Sa Cebita: NOVOSTI/microb 4.1045, 4.1048, 4.1049, 4.1057, 4.1058,
4.1061 -4.1064, 4.1079, 4.1081, 4.1116,
4.1125, 4.1127, 4.1128, 4.1141.
John Sculley u sudskom sporu sa firmom koju je do skora vodio, Spectrum
Information Technologies Inc. NOVOSTI/microb 4.1115.
PS Iskreno rečeno, ja nisam znao ni da je "izbačen" iz Apple-a, izgleda
da sam tu vest svojevremeno propustio.
> PS Iskreno rečeno, ja nisam znao ni da je "izbačen" iz Apple-a,
> izgleda da sam tu vest svojevremeno propustio.
Još u oktobru... Bilo u Bajtu 92 ;-)
> Iskreno rečeno, ja nisam znao ni da je "izbačen" iz Apple-a
Navodno dao ostavku, a krajem prošle godine jedan tip koji je zajedno sa
njim izleteo iz Apple napravio tužbu prema kojoj je ovaj zamoljen da podnese
IBM konačno pozitivno poslovao - da li je kriza prošla?
NOVOSTI/microb 4.247.
Intel održava veliki šahovski turnir u Moskvi. NOVOSTI/microb 4.270.
Kako računari ulaze u (američke) sudnice. NOVOSTI/microb 4.705.
seminar studentskih radova u oblasti racunarskih nauka i informatike
namenjen je prezentaciji naucnih i strucnih radova studenata redovnih
i poslediplomskih studija.
Beograd, Jove Ilica 154
O B L A S T I :
- Informacioni sistemi
- Racunarske mreze i protokoli
- Trendovi u razvoju racunarskog hardvera
- Paralelno procesiranje
- Vestacka inteligencija i ekspertni sistemi
- Sistemi za podrsku odlucivanju
- Operaciona istrazivanja
- Simulacija i simulacioni jezici
- Pravne osnove informacionih sistema
- CAD/CAM i racunarska animacija
- Dr Bozidar Radenkovic, FON
- Dr Branislav Lazarevic, FON
- Dr Pavle Pejovic, FON
- Dr Dusan Starcevic,FON
- Dr Mirjana Cangalovic, FON
- Dr Veljko Milutinovic, ETF
- Dr Vojislav Misic, ETF
- Dr Milorad Stanojevic, Saobracajni Fakultet
- Pavle Pekovic, Student FON-a
- Zoran Radojicic, Student FON-a
- Ivan Glisin, Student FON-a
- Radivoje Zonjic, Student ETF-a
Seminar ce se odrzati u studentskom odmaralistu na Zlatiboru
od 29.10. do 02.11.1994.godine.
A B S T R A K T :
Abstrakt treba da sadrzi sledece podatke :
- ime i prezime autora
- naslov rada
- kratak opis rada (do polovine jedne A4 strane)
Abstrakt i podatke o autorima treba dostaviti organizatoru
najkasnije do 15.09.1994. u stampanoj formi ili na e-mail :
Rezultati recenzije bice saopsteni do 20.09.1994.god.
R A D O V I :
Obim radova je najvise 6 stranica
na formatu A4 sa marginama:
- leva : 3cm
- desna: 2cm
- gornja i donja: 2,5cm
Rad treba da ima sledecu formu:
- imena autora (bold centrirano) (12 dpi)
- naslov rada (bold centrirano) (14 dpi)
- abstrakt (11dpi)
- uvod (11dpi)
- razrada problema (11dpi)
- zakljucak (11dpi)
- literatura (11dpi)
Radove pripremiti na racunaru i stampati na laserskom
stampacu koristeci "helvetica" fontove.
Priloziti original i jednu kopiju.
Radove dostaviti najkasnije do 10.10.1994.god na adresu:
Organizacioni odbor SinFon-a
Fakultet Organizacionih Nauka
Jove Ilica 154, 11000 Beograd
ili u elektronskoj formi na e-mail :
Prihvaceni radovi ce se stampati u specijalnom broju
casopisa INFO.
Uslov za ucestvovanje na simpozijumu je prihvacen rad.
Za ucesnike simpozijuma kojima je prihvacen rad
bice obezbedjen prevoz i participacija za troskove smestaja.
Daliborka Bradic, telefon (011) 465-855 lokal 138
Dr Bozidar Radenkovic, telefon (011) 237-1440.
e-mail :
fax: (011) 461-221
Nekadašnji direktor Apple-a, John Sculley, sada je savetnik u Kodaku.
NOVOSTI/microb 4.790.
U istoj vesti pročitaćete i ponešto o Sculley-evim ranijim aferama,
hapšenjima nekih njegovih saradnika itd.
RE: Info???
=> Prihvaceni radovi ce se stampati u specijalnom broju
=> casopisa INFO.
Šta je ovo i gde to može da se kupi?
Kako izgleda kompjuterski sajam u Kini? NOVOSTI/microb 4.1139.
Quentin Wiles (75), direktor poznate firme Miniscribe (pravili su
diskove... kasnije ih je otkupio Maxtor), proglašen je krivim za
poslovne malverzacije - prodavao je akcije na osnovu internih saznanja
o stanju firme, dobijao zajmove na osnovu lažnih dokumenata itd. Očekuje
ga dugogodišnja zatvorska kazna (do 15 godina).
NOVOSTI/microb 4.1602.
Pohvatana banda koja je ukrala preko 1 milion funti vrednu kompjutersku
opremu. NOVOSTI/microb 4.1766.
Kako su pohvatani pirati u Singapuru. NOVOSTI/microb 4.1824.
Četiri velemajstora igraće "simultanku" protiv Pentium računara. Sponzor
je Intel, a rezultat je jako teško prognozirati.
NOVOSTI/microb 4.1993.
>> Četiri velemajstora igraće "simultanku" protiv Pentium računara. Sponzor
>> je Intel, a rezultat je jako teško prognozirati.
Hm, da dopunim za one koji ne čitaju microb: 6 velemajstora po jednu
partiju protiv svakog od 12 programa za PC (ovom prilikom PC=Pentium_based_PC).
Partija traje 25 minuta. Pošto je ovo takmičenje trebalo da se održi drugog
oktobra, sigurno je već i završeno. Ko je pobedio? Tipujem da je bar neki
program osvojio više od pola poena protiv ljudi. Pretpostavljam da su ljudi
i ovog puta pobedili.
-+*> Partija traje 25 minuta. Pošto je ovo takmičenje trebalo da
-+*> se održi drugog oktobra, sigurno je već i završeno. Ko je
-+*> pobedio? Tipujem da je bar neki program osvojio više od
-+*> pola poena protiv ljudi. Pretpostavljam da su ljudi i ovog
-+*> puta pobedili.
U septembru je takođe bilo održano ovakvo takmičenje, znam samo
da je program Chess Genius pobedio Kasparova (!), a posle je taj
program izgubio od nekog Japanca (Kineza), ne sećam se tačno.
>> U septembru je takođe bilo održano ovakvo takmičenje, znam samo
>> da je program Chess Genius pobedio Kasparova (!), a posle je taj
>> program izgubio od nekog Japanca (Kineza), ne sećam se tačno.
Ja zadnjih dana probah Mefisto Genius 2, to je valjda taj program
što je pobedio Kasparova, i stvarno moćno igra. Grafički nije nešto
u poređenju sa ChessMaster-om, ali ga po kvalitetu igre bije za
red veličine.
Uspeo sam, doduše, da ga pobedim par puta (onih ostalih par desetina
puta, jelda... ;) ali uglavnom tako što sam ga u kritičnim situacijama
pitao za hint :)
>> Ko je pobedio? Tipujem da je bar neki program osvojio više od pola poena
>> protiv ljudi. Pretpostavljam da su ljudi i ovog puta pobedili.
Sve sam pogodio. :) Bilo je 8 programa i 6 ljudi, svaki program je
igrao protiv svakog od ljudi. Najbolji rezultat (5 poena od 6 mogućih, 83.33%,
nijedan poraz!) je postigao program WChess. Najbolji velemajstor je osvojio
6.5 od 8 mogućih (81.25 %). Ljudi su pobedili sa 29.5 : 18.5. Detalje možete
videti u NOVOSTI.6:microb.2100.
Ko zna kako se prevodi "25-minute game"? Da li to znači da svaki igrač
ima po 25 minuta u partiji ili da partija traje do 25 minuta (svaki igrač po
12.5 minuta)?
Bill Gates je nedavno, za 30 miliona dolara, kupio jedan ilustrovani
rukopis Leonarda Da Vinčija. To je trenutno jedini Leonardov rukopis
koji se nalazi u privatnim rukama.
NOVOSTI/microb 4.2675.
Spor Apple-a sa Microsoftom i Hewlett-Packardom stigao je do
američkog Vrhovnog suda. Apple je prethodne sporove oko vizuelnog
izgleda Windows korisničkog interfejsa izgubio, i ovo mu je poslednja
šansa da nešto eventualno uradi.
NOVOSTI/microb 4.3485.
EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) pokušava da ospori ustavnost
zakona koji reguliše (zabranjuje) publikovanje kriptografisanih
dokumenata i softvera.
NOVOSTI/microb 4.3951.
Do kraja godine Savezna skupstina bi trebalo da usvoji zakon,
pa Vas molim da raspravu na Sezamu zavrsimo do 10. novembra.
1995.(nemamo mnogo vremena:( ,polovinom novembra bi se razmatrali
predlozi sa Sezama i ostali a verovatno i zakazan sastanak.
Pozdrav B)
Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije
Beograd, Kneza Miloša 7/a
tel. 337-363, tel/fax 330-067
prvi stručni skup
Zaštita podataka u računarskim sistemima
16-17 novembra 1995. godine
u Sava Centru, Beograd
kotizacija 190,00 dinara
Za detaljnija obaveštenja izvolite se obratiti na
tel 337-363 (IT) ili mailom na micioni
Pozdrav B)
Jugoslovenska asocijacija za
elektronsku razmenu podataka
Beograd, Kneza Miloša 20
tel. 3249028 fax 2351036
3. YUEDI konferenciju
sa temom
Elektronska razmena podataka i elektronska
trgovina u svetu i Jugoslaviji
- stanje i perspektive -
12-13 decembra 1995. godine
u Beogradu
Za detaljnija obaveštenja izvolite se obratiti na
tel. 3249028 ili
mailom ili micioni
Pozdrav B)
U Biblioteci grada Beograda (Rimska dvorana),
u nedelju 3. marta 1996. u 12 časova
biće predstavljena
na CD ROM-u
koju će predstaviti gospodin Rolf Elmers,
direktor kompanije Exclusive Books Distributers Ltd.
Organizatori su:
Jugoslovensko društvo za umetnost i tehnologiju spektakla
Yugoslav performing arts association
Biblioteka grada Beograda.
> U Biblioteci grada Beograda (Rimska dvorana),
> u nedelju 3. marta 1996. u 12 časova
> biće predstavljena
> na CD ROM-u
??? :)))
Pa, kako je bilo?
A kad je sledeća prezentacija?
> Pa, kako je bilo?
Ukratko, Enciklopedija Britanica se izdaje na 1 disku.
Alat za pretraživanje je Netscape browser. Tj. sama enciklopedija je u HTML
formatu. Ko voli svoju verziju browsera može i sa njom da koristi "Britaniku".
Cena 1290$. Uz CD se dobija hard lock.
Na zapadu postoji mogućnost da preko Interneta pretplatite godišnje i da
koristite "Britaniku" na njihovom WWW serveru.
Ta cena je oko 37$.
Ima mnogo teksta. Slike koje se nalaze u knjizi nisu sve prenete na CD.
Detaljnije informacije email na: zkosŽ,
/* Alat za pretraživanje je Netscape browser. Tj. sama enciklopedija je u
/* HTML Cena 1290$. Uz CD se dobija hard lock.
Koja je funkcija hardlocka, ako je sve u HTML-u? Mislim, šta i od čega čuva?
> Koja je funkcija hardlocka, ako je sve u HTML-u? Mislim, šta i od čega
To sam i ja sebe pitao, ali s obzirom da nisam imao mogućnosti da isti
testiram, ne bih mogao i da ti odgovorim na ovo pitanje.
Možda postoji neki način kriptovanja tih tekstova, a verovatno i slika koje se
nalaze u HTML. Mada u tom slučaju ne znam kako funkcioniše sistem cut, copy,
Eto toliko od mene.
> Ukratko, Enciklopedija Britanica se izdaje na 1 disku.
Ne mogu da verujem da je na jedan CD stala cela enciklopedija
Britanika i to u nekompresovanom formatu (HTML). Da li se onaj
hard-lock odnosi u stvari na neki transparentni kompresor/arhiver
koji mora biti aktiviran pre pristupanja podacima?
> hard-lock odnosi u stvari na neki transparentni kompresor/arhiver
> koji mora biti aktiviran pre pristupanja podacima?
Nažalost, nisam mogućnosti da odgovorim na ovo pitanje jer nemam mogućnosti da
dotični program testiram.
Kako je lepo biti bogat - deo 1
IBM je, zbog uspešne poslovne godine, svojim radnicima isplatio
bonuse u ukupnoj vrednosti od 1,2 milijarde dolara! IBM ukupno
ima skoro 250.000 zaposlenih. Pare su dobili svi sem predsednika
kompanije i nekoliko najviših rukovodilaca.
IBM paying record $1.2 billion in employees bonuses
International Business Machines Corp. is paying out $1.2
billion in cash bonuses, its largest amount ever, to
241,000 employees worldwide based on improved financial
performance, a spokesman said Sunday.
"The whole idea is to recognize employees for their hard
work," a spokesman for the world's largest computer maker
said. "It's linked to how they do, how the business unit
does and how the overall corporation does."
Customer satisfaction is also considered.
IBM had record revenues of $75.9 billion last year and
earned $5.9 billion, or $11.06 a share, excluding one-time
The bonus equaled about 20 percent of IBM's 1996 earnings
and was about 10 percent of an average worker's pay in the
United States, up from 8 percent of base salary a year ago,
the spokesman said.
The bonus averaged $4,979 for all employees worldwide. No
breakdown on the size of bonuses in the United States and
abroad was available.
IBM has been paying annual bonuses since 1992.
Since Chairman Louis Gerstner took over in April 1993, a
larger part of employee compensation has come from bonuses
as the company has sought to motivate employees.
Gerstner and four other top executives are not included in
the bonus plan. Their separate bonuses will be disclosed on
Tuesday when IBM files its proxy statement for its annual
IBM's bonus comes a month after another technology
stalwart, Intel Corp., rewarded employees with $820 million
in cash bonsuses, profit sharing and retirement pay.
Intel's average employee received at least 33 percent of
their base salary under the plan, due to the Santa Clara,
Calif.-based semiconductor giant's record year in 1996.
Armonk, N.Y.-based IBM paid its domestic employee bonuses
on Friday. Canadian staffers were paid last month. Timing
in other countries varies.
Kako je lepo biti bogat - deo 2
Saznalo se da su vodeći ljudi Microsofta tokom februara prodali
veliki broj svojih deonica. Samo Bil Gejts je prodao oko 2
miliona deonica, a kako svaka MS-ova deonica košta oko 100
dolara, slobodno možete da izračunate o kolikoj se sumi radi...
Gates, Allen, Maritz sell Microsoft shares
Microsoft Corp. co-founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen sold off
sizable chunks of their holdings in February, according to a
insider transaction disclosure. Another high-level executive,
Paul Maritz, a group vice president of platforms and
applications, also sold stock.
The trades, which occurred in mid-February, did not send off
alarms among Wall Street's Microsoft watchers. "People sell
stocks for all sorts of reasons," said Charles Finnie, an analyst
at Volpe, Welty & Co. in San Francisco. And Microsoft itself
downplayed any significance. Federal rules limit when insiders
may sell stock to specific times during the year, and "this was
just one of those times," said Microsoft spokesman Tom Pilla. He
noted that Gates and Allen both have plans to regularly sell
parts of their Microsoft holding as a way to diversify their
personal portfolios.
Gates sold off roughly 2 million shares between Feb. 14 to Feb.
20, at anywhere from $95 to $99 per share .Allen sold 800,000
shares, at $95 to $100, during the third week of February while
Maritz sold just 151,970 shares at $101 each on February 5. If
you do the math, the transactions brought anywhere from $190
million to $198 million to Gates, $76 million to $80 million to
Allen, and $15.3 million to Maritz.
> Kako je lepo biti bogat - deo 1
Kad će BIGZ ovako nešto da uradi? :)
>> veliki broj svojih deonica. Samo Bil Gejts je prodao oko 2
>> miliona deonica, a kako svaka MS-ova deonica košta oko 100
>> dolara, slobodno možete da izračunate o kolikoj se sumi radi...
Koga li će sad da kupi? (:
*>> veliki broj svojih deonica. Samo Bil Gejts je prodao oko 2
*>> miliona deonica, a kako svaka MS-ova deonica košta oko 100
*>> dolara, slobodno možete da izračunate o kolikoj se sumi radi...
* Koga li će sad da kupi? (:
Koliko sam načuo, ulaže nekoliko milijardi $ u izgradnju mreže od
800 (!) satelita na niskoj orbiti (oko 700 km) koji bi pokrili celu
zemaljsku kuglu i služili isključivo za brze Internet veze. Lansiranje
bi počelo od 2000-te godine, primopredajnik bi bio tanjir prečnika 30 cm
koji bi išao direktno na PC (podrška ugradjena u Win2001 :). Očekivana
cena po satelitu oko $5 mil, brzina prenosa zavisiće od cene zakupa,
tj. obrnuto. Ideja je da se brzi Internet dovede tamo gde nema ISDN
(Azija, Afrika i mi ;).
Sistem inače nema veze sa Iridium projektom za satelitsku mobilnu
telefoniju (66 satelita) koji radi konzorcijum na čelu sa Motorolom
i čije lansiranje je već počelo. On prenosi samo glas i podatke
brzinom reda 4800 bps (dakle fax i mail).
Ovo se inače samo šuška, ali...
>> Saznalo se da su vodeći ljudi Microsofta tokom februara prodali
>> veliki broj svojih deonica. Samo Bil Gejts je prodao oko 2
>> miliona deonica, a kako svaka MS-ova deonica košta oko 100
>> dolara, slobodno možete da izračunate o kolikoj se sumi radi...
Zna čovek šta ne valja, pa se ratosilja toga što pre može. Uz to
će na naivcima da zaradi koju kintu :).
Šalu na stranu, šta bi se moglo kriti iza toga? Opet neki medijski
rat ili možda znak da se kompanija polako raspada (što bi mnogo voleo)?
>> Sistem inače nema veze sa Iridium projektom za satelitsku mobilnu
>> telefoniju (66 satelita) koji radi konzorcijum na čelu sa Motorolom
Da l' ćemo moći mi da vidimo Sunce Beyond 2000 od silnih
satelita? ;)
Kako je lepo biti bogat - deo 3
> Pare su dobili svi sem predsednika
> kompanije i nekoliko najviših rukovodilaca.
Elem dobio je i rukovodilac. ;) Na godišnju platu od milion i po
dolara, Lou Gerstner, predsednik IBM-a, dobio je i bonus od 3,5
miliona. O tome, a i nekim drugim stvarima u vezi plaćanja i
bonusa u tekstu koji sledi.
Gerstner, Pfeiffer share a lot (about $4 million)
IBM CEO Lou Gerstner and Compaq Computer Corp. CEO Eckhard
Pfeiffer have a lot in common.
Both men are seen as visionary leaders who turned their companies
around, Gerstner pulling the venerable IBM out of a slump,
Pfeiffer making Compaq the No. 1 PC vendor in the world.
And in 1996, both men were about equally compensated for their
jobs by their boards of directors.
According to proxy statements filed earlier this week, Gerstner
pulled in a salary of $1.5 million and a bonus of $3.3 million,
while Pfeiffer got a salary of $1.25 million and a bonus of $3
million. The high salaries reflect the fortunes of their
respective companies in 1996.
Compaq brought in net income of $1.3 billion in 1996, and saw its
shareholder return grow 54.4 percent. IBM had net income of $5.9
billion, a slight drop from the year before, but its shareholder
return grew almost 67 percent, compared with the Standard &
Poor's 500 rate of 22.5 percent.
"The real key here is, if the shareholders are happy, then the
compensation numbers are justified," said Terrence Brown, senior
vice president at the Compensation Resource Group Inc., in
Pasadena, Calif. "I can't imagine shareholders looking at these
numbers being too upset."
One thing that is unusual is that, despite the large disparity in
size between the two companies, both CEOs are receiving
essentially the same cash payment from their companies.
Usually, the larger the company, the more money its executives
But experts who follow executive pay said the high-tech industry
deviates from this rule.
"We have found, in high-tech companies, that very often pay is
not related to revenue size," said Robert Salwen, principal at
Executive Compensation Corp., in New York. "There is a market out
there for high-tech executives that's independent of the size of
the company, so two companies so far apart are competing at the
same level."
Where Gerstner does receive a boost is in the $2 million
long-term incentive payout he received from IBM. Pfeiffer did not
receive any long-term payouts, Brown said.
However, Pfeiffer did receive $1.25 million in a deferred
account, which basically means that although he earned the money,
he can't have it until some future period. Compaq's proxy
statement says the money is tagged to conditions put on it by the
company's human resources committee, but doesn't state what those
restrictions are.
Početkom meseca održana je Java ONE konferencija, namenjena
kompanijama koje razvijaju ili planiraju da razvijaju softver za
ovu novu otvorenu platformu, sa idejom da se ona dalje promoviše,
predstave novi pravci razvoja, populariše ideja Network
Computer-a i sl.
Istovremeno, preko puta, održana je slična konfrerencija, takođe
namenjena programerima ali sa opštijim tememama. Na njoj je
govorio i Bil Gejts, a organizatori Java ONE konferencije su mu
priredili zvrčku deleći na ulazu majice sa natpisom: "In a world
without fences, who needs gates?" :)
Ovo što sledi je izveštaj koji opisuje malo detaljnije atmosferu
koja je vladala na oba događaja. Konkretne stvari u odgovarajućim
konferencijama... :)
Schmoozing and snoozing at JavaOne
Technical sessions weren't the only action at last week's
JavaOne and Software Development '97 conferences
Last week's JavaOne Developer's Conference and Software
Development '97 West (SD '97) confab rolled through San
Francisco's Moscone Convention Center in a frenetic wave of
technical sessions, politicking, and marketing hype.
JavaOne, with its headline-grabbing technology and industrywide
scope, drew large and avid crowds of developers hoping to learn
more about and/or exploit opportunities created by the
vigorously hyped technology. It easily overshadowed the more
workmanlike Software Development show, which dealt with the
established array of development technologies.
Although interest in the vendor exhibits and Java technical
sessions was high, some attendees groused that the keynote
addresses and other official proclamations were a bit long on
dogma and lacking in substance and technical vision.
Attendees were struck by the contrast between the upbeat and
rather zealous JavaOne speeches by Sun's Scott McNealy and
acolytes and the relatively long and prosaic SD '97 keynote
presented by archrival Bill Gates of Microsoft. At JavaOne,
hired comedic-gun Dana Carvey amplified the war of
personalities attending the struggle for control of Java's
Although Gates as usual drew an overflow crowd, he disappointed
those looking for controversy or bold vision. He marched
through an hour-and-a half recitation of Windows platforms and
tools, blandly labeled Java the latest in a decades-long
succession of would-be universal programming languages, and
made a pitch for Microsoft's Dynamic HTML as a means of
Although Gates forwent his customary Microsoft
slogan-of-the-moment T-shirt in favor of an all-green knit
shirt and slacks ensemble, some audience members sported
T-shirts reading: "In a world without fences, who needs gates?"
Wardrobe aside, Gates scored with the audience when he
criticized the shows' exclusion of the under-18 set.
Even as Sun endeavors to establish the technology in the staid
enterprise computing sector, Java seems to have lost none of
its luster as a pop phenomenon. Duke, the show's mascot, put
Disneyland's Goofy to shame, as throngs of attendees mugged for
snapshots with the softly mounded, amorphous character.
Having already forked over hefty sums of their own or
employers' money to attend the conference, Java fans happily
parted with more. The entrance to the Hacker's Lounge and Cyber
Cafe was bracketed by the conference's equally mobbed bookstore
and souvenir shop. Would-be Java fashion plates could pony-up
for such logo-emblazoned goodies as $18 T-shirts and $217
varsity jackets.
In addition, the JavaOne organizers went a long way to cater to
the brainstorming, schmoozing, and "kicking-back" needs of its
attendees. Between ranks of demo stations and Web-enabled
systems were recreation-room staples such as foosball and
billiards tables, a putting green and chessboards. An
interactive shooting-gallery video game proved especially
The Hacker's Lounge was strewn with comfortable chairs and
couches around low tables, some topped with whiteboards and
others with rolls of drawing paper. It's unclear whether the
latter promoted better communication than the proverbial paper
Svi kojima poslovanje zavisi od dobrog poslovanja Microsfota mogu
da odahnu ;) - u prvom kvartalu imali su rekordne prihode. Po
prvi put u svojoj istoriji uspeli su da za tri meseca "obrnu"
celu milijardu dolara. Skok zarade objašnjavju dobrom prodajom
Office 97 paketa.
Microsoft's Q3 profit: A billion dollars, baby
Microsoft Corp. turned in "incredible" third-quarter results,
posting net income of slightly more than $1 billion.
The company's net income of $1.04 billion, or 79 cents a share,
was more than 80 percent better than the $562 million it earned
in the year-earlier period. Revenues for the quarter were $3.21
billion, compared with $2.21 billion in the year-ago quarter.
Wall Street analysts were expecting the company to report
earnings of 64 cents a share, according to First Call.
Microsoft Chief Financial Officer Mike Brown pointed to Office
97, the office suite launched in January, as a key part of the
revenue growth. The company sold 8 million Office 97 licenses
during the quarter, said Richard Fade, vice president of the
desktop applications division.
While revenues from applications and content products increased
$298 million, to $1.5 billion, they made up only 47 percent of
the company's total revenues in the quarter, compared with 56
percent in the previous year's quarter and 45 percent in the
second fiscal quarter. Platform revenues made up the remaining 53
percent of total revenues during the third quarter.
The company also saw strong sales to OEM partners, with revenues
from that channel growing almost 52 percent, to $960 million.
U.S. and Canadian sales jumped 51 percent to $938 million, easily
outpacing European and other international sales.
Brown called the earnings "incredible," but warned that the
Redmond, Wash., company would have "very tough comparisons" ahead
in fiscal 1998. However, Microsoft almost always makes that
warning when it issues earnings.
Kao odgovor na pronađeni sigurnosni problem u Norton Utilities-u,
Symantec je optužio McAfee da su im krali kod za Norton
CrashGuard. ;)
Symantec sues McAfee, alleging code theft
Symantec on Wednesday filed a lawsuit against rival McAfee
Associates for allegedly knowingly pirating software code from
its Norton CrashGuard PC software.
In the lawsuit, filed in Santa Clara County, Calif., Symantec
accused McAfee of stealing code from Norton CrashGuard and
incorporating it into McAfee's PC Medic. Both applications
protect PCs from crashing and recover files in the event of a
Symantec is seeking a recall of PC Medic and an injunction
against McAfee to stop shipping versions of PC Medic containing
Symantec code. In addition, Symantec is seeking to recover all
of McAfee's profits from shipments of products containing
Symantec code, the company said in a press release.
McAfee issued a statement saying it has not seen the lawsuit
and therefore could not comment on the allegations.
Wednesday's action is the latest in a history of squaring off
between the two rivals. Earlier this month McAfee discovered
and exposed a security hole in Symantec's Norton Utilities 2.0
for Windows 95 that could allow a script downloaded from the
Internet to erase files from a user's PC. Symantec has since
issued a fix for that problem.
Uhapšen je 21-godišnjak koji je pretio Bilu Gejtsu i tražio 5
miliona dolara da ga ostavi na miru.
Uhapšen je dok je chat-ovao na America On Line sistemu sa
Gejtsom, odnosno agentom FBI koji se predstavljao kao on. :)
Dakle, pazite s kime chatate. :)
Arrest in Gates extortion plot
The FBI has reportedly arrested a 21-year-old Illinois man on
charges that he threatened Bill Gates's life in an attempt to
extort more than $5 million from the Microsoft chairman.
Adam Quinn Pletcher was arrested May 9 after agents posed as
Gates in an America Online relationships advice forum to
communicate with the man, as he had requested, according to the
Seattle Post-Intelligencer. The FBI was able to trace Pletcher
from a list of AOL subscribers, court documents released
yesterday said.
"Law enforcement officials have stressed that at no time were
Bill, his family or Microsoft personnel in any danger," said
Microsoft spokesman Mark Murray. "At one point Microsoft security
made Bill aware of the situation, but the entire situation was
handled start to finish by Microsoft security and law enforcement
"I hope this sends a strong message to those who would commit
crimes over the Internet: You cannot hide your crimes by using
computers. You will be caught and you will be prosecuted," said
Katrina Pflaumer, Attorney General for the Western District of
Pletcher threatened to kill Gates in a March 10 letter to Redmond
postmarked Palatine, Illinois, according to an indictment from
the U.S. District Court in Seattle.
The newspaper described Pletcher as a loner who spent several
hours a day at his personal computer. In February, he was charged
with operating an auto brokerage scam from his personal Web page.
In the letters, Gates was told to comply with monetary demands to
"avoid dying, among other things," according to the newspaper. At
one point, Pletcher reportedly asked for $5.25 million.
>> Uhapšen je 21-godišnjak koji je pretio Bilu Gejtsu i tražio 5
>> miliona dolara da ga ostavi na miru.
Evo, ja tražim samo 100.000 dolara od ujka Bilija, isto da me
ostavi na miru (:
==> Evo, ja trazim samo 100.000 dolara od ujka Bilija, isto da me
==> ostavi na miru (:
Meni i 10.000 dosta.
Man shoots computer in frustration
ISSAQUAH, Wash. - A 43-year-old man was coaxed out of his home by
police after he pulled a gun on his personal computer and shot it
several times, apparently in frustration.
"We don't know if it wouldn't boot up or what," Police Sgt. Keith
Moon said Thursday.
The computer, in a home office on the second floor of the
townhouse, had four bullet holes in the hard drive and one in the
monitor, according to Moon.
One bullet struck a filing cabinet, while another made it through
a wall and into a neighboring unit. No one was injured.
Police evacuated the complex shortly after 8 p.m., while they
contacted the man by telephone. He eventually agreed to discard
the weapon and meet officers outside the building.
Three guns and a knife were confiscated from the man's home, Moon
said. A woman who lives with the man told police he had become
increasingly upset over the past few days.
The man was taken to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle for a
mental evaluation after officers learned he had been under a
doctor's care, Moon said.
The case has been forwarded to the King County Prosecutor's
office for review.
According to Moon, the man could face charges of unlawfully
discharging a weapon or reckless endangerment.
By The Associated Press
Dva šoumena demonstriraju novi operativni sistem i pokušavaju da
izgledaju cool nakon što su se izblamirali. ;) Zabavno štivo, smeh
garantovan. ;)
Kompjuterska štampa je o ovome uglavnom izvestila sa naslovom
"Win98 crashes as Gates demonstrates it".
MSNBC je javio "PC crashes as...".
Ipak, veruje se da će referendum da uspe. ;)
>> Kompjuterska štampa je o ovome uglavnom izvestila sa naslovom
>> "Win98 crashes as Gates demonstrates it".
Stvarno zanimljivo :)). Mora da ti je srce bilo na mestu,
wiz. ;)
Pozdrav, Dejan
> Dva šoumena demonstriraju novi operativni sistem i pokušavaju da
> izgledaju cool nakon što su se izblamirali. ;) Zabavno štivo, smeh
> garantovan. ;)
Preporučujem download. B)
> Dva šoumena demonstriraju novi operativni sistem i pokušavaju
> da izgledaju cool nakon što su se izblamirali. ;) Zabavno
> štivo, smeh garantovan. ;)
E, nešto najbolje što sam video u poslednja 2 meseca :)))
Svaka čast...
PS. Dl obavezan.
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-----/______\____________\______/ C\\________ _/ ___________ _____
--------- -______- -------/______\______/ C\/ __ C\\\ /
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[ CORROSION! ] |_______ C\ __ _ /_________ ___________
|________ \\ / __ C\ ___ C\
-------/______\\ /|___________\______/ \
-------| \/ :-----------------/______\sCf/-T!
: + cybeRex.
--- u.p.d.a.t.e___#oo9 ---
[ ]
nedelja, 10.januar '98, 20:00, CinemaREX, Jevrejska 16, Beograd
- u l a z s l o b o d a n ! -
update#oo9 contents:
Dalje (Da/Ne/Bez pauze/Sledeca)?
[ 05% ] pas maters 'space case' 58k intro premijera [yu prod].
[ 70% ] the party 98 demoi i introi.
[ 10% ] kindergarten'98 demoi.
[ 05% ] powerup demo[i].
[ 10% ] staro/vecito/legendarno.
demo masine:
amiga: amiga1200+blizzard1260/50+ppc603e/200
pc: default xx.
be there or be square!
-- brought 2u by corrosion & cybeRex in 1998/1999. -- .