U okviru teme Virusi počela je zanimljiva diskusija koja je
skrenula na neke moralno-tehničke aspekte zaštite programa. Mislim da
je tema dovoljno interesantna da bismo se posebno tretirale - poruke
sam (ostavljajući ih i tamo gde su bile) prepisao u niz koji sledi
temu ZASTITA...
Dejane, dobro si informisan. Takve zaštite zaista postoje, a neke
od njih sam ja lično pravio.
Ti si Dejane svojevremeno na temu piratovanja rekao nešto ovako:
"Ako nekome dam program za koji znam da mu treba, a da ga sigurno
neće (ili ne može) kupiti, onda je to OK". Ja se slažem sa tim
stavom. Amerikanac može da kupi neki C kompajler, na primer, za
neznatan deo svoje plate. Jugosloven za to mora da radi mesecima.
Prema tome, piratovanje je suviše kompleksna tema da bi se na to
gledalo kao na crno/belo. Ali stoje i to da se u Jugoslaviji NE
MOŽE prodavati program ako on nema neku zaštitu. Ako je program
dobar, on će jednostavno planuti preko drugarskog davanja i
piratovanja, i od prodaje nema ništa. A onaj ko je uložio veliki
napor da taj program napiše ima prava da nešto i zaradi.
Za jednog privatnika sam napravio vrlo zgodnu karticu za zaštitu
programa. Stvar je dimenzije 5x11 cm i jednostavno se utakne u
bilo koji prazan slot. Jeste da treba otvoriti kompjuter, ali
zato posle iz njega ne vire nikakvi dodatci koji se priključuju
na RS232. Sa tom karticom se programi vrlo jednostavno štite.
Neke zaštite sa tom karticom sam zaista radio tako da program
obriše hard disk ako primeti da je neko pokušavao da skine
zaštitu. Moj stav je krajnje jednostavan: Ako ti prodam program,
instaliraj karticu i koristi program. A ako si ti toliko drzak da
pokušaš da razvališ zaštitu (verovatno da bi program piratovao),
onda si stvarno SAM TRAŽIO đavola.
Sećaš se da sam ti svojevremeno dao program XRD. Taj program sam
napisao za svoju ličnu upotrebu. Tebi sam ga dao jer je to bila
tvoja ideja. Davao sam ga i drugim ljudima jer nisam sebičan i
drago mi je da što više ljudi koristi taj program. Međutim skoro
sam naleteo na jednu kopiju tog programa koji se više nije zvao
XRD nego nekako drukčije, i na kojem je neki majmun stavio svoje
ime. XRD nažalost nije bio zaštićen, ali neke moje nove rutine
jesu. Ako neko stavi svoje ime umesto mojeg, onda program obriše
hard disk. Dali je to moralno? Za mene jeste. Program neće ništa
uraditi onome ko ga normalno koristi. A majmunu koji pokuša da
ukrade moju intelektualnu svojinu sledi ono što sledi.
Ako se Dejane i dalje ne slažeš sa mnom, razmisli o ovome: šta bi
radio kada bi ja nekako ukrao tvoj program RIND, stavio na njega
svoje ime i počeo da ga prodajem po Beogradu? Mogao bi samo da
slegneš ramenima, jer mi u takvoj situaciji ne možeš ništa. Takva
je Jugoslavija. Pa zašto onda da programeri ne štite svoje
Dejane, imam novu verziju programa XRD (bez zaštite!). Ako još
uvek koristiš tu rutinu, javi da ti pošaljem novu verziju.
Nisu tu samo virusi opasni - prave se hardverske zaštite koje, ako
neko pokuša da hakeriše po programu, uništavaju podatke. Neko će
možda reći "što je tražio to je i dobio" ali nije tako - čim nešto
slično postoji u kodu, postoji i šansa da se zbog neke greške ili ko
zna čega to i izvrši. Zbog toga bi američkoj firmi koja bi prodavala
ovakav softver na sudu odrali kožu ali u manjim zemljama tog pravnog
sistema nema - čuo sam da proizvođači domaćih hardverskih zaštita u
program ugrađuju ovakve stvari (ili bar pričaju da ih ugrađuju... ko
će ga znati) što znači da nas svašta čeka...
Lično nikada ne bih koristio program zaštićen hardverskim ključem
- probao sam neki Multi Lingual Scribe i bilo mi ga je dosta za sat
Vrlo zanimljiva tema za diskusiju!
>> Ali stoje i to da se u Jugoslaviji NE MOŽE prodavati
>> program ako on nema neku zaštitu.
Mislim da ne stoji! U Jugoslaviji u principu važe isti
mehanizmi kao i u svakoj drugoj (kako tako tržišno
orijentisanoj) državi, prosto su možda neke konstante
drugačije. A ti mehanizmi su sledeći: ako se ja bavim nekim
poslom, ako u tom poslu pokušavam da budem konkurentan i ako
kupim kompjuter a onda i neki program da bi u poslu bio još
konkurentniji, onda sam ja potpuno lud ako program dajem
drugima! Naravno, desiće se da ja i još neko kupimo program i
platimo ga po pola ali ćemo tada obojica biti ludi ako program
dalje delimo. Ukoliko je program jako opšti i jeftin, potreban
koeficijent ludila je manji pa će i širenje biti brže. Ako je
program specijalizovan i skup, vrlo malo će se piratovati! U
Americi je nekada bilo mnogo zaštićenih programa a sada ih
gotovo i nema - čak ni novi Lotus i dBASE nisu zaštićeni!
Naravno, i tamo ima piratstva ali ipak softverske firme vrlo
lepo prolaze - kad i kod nas bude bilo više računara i više
tržišta, pravila će više važiti i to je sve!
Drugo, ako program za nešto stvarno koristim, *mnogo* mi
znači podrška autora koju nemam ako dobijem piratovanu verziju
- neka su na mom računaru YU slova malo drugačije raspoložena
i piratovani tekst procesor lepo mogu da bacim! Zato mislim da
se kod nas (kao i svugde drugde) program može sasvim lepo
prodavati bez zaštite - štiteće ga orijentacija na uže
tržište, visoka cena, dokumentacija i podrška kupcima! Navodim
jedno iskustvo sa prodajom ćiriličnih fontova za laser - čovek
pita "a da li ja to mogu da dam kolegi" i dobije odgovor "vaša
stvar, ali onda to sami instalirajte". Naravno, kupila su
obojica po jedan set!
>> Za jednog privatnika sam napravio vrlo zgodnu karticu za
>> zaštitu programa. Stvar je dimenzije 5x11 cm i jednostavno
>> se utakne u bilo koji prazan slot. Jeste da treba otvoriti
>> kompjuter, ali zato posle iz njega ne vire nikakvi dodatci
>> koji se priključuju na RS232. Sa tom karticom se programi
>> vrlo jednostavno štite.
Zvuči zanimljivo... zgodnije nego dongle koji odbija
računar od zida. Ali ima i mana - konkretno, znam jednu
odličnu 386 ploču koja ima 6 slotova: jedan za memoriju, jedan
za serijsko paralelnu karticu, jedan za modem, jedan za
skaner, jedan za disk kontroler, jedan za grafičku karticu
i... gde ćemo zaštitu? A zaštitu drugog programa drugog
autora? Ali nema udobne zaštite!
>> Neke zaštite sa tom karticom sam zaista radio tako da
>> program obriše hard disk ako primeti da je neko pokušavao
>> da skine zaštitu. Moj stav je krajnje jednostavan: Ako ti
>> prodam program, instaliraj karticu i koristi program. A ako
>> si ti toliko drzak da pokušaš da razvališ zaštitu
>> (verovatno da bi program piratovao), onda si stvarno SAM
>> TRAŽIO đavola.
Ja takav program nikad ne bi stavio u računar pa ne znam
kako da je koristan - ako tu negde ima kod koji briše podatke,
otkud ja znam da se nekom greškom (recimo, neki drugi program
"poludi" i lupi na hard disk neki podatak koji uleti u tvoj
program - ja ni kriv ni dužan) neće desiti havarija! Uostalom,
mislim da su sve te hardverske zaštite relativno lake za
razbijanje uz dobru opremu - PCAD je pao na emulator 80286 i
to za 3 sata! Nevolja sa takvim zaštitama je što se uz malo
opreme može *vrlo lako* uloviti trenutak kada program pristupa
periferiji a posle stvarno nije teško malo disasemblirati
unaokolo i tražiti "opasan" kod. Uz to, čak i bez opreme može
se instalirati Flu Shot ili neki drugi antivirus program i
sasvim sigurno uloviti pokušaj brisanja podataka sa diska!
>> ... šta bi radio kada bi ja nekako ukrao tvoj program RIND,
>> stavio na njega svoje ime i počeo da ga prodajem po
>> Beogradu? Mogao bi samo da slegneš ramenima, jer mi u
>> takvoj situaciji ne možeš ništa.
Ne bi to bio prvi put da se tako nešto desi i stvarno bih
slegao ramenima - mislim da onaj ko to radi govori sasvim
dovoljno o sebi i da će to vrlo brzo svaki potencijalni
"kupac" ukapirati; ja "stradam" ali bar ostajem zapamćen kao
neko ko je napravio dobar program! Ali mislim da ni zaštita tu
mnogo ne pomaže - pre ili posle (verovatno pre) neko će je
razbiti i tek onda počinje deljenje unaokolo - ja ostajem
zapamćen kao neko ko je napravio lošu zaštitu!
>> imam novu verziju programa XRD (bez zaštite!). Ako još uvek
>> koristiš tu rutinu, javi da ti pošaljem novu verziju.
Kako da ne, XRD stalno i vrlo rado koristim mada mi je
jednom napravio havariju - naime, da bih obrisao direktorijum
moram da se "popnem" iznad njega a ja sam jednom hteo da budem
pametan pa otkucao XRD . (šatro, tačka je tekući dir). Nešto
mi je izgledalo da brisanje predugo traje pa sam resetovao
računar i našao... disk u haosu. Srećom, bio je drajv E na
kome i tako nema prevažnih stvari ali mi je otišla tabela
skorova u tetrisu što me je unazadilo za dva meseca! Nova
verzija me itekako interesuje.
Za one koji ne koriste XRD (niti taj ekvivalent "nepoznatog
autora"), XRD TEMP briše direktorijum TEMP i sve datoteke u
njemu; sa XRD TEMP /S možete obrisati i sve poddirektorijume -
zgodno kad treba "ubiti" neki od Microsoftovih jezika ili
Logitech Modulu 2...
Dejane, mislim da smo trebali da otvorimo novu temu - "MORALNI
pod "VIRUSI".
XRD sam unapredio prema tvojoj zadnjoj primedbi: da može da obriše
sve iz direktorijuma, ali da sam direktorijum ne ukloni. Otkucaj
samo XRD i dobićeš uputstva. Takođe, emituje jedno vrlo dugačko
beep ako pokušaš da obrišeš ceo disk C ili D.
XRD V2.1 šaljem u okviru ove poruke. Namenjen je svima koji žele
da ga koriste (i nema nikakvu zaštitu).
Ono sa tačkom ću sada da probam. Ako se radi o bug-u, onda ćemo
uskoro imati XRD V3.0.
Pozdrav, V.K.
U vezi XRD: za mene bi i drajv E trebalo da "peva" a sigurno ima i
onoga kome treba "muzika" za F, G... Moglo bi se napraviti da "peva"
za svaki drajv iznad B ali onda bi bio problem RAM disk koji često
treba "gasiti" - možda da program sam proveri da li se radi o hard
apropo c compilera: powerc kosta 19.95 u usd.
apropo lotus: postoji twin
ako vizimo yuga (a ne bmw) jer to sebi mozemo priustiti, mozemo li
ekvivalent primijeniti na SW?
tesko jer se software moze vrlo lako kopirati.
stvar je morala.
i u americi su poceli sa kopiranjem i kradjom. vremenom je toga sve
manje. zasto? kako da i mi dodjemo u fazu odnosa prema sw u kojoj su
sada amerikanci.
10 godina poslije!?
treba raditi na tome.
racunari nesto rade na to°─me (oglasi prikazi SW) ali na ovom BBSu
ima licenciranog softwarea!?
Na kroji program misliš kada kažeš da na Sezamu ima licenciranog
softvera? Ako nam je nešto promaklo, grešku ćemo svakako ispraviti
jer imamo nameru da se i ovde držimo onoga čega se drži i časopis.
A kako da stignemo tamo gde su amerikanci sada? Prvo, nisam
siguran da je tamo situacija ako se uzmu u obzir sve okolnosti tako
mnogo drugačija nego kod nas - softver je jednostavno postao dovoljno
jeftin da se isplati dati novac za podršku od strane firme koja se
kupovinom programa dobija. Mislim da se i tamo u značajnim razmerama
neovlašćeno kopiraju programi i da su ovi naši preprodavci zapravo
sitni prema onome što se tamo radi. Lično ne poznajem situaciju u
Americi direktno, ali sam imao prilike da vidim kako funkcioniše
Tajvansko - Singapurska veza - izdaju ljudi i svoj katalog!
Lično mislim, iako bih se je prvi radovao da nisam u pravu, da će
se situcija sa programima promeniti samo onda kada se uvede
*normalno* tržište softvera. U nekim segmentima već se i nazire -
nikome recimo ne pada na pamet da program za obračun ličnih dohodaka
"pozajmi" od kolega iz druge firme - instalacija i održavanje je
nešto što se očigledno *mora* platiti.
A zašto nema tržišta i u segmentu ličnog - da ga nazovemo "kućnog"
softvera? Mislim da je odgovor jasan - zato što *ne postoji potreba*
u značajnijim razmerama. Najveći broj programa koji svi mi imamo na
disketama zapravo nam nikad *stvarno* i ne zatreba - ko još onda da
daje i pare za takvu stvar.
S obizirom da imam određena iskustva sa prodajom mog softvera
mislim da mogu da tvrdim da recimo, tekst procesor domaće proizvodnje
bi u roku od nekoliko dana bio masovno iskopiran i nema načina da se
autor zaštiti. Zašto? Zato što tekst procesor opšte namene zapravo
*jako malom broju ljudi **stvarno** treba*!
Da, i u Americi se grdno piratuje softver, naročito među
"tehničkom inteligencijom". Ali mislim da ljudi piratuju programe da
bi ih videli i isprobali - ako neko zaključi da će program stvarno
koristiti, gotovo ga obavezno kupuje. Što se firmi tiče, situacija je
još "ortodoksnija".
Mislim da bi prvi korak u zaustavljanju piratstva bilo sprečavanje
firmi da koriste (ili još gore prodaju) piratovani softver - kada
tako nešto rade giganti koji su u svetu poznati (Energoxxxx) i
instituti (Puxxx), šta onda ostaje za pojedince?
Vlado, kad vec zamisljamo situacije, zamisli ovo:
Ti poceo da razbijas neki strani program (ajde, priznaj da si to
radio) i on ti obrise disk. Dobro, sam si to trazio al zar onda ne bi
popizdeo, radio tri puta vise da ga razbijes i onda kad ga razbijes
delio ga unaokolo uinat?
I drugo, kakvo moralno pravo (a ovde se radi o moralnom pravu) imamo
da stitimo svoje programe i razbijamo tudje? Jesi li ti kupio editor
koji koristis, kompajler (bese MSC?) koji koristis... I jesi li kada
si pisao Ekranski editor koristio kupljeni DEVPAC ili neki piratovan?
Dejana sam slicne stvari pitao negde drugde pa da ovde ne ponavljam
ali vazi isto pitanje.
Dali sam razbijao zastite? Jesam. Zadnju zastitu koju sam razbijo
nalazila se na programu KOREKTOR. To je program jednog naseg
autora. Dobio sam demo verziju tog programa. Zastitu sam skinuo
da bi program radio sve sto i komercijalna verzija. Zasto sam to
radio? KOREKTOR svakodnevno koristim i zastita mi je stvarno
smetala. Program pripada firmi ZOI DATA, ali ga oni iz nekih
razloga ne prodaju. Program mi nije obrisao hard disk, a da jeste
smatrao bi da sam dobio ono sto sam zasluzio. Dali program
rasturam unaokolo? *****NE!!!*****. Dali bi ga rasturao da mi je
obriso hard disk? *****NE!!!*****. Da se KOREKTOR normalno
prodaje kupio bi ga.
Ne verujem da su Microsoft, Borland ili HiSoft propali zato sto
sam ja koristio njihove proizvode kopirane od drugara. Uostalom,
i da sam hteo, *NEBI* mogao da kupim sav taj softver.
Ali zato smatram da domaci autori nisu multinacionalne kompanije
i da puno gube kada im se piratuje makar i jedna kopija programa.
Za sysop Dejana ili Zorana:
KOREKTOR je spelling checker za nas jezik koji poznaje 200.000
reci (ustvari 20.000 ali u svim padezima i oblicima). Radi
stvarno izvanredno i nije suvise veliki. Posto demo verzija (koja
radi skoro sve ako prava) moze da se slobodno kopira, mozda bi
bilo interesantno stavti ga na SEZAM.
Pozdrav, V.K.
Zvuči zaista zanimljivo staviti KOREKTOR na Sezam, tj. njegovu
demo verziju mada mi nije baš jasno zašto se demo verzija deli ako se
program ne prodaje?
Bez obzira, ako paket nij preveliki (recimo 150-200 je apsolutno
gornja granica) možeš da ga pošalješ uz privatnu poruku redakciji
"Računara", Dejanu ili meni pa ćemo ga staviti na raspolaganje svima.
Hvala na predlogu,
Da, staviti demo verziju... pa još ako u nekoj poruci opišeš kako
si je razbijao, korist će biti višestruka...
Naravno, šalim se. Ali u svakoj šali...
OK. Poslacu KOREKTOR. Zasto se deli demo verzija, a program se ne
prodaje? Nemam pojma. Mislim da je ZOI DATA nameravala da napravi
kompletan paket za DTP u kojem bi korektor bio samo jedan deo. Od
toga izgleda nije bilo nista.
Steta sto je taj program doziveo takvu sudbinu jer je zaista
Pozdrav, V.K.
Dakle, Dejane, uzmes FSD pa otkucas... DALJI TEXT PORUKE PONISTIO
VLADIMIR KOSTIC IZ MORALNIH POBUDA... Kada to sve uradis, Korektor ce
savrseno raditi!
Pozdrav, V.K.
Vlada je poslao KOREKTOR koji je dostupan u IBMPC
direktorijumu. Zahvaljujemo Vladi na zaista interesantnom
Ovo je provala godine:
Po Beogradu kruze sledece glasine:
Navodno svaki procesor (na PC masinama) i svaki hard disk imaju
svoj serijski broj! Neki tip (odavde, iz Beograda) je navodno
razvojo strasnu zastitu programa zasnovanu na tom principu.
Ok, svaki procesor i svaki hard disk zaista imaju nalepnicu sa
serijskim brojem, ali da to softver procita...
Bas bi voleo da vidim tu zastitu!
Ne znam za PC (verovatno samo patka) ali na VAX-u je zaista tako i
stvarno se prave programi koji rade samo na toj mašini za koju su
Hard disk doista ima neki "super nulti" sektor sa informacijama o
modelu i tako to - ovo sam davno video u PC Magazine-u ali bi sada
bilo prilično teško naći taj broj (kad nemaju RIND...) samo nešto mi
se ne čini da je tamo pisalo bilo šta što bi bilo koliko toliko
korisno. Ali za procesor, to je takva serijska proizvodnja da bih se
kladio da nešto slično ne postoji. Mada opet na EPROM-ima postoji ali
se iščitava samo pod visokim naponom (na programatoru) i u
specijalnim uslovima.
Sve u svemu ??????????
Ljudi su stvarno pokusali da me ubede da procesor ima svoj
serijski broj.
Ok, nije tesko zamisliti neku ne dokumentovanu naredbu koja bi u
neki registar upisala serijski broj. Samo, onda bi svaki procesor
bio unikat. Poznajuci proces proizvodnje integralnih kola, to bi
bilo *hiper* skupo.
Za hard disk? Mozda. Ne verujem u boot sektoru, ali mozda u
tabeli particija. Ali, opet, ko kodeljuje taj serijski broj, i
kako. Pa i ako dodeli, uvek se moze promeniti sa NU.
Ipak, nije PC isto sto i VAX.
Slažem se sa Zoranom i Dejanom, da ljudi ne kupuju neki software, jer
im *u stvari* ne treba. Ali ako ustanovim, da mi je neki program
strateški za poslovanje, onda ga svakako kupujem, jer mi je
dojadilo čitanje loših i nepotpunih kopija uputstava, nepotpuni
programi, raspitivanje o novim verzijama ....
Ja mislim, da je u YU je situacija specifična, jer nimome ne pada
na pamet, da plača program, koga je nekako dobio, iako ga redovno
koristi i iako su na programu jasne oznake o copyrigt-u. Pri tome
mislim na firme odnosno sve subjekte u društvenom sektoru, a isto
i privatna poduzeća i zanat, jer sa ukradenim programom stvaraju
veću dobit (smanjenje trošaka ili bolja organizacija rada, što je
u konačnoj konsekvenciji isto). Ja mislim bi trebali platiti
program kao a) autorsko pravo in b) participaciju odnosno interes
za dalji razvoj programa (ako im Ver. 1.x služi, verovatno će im
još bolje Ver. 1.y, i evo opet još optimalnije poslovanje). Druga
je stvar za kučnu odnosno *ličnu* upotrebu. Tu se ne stvara
nikakva dobit pa mi je svejedno, ako se (moj) program nosi kući. U
stvari, još mi prija, jer to znači, da je dobar ...
A kako je sa zaštitom ? Na žalost, verovatno stvarno nema
KOREKTNE zaštite. Recimo, user pravi redovni unattended backup
diska na tri trake. Nemojte mi samo reči da pre backupa
deinstalira program ... I lepo mu padne FAT, formatira disk i
naparavi restore ... Šta sada, ako ima program neku jaku zaštitu
(recimo da je osjetljiv na poziciju)? Ili program, koji je
osjetljiv na konfiguraciju, pa nabavim novi RS-232 za modem i
zezne me program, koji je dosada lepo radio. Mogao bi ja otići
tamo i srediti stvar. A zamislite da imam nekih 300xx usera ...
Ova filozofija ne važi za veoma skupe (i rijetke) programe, koji
imaju jači uticaj na poslovanje. A o tome je već bilo reči (vidi
Zato ja kao proizvođač programa ne volim zaštite. Dajem samo neke
trivialne zaštite (DOS SET variable, neke BAT fileove za
pozivanje, ...), samo toliko da mi stvarno SVAKA budala ne skine
programa. A kao kupac upošte ne kupujem zaštićenih programa. Ne
volim imati bombe u računaru.
Mislim, da p o l a k o dolaze vremena, kad će i naše firme
kupovati čak i domaće opšte programe, bar kod nas u Sloveniji se
stanje izgleda normalizuje. Sad več par meseci nisam dobio
ukradenog programa od kolega. A jedno tri sam u međuvremenu kupio
*** sretna nova *** boštjan
Zanimljiv prilog iz prakse na temu ZAŠTITA. Ovih dana dobio sam na
test program VIDEO 3.2 Zvonka Šiminića - radi se o bazi podataka
koja bi trebala da olakša vođenje poslova neke videoteke.
Disketa + uputstvo i ja, začudo, počnem od uputstva a tamo negde
>> U program su ugrađene određene zaštite pa se unaprijed
>> upozoravate na moguće posledice neovlašćenog kopiranja i
>> korišćenja programa, u kojem slučaju autor ne preuzima nikakvu
>> odgovornost.
Tu ja odmah odlučim da program neću ni testirati al' rek'o ajd da
probam kad je već tu. Startujem Flu Shot Plus, napravim
direktorijum pa onda B:INSTAL (planiram da menjam ploču sutra pa
sam nešto kopao po kutiji, A: je trenutno 3.5 inča). Neće moći,
kaže program, mora da se instalira sa A. Tu ja sve po spisku,
rasturim kutiju, prebacim kablove pa A:INSTAL. Neće moći, kaže
program, disketa ne sme da bude write protected. Lepo, opet
odgunđam, što su onda na nju stavljali write protect? Nego, mora da
autor od mene očekuje da napravim backup pa da instaliram sa njega.
Uradim DISKCOPY, stavim kopiju, A:INSTAL, u koji se direktorijum
instalira, on nešto navali da piše po disketi (Flu Shot svaki put
zaurla al' sve dok nije na disku, puštam ga da radi, šta me briga)
i na kraju javi nekakav Error, u direktorijumu ni jedan EXE
program. Aha, kažem ja, možda je zaštićeno, ajmo ipak sa originala.
Skinem write protect, opet instaliram, ista meta isto odstojanje,
ista greška! Da bi sve bilo još lepše, program svaki put kada se
pogrešno instalira obriše samog sebe tako da mi je ostalo samo da
frkim disketu i uputstvo da jedno lepo mesto.
Naravno, program je stigao na test i ja nisam plakao za njim. Ali
da sam ga kupio i platio pa da se ovako ponaša, ja bi ga autoru
razlupao o glavu!
Posle sam malo pogledao šta tu sve ima, program ZIP-ovan sa
passwordom a kad kažeš DUMP INSTAL.EXE tamo negde u običnom ASCII
kodu vidiš koji je password. Pa dobro, kad se već program štiti,
zar to ne može malo bolje? A šta tek kažete na program koji se
instalira na disk i onda obriše na disketi (čak i ako je sve u redu
- piše u uputstvu); ako vam disk padne, ostaste bez programa! A ono
članovi dolaze u video klub, ne vraćaju kasete...
Tako je to kada svako pokusava da zastiti svoj program. Zastita
programa definitivno nije posao za amatere. Treba sve pazljivo
isplanirati, uzeti u obzir sve varijante i mogucnosti (korisnik
stavi disketu u drajv B umesto u A, itd), i napraviti takvu
zastitu koja nece obrisati hard disk zato sto je u program upao
virus, a on misli da je piratovan.
Pozdrav, V.K.
>> Treba sve pazljivo isplanirati, uzeti u obzir sve varijante
>> i mogucnosti (korisnik stavi disketu u drajv B umesto u A,
>> itd), i napraviti takvu zastitu koja nece obrisati hard disk
>> zato sto je u program upao virus, a on misli da je piratovan.
... ili treba uraditi nešto mnogo prostije, sigurnije i jef-
tinije tj. ne štititi program. Do ovoga su odavno došli u svetu
premda u Vladinom ranijem argumentu da je kod nas situacija
drugačija ima dosta istine. Međutim, mislim da bi u datom slu-
čaju najjednostavnija zaštita bila da se u program kodira ime
i adresa videoteke koja ga je kupila (naravno, da ne bude baš
čist ASCII koji u Nortonu bode oči) - teško da će neko na ovaj
način reklamirati konkurenciju, a ne vidim ni šta će sa ispisom
manj da koreksom briše zaglavlja!
>> Međutim, mislim da bi u datom slučaju najjednostavnija
>> zaštita bila da se u program kodira ime i adresa
>> videoteke koja ga je kupila.
Da, za takav program, to bi bila odlicna zastita, i sasvim
Pozdrav, V.K.
TITLE: SunView Security Hole Alert 8/14/90
To: cert-advisory@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU
Subject: SunView selection_svc vulnerability
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 90 14:54:37 EDT
From: CERT Advisory <cert-advisory-request@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU>
CA-90:05 CERT Advisory
August 14, 1990
SunView selection_svc vulnerability
Sun has recently released a patch for a security hole in SunView.
This problem affects SunView running on all versions of SunOS (3.5 and
before, 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.3, and 4.1) and all platforms (Sun3, Sun4,
386i). This vulnerability allows any remote system to read selected
files from the workstation running SunView. As noted below in the
IMPACT section, the files that can be read are limited.
This vulnerability is in the SunView (aka SunTools) selection_svc
facility and can be exploited while SunView is in use; however, as
noted below in the IMPACT section, this bug may be exploitable after
the user quits using Sunview. This problem cannot be exploited while
X11 is in use (unless the user runs X11 after running Sunview; see the
IMPACT section). This problem is specific to Sun's SunView software;
to our knowledge, this problem does NOT affect other vendor platforms
or software.
To obtain the patch, please call your local Sun Answer Center
(in the USA, it's 1-800-USA-4SUN), and ask for patch number 100085-01.
You can also reference Sun Bug ID 1039576.
The patch is available for SunOS 4.0.1, 4.0.3 and SunOS 4.1, on Sun3,
Sun4, and 386i architectures. Contact Sun for further details.
On Sun3 and Sun4 systems, a remote system can read any file that is
readable to the user running SunView. On the 386i, a remote system
can read any file on the workstation running SunView regardless of
protections. Note that if root runs Sunview, all files are
potentially accessible by a remote system.
If the password file with the encrypted passwords is world readable,
an intruder can take the password file and attempt to guess passwords.
In the CERT/CC's experience, most systems have at least one password
that can be guessed.
Sunview does not kill the selection_svc process when the user quits
from Sunview. Thus, unless the process is killed, remote systems can
still read files that were readable to the last user that ran Sunview.
Under these circumstances, once a user has run Sunview, start using
another window system (such as X11), or even logoff, but still have
files accessible to remote systems. However, even though
selection_svc is not killed when Sunview exits, the patch still solves
the security problem and prevents remote access.
For further questions, please contact your Sun answer center or send
mail to
Thanks to Peter Shipley for discovering, documenting, and helping
resolve this problem.
J. Paul Holbrook
Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center (CERT/CC)
Software Engineering Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
Telephone: 412-268-7090 24-hour hotline: CERT personnel answer
7:30a.m.-6:00p.m. EST, on call for
emergencies other hours.
Past advisories and other information are available for anonymous ftp
from (
security/encryption #238, from forrie, 1654 chars, Tue Feb 19 13:07:13 1991
TITLE: DES encryption and Public Key method
I have been informed that the US gov't HAS a way to actually crack anything
encoded with the DES algorithm (hence a lot of rumors). Apparently this
type of work takes a computer such as a cray and some time, but can be done.
Assuming this is fact, it would appear logical as to why the US gov't
adopted DES as the encryption standard: it's very secure, but they can
still get in if they want. Has anyone else heard any of the information
above? Unfortunately I don't have some real hard core evidence to back up
this assumption: and I would think that such evidence would be hard to come
by, if not life threatening! :)
On the other hand, I have been told that the method of Public Key encryption
is very secure. I was briefly explained to how it actually works. I wonder
if there are some programs out there that would allow us to use such a
method on a unix system? I would like to look into upgrading certain
system programs to use such a method.... I saw one file in the listings
area, but don't think it directly had to do with Public- Key.
If anyone has some information of Public Key, please post it, or email me.
Out of curiosity: I am aware that there are certain encryption programs
here in the listings area that implement the DES algorithm, and it
expressly says not to download this out of the country. As we all know
there are many people from outside the US that dial in to BIX. There's not
really a way to 'stop' people' from doing such, and most of these DES
pd programs are available on BBS's everywhere... just a curious point.
Thanks alot... happy encrypting.
security/encryption #239, from hamilton, 1155 chars, Tue Feb 19 13:35:45 1991
Comment to 238. Comment(s). More refs to 238.
Public Key systems are not necessarily by themselves an encryption
mechanism though some are implemented that way. A public key system
by itself need only be a way of distributing the keys, which in turn
might be used with a conventional system such as DES. So it's impossible
to say whether a public key system is secure until you qualify it by
saying which one you mean and what encryption system is used once you've
distributed the keys.
Speculation that the NSA or CIA (or pick your favorite spook agency) had
the means to break DES has been around since DES was first introduced.
Most often, the speculation is that there might be some trap-door
mechanisms in the matrices used in DES that allow for a "master key"
to be used. The basis of the speculation is that the research behind
the matrices has never been disclosed either by IBM (the inventors) or
by the government. That said, I don't know that anyone -- emphasis on
_anyone_ -- of any stature in the field has claimed certain knowledge
that a trapdoor exists. So far, claims that there really is a secret
way to break DES are still in the same category as Elvis sightings,
I'm afraid.
security/encryption #240, from forrie, 385 chars, Tue Feb 19 13:57:38 1991
Comment to 239.
Heh heh: Elvis... a new encryption algorithm! :)
Thanks for clarifying. Do you know where I might download or get more
information regarding this Public-Key distribution?
Yes, I see that this rumor has been around for a while... and I might
deduct that the reason WHY we haven't heard of any actual 'holes'
is because they do in fact exists and they don't want us to know that.
security/encryption #241, from roedy, 304 chars, Tue Feb 19 19:33:13 1991
Comment to 238.
When the original debate was going on I heard some learned types
point out the cracking was beyond current technology, but would
be within the realm of plausibility for the very rich within ten
years. They were suggesting something to hold secure a while
longer. If you want security, use a one-write.
security/encryption #242, from forrie, 15 chars, Tue Feb 19 21:05:16 1991
Comment to 241. Comment(s).
A 'one-write'?
security/encryption #243, from roedy, 502 chars, Tue Feb 19 21:19:57 1991
Comment to 242. Comment(s).
By one-write I mean using your random key only once. XOR your
key with your message and send that. The key must be as long as
the message. Never reuse a key. That scheme cannot be cracked.
The only way to defeat it is to cheat and peek over the shoulder
of the users at each end, or intercept the secure courier who gets
the keys to the recipient ahead of time, or . . . , but you cannot
crack it just by studying the coded messages. You can send
them over public channels with no worry at all.
security/encryption #244, from forrie, 383 chars, Tue Feb 19 23:02:20 1991
Comment to 243. Comment(s).
I would like to develop standard public-key (secure) encryption in electronic
mail. I is my opinion that email will eventually move to that area. All
mail, whether USnail or email needs to be secure. Period. The only problem
here is standardizing it ... and sometimes when you attemp to standardize
things, you lose security. But it will be an interecsting project and
security/encryption #245, from ssatchell, 269 chars, Wed Feb 20 03:56:16 1991
Comment to 240. More refs to 240.
If you can find a library with back issues of Dr Dobbs, look in 1988 for
a cookbook for RSA encryption schemes. It was a two-part article with
a two-month delay for the second part. Sorry I can't be more specific,
but my issues are about 280 miles away right now...
security/encryption #246, from ssatchell, 428 chars, Wed Feb 20 03:59:22 1991
Comment to 244. Comment(s).
I'm planning to use DES encryption, but with multiple encryptions and
much larger coding blocks. The idea is that a Cray could brute-force
decrypt a message encoded with a single key, but the amount of CPU time
required to decrypt a multi-key message involving large (64-byte) blocks
of text increases by quite a bit.
This is to protect Project Notify registration data when sending
it from data switch to data switch...
security/encryption #247, from roedy, 24 chars, Wed Feb 20 04:33:41 1991
Comment to 246.
What is Project Notify?
security/encryption #248, from hamilton, 2107 chars, Wed Feb 20 10:00:59 1991
Comment to 240. Comment(s).
There are several public key systems that have been proposed. RSA is one,
but it's not my favorite for a couple reasons: it's patented and Rivest
and Shamir (the inventors) want some big fees and because it's designed
as an integrated public key + encryption system, you wouldn't normally
think of distributing keys with RSA and encrypting with something else,
so it's somewhat inflexible in its design. Also, it's performance is
much poorer than DES and less amenable to improvement using HW. Finally,
it's been broken. (I mean really. Not like DES, where people suspect
the NSA might have some secret way of breaking it even though no one
else has been able to do it. With RSA, the method of breaking it, albeit
fairly compute intensive, was published a couple years ago.)
My own preference for a public key scheme would be the mechanism Martin
Hellman and W. Diffie proposed in an article in IEEE Computer in 1976 (?).
Sorry, I don't have the article easily available but its title was
something like "New Directions in Cryptography" or something like that.
(Maybe someone here can cite the reference.) I'm hazy after all these
years how they did it but basically they had two one-way math functions
(easy to calculate one way but nearly impossible to invert), one to
produce public keys from private keys and one to take a public key + a
private key and produce an encryption key. Each person choses a private
key, runs it thru the first function and then tells everyone what his
public key is. To send a message, you create an encryption key using
your private key and your recipient's public key and use that key with
something like DES. Your recipient calculates the encryption key using
his private key and your public key.
One nice side-benefit of a public key scheme is that it provides digital
signatures: when you get a message, you know absolutely positively who
sent it since no one else could have created that key.
But I must warn you that public key systems do introduce a new point of
attack. If that one-way scheme isn't as one-way as you thought, someone
could crack it.
security/encryption #249, from bstrauss, 236 chars, Wed Feb 20 23:16:44 1991
Comment to 248. Comment(s).
Can you give more details about the "cracking" of RSA? I wasn't
aware of any *general* solution. There have been examples where
large numbers have been factored, but I thought there were
special cirumstances involved...
security/encryption #250, from hamilton, 365 chars, Wed Feb 20 23:39:56 1991
Comment to 249.
I wish I could remember, now. But it received (considering the special
interest nature of the topic) quite wide-spread press coverage at the time.
I don't think there was a newspaper left in the country that didn't carry
a story about it. As I recall, I think it did have something to do with
a new search strategy for factoring, but after that, I'm pretty hazy.
security/encryption #251, from ssatchell, 337 chars, Thu Feb 21 02:20:33 1991
Comment to 247.
>What is Project Notify?
Pointer to "disasters/project.notify", starting with message 1. Also
a white paper is in "disasters/listings". If you wait too much longer,
there will even be an up-to-date version of that white paper to read.
Short answer: not-for-profit providing health and welfare
message service during disasters.
security/encryption #252, from ssatchell, 171 chars, Thu Feb 21 02:22:07 1991
Comment to 250.
Most of the RSA-cracking depends on supercomputers builting tables of
factors for large numbers. 100-digit RSA is getting cheap to crack.
400-digit RSA is still safe...
security/encryption #253, from roedy, 273 chars, Thu Feb 21 03:49:12 1991
Comment to 248.
I believe the trap door functions made the presumption it was
very difficult to factor large numbers into prime factors
rapidly. Somebody -- I think about six months ago, said they
had found a new very rapid method of factoring, which makes the
trap door method insecure.
security/main #1138, from hkenner, 1900 chars, Fri Feb 22 12:51:18 1991
TITLE: Littlewood's Cipher
I post the following for what interest it may have. Edward Littlewood
was reputedly the best British mathematician of his time (first half of
20th century). On p. 43 of *Littlewood's Miscellany* (1986) we find:
The legend that every cipher is breakable is of course absurd,
although still widespread among people who should know better. I give a
sufficient example, without troubling about its precise degree of
practicability. Suppose we have a 5-figure number N. Starting at a
place N in a 7-figure log table, take a succession of pairs of digits,
d1d'1, d2d'2 ... from the last figures of the entries. Take the
remainder of the 2-figure number dnd'n after division by 26. This gives
a "shift" sn, and the code is to "shift" the successive letters of the
message by s1, s2, ... respectively. [Note: a "shift" of 2 turns 'k'
into 'm', 'z' into 'b'.]
It is sufficiently obvious that a *single* message cannot be
unscrambled, and this even if all were known except the key number N
(indeed the triply random character of sn is needlessly elaborate.) If
the same code is used for a number of messages it could be broken, but
all we need do is vary N. It can be made to depend on a date, given in
clear; the key might e.g. be that N is the first 5 figures of the
*tangent* of the date (read as degrees, minutes, seconds: 28 deg 12 min
52 sec for Dec 28, 1952). This rule could be carried in the head, with
nothing on paper to be stolen or betrayed. If anyone thinks there is a
possibility of the entire scheme being guessed, he could modify 26 to 21
and use a date one week earlier than the one given in clear.
End of excerpt. As the specimen date indicates, Littlewood was writing
in the days of log tables. The whole scheme ought to be easy to
computerize. Any two people (Or small group) would simply agree on
their scheme for encoding N.
Jel` moze jedno pitanje? Skinuh pre neki dan novi CLEAN sa SEzama
i odlucim da ga proverim. Imam hrpu malih fajlova zarazenih Vienna virusom
koje su ranije verzije ovog prog. cistile bez problema. Medjutim, nova verzija
sa tri fajla nije skinula isti, to jest upopste ga nije registrovala. Stari
CLEAN (ver 6.0V64 ) je cistio bez ikakvih problema. Da nema novi CLEAN nekih
problema? U svakom slucaju kod mene je jos uvek aktuelna stara verzijaĐą.
Poz Dule
Ako nekoga ne mrzi da ovo download-uje sa BIX-a, mislim da bi moglo
biti zanimljivo:
security/new.listings #81, from hshubs, 1111 chars, Wed Mar 20 13:16:50 1991
TITLE: Paper on encryption, from NIST. It's got _everything_ in there!
------------------------------------------------ 120832 Approx time: 0:16 at 2400 baud, 0:31 at 1200 baud
Date: Wed Mar 20 13:10:40 1991
PUBLIC-KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY - James Nechvatal, Security Technology Group,
NCSL, National Institute of Standards and Technology, December 1990
This publication presents a state-of-the-art survey of public-
key cryptography circa 1988 - 1990. In doing so, it covers a number
of different topics including:
1. The theory of public-key cryptography.
2. Comparisons to conventional (secret-key) cryptography.
3. A largely self-contained summary of relevant mathematics.
4. A survey of major existing public-key systems.
5. An exploration of digital signatures and hash functions.
6. A survey of public-key implementations in networks.
7. An introduction to zero-knowledge protocols and
probabilistic encryption.
8. An exploration of security issues and key sizes.
Keywords: PAPERS encryption issues publickey theory
Evo ga fajl CRYPT.ZIP sa BIX-a ...
>> Evo ga fajl CRYPT.ZIP sa BIX-a ...
Hvala Payo!
Ima li neko iskustva sa hardlockovima (tj. donglovima)? Potrebno mi
je da se mogu nabaviti u YU, da se kace na lpt port i ne prave probleme,
da su mali i lepo izgledaju :),... U stvari, najvaznije je da rade.
security/main #1156, from david42, 887 chars, Sun Apr 7 07:17:46 1991
TITLE: Unusual Request
I need a "friendly" cracker attack.
I am currently testing some new bbs software. It has not been proven yet
under attack from cracker attempts.
I would like to get the help of one or two quality hacker types (which could
be a reformed cracker) to attack the system at a pre-planned date and time.
This way, I could be at the main facilities and can monitor the attempts and
see where weaknesses in the software exist.
I envision 3 levels of attack:
1. An attack in which the cracker knows nothing about the system.
2. An attack in which the cracker has obtained a name and password.
3. #2 together with detailed knowledge of the hardware, op sys and applic-
ations software.
For #3, I have to know this person *very* well and be able to trust him or
her. But, if possible, I would like to do it.
Any comments, suggestions and/or ideas?
security/main #1157, from dave2, 478 chars, Sun Apr 7 20:50:32 1991
Comment to 1156. Comment(s). More refs to 1156.
With properly implemented passwords nobody is going to get in, particularly
if you have an appreciable delay after an invalid password attempt.
In the Good Old Days, all cracker-types needed was a phone number.
Most systems had no security at all. I periodically log into one
Federal machine with four layers of passwords - mega-paranoia, but nobody
is going to hack his way through two assigned passwords and two chosen
passwords without the system administrator noticing.
security/main #1158, from cwills, 517 chars, Sun Apr 7 22:24:08 1991
Comment to 1157. Comment(s).
Here is a method for making cracking a password even harder.. Add a
delay between each attempt and keep increasing it. The first delay
might be 0, the second 10 secs, the third 30 secs, the 4 a minute
then just start doubling the time. If the line drops, remeber the
account name and just pick up right were you left off. Most users that
have "remembered" their password, but finger-check while typing it in
won't mind the small delay.
Oh.. once a user has logged on, reset the counter back to zero.
security/main #1159, from jriecke, 98 chars, Sun Apr 7 23:04:40 1991
Comment to 1156. Comment(s).
What's your area code + exchange number?
If your # is PCPursuitable, I would like to help there.
security/main #1160, from jriecke, 615 chars, Sun Apr 7 23:09:59 1991
Comment to 1158. Comment(s). More refs to 1158.
Plus, make the system generate a warning message to the user automatically
which can't be erased by the user, only by the sysop, telling that
somebody has been attmpting to use his account.
VERY IMPORTANT: Make the system allow only passwords larger than 6 characters
and including somewhere, at least one number , PLUS make the pwd CASE
sensitive. This helps a lot, since the number of possible combinations
if MUCH higher..
The main problem at security systems are the lines being tapped..
You can have 4 layers password system and everything, but if someone
if tapping your phone line, all this does not help.
security/main #1161, from david42, 156 chars, Mon Apr 8 02:48:01 1991
Comment to 1158. Comment(s).
Thanks. I am using an increasing delay system for each invalid attempt with
a logging feature. Glad to know I'm on the right track - at least in this
security/main #1162, from david42, 368 chars, Mon Apr 8 02:53:54 1991
Comment to 1160.
Thanks, that is an excellent idea. I will implement it right away. Passwords
are already alpha-numeric and case sensitive. We also have a way to monitor
use patterns to spot anomolies. I like the idea of telling the user of attempts
as it is very clever. BTW, the user has the ability to see his own on/off time
log. Helps in tracking PC Pursuit total time used.
security/main #1163, from david42, 1106 chars, Mon Apr 8 03:02:57 1991
Comment to 1159. Comment(s).
Thank you for the offer. The system is accessible via PC Pursuit on an outdial
modem basis at 2400 baud access, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.
While I have made Tony Lockwood aware of my project and he has expressed no
concern regarding it being competitive with BIX (to me it is not - we are
moving in a different area) - it is a for profit venture and I think it would
be inappropriate for me to post the number here.
I have joined the bbs conference and have asked wheellock for the proper
method to mention what I'm doing in the "recommended" topic over there. When
I find out the proper way to proceed, I will post details there.
Please BIXmail me with what you have in mind. If it seems reasonable, I will
give you the number and we will set a time for you to experiment. I am willing
to let a number of people experiment with "cracking" if they will be kind
enough to work with me on it. That way, if a hole is found, then I can plug it.
And, it might make sense to give out a few accounts to see if the system can
be cracked by someone who subscribes and then does nasty things.
David M.
security/main #1164, from yllar.17, 1686 chars, Mon Apr 8 05:06:01 1991
Comment to 1163. Comment(s).
here's something ive ran across several times
which makes guessing pw's a little easier.....
when the system asks for a username/acct, and then a pw
give no indication whatsoever whether the username
or the pw is valid until they both match exacly..
System asks for username...
hacker types 'Joe'
which is a valid user name...
then the system ask s for a pw...hacker types
'whatever', the user name is correct, but the pw
is the system simply asks for the password
again, giving the hacker a hint that there is a user acct
called 'Joe' it should simply say 'username/password invalid'
and ask for the username least that way
the hacker/cracker/??? has to work a tad harder to
get in....and doestn' have a starting place...
ive seen many many systems do that...same goes with acct
numbers on bbs's....NEVER tell someone anything about the system
until they enter a correct user/pw combo..
another thought, which is common...ask for the phone number
they gave when signing up to the system...
in the form 'Complete phone.... ###-####-???? DO NOT
give the first portion of the number when asking the question
for that matter, ask for the phone num right after the pw
and check all three (or more) data at once, before
telling the user anything..that ways, the hacker
must get all three correct, or he doestn' get on
he misses one, he has no idea which is wrong...
concerning pw's...make em case sensitive...
sure it's a little bit of a pain, but if someone
happens to see the pw, and doesnt' know it's
case sensitive, they might not be able to remember
the case of the pq...
just some common methods of protection...and common sense...
security/main #1168, from cwills, 924 chars, Mon Apr 8 17:22:15 1991
Comment to 1164. Comment(s). More refs to 1164.
Another interesting security scheme that I have read about was a "rule"
based system. Here the user is prompted with some sort of question
that only the user would really know the correct answer for. The
rules I believe where "made up" by the user. An example (if I can
remember it correctly was)
==> america
==> 16
Here the user during some prior logon session responded to some questions
with some answers. Each logon brings up a different question from the
pool with no question being allowed more then x times. The rules were
not limited to specific questions/answers there were also rules that
you were presented with groups of numbers or names and you had to
perform some predefined operation on them (again the user defined the
The idea behind this idea is that even if the answer for a question was
exposed, the system wouldn't use the same question again.
security/main #1169, from david42, 151 chars, Mon Apr 8 20:13:19 1991
Comment to 1164. More refs to 1164.
Thanks. I give no indication about correctness until both name and password
have been entered. Clever about the original phone #. I like that a lot.
security/main #1170, from david42, 219 chars, Mon Apr 8 20:16:30 1991
Comment to 1168. Comment(s).
That is very "intelligent". You are actually asking the person to identify
themselves by comparing their prior thought processes with their current ones.
That may be overkill for my needs. But, it is a very good idea.
security/main #1171, from cwills, 331 chars, Mon Apr 8 20:38:18 1991
Comment to 1170. Comment(s). More refs to 1170.
One of the more "interesting" security systems also "watched" your
typing actions and remembered things like typing speed. Everyone has
different speeds between characters, of misspelled words, etc. Though
with todays micros frontending systems (ie using comm programs and
"scripts" to logon with) such a system would be moot.
security/main #1172, from jriecke, 70 chars, Mon Apr 8 23:07:54 1991
Comment to 1171.
Not to mention the delays of packet switching networks and satellites
security/main #1173, from bstrauss, 772 chars, Mon Apr 8 23:45:38 1991
Comment to 1164. Comment(s). More refs to 1164.
Good idea is to prohibit all dictionary words. Best password I
ever used was 'CHICAGOZ'. At the time I had system privledged
accounts tho I was still a student and fellow students tried to
get my pswd by watching my fingers. They all saw CHICAGO, but
nobody ever caught the pinky hitting Z just an instant before
I obviously hit the return key.
Another important thing is to tell the users about their last
session - many people will remember "gee, I wasn't on last
tuesday, I was at the research center". Information like the
date, time, session length and terminal used (especially if you
have a TTY# that can be tied to a text file of locations):
Last session, Tuesday, April 2, 1991, at 3:02AM
Loged in for 73 minutes from TTY32 - Tymnet port 02
security/main #1174, from roedy, 69 chars, Mon Apr 8 23:54:31 1991
Comment to 1173. More refs to 1173.
Perhaps even more meaningful is you were last logged on 4 hours ago.
security/main #1175, from jonr, 832 chars, Tue Apr 9 01:59:14 1991
Comment to 1164. More refs to 1164.
Another point is that as very few users touch type, the
name as wel l as the password should not be displayed as it is entered.
What often happens is that you enter one item and fail to notice that it
was not e accepted. You simply go on entering the password and it shows
up for the incredible hulk and his brother to see in plain sight. If nothing
was echoed except for encouraging messages (and perhaps asterisks) until
your logon succeeded, this could be prevented. Where the system has to
be penetrated from outside, the mere problem of determining the protocol
for logging in is serious, before the password question arises.
Of course, if you feel that ONLY the password should be hidden,
you could demand its hidden entry first, then g o into visible mode
for the name etc. (I prefer the all-hidden scheme, though) Jon
security/main #1177, from rjouett, 266 chars, Tue Apr 9 03:33:51 1991
Comment to 1164. Comment(s).
I don't know about other unix systems, but when u do a "who" at
the user-logon prompt on a pyramid system under BSD, you'll get
a complete list of user-id's just as you would if yuu did a "who"
while at a shell prompt. This brain-dead option should be removed.
security/main #1178, from david42, 254 chars, Tue Apr 9 03:52:50 1991
Comment to 1173. Comment(s).
I like ChicagoZ <grin>
Seriously, the system I designed allows each user to review a complete log
of his/her activity. But, your approach puts it up in front of them. No doubt
my users will not review their log very often. Very good suggestion.
security/main #1179, from yllar.17, 322 chars, Tue Apr 9 06:18:03 1991
Comment to 1177. Comment(s).
humm...i didnt' know that, but definately that should
be nuked...even better...(and crueler), have
a file that the sysmanager, can make up that
will display when they do that who, that displays
perhaps a fake bunch of users, or a nice little
message (hello mr. hacker..please leave me along
i dont' like you..)
security/main #1180, from rjouett, 492 chars, Tue Apr 9 06:29:23 1991
Comment to 1179. More refs to 1179.
Actually, it was kinda nice. BTW, this was a few years back. I'm not sure
if this problem still exists, in other words. The nice thing about it was
that you could see if a friend was logged on; therefore, u cud logon and
send him/her a message and log back off. Really nice feature, but a _big_
problem as far as security goes. BTW, I ask a friend in cbix to try it on
his Sun, and he told me that it just asked for a password, so I guess
that it could only be on sum flavors of Un*x.
security/main #1181, from roedy, 67 chars, Tue Apr 9 14:17:59 1991
Comment to 1178.
Placing zeros and 1s for O and I can also confuse people who watch
security/main #1182, from jbhines, 330 chars, Tue Apr 9 22:34:28 1991
Comment to 1161. Comment(s).
Digital's VMS OS uses another means of catching password
crackers, after XX attempts, it logs the action, and starts
"breakin evasion" in which it disables the account for some
random period of time. Thus, after 5 password failures, _no_
password will work, even the correct one, for about 10-15
security/main #1183, from hshubs, 162 chars, Tue Apr 9 23:14:26 1991
Comment to 1182. More refs to 1182.
VMS can also totally disable the username being tried until the System
Manager takes action, and/or that terminal/username combination can
be disabled, I think.
security/main #1184, from mbarbieri, 281 chars, Tue Apr 9 23:41:02 1991
Comment to 1179.
Perhaps better than an anti-hacking message would be a list of
fake user-ids that triggered an alert when used. The idea would
be to keep the hacker occupied with something that he thought was
working while you tried to figure out where he was or what he was
up to.
--> Mark <--
security/main #1185, from agni, 234 chars, Wed Apr 10 00:36:16 1991
Comment to 1170. Comment(s).
You want to get realy nasty?
do the following:
computer: 42
computer: ?
The user needs to solve ax^2+bx+c to get the answer for the computer.
you could automate this into a terminal program. and make it more nasty.
security/main #1186, from david42, 94 chars, Wed Apr 10 05:46:33 1991
Comment to 1182.
That sounds like a good idea - disabling even valid passwords after so many
invalid attempts.
security/main #1187, from david42, 114 chars, Wed Apr 10 05:48:11 1991
Comment to 1185. Comment(s).
Clever - good if you have a comm program running on the calling computer
and, that comm program can do the math.
security/main #1188, from agni, 174 chars, Wed Apr 10 21:58:22 1991
Comment to 1187. Comment(s).
It is also good, in that if the equation is long enough, you are secure from
many repeated observations. It is very difficult to do the factoring necessary.
security/main #1189, from bstrauss, 963 chars, Thu Apr 11 16:08:11 1991
Comment to 1188.
I have seen, in magazine articles, this scheme blown out a bit.
It's often called "Pass algorithms" and can be made very secure. One
extension is to achieve access by demonstrating that you know the algorithm
without divulging it across the link. (The weakness of a password is that
a listener can see it, regardless of whether it's invisible or overtyped
on you terminal - the letters must travel the link).
The scheme works like this:
The machine sends a stream of values to you. You process them through
your (secret) algorithm and send back an answer. The security of the
process depends on the number of ask/answer pairs.
For example, you get a 5 digit number and reply 0 or 1. An intruder has
a 50% chance of being right. The probibility of 10 or 50 or 500 right
answers without knowing the algorithm is very small.
This was proposed for all electronic use, i.e. in smart cards (how does
the system know that the card is valid?)...
U mojoj blizoj okolini se koristi STRESS program,
ali posto je pisan namenski za jednu firmu, radi
samo na AT 286 sa AMI BIOS-om iz 1987. god. Posto
je oko mene pretezno 32-bitno drustvo i sa novijim
BIOS-om ... Treba nam pomoc.
Program je pisan u FORTRAN-u, (najverovatnije 3.31)
i pred kraj (najverovatnije) poziva nesto na odredj-
enom mestu u BIOS-u i ako ga nema ... nema ni izlaznih
Sa nestrpljenjem, YUPC
> U mojoj blizoj okolini se koristi STRESS program,
> ali posto je pisan namenski za jednu firmu, radi
> samo na AT 286 sa AMI BIOS-om iz 1987. god. Posto
> je oko mene pretezno 32-bitno drustvo i sa novijim
> BIOS-om ... Treba nam pomoc.
Evo ti jedne ideje:
Nadji jednu masinu na kojoj radi Stress program i njoj slicnu na kojoj
ne radi. Zatim u nekom Debugeru izvrsi trace na obe masine tako sto ces
logovati (tj u neku datoteku zapisati) CS:IP ili jos bolje samo IP a zatim uz
pomoc nekoga programceta uporedi tok izvrsavanja, tj potrazi Úprve dve
razlicite vrednosti IP-a. Mogu da se kladim da na predhodnoj adresi cs:ip se
nalazi neki od Jxx -a . Toplo ti preporucujem da ga zamenis sa jednim JMP -om i
to bi bilo sve (bar mi se cini). Jedini problem je u tome sto sam ja imao neki
sklj debuger koji je hteo da log-uje cs:ip ali sam ga slucajno izbrisao.
Moraces da se raspitas kod ostalih da li znaju za neki debuger koji to radi
kako valja (turbo debugger v 1.0 (to je ona verzija uz TC 2.0) ne radi kako
treba ... Dakle jedno pitanje : Da li neko ima ili zna za debugger koji moze da
ispisuje u datoteku vrednosti IP-a ?
tojerry/long.messages #502, from hga, 7501 chars, Wed May 1 09:19:41 1991
TITLE: Potential *major* computer scandal
This reached me from the Risks Digest, which is an Internet etc. email
"Forum On Risks To the Public In Computers and Related Systems," which
is sponsored by the ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy and
moderated by Peter G. Neumann. The item itself was forwarded from
the USENET comp.dcom.telecom topic. Today's (1 May 91) issue of _The
Wall Street Journal_ has an article on page B1 on the subject.
Date: 26 Apr 91 19:09:50 GMT
From: overlf! (Mark A. Emanuele)
Subject: Prodigy or Fraudigy ???
I just downloaded this from a local bbs and thought it might be interesting.
[section on investigations of deceptive trade practices by the L. A.
County District Attorney moved to next message; Prodigy is having a
lot of problems because of their bait-and-switch, advertising the
service as costing only 9.95 or so per month, and then adding a charge
for email. I think they've already settled in Texas.]
Prodigy: More of a Prodigy Than We Think?
By: Linda Houser Rohbough
[She is quoted in today's article in _The Wall Street Journal_, page B1]
The stigma that haunts child prodigies is that they are difficult to get
along with, mischievous and occasionally, just flat dangerous, using innocence
to trick us. I wonder if that label fits Prodigy, Sears and IBM's
telecommunications network?
Those of you who read my December article know that I was tipped off at
COMDEX to look at a Prodigy file, created when Prodigy is loaded STAGE.DAT. I
was told I would find in that file personal information from my hard disk
unrelated to Prodigy. As you know, I did find copies of the source code to our
product FastTrack, in STAGE.DAT. The fact that they were there at all gave me
the same feeling of violation as the last time my home was broken into by
I invited you to look at your own STAGE.DAT file, if you're a Prodigy
user, and see if you found anything suspect. Since then I have had numerous
calls with reports of similar finds, everything from private patient medical
information to classified government information. [Note: the WSJ
article also mentions the file CACHE.DAT, as does a item below.]
The danger is Prodigy is uploading STAGE.DAT and taking a look at your
private business. Why? My guess is marketing research, which is expensive
through legitimate channels, and unwelcomed by you and I. The question now is:
Is it on purpose, or a mistake? One caller theorizes that it is a bug. He
looked at STAGE.DAT with a piece of software he wrote to look at the physical
location of data on the hard disk, and found that his STAGE.DAT file allocated
950,272 bytes of disk space for storage.
Prodigy stored information about the sections viewed frequently and the
data needed to draw those screens in STAGE.DAT. Service would be faster with
information stored on the PC rather then the same information being downloaded
from Prodigy each time.
That's a viable theory because ASCII evidence of those screens shots can
be found in STAGE.DAT, along with AUTOEXEC.BAT and path information. I am led
to belive that the path and system configuration (in RAM) are diddled with and
then restored to previous settings upon exit. So the theory goes, in allocating
that disk space, Prodigy accidently includes data left after an erasure (As you
know, DOS does not wipe clean the space that deleted files took on the hard
disk, but merely marked the space as vacant in the File Allocation Table.)
There are a couple of problems with this theory. One is that it assumes
that the space was all allocated at once, meaning all 950,272 bytes were
absorbed at one time. That simply isn't true. My STAGE.DAT was 250,000+ bytes
after the first time I used Prodigy. The second assumption is that Prodigy
didn't want the personal information; it was getting it accidently in uploading
and downloading to and from STAGE.DAT. The E-mail controversy with Prodigy
throws doubt upon that. The E-mail controversy started because people were
finding mail they sent with comments about Prodigy or the E-mail, especially
negative ones, didn't ever arrive. Now Prodigy is saying they don't actually
read the mail, they just have the computer scan it for key terms, and delete
those messages because they are responsible for what happens on Prodigy.
I received a call from someone from another user group who read our
newsletter and is very involved in telecommunications. He installed and ran
Prodigy on a freshly formatted 3.5 inch 1.44 meg disk. Sure enough, upon
checking STAGE.DAT he discovered personal data from his hard disk that could
not have been left there after an erasure. He had a very difficult time trying
to get someone at Prodigy to talk to about this.
Excerpt of email on the above subject:
[this next section lowercased for my eye's convience]
there's a file on this board called '' that i suggest all
who use the prodigy service take ***very*** seriously. the file
describes how the prodigy service seems to scan your hard drive for
personal information, dumps it into a file in the prodigy
sub-directory called 'stage.dat' and while you're waiting and waiting
for that next menu come up, they're uploading your stuff and looking
at it.
today i was in babbages's, echelon talking to tim when a
gentleman walked in, heard our discussion, and piped in that he was a
columnist on prodigy. he said that the info found in ''
was indeed true and that if you read your on-line agreement closely,
it says that you sign all rights to your computer and its contents to
prodigy, ibm & sears when you agree to the service.
i tried the tests suggested in '' with a virgin
'prodigy' kit. i did two installations, one to my oft used hard drive
partition, and one onto a 1.2mb floppy. on the floppy version, upon
installation (without logging on), i found that the file 'stage.dat'
contained a listing of every .bat and setup file contained in my 'c:'
drive boot directory. using the hard drive directory of prodigy that
was set up, i proceded to log on. i logged on, consented to the
agreement, and logged off. remember, this was a virgin setup kit.
after logging off i looked at 'stage.dat' and 'cache.dat' found
in the prodigy subdirectory. in those files, i found pointers to
personal notes that were buried three sub-directories down on my
drive, and at the end of 'stage.dat' was an exact image copy of my
pc-desktop appointments calender.
check it out for yourself.
I had my lawyer check his STAGE.DAT file and he found none other than
Needless to say he is no longer a Prodigy user.
Mark A. Emanuele V.P. Engineering Overleaf, Inc.
218 Summit Ave Fords, NJ 08863 (908) 738-8486
security/main #1246, from roedy, 1169 chars, Sun May 5 19:18:20 1991
Comment to 1241. Comment(s).
I invented what I consider some of he most fiendish code ever written
to give pirates a nervous breakdown. I talked with the boss
about have a tattletale, which would have be very easy to do,
since the progarm tied into the packet nets every time it was used.
They decided they did not want to be involved with the legal issues.
They figured what I had done already -- which allowed copying, but
not use by another person was sufficient.
The basic idea was I burned the guy's account number into it in a
way that could not be modified. If he gave it away, he was giving away
his credit card.
The anti piracy was a set of rings, each harder to crack than the first.
Each time he thought he had cracked it, only to find out later he had not.
Each ring was tougher to crack because the axe fell less frequently.
Even if he did manage to crack the entire thing, he would never know if
I has yet one more level waiting.
The program was quite complicated on its own. However I added red herring
fields and computed with them in ways similar to the way the real
fields were done. In the source this madness is quite well marked.
But in the object, is is just baffling.
security/main #1247, from rbabcock, 480 chars, Sun May 5 23:06:10 1991
Comment to 1240. Comment(s).
I use a CAD program with a parallel port dongle for copy protection. The
first time I tried it, it failed because the parallel port had been disabled
because of an IRQ conflict. Later, the parallel port failed because of a
huge dust bunny in the bus socket. Out local sales rep says that some
users have had the keys fail. In all of these cases, self-destroying
software would not have been appreciated. (What it actually does is give
a message and turn itself into a demo.)
security/main #1248, from sje, 841 chars, Sun May 5 23:25:46 1991
Comment to 1247. Comment(s).
Note that various computer magazines carry third party advertisements
for software cracks that bypass security dongles like you describe. These
ads seem to always come from firms outside the US (usually in Canada).
Not too long ago there was a fairly complex DNA sequencing utility
that used a silent form of copy protection. If the program desided that it
was an unofficial copy, it would subtlely introduce errors in its nucleotide
sequence output without any warning. Take a minute and think about the
horrible consequences that could be caused by an unintentional mistake by
a biolab technician. The company was rightfully denounced in the periodic
biotech literature, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were put out of
business. Certainly, they would never be able to get commercial liability
insurance at any price. -- Steve
security/main #1249, from rbabcock, 104 chars, Sun May 5 23:29:50 1991
Comment to 1248. Comment(s).
I actually like the dongle. It means that I can take the software home for
use without feeling guilty.
security/main #1251, from hshubs, 112 chars, Sun May 5 23:30:50 1991
Comment to 1249. More refs to 1249.
Why should you feel guilty about using software you purchased? Dongles can
be a major pain in the arse, IMHO.
security/main #1252, from sje, 366 chars, Sun May 5 23:34:52 1991
Comment to 1249. Comment(s).
If you have paid for the original software and are only using it on
one machine at a time, why should you feel guilty at all? Current copyright
law allows for "fair usage" with a provision for making a limited number of
copies for private usage. As long as the originator is not being deprived
of potential income, there is no legal (or moral) problem. -- Steve
security/main #1253, from roedy, 262 chars, Sun May 5 23:45:54 1991
Comment to 1250. Comment(s).
I think the proper solution is to have the CPU have an instruction
that coughs up an unique serial number as well an the cpu type --
SX , 386 etc. Then you go through an install process to make software
run only on one machine, or logically move it to another.
security/main #1254, from hshubs, 177 chars, Sun May 5 23:50:52 1991
Comment to 1252. Comment(s). More refs to 1252.
Some licenses even say that they don't care how many machines you have the
software on, as long as only one copy is being used at a time. Those are
the most reasonable, IMHO.
security/main #1255, from hshubs, 72 chars, Sun May 5 23:59:31 1991
Comment to 1253.
Doesn't help, since you can always reinstall from the original master.
security/main #1256, from sje, 1157 chars, Mon May 6 00:02:42 1991
Comment to 1254. Comment(s). More refs to 1254.
That sounds reasonable to me, too. These companies get the first
chance at my business.
Dongle Anecdote:
During a business flight last year from Boston to LA, I happened to
be seated next to a woman who held a fairly high position at a software
company that produced an expensive AI utility. I was quite familiar with
the program as I had used a legal copy where I worked at the time. I just
couldn't resist telling her about how easy it was to defeat the dongle that
was supposedly required for the product. (No, I won't give details here on
BIX, so don't ask.) I encouraged her to use personalization and/or "look
it up in the manual" protection instead.
She replied that she would certainly look into the matter; she
herself was not too thrilled with the dongle because of the failure of a
fairly important demo at a serius commercial exhibition. It seems that
the staff had gotten the computer, the software, the power hook-up, the
manuals, and just about everything else correct, yet the demo failed
miserably. Guess which component was missing? "Hoist by Thy Owne Petard",
as Chaucer would say. I chuckled over half of Iowa. -- Steve
security/main #1257, from j_mcarthur, 1576 chars, Mon May 6 00:59:30 1991
Comment to 1246. Comment(s).
[comment to roedy Sun May 5 19:18:20 1991]
Just a question, how much time did it take to add the copy
protection? Now multiply that figure by what they pay you
plus the cost of overhead and such. Now is that figure
larger or smaller than the amount you would have lost if
you did not copy protect?
I know from my own experience that copy protection cost a
lot more than it saves. I developed a product that upper
management decided to copy protect. It turns out that
there was a "mis-wording" in the documentation. Nothing
really wrong; just poorly described. Anyway, when a user
ended up using the program they would get a message that
would refer them to the manual. They would read the manual
and get the wrong idea. Then they would call the company
(on our 800 number) and ask for customer support. We did
a survey. 100% of our customers called the customer
support line because of the copy protection. In one way
or the other, the copy protection caused them inconvenience
and they called us about it.
Later the company designed yet another product that they
wanted to have hardware copy protection on. The hardware
engineers spent weeks on this one. Ended up having to
upgrade the logic software (the PAL was too complex). It
took them three tries to get the little circut board correct.
Finally the product shipped. In over a year they sold a
total of 12 of them. The cost of the copy protection
vastly exceded the profits from the sale.
From my experience, the time spent on copy protection does
not equal the supposed savings.
Jeffrey McArthur
security/main #1258, from hamilton, 275 chars, Mon May 6 01:05:51 1991
Comment to 1252. Comment(s).
Fair use does not mean you can copy the whole thing. And copyright law
does not mean you could copy a program onto several machines so long as
only one is used at a time. If you do that, you are depriving the
copyright owner of rightful income and you're breaking the law.
security/main #1259, from hamilton, 327 chars, Mon May 6 01:11:22 1991
Comment to 1254.
Those are the so-called "portable licenses". But consider that the vendor
has to cover all his costs and still produce a profit one way or another.
So if he collects less revenue from folks that take advantage of that
portable license provision, he may well have to charge more on every copy
he does sell to make up for that.
security/main #1260, from sje, 766 chars, Mon May 6 01:16:57 1991
Comment to 1258.
Copyright "fair use" does allow for making a limited number of
copies for archival purposes. This is explicitly stated on quite a few
licenses I've seen. There are additional instances of such "fair use"
that cover academics and repositories, although these are not pertinent
to this subject. Obviously, if the office computer is an archive site,
there is no problem in using a copy at home -- AS LONG AS ONLY ONE COPY
IS IN USE. The operation is no different from de-installing the office
copy and re-installing it on the home machine as needed. The archive
site changes at well defined times, and no income is lost because no sales
are lost. It would be impossible to collect on a copyright violation if
there is no violation in the first place.
-- Steve
security/main #1261, from roedy, 881 chars, Mon May 6 01:55:52 1991
Comment to 1257.
The program was NOT copy protected. You could make all the
copies you wanted. The proctection was completely invisible to
the end user. Only a hacker could ever have even detected it.
It did not add much overhead. The program was one unlikely to
be stolen for several reasons. It did not take me all that
much time to concoct -- perhaps only 3 days.
Basically each copy had an account number with an online
database burned into it. There was no menu item for changing it.
Hackers could try finding it and changing it, but they would fail.
By the time they did crack it, they might as well have written
their own code. Further the crackers had no idea of what
safeguards in addition were built into the main database computer
they accessed.
The program was a stock charting package that tied into the Globe and
Mail database. It was the first Canadian Mac package written.
security/main #1262, from j_mcarthur, 307 chars, Mon May 6 02:15:15 1991
Comment to 1256.
[comment to sje Mon May 6 00:02:42 1991]
I will make a comment about ease of defeating "dongles".
I used to work for a company that had quit a bit of developement
hardware. That included in-circut-emulators and logic analysers.
You can defeat any dongle if you have that combination.
Jeffrey McArthur
security/main #1300, from hkenner, 623 chars, Tue May 7 22:53:48 1991
Comment to 1298.
Check out Borland's "No Nonsense" agreement with Turbo Pascal, C,
Assembler, Debugger, etc. It explicitly allows you to make copies as
you please, so long as there is *no possibility* of copies being run
on different machines by different people at the same time.
What Borland clearly means to obviate is the situation where 2 or more
people are running the same application, only one copy having been bought.
I have Turbo Pascal on two machines (laptop & desktop) and feel
perfectly comfortable with the agreement I signed, since no one but
me under this roof uses a computer, and I can only use one at a time.
security/main #1307, from hamilton, 413 chars, Wed May 8 00:29:05 1991
Comment to 1300.
So what's your point? Any vendor is certainly entitled to give
away whatever rights to his product he wants. But that doesn't
mean anyone else has to do the same. Borland's word isn't law.
Matter of fact, the whole shrinkwrap license stuff is bogus. I'm
satisfied (based on the discussion I got into over in the law
conference last year) that they're unenforcable. Right now, it's
purely a copyright issue.
security/main #1308, from roedy, 477 chars, Wed May 8 00:32:31 1991
Comment to 1299. More refs to 1299.
There is no need to stop piracy dead in its tracks.
We simply want to get it down to the levels of participation
comparable to car theft. Right now the MAJORITY of computer
users are pirates.
If users had to install an illegal device in their machine,
and it there was a good chance they would miss out on updates,
get caught by an auditor -- just as postage meter cheats do,
then piracy would drop to a dull roar and the problem would
no longer be economically significant.
security/main #1309, from roedy, 243 chars, Wed May 8 00:34:46 1991
Comment to 1301. Comment(s).
Then I suggest you buy flat-use only software that does
not need to know your usage. I would think you would
want companies to know you think their product is a dog -- in a way
they can see very clearly without having to write them a letter.
security/main #1310, from roedy, 266 chars, Wed May 8 00:37:01 1991
Comment to 1302.
I think this should be flexible. You are paying for:
1. the right to use on N machines.
2. H hours of total use.
3. S hours of simultaneous use.
Your bill can be a formula involving N H and S with volume discounts,
flat rates, discounts for years of faithful use.
security/main #1311, from roedy, 805 chars, Wed May 8 00:42:58 1991
Comment to 1303. Comment(s).
The reason I am keen on burning the serial number into the CPU is that
it can be made more difficult to counterfeit. Code can repeatedly
ask the serial number and time how long it takes. A faker would have
a hard time providing it as quickly as the CPU. A ROM is easily
faked by any teenager. The idea is to make the counterfeiting technology
expensive and illegal -- just the way it is illegal to sell equipment
to cheat on postage meters. Further with a single money collection
scheme - perhaps handled by Visa or Mastercard, the huge resources
of such companies can be brought to bear on cheaters and those who
would try to sell counterfeiting equipment.
Right now, tiny companies like my own, have no chance stopping
big companies like Rockwell when they BRAZENLY ond OPENLY
steal my software.
security/main #1312, from dzenc, 261 chars, Wed May 8 00:48:00 1991
Comment to 1311. Comment(s). More refs to 1311.
Software is trivial to modify. Someone trying to break security
will (if he's smart) always attack the weakest link. Make the hardware
as hard as you want to duplicate/crack, somebody will modify the software
so it doesn't look at the hardware anymore.
security/main #1313, from dzenc, 361 chars, Wed May 8 00:51:49 1991
Comment to 1299. Comment(s).
The problem is that in the end, it's still just software. IF you tie
some necessary (and non-trivial) piece of hardware to it, then you can
prevent copying. The key word is necessary. If the hardware isn't
necessary, than any two bit hacker can remove the dependancy, entirely
in software. And software is IMPOSSIBLE to track (As can be plainly
security/main #1314, from roedy, 1156 chars, Wed May 8 00:57:01 1991
Comment to 1306. More refs to 1306.
The benefits to the user of rental vs purchase, even when the
"rental" is a one time fee that gives you unlimited use for
life, are:
1. You get upgrades automatically.
2. You cannot "lose" your software.
3. Your software cannot be stolen.
4. You can use your software anywhere in the world, even if you
forgot to bring it with you.
5. You can use your software on any machine. Billing keeps
track of what you did. If you need to temporarily have
two working copies, you can just start using them, --
PERFECTLY legally. You don't have to order a second copy.
If you don't give the vendor all the money up front, (i.e. rent)
the advantages are:
1. It is an incentive to the vendor to keep improving the product
or you will switch to a competitor.
2. You can cheaply try out competitors for extended tests.
3. It costs you less if your usage is low.
4. It costs you less if you stop using the program for some reason.
5. It makes vendors more responsive to the needs of the
EXISTING customer base, rather than spending all their
efforts suckering in new customers with flashy but useless
new features.
security/main #1315, from roedy, 325 chars, Wed May 8 00:58:38 1991
Comment to 1306. Comment(s).
"get the two together"
By this I mean, your computer phones the Visa people once
a month to get the billing straightened out. All your computers
must report at least once a month. It is just like getting your
electric meter read. If you don't pay the bills, they turn off
the juice -- except on the programs you "bought".
security/main #1316, from roedy, 397 chars, Wed May 8 01:01:10 1991
Comment to 1312.
with hardware assist that is FAST, it is possible to create
security systems that are for more difficult to crack that to
write from scratch. When you can guarantee the computer will
report into Mom (big brother) once a month if it wants to stay
connected with the world of updates, the pirate's job is
infinitely more difficult. Part of the key is having a
central powerful anti-piracy body.
security/main #1317, from roedy, 204 chars, Wed May 8 01:02:42 1991
Comment to 1313. Comment(s).
If the copy protection were woven into every single module,
and if any disturbance provided a delayed reaction failure,
I promise you "any two bit hacker" would be in a padded cell
before he cracked it.
security/main #1318, from dzenc, 605 chars, Wed May 8 01:14:04 1991
Comment to 1317. Comment(s).
If there is a central computer that is necessary in some way (using your
example: for regular updates) then it can be tracked. The problem is,
once the hacker has the software, and isolates himself from the server
(forgoing anything the server has to offer), he can do whatever he damn
well pleases to the software, take as long as he likes to do it, and
make as many mistakes as he wants without being tracked.
Once the first generation of copy protection for a given piece of
software is broken, updates (which can be obtained by using an unhacked
copy of the software) are simple to deprotect.
security/main #1319, from roedy, 338 chars, Wed May 8 01:46:19 1991
Comment to 1318. Comment(s).
Individual hackers are NO threat. Even if the hacker does
isolate himself, this theft is of no economic consequence.
He is NOT going to be very successful convincing many other
people to cut themselves off from the endless stream of
goodies, and risk a call from the VISA credit dept to see
why the computer has not checked in of late.
security/main #1320, from dzenc, 316 chars, Wed May 8 01:52:07 1991
Comment to 1319. Comment(s).
What amazing goodies can you offer? As things are right now, it is obvious
that MANY people are willing to give up a lot of the benefits of owning
software (tech support, updates, etc.) in exchange for not shelling out
any money. Pirates do get the updates too. It may take a while, but they
will get them.
security/main #1321, from roedy, 592 chars, Wed May 8 02:09:16 1991
Comment to 1320. Comment(s). More refs to 1320.
let us say that a pirate creates a "liberated" version of
Lotus 123. let us say the pirate posts a "Liberating" program
on a number of BBSes. Lotus does not have to stand still.
Instantly it can issue an update with a defence, and
automatically install it.
Further I suppose the authorities could get a global search
warrant to scan all computers for the pirated copy.
It would be tacked onto the normal billing connect.
Perhaps you have heard, ANI is coming. This means
BBSes can know the phone numbers of callers.
This will make life more difficult for pirates
to remain anonymous.
security/main #1322, from checker, 347 chars, Wed May 8 02:09:48 1991
Comment to 1320. Comment(s). More refs to 1320.
I have to agree. I think the very nature of a 'programmable'
computer makes it impossible to protect. I think the
solution, which was hinted at earlier, is to make the goodies so
good, that the person 'wants' to pay for it. The quickening
pace of business will help this, because pirates won't be able to
afford the delay in getting updates.
security/main #1323, from roedy, 1083 chars, Wed May 8 02:16:09 1991
Comment to 1320. Comment(s).
You imagine that the system I envisage will be as easy to
bypass as those silly copy protected disks, where the very
nature of the test makes it so slow it can only be done
in a few places in ways that stand out like sore thumbs.
With CO-OPERATION from the chip manufacturer, you can
create schemes that require the resources of another
chip manufacturer to crack. So long as the sale of such
devices has no practical use other than theft they
can be made illegal. By having a powerful body such as
VISA, have a vested interest in prosecuting pirates,
the problem will be over, and SOFTWARE PRICES WILL PLUMMET!
Why? Because PIRATES, millions of them, will join the
legitimate user base. THEY won't stand for these
outrageous prices. This will create a vacuum for
decent, low cost software. Many vendors will
rush to fill it. Then LEGIT users, will switch.
Why pay those inflated prices?
Finally, bowed and bloody, the Lotuses of the
world will have to compete on a level playing field.
They will have to drop prices, improve performance,
and compete on superior support.
security/main #1324, from roedy, 593 chars, Wed May 8 02:19:27 1991
Comment to 1322. Comment(s). More refs to 1322.
There are currently NO penalties for theft, and a severe
penalty for honesty, paying inflated prices. If you
just squeeze a little, by raising the penalties just a bit for
theft, and lower the penalties for honesty, by spreading the
costs over a larger base, then more people will decide to go
I read an article in a lotus Magazine where they estimated
something like one in 10 copies was legit.
If everyone paid the price could be ten times lower, and
Lotus would still make just as much money. If they kept the
price high, somebody ELSE could produce a clone at ten times
security/main #1325, from checker, 371 chars, Wed May 8 02:27:29 1991
Comment to 1324. More refs to 1324.
I think the punitive viewpoint is the wrong way to go about it.
Of course, pirates should be punished, but a proactive policy
would be much more effective in my view. Look at the psychology
behind pirating: a 'me' based way of thinking. Now, turn this
way of thinking to your ends (instead of trying to change the people)
by offeringthem something they can't refuse.
security/main #1326, from roedy, 1172 chars, Wed May 8 02:38:04 1991
Comment to 1324.
I think the way to do this is to offer an incredible smorgasbord
of programs, programs you can try out for just a few cents,
with no install hassles, and pay nothing if you don't continue
to use them. The system is just about impossible to break --
at least as hard as say breaking an automated teller machine.
Many vendors might offer 2 month free trial, or money refunded
if you stop using after a month.
Subscribers have an online help service so right in the
middle of a program, they can ask a question that gets
answered by a human, who might just direct them to a spot
in the online manual.
I am thinking a little future here, where all machines
have modems and something like an ISDN connect.
I am a Shareware author. Very few people ever write more
than one shareware program. The humiliation of having
two registrations for something you laboured a month over
is just too much. Shareware authors will greatly benefit.
People who use such programs may sign up for trivial fees of
pennies a month, but it all adds up. This means many
many more people will start writing TRIALWARE -- try before
you start to pay -- but it is NOT free, just very cheap.
security/main #1327, from daharvey, 654 chars, Wed May 8 02:41:03 1991
Comment to 1309. Comment(s).
I guess, given what I do for a living, they do know
in a way they can see very clearly without my
having to write them a letter just exactly what
I think of their product. ;-)
Seriously, though, your idea, while a smart way to approach it,
just seems too over-extended. The notion of needing to monitor
something you sell is kind of defeating the whole point.
It puts your customer in the position of being "the naughty
child," which is not going to cause much delight among
Further, it will be, business as usual, the larger companies
who can afford this sort of schene. I really don't
see it protecting the shareware, or second-tier offer.
security/main #1328, from roedy, 923 chars, Wed May 8 02:53:31 1991
Comment to 1327. Comment(s).
Are you a naughty child when you own a postage meter?
There are great benefits to staying it touch with the vendor.
1. Bug fixes come automatically.
2. Installs are HIS problem.
(I am imagining an architecture quite a bit more advanced than
the PC to support this.)
3. Evolving online help that evolves weekly as the support people
discover where people are getting caught or where the
docs are ambiguous.
The #1 reason I prefer rental to purchase is that I can PUNISH
the vendor at any time, by moving to a competitor. If I purchase
I have given away all my clout. Right now vendors ignore their
installed base and put in stupid features that slow the product down,
and ignore the pleas of existing customers for features that would not
be easily touted in a sales brochure.
Right now my only clout with the vendors I have already bought from
is writing about the products -- scaring off new users.
security/main #1329, from hshubs, 97 chars, Wed May 8 09:26:09 1991
Comment to 1315. Comment(s).
So someone modifies the reporting code to say that you didn't use it much
or at all that month.
security/main #1330, from hshubs, 592 chars, Wed May 8 09:30:55 1991
Comment to 1321.
1) I don't know about you, but _I_ don't want Lotus or any other company
loading software on my machine without my being able to do things like
scan it for viruses. I also don't know of too many people who'd want
to risk getting major bugs without being able to revert to a previous
2) You really want "the authorities" to be able to get onto your machine(s)?
Right now, that means that they confiscate the whole machine, including
data, paper, printers, disks, monitors, and anything else they think
might be related.
3) Have you ever heard of pirate BBSs?
security/main #1331, from dzenc, 1026 chars, Wed May 8 12:52:34 1991
Comment to 1323.
You seem to think that tying the protection to the hardware and making it
X times more diffucult to break will stop people from breaking it. This is
just false. There are people who ENJOY breaking protection just for the
mere pleasure of outwitting the creator. Once you have one copy broken,
anyone who wants it can get a copy. It is obvious that pirates are
willing to expend time and energy to avoid paying. Someone will modify
the transfer software so that it backs up before updates. Or, pirates
will just ignore the standard network all together, and just pass around
complete copies of the cracked program. Just like they do now.
As to the idea of Lotus in my computer monitoring me at all times, I think
its a great idea. In fact, lets stop all crimes! We can just put video
cameras everywhere and have an AI system that detects illegal activites.
Have an AI court that looks at the tapes, determines the punishment and
implements it. Boy, that would save a lot of time & money, don't you think?
security/main #1332, from jgoldblatt, 1578 chars, Wed May 8 19:34:33 1991
Comment to 1287. Comment(s).
The real question with piracy is how to get software paid for.
Essentially what is going on is that there is a totally
automatic manufacturing process that is available to everyone.
The cost of the product is incompatible with the cost of manufacture.
I think that the long term solution is a way of allowing users to
pay the authors a royalty for each copy made, that is small and
easy to pay. Possibly a clearing house like the music publishers
have where you could dial in or up and give the product id and
a credit card number and a count and be allowed to make legal
copies. Then the people who like the support and the binding and
the slick paper could pay for it. Would also encourage vendors
to be more imaginative in their marketing. I would really like to
buy a subscription from some places, where I would just get the latest
and greatest (or at least the least stable) automagically.
The only guys who would get screwed would be the niche market users,
where there isn't enough of a market to justify a large development
for a small per user profit. Of course, the answer to that is
making easily customizable software. Make a bet that there are
less than ^[10 basic types of businesses to computerize and that
there are lots of all types.
P.S. Haven't changed to the real editor yet. On subscriptions,
would also like to fund future development and have a say in
what they are. Change from a manufacturing and distribution company
to a development and service company and let the users do their own
distribution and manufacture.
security/main #1333, from agni, 602 chars, Wed May 8 19:40:19 1991
Comment to 1322. Comment(s).
all this fuss over the pirate.. Huh.. I bet your wasteing your time.
Pirates don't USE the software.. I know A fellow that filled up his
disk with tons of software.. all pirated.. and He doesn't use 1/10 of it
I asked him why.. And he said because it's there, and neat to have.
SIGH... In my teen years I pirated lots of stuff.. and guess what..
after 2-3 hours it got boring..
Tell me how you can justify a $30 program that is only interesting for
a few hours? I've been there.. Your getting advertiseing that way.
Want them to buy? update frequently, and criple pirated copies.
security/main #1334, from j_mcarthur, 3880 chars, Wed May 8 20:05:43 1991
Comment to 1328. Comment(s).
[comment to roedy Wed May 8 02:53:31 1991]
>1. Bug fixes come automatically.
No way are you ever going to get me to use this. Bug fixes should
NEVER be automatic. I have seen updates that "supposedly" fixed
one or two known bugs but that introduced three or four more that
broke the code all to h*ll.
One compiler I was using had a bug. I found it and reported it.
Meanwhile I coded around the problem. When the "bug fix" was
release, that bug was fixed. But several other bugs appeared.
Every time a vendor releases a new version it took me up to a month
to get the code to run under the new version.
>2. Installs are HIS problem.
I HATE INSTALL PROGRAMS!!! They NEVER work. I seldom have "standard"
hardware. The last two programs that had install programs would not
run on my hardware (Borland C++ was one of them). I ended up installing
the software on a more "normal" machine and using Fastback to back up
the software after it was installed and then restoring it on my machine.
Until recently, my machine was always open. Board were constantly being
installed and un-installed in it. Often the boards were proto-types that
did not look like any "normal" board you run across. I have even used
systems were they took out the normal display card and put in their
own that did NOT look like a Herc, CGA, VGA or anything known.
The company I worked for planned on shipping a PC without any "standard"
display. In its place was a really weird card that had no text modes
at all. There is no way for an install program to take that type of
oddity into account.
>3. Evolving online help that evolves weekly as the support people
> discover where people are getting caught or where the
> docs are ambiguous.
I wish that was true. We found a really awful bug in the manual.
So we changed it. Unfortunately we had 200+ copies of the old
manual "in-stock". So they sent out the 200 copies. Its even
worse if you go to "perf-bound" manuals where your minimum order
is 5,000.
Besides "on-line" manuals don't solve all the problems. I want to
be able to put "tabs" on the manual to get to the parts I need to
refer to. Also I want to be able to add "margin notes" saying
things like "this actually means you can do this also..." or
"if are in this section, you can copy data from (some other program)
and put the data into here".
>The #1 reason I prefer rental to purchase is that I can PUNISH
>the vendor at any time, by moving to a competitor.
You are forgetting one major thing. If I am RENTING software,
then I should have all the rights that RENTING gives me. That is
if I can prove that your software has a bug, and that it cost
me lost time and money, I can sue you for damages (look into
what tenents rights). If I go down and rent a car, and its
brakes are worn, I can sue the rental agency if I get into
an accident. Even worse, if I get into an accident and kill
someone else, the rental company can be sued for that.
So what happens if I rent your data base program and I am an
independent constant. I use the rented data base program on
a clients data. But your program has a minor bug in that on
the third tuesday after a full moon and you fill up the disk
exactly with the data file and you happen to have some TSR
loaded, you miss calculate a summation field by $1. So
my client has me prepare his presentation for a $1,000,000,000
contract. I use the rented data base program to do the
calculation for the bid. But the client looses by $0.50 to
some other vendor. What happens when the client finds
that he lost a billion dollar contract to a software bug?
As a renter I would have the rights to sue for damages.
That is the problem with renting. If you do not own the
software, you must be able to redress problems caused by
that software. If on the otherhand you own it, "let the
buyer beware."
Jeffrey McArthur
security/main #1335, from roedy, 1378 chars, Wed May 8 20:14:32 1991
Comment to 1329. Comment(s).
Let me talk a little about how hardware might be used. I think
everyone here is thinking about PC level machines that are
completely insecure -- no hardware assist at all.
Imagine a machine with hardware that only stores encrypted data
on disks, and in RAM. AS IT EXECUTES, the cpu has an auxilliary
processor to decrypt the instruction stream and to encrypt the data.
Imagine a system that stays in contact with the outside world
ALL the time.
I am sure there are a few people who fiddle their postage machine,
but the percentage is small. THERE IS NO NEED FOR 100% COMPLIANCE.
All we need to do is shift the world from 10% honest to 10% crook.
The REAL issue is, what is in this for the pirates? MOST of the
people reading this have some pirated software in their posession.
Will the ordinary joe, who today uses piracy to try out new
software, to have on hand infrequently used software, or just
to save a few bucks be any better off?
1. Low cost, up-to-date, undoctored, supported versions
of software.
2. Freedom from viruses by getting software direct.
3. Clear conscience.
4. Easier to write your own software and market it in
competition. You will get paid if people use it.
You don't need a giant legal dept.
5. Ability to rent software with full docs for trial
rather than making do with executables only pirated versions.
security/main #1336, from roedy, 277 chars, Wed May 8 20:17:22 1991
Comment to 1332.
I completely agree that making BOXES of stuff is a silly way
to sell software. It should be copied and created as needed,
with a payment scheme completely independent of the physical
medium. The physical medium has nothing whatever to do
with the cost of making the software.
security/main #1337, from roedy, 361 chars, Wed May 8 20:21:03 1991
Comment to 1333.
Many many companise think absolutely nothing of buying
only one copy of a product then install it on ten
machines. In contrast charities are sticklers and
buy 4 copies of Word or Word Perfect. Why should
charities subsidize the companies? If everyone
were honest, word processors would cost only $30
for a product like Word 5.5 or WP (exclusive
of manuals).
security/main #1338, from roedy, 312 chars, Wed May 8 20:24:08 1991
Comment to 1334.
Do you think we can continue the way we are now indefinitely?
How much longer can man put up with installs that don't work?
This HAS to change as more and more people come onstream
to the computer age. We will look on these GOOFY
lunatic installs with the same amusement we look on man's
first flying machines.
security/main #1339, from sschneider, 486 chars, Wed May 8 20:38:41 1991
Comment to 1311.
[ A reply to roedy's message #1311 in security/main ]
>> scheme - perhaps handled by Visa or Mastercard, the huge resources
>> of such companies can be brought to bear on cheaters and those who
>> would try to sell counterfeiting equipment.
Roedy... Visa and MasterCard can't even cope with the $800,000,000 a year in
losses they suffer from theft and misuse of cards/card-numbers. How in the
world could they ever do anything along the lines you suggest?
security/main #1340, from agni, 349 chars, Wed May 8 21:48:54 1991
Comment to 1335. Comment(s).
honesty at what price.
The game has been played.. Fine dream up what ever copy protection
scheems you want, Givn any choice, Ill go with the one without it. I have
enough trouble getting the software to work as I want it to. Adding anything
more is just going to waist my somwhat valuable time.
It is never totaly transparent...
security/main #1341, from roedy, 1497 chars, Wed May 8 22:17:30 1991
Comment to 1340.
Quite right, you have to pay.
So I concede, 100% transparency is impossible.
Perhaps if you imagined the Mac instead of the PC as the baseline
machine, a lot of what I am saying might sound less crazy.
Mac installs sometimes have been known to work. There was a
reported case of a user actually installing software on a Mac
without a programmer's help. Eventually, through standards and
better interfaces, we should get to the point where fully
automatic installs are feasible. Just as there are
people who prefer manual car transmissions, there will be
people who prefer manual installs (I will probably be one of them.).
However the vast majority of the new computer users will be
VERY happy to have the chore handled automatically.
They will be even happier to have someone else responsible
for applying updates and keeping the system running.
If it does not work, you don't pay.
As Tony Robbins would say "What a concept!"
The way it works NOW, if the program does not work you
pay EXTRA, for the upgrade to make it work!
I hate to keep hammering this point, but no one has
acknowledged it yet. Suddenly the EXISTING users
have some clout to make the manufacturers produce
bug free, easy to use software. It does not just have
to SOUND good, it actually has to WORK, or the company
goes belly up.
No amount of Madison avenue hype can save them.
If the program is unusable, it CAN'T generate them any
Can you see now how BUG FIXES will be come the #1
vendor priority?
security/main #1481, from roedy, 1633 chars, Wed May 15 17:43:44 1991
TITLE: napping pirates
A few months ago a consortium of Credit Unions (small banks)
hired me to talk to them about viruses. They were very
concerned and had sustain a number of costly attacks.
Big business has a habit of playing hardball when the bottom
line is concerned.
What methods can be used to entrap pirates?
Ross Greenberg, author of Flu Shot Plus, fills his manual with
"slime ball" invective aimed at pirates. The are pages of it,
sounding as if it were written by some 10-year old brat. I
asked him why he did that. He explained that it taunts pirates
into attacking his board, and giving him copies of their
viruses. He would sooner they attacked him than people who did
not know how to defend themselves.
Caller ID is coming. The phone number of the caller in encoded
in ASCII just the way a modem would send it. Pirates will have
to call from payphones using laptops if they don't want to be
discovered. In some cities the phone numbers of pay phones fall
into a special range, so you could go unanswered.
A sting operation can offer what pirates want most --
information on what other pirates are doing and the latest ideas
in security. You can be quite sure that most pirates on BIX, for
example, have joined the SECURITY conference. This is not to say
everyone who joined security is a pirate. Pirates have given
names, addresses and phone numbers to BIX. This information
could be subpoenaed in an sweep to nail suspected pirates.
Owners of pirate BBS's, as I mentioned last night, are subject to
vigilante actions because it is quite easy to find the address
corresponding to any phone number.
Za ovaj program za šifrovanje na BIX-u tvrde da ga čak ni ljudi iz CIA-e i
NSA-e ne mogu provaliti, tj. da nemogu razbiti šifru. Lepo je što uz program
ide i pascal source.
tojerry/long.messages #608, from charliemerritt, 7977 chars,
Sun Jul 7 15:11:45 1991
TITLE: New Public Key Crypto System *NEW?*
Page 1
By C. David Colston
Polygonal sequences are a series of numbers that are generated by
offset addition to the previous members of the sequence. The lowest
order of these sequences (other than sequence zero or 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5...
etc.) is the triangular sequence. It is created by taking the starting
number 1 and offset of 1, constantly adding 1 to the offset, and
summing the result. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4... are added, resulting in the
numbers 1, 3, 6, 10...
The next sequence is the square sequence in which offset is
increase by two each time, 1 + 3 + 5 + 7... This results in the
numbers 1, 4, 9, 16... The third sequence (a pentagon) increases the
offset by three each time 1 + 4 + 7 + 10 ... and it results in the
numbers 1, 5, 12, 22... These sequences are called polygonal because
the resulting numbers can be ordered into rigid geometric shapes.
1 1 4 9 16
2 3 (Triangle) 2 3 8 15 (Square)
4 5 6 5 6 7 14
7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13
Because offset counting and addition is a cumbersome process it
is helpful to note that any member (M) of a given polygonal sequence
(PS) may be calculated by the following formula:
(M X M + M)/2 + (PS-1) X ((M-1) X (M-1) + (M-1))/2
It is also helpful to note that (PS + 2) is the number of sides in the
resulting polygonal sequence.
The formula resolves as follows for the first four sequences:
Triangle: (M X M + M)/2
Square: M X M
Pentagon: (3 X M X M - M)/2
Hexagon: 2 X M X M - M
Polygonal sequences have ordered properties modulo a prime
number. On the next page is a complete set of the modular residue of
the first 23 polygonal sequences modulo the prime 23. The horizontal
columns are, from left to right, the sequence members from 1 to 23.
The rows from top to bottom are the polygonal sequences from 1 to 23
and are numbered from 1 to 23 accordingly.
Page 2
1 |1| 3| 6|10|15|21| 5|13|22| 9|20| 9|22|13| 5|21|15|10| 6| 3| 1| 0|0
2 |1| 4| 9|16| 2|13| 3|18|12| 8| 6| 6| 8|12|18| 3|13| 2|16| 9| 4| 1|0
3 |1| 5|12|22|12| 5| 1| 0| 2| 7|15| 3|17|11| 8| 8|11|17| 3|15| 7| 2|0
4 |1| 6|15| 5|22|20|22| 5|15| 6| 1| 0| 3|10|21|13| 9| 9|13|21|10| 3|0
5 |1| 7|18|11| 9|12|20|10| 5| 5|10|20|12| 9|11|18| 7| 1| 0| 4|13| 4|0
6 |1| 8|21|17|19| 4|18|15|18| 4|19|17|21| 8| 1| 0| 5|16|10|10|16| 5|0
7 |1| 9| 1| 0| 6|19|16|20| 8| 3| 5|14| 7| 7|14| 5| 3| 8|20|16|19| 6|0
8 |1|10| 4| 6|16|11|14| 2|21| 2|14|11|16| 6| 4|10| 1| 0| 7|22|22| 7|0
9 |1|11| 7|12| 3| 3|12| 7|11| 1| 0| 8| 2| 5|17|15|22|15|17| 5| 2| 8|0
10 |1|12|10|18|13|18|10|12| 1| 0| 9| 5|11| 4| 7|20|20| 7| 4|11| 5| 9|0
11 |1|13|13| 1| 0|10| 8|17|14|22|18| 2|20| 3|20| 2|18|22|14|17| 8|10|0
12 |1|14|16| 7|10| 2| 6|22| 4|21| 4|22| 6| 2|10| 7|16|14| 1| 0|11|11|0
13 |1|15|19|13|20|17| 4| 4|17|20|13|19|15| 1| 0|12|14| 6|11| 6|14|12|0
14 |1|16|22|19| 7| 9| 2| 9| 7|19|22|16| 1| 0|13|17|12|21|21|12|17|13|0
15 |1|17| 2| 2|17| 1| 0|14|20|18| 8|13|10|22| 3|22|10|13| 8|18|20|14|0
16 |1|18| 5| 8| 4|16|21|19|10|17|17|10|19|21|16| 4| 8| 5|18| 1| 0|15|0
17 |1|19| 8|14|14| 8|19| 1| 0|16| 3| 7| 5|20| 6| 9| 6|20| 5| 7| 3|16|0
18 |1|20|11|20| 1| 0|17| 6|13|15|12| 4|14|19|19|14| 4|12|15|13| 6|17|0
19 |1|21|14| 3|11|15|15|11| 3|14|21| 1| 0|18| 9|19| 2| 4| 2|19| 9|18|0
20 |1|22|17| 9|21| 7|13|16|16|13| 7|21| 9|17|22| 1| 0|19|12| 2|12|19|0
21 |1| 0|20|15| 8|22|11|21| 6|12|16|18|18|16|12| 6|21|11|22| 8|15|20|0
22 |1| 1| 0|21|18|14| 9| 3|19|11| 2|15| 4|15| 2|11|19| 3| 9|14|18|21|0
23 |1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|0
The cryptographic implications can be easily seen. For example, any
member of the first polygonal sequence can be transform to be a member
the second sequence and used for a public key:
Page 3
p = prime 1
q = prime 2
N= p X q
M= message
C = Cipher_text
Encrypt (using polygonal sequence 1): (Sender knows N by not p and q.)
(M X M + M)/2 modulo N == C (The resolution of the formula for
polygonal sequence 1.)
Decrypt: (Receiver knows p and q.)
(C X 8 + 1) modulo N == ((M X 2 + 1) X (M X 2 + 1)) modulo N
This converts the triangular encryption into a member of the square
sequence and allows for solution. Solve for (M X 2 + 1) modulo p and
(M X 2 + 1) modulo q. Using Chinese remainder theory the results may
be used to produce four possible solutions. 1 is subtracted from the
four possible results and the results are divided by 2. Many methods
can be used to avoid ambiguity, but presumably only one of the four
possible M's will make sense.
A similar possibility exists for the use of the fourth or hexagon
sequence, because it may also be changed into a member of the square
sequence by (C X 8 = 1), but decryption is more complicated. The
resulting squares require the subtraction of 1 and division by 2 AND
THEN the additional step of adding 1 and the dividing by 2.
For conventional key purposes it should also be noted that the
vertical columns in the example contain all numbers from 0 to (N-1)
(the exception are the 1 column and the N column which are all 1 or 0)
and can be readily determined by their additive quality modulo N,
as suggested by the general formula.
To the best my knowledge, O. Joel Benston and myself are the
originators of the idea of using polygonal sequences (other than the
square sequence) for cryptographic purposes. We are considering
patenting the idea. If you have knowledge of other persons, who have
suggested a similar approach, please advise us. (501) 484-5489
David is a friend of mine and asked me to post this.
Any E-Mail sent to me re this will be forwarded to him.....charliemerritt
Evo nove verzije popularnog PCLOCK-a,koja, napokon radi sa svim tipovima
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Probajte! Poz Dule
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