Dakle, gospodo, pošto su se 32-bitnici namnožili u ovim krajevima, mislim da
je red da im otvorimo novu temu. Falconi preovladjuju, ali, ima i TT-a, opet,
nedovoljno da im otvaram posebnu temu, tako da sam odlučio da ih stavim
zajedno. Diskusiju vezanu *striktno* za ove modele, vodite ovde, dok pitanja od
opšteg značaja, postavljajte na uobičajenim mestima.
Pa, Sretno nam bilo sa novom koferencijom...
> Dakle, gospodo, pošto su se 32-bitnici namnožili u ovim krajevima, mislim da
>je red da im otvorimo novu temu. Falconi preovladjuju, ali, ima i TT-a, opet,
Sad ću da zovem Duleta...
Evo, da počnem...
(btw, hvala ne temu :) )
da li radi bliter u modu 256 boja i zašto?
neko je rrekao da ima raznorazne zgoden programčiće za
Falcona. Slobodno ih šalji (samo da nisu neki već-viđeni)!
Ex, da, radi Overscan na TV-u! Treba ga samo pokrenuti
a to se radi "porgramčetom" (manje od 200 bajtova) :)
Koja memoirja ide u Falcona? Jel SIMM i ako jeste,
da li je to običan SIMM koji može i ovde da se kupi?
>>Koja memoirja ide u Falcona? Jel SIMM i ako jeste
>>da li je to običan SIMM koji može i ovde da se kupi?
Nije običan SIM, ima memoriju na nekoj pločici. Što pitaš, hteo bi da
proširiš? :))
// Nije običan SIM, ima memoriju na nekoj pločici. Što pitaš,
// hteo bi da proširiš? :))
Pa dobro, kupiš pločicu i bodeš raznorazne SIMM-ove.
A svi oni što prodaju tu memoriju kažu Simm-moduli,
pa ako je to nešto standardizovano, onda mogu i ovde
da kupujem, po malo (mega, po mega) i onda jednog lepog
dana samo zabodem u tu pločicu (koja može da se kupi i
I još jedno pitanje:
Svi nude raznorazne XY Mhz ubrzivače procesora koji
koštaju XYZ para, a MC68882 je oko 60 DEM. Da li se
sa tom džidžom postiže primetno ubrzanje svuda ili
samo u nekim operacijama? Koliko znam, 68040 je isto
što i 68030, samo ima ugrađenu i 68882, a važi za
brz procesor (68040).
> Pa dobro, kupiš pločicu i bodeš raznorazne SIMM-ove.
> A svi oni što prodaju tu memoriju kažu Simm-moduli,
> pa ako je to nešto standardizovano, onda mogu i ovde
> da kupujem, po malo (mega, po mega) i onda jednog lepog
Pazi ovako. Postoji pločica za proširenje koja se prodaje i koja
proširuje na 14Mb i tu nema nikakvog "bodenja" simova već je dobiješ
komplet urađenu. Međutim mogu da se kupe tzv. memory board-ovi u koje
možeš da ubadaš simove. Doduš, ja mislim da to nećeš uspeti da uguraš u to
tvoje kućište.
Za Falcona postoji Falcon Wing (staje u kućište) i ima mesta za 4 SIMM-a
u početku 4 Mb a posle 16 od kojih Falcon vidi 14 (bljak)
postoje i druge solucije do 1 GB RAMA !!!! ali za ext. kučište
Falcon Wing (prazan) je oko 100 dem i čudno oblikovan pa mu valjda odastle i
naziv. Mnogo bolja je solucija PRAVI ubrzivač, Barracuda ili After Burner
(oba oko 1600 dem) sa MC 68040 33 MHz ext. 66 MHz int. i ima mesta za simove
After b. do 64 Mb a za Barakudu mora RAM kartica i ide do 128 Mb
..... ode mi vreme ........drugi put :(((
>Mnogo bolja je solucija PRAVI ubrzivač, Barracuda ili After Burner
(oba oko 1600 dem) sa MC 68040 33 MHz ext. 66 MHz int. i ima mesta za simove
After b. do 64 Mb a za Barakudu mora RAM kartica i ide do 128 Mb
Gde to moze da se nadje i koliko je brze od originalnog Falcona
P.S. Za mesto ne brini, nabavio sam Big Tower!
> Gde to moze da se nadje i koliko je brze od originalnog Falcona
After Burner (po meni lošija solucija) trenutno čeka licencu od Atarija.
Košta oko 1600 DEM i veća je ploča od Barracude. Ima na sebi PCI slot
i to je Compo uradio sa nekim specijalnim čipom. Radi na 33 MHz ext. i ubrzava
Falcona (po njihovim rečima 3-4 puta) mada bi trebalo i više. Pošto je kartica
"evropska" možda se lakše nađe.
Barracuda je Amerski proizvod, jako lep, jako mali, i :( skuplji.... ali :)
Barracuda se pojavila u Britaniji a možeš je naći i drugde. Košta blizu 2000
DEM ali.... za dodatni ram se kupuje kartica (300 $) koja na sebi ima neki MMU
i adresira 128 Mb, ima slot za dodatni 486 SX, 25 MHz pa ako treba emulacija
tu je i košta 500 $. To je verzija Barracude sa "pravom" MC 68040 33 MHz ali
postoje verzije (sama kartica na koju ubadaš procesor po želji :) sa nekim
LC Motorolama. Cena same kartice je 650 $ a procesora od 150 do 300 $.
I da završim After Burner ima PCI i ubacuješ PC karticu za grafiku (lepa
stvar) a više od 64 Mb ti NE treba. Barracuda ima svoj MMU, može i 486
skuplja je, ali je od Wizztronicsa :)). Ako neko ima podatke za MightySonic
neka ostavi ili da ja kopam.....
PS. Akcelerator za Falcona Power UP 2 (diže na 32 MHz) košta u Grčkoj
20 000 Drahmi (oko 130 DEM) i ne zauzima slotove ......
rezolucije za tv ili tako nesto (nije provereno)
Turbo gif, v.1.3p
za falconov serijski port...
Samo da kažem da je svet bogatiji za jednog falkonistu!
i...još nešto...šta je moj falkončić našao u običnom DESKTOP.INF
fajlu, pa je pređao u OVERSCAN na TV-u?
Da li može neko da pođalje programčić za podešavanje OVERSCAN-a?
> a li može neko da pođalje programčić za podešavanje OVERSCAN-a?
Ima jedan program, Overdesk ili tako nešto .... imam ga ali treba ga naći
u Svakom slucaju postoji :))))
Renderovane slike. Koriscen program: Phoenix (Xenomorph) - coprocesor verzija.
Komada slika: 2 u TGA formatu i jedna u GIF. Sve tri u rezoluciji 320x200.
Vreme potrebno za renderovanje TGA slika: oko 4 minuta!!! (prosetati do amiga
conf. i procitati (i skinuti fajl) poruku 11.311 (slika iz te poruke
rederovana je 8 sati!!!!)
Napomena: Jos uvek nijedan rend. program ne koristi DSP za izracunavanje! I
jos malo komparacija: Fractal sa 32 iteracije se na F030 uradi ovako:
Motorola 68030: 38 sec.
Math. coproc. : 34 sec.
DSP : 8 sec.
Razmislajte malo na zadatu temu, narocito AMIGISTI :))))))
Raimovic Ljubisa (svojetastaturno)
P.S. Slika i amiga conf ima oko 300 boja dok ove imaju preko 1200 iz palete
od 16mil (i kusur).
Samo da pojasnim: Svaka TGA slika je 'izrendana' za 4min.
: ... radi se o Amigi 1200 (poruka 11.311 iz amiga conf.)
I nesto za Dejana Ristanovica...
i tako ti ja lepo saljem 128kb fajla kad na 100tom Kb-tu pukne veza! OK, kazem
moracu ponovo. Nazovem, pocnem sa slanjem a ono SEZAM nema resume, pa sve is
Dokle ce ovo ovako, i kada ce te brze linije (makar 9600)?
Evo ti za overscan na tv-u. nisam bas do kraja provalio
kako se ukljucuje (auto-folder: da ili ne), ali kada proradi
slika je kako treba (ne racunajuci malo belog gore i/ili dole)
Ajde sad, zašto ovaj DESKTOP.INF diže falkonana TV-u u nekom
Neko je pitao moze li tastatura sa ST-a na Falcona.
Bas ne znam nemacki, ali naslov mislim da znaci bas to,
tj. evo vam dve slike od kojih je jedna tekst a druga
neka sema - rekao bih da je to za povezivanje TT-tastature
na Falcona, a posto je ST-tastatura mogla na TT-a, itd, itd...
(ps. javite ako ste nesto uspeli da uradite)
To je ono što tražim :)))) Veruj mi Haevorne, spasio si mnoge
Što više ovakvih fajlova i to je to .........................
Apex, za f030. Nesto o njemu:
From Thu Nov 17 06:13:38 1994
From: (Requiem)
Subject: FOG> Apex Media Press Release
Date: 15 Nov 1994 09:38:24 GMT
Organization: Staffordshire University
Lines: 77
Message-ID: <3a9vig$>
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Got this the other day:-
Smooth image transformations
Powerful block functions
Block rotation to any angle, proportional rescale, stretch, skew & mirror
Direct-from-Disk editing to allow fast and easy video titling
Multiple, real-time frame capture to 512x320 in 16-bit true colour
Rostrum camera work to 24-bit
On-screen PiP (Picture-in-Picture)
Dejagging, Motion blur and two levels of Noise reduction
Advanced Deltafilm compression of animations, reducing memory overheards
Pen. line, curve, polygon, circle, box
Stipple Airbrush
Redefinable Grid
Graduated circles, lines, boxes
Interpolative lines and boxes
Fill using definable blocks or gradients
Realistic Airbrush for producing soft graduated spray
Transform of defineable areas controlling hue, saturation and/or brightness
Brighten, Darken, Saturate, Watercolour and fade with compound inking option
Transform and masking of defined areas with fill or brush
Paste block above or below existing image
Invert X and Y axes
Rotate to any angle, skew
Perspect, Rotate, Skew
Proportional Resize, stretch on X and Y axes
Real-time zoom available at all times, even during animation playback
All tools fully useable under zoom conditions
Smooth scrolling under zoom or virtual canvas operation with any tool
Calamus (CFN) font support
Additional saving of Palette, field warp lines and set-up configuration
Import of images or animations with colour reduction, supersampling,
pasting over or under existing images
VGA, RGB monitors and TV's (PAL/NTSC)
Selectable resolutions; 320x200, 320x400, 640x200, 640x400
Virtual canvas up to 2048x1024
256 and true colour video modes
Supersampling of true colour images for 256 video modes
Enhancement of 256 colour miages with dithering and supersampling
Import of large images into smaller canvas sizes with fine scaling
Grey-scale conversion
Genlock capability
#119.95 incl. VAT from: TITAN DESIGNS Ltd, 6 Witherford Way, Selly Oak
Birmingham, B29 4AX, UK. Tel/Fax: +44 (0)121-414 1630
CIS: 100345,2350
Richard Davey
Falcon Owners Group (UK)
email here is hit and miss!
Koga zanima programiranje za DSP 56)000 - nek se javi,
imam dokumentaciju
(ma wr haevorn)
Neko ima knjigu za DSP, a ja zbog nje prodajem sve po kuć!!
U kom je to formatu? (papirnom ili elektronskom) Broj strana?
Da li vam radi <ALT> <HELP> Print screen opcija na Falconu?
13 novi falkonista i novi clan BBs pozdrav svima i odgovor trazim za FAX modem
ZPT neradi slanje faksa koji je dobar program itd^Z
pozdrav svim falconistima, vidim da vam nedostajem :))
BTW, ovde dusan, evo slucajno sam kod coveka...
Falkon 4Mb, TOS 4.04, bez HD.
Za početak probajte ovo, lično ga napravih ;)
Radi na VGA monitorima i ima (još uvek dosta neoptimizovanu) rutinu u mašincu
za 68030 i DSP 56001.
Ima li neko CONTROL PANEL za Falcona?
Misliš na New kontrol pamnnel ili na neki drugi?
Bilo koji. Samo da moze da podesi vecu brzinu na RS-232 portu od 19200.
Sto bi to menjao pomu kontrol panela? To mozes i iz svakog
komunikacionog program ű űNa kraju kra űjeva postojiĎż i╔ŃÜ
XBIOS funkcija za to Ako űstvarno ho˘Ęces posl űacu■˛ ű
Malo sam preterao : moze iz svakog novijeg kom. programa. Npr. moze u
CONNECT-u (ver 2. 1 >)
■˛ űwr falcon_tt
ZamplaćujE li sE iko DSP programiranjEm?
IntErEsujE mE komunikacija DSP-a sa ostalim dElovima
FALCON-a. MožE li DSP da dira osnovnu RAM mEmoriju, ili
nEšto drugo, nEki DMA kanal(???)) ?
> ZamplaćujE li sE iko DSP programiranjEm?
Tjah, sigurno ne stefan ili ljubisha ;))
> IntErEsujE mE komunikacija DSP-a sa ostalim dElovima
> FALCON-a. MožE li DSP da dira osnovnu RAM mEmoriju, ili
> nEšto drugo, nEki DMA kanal(?
DSP komunicira preko određenih adresa sa glavnim procesorom. Postoji još par
adresa na kojima su važni samo neki bitovi koji određuju da li je moguć prenos
ili se još čeka na neko eventualno računanje. Koliko sam ja video, izgleda da
je moguće preneti preko 11 MB sa DSPa do 68030 u sekundi. Dakle, bez obzira što
je DSP ludački brz, ipak treba kupiti knjige o digitalnoj obradi signala i
proučiti nov svet programiranja procesora. Optimizacija pre svega.
DSP ne dira osnovnu RAM memoriju sem jednog jedinog long worda koji treba da
pokupi procesor 030.
DMA kanal je moguće dodeliti DSP-u jednim jedinim pozivom XBIOS rutine. Naravno
sva dalja obrada mora biti u realnom vremenu. (Optimizacija.... ;)
> treba kupiti knjige o digitalnoj obradi ű sig ┘│ űn űala ű
Imam´ik▀ ű " Motora DSP 56 ű000/56001 users manual" - tu piše sve i
űs űv űaštaű▀....odličan uvod...
>Imam´ik▀ ű " Motora DSP 56 ű000/56001 users manual" - tu piše sve i
> űs űv űaštaű▀....odličan uvod...
Ma imam i ja iskopiran user manual; to je dovoljno za početak, samo da
naučiš sintaksu itd. Prava umetnost je u onim drugim knjigama na koje sam
zapravo i mislio. Evo ti par naslova: Digital filters and signal
processing, Fundamentals of interactive computer graphics, Geometric
modeling, Signal processing algorithms, Art of digital audio, Digital
processing of speech signals, Speech communication - human and machine,
Digital picture processing, Matrix computations, Renderman interface...
To su sve knjige koje postoje odavno a bez kojih možeš da se ubiješ ako
želiš da kreneš da programiraš u DSP-u, bilo da to radiš za muziku,
grafiku, render, analizu...
P.S. Grrr, ajde prestani da pišeš on-line poruke sa modemom bez protokola,
sve je puno djubreta i veoma nečitko. Najbolje je da poruke spremiš kući
pa ih pošalješ preko execa zmodemom i tada neće biti grešaka.
Mislio sam za sam početak-u toj knjizi je mali uvod u
procesiranje digitalnih signala uopšte. Što se tiče onih
knjiga prvu i treću sam listao u Petnici.
Pitanjce za MIPE: Da li bi se mogao nekako (lako) napraviti
spisak knjiga iz računarstva (u biblioteci Petnice) u elektronskoj
formi. Razumeo sam da su sve knjige unete u onaj računar.
Koja je aktuelna verzija TOS-a za Falcona?
4.04 ili 4.05 i ako ima ova slednja, šta je
novo u odnosu na prethodnu?
Postoji i 4.92 (takozvana non bug verzija ;) ali samo na disku, tj nisam još
video da je neko ubacio u eprom.
Može li se (i kako) vezati 3.5" IDE na Falcona, umesto
onog njegovog 2.5"?
1. Kada sam slicno pitanje postavio Janevu (ERC ISP) rece da je dovoljno
razvuci kabal iz kucista do externog 3.5" HD-a. On, inace, kuciste za HD smatra
savrsenim luksuzom (nodozgo, na njegovom mini tower-u, nalaze se 2 HD-a!).
2. U Mali oglasi conf. bio je (pre 10-ak dana) 2.5"HD 80Mb, star godinu dana -
za 200 DEM!
> 1. Kada sam slicno pitanje postavio Janevu (ERC ISP) rece da je
> razvuci kabal iz kucista do externog 3.5" HD-a. On, inace, kuciste
za HD smatra
> savrsenim luksuzom (nodozgo, na njegovom mini tower-u, nalaze se 2
Da ali ja mislim da za taj IDE kontroler postoje dve vrste flat
kablova i da je taj u Falconu onaj manji i da postoji neka razlika u
napajanju ( 5 i 12 volti ).
Opet DSP programiranje:
1.Nije mi jasno kako se CPU i DSP dogovore kada je DSP
gotov. Da li to treba da se kaže u DSP programu.
2.Šta znači >> i << u DSP asembleru.
3.Kako (najbolje, najlepše...) da učitam DSP program
Da ga asembliram kao LOD i učitam XBIOS funkcijom?
Sva ostala (i ova) pitanja bi mi se razjasnila u
Može li neko :-)) da mi napiše jedan primer u kome:
MC68030 preda DSP-u četiri broja (100,50,30,23), a DSP
pomnoži prva dva, to sabere sa druga dva i sve to lepo
vrati u CPU u registar D0.
Ovo su odlomci tEkstova iz proslogodisnjEg br. 11, DBA Magazina. Izdvojio sam
samo onE koji izglEdaju informativno, zanimljivo ili zabavno. Smatram vaznim
(ali i otrEznjujucim) tEkstovE koji govorE o buducnosti ST-a, Falcona ili
Atarija uopstE. Zipovani fajl jE dug oko 12 Kb, a cElo arhivirano izdanjE
DBA11 (grafika, tEkstovi, muzicki moduli i glavni program) zauzima oko 1,25 Mb
(...) WElcomE to thE nEw D.B.A. diskmagazinE, combining human intErEst with
multimEdia. Now flying high on thE wings of thE Falcon.... (...)
ThE D.B.A. is a group of Enthusiastic Atari usErs from thE NEthErlands. Many of
it's mEmbErs arE Atari supportErs from thE vEry bEginning, from thE timE that
thE good old 8 bits computErs (600/800(XL) rulEd. WE followEd Atari through
thEir ups 'n downs, always 'fighting' against our/thEir CommodorE rivals. Many
diE-hard Atari usErs havE dEfEndEd thEir compagny against PC-usErs who claimEd
that Atari only madE vidEogamEs and consolEs. Now, thE PC-usErs havE won thE
battlE and havE takEn ovEr thE wholE computErmarkEt and Atari is back in thE
consolEbusinEss. CommodorE is bankrupt till somE lamE compagny pops up to hElp
thEm on thEir fEEt again.
ThE Atari scEnE has shrunk to only a handful of frEaks who still support thEir
compagny, EvEn if thEir compagny lEt thEm down. In thE many yEars that wE arE
frEaks wE nEvEr havE sEEn somE support from Atari (not EvEn in thE WarnEr
days). I bEliEvE that this is onE of thE rEasons that thE computEr scEnE was
born, out of discontEnt. ThE PC had no scEnE a couplE of yEars ago bEcausE
thErE was Enough support and soft/hardwarE for it. PEoplE just could EntEr any
computErshop and find thErE what thEy nEEdEd. ThE main rEason for thE rising of
thE PC scEnE is probably thE fact that many CommodorE and Atari frEaks
havE bought a PC and continuE thEir work on thEsE machinEs. Without thE scEnE,
Atari would havE bEEn dEad and buriEd a long timE ago. ThE only thing that can
kEEp thE Atari(Falcon)scEnE alivE, is to producE softwarE for it. Without fuEl
a FErrari would bE a piEcE a scrap mEtal on whEEls ! (...)
Writing this tExt makEs mE fEEl sad, rEalizing that thE Atari scEnE is going to
diE. Atari Corp is only intErEstEd in thE Jaguar, and has lEft thE opportunity
to gEt a sharE of thE Exploding homE computEr markEt to othErs, mostly to that
awful conspiracy of companiEs who arE building businEss machinEs, which
EvEryonE will usE as a gamEs machinE, and thErEforE havE to pay twicE as much
to convErt thEir businEss machinE into a gamEs machinE.
I shouldn't drink any morE vodka now. Ah, whatta fuck, just a fEw hours to go
and I should do somEthing usEful in thE timE bEtwEEn now and thEn, now
shouldn't I?
I must add hErE that I hatE:
-Atari Corp (for bEing so ignorant) -Atari usErs (for bEing arrogant and
consumptivE) -PC companiEs (for making EvEryonE bEliEvE that compatibility is
important) -CommodorE (for having succEss in a markEt which should'vE bEEn for
Atari) -Atari Corp (for building a grEat machinE and thEn abandoning it) -Atari
Corp (for building a gamEs machinE, EvEn though I don't wanna play) -Atari Corp
(for bEing stupid in gEnEral) -PC usErs (for bEliEving that compatibility is
important) -Atari usErs (for starting to bEliEvE that compatibility is
important) -PC usErs (for trying to makE mE bEliEvE thE compatibility bit)
BEcausE all of thE Smirnoff has now lEft thE bottlE, and I'm tirEd of writing
this tExt, I will now lEavE and socialisE with non-computEr friEnds, who arE
good friEnds to mE bEcausE of thEir incompatibility. (...)
HAVOC IN 1994.
OVERALL NEWS: -------------
- Atari and SEga havE comE to an agrEEmEnt ovEr softwarE licEnsEs. ThE lattEr
agrEEd on paying Atari an EstimatEd figurE of 80 million U.S. dollars. ThE
battlE was fought ovEr softwarE licEnsEs of wEll-known Atari gamEs that whErE
convErtEd by SEga. HopEfully Atari will usE this monEy for somE advErtising to
push thE Jaguar whErE it bElongs, at thE top !! I'm not surE anymorE about that
80 million, I saw figurEs of 90 million and EvEn 40 million !
- An ExtErnal company will producE Falcons. Atari doEsn't producE this machinE
anymorE as you probably alrEady know. Rumours go that this company will crEatE
nEw modEls.
PAPER MAGAZINE'S ----------------
- ThE British 'ST MagazinE' has foldEd, it sEEms that only ST Format is lEft in
thE U.K. ! A big blow to thE intErnational Atari community !
- ThE GErman Atari magazinE 'ST computEr' has compEtition from a brand nEw
magazinE. This magazinE goEs by thE namE 'Atari InsidE' and is rEcEntly
introducEd to thE public. HowEvEr thErE is onE disadvantagE judging from it's
covEr, it's complEtEly writtEn in GErman !
CD-ROM: -------
- Talking about CD-Rom, thE diskEttE has had it, EvEry nEw gamE or application
will bE rElEasEd on CD-Rom on virtually EvEry platform ExcEpt for thE Atari.
It's sad to say that Atari was thE first to 'announcE' it and thE last to
actually usE it. ThErE arE only 6/7 CDs for thE Atari rangE. You can also buy
CD-Roms madE for thE PC.
It is possiblE to rEad from thE CD-Rom in a PC with aid of a sErial cablE. You
do rEquirE 'ghostlink' to pull it of. Thank god that thE Falcon can at lEast
rEad GIF pics, play mods and can convErt DBasE, Clipart and tExtfilEs! Thanks
to thEsE possibilitiEs you can gEt your hands on hundrEds of CDs with pics,
tExts and sound ! A mEdal for thE guy that will codE a parallEl communication
program for usE bEtwEEn a Falcon and a PC !
- Plans for thE rElEasE of a CD-Rom for thE Atari rangE of computErs arE bEing
madE by ThE D.B.A. PEoplE who want morE information or want to hElp us out with
suggEstions and stuff arE wElcomE to contact us.
'It's not thE truth that makEs a human big but thE human that makEs thE truth
big' Confucius
----------------------------------------------------------- (FROM) INTERVIEW
It's quitE a whilE ago whEn I rEcEivEd a copy of EvErEst, an ExcEllEnt tExt
Editor by OlivEr Schmidt.
(Birthday: 10.12.1970
Work: I'm studying physics and maths in KiEl. FavouritE writErs: Douglas Adams,
Stanislav LEm, H.P. LovEcraft and many othErs
FavouritE musicians: Edvard GriEg, RobErt Schumann, DEEp PurplE, Pink Floyd,
LEd ZEppElin, HElgE SchnEidEr and many othErs
It's not rEally important to mEEt onE of thEm. If it would bE possiblE, I want
to mEEt thE constructor of our world.)
ComputEr: LanguagE: 1984 Sinclair ZX81 (BASIC and assEmblEr) 1986 Amstrad CPC
464 (Turbo Pascal and assEmblEr) 1989 Atari MEga ST1 (Turbo/ PurE C and
CurrEnt sEtup,
MEga ST1, 3MB RAM, SM 124 with OvErscan, Mag!X (is now MagiC!), MEgafilE 30,
Star LC 24-10
AftEr rElEasing thE ST, Atari has madE only mistakEs. Now thEy arE coming back
with thE Jaguar. ThErE arE no nEw TOS products from Atari. Though thE TOS-Atari
is my favouritE computEr (It's much bEttEr than thE slow Macs, thE awkward
Windows and thE complicatEd Unix) it dEpEnds on thE markEting if it has a
futurE or not. If Atari continuEs doing nothing, thErE will bE no futurE for
this hardwarE platform. Why don't thEy combinE thE Jaguar and thE Falcon?
This timE wE got an intErviEw with onE of thE pillars of todays Atari scEnE,
StEvE DElanEy. HE runs a largE Public Domain Library togEthEr with his partnEr
IrEnE Lamb. Both arE rEsponsiblE for a profEssional and friEndly approach
towards thEir cliEnts. Floppyshop offErs a widE variEty of high quality PD
softwarE for thE ST, STE, TT and Falcon sEriEs. NExt to PD softwarE thErE arE
also somE commErcial packagEs availablE.
I pErsonally sEE StEvE as a graduator for thE hEalth of thE Atari scEnE, if
Floppyshop folds than wE'rE closE to dEath ! Okay, now for a pEEk bEhind thE
curtains as wE intErviEw thE mainman himsElf,
I am 33 yEars old (born 20th May 1961) and marriEd with a ninE yEar old
daughtEr. I havE bEEn intErEstEd in computErs sincE I first usEd a DEC at
collEgE about fiftEEn yEars ago. I am known to bE a workaholic and tEnd to work
about Eighty hours a wEEk Monday to Friday. I spEnd most of thE wEEkEnds with
my daughtEr Samantha. HobbiEs and work tEnd to bE onE and thE samE, computErs!
I work on computErs and Enjoy writing about thEm. I also likE rElaxing and
watching a film. Any typE of film, it doEsn't mattEr. I just find it a good way
to rElax.
I had a ZX81 for about thrEE months. That was probably in 1982 or 1983.
StrangEly Enough, I bought a TExas TI99/4A just as thEy wEnt out of production.
It was a grEat computEr, pity it didn't catch on. ThE nExt stEp up was a 16K
spEctrum which lastEd a fEw wEEks, followEd by a 48K SpEctrum. I must havE kEpt
that onE for at lEast six months, maybE longEr. I got a good dEal on a
CommodorE 64 and sold thE SpEctrum. ThE C64 lastEd about a yEar and was
followEd by an Amstrad CPC 6128, my first disk basEd computEr, complEtE with
non-standard 3 inch disks! I kEpt that onE for wEll ovEr a yEar and in April
1987 bought a 520 STFM. ThE rEst is history as thEy say......
I'vE bought and sold quitE a lot of Atari hardwarE and softwarE ovEr thE yEars.
My own pErsonal sEtup nowadays consists of a Falcon 030 (4 MEg + 65 Mb hard
drivE) upgradEd to 32MHz, connEctEd to a Tatung SVGA monitor and a HEwlEtt
Packard DEskjEt 560C. I also havE an STFM upgradEd to 4 MEg, with fivE
switchablE TOS vErsions up to TOS 2.06. It also has switchablE ovErscan, a
blittEr (yEs on a STFM!) and a high dEnsity drivE. It is connEctEd to a
CommodorE 1084 monitor and a homE madE 90 Mb SCSI drivE which has bEEn adaptEd
for connEction to thE ST or Falcon.
My mothEr is a partnEr in thE businEss too and shE has two STE's (1 MEg and 4
MEg) and an STFM (1 MEg) connEctEd to two Philips CM8833 monitors. ShE has a 40
Mb REfErEncE 40 hard drivE and TOS 2.06 fittEd in onE of thE STE's. WE also
havE a 200 dpi hand scannEr, Vidi RGB and VidEoMastEr, although nonE of thEsE
gEt usEd vEry much nowadays.
SoftwarE-wisE wE usE SupErbasE PErsonal for thE mailing list, First Word Plus
for lEttEr writing and Calamus for DTP. K-SprEad 4 handlEs thE accounts. I also
tEnd to usE ImagEcopy 3 and GEM-ViEw quitE a lot. I usE a fEw PD and SharEwarE
likE SElEctric, ST Zip, RDD 3, FS2 (DElta ForcE vErsion) and NEw DEpack on a
rEgular basis. ThErE's probably a fEw morE programs wE usE but thosE arE thE
onEs that spring to mind.
ThE Falcon is a grEat computEr. I'vE always said that it is ovEr pricEd but
apart from that its a worthwhilE buy. Atari havE supportEd thE Falcon as wEll
as thEy supportEd thE TT. In othEr words, thEy'vE bEEn as much usE as a car
without whEEls! At thE right pricE and with thE right advErtising, Atari could
havE sold about fivE timEs as many Falcons. This is obviously of no intErEst to
thEm as thEy arE burying thEir hEads in thE sand with thE Jaguar. In my
opinion, it is nEvEr safE to placE all your Eggs in onE baskEt. ThEy say that
if thE Jaguar doEs wEll, thEy will havE thE monEy to push to Falcon. I agrEE
that thEy will havE thE monEy to do it, but thEy'll find somEthing 'morE
intErEsting' to spEnd thE monEy on. Atari may wEll succEEd with thE Jaguar but
I bEliEvE that it will bE short tErm until somEthing biggEr and bEttEr comEs
along. Until thEn, thEy can Enjoy thEir succEss.
ThE Falcon has a shortEr futurE than it would havE had if Atari had put thEir
full wEight bEhind it. NEvErthElEss, thE Falcon community is strong, both usErs
and dEvElopErs. ThErE is an Enthusiasm for thE Falcon that nEvEr ExistEd for
thE TT (although it's a powErful machinE too) and that nEvEr could Exist in thE
stuffy world of PC clonEs. Top companiEs arE continuing to rElEasE nEw softwarE
and hardwarE and thErE's word of Falcon clonEs coming on thE scEnE. If thEy can
bE pitchEd at thE right pricE and promotEd propErly, thEy will rEvitalizE thE
usEr basE. EvEn if Atari stoppEd producing thE Falcon tomorrow, thE usErs and
dEvElopErs would still bE going strong a fEw yEars from now. BEing honEst, I'vE
nEvEr sEEn so much PD and SharEwarE softwarE bEing rElEasEd for a rElativEly
nEw machinE. ThErE's morE Falcon spEcific softwarE than STE spEcific titlEs!
ThE Public Domain sEctor in thE UK has fillEd up with 'Cowboys' ovEr thE last
two or thrEE yEars. LEt mE Explain - Cowboys is an ExprEssion in wE usE in
Britain to mEan pEoplE who arE just in it for thE monEy, don't rEally know much
about what thEy arE doing and providE a sub-standard sErvicE. ThE PD markEt has
shrunk quickly hErE and thE Cowboys arE shutting down. SomE arE lEaving thE
scEnE bEcausE thE can't makE Enough monEy to satisfy thEir grEEd and othErs
havE gonE bust. UnfortunatEly onE or two rEspEctablE librariEs havE also closEd
down which is a shamE to say thE lEast. ThE UK markEt will soon bE lEft with
just a fEw dEdicatEd companiEs running thE PD scEnE, giving an ExcEllEnt
standard of sErvicE and bEing knowlEdgEablE about thE products thEy distributE
and thE EquipmEnt thEy work on. This can only bE good nEws for thE usErs.
As rEgards thE quality of softwarE bEing writtEn and thE dEdication shown by
authors, this has nEvEr bEEn highEr. SomE of thE morE rEcEnt rElEasEs arE as
good as commErcial softwarE you usEd to pay 25 for! SomE arE EvEn bEttEr than
commErcial softwarE. ThE authors arE dElivEring top quality softwarE and thE
public arE EvEn starting to pay thEir rEgistration fEEs. Now that must bE good
I think I'vE rEally covErEd most of this in prEvious answErs. I'll just add
that thE Atari markEt is an Enthusiasts markEt. EvEryonE is bubbling ovEr with
idEas and doEs thEir bEst to gEt thE most out of thEir machinEs. This is Enough
to sustain thE ST and Falcon for somE timE EvEn if Atari thEmsElvEs do dEcidE
to lEavE thE scEnE.
Piracy is thEft in thE sEnsE that you arE dEpriving thosE who wrotE thE
softwarE of thEir incomE. ThE long tErm consEquEncEs arE that not Enough copiEs
gEt sold in ordEr to makE it worth thE company's whilE writing anothEr product
for thE Atari. It also has thE EffEct of lEaving thE programmEr disillusionEd,
EspEcially if hE's on royaltiEs, and thE End rEsult is that hE may stop writing
softwarE and movE into anothEr linE of work. I know sEvEral pEoplE who arE vEry
capablE authors but havE givEn up programming and takEn work in othEr arEas of
Don't buy a PC, you'll livE (or pErhaps not) to rEgrEt it!
==================================== (From) INTERVIEW WITH ZEME OF DAWN
==================================== by SlimEr
HErE's anothEr intErviEw with a pErson who's rEsponsiblE for a vEry good PD
program. His psEudo namE is 'ZEmE' of Dawn, this Dutch group has rEcEntly
changEd it's namE. BEforE thEy rEnamEd thEm sElvEs to Dawn thEy wErE known as
OdyssEy. Although thEy nEvEr managEd to bEcomE a big namE on thE Atari scEnE
thEy do bElong to thE small Dutch scEnE.
ThE most rEcEnt softwarE rElEasE camE in thE form of a program callEd DFC. You
can find a copy of it on thE prEvious D.B.A. magazinE. DFC allows you to
install multiplE applications in thE dEsktop, programs arE now allowEd to
rEcognizE morE than onE ExtEnsion ! QuitE nicE, and rEason for mE to intErviEw
thE codEr bEhind it all.....
Birthday: march 31 (EvEry yEar sincE '76) HobbiEs: MIDI composing, programming
(whErE's thE intErEsting stuff?!), ElEctronic 'bastElEiEn',
computEr-math-stuff. CurrEntly I am attEnding school, so no supErb monEy
Earnings hErE (sigh).
Kurt Cobain
Why thE HELL did you kill yoursElf???!!!
Nirvana, AlicE in Chains, U2 and occasionally somE 'gEnEral' music (likE DEEp
ForEst Etc). All playEd by my CD & DCC playErs (what doEs 'analoguE' mEan
First : Sharp MZ800 (sort of a MSX but not) ThEn : ST (3 Mb, no HD) Now :
Falcon 030/4/85-VGA
I am _v_E_r_y_ rEsErvEd at this point, both thE Falcon's and Atari's futurE
dEpEnd on thE Jaguar salEs. ThE Jag is a HOT machinE, but if Atari doEsn't do
somE good advErtising soon EvEn such a HOT machinE won't makE it. What about
somE MARKETING, Atari?
- A good soundtrackEr for 16 bit samplEs (This DIGITAL trackEr looks promising,
but lacks somE important fEaturEs likE prEcisE panning pEr channEl (not just
lEft, middlE or right)). - A good GFA-alikE basic which takEs full advantagE of
what my birdy can do. - GamEs (EspEcially to incrEasE Falcon salEs, almost
EvEry- body likEs to play a gamE oncE in a whilE).
I was mEssing around with this 'Install application' option from thE dEsktop.
Yuck! You can only typE onE ExtEnsion hErE! Yuck! My NEWDESK.INF is too big!
Error mEssagEs! ThEn I figurEd that I could do somEthing about this...!
I always am, but I'm still attEnding school, so no big projEcts can bE ExpEctEd
soon... I am 'suffEring' from this typical 'syndromE': <Always planning, nEvEr
Too small. ThE complEtE scEnE is too crowdEd by PC's. ThErE arE Enough
potEntial Falcon buyErs, but a lot of thEm can't stand thE PC-sEduction, Atari
doEsn't offEr thEm Enough (fastEr, bEttEr and morE ExpandablE Falcons for
ExamplE, but softwarE too).
YEs. It's usually a hugE amount of work that thE authors havE put into
dEvEloping thEir program. ThEy should gEt thE monEy thEy dEsErvE. But: It's
simply too Easy to copy softwarE, it's hard to rEsist copying that wondErful
gamE. It's likE a shop whErE you can takE things with you and pay by
transfErring thE monEy latEr. How many of us would 'forgEt' to pay sincE thEy
don't havE your namE... WEll, somEbody's got to comE with a bloody smart
solution hErE!
'If hE's right, A son may EvEn corrEct his own fathEr' Confucius
==> A PERSONAL GUIDE THROUGH P.C. LAND <== <== by SlimEr ==>
INTRODUCTION ------------
As thE Falcon scEnE runs thin on softwarE and support thErE arE thosE who want
to buy a sEcond computEr bEsidE thEir Falcon. WE of thE D.B.A. havE also
dEcidEd to buy a sEcond computEr to satisfy our nEEd for softwarE. It's a pity
that thE Falcon can't providE us with our hungEr for nEw things(i.E. soft and
hardwarE). Thus a P.C. or ApplE would bE thE answEr to our nEEds. DisadvantagE
of thE ApplE is thE fact that thEir markEt sharE is also shrinking and thEy
producE to much diffErEnt machinEs. ThE only solution is thE P.C. with thEir
awkward Windows and Dos OpErating systEms. ThE big advantagE of thE P.C. is thE
hugE amount of softwarE that is availablE for it, ranging from vEry good gamEs
till profEssional applications. Many Falcon usErs havE to makE a stEp soonEr or
latEr to anothEr machinE or quit thEir hobby as Atari is going down thE drain.
Atari is only intErEstEd in thE consolE businEss at thE momEnt, as no nEw
computErs arE plannEd. EvEn if thEy producE a nEw computEr no onE will buy as
thE thrust is complEtEly gonE.
It's a shamE that a lot of pEoplE only usE thE Falcon to show GIF pics and
animations on, or to listEn to modulEs. You don't nEEd a Falcon to do that,
bEcausE thEsE animations and GIFS usually arE importEd from thE P.C.. I know
that many diE-hard Atari usErs arE maybE a bit annoyEd by mE saying thEsE
things but, thEy know that a futurE with Atari looks vEry dark. I'm nothing
saying that you havE to sEll your Falcon, you can always (whEn you havE Enough
cash) buy a sEcond computEr. It's possiblE connEct a sErial cablE bEtwEEn your
Falcon and thE P.C. and import graphics, sound or tExt from disk or EvEn CD-Rom
! For pEoplE who arE intErEstEd in buying a P.C., I havE a fEw guidElinEs that
maybE arE hElpful whEn you want to purchasE onE.
ThE list you sEE bElow this paragraph contains only thE minimal systEm
rEquirEmEnts nEEdEd thEsE days to work propErly with thE computEr. You havE to
takE in account that systEm rEquirEmEnts incrEasE rabidly as big and slow
OpErating SystEms likE Windows and OS 2 Warp ask morE and morE from your systEm
with Each nEw vErsion. MorE and morE programs will run undEr Windows instEad of
Dos, taking much mEmory and spEEd. (...)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- G O
S S I P (you rEad it first) -------------------------------- by SlimEr ----
Rumours go that 'Jack TramiEl' has bEEn attackEd by a black Jaguar. ThE
prEsidEnt of Atari Corporation was guEst of honor at a thEE party, hEld at
DowningstrEEt 10. ThE accidEnt happEnEd whEn thE Jaguar of John Major didn't
got Enough to Eat. It jumpEd straight towards thE poor victim with what sEEmEd
to bE a wild glancE of 'softwarEhungEr' in it's EyEs.
'Jack' managEd to kEEp thE cat at bay with onE of thE joypads. ExpErts say that
this kind of bEhavior has nEvEr bEEn spottEd bEforE on Jaguar typE of consolEs.
ThEy assumE that thE disEasE has bEEn brought in through thE channEltunnEl by
aliEn gayboys !
Important mEssagE,
A nEw computErvirus has bEEn spottEd on thousands of Amigas throughout EuropE.
ThE computErvirus has bEEn dEscribEd by ExpErts as ExtrEmEly dangErous and vEry
complEx. It's told that it looks for usErs with low brain capacity whErE it
causEs an ovErload by short-circuiting thE nErvE- cEntEr. ExpErts assumE that
thE virus is writtEn by a vEry intElligEnt mEmbEr of thE Atari scEnE.
REports say that ovEr 80% of thE EntirE Amiga scEnE has bEEn infEctEd by what
thEy now call thE 'appEtitE for sElf-dEstruction' virus.
Symptoms arE: A stupid ExprEssion on thE facE whilE brEakdanching on thE
stairs. ---
CommodorE bankrupt (An Atari/SEga conspiracy ?) !
ComputEr-manufacturEr CommodorE is finally bankrupt. Many Atari-frEaks havE
cElEbratEd this day of victory, thE battlE has bEEn won aftEr many yEars of
war. IntErnal sourcEs havE said that hugE amounts of monEy havE disappEarEd
into thin air. ThEsE sourcEs assumE that hostilE hackErs havE crackEd thE
CommodorE mainframE (a VIC 20) and transfErrEd all thE monEy via SEga to Atari
bankaccounts !
Sinclair has bought I.B.M. !!! WE soon can ExpEct thE first PowErSpEctrums to
hit thE markEt.....
Hip Hop, MEtal, NErd or not a NErd that is thE quEstion.... Our modErn wEstErn
sociEty sEEms to bE partEd in many diffErEnt lifE stylEs thEsE days. You arE
'cool' whEn you watch MTV and buy LEvis jEans and you arE considErEd to bE a
wimp whEn you don't. I think that it is about timE to introducE somE nEw trEnds
to rEplacE thE old (and boring) onEs. You will find a list of handy hints and
tips that can turn you into thE most HOTEst dudE on thE planEt. GEt rEady for
thE nEw trEnds in fashion, lifE-stylE, music/t.v. and sEx, bE a trEndsEttEr, bE
'HOT', rEad D.B.A. magazinE !!
Who wants to buy jEans from LEvis thEsE days, as thEy arE much to ExpEnsivE and
ovErhypEd. Buy a chEap brand instEad and show thE world that you don't givE a
sh!t ! BE HOT and don't bEcomE a victim of commErcials.
HolEs in your trousErs arE not cool, thEy givE thE imprEssion that you can't
afford to buy dEcEnt clothEs.
Buy stuff that arE not in thE commErcials on T.V., makE a sport of avoiding
thEm. Don't lEt thosE psycho annalists think that thEy can look insidE your
brain !
Don't bE cool, NO bE a 'HOT' dudE. Do you know a girl that wants to slEEp with
a rEfrigErator !? LEarning to mastEr thE washingmachinE is considErEd to bE
HOT. Don't bE thE nErd that takEs his dirty laundry to mommy ! Your a guy, you
nEEd to know how a washingmachinE works !
Cars arE no longEr a symbol of status, thEy arE polluting thE EnvironmEnt and
arE bad for your hEalth and condition. BE a man and takE your bikE and don't
lEt wind, rain or a roaring thundErstorm stop you !
ThE PErsonal ComputEr is out !! Join thE ElitE and buy a Falcon or at lEast an
ArchimEdEs. Don't bE onE of thosE millions of PC shEEp on this Earth. DarE !
EEErhm, this articlE was typEd on a PC using WordPErfEct..
Most youth thEsE days arE complEtEly crazy about AmErica. It's rEally
unbEliEvablE. REmEmbEr AmErica is foundEd by unwantEd pEoplE that wE EuropEans
sEnd thErE. WE brought our criminals to this continEnt to gEt rid of thEm. Just
look at thE high criminal ratEs. A lot of EuropEan crimi- nals havE bEEn
influEncEnd by AmErican moviEs. BE proud of your own country !!
--- MUSIC/T.V.
'HousE' is sEvErEly f@ckEd up "music" and can bE considErEd as trash! A HOT
dudE doEsn't movE on f@ckEd up music only on dEcEnt music ranging from Rock to
HEavy MEtal or othEr music stylEs crEatEd by dEcEnt composErs and singErs !
At thE End of this paragraph you will find a black list of t.v. programs that
arE NOT HOT to watch. ThEsE programs must bE avoidEd at any cost. ThE pEoplE
bEhind thEsE programs arE only aftEr your monEy and mind !
BEvErly Hills 90210 M.T.V. Catwalk 21 JumpstrEEt ThE Bold and thE BEautiful,
and thE likEs Oprah WindfrEy ThE WhEEl of FortunE and othEr stupid
--- SEX
FingErfucking will bE rEplacEd by toEfucking using both of your toE's at oncE.
ThEsE tEchniquEs arE quitE old but arE worth to bE introducEd again.
ThE normal missionary position is also back ! Who wants to gEt his arms and
lEgs tanglEd in all kind of strangE positions whEn you just want ordinary sEx
!? ForgEt thosE ChinEsE books or join thEir circus !
THE D.B.A. (diskmagazinE) P.O. Box 506 NL-9200 AM DRACHTEN THE NETHERLANDS
WritE to thE first addrEss for mattErs concErning thE diskmagazinE likE
articlEs, picturEs and softwarE. You can also ordEr back-issuEs at this addrEss
by sEnding 3 IRCs, but rEmEmbEr FALCON ONLY !
ThE sEcond addrEss is for codErs and graphics pEoplE who want to ExchangE
knowlEdgE or softwarE !
Atari's recent announcement - they no longer have any Falcons left in
the warehouse and have no plans to manufacturer any more - has cast
somewhat of a pallor over the otherwise party animal Atari user
community. Although Atari has licensed manufacturing rights to the
European-based C-Lab, it is not clear whether this music-oriented
"clone" (14 megs in a stock Falcon case with an added 500 meg internal
SCSI HD and altered -10db input/output line-level) will be distributed
widely outside of Germany.
The estimated street price ($3,000 U.S. equivalent) makes one wonder
whether anyone ever bothered to tell C-Lab that the practice of
licensing to clone manufacturers holds the promise of delivering equal
or better product than the original, with one important difference -
at a competitively-reduced price!
This new/old hybrid represents the original machine with a few
on-board alterations that any Atari repair house could just as easily
effect (larger SCSI HD, maxed memory, etc.) But when you take the
original cost of a 1 meg Falcon and add that to the individual cost of
the improved stuffing in this bird, there appears to be roughly $1200
left over which I, despite all my efforts, can't seem to find the hard
goods to justify. Hmmm... Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
We've got the latest updates on Wizztronics' Barracuda 040 along with
a mini-review of Zero-X. We've also got a report on the recent Music
Messe in Germany, the country which - as the legions of devoted German
Atari computer owners have been moved to otherwise refer to it -
easily earns the monikered title of "AtariLand!" As you might imagine,
there's more new things Atari in that thar heavenly place then
Horatio's pessimistic philosophy ever dreamed of naysaying.
In the Atari graphics arena the latest buzz concerns two very
impressive programs that have recently been released for the Falcon -
Apex Media (now available here in the US) and Neon (available in
Europe only at that moment). The first product offers a 2-D paint,
graphics and animation/ morphing environment, while the second is a
3-D animation, rendering and ray tracing suite. These exciting new
products are very impressive, both in the number of powerful features
and a flexible environment in which you can create and manipulate
graphic objects to produce some very professional-looking
And away we go....
_/ _/
_/ M U S I C N E W S _/
_/ _/
C-Lab's Falcon MKII held center court at Germany's recent Music Messe
(Europe's version of our annual NAMM music expo) this past February,
as a steady stream of showgoers flocked to get a glimpse of the heir
apparent as it emerged from the shadows for its maiden flight.
Reaction from "AtariLand"'s loyal subjects ranged from optimistic to
ecstatic that the obligations of carrying the torch in manufacturing
the Falcon are being taken up by a third-party company wearing an old,
familiar face.
For those newcomers to the Atari world, C-Lab made Atari synonymous
with MIDI production throughout Europe - as as well as here in the
States - with their popular line of music sequencing & notation
software. Best known for Notator, unquestionably the first Atari music
application (could very well have been the first one on any computer
platform) which brought together unparalleled notation and scoring
flexibility and feature-driven sequencing power under a sophisticated,
unified working environment, C-Lab was king of the hill in the early
years. Although the last version released before the program was taken
over by U.S.-based E-Magic is certainly no match for the dazzling
interfaces and capabilities of today's MIDI music applications, there
are literally tens of thousands of die-hard, devoted Notator users out
there, even as we speak, who refuse to entertain the notion of ever
using anything else!
What is somewhat ironic is that, back in the days of the sequencing
wars - yes, Virginia, there was once a great wall which split the
heart of Germany right down the middle and a great MIDI program battle
which raged day and night there as well - it was all Germans could do
just to have a moment's peace without being woken from their dreams or
distracted from their work by the bellowing cries of, "We'll bury you
alive!" and, "Your name is history!" echoing back and forth between
the headquarters for C-Lab and Steinberg. Needless to say, there was
no love lost between these two major competitors.
Given enough time, the saying goes, even the worst of former enimities
are worn down into the best of friendships - although, sadly, the
reverse is also true. At first, walking towards the Steinberg booth,
which dominated it's location with an impressively large, centrally-
located booth, you wouldn't have suspected anything other than the
eagerly-awaited surprises Steinberg would be premiering at this event.
But, once you began to explore the rather formidable perimeter of the
Steinberg booth, those who remember the old days were knocked on their
kopfs to see C-Lab hawking their wares right within the bosom of their
old adversary! As if that wasn't enough of a total surprise, upon
closer inspection, it became apparent that C-Lab occupied what many
would consider (given their former relationship) a rather generous
section of Steinberg's real estate.
C-Lab's Falcon MKII features the C-Lab logo prominently displayed on
what is actually an exact replica of the Falcon's original 1040-styled
case. That's because C-Lab has officially assumed supervision of
Atari's former manufacturing plant in Taiwan, and licensed rights and
access to all the original molds and schematics for the Falcon. At the
helm of this ambitious undertaking is C-Lab founder and PR wizard,
Burkhart Burgerhoff, who's fire, intensity and desire to succeed were
clearly evident as he carried on business meeting after merchandising
session after media interview practically non-stop throughout the
entire length of the show.
Apart from limiting choice of memory strictly to 14 megs, replacing
Atari's stock 80-meg internal IDE drive with a 500 meg internal SCSI
drive (which means you can now easily save your audio files to your
internal drive with a bit of room to spare) and making a much-needed
improvement on the specs for the Falcon's easily signal-overloaded
stereo in/outs, a number of minor improvements have also been
addressed in the MKII.
All the timing fixes which plagued a number of both original and
subsequent machines have been implemented in this latest incarnation
of the Falcon. In addition, a software plug-in has been added which,
when placed in your AUTO folder, allows for switching between 1040 and
Falcon modes so as to be able to successfully use C-Lab's Notator,
Creator (Notator without the notation features) and all of C-Lab's
well-known hardware peripherals. Prior to this clever software
solution, you couldn't run any of these products successfully on the
Falcon, due to a number of inconsistencies between the program code,
the 030 and the Falcon's architecture.
Burgerhoff apparently sees two initial markets for his MKII. One is
obviously the musician or small studio who's looking for a turnkey
system which can provide digital audio and MIDI capabilities. They're
also handling 14" VGA monitors offering a paper-white display in ST
high rez mode, as well as a variety of both fixed and removable
Syquest SCSI drives in a variety of sizes. Improved -10db input/output
line-levels and compatibility with older MIDI software will certainly
make the machine more appealing to those users who, up to now, would
rather stay with their older machines in order to use their favorite
The addition of an internal 500 MB SCSI hard drive not only offers
direct saving and accessing of your digital audio files, but offers
roughly 40 minutes of stereo recording at industry standard rates, 10
minutes of linear audio across 8 tracks or roughly 10 minutes of audio
across 16 tracks by utilizing the 030 for data compression and
decompression. There's actually room for approximately 46 minutes of
stereo recording and 12 minutes of 8/16 track recording - but you'll
need to set aside enough space for a C: partition to hold your AUTO
folder, system-related programs and accessories, along with your music
sequencing, notation and editor/librarian software.
The other market is obviously those tens of thousands of Notator/
Creator owners who would love to upgrade their Atari to the next
level, but have been reluctant to do so because of its inability to
run C-Lab's former products. Will this be enough to keep the Falcon
flying at a $3,000 U.S. price point? I guess we'll know next year how
the market will respond.
_/ Future C-Lab Developments
C-Lab is also looking ahead towards future product releases. They were
showing a Falcon installed within a 2-space high rack unit. Additional
features will include 8 balanced audio outputs, PDIF/ADAT optical
interface for direct connection to Alesis' ADAT digital 8 track
recorder, 4 independent MIDI outputs, a digital I/O for connecting
directly to a DAT machine and a 540 meg internal SCSI drive. Options
will include a 1 Gig internal SCSI drive and an on-board SMPTE/VITC/
MIDI time code sync card.
In an attempt to kick up the video output to accommodate larger
displays, C-Lab is also claiming that the rack will also offer the
additional option of being able to accommodate a video card with
enough on-board V(ideo)-RAM to hook up a 19" monitor directly. Anyone
who uses Cubase Audio, or any other program which offers plenty of
windows for a variety of editors, tool palettes and sequence files
knows what a joy it is to work on a big screen and have all that room
to really spread things out.
>** File '' attached (4890 bytes)
Pa da, jeste da imamo malo poruka ali dok nam je mipe tu popunjavaćemo zna-
čajno mesto na Sezamovom hardu. :(
žemu li služe dve poruke od po 15Kb i sve to ponovo u fajlu?
P.S. Nije Dule nego Ljubiša
Ako sam dobro shvatio ima vrlo malo ljudi koji se ovde pojavljuju.
Sta se tu moze. PC je definitivno pregazio sve. Nadam se da cemo
ziveti bar jos malo. Ja cu biti tu, barem dok ne predjem na PC-a.
Dobrodošao nam u konf i klub ljubitelja Motorole. :)
>Ako sam dobro shvatio ima vrlo malo ljudi koji se ovde pojavljuju.
I jesi i nisi. Ima nas relativno dosta na sistemu al slabo se piše
a čak ni ne komentariše. Zato sam i napustio Sezam.
>> Pa da, jEstE da imamo malo poruka ali dok nam jE mipE tu
>popunjavacEmo znacajno mEsto na SEzamovom hardu. :(
>CEmu li sluzE dvE porukE od po 15Kb
Ljubisha, zao mi (TE) jE. PomEnutE porukE su namEnjEnE onima koji ih
mogu procitati i razumEti. OnE imaju smisla pod uslovom da su
informativnE za makar nEkolicinu ostalih korisnika SEzama (a jEsu!)
zaintErEsovanih za DTP (tj. Calamus SL UpgradE & NEWS, prva poruka)
odnosno Falkon (tj. prEstanak proizvodnjE starog i promocija novog
Falkona - MK2, druga poruka).
KracE od ovoga nisam umEo, a da nE dovEdEm u pitanjE smisao
cElinE tEkstova iz kojih su uzEti odlomci (ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE,
I, vErovao ili nE, bicu vEoma zahvalan svakomE ko na SEzamu
ostavi ponEki koristan digEst iz najnovijih Atari on-linE magazina.
>i svE to ponovo u fajlu?
Mozda si u pravu, a mozda i nisi. PonEko (npr. Radosav) trazi
da sE ovakvi tEkstovi spakuju u fajl, zbog laksEg prEuzimanja.
Ali, i ako sam pogrEsio ovim (vErovatno nEkorisnim) dupliranjEm,
ti sE sasvim nEpotrEbno brinEs o SEzamovim hardovima (ima ko
prima platu za takvu brigu).
Uostalom, ja urEdno placam komErcijalnu prEtplatu (za razliku od
svErcEra poput ...) na SEzamu, i imam puno PRAVO da DL/UL-ujEm
stogod mi sE svidi, naravno, u okviru ugovorEnih pravila i limita.
KomE sE ta pravila nE svidjaju, on lako mozE uspostaviti i
sopstvEna - ali, na sopstvEnom BBS-u!
>>Ima nas rElativno dosta na sistEmu al slabo sE pisE >
a cak ni nE komEntarisE. Zato sam i napustio SEzam.
Lapsus cErErE.
Ljubisha napustio SEzam! Otkud ovdE? Da nisi zalutao, ili
sE (prosto) - izgubio!?
Pozdrav, MipE B)))
>>Uostalom, ja urEdno placam komErcijalnu prEtplatu (za razliku od
>>svErcEra poput ...) na SEzamu, i imam puno PRAVO da DL/UL-ujEm
>>stogod mi sE svidi, naravno, u okviru ugovorEnih pravila i limita.
>>KomE sE ta pravila nE svidjaju, on lako mozE uspostaviti i
>>sopstvEna - ali, na sopstvEnom BBS-u!
Naravno, ali Uprava ima i neka diskreciona prava, a postoji i neki
bonton koji nije obavezan ali je poželjan. Najbolje je da ovako duge
poruke pakuješ u fajl, a da u poruci ostaviš kratak sadržaj, da bi svako
mogao da vidi čega tu ima i da skine ako ga to interesuje, a koga ne
interesuje, da preskoči.
> Uprava ima i neka diskreciona prava
Jel' ovo treba da bude pretnja? Ako mislis da u ovakvom slucaju mozes
potezati diskreciona prava, onda izvoli! Ako pretis u prazno onda je to
prilicno glupo. Ili da mozda raspravimo to oko "diskrecionih prava" i njihove
eventualne primene u slucaju nekoliko fajlova od 15-ak Kb - sa vlasnicima
Sezama? Sta od ovo troje?
> Postoji i neki bonton koji nije obaveza ali je pozeljan
Bonton podrazumeva obostrano lepo ponasanje. Npr. od Sezama jos uvek nisam
dobio Uputstvo, sto ne da je suprotno bontonu, nego i dobrim poslovnim
Uostalom, ljubav za ljubav, a pare za pare. Da je sve u bontonu Sezam ne bi
naplacivao clanarinu i ne bi bio komercijalan vec amaterski. Dokle je
komercijalan, verujem da imam pravo da koristim usluge koje sam platio.
Pozdrav. M.Peric
> Najbolje je da ovako duge poruke pakujes u fajl, a da u poruci ostavis kratak
Ovo lepo zvuci, ali na zalost, ne osecam se ni dovoljno kompetetnim ni
dovoljno pametnim da tudje tekstove prekrajam i sazimam. Ne bi mi se svidelo ni
da neko drugi to radi sa mojim tekstovima.
Ali, obzirom da predlog zvuci razumno, ne bih imao nista protiv da to ti
uradis, ako vec umes: ja cu tebi poslati sleKHdeci tekst na mail, ti napravi
sazetak i posalji ga u neku od tema. OK?
>> Jel' ovo treba da bude pretnja? Ako mislis da u ovakvom slucaju mozes
>>potezati diskreciona prava, onda izvoli! Ako pretis u prazno onda je to
>>prilicno glupo.
Ja ni po kom osnovu ne spadam u Upravu, a još manje imam običaj da
pretim (BTW, već si mi jednom rekao da ti pretim a nisi mi to argumentovao).
Ali, znaš, u Upravi sede oni koji itekako razmišljaju o Sezamovim
diskovima, i njima se ni malo neće dopasti tvoja izjava da te baš briga da
li će se disk napuniti. Moje je samo da ti skrenem pažnju da to nije u
redu (i, realno, nije, em isti tekst dva puta opterećuje disk, em puniš
PAD-ove onima koje taj tekst, možda, ne interesuje), već sam dugo ovde,
znam kako Uprava reaguje na to. Ja nemam nikakva diskreciona prava, mogu
samo da ti obrišem poruku (što mi, u ovom slučaju, ne pada na pamet, jer
nije eksplicitno u suprotnosti sa Ugovorom) i to je sve.
> Ovo lepo zvuci, ali na zalost, ne osecam se ni dovoljno kompetetnim ni
>dovoljno pametnim da tudje tekstove prekrajam i sazimam. Ne bi mi se svidelo
>da neko drugi to radi sa mojim tekstovima.
I ne treba da ništa prekrajaš, jednostavno, arhiviraš tekst, napišeš
poruku tipa 'u fajlu koji sledi nalazi se tekst o tome, tome i tome' i
prikačiš arhivu. Tako će svako znati šta se nalazi u arhivi, koga
interesuje, skinuće, koga ne interesuje, preskočiće, i svi srećni i
> Ali, obzirom da predlog zvuci razumno, ne bih imao nista protiv da to ti
>uradis, ako vec umes: ja cu tebi poslati sleKHdeci tekst na mail, ti napravi
>sazetak i posalji ga u neku od tema. OK?
Nije OK, kad bi svi tako radili, razmisli koliko bi mi vremena trebalo.
Nisam rekao da me "bas briga da li ce se disk napuniti", vec da ima neko ko za
tu brigu prima platu (i da za tu platu delimicno dobija i od moje pretplate)
> Nije OK
Samo sam pomislio da bi mozda moderator mene trebao da obavestava o novostima u
Atari svetu, a ne ja moderatora. Bez ljutnje.
> Npr. od Sezama jos uvek nisam dobio Uputstvo...
Ne pokušavam da branim SEZAM, samo sam čuo da se uputsva ne
šalju jer se čeka njihovo štampanje. Pošto je i znatno promenjen
softver, i uputstvo je pretrpelo promene. Kažu da će ga poslati
u toku leta...
>>i svE to ponovo u fajlu?
>Ali, i ako sam pogrEsio ovim (vErovatno nEkorisnim) dupliranjEm...
Zašto je radosavu teže da otkuca "DO broj poruke" umesto da pročita
poruku i odgovori sa DA?
P.S. Ja sam ZA onakve tekstove...
>Samo sam pomislio da bi mozda moderator mene trebao da obavestava o novostima
>Atari svetu, a ne ja moderatora. Bez ljutnje.
Naravno, bez ljutnje (BTW, mene ćeš teško naljutiti :)). Sad, ti bez
ljutnje, ali, čini mi se da malo pogrešno shvataš ulogu moderatora.
Naravno, moderator treba da bude aktivan u konferencijama, da potstiče
diskusiju itd, ali mu je glavni posao da održava red u konferenciji, da
vodi računa da korisnici poštuju pravila propisana Ugovorom itd. Ja,
lično, nemam neki stalan izvor novosti, da imam, slao bih redovno, a isti
je slučaj i sa programima. Bavim se hardverom i pomalo programiranjem, pa
se po tim pitanjima pretežno i oglašavam, Znaš kako, ako pogledaš ostale
konferencije, videćeš da postoje PC.PROG, PC.OS, PC.HARD... NOVOSTI...
Svaku od tih konferencija moderiše po jedan čovek, stručan za odredjenu
oblast, a mi smo isuviše mala populacija da bi nam dali nekoliko
konferencija, svaku sa svojim moderatorom, tako da je rešenje kompromisno:
jedna konferencija i jedan moderator, koji ne može da bude stručan baš za
sve teme (BTW, oni imaju i file_moderatora, čoveka koji ima stalni izvor
novih programa, a kod nas, i taj je posao poveren meni, iako sam ja,
verovatno, najnepogodniji za to, budući da sam vrlo konzervativan po
pitanju prihvatanja novih programa).
So, ako imaš izvor novosti, šalji, po mogućstvu, onako kako sam ti
rekao, isto važi i za programe, ako ne, to nam je što nam je.
još nešto od zeusa
a ovo je za semplovanje
Imam u planu da uzimam Falcona, pa me zanima par sitnica, elem:
1. Njegov interni disk. Koliko sam cuo, to je IDE disk od 60 MB. Da li masina
mora da se butuje samo samo sa njega ili moze i sa externog SCSI diska.
2. Ako moze da se butuje sa exeternog SCSI diska, da li ovaj mali od 60 MB mo-
ze da se nekako ubaci u obicni ST 1048 i koji kontroler mi treba za to
(i sta sve jos).
3. Kolko kosta (napolju, naravno) Falcon u Tower kucistu. Ustvari, zanima me
da li mi se vise isplati da uzimam obicnog Falcona i externi SCSI HD ili da
uzmem Falcona u Toweru i interni IDE HD od 540.
4. Koji tip SCSI konektora je na Falconu.
5. Koji CD ROM moze da se prikaci na njega?
6. Koji RAM ide u Falcona (30 ili 72 pina, sa paritijem ili brez...)
10X unapred
Odgovaram na ono što znam :)
> 1. Njegov interni disk. Koliko sam cuo, to je IDE disk od 60 MB. Da li
Ne mora biti od 60Mb.
> 2. Ako moze da se butuje sa exeternog SCSI diska, da li ovaj mali od 60
> MB moze da se nekako ubaci u obicni ST 1048 i koji kontroler mi treba
> za to (i sta sve jos).
Taj IDE disk na STa može da se kači ako kupiš IDE kontroler.
> 4. Koji tip SCSI konektora je na Falconu.
> 5. Koji CD ROM moze da se prikaci na njega?
Bilo koji SCSI. Mislim da ne može IDE.
> 6. Koji RAM ide u Falcona (30 ili 72 pina, sa paritijem ili brez...)
Koliko se meni čini ne idu standardni SIMM moduli (opet :( ) Može da se
dokupi ploča na koju se oni ubadaju.
IDE Disk u Falconu je 2.5", promenljivog kapaciteta, standardno su stavljali
Connere od 80, 120 itd, ali su distributeri stavljali u Falcone bez harda
tako sam ja dobio Quantuma 170. Što se tiče butovanja: ako imaš oba drajva
određuješ sa kog drajva se butuje (ili ako staviš butabilnu particiju na
ali Falcon prvo gleda IDE drajv što se da izmeniti tako da je butovanje brže
imaš samo SCSI jer ne skenira IDE ...... i još nešto: Na falconu se nalazi i
konektor za 2.5" drajv, što znači da ti za stavljanje 3.5" drajva treba
a i za premeštanje Falconovog takođe. Adapter nije nikakav problem :)))
Za stavljanje "malog" ide u ST ti treba ide adapter kojih ima zajedno sa
za TOS tako da su time rešeni SVI problemi. Kako troši samo 5 V i staje u 1040
time je sve rešeno.
Da'l ima Falcona u toweru ??? bilo je nekih malo nabudženih oko 3000 DEM, ako
u prilici da biraš konfiguraciju onda OK. (ima i sa izmenjivim hardom) a u
slučaju ima towera za Falcon oko 400 dem u koji se prebacuje za nekih pola
sata i
ne zahteva neko znanje jer nema ni lemljenja ... SCSI je SCSI. Iako skuplji
je za IDE.. ovo je već druga tema......
SCSI II ima takozvani "MINI Centronics" inače standardni SCSI II priključak.
Treba ti SCSI II kabl.
CD ROM se kači i na SCSI i na IDE.... u pitanju su samo drajveri (ICD ima
za SCSI) a ima drajvera i za IDE ali su SCSI sigurno bolji......
Nema Falcon podnožja na ploči .. ali Kartica već sad postoji toliko da izbor
postaje mora (nisu skupe). Ima ih sa akceleratorima, sa svim kombinacijama
tako da to nije problem... problem je šta uraditi sa 4 MB karticom iz Falcona
Pa u ST-a naravno ....... toliko ... Markiz
Atari/Falcon i CD!? CD FAQ u fajlu.
>>** Uz poruku 'cdfaq' (6669 bytes)
Nemoj da te mrzi da sledeći put otkucaš jedno .LZH :))).
Zainteresovan sam za FALCON 030 i zanimaju me sledece karakteristike:
1. Kakve su zvucne mogucnosti
2. Kako stoje stvari sa softverom za muziku
3. Koja je konfiguracija potrebna za dobar rad
sa muzikom i cena koja je cena te konfiguracije (domace i strane)
4. Mogucnosti nekog dobrog soundtrack programa
5. Kakve su graficke mogucnosti
( Moze uz poredjenje sa AMIGOM 1200 )
> Moze uz poredjenje sa AMIGOM 1200
Ne moze poredjenje sa Amigom, jer Amiga nije dovoljno dobra za poredjenje sa
audio mogucnostima Falkona. Atari, a Falkon posebno, je standardni muzicki
racunar na celoj planeti.
Ipak, neuporedivo vise mozes saznati od onih koji se profesionalno bave muzikom
na Falkonima: Dusan, Zockey ...
Ako ne ide drugacije, posalji mail i - budi strpljiv.
Ima li neko podatke o ubrzivacu za Falcon - HighSpeed 32/40MHz?
Nemam podatke baš za taj, ali imam BlowUp 40 (diže na 40 MHz)
To mu dođe nekako "poznatije" pa samim tim i pouzdanije.
> Nemam podatke bas za taj, ali imam BlowUp 40 (dize na 40 MHz)
> To mu dode nekako "poznatije" pa samim tim i pouzdanije.
Imam ponudu za HighSpeed (300DEM). Sta ti imas o BlowUp?
(Hvala ti za dodatno objasnjenje o FPU)
_ŞĐŘ> Imam ponudu za HighSpeed (300DEM). Sta ti imas o BlowUp?
žuo sam za HiSpeed resolution ... To su pravili slovenci, ne zauzima ni jedan
port, zahteva coller na vga čipu, malo se čudno montira, ubrzava bus na 20 MHz
itd. To joj je i cena (300). Blow up (postoji i 30) 40 ubrza procesor na 30 ili
40 MHz sve ostaje isto a sastoji se iz 2 odvojena čipa koji se montiraju u
falcona. Mesta ima koliko hoćeš i ne zahteva ništa više. Svaka motorola je
sposobna da svira i na 30 % većoj brzini tako da 40 MHz nije problem.
Najvažnije : kako Blow Up nema grafiku tako je i jeftiniji (pogodan za one sa
screen blasterom ili blowup screen enchancer-om). Za noviju i tačniju cenu
biće bolje da ostavi neko ko ima svežije informacije.....
Chitan je imao iskustva sa Speed Resolution !!!! Neka napiše on....
i dal' treba cooler ..(napisao sam coller)
Ovo programče na Falconu i RGB/TV monitoru prikazuje 4 miliona boja
Source - ST Computer Februar 1995
Na zadnjem takmičenju za 96K dentroe ovo čudo je pobedilo. Nemoguće je šta je
sve čovek smestio u 96K... TV/RGB naravno.
Povecavanje rezolucije na SM124/5, TV i VGA. VIDEL_11.LZH u fajlu...
>> ** Uz poruku 'videl_11.lzh' (22920 bytes)
Ajde, vi sa Falconima, istestirajte ovo, pa, ako valja, da ga bačam u
> Ajde, vi sa Falconima, istestirajte ovo, pa, ako valja, da ga bačam u
Ma, sto se tice Falcona - program je OK. Ali sta je sa ST/E/TT?
>>Ma, sto se tice Falcona - program je OK. Ali sta je sa ST/E/TT?
Ništa. Na ST-u program baci par bombi i izadje, a i u uputstvu piše da
je program za Falcon, ST/E/TT i ne pominju. Zato sam i prebacio poruku u
ovu temu, da ljudi ne bi nepotrebno skidali program.
> Ma, sto se tice Falcona - program je OK. Ali sta je sa ST/E/TT?
Falconov VGA chip je nazvan Videl.... to sve govori. Kome treba treba
TT Overscan, ima i to. (1.9 na MIC-u)
Ima li negde da se nabavi adapter za SM124 za F 030?
Mrzi me da pravim, ali ako bas ne znate ima li tako nesto,
znate li bar kako treba "spajkati" sve to?
>Ima li negde da se nabavi adapter za SM124 za F 030?
Neću ni reč da ti kažem u vezi tvog pitanja dok mi ne odgovoriš na onu poruku
(via sister) o 1ST WORD PLUSU 4xx !
// o 1srW+
Pa da li si ti bio na brzom sezamu kao mipe?
pa zato i ne znas da slobodno mozes da mi odgovoris :)
btw, sta se desilo sa "mipe"tom?
Ma hteo sam ja i ranije da budem mperic, ali mi sistem nije dozvoljavao. Taj
username je do skoro zauzimao izvesni Marin Peric, pa sam iskoristio prvu
priliku da se ratosiljam onog mipe. Sad Marinu ostaje da koristi user mape ;)
Nisam primio (a i ne mogu) nikakvu poruku od tebe na "brzom" Sezamu.
Sta bi sa NVDI/SPEEDO fontovima u Word Plusu 4xx? Da li je i ona tvoja verzija
//sta bi sa NVDI/SPEEDO fontovima
A sta bi sa prikljucivanjem SM124 na F030? :))
Da li mogu da prikl ű űjučim el. gitaru na Falkona kroz distorziju.
Tj. da li ona može da posluži kao neko predpojačalo?
C-Lab Falcon MK-X machines available at special, discounted prices if
place an order before the end of this month. That's right -- you have
12:00AM on Wed, Jan 31 to save $BIG$ on a C-Lab Falcon MK-X. After
you'll have to pay the regular price. Why are we doing this? Well,
obviously importing these machines from Germany takes time and
effort, and
if we can more accurately gauge demand, we can make a larger and more
accurate order! So, we want you to tell us what you want BEFORE we
it. Is this going to make it take longer? No! C-Lab will not be
the MK-X before mid February anyway, and this gives them more time to
prepare our order! On to the prices:
Falcon MK-X with 4MB RAM,
No HD, Mega STE Keyboard $1149 $ 999
Falcon MK-X with 14MB RAM,
No HD, Mega STE Keyboard $1748 $1499
No HD, Mega STE Keyboard $1748 $1499
For PC/AT Keyboard + Interface, Add $ 100 $ 79
If you prefer the C-Lab Falcon MK I:
Falcon MK-I with 4MB RAM,
No HD, Standard Case $ 999 $ 939
Falcon MK-II with 4MB RAM,
350MB SCSI HD, Standard Case $1349 $1199
14MB Upgrade Add $ 599 $ 500
Cubase Audio 16 $ 589 $ 389
Math Coprocessor (68882) $ 59 $ 49
So suppose you ordered a Falcon MK-II with 350MB SCSI Internal HD and
RAM. Normally you'd pay $1948. Order before the end of Jan 31 and as
member of ST News you'll pay just $1699!! That's $249 in savings!!
Here are
some answers to some questions you may still have:
You can email, fax or call your order in -- BUT IT MUST BE DONE
MIDNIGHT ON JAN 31, 1996, and you must mention the ST News mailing
After that, regular prices will go into effect.
The C-Lab Falcon machines use the SAME motherboard as the Atari
They have made a few component replacements to clean up audio
circuitry and
fix CPU timing problems. On MK-II machines, they feature an internal
bus made possible by an adapter board that piggybacks onto the chips
& port
that make the external SCSI port possible. There is no difference
an Atari Falcon and a C-Lab Falcon motherboard -- the difference is
in the
components used and, in the case of the MK-II, the extra SCSI
daughterboard. ED F) n their comot
released a price on this upgrade yet, but as a guess we expect it to
be in
the neighfuncttgrd $300. The upgrade would include not only the new
but also the au
Toad Compa 4 544-6943 Info
From: "David C. Troy" <>
Reply to:
Subject: [Toad Computers ST News] BlowUp F/X Board Now In Stock!
The BlowUp F/X Boards arrived from Germany today --- if you have an order in
already, expect it to be filled in the next day or two. If you have
questions about the board, please contact us.
The board includes:
- RAM Expansion (up to 16MB onboard)
- CPU Accelerator (up to 20MHz)
- FPU Accelerator (up to 20MHz)
- DSP Accelerator (up to 50MHz)
- Screen Expansion (resolutions like 1024 x 768)
BlowUp F/X plugs into the Falcon PDS slot and includes flash ROM for easy
hardware updates through software. It is $249 and in stock now!
BlowUp Falcon FX Board......................................$249.00
4MB 30 Pin SIMMS............................................$149.00
1MB 30 Pin SIMMS............................................$ 39.00
Installation (of CPU Accelerator or Hard-I Sections)........$ 79.00
Also available are BlowUp's Falcon Screen Expanders, and BlowUp's NEW PSI
Pocket SPDIF DAT Interface.
BlowUp Software.............................................$ 19.95
BlowUp HARD-I...............................................$ 69.00
BlowUp HARD-II..............................................$ 99.00
BlowUp PSI SPDIF INTERFACE..................................$299.00
Let us know if you have questions.
David Troy --- ToadNet Information Services []
Toad Computers, Inc. (800) 448-8623 Orders
America's Atari Source (410) 544-6943 Info
WEB: (410) 544-1329 FAX
FTP: (410) 544-6999 BBS
Evo malo da osvežimo pamćenje... Ali i da saznamo nešto novo što možda do
sada nismo znali... Falkon programeri obratite pažnju na nove OS pozive...
Javite je l' hoćete još, ako nećete neću više ni da šiljem ;)
Atari Falcon 030 Specifications as per Atari Corp
CPU: Motorola 68030 32-bit microprocessor @ 16MHz w/ 32-bit bus
FPU: Motorola 68881/68882 @ 16MHz (optional)
DSP: Motorola 56001 Digital Signal Processor running in parallel @ 32MHz
w/ 32kWords (24-bit) of local zero wait state static RAM
ROM: 512kB
RAM: 1,4 or 16MB(14MB usable) on daughterboard (RAM is 32-bit wide)
Expansion bus: Internal 'Processor-Direct' slot for 386SX emulation
(third party 386SX emulator nearly completed) or other
Video: (See below for specific video modes/resolutions.)
16-bit BLiTTER @ 16MHz (also handles hard drive access)
Accepts external video sync to allow high quality genlocking
Overlay mode for easy video titling and special effects
Overscan support
Hardware-assisted horizontal fine scrolling
VIDEL (video controller) sits on 32-bit bus
Audio: Stereo 16-bit Analog-to-Digital DMA input
Stereo 16-bit Digital-to-Analog DMA output
Eight 16-bit audio DMA record/playback channels
SDMA sound/DMA co-processor
Ports: 128kB cartridge port
2 9-pin mouse/joystick ports
2 15-pin STe enhanced analog/digital controller ports (Atari also
has new analog controllers w/ a joystick, 3 fire buttons, and a
12-key keypad)
Bi-directional parallel port
RS232C serial port
Analog RGB/VGA/composite video connector
Stereo headphone out (1/8" mini-jack)
Stereo microphone in (1/8" mini-jack)
DSP port (up to 1MHz data transfer rate)
RF modulator for TV hookup
Localtalk compatible LAN (up to 250kbaud transfer rate)
Misc: Internal 1.44MB 3.5" HD floppy
Internal IDE 2.5" hard drive (optional)
Pre-emptive mulitasking OS (MultiTOS) w/ adaptive prioritization
and inter-process communication (also 68040 compatible)
Realtime clock and battery backed up RAM
1040ST-style case w/ internal fan
North American availability in mid-October
Price: 1MB/no HD - $799 list
4MB/65MB - $1399 list
A couple of notes: Unlike previous machines, there are just too many
resolutions to give each resolution a name. Therefore, I will do my best
to describe what the resolution is and which monitor it is on.
- NOTE: TV and a Color Monitor are the same.. by Color Monitor, I am
talking about the standard SC1224. By VGA, I mean a standard VGA
40 column modes ( "column" means the number of x pixels divided by 8)
4 color, normal, TV: 320x200, 4 colors, 2 planes
16 color, normal, TV: 320x200, 16 colors, 4 planes
256 color, normal, TV: 320x200, 256 colors, 8 planes
True color, normal, TV: 320x200, true color
4 color, interlace, TV: 320x400, 4 colors, 2 planes
16 color, interlace, TV: 320x400, 16 colors, 4 planes
256 color, interlace, TV: 320x400, 256 colors, 8 planes
True color, interlace, TV: 320x400, true color
4 color, normal, VGA: 320x480, 4 colors, 2 planes
16 color, normal, VGA: 320x480, 16 colors, 4 planes
256 color, normal, VGA: 320x480, 256 colors, 8 planes
True color, normal, VGA: 320x480, true color
4 color, line-doubling, VGA: 320x240, 4 colors, 2 planes
16 color, line-doubling, VGA: 320x240, 16 colors, 4 planes
256 color, line-doubling, VGA: 320x240, 256 colors, 8 planes
True color, line-doubling, VGA: 320x240, true color
80 column modes
2 color, normal, TV: 640x200, 2 colors, 1 plane
4 color, normal, TV: 640x200, 4 colors, 2 planes
16 color, normal, TV: 640x200, 16 colors, 4 planes
256 color, normal, TV: 640x200, 256 colors, 8 planes
True color, normal, TV: 640x200, true color
4 color, interlace, TV: 640x400, 4 colors, 2 planes
16 color, interlace, TV: 640x400, 16 colors, 4 planes
256 color, interlace, TV: 640x400, 256 colors, 8 planes
True color, interlace, TV: 640x400, true color
2 color, normal, VGA: 640x480, 2 colors, 1 plane
4 color, normal, VGA: 640x480, 4 colors, 2 planes
16 color, normal, VGA: 640x480, 16 colors, 4 planes
256 color, normal, VGA: 640x480, 256 colors, 8 planes
4 color, line-doubling, VGA: 640x240, 4 colors, 2 planes
16 color, line-doubling, VGA: 640x240, 16 colors, 4 planes
256 color, line-doubling, VGA: 640x240, 256 colors, 8 planes
and lastly.. there are compability modes for ST Low, ST Medium, and ST
High on both VGA monitors and SC1224 monitors. (On a color monitor, ST
High is achieved by using the interlace mode).
Also, the ST Monochrome monitor (the SM124) will work with Falcon030 as
well. However, it only supports one resolution: ST High Resolution.
All modes on a TV can be overscanned. This means multiplying the X and Y
resolution by 1.2. For example, modes with 320 pixels of horizontal
resolution (X res) will become 384 pixels across, and modes with 640
pixels will become 768 across. Overscanning is done in the X and Y
resolution. You can't do them independently. Special Note: On a VGA
monitor, overscan is "faked".. since the video hardware doesn't have the
capability to do overscan on a VGA monitor, we made it so that if a
overscan mode is set on a VGA monitor, you still see the normal size
screen, but the screen is a window onto the bigger overscanned image.
Make sense? We did this for compatibility. This way if a game that has an
overscanned starup picture can use the same pic on both the VGA monitor
and the TV monitor. Pretty cool, eh? <grin>
BTW.. Overscan can NOT be set from the desktop. The AES and Desktop will
work just fine with it, but because you can't see the parts of the
screen, we thought that that option shouldn't be available from the
desktop. We don't want to confuse people. However, Overscan can be set
using a new XBIOS call (Vsetmode()).. so it is still available.
I hope I haven't made any mistakes. I triple-checked this document in
search of errors and I couldn't find any. If you do find some, send me
Email on GEnie (to TOWNS) or CIS (70007,1135) and let me know.
-- John Townsend, Atari Corp.
P.S. Anyone who would like to reprint this message, please do so!
The smaller the number of times I have to type that message, the
more my fingers with thank you! ;-)
After looking at this one more time.. one point to clear up: By
saying SC1224 Color Monitor, I mean any Color Monitor that Atari
have manufactured for the ST/Mega/STE/MegaSTE computers. Clear
as mud? ;-)
Article: 33384 of
I found this file on the local ATARI Company's BBS : (original in Dutch)
This article is written by Wilfred Kilwinger (Support Manager) for
Atari Briefing, the newsletter by Atari (Benelux) B.V. for the Atari
user groups. It was specifically stated that it could be reproduced. I have
translated it in English with the assumption that an English translation
would be considered the same as the original.
The original also contained a description of all the features of the Falcon
which have been reproduced here a zillion of times so I did not include
Atari custom chips
The VIDEL takes care of the video functions of the system including
overscan, overlay mode and true color graphics
The COMBEL is the system manager of the Atari Falcon030. This chip controls
all system functions. Also the BLITTER is built in in this chip.
The SDMA is the Sound DMA and controls the sound part. We have built in a
unique matrix switch function in this chip (more details in the second part)
The keyboard processor has been improved and is now also suitable for high
resolution mice.
Besides the above custom chips the Atari Falcon030 has a number of standard
chips like the Motorola 68030 and 56001 DSP. Another important chip is the
CODEC in which the 16 bit AD and DA converters are located.
Video modi
As you can see in the survey of Operating System calls
the video hardware is complete sotware controllable. The following
combinations can a.o. be chosen:
Mode Resolution Bit planes Colors Palette
ST LOW 320x200 4 16 4096
ST MED 640x200 2 4 4096
ST HIGH 640x400 1 2 4096
True Color 640x480 8 256 262144
320x200 15bpp 32768 N/A
The last mode asks for some explanation. Here there is no color palette but
15 bits per pixel to describe the pixel itself. The format is
RRRRRGGGGGXBBBBB. VDI supports this mode thus programs that have not been
written for this mode specifically can use it nevertheless.
X is the overlay bit and can be used for video titling and special effects.
320x200 16bpp 65 N/A
This mode is called the slideshow mode, is not supported by the VDI, you
are on you own. X is an extra green bit.
True Color in 640x480 is not possible because of the bandwidth of VGA monitors.
Mode Resolution Bit planes Colors Palette
VGA 320 of 640 1,4,8 2,16,256 262144 (Overscan
Video 200 of 400
With Video we mean the Atari SC-monitors, the TV modulator and/or the
composite video output.
All modes can be gegenlocked. With adaptors we convert
the 15-pole video bus to thee standard Atari or VGA connections.
Matrix coupling
To make the system performance in the audio part as good as possible Atari
designed a miniature 'telephone exchange' that can easily connect the
source devices to the receiving devices. Also it is possible to make more
than one connection at a time.
Source devices
EXT INPUT ---*-------*------*------*
CHANNEL | | | |
| | | |
DSP ---*-------*------*------*
TRANSMIT | | | |
| | | |
ADC ---*-------*------*------*
| | | |
| | | |
DMA ---*-------*------*------*
PLAYBACK | | | |
Receiving Devices
Ports andn interfacing
Pin Signal Pin Signal
1 GP0 14 GND
2 GP1 15 SRD
3 GP2 16 GND
4 P_DATA 17 +12V
5 P_CLK 18 GND
7 n/c 20 R_CLK
9 +12V 22 EXT_INT
10 GND 23 STD
11 SC0 24 SCK
12 SC1 25 GND
13 SC2 26 EXCLK
SCSI CONNECTOR (flat 50 pins SCSI II Female)
Pin Signal Pin Signal
1-10 GND 37 Not Connected
11 +5V 38 +5V
12-14 Not Connected 39 Not Connected
15-25 GND 40 GND
26 SCSI 0 41 ATN
27 SCSI 1 42 GND
28 SCSI 2 43 BSY
29 SCSI 3 44 ACK
30 SCSI 4 45 RST
31 SCSI 5 46 MSG
32 SCSI 6 47 SEL
33 SCSI 7 48 C/D
34 Parity 49 REQ
35-36 GND 50 I/O
Pin Signal
1 Carrier Detect 5 GND
2 Receive 6 Data set ready
3 Transmit 7 Request to Send
4 Data Terminal Ready 8 Clear to Send
9 Ring Indicator
The parallel port has extra signal to ease the connection of scanners.
Pin Signal
1 Strobe 8 Data 6
2 Data 0 9 Data 7
3 Data 1 10 Acknowledge
4 Data 2 11 Busy
5 Data 3 12-16 Not Connected
6 Data 4 17 Select
7 Data 5 18-25 GND
Pin Signal Pin Signal
1 Red 11 GND
2 Green 12 Composite Sync/Video
3 Blue 13 Horizontal Sync
4 Mono/Overlay 14 Vertical Sync
5 GND 15 External Clock Input
6 Red GND 16 External SYNC Enable
7 Green GND 17 +12V
8 Blue GND 18 M1
9 Audio out 19 M0
10 GND
SCC LAN-port CONNECTOR (8-pin Mini DIN Female RS-422)
Pin Signal
1 Handshake Output (DTR RS 423) 5 - Received Data
2 Handshake Input or External Clock 6 + Transmitted Data
3 - Transmit Data 7 General-purpose Input
4 GND 8 + Receive
Port A Port B
Pin Signal Pin Signal
1 UP 0 1 UP 1
2 DOWN 0 2 DOWN 1
3 LT 0 3 LT 1
4 RT 0 4 RT 1
7 VCC (+5 VDC) 7 VCC
8 Not Connected 8 Not Connected
10 FIRE 2 10 FIRE 3
11 UP 2 11 UP 3
12 DOWN 2 12 DOWN 3
13 LT 2 13 LT 3
14 RT 2 14 RT 3
15 PAD0X 15 PAD1X
MIDI PORT (DIN 5 Female)
Pin Signal Pin Signal
1 Thru Transmit 1 Not Connected
2 GND 2 Not Connected
3 Thru Loop Return 3 Not Connected
4 Out Transmit 4 In Receive
5 Out Loop Return 5 In Loop Return
New Operating System calls
This information is not complete, maybe subject to change and is certainly
not meant as documentation for programmers
Dsp_DoBlock(a,b,c,d) (void) xbios(500,a,b,c,d)
Dsp_BlkHandShake(a,b,c,d) (void) xbios(501,a,b,c,d)
Dsp_BlkUnpacked(a,b,c,d) (void) xbios(502,a,b,c,d)
Dsp_InStream(a,b,c,d) (void) xbios(503,a,b,c,d)
Dsp_OutStream(a,b,c,d) (void) xbios(504,a,b,c,d)
Dsp_IOStream(a,b,c,d,e,f) (void) xbios(505,a,b,c,d,e,f)
Dsp_RemoveInterrupts(a) (void) xbios(506,a)
Dsp_GetWordSize() (int) xbios(507)
Dsp_Lock() (int) xbios(508)
Dsp_Unlock() (void) xbios(509)
Dsp_Available(a,b) (void) xbios(510,a,b)
Dsp_Reserve(a,b) (int) xbios(511,a,b)
Dsp_LoadProg(a,b,c) (int) xbios(512,a,b,c)
Dsp_ExecProg(a,b,c) (void) xbios(513,a,b,c)
Dsp_ExecBoot(a,b,c) (void) xbios(514,a,b,c)
Dsp_LodToBinary(a,b) (long) xbios(515,a,b)
Dsp_TriggerHC(a) (void) xbios(516,a)
Dsp_RequestUniqueAbility() (int) xbios(517)
Dsp_GetProgAbility() (int) xbios(518)
Dsp_FlushSubroutines() (void) xbios(519)
Dsp_LoadSubroutine(a,b,c) (int) xbios(520,a,b,c)
Dsp_InqSubrAbility(a) (int) xbios(521,a)
Dsp_RunSubroutine(a) (int) xbios(522,a)
Dsp_Hf0(a) (int) xbios(523,a)
Dsp_Hf1(a) (int) xbios(524,a)
Dsp_Hf2() (int) xbios(525)
Dsp_Hf3() (int) xbios(526)
Dsp_BlkWords(a,b,c,d) (void) xbios(527,a,b,c,d)
Dsp_BlkBytes(a,b,c,d) (void) xbios(528,a,b,c,d)
Dsp_HStat() (char) xbios(529)
Dsp_SetVectors(a,b) (void) xbios(530,a,b)
De volledige beschrijving van bovenstaande functie's staat in de Falcon030
Developers Documentation.
int setmode( int modecode );
The setmode( int modecode ) call is used to place the Falcon/030 SHIFTER
into a specific mode. A bit-encoded value (called a "modecode") is passed
to setmode() to set the mode. setmode() returns the previous mode that
was set.
To help make the building of modecode values easier, here is a table of
#define VERTFLAG 0x100
#define STMODES 0x80
#define OVERSCAN 0x40
#define PAL 0x20
#define VGA 0x10
#define TV 0x0
#define COL80 0x08
#define COL40 0x0
#define NUMCOLS 7
#define BPS16 4
#define BPS8 3
#define BPS4 2
#define BPS2 1
#define BPS1 0
Using these defines, you can build a modecode for any possible mode.
For example:
For True Color Overscan:
modecode = OVERSCAN|COL40|BPS16;
For ST Medium Compatibility mode on a Color Monitor/TV:
modecode = STMODES|COL80|BPS2;
For ST Low Compatibility mode in PAL on a Color Monitor/TV:
modecode = STMODES|PAL|COL80|BPS2;
For 256 color, 80 column mode on a VGA monitor:
modecode = VGA|COL80|BPS8;
If you have a modecode and wish to know how many bits per pixel it
has, use the following:
if( modecode & NUMCOLS ) == BPS16 )
do_something_cool(); /* You have true color mode */
The setmode() call will return the previous modecode set. You must use
this value to get back to whatever mode you were in before you made your
setmode call.
int mon_type(void)
The mon_type() function will return the kind of monitor that is currently
in use. Here are the possible return values:
0 = ST monochrome monitor
1 = ST color monitor
2 = VGA monitor
3 = Television.
void ext_sync( int flag )
This function sets or clears external sync. If flag is set, external
sync is enabled. If flag is clear, then internal sync is used.
Used as a semiphore to lock the sound system. From other applications.
Used to release the sound system for other applications to use.
This command is used to get or set the following sound parameters.
If a negative number is used as the input then the current setting us
O LTATTEN Sets the current left channel output
1 RTATTEN Sets the current right channel output
2 LTGAIN Sets the current left channel input gain.
3 RTGAIN Sets the current right channel input gain.
4 ADDERIN Set the output of the 16 bit signed adder to
receive it's input from the ADC, Matrix or
5 ADCINPUT Set the input the the ADC. The input can either
be the left and right channel of the PSG or the
left and right channel of the microphone.
6 SETPRESCALE Used for compatability. This prescale value
is used when the DEVCONNECT() internal
prescale value is set to zero.
This function is used to set the play or record buffers. REG selects
playback or record, while begaddr and endaddr are the buffers beginning
and ending locations.
(int) reg - (0) Sets playback registers.
- (1) Sets record registers.
(long) begaddr - Sets the beginning address of the buffer.
(long) endaddr - Sets the ending address of the buffer.
This function is used to set record or playback mode. The modes are as
(int) 0 8 Bit Stereo
(int) 1 16 Bit Stereo
(int) 2 8 Bit Mono
This function is used to sets the number of record or playback tracks.
This function is used to set the output of the internal speaker to one of
the four tracks currently playing. The internal speaker is only capable of
outputing ONE track at a time.
This function is used to set which interrupt that will occur at the end of a
frame. If the frame repeat bit is on, this interrupt is used to allow for
double buffering the playing or recording of sound. Interrupts can come from
TimerA or the MFP i7.
This function is used to control the operation of the play or record buffers
in the sound system. The input to this function is a bitmap. If mode is set
t0 -1 then the current status of the buffer operation bits is returned.
NOTE: The sound system contains a 32 byte FIFO. When transferring data to
the record buffer, software MUST check to see if the record enable (RE) bit
was cleared by the hardware. If the bit was cleared then the FIFO is flushed,
if not then software must flush the FIFO by clearing the record enable (RE)
This function is used to tristate the DSP from the data matrix.
This is used to communicate over the General Purpose I/O on the DSP connector.
Only the low order three bits are used. The rest are reserved. This call,
depending on the mode, can be used to set the direction of the I/O bits, read
the bits, or write the bits.
This function is used to attach a source device to any of the destination
devices in the matrix. Given a source device, this call will attach that one
source device to one or all of the destination devices. This call also sets
up the source clock and prescaler, protocol and protocol source if used.
This function gets the current status of the codec.
This function returns the current position of the play and record data buffer
pointers. These pointers indicate where the data is being read/written within
the buffers themselves. This function is also used to determine how much
data has been written to the record buffer. See buffoper().
The above is not yet complete. Atari has also routines for
JPEG and andio conversion.
Piet* van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University,
Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Telephone: +31 30 531806 Uucp: uunet!mcsun!ruuinf!piet
Telefax: +31 30 513791 Internet: (*`Pete')
Article: 6027 of
In <>, Steven Eker writes:
>Things which the 56001 should be useful for include software sound synthesis
>& matrix*vector multiplcation (the basis of 3D vector games).
>If the DSP DMA is implemented right (does anyone have a programmer eye view of
>this yet?) is should be possible to use it as an extremely fast graphics
>processor for polygons/phong shading/texture mapping (I wonder if anyone
>will bother to write an "Ultima Underworld" type game for the Falcon?).
>I worry about this though - the DSP is 24 bits and the 68030 is 32 bits
>so there's plenty of room for Atari to screw up...
For anyone who hasn't seen the latest AEO, the Falcon appears to
have been design as a 24 bit computer, partly to maintain compatability
with existing software. This doesn't mean third party boards etc can't
extent that, but it explains the 14 meg memory limit. The other captures
from Jim Allen posts to GEnie say that the Falcon chips all seem to talk
at 16mhz. Another poster mentioned here that there's an 8bit processor to
dsp channel, I guess for uploading code into the dsp, though I don't
know if that means you can't tell the dsp to load a program from a memory
location itself, which would be faster, I'd guess.
Motorola says the top speed the 56001 is clocked at is 33mhz, so the
ad/da converters must be the parts clocked at 50mhz.
Article: 6050 of
clint@artech.UUCP (Clinton Keith) writes:
>The adc/dac channel is driven off the DMA clock, which is driven off a
>sub-divided horizontal scan rate. The 525 scan line rate sub-divided
>by 12, 24, 48 and 96 give the 6250, 12500, 25000 and 50000 bytes per
>second DMA/CODEC rate. This is the same as the STE/TT.
In the very techie "test" of the Falcon in the German C'T you can read a
differend story:
"[external/internal clock, prescale 4-24 or 128]. Internally there is a
27.175MHz clock to select the for the STe known sampling rates of
12.5KHz, 25KHz and 50KHz, or 32MHz in order to use the full bandwidth of
the memory transfer, with an sampling rate of 62.5KHz on eight 16bit
channels. This is also the upper limit for the external clock."
(if the about dosn't make any sense then it is probaly because my german
is even worth than my english)
Salji jos ali kao file zakacen za poruku, ako moze. Nego sto pise da
F030 ima 8 kanala?
BTW cuo sam da se F030 MKII u Nemackoj moze naci za 900DM.
> Javite je l' hoćete još, ako nećete neću više ni da šiljem ;)
Samo ti šilji, uvek smo gladni novih informacija :)
> Salji jos ali kao file zakacen za poruku, ako moze. Nego sto pise da
> F030 ima 8 kanala?
Pa ima 8 stereo kanala.
Ko bi se toga setio :)
Nego neki ljudi pricaju da F030 ima 32 mono kanala ?!? ali ja da sada
nisam nasao ni jedan program koji radi sa ovoliko kanala?
> Samo ti šilji, uvek smo gladni novih informacija :)
OK! Trebalo je već da stignu novi textovi, ali je nešto J(eb)UPAK bio u
kvaru (opet).
> Nego neki ljudi pricaju da F030 ima 32 mono kanala ?!? ali ja da sada
Pa njegov DSP _hardverski_ podržava 8 stereo kanala. Međutim, ako mene
sećanje ne vara ranije je bilo reči u nekim AEO magazinima da se pošto je
dovoljno brz može naterati da radi sa 32 kanala (znači ne hardverska
kanala). Neka paralela bi bila recimo kada na STu puštaš neke MOD
fajlove, pošto ST ni u snu nema hardversku podršku za onako nešto :)
> Ko bi se toga setio :)
Neko bi se zapitao čega... ;) (znam, 8 kanala)
Jesi l' pronašao neki efiksaniji način pisanja poruka?
>Nego neki ljudi pricaju da F030 ima 32 mono kanala ?!? ali ja da sada
>nisam nasao ni jedan program koji radi sa ovoliko kanala?
Video sam kod Duleta (odavno) neki demo sa 32 kanala. Radi, a
ekran, pošto je veliki (dupli po visini) ladno skroluješ gore-dole.
Pa F030 nema hardwersku rezoluciju 1600*1200 u 16 boja pa opet moze
da je prikaze na nekim monitorima. Nego sad se setih, ima li neko
registrovanu verziju Octalysera?
> Pa F030 nema hardwersku rezoluciju 1600*1200 u 16 boja pa opet moze
> da je prikaze na nekim monitorima.
Uh, dok sm ja skotnao na šta je ovo odgovor... :) Ajde molim te, počni
da kvotiraš poruke na koje odogovaraš, mislim njihov najbitiniji deo da bi
moglo normalno da se prati o čemu se govori.
A što se tiče samog odgovora, ne znam šta si hteo ovim da mi kažeš :))
Ja samo rekoh da se za 32 kanala moraju primeniti softverski trikovi. Što
se tiče ove grafike tu je koliko se meni čini malko drugačija situacija
pošto Falcon na neki način ima programabilnu video kartu, tako da se upišu
odgovarajuće vrednosti u registre tj. onaj njegov NV Ram i to je to :)
Doduše, pri tome može da se zbinguje mašina, ako se upiše nešto što baš ne
može da izdrži pa onda mora da se startuje program koji te vrednosti
postavlja ne default ;)
Kako da kvotiram poruku kad odgovaram on-line?
Inace htedoh reci da se na Falconu sve postize softwerski (kazu max
rez. 640*480 a ono 800*600 u 256 ű boje...).
Video sam na HT-u file pored koga pise prepoznavanje govora za
MiNT!!! Ima li neko ovo programce ili cu morati da platim Ljubise za
> Kako da kvotiram poruku kad odgovaram on-line?
Iz kog programa radiš?
> Inace htedoh reci da se na Falconu sve postize softwerski (kazu max
> rez. 640*480 a ono 800*600 u 256ű boje...).
A nije ni 800*600 nego...:) Video čip na Faklonu je upravo i zanimljiv
zbog mogućnosti da mu jednostavno upišeš druge vrednosti i da on radi u
nekoj rezoluciji. E sad, Atari je iz nekih razloga to u operatvnom sistemu
ograničio na 640*480. Znači video čip je sposoban i za veće rezolucije.
Sta mislite, da li F030 meze u real time-u da skalira ceo ekran (real time
> Sta mislite, da li F030 meze u real time-u da skalira ceo ekran (real time
Ima demo za real time zoom. Em kratak, em brz.
> Ima demo za real time zoom. Em kratak, em brz.
Kako se zove? Ako nije dug mogao bi da ga posljes.
> Kako se zove? Ako nije dug mogao bi da ga posljes.
Nemam Falcona. Još uvek. :)
Hoću da vežem SM124 na Falkona pa me zanima da li
je dovoljno povezati žice ili treba neka "gvožđurija"
>> Hoću da vežem SM124 na Falkona pa me zanima da li
>> je dovoljno povezati žice ili treba neka "gvožđurija"
>> između?
Dovoljno je povezati žice, radio sam to.
CAVEMANIA - Boulderdash klon, True color igra, samo za F030.
Ako bude srece sa PTT linijama, poslacu i 7up 2.30, CyPress 1.72, NoDesk
Kako da skinem border na Falconu kad ga prikljucim na TV? Iz deska mogu samo
da mu dam 80 colum i interlace sto je 640*400?!?
Na CeBIT-u je predstavljen NeoN Grafix 3D für OS/2. Minimalna konfiguracija
je 486 sa 16MB RAM-a i oko 50MB slobodnog na disku. CEna light-verzije je
99DM a voll-verzije je 1200DM. Ako neko zna nemacki i zanima ga ovaj clanak,
skeniracu ga i poslati.
Evo nekih utisaka (i problema ;) o C-Lab verziji Falkona:
I had seen a post recently about a user having
problems with the audio in/out on one of the new
(U.S.) C-Lab Mark X Falcons.
The following is what I found to be the problem
that existed with my machine.
The new audio card that C-Lab has made to
accomidate 1/4" plugs was installed upside
down, if you use as a reference the silk screen
identification on the board and the printed
diagram on top of the Mark X case. This in it-
self would only reverse what one would think
was the input and outputs at the rear of the
machine. However, the connector from the motherboard
to the audio card was improperly installed as well,
making it seem like there was output to only
one channel (poor at that). There are five pins
on the motherboard that this cable connects to.
The two pair that are grouped together are the L/R
audio in and out. The lone pin with one wire
should connect to the pin on the audio card that
is tied to the ground plane of the card. Trace
this lead through the connector and align it so
the single pin wire on the motherboard connects
to the pin that is tied to the ground plane of the
audio card. Your audio should work fine now.
Alternately, as the audio card will not fit
properly if the internal speaker is left installed,
(glued is the word here) one could switch the connections
on the motherboard to get the proper in/out reference,
keeping the ground to ground connection proper.
Another problem I have noted with the Mark X is that
C-Lab has used PAL motherboards for the U.S. models.
There is no RF modulator installed on the motherboard.
When using a composite cable adapter on the monitor port
(for using a VCR or video monitor) your display will
only be in black and white reguardless of the video
settings in the Falcon menu.
So much for video output to VCR without an expensive
video scan converter for the VGA output.......
If you already have a ram card that has the simm's on
top of the board, you will not have room to use the card
without hacking the C-Lab utility mounting rack :(. I
purchased a Wizztronics ram card. The 72 pin simm
installs on the underside of this card keeping it the
same hight as the standard Falcon memory card.
In other words, you will need a 72 pin simm and
Wizztronics ram card for a 14mb upgrade. I just
paid $135.00 for a 16mb 60ns simm from my local
PC dealer. I think Wizztronics gets $99.00 for their
You only get the standard powersupply with no extra
connectors as standard.
The internal SCSI connector is not standard. $60.00
for the non-standard IDE/SCSI/powercable. Still uses
the standard powersupply.
A replacement powersupply can be obtained from
JAMECO at Request a catalog
and take a look. If you lack knowledge in powersupplies
have an electronics type friend make the selection and
installation for you.
The new case is very clean and sturdy. I just wish they
would have taken the time to test the assembled units
before shipping, and spent another couple of bucks
replacing the powersupply and installing a standard
SCSI connector.
I'm not being negitive, just bitching.
Michael Grove
Ima li neko igre fur Falcon?
BTW ali da nisu debilne (nešto u 3 boje sa dve kockice...)
Koje brzine treba da bude HD za HD recording (na Falconu)?
> Koje brzine treba da bude HD za HD recording (na Falconu)?
>> Koje brzine treba da bude HD za HD recording (na Falconu)?
> Velike!
BTW da ti nisam dužan litru cole za odgovor???
Ispod 10 ms. Bolje oko 7 ms.
> Ispod 10 ms. Bolje oko 7 ms.
Ne može ništa sporije ili je samo manje kanala? :-(
Ima li neko sveže cene grafičkih kartica 4 F030?
Koji je najbolji extender rezolucije za Falcona?
Ima li zainteresovanih za podelu troškova downloada Falcon igara (10DM 1MB)?
Ima li neko šemu Falcon VGA <-> SM124?
Koja je max rezolucija F030 na SM124?
> Koja je max rezolucija F030 na SM124?
Pa ST rezolucija 640*400 mada ne vidim zašto bi radio na SM124 kada
možeš da pazariš bilo koji VGA monitor i onda koristiš odgovarajuće
BO> Koja je max rezolucija F030 na SM124?
Možda možeš da se igraš sa overscanovima i sličnim glupostima i tako
postigneš nešto više od 640x400, ali mi zvuči logičnije da prodaš taj SM124 i
*za iste pare* kupiš mono SVGA (ili da dodaš pare za color SVGA), gde ćwš
imati i veći izor rezolucija i boje (ili sive nijanse), što na SM 124 nemaš.
>> Koja je max rezolucija F030 na SM124?
> Pa ST rezolucija 640*400 mada ne vidim zašto bi radio na SM124 kada
> možeš da pazariš bilo koji VGA monitor i onda koristiš odgovarajuće
> rezolucije?
Pazi, F030 najverovatnije (99.9%) donosim u subotu/nedelju i odma oću da
isprobam gomilu stvari a za to mi je potreban šta...?... tako je MONITOR
(ako neću da oslepim ispred TV-a). SVGA će doći kasnije kad se oporavim od
kupovine F030.
Da li mogu da spalim TV sa Blow-up-om???
>> Da li mogu da spalim TV sa Blow-up-om???
Zavisi od TV-a, ali teeško :).
Probao sam da spalim TV :-) ali nisam uspeo :-(
Sta se desi sa Falconovim bliterom kad se da TrueColor, nema ga?!?
Ima li neko CPX pomocu kojeg se moze 16MHz, cache i bliter na
Falconu on/off?
> Ima li neko CPX pomocu kojeg se moze 16MHz, cache i bliter na
> Falconu on/off?
Bože me sakloni. Pa General to radi.
>> Ima li neko CPX pomocu kojeg se moze 16MHz, cache i bliter na
>> Falconu on/off?
> Boze me sakloni. Pa General to radi.
Ima samo opciju za on/off spiker.
> > Boze me sakloni. Pa General to radi.
> Ima samo opciju za on/off spiker.
Verzija 01.30 radi. Ispod spikera je bliter pa CPU speed.
>> > Boze me sakloni. Pa General to radi.
>> Ima samo opciju za on/off spiker.
> Verzija 01.30 radi. Ispod spikera je bliter pa CPU speed.
Kako da vidim koju verziju imam.
Kako se koristi SHOWANIM.TOS koji se dobija uz NEON?
Imam na prodaju odličnu mašinu prilagođenu za ozbiljan DTP.
U pitanju je Atari TT sa 8 mega memorije, internim SCSI II diskom
od 350MB, kolor monitor 14" originalni, SCSI kolor A4 stoni skener,
4x SCSI CD-ROM SONY CDU 76S u eksternom kućištu. Opciono,
u istom kućištu mogu da ostavim 1GB SCSI disk IBM, ali nije
Instaliran je DTP softver, sve je podešeno i savršeno radi, ima i
oko 800 Calamus fontova (sređenih), jedan CD sa 650 MB igara.
Da, to je moja mašina koju moram da menjam za MAC-a, jer
me zatrpavaju kolorni poslovi koje za sad imam gde da radim, ali
ne znam dokle.
btw ovo ne znači da dižem ruke od Atarija jer mi je 99%
poslova rađeno u Calamusu, a emulator može da radi za toliko.
Detaljnija obaveštenja na mail ili na 512-170.
p.s. ako neko ima na prodaju POWERMAC-a 7100 (može i polovan)
neka se javi.
Ovde se nešto jako čudno dešava. Otac je napravio adapter za SM124<->Falcon
sa mali prekidač za TV<->Monitor i tim prekidačem se pinovi M0 i M1
prespajaju na masu ali međusobno ostaju spojeni.
Samo da pojasnim nešto, Falcon ima dva pina na svom monitor
portu, M0 i M1, u zavisnosti od toga koji je na +5V Falcon zna kakav signal
treba da šalje (TV, VGA, SM, SC).
I to sve lepo funkcioniše dok ne pokrenem demo ili igru. U svkom slušaju
slika ide nekoliko puta brže nego obično (npr. knockOut demo - izgleda kao da
zvuk kasni za slikom, to jest animacija ide brže nego obično dok je zvuk
normalan). Ima li neko ideju zbog čega se ovo dešava?
> I to sve lepo funkcioniše dok ne pokrenem demo ili igru. U svkom slušaju
> slika ide nekoliko puta brže nego obično (npr. knockOut demo - izgleda kao da
> zvuk kasni za slikom, to jest animacija ide brže nego obično dok je zvuk
> normalan). Ima li neko ideju zbog čega se ovo dešava?
A jesi li probao da to probaš samo sa uključenim televizorom? I oćeš
da kupiš monitor? Za tebe... cena prava sitnica. :)
>> zvuk kasni za slikom, to jest animacija ide brže nego obično dok je zvuk
>> normalan). Ima li neko ideju zbog čega se ovo dešava?
> A jesi li probao da to probaš samo sa uključenim televizorom? I oćeš
> da kupiš monitor? Za tebe... cena prava sitnica. :)
Sve funkcioniše ok kad isčupam monitor (zajedno sa adapterom).
Neka fala, imam SM124 za ozbiljno i TV za True Color i Demos.
Ima li neko demoa za Falcona???
> Ima li neko demoa za Falcona???
Ima toga dosta "preko" na žalost, za sada mi se apsolutno ne isplati da
to skidam.
Kako da zakačim IDE CD na F030?
Pogodite šta ja imam...
Bad Mood...
A šta on radi...
Čita WAD-ove...
WAD su doom, hexen, heretic... fileovi.
Tako da možete da se šetate kroz doom, doom II i heretic nivoe (hexen još
nije podržan).
Inače ceo projekat je u fazi razvoja, planira se kompletna, igriva verzija.
Pogledajte i sami...
btw radi samo na falconu...
Da nastavim...
Ide shell za Bad Mood...
Inače igra radi u true coloru...
Brzinom oko 386DX40MHz...
Izgleda 10x bolje nego na VGA monitoru...
Moguće je podešavati veličinu ekrana, rezoluciju (max 320*240)...
Postoji i dodatni WAD editor za pravljenje sopstvenih WAD-ova...
Pored svega što postoji i u PC verziji, razvijaju se dodatni efekti, za sada
je ubačen efekat spot lighta (snopa svetlosti)...
I tako to...
Ima li neko sveže cene F030 ubrzivača i digitalizatora slike.
Procitao sam negde da falcon moze da emulira 386-icu.
Da li je to tacno i kako .
Ne, moze da emulira 286. Naravno softverski. Za 386 moras da ubacis
>Procitao sam negde da falcon moze da emulira 386-icu.
>Da li je to tacno i kako .
Može kit*. Pre neki dan sam pokašao da instaliram PC soft i uspeo sam posle
1-2 sata. OK ali to čudo ima norton faktor 1.0 :-(
>>1-2 sata. OK ali to čudo ima norton faktor 1.0 :-(
... što je mnogo bolje od 0.3, koliko je imao PC DITTO na ST :)))
Zna li neko gde se može nabaviti FX za Falcona u Nemačkoj i po kojoj
ceni? Može i neki drugi ubrzivač ali da je recimo ispod 350DM.
Koliko je ubrzanje Falcona sa FX, ima li neko testove?
> Zna li neko gde se može nabaviti FX za Falcona u Nemačkoj i po kojoj
> ceni? Može i neki drugi ubrzivač ali da je recimo ispod 350DM.
> Koliko je ubrzanje Falcona sa FX, ima li neko testove?
Ubrzanje je solidno ali i dalje je pitaje čemu to služi. Ako ti
programi koje koristiš rade sa DSPom onda je OK a ako ne zašto ne
uzeti TTa i neku grafičku karticu i eto ti legalne mašine. Dobro,
može i Mac ali to je već neka druga priča. :)
>> Koliko je ubrzanje Falcona sa FX, ima li neko testove?
> Ubrzanje je solidno ali i dalje je pitaje čemu to služi. Ako ti
> programi koje koristiš rade sa DSPom onda je OK a ako ne zašto ne
> uzeti TTa i neku grafičku karticu i eto ti legalne mašine. Dobro,
> može i Mac ali to je već neka druga priča. :)
Kako to misliš ako rade sa DSP? FX drastično ubrzava DSP? TT i kartica =
PowerMac (cena)??? Po kojoj ceni i koji AV Mac?
Kako da stavim neku sliku prilikom boot-a tako da se ne vidi šta NVDI i
ostali programi ispisuju?
pa postoje dva nacina i oba nisu nimalo prijatna ;)
1. da pokrenes program iz auto foldera koji ce se prvi startovati i koji ce
da se nakaci na gemdos print tako da se ne ispisuje text s tim da vrati
original kontrolu sistemu kad izleti na desktop. prikaz slike na ekran je
trivijalan pre svega toga.
2. da pokrenes program iz auto foldera koji ce se prvi startovati i koji ce
da promeni fizicku i logicku adresu screena sve dok se ne izadje na desk. pre
toga naravno mora da se ucita ekran.
dakle, devpack u ruke... ;)
>pa postoje dva nacina i oba nisu nimalo prijatna ;)
>1. da pokrenes program iz auto foldera koji ce se prvi startovati i koji ce
>da se nakaci na gemdos print tako da se ne ispisuje text s tim da vrati
>toga naravno mora da se ucita ekran.
>dakle, devpack u ruke... ;)
Da znaš da nisu prijatni :-) Za početak bi mogao da nabavim devpack :-) ...
Ima li neko novi brainstorm JPEG decoder za Falcona, ja imam verziju iz 1993.
Da li je neko naterao Spectru da proradi na Falconu ili da li postoji neki
Mac emulator za Falcona.
BTW gkod šta bi sa unix-om, čuo sam de je BSB jeftiniji 50DM a da je bolji
od ostalih.
Decko je narucio CD, kad stgne stigao je.
51987 Za kmilan Nije pročitano
Od stio1.sari.fh-w 25.04.97. 08:48 1655 chr
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 08:34:31 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Michael Opel <>
**************** RUNNING NEWS ******************
* A Doom style game for ATARI Falcon computers *
Sorry for the delay, but we had big trouble with
our mailinglist account.
On 14th of April RDT released the
You can download the files (,
from our homepage at:
Dalje (Da/Ne/Bez pauze/Sledeća)?
Size at all: 1700kb.
Other sites: *
* ...
This version contains the first episode. It's full playable !
So there are different enemies, weapons, secret rooms and
some other specials. Of course we don't show everything -
You will get the other stuff in the following epsiodes.
Please read the README and HOWTO included in the zip files for
detailed information. Check it out !
Send us your opinion, critics and maybe problem reports, please !
Development information:
Dalje (Da/Ne/Bez pauze/Sledeća)?
We are finishing the next two episodes at the moment. Expect five
episodes in the final version. We hope to get the final
version shipping soon (yes, I tell you this again and again ...).
Please DON'T order the game now ! Please wait for the FINAL
RELEASE ! Everyone in the mailinglist will get the release
acknowledgement right after the release - additionally one week
before it a advance release note (for ordering ...) ! SO DON'T
Your RDT team.
Ko mi skine ovo dobije... dogovorićemo se!!!
Ima li neko
APEX 3 fur Falcon?
Skinuo sam Running (1st episode)!
Ako neko hoće neka me mail-ne.
Running je igra like Duke Nukem 3D, radi u truecoloru, 320*200 (ili nešto
malo više) na običnom Falconu se preporučuju niski detalji.
Evo nečega za vlasnike Falkona - MPEG plejer pisan specijalno za 030 i DSP
od autora 1ST-Guida. Probajte pa javite kako radi.
Ako nekog još interesuje, Falconi se po Austriji (polovni preko oglasa)
valjaju za oko 600 DM. Uključujući 14 MB, interni hard 2,5 65Mb i ko naleti na
>Ako nekog još interesuje, Falconi se po Austriji (polovni preko oglasa)
>valjaju za oko 600 DM. Uključujući 14 MB, interni hard 2,5 65Mb i ko naleti na
Šta je "SPDIF"?
>Ako nekog još interesuje, Falconi se po Austriji (polovni preko oglasa)
a što nas ne bi interesovalo?
> Šta je "SPDIF"?
To je nešto za muzičare :) mislim da je digitalni izlaz za vezivanje sa
> Evo nečega za vlasnike Falkona - MPEG plejer pisan specijalno za 030 i
> od autora 1ST-Guida. Probajte pa javite kako radi.
Radi super/loše.
Fullscreen je užasno spor - možda 3 FPS
1/4 ekrana radi sigurno 25FPS?!?
da li je DSP-u mali RAM ili šta?
Kako radi super lose?
Kod mene radi super.
> Kako radi super lose?
> Kod mene radi super.
Ajde koristi quote!
Probaj neki MPEG 320*200 i videćeš koliko seče!
tri, četiri SAD
38060 Za kmilan Nije pročitano
Od list@rand.thn.h 27.06.97. 14:35 925 chr
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 23:05:41 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Petr Stehlik <>
Subject: Re: Surprise!
On Wed, 25 Jun 1997, Douglas Little wrote:
Hi Doug,
> I'd like to see it on a 68060 though, because I've been told (indirectly)
> that TosQuake on a 68040 is about as fast as Amiga Quake on a 68060, so
> I must be doing something right somewhere. :)
A friend of mine here owns a Hades060 with PCI graphics. He wants me to
adapt TOSQuaje to his Mach64 gfx card, but I am afraid I wouldn't know
what to change in the source and how to do it anyway :-/ But then, I could
tell you how it would be fast, because I would actually play it! I just
need a Hades binary of TOSQuake :-)
WWW: PARCP development
netmail: 2:421/, 90:1200/2@nest.ftn AfterBurner040 user
WOOOOOOOOW... Quake on Atari!!!!!!!! Kažu ljudi da prvo moraju da vide sa
programerima Quake da li imaju njihov blagoslov :))))
\ e-mail: sys II: Amiga500 1MB \
\ sys I : Atari Falcon030/FPU/14MB, 210MB SCSI HD, 2400bps, SM124 \
HA, novi potpis...
> WOOOOOOOOW... Quake on Atari!!!!!!!! Kažu ljudi da prvo moraju da
> vide sa programerima Quake da li imaju njihov blagoslov :))))
U pitanju je sors Quake-a koji je "procurio" iz firme kojoj je ID
prepustio portovanje Quake-a na Linux. Neko je hakovao sajt i
pokupio sors. Kao rezultat ubrzo se pojavilo nekoliko portova
Quake-a na druge platforme - OS/2, Atari, Amigu, Mac-a, a postoji
čak JavaQuake. :))
>> WOOOOOOOOW... Quake on Atari!!!!!!!! Kažu ljudi da prvo moraju da
>> vide sa programerima Quake da li imaju njihov blagoslov :))))
>U pitanju je sors Quake-a koji je "procurio" iz firme kojoj je ID
>prepustio portovanje Quake-a na Linux. Neko je hakovao sajt i
>pokupio sors. Kao rezultat ubrzo se pojavilo nekoliko portova
>Quake-a na druge platforme - OS/2, Atari, Amigu, Mac-a, a postoji
>čak JavaQuake. :))
OK ali Motorola i Intel nemaju baš veze, mislim nije lako prebaciti PC kod
na Atari, ili jeste, ako jeste zašto onda jednostavno ne bi krali sourceve i
prebacivali igre sa PC na Atari?!? :)
Ovo je Falcon only - radiosity demo
Šta je radiosity - to je napredniji način renderinga od ray-trace metode, za
razliku od istog radiosity svaki osvetljeni predmet posmatra kao novi izvor
svetla, odnosno poštuje odbijanje svetla za razliku od ray-tracinga (ovo možda
nije 100%, to je ono što sam ja zaključio).
U arhivi se nalaze dva programa RGB i VGA!
Demo od malo pre će te videti kad mi neko objasni kako da zakačim file uz
poruku ako mi se taj file nalazi zakačen za mail? :?
> Demo od malo pre će te videti kad mi neko objasni kako da zakačim file uz
>poruku ako mi se taj file nalazi zakačen za mail? :?
Pročitaš mail, na pitanje o prenosu odgovoriš da hoćeš "u Pad". Zatim:
1) ako si poruku uz koju kačiš fajl već napisao:
conf join atari
conf attach x.yyy file.ext &
gde je x.yyy broj poruke uz koju kačiš fajl.
2) ako trebaš i da napišeš poruku i da okačiš fajl
conf join atari
conf reply a.bbb file.ext &
gde je a.bbb broj poruke na koju odgovaraš (ako ne odgovaraš onda samo
broj teme)
Evo nečega za vlasnike Falcona:
TurboBlanker v1.42e is a shareware Falcon only screensaver/accelerator
programmed by Juergen Koneczny. Performance can be accelerated by up to
50% during screen saving, dependent upon resolution and colour depth.
Works as PRG/ACC, uses monitor energy saving mode, if available,
compatible with graphics cards and MagiC. Options to monitor mouse,
keyboard and modem activity, 'Hot zone' and synchronisation control.
*** Official English archive released by InterActive ***
PAŽLJIVO pročitajte dokumentaciju pošto se spominje da neki monitori mogu
biti oštećeni na ovaj način. Baš kao i autor programa ni ja ne snosim nikakvu
odgovornost za posledice.
A evo nečega i za vlasnike TTa - radi se o, koliko sam ja mogao da shvatim
iz nemačkog uputstva, snapshot programu za visoku TT rezoluciju. U svakom
slučaju može se bez straha probati, nije potencijalno destruktivan :)
Imam problema sa Videlom Inside:
verzija 1.x radi OK sa SM124 jer ima već podešene rezolucije!
verzija 2.x nema podešene nikakve rezolucije tako da moram sam
da podesim sve!
Nomber de pixels par ligne:
Resolution horizontale:
Decalage horizontal:
Nomber de lignes par VBL:
Resolution verticale:
Decalage vertical:
vrednosti za TV rezoluciju 768*432i su sledeće:
Nomber de pixels par ligne: 1018
Resolution horizontale: 768
Decalage horizontal: 274
Nomber de lignes par VBL: 258
Resolution verticale: 432
Decalage vertical: 38
H: 15717 Hz V: 60.9KHz
ima li neko ideju koje vrednosti treba da upišem da bi dobio normalnu
SM124 rezoluciju (640*480)?
BTW zašto ni jedan od virtual desktop programa nema fino scrollovanje
na SM124; vertikalno je OK ali horizontalno skače po 16 pixela?!?
Kad sam već počeo da dovlačim gluposti...;)
FastBoot 030 v1.0beta
What is this program?
FastBoot 030 is a little nifty bootsector program that will speed up the
boot process for non-IDE Falcon's. Since TOS needs about 10 seconds to
discover there is no IDE-drive present, the result will be a faster boot.
If you keep reading, you will get to the benchmarks.
jedno pitanje: da li je u Falconovom true coloru 1. pixel jedan word?
Ako jeste to onda znači da F030 ima 32000 boja?
W oRRRRRGGGGGBBBBB gde je prvi bit (o) overlay?
Hitno! Na prodaju:
Atari Falcon 030/4Mb, TOS 4.04 (+ VGA i SCSII kabl) ............. = 900 Dem
Mono Super VGA (1024x768), ravan ekran, multisync (ok i TV rez.) = 150 Dem
IDE hard disk, 2,5" (interni), 64Mb (sa kablom) ................. = 100 Dem
SCSII Hard Disk 3,5" - MAXTOR 220Mb (dovoljan za 40+min semplova*)= 150 Dem
SCSII hard disk kuciste - MAC dizajn (napajanje, zenski SCSII) .. = 60 Dem
44,1KHz Falcon externi klok ..................................... = 40 Dem
1400 Dem
+ 2 Falcon F030 prirucnika
+ 3 Falcon F030 utility diska Jasno je da se za ovaj novac
+ Cubase Audio F030 (skupo!!!) *** dobija jedan mocni Audio
+ 100 Midi pesama (po izboru) ** = Poklon studio (8/16 kanala, real
+ 100 Modula ** time efekti) i plus 32bitni
+ Koprocesor 68882 (70 dem) *** kompjuter za da se nadje :)
Samo u kompletu!!! *40 min muzike na 44,1KHz mono
------------------ (sigurno dovoljno za 8
(ili bez monitora)
*** ide, ide pa ... SCSII **************************
Moze i trampa za razno uz doplatu!
"Clipper Soft Studio"
Ljubisa Raimovic