi ga trebalo izbaciti iz Formule. Da se opameti.
auto-moto.436 mila,
> Sa Interneta, naravno :) (Atlas, Ferreri WEB site, Gele Force...) Samo nastavi, s prevodom naravno! B)
auto-moto.437 space.ace,
## Reci mi kad si ti čuo izjavu Šumahera tipa - "Ja sam najbolji". Čuo ## sam mnogo njegovih izjava, zato što se trudim da ih lično čujem, a ## ne da mi ih prepričaju "glupan i tupan". Gledati i čitati o F1 u Ja sam čitao Schu-ove izjave tipa "Ja sam najbolji". Verovatno si upoznat sa časopisom "Formel 1", koji izdaju Nemci. E, pa u tom časopisu, Schumacher je davao toliko izjava i intervjua i hvalio sebe da je to neverovatno. Takve izjave su bile naročito izražene pre dve sezone, kada se ponašao kako se ponašao, varao i provocirao sve živo. Kada su ga šutnuli sa nekoliko trka zbog ponašanja, u časopisu je davao intervjue kako ga nije briga što mu ne daju da se trka, da je on "još uvek najbolji vozač, i da niko nema šanse protiv njega". ## Kao prošle godine u Silverstonu, ili Monci ;). Hil je prošle godine ## dva puta napravio sra*e, ali ja mu to ne uzimam za zlo, on je ipak ## test vozač ;> Pričaš nama, Hill-fanovima, da ne treba da se zovemo Hill-fanovi, već "oni_koji_mrze_Schu_a", a pročitaj malo šta ti pišeš o Hill-u, meni liči da ti više mrziš Hill-a nego što ja mrzim Schu-a (a ne mrzim ga ;)...
auto-moto.438 mila,
> Super! Hil pravi slučajne greške a Šumaher namerne i samo zbog toga > bi ga trebalo izbaciti iz Formule. Da se opameti. Potpisujem! B) Krole
auto-moto.439 bolero,
VIDIMO SE U BUDIMPESTI Ja odoh javicu vam kako je
auto-moto.440 obren,
Formula 1: Hungarian Grand Prix Hill fastest on first day Damon Hill finished the afternoon free session just in front of Michael Schumacher. A thrilling last 10 minutes saw many changes in the driver positions on a circuit which was improving all the time. Track Times: 1st Free Pos Driver Team Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 D.Hill Williams 1m 21.144s 3 1m 24.088s 2 M.Schumacher Ferrari 1m 21.166s 0 0m 0.000s 3 J.Villeneuve Williams 1m 21.369s 9 1m 26.019s 4 E.Irvine Ferrari 1m 22.332s 1 1m 23.790s 5 G.Berger Benetton 1m 22.617s 0 0m 0.000s 6 J.Alesi Benetton 1m 22.790s 0 0m 0.000s 7 O.Panis Ligier 1m 22.889s 11 1m 27.217s 8 J.Herbert Sauber 1m 23.076s 2 1m 23.989s 9 R.Barrichello Jordan 1m 23.360s 6 1m 24.546s 10 M.Hakkinen McLaren 1m 23.400s 4 1m 24.298s 11 M.Brundle Jordan 1m 23.494s 7 1m 25.184s 12 H.Frentzen Sauber 1m 23.667s 0 0m 0.000s 13 J.Verstappen Footwork 1m 23.702s 0 0m 0.000s 14 D.Coulthard McLaren 1m 23.722s 5 1m 24.370s 15 M.Salo Tyrrell 1m 24.941s 0 0m 0.000s 16 U.Katayama Tyrrell 1m 25.056s 10 1m 26.079s 17 P.Lamy Minardi 1m 25.722s 12 1m 28.075s 18 P.Diniz Ligier 1m 25.764s 8 1m 25.764s 19 G.Lavaggi Minardi 1m 26.253s 0 0m 0.000s 20 R.Rosset Footwork 1m 26.380s 0 0m 0.000s ---- 107% ---- 1m 26.824s
auto-moto.441 vstan,
18.18h - kamo su rezultati ?
auto-moto.442 mila,
Kamo su formulaši? Tomislave, apropo naše ranije prepiske, ne čini li ti se da je i Šumaher imao popriličnih problema da pretekne Bergera, koga je, uzgred budi rečeno, brzometno sustigao? Berger, opet, nesrećnik crče. Baš mi žao :(. Krole B)
auto-moto.443 djcorto,
> ne cini li ti se da je i Sumaher imao poprilicnih problema da > pretekne Bergera, koga je, uzgred budi receno, brzometno > sustigao? Jeste, jeste. Ocigledno je trku dobila taktika - i hrabra voznja Vilneva. Hil je ipak pokazao da nesto ume onim skidanjem 1.5 sec po krugu, kad je jurio Sumahera, ato je pocelo sjajnim preticanjem Alesija. Ipak, da Vilnev nije pobedio, to NE bi bilo u redu. > Berger, opet, nesrecnik crce. Bas mi zao :(. Krole > B) I meni :( Konacno su uhvatili ruku, Benetton ide kako treba, i dva puta uzastopce BUM! Cudno, Alesiju se to NE desava - pa nije valjda Berger agresivniji ?!!? Steta je i za Sumahera, mada, izgleda da je odavno imao problema, jer je, za njega, presporo vozio. Williams jeste bolji, ali bas 24 sec (otprilike) ??????
auto-moto.444 obren,
> 18.18h - kamo su rezultati ? Pa valjda su svi gledali komšijski GP? ;) Nekoliko poznanika mi je otišlo na lice mesta, pa ću ih zamoliti da "prekucaju" utiske sa trke i oko nje. A evo i liste iz glave, a neko nek pošalje Race Overview od Gale Force-a... 1. Villeneuve 2. Hill 3. Alesi 4. Hakkinen 5. Panis 6. Barrichello ... Staza u mađarskoj ima dosta krivina a bilo je i dosta prašine i ostataka od pocepanih guma tako da je imperativ bilo imati što bolji "down force". Drugi timovi su pribegavali svakakvim rešenjima dok Vilijams izgleda nije imao nekih većih problema sa prijanjanjem ;) Na početku mi je izgledalo da će Hill dva puta u boks a Vilnev 3, ali ispalo je da su obojica išli po 3 puta, što je bila i taktika većine učesnika u trci. Oba Ferarija su odustala, što zbog motora (Irvajn) što zbog drugih kvarova. Na kraju je trku završilo svega desetak vozača, a ekipa Forti je preskočila još jedan GP i po svemu sudeći biće ugašena ako u skoroj budućnosti ne nađe dovoljno sponzora... :( Šta još reći, Vilijams je već šampion, dok je za titulu među vozačima sada tek nastala mrtva trka između timskih kolega Vilneva i Hila. Ako je istina da Hill menja lokal ;) a stanje u vrhu je neizvesno, svašta se može očekivati od ekipe kao što je Vilijams...
auto-moto.445 mila,
Upravo je završena pretposlednja trka indi-kar šampionata, pobedom Zanardija. Drugo mesto je osvojio, i time, najverovatnije, obezbedio ovogodišnju titulu, Džimi Vaser. Njegov direktni konkurent u borbi za titulu, Al Anser junior, imao je peh da se u zadnjem krugu sudari, nisam dobro video s kim, i time svoje šanse za naslov prvaka sveo na teoretske. Naime, ako se u Laguna-seki, koja se vozi sledeća, dogodi da Vaser odustane, a Anser junior pobedi, titula šampiona će pripasti ovom drugom. Ova trka je, na sreću, protekla bez incidenata sa težim posledicama.
auto-moto.446 kcurcic,
> A evo i liste iz glave, a neko nek pošalje Race Overview od Gale Izvinjavam se na dužini poruke, ali su tu rezultati warm up-a i trke i stanje na tabelama O:) Formula 1: Hungarian Grand Prix (ALL INFORMATION IS UNOFFICIAL) ======================================================================== WARM UP Schumacher the Warmest ---------------------- Michael Schumacher continues to stamp his dominance on this event by being the fastest car in the morning warm-up session. Hill was second fastest with Villeneuve third. Story of the top time: 8m 1m 20.848s Schumacher 12m 1m 20.712s Hill 14m 1m 18.971s Schumacher Verstappen took a trip through the gravel then drove back to the pits 23 minutes into the session, two minutes later Diniz retired off the track with a mechanical problem. Track Times: Qualify 3rd Free Pos Driver Team Lap Time Pos Lap Time Pos Lap Time 1 M.Schumacher Ferrari 1m 18.971s 1 1m 17.129s 1 1m 17.947s 2 D.Hill Williams 1m 19.595s 2 1m 17.182s 3 1m 17.987s 3 J.Villeneuve Williams 1m 19.818s 3 1m 17.259s 2 1m 17.980s 4 E.Irvine Ferrari 1m 20.240s 4 1m 18.617s 5 1m 18.986s 5 M.Hakkinen McLaren 1m 20.778s 7 1m 19.116s 6 1m 19.341s 6 G.Berger Benetton 1m 20.923s 6 1m 18.794s 9 1m 19.471s 7 H.Frentzen Sauber 1m 21.009s 10 1m 19.436s 13 1m 20.312s 8 J.Herbert Sauber 1m 21.232s 8 1m 19.292s 4 1m 18.954s 9 R.Barrichello Jordan 1m 21.266s 13 1m 19.966s 12 1m 19.946s 10 J.Alesi Benetton 1m 21.342s 5 1m 18.754s 8 1m 19.421s 11 O.Panis Ligier 1m 21.432s 11 1m 19.538s 11 1m 19.883s 12 J.Verstappen Footwork 1m 21.524s 17 1m 20.781s 17 1m 21.223s 13 D.Coulthard McLaren 1m 21.717s 9 1m 19.384s 7 1m 19.420s 14 M.Brundle Jordan 1m 21.914s 12 1m 19.828s 10 1m 19.760s 15 P.Diniz Ligier 1m 21.994s 15 1m 20.665s 15 1m 20.740s 16 U.Katayama Tyrrell 1m 22.358s 14 1m 20.499s 14 1m 20.434s 17 M.Salo Tyrrell 1m 22.604s 16 1m 20.678s 16 1m 20.823s 18 P.Lamy Minardi 1m 23.202s 19 1m 21.713s 18 1m 22.217s 19 R.Rosset Footwork 1m 23.226s 18 1m 21.590s 19 1m 22.758s 20 G.Lavaggi Minardi 1m 24.638s 20 1m 22.468s 20 1m 23.221s ===================================================================== Hungarian Grand Prix 96: The Race Weather: Hot, sunny Lap Event 0 Grid Positions: (1) M.Schumacher (2) D.Hill (3) J.Villeneuve (4) E.Irvine (5) J.Alesi (6) G.Berger 1 Diniz and Salo touch and retire 1 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) D.Hill (5) E.Irvine (6) G.Berger 4 Fastest lap: Villeneuve 1m 21.081s 5 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) D.Hill (5) E.Irvine (6) G.Berger 6 Brundle drives wide and bounces through the gravel destroying the car 6 Hill stuck behind Alesi whilst a big gap opens up to Schumacher and Villeneuve at the front 7 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->1.020s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->7.550s->(3) J.Alesi->0.670s->(4) D.Hill ->4.120s->(5) E.Irvine->1.440s->(6) G.Berger 11 Verstappen off the track and retires 12 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->0.790s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->13.610s->(3) J.Alesi->0.730s->(4) D.Hill ->3.190s->(5) E.Irvine->2.540s->(6) G.Berger 14 Pits: Frentzen - 6.5s 15 7-Hakkinen, 8-Herbert, 9-Coulthard, 10-Barrichello 16 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->0.420s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->17.660s->(3) J.Alesi->0.380s->(4) D.Hill ->5.010s->(5) G.Berger (6) E.Irvine 17 Pits: Herbert - 6.6s 19 Pits: Schumacher - 7.9s 20 Fastest lap: Villeneuve - 1m 21.071s 20 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->20.680s->(2) J.Alesi ->0.580s->(3) D.Hill->2.300s->(4) G.Berger ->0.330s->(5) M.Schumacher->4.110s->(6) E.Irvine 21 Pits: Villeneuve - 7.8s 23 Pits: Alesi - 7.1s 23 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 20.929s 23 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) M.Schumacher (6) E.Irvine 24 Couthard out with gearbox problem 24 Pits: Berger - 9.2s 25 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) G.Berger (5) M.Schumacher (6) E.Irvine 25 Pits: Hill - 6.8s 26 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) M.Schumacher (3) J.Alesi (4) D.Hill (5) G.Berger (6) E.Irvine 32 Irvine retires with smoking car 32 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 20.735s 34 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->10.000s->(2) M.Schumacher ->21.000s->(3) D.Hill (4) J.Alesi (5) G.Berger 34 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 20.581s 35 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 20.473s 35 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) M.Schumacher ->15.000s->(3) D.Hill (4) J.Alesi (5) G.Berger 36 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 20.263s 36 Herbert retires 37 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->15.300s->(2) M.Schumacher (3) D.Hill (4) J.Alesi (5) G.Berger (6) M.Hakkinen 38 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->16.800s->(2) M.Schumacher ->12.300s->(3) D.Hill (4) J.Alesi (5) G.Berger (6) M.Hakkinen 39 Pits: Schumacher - 6.9s 39 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) D.Hill (3) M.Schumacher (4) J.Alesi (5) G.Berger (6) M.Hakkinen 40 Pits: Villeneuve - 7.0s 40 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve (3) M.Schumacher (4) J.Alesi (5) G.Berger (6) M.Hakkinen 41 Pits: Hill - 6.7s 42 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->14.330s->(2) M.Schumacher ->11.690s->(3) D.Hill->2.020s->(4) J.Alesi ->6.820s->(5) G.Berger->12.460s->(6) M.Hakkinen 43 7-Barrichello, 8-Panis, 9-Frentzen, 10-Katayama, 11-Rosset, 12-Lavaggi 45 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->16.420s->(2) M.Schumacher ->9.490s->(3) D.Hill->7.480s->(4) J.Alesi ->4.600s->(5) G.Berger->13.830s->(6) M.Hakkinen 46 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) M.Schumacher ->5.330s->(3) D.Hill (4) J.Alesi (5) G.Berger (6) M.Hakkinen 46 Pits: Alesi - 8.7s 47 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) M.Schumacher ->3.800s->(3) D.Hill (4) G.Berger (5) J.Alesi (6) M.Hakkinen 48 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) M.Schumacher ->3.620s->(3) D.Hill (4) G.Berger (5) M.Hakkinen (6) J.Alesi 49 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) M.Schumacher ->2.420s->(3) D.Hill (4) G.Berger (5) M.Hakkinen (6) J.Alesi 49 Pits: Berger - 8.7s 50 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->22.000s->(2) M.Schumacher ->1.900s->(3) D.Hill (4) M.Hakkinen (5) J.Alesi (6) G.Berger 51 Frentzen retires in pits 52 Pits: Hakkinen - 8.7s 53 Pits: Schumacher - 9.7s 53 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->26.800s->(2) D.Hill (3) M.Schumacher (4) M.Hakkinen (5) J.Alesi (6) G.Berger 55 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->26.000s->(2) D.Hill (3) M.Schumacher (4) J.Alesi (5) G.Berger (6) M.Hakkinen 57 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->23.000s->(2) D.Hill ->32.000s->(3) M.Schumacher (4) J.Alesi (5) G.Berger (6) M.Hakkinen 58 Pits: Villeneue - 14.8 (problem with rear wheel) 59 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill (2) J.Villeneuve ->22.000s->(3) M.Schumacher (4) G.Berger (5) J.Alesi (6) M.Hakkinen 60 Current Positions: (1) D.Hill->15.560s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) M.Schumacher (4) G.Berger (5) J.Alesi (6) M.Hakkinen 63 Pits: Hill - 6.6s 64 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->6.570s->(2) D.Hill (3) M.Schumacher (4) G.Berger (5) J.Alesi (6) M.Hakkinen 65 Berger engine blows 65 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->4.880s->(2) D.Hill (3) M.Schumacher (4) J.Alesi (5) M.Hakkinen 66 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->4.900s->(2) D.Hill (3) M.Schumacher (4) J.Alesi (5) M.Hakkinen (6) O.Panis 67 Fastest lap: Hill 1m 20.93s 67 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->4.500s->(2) D.Hill (3) M.Schumacher (4) J.Alesi (5) M.Hakkinen (6) O.Panis 68 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->2.800s->(2) D.Hill (3) M.Schumacher (4) J.Alesi (5) M.Hakkinen (6) O.Panis 69 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->1.820s->(2) D.Hill (3) M.Schumacher (4) J.Alesi (5) M.Hakkinen (6) O.Panis 69 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->1.820s->(2) D.Hill (3) M.Schumacher (4) J.Alesi (5) M.Hakkinen (6) O.Panis 70 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->1.260s->(2) D.Hill (3) M.Schumacher (4) J.Alesi (5) M.Hakkinen (6) O.Panis 70 7-Barrichello, 8-Katayama, 9-Rosset, 10-Lavaggi 70 Schumacher retires 73 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) D.Hill ->1m 8.000s->(3) J.Alesi (4) M.Hakkinen (5) O.Panis (6) R.Barrichello 74 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->1.050s->(2) D.Hill (3) J.Alesi (4) M.Hakkinen (5) O.Panis (6) R.Barrichello 75 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->0.780s->(2) D.Hill (3) J.Alesi (4) M.Hakkinen (5) O.Panis (6) R.Barrichello 77 Villeneuve Wins Villeneuve wins the day ----------------------- Jacques Villeneuve took his third win of the season during a thrilling Hungarian Grand Prix. Multiple pits stops, being stuck behind slower cars and mechanical problems all made for an interesting race whose lead changed nearly 10 times. Villeneuve even after losing 10 seconds with a wheel problems in the pits managed to stay ahead of his team mate Damon Hill who finished second. Hill looked like the faster driver but seemed to spend most of his race sitting behind the slower car of Jean Alesi whilst Schumacher diced with Villeneuve at the front. Michaels race ended 7 laps from the end with mechanical failure, his Ferrarri lasting much longer than team mate Eddie Irvines who retired before half of the race was completed. Jean Alesi took a surprising third place after first Berger and then Schumacher retired in front of him. This one two for the Williams team confirms their victory in the 1996 Constructors Championship with their two drivers now racing for the Drivers Championship. Track Times: Pos Driver Team Race Time 1 J.Villeneuve Williams 1hr 46m 21.134s (77 Laps) 2 D.Hill Williams Gap 0m 0.771s (Fastest Race Lap: 1m 20.093s) 3 J.Alesi Benetton Gap 1m 24.212s 4 M.Hakkinen McLaren Laps behind: 1 5 O.Panis Ligier Laps behind: 1 6 R.Barrichello Jordan Laps behind: 2 7 U.Katayama Tyrrell Laps behind: 3 8 R.Rosset Footwork Laps behind: 3 9 M.Schumacher Ferrari Laps behind: 7 (Pole Position) 10 G.Lavaggi Minardi Laps behind: 8 Retirements: G.Berger Benetton On Lap: 65 Reason: H.Frentzen Sauber On Lap: 51 Reason: J.Herbert Sauber On Lap: 36 Reason: E.Irvine Ferrari On Lap: 32 Reason: P.Lamy Minardi On Lap: 25 Reason: D.Coulthard McLaren On Lap: 24 Reason: J.Verstappen Footwork On Lap: 11 Reason: M.Brundle Jordan On Lap: 6 Reason: P.Diniz Ligier On Lap: 2 Reason: M.Salo Tyrrell On Lap: 1 Reason: ======================================================================== Drivers Championship (unofficial) 1 D.Hill 79 2 J.Villeneuve 62 3 J.Alesi 35 4 M.Schumacher 29 5 M.Hakkinen 19 6 D.Coulthard 18 7 G.Berger 16 8 O.Panis 13 9 R.Barrichello 12 10 E.Irvine 9 11 H.Frentzen 6 12 M.Salo 5 13 J.Herbert 4 14 M.Brundle 3 15 J.Verstappen 1 P.Diniz 1 Constructors Championship (unofficial) 1 Williams 141 2 Benetton 51 3 Ferrari 38 4 McLaren 37 5 Jordan 15 6 Ligier 14 7 Sauber 10 8 Tyrrell 5 9 Footwork 1 -All information is unofficial- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GALE FORCE F1 - the fastest results service on the Internet
auto-moto.447 bolero,
Upravo se vratih iz BUDIMPESTE pa ako vas inreresuju neke slicice bolida ili porshea ili onih starih za paradu vozaca samo recite, posto sam iskucao 3 filma. Tako da ima svasta treba samo da razvijem slike i da ih skeniram kako da skeniram to vi odlucite.
auto-moto.448 obren,
> Upravo se vratih iz BUDIMPESTE pa ako vas inreresuju neke slicice > bolida ili porshea ili onih starih za paradu vozaca samo recite, Bolje napiši romansiranu reportažu iz Hungaroringa ;) Nisam uspeo da ubedim drugara koji je bio na trci da sedne za tastaturu (kaže glupo mu ;) ali preneću par stvari koje su mene dojmile iz njegove priče: Elem, kaže da je bilo ponajviše Švaba, zatim Čeha, Finaca, Hrvata, Jugovića... Svi su se uglavnom lepo slagali, a najviše ga je kao navijača Šumahera iznenadilo kada je Nemac (!) koji je sedeo do njega navijao za Hila! :) Kaže da su čak i Švabe Šumaherovci masovno ustajali i aplaudirali svaki put kada bi Dejmon prošao. Izgleda da ga strašno cene. Ispričao mi je i štos za ulaz na Zlatnu tribinu: kupiš kartu za Bronzanu (40 DM) i na ulazu za Zlatnu staviš ispod karte 1000 forinti (11 DM), pa te čovek pusti da uđeš. Onda treba da tutneš još jednom momku 1000 forinti da bi ti pokazao gde su nenumerisana mesta i za cirka 60-ak DM gledaš trku sa Zlatne tribine! :) Kaže da je nakon odustajanja Šumahera zavladala grobna tišina i da su mnogi razočarani spustili zastave i počeli da napuštaju tribine... E da, dobio sam Ferarijev kačket (nije našao Hondin ;) naravno bez Šumijevog potpisa, ali je zato TomislavR dobio onaj sa autogramom... :)
auto-moto.449 tomislavr,
> Kamo su formulaši? Tomislave, apropo naše ranije prepiske, > ne čini li ti se da je i Šumaher imao popriličnih problema da > pretekne Bergera, koga je, uzgred budi rečeno, brzometno sustigao? Sustigao ga je čim je izašao iz boksa, probao je i levo, desno i odozdo ;), ali nije mogao jednostavno jer je staza "teška za prestizanje" a i on je očigledno imao nekih problema još posle tog izlaska. Ako se sećaš on je u tim trenutcima imao oko dve sekunde lošije vreme od Vilijamsovaca, što, priznaćeš, nije pravi odnos snaga, pa je sve ukazivalo na neke teškoće koje su kulminirale u 70. krugu. A što se tiče Hila, (kako da napišem poruku a da njega ne napadnem ;), on nije imao nekih problema a dosta dugo bio iza Alezija, bio je vidno brži a obišao ga je tek posle Alezijeve greške. Zbog toga je i izgubio trku, mada se može reći da je to u tom trenutku možda bilo i pametnije jer je za njega sad važnije da uzme sigurne poene. Znači, test vozač još nije naučio da prestiže ;)
auto-moto.450 bolero,
Pa sad i nije bilo svabova da navijaju za Hill-a a sto se tice potplacivanja to je ok. ja sam potplatio za srebrnu 2 tribinu i to me je kostalo cirka 300 forinti ili nekih 3.? markica sto je dzabe inace srebrne tribine su mnogo bolje od zlatnih zato sto na srebrnim tribinama vidis dosta vise dok na zlatnoj vidis samo pravac gde oni prozuje tako da maltene nemozes da ga vidis a kamoli da ga slikas u principu ako budes isao videces jer prva dva dana sa bronzanom kartom mozes da ides na bilo koju tribinu sto je super jer odmah nanisanis gde ces da se montiras ako ne bude bilo nekog. sto se tice navijaca uglavno su sve svabovi i to nekih 80-90 % i niko nije navijao za Hilla-a po neki se zajebe pa navija za baricela ili frencena ali su vrlo retki takvi ljudi tj navijaci, sto se tice dozivljaja to je neverovatno jer onaj osecaj brzine i zvuka motora je strava a nije ni priblizno ako se gleda preko TV-a tako ako biude bilo i sledece godine nece biti sanse da ne odem. A tek Marlboro girls o tome necu ni da ti pricam kako izgledaju. U ostalom moj savet ti je, skupljaj lovi i furaj sledece godine naravno ako bude. Madjari pricaju da je kod njih skoro izbio i jedan skandal, a to je da je Niki Lauda napravio jos jednu stazu i to u tajnosti, kazu da se nalazi negde blizu granice sa Austrijom pa postoji cak i mogucnost da ce se sledece godine formula voziti na toj stazi.
auto-moto.451 vstan,
Ajde da čujemo stručnjake - šta prognozirate za kraj ?
auto-moto.453 djcorto,
> U ostalom moj savet ti je, skupljaj lovi i furaj sledece godine > naravno ako bude. Nece biti, vozi se na novoj stazi u Austriji.
auto-moto.454 djcorto,
> Ajde da cujemo strucnjake - sta prognozirate za kraj ? Mislis sampionata F1 ? Vilnev svakako ima vise muda od Hila, no, ako iz tima podrze Hila, onda je on prvak. Malo bi previse bilo da Hil sada pukne. Velika je prednost. Od ferarija ce nesto biti dogodine, izgleda mi, a to sto Alezi i Berger redovno cuce u vrhu samo nagovestava da ce kraj da bude jako zanimljiv.
auto-moto.455 kcurcic,
F1: Hungarian GP winners' press conference Q Well Jacques, you must be very happy so have won the race here? JV I'm very happy because first of all for the championship, we had had to beat Damon while he was still on the race track so it's a good feeling to do that and this is not the type of track that I normally enjoy, so to be competitive here makes me happy. The team did a great job all weekend and we were right away on the pace. Q You made a very good start and you seemed to be right behind Michael Schumacher at the beginning of the race. If he hadn't faded do you think you could have taken him without a problem? JV I think so, we were quicker than him. I don't know what happened with him, we were quicker than him except for the first few laps and we just stuck close to him and we could fight but we had the pit stops. We had a better pit stop because I think he was caught in traffic. Q You got into the lead and then on the third pit stop you seemed to have a bit of a problem. Were you worried at that stage? JV Yeah because we lost a good ten seconds in the pits. Something happened with the wheel and on the last few laps I had gone quite a bit slower, I came in the pits very slow not to make a mistake because we had a huge lead, but to give away ten seconds like that is not an easy thing. Q Damon caught up with you towards the end of the race. Did you at any stage think that he might make a challenge for the lead of the race? JV Well when he started to get closer I wasn't pushing that much. Once he got closer I started pushing again. He was alittle bit quicker but it's very difficult to overtake on this track so if there wasn't going to be traffic or if I wasn't going to make a mistake then I was going to okay and I was concentrating hard not to make mistakes. Q Williams have now basically won the constructors championship with a total of eight victories now equalling that of Ferrari. Does that change your attitude towards the end of the season? JV Well there's a little bit to think about that one, yet we had a big lead in the constructors championship so we knew we were not going to be very careful in that we were going to fight it out hard with Damon. Q Damon, you drove a hard race and by the look of your speed you could have done a lot better if you hadn't had aproblem at the start what happened there? DH Well again I got a poor start and paid the price. I got held up by Jean who was doing exactly what I would expect him to do, which was to hold his line but he was going a lot slower so I lost of track time. For me, I enjoyed the race. I had lots to do. There was a lot of communication between myself and the pit wall trying to work out the best strategy. It was very interesting trying to deal with Michael and of course I closed in on Jacques right towards the end and I think I had a great race. I'm delighted for the team to have sewn up the constructors' championship and also finish with another one-two. Q At any stage would you have challenged Jacques for the lead or were you under team orders, or what was the position there, when you caught up with him at the end? DH No, no. I was aiming to put Jacques under pressure and chase him to the finish. Q The only people who can win the world championship for the drivers now is either you or Jacques. What's your feeling towards the last few races? DH Well I think it's going to be great for the viewers. It's going to be pretty tough for the two of us but I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be a thrilling last four races. Q Jean you said this morning, after the warm up, that the handling of the car was difficult so you must be very pleased to be third here today? JA Yes of course, especially because I did a good start. I was straight away third so because of the characteristic of the track you are not able to overtake. I keep this position to the first stop and then I was fourth and because Michael retired I went on this podium, so actually I'm very happy. I'm very pleased for the team because they work very hard all the weekend. Since the first day the car was really difficult to drive and at the end we are again on the podium, so if we can keep this second place for the championship for the team constructor it would be very good. Q What happened when Damon overtook you just after your first stop? JA Nothing. He was quicker than me, I think he did another lap when I stop and he got bit of a wheel just in front of me so that's why he overtook me. Q Towards the end of the race you seemed to slow down a bit. Did you know about Gerhard Berger's problem? JA No, I don't think he had a problem. He just explode the engine like it happened in Germany for him. Q Well Jacques we now go to Spa which has created some interesting races in the past. What is your attitude to Spa and the next race? JV Well it's a very difficult track to learn, I don't know if it will be a difficult new experience, but it's got a lot of high speed corners and from what I hear it's a great track, so I'm looking forward to that one. Q Gentlemen, thank you. -- David Goodwin
auto-moto.456 kcurcic,
Formula 1 FAQ
auto-moto.457 obren,
Pošto je tema AUTO-MOTO, red je da se malo osvrnemo i na motocikle... :) Da li je još neko gledao prošlu trku u kategoriji 500 ccm koja je održana u Brnu u Češkoj? Trka je imala sve ono što danas nedostaje Formuli 1: relativno izjednačene timove, dosta prestizanja na svim pozicijama i fantastičnu završnicu. Polpoziciju je imao Australijanac Majkl - Mik Duan, dvostruki svetski šampion u kraljevskoj klasi, dok je njegov timski kolega iz tima Repsol-Honda, Aleks Krivilje, startovao sa sedme pozicije. Duan je loše krenuo, ali negde na trećini trke, izbija na prvo mesto. Međutim Španac (Krivilje) hitro grabi poziciju po poziciju i ubrzo ga sustiže. Sledi efektno prestizanje i Duan pada na drugo mesto ali ne dozvoljava Kriviljeu da odmakne više od pola sekunde. U par navrata Duan se toliko približio da je postalo jasno da će ubrzo uslediti ponovna smena na čelu što se i događa 7-8 krugova pred kraj. Međutim pravo uzbuđenje tek počinje! Aleks Krivilje počinje ludački da napada nastojeći da povrati izgubljenu prvu poziciju. U poslednjem krugu uspeva da obiđe Duana, ali ovaj već u sledećoj krivini uzvraća i ponovo se vraća na prvo mesto! U zadnjoj krivini pred ciljem, Krivilje koristi malu grešku Duana i izleće na pravac sa njegove spolašnje strane. Oba vozača voze se bok uz bok, gotovo dodirujući se i forsirajući svoje mašine do maksimuma. Kroz cilj ulaze bukvlano u isto vreme i čak ni na usporenom snimku ne vidi se ko je ušao prvi! Pobednika je odlučio foto-finiš a bio je to Aleks Krivilje sa prednošću od 2 hiljadita dela sekunde! Šta da kažem, žao mi je što nisam snimio ovu trku - neponovljiva je! :)
auto-moto.458 vstan,
> vidi se ko je ušao prvi! Pobednika je odlučio foto-finiš a bio > je to Aleks Krivilje sa prednošću od 2 hiljadita dela sekunde! > > Šta da kažem, žao mi je što nisam snimio ovu trku - neponovljiva je! :) Gledali !!! Fala za konačan rezultat :)
auto-moto.459 budim,
Kada se održava ovaj Yu rally koji se do skoro vozio na Tari i Zlatiboru? poz, budimir
auto-moto.460 kcurcic,
F1: Promene za sezonu 1997. FIA i osam od jedanaest F1 timova su potpisali revidirani 'Concorde' sporazum, koji bi trebalo da posluži kao osnova za pravila F1 takmičenja od 1997. do 2001. U sporazumu se, između ostalog, navode sledeće klauzule: * svi timovi potpisnici će ostati u takmičenju Formule 1 do 2001. * timovi garantuju najmanje 20 bolida na startu svake sezone. Po pretpostavkama, to znači da može postojati i treći automobil u timu, u slučaju da broj timova padne ispod 10. * timovi su se složili da ne menjaju imena tokom trajanja sporazuma. Tim Toma Volkinšoa je potpisan kao "Arrows" a ne kao Footwork ili TWR * timovi se slažu da se neće takmičiti ni u jednom "open-wheel" šampionatu bez dozvole FIA. Ovo je, najverovatnije, klauzula koja bi trebalo da spreči timove da se takmiče i u Indycar seriji. * odluke o promenama tehničkih/sportskih pravila će zahtevati 80% većine, za razliku od dosadašnje prakse (jednoglasno) * broj trka po sezoni je ograničen na 17 (do sada 16). Mađarska? (prim. prev.) * trening petkom se ukida u potpunosti. Subotnji treninzi se produžuju za sat, a broj krugova koji se mogu provesti tokom tih treninga je sada neograničen. Kvalifikacije se voze kao i dosad (subota popodne, broj krugova ograničen). Korišćenje rezervnih automobila je dozvoljeno i na kvalifikacijama i na treningu. * dve vrste guma su dozvoljene tokom treninga. Po završetku treninga, tim mora da izabere jednu vrstu i da je koristi tokom vikenda. Može biti upotrebljeno najviše 7 setova izabranih guma po bolidu * zabranjena su testiranja u nedelji pre trke (bilo gde), kao i od kraja sezone do 1. decembra iste godine * pet prvoplasiranih timova plus najiskusniji ulaze u sastav Formula One Commission * dosadašnji princip novčanog nagrađivanja je napušten. Sada se kompletna sredstva (od TV prenosa i trke) dele na dva dela. Jedan ide takmičarima, a drugi timovima. Obe sume se dele 50% na osnovu rezultata u prethodnoj sezoni a 50% na osnovu "istorije" (šta god mu to značilo) Ovaj sporazum su potpisali Arrows, Benneton, Ferrari, Forti Corse, Jordan, Ligier, Minardi i Sauber. McLaren i Tyrell ga nisu potpisali, a Williams je povukao svoj potpis. Oni mogu pristupiti sporazumu, uz odobrenje timova potpisnika. Nisam samo siguran šta bi bilo kad ga ne bi potpisali.
auto-moto.461 obren,
Rezultati današnjih kvalifikacija u Spa: 1. Villeneuve 2. Hill 3. Schumacher 4. Coulthard 5. Berger 6. Hakkinen
auto-moto.462 obren,
Velika nagrada Belgije (Spa Frankochamps), poredak na kraju trke: 1. Schumacher 2. Villeneuve 3. Hakkinen 4. Alesi 5. Hill 6. Berger Šta ima dalje da se priča, mora da ste svi gledali.. :) Uostalom, tu je Gale Force za detalje, a siguran sam da će i Tomislavr napisati jednu nadahnutu reportažu. ;)
auto-moto.463 tomislavr,
> Gale Force za detalje, a siguran sam da će i Tomislavr napisati > jednu nadahnutu reportažu. ;) A kakvu drugo nego nadahnutu! :) Na stranu pobeda Sumahera, vrlo me je iznenadila dobra voznja Vilneva, a jos vise losa voznja Hila u trenutku kad mu titula visi o koncu. Izgleda da se na kraju sezone polako "kristalisu" vodece figure za sledecu: Vilnev i Sumaher. Mislim da je to duel koji ce obeleziti sledecu sezonu. Takodje ova trka je mozda najbolje pokazala otprilike koji ce timovi voditi glavnu rec u eri posle Vilijams-Renoa - Ferari i Meklaren koji je u lepoj "renesansi" sa Mercedesom. Nista lepse za videti za jednog navijaca Mercedesa - Pejs-kar C klasa, pa onda prva dva mesta Mercedesi ;) Uzgred, koji je ono vozac omasio boks? ;>
auto-moto.464 obren,
Formula 1: Belgian Grand Prix (ALL INFORMATION IS UNOFFICIAL) Belgium Grand Prix 96: The Result Weather: Dry and sunny Lap Event 0 Grid Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) D.Hill (3) M.Schumacher (4) D.Coulthard (5) G.Berger (6) M.Hakkinen 0 Crash on first corner - Panis, Herbert, Barrichello and Frentzen 1 Pits: Barrichello 1 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->0.883s->(2) M.Schumacher ->1.039s->(3) D.Coulthard->0.632s->(4) D.Hill ->0.926s->(5) M.Hakkinen->0.630s->(6) G.Berger 2 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->1.509s->(2) M.Schumacher ->0.923s->(3) D.Coulthard->1.230s->(4) D.Hill ->1.270s->(5) M.Hakkinen->0.655s->(6) G.Berger 2 Fastest lap: 1m 55.976s - Villeneuve 3 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->1.188s->(2) M.Schumacher ->1.835s->(3) D.Coulthard->1.170s->(4) D.Hill ->1.625s->(5) M.Hakkinen->0.634s->(6) G.Berger 3 Fastest lap: 1m 55.151s - Schumacher 5 Fastest lap: 1m 54.821s - Villeneuve 5 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->1.439s->(2) M.Schumacher ->2.905s->(3) D.Coulthard->1.881s->(4) D.Hill ->1.417s->(5) M.Hakkinen->0.426s->(6) G.Berger 6 Fastest lap: 1m 54.691s - Schumacher 6 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->1.290s->(2) M.Schumacher ->4.740s->(3) D.Coulthard->0.976s->(4) D.Hill ->1.398s->(5) M.Hakkinen->0.506s->(6) G.Berger 7 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->0.457s->(2) M.Schumacher ->4.874s->(3) D.Coulthard->1.326s->(4) D.Hill ->1.329s->(5) M.Hakkinen->0.547s->(6) G.Berger 8 Fastest lap: 1m 54.410s - Villeneuve 8 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->1.069s->(2) M.Schumacher ->5.088s->(3) D.Coulthard->1.592s->(4) D.Hill ->1.218s->(5) M.Hakkinen->0.746s->(6) G.Berger 9 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->1.113s->(2) M.Schumacher ->5.387s->(3) D.Coulthard->2.614s->(4) D.Hill ->0.941s->(5) M.Hakkinen->0.614s->(6) G.Berger 10 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) M.Schumacher (3) D.Coulthard (4) D.Hill (5) M.Hakkinen (6) G.Berger (7) J.Alesi (8) M.Brundle (9) E.Irvine (10) M.Salo (11) J.Verstappen (12) U.Katayama (13) P.Diniz (14) R.Rosset (15) P.Lamy 11 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve->1.182s->(2) M.Schumacher ->5.963s->(3) D.Coulthard->2.475s->(4) D.Hill ->1.984s->(5) M.Hakkinen->0.570s->(6) G.Berger 11 Verstappen in pits - engine cover being opened 12 Big crash for Verstappen - suspected stuck throttle 13 SAFETY CAR ON TRACK 14 Pits: Schuacher - 8.0s 14 Pits: Alesi 14 Verstappen out of car OK 15 Pits: Villeneuve - 8.5s 15 Pits: Berger 16 Pits: Hill - 9.5s 17 SAFETY CAR back into pits 18 Current Positions: (1) D.Coulthard->1.817s->(2) M.Hakkinen ->0.440s->(3) M.Schumacher->2.227s->(4) J.Villeneuve ->1.041s->(5) J.Alesi->3.264s->(6) M.Salo 20 Current Positions: (1) D.Coulthard->1.744s->(2) M.Hakkinen ->1.186s->(3) M.Schumacher->1.285s->(4) J.Villeneuve ->2.573s->(5) J.Alesi->6.102s->(6) M.Salo 20 Berger spins and drops to last 20 Hill in 9th 21 Current Positions: (1) D.Coulthard->1.567s->(2) M.Hakkinen ->1.965s->(3) M.Schumacher->0.886s->(4) J.Villeneuve ->3.000s->(5) J.Alesi->7.833s->(6) M.Salo 22 Pits: Coulthard - 10.9s 22 Current Positions: (1) M.Hakkinen (2) M.Schumacher (3) J.Villeneuve (4) J.Alesi (5) M.Salo (6) E.Irvine (7) M.Brundle (8) D.Hill (9) D.Coulthard (10) U.Katayama (11) P.Lamy (12) R.Rosset 22 Fastest lap: 1m 54.198s - Hakkinen 23 Current Positions: (1) M.Hakkinen->2.233s->(2) M.Schumacher ->3.566s->(3) J.Villeneuve->7.148s->(4) J.Alesi ->17.814s->(5) M.Salo->19.749s->(6) E.Irvine 23 Diniz retires in pits 23 Pits: Hakkinen - 9.0s 24 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) M.Salo (5) E.Irvine (6) M.Hakkinen 25 Pits: Irvine - 9.8s 25 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->1.762s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->4.715s->(3) J.Alesi->13.090s->(4) M.Salo ->3.069s->(5) M.Hakkinen->0.984s->(6) D.Hill 26 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->1.448s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->5.112s->(3) J.Alesi->14.790s->(4) M.Salo ->1.661s->(5) M.Hakkinen->1.162s->(6) D.Hill 27 Fastest lap: 1m 54.164s - Schumacher 28 Fastest lap: 1m 53.928s - Villeneuve 28 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) M.Salo (5) M.Hakkinen (6) D.Hill 29 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) M.Hakkinen (5) M.Salo (6) D.Hill 29 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher (2) J.Villeneuve (3) J.Alesi (4) M.Hakkinen (5) D.Hill (6) M.Salo 30 Irvine retires with mechanical problem 31 Pits: Schumacher - 7.8s 31 Pits: Alesi - 7.5s 31 Current Positions: (1) J.Villeneuve (2) M.Schumacher (3) M.Hakkinen (4) J.Alesi (5) D.Hill (6) D.Coulthard 32 Pits: Villeneuve - 7.6s 32 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher (2) J.Villeneuve (3) M.Hakkinen (4) J.Alesi (5) D.Hill (6) D.Coulthard (7) M.Brundle (8) G.Berger (9) M.Salo (10) U.Katayama (11) P.Lamy 33 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->0.939s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->7.129s->(3) M.Hakkinen->2.241s->(4) J.Alesi ->0.664s->(5) D.Hill->10.392s->(6) D.Coulthard 34 Pits: Hill - 6.7s 34 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->0.549s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->7.783s->(3) M.Hakkinen->2.975s->(4) J.Alesi ->11.099s->(5) D.Coulthard 35 Brundle into pits and retires 36 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->0.871s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->8.394s->(3) M.Hakkinen->2.872s->(4) J.Alesi ->11.885s->(5) D.Coulthard->9.346s->(6) D.Hill 36 Fastest lap: 1m 53.354s - Berger (7th) 38 Coulthard spins off into barriers 39 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->0.634s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->10.585s->(3) M.Hakkinen->3.465s->(4) J.Alesi ->17.271s->(5) D.Hill->2.905s->(6) G.Berger 40 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->1.170s->(2) J.Villeneuve ->10.765s->(3) M.Hakkinen->3.779s->(4) J.Alesi ->15.611s->(5) D.Hill->2.863s->(6) G.Berger 40 Villeneuve (2) dropping back from Schumacher (1) 41 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher->2.184s->(2) J.Villeneuve (3) M.Hakkinen (4) J.Alesi (5) D.Hill (6) G.Berger 41 Fastest lap: 1m 53.263s - Berger 42 Fastest lap: 1m 53.067s - Berger 42 Current Positions: (1) M.Schumacher (2) J.Villeneuve (3) M.Hakkinen (4) J.Alesi (5) D.Hill (6) G.Berger (7) M.Salo (8) U.Katayama (9) P.Lamy (10) R.Rosset 44 SCHUMACHER WINS Schmacher is back!! ------------------- Michael Schumacher took his second victory of the year at the Belgium Grand Prix followed closely by Jacques Villeneuve and Mika Hakkinen. Championship Points leader Damon Hill finished 5th. Schumacher started second on the grid and he stayed second until the Safety Car came out and he dived into the pits. Later he said that the Safety Car timing was lucky as he was going into the pits anyway. This apparent tatical use of the Safety Car could have given him the edge which kept him in front of Villeneuve in the latter stages. Villeneuve (a master of Safety Car tactics from Indy cars) said that a mis-understanding with the pits on the radio kept him out longer than he would have liked. The Safety Car came on track after a high speed crash by Jos Vertsappen left him in the car in a dangerous position. Verstappen was eventually seen to walk from the car and taken to hospital in a helicopter. When the Safety Car returned to the pits it left the McLarens of Coulthard and Hakkinen in the first two positions followed closely by Schumacher, Villeneuve, Alesi and Mika Salo in 5th. Pits stops for the two McLarens then put Schumacher into the lead. Villeneuve took the lead when Schumacher changed tyres but immediately lost it when he himself took a pit stop. After dropping back to 9th during the Safety Car laps Hill fought his way up to 6th before Coulthard (in 5th) spun off. Gerhard Berger (in 6th) put in many fine laps near the end but was unable to catch the rather disappointing performance of Damon Hill. Track Times: Pos Driver Team Race Time 1 M.Schumacher Ferrari 1hr 28m 15.125s (44 Laps) 2 J.Villeneuve Williams Gap 0m 5.602s (Pole Position) 3 M.Hakkinen McLaren Gap 0m 15.710s 4 J.Alesi Benetton Gap 0m 19.125s 5 D.Hill Williams Gap 0m 29.179s 6 G.Berger Benetton Gap 0m 28.896s (Fastest Race Lap: 1m 53.067s) 7 M.Salo Tyrrell Gap 1m 0.754s 8 U.Katayama Tyrrell Gap 1m 40.227s 9 R.Rosset Footwork Laps behind: 1 10 P.Lamy Minardi Laps behind: 1 Retirements: D.Coulthard McLaren On Lap: 38 Reason: M.Brundle Jordan On Lap: 35 Reason: R.Barrichello Jordan On Lap: 30 Reason: E.Irvine Ferrari On Lap: 30 Reason: P.Diniz Ligier On Lap: 23 Reason: J.Verstappen Footwork On Lap: 12 Reason: H.Frentzen Sauber On Lap: 1 Reason: J.Herbert Sauber On Lap: 1 Reason: O.Panis Ligier On Lap: 1 Reason: Not Qualified: G.Lavaggi Minardi ======================================================================== Drivers Championship (unofficial) 1 D.Hill 81 2 J.Villeneuve 68 3 M.Schumacher 39 4 J.Alesi 38 5 M.Hakkinen 23 6 D.Coulthard 18 7 G.Berger 17 8 O.Panis 13 9 R.Barrichello 12 10 E.Irvine 9 11 H.Frentzen 6 12 M.Salo 5 13 J.Herbert 4 14 M.Brundle 3 15 J.Verstappen 1 P.Diniz 1 Constructors Championship (unofficial) 1 Williams 149 2 Benetton 55 3 Ferrari 48 4 McLaren 41 5 Jordan 15 6 Ligier 14 7 Sauber 10 8 Tyrrell 5 9 Footwork 1
auto-moto.465 obren,
> Na stranu pobeda Šumahera, vrlo me je iznenadila dobra vožnja Vilneva I to na stazi koju prvi put vozi! Ne znam da li su rekli na 3K, ali Vilnev je izjavio da za ovako ekspresno upoznavanje staze ima da zahvali veoma dobroj kompjuterskoj simulaciji kojom se "igrao" do besvesti. :) Za one koji možda ne znaju, hobi Žaka Vilneva su kompjuteri. Negde sam pročitao da je lično od Bila Gejtsa dobio na poklon kopiju Windowsa 95. > Izgleda da se na kraju sezone polako "kristališu" vodeće figure za > sledeću: Vilnev i Sumaher. Mislim da je to duel koji će obeležiti > sledeću sezonu. Vrlo moguće, Žak je sve bolji kako sezona odmiče (što je i normalno ;) Sada mu dolaze i dve staze koje odlično poznaje - Monca i Suzuka, tako da se može očekivati vrlo uzbudljiva završnica sezone. :) Iako mrziš Hila, ne otpisuj ga prerano, svako može ponekad da ima loš bioritam. ;) > Takođe ova trka je možda najbolje pokazala otprilike koji će timovi > voditi glavnu reč u eri posle Vilijams-Renoa - Ferari i Meklaren Ništa se još ne zna, Ferrarijev jedini adut je Šumaher i njegove pobede, pošto izgleda na Irvajna mnogo ne računaju. Ako Šumahera dogodine ne krene, mogu da se slikaju. Sa druge strane, Meklarenova prednost je konzistentna vožnja oba njihova vozača i marljivo prikupljanje poena. Mada, red bi bio da taj tvoj Mercedes uzme i neku pobedu... ;) > Uzgred, koji je ono vozač omašio boks? ;> A i nije ti neka nadahnuta reportaža... ;)
auto-moto.466 junior,
> Uzgred, koji je ono vozac omasio boks? ;> Zar ne bi trebao Hill da bude diskvalifikovan zbog tog? Mislim da su jednom Senu tako diskvalifikovali zbog 'nedozvoljenog sečenja krivine' ili tako nešto. Vozio se van staze, što je zabranjeno ...
auto-moto.467 obren,
Komanetar F1 Atlas tima: Velika nagrada Belgije, Spa Francorchamps: Mihael Šumaher odvezao je iscrpljujuću trku, uspevši da svoj Ferari dovede do pobede pored nadmoćnih Vilijams-Renoa. Žak Vilnev zavšio je trku kao drugoplasirani, stavljajući Šumahera na teška iskušenja u zanjih nekoliko krugova. Ipak on je u poslednjem krugu odustao od potere i zadovoljio se drugim mestom. Sa duge strane, lider šampionata Dejmon Hill odvezao je prilično neubedljivu trku. Nakon prilično lošeg starta našao se na četvrtoj poziciji da bi nakon jedne greške morao grčevito da se probija sa začelja do pete pozicije na kojoj je i završio trku. Razlika u poenima između njega i Vilneva sada iznosi prilično dostižnih 13 poena. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Neki detalji sa trke i oko nje: - Hajnc-Herald Frencen, Džoni Herbert, Rubens Baričelo i Olivije Pani, sudarili su se u prvom krugu kod 'La Source'. Samo je Barićelo uspeo da nastavi trku. - Jos Verštapen doživeo je težak udes, uništivši kompletno svoj bolid Arrows-Hart. U prethodnom krugu on je išao u boks zbog problema sa komandom gasa koja se zaglavljivala, što je verovatno i prouzrokovalo ovu nesreću. - Verštapen je na nogama napustio mesto udesa i odvezen je Helikopterom na preventivni pregled. - Nakon ovog događaja na stazi je od 13. do 17. kruga bilo Sigurnosno vozilo, što su svi timovi osim Meklarena iskoristili za ulaske u boks. - Irvajna je opet pratila loša sreća, tako da je zbog kvara menjača po sedmi uzastopni put morao da odustane. - Majkl Džonson, svetski rekorder i nosilac Zlatne medlaje sa ovogodišnjih Olimpijskih igara dodelio je svom imenjaku pobednički pehar i razmenio svoje patike za trčanje za jednu od njegovih kaciga. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Izjave nakon trke: Žak Vilnev: "Šampionska titula je još uvek nerešena." "Izgubili smo trku zbog loše komunikacije sa boksom." Mihael Šumaher: "Ni u ludilu nisam pomišljao da mogu da dobijem ovu trku. Ne bih uložio ni penija na svoju pobedu."
auto-moto.468 obren,
Belgian Grand Prix, Ferrari press release of 25th August Spa-Francorchamps, 25th August 1996 Mihael Šumaher je zabeležio svoju drugu pobedu ove sezone, a 21 u svojoj karijeri, na današnjoj trci za Veliku nagradu Belgije. Ovo je bila 107. pobeda za ekipu Ferrari, a deseta u Belgiji (poslednji put pobedio je Mikele Alboreto, 1984. godine u Zolderu). Aktuelni svetski šampion probio se za jedno mesto na samom startu, na drugo poziciju, odmah iza Vilneva. On je svoj prvi ulazak u boks načinio u 14. krugu, iskoristivši izlazak Sigurnosnog vozila, i vratio se zatim na treće mesto. Šumaher je preuzeo vodeću poziciju u 24. krugu kada su Meklareni ispred njega napravili svoj prvi pit-stop. Od ovog trenutka pa do samog finiša trke, on je bio u neprekidnom vođstvu, izuzev dva kruga nakon drugog ulaska u boks. "Ono što smo uspeli da uradimo je fantastično," prokomentarisao je Svetski Šampion. "Čak i ako nismo bili brži od Vilijamsa, bili smo dovoljno sposobni da pratimo tempo koji su nametnuli, i dobili smo trku zahvaljujući tome što nismo napravili ni jednu grešku, počevši od setapa bolida, preko strategije, do odrađivanja pit stopa." "Moram napomenuti da sam sredinom trke bio jako zabrinut da li će bolid izdržati jer sam ga mnogo forsirao prateći Hakinena, prelazio preko ivičnjaka previše često, što se odrazilo na upravljački sistem i načinilo bolid vrlo čudnim i teškim za vožnju, naročit u 'Eau Rouge' (krivina). Kontaktirao sam sa timom putem radija i rekli su mi da ako se držim dalje od ivičnjaka neću imati problema. Tada sam povratio samopouzdanje i kao što ste videli, sve je ispalo dobro." "Ova, druga, pobeda sa Ferarijem ima samo jednu zajedničku stvar sa onom u Barseloni - bila je neočekivana. Tamo sam pobedio sa velikom razlikom, zahvaljujući vremenskim uslovima koji su mu odgovarali, dok sam ovde pobedio po suvom, moravši da se borim do kraja. Ovo je zaista važna pobeda i za mene i za tim, nakon svih problema koje smo imali. Sada idemo u Moncu, gde se naš bolid uvek pokazivao dobro na svim testovima, ali teško je predvideti kakve su mogućnosti naših rivala." Edi Irvajn je odustao 14 krugova pre kraja, kada je bio na trinaesti i imao dobru šansu da značajno poboljša svoju poziciju jer je bio jedan od retkih vozača koji je obavio sve planirane pit-stopove. Međutim, opet ga je izdao menjač, kao i nekoliko puta ranije. "Još od samog početka trke imao sam problema sa šaltanjem unazad," kaže Edi. "Sve u svemu, stvari su se ipak dobro odvijale i uspeo sam čak da obiđem Bergera. Morao sam da obavim svoj drugi pit-stop malo prerano jer u mi otišle gume. Nakon njihove zamene opet sam ušao u pravi ritam, ali onda je menjač otkazao." "Ovo je pobeda postignuta zalaganjem kompletnog Ferarijevog tima", rekao je sportski direktor Žan Tod. "Mi gubimo zajedno i pobeđujemo zajedno. Danas smo bili na nivou Vilijamsa i svi smo odlično izvršavali svoje zadatke, naročito kada smo uspeli da vratimo Mihaela na stazu ispred Vilneva posle drugog pit-stopa. Bilo je veoma važno da uspemo jer smo sebi zacrtali za cilj da dobijemo bar dve trke ove sezone. Sada moramo dati sve od sebe da uzmemo još pobeda. Jedva čekamo da se ponovo vidimo sa našim fantastičnim navijačima na domaćoj stazi u Monci."
auto-moto.469 djanjusevic,
>> I to na stazi koju prvi put vozi! Ne znam da li su rekli na 3K, ali >> Vilnev je izjavio da za ovako ekspresno upoznavanje staze ima da >> zahvali veoma dobroj kompjuterskoj simulaciji kojom se "igrao" do >> besvesti. :) Za one GP2, s tim sto u igri nije prosao bas kao na kvalifikacijama bio je 18-ti :))
auto-moto.470 smut,
Izgleda da je partnerstvo McLarena i Marlbora na izdisaju. Glavni sponzor ekipe bi od sledeće godine trebalo da bude West, a bolidi bi bili srebrne boje na zahtev Mercedesa.
auto-moto.471 kcurcic,
> Izgleda da je partnerstvo McLarena i Marlbora na izdisaju. Glavni > sponzor ekipe bi od sledeće godine trebalo da bude West, a bolidi bi > bili srebrne boje na zahtev Mercedesa. A za 12 miliona funti bi jedan od vozača trebalo da bude Dejmon Hil. Barem prema britanskim novinarima. Prilog: konferencija za štampu pobednika VN Belgije.
auto-moto.472 mila,
> Izgleda da je partnerstvo McLarena i Marlbora na izdisaju. Glavni > sponzor ekipe bi od sledeće godine trebalo da bude West, a bolidi bi > bili srebrne boje na zahtev Mercedesa. I na toj srebrnoj biji ispisano "Davidoff", što je sorta cigareta koju pravi novi sponzor, koji je prezadovoljan ugovorom o sponzorstvu s McLaren-om. Valjda će da urodi plodom......... B)
auto-moto.473 kcurcic,
> Uzgred, koji je ono vozac omasio boks? ;> Mislim da se tu ipak radi o nečem drugom - u trenutku kada je trebalo da ode u boks, u njemu se nalazio Vilnev koji je zakasnio sa tim jedan krug, tako da su mu u poslednjem času javili da je ipak bolje da ne ulazi unutra :)
auto-moto.474 tomislavr,
> I na toj srebrnoj boji ispisano "Davidoff", što je sorta cigareta > koju pravi novi sponzor, koji je prezadovoljan ugovorom o > sponzorstvu s McLaren-om. Valjda će da urodi plodom......... McLaren je u nedelju objavio da je raskinuo ugovor o sponzorstvu sa Phillip Morris-om, i zamenio ga sa Nemačkom kompanijom Reemtsma's West. Ugovor o sponzorstvu McLarena i Marlbora je trajao 23 godine i bio je to najduži ugovor o sponzorstvu u F1. U istom saopštenju se navodi da će McLaren sledeće godine biti u srebrno-sivoj nijansi, verovatno da bi podsećali na Mercedesove "Srebrne strele" pedesetih godina. Marlboro neće napustiti sponzorstva u F1, već "prelazi" u Ferrari koji će biti poznat kao Marlboro Ferrari sledeće godine. Petogodišnji ugovor sa kompanijom Reemtsma "težak" je oko 194 Miliona dolara! I priče o eventualnom prelasku Hila u McLaren su sve jače. Iako Bernie Ecclestone vrši pritisak na Frenka Williamsa da zadrži oba svoja vozača, izgleda da je njemu srcu bliži Heinz-Harald Frentzen, a verovatno traži i znatno manje para od Hila. Frenk je izgleda uveren u superiornost svog bolida, koja bi mu donela titulu sa Frencenom i Vilnevom. Na pitanje - Koja dva vozača će voziti za McLaren '97 Ron Denis je izjavio: Dejvid Kultard i najbolji vozač po mišljenju nas i Mercedesa. Možemo se samo nadati da neće ista "sreća" pratiti Hila kao Šumahera pri prelasku u Ferari i da ćemo '97 imati jos jedan jak paket tim-vozac, a zadnji uspesi McLaren-Mercedesa me u to i uveravaju.
auto-moto.475 kcurcic,
Here are some extracts from Eddie Irvine's article for the Star newspaper which was published in Ireland on Wednesday 28th August 1996. Eddie writes an article on the Wednesday following each GP. [SNIP] Ninth was my worst grid position for a long time. The best I could have hoped for was eighth. But that wouldn't have satisfied me either by a long shot. I didn't start badly for all that. I got right up to about sixth. But Martin Brundle punted me and I was back to ninth. To be honest he didn't hold me up. I might have gone a little bit quicker if I'd been ahead of him. But not a lot. I just couldn't make the pace. To be honest, I was downright embarrassed to be battling with Tyrell. [SNIP] I know a lot of people are wondering why I am so far off Michael's pace. Well firstly, he's the best in the world. He's the only real superstar in F1. But then he's doing all the testing. All of it. Everything is put together for Michael. I am assured by Jean Todt that it will all change on December 31st. We knew it would be a difficult season. But not this difficult. Our car was late. And if your car isn't right when the racing starts, you're bunched. That is why all the effort is being put into Michael's car. It paid off. His win in Spa takes some of the pressure off the team. At least we know our team for next year. There is uncertainty about every other team. And next year's car will be ready early too. So if I get to do some testing we should be an awful lot better. Where the other drivers will end up I don't know. I don't believe that Damon will end up at Jordan. In fact I'm pretty sure he wants to stay with Williams. McLaren have a new sponsorship deal and they're going to want a German driver, probably Ralf Schumacher, possibly Heinz-Harald Frentzen. I must say I'm glad they're getting rid of the Friday practice. It was a waste of time and money. In fact I think Bernie Ecclestone used this year as a transition year, getting rid of the Friday qualifying session. Two days is all we need. It's all about Saturday and Sunday and personally, I'm really pleased with the change. [SNIP] Monza should be a pressure race for us. But I think Michael's win last weekend has relieved it a bit. As far as I'm concerned, I can't wait for Christmas, December 31st to be more precise. I've been promised change. I've been promised testing in the new car. And that's all I want for Christmas. The full article was published in the Star of Wednesday 28th August 1996.
auto-moto.476 kcurcic,
I zvanično: Dejmon Hil neće voziti za ekipu Vilijamsa sledeće sezone - izjavio je njegov advokat na jutrošnjoj konferenciji za štampu. Kao timovi u kojima bi mr. Hill mogao da nastavi karijeru spominju se Jordan i Stewart (nova ekipa koja ulazi u takmičenje sledeće godine), što je u jednom članku u Sunday Times-u potrvrdio već spomenuti advokat. U istoj toj priči se pominje i West McLaren i mlađi Šumaher - Ralf (oh, ne, ne još jedan... ;)) kojeg bi Edi Džordan takođe voleo da vidi u svom timu. Glasine (a od čega se drugog i živi ;) kažu da je Meklaren porekao da će se u njihovom timu naći mlađi brat znate-već-koga ;) U svakom slučaju, biće interesantno.
auto-moto.477 obren,
Ponedeljak, 2. Septembar, 1996 Žak Vilnev želi da postane Svetski Šampion ove godine i povećaće pritisak na svog timskog kolegu, Dejmona Hila, pošto sada sa sigurnošću zna da mu je mesto u timu Vilijams osigurano za razliku od Hila. "Imam jednu brigu manje nego Dejmon. Borba još traje i sve što mogu da učinim je da budem agresivan i idem na pobedu." - kaže Žak Vilnev. Vilijams tim je sa svoje strane obećao da će obojici vozača pružiti jednaku podršku u preostale tri trke. Stjuart Grand Prix tim potvrdio je da je imao "neformalne kontakte" sa Hilom. Pol Stjuart, menadžer svog oca, Džekija Stjuarta, izjavio je: "Ako je Dejmon zainteresovan za nas i cena bude odgovarajuća, to bi bilo interesantno za sve nas. Imali smo neformalne kontakte ali pregovori još uvek nisu poodmakli. Bilo bi lepo imati britanske vozače ali to nije imperativ, moto trke su globalan sport."
auto-moto.478 obren,
Williams i Frencen potpisali ugovor? (2. Septembar 1996) "Suddeutche Zeitung" izvestio je danas da je H.H. Frencen već potpisao ugovor sa ekipom Vilijams-Reno za sumu od 10 miliona nemačkih maraka. Rečeno je takođe da će Nemac biti prvi vozač u timu, dok će Vilnev ostati drugi.
auto-moto.479 junior,
Reply: Chat (mila) >> Ovi Hilovci me stvarno smaraju, nemaju pojma kako Šumaher > Obzirom na tvoje (mlađahne) godine, neznanje i neiskustvo, > mišljenja sam da ti ovakve izjave ne treba uzimati za zlo. ;) Zar smatraš da Frank W. nije dovoljno kompetentan? Čovek zna, da je ovo što je Hill do sad ostvario, ostvario samo uz pomoć bolida i superiornost motora. Ne kažem ja da je Hill slepac (mada nije daleko od toga :), ali on je jedan prosečan vozač, mnogo izvikan od strane medija, koji nikad i nije prikazao nešto spektakularno u Formuli 1. Jedno samo ne mogu da mu zamerim, a to je da nije glup. :) Ako stvarno pređe u Mclaren, to neće biti nimalo glup poslovni potez. Reno se ove godine povlači iz formule, znači svi vodeći timovi u šampionatu moraju da traže novog proizvođača, a samo Mclaren i Ferrari (od ozbiljnijih timova :) ostaju sa istim bolidom i istim motorom. Ova 2 tima su po meni i najozbiljniji konkurenti, sledeće godine, za titulu. P.S. Ali voleo bih da vidim Hila u Jordanu :)
auto-moto.480 firus,
>>> Ovi Hilovci me stvarno smaraju, nemaju pojma kako Sumaher >> Obzirom na tvoje (mladahne) godine, neznanje i neiskustvo, >> misljenja sam da ti ovakve izjave ne treba uzimati za zlo. ;) > Zar smatras da Frank W. nije dovoljno kompetentan? Covek zna, > da je ovo sto je Hill do sad ostvario, ostvario samo uz pomoc > bolida i superiornost motora. Ne kazem ja da je Hill slepac > (mada nije daleko od toga :), ali on je jedan prosecan vozac, > mnogo izvikan od strane medija, koji nikad i nije prikazao > nesto spektakularno u Formuli 1. Jasta, dabome ... Hil je jedan ocajno los vozac ... Zao mi je to sto kazem, jer sam njegov vatreni navijac (bolje reci, navijac sam Vilijamsa, a Hil je prvi vozac vec par sezona), ali to je cinjenica. Ume da vozi samo kada nema nikoga ispred sebe - cim je prinudjen da se bori za poziciju, ne ume da se snadje i korektno izveze trku. Ako nema pol-poziciju, dobija trku samo ukoliko nekome otkaze motor. Cini mi se da su cak i "gubitnici" tipa O. Panisa kvalitetniji vozaci od Hila, samo sto voze u (objektivno) losijim bolidima. Vilijams je napravio genijalan potez dovevsi Vilneva u F1 ! Kada je pocela prica o njegovom prelasku u F1 - molio sam se Bogu da onaj !@#**@& Nemac, Sumaher, ostane u Benetonu, zato sto bi onda uzivali u kvalitetnim trkama, u borbi dva izvanredna, genijalna, (mada je Sumaher neuporedivo veci hazarder) vozaca u priblizno istim bolidima (mada, cini mi se da ce Ferarijev bolid za sledecu sezonu biti prava azdaja na 4 tocka - tako da ima nade). No, bilo kako bilo, Hila mi je zao, mada mislim da je mudro "zrtvovati" jednog coveka radi uspeha citavog tima ... Ko zna, mozda Hilu i bude od koristi da vozi neku sezonu u nekom slabom timu !? Ali, covek vise i nije tako mlad (36 godina, zar ne !?), tako da mislim da je "odsvirao svoje" (nije Hil Berger, koji zna da trka traje do kraja i da su iznenadjenja moguca) ... ----- Akcija za lepsi i bolji SEZAM (ALBS)
auto-moto.481 djanjusevic,
>> sa ekipom Vilijams-Reno za sumu od 10 miliona nemackih maraka. Receno je >> takode da ce Nemac biti prvi vozac u timu, dok ce Vilnev ostati drugi. Nece moci ove noci :) Vilnev je MNOGOOO bolji od Frentzena.
auto-moto.482 obren,
> Nece moci ove noci :) Vilnev je MNOGOOO bolji od Frentzena. Tako je! Reci ti njima. ;)
auto-moto.483 obren,
> Hil je jedan ocajno los vozac ... Zao mi je to sto kazem, > jer sam njegov vatreni navijac (bolje reci, navijac sam Vilijamsa, > a Hil je prvi vozac vec par sezona), ali to je cinjenica. U bre, ala napadoste čoveka... :) Zaista, Hilov stil vožnje ne obiluje agresivnošću, što možda čini da nije zanimljiv za gledanje kao npr. Airton Sena, ali ne bih rekao da je očajno loš vozač. ;) > Ume da vozi samo kada nema nikoga ispred sebe - cim je prinudjen da > se bori za poziciju, ne ume da se snadje i korektno izveze trku. He, a šta treba da radi onaj koji izbije na prvo mesto da bi se ljudi složili da je on dobro odvezao trku? Nije on kriv što vozi dobar bolid i vrlo često uzima polpozicije i povede trke. E sad što se tiče njegove vožnje kada nije na prvom mestu moraš da uzmeš u obzir da on u drugoj polovini sezone ima solidnu prednost u poenima i da mu je daleko važnije da uzima poene nego da ide pošto poto na pobede. On je pre svega vozač koji ide na sigurno, a to, priznajem, nije i atraktivan vozač. Ne bih sad ulazio u špekulacije zašto se dovodi Frencen (BMW?) i da li je Hil "otpušten" što ne zna da vozi, što traži mnogo para ili što mu vreme prilazi (36 godina). Najbolje će biti da sačekamo da preže u taj drugi tim pa da vidimo gde mu je mesto, kao što smo videli i gde je mesto Dejvida Kultarda za koga su neki izjavljivali da je izmislio vožnju za Hila. Ako budu ponovo u istom timu, eto prilike da se ponovo uporede. :)
auto-moto.484 firus,
>> Hil je jedan ocajno los vozac ... Zao mi je to sto kazem, >> jer sam njegov vatreni navijac (bolje reci, navijac sam >> Vilijamsa, a Hil je prvi vozac vec par sezona), ali to je > U bre, ala napadoste coveka... :) Zaista, Hilov stil voznje ne > obiluje agresivnoscu, sto mozda cini da nije zanimljiv za > gledanje kao npr. Airton Sena, ali ne bih rekao da je ocajno > los vozac. ;) Ne mora stil da bude agresivan da bi bio atraktivan za gledanje, ne mora cak ni da bude atraktivan, ali neka daje rezultate uvek - ne sme da bude toliko velikih oscilacija u ucinku od trke do trke. Hil ponekad (cesto !?) ume da izleti sa staze, iskljucivo svojom krivicom. Hil izgubi dobru poziciju na startu jer lose krece, Hil se plasi preticanja itd. ... Volim ga, ali ovo su tuzne cinjenice ... BTW, Senu (pokoj mu dusi), nikada nisam voleo - verujem da ovo vuce korene iz njegovih pocetaka u Lotusu (mrzeo sam te crne bolide) >> Ume da vozi samo kada nema nikoga ispred sebe - cim je >> prinudjen da se bori za poziciju, ne ume da se snadje i > He, a sta treba da radi onaj koji izbije na prvo mesto da bi se > ljudi slozili da je on dobro odvezao trku? Nije on kriv sto > vozi dobar bolid i vrlo cesto uzima polpozicije i povede trke. Pogledaj Sumahera, Vileneva pa i Alezija i bice ti jasno sta je dobra voznja. Seti se Monte Karla i iznenadjujuceg finala. Trka traje do kraja, nema predaje ... Hil se preda cim skonta da nece ostvariti rezultat koji je planirao. Onaj &@#*&@* Sumaher startuje sa 8 ili 16 pozicije pa pobedi, Hilu to nikada ne bi poslo za rukom. > E sad sto se tice njegove voznje kada nije na prvom mestu moras > da uzmes u obzir da on u drugoj polovini sezone ima solidnu > prednost u poenima i da mu je daleko vaznije da uzima poene > nego da ide posto poto na pobede. On je pre svega vozac koji Ne mora da juri pobede, ali od gotovog je napravio veresiju - Vilnev ima velike teoretske i nesto slabije prakticne izglede da bude sampion (ali to nema veze, bitan je Vilijams) ... BTW, kolk'o bese razlika - 17 poena !? ;)) Plasim se samo da ne bude finale kao u Australiji kada je onaj &@*#&*@& Sumaher osvojio titulu na kvarno. Mada, Hil (valjda !?) nije takav. > Najbolje ce biti da sacekamo da preze u taj drugi tim pa da > vidimo gde mu je mesto, kao sto smo videli i gde je mesto Ovo, joj zalosti, stoji ... ----- Akcija za lepsi i bolji SEZAM (ALBS)
auto-moto.485 space.ace,
## Ako nema pol-poziciju, dobija trku samo ukoliko nekome otkaze ## motor. Delimično nisi u pravu, jer prošle sezone sve pobede koje je odneo nisu bile sa pol pozicije (to što nije dobio nijednu trku sa pol pozicije je druga priča :).
auto-moto.486 bjevtic,
Moz' da pricha ko sta oce..... Od kad gledam F1, i nema Senne, jedini je dobar Sumaher (Alezi je isto simpatican, ali pomalo slab). Hill mozda jeste dzentlmen i sta ja znam vec, ali Schumacher jedini u stanju (u trenutnom sampionatu) da te ugrize za dupe kad ti se nalazi u repu. Narocito Hila :)
auto-moto.487 giovanni,
Ę? P.S. Ali voleo bih da vidim Hila u Jordanu :) Jezik pregriz'o! ;) Ne diraj mi Jordan-Peugeot!
auto-moto.488 firus,
>## Ako nema pol-poziciju, dobija trku samo ukoliko nekome otkaze >## motor. > Delimicno nisi u pravu, jer prosle sezone sve pobede koje je > odneo nisu bile sa pol pozicije (to sto nije dobio nijednu trku > sa pol pozicije je druga prica :). Dobro, dobro, priznajem da sam malo preterao ... Kao sto rekoh, volim Hila (jos vise volim Vilijams), pa zbog toga ovo preterivanje ... Zao mi ga je, bre !!! Ako u nekoga polazes sve nade a on ih cesto prokocka izneveri te, postajes ljut i razocaran ... B(((
auto-moto.489 obren,
Sreda, 4. Septembar 1996 Vilijams-Reno tim je i zvanično potvrdio da će njihov drugi vozač sledeće sezone biti H.H. Frencen. Frencen ove godine vozi za ekipu Zauber-Ford, zajedno sa Džoni Herbertom. Vlasnik tima, Frenk Vilijams, i dalje odbija da kaže zašto je došlo do razlaza izmežu njega i Hila. On je samo izjavio: "Dejmon je dao ogroman doprinos ovom timu." F. Vilajams je takođe rekao da je Mihael Šumaher vozač koga najviše ceni i koga se najviše plaši. "Imam noćne more zamišljajući Mihaela kako sledeće sezone vozi bolid koji je konkurentan Vilijamsovim. Moraću da idem u crkvu nedeljom da se molim da Ferari bude nepouzdan. Nije mi u planovima za blisku budućnost, ali, naravno, voleo bih da vidim Šumahera u Vilijamsu."
auto-moto.490 tomislavr,
> Delimično nisi u pravu, jer prošle sezone sve pobede koje je odneo > nisu bile sa pol pozicije (to što nije dobio nijednu trku sa pol > pozicije je druga priča :). Ti delimično nisi u pravu. Pobede Hila prošle godine su bile česte kao sneg u julu ;), a nemoj mi reći da je nekog pretekao da bi pobedio. Hil je prošle godine pobedio u Argentini, San Marinu, Mađarskoj i Australiji. Šumaher nije završio sve te trke osim Argentine, ali je Beneton u početku sezone imao problema sa upravljivošću. Znači, tu treba tražiti razloge Hilovih pobeda, kojih i onako nije bilo mnogo. Hil je 95. pobedio _samo_ jednu trku koju je Šumaher završio, Šumagera _nikad_ nije pretekao na stazi, i zato je ove godine dobio šut kartu iz Vilijamsa. Frenku je jasno da mu je Mensel 94. doneo titulu, a ne Hil, a da su mu 95. razna izletanja i nemoguđnost Hila da se suprostavi Šumaheru uzela titulu i pored tehničke superiornosti bolida. Prvi put kada je imao u šaci dobrog vozača (Vilneva) Hil je dobio "ispisnicu". E sad, možda je Frenk Vilijams lud da otpusti "vrhunskog" vozača i da dovede Frencena, koga čak i više plati od Hila. Frencen je kaparisan još u junu, tako da ovo nije nagla odluka; Frenk odavno želi da se liši dvostrukog vicešampiona (možda i trostrukog ;) Imaćeš prilike da vidiš Hila sledeće godine u, recimo, Stjuartu, pa ćemo videti ima li Hil sposobnost da se sa jednim nekonkurentnim bolidom popenje na postolje, da ne kažem pobedi, ili uzme pol-poziciju. Šumahera smo videli da ume. Moje je mišljenje da u svakom poslu koliko te plate toliko i vrediš, jer svako voli svoje pare i neće ih uzalud baciti. Znaš valjda koliko se plaća Šumaheru da vozi a koliko se nije htelo platiti Hilu, a nadam se i da neće ;). P.S. Kao navijač Mercedesa samo se molim Bogu da ne dođe u McLaren. Hakkinen je za njega profesor.
auto-moto.491 obren,
Četvrtak, 5. Septembar 1996 Hill razbija zid ćutanja; Newey napušta Wilijams! Dejmon Hil je konačno prekinuo tišinu oko njegovog napuštanja Vilijamsa od pre nekoliko dana. On je to prokomentarisao na sledeći način: "To je bio šok za mene, ali imao sam i veće šokove u životu a i u Formuli 1. Osećam se kao da sam išao do Marsa i natrag u zadnjih desetak dana. Sada imam mogućnost da upoznam druge timove. Mogu poneti svoje iskustvo takođe, kako bih pomogao da se konstruiše bolid sposoban da pobeđuje." Hil je takođe dao komaentar i na tračeve oko njegovog napuštanja Formule 1: "Ja ne odustajem lako. Volim trkačke automobile a najviše volim da se trkam u Formuli 1, koja je vrhunac auto sporta." Dejmon je takođe odbacio mogućnost da vozi za Stjuart Grand Prix tim sledeće godine: "Mora biti dobar, potpun "paket". Nije dovoljno samo da učestvujem u projektu. Ja želim da pobeđujem, to mi je motivacija". Zatim je dodao: "Vi ne možete razumeti moje razočaranje. Vodio sam u šampionatu cele sezone, i mnogo se trudio da postanem vodeći. Uvek sam mislio da je nagrada za dobijene trke mogućnost da vozim najbolju "opremu". Takođe sam mislio, da će me osvajanje ovog šampionata staviti u dobru pregovaračku poziciju na kraju sezone." Newey napušta Williams Adrian Newey, glavni konstruktor za Williams-Renault je napustio tim i prešao da radi za McLaren-Mercedes. Newey se smatra jednim od najboljih konstruktora u F1.
auto-moto.492 obren,
Italian Grand Prix Preview - Monza, Italy by Toby Waller, England Circuit Length: 5800 m Race Length: 53 laps (307.400km) Monza means two words to the leagues of Formula One fans around the world: Ferrari and Tifosi. With Schumacher's brilliant win at Spa-Francorchamps still fresh in the minds of the Italian devotees, hopes for a Ferrari home win - the first since 1988 - will be rife. The rest of us, meanwhile, have the prospect of a titanic battle between the Williams drivers, Jacques Villeneuve and Damon Hill. With both of their races heavily affected by poor communications at Spa, it seems only fair that the points difference still remains in Hill's favour - just. Now is the time of year when the pundits -myself included - get out the calculator and figure out exactly what Hill and Villeneuve have to do to win the championship. Basically, Hill can come second to Villeneuve (or 4 points behind, if the events of last weekend repeat themselves ) at every race and still win the championship by one point. If Hill loses that point advantage, it comes down to race wins and Hill will have the clear advantage. Damon won't be driving for second places, though, and is still favourite to win the championship, but I don't expect he'll clinch it at Monza - unless Jacques has a real problem. It's been a great championship so far, but the variation in winners has been very small. I would dearly love to see some new faces on the top step but, whilst Williams continue their domination, I expect we'll be seeing one of the boys in blue spraying the silver bottle of champagne this weekend. Of the rest, the Benetton pair of Jean Alesi and Gerhard Berger are coming on nicely. The McLaren-Mercedes seems to fair well on fast circuits so expect to see Mika Hakkinen and David Coulthard figuring prominently. Don't discount Schumacher, though. With his terrific effect now being strongly felt at Ferrari, he may just pull off the win and give the home crowd the cause for celebration that they've been waiting so long for. 1995 Results 1. Johnny Herbert Benetton-Renault 1h18m27.916s 2. Mika Hakkinen McLaren-Mercedes + 17.779s 3. H.H. Frentzen Sauber-Ford + 24.321s 4. Mark Blundell McLaren-Mercedes + 28.230s 5. Mika Salo Tyrrell-Yamaha + one lap 6. JC Boullion Sauber-Ford + one lap Pole Position David Coulthard Williams-Renault 1m24.462s Fastest Lap Gerhard Berger Ferrari 1m24.419s
auto-moto.493 dzakic,
Još jedna Hilova pol pozicija. Rezultati sa kvalifikacija: 1. Hill 1.24.022 2. Villeneuve +0.317 3. Schumacher +0.577 4. Hakinnen +0.736 5. Coulthard +0.772 6. Alesi +0.997 7. Irvine +1.022 8. Berger +1.266 9. Brundle +1.833 10. Barrichelo +1.990 11. Panis 12. Herbert 13. Frentzen 14. Diniz 15. Verstappen 16. Katayama 17. Salo 18. Lamy 19. Rosset 20. Lavaggi Svi u 107%
auto-moto.494 space.ace,
## Adrian Newey, glavni konstruktor za Williams-Renault je napustio ## tim i prešao da radi za McLaren-Mercedes. Newey se smatra jednim od ## najboljih konstruktora u F1. Ovo čekam celog svog života... Predosećam da će sledeće sezone McLaren osvanuti u Veeelikom stilu u svetu formule 1.
auto-moto.495 mila,
> Ovo čekam celog svog života... > > Predosećam da će sledeće sezone McLaren osvanuti u Veeelikom stilu > u svetu formule 1. A ima i indicija da će Hil potpisati ugovor sa West-mecLaren-om, pa će biti i zanimljivo to pogledati.... :))))
auto-moto.496 obren,
Rezultati na kraju trke za Veliku Nagradu Italije u Monci: 1. Schumacher 2. Alesi 3. Hakkinen 4. Brundle 5. Barrichello 6. Diniz ... Vrlo zanimljiva trka, odlična vožnja Šumahera i Hakinena i nadasve luda proslava pobede od strane Ferarijevih navijača... :) Šta ima dalje da se priča - ko nije gledao Moncu, ne treba ni da živi. ;)
auto-moto.497 mikeman,
<<!>> Jos jedna Hilova pol pozicija. Rezultati sa kvalifikacija: Trka je bila debakl za tim Williamsa i za Hill-a koji je u 6. krugu napravio greshku i ispao iz trke... Villeneuve nije iskoristio Hillovu greshku i zavrshio je trku na 7 mestu, bez bodova... Inache 1. Shumacher 2. Alesi 3. Hakinnen Alesi je bukvalno izgubio trku zbog stopa, a Hakinnen je i pored greshke koju je napravio u prvom delu trke (oshtetio prednji deo bolida) veoma dobro proshao...
auto-moto.498 giovanni,
Ę? A ima i indicija da će Hil potpisati ugovor sa West-mecLaren-om, pa Ę? će biti i zanimljivo to pogledati.... :)))) Zanimljivo? Kako za koga. Meni će sigurno biti draže da Hil ode u McLaren koji uopšte ne volim i tako me reši brige jer će se Ferrari onda sleće godine boriti "samo" sa Williamsom i Vilnevom. ;)) Nego, videste li vi ljudi danas ko je najbolji? :))) Da onaj skot Irvajn nije zakačio onako krvnički gumu, možda bi na pobedničkom postolju bila oba vozača Ferrarija. :))
auto-moto.499 bjevtic,
1 mesto Schumacher Nego sta! Da se zna ko je majstor. Ako je negde nasao da pobedio, to je onda sigurno bila Monza.
auto-moto.500 obren,
> Zanimljivo? Kako za koga. Meni će sigurno biti draže da Hil ode u McLaren > koji uopšte ne volim i tako me reši brige jer će se Ferrari onda sleće > godine boriti "samo" sa Williamsom i Vilnevom. ;)) Bogami ne budi siguran! :) Meklaren će, izgleda mi, dogodine biti vrlo ozbiljan tim, motor je izuzetno pouzdan i solidnih performansi, a konačno će dobiti i dobru šasiju zahvlajujući dolasku Vilijamsovog konstruktora. Ako im dođe Hil, biće to sjajno pojačanje, ma šta Tomica mislio ;) Ipak, siguran sam da će navijati on za njega ko bela lala ;) > Da onaj skot Irvajn nije zakačio onako krvnički gumu, možda bi na > pobedničkom postolju bila oba vozača Ferrarija. :)) A umalo ni jedan... ;) Sreća (šteta ;>) da švaba nije mnogo "potkačio" gume inače bi i on parkirao kola pored staze. No dobro, lepo je vozio i drago mi je prvenstveno zbog Ferarija i njegovih fantastičnih navijača što je pobedio. Mislim da bi sutra bio neradni dan u italiji da se i Irvajn popeo na postolje pored Šumahera :))) Izgleda da je direktor trke mnogo doprineo zanimljivosti postavljanjem "gumene zamke" za agresivne vozače. Nego, ko se sve nasuka na one gume? Hil, Hakinen, Irvajn, Šumaher... ? Još jedan kuriozitet današnje trke - legendarni ;) Pedro Paulo Diniz, uspeo je da osvoji i drugi poen u karijeri :))) Inače uopšte nije loše vozio, čak ni Hakinen nije uspeo da ga obiće već je vozio iza njega 10-15 krugova, sve dok Pedro nije skrenuo u boks. P.S. Tomislave, kako to da Šumaher, majstor za preticanje, pred svojim vernim navijačima nije uspeo da obiđe Alezija dok ovaj nije otišao u boks? Evidentno je da je bio brži od njega, oko pola sekunde po krugu, što se videlo i dok ga je stizao i kada ga je posle ostavio! Samo da te podsetim da je Hil istog tog Alezija obišao dva puta na ovoj trci. Naravno, napravio je posle grešku zakačivši one gume, to stoji...
auto-moto.501 budim,
(:) Alesi je bukvalno izgubio trku zbog stopa, a Hakinnen je i pored (:) greshke koju je napravio u prvom delu trke (oshtetio prednji deo (:) bolida) veoma dobro proshao... Trku sam gledao d otrenutka kada je Alesi ušao u boks, zanima me šta je bilo posle, pogotovo kako je Hil optišao u boks i ostao prvi? :) Inače, kakva je ono fora sa pneumaticima pored staze? poz, budimir
auto-moto.502 tomislavr,
> 1 mesto Schumacher > Nego sta! Da se zna ko je majstor. > Ako je negde nasao da pobedio, to je onda sigurno bila Monza. :)))) Al' smo uzbušeni ;). Elem, još jedna u nizu pobeda tandema Šumaher-Ferari koje će tek doći. Šteta za Meklarene jer su obećavali odlične performanse. Izgleda da će onaj test-vozač, koji je opet zabrljao kada ne treba, preći u već razrađen i odličan bolid Meklarena. Ali Hil je imao sreće jer očigledno sa Vilnevovim bolidom nešto nije bilo u redu, što će kraj sezone učiniti manje zanimljivim jer su sad šanse skoro nikave da Žak pruži neki otpor. Šumaher je posle trke izjavio da iako je prilično lako stigao Alezija, nije ga mogao obići jer nije imao dovoljnu max. brzinu, i da se samo nadao da Alezi ima manje goriva, i da on odlažući odlazak u boks što više, dobije trku, što se i dogodilo. Evo i malo tabela posle Monce. Drivers Championship (unofficial) Calculations include the Italian Grand Prix. 1 D.Hill 81 9 O.Panis 13 2 J.Villeneuve 68 10 E.Irvine 9 3 M.Schumacher 49 11 M.Brundle 6 4 J.Alesi 44 12 H.Frentzen 6 5 M.Hakkinen 27 13 M.Salo 5 6 D.Coulthard 18 14 J.Herbert 4 7 G.Berger 17 15 P.Diniz 2 8 R.Barrichello 14 16 J.Verstappen 1 --------------------------------------------------------------- Constructors Championship (unofficial) Calculations include the Italian Grand Prix. 1 Williams 149 6 Ligier 15 2 Benetton 61 7 Sauber 10 3 Ferrari 58 8 Tyrrell 5 4 McLaren 45 9 Footwork 1 5 Jordan 20
auto-moto.503 ljubisha,
>Alesi je bukvalno izgubio trku zbog stopa, a Hakinnen je i pored >greshke koju je napravio u prvom delu trke (oshtetio prednji deo >bolida) veoma dobro proshao... ...a po rezultatu Hakinnen je vozio bolje čak i od Šumahera.
auto-moto.504 mila,
Jedna tužna vest:danas je na reliju u Bajinoj Bašti poginuo Obren Tešić, višestruki šampion Jugoslavije u reliju, i pretendent na titulu i u ovoj godini. Ne znam detalje, ali znam da je sleteo (verovatno na brzincu) i da je suvozač povređen :((((
auto-moto.505 budim,
(:) bilo posle, pogotovo kako je Hil optišao u boks i ostao prvi? :) Šumaher... Šta ti je žurba... :) poz, budimir
auto-moto.507 giovanni,
Ę? Bogami ne budi siguran! :) Meklaren će, izgleda mi, dogodine biti vrlo Ę? ozbiljan tim, motor je izuzetno pouzdan i solidnih performansi, a konačno Ę? će dobiti i dobru šasiju zahvlajujući dolasku Vilijamsovog konstruktora. Ę? Ako im dođe Hil, biće to sjajno pojačanje, ma šta Tomica mislio ;) Ipak, Ne sumnjam ja da će McLaren sledeće godine imati dosta dobar automobil. Ja sumnjam da će imati iste takve vozače. :))
auto-moto.508 giovanni,
Ę? Trku sam gledao d otrenutka kada je Alesi ušao u boks, zanima me šta je Ę? bilo posle, pogotovo kako je Hil optišao u boks i ostao prvi? :) Pa Šumi (video sam u sledećoj poruci da si se ispravio) je nekoliko krugova posle Alezija ušao u boks i ono što je trebalo obavio nešto brže od Francuza, ali je glavno što je mnogo brže vozio posle ulaska Benettonovog vozača u pit-stop jer mu je ovaj dotle smetao. Tada je i napravio razliku koja mu je omogućila da ode na promenu guma i dolivanje goriva praktično bez bojazni da bi ga Alezi mogao prestići. Drugo, danas sam u novinama čitao Šumaherovu izjavu da je tek sa drugim kompletom guma mogao da vozi normalno. Kaže da mu je prvi komplet zadavao dosta muke.
auto-moto.509 obren,
> Ne sumnjam ja da će McLaren sledeće godine imati dosta dobar > automobil. Ja sumnjam da će imati iste takve vozače. :)) A to je u pitanju... Pa valjda će zato sigurno dovesti Hila ;)
auto-moto.510 space.ace,
## odličan bolid Meklarena. Ali Hil je imao sreće jer očigledno ## sa Vilnevovim bolidom nešto nije bilo u redu, što će kraj Normalno da sa Vilnevovim bolidom nije nešto bilo u redu kad je još u prvom krugu produžio pravo u prvoj šikani! To mu je sigurno poremetilo "dasku" na dnu bolida, jer bolid nije postizao max brzinu koju uobičajeno postiže. Napominjem da je Vilnev još dva puta prošao pravo kroz istu krivinu što je po svim normama za diskvalifikaciju iz trke.
auto-moto.511 space.ace,
## .. a po rezultatu Hakinnen je vozio bolje čak i od Šumahera. Hakinnen je odlično odvezao trku, i čak se usuđujem da kažem da bi sigurno pobedio da nije oštetio prednji spojler na početku trke, ali to su sad druge priče... Pošteno, iako navijam za Hill-a, ne bih voleo da pređe u McLarren, jer izgleda da konačno Hakinnen ima šansu da uradi nešto u F1. / off the record: sledeće godine navijam za Miku Hakinenna /
auto-moto.512 space.ace,
## Ako im dođe Hil, biće to sjajno pojačanje, ma šta Tomica mislio ;) ## Ipak, siguran sam da će navijati on za njega ko bela lala ;) Prevaspitaće zemljaci Tomicu, navijaće on za Hilla sledećih deset godina, jel' tako obrene?
auto-moto.513 lexus,
=> Prevaspitaće zemljaci Tomicu, navijaće on za Hilla sledećih deset => godina, jel' tako obrene? Još ako Hill uspe da se održi u F1 sledećih dve godine, a o deset da ne govorimo ;) Schumi Bros ruleZ! ;)
auto-moto.514 giovanni,
Ę? A to je u pitanju... Pa valjda će zato sigurno dovesti Hila ;) Ron Denis mora da je poludeo ako namerava da dâ tolike pare za probnog vozača. ;)
auto-moto.515 obren,
> Prevaspitaće zemljaci Tomicu, navijaće on za Hilla sledećih deset > godina, jel' tako obrene? Vidi, ja i on imamo jednu vrstu opklade - čiji pulen osviji šampionsku titulu, onaj drugi mora da ga ima uramljenog iznad svog kreveta. Tako ja ove godine započinjem svaki novi dan gledajući "sexy" Švabu :) E sad, konačno je došlo vreme da se Tomica budi gledajući nasmejanog Dejmona Hila ;) uramljenog iznad svog kreveta. Kažu da kada si s nekim neprekidno, vremenom ga i zavoliš... :) Naravno, bilo bi glupo da sad svi navijamo za istog, onda bi diskusije ovde bile vrlo monotone. Jedino ako počne da vozi Miloš Pavlović ;)
auto-moto.516 djanjusevic,
>> Normalno da sa Vilnevovim bolidom nije nesto bilo u redu kad je jos >> u prvom krugu produzio pravo u prvoj sikani! To mu je sigurno >> poremetilo "dasku" na dnu bolida, jer bolid nije postizao max brzinu >> koju uobicajeno Aaaaaaa, vidi se da je neko uvezbavao svoje tehnicko znanje o bolidima kroz igru, bese GP2 ;))
auto-moto.517 tomislavr,
> Ron Denis mora da je poludeo ako namerava da dâ tolike pare za > probnog vozača. ;) I ja ne mogu da razumem šta će mu Hil, jer još uvek nema toliko jak bolid da ga test-vozač dovede na cilj prvi ;) Mercedes sledeće godine verovatno neće biti šampion, ali za 98. godinu postoje ogromne šanse da to i postane. Zato, zar nije bolje dovesti mladog Šumahera, koji ima _neverovatna_ vremena na testovima, da se 97. uhoda, a 98. uzima pobede. To je 91. uradio Flavio Briatore i nije se prešao - njegov Šumaher mu je ubrzo doneo pobede i titulu u konstruktorima koju ovako nikada ne bi video. Dovođenje Ralfa bi unelo dodatnu dozu zanimljivosti u F1, kao recimo kad je Vilnev došao u Vilijams, jer se radi o zaista odličnom vozaču. Zar nije bolje da Hil, koji je već dokazao da je vrhunki vozač, ode malo u Džordan jer, jelte, može on i sa lošijim bolidima da pobeđuje ;), a da Ralf, ili u krajnjem slučaju Hakinen budu i Mercedesu. To bi bila idealna sezona. Ajd kad pomenuh Briatorea, čovek je opet imao jednu legendarnu izjavu. Na pitanje novinara "Ima li šanse da Hil pređe u Beneton" on je mrtav 'ladan odgovorio - "Ima, ako se Toni razboli". Inače, Toni jedan od vozača kamiona za dostavu u timu Beneton :))))
auto-moto.518 space.ace,
## Aaaaaaa, vidi se da je neko uvezbavao svoje tehnicko znanje o ## bolidima kroz igru, bese GP2 ;)) He, he, trudim se... Nego, u igri čim prođeš kroz neku od krivina na ilegalan način (presečeš) odmah dobijaš crnu zastavicu. Šta ćeš, tako nešto se ne očekuje i u pravoj "igri", jer kad nisu dosad bilion puta diskvalifikovali Šuleta, neće ni Vilneva :).
auto-moto.519 mila,
> u Džordan jer, jelte, može on i sa lošijim bolidima da pobeđuje ;), a da Imam neki utisak da će ti se ispuniti želja. Ne zaboravi da je Džordan ove godine izuzetno brz! :)
auto-moto.520 giovanni,
Ę? Ajd kad pomenuh Briatorea, čovek je opet imao jednu legendarnu izjavu. Ę? Na pitanje novinara "Ima li šanse da Hil pređe u Beneton" on je mrtav Ę? 'ladan odgovorio - "Ima, ako se Toni razboli". Inače, Toni jedan od Ę? vozača kamiona za dostavu u timu Beneton :)))) :))) Čovek je genije. :))) Nego, nešto mi se po glavi mota jedna misao: koje ono beše godine se Renault povlači iz F1? Ako je sledeće, sa kojim motorima će Benetton i Williams u narednoj sezoni da voze? Možda je već rečeno ali sam ja zaboravio. ;)
auto-moto.521 giovanni,
Ę? Naravno, bilo bi glupo da sad svi navijamo za istog, onda bi diskusije Ę? ovde bile vrlo monotone. Jedino ako počne da vozi Miloš Pavlović ;) Pa u narednih bar 4 godine neće biti prilike da se navija za istog. :) Toliko, naime, prognoziraju u "štabu" Pavlovića da će trebati da Miloš stigne na prag F1. Kažu da imaju plan kojim je predviđeno da naš vozač neće pre 2000. godine "stasati" za ulazak u neku od ekipa Formule 1. Zamislite, Ferrari #27 Miloš Pavlović na Pol-Poziciji na startu Velike Nagrade Italije u Monci. :)
auto-moto.522 tomislavr,
> Imam neki utisak da će ti se ispuniti želja. Ne zaboravi da je > Džordan ove godine izuzetno brz! :) Nisam primetio da je Džordan negde bio brz ove godine. Ne kažem da su bili loši, ali nijednom nisu bili potpuno konkurentni u trci kao recimo Mercedes u Spa ili Monci... Najbolja trka im je bila sad Monca gde su bili čevrti i peti posle "osvete rabljenih guma" ;). Ipak ih je Mika Hakinen i pored dodatnog ulaska u boks, stigao i bogami ostavio na kraju trke. Znači, ove godine loši, sledeće godine isti mehaničari, isti inžinjeri, isti motor, koji je i najjači deo Džordana ali slabo napreduje, očajna šasija - zaista nema razloga za optimizam :) Ne mogu a da ih ne uporedim sa Mercedesom, što su svi i činili do sredine ove sezone, kada je Mercedes napravio veliki kvalitativni skok u osnosu na Džordan. Za sledeću sezonu McLaren dobija glavnog inženjera Vilijamsa, prema tome i zadnja barijera do razvijanja pobedničkog bolida pada, a to je loša šasija McLarena. Mercedesovi motori su se pokazali i boljim i pouzdanijim od Pežoovih, a verujem da u ovom trenutku MB ima i više želje i novca da ih i u budućnosti razvija. Moje je mišljenje da u skoroj budućnosti imamo borbu četiri tima - Vilijams, Ferari, McLaren i Beneton. Uz poruku konferencija za štampu posle trke kao i neki mali intervju sa Hilom i Kultardom posle Monce.
auto-moto.523 obren,
> koje ono beše godine se Renault povlači iz F1? Ako je sledeće, sa kojim > motorima će Benetton i Williams u narednoj sezoni da voze? Reno se povlači '98. godine, znači učestvuje i dogodine. E sad, šta misliš što je Frenk doveo Ha Ha Frencena? ;) Novi proizođač motora je BMW a oni zahtevaju Arijevca u svojim redovima. :) Što se tiče Benetona, ništa zvanično se ne zna, ali ja tipujem na Hondu odnosnu Mugen koji sada snabdeva Ližije koji je u vlasništvu Briatorea. Međutim, treba naglasiti i da je Honda najavila povratak 1998. godine u vidu fabričkog tima Honda-Honda, što može donekle da iskomplikuje stvar.
auto-moto.524 lexus,
=> koje ono beše godine se Renault povlači iz F1? Ako je sledeće, sa => kojim motorima će Benetton i Williams u narednoj sezoni da voze? => Možda je već rečeno ali sam ja zaboravio. ;) Williams će imati BMW motore, za Benneton ne znam. Baš me zanima koliko vremena će trebati BMW-u da napravi dobar motor...
auto-moto.525 madamov,
> Pa u narednih bar 4 godine neće biti prilike da se navija za istog. :) Bojim se da je sa karijerom mladog Pavlovića gotovo, s obzirom šta se desilo njegovom ocu pre mesec dana. B(
auto-moto.526 obren,
> Bojim se da je sa karijerom mladog Pavlovića gotovo, s obzirom šta > se desilo njegovom ocu pre mesec dana. B( A šta se desilo? Može malo opširnije?
auto-moto.528 obren,
> Baš me zanima koliko vremena će trebati BMW-u da napravi dobar motor... Čini mi se da je BMW pre "dosta" godina imao dođoh-videh-pobedih sezonu, kada je uzeo šampionsku titulu iste godine kada je i došao. Ipak, danas je tako nešto dosta teško izvesti :) Mislim da će morati da sačeka BAR drugu sezonu da bi postigao pre svega zadovoljavajuću pouzdanost ako ne i performanse. Ipak ceo Vilijams pliva na parama tako da će to biti vrlo intenzivan razvoj motora. A treba računati i na uzajamnu konkurenciju dva Nemačka proizvođača automobila, koja će sigurno dovesti do rapidnog usavršavanja motora kako u Meklarenu tako i u Vilijamsu. ;) Za sledeću sezonu kažu da će biti vrlo, vrlo zanimljiva zbog sustizanja performansi Vilijamsa od strane Ferarija, Meklarena, Benetona, Džordana... Takođe, dolazi i Stjuart tim sa, kažu, odličnim novim Fordovim motorom. Šta li će tek biti 1998. kada plus dođu BMW i Honda koja će tada slaviti pedesetogodišnjicu osnivanja, a ove godine je u Indikaru nadmoćno uzela titulu među konsktruktorima. :)
auto-moto.529 vitez.koja,
#=> Bojim se da je sa karijerom mladog Pavlovića gotovo, s obzirom šta #=> se desilo njegovom ocu pre mesec dana. B( Može li malo više informacija, za nas neupućene... sk
auto-moto.530 nenad,
Forumula 1, odgovori na često postavljana pitanja (FAQ).
auto-moto.531 madamov,
> A šta se desilo? Može malo opširnije? Čuli ste za gospodina Pavlovića koji je ubijen kada je ulazio u Metropol pre jedno mesec dana? Verovatno jeste, pune su novine bile toga. E, to je bio otac malog Miloša.
auto-moto.532 tomislavr,
Sveže vesti ;) - Ralf Šumaher je potpisao dvogodišnji ugovor sa Džordan-Pežoom. - Rubensu Baričelu je ponuđeno da ostane u Džordanu i sledeću godinu. Čeka se njegov odgovor, mada on razmišlja o Indikaru. Izgleda da će Hil ipak u McLaren :(
auto-moto.533 space.ace,
## Nisam primetio da je Džordan negde bio brz ove godine. Kako molim? Ajde samo mi navedi ko je postizao najveće brzine u Silverstonu i Hockenheimu (i još po negde) na treninzima, a bogami i na trkama! Pa naravno Brundle u Jordan-u!!! To što ti, zaslepljen "uspesima" svog omiljenog "Šugavka" ;>> i ne vidiš nikog drugog, to je druga stvar... ## Ne kažem da su bili loši, ali nijednom nisu bili potpuno ## konkurentni u trci kao recimo Mercedes u Spa ili Monci... Jordan-ov jedini nedostatak je loše urađena šasija (veliki udeo u svemu tome imaju i vozači :). Kako sam čuo na EuroSport-u, JORDAN za sledeću sezonu priprema radikalne izmene na svom bolidu, i to najviše na samoj šasiji (a možda i na vozačima :). Mislim da će sledeće sezone biti jači nego McLarren sad, a ako im i Hill dođe, onda ihaaa... Što se tiče samog McLarren Mečke, tri reči : tim koji (mnogo) obećava. Ako Šampion (zna se ko, jel') pređe tamo, biće lep fajt za drugo mesto između njega i Šugavka, jer Villeneuve garant osvaja titulu sledeće sezone (s druge strane, možda i neće, sve to u zavisnosti kako se pokaže njihov nov /nadam se BMW/ motor). Nego, vaša procena, da li će se Šampion odlučiti da u Portugalu stvarno postane šampion, ili će sačekati Suzuku da tamo pokaže svoj pravi talenat :)). P.S. Naravno da ne mislim da je Šugavko (Schu(gavko)macher) Šampion :).
auto-moto.534 space.ace,
## Zamislite, Ferrari #27 Miloš Pavlović na Pol-Poziciji na startu ## Velike Nagrade Italije u Monci. :) Mislim da ova rečenica spada u Extra:SF :))) / naravno, jer će voziti #28 /
auto-moto.535 tomislavr,
>## Nisam primetio da je Džordan negde bio brz ove godine. > > Kako molim? Ajde samo mi navedi ko je postizao najveće brzine u > Silverstonu i Hockenheimu (i još po negde) na treninzima, a bogami U Silverstonu se ne sećam, a u Hokenhajmu na treningu Kultard (341), a na trci Hakinen (349 - slipstrim iza Vilneva). Jordanima se desi da postave max. brzine na ponekoj stazi, i to na nezvaničnim treninzima uglavnom, ali pitam te, čega je to merilo? Ja mislim da je to odraz trenutnog setapa, što ne znači da neki drugi tim ne može da bude "brži" u vidu max. brzine. Ja mislim da je poenta imati setap kojim ćeš pobediti u trci, uzeti pol poziciju, a ne imati max. brzinu tog vikenda (a i to im ne uspeva :). Da li je Jordan ikada bio konkurentan _u trci_? Ne. > Jordan-ov jedini nedostatak je loše urađena šasija (veliki udeo u > svemu tome imaju i vozači :). Kako sam čuo na EuroSport-u, JORDAN za > sledeću sezonu priprema radikalne izmene na svom bolidu, i to > najviše na samoj šasiji (a možda i na vozačima :). Mislim da će > sledeće sezone biti jači nego McLarren sad, a ako im i Hill dođe, > onda ihaaa... Brundle i Baričelo su obojica solidni vozači. Tu ne treba tražiti razloge neuspeha Jordana, već u bolidu. Ko će da im sledeće godine uradi šasiju? Taj isti (Geri Anderson) koji im je i ove godine radio. E, možda mu dođe iz d*peta u glavu između '96. i '97. pa za sledeću godinu napravi šasiju kao Vilijamsovu ;) Jordan nema ni sredsta ni ljudstvo da parira McLarenu u sledećih nekoliko godina, a još McLarenu dolazi glavni inženjer Vilijamsa... Još samo da im Hil dođe ima da budu šampioni ;>. > Što se tiče samog McLarren Mečke, tri reči : tim koji (mnogo) > obećava. Ako Šampion (zna se ko, jel') pređe tamo, biće lep fajt za > drugo mesto između njega i Šugavka, jer Villeneuve garant osvaja > titulu sledeće sezone (s druge strane, možda i neće, sve to u > zavisnosti kako se pokaže njihov nov /nadam se BMW/ motor). Prvo BMW dolazi '98., a sledeće godine će šampion biti onaj koji sada ima broj 1. Vilnev tu neće imati šta da traži, baš kao Hil '95. > Nego, vaša procena, da li će se Šampion odlučiti da u Portugalu > stvarno postane šampion, ili će sačekati Suzuku da tamo pokaže svoj > pravi talenat :)). Moja je procena da će Hil sve rešiti u Portugalu.
auto-moto.536 miko,
++ Izgleda da ce Hil ipak u McLaren :( Pa ne znam kako,s'obzirom da Dennis nudi Hakkinen-u 10 mil. za sledecu sezonu i to kao prvom vozacu,a Coulthard je pod ugovorom i 1997. Ako bi se McL i nekako suptilno otarasio Coulthard-a,Hill se ne bi zadovoljio podredjenim polozajem.Naravno,o odlasku Hakkinen-a nema ni govora,posto isti polako postaje zastitni znak McLaren-a. MV
auto-moto.537 stefan,
>Čuli ste za gospodina Pavlovića koji je ubijen kada je ulazio u Metropol pre >jedno mesec dana? Verovatno jeste, pune su novine bile toga. E, to je bio otac >malog Miloša. Ja danas u Politici pročitah izjavu Milivoja Pavlovića za koga u članku piše da je Milošev otac.
auto-moto.538 madamov,
> Ja danas u Politici pročitah izjavu Milivoja Pavlovića za koga u članku > piše da je Milošev otac. Ne čitam Politiku tako da mi je ovo promaklo. Izvinjavam se za dezinformaciju, izvor je, navodno, bio pouzdan. I drago mi je što sam pogrešio, bilo bi šteta da se prekine tek započeta karijera.
auto-moto.539 obren,
> Ja danas u Politici pročitah izjavu Milivoja Pavlovića za koga u > članku piše da je Milošev otac. Jes' vala... :) Nisam pratio zbivanja oko ubistva u hotelu "Metropol", ali drug mi reče da se onaj upokojeni zvao valjda Zoran Stevanović (?) (Ne, nije to "Steva Svinja" iz KK Partizan ;) Milane, Milane, cccc... Preseče nas sve! :)
auto-moto.540 giovanni,
Ę? nego McLarren sad, a ako im i Hill dođe, onda ihaaa... Ako im (Džordanu) Hil dođe onda im džaba i najbolji bolid na svetu i najjači motor. Taj tim onda ni sam Bog ne bi mogao da spasi.
auto-moto.541 giovanni,
Ę? Mislim da ova rečenica spada u Extra:SF :))) Ę? / naravno, jer će voziti #28 / Zašto? Mogao bi i prvi vozač tima da bude. :))
auto-moto.542 obren,
Mika Hakinen potpisao jednogodišnji ugovor sa McLarenom, tako da oba vozača ovog tima nastavljaju da voze i u sezoni 1997. Dakle, Dejmon Hil definitivno neće ići u McLaren, a gde će još se ne zna. :)
auto-moto.543 junior,
> ovog tima nastavljaju da voze i u sezoni 1997. Dakle, Dejmon > Hil definitivno neće ići u McLaren, a gde će još se ne zna. :) Možda će ipak u penziju? ;) To bi mu bilo najbolje .. osvojio je titulu, nema razloga da se više dokazuje, stekao je ime, a ima već pozamašan broj godina (i red bi bio da stekne ime ;) pa neka se penzioniše ili pređe u Formulu 3, Indycar ili karting .. šta mu najviše leži ;) BTW, koliko je Hakinen dobio za ostanak .. ako znaš?
auto-moto.544 obren,
> BTW, koliko je Hakinen dobio za ostanak .. ako znaš? Na žalost, ne znam tačno... :) Nezvanično - oko 8 miliona $.
auto-moto.546 djanjusevic,
>> da stekne ime ;) pa neka se penzionise ili prede u Formulu 3, Indycar >> ili karting .. sta mu najvise lezi ;) Dejmon nikada profesionalno nije vozio karting, vec je poceo motosport karijeru na motoru.
auto-moto.547 miko,
++ da stekne ime ;) pa neka se penzionise ili prede u ++ Formulu 3, Indycar Preko svega sto si napisao i (ne)mogu nekako da predjem,ali gde si video da je vozac iz F1 presao u F3 !???
auto-moto.548 junior,
> Preko svega sto si napisao i (ne)mogu nekako da predjem,ali > gde si video da je vozac iz F1 presao u F3 !??? :) A gde si video da svetski šampion ne može da nađe posao? :> P.S. Estoril: 1. Hill 2. Vilnev 3. Alezi 4. Šumaher ...
auto-moto.549 djcorto,
> P.S. Estoril: 1. Hill Da, stvarno, nema izvestaja sa treninga ?!?!!
auto-moto.550 mila,
Iz današnje "Politike": Šumaher potpisao za Džordan-pežo Ralf Šumaher, mlađi brat dvostrukog svetskog šampiona, potpisao trogodišnji ugovor sa timom Edija Džordana i debituje na prvoj trci sledeće sezone u Australiji Uoči trke za "Veliku nagradu Portugalije" ovog vikenda, tim "Džordan-pežo" iz Velike Britanije dobio je novog vozača za sledeće tri sezone u "formuli 1". To je Ralf Šumaher, mlađi brat slavnog nemačkog asa i dvostrukog svetskog šampiona. -U pitanju je provereni pobednik u kartingu, "formuli 3" i "formuli 3000". Pred njim je sjajna perspektiva i sigurno velika trkačka budućnost. Srećni smo što ćemo sledeće tri godine imati u timu takvig vozača- rekao je Edi Džordan, vlasnik istoimenog britanskog tima. Ralf Šumaher ima 21 godinu. Ove sezone se takmiči u japanskoj "formuli 3000" i ubedljivo vodi u konkurenciji vozača. - Više sam nego zadovoljan svojim novim ugovorom i činjenicom da ću debitovati u "formuli 1". Čast mi je što sam došao u tako dobar i konkurentan tim kao što je Džordan. To je prilika o kojoj sanja svaki mladi vozač - rekao je mlađi Šumaher. I njegov poznatiji brat se na jednoj trci, na početku blistave karijere, takmičio za tim "Džordana". - Veoma sam srećan što će Ralf konačno debitovati u "formuli 1" i mislim da je "Džordan-pežo" pravi tim za njega. Prijatno me iznenadio rezultatima postignutim na testiranju i profesionalnim pristupom koji krasi velike vozače - rekao je Mihael Šumaher. Iz "Džordana" još nisu saopštili ime drugog vozača za sledeću sezonu. Poznato je da dvojici sadašnjih njihovih vozača Brazilcu Rubensu Baričelu i Britancu Martinu Brandlu ugovori ističu na kraju ovogodišnjeg prvenstva. Pregovori sa Dejmonom Hilom još uvek traju, ali britanski as trenutno prvenstveno brine o predstojećoj trci na Estorilu gde ima šansu da obezbedi svoju prvu šampionsku titulu. Mija primedba: Ostaje nam da se nadamo da mlađi Šumaher nije učio od svog brata, i da nije onako kvaran vozač. Nadajmo se da u sebi ima i ljudskih kvaliteta. ;)
auto-moto.551 mikeman,
Evo ga senna iz doba kad je vozio u zutom "Camel" bolidu! PS> kakvi hill, villeneuve, shumaher... SENNA Rulez !
auto-moto.552 djcorto,
> Evo ga senna iz doba kad je vozio u zutom "Camel" bolidu! To je bio Lotus ... takodje pokojni :(
auto-moto.553 supers,
>> Evo ga senna iz doba kad je vozio u zutom "Camel" bolidu! E, još ako neko ima GIF crnog Lotusa, da mi Win desktop konačno dobije wallpaper :)
auto-moto.554 tomislavr,
Pošto Hilovci neće, moraću ja ;) Rezultati trke za VN Portugalije: 1. Vilnev 4. Alezi 2. Hil 5. Irvajn 3. Šumaher 6. Berger Znači, konačna odluka je pomerena za Japan. Hilu treba samo jedan poen da osigura titulu, u protivnom - ako on ne osvoji taj poen, Vilnevu treba 10 poena tj. pobeda da postane šampion. Znači šanse su male, ne zbog toga što će Hil da uzme taj poen, već što će u Japanu Šumaher da pobedi... ;) Hil posle trke nije bio preterano zadovoljan, jer je već mogao biti šampion, a ovo mu je sigurno smanjilo ionako malu cenu ;) Žalio se na kvačilo, i verovatno je to razlog očajne vožnje pred kraj, jer iako je to Hil (poznati taktizer pred kraj trke ;), ne verujem da bi bilo ko normalan onako vozio boreći se za titulu. Žaku svaka čast, učinio je ovu dosadnu sezonu bar malo zanimljivijom. Biće lepih duela njega, Šumahera, Hakinena, Frencena i Alezija sledeće godine. A što se tiče Hila videćemo ko će kome dogodine da ablenduje ;> P.S. Glupan i tupan na visini zadatka. :(
auto-moto.555 miko,
++ :) A gde si video da svetski sampion ne moze da nade ++ posao? :> Sampion je zrtva,kako Franka Williamsa,tako i krize koja u poslednje vreme vlada u F1. Naime,cenjeni nam Damon Hill je trebalo da osvoji titulu jos dok je vozio sa Prostom.Medjutim,tada je Williams znao da mu naredjuje iz box-a da propusta tzv. "profesora",da bi ovaj potom iskusno i rutinski,kako i dolikuje velikom vozacu (fuj), priveo trku kraju. Hill je morao da se povinuje takvim nalozima cak i kada je imao prednost od pola minute,pa bi,mucenik,prakticno stao na stazi kako bi se metuzalem dovukao do njega i prestigao ga.E,sada,taj isti Williams prica kako nece da se mesa u dvoboj svojih vozaca jer je njemu svejedno ko ce da bude sampion.Kakva laz em sramota! Dalje,sledece godine,kada je sutnuo Prosta,Williams dovodi Sennu. Kako svi znamo sta se ubrzo dogodilo i kojom je snagom sve to potreslo Williams-ov tim,Damon ipak uspeva da im obezbedi titulu sampiona konstruktora.Titula najboljeg vozaca mu je oteta...svi ste videli kako. Prosle godine je Schumacher u box-u uzimao u proseku po 3 sekunde Hill-u,a o taktici zaustavljanja je izlisno i govoriti.Za sve to vreme Coulthard ima u ne malom broju slucajeva,cak pripremljeniji bolid od Damon-a,a Damon nema podrsku svog tima. Ove godine Williams ne samo da ne obraca paznju na Hill-a,vec je cvrsto odlucan da mu uzme titulu koju je ovaj vec odavno zasluzio. O konstantnim kvarovima na njegovom bolidu,vec je izlisno i govoriti,ja samo ne mogu da se setim kada je Jacques doziveo kvar na svojoj masini?? Sve to jos i nekako,ali da mu ni u box ne daju da udje na vreme,to je skandalozno.Ali kako zivimo u materijalistickom svetu,sve je to razumljivo.Schumacher-ove titule su dovele 250 hiljada ljudi u Hockenheim,da ne govorim o marketinskom efektu u Nemackoj.Prost je jos ranije doveo sa sobom gomilu sponzora,Senna jos vise.Eventualna titula Jacques-a bi bila "prava stvar" jer bi,toboze,ozivela uspavanu F1 i nagovestila jedan novi rivalitet koji bi vratio formuli staru slavu i primamljivost.Kada covek sve to pogleda,vidi da Damon nije ni imao sansu.Ne bi me uopste cudilo da mu se u Japanu misteriozno pokvari menjac,pukne guma,otkaze motor ili da bude zrtva "slucajnog" sudara koji su izazvali Pedro Diniz i Giancarlo Fisicella.Bilo kako bilo Damon ce sigurno pronaci angazman jer je trenutno najbolji vozac u F1.Drugi mogu samo od muke da gore ...
auto-moto.556 miko,
1. Jacques 2. Hill +19s 3. Schmacher +53s Na konferenciji za stampu posle trke,Hill je kipeo od besa! Medjutim,ostao je dosledan i korektno je odgovarao na sva pitanja.Rekao je da je imao dosta problema,kako sa menjacem,tako i sa mehanicarima u box-u,a da je sa druge strane,Vileneuve prosto leteo po stazi ... zanimljivo. Jacques je,kao i obicno,presretan sa osvojenom pozicijom (ma koja to bila) i kaze da jos nista nije gotovo (covek je bas optmista),dok Schumacher misli da je i pored malih nedostataka,Ferrari konacno na putu ... P.S. Konacno da i Irvine uzme neki bod (tacnije dva :)
auto-moto.557 giovanni,
Ę? :) A gde si video da svetski šampion ne može da nađe posao? :> Pa Vilnev ima zagarantovan posao sledeće godine. ;)
auto-moto.559 schef,
­=- sansu.Ne bi me uopste cudilo da mu se u Japanu misteriozno ­=- pokvari menjac,pukne guma,otkaze motor ili da bude zrtva ­=- "slucajnog" sudara koji su izazvali Pedro Diniz i Giancarlo ­=- Fisicella.Bilo kako bilo ;))))) A zamislite scenu - Damon Hil ispao iz trke, a u zadnjem krugu Šumaher propušta Vilneva koji trijumfalno prolazi kroz cilj. ;) No, nije valjda Šumaher TOLIKO kvaran? ;) Srleř
auto-moto.560 mikeman,
#> Uoci trke za "Veliku nagradu Portugalije" ovog vikenda, tim Hill je jos jednom dokazao da "nema srce" za F1 ! Vozio je ziheraski, a cim je Villeneuve izbio na 1 mesto, Hill se skrasio na drugom i ostavio da u zavrsnoj trci onemoguci Vil.-a da uzme titulu... Ljah... Odvratno... F1 nije zasluzila ovakvog sampiona (sem ako Hill ne dokaze svoju sposobnost, i uspe da prokocka ovu prednost).... Svejedno, Hill je izduvao svoje... #> Rubensu Baricelu i Britancu Martinu Brandlu ugovori isticu na Da sam na mestu Jordana, zadrzao bi Baricela... za Brundleta ne znam.. #> Mija primedba: Ostaje nam da se nadamo da mladi Sumaher nije #> ucio od svog brata, i da nije onako kvaran vozac. Nadajmo se da #> u sebi ima i ljudskih kvaliteta. ;) Nadajmo se da ti "ljudski" kvaliteti nisu poput Hillovih (de mozes 300kmh vozi 250 ;>>) ...
auto-moto.561 mikeman,
#> Trku sam gledao d otrenutka kada je Alesi usao u boks, zanima me sta je #> bilo posle, pogotovo kako je Hil optisao u boks i ostao prvi? :) #> Inace, kakva je ono fora sa pneumaticima pored staze? Jos jedan okasneo odgovor, al nema veze. Pa fora sa gumama pored staze je to sto je bas, Hill koji se zbog njih zajebucnuo, insistirao da se one tu stave (sudba, neki bi rekli...) Kolko se secam Sumah. je, nakon sto je alesi uso u boks, poceo veoma brzo da vozi (ubrzao je, jelte) i stekao dovoljnu prednost, tako da je mogao mirno da ode u boks i da zadrzi 1 mesto...
auto-moto.563 obren,
> Hill je jos jednom dokazao da "nema srce" za F1 ! > Vozio je ziheraski, a cim je Villeneuve izbio na 1 mesto, Hill se > skrasio na drugom i ostavio da u zavrsnoj trci onemoguci Vil.-a > da uzme titulu... Ljah... Odvratno... Pre nego što počneš sa ovakvim kvalifikacijama, treba da se informišeš šta se zapravo dešavalo na dotičnoj trci. Svakome koga ne vode emocije već zdrav razum bilo bi jasno da nešto nije u redu kada Vilnev počinje da skida po sekundu po krugu a nakon izlaska iz boksa prosto leti ispred Hila ostavivši ga na kraju pola kruga. Hil je sredinom trke imao kvar na kvačilu, a nakon što su mu radio vezom iz boksa potvrdili da ima kvar išao je samo na to da kako-tako završi trku. Sa pokvarenim kvačilom, drugo mesto i 6 poena je izuzetan uspeh. Nadam se da se kvačilo slučajno pokvarilo i da mu u Suzuki neće ispasti motor na stazi... Toliko je valjda zaslužio za sve ove godine u Vilijamsu.
auto-moto.564 mikeman,
> Pre nego sto pocnes sa ovakvim kvalifikacijama, treba da se informises Izvinjavam se. (mada sve receno stoji, al ne za ovu trku)
auto-moto.565 junior,
> propušta Vilneva koji trijumfalno prolazi kroz cilj. ;) No, > nije valjda Šumaher TOLIKO kvaran? ;) Što da ne? :) Uostalom, na pobedničkom postolju u Estorilu, Šumaher i Vilnev, samo što se nisu izljubili koliko su se grlili i špricali, a mlađani Vilnev, nije imao _hrabrosti_ da okrene glavu u desno i pogleda Hilla. Kao da nešto krade .. stvarno, trulo. :( .to miko - daj mani se teorije zavere .. da je on dobar vozač, njega bi odavno gurali unapred i nadali se u njega da može da uzme titulu Šumaheru. Dva puta se pokazao kao nesposoban, iako sa konkurentim (neću reći boljim, ali bar u istom rangu :) bolidom, jer nije uspeo da pobedi Šumija. Sve što se dešava je logična posledica njegovog ponašanja i njegove vožnje.
auto-moto.566 mila,
> .to miko - daj mani se teorije zavere .. da je on dobar vozač, njega bi > odavno gurali unapred i nadali se u njega da može da uzme titulu Šumaheru. > Dva puta se pokazao kao nesposoban, iako sa konkurentim (neću reći > boljim, ali bar u istom rangu :) bolidom, jer nije uspeo da pobedi > Šumija. Sve što se dešava je logična posledica njegovog ponašanja i > njegove vožnje. Da malo razjasnimo: Hil je izgubi titulu od Šumahera pretprošle godine na veoma pokvaren način. To svi pravi poznavaoci i ljubitelji auto-sporta, ma koliko navijački nastrojeni, moraju da priznaju. Oni koji to odbijaju, svrstavaju sebe u kategoriju pratilaca "ljubitelja_krvi_na_stazi", a takvi mi nisu baš omiljeni. Pre svega zbog njihovog neznanja. Što se teorije zavere tiče, nije li sasvim moguće da jedan hladnokrvan tip poput Frenka Wilijamsa osmisli i sprovede jednu takvu? Kad su interesi i novci u pitanju, sve je moguće. A da su interesi i novci u pitanju, sasvim je jasno. Bavari uslovljavaju svoj motor angažmanom Frencena, a Frenk treba da odluči koga da šutne: mladog i perspektivnog Vilneva, uzgred i jeftinijeg, ili već na (po godinama starosti) zalasku karijere, dobrog, ali skupog, uvek do sada gubitnika iz tuđih interesa, pa mu to neće teško pasti ni sad, Hila, i da time oslobodi mesto za Frencena. Nemoj mi pričati kako si ubeđen u to da je Frenk procenio i ocenio Frencena kao boljeg od Hila, i kao budućeg šampiona? To ne prolazi. Biće mi drago zbog svih vas, koji mrzite Hila, (ja Šumahera ne mrzim, samo ga ne volim) da sledeće godine gledamo zanimljivu borbu, ravnopravnu, Džordan- -pežoa, McLarena, Ferrarija, i ako bog da Stewart-a. Namerno izostavljam Wiliams, jer vam je svima znano da ih je napustio konstruktor šasija, koji će svojim prisustvom u McLaren-u, učiniti ovaj tim ponovo konkurentnim. Da se vratimo na teoriju zavere: Dakle, zbog navedenih razloga, Frenk se odlučuje da šutne Hila, u kom slučaju, ako pomenuti osvoji titulu, startni broj 1, inače stvar prestiža u Formuli 1, odlazi u neki drugi tim. Frenk to smatra nepravdom, obzirom da njegovi bolidi suvereno vladaju pistama širom sveta, (i zaslužuju da nose broj 1), pa rešava da tu nepravdu ispravi, posluživši se malo nesportskim metodama. Nije li simptomatično da se Hil okrene na stazi u Monci, kad vodi 10-tak sekundi ispred drugog, i da mu se pri tome ugasi motor? Nije li simptomatično, da posle ubedljivog vođstva otkazuje kvačilo, i zakazuje ekipa u boksu, i malo duže vrši zamenu i dolivanje potencijalnom šampionu (koji, uzgred, "ima isti tretman u ekipi kao i Vilnev")? Priznaćeš, postoji sijaset razloga da Frenk napravi zaveru protiv Hila, kao i sijaset razloga da poznavaoci auto-sporta i prilika u istom posumnjaju da ta zavera ipak postoji...... Nažalost :(
auto-moto.567 giovanni,
Ę? koji su izazvali Pedro Diniz i Giancarlo Fisicella.Bilo kako bilo Ę? Damon ce sigurno pronaci angazman jer je trenutno najbolji vozac u Ę? F1.Drugi mogu samo od muke da gore ... Nije mi muka a i zašto bi mi bilo kad navijam za boljeg vozača. :)) Nego, jel' tebi Hil platio taj oglas koji si napisao ili ti to onako volonterski? ;)) p.s. NHF ali ti ga pretera u hvaljenju Vilijamsovog vozača.
auto-moto.568 junior,
> uzgred, "ima isti tretman u ekipi kao i Vilnev")? Priznaćeš, > postoji sijaset razloga da Frenk napravi zaveru protiv Hila, > kao i sijaset razloga da poznavaoci auto-sporta i prilika u istom > posumnjaju da ta zavera ipak postoji...... Ok, niko nije rekao da je nemoguće. Možda je i Srbija bila stvarno žrtva zavere CIA-e, Vatikana, i povampirene Nemačke .. masone i da ne spominjem. Ali zar nije logičnije (pristupačnije nama običnim smrtnicima čiji se IQ kreće oko 130 te nemamo potencijala da uvidimo te belosvetske zavere oko naših glava) da uzroke svega tražimo u racionalnim stvarima. Jer ako ovako odlutamo, sa pretpostavkama, zaslepljeni (da, zaslepljeni) ljubavlju prema Hilu, i upornim ne-prihvatanjem da je on možda (ipak) sam kriv za svoj neuspeh (da ne misliš da u Williamsu imaju bolid sa daljinskim upravljanjem, pa su ga oni gurnuli na one pneumatike u Monci :), bilo zbog svog (priznajem) miroljubivog karaktera, bilo zbog nedostatka agilnosti, hrabrosti da nešto preduzme ... Uostalom, ako je sve istina što mi (vi) ovde nagađamo, zar ne misliš da bi Hil odavno izašao sa tom pričom u javnost? Ako su se oni poneli kao đubrad prema njemu (a jesu, to je fakat), ne bi li ti hteo (pa čak i džentlmenski Hil ;) da im vratiš bar na najprostiji mogući način? Same špekulacije ne vode nigde. Jer možda će uskoro da se jave neki sektaši :) i da kažu, kako ustvari Senin duh je ušao u Hilov bolid pa mu pokvario kvačilo? Sve je moguće danas. :))
auto-moto.569 mikeman,
> Pre nego sto pocnes sa ovakvim kvalifikacijama, treba da se informises Izvinjavam se. Nisam gledao nista posle trke, jer sam bio odusevljen rezultatom. Ipak, iako je Hill na ovoj trci imao problema (tj. iako probleme koristi kao izgovor), on jednostavno nema opravdanja za mnoge druge trke na kojima je vozio u najmanju ruku bezvoljno. Jednostavno Hill uvek ima neki problem, ili ga neko spreci. Za sve ima izgovor... Ona poruka je bila vodjena emocijama, ali ipak ima u njoj istine... (prevashodno mislim na ono o srcu...)
auto-moto.570 mikeman,
> Dalje,sledece godine,kada je sutnuo Prosta,Williams dovodi Sennu. Koliko se ja secam, Prost i Senna su jedno vreme vozili za isti tim, (valjda je Williams) kada je doslo do incidenta tako sto su se "pokacili" na stazi. Koliko me sluzi pamcenje, prost je vodio, ali je za trenutak izgubio koncentraciju i izleteo sa staze. Nekako se snasao, ali je Senna koji je bio 2 pristigao na mesto dogadjaja. Kada je Senna pokusao da obidje Prosta ovaj je jednostavno preprecio put i obojica su ispali!...
auto-moto.571 vimm,
>> Koliko se ja secam, Prost i Senna su jedno vreme vozili za isti tim, >> (valjda je Williams) kada je doslo do incidenta tako sto su se >> "pokacili" na stazi. Vozili su za Meklaren... >> Koliko me sluzi pamcenje, prost je vodio, ali je za trenutak izgubio >> koncentraciju i izleteo sa staze. Nekako se snasao, ali je Senna Nije izleteo sa staze, samo je bio ispred Sene... >> koji je bio 2 pristigao na mesto dogadjaja. Kada je Senna pokusao >> da obidje Prosta ovaj je jednostavno preprecio put i obojica su >> ispali!... Pokušao je da ga obiđe sa unutrašnje strane, ali nije bio dovoljno ispred Prosta da bi i prošao, Prost ga je zatvorio, došlo je do kontakta i obojica su produžila pravo van staze. Prost je izašao iz bolida dok je Sena nastavio preko trave, vratio se na stazu i posle odlaska u boks radi zamene prednjeg stabilizatora - pobedio. Kasnije je diskvalifikovan jer je skratio stazu, odnosno nije se vratio na stazu na mestu gde je izleteo tako da je Prost osvojio titulu. Vilnejev je 2 ili 3 puta u Monci 'ispravio' šikanu, ali kazne ovog puta nije bilo. Pozdrav Vladimir
auto-moto.572 djcorto,
> (valjda je Williams) kada je doslo do incidenta tako sto su se McLaren, trka u Japanu, poslednja.
auto-moto.573 djanjusevic,
Hil potpisao za Arrows aka Footwork aka TWR. Ne zna se ko je nenormalnili, DH sto ode u ovakav tim ili TW sto dade onolike pare.
auto-moto.574 m.stevic,
HIl je postao clan AROWS tima :(!!! Izjavo je da ocekuje '98 uspeh doticnog tima i da veruje u Tom Volkinsoa.
auto-moto.575 miko,
++ Koliko se ja secam, Prost i Senna su jedno vreme vozili ++ za isti tim, (valjda je Williams) kada je doslo do ++ incidenta tako sto su se "pokacili" na stazi. Prvi put se to desilo 1989 godine,kada su obojica vozili za McLaren Hondu.Na pisti Suzuka u Japanu,inace pretposlednjoj trci u sampionatu.Tada je Senna pokusao da obidje Prosta sa unutrasnje strane,pred jednom krivinom i desilo se ... ono sto se desilo,s'tim sto je Senna nastavio trku i pobedio,ali ga je kasnije FISA diskvalifikovala.Epilog cele stvari je bila Prostova titula.Kako je tada izmedju njih konacno "puklo",jedan je morao biti iskasiran.Naravno,Dennis je ostavio Sennu,dok je Prost presao u Ferrari.Sledece godine,potpuno identicna scena.Opet se njih dvojica bore za titulu,s'tim sto Senna ima prednost od devet bodova pred trku u Japanu (tada se za pobedu dobijalo devet bodova).Kako je Senna imao vise pobeda,u slucaju jednakog broja bodova,on bi osvojio sampionat.Anyway,Senna je imao Pol Position,a Prost drugu startnu poziciju.Na prvoj krivini su se sudarili...Sada je Prost pokusao Sennu da obidje,ali slika od 1989 se ponovila.Kako je bila ostala jos samo jedna trka,Senna je imao nedostiznu prednost i osvojio je titulu.Posle ovih incidenata palo je mnogo teskih reci izmedju ove dvojice vozaca.Uglavnom je Prost besneo,dok je Senna kulirao.Naravno,vise nikada nije moglo doci u obzir da ova dvojica vozaca sednu u isti bolid.Zato je Prost,1994 ponovo bio sutnut,sada iz Williamsa,zbog Senne.
auto-moto.576 miko,
++ ne-prihvatanjem da je on mozda (ipak) sam kriv za svoj ++ neuspeh (da ne mislis da u Williamsu imaju bolid sa ++ daljinskim upravljanjem, pa su ga oni gurnuli na one ++ pneumatike u Monci :), bilo zbog svog (priznajem) ++ miroljubivog karaktera, bilo Verovatno ne idu tako daleko,ali da imaju "vezu" sa Damonom koji taj bolid vozi,to stoji.E,pa,kada mu kazu da ide u box,a potom,kada ovej vec krene da ulazi,jave da je nas,ljubi ga majka,Villeneuve u istom,dolazi do sr*nja.Hill malo po malo gubi,a Jacques dobija.Mislim,da ne navodim dalje... ++ pneumatike u Monci :), bilo zbog svog (priznajem) ++ miroljubivog karaktera, bilo zbog nedostatka agilnosti, ++ hrabrosti da nesto preduzme ... Uostalom, ako je sve Sve su ovo i Prostove karakteristike,pa opet niko ne osporava njegove kvalitete.A moglo bi se diskutovati o njegovim titulama...ako ne o sve cetiri,ono bar o dve.
auto-moto.577 miko,
++ Nije mi muka a i zasto bi mi bilo kad navijam za boljeg ++ vozaca. :)) Nego, jel' tebi Hil platio taj oglas koji si ++ napisao ili ti to onako volonterski? ;)) Problem je u tome sto niko od vas ne kaze da navija za Schumachera,ali da ceni i Hilla.Sve se svodi na to da je Sch. car,a Hill seljak.To,ipak,tako ne ide.Inace,da sam napisao neke neistine,ili da sam preuvelicao neke stvari,pa da i trazim da mi plati.Ovako,da napisem istinu je moja gradjanska duznost ;))
auto-moto.578 miko,
++ Ne zna se ko je nenormalnili, DH sto ode u ovakav tim ili ++ TW sto dade onolike pare. Pa,dobro,ipak su u Footwork-u vozili jedan Aguri Suzuki,Micaele Alboreto, Alex Caffi,Derek Warwick,Christian Fittipaldi ... Jes' da ove i prosle godine nisu bas imali najsretnije vozace,ali izgleda da se sa dolaskom Toma Wolkinshow-a stvari menjaju.Svaka mu cast! Sada cemo videti koliko Damon stvarno vredi...
auto-moto.579 tomislavr,
>++ ne-prihvatanjem da je on mozda (ipak) sam kriv za svoj >++ neuspeh (da ne mislis da u Williamsu imaju bolid sa > Verovatno ne idu tako daleko,ali da imaju "vezu" sa Damonom > koji taj bolid vozi,to stoji.E,pa,kada mu kazu da ide u box,a > potom,kada ovej vec krene da ulazi,jave da je nas,ljubi ga > majka,Villeneuve u istom,dolazi do sr*nja.Hill malo po malo > gubi,a Jacques dobija.Mislim,da ne navodim dalje... Pa dobro, niko nije ni mislio na takve situacije, već na Hilove greäke tokom voénje, kojih baä i nije malo. Na primer ove godine u Monci, i dosta puta proäle godine. Hil već tri godine u F1 ima najbolju opremu, i ne uspeva da se domogne titule, üak mu i ove godine do zadnje trke titula nije sigurna iako mu je glavni konkurent "rookie". Meni samo nije jasno kako neko to ne uviöa, već je Hilu uvek neko drugi kriv - Äumaher äto "pokvareno" vozi, Vilijams äto ga zeza itd.
auto-moto.580 tomislavr,
> Problem je u tome sto niko od vas ne kaze da navija za > Schumachera,ali da ceni i Hilla.Sve se svodi na to da Ja navijam za Äumahera, i mogu reći da me Hil uvek prijatno iznenadi nekom izjavom ili potezon van staze, i uopäte ga ne smatram seljakom. Meöutim, retko kad me prijatno iznenadi na stazi, jer iako navijam za Nemca, volim dobru trku pa makar i Hil bio "krivac"za nju. Dobre trke je pravio Alezi, Hakkinen, Kultard i mnogi drugi (da ih sad ne nabrajam) üak jednom i Panis. Meöutim "Hilove" trke su vrlo blede... :(
auto-moto.581 tomislavr,
Üitah pre neki dan na Internetu neki tekst, ili bolje reći psiholoäku analizu Frenka Vilijamsa. Inaüe ceo tekst je iniciran verovatno poslednjom odlukom da se Hil oslobodi duénosti. Elem, poenta priüe je sledeća, i üini mi se da je autor moéda pogodio metu. Navodno Frenk Vilijams ne éeli da iko u timu Vilijams ugrozi njegov autoritet kao äefa tima. Na Frenkovom udaru prvo se naäao Mensel, koji je dobio ispisnicu u trenutku kada je mogao osvojiti bar joä jednu äampionsku titulu i time postati velika zvezda. Ali Frenk ne voli druge zvezde u timu osim njega. Zatim Prost. Pred kraj sezone u kojoj Prost osvaja titulu za Vilijams, Frenk mu saopätava vest da će mu sledeće sezone "kolega" biti Sena, znajući koliko se oni vole. Tu Prost napuäta Vilijams i F1. Sena, na éalost, nije doéiveo da uzme titulu, ali bi verovatno i on dobio äut kartu... Elem, to se isto dogodilo i Hilu ove godine. Iako nije osvojio titulu, on je itekako postao popularan. Naravno to je Frenkovoj sujeti zasmetalo, i "ode kuća" ;). Dalje on u tekstu kaée da je baä zbog toga i Adrian Njui napustio Vilijams (üovek se iznervirao), i na radost nas navijaüa Mercedesa preäao u isti :) Pored toga vräio je neka poreöenja Frenkovih izjava i onoga äto se stvarno desilo. Da ne bih duéio, pomenuću dva najinteresantnija: Frenk je sredinom ove sezone rekao da je Hil nezamenjiv i da nema govora o njegovom odlasku iz Vilijamsa, itd. Zakljuüak je da Frenk upravo govori _baä ono_ äto ne misli, te da izjava kako on izuzetno ceni Äumahera, i voleo bi da ga vidi u Vilijamsu, zapravo znaüi - Äumaher nikad neće voziti za Vilijams. Nevezano za Frenka, u tekstu se moée proüitati dosta interesantnih nagaöanja o budućnosti F1 posle odlaska Renoa: poäev od toga da Frencen nije doveden zbog BMW-a, jer BMW teoretski (tehniüki) ne moée da doöe pre 2000. godine, već zbog Mercedesa, jer je MB nezadovoljan rezultatima u McLarenu (ako 97. McLaren ne bude u stanju da pobedjuje Mercedes preti raskidom ugovora); zatim da Flavio briatore juri Ferarijeve (!!!) motore za Beneton u sezoni 98., Minardi juri Mugen-Hondu, Ligier Peugeot itd. Zanima me äta vi mislite o onome o Frenku Vilijamsu. Ako nije istinito, a to da li je zna samo jedan üovek, sigurno je zanimljivo...
auto-moto.582 tomislavr,
> Pa,dobro,ipak su u Footwork-u vozili jedan Aguri Suzuki ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pa gde njega naöe :) Najbolji rezultat u karijeri treće mesto. Jak vozaü... :) Ipak je malo verovatna Hilova priüa da je uveren u uspeh Arrows tima 98. i da je zato i potpisao. Pre će biti da je jedino TWR nudio 7 mil. $ pa bolje iäta nego niäta. Mislim da je ovo kraj Hilove karijere... Inaüe izgleda da će Arrows sledeće godine biti sa Jamahinim motorima. Sa konja na magarca ;)
auto-moto.583 vstan,
> Ja navijam za Äumahera, i mogu reći da me Hil uvek Ubr, koji kodni raspored koristiš ?
auto-moto.584 vstan,
> Zanima me äta vi mislite o onome o Frenku Vilijamsu. Šta da se kaže - ili da on lično sedne za volan ili da gasi firmu ? Htedoh i da pitam, ali posle ove analize već i naslućujem odgovor - da li je moguće da minira Hilovu titulu ? Dakle šećer u gorivu i ostale suptilne radnje.
auto-moto.585 junior,
> Zanima me šta vi mislite o onome o Frenku Vilijamsu. Čuj, čovek je uspešan biznismen, a to se ne postaje bez par mutnih radnji. Činjenica jeste, da on već 3-4 godine ima najjači tim u F1 i da je svih tih godina (izuzevši prošlu) osvajao titule najboljih konstruktora. To pokazuje da on _zna_ šta radi. E sad, da li se nama to dopada ili ne .. ko to pita. Kad bi Hil barem imao petlje da izađe u javnost sa nekom pričom, možda i potvrđenom od nekog mehaničara .. i to ne samo u novine, jer bi se svelo na tračarenje, nego (ako ga stvarno sabotiraju) da tuži Williams zbog 'ometanja u obavljanju posla' ili nečeg sličnog. Pa kad bi olešio Franka za par miliončića, mislim da bi dobio drugo mišljenje o Hillu ;)) PS. Da to radi svim vozačima je činjenica .. Mislim da je i Nelson Pike '87. (ako se ne varam) doživeo sličnu sudbinu kao Hill.
auto-moto.586 vitez.koja,
#=> Ubr, koji kodni raspored koristiš ? Custom 2 :)
auto-moto.587 tomislavr,
> Htedoh i da pitam, ali posle ove analize već i naslućujem > odgovor - da li je moguće da minira Hilovu titulu ? > Dakle šećer u gorivu i ostale suptilne radnje. Pa, u svetlu onog teksta logičnije bi bilo da mu dopusti da titulu i uzme, jer Vilnev ostaje u timu kao "zvezda". Međitim tu je problem broja 1. Hil će keca preneti u Footwork, a to se Frenku sigurno neće svideti... E sad, opet pitanje :) Da li ova Frenkova opsesija znači da je i Vilnevu 97. sezona zadnja, jer je on sada itekako popularan u svetu, i prdstavlja opasnost po njegov autoritet u timu?
auto-moto.588 tomislavr,
> Čuj, čovek je uspešan biznismen, a to se ne postaje bez par mutnih > radnji. Činjenica jeste, da on već 3-4 godine ima najjači tim u F1 i > da je svih tih godina (izuzevši prošlu) osvajao titule najboljih > konstruktora. To pokazuje da on _zna_ šta radi. Ja mislim da veći doprinos u uspehu Vilijamsa kao tima imaju Patrik Hed i Adrian Njui. Jer i u trenucima kad Vilijams i nije imao najbolji motor (91.) oni su bili konkurentni zahvaljujući odličnim šasijama. Ne kažem da Frenk nije zaslužan, on ih je i doveo :), ali videćemo šta će biti sa Vilijamsom bez Njuia. "Napolju" je većina ljudi sklona već sad da otpiše Vilijams sa liste najboljih timova, i kažu da će njihova konkurentnost trajati koliko izdrži stara šasija i Renoov motor, a to neće još dugo :) > E sad, da li se nama to dopada ili ne .. ko to pita. Kad bi Hil > barem imao petlje da izađe u javnost sa nekom pričom, možda i > potvrđenom od nekog mehaničara .. i to ne samo u novine, jer bi se > svelo na tračarenje, nego Pa ne verujem da je tu bilo nekog očiglednog poturanja klipova u točkove Hilu, da bi on to mogao i da dokaže. Čak su cele sezone najivači i kanadska javnost optuživale Heda da ne želi da podesi setap na Vilnevovom bolidu kao na Hilovom. Ja mislim da se tu ne radi o toj vrsti "zezanja", već o tome da i posle svih tih godina Frenk 'ladno otpusti Hila iako ovaj postaje šampion i donosi mu titulu u konstruktorima. Mogao je Hil da kaže da je Frenk đubre, ali ničemu to ne bi vodilo. A da je u Vilijamsu poremećeno "drugarstvo" ;), dokazuje i odlazak Njuia iako je imao ugovor do 99. godine (inače Njui je dobar prijatelj Hila, on ga je i doveo da bude test vozač u Vilijamsu, i kasnije sugerisao Frenku da Hil bude drugi vozač sa Prostom).
auto-moto.589 mikeman,
> Nije izleteo sa staze, samo je bio ispred Sene... Jok, nego sta? Opala mu je koncentracija, pa je dospeo na travu, zatim se ocesao o zid, a onda se nekako vratio na stazu tacno u onom trenutku kad je naiso Senna.... I desilo se sta se desilo... Bezveze... Ipak, ja bi se vratio u ona vremena da ponovo gledam pomenutu trku umesto ovih "danasnjih" trka koje su po licnom misljenju poprilicno bezveze. Tad je bar bilo uzbudljivo.
auto-moto.590 mikeman,
> Prost besneo,dok je Senna kulirao.Naravno,vise nikada nije moglo doci > u obzir da ova dvojica vozaca sednu u isti bolid.Zato je Prost,1994 > ponovo bio sutnut,sada iz Williamsa,zbog Senne. Pa naravno, znaju ljudi ko je bolji! Senna ruleZ!
auto-moto.591 junior,
> da je i Vilnevu 97. sezona zadnja, jer je on sada itekako > popularan u svetu, i prdstavlja opasnost po njegov > autoritet u timu? ;) Da ne preterujemo. Niti je Vilnev zvezda, niti će sledeće godine biti prvak, niti taj ćelavi mladac može da ugrozi Franka na bilo koji način. Dečko ima još toliko da uči o Formuli .. tek za 2-3 godine možemo da očekujemo njegov punu snagu (kad nauči da vozi stabilno, da zakoči kad treba, kad nauči da vozi po kiši etc. :)
auto-moto.592 vimm,
>> Jok, nego sta? Opala mu je koncentracija, pa je dospeo na travu, >> zatim se ocesao o zid, a onda se nekako vratio na stazu tacno u >> onom trenutku kad je naiso Senna.... I desilo se sta se desilo... Za početak smiri se malo. Nema razloga da razgovaraš ovakvim tonom. Na žalost, nisi u pravu. Ovo što opisuješ je tačno ono što se desilo između Šumahera i Hila, a ne između Prosta i Sene. Ako nemaš video traku pročešljaj malo po odgovarajućim časopisima iz tog perioda. Pozdrav Vladimir
auto-moto.593 giovanni,
Ę? Problem je u tome sto niko od vas ne kaze da navija za Ę? Schumachera,ali da ceni i Hilla.Sve se svodi na to da Ę? je Sch. car,a Hill seljak.To,ipak,tako ne ide.Inace,da Kod mene je situacija malko specifična pošto sam ja vezan za tim a ne za vozača. Znači, ja sam klupski opredeljen i navijam za one vozače koji voze za Ferrari. E sad, imam i neke vozače koji su mi simpatični i koje cenim i ima onih koje bih voleo da vidim u Ferrariju. A imam i svoj rezervni tim za koga navijam (Jordan-Peugeot). Problem je u tome što ja zaista mislim da je Šumaher trenutno najbolji vozač (to misli i dosta drugih ljubitelja F1) ali stvarno ne cenim Hila kao vozača i kada bih rekao da ga cenim samo bih lagao a to ne želim da radim. Cenim Vilneva (i voziće on jednog dana u Ferrariju :)), Bergera, Alezija i još neke vozače ali neke ne podnosim jer voze sporo, prave glupe greške i ne zaslužuju da se nađu u bolidu F1.
auto-moto.594 miko,
++ Hil vec tri godine u F1 ima najbolju opremu, i ne uspeva da se ++ domogne titule Da,ali Hill za te tri godine NIKADA nije imao takvu podrsku svog tima,kakvu je imao Schumacher.Ovaj je u Benettonu bio sve i svja,dok je Hill morao i Prostu i Senni da drzi skute,a posle toga je malo napredovao,pa je bio ravnopravan sa Coulthardom.Ove godine,opet se ponavlja stara pesma...Hill bi vec sto puta bio sampion,da je imao onakve uslove kao Schumacher.On je imao bolji bolid,ali to je dzabe ako je Williamsu svejedno koji ce vozac da mu pobedi,ako ima nesposobne mehanicare i taktiku koja se tim imenom ne moze ni nazvati.Zato su prosle godine ostali bez obe titule.Da ne pricam o tome,kako su svake godine kruzile glasine kako ce Hill da leti jer ne zasluzuje mesto prvog vozaca u Williamsu.Sada je,konacno,to postalo stvarnost...Sve u svemu na njega se stalno vrsi ogroman psiholoski pritisak,a kao posledica svega toga je Hillova fobija od titule. Neki ce odma reci da je veliki vozac najbolji kada mu je najteze,a ja bih ih podsetio na pretproslu godinu i trku u Adelaidi. Tada je ceo svet video ko je ko... ++ Pa dobro, niko nije ni mislio na takve situacije, vec na ++ Hilove greske tokom voznje, kojih bas i nije malo. Na ++ primer ove godine u Monci, i dosta puta prosle godine. Pa,koliko se secam,Monca mu je bila jedina veca greska ove godine,a prosle su ga timska taktika i kvarovi na bolidu pokopali.Pa,ako se prisetis Montreala ... Doslo mi je da placem,njega su tada obilazili i Alesi i Hakkinen i Barrichello i da se ovaj nije posle toga polako parkirao pored staze,presao bi ga i,cini mi se,Salo koji je smanjio razliku sa petnaest na dve-tri sekunde.Priznaces da Hill,ipak,nije toliko los ... Taj njegov bolid je uvek na papiru bio najbolji,ali u stvarnosti nije bio ni desetina onoga kakvog su ga svi zamisljali.
auto-moto.595 mikeman,
> i uopäte ga ne smatram seljakom. Meöutim, retko kad A koji je ovo kodni raspored? Stvarno je necitljivo. ;) > Nemca, volim dobru trku pa makar i Hil bio "krivac"za > nju. Dobre trke je pravio Alezi, Hakkinen, Kultard i mnogi > drugi (da ih sad ne nabrajam) üak jednom i Panis. > Meöutim "Hilove" trke su vrlo blede... :( Da ne ispadne da sumim ;)) Pa upravo o tome sam i govorio! Hill jednostavno deluje kao da nema hrabrosti, kod njega nema one zelje (ili mi se bar tako cini) za pobedom, nema "zara"... Zato mi se on prvenstveno i ne svidja. Sennu sam sojevremeno gledao i svaka njegova trka je bila "na ivici". Bio je ili prvi ili nije imao plasman zbog izletanja. Ali taj covek se neverovatnom zestinom borio za svaku trku i to je unosilo draz u formulu...
auto-moto.596 mikeman,
> Htedoh i da pitam, ali posle ove analize vec i naslucujem > odgovor - da li je moguce da minira Hilovu titulu ? > Dakle secer u gorivu i ostale suptilne radnje. I pored svega ipak mislim da je ova titula definitivnio u Hillovim rukama. Cak i da se desi da "otkaze" bolid, tu su Sumaher, Alesi, Hakinen i drugi koji se nece tek tako predati! Cisto bi se zapanjio kad bi Hill ispustio ovu titulu (ne kazem da ne bi voleo, ali...)
auto-moto.597 mikeman,
> Za pocetak smiri se malo. Nema razloga da razgovaras ovakvim tonom. U redu :) ali samo mi reci na osnovu cega si odredio ton? Je sam veoma miran ;) ali me mrzi da stavljam smajlije, pa mozda zbog toga... > Na zalost, nisi u pravu. Ovo sto opisujes je tacno ono sto se desilo > izmedu Sumahera i Hila, a ne izmedu Prosta i Sene. Ako nemas video > traku procesljaj malo po odgovarajucim casopisima iz tog perioda. Za kraj, na srecu, ima ko da me ispravi. Eto, uvukla se greska. Nema veze. Ako bi mogo samo jos da mi kazes ko je bio 1. a ko 2. kad se desio incident (ovaj sa HIllom i Sumijem)...
auto-moto.599 obren,
Nekoliko magazina izvestilo je da postoje planovi za dva nezavisna filma o životu Airtona Sene. Kompanija "Warner Brothers" ima projekat u kome bi trebalo da učestvuju Antonio Banderas sa Ridli Skotom (Blade Runner) u ulozi režisera ili saradnika na ovom poslu. Drugi projekat priprema kompanija "New Line Cinema" a kao režiser trebalo bi da bude angažovan Reni Harlin (Cliffhanger). Harlinov scenarista ima prava na nekoliko knjiga o Seni, uključujući: Senna: "The Hard Edge of Genius", "The Legend Grows", "The Second Comming" i "Adriane... My Life With Ayrton". Mnogi poznavaoci Formule 1 boje se romansiranja i komercijalizacije života legendarnog vozača za potrebe filma. Sudeći po sledećoj najavi za filmove, izgleda da imaju i zašto: "Both projects are about Brazilian race car driver Ayrton Senna, who was killed in an accident at the 1994 Monte Carlo Grand Prix." ^^^^^^^^^^^ :(
auto-moto.600 obren,
Patrik Fore, sportski direktor Renault-Sporta, izjavio je da mu žao što Dejmon Hill napušta Reno nakon sledeće trke. On je to prokomentarisao na sledeći način: "Nije tajna da smo mi više voleli da Dejmon vozi sa Wiliams-Renault u našoj poslednjoj sezoni. Mi iz Renoa imamo ogromno poverejne u njega, i ako bih imao da mu kažem samo jednu stvar pred sledeću trku, to bi bilo: Žao mi je što nas napuštaš i želim ti puno sreće!" Rothmans, glavni sponzor Vilijamsa, takođe je izjavio da oni nisu zadovoljni zbog Hilovog odlaska kao i Reno. Kruže glasine da iz ovog razloga Rotmans verovatno neće produžavati svoje sponzorstvo sa Vilijamsom, pošto će Hil između ostalog verovatno odneti sa sobom i toliko željeni broj 1.
auto-moto.601 obren,
Vilijams tim garantuje da će poslednja bitka u Suzuci za svetski šampionat u Formuli 1 između Žaka Vilneva i Dejmona Hila biti fer. Tim će u Japan poneti dva rezervna bolida umesto uobičajenog jednog, što će tim koštati dodatnih 20.000 funti sterlinga. Ovo treba da odagna špekulacije da Vilijams namerno namešta Hilu tehničke probleme na bolidu kako bi broj 1 ostao u timu u sledeće sezone.
auto-moto.602 obren,
Honda konstruiše novi V10 Atlas F1 News izveštava da Honda intenzivno radi na konstrukciji novog V10 motora, nezavisno od Mugena sa kojim je blisko povezana a čiji motori trenutno pokreću bolide Ližijea (Ligier). Takođe, saznaje se da Beneton intenzivno pregovara sa Hondom oko angažmana za 1998. sezonu, kada ovaj čuveni Japanski proizvođač proslavlja 50 godina postojanja.
auto-moto.603 obren,
U Suzuki su japanski proizvođač pneumatika, firma Bridgestone, i tim Arrows za koga sledeće godine vozi Dejmon Hil, potpisali ugovor koji će prekinuti Goodyear-ov monopol na snabdevanje pneumaticima u Formuli 1. Bridžstoun je ušao u Formuli 1 godinu dana ranije nego što je planirao nakon što su intenzivni testovi u Suzuki u Silverstonu pokazali izuzetne performanse ovih pneumatika. Portparol Bridžstouna izjavio je će ova kompanija sledeće sezone snabdevati gumama dva ili tri tima.
auto-moto.604 lexus,
=> bi trebalo da učestvuju Antonio Banderas sa Ridli Skotom (Blade => Runner) Ako Banderas bude glumio Sennu baciću bombu na Warner Bross. Mada, ko zna... Možda film i ne bude tako loš kao što izgleda da će biti.
auto-moto.605 djcorto,
> Mada, ko zna... Mozda film i ne bude tako los kao sto izgleda > da ce biti. Sigurno ce biti gori. Jedini dobar film koji je snimljen o auto trkama je "24 casa Le Mana". Steve Mc Queen, koji je i vozio, snimano na trci .... eh :( Nemoj da neko pomene Days of Thunder !!!!!!
auto-moto.606 obren,
Suzuka, Japan - 12. Oktobar 1996. rezultati kvalifikacija: 1. Villeneuve 1:39.310 2. Schumacher 1:40.071 3. Hakkinen 1:40.458 4. Hill 1:40.574 5. Irvine 1:41.005 6. Berger 1:41.033 7. Coulthard 8. Alesi 9. Panis itd.
auto-moto.607 obren,
Pedro Diniz je izgleda potpisao za TWR (Arrows) i biće dogodine partner Dejmona Hila! :) Milioni čine čuda... ;)
auto-moto.608 schef,
Za slučaj da niko nije javio ;) za sutrašnju trku u Japanu pol poziciju je osvojio Žak Vilnev, a sa druge startuje Hill. Ostali nisu bitni. ;) Dakle biće vrlo zanimljiva trka (ne znam za vas, ali ja ću da gledam snimak u 8:00 na K9 ;) pogotovo ako Hill startuje loše po običaju. ;>
auto-moto.609 rkovacevic,
Treći kanal u nedelju u 5.55 direktno prenosi trku iz Japana ...
auto-moto.610 obren,
Moram priznati da širim dezinformacije... :) Elem, pratio sam "Live coverage" kvalifikacija preko Interneta, ali sam oko 7.05 prekinuo praćenje zaključivši da je vreme isteklo i tako sam preneo neažuran poredak. Međutim, Herbert se slupao na samom početku tako da je bilo zaustavljeno vreme i kasnije produženo što ja nisam uzeo u obzir... Dakle, pravi poredak je sledeći: 1 J.Villeneuve Williams 1m 38.909s 2 D.Hill Williams 1m 39.370s 3 M.Schumacher Ferrari 1m 40.071s 4 G.Berger Benetton 1m 40.364s 5 M.Hakkinen McLaren 1m 40.458s 6 E.Irvine Ferrari 1m 41.005s 7 H.Frentzen Sauber 1m 41.277s 8 D.Coulthard McLaren 1m 41.384s 9 J.Alesi Benetton 1m 41.562s 10 M.Brundle Jordan 1m 41.600s 11 R.Barrichello Jordan 1m 41.919s 12 O.Panis Ligier 1m 42.206s 13 J.Herbert Sauber 1m 42.658s 14 U.Katayama Tyrrell 1m 42.711s 15 M.Salo Tyrrell 1m 42.840s 16 P.Diniz Ligier 1m 43.196s 17 J.Verstappen Footwork 1m 43.383s 18 P.Lamy Minardi 1m 44.874s 19 R.Rosset Footwork 1m 45.412s ---- 107% ---- 1m 45.832s 20 G.Lavaggi Minardi 1m 46.795s Izvinjavam se na grešci... :)
auto-moto.611 djcorto,
Prenos iz Suzuke na 3K u 05:55 sutra
auto-moto.612 obren,
Vilnev: "Ovo je vrlo teška staza za preticanje i ako uspem da održim prvu poziciju nakon starta to će biti jako dobro. Staza je bila vrlo klizava ali ceo tim je uradio odličan posao danas tako da je bolid bio vrlo brz." Hil: "Uradio sam baš ono što sam i planirao, a to je da budem u prvom startnom redu. Sve se odvija kako sam zamislio ovih dana i mislim da imam odličnu šansu da obiđem Žaka u prvoj krivini nakon starta (zbog konfiguracije staze)." Hil o svojoj taktici u trci: "Najbolji odbrana je čvrst napad, i sutra očekujem zaista dobru trku..." Šumaher: "Mislim da je ovo fer raspored na startu. Lično sam morao da odustanem u svom zadnjem pokušaju da popravim poziciju zbog toga što sam osetio probleme sa motorom. Ipak, mislim da se ionako ne bih previše popravio jer je prolazno vreme bilo svega neku desetinku bolje. Bez obzira na sve, bolid je bio izuzetno dobar i mislim da znam kako da popravim performanse za sutrašnju trku. Moj jedini cilj je kao i uvek, najviši plasman i ništa drugo me ne interesuje."
auto-moto.613 mixi,
Kao sto se vidjelo. Zasluzeno i sampionski, sa velikom prednoscu u bodovima... 1. Damon Hill
auto-moto.614 m.stevic,
HILL je svetski prvak!!!! Odlicna voznja i odlican zavrsetak :)))))!! Steta sto je Vilnevu izleteo tocak pa nije zavrsio trku!
auto-moto.615 mila,
Malo mi je žao zbog Vilneva, ali mi je jako drago što je Hil konačno (zasluženo) dobio titulu!!! Bojim se da nije namešteno ono otpadanje točka, u kom slučaju bi mi Hil i (pretpostavljam da je on umešan) Vokinšou postali baš antipatični. Inače, sve čestitke Hilu za uspeh. BTW, Beograđani, očekujemo izveštaj sa "Ušća", inače poslednje ovogodišnje trke u našem šampionatu, koja se vozi danas.....
auto-moto.616 miko,
auto-moto.617 space.ace,
Ne mogu da vam opišem koliko sam srećan i zadovoljan što je Damon Hill osvojio tutulu Šampiona 1996. godine. Sav njegov trud i rad mogao je da propadne zbog nekih mutnih radnji u njegovom timu, ali ipak na samom kraju sve je prošlo onako kako je trebalo da prođe mnogo ranije, Damon Hill je pokazao zube, pokazao šta ume i kako ume da vozi. Zasluženo je osvojio šampionat. Takođe, oduševilo me i ponašanje bivšeg (da, već bivšeg) Šampiona Schumacher-a koji je ipak pokazao da i on može da bude dobar. Trka je bila odlična, napeta i uzbudljiva, pogotovu momenat kada je Hill imao kontakt sa Bergerom(u stvari, da li je uopšte bilo kontakta? Možda je Berger udario u izbočinu na ivici šikane?), koja me je za trenutak zaprepastila. Svakakve misli su mi padale na pamet, ali sve je prošlo super. Na kraju, kada je Hill prošao kroz cilj i "uzeo" checkers flag, bio sam, ako ne najsrećniji, onda drugi najsrećniji čovek na celom svetu!!!
auto-moto.618 senna,
Na kraju, kada je Hill prosao kroz cilj i "uzeo" checkers flag, ------ Checkers, kazesh ;).
auto-moto.619 lexus,
=> Na kraju, kada je Hill prošao kroz cilj i "uzeo" checkers flag, bio => sam, ako Chequered flag :) Inače zaslužena pobeda Hilla, samo se pitam da li je slučajan način na koji je Villeneuve završio trku ;) To mora da je bila neka rezervna varijanta koju je Damon naučio od Frank Williamsa ;)
auto-moto.620 vstan,
> HILL je svetski prvak!!!! Odlicna voznja i odlican zavrsetak > :)))))!! Steta sto je Vilnevu izleteo tocak pa nije zavrsio > trku! Za nas koji nismo gledali može li detaljan opis trke ?
auto-moto.621 obren,
> HILL je svetski prvak!!!! Odlicna voznja i odlican zavrsetak Baš tako! :) Hil je ispunio oba svoja obećanja - da će preteći Žaka pre prve krivine i da će ići na pobedu. Zaista je osvojio ovogodišnju titulu šampiona na najbolji mogući način. Kraj je bio izuzetno emotivan,naročito kad Dejmon nije hteo da skine kacigu da se ne bi videlo kako plače :) Čak se moglo čuti i kada mu je neko iz obližnje publike rekao "Don't cry Damon..." Odeskao sam se kad je došlo do kontakta između Bergera i Hila, ali na sreću sve je ispalo dobro. > Steta sto je Vilnevu izleteo tocak pa nije zavrsio trku! Shit happens... Sreća da je sve prošlo u redu. Zarši se i ova sezona. :) Sad dolaze statistike, analize, prognoze za dogodine... Dakle, ko će biti šampion 1997? :) P.S. Ko je svetski šampion? Dejmon, Dejmon! Ko je svetski šampion, hej, Dejmon, leee... ;)
auto-moto.622 obren,
> Bojim se da nije namešteno ono otpadanje točka, u kom slučaju bi mi Hil > i (pretpostavljam da je on umešan) Vokinšou postali baš antipatični. Ma daj... Ajde da su Hila sjebali, Što bi Vilneva sabotirali kad treba da vozi i dogodine, a ionako je bio granični slučaj teoretske šanse da se uzme titula. Druga stvar je što se takve stvari (odustajanje) mogu izvesti na mnogo suptilniji način. Frenk Vilijams bi bio baš lud ako bi se posle Seninog slučaja tako (otpadanje točka) igrao sa nečijim životom. Zanimljivo je da su se u prošloj trci GT šampionata desila čak tri slučaja otpadanja točka u tri različita tima! Jednostavno, šrafiti točak u onako kratom vremenu nosi izvestan rizik, a ni šrafovi izgleda nisu kao što su nekad bili. ;) Svakako će biti izveštaja povodom ovog slučaja, pe će već neko preneti na Sezam.
auto-moto.623 mila,
> u 8:00 na K9 ;) pogotovo ako Hill startuje loše po običaju. ;> Proobičajio Hill ;>>>>>
auto-moto.624 djcorto,
> Za nas koji nismo gledali moze li detaljan opis trke ? Ja snimio, sa malo snega, ali gledivo.
auto-moto.625 mila,
> otpadanja točka u tri različita tima! Jednostavno, šrafiti točak u onako > kratom vremenu nosi izvestan rizik, a ni šrafovi izgleda nisu kao što su Slažem se da je to rizik, ali ako si pažljivo pratio moje diskusije, nisam pomenuo mogućnost da Frenk namesti igru Vilnevu, već Tom Vokinšo, koji je već izbrojao livu za Hila (TRV), pa pretpostavka da je potplatio nekog da dobije broj 1 može da se održi :(. Voleo bih da nije tako... :)
auto-moto.626 mila,
Dakle, Beograđani? Šta se zbivalo na "Ušću"? Pošto pivo i pečurke u "Asteriksu"? Gde ste bre?
auto-moto.627 ljubisha,
> => Na kraju, kada je Hill prošao kroz cilj i "uzeo" checkers flag, bio > => sam, ako > > Chequered flag :) Vidi se da čovek nije imao Spectrum. :)
auto-moto.628 lexus,
=> Vidi se da čovek nije imao Spectrum. :) Naravno :) Igra je bolja i od GP2 ;)
auto-moto.629 nenad,
> Baš tako! :) Hil je ispunio oba svoja obećanja - da će preteći Žaka pre > prve krivine i da će ići na pobedu. Žaka je prestiglo nekoliko vozača, na samom početku trke se kretao vidno sporije od ostalih. Kao da je imao nekih problema. > Odeskao sam se kad je došlo do kontakta između Bergera i Hila, ali na > sreću sve je ispalo dobro. Šta se dešavalo sa Bergerom, prvo je napao Hila, posle na istom mestu izbacio Irvajna iz trke, išao 4-5 puta u boks...? Baš se bio primio na ovu trku. ;)
auto-moto.630 space.ace,
>> Chequered flag :) U trenutku velikog uzbuđenja nisam ponovo pročitao poruku da bih video da li se potkrala neka greška, zato ste vidim vi primetili. No, to nije važno, jedino što je važno je da je HILL šampion, i to niko ne sme da porekne...
auto-moto.631 obren,
> Žaka je prestiglo nekoliko vozača, na samom početku trke se > kretao vidno sporije od ostalih. Kao da je imao nekih problema. Pa i nije on bio tako spor, ako se izuzme katastrofalno loš start. Mislim da Vilnev ima najbrži krug na ovoj trci... > Šta se dešavalo sa Bergerom, prvo je napao Hila, posle na istom > mestu izbacio Irvajna iz trke, išao 4-5 puta u boks...? Baš se > bio primio na ovu trku. ;) Dešavalo se da mu je Flavio rekao da Beneton mora da bude bolji od Ferarija, a da on kako zna i ume to obezbedi ;) Šak je probao da izbije na prvo mesto napavši Hila, ali na kraju je Ferari zajvaljujući Šumaheru ipak izbio na drugo mesto u kategoriji konstruktora.
auto-moto.632 obren,
Titula svetskog šampiona je konačno u rukama Dejmon Hila. Osvojio ju je u velikom stilu pobedivši u Suzuki i vodivši od početka do kraja trke. Hil čak nije morao ni da obilazi Vilneva kao što je najavio pred trku, pošto je ovaj slabo startovao i pao nekoliko mesta sa početne pol-pozicije. Ipak, Vilnev je na trci pokazao, kao što je to činio i tokom cele sezone, da je momak koji na svakoj trci daje sve od sebe i zaista je šteta što je morao da odustane zbog tehničkih problema. Zabeleške za sećanje: - Kultardu se na samom startu ugasio motor, što je dovelo do ponovljenog kruga za zagrevanje i odloženog starta, dok je on morao da startuje sa začelja. - Alezi se okrenuo na stazi u prvom krugu i udario u zaštitne pneumatike pored staze ali je izašao nepovređen. - Berger je oštetio svoj prednji stabilizator kada je pokušao da pretekne Hila u trećem krugu. Njemu je vrh bolida kasnije zamenjen u rekordnih 9.8 sekundi! (ova operacija obično traje i do 20-30 sekundi). - Diniz je napravio spin u 13 krugu što je prokomentarisao na sledeći način: "Nestrpljivo očekujem sledeću sezonu! Na ovoj trci me nije htela sreća, ali biće bolje." - Mika Salo je odustao u boksu nakon problema sa motorom u 20. krugu. On je svoje odustajanje ovako prokomentarisao: "Imali smo problema ove godine sa Jamahinim motorima. Uvek sam samo čekao kada će da produvaju." - Rikardo Roset i Ukio Katajama dobili su tzv. "stani-kreni" kaznu zbog blokiranja bržih vozača. - Katajama je uništio svoj prednji stabilizator u kontaktu sa Verštapenom. - Vilnev je video svoje šampionske ambicije kako proleću pored njega u vidu zadnjeg-desnog točka u 36. krugu. On je to prokomentarisao ovako: "Bilo je problema tehničke prirode za vreme trke. Učinilo mi se da je točak odleteo pravo u publiku, ali na sreću zaustavio se kod ograde." - Katajama je takođe odustao zbog tehničjih problema u 37. krugu - Berger je obišao Irvajna u Kazino šikani u 39. krugu ali je pri tome došlo do kontakta i Irvajn je odustao.
auto-moto.633 obren,
Izjave nakon trke: Dejmon Hil: "Neverovatno je, ne mogu da nađem reči kojima bih opisao kako se osećam. Kada su mi javili da je Žak odustao to me je malo šokiralo. Šta da kažem, hteo sam da osvojim ovu trku za Williams. Posvežujem ovu pobedu celom timu, ali ako ne zamerate titulu bih zadržao za sebe." Hil o incidentu sa Bergerom: "Čuo sam zvuk motora iz sebe, a kada sam pogledao u retrovizor on je već bio daleko iza". Adrian Njui: "Voditi trku apsolutno od početka do kraja... Ne može se zamisliti veći uspeh od toga!" Šumaher: "Rekao bih da je sve išlo kako treba, naročito strategija trke. Što se mog udela tiče, ja sam zaista sve pokušao da prestignem Dejmona Hila. Računao sam na pit-stopove i kod drugog zaustavljanja sam skoro i uspeo da preuzmem prvu poziciju. Dejmon je sjajno vozio, zaslužio je titulu i ja mu čestitam na tome. Dugo je čekao na ovo i nije se predao, pobedivši na osam trka ove sezone, što ne ostavlja ni trag sumnje u njegove kvalitete. Što se tiče Ferarija mi smo postigli svoj cilj: drugo mesto u kategoriji konstruktora i treće mesto za mene u kategoriji vozala. Kada tome dodate tri pobede i četiri pol-pozicije, vidan je napredak u odnosu na prošlu sezonu. Zaista je ovo korak napred za šta je zaslužan ceo tim, i sada treba ići još dalje. Hakinen: "Postoji mnogo sjajnih staza u svetu Formule 1, ali Suzuka je ubedljivo najbolja. Ko god da je dizajnirao ovu stazu, trebalo bi da redizajnira sve ostale F1 piste."
auto-moto.634 obren,
I na kraju, konačni poredak na kraju 1996. sezone: Drivers championship Constructors championship 1. Hill 97 1. Williams-Renault 175 2. Villeneuve 78 2. Ferrari 70 3. Schumacher 59 3. Benetton-Renault 68 4. Alesi 47 4. McLaren-Mercedes 49 5. Hakkinen 31 5. Jordan-Peugeot 22 6. Berger 21 6. Ligier-Mugen-Honda 15 7. Coulthard 18 7. Sauber-Ford 11 8. Barrichello 14 8. Tyrrell-Yamaha 5 9. Panis 13 9. TWR 1 10. Irvine 11 11. Brundle 8 12. Frentzen 7 13. Salo 5 14. Herbert 4 15. Diniz 2 16. Verstappen 1
auto-moto.635 ljubisha,
> Žaka je prestiglo nekoliko vozača, na samom početku trke se > kretao vidno sporije od ostalih. Kao da je imao nekih problema. U prvoj krivini je bio čak osmi ali je po izletanju Alezija dospeo na šesto. > Šta se dešavalo sa Bergerom, prvo je napao Hila, posle na istom > mestu izbacio Irvajna iz trke, išao 4-5 puta u boks...? Baš se > bio primio na ovu trku. ;) I posle svega toga ipak završio trku na 4. mestu. :)
auto-moto.636 ljubisha,
> Što se mog udela tiče, ja sam zaista sve pokušao da prestignem Dejmona > Hila. Računao sam na pit-stopove i kod drugog zaustavljanja sam skoro > i uspeo da preuzmem prvu poziciju. I zamalo da uspe jer je Hil stajao dve sekunde duže u boksu čekajući da dva bolida (da, kola, šta ste vi pomislili :)) prođu pored njega. Ta- čnije, sve je bilo gotovo za 9.5 a on je krenuo na 11.5 sekundi.
auto-moto.637 obren,
Izgleda da je Formula 1 ponovo aktuelna u Japanu. Nakon Hondinih uspeha u Indikaru koji su znatno smanjili interesovanje sa F1, Japanski vozači i sponzori opet se vraćaju Formuli. Satoru Nakadžima, prvi japanski vozač koji je imao stalni angažman u Formuli 1, poznat i kao test vozač McLaren-Honda tima, najavio je za vreme vikenda u Suzuki da će biti finanskijski partner Tirela u sezoni 1997. Zanimljivo je da je Nakadžima vozio za Tirel 1990/91. Istovremeno je pomenuto da bi Toranosuke Takagi, trenutno četvrti u Formuli Nipon, mogao voziti za Tirrell sledeće godine. Još jedan Japanac je u igri oko Formule 1. Naime vozač Ližijea koji će zameniti Pedra Diniza biće Šinđi Nakano. Hirotoši Honda, predsednik Mugena, nagovestio je još ranije svoju želju da Nakano vozi za Ližije.
auto-moto.638 obren,
Bivši Svetski Šampion Niki Lauda, sada kontraverzni savetnik u Ferariju, ne misli pozitivno o Hilovoj tituli i o drugim timovima. Zabeležena je njegova izjava: "On (Hil) je jasno pokazao da je slab jer mu je sa najboljim bolidom toliko trebalo da postane Svetski Šampion. Ferari je imao novi bolid, novi motor i novog vozača. Meklaren je sa svoje strane pokazao da nije uopšte toliko jak koliko se očekivalo. Beneton nije mogao da zadrži poziciju koju je imao bez Šumahera i uopšte šampionat je bio vrlo dosadan."
auto-moto.639 obren,
Stjuart Grand-Prix tim potpisao je ugovor sa Rubensom Baričelom koji će biti njihov drugi vozač sledeće godine. Prvi vozač je bivši Meklarenov test pilot Jan Magnusen koji je već debitovao u Formuli 1 prošle godine. Baričelo je vozio za Džordan pežo ove godine i već je jasno stavio do znanja da se više ne oseća lepo u Džordanu.
auto-moto.640 djcorto,
> Igra je bolja i od GP2 ;) A koja nije ... ;)
auto-moto.641 tomislavr,
Najdžel Mensel, nekadašnji Svetski Šampion, razmišlja o povratku u Formulu 1 u bliskoj budućnosti ako dobije odgovarajuću ponudu. Mensel je u izjavi za BBC rekao da mu je Hilova titula dala podstrek da pokuša juriš da još jednu titulu. On je uz to dadao: "Ići na još jednu titulu ili se bar boriti za nju je veoma interesantno. Moja trenutna preokupacija je Golf, ali strast za trkama još uvek teče mojim venama i moje vreme još nije prošlo." Tim u koji bi se Mensel vratio bio bi Džordan-Pežo gde bi vozio zajedno sa Ralfom Šumaherom, uz uslov da mu Edi Džordan plati 9 miliona dolara koliko Britanac traži za svoje usluge.
auto-moto.642 tomislavr,
"World Motor Sport Council" sastao se da bi ispitao predloge za nove propise koji su pristigli od raznih auto-federacija. Sledeće odluke su donete i stupiće na snagu od sledeće sezone: - Svaki bolid mora biti opremljen nekom vrstom "crne kutije" koju će obezbeđivati FIA. - Svi proizvođači pneumatika mogu imati u ponudi dve vrste guma za "suvo" za svaku trku (prethodno samo jednu vrstu). Ovo znači da svakom vozaču sleduje devet kompleta pneumatika za razliku za nekadašnjih sedam, koliko će sada biti raspoloživo za trke po kiši. Sa druge strane, od 28 kompleta pneumatika koji su predviđeni za kvalifikacije, zagrevanje i trku, FIA će na slučajan način odabrati 4 kompleta koje će vozač smeti da koristi za same kvalifikacije. Vozač će takođe morati unapred da se izjasni koje gume će da koriste za kvalifikacije, zagrevanje i trku. (Ovo znači da će odluka o pneumaticima morati da se donosi na osnovu rezultata na slobodnim treninzima, i da neće moći da se promeni izbor ako se vidi da je neki drugi tim postigao bolje rezultate sa drugom vrstom pneumatika!) - Uvedeno je i nekoliko novih pravila kod testiranja: Testiranje je zabranjeno na stazama koje nisu predviđene za trke Formule 1 ali i na stazama Formule 1 koje nisu u Evropi sem ako se na njima zvanično ne organizuju testiranja pod komercijalnim pokroviteljstvom vlasnika staze. - Takođe, testiranje je zabranjeno na svim stazama: u toku sedmice koja prethodi trci, osim za "Shakedown" testove u maksimalnoj dužini od 50km i nakon kraja šampionata pa do 1. decembra. - Rukovodstvo staze u Imoli (Italija) je predstavilo svoj plan sprečavanja "invazije" publike na stazu tokom finiša trke, što je prihvaćeno.
auto-moto.643 tomislavr,
Ralf Šumaher, koji će voziti za Džordan Pežo tip sledeće godine, osvojio je titulu prvaka japanske formule Nippon. On je najmlađi Formula Nippon šampion i prvi ruki koji je uspeo da osvoji titulu u 24-godišnjoj istoriji ovog šampionata. Inače, Formula Nippon je japanska verzija Formule 3000.
auto-moto.644 tomislavr,
22.10.1996.(Rubens Baričelo i Stjuart, Prvi Frencenov test, Šumaher i Ferari, Još jedan F1 tim?) Rubens Baričelo i Stjuart ---------------------------------------- Rubens Baričelo nije potpisao ugovor na dve, već na tri godine sa Stjuart rejsing timom ;) On će biti klupski kolega Janu Magnusenu koji je prvi potpisao za novi tim. Vlasnik tima Džeki Stjuart je izjavio: "Oduševljeni smo što imamo Rubensa sa nama od samog starta. Rekli smo da želimo vozača sa iskustvom u Formuli 1 pored mladog i perspektivnog talenta, kojeg imamo u Janu". Prvi Frencenov test ----------------------------------------------- Frencen je imao svoj prvi test u Vilijams-Renou na stazi Estoril danas. Nemac je želeo da proba opciju sa dve pedale, umesto tri koliko je imao u Zauber-Fordu. Najbolje vreme mu je bilo 1m 21.680s. Frencen je posle testa izjavio da ima nekih prednosti u dvopedalnoj ;) opciji i kvačilu na upravljaču. Frenk Vilijams je garantovao da će Hajnc imati mnogo testova pre početka nove sezone. Dejmon Hil će početi testiranja "krajem ovog, ili početkom sledećeg meseca jer mu je potreban odmor", rekao je spokesman TWR F1 tima. Šumaher i Ferrari ------------------------------------------------- Partnerstvo između Šumahera i Ferarija može potrajati veoma dugo. Prema izjavi njegovog menadžera Vila Vebera, Nemački bivši šampion može čak i ostati sa Ferarijem još četiri ili pet godina. Takođe je moguće da Šumaher završi karijeru sa Ferarijem. Još jedan F1 tim? -------------------------------------------------- Alan Prost, Ližije, Pežo i Total će objaviti osnivanje novog tima 29. Oktobra, sudeći prema Francuskim novinama. Ovo u stvari i nije nov tim, već dramatična promena Ližijea. Ovo takođe znači da Džordan gubi ne samo motor, već i jednog od glavnih sponzora.
auto-moto.645 junior,
> Još jedan F1 tim? Da li se to Prost vraća kao vozač ili kao šef tima?
auto-moto.646 mila,
Iz današnje "Politike": J U G O S L O V E N S K I T I M U F O R M U L I 1 NEKADAŠNJI PREDSEDNIK AUTO-KLUBA PARTIZAN ZORAN STEFANOVIĆ OBJAVIO U LONDONU DA JE OSNOVAO SOPSTVENI TIM "STEFAN FORMULA 1" KOJI TREBA DA DEBITUJE VEĆ SLEDEĆE SEZONE London, 24.oktobra (Tanjug) U Svetskom automobilskom prvenstvu u "formuli 1", od iduće sezone, prvi put biće zastupljeni i predstavnici Savezne Republike Jugoslavije. Reč je o automobilskoj ekipi "Stefan gran pri", čiji je osnivač Zoran Stefanović iz Beograda, nekadašnji predsednik Auto-kluba "Partizan", koji trenutno živi u Londonu. Stefanović je danas Tanjug-u u Londonu potvrdio da je Svetska automo- bilska federacija, čije je sedište u Parizu, izdala novoosnovanom timu sva neophodna odobrenja i da ga je uvrstila u takmičenje "Formule 1" za iduću sezonu. On je, takođe, izjavio da "Stefan gran pri" ima i punu podršku generalnog direktora takmičenja i Udruženja konstruktora Bernija Eklestona, koji će omogućiti transport i smeštaj ekipe. Sedište "Stefan gran prija" je u engleskom gradu Milton Kinsu, severno od Londona, a tehnički direktor tima i konstruktor prvog vozila je poznati engleski stručnjak Džordž Rajton. U bogatoj karijeri, Rajton je bio i šef konstruktora u "Ferariju", zatim konstruktor Ferarijeve Gran pri Formule 1, tehnički direktor "Tajrela" i vođa konstrukcije u "Rinardu". Trenutno ekipu "Stefan gran prija" sačinjava 14 inženjera, a do kraja novembra ukupan broj zaposlenih biće 50. Tokom iduće takmičarske sezone u timu će biti zaposleno 110 ljudi. Prva "Stefan Formula 1" biće spremna za testiranje januara 1997. godine. Motor za tu formulu proizvodi engleski "Kosvort" i to model "ED", a poluautomatski menjač pripada, takođe engleskom, proizvođaču "X-Trak". Tim pregovara sa nekoliko poznatih vozača, a imena dvojice koji će voziti iduće sezone biće poznata za nešto više od dve nedelje.
auto-moto.647 tomislavr,
> Da li se to Prost vraća kao vozač ili kao šef tima? Kao šef tima, verofatno napušta McLaren...
auto-moto.648 budim,
(:) Tim pregovara sa nekoliko poznatih vozača, a imena dvojice koji će (:) voziti iduće sezone biće poznata za nešto više od dve nedelje. Da se kladimo da će u tom timu biti "stanoviti MM iz Požarevca"? :) poz, budimir
auto-moto.649 lexus,
=> Da se kladimo da će u tom timu biti "stanoviti MM iz Požarevca"? :) Možda i hoće :) Ne puštaju baš svakoga u F1... A videćemo hoće li ovaj tim startovati na bar jednoj trci...
auto-moto.650 senna,
re: YU tim u formuli a) Jeste li sigurni da je ta informacija tachna? b) Rumunskiji motor nisu mogli da nadju, bolje da je IMR pravio motore ;)). c) Znaju li se sponzori? Bilo bi kul kad bi BIP bio sponzor, il josh bolje Drina bez filtera.. Mislim kad moze Rothmans :)).
auto-moto.651 junior,
> re: YU tim u formuli Kad smo već kod nas u F1 ... Zna li neko šta je bilo sa projektom izgradnje staze za F1 u okolini Beograda? Ako se dobro sećam, dobili smo podršku za tu stazu, a onda dođoše sankcije i .. šta bi?
auto-moto.652 space.ace,
>> Kad smo već kod nas u F1 ... Zna li neko šta je bilo sa projektom >> izgradnje staze za F1 u okolini Beograda? Ako se dobro sećam, dobili smo >> podršku za tu stazu, a onda dođoše sankcije i .. šta bi? Ćuti, ne pričaj glasnije, neko će te čuti pa ćeš se izblamirati :). Šalim se, naravno; nisam čuo za Beograd, ali je bilo nekih priča da će "kao" da prave stazu u Užicu. jer je kao sama konfiguracija grada idealna za uličnu trkačku stazu. Tu su sad išle uporedbe buduće staze i staze u Monaku, pa se došlo do zaključka (na partijskom sastanku) da je buduća staza u Užicu mnogo bolja od Monaka, jer je grad u kotlini, pa se može experimentisati... Uglavnom, ako mene pitate, jedenje *ovana. Jesam grub na rečima, ali tako je to...
auto-moto.653 stefan,
> Kad smo već kod nas u F1 ... Zna li neko šta je bilo sa projektom > izgradnje staze za F1 u okolini Beograda? Ako se dobro sećam, dobili smo > podršku za tu stazu, a onda dođoše sankcije i .. šta bi? Evo sad će, čim završe mostove...;)
auto-moto.654 senna,
re: staza za f1 u bg Hmm, pa ja sam chak i video kako staza treba da izgleda, drug koji radi u autu mi je dobavio skicu, a od drugog ortaka sam chuo da je video to i na tv.. Koliko sam upoznat trebalo je da se pravi negde oko Bezanije ili tako neshto, znao sam i broj bloka al sad ne mogu da se setim.
auto-moto.655 mileusna,
>> Kad smo već kod nas u F1 ... Zna li neko šta je bilo sa projektom >> izgradnje staze za F1 u okolini Beograda? Ako se dobro sećam, >> dobili smo podršku za tu stazu, a onda dođoše sankcije i .. šta bi? Biće, biće... verovatno iste godine kad i Olimpijada u Beogradu. :)))
auto-moto.656 nenad,
> Kad smo već kod nas u F1 ... Zna li neko šta je bilo sa projektom > izgradnje staze za F1 u okolini Beograda? Ako se dobro sećam, dobili smo > podršku za tu stazu, a onda dođoše sankcije i .. šta bi? Još su sankcije. ;) Staza je trebalo da bude između bloka 45 na Novom Beogradu i Surčina, ali sada su tamo izgradili još stambenih zgrada. Nema ništa od toga...
auto-moto.657 nenad,
> Šalim se, naravno; nisam čuo za Beograd, ali je bilo nekih priča da će > "kao" da prave stazu u Užicu. jer je kao sama konfiguracija grada idealna > za uličnu trkačku stazu. Super je Užice za trkačku stazu, ne može niko da izleti, odmah udari u brdo. ;) > Monaku, pa se došlo do zaključka (na partijskom sastanku) da je buduća > staza u Užicu mnogo bolja od Monaka, jer je grad u kotlini, pa se može > experimentisati... Užice nije u kotlini već u rupi.
auto-moto.658 supers,
>> staze za F1 u okolini Beograda? Ako se dobro sećam, dobili smo >> podršku za tu stazu, a onda dođoše sankcije i .. šta bi? Ma, dobićemo mi i stazu za F1, čim završimo Prokop, Europolis, obilaznicu oko Beograda, drugu pistu Surčinskog aerodroma...
auto-moto.659 senna,
re: staza f1 u bgd Sad sam se setio, trebalo je da se pravi u 53. bloku.
auto-moto.660 space.ace,
>> Užice nije u kotlini već u rupi. Znam, ali nisam hteo da budem suviše grub prema gradu ;)))
auto-moto.661 supers,
>> Sad sam se setio, trebalo je da se pravi u 53. bloku. To je iza kvantaške pijace, prema surčinskom aerodormu.
auto-moto.662 tomislavr,
Vratio se vpoznanovic! :) Ponovo radi bioskop...
auto-moto.663 stukelj,
Da li neko ima neke informacije o motoru TWR-a sledece godine i koje se staze i kada voze???
auto-moto.664 vdunic,
Znam samo da će za TWR da vozi Dejmon Hill
auto-moto.665 mila,
> Da li neko ima neke informacije o motoru TWR-a sledece godine i koje > se staze i kada voze??? TWR će iduće godine, kao prelazno rešenje, nastupati s Jamaha motorima. Kao prelazno, jer najavljuju ugovor s Hondom za 1998. Sledeća sezona počinje 09.03, na Australijskoj stazi, u Melburnu. Zatim, slede: 30.03. V.N. Brazila - Sao Paolo 13.04. V.N. Argentine - Buenos Ajres 27.04. V.N. San Marina - Imola 11.05. V.N. Monaka - Monte Karlo 25.02. V.N. Španije - Barselona 15.06. V.N. Kanade - Montreal 29.06. V.N. Francuske - Manji Kur 13.07. V.N. Vel. Britanije - Silverston 27.07. V.N Nemačke - Hokenhajm 10.08. V.N. Mađarske - Budimpešta 24.08. V.N. Belgije - Spa 07.09. V.N. Italije - Monca 21.09. V.N. Austrije - Celtveg 05.10. V.N. Portugalije - Estoril, ili V.N. Evrope - Nirnburgring 19.10. V.N. Japana - Suzuka 02.11. V.N. Port. - Estoril, ili V.N. Evrope (Nirnburgring ili Herez) Kalendar je konačan, osim po pitanju Portugalije i V.N. Evrope, i dobro ste pročitali: Voziće se 17 (sedamnaest) trka. Iako je bilo najavljivano, V.N. Mađarske nije izostavljena iz novog kalendara, a novost je i V.N. Austrije, koja se posle deset godina, ponovo vozi u Celtvegu. Jedva čekam 09.03.! Kao izvor informacija, poslužila mi je "Politika" od ponedeljka, 18.11.96.
auto-moto.666 shadow,
Trazim jos nekog vlasnika motocikla SUZUKI LS 650 SAVAGE radi izmene iskustva i saveta u vezi ovog motocikla. Javite se na mail ovde na Sezam-u ili na adresu shadow@sezampro.yu SHADOW
auto-moto.667 space.ace,
Da li ste možda čitali u štampi o Hill-ovoj žuraji povodom titule? Došli su svi vozači, naravno i Šumi, koji je "ladio" pivo celo veče, dok su feštu napravili Vilnev, Salo i Cultard, pojavivši se potpuno ćelavi na žurci!!! Dejmon je još jednom pokazao svoju majstorsku veštinu sviranja gitare, klavira, i naravno pevanje :). SvetCki čovek, nema šta!!! I really love that man! P.S. Vilnev se pojavio i na dodeli MTV nagrada... Seljak ;).
auto-moto.668 mila,
Danas u Kragujevcu vožena prva trka auto relly cross kupa. Obavezno skinite izveštaj! izvestaj
auto-moto.669 schef,
][ Danas u Kragujevcu vožena prva trka auto relly cross kupa. ][ Obavezno skinite izveštaj! Hej majstore, bijo sam. :) No, pošto sam čuo da će da počne u 12, zakasnio sam na prvu trku jer su počeli ranije zbog kiše. :( No, nema veze, i druga trka je bila fenomenalna. :) Naročito mi se svideo onaj Reno 4 ;) i njegov rezervoarčić. :) Nego, nisam znao da je ono nešto zvanično, mislio sam da je Dženinks to organizovao čisto radi zezanja. ;) Takođe sam čuo (devojka mi je Dženinksova komšinica a i drugar mi je 'sređivao' pobednički auto) da će to da bude i sledeće nedelje. Da se nađemo negde da se upoznamo? :)